common hnnriaiiiy which beneficent Ofetstor has implanted iq tb jbroasts oiour fellow-men of ail countries to past judgment ozr ' measurjej bj which several millions of human being of ah in-, terior race, peaceful and son tented laborers iojjbeic sphere, ate doonied to extermination, while at the sam otimo they are encouraged to a general sinafion ot theirjinattort by the insidious , rtpom mordation Ho abstain from -violence UnldM in necctsaryrssir ueience. - uur own ueves lauon i thoso who have attempted the moat cxaernble mposu recorded in the history of guilty man, is tempered by profound contempt for tho impotent raere which it discloses,' - So far as reearda the tiorrftbU Go"vernnwnlon auchjcrimiuals as may attempt ii&execqttoc, I confine myself to inform- jng you tbat 1 ahallr unless in your wisaqmiyou floefn some other; odurso more expedient, deliver to the several 8tale authorities all commissioned officors ofthe Urfited Sutoathtit may hereaftoir be captured by our forces in any of the State (em braced in the proclamation, that tboy may bei dealt with in accordance with the laws of those States providing for be punishment of criminals fen paged in exciting servile insurrection. The enlist pd soldiers I shall continue to treat as unwilling instruments in the commission of those crimes, and shall direct their discharge and return to their homos on the proper and usual parole., i r' In ita. political aspect, this measure posaeeaes great significance, and to it, in this light, t in vite vour attention. It affords to our whole poo- rlo tbe compioto ana crowning pruui m ttf I ft . -v 1 -V. nature of the designs of tbe arty which eleatexW td iiownr tbe ireent occupant of the Preeidantiial chair , at Washington, and which sought U con '.di its purposes by ovory variety of artful device, the most solemn And reiiented pledges on every poesiWo occfteior.f .! I extract',-in thia connection, as a single example, thafolloWing declaration mnde by.l'rosiden'tjXim oniti. unflr the Bolomnily of hit oath as Oiijpf .Magistrate of th U nitcd States, on the 4tb arcib, ; . ' 1 (';!' ' "Apprehcnsipn seoms to astfst among thej peo ple of the Southern SttM, that by tbe accession a Kwaublicarv Administration, their j proipeTty and their neace- and personal .security are to be entflangerod. There has never' boon any renfeona- j- blo cause fat, snch apprehensions. Indeed, j the inott ample eviiioneo to tho contrai-y has alV: the while existed, and been opon to tbir inspection. It U found in nearly all the publfo speech: of Li. ..,l,y niim L Jiliiiciii tri-iii 1 te. hilt nUnlrt' from one of thoso speeches when I declare thaM(li,ao no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the Institutfon of slavory iri the States where it exists. I believe I bave no lawful right to do so; Kud, 1 hate no inclination to do so. Those who nominated and elected mo, did sowith full knowl edge that I had niade this and many similar dec . larutions, and had never recanted them, jylnd, more than this, j they placed in the platform j for my-acceptance, and as a law to themselves arid to mo, tho clear and emphatic resolution fvbitcjh j I now read :.., ! '' (!; I i ' 'Uesolved, That the maintenance invioljata qf tlio rights of the Siaten and especially'the Tight of t-Ach State to-order and conltTjl its own ' domestic jrisiitutions according to its own judgmeqt Bxcliu shely is essentially 1j that balance of powers on which tho perleclion and endurance of our; po litical fabric depjond; and wo donourcelhe lswlesa iuvasion byarmd force of tho soil of any State ior Torritory, no matter under what protext,as among a i k : v . i h i' ' It r i II I 111 WUU 11L T1 . A " ' - iue graveat;crims. 1 . , i i- Nor was this declaration of thevantof -power or disposition to interfere with our social System r:on fined to a state of peace. Both before-and after the actual commeniuent of hostilities, the Pros jdont of the Uui tea States repeated, in" formnl oflicial" communication to tho Cabineta of i llreat Jlritain and Vrancf , that ho was utterly without f orjHtit'Jtional power to do tbo act which ber h9 jubt committed, and that in no posaiblo levent; whether the secession of these States resulted in lli.o establishment of a soparato Confederacy or in tho restoration of the Union, was there any. au thority by virtu'e of which ho could either festoro a diarltscted State to the Union by force of arms . or make any change in any of its institutlbilsi- f" I retor ospociaHy,.for verification of this ascertain, to the despatches; addrepsed by the Secretary ! of -Stato oftUeUtii?to 1 tates, undor direction loif the rreid;nt, l6 the Ministers of the United ! States at Liondon and rans, under date of 1 Oth and 2j'!d April, 18G1.. ; . ' ! il ! ! The people of! this Confederacy, then, cannot fail to reoeivethis proclamation as the fullest vin dication of tbeirjown sagacity in foreseeing the ur5 to. which thin dominant party in the United 3 t?Uos. intended irom tho beginning to appIyJthoir power, nor can they cease to remomberywKq de vo4t thank fill riesa, that it is to their own; vigilance in resisting the first stealthy progress of approach- " ing despotism' that they owe.thoir escape' Irom consequences' now apparent to tho moat fekeblioal. This proclamation will have another f salutary ' ctl'fct in ealming the fears of those who havle con ! tartly evinced ; the apprehenwon that, th-s j war enugbi; i.nd '. by j some reconfetraction of t(ie old Union or some Renewal of close political relations with tho United States These fears hava'neVor been shared by roe, pr bave Lever boenlabla to prcoive on what basis they ooold rest. Iiit the proclamation affords the fullest guarantee bUthe impossibility ofj uoh n resut. It has ostkblisHod a H.ate ff thinga which can lead to but onodf thiree x ssible poi6equenco : the extorminaLioot tfro - sl?ivo, the oxilp of the whole white population ironi tho Confederacy, or absolute an I total Bepa- This proclamation is also an authentic statement by tho Koyerniuent of the .United States of : its irmhility -to subjugate the South 6y force of arms, I and as such must bo accepted by neutral nations, which can no longer And audjustilicatienin iwith- It in alo in vtTuct an intimation to tho pooploi oM . I KT ..ft U ft I. - 4 A ft . ft' J.l ' m. fti . mo norm iiiMij buey muu prepare 10 suomii so a reparation now become inevitable, for that people aro too acute net to understand that a restoration ol, tho Union has been rendered forever impossi blo by tho adoption of a measure which, frm its v Tery natnre, neither admits of retraction nor can co exist with union. ,j , I j ' j. ; 'Among the Bubjecls to which your attention will bi snociilly devoted during tho present aes- pvorj, you will mo doubt' deem tbo adontlom ot Home fompreheninve system of finance as ; being of paiamountin7ortanco.. Tho fncreaaipg pub lic debt, tho g"roat augmentation in the volamei' of the currency Jwith its necessary concomitant of ostrHvngn juices for all articles ojf co'nsump lion, tho want of revenue from a taxation ado- I'iftto to supportrtho public credit, all unite In ad niouishing us that energetic and wise legislation hlono can prevent s rioua embarraesmentl In! our monetary affair. It is my conviction that the pwplo oi.4he Confederacy will freely meeti tax Mtioij on a Ecal. adequate to the maintenance of ? .the public credit and tho support of tboir fcorern- mont. Whenjeach family is sending forth its . daih in l.)attic, what gro'nnd can there1 be to; doubt the disposition, to devoto a tithe oj iits is-i come and more,, if more be-necessary, to provide tho government with means for ensuring tho; comfort of itsjdefenders ? If our enemies (submit to au -ozciso oh every .commodity hy dducei ' and', to tho daily presence" of the tax-gatherer,; : with no higher motive than tbe hope of success Tri their wicked designs against u?, the suggestion of t an unwillin-gnefs on tho part of this people tO submit to th taxation nocossary for the success b( their defonsif u an imputation on their patriotism that fw wilf bediuposed to make; and that nontt can justify, j I irie legislation of your l.-ut session intended t hasten Ui6 feiodins of outstandioe Treasury notes 4ias proved fjencficlal, as shown by the returns an? nexeil to t!y report of the Secretary of the Treat $ury. wns neither stif&ciently prompt nor fur - reaching to meet the full extent of njaeviL-4 The passag of some enactment,' carrying stiljl further theJol icy of that law by flxtng d Itmi.ta- .'.tioh not lafbr than the 1st July next to the delay allowed fo$ funding tho' notes issued1 prior t'O tbe lft "4-H,etiber, 1862, will in the opinioini of ibk crciary,iuve wieeQcctto withdraw from Cir- rulation neatly the entire' sum issued previous to tho btst named date. If to this be added a revw tiue from ijdeqtiate taxation, aiKi npgoliaiioB'ojf bonds guarantied proportionately byl' tbo several States as has already beer geheVoueiy proposed fej some of them ia enaHmobl'pocitajksoaBly doftr nd.j there is i little doubt that1 we shall sqp our ifi nances restored to a sound and!satisfactorv con- dition j our circulation relieved of the redundan- J fsy nojv productive ot so many miscuieis , bqu our credit placed on such a basis as to relieve uj frojtn further anxiety relative 16 our resources for jibe prosecution of the war. 1 . It is, true, that at its close our debt will be large; bat it will be due to our 'own people, and neither the interest nor the capital will be exported. to, 1 pisiani, countries,, impovorisning ours ior meir benefit1 On the return of peace the untold wealth Khich, will spring from .pur soil will render the lethpnof taxation far leas onerous than is now iappoeed, especially if we take into, consideration that we. shall then be free-4rom tbe largo and Heady drain of our substance to which we were subjected in the late .Union through the instru mentality or sectional legislation and protective UrSffs. ; m: 1 recommend to your earnest Attention the Whole Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on tbis imporUnt subject, and trust that your legisla tion on it will be delayed no longer than 'may be required . to enable your wisdom .to 'devise the heprcper measures for ensuring the accomplish ment of the objects propVsed. The' operations of the War Department hajeo een iit the main satisfactory. In tbe report of tho Secretary, herewith submitted, will bo tound a summary of many memorablo successes. They pa with justice a&cribed,in a large measure, to the jrnoirganizatioa and- reinforcement of our armies under the operation of tbo enactments forconscnp- tioD. - The wisdom and efficacy of these acts have becju approved by results, and the like spirit of tit illy, .endurance and self-dQvotion in the people, hjjcb has hitherto sustained their action, must be rolled on to assure their enforcement under tho Continuing necessities of our situation. The re Ui)!imonl&tion9 of tho Socrotary to this effect aro ijmpoced by the suggestions for their amoliora iot)i, and tho subject desorveS tho consideration of Cotigress- For tLo torfection of our military or ganization no appropriato means should be r eject -'sd, and on this subject tho opinions of the Secro ary merit early attention. It is gratifying to per oeiye thai, under all the efforts and sacrifice of ar, the power, means and resources of the 1 Johfeeracy for its successful prosecution aro in creasing. Depondonco on foreign supplies is to bo deplored, and should, as far as practicable, bo ob-sriMfted-by the development and employ mora of Lnteraal resourcos. TUopeeuliar oircamstancos of jihacontry, however render this difficult, and reqjuire cxtraordinaryaencouragementa and facili tiea to be gran.ted by the Government. Tho em baijrassrnoats resulting- from the .limited capacity of tho railroads to afford transportation, aud the ji4po8sibility of otherwise commanding and dis tributing tho necessary supplies for lhrmies,rcn dee the control of the roads under some general tuporviion, and resort to the power pf impress ,nent, military exigencies. While such powers bate to be exercised, they should be guarded by udhjioua provisions against perversion or abuse, and may b, as recommended by the Secretary, 'under due regulation xl lsw.-,ft specially recommend in this connection some revision of the exemption law of last session. $orious complaints have reached me of tho iho quality of its operation from eminent and patri-. otic citizens, whoso opinions merit great conside ration, and I trust that some means will be devis ed jfor-lcaving at home a sufficient loca.polico without making discriminations, always to bo deprecated, between different classes of our citizens. I Our relations with the Indians generally con lifiUe to bo friendly. A portion of the Cherokee jpeopla have assumed an attitude hostile to the .Confederate Government; but it is gratifying to jbe able to state that tne mass of intelligence and jwdrth in that nation have remained true arid loyal jto their treaty eagagements. With this excap tiotvthoro have been no important instances of faisaffijction among any of the friendly nations and tribes. Disatisfaction recently manifested itself limong certain portions of tbem ; but this resulted Irojm a misapprehension of the intentions of the pojvornment in their behalf. This has been re sno vdd and no further difficulty is anticipated. The Report of tho Secretary of the Navy hore jwitu transhntted exhibits the progress mado in th(s brancn of the public sorvice since your ad journment, as well as its present condition. The (details ombracod in it are of such a nature as to ireador it, a my opinion, incompatible with the public interests that they should be published with Ihs message. I, therefore, confino myself to in viting your attention to the information thoroin cohtaioed. 4 The report of the Postmaster- General shows jthat during the first postal year under our.Gov jornment, terminating on tho 30th' of June last, jour revenues wero in excess of thoso received by It he former government in its last postal year, (wliile thasxponsea were greatlv decreased. There is still, however, a considerable doficit in the rev enues of the Department as compared with its ex penses, and although the grants . already made rfrjm the gonoral Troasilry will suffice to cover till: liabilities to tho closo of the fiscal year, ending ibnj tho 30th June next, I recommend some legis lation, if any can be constitutionally devised, tor aiding the revenues of that Dapartment during the eniuing Oscal y9ar, in order to avoid too great a production of postal facilities. Your attention is ialo invited to numerous other improvements in thje sorvico recommended in tho report, and for ,whoh'lgT3lattn ia required. . " II recommend to Congress to devise a proper mode of relief to those of our citizens whose prop erty has been destroyed by order of -the Govern- iant in pursuance oi a poucy aaopieaas a means of national defence. It is true that full indemni fy cannot now bo made, but some measure of ro- t i - a . .V 1 : ft . . i v ntfi is quo io iuoso pauiuiiiu umzens wno nave bjrno private loss for public good, whose pcop Pty n effect has been lakon for public use, though n0t dtrecuy appropriatoa 'Our Government, born of the spirit of freedom and tho equality and independence of the States could not have survived a selfish or jealous disposition making each only careful or its own interest or safety. Tie fate of the Confederacy under 'the blessing of Di vhfte Providence depends upon the harmony, energy aid unity of the States.. It especially devolves on ydu,: their representatives, as far as practicable, to re form abuses, to correct errors, to cultivate fraternity sustain in the people a just confidence in the Uovernment of their choice.' To that confidence and t& the unity and self-sacrificing patriotism'' hitherto displayed is duo the success which has marked the unequal contest, and has brought our country into a condition at tbe prosent time sucb as tho most san tfuine would not have ven red to predict at the com mence.mont of our struggle. Our armies are larger, better disciplined nd more thoroughly armed and equipped than at any previous period ofthe war, Ihej energies of a whole nation, devotod to the single object of success in this war, have accomplished marvels, and many of oar trials have, by abenificent providence, been converted into blessings. The maeoitude of the perils which we encountered have developed the true qualities and illustrated the heroic character of our people, tnus gaining tor the Con federacy from its birth a just appreciation from the other nations of the earth. The injuries resulting from the interruption of foreign commerce have re eeived compensation by tho development of our in tor pa1 resources. Cannn crown oar fortresses taat j wefe cast from the products of mines opened and fur puces built during the war. Our mountain, eaves yield much of the nitre for the manufacture of powder and promise increase of product. From 'our own armories and workshops we derive, in a great meas ure, the warlike material, the ordnanceand ordnance Stores which ere exponded so profusely in the numer ItTut and desperate engagements that rapidly succeed eneh other. Cotton aad woollen fabrics, shoes and harness, wagons and gun carriages are produced in daly increasing quantities by the factories spring ing into existence. Our fields, no longer whitened ;by, cotton that cannot'be exported, are devoted to (be production of cereals and the growth of stock formerly purchased with the proceeds of cotton. In the homes of, our noble' and devoted wodmb, without whose sublime sacrifices our "success would have been iajpossible, the noise of the loom and of the spinning wheel mar be heard throughout the land. With ihearts swelling with gratitude, let us, then, join ia re 'turning thanks to Ood and in beseeching the. con tinuance of hisproetcting. care over our cause and jtu restoration of peace witn iu m ami old biassings to our beloved country. JKfc'FERSON DAVIS. Richmond, January 12, 1863. ! BgRiors ChAroks An officer in the command of Gcjnj Evans, of South Carolina, has preferred charges against that commander of i "incompetency, eowardiee and rntcxica tion." Bo says Personn,"ef thaCotu Til )m mi) i. WEDNESDAY MORNING) JANVARY 21, im. THE LATEST NEWS. CONFEDERATE CONGRESS. Richmond, Jan. 19. In the Senate to-day Mr. Hill presented .the credentials of Hob. H. V. Johnson, Senator, elect from: Georgia. Mr. Hill introduced a bill to organize the Su preme Court. , - 1 Mr. Simms, of Xentncky, submitted a series Of resolutions denouncing the impressment of pri4 vale property by military authorities. Laid on the table for the present. . The Senato then went into secret session. In the House, Mr. Dargan introduced a bill to prohibit quartermasters and others Irom specula ting. 4 Mr. Clopton offered a series of joint resolutions contemplating the delivery of captured Federal of ficers to Stato Governments for trial. Pending the debat-3 thoreon, the Ilouse went into secret Bession to receive the report of the committee of ways and moans on the same sub ject. - LATEST FROM TtlE NORTH. ' ! Petersburg, Jan. 19. Tho Herald of the 17th has boen received. . - It contains tho lato message of President Davis in, full, and says it is of more than usual impori tance, evidently inspired by conscious secuntyi hich has never bitberto cbaractenz hi any man ifesto which has hitherto emanated from the Keb el Executive, and brcathcsan jiir of dotermina-f tion and defiance which i3 not justified by what meets the public eye. . ! A dispatch dated Catso lGtb, says; j The Ram Switzerland has arrived from the squadron, bringint the news of the taking of Arkansas post, Arkansas rivor, tuu miles irom iu mouth, by the land and naval lorces unaer mc Clernand and Porter. The Surrender occurred on Sunday, .with aU the arms, stores and ammunition- The Unionoss is 230, that ot tne repeia bM killed and wonndod and between 5,000 and 7,00G prisoners, . i The Alabama again heard from.. Two more vessels captured hy her one, the Parker Cook, ofj Boston, on the 30th .NovemDer, pear &t. xomingo, and burnt her; the other, having a British cargo, was allowed to proceed, Dut the veasol bonded. : An arrival frona New Urloans : says tno liar? riet Line was sent to soa to joirt the Alabama, j Farraaut bad the Brooklyn, bcotio and otner vessels to recapture her if possiblo. Gold had declined under tno Arkansas rtews, closing at 4 8$. Exchange dull at 161. A dispateh from Fort LLonry lbto, tears tuai a train which left Pittsburg landing for Corinth on Sunday, under an escort of 1G00 mon will bo cap tured by. the Rebels. The latter woro receivinjg artillery to block la tho River. Disnalch from WasHinston says tne l'rcsidcjil remarked to-dav that ho considered the Rebellion nearer chrushod than evtir bofjre, as we no w hold a Hundred thousand square miles more than we had a vvear ago. Goldsboro', Jan. 19. Advices to the Slate Journal to-dav stato the enemy advancing on Kinston and Wilmington. They occupy Iron- ton and are felling trees aud otherwise strength ening their position. THE OFFICERS CAPTURED AT MUiv FREESBORO OPrDER FOR THE DE STRUCTION OF PROPERTY. Chattanooga., Jan 17- Rosancrans has sent tbe Confederate officors captured at Murfrcesboro' to Alton, 111 , thero to bo closely confined, in con sequence of the recent proclamation of President Davis denying paroles to Federal otneors. Goreral Mitchell has issued. an order at JNasn- ville commanding the destruction ofthe property of Col. McCaun, n partiznn ranger, for destroying a train of cars on the Nashville and Chattanooga road. The order also declares that all property of iinv rebel svmnathizar found within one mile of whore such outrage is commuted Dy giieruias shall bo destroyed by fire. BRILLIANT FEAT OF GEN. WHEELER THE RAILROAD BRIDGE BURNT IN REAR OF. ROSE"NCRANS-A GUN BOAT AND FOUR TRANSPORTS DESTROYED &C. . 4 Mobilk, Jan. 18. Tho Advertiser and Regis- tor has received the following official dispatch : TuLLftVUoMA, Jan. 17th. . To Gen. S. 11. Buckner ; Gen. Wheeler, with a portion of his cavalry brigade, after burning tho railroad bridge in the enemy's rear, pushed for the Cumberland river, whera be intercepted and captured four large transports, destroyed throo with all tee supp les, and boarded one to carry off four hundred parol ed prisoners. Being hotly pursued by a gunboat, lie attacked, captured, and destroyed ner, with her fhote armaraenVft " Signed. BRAXTON BRAGG. ELECTION OF C. SENATOR. Tho Virginia Legislature on Saturday, after five days in effectual balloting, succeeded, on the twentieth ballot, in electing lion. Allen T. Caper ton,"of the county of Monroe, Confederate States Senator tor the unexpired term of the lato lion. Wm. Ballard Preston. UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT TCBUN THE BLOCKADE. Charleston, Jan. 18- A vessel, supposed to be the steamer Iluntress, laden with four hundred bales of cotton, attempting to run the blockade, was buraed off the mouth of wash Channel last night Four grans were firod by the block aders at the mouth of Ship Channel a few minutes after she was discovered. IMPORTANT FROM FREDERICKSBURG. Frkdericks.burq, Jan. 18 Tho demonstrations of the enemy on their right and left wingsas well as in their centre, indicate that an early attempt will be made to cross the river simultaneously ' above, and below the town. An attack may beepeeted, it i3 be lieved, at any time. MOVEMENTS OP THE ENEMY IN TEN NESSEE. Mobile, Jan. 17. A special dispatch to the Advertiser and Register : TuiXAHOMa, Jan. 1C. The enemy, number ing. 40,000, has occupied his original position be fore Murtreesboro, with a scarcity of provisions. He is repairing tne railroad, but making no pre paration for an advance. "The 'weather is bitter cold and a show; storm prevailing. ! T . W . ROYtTON PETERSBURG, VA., Tf. C ANUFACTURK15 OK CITIZENS' lY I and military clothinr Cif all kinds, in the bast stylo. Cloths, Oassimere' -rtd Vestings of all tb bestpatcrrs, Staff Buttons? wholesale or retail, Trim mings ef all kinds, Ac, G&4 Lace by the piece or at retail.' In fact, I have a Awnplete etoek of military Shirts, Drawers, Socks, difyves, Cravats, Tiea and Unifoims, all ready madcSNone but the best hands employed at r Wl RGYSTON'S , 57J Sycamore street. P. S. Orders for militry?clohing promptly filed. jan 21 ly T. W. R. Charlotte Female Institute. THlilNEXT SGSSION WILL IIECIN ON Monday, the 21 day of February, and continue twenty-fqr weeks. Tha musical department will be Under the direction of Professor A. Bauman, who has taught music with great sucsess in Charleston, 8. C. For farther particu'ars, address -I ' REV. R. BUR WELL, yaa 21 3t Charlotte, N.C. 11lIJIUUU mabbtw.. Ia Wilmington, on the lAh inst, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Atkinson, Major JOHN W. CAMERON, C. S. A., to AM0RET G., eldest daaghter of Mr. Rich ard Bradlay, j r: ' tf ; J LIST OF tETTERS KE.ttAINlNU UN ealled for in the Raleigh Post Ofice Jsouary lyth, 1863. The postage on advertised letters is two eepts each: Austin, Cornelia Black man, Mrs S M I3Uk, Mra Jtf ry L Bryan, Cicero J Bunch, Mrs Carolina Belts, Alvin Brandon, John; L Siitt, TJriah P Brown, Rev R T Brooks, Mr Thomas Crawford, J D -Coleman, Geo W -Christian, Dr A II . Duke, Mrs Betsey Davia,JnoA 2 Driver, Robt Furgerson, A Fuller Salathial Qattis, Mr James A OffbeTl, Mrs Susan E Oifliam, HA Hudson, Jno J 11 ortsn, Mrs Isabella Maiaor Miss Mary A . 'Merrick, Susan, , McDowell, Mrs Jno "M . Merton Col T J .. McKaughan, B T Pue, Mary' PhOHpurWR. . Pej tonW H Robards, Thomas 8 Rabon Miss Mary Ana Smith, Lewis Ssaith, Rebeeca ' Stewart, Misa Mary X . Rftft..ftw UL. TT T. h Southexland, Lieut Jai Southgull, Miss Mattie J Strother, James L , LodelH 8 Stephens, Miss Pattie Stradlin, SB Saunders, B T Stuart, Miss Susan P Tayler, R W. . Thompson, Hiss Sasan A Thomas, Edward Thrower James R . Tormelly,:Mls Elisabeth TarnsrLMiss Charity . Thomas, Mrs Catherine Taylor, Miss Louisa bHorton, RP Holt, Rich d J Uauks, Saia'l W ... Horten, BM Harris, Mrs Sarah Burst, Asa 2 ITill, Jonathan or Alei'r lliinnant, VB Hawkins, Frank Hobby, Willis Harrington, Jno McL Hlnton, Maj J W Henderson, J W ' Holtiday, Henderson, Hope, . Miss Rosa, v Jones', Allen Jordan, Miss Tabitha Jonas, Miss Agnes Jjtwis, Richard Thompson, Mrs Phebe Jackson, Jno W t Williams, R K . . Williams, B T Warren, Shaston Williams, Jno R Whittoa, Wns A Williams, Miss Lucy W , Woodard, Mrs Rinda White, S ' '4 Watson. Joseph Williams, John L Morris, Rebecca Mrs Yeargin, MissfEmeline - Call for Advertised Letters, and rive the date of the List. GEO. T. COOKE,- P. M. ' jan 21 It t , - 15,006 Jan. 18 2t IN N. C. for Bate. -.- 8 PR - w. CENT. BONDS H IQHJSLu Cashier. NOTICE. I WILL GIVE A REWARD of Twentv-five Dollars for any information con ceruiEg Q. L. Kirkpatrick, of Co. t, lffth, Regt. N. C. Tioops, who left Camp Winder Ilospi al, in Rich mond, on the 28th October, on furlough home. Said K. is" a native of Haywood eounty, N. C. Any infor mation -will be gladly received. My address is Crab Tree, Haywood county, N. C. jan 21 3tpd . . SILAS F. KIRKPATRICK. For Sale. A in the village of Oak Hill, - Granville coustv, N. C, 12 miles from Oxford. Tkere is good dwelling, school house, and out-houses on the plaoe. Also,-a very good Apple Orchard. Mr, Wm. IL Puryear, the Postaaaster at Oak Hill, will show any oae the prem ises. I or mlormation regaroins; terms, kc, address . F. BINF0RD, jan 21 2m . Richmond, Va. EXCHANGE NOTICE NO. 4. Richmond, Va., Jan. 10, 1863. The following officers and men have "been duly ex changed, and are hereby so declared. L All officers and &ea captured in Kentucky, Ten nessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, up to December 10th, 1862 2. All officers and men captured in Missouri, Kan sas, isew Mexico, Arizona, Arkansas and Louisiana, up to January 1st, 1863. 3 .The two foregoing sections apply not only to oui- cors and men of the Confederate service, but alse to all persons captured in arms or hostile array against the United States, whatever may nave been the char actor of the military organizations to which tbey were attached, and whatever may have been the terms of the paroled given by them. If any are in Federal pri sons, thoy aro to be immeliatelx released, and deliv ered to the Confederate authorities 4. All persons who have been captured on the sea or geaooast of the Confederate or United States, up to December 10th, 1862. If any such are io Federal prisons, they are to be immediately rcleas'ed and de livered to the Confederate authorities. 5. Alt Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City Point up to January 6th, 1863.- 6. All Contederate officers and men who have been delivered at Vicksburg up to December 23d, 1862, and including said date. 7. All parolea Confederate omcers ana men receipt ed for at icksburg up to December 23d, 1862, and including said date. 8. All Confederate omcers and men captured and paroled at Fredericksburg, Va., in December, 1862. U. All Confederate omcers and men captured and pajoled at Goldsboro N. C, in December, 1862. 10. Other miscellaneous and minor exchanges, of which the appropriato omcers will be duly informed. Note. All Confederate omcers and men wbo nao. been captured in Virginia or Maryland, before the first of November, 1S62, and all "Confederate omcers and met who at any time had. been delivered at Ai ken's landing, were declared to be exchanged; by a former notice JNo A. 4t.,p . -ROBERT OULD, jan 17 Rt Agent of Exchange. Oflic JirtgTr oaeion Kallroad Co., ) Kalvioh, a. U., Dec. zz, i02. ) ' mnE BONDS OF THIS COMPANY , X will mature on the first day of Janaary, 1S63, and will be promptly paid at this office. " Parties holding these Bonds are hereby notified that no interest will be allowed after maturity. deo 24 lm W. W. -VAS8, Treasurer.. Notice. O If MONDAY THE 1CTII ,QJL PBUtJA rv next, 1 will sell at auction, at the Uourt Hou?e Door, in Raleigh, sixteen Bales Cotton, of the crop of 1861. C. 1. UAKKISOH, Adm'r. ja 17 td oi Bryan ureen s isstata. Notice. WHO. 'ARB INDEBTED k - LL TO US j upon open account will please call and pay ot Bond the same. ja 17 lm WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD, m W VanAa tfVTMinift'A'n rTiViiW' ww.w - -T J' TOUR FATHERS, BROTHERS AND - Bona are are in very great want and call en yen; for aid. Exposed to the severities of winter,, their necessities demand your prompt and immediate help. J, is impossible for the government to supply their w'antS, as soon as they will need them. They are destitute of Blankets and trader clothing. Private Billiard Maynard, of CompaBy C. 5th W.i C-Regl- meht, will be in the county lot fifteen daysfor the purpose -of taking charge of all or aay eiothing er . f . 1 1J. . . T . 1 . D?xes, ior iae boiujcib iruia wt wiunjr ot uuns(on in the 5th N. C Regiment. I am satisfied that the peo ple of Johnston bave only to be made aware of the necessities of their -soldiers, for thorn to jrespond in that highly creditable manner that Has always char acterized them when doing anything for the Comfort f her soldiers in the field. H. L VATSONv 2nd Lieut. Co. C, A A"dj't, sth B. C. T. Jalt 8M Notice AVING QUAIftlFlHO . AS ADHINIS trator of Gkh'i, Uobgb B ADtasoar, deceased. at November Sana. 1802, ef Wake Couaty Court, I hereby ffive notic to the debUra of lh estate io make pa patent, and to tho creditors to present their "Vjam within the time prescribed by law. . W. E. AS DERS0N, Adm'r. Nov'r 24, 1862. . nJ,r 29ltf r . . M . ftt .MM.Mn ti n . . . orrin vr in viaiui a. a. vaartIT KALKfGH, Uetobe 29tlv 1862, A. MONTHLY 1 NT AIRMEN OK .TJKN . per cent , payable on the first day of estth.moath. until UM wholo subscripuon is paid, is hdraby eaUed for, by ajMtrder oi tne iJtoard of I) irec tors. a W. W,-VASS,Treasrer: Raleigh, Oct. 3 1 , 1 S6Z. nov 8 tf . IgENotice. CON FED!. -STATES OF, Ate ERIC A, MfcFuVEToa Orvie, ' Charlotte, N. C, Deo.' lSthlMZ A LL CLAIMS AGAINST rUIS DEPART Jt. nMnt, to be paid, mast be pisentebefbwtha 25th rf Jaaaary, 1863. D. P. RAMSKUR, dea7- t2thJ - 8ms and JIadLPvrfayec WEj ARE NOW PREPARED TO UE ceivfli erders fer Nelson 4SIunnis's celebrate Sraot$ Bnaffs, .yii : q fSMcA" fin papers! In Bojea, 50 lbs SoofcaosV iif Battels, 120 lbs. , ,,toRappeVtiJJtlb. Jan. ? " "Masawber," in 20 lb. Jars. For sale by ' 1 r SMYTH k CO., 8ol Agents. Petersburg, NoT..2d, 1&52. . . nov 22 3m or N; a, MiUtary Acad- rpltB FIFTIjf ACADEMIC YEAH OF first xnsucuaosi wni commence on the Monday ia Jebraary, 1&$3. fi . . For information and Circulars, apply to 1 1 .fO SUPt.n. M.ACAD EM Y, HoTli-m,! . . ... Bulaboro', N. C. tlKAIlXEPPIlACTICAL BltUSlUUA I XY KERS' Wanted Inftnediatery, fb whom vary lib- ersi -wslgM will be given. ' , ALSO, II AN OS who have had some experience in Brushsaaklhg. Address . ffcj IL M. ABBEIT, iee 245tpd j Richmond, Va. CAix AND SETTLE UP !VISiIING te fclbse our aeeoants 'to this date, wo respectfully ask all persons rdebte4.toos toeall and closo hei'r accounts either by cash or not. No new accounts will be made after this date. " Jaiuary J 631 , McQBE A WILLIAMS." ! i F, ' , J . ft, THE NEIT SESSION gF.'J. II. HOlt. MR'S SELECT' SCHOOL, at Oxford, N. C, will epea the eeooad Monday In January, 1863. Oxford, N. C1 Jec4, 1,862. , . dec 10 2m "; ; Auditor 'a Department. Q Hist, ATTENTION OF ALL l'EH80K$ . who are concerned lsf hereby called to tho Act 'of the General Assembly which creates the office of Au drtdr of Public Accounts. Aeeoants with the- State for the expenditure of Ciblio monej wilt be .required to coaform, in ail cases, achihg 'military affairs, to the Armv RoeulationB of fthe Confederate States r and all accounts, whether in the military or la the civil departments of the gov- rcneat are to be presented quarterly, and as soon as saay-b after the close of the regular quarter. ,im unuenignea- avails mm feu tho present op portunity to notify sJL who aro delinquent iu render jfgiiwittBH oi puouc money or property in their hands since tka commcnoomeat of the war now petid ing oi yje necessity or having their accounts pre pared afi! settled. -The attention of the General As sembly Ul b; called to the names of these persons, ad'aits will bk directed in case? where this notice is disregarded. -u .Claims againBt the Stat 3 will be audited according to the rules observed by the late Board of Claims. ,-i S. F. PHILLIPS, ja 1 6t Auditor, to. N. C. Six Per Cent. Coupon Bonds. Trkascrt Dkpaktmeut, N. C, ) j December 2Sth, 1862. J EALKD JPROPOSALS . WILL liE HE- CEIVED at this office until 10 o'clock, A. M., 2Gth January next,: for the purchase of f2O0,()OC) of Bonds, issued by the State of North Carotins, dated January 1st, 1863, running thirty years, and payable at tkisi Department 4 The above bonds will have Coupons attached, for interest at six per cent, per annum, payable 1st of July and 1st ef January in each year. " Successful bidders upon being informed of the ac ceptance of their bids, can deposit the amount of their bids, including tho interest accrued thereon, to the credit ef the Public Treasurer, in the Iiauk of North Carolina or Bank of Cape Fear, Raleigh. Parties Bidding will please adsress their letters en dorsed "Proposals for N. C. Stocks," to the Public Treasurer, at Raleigh, N. C." The bids wiQ be opened in the presence of the Gov ernor, Secretary ' and the Comptroller of State, aud the President of the Bank. of North-Carolina. dec 31-td D. W. COURTS, Pub. Trcas. 6000 Acres of Land and a Fine Flouring Mill for Sale. ON THE32D DAY OI JANUARY, 1863, at the late residence of Dr. Thomas Davis, in the County of Franklin, N. C, near the Partis Gold Mine, and 24 miles . Northwest of Rocky Mount Depot, I will sell by public vendue the late "Residence" of my testator, with 1200 acres of Land, (if not sold private- ly before tbe day of sale.) . The mansion is very com fortable, with $ rooms below and. 4 above stairs, with necessary outbuildings, vis ' Barns, Stables, Corn Crib, .Forage Rooms, Qin Ilouse, Ice House, Carriage Houses, Ac. The negro cabins are sufficient to ac commodate a large number of negroes. Also tbe well known FLOURING MILL, new in fine running or der, with a large and profitable custom. The balance of the' land will be surrey d before the day of sale, and laid off ia tracts oi from 500 to 1000 acres. One of these tracts has been workod in gold digging suc cessfully, and contains a large quantity of mining laud rich in gold. The surveyor will begin his werk of surveying on the 2d day of January next, aud per sons wishing to examine the land would do well to accompany him around the tract. At the same time and place I will offer for sale, with a reserved bid, all the mining interest of my testator in the tract known as the SIM'S tract, now in the oc cupancy of Capt. J J. Jones. This tract is in imme diate contiguity with the celebrated Portis Qold Mine, at a rich point, where 120 pennyweight has been ta ke in a single lump. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN TUHNI- TUBE. At the. same time. I will sell the rni,lnA nf ibi Household ai.d Kitchen Furniture, consisting of I -Piano. 1 Sideboard. 1 Butou, t BduK Case, 1 Bod, "-TtrBediteads, a large quantity of Bed Clothe?, Carpets, Towels, Table! Cloths, Blankets, Crockery, all the Kitchen Furniturea large lot of miscellaneous books and a Medical Library. a STEAM SAW MILL. Ob the 23rd of January, at the Steam Saw Mill, I will sell the Steam Saw MjUand fixtures, alFin ex cellent repair and good running order, with ouo extra Saw ; also, a Urge lot of Lumber of various kinds. Terms at sale, and will be easy. ! ; B- MASSKNBUBO, Ex'or dee $1 ids i - of Dr. Thomas Davis.- . Standard oepy till day of sale. " S "Good" Land For Sale. Ik FY TRACT OF LAND IN THE COUN- lYl tJ f Franklin, eight miles S. East of Louis bug on the Cypress Creek, is in ''Market." The tract contains 1144 Acres. Eaoogh "rich" bottom to make) 700 barrels of Corn is now open, well ditched and "easy to cultivate and with tho open high land 1100; barrels' Corn can be easily made the present vear.' Xae improvements consists of 8 Neno Cabins. - l 0?rseers House, Can. Cribs and Stables. This ia believe to be tl tile very best tract of land in tbe CkHroty.' . I can suppljr the purchaser of this trafct with Si Bis. Corn, 43 Stacks Fodder and 500 lbs Pork. .Also $40 Acres near DaVi X Roads, 3 miles from Loaisburf and IS frm Nashville. The improv- maats are one Frame ilouse 29x20 with Basem&ut om and Stone Chioraev, two Cabins, enough open land' to make 200 Bis. Corn, with a goud Ai nle Or chard. . Mora land can be easily fenced 4o make 200 Blsv'Coro. r .- - . In nta absceaea Mr. N. B. Maasenburtc is author isad to SelL Cenvrv title. Ac. to these lands, and Lieut. W. E. Davis and Mai. S. W. Brodce will take pleasure in snowing them. 1 ' - mmm w ttrffrt x ! v , I. W. VALB. Lauisburg, Jan. 10 tlF - -ohkw jonnur ana reiersDurg express copy im IstTb- ' ' i : Warrenton Fern. CpL Institute. mHIai JIN8TiTUTION nAS BEEN IN X ; operation since 1841, and will commeneo its 44th Session Janaary 8 to, 1863. - The fttse compel an ad Vange ia prices. ."-.' Tsaas. . JJ-ard per Seos. of 28 weeks; $125 ; washing, lighu and fael in rooms, $1$ ; English Tuition, from $ 1 7.50 toIZftl.d; Music and ose of Intrtuient3, 525 ; Laa raapjea, each $19- Statlooery, ; Fael for School Room, $2. Different styles of Pais ting, Drawing ai. J Embreidary at former prices. For particulars apply to 4 ' dee 31 lm! J. WILCOX, Prio. ,.-'-- For Sale. TfeTWEJEN THUKI4 ANl FOUR HUN- ia npvr inuvr ni? T.ivn aW ii tajt tVinr m i1fJsVa dad West of Raleiglr, and adjacent to the North Car- mMm VaWl AV-sw vr Muya ta ana Railroad. Apply to :Jot 19 f WM. O. HILL. POUND,. Ilf THE HTKLE'IT OF it A L- JLr aip-n. a COUPON which ha been datachod from a North Carolina Bond, which tb wner can have on amllaaiioa ml ihm Pahiie Xsaosarer's Office, by de- . .. . . - - . : i r 1 V iBS) ISW SUM SjWUIHH VI VftMtA Oiiupvu, UIV tl) HtsVertisemni. cc 1 tf arioss mvim Sam this Notice to Commanding Omcers of Militia Hogiments n ne First CopgredsiorisLI' District, N. C. COMttATWOlNOFPICKHSOF MILITIA Regiments in the aforesaid District, are hereby notifitd to assemble all. mon-enrolled by them cn the 16 th December, 18G2, jas conscripts iu their respective regime a ts. at the following places and dates, for exam ination and. final enrollment, vix: Commander of the 36th Regiment at Jaeksoa, on the 15th day of January, 1863. Commander of the! 6th Regiment, at Win ton, 22d January, 1S63. Commander of the Sth and 9th, at Windsor, 29tlr January, 1S63. Commander of the; 10th, at WUliasaston, 5th Feb ruary, 1S63. 1 Ifsucd in obedience to Special Ordar, No. 12, by Col. Peter ilnllett, Commandant, of Con scripts io North Carolina. Lt THOMAS J. STEWART, Enrolling officer First Congressional Dist, N. C. j . W. R. CAPE II ART, Examining Sxlrgeon First Coag. DisU, N. C. jan 7 lm j . " t - , ' - Committed To Jail. WAS COMMITTED TO TUE JAIL OF Warren County-, on the 31 at daj of December last as a runaway, a N.egro man who says his name is Washington Newell ; 'that he belongs to Cap. Wm. Siujth of the tiUi Regiment N. C Troope, ami that his master lives in Faquicr County, Va., when at home, lie also says he escaped from the Jail of Wake Coaa ty soma six or eight week's since, and subsequently, from Nash County Jail. Said Negro ia n dirk gus get cake or bacon color ; about i icct 5 or 0 inches high, has bad toeth ia ffont and appears to be abdat 10 or 45 years of age. Tbe owner must prioye property, pay charges and take him away or ho will be doalt with as the law di rects. : . WM. L, 11AUHISS, Jan. 10. tf Jailor. A' P It 1 V LADIES A T il SCHOOL FOtt YOU!1 will behopened by Miss M A nod a, at the residence of her mothjer, in Orange County, on the 20th January, 186;L jThcy will roceivo instruction in the English branches jand Music; and find a home in her mother's family. I Parents and jruardians who de sire further, particulars, will please address ; Miss M. P. MANOUM, either at Red Mountain, or Flat River, Orange County N. C. , i . dec 13-2m JijCAIigUSKTKBS ClVALUr BR (1 oldsbajro', N. C. Jan. 5,1 iRlQAbK .1862. UKNERAlft OUDlHJ i, No. 17. $ 11. THE Fnt.LuWrNa NAMED NON-COM. missioned officers aad yrivalee, belonging to the 63rd Kog't North Carolina ilroops, Partisan Rangers, are published as deterterS r I : ' CoafAT B. j COKFAHT t. Private Thomas CaxeS- Privats Paul C Cardin Johnson H. Evans CoarAMT Eb j Privato James Vest ! " Max K Wood! " Joh-n Tully Compart K. i John Crabtree Jas Davis B Minikin Andrew MilUway Wm. Rogers W A Btratfenstradt Scrgt 1) U SherrilL Thirty dollars reward is offered for the apprehen sion and delivery to' Col. P. U. Evans, cotaiaaading C3rd Kcgimcnt N. 0. Troojis, Partizan Rangers, of each or any one of the above named deserters Bjr ordej of Brig. Kien, B. 11. RoaicaTSoa,' Com manding Cavalry. I CHA8. II. GORDON, jan 14 rt. Captain A A. A. G. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. At the annual meeting of the North Carolina Mutual i ire lasu ranee Company, held on the 14th January, 1862, the follow ing persons wero elected Directors and Officers for the ensuing j ear: i ' 't DIRECTORS. Henry D. Turner, Raleigh ) John H. Willjams, do. T. U. Selly, do. - C. W. D. HuAcbiings, do Kemp. P. Battle, do. Uoorge Little, j do. James M. To wles, do. James E. Hoy4 Washington, Alexander Mitchell, Newbern. Jos. G. Wright! Wilmington. J.ohn M. JonoaJ Edenton. George. W. Chuirles, Elizabeth City Jna. ItamKay, Plymouth. J. W. Harreli, ilarfreosborough- II. li. Williams, Charlotte. Samuel Watkirja, Milton. A. W. Steel, Tiyetteville. 4 .Joseph White,.jAnson county Josh. Boner, Silcm. A. P. Summy, sAsheville, officers; of tub company T. II. Selby, Prenident. llonry D. Turmer, Via do. John 11. Bryau, Attortiey. ; llamden S. Smith, Secretary and Treaiurer T . II. Selby, tx-ojjicio, John R. 'Williams, V Ex. Commitf. C.TV. D. HuAchings, j This Company has been ia successful operation over 13 years, and continues to take risks upon all Masses of property in tbe State, fexcent Steam Mills and Terpentine Distilleries) upon favorable terms. Its Tolicica now cover property amounting to nearlv $4,000,000, a large portion, of which is in couatrv risks ; and its present capital is over Four Hundred Thousand Dollars; in ibonds properly secured. An communication's in reference to insursmce should be addressc 1 to the Secretary, postpaid. HAM DEN 8. SMITH, 8'y. January IStb, 186.?. jan 22 NOlMUl XlA.liftUX.U4A LIFK INSURANCE COMPANY .--OFFICK UALKIiiU, N. C.-flllta COMPANY takes ruka up u ail healthy lives between the ages of 14 and fj ! years fur j one year, for seven years, or forlila ihe aurer Jor life participating ia the pro fits of the Cuinpany.' Blaves between the ages of 10 and and CO years, are insured for oae or five year, for two-thirds their uiarkct value. ; All losses are "piid; withia 00 days after satisfactory proof is presented, j DIRECTORS FOR 1861 AND 1862. Charles E. Johneon, Wua. II. Jones, Wm. W.lHoldenj, IL W. HusUd, J. fl. Wniiaius, ! P. P. Pescud, Quentin 13 us bee, K. P. Battle, Wm. 11. McKee, W. S. Mafun, Everard Hall, Battle. Charics B. Rao Uictfd 11. OFFICERS. Dr. Chasi E. Johnson, Presideat. W. W. Ifiolden, Vice President, i II. W". lliisted, Attoraey. , Wm. IL Junes, Treasurer. ' H. 11. Battle, Secretary. W. 11. McKoo, Medical Examiner. W. U. McKeo,! Charier B. Hojt,- v Erecurtrt (hmmitit. Q. Busbee, '). For further itift'ihnatiun, tho public is referred, the pamphlets and forms of propomi, which' may b ootained aL the Ofijoe of the Cvmpaay, or any of its Agencies. AJdjress - ' ! ! R. IL BATTLE, Bee'j. Raleigh Jan. 8,th, 1862. jan 11 A' NOT HER LAHUC & ' VALUAJILE stock of Imported DrufS, pr Steamer Kate, was nurchaaed bv the sabscriber at tha aal in Charleatua on tbe 12th inst., which is daily expected and will be sold in Vets to sunt purchasers, at a small aavattte. This is a rare uppoHuaity for Pbjuieians aad eouatry merchants to reffiie&ish their stocks for fall trade. Taajia, Cash o.1sxivekt. be lellewhag aoasprt scs in pmrt the stotsk referred to vis : 200 oa. Quinine, 100 gal. C-itor Oil, 150 lbs. Camphor, 699 lbs. Pep per, 1 Cose Ho vartfs Calomel, do. led. Potasa, 1 aVg. Sulpher, 3 Packages Chlorate Potars, 300 do. Alum, 8 teases Kag. Msstard, 1 Case Morphine ia ex vW, ,1 Package Cnium,! do. Ajafu:tida, 1 Case EngTB. W. sa l Omnibus iSoaps, 5 bbs. Lard Oil, 25 DM. Tanner Oil, 100 lb. Y.llow Ws Fine T-Jotb Coombs, Ivory, Hpts. Nitre, Lunar Caustic, and many ex tracts too tedious Va mention. Bend erders eoou to P. F. PESCUD, Raleigb, N. C. nov. 1. i Committed rno Tin: 4 a ii, ov wake corNTr.OIf X the llkh ot JSiuviinber. 1163, a uecrr m wbo s.ys his -name i illATtUr, and that he beloags te John Tboinas Msbano, of UtiUm -County, fluid boy i alj. ut 35-year uf age, and of dark complexion. -r-i .aT mmliX WrsVtai n fl Si at mtt ii tm ma ffMP k J . " . - dealt wilh astheUw directs. w. IL UIQH, Sbff. dec 17 tf rfvc 15th, 1S62. T MIE FIRST YEAR Ol TUli WAU. Pollard, Author of VBfack D By Edwaho A amends," Ac - Price, j When sent by; mail, se3 ; 12.00 $1.50 W. L. POMRROT.