t- Unit1. .- fjfl 1 Ml I Wednesday mopno, Kqy. M' E LATEST? NEWSi rrf- We leun'tift't dispatch was rpivid in Kileih ; to-day; (Tuesday), 'wViell j stale that there bad . been a figM it Tdec hnr?. and that Lee had repolsod the Yankees A despatch from Port Hudson' lUlea that a fleet f 30 Yankee vessels fcai lust arrived VHhat city;' IU destination U Opt kno-j.j i .rt-b1 ' The itsres idesUoyed ; at "3Mriasaaa.lat'j Week were 1ornt byline , Confederate scouts,,; .jwboea, approach being discovered by th .Yankee pUket caused the speedy retreat of .SelgleV woJexni-i mand. towards Washington; The scouts eresufj- pcsed'.tu to he advance ot Jackson's cora. M ,;n ' Adespatchfrom "Wilrningtoa, dated Mondayj tbe 24th, ey that the schooner Harkaway1; Capt Capinau, eleven days from JNassau wltn five hun dred and fifty sacks of"aiL haa arrived ther ,.riv-: fi- ywtt-l'-"??' H;--5; ;H The Exchange HeteUn Kiclunbnd wai sold on Monday to Robert A Lancaster and m others for f 10J,000. it It. i-r i. a m- .V H FROM FREDERICKSBURG -T HE !S U Bi RENDER OF THE TOWN DEMANDED. "We present this morning sucli particulars , aa, UATy UO VI HUV VVUU1I4VU V a StUMdl aiVUU)! Fredeilcksbarcr, which, within tVe cast week, baa beeii made the chief theatre of army optratfoni? ' Early last wee It became apparent that tfs main body of the enemy 'a forces were; in the vjneinity of that t5wn, and -the fact was .'developed that Buraside intended a movement from that quarter upon Richmond, I It is needless to aHude to tbie movements of our own army conseqoept upon thete development; ana' imprudent to isjpeak of tne prepBrauons maae w. arrest toe iDFeaienect advance of the' enemy Oa Friday: a? flemand was made upon iho Mayor for. a surrender of the p!ac, and allowing sixteen' hours for tfl remo-' . val ot he women and children. .. , " TbeiMayor.aDd Council replied requ(ting a longer time for -the removal of the women, and chi drcn. Aconfcrenc was then held with iheYan keo officers which, resulted in an extension (of tie; time for the removal of the women and children and others-not connected with the defence of tbe place, until 12 olclock Sunday. , 'The Work'of re-j mova) was at once 'commenced and rapidly prose cuted, the trains arriving at Riehthond ott Stur- day after noonV'being Oiled; with, those thus sud donly deprived of their iiomea. 'Whilst the train: which left Fredericksburg about noon oif Satur day was leaving the depot, the agreement entered iaio iwas broken by .the faithless enemy by,"lDg several sheila at it, -one of which eiplodedj in' close proximity to it. i . . ;.t . '.5'v..j -j t OarJatest ad rices from the town state that np to I o'clock Sunday the sh.eliing had not con nioaccd. -V. ' General Johnston's Commakdthk Akmy i Tue West CoNSOLiDATEb.' It la stated that Uoncral Joseph ;E. Johnston (has been! appointed to take command in tne AVeit. Tbe armies in, the )Vtst, including those in Etat and Middle Ten y3seo and the army of the Mississippi, will be Consolidated under, his command'; and -his De ' ,artrucntT will be known generally at tbie AVeist ern Department. . j j '( - OonoraJ Polk left yesterday for lhe"West Il'iGhmoiid Examiner ; of Friday. t j -j" FROM THE SOUTHWEST: ! i ' r !''" ! . : Mobile, Nov. 20th.A letter in the "Ad v;er- tiser and -Register," dated Abbeville, IE tb, says : . ' ' - f ! : ; . M. !.: ' .' ! The army baa been on the qui v'ive for a w iek past,! anticipating an attack from the enemy. JTo -day intormation was reeeived that the ; abolition- itta have retired some distsnce. From their movements, it is difficult to conjecture wbetiher thoy meditate an attack upon Pemberton 's army or not. It is certain they hareadv&aced their forces from Jackson, Bolivar, and a portion from CorirHb, to Jjacrance and Grand Junction. , At tbe latter place Gen. Grant has established his rfceadquarteraJ f- ' ' : ! , , j: Our army occupy a position of great j natural : strengtn, are well tortmed, ana nave jbeen manir festinctrreat f mnatience to advance ubon t'ie in vading fgrceJ : It is not thought probable that the : enemy will nazard an engagement Pi LATER. FROM NASSAULOSS OF ; j STEAMER. ' ' i Charleston, Nov. id. Nassau, elates to the 12th insu, have been received. They bring : ac counts of the loss of the steamer Kelsfej fifty miles off the' coast. She was 'run into, abandoned, and soon after Bunk. Sne was one of three light draft steamers built expressly - on the Clyde to runt tbe l, I J 1 f . 1 T : . j Ulj iL. T I I. Tne otner naving not ocenneara irota u also; sup jtosetj w ooiost. Admiral Milne's command of the ll'orth Amer ican and West India., station , baa been extended one year longer. .. ' -j-, i---4 -A ? ATTACK UPON FORT MCALLISTER. Attqusta',! Nov. 20.-i-The Vavaonah naners o this morning say two Abolition gunboats and one mortar boat attacked Sort McAllister." Genesis Poiut; on the Ogeecbee River,. yesterday morn ing. :.fter a fierce engagement the boats retired. Our loss is three- men; slightly- wounded, j The works are sllll in perfect order. f . FROM FREDERICKSBURG. The only news of importance from Fiedericfcs- oarg yeateraay is that thenemy sent over a flag ; of truce, accompanied by General Patrick'with a communication for the authorities, tint as the train left forlticbmond shortly afterwards," its purport has not transpired. The Federal bfficer was re ferred to General Loe. In the situaUon of anairs at Fredericksburg there has been no Change since our previous reporUv lWe are U formed that our pickets have occasionally indulged in cenversation with those of the enemy, across the river, but a ' stop has been put to .this practice, j A report was brought from Gordonsville last - evening that tbe Yankees had left Fredericksburg and gone to Port 'Rdyfal,. Caroline eouhty,' for'the purposes of taking their gunboats to some Other point. There is nothing in our advices to con firm this statement, although it was the opinion of come, persons aV Fredericksburg oa Thursdav, that there f,; was a movement ia tke; direction of .Aquia Creek. J . j;. j-. i, . . J.!(. thi tiTisT ; y ' . i ; '" ' At a late hour lait night, we reoeived infbrma t'ton that the communication Xrom Burriside to General iLee was a demand for th surrender of the towni by 9 o'clock Saturday .mciraing, aai that it would be bailed in the event of a. refusals . We have not' learned the Durnorl of tile rerlv. - : .1 The Fredericksburg Herald of jyesterday says that on Tuesday and Vednesdav the Potomac river was covered with vessels of alt sizes? and kinds, mainly of the transport order. ; That thae ( vessels were Intended to carryioff the army is an opiDioh entertained by 'many. -iEnough c-'ftQ army wiR bo leftover the river though to "keep . up appearances." JThe writer adds-4iW. shall not -ha surprUed if, tby Batorday xtfgbti thfl maiff bulk of Buroside's force is well oa its way to theft now destination, though, of course this is boojec ture to a great extent." The Herald says, hqw ever, that others entertain a different onin ion in and in sist that Fredericksburg "will be 'the base of his operations. Richwmd Whig; TIIHALEIG11.M imrmn iriiv I UlUAJUll NORTH CAnOLtKiXfcGXSLATUllE. fiATlTHUDATjKoviieXlh the SonatflJ uu 4-uuru, f? Qe announcement . oi- me I standing pomjnitteeBthe 4olloing jtUl84.;f ,By H;Wo6lleyV that the ?semmittABnthe Judiciary eoauire Inta.the.eipediency of eetab tishing an .additional judicial circuit. ' Adopted. I BjBlr. Sharps; that the committee on Finance be Jnttructed to enquirer intoMhe-fctpedieney'of -levying a tat tn ail dogs, icept tucfc -u shall be epnsiaerea necessary o tneir owners; .lv t ! ByVMr; "Laiter that lhe General lAsBem.r My :approve of the coafie -of govern dr Va'nee in rtgird to. the clothing J of -artrobp'and-that North Carolina la yet ready W make ally aacriflee, whether of ; blood or. treaaue, te aecare tef Inde pnd"encei? -" '. 5-,J- .s: ; ' " By Mr. M6thewi,'in-eafd to tne wesent con dition of N. O. Troops j protldea thatabdhli theh wontederaie OovernmentTail lo.'ptoperiy ciotne mt rrbopa, H becomes the 4aty -of, the'Btat aQ' t&oriUei to bee that theif w&nUare attended tor ' a; Bv Mr:.IiJsiter.' a bill to Prevent enectilaiion : Provides that aU persons specalan'tn articles tf L Glowing snau e tazeu 2a per cent, va lueir uvt, By Mr. Xassiterjnl.id unierfd th9tnrad4 12th eectlon's.of cb.. 10lxf the .teTisedCbde- ;Tbe Mil" provides tbafc arTVbite maTos, J;' be- Mxhl ! 'i5y Jttr. Xiane, a fesoittuon: to pxevenv me ais tillation'of grain; ' Cbntixraer the' operatri" tbe 6rdinance ot the'ConTention on the subject Until the terminatldn tf'the war. : . r By MK?Laneta,!'re8blation tbattbe Military Cfommfttee prepare "and'report by Till or fcther wise .what measure are necessary to . proteUt Eas tern North Carolina "from" tberpublic enemy adopted. '""V' 1 by Mr. Faison a bill to secure tbe property of married women. Pro-videe 'that in ; addition to the real estate, one-half of the personal rights at--taeting to such persons shall accroe" td'them as wen after -as before maWigW:.:; ' '-' r .Mr .."Wright ' moved a reconsideration of the vole adopting the rules of order and tb-amend by 'abolishinUI the Military Ctommittee-adopted. Mr. Sharpe fntrodaced abilHo repeal an act of the .last Assembly, known as the "'.'Stay Law." - iMr. Xoungi a bill to amend me cnarter or tne Atlantic. Ten n essee an d Ohio Railroad .' Relates toi the internal manasenlent of road: A message wai received' from" tbe House pro posing to elect art Engrossing Clerk' at 12 m , to day. Copcurred in, arid Ordered that a message ehoiild be fettlfneii stating such cimcorrence, and tkat Mr. W. A. Husko of Fayettevil e, and W. H. Joyher of Frauklin, were in nomination. i Also, a message transmitting the doenmopts- accompanying the Governors njessage with pro position to print. ' Concurred in. ; Mr. Hall recommended the appointment of Mr! ThogrG. Miller, fla w justice of the "peace, for New Hanever county. ' Ooneurred i lr. Kills introduced a bill to provide ciotomg for N. C: Troops.'. It provides more efliciont measures for clothing N. u. Troops.' Urdered to be printed.. , . . . The hour appointed for the election of an ln- eTossinff Clerk, bavinff arrived, an election' wa3 held i a both Hoase, resalting' in the election of 41 r. IIusko. Mr. Lane introduced a bill to amend the 13th Soetion 105tb Chapter Revised Code. " Increases Sheriff's bond to $50,000 in all cases where deem ed expedient for the public good.1- Un motion, tne Senate adjourned until to-mor row at ll o'clock. , Hotrss oir Commons. The standing Commit tees were announced by the speaker, and then the following bills, &c, were introduced: Mr. Waddell, to refer certain portions of the Governor's private communication on yesterday relating to patrols, to a special Committee. Adopted. 31r. Gieno, requiring patrol duty trom militia otncerB. - Itererred to Uommittee on-jM.iluary AI- fairs. . Mr, Kerncr in favor of John Fisher. Mr. Amis, to appoint a Committee to enquire into tne expediency ol establisning a state irmt iner OfUce Mr. Beall. to authorize the Governor to em ploy slaves upon the State defences. To be.printed and referred to tne Uommittee on Military Af fairs. . . Mr; Lyles, to incorporate the Macon Leather Manufacturing Company. Referred to Judiciary Committee. - Mr..Cowles, to abolish the office of State Geo! o'cist.' ' Mr. vvaiser; to pronibit Bnenfls.- constables, &c, from selling property-for specie until the Banks resume specie payments, and permitting the tender or confederate currency , Mr. Avera, to authorize fifteen magistrates to hold County Courts m Johnston County Oh motion of Mr. Waddell,- a message was sent to the Senate proposing to enter into an elec tion for one engrossing clerk at 12 o'clock. ' 1 A message was received from the Senate con curring in the above and nominating Messrs Uubke ana Joyner. - ' The House proceeded to vote, and the commit tee appointed to superintend the election reported that Mr. iiuske haa received 104 "votes r Mr Joyner 30 votes, and declared Mr. Huske of Fay- etteville elected. ! Mr. Foy, in moving the proceedings of a meet ing of th citizens of Onsldw be referred to the Commntee on Military Affairs, made a statement of the outrages .committed by the enemy in On law cu tfty, arresting citizens ana dragging them from their homes, lie stated that the people o - Onslow anxiously looked -to" the Legislature for military protection, and were willing vto make .any sacrifice of money and provisions to bore lieved from their present distressing situation. !- Onr motion of Dr. Love the House adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow. u . Skuatk. Friday, Nov. 21. The Speaker an nounced some joint standing Committees. Tho following bills, &c, were introduced and appro! priateiy rererrea: . . . j Mr. Ellis presented a memorial from the clti ; zens'of Columbus County, asking the Legislature! to clearly define the crime of extortion, and pray ing that adequate punishment nfay be. inflicted for the same. ij - - " : f Mr. Smith, of Macon, introduced a resolution; instructing the Committee on Military Affairs td inqaire into the exp4diehoy of paying pensions' to disabled, and the widows' and orphans of deceased soldiers, until the same are provided for the Con federate Government; ; "y 11 1 1 . ( Mr..Shipp introduced a bill to modify an Act uassed at an extra session of the Legislature', eni titled a bill to change the jurisdiction of the 1 Courts and the rules of pleading. . (Repeals seve ral sections of the act.) " - ' f Mr. Taylor, of Chatham, . a bill repealing the T6 sec. 34 chap. Revised Code '-(Substitutea a very stringent iecilqn In lieu-thereofrolative to gaming generally.) " - - ' A. Mr. Ramsey; from the Oommlttee on' 1 aims, reported back to the Senate a resolution: in favop? of FhikU, Bmltn r recoTnJnending its passage. The r.e6qlatio,n then passed its second reading, anjd on motion 'of Mr: Smith, of Anson; the rules were suspenaea ana tne resolution passea us tnira and last reading tn the Sen ale. "" ' ' " r Mr; iassner jntroaucea a resolution to reter so much of the Governor's message as relat4sltflrn" ing ten regiment, us a reserve for-Stata defence, lo tbe Committees on Military Affairs. Adopted. .: .Mt. Ellis introduced a reeolutjon, noaking eun drv inquiries pf the .Quarter Master General fotthis .i .Go nouoa,pf,Mr. JRamsey, leave . pf absence was granted to tbe Senate from." New Hanaver. (Mr, Hall,) fprtbreedays.);--; -, Onf Mrmpaon's.me.tion.cih until 10 o'clock to-4rr"ow. morning. ' 5 . ""Hotnsi pVKJoKMrvMinn'ofPiuquo tank, was appointed on the Joint Com mil tee on MlitarV Affairs,1 ic Mr, Donnellfexcnsod. . Mr.Riddick,)repfsenUtive from Perquimans "county, appeared and was qaalifled. -1, ' 'p. v X)n xdotionijf Mrt Buiinarmesaag-'iva9sent tween tne aces or io ana ouinsteaaor io ana , "heretofore. shall be 'required vf- work on the o tbe Senate'nro'posins to raise a Joint Commit tee to consider So much of the GoYerriois Mess age s relates to the taxation"-of alavea.--; 5 ? ":f i The lollowia bill -were "introduced arad adop-. - Mr. Brvson: a resolution requiring: : the Com-, .Inittee'&h Military Affairf to ; consider the pro priety.OCsending a commission ot three to 'visit tick. -and. disabled soldiers ta cam ip sasoerMtin their wanta. that step may be taKen iot tneir, re Mr. McKayva resolotioti iaatroctJnc' an, l&qaU ry the Jadieiary Committee, into the expediency of fixing a Boaleal prices for laxticlea , of, prime necesMiy.- . ' .' .--.-...-. ; MF.fMnnTiini?! a resolution InstrucUBe fin In quiry by theFiaance' Committer '- to the pro-. property has been destroyed by .the public enemy. I J Mft Uryson, a resolution .mm. mo wTiimnioe oil " Military. affairs consider the- propriety . of rantln -nensioha " td' dfeabled soldiers and the families fibkliara dying 4n service. -- j J - Mr, PeeWes, a resolution referring. bq mucn.or the GTernpr message , as relates to state de fencesto the Committee on Military Affairs.- r-iMtr jjTie, a resolution - in iayor- xi j osepn Welch Referred to the Convention on ; Chnro- kee'Lancs. .... , ;.. -vA 'W- ,k; -- t " The following .were read the first time and ap propriately 'referred : V( ; , ' . m - - . r 'Mr; phephera, a dui v autnonze ine'payment ofalrle to. Judges whose circuits are in posses sion if the" enemy. Referred, to. the: Judiaary Committee - - - . . , -. . . . . . Mr. Mann.'of Pasquotank, a bill to amend the 9th- section of the 53d chapter Revised Code; ' : : Mr. Bryson, bill to-autnonze the Agent; Tor the sale of. Cherokee Lands to refund the. purchase monev iri'certain cases. - Mri Bhephera, a out to aumonze tne jrresiaent and Directors of the. Literary Fund to elect a Treasurer, and prescribe his duties. ; , Mr. Headenta bill authorizing taa Magistrates of Chatham County to levy a tax for. working th pubuaj roads in said county. wMfc BrdwnY a bill to :mend the charter of the Western Plank Road Company. Mc Burgin, a bill to establish the 7th j udicial Circuit. ' . The House adjourned. Senate. -Saturday, Nov. 22.- In. the -Senate the following resolution were introduced : . - - Bir Mr. Ramsey, a resolution" referring the dif ferent subjects Of the Governor's message to an nronriateTCommittees. ; Passed and ordered to be DTintedlJor information ot the coramitiee. Mr. Jarratt' a resolution requesting tbo'Gver- nor to communica e to 'the -Senate, information relative to the number of troops furnished by this State to the Confederate Army,. the number that had been raised by conscription, "and noy infor mation he may have as to the number of troop bow within the limits of the State. Passed and referred. - .. On Mr..Murrill's motion a resolution introdu ced bv him a few days since was taken from the table and referred to the committea on Military Affairs. The following bills were introdaced and passed their first reading : By Mr. Lane, a . bill relative to-; hired slaves, (provides that in case of death the liability for nire ceases.) . ; , Also a bin regulating the Administration of Insolvent Estates. Ordered to be printed and referred to the Committee on the J udiciary. ,By Mr. ihllis, a bill concerning Bait. (Ap propriates $500,000 ior the manufacture of the same, and authorize the governor to appoint four Commissioners to carry out the purposes of the bill.) Referred to the Committee on 1 repo sitions and Grievances. By Mr. Copeland; a bill instructing tho Com mittee on Military Affairs to take into considera tion tho nroDrietv of reporting a new bill for the government of the State Militia. . ;Mr. Jiuss introduced a resolution auinonzmg the Governor to lay an embargo on all the prime necessities "of life, the product of the.Stat?, that are now being taken out or nivy hereafter be attempt ed to be taken out of tlioSoato during tie exist ence of the war. . Mr. Russ's resolution elicited a good deal of de bate, and was amended, passed and sent to the House. It was there amended and passed its fin a reading, and returned to the Senate, where it also passed its final reading in the following shape : v Resolved, That tho Governor be authorizod to lav an immediate- embargo on all articles o clothing, Ayooden Shoes, Leather, Cloth of -any kind, Cotton, llDga, Cattle, bait, or any otner ar tioie of prime nccessitj", except articles held by properly authorized agents of this,, and the Con federates States'and any other State-of the Con federate States. And this Resolution 6hall have the force and effect of Law for the epaco of thirty days from and after its passage. ; . During the session, messages were received from the House of Commons proposing to go-in to elections for Comptroller of State, a Solicitor for the 7th circa it. and also for 1st circuit in the order in which they are named.. They an noun Seed that C. H. Brogdon, Esq., was in nomination ;for Comptroller, ana that A. . Memmon, JtSsq., of Buncombe,"for Solicitor for flth circuivand Jessee J. Yeates, Esq ,-of Hartford, for thd 1st crcuit. :' Each of the above gentlemen we.re elected by a tmanimooS vote. A message' was- also received from the House transmitting a message from, the ji Governor, with the report of the Superintendent. of the Lunatic Asylum. Ordered to be printed. The Speaker announced Messrs Brown, Lane and Jarratt as the Senate branch of the Com -mittee on the verbal Communication of the Gov-, ernor. , : : On motion . Mr. Adams of Guilford, the Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock Monday. . . . '.. , House oi Commons. The ', following resolu tions were read and appropriately referred : Mr.Tidgan, a' memorial and.esolutioas from King's Mountain Baptist Association, deprecating the conauct of extortioners ana speculators. J Mr. Waddell introduced a resoluuoo, empower ing the Governor to employ - slaves pn works of public defence, authorizing impressment in cer tain cases. Referred to the Judiciary Commit tee. ' ' : ' .- - Mr. Greene, in favor of John Blaylock- : Mr.Russ, in favor 'of Benjamin Fitzrandali.' Leave of absence was granted to Messrs. Per king, Cobb, Dunn, Avert and Albriith ' Mr. Fowle, from the' Judiciary Committee, re ported back the bill to' incorporate the Macon. Leather man uiact ur ing Company, recommending its passage with an amepdment which provides, that said Company shall" charge, during'the war, no greater profit than seventy-five per cerit.on pain xif forfeiture of charter and iodicment! as for misdemeanor. . The amendment was adopted and the billpasaed itsaecond and third reading. - Mr. Fdwle, fi?bm the same Committee, reported bade bill- concerning sheriffs ; recommending that it d3 not pass. - Laid on the table, , , . v" jDn motion of Mr. Love, a message was sent to" the Senate proposing to ' gp into' an election of Sfjlicitor for tho Seventh Judicial -District, and nominating A:SMerrimon; - , .. . - .-; - . At 12 o'clock the Souse wen Unto .ao . eleciiOB for State Comptroller. Mr. Brogdon was unani mously elected. " ' Y The bill authorizing" the Governor tov purchase provisions was road. . Uq moUunof ;Mr Fowle, an amendment was- adopted authorizing the ar pointmept. of storekeepers with flxed salaries to uiiriuuku uib provMsiuns. . 'On motion of Mr Shepherd, the. appropriation was raised from "i two to five. -hundred thousand dollars. - -' Mr-Waddell Offered ah amendment that per- sou in a state oCdestitut'OB should' rbceive." theif' povisious ec , w was aauptouj-ttuu y aiverwaxus gave rise to a i debate inV which "Messrs'. Cowleau jfflUJ8, Hjiaa8u, x iomujgano.furga jariicipa ted. ? Finally th,e"biUwsA-l re-comoaittedjipr.thQT Judiciary Committee. .-H AJSALts julsi TB.a.jrimix e 'MrFot. feds iaoreW the-' cwiniyv natrol, It raalhorizes tho tnagtstretes of every eduaty to-ap point a patrol of 00 men with tho pay of $oldifirs, Co titrol ni?h trand da vt4 4 1 Mr. iray, -to raise ten tneusana troops, , o soldiers -Gives Lfree2 transpoctalion ioTex ..Ve l Mintarv Co'modtt4. :vVT .. TJir'T ft J !Wf i5 T.. da. 7est:Baleigt,and adjacent thi North Car- -Mr. Henryof Henderkn.torePjWdt soIMiaalra insuitstogiyeBdseUes Jt j;. khhrd SitmPS T'f : feVF V tiffi ReferreTtoJdiciaryCommntee.!;.. fi -. Xasts, (frtnifO. C to 1 inclusive.) -V v ' .-A ' tt Mr,. Walseivifdr hs relief oT sickTiad bounded " CButton,foClotdilaU - .PanlC Of Nprtn CaiOUna . cmmmVm . . .1.- CI.Ia Tr,im 1 -I mAnlTie - . Kft!DTWV1 in f T m.m.m r - . v - - . - " " - . I At on elock-thS Hoosfe wntwto eleCtioaf Propf wStWMOrfTt!ihir forSoliciterof tbeSeventh Jadiciartric sapplyf thenv' 11V ' "a &: i LlSJ-.''!. .n;i..,,w.Tl i.thfiro. WillIfease- address the under sf2iifej.fv" I aukta j-a- irv- ii Hrr imiu wma uuiuiiiaiuusi uiuitvu i Oniotion of Mr. Cowlesi attoessaye was'sehl H wvr aun kwiini iiiuiiudliji dusul lutMifrusitwi l r the election of a Solicitor for the" First vJ"tIdicial V Distnct.,'aand' nominating Jessee1" J Xeatescor Hertford. ,-The Senate concurred anxLMrr Yeatei was unanimously elected. ; '..."." :( The -Bill Incorporatfng tbe; MaeonLetlfbi manufacturing jQompanv.paased.its third jeadiog auu was sent to ice peiiae. ,r v k 1 4 Senate,. authorizing the Govereoroi Jjqe.' a im mediate embargo on clothing and proynionsi ana all articles of prime necessity, uto ave 'iSefoVc xA law for thirty daysT The Rules rbreisuspftn aed and the resolution passed its third reaaipg. . l Senate Mondsfv; Nov. 24. In the .Senate1 Mr.Wob!ey introduced a 'bilf for'the relief of debtore ill certain cases. 1 Read first; tima'and re ferred 'v. . , 'v . ii.?- ; The bill pr 6 v ides that, when a tender of pay ment is made in current banknotes, ' treasury notes or -notes- of the Confederate States; ,and if refused, the interest on the debt shall cease 'from the time: of such refusal. - " 1 ; M r. M athe wtv . a resolution autborizi n g the Governor to appoint a commissioner to- examine into the condition of tbo-sick and wuaded soli diers of N. C, in the hospitals at ? .Richmond, Procures furloughs for all such persons from the Confederate Government, Twhen expedient; and permits "them to return to their homes. . ,.v . The Senato with the- coneurrence of the House unanimously re-elected Mr. O. n Wiley Super intendeht of Common Schools - : - . -ja . y- - After some other unimportant business the oenateaajoutnea.' v House ot Commom!s-'-A .joint.-resolution-.ot thanks to our State Troops, intioduced by Mc Ad en, passed its three readings under a suspension' of thornier . ,r. - ,. , .r . The following bills passed their first reading ; ' Mr'UValser, td appropriate $560,000 "for the benefit or the wives and families of. oar soldier. Mr Manning, in refexeneo to taxes and the lia bifities bf Sheriffs. " '" ' '. Mr. Shepherd, to enable County Court Clerks to eetatjish work-houses in connection with Coun-' ty Jails. ' ' . t, Mr. Lammonds, to Tall frep persons of color from 15 to 69 years of age, into the service of the State lor the purpose of labor. "' ' ' Mr. Gantry, to abolish the office of Superinten dent of Common Subcols. - f 5 A message was received from the Senate, pro posing to enterinto an election for Superintendent"! of. Common pohoois at haa past li o ciocK, ano nomMiatihg Calvin H. Wiley. ' At lb e appointed hour Mr. - Wiley was unanimously elected. ?' - - Mr. Fowle, from the Judiciary Committee, re ported .back "the ; bill; for purchasing provisions with a, substitute, -which- appropriates $500,000 for that purpose. The Governor to appoint agents with fixed salaries, to purchase and distribute the provisions tq the families of the solaiera and all other poor, at prime cost including transporta tion, &6." Mr-Beall -offered an amendment, allowing Commissioners 1 from couDtes, who have appro priated money for that purpose, to purchase for. their poor at tho same rate. Adopted.. - - Mr. McKay moved toaincreaso tho sura to one million of dollars. Rejected.' Mr- Peebles offered an amendment,. prohibiting purchases to b made from -speculators and that all agents appointed should make oath that they had not done so during the war. This amendment elicited a good deal of debate and Was finally rejected. On motion of Mr. Shober, tho word "indigent" was inserted "before families. The bill, as .amended, then passed its third reading and was transmitted to the Seuate. The .House adjourned. THE STAY LAY- It will be seen by the Senate report of the pro ceedings of the Legislature- that a bill has been introduced to repeal the main provisions ot what 13 known as the "Stay Law." We think it is an- injudiciods move at this critical perijd to Unset- tie the people's minds relative to pecuniary mat ter's. ; The Convention, composed of tho .ablest men in the State, refused to make, any material alteration in the law, and it was well qualified to judge:bf its merits. - The people have asked for' no change, they are content with the present law, and have made theif business arrangements u-ider the idSathat the law : was a'pernianent one until the close of the war.' If there is any Class in fa vor of repeal, .it is those professional gentlemen J wao live by County and superior Court litigation, and that greedy class of ' Speculators. who are anx iously on the look Cut for sheriff's sales. ; A" re peal of, the 'jStay Law", is "eagerly looked for by those men who have no faith" in the final success of the South, and object Upon the most (rival pre tenee to receive Confederate-mqney,. in "payment from, their debtors!' Every .man in the commu nity is aware.how eagerly property, of every kind- brings enormoua prices, from a certain, class bf aeaters, woo, aim epecuiaung .upon toe necessi ties of the' pppr. are eager to invest their unholy gains in real estate, a3 thny have no. confidence ir. Confederate money. It ia for the benefit of jucu men as the foregoing, to have'the law "repealedl that they may; grasp the property of their mora f scrupulous neighbors. . ' ' , I . The present law Jhaa.ia a great measure banish 1 ed tbe- system',of Jong credits, and brought for-w wad a ;ready money trade in almost .every , de partnert of : businsiH--a decided , change for, the better, ,as every .bnsinesa,:.man ; will admit, The :"great pienteousness of money," alluded to by the Governor ha3 . enabled alaree maiority of the people -to discharge, their, pecuniary 1 oblvgationsyi dui.i enouia. ua ratuumcerea pnattnis ' piente ousness" has not-ex'OBaed to all classes. , the 6mall trader, the store keeper and the great body ' of bard working mechanics, and .their .iaixuues have been pinched to live, much, less to pay off debts ioottracted before h 3 .war: began. Repeal the otay Law. and the bumble homes, bujli by thebard earned 'savings' ofyedrs, will-soon be un der the sherifFshammer at'thersuit of some heart-i less cormorant, ti.is ngnt to protect in e proper-. ty oi a soiuier in me netar atuueut 10 oe recol lected that a large number are young men, and ft would be" a Boorfeward'forrtheir servico to sfcU rtthe'sfj(Tfatdi'erbr" the' widowed- mether, whose inabiftty tdj. pay arose from the' want of that- labbr which has been eTpendedfor thecotiBtry in the held. It is a humane maxfm of law that itis bet ter many gUihy escape than be iMoeenf -fhould sufferand: on the same principle ft is- nroth bettejt. thafmafty dish6nest pefsonashould defer pay me ft t. thaft that a large class of ?btxr industroos'ft;nlaH it a tL-t l -: 1 -- 31 1- . f m.'l. .? . 1 ' 1 f . . - uorr snouia "oe uenverea up tpitn9tenaer tnerf cies of heartTess monlByenders andirfirtidlaw yerr a4'cncxAof f 5 iltf tfms like theses whesf our people are cfeptesscd in-vpirit,' anl par ttat famine; brought. on by speculation, -starinwHheafla Hh face- it Wlir "VPi afce 'orf rhemi 41 to- hea th at out" legislatoVl are i&clfhfr to add'sttH beavfer hurdensflin rfaniliai that will giver thorvieh powev to ppress the -poot hnd perhana ctcite tt general 1 diacon tentiltt well enough" alone" is a gbed maxim' at affr lltneV; ana" seasons. state .aoarnac- ..; r--'! '-r . oiN IJ h H rv i4J V V t Scotch Snuffs. Viz: ; "Scotch'nn papers) m Boxfes.o Ibs " - uvvkvu,. wm -LU UUiUO, AAV iUO - 'Rappee; iajflrlb. Jars.'Javf4 r4 M3ea1rbe,,' id 20Lmars.!iFor sale by A Petersljarg,.: Nov22d, 1S62. .l it .-;-'T n--9-3m . t , .j.; .November --lz ISaZ. 'A, III -i potatoes, Brandy, Kntteri . . - w. - nJfYP ' m n thmwuwi i'errw i i. mm i , : UVn th Medic aijfcfroiessiQu. . 1? anwmWstly pitlish; a ;4wA tttifedX& y Lllxosejiippoaed pa baos sabscivbrt jUl pteate foiv farfHeLrnaloes'te the ohthoT',ai-Eilfei;'N ; fgr . i. , unW-ARH WARRKWA i TTAFI5G QUAWgrilSW AS AUJlliS H tratwr ofnhe Lata lnl L. fyB.'.BfetCT! 'at N etobor ternii IS 52: Wake Coaatr; ottctX.eiT niftuw tn si! lobtar3 of tLhfistato ' to tnatoVa'TmenL ntf t all 4r5trs9: present w Jfeveanher irs5M.vU4i:aWr;-i P Wir? v. Save Xottr Scr&Bs tjUs l OIlAVAVILMAnSON & CO., AT'iTIlE K5 NOUTrrSTATil'IROS AND URASS ITOKKS, tfonaeily:3aras foandryHillipaj f.r strspCasit Iron 3 cts. per lb. 4 For Wroiight Xrpa scraps, scrap Brass, scorp'Zfnk Anderip "Cepbar the highest eash i ftifi willje paidniEheywill pay tbJ4gst .aarket for L l&rira auantitv of Charooall tVlfl also ro- i r . . . . . w . . . . cMVaroposais-ior msAvrenng twonaaara.eDnu.oi F D.IX THE . STREETS QF.RAI eig;u i C0d!et)N vrhleh hir been ditachod from Serthi Carolina Coed which the owner aaiavft on application at the Public Treasorer'fl Office, by de rcrCbing'tbe'NeVand amount of said Coupon, and by paying, for, this advertaahj. pel tf OrncE Of th CHAraAM R.-R Cxbupahv. ), EALEisn October 29bh! lS6&. ' I 'rua- cent naivabla on the ft at dav of each month. until the wholo-sUbscription ia paid, is hereby coiled for, by aa rder of the Uoard or directors. :cS4 W. W. V ASS, Treasurer? ttalefgh Oct, 81 1862. "is: ev'8tf TTTDf5ITATECEErol?' TUE COURT j U - orEquity for VVrreir County, fwul be- sola.on I AVEfJtJfUSDAY, December dISeZon fie premises, the TKACXj OF LAND en- wbicni iimn.l4uiniet, dee"d rsidc;4 at the .time ot his death. 1'he tract, is less than half a mile froin 'theTewn of Warrenton, contains about nine hundred and twenty acres. Well adapted to tho cultivation of Wheat, Tobacco, Com aird other'-gHiri, is vrywell watered ftiviag on it several excellent springs, some of them mineral,-and is justly considered one of xhfcr'mosf. -tfe'sirable farms and residences-la: STarTejr Gouny.i.Tecma oiad known QO.the day of sale. , Til b. M. COOK) evii?,: Also, at tho same time and place w o sold about four hundred barre's of ; forn, one htmdred and eighty bushels , orW, heat, thirtx stacks of -Fodder, ( wheat strawabou one hun'ctred; lb,t nogsr'atljirty head of Cattle, two yoke of :0xen, ten heaTjoff.-Il0rses and Males, among them three , thorough-bred Mares, and several other articles of Value. .-:: . Terms mada.knojvn on. day at sale, , ... THOS. O. PLTJMMER,'rl 'fj ' 'I ' -"J0S..B. BATCnELO')4 . ', ifiO 5 tdS. , " . t ;..., I I.WILL PAY TUE. HIGHEST cAsn J PRICE for Cattle,' Sheep", and HogB, also for Ba con, Lard, Eggs, Poultry f every description, partic ularly Geeae and Ducks, denVored ' toi "mo at "my farm. T niles west of Raleigh,, formerly belonging to Ulnton J i ranKiin, Jisq. - i. v. oaiiiia. Raleigh, 14tb June, T882. ' jnnetS 0mpd Notice. '' ' IWIXL PAY TUB-HIGHEST MARKET price for Fodder, Oats or . Uay, delivered at my Stables, (formerly Clayton's,) Raleigh, N. C, bppo ftto Market Square., . . ; ; J.fB. FRANKLIN, oo 29 lm Journal and Standard copyTL month. OFfica or the Cbatuak Rail&oau Co.) . - -RALiiGn? Nov. 5; 1S62T ' t ACCEPTABLE BIO MAVIMQ EEN offered for the -Graduation and Masorjry ofhe Middle Division bf'tho Chatham Railroad, extending froU Page's tLoekrille, 23 miles, the undersigned ?s prepared to receive proposals at ihis office. . ' " ' Pje Accak'oahowing about tho ag, ere caw amount of. work, reauired.. can be seenat the Engineer's df5ce,' Haywoodr- Chatham County or t Ifha Comoanv'a Officer Raleica. . . ,' A KEMP.PT BATTLE, President.1 Etiwodn MoRnrsy fJhief, Engineer.- fnovc-6t, i -' - f ANOTHER' 1VARGE ' TAEtTABtE stocS of Imported Druts' prSteamsr ilato; 2was purchasod by, tbe subsoriber at the sale-in Charleston the 12th mstj; which is daily-expected arid -will be sold. . in lota to suit -purchasers, at a email ftdjVSacei This is a rare opportunity forfPhysicians andeomtry merchants to Tepfenifih theif stocks fotv fnll trade. .TERHa, 9ash on .DjiavBBT. .The jvtollowing cornprU ees 'in part the stbci refferred'to virf:' 200 dsl'Q6fhinet lou gab uastor'uu, iau. aDSvvampnorK OWft-UJoss cep per 1 Case Howards Calomel, 6 do. Ied.Potass, 1 do. j Sulpher, 3 Packages ChltratePotalsXsefr d8. Amai, 1 .' iSydt?' rtj - l -wrv . . i - -n n US. S , -a.l "" rTP '-'Pn-n -v 5 I iSf iTmL l?! wt aa - vmrneus -ooapsr:?oo.aru vn 49. T ti;i qopmbs, . Ivory,-SptTxVure,- Lunar Caustic,-adf now 19. , t.m-r.yw tl., at Warren- atfrtofSKquity, CcmbrnV.lse2J HUB IMS u:v tuv-ji,.. .uqbu.. ... 1, fcoii at thfi Court House door. ia.the.Town nvTrreVo thhighest mM e.t4.y months, a TRACT OF iiAND now in the possession SVames Russell iniWarnC?.W.adia dwarus v onn u. uuuock, ureeu iuse ana omeriv andeohtalntoatrtioarieea handwdraadAtiviveTk Also.1 a traet iu said "Countv. adioininz the lands Wiam El taViS and:6tterianlrcto .twrd,lw securuy wiu ne requirea ior tae purcnase morjey.. f i Novembers 1882-td. ; ' 1 1 H Aoyyp-yfr8 r-r f?1 - v, vf v, utgil: ruiE ris.T. s(E Ait ewth5e t vyabm X By KdwabV A. TLAROAhtfibt'of lack Di- amdnds,?CAertS8ljiiyi ilS WS-J If .C?V a . J!4 if jjEadder, on iiUiSUAi, tfle isi aay oi.iecew- o-f. .rj vh.rTlwilirFj.MirL - inar - rel Apple Krandy, Vinegar,-ana all tbe x arming u ten- Sifaaad'flenord'ana-KIliheiCl'urattaaeJ ti 34 -,-"Tha stla af a larirs lot .of. Corn: and. Fodder. Ac, ViO tAKO place at toe piamaHOu. ui w 2aui ueceasem en It U UKSHAW lV iu' dtV of tllecerabex, Band andood security will be required. Juwkcutb awns, against paints tase of Xtt ceaaeftj BoiatfjtVj ry papers will be- prepared - and forwarded necessari ixnailoiri 4elDgnJed.r4beyafbeasl liWorta la befora Tesentation to the nconor authorities.'' i-V Vi RftVft Aialn -Ctaeasjrtf -U :XVi P0JWlthri . A iDlYlDE D OKFOtJUPEtt" CEXTr f i on the Capitil Stock Tor lbs last six months ha, been" daolared thU d!r. bit able Jb eorrencT at tbe fPxlhcpal Eit,-3raBchie-and-gaoiesr &n:tli4 fifst llo&day to uccem&erinixt. V -C i f v?-it 2 - :. Un-KStliX U CJ)EWET,'Cashierfc -, ' - Ti ' l"'""t""1 " 1 -f "-1 ii I f -' X rtTfATE Or KOKTll t'AUULU A WAKE r" j. I-Jaarajli.voiio janu oiarj-x j)arw..t ; , ' ike CttitymyaU .5aA.p.48oafctBth above f.UUe(Ltsfl af iap.ra P. .Cttoa' , and otheMr ,th onderslgned) tlerK ana; Piaster, win. proceea w su nd, described, ou th 29 th day of Nerember next, at Cba Hoass and, Lot fire located in the City of Rat- vizh.ea N'ewBerae street, abontVhalfimile frenf the 45LuBlnees part f the rii aad i-opo of th.a most desi- rania places v be loanio. - s,., r ,'-. 1 The a welling house is large and ommodioosr eon- lainlog tBiy.cen roems, with Jiboat 75 acres jof land attached, haviag tne necesiary oataeases, ana m well of thejt watcrt :iTti4fU-'alioatflbe rsUbjoMot, adia weUot.wtei'ja iJL vPossssiWn wlll.be given immadiaWKtv " ."Th al will taka piao on tho pf eiaise, eommsno Imr m.t 11 Af .- nnon a credit of one Tear for one third of the pries : two years. f'aathr tklrd ; aad: thro yur- 20tb oo 25-waswtd VALUAB A.E;,- XAM DS AND RAILROAD i '"'"''npTEL' FOlt'SAtEi' ' i OFiPEU f OH SALE- A; VALUABLE Tractiof Lapd' eiar Kittrell's Depot, containing 47.Q. ojr tO acres, aboat 100 6r"159 In A'geod stats 1of cuMvalion,1 eome-rioh lots set jWithiclQvar, a, eotaaio dious dwelling house, eontainQrg five rooms, kitchen, smoke house, gran&ricf , crios,' suoies ana negro aou- ses V-.-i .. . . " .1' -..- "- 14 - i . - . Upon tnis .u.rao qas peon recenuy aiscorerea a Mineral SprSig, .Baidto bavqual irl'lU hwalta-giTing prpper.ties.tO any ye( disoorered in the Stae. (Dr. -Emmons' analysis can be referred .to.) The preduo tire -raalitls of tbiai land, its convenience to the Ral eigh fc Qaston R,aiiroad,-and the healthy climat'6 ia which it is locatedj reader it a taeSt desirable, residence. Either separately' or in conjunction with1 this , flaattUoh,'T'aJt bo, purchased a valuable ,nOTEL, at 1 .KftreiTaept. . de -Forniture.. belonging. thereto, ' (good and new,), beds, mattrosses' and ,bed fclothing ior-3a..or4( beds, aa excellent cooking stove, and bet t aining room5 crockeijy. ware.-wsU'soleoUd, will.be ei ther reserved, -or.Mieiuded inrths sale of , the Uotol, at the wUh.of the pnrohaeer. The mineral spring is only a short distance from tho Hotel, sad opons a fine field for enterprise, f Conr and'jadg far Voself.. 1 also oqer tor saio oa acres ot iano, wp gooaoom mon impro(vmnts, suu yara irom tno xepoci- Also. a'Tract of Lahd 2 'miles' fmin! -the Depot of Ridgcway Warren jcoanty, which contains 172 acres 'and the. best flour 'Manufacturing -Mill in the State. This property will be shown those desiring, to ie it . by xay manager at the mills. ; -My address is Kijftrell Dspot, Granyille Co., 38". C. I invite- immediate atteption to- the above advert iaent.v , Terms wilt 6e made abcommodatig. ' , -- ' ' 'nov22-f-?w1 'Hv - V': WM. f. COLLINS. -s '"2 Petersburg Express and Richmond Examiner copy two Waelts ant Bond bllfa to this office. , , Land Yotl Sale' in Warrep County, -f3lJtRSUA3!iT, TCl! A DECREE MADE IN JL . in tbe case of Thomiw D. Ililliard and wife and others', exrarte,at. 0tobsr ternit, JSU2.J of .Wafrcn Ooort of Equity, I! jehall sell, on the 30th day ef De cember, 1662, at tbe Court Haas door hfTtbe town of Warroaton tOithoiighest . bidder, . at public auction, on a ccedit of Stwelve months', with. Interest from the day xfale, the Tract o Landin Warren, county on Iwhksh Samuel ILJIoloway, doo'd, resided at the time of his deafti 'subject; nevertheless, to thi "dower of Jrtha UoUowsyb'the widow xf the said Samuel II, in eaid land. . Tbe Tract adjoins the landa-of John Watkins, Austin Newman and' William Paschall, and contains about twit hundred and sixty-two acres. Bond with approved securily wtll be required of the f purehaaer ii. M. COOK, CUME. nav 22trtda ,: . , .. - , OA LIKELY NEGROES FO tt SALE -AiJ Oa fWEDNlEDAY, the 17th 'day f Desember next, at the sesidoaca o,tu lats Henry S. Battle, deceased j in ; the 'county of Edgecombe, five miles NortheaSg bf Rooty Mount, I will Sell at public auo tioft 9ut "Bevoaty-flwj bales -Cotton, sine Mules, stock of Cattle and Steep," 75 fat IIog,a00 Shdats, aWPigsf.CaTts,i4Esgon; sj4iig atensUs, carpenteii' and , IjlacksmUh's tools, household and kitcheii Mrniture,!' and takaf ofher drllelos not neces Juuy tovwsntisnlj tf&t -i " .. -; . rAt tLa sarria time and face Iwill Sell twenty likely negroeseojnpoied ht bojs, men,'woinsn snd childreu? 4 ZffiSS ZZltTZZZ? K IAcr JAMES ? BAJTAdmVi r l4 tds ! . Rocky Mount, N. C. ;Aj. : A..:,. l" ' .a nov Hotel and LaridTor' gale; 1 TIY VIRTUE- QP'A DBCKEB; Olr TUE B"L. 4 ' ! . . : . dtu-i . Ml a .a. it T " ber ternL' i$62, upon the pafitlon'f Marina SY Alley, fiamijelTATley, Tattle tlley Jbra AUej "d; Parry AUy heV" a ill. berlU." Alley, late of tne town 01 iienaerson, acceasea, -t wui-teii, m PHel Ifiitwo IiiouseJUi(LIiOt adjoUung-ralJlrnt I ;i 'AW one L'scbhUfhinlr absut f 5 jcrSJ lnIWa .'sis the ?01d fair Oroand4.witu-si neat 1 Mk -hrf, "npi w,m Al. onW-Tct of Y.id . wiWrt)H: MH a;ii. and well adapted for the building of .desirable resi- said belrs. . the purchase oney tbbear Ihterest from thelay of si money to bear interest irom tne aay or sate. It f JTffil l,.lJ.J....:.'iLl. t l." .. . . M . . f rf1:y0"B iWwr,w6u,Hfur?,w u0ir t rtT."Vr riT , i ' aW BtWock,. Johrft Thomas andyself, and 1 "7 . " 1 T," j r . ,, , 1V7 r f 1 fdse.for fale iofLbotU barrels yoro, anout ou, staeasor oaaer T"???? ?Vr ? 752l 8- f't -V. r". IJ . - ; i. TI-j ii I't0?001 aU-PJanUtipa ytensris oTva- ,-JR aVsIifttioaflso; all tHe-nouseholJ and Kitchen Furniture, and other articles: too tcdioa t mention. Tbe land will be sold on t credit of 12 months, with.' I tuwetf ftants-ta; and.the sthsr profierfy es k credit I'M .1 !a- J.. of kw months with 'interest from date. -For.All SUmS nndev ten doifsis Cash' witl" bs -roctoirtd rfof aIl-T0r AbjiisjmpaBtjhwi perenierilt,bf resuired- te-give ey.r llio sale will cbmmehce on t&4 day abots-naUMd, 'l'ia - resenwurcs.wi.iao: urasa impure yi iw t AwiiicuiMviui.i nuuu viiu, ,r . AoiisA haxhe AajsuaV iQscipanies sonic; jjoay wm oe ne.a in ma vuy Sonic;Body will be held in this City oa Monday 9t9tx. in&ttnmPeetuUrBSxV att o'cWek forUhs trsniieticVPRchVuslpaMam for its consideratiqro. . ' . , ; ' ..r . ' . TherOfScers tf SubordiaAte.liOdge ata squted ti 1 TT IS? V V rvw wsvs . whlnh r W M vll ' . -h Ti..J ""I ,yv nywsj vi f-w -w-v -ww epaiJ,rfply Wff ViUWSMAS M8hJmd.CoBfederat make, this day received, aai I - 131 .,fc3it v-W.-L. TOMETtOrSj years irjinowaaf m wo jurcnasw .mavjt wo chaser entering mta Iwnd with two able securities. ' tbe ; town of IJjBnderson,,.on MO DAY,., tho 16th day of j)ecamber, 1S82, M. the jhighest bidder, the Botel and.Tioi toSaid' towsT, known as MHijV to attend in person, or. cause, proper delegates to be , appabtela- lobedfeBc'ewUh fhoonstitatjon; and . ncralvcglaltielis Sf Grand Lodg; -"; ; ?irHMiiwZJ r-4r .-? WILLIA1I T- BA'N, (i Jj.if txtv -iW yiirtyrtZ A.5.Qtmt& Secretary ' HRaJeiglvtCt Ooft'17,-1861.; v oo 18td L.-'i: , 'A'AA ,:iV Mr- -t-Afi , i' f fi '1 i X,. i t ..-tt ' r -

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