SATURDAY; ilQRNIRG, JA'V..ti: m .. it'THE NRWfL 1 ' .. ? ' ' "f.-i-T - ! !- , I Tha Latest -latei from lfaa North era to tha lstfc intt. Tb TuUei ujr: UtwtfH "idtriaew , the j attack VTcJdfmrg bocauicr they found the plac j Impregnable, IU4 hecyUy reinforced." The aaj they, Jill 0(miQam other point UTbei claim to have repalsed theOonlederatas at Spring field, Mo.; n4 itlll hold the town Blcharaon Yankee Senate thai ce-sad a bill auturLinrV.ha enlii'tmehAof 20,00 olaiitecai tot the deienca off jvenracar. uoa urxiew xoratm juenaav .4., in. ma YiXSiwa, Jtioqsa en esaiei.oft AQursr day one ballot was taken CXS- Senator, with the fb-rl-jttir: "Wtti.'a Blrefof Jodgl -v . ' J t . -r - m . a J mi r eiecuon . was twa pofiponea w x riqay.; j A detputcb from Charleston, states that another steamer hat arHyed 'at a CJofifeiilanite boft!, brine ioj a motaiahla 'cargo an4:seTeril passenger!, i&fr left ttfJBuak W flundjiy lastrf When the left there were sir ?ery swift English s teamen there; freighted with good for the Suulh, A iDecial despatch to the (3vannah JBaWioan. dated Tullaho-tta. Jan. Uih,'says vA member of ttoeencranrs uirt in a telegram to "tDe ixmw v'dle'Joumdl, describee the' Mojeewre, , as the ' greatest beetle X modern tlniesv Ileta'dkhelr batteries war'! passed Into a pairlr of on hundred cannon. Bu'carnage1s tinknown In history. i' lie estimates (jbejr force at 70, 090 ours at 80,000. Over forty Jaoolnita OeneraU aijf Colonels were killed, and as paay winded. . L A dispatch Trom V0mixigtoj; daldjAJK 15 says ; "A JTedaraL aoboosurr "etrf posed to - be j a traniport, weiiVathOfeff Wrights fi lie Sound, 9 miles hexvee. jU Vcloft:,'' yesdaWenio-i total ioia 'Mfawpotia&ox the beach Uiia morci ing. Heary feather at tea, wind, Southeast."' j Another despatch from Wlimington.Baine date says : "The Ootrnabia went safely to sea Last nlghti,1 from a Confederate porU The Steamer that went ashore, was a blockader. This morning this blocki ader nearest in stands a chance of proying a total wreck." ; ' K , j There are strong indications of an adyance of the enemy from Newbea. Indeed, it is posiUveh ly stated tha(he adyance in heavy force has al ready commeiced. Brig. Gen. Whiting, appref hending an early attack upon Wilmington, and Doing determined to hold it at all hazards, has ordered the rejaaoval of all non-combatants from the city. U YANKEES 'IdCAVJNG MIDDLE TKNNESU CnatTAxoopA, Jan. 13. The villagVof Lav ergne nr ar M.qrfreeeboro', has been burnt to ashes by the Yankees. . i - I , . I- Tho Rebel poblishes a'report of the withdrawal of a division of Boeenoraoz'a army fromr Jaf iddle Tonneesoe. Approved by Jno; K. Jackbon,, fj Brig. Gen., Commanding. 1( LATER FROM THE NORTh! i ; ...VUUUVUU) wu. i'. iuar uai t?8 of the 12th (Instant "have been received. The news is unisnporUnt. An arrival from New Qrleans brings the Tankee version of the capture of the Harriet lane and blowing up (he flag ship WeUald, with Commander Renhaw'and.mot of the crew. fThe Harriet Lane was captured af ter all the officers Inrrl!irflnerrnffn WM.n;..iV and Lieutenant Lee and all the crew one buh s dred and thirty all told had been killed by. mus ketry from th rebel steamers. Only ofte or two officers and twelve or fifteen of the crew; escaped . uwiii wu on iw. way 10 (New Orleans i ; : , The National Advocate, at New Ofleans, has been suppressed for publishing rebel reports of victories at JJlurfreeBboro' and V icksburg iand Jeff. Davis' speech! at Jackson. " Three neerotreffimnnta r Anrn mian ., noftin All ihn v ... frm a . in forts Jackson, Bt. PhiUip find Pike. Rear Admiral Farragut was ' about to attack Port Hudson I , 1 ! A dispatch -.rom Cairo, dated llth, says Gene-' ral Shermanja.repulse at Vicksburg wascomplata. The entire fdrce, under the direction of General McCIernandre-embarked Satcday on transports closely pressed by the rebel advance. The Yan kee loss is reported at six hundred killed, fifteen hundred wouaded,aAd one ibouaand missing. : iuw ewn-cc -ausaieman was burned by guer rUlas at Bradley's Landing, . ten miles above j -uenjppis, on toe etn instant. . SECRETARY OF TREASURY'S REPORT. IUch-iond,'-Jan. 15-Xhe Report of the Sec re.tary of the Treasury shows, that from the pom-, menoement Of the permanent Government to the ?lst Decembef, the receipts were four' hnndred and fifty seven millions .eight hundred jand fifty five thowaadr dollars. The xpenditores i were four hundred and forty threw millions fouriiwn drea and eleven thousand dollars. " ;J 1 - The'esUmated be raised byj Congress to the first of J ujy, (out hundred .mimona. rxhe debt of the,fGoyernment on the first InttJi Wai t; ii? iiS?d 1LftJ--i ii, jincludiag eighty-eight milhont of Bonds, Afty-eix millions of deposite eertiflcates, two hundred : and seventy two mUlioni of general currency, and ne,; hun dred and twenty millions of aevon-thtrty notee.j IMPgRTANr-7R0MCHAWy0QQAi ChaTTAMOOCLA.. Jan. Jlnr?Lf al ' lfAZ.L received htreisUtee that iloeencrana haa been J uesviiy remiorcea ana la now jwp0ring. ta jrall road from Naebvilla. Wheeler t tn bis nar and i has destroyed the railroad bridge Just flaUbed at Mill creek, 'nine miles South of Nashvillei i Ha destroyed ah ogtn two we, and all the itboTi, etc., ana cepiarea the entire working partyJ--1 From the front Ihere is a repyt that the'Fwderala are ten miles this side of Murfreesbor6' and are advancing alowly. . I - i INTERESTING FROM iKENTU'CKY. j Kichmomd, Jan. ,13 Governor UtnaonJa Message rceomrnends te Kentucky to rejeeV and Protest acainstilJnnnln'e PrnnUWiatJnn 1 1 lfll says be, npon Kentucky, a fatal though indirect ' .ARRIVAL Otf'PRISONEBS. LTMCUBbn Janl ? 1 3. 1 6 federal prisoners arrived here this evening, captured at Murfreea--boro. 8Q0,mo. are expected to-night. ,i 1 f The eiti-ena 0f the eeunrv of Augusta, Va. In ap- nreclation ef ti .. o .n -VTiv TT-:' presented him With an elegant hone and equipments. m n, ,Ul' man seat to Congreia frem New Orleana lw lUaat Rti i . i . y wm iui igu. iime ?reuU1,,r. P0"" -ilroad. IU .tyan- ... , if" J . 1 f ! -1 Jennings Pigbtt and'StephUrF. "Willis aanouW the 2d or Newborn Distrkt. Tha eltcUoa was to coma efr ah i'1. r r. i J ., , , - Brigadier Oeaere SlemsMr, ef Pensacol nUrnory, u among the prisoners taken by us at Mrfrestoroi HffT Utti. Marfraaero Harrif, of Tennessee, waa on the .field with -Gen.! Bragg every day. '1 Tl' -JffJ4 Oio. Praparinr a foriJ Of tiro- -vi-apwia MPBTIliG.QF.THB CONFEDERATE CON3 "I.J . . . .. . XUL'HHOSS. Jin. 13 Tli(riMRKnlAri iAII were present to-day. No quorum. .Adjourned till kmnrm . '- ;" r . jlii tha House a gubrom appear ed. tl!r-Cnrry, of Alabama, was elected 8peaker pr& temrAlSiv eral bills were. Introduced forthemodlflcatien of the Exemption lawvJ' -vi's'' ift,h'tijBsffS?l j )Ir- Pr kins' introdncfid a resolution a ppror Ing the conduct pf certain citirenr of Louaian withm the enemy's UneL-jy Trixsusfi'-u- : IMr Foote offered resolutlona that theifiorith consent to no - plan for the jreoonstroctiofe'of' the fartner- Unioni nor to an yj armistice, wo tongiJs IiQqoln'i Proclamation it ,onr volcHBor wyor negotiate ezoent onon tha. hsii Af 'nnrBiTltlnnmt Tocbgnicionand that aha neTe shall tonaent4o .T1)nnn 1 1 1 . til . -j imuw, wuiiaerciai or ouierwisBUTWiui na Nw England State. - That he would U wfOg 10 necrotiata with mnh nf tk Rlatfla lun)tti the! liissiuippi as may bo willing to- atipalato asd oifniiuiui teazue, oaeauTs anaaeiansiya- wJien ant part of the North shall overthrow TAnnlhd u - xorxn Boaii overtnrow ltaaoUkw f p f , K How shall we eraoa thaav ? ,d to offer a guaranty to the Northwerwl iiSttl of the freer navigation of the: MinWfnt Is sports, 1 - 'f T - " frtJf1 td??1r?"n .rj sbout of PPr children in the coortsr - ni States whenever withdraw from the- war. ' "--ww- w wwa-o v "-. TlierBblntiona MMAtiiinnAriioniBiAiliA ft-t We-i of the Iloek Moontains td withdraw from' the Federal Union ,?&o.' ."i o w '.vv, iThev were all raforrmiJ .r RMnlntinti um U totestateddemanding an investigation of the fraud uv floor contracts, &operiding the consideratioh o wBipn u xiouse aojourneo. From the Richmond Inquirer, .ST TBNN ESSTCTC ' "R A T rf . f lThft Knoirfllfl Rnii?c& .f&nn.ra " courier started from FattbusviUa on Monday- fast. iruonsviuapn Monday last, nil VIIO . -ILL. , and reached Morristowa aioniday nignt at eight .o'clock. He broke dwn Aitiwiwf-wi wunwwwil , .BiadtABWe I I .i. 7 1T. ww ..7 jIi 'risuowo i ;Thenca. ho telev grapueq,.ne mmiaryau-noriues at.novUleajnd AUn.jAn ir- v ' rMi vSiiwiTi ' :ITrr GJIwMJLwTJir7Zr 53 Bm twdaespalcli' ai Mat'frod'w , F9 iM' - annrOach of the Federals 7 WTiv wera th hrM LS". ' . - O I ""f0.!6 uant a train of can move a brlzade rroto zinoa villa to the .Watanea and Holston in thirteen hours ? Who has baen a-tnn ?: 'These Yankees n&aaad TTirnrtmnrt at itnAn mi Hdayr iTTheeouner . w.ho left ttonsville at oe o'clock reached wiogersiowa. aji lour . o'clock, 1 making thirty-two miles in -three' ipura,.-.The Res:i3ter savs it has theaa fade from able; authority, and knows that the deoatches were sent by telegraph . and. were received at Knolxvjlle. ' ; , f- ' ;.. vlThai Lvnehhurj- Viro-in! TT. '; . . . f -"i" euvkw. tlonfl parUcuhus in regard to this Yankee raid CflJ:R. G. A. Loye, who was captuied during thejrecent Federal raid fn East xehnessee, has been! paroled and has returned home. J He was captured at Zollicoffer where ha was reconiioiter iag on a locometive. He gtvea through the Ureenyille Banner; a full acoounj of the whole affair.?! After burning thehridge W EoUicoffer, about lialf of the Yankee force (2000) was Be spatthed to burn the Watauga L bridge. Upon their arrival at Carter's depot, they precipitated their whole force at once upon "the little band there stationed, which "was under the command of Lieut. J. Ramsey Dills. This small force of 120 jmen withstood the onset bravely and con tested every ineh of gfVnind, when at last they werp Overwhelmed and compelled to surrender. Thel casualties on the' side of the enemy were muchjgreater in proportion, to number tbaa eura Xhei Yankees lost four killed and several wound ed, oneman lost a leg. Our loss seven wounded, one mortally, since dead. After the fight the bridge was set on fire and the jengine, bearing Colonel Lave, was run back to Carter's Depot, the prisoners taken off and paroled. The steam was then Increased, the m us fcetsj aipd swords belonging to our men were bro ken; and placed on the engine. The engine was then nut in motion bv a Yankee bv tha n a. mo r McNiah, who UBed to run as enerineer on lh Eml ToJn.pL, vr. ;rV7:.?r. v r'-f Ux t xtaiirvau j wuicu ran on ine Durnine Dridere. and all went nndnr. I the burning bridere. and all went nndnr ! The Yankees acted towards onr Iittl hn soldiers more like heathens than civilized war riors of the 19th centurv. Not beincr content with burning their tents, they robbed them of eveblanket ana every stitch of clothing except ""-"J "a- vii, nuu .uuiuou .UOIll, UrOKQ Open I wujuisjr luuif uauason. I -" muvj uau wu, otiu. uumea laem, oroKO ODen i Anere were live regiments of these thiev ine Abolitionist;. On renegade, Tory regiment, under the command of tii T : ry a. . ... . .: . vuy Vj" vnner; one was tne 'in Unlo, one 8th Pejinsvlvanla. one 2d Michigan .anil th stk- ithietjfrom Iowa or Michigan. " All tender the' oommana oi urig. Gen. Bam Carter, thr infa- pious tory ana renegaae rrom jsast Tennessee; who. like manv othnro ii -lt tM MVu both body and mind to aid Iiincoln tn sobju- ianjiiy relations. . .. .ua iuu ui uio ua.ivuv, vut). nvnia oi -His , Col. Liove says it was plain to be discovered in thei countenanee of the flarto-a tAi-t 4h -a ma me with the reception from the Unioni tee that their expected. ..-' v 't -cv m m f After a short hour's rest, and from mortlflcaUon' tney nactto endure fcy not finding thelf friends to 4N-knrrattt -oliti th.m n k.t.-i... -. 1 mi vr wiiuui V) 1ST UUt UQUUIE WBir InSDuS W 1 rr:, " Miujt' uuiuiuii iusv' . I J I .WM w. an Southern men, and left in dhgust, the worst scalred men that ever made a track. from Tan- mo uwis-t utojf coutur uoio irom uuion I Dessee. t J From the New York Herald. jBERENADE OF HON. MR. VALLAN i I DIQHAJLL ' In. Mr. Yallandigham, of Ohio, was serenad- d at the New York Hotel last ahrht. Dodiwortve I iwwui. V. WIUV WW w-rUAl'i- 3ban4 was- engaged for the occasion. and dia. I was engaged for the iccujirsed some charming music. uponi by the crowd for a speech, the eentlemanrl from Ohio stepped forward on. the balcony, and addressed tbem as followl: ' ; v ' en of New York : I thank ybtt for your pres ; once here to night. By Jt I am; awured thar the rtAralatent and maliirnent" TOnro-n t.ftnVi- txr-' ! Abolition press have not deprived metof thh obn- iVUW V. WJ Aw.&V W -,119 4l - . Cheers. I am glad to raft with you ott 'such' anocca8 Ion , and , aside from the. oonrpUments thhj irdplles, I acoept , It as a testimonial that there are those in this great metropoli of "the United States who are ready, after the experiment of twenty months, to turn their hearts from bloody threats to words of compromise, f -PPIaQS We are looking forward poV to a peaceful settle-' meat of our difitculties; but it can only. be obtained by a strict adherence to the Constitution as it was made by our fathers. By this spirit the greatest structure of modern times, this mighty temple of liberty, can be restored and maintained as it'ougbt toi be. There are those who diatinguiah between' the Union and the Constitution. I reoogaiie5 no su)ch distinction. rCheeril If the 'Constitution be destroved: the Union nerialiM to!th -Itr vn- of 'Good." I mean the Union w it ; was,-the union as our latners maae u i loud theersj the Union as formed by Washington: JeffeTson Tadd .pamiUon, which gave uagreatnees and. prosperi S --h as belonged to no other reople since thft wiaa, and not as in ought to be. we are called trait. ph. We want no such Union as the Adminis-" juration nropose& to give ua. It Is a despoUsm.ot .a sovereignty of States, not a Union of free gpeecb or free brass, bnt a Union eneh a thaA hnli . i ists. alone would give you. I have been ever ready LtA AAfmnA OiA TTninn of VV ' Hon. Mr. Pendlpton, of Ohio, Chen followed in' a speech somewhat similar in its character td that of , Mr. Vallandlgham. After which the crowd ' r iMajwt Isaac W.CookrPayinast-r inha'United' States army, wai arrested at ; Cincinnati en!' the Sd laafc., for a defaleatioa ef $250.00 w--aeneylot laf enabling. CHBISTHAS. ti 4 -Mis' . . 5 t a-t -Haw CT1CA this hillawod HuT Shill hannv SaU. Bead, their glad greetings 'to' eachChnstttras; fire f uouoa wmen tne cnuaren play r : - . - - . . That tdfigueleas tower hath cleaved theSahbath ilte at an. obelisk of icoigl&lair i t .v.o-W tc ' mo m iuo igw Mist urown - - - Oar pealms of .worship with tfcelf Impieua drjinj, T r wwa futoin tjui ae taw) ue uuuia, I . Tn Ama tmr m,tjn ' " ' i l.-l Of thi9.deadTolef which here besides iho ae.i. wr : Ty're oahered m with old-world, SngTish glee, . ' s Some'er.rinMln f.lmiF -loan - . 4 Sdme echoes In their aleen. i How.ahali we graos theday ? - -uiauueaorgnce.and lay . . Is there indAAH ar1vr. ' ' ' .Where the old pastimes, with thei lawful: noise. Afd ail the merry round of Ch ristmas joys,-. jvuiut euier as oi ypre i ,-. r ; Wonld not some pallid face ' IiOOk in UDOn'tha banaaAfc. ahIUikt n ... hattle in the wassail cup, :. And trouble alVthe place? 1 . ! - HoW.COnld WftllMrthA mirth I Jp1 ?me toyedoyeUar f a year ago 1. : riyw 1VT vjurwi a year ago . I n-s muja unrutmaapw beneath the snow, l Viginlaa Wrth? 1 tA l I i 1 r.-A:'- r - TT .1.-11 , - - - HOW Shall wa errata th Aojb 9 1 aki tt Tm .C i - I -ail I let the thought that on this holv mom f''n - a rrinoTor ftacethe 'Mnctf Vf Peace J" 6fw;- n . was f P10! wUo we pray 1 i u - mn - o Wanfarouhtain' ' . I ' . . Tt&w... r.. TCill itaei) vMiHoi n tka.t,;... n j Add, with thp cloister and the tented sod, . . f ' , worn in one; solemn strain t r.; - With pomp of Roman form, , With the grave ritual brought from Bneland'a ' "Bhore,' - ;n And with the simple faith which asks no more Thin that the heart be warm 1 He. who till time ahaU mou Shall watch that earth, where onee not all in vain, He died to give us peace, will not disdain ' A prayer whose theme is peace. - Perhana ere vnt th a or.-?-, n Hath died into the summer, over aH 4.n.e -ana, the peace of bis vast love shall fall : v; Lake some protecting wing. . Ob ponder what it means ! Oh, turn the rapturous thought in every way ! Ch, give the vision and the fancy play And shape the coming scenes I Peace in the quiet dales, Made rankly fertile by the blood of men ; Peace In the wobdlanj, and the lenely glen, Peace In the peopled vales 1 Peace in thecrowdprl tn.n Peace In a thousand fields of waving grain.. Peace in the highway and the flowery lane, Peace on the wind-swept down ! a Peace on the farthest seas, Peace in our sheltered bays and ample streams, Peace whereaoe'er our starry garland gleams, And peace in every breeze I w. wu .fcU? wuirriDg Wts, i Peace on the whirring marts, Jreaoe wnere tne scholar thinks, the hunter roams-1 Poonn f t s .n . ' l Peace, God of Peace! peace, peace in all our homes, And peace in all our hearts ! THE YANKEES IN ELIZABETH CITY. The State Journal learns from a crentleman .-i .voiua uvui m gaukicuinu I notice was .riven toy the eiti;flna. that ihov mnt I notice was given to the citizens, that they must either take the path of allegiance to ' the United States Government, or withdraw beyond the lines of the enemy.. Tuesday last, the 13th, was. the last day allowed the people to determine what course they would adoDt. Some of - the ciitizena- remon8trated with the commander of 'the enemy, 1 ai5itu vui feuw. bwwu iur (tuvu a uarsn oraer, ue replied that there must be a starting point, and that in less than ten day the same order woulde extended from Currituck to the Chow an river. We understand that some seven ' or' eieht bui&loeahave been JkiUed recently around J-Jlzabetn City.' Our Informant also states thai: the negroes' are armed- by the Yankees in that v. nva ttj iujo 1 au acufl III WiBt I t. L' -t . .ii . ' ... . - i9ktivu. uu uiat un, oa w auuuv tujrty WllU Tuns. I ' f TORIES iN MADISQU. ' Wo heard on the $irtei to-day thai a messenser nasjust arnvea irom oeyona tne Siue Judge, Ap forming. Gov. Vance, that, a raid, waa made upon Madiann aooJItv. a.few dava ninna. hs snma fl.iffa. iwauuieune-aee traitors, ne uourt .House and M iV. - - - v. n - i -: -T ; ..a m . . fi . v - -y.-.w.wH yuyuV7 T 1LIUVV U1K 1 Mhftj1am1ll Unl nnramlttA W a ...w.w.a. .1 u. .u tiuuius v , vy--uy: vurn ana various people.ajendea.voring to,f at: bac..lnto the.b-fU . Illr wS??- drpcUota. I .r . "r r- ... FJSOM. THE LACCWATEIk h 1 jPBlt.Li Jan 11. ---Yeeterday General-. Pryor encountered Tt-?rf'ava-r-i-Y f hi-i1 as frrrtn rlnf , lolkfanajwith two eomjiatdeiof Trigg regiment routed them, Inflicting considarabla ioss. - Our . troops remained in Hne of baUletm next morning. .l. - - - - l . . J . . . . vui uia iioujj wuuiu liuv tvawo ; metr ElPOng- . Laarningthataforceof 3,500' Yankees were aF wnTUB, Wwoass-a across -vo lntereent inmn. Theyran nway at our approach,' and escaped through liatee county. N. C v " -1 The priwoners gay that Corcoran iB in com mand. " " - ' DlKD.- At the residence of hie nn. cm Kai. found, Buncombe county on the lsHnst., Oeoreft xwowu, gi ono nunoreaana dime years, vile waa a Revolutionary soldiers and servedLhii coun try -well. rHe was only tick a few daysretain-; ed his mind almost to -his last moments. ..He waa .a rYlTtsi-taat' mnrnhnr nf lha Rantiat aKtmK. Ok aora than 0 j earar-diod in the triumph of faith, rtA -him4..ii. riUminl .. . t ... 7 7 . T r w.uva,t'iu viu--vuiHK-!HU, i5 ; "It -wl J The fa-wral OenerkL J-fTnr-mi -f!1 nr! -fia . 7 v , 7 r - i Si!Sl?2ia3 ijnw ttewara. 9.: -ii? -hKA r ANAW AY, ABOUT TUE JSTOr OC T . . 7 i Treanoa and dehywy to i.9eulMVHft,iBj,l lajrffe even. .. X rill nn ik ahnn nwinl k...a-; I lau so ulm l. oaa re- nim erin . n. . 11-. -x waae uonntyec 1, 1562. dee 17 w2mpd ' Ovtton and vWooln Factory for AarmHAaili lIIDabbroV orX H. Webby oa the pniaisea'- T'r JTinE UNDERSIGNED OFFElt THEIR Xt1 known as the ORANGE FACTORY, for malm. AarmllAailaw a.n Vm 'n.mAm-kA 7 - .WWV ; 1 cc ul iuuvur. ?Y CaptVrM.H:?aA&Risoirft a'cahdidate fbr tuwwiwuo omcmsayoKr tae City Of BaU wicaH ma Biacnon tn mjtil tmuw mti m... !. , ; HaAnyAaTaaa.38tlrREo N-C- Mitaru, 1 ... . itfl, 1 The Car tain of thfii : & .n the men. in.- thaiir resMativa flaaMu k v.. ages of AS and 4. years, at the Cowrt House in Ral- e y miu v uj a fcurury next lor tne4ici : xKiiinatioH and Hoail sarehaent, if bhedU w w oraer;apvUXiand, Enrolling Offioar u wujnomii.1i;umet i . U. i By.brderf CbC AnderRmf J cm t jj .;-y ff V a 1 . AM. WV -r t a-T VJiia 'T"tt ae Ti a - . . t 'j Hirawnrn. Ian . lMt L - ? 1 W M -ii .kfcSs-jj ( A.-. - a.. . !Lwi'. ivxuiAugnoiHru eAaaiice ot au sonoerned, , - Beieoniih:rthd beoessitr of officera 6f t-hraL. hayin-fai oeatrdf thibiutee-M4if t ensure aft(jutta iLispatah ft traalportaUe aulUary C?M, -e5F?hibi fron, mterfermgiriUi' the en. gtnes, ears, .running of trains,-or with the 'control uqmaugBiuDi in anyway rauroads.' w i ; -r. j i .ranspwjritipn.,of, troops or ..-freight by. thnrisisd offleersliaU -xaaJte'reanlaiflon for the eame fvu v"- -upermoDiiaeai er peeper taoer of tharaa.. rosfiuniisaing thepwjesBarJ evidence of tranrpor taUon, and delivering thefrooW or Treieht fcole IIL In theevnit;laat ,-erjiightttp betnhs ported ever any road, than the road has the ability to carry promptly, the officer furnishing evidenee f -ransportanon wBl indicate" o- the aibd offieer ..pwi-i -wjowaco-k xb we.aoMBoe ef , any slikr. kn 4-i i . w . i o-cu-v oraerasio jrnat treigbt shall go first, the ratU I lomrsnajiie governed 'hyatry General Order I . warteraiBt "General say' Ibsob in regard there- I sM -Uyit . Where troono nr fnrhf tnr 'ta A.ttvM .i sn . ... . a en.; usuiu routine or & murnnff . ' tn . nWi k . Jw. txnHont n. C - il . . . ' movement IS to be made, tne" ifv andlinn kf AiT4 tare, and wlrtn so fixed,' the troops or freight most' be .. In the event of any military necessity for an unosual movement J.hv TiwMli -,l - W-i """'"'6 wiuuw u yo wui cowmanicata ruily huo wiwawjrfc ana, exieirt-or seryiee, to the principal officer of thp road or oads from which jt is required, and ask the personal supervision' of the proper rail- A, '1,,.,uf",?rr? MCommusaries wilj exercise ttt n i : 1 - - .- ate use, and that may be stored af safe and eonve- W4 -iAvl . A . .- "ouipwnajmHB- care not to niocajip roads and Ihnttk. 2.w.AJK i i . . . V VIL When it 11 TlB(ASar tn man A nti..: seeder withYreight, such meisenger mart travel with vu ixwign piaoe in us, cnargevand his transporta- uon shaU be so specified on Its face, in order to pre, m "u tne oani Saw Mill and fixtures, all in ex ventMm frotn'travellingin anj other way. -r - ? 3 j eellent repair aad goedmnniag order, with one extra 'ft WfcUWJT vr-. V1IL EnrolTin ir nffirmTn iii nnnit Wn nw.w. 4. M i-ii -bnrouing"onioera wilt permit con serin U m. rolled wbde-in theremnloTment of rilToA y r main at their duties nntil ' c.At: Wm nr tr.i- a A. Q., decide as to wbe of tfiem it is necessary should Vi n tf91,.A f S l . uauuuu xwr wBTTioe on,ae roaou IX. Any violation of these orders, or remissness on me part oi railroad officers to perform promptly all Government transportation will be reported to (Joi. Wm. Jdl'Wadlev-Af lfc' a Ka win tni..u time to time,. wnere his headquarters will be. , iy urder, : (Signed) v -. - . g. COOPER. Jan 14 lw Adiutant - " HADQO.tTxns CavalUt Brigade, ) . GoldsboraViN. C. Jan. 5 1862. J 'WO. 17.""f-r-''i " IL THE FOLLOWING .NAMED t NON-COM-, miaeionea ouicers ancj privates, belonging to the 63rd T..ji XT?wV fi(i.AtS.'iiv..'..j.'' n.ji! T. . hviui vuuuua xruupB, jraruzan nangers, are puDuenea m deserter:: . i .--t. -. COMFAJIT B. . COKPAUt" KT Private Thomas Gates Privats Paul C Cardin Johnson H. Evans " John Crabtree Jas Dayis B Miilikin Compact J3.v " Private James Vest u " Wm K Wood " " Jphh Tully " Cohpamy K. . " Bergt D H Sherrill ' Andrew Milloway Wm. RocerS ' W A Swra-Tenstradt -Thirty dollars reward is offered for the annrehen. sion and delivery to' Col. P.arVUvans, eommandinar w--u. . v. irmu- rangers, ox C D -1 X xr n m - . f a eacn or any one oi tne aoove named deserters. Bv order of Br? i-. finn. B. tt Rnav.-an f!nm manding Cavalry. CHAS. H. GORDON. jan 14 3t. Captain 4 A. A. G City Election. . - - T . ' . , . , , nr . n.nvftTun i N ELECTION WULL, BE HELD IN this City on the third Monday in January, M. B B0Y8TER, n M. If. ASKEW, JN0.vG. WILLIAMS, Iaspeptofs. .1 ; . : '-MILLS deo 34---tde ; - V! H. BROWN, Oxford Female Colleerr). X commencu)n the. First Monday in February L commencawin the First Mondav in FebraArvl looo, ana continue nve montns. r or terms, c, ap piyte - . C J. U. MILLS, . ' ja-U-5tpd,'u-. - Oxford, Nerth; Carolina. " 7 J.Moviiovi Classical, Mathematical and Military Acad- COMMENCE ON -THBulfllh-OE j f w.Wt AHiA.&w ilBOS...TFbr . naxticulara. &ddresa m x iiuuyw tf. u. -UVMUl. Kaieigh,Dee: 3a, 1552. - - dec 81--2t f . . i y iWarrenton Fein. Col. Institute. mnis kissTiTimoM UAs, xkvt in X operation sined 1841, and will commence its 4-th Ds. lull iiuiuurv a Lii. 1 o t.i luniimu anmnei an nn. , -.-..- r ' Board per teas. Of 2ft weefcg, $lw ; washing, lights " . a . - n a ana met. in renu,i x-ogiian xaiuon, trom Jtv.ou guages, each $10 j 5tationBry,.$2.$0 ; Fuel for School iRkMlM T4ttMtam4 .4-rt - " -rr-'-Af , a-, w, . - 0mS5. Different styles of-lmtfeg Drawing and OCor particulars apply to ueo 31 lm ' - - - -- J. WILCOX, Prln. ;5 -i -For Salt)?"' - - EsTWEEN Tit It EE AND FOUK HUN- Tvtilm 'i nana in t ivn . . . . . .. ue WeHf of -Italeigti; and adjacent to the North Car- 1 T9 WV ; u ... n it rLuirMA.'i-innivrAat't t noy 19 tf , , . . WM.. Q. tf ILL. -nr fi - . i i n r''-T - Ti ii. an f , r - l 1 - - 1 . - r TTOUND.1 llf TJJIi STltKliT af nir JT .igh, C0DP0K f hich luts been detaohed from, , V-orth Carolina "Bond, which the o wner can have on applieafifonttt th-"Publie Treasarers ;Offlee by de- scriotag taa-pi o. ana amount otaid Coupon, and by paying for this adyertLsemenV. oc 1 tf QUALIFIED AS ADMINIS- t. 1 1 Tk , - r ia ewaaiv JWtrajtor,0f Uaa't, Uaoaea B Anaao, deceased, at iMovemoer term, isoi, oj waae County ConrW I hereby give'aodce to the debtors-of theestate to make' navmenUand to tlwOctwditora taaremnt thair id to tho creditors to srenent lhefr iai.. 1 wiuun, uaaume prescriDea jDJaw : " I m m w- a--e w--w-awv fiyevir H"i .:,'t jr;i:. MVr 2SLtf 58 0itocW-tMd-itii R:R. ComifiJrV; t-J t-V MPIM-Y INStA-UMENTl OF,. TEN a pw-eent, payable on the first day of eact. month, a. pk wsui , paywie on me nrss uay or each month. I .W. W vtaa t. " ' ' . UwT O- U -wMeigo, ucu oi, ioo2. Office Ilaleish &. Gaston Railroad Co, AAju6n, jb. u., ueCTZ, ; 1562.. "r- fn i .i i j- . .!..'.? v wTTr.r-rl . -.TT". wu. u. pryuipuj ua.u a uui omce. I'arues nbidinr theirtnarewbyiotfied thif-wo Uteres. rlU V 11 1 . -. urn uow-i a.w-r mMoniT.- m- ,dec 4-lm . W. W. VASS, Treasurer -.u v.i IfDtibe. 1 - COUrED, STAXES-QV AMEBIC A, 4 :. - n.; Charlotte; HrJ Dee. IttbrlftfiS. A LL CLItlllS Ai-LieJKT Tiff . npn a UL pnt,e bepaid, touff' presented- beor the 'iwth of Jaaaary; 163. , Dt P. BjLMSBUB, r EALED PRnPrtsAt svrii tturTiR. CIYlkt Chiiafflea tiatil tSlV A. MlitUli HW 0 Ptt-has of , t00,00p4 of -rohis, klraed by Che' State of North Carolina, daled r7,"r ' srunwnx thirty yearav and payable UttreataVsU Jr oeat. per uaanv payable 1st ef t ' ""w?1 -anuary meaen year.. O.WW.U Duners npn netaginrormea or the ao- . ' w- -....., W.V W W . W rhlda. inelTiiihiir iTtir f ntV .ammW . v nuuDCeoi ineir DlOfMB Aannait rti mnmit at fhi- F- L ' O .ww.ww. wrwwiWW wUw4WM. W W . I . , " " ' a. W I WWW 1 W 1 1 W U . v y PartlestlMlojf wfll Db-W-Mmti hiif ijJt to thBube 1 Thafc-is aria be opeaed tnthe presence of the Gov- vT2 o-oiv-wt aqa we vonaptrouer of .Dtate, and we- rrenaen. ox tne xsanx or JSorth-Carolina. A A a . V -w. n. n a. . mvm was err tuutti-, rntKXreaa. GfjOO kexeWxitna. arid -a Pine PITT TIIR 2?n n V fll J I WH t pv iaat m m : m w . w . . vm..w. iuuui w 1 tU (if iul Ju.. .1 n. m. . -n s i it i0oi&FSnW C' near the Portia Geld Mine, will Sell by pmblia vendue the late ,BMiddaoeJ? of my testator, with HOB um nf r.nt nr .,aa ry before the day of ale.) The mansion is veryoin. fortable) with rooms below. aa& 4 above staira. with Messary outbuildings, VU: Barns; Stables, 'Corn CrtOfc, TofiireBAeine. Ote TTnnt-, Ta TTkn--. Houses. e Th negro jeahint- ara .sufficient to ae- eommodafe a large htuhber "of negroes.' 1 Also the well known: FLQIIEma illLL. 4n!fliiii.1.i.. ief with a large and proitable costonu The baianoe t the land will W wveyt d' before the day of eale. - uw irvm to xvvv acres, une of jthese, tracts has been worked In gold digging suc eesBfally and oontainaa large1 aaatity f mining land riol La gold. The surveyor, will begin' his work of Borveying on the 2d day of January next,1 and per -Sons-WtntntoU-unina the lanrf m vTfl fll A was) I a - W 1 - 9" " - -w---l wW VVW4I rv fjXi -he-w-jae-tin. and plUml wiltoffer for aale. With ? 7r ,v' IUJlD8 -avereei ox my testator lathe tract known aa the filirff 'WaTCapt, JX3onea: Tms tract li tntmme.: irwiiupij--tt,Bit ceieoratea rortu uol Mine, at k rich boihL hera ISO ttmrnrfwt Ke srawSatiwdhiiap. riTi .v-aJs llUUSJUOLD: AND KITCHEN TURNI- v ' . tit en. -At the auno'tiffle. T t!l TT r .v. Household bd ;ltehea:. ? ami tore, eonsisting of 1 Kdnorl eidehoard, 1 Bureau, 1 Book Case, 1 Bed, B bedsteads', a larre akntttvr toiul nitv.. 7...f owis,; xape ,Cleths, ,Blankets, Crockery, -all the JUtchen IT arm tare, a large lot of miscellaneous books mwtM lf.Jti.1 Tf4i.. .... J3TEABI SAW M1T.I.. Un tne 2-rd of Jannarv. al ti flf-om o., w;n t I " 180 - O- -"- w-.wa, iMi WUU DAM . I a wow. lv vf T.Aiwk .r ' : i j Terms at sak? and will be easy. . - IT T mar a nnnavtw- -.- . .. auu5aiMt)ni, iix'or dec 31 4dT of Dr Thomas Davis ctandard copy till day of sale.' -?.'' "Good" Land For Sale. rtkjnt TRACT bF UA$I) IN TltjB COUN ty of Pranklin, eight1 xnites S. Easl of Louis- burg,.on. the Cypress .Creek,-is in. "Market" Jhe tract contains 1144 Acres. Enough ,'H-ichr bottom to make 700 barrels of Corn ta bow open, well ditched and easy to cultivate and 1 with th nnan Inlewvi Iftnrl 1100" barrels "corn can be easily made the nrs-ent ye4r The improvements Consists of 8 Nesro Cabins. Overseer's House, Corfi Cribs and Stables. This is believed to be the vervhRt trat r ian sn tbe"tfnnty.'- ' ' 1 can supply the purchaser of this tract with 850 Bis. Corn, 48 Stacks Podder and 600 lbs Pork. Also' 840 Acres near Dvi 5T Rnadn. ft mi1aefm LouUborg and 18 from Nashville. The imnrov- mentSare one .frame House 20x20 with Buemant Room and Stone Chimney, two Cabins. An an ir h nrutn land to- makeT200 Bls. Corn, with. 4 good Apple Or chard. Mere land can be easily fenced -to make 400 Bls. Com. In my abscence Mr. N. B. Masaenbnrir in anthnr. ized to Sell. Convey title. Ac. to theso knf nl Lieut W. K. Davis and Mai. S." W. Brodee will tt pleasure in shewing them. , , , T. W. DAVIS. Loutqburg, Jan. 10 tlF "State Journal" and Petersburg ' nnnw till. 1st Feb. . " Auditor's Department. fpHE ATTENTION OF ALL. PERSONS JL who are concerned is hereby called to the Act of the General Assembly which creates the office of Au ditor of Public Accounts. Accounts with the State for the expenditure of onblio money will be reanired to nnnfnrm An ail . touchinf toilitary affairs, to the Army Regulations of the Confederate States : and all aeeonnt- whether in the military or in the civil departments of the gov- eiauaeu. are o oe presentea quarterly, and as soon as may be after t&e close of the regalar- quarter. pneTmaersigneu avails nunself of the present op portunity to notify all whoard daUnanenft in render. "tag accounts of public money or property in their JW nf th ji'nt; kr jng of the Necessity of having their accounts pre. pared and settled.-. The attention ef the General As sembly will be called to the names fthese persons, wu .un wui do oireciea n oases wnere tbis notice is disregarded. . .CIn.imi ao1ntf. ha Rta.kj. -rni l .n;.- H .w MWWWV .. ... vw w.t(wV. WWIIUJJ to the rales observed bjfhauieo'3eaJd' of Claim. jarlO t Auditor, Ac. HUlflboxo', Military Aoad- emv. mHE FirTH ACADEMIC YEAR OF X this Institution will commence on the first Monday in rehruary, 1863. , x or tnxormatron and virculari, apply to " . - 8tIPH. M. ACATllErtfV nay 29 4m HillsboroV N. Ci. TTTANTE D; PRACTICAL BRU811MA ' II ? KEBS wanted immadiatelv. tn whom nn lil. erai wages will be given. i . A-ou, .JtjlUB who. have had some experience In Brusbjhakin& Address . , . ' - sx Xa ABBJSTT, 'dfe24-6tpd , Bichmond,Va. rtALL AKD 8ETTLR TTI ! vVifiirTwri 1J Wdoae ou weeooate ta'th-i dat nwiMwHfnii aakall persons indebted to us to call and close wbeir "T-M viuw oyeaen or aeie. uo new aooountf will be made after this date, Janmary.V JSCS-rit McQEE A WILLIAMS. 7tlTTfl3rTOslOJr-aif-J. H. HOB- I nJWnt8 rTHLTCffT flmiAAT. t rt w o L will-.the eeeoadVeadayia January, 1863 l' Oxford, y. C. Dee. 4, 1802. dee 10 2m , . T . ! 1 i -f r - i i ; Horse stolen $50 Reward. STOLE W,FROM A RACK ON FAY etteviUe atreet, U front of the store lately octm pied by. Iredell ' Brotbera, on Thnraday night last, about ft O'-tock, a light sorrel IIORSR, with, all four feet waita, blsse free and .flax main and taiL The horH M aboat.ftve. years eld, afd in pretty fair con dition. .The saddle an thhnwa hail k. Mn.M. Ably worn,' wltCiheexeepttou of. the skirts, whieh -ar-Mh -.- i al l a. a . I - T j v -.un, wnien r i 'Tj padding had been roaghly repaired li"? i ol .P-ng. xne nndie was a rood BhVai aB) 1 a. v ,l - i -r nt . .... , w.-. MHiiv n. x wm give a rewara or Z3 for tbo reeovery of the bof-e, and an additional reward of Ift fiwlV. . - . . . . . TT -i-n-"iKBi Ma eonneuae or ine tniez. JACOB MORDECAI, dealO-it, i ' : Ba-eigh, X. C. & JUdtRun the Blockade ! f f , GWbpp. IXL KIVDS 1 SHOES, GEf TS ' A-fib-ADIES, NEW 'eat styles. ' " "".' " r LCTIlS,CAFSiMER!S 7AND VESTINOS. I 2.000 patterns, aU fresh and desirable. 2,000 yards North Carolina Cassimere juit to hand. II piecerf best Eagliih Cloths, Blue Navy. i : 20 pteeetf Black Doeskin and Canimere, heavy. . . SO pieces Crenshaw Cloths aad ether Bakes for the AnaVli 1.S -e-M-SarH. HaHsm r. n. t.. erylev . deaen ftaa White $-rta . . i doien Ueata Black aad Colored EJd Qtevea. 1M. pieoea Brewn Linen for Soldiers' Shirts. ; 10 pieces English PrinU and Ginghams, lease fine Black Dress SOks, the best lv the Con federacyr ; 1500 yards vwy fineXustre. . xv pieeerxuacx saon ana pieces wait. 1 MIIM UH itUBIIl. 1 Clothing of aUkindx T. Id . BOYSTON A CO. .w--' ee S4 j Notice to CotritnaiIdinrOmrj0Tff"or 1 earn aie III . a ; - . u muiua itegimenis in tne .Fixator : Gbncdbslonl' DlitrXdiK. : 0.1 I rl UMjlAlviJlNQ OFFICERS OF1JIXITIA I RaWlmanta fn Ko fr wMM D;.fwS .-k. noafied to assemble jslt men enrolled by theiflron the regimentt,"at the following places aad dates, fc Vxafca- I . i . a .. I . . . . - Commander of the 36th BegimanV at Jackson, on . Commander of the flth Regiment, at Tfinton, 22d January,186w v " K f i (!.; jT -.J.I - il. OiiL J AxV .A TTTf J AAiL ..voumanuex i tu o-ux tvuu ku, m -uuuu, aui Jaaoaiy, 1863. .; i. i - . v , - .-, Commander of the 10th. at William ton 5 CM Feb." ruaryi 18t3, - - 1 f ; ,r ..' a-l v Issue dj- obediencf to Special Order, No. 11, by Col. Pfefer MaDett, Commandant of Ccm-criptilar North Carolina. Lt. TU0MA3 J. STEWABT : Enrolling officer First Congressional Diet, H. C. ! W. R. CAPSHART, ' - Eunining Sargeon rirst Cong. Disk, U. C. Jan 7 lm M Conimitted To JalL WAS COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF Warren County, on the 31st day of Deeember last as a runaway, a Negro man' who says his name is Wasbinarton Newell ii that he belon'ra La Cant. Wra. Smith of the 6th Rtiriment N. C. Trootvi ' end llfai1 his maater ilrea (m Vmn nSarTlnirntv. Va.. klini it 1t - He also says he escaped from the Jail of Wake Conn -j -Bomo six or eigttt weexs siace, ana sunseqtientiy " from Nash County JaiLi - ' . ... 7 Daia xiegro is a daxK ginger cake or bacon color ; about S feet 5 or f inchei hiTb. haa had teeth tn froat . and appears about 4Q or 45 years, ef age. ' The owner must prove property, pay vharges 'and . take him away or he wijll be dealt with as the law di recta. - WM. L. IIAR&ISS. Jan. 10 tf ' Jailor. Pedtl VAT B-SCHOOL FOR YOU LADLES will be obened bv Miaa IfaaaDar. aS4he residenoe ef her mother, in Orange County, on the 20th January, 1863.1 They will receive laitruodoa 4a the English branehea and Moeie; and find a ham in her mother's family. : Parents and guardians who de aire farther particnlara, will please addreee... i i , ' 1 i Miss M. P. MNQUlf, either at Red Mountain; or Flat River, Orange County N. 0. . ' ! i - LelXliB. "Iseather." miiE cwnr.Rsii:iRn nRHiniNn Tt X accommodate tke j public generally, is willing to Jajr on halves a large mount of Hinas of every SCriDtion. ?I have the Bervieea of a Tannar nf man years experience ; therefore, the publio may rest -' 8 -red their leather will be tanned and finished ia the. 1 neatest style. . 1 i. Persons who wish to be thus accommodated can send their Bides to say! yard, eight miles BeatheaStof , naieign, ana one mue trom Auburn f. v., Xi. g. jal Stpd f 'j m WM. L. FORTE. 'SNUFFS f SCUFFS!! YTTE ARE NOW! PREPARED TO RE if' ceive orders fer Nelson Munntrs celebrated Scotch Snuffs, via : i "Sootch" (in papers) in Boxes, 50 lbs. . "Scotch," loose in B4rreis,-l-w lbs. "Rappee," in 20 lb. jars. "Macawber," in 2 lb. Jars. For sale by SMYTH A CO., Sole Agents. Petersburg, Nov. 224, 1861. bov 12 3m ORTJ! CAROLINA A2UT5JA- FIRE INSURANCE! COMPANY. Af the annaal meeting ef the North Carolina Mutual Fuelnsuranoe Company, held on the Hth January, 1162, the follow Lag persons were elected Direotois and OiHoers for the ensuing year : DIRECTORS. Henry D. Turner, Raleigh John R. WLQiaxas, do. T. H. Selby, I do. C. W. D. HutehJngs, do Kemp. P. Battle, do. George Little, do. James M, Towles, do. James! B.' Hoyt,! Washington, Alexander Mitchell, Newborn. Jos. Qi. Wright,! Wilmington. John M. Jones,! Bdenton. George W. Charles, Elisabeth City Jos. Ramsay, Plymouth, J. W. HarrelifMurfreesborongh. II. B. Williams,; Charlotte, Samuel Watklns, Milton. A. W.lSteel, Fayetteville. Joseph White Anson county . J osh. Boner, Salem. A. P. Sammy, Aaheville, OFFICERS )0F THE COMPANY ' T. H. Selby, PteriderU. Henry D, Turner, Vice do. J ohn R. Bryan, Attorney. Hamden S. Smith, Secretary and 7Vmum x. xx. oeipy, ext-ojyicxQ) John R. Williams. m tt nit w I Ur.. AmaiHu C. W. D. HutcMnes. I This Company 'has been in. snoceaafnl Ana m.Hi i over IS years," 'and.' continues to take risks upon all .lasses of property in Jthe State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries) utoon fvnraM irtn" Its Policies now cover property amouatiao- ta na.rl' $4,000,000. a large portion of which ia in nonntr risks; and its present capital is over Four Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds properly secured. -: . All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the: Secretary, postpaid ' " r HAMDEN S. SMITH, Sri. January 18th, 1342. jn J2 NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICII RAIHCIGH. N. CTHIS COMPANY takes risk upon ail healthy lives ' between the afces 6f '14 and 60. years for one year, for sevea years, or for life the atgurert for li-f nt.iinattni Tn'T.An-. fits ef the Company. Slaves between the ace. of 10 aad m n r . - ow jome, v uipurva ior one or ave years, for two-thirds their market value. ... All losses are paid within 90 dava after aaUfaetor proof is presented. 1 ' j DIRECTORS FOR 1801 AND 1882. . v Charles E. Johnson. Wm, n. jmu Wm. W. Holden, H. W. Hasted, J. G. Williams, j pF. Peseta, Quentin Busbee, ; . p. Battle, Wm. ILMeKee, W. Sf Mama, Charles B. Root, Everard Hall, Rich'd H. BatUe, 7 -. ; OFFICERS. Dr. Chas.'E. Johnson, President. W. W. Holden, Vice PresidenU H. W. Ilaated. Attornev. j 01 w Wm. IL Jones, Treasurer. B, H. Battle, Secretary. - W. II. MKL Maainal Ithim.' ?iq :Mdw W. H. McEee. ! V iJ '.1 Charles B. Root, Executive Committer, ...... n Q. Boibee, : J n ' For further, information, the public U referred; uvv.j the pamphlets and forms of proposal, which maybe obtained at the OCee of the Com nan v. nr uij Tar TOt ogwiciH., i a (.ores Raleigh Jan. 8,th 1882. .ji:-- j - JL HATTLE. Secy. . ANOTHER LARGE -dfiV AtO ADLE J stock of Imported Drus, pr.Swaajsei jRawa al purchased by tnefsubscriber at the kale in Charleston on the 12th inst, which is daily expeeUd iad Will iam: sold In lots to suit purchasers, ja small advance. ..1 Thta im a rmrm Tmnrrrint VKwMitlinHVwki SiiJ- merchants; to. replenish Plbfii; 'stocks dtaafcKtfcwwa.,,-! xKMs, vash oa viuniT. xne - louowing eomprv- pri We; see in part the steek re ff erred to vlSi 200 e.-2oin 100 aL Castor Oil, 1.0 lb pamphor, ft08il ner. 1 i;u iiaaani.i unnm . fi nn imA fAi... 11 Salpher, S PackageaCUoratiPotasaioa4a. Alui-V 8 Cases Eng. MaaUrd, 1 Qase,, p-.viela, 1 Packaee Opium. I do. Assafbetida.T Case' En.' B. W. and Omnibuj $oap, bb-.f Lard LL lAbbU.',.j Tanners Oil, 1500 j lbs. Yellow Vax, Fine Tooth Coombsrlvory, Spta. Ifitre, ; qaav' Ceo.tW -J " many extracts too tedious to' mention. i(;c.1j1'7o; 4 . ' Send orders soen to ! ! P. F. PESCUD SateSgfaIw; Cl nov. lOJ I . r Coowitted mn -pyrsr jiii itv w.u-p ra.irMTV.nN JL the llth of Nmbar; I8 a negnr maa' Who says his name il UARBY, a A that Jba bel-f .. j John Tbotnas MebainiOf Bertie Connty. BmUboiy is aboat W years' of agi; and of daA mfM3m. " The owner of saiA.boy is i-a---c4 .cf ina for ward, prove property and py charges, or he will be dealt with as the law iVlwt iu . Witt.i8Iw't,a:; ' defrlf--tf rnitn erv rrt"Wvf tiiMW 'ttie VTA-ir m i-aae a sam nw 1 mirak aa - - - -- Pnluaa.ti. Antrtt if Rleiih Jn Whaaeentby.asaiLs, r -,UflS3 Hi- Viil T1 HI! 1 -P ft! uoe xi tTsmj -T" Bor& aiid Med. Parrevor ft i. iPetetsbwig, Va. ee3 ' T-.- "i - . 4. -JT' : n a 1 "a kkk yr W, L. PCI iuti.t) ( al 5 eoi f MS-'

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