m - ? . - rr - hub n jfi nimi RHms ! g,siative SATURDAY JlORNING, JANUARY 24, ,I83. 4- IT No Northern mail vu receive! H&leigh onfiursday eyening. ' ; FBOU EASTERN. CAROLINA. J AViLviiNOTOfl', J an. 22. Iv is seini- officially re- Sorted that theienemy bare burst the bridge at acksbnville, Obsloir G..H.j ud retired towards Nswbern.; AlljuleVbere. f i i FROM! FREDERICKSBURG. I j FsKDimicaa1 Jan "--"A,-flag or truce; came over this morning, but do Northern papers received. Tbe Officer in charge of the flag said; the capture of Arkansas Post bad been confirmed, by an official dispatch from McClernard la Hal-j leclr. j j. ' s:- rl ' ! Rained all da yesterday and the) nighl previ-; out. Rappahannock swollen several feet ithis morning. Aft attack is sti'l believed imminent' here. j ' j v , T : from! the southwest. !" KiChmosd, Jn 22;-Tbe following dispatch: from Tatlahoma dated Jan. 21st, has been receiv- s ed at Richmond After the capture! of the trans-' forts and guubo ,ts, our cavalrT made a duett for a arge flett ef transports jast below Harpeth Shoals. ence, ordnance snd quartermaster's storesof Sm-; mens quantity, mnd escaped by a haaty retreat. Our troops, in knidst of ico and snow, crossed to the north sideofflhe Cumberland by swi musing their horses through an angry torrent, touch sol lan hv rncunt rafbs. and routed theeuard and cap.. tured and destroyed-an. immense cdllecjtion cf sub-: flsteoce .Stores jusi soaaea lor iransporiauon vu "Nasurill by wagons. j (Signed) j jskaaiujn bkauu, uenorai uonirnanaing. ' LlloBljL, Jan. 21. Advsrliser and Register has the following i ' I GEXAuLi;Jan. If. Five more i&nsonfers caDtored U . transports opposite White Bier, arrived to pfghti report!: UlSRaUBiaaVlon WO tinwru vrwpuHu uwrareiiii"; ration of Illinois and Indiana from, Yartkee; union is freely anvassed and favored by ATes i tern troop?. ' ! . JACKSON, Jan. 20. The Crisis publishes the following special jlis-' patch, dated Tatjgipahoe, Jan. 2. The New Or-1 leans "Picayune contains the official report of fthe' engagement boVween the Alabama and the U,. 8.1 gunboat Hattera, twenty miles from Galveston. The Hatteras wss sunk with all' on board except one officer and five men who were picked up by mo iiroOKiyo. iuh uu wus iruu-uau, carrying 3 rifled 32 pounderp. Tjhe Brooklyn, pursued the Alabama bat could not oTcrhsrul her4 cIrgo akrivedT" I j ! Savanna I, JaiJ. 21. ! Sobooner SwffV, Capt. Threadrift, from Nas- aau, with a cargo of salt, arrived this morning at a Uonieueraie iori. LATE FROM THE NORTH. ! PttTSKSBURd, January 20. Tbe. Baltimore American, of -Saturday evening is received. It, says the ffgbtirig i commenced at Arkansas Poet on the evening pf the 10th. j V ' 4 The garrtsonj 7,000 strong, surrendercJ on tha llth, uucondit'pnally. j , j The rebels vera cut pff from retreat on both5 sides of. the riv'er. I rebel army, wth a force of 4,000 men and 12F pieces ot artillery, attacked the relief and store ships'on.tbe Cupaberland, and succeeded in captur-' ingfive steamboats laden with valuable cominisaryi . sores and the j gunboat SUdell. devcral of thai! tSnfsi rviti I si i n A wminrTa1 sii-t)1i h" tnUn! while the boats were burning, were shot in the' water. . Tbe boats were all burnod; A heavy ram' is now rising rapidly. The Louisville road ican-l not be repaired for a long time, and there is n6 mall communication. The wires between Nash -j! vUle and Miirfreesboro'' were cut! by the Seceai hniats,and t4ra ia no news from, oaencranzr, ' Ninety thousand dollars Confederate funds were seized from Nashville brokers on Friday, and coni flscated by General Mitchell. I . I i Loagstreet has arrived at Shelby ville with thir bteon brigades from Lee's army, and will attack" Rosencrans nejxt'week with his entire force, num burins: 45,000 men. I . ' j A great snw storm occurred in the West on Friday. Several buildings were crushed from it weight In Cincinnati, ' 1 The railroad bridges at Frankfort were swept away on Thursday night. ' ' ; ' DBSERTKRSTURIES. 1 -aiOBfLiJsjnia. JLhe JUoMle Advertiser and neguierr nas receivea tne roiiowing aispatcirr -f-(1 bknadA January. 18.Twenty four prisont ers from (tne Illinois, Indiana and Ohio irei 'ments, captured on the Misssssippi, opposite White River, arrived here to dav. Ther eon firm iha report that thy Federal Generals Wyman, Steele J u oamu wot suiiea oeiore vicksDurg, and re present great dissatisfaction as existing among tho Western trocjpa, with an extreme hatred of the Eastern States, and anoarneat desire for the eslab lishmnt of peace. - i: r General SHerttan was placed ancier-arres't for disobedience of orders in makiqg the attack on Vrcksburg prematurely. ' nLThese prisoners surrendered' to. two of Starko8 cavalry. They say that the Western troops would all desert if possible. ' ; Our sooutsireport twenty five transports pass ing South on fTuesday last. LATE NORTHERN AND EUROPEAN .. . I NEWS. . i. ' The Indianapolis correspondent of the Cincin nati Commercial says Indiana is ripe for revolu tion within her borders. Tho plot of the Demo crati9 leaders! to seize the State arsenal was defeat ed by the vigilance of Gov. Mortin and a few other. ThaiesUblishmeDt of a Northwestern Confederacy Js boldly advocated by the Derao craticleade8, of Indiana. . j ' Vallandighaiia, in the House of Represer4tatives on tho 14th, Advocated an armistice. The lHer filT correspondent says the speech 'was lis ten ed to with the closest attention. 1 v Napoleon did hor allude to American affairs in bis reply to the Diplomatic Corps during hh new year'sk reception; When ; the Emperor passed where Daytoh stood he enquired what newsi; and on Dayton Referring to th bad news just re ceded, his majesty replied he regretted viti, and hoped it would be better during the yearj , The Herald ot the 15tb, reterfingf : to the news by the Uhini, says the effect produced upon the publio mind n Europe by the battle of Fredericks burs' was decidedlv bad. "Th rmtil- J lho meat disastrous event of the war ; in fact, a dciive battle which will render the achievement of the independence of the South a question mere ly of time, and very brief lime: . Iondof,pi and Berlin the friends tbe South were jubilant, while the friends1 f the Union were;ioppresed with gloom and filled wiSh . despondency. - . r. Tbk Aack ohWilminoton.-a dispatch from Wilmington, daledJan. 19 says the Urlcsson iron clads Moutank and Passaic are nolw iu Beaufort harbor waiting 'for ammunition. T-woother fprmtdabie Iron clads are4 undoubtedly on their way to jointheta. . Theie ajs iltorrqt baring .monsters, and the destination of this fleet i undoubtedly 'Wilmington.; :; .-'.jj : ; 1- j,, . Foot thouTTnd of Qen. Bragg's prisoneril cap." V'.t?1. fl,oyowrivefttRjckmon5. 7lPm6nU bn made. igul huaared of than mm. iA h... s3VJ a,, , ,M i mm n i - II ft : -I PROCEEDINGS! ADjetJKNXD 8XSSIOX. SENATE. ' TuicsZMLYt Janl SO, 1S63. The Senate-met at 11 o'clock-, sv quornm belntr presentnd was called to order, by the Speaker: i j Maj. Willie D.Jones, Senator elect from Wake in olace of Col. Russ. aDtcared.J dulVaaalifled. na-tooKnie tsu. -. . u . JV ,s. . . j M, While .introduced a bill to esUblish and Incorporate Vestal's Ford: Toil Bridge, on the Catawba river..' Referred. .,.' , - j The bill to secure the property of married wo men with the substitute proposed by the Commit teec wasorr motion made Uie special order for Friday, 12 oslock. ;'.' I Mr. Smith of Macon, by leave, presented a res ojntijn requesting the Governor to correspond with the Governor of Georgia, in regard to the purchase of a duplicate machine for the manufac ture of cotton cards and wire. 1 j Mr. Drake moved to amend by inserting "to be tbe property .of, and worked on account of the State," which was accepted by Smith J Referred to a special Committee. ; A message was received from the House propos ing to postpone tbe appointment of Justices ol the Peace until Saturday. Agreed to. Also, an engrossed bill extending the provisions o'tbe bill passed at the former session entitled "an Act for the relief of the families of deceased sol d ipr" in case of the death of the mother, to the n;xt of kin. ' . Mr. Brown offered an amendment 'that in else o ' the absence of the father for the term of six y ars, rfbt being heard from, money, due the son, shait be paid the mother surviving. Mr. Eure, moved to insert one year in lieu of i x, which amendment was accepted by Mr. Brown. Tbe amendment as .amended then passed and the bl'l under a suspension oi the rules passed Its third arid last reading. The Comrbitlee on tbe subject of purchase of a cotton card machine consists of Messrs. Smith of Macon, -Holeman, Adams, Young and Wig- g 08. On motion, the Senate adjourned to 1,0 o'clock, Wednesday. & . ... . ..- w " HOUSE O'F COMMONS. ' i i... Tvkbdat Jan. 20. ' . The Speaker called the House to order at half post V o clock. . - s- t The roit was caueu oy tfte vierK, anu a quorum being present, the House proceeded to business. ! Mr. Foust,of Randolph, and Mr. Smith, of Washington, mernbers elect . from tbe counties named, were qualified and took their seats. I Thi Speaker laid before the House a communi cation from tiie Hon. R. M. Saunders, transmit ting u presentment from tbe Grand Juries of Polk and Cleavelandj pountiss, relative to the refusal, of certain persons to take Confederate notes v and presenting as a public grievance the exemption fifqm CocBcrlption of Justices of the Peace under forty-five years old, and abo the exemption of Militia Ofilcers within the same age, also, extor tjob on the necessaries of life. Referred to the Committee on propositions and Grievances. S RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED, j By Mr. Shepherd, for the appointment of a Committee to consider the expediency of tak ing measures to protect the people from small pox. - j By Mr. Love, a resolution, requesting the Gov ernor to communicate to the House, if not incom patible with the public interest, such reports as ha may have from General Officer relative to the late raids of the enemy in the Eastern portion of Notth Carolina. Concurred in. j Mr. Waddell introduced a bill to stop interest on, any debt where a tender of payment has been made in Confederate notes afed refused. j Mr. McCormick introduced a bill to amend the act passed this session, entitled an act "for the re lief of deceased soldiers' families." It extends the distribution of deceased soldier's effects among the next of kin if his parents are deceased. j Under a suspension of the rules the bill passed its! several readings and was ordered to be en grossed and sent to the Senate. Mr. Henry, of Bertie, introduced the follow ing resolutions which were ordered to be prin ted and made the special order for twelve o'clock, ThuTBday next. See editorial column. The Speaker laid before the House the resig nation of Mr. Baldwin, member from Columbus. i Mr. Shepherd announced the death of one of t,mq luemuera irom graven. , : Writs of election were ordered to' fill the va cancies, on- the 29th instant. Mr. Jostner introduced a bill to legalize the proceedings. of a countycourt of Lincoln coun ty, said proceedings having been irregular. Massed its several readings under a suspension of tho rules. ' r 'f Mr. Peebles introduced a bill relative to the emancipation of slaves, by last will and testa ment. Referred. Mr. Henry, of Bertie, a bill to authorize the Govefnor to employ a messenger for the Execu tive office. Passed its several readings under a suspension of the rules. The Speaker luid before the House communi cations from the counties of Catawba, relative to conscripts, and from Burke, relative to the i 1 ' i -r i. jelusal ol a bank or banks to receive Confede- :' Mr. Shepherd moved that a message be sen to the Senate. Dronosine to susDend the ioint order, to appoint Justices of the Peace this day, until oaturday next: Carried. Mr. Peebles introduced a resolution - instruc ting, pur Senators, and requesting our Represen-. xatives. m Congress to endesver to have an act passed making Confederate notes a legal 'tender. l r . .J ii i i.'u .1 'T.j!.'! avtjieneu lu tuo umiuiiveo on tue j uaiciary on motion of Mr. Amis. On ' motion of Mr. Watson, the Revenue B was made the special order for Wednesday next. - ' On motion of Mr. Waddell, a Committee was appointed to wait on his Excellency the Gover nor, -and inform him that both Houses of the Legislature were again assembled, and would be pleased to receive any communication he might desire to make, and after waiting, on the Governor the committee reported 'that the Governor would communicate with the Leg islature in writing on to-morrow, at twelve io'clock. On motion of Mr. Shepherd, the House took up for consideration, a bill to authorize the in corporated towns of the State to leavy an ad va loretnt&x on slaves. The hill passed its, second and third readings. s . : On motion of Mr. McCormick, the House took iun for consideration a bill to incorporate the Western North Carolina Copper Mining and Smelting Company. An amendment proposed 1y the committee was concurred in, and the bill passed its second and third readings. Mr. W addell; moved a-auspension of the rules, fixing certain hours for adjournment.. Carried, and the House adjourned until ten o'clock, to morrow morning. - , SENATE. WXDKXSDAT.'Jan. 21. senate was tailed to order at 10 o'clock. Mr.Smilh, from the Committee on the resolu tion ih regard to the purchase of s cotton card j machine, reported a substitute authorizing the (Governor to corresrvond-' with the Governor of Georgia, and to draw on .the Treasurer for pur - chftso money, it deemed expedient to purchase it. The substitute then passed its third reading. and on motion of Mr. Wiggins the rules were suspended and it was sent to the House asking its concurrence. I The bill to organize the State reserve of 5000 men with tbe substitute, proposing to raise 10, -000 volunteers for Stata defence, was read the second time, and on motion of Mr. Sbarpe, laid on .the table, and the House bill (commonly call ed the tea; regimen, bill) , was taken ap for cott sideratien on its second reading. , , m . v . ' Mr. Brown moved to postpone until to-morrow 12 o'clock. Carried. : A message was received from the House, trans mitting the following eo'grosaed bills and resolu tion, which psei their flrafereliDr. , I I I t" - T pgist to the Engrossing Clerks. Adopted. . . . A resolution in favor xf IT. Wker. . . r A resolution in favor of GidponvB. TJireadgilT. . A bill to legalize certain acts tt the County Court ot lAnpdm.QqaajK IZ .. , V- A bill to authorize the Goverporto employ messenger for Executive departmenL . , ...,.-.,. . , A bill to authorize the Treasurer rto 'employ a clerk to sign bonds. , , .1 '. A bill to authorize Corporations" to lay an ad Talooem tax on alavep. ;, . A resolution In favor of .Charles Bird.. ' The bill to appoint a Treasurer for the Literary Board was read Jthe second time, and onnsotion "of , M-f. Matthews, laid on jthe table. , ', - A bill granting-certain powers to salt commit' ionerajpasaed iu several readings, v ' , ' Mr. Graham presented bill amendatory to the bill passed at the last session, entitled fan, act to change tbe. jurisdiction of the i Courts,, and the rules of pleading." Ordered to be printed and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. ,', The resolutions in regard to clothing prisoners at Salisbury .were referred to the Committee on Propositions and Grievances. On motion the Senate then, adjourned to 10 o'clock, Thursday. : - HOUSE OFCOMMONa ;.. . -Wxdsmdat, Jan. 21. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Amis introduced. a resolution granting the use of, the Commons Hall this evening to the Young Men's Christian Association, for the de livery of a Lecture before, that body. Concurred in. v .-..I '.. Mr. Waddell introduced a reaolution relative to a notioa published in the city papers from Rob ert E.' Walker, Provost Marshal, requiring the citizens of Raleigh and all other persons to procure passes before leaving the city, requesting the Gov ernor to procure from the Confederate Govern ment permits for all members of the General As sembly and the officers of the same '. to pasa and repass from and to Raleigh or elsewhere within the Confederate lines, without being subjected to the order of the said Robert E. Walker, Provost Marshal. . r; 1 ; : Mr Peebles opposed the resolution, and Messrs. Foy and Waddell sustained it. Mr, Fowle proposed the following as a substi tute: Resolved, That a select Committee of five be appointed to enquire into the power under which Lieutenant R: E. Walker, calling himself Pro vost Marshal, requiret&U citizens to obtain, pases before ejhey leave the city of Raleigb, and tj re port by bill or otherwise. Mr. Foote sustain his substitute and Mr. Wtd dell opposed it, preferring his own resolution. The question was put and the substitute con curred in, and Messrs. Fowle, Grissom, Peebles, Foy, and Allison appointed the committee under it. A message was. received from the Senate trans-. mttting an engrossed bill fiom the nouse, amend ing an ordinance of tbe Convention, providing relief for the families of deceased soldiers with an amendment by that body. The amendment was concurred in by the House. . Mr. Foy introduced a series of resolutipns rela tive to the suspension of tbe writ of habeas cor put ia Salisbury, and other portions of the State. Requiring the Governor to call a special court in Salisbury, for tbe trial of such citizens of this State as have been imprisoned there under a sus pensions of this writ." On motion of Mr. McKay the House proceed ed to consider a bill from tbe Senate for the re lief of landlords. Tbe bill was amended and passed its several readings. The hour having arrived for Ihe consideration . of the special order, theHouse proceeded to the consideration of the Revenue .bill. . A number of amendments, were proposed, some of which were concurred in. Ponding its consideration the following message was received from His Excellency, Gov. Vance : To the Honorable, the General Assembly of North Carolina : . With the flight -of time great events have oc curred and are now crowding upon us. Since your adjournment in December, the invaders of our State have concentrated a. large force upon our coast, and are again threatening our remain ing seaports and lines ot oommunicatioe. Every preparation possible has been made to resist them, and it is hoped not without success. Still much remains to be done to strengthen our army and add to its efficiency. I beg leave respectfully to offer a few suggestions to you on this subject. The most serious evils with which our generals have to contend are the inefficient execution of the concript law and tht alarming increase of de sertion in tbe army. A long absence from home and the severe hardships of our rapid and won derful campaigns' naturally tends to produce these effects during a protracted war. To arrest these delinquents and return them to duty, tbe militia have -heretofore been employed with some degree of success ; but latterly they have been found inefficient, owing to the many obstacles in terposed by the law. Should an officer start out to arrest a deserter, the friends of the latter have only to give the alarm and he is spirited out of the way, or' the officer is resisted by oped violenc. As desertion is not a crime known to the laws of this State, these persons who thus shield the de serter from arrest are liable to no punishment. The consequence is that numbers ol deserters are yuuvwm im.f , i j , i., tftbAjState,and band ing together for company and , mulllar pi v uouuuu j depredate upon the citizens near them, thus form ing a kind of outlawed population in the midst of our quiet and orderly .people. This state of things, ruinous alike to tbe dis cipline of our army and the morals of our people, ought not to be suffered to continue and might be prevented in my opinon by a little prudent leer- islation. With the consent of the highest mili tary authorities from- whose , commands they are absent, 1 propose to give absentees from the army 'without leave, by proclamation, thirty days in which they may return to duty free of punish ment, and after that time to make them liable for the delay, to the severest penalties of the law. To enable the authorities to effect their arrest, I recommend, as I had, the honor to do in my reg ular message to you,, that the militia laws be se amended as to subject both officers and privates of any particular company. or regiment of the militia to the articles of war, when ordered to perform any duty of this kind at tbe discretion of the Executive ; that power-be given the Exe cutive summarily to drop from theTelbi officers guilty of gross and wilful neglect of -duty, 'and that it be made a crime to shieklor harbor deser ters or to assist them to avoid capture; Should it be deemed best to continue to use the militia of the State for executing the Conscript law, tbe amendments willbe indespensable. as Congress hat failed in- these respects to provide for the en forcement of iu own acts. ! w.-. . I have been applied to in several instances as the appointing power of Jthe regimental oddrs of oar regiments raised oticrinally for three year or the war, to promote men for gallant and merit torious conduct, but on close examination of the law I find I have no authority to deviate from the regular order of promotion by seniority ia the appointment of company officers. - -. . . This power ought to reside somewhere the good of tbe service requires it. The humblest private in the ranks of the army joaeht , to feel that there-is the power and tbe will & lift him aoove tne en urn oie position .ta a 4 commissioned Officer, as a reward for eallaniry and heroism. I 1 therefore recommend that this authority be vest I ed in the Executive, to be exercised upon proper recommendations of commandinar offlcara in the- lew. ,. - .. . , .-. The subiect of arresting- citiaena en charges ol disloyalty I beg leaye again to allude to. Many have been recently taken up by the Coatederats) officers ; and with a spirit of courtesy, and respect for State authority, turned over to me for invea ligation. I am at a loss hww to dispose of them. I cannot examine them myself, and of coarse re gard it inconsistent with jay duty to set them at liberty without .an examination, and; J am ytt more unwilling to see them placed in the Confed erate prison at Salisbury where the track of the accused all lead la one direction end thej light of old English liberty is never a lUierefore rsr eommepd the esublUbing of a .cemisaiev.xer thaiaTeaUgaUoh oi char res agaiiut alltartt - eras with power, to commit for trial before the proper tribunal, If sufficient cause appears, $c. In' this . connection J, take great' pleasure in transmuting a1 letter "from Hon. Jas, 8. Seddon, Secretary of War, ia relation to the ease of VR. J. Graves, and in response to the demand for hit delivery to tin authority of this State, made iff obedience to ; a joint, resolution of your ' two Houses. Admirable in spirit, ample in explana tion of Ihe-circumstances under' whioh the arrest war made, and in expressions of regard tor the right! 'and. sovereignty of the State, 1 am tare that,7 accompanying as it did the. prompt surren der of .the accused, it cannot fail to give ypu the satisfaction 1 experienced on its percsal. " . -- In vfew of the threatened invasion of the State, I have been advised by tbe War Depart ment, to call cut the militia to assist in repelling it Having consulted with the General !n com mand of this Department, I concluded to do sO but am at least doubful of my authorify to take the step, whiter your, body is in session. Not wishing to exercise any doubtful authority, when your presence and approbation may so easly make it certain, I most respectfully recommend that I be authorized' immediately to call out such por tions of the militia at may be deemed sufficient to -meet tbe present emergency. ! have the honor herewith to transmit copies of resolutions on various subjects, ot the Legis latures of the State of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Alabama, forwarded to me by their respective "Executives with -a request, that they would be laid; before you. Tbe most impof t&stt of the'se relates to the proposition of guarantee ing by ach State of its proportion of the Confed erate War debt, and to these I invite your early and deliberate. attention. I am also pleased to be able to inform you that the correspondence conducted by me with the War Department, at your request, in relation to the burning of cotton in Eastern North Carolina, was: entirely satisfactory, though for prudential reasons I thought it improper to make it public. Very respectfully, Z. B.VANCE. The message and accompanying docnmenls having been read, they were ordered to be sent to the S.ehate with a proposition to print. Mr.' Amis; introduced- a resolution to repeal to theirule of the House now in forcerelative to the hours of "meeting and adjournment of the House. Laid,over under the rule. " The House resumed the consideration of the Revenue Bill, and continued its consideration un tir the hour of adjournment. --.... - The Senate was occupied Thursday mainly in- the consideration "r the lei Hegjment Dill- Quite a spirited discussion took place on tlfb' dif ferent amendments proposed. Messrs Taylor, of Chatham, Smith, of Macon, and Li ndsey favor ing the original bill, and Mesgrs Lane, Young, Copeland, Ellis asd Murriil opposing it. Pend ing an amendment of Mr. Lane forbidding the enrollmentSpf conscript?? in the State force, the Senate adjourned. ' - In the House nothing was done of importance, tho'session being mostly taken up with the con-J sideralion of the Kevenue bill; CONFEDERATE CONGRESS. Richmond Jan. 30. In the Sonata to-day Mr. Yaneey . introduced a bill providing that the Sec setary of tbe Navy, when approving and announ cing a decision of a Court MaUial, shall do so witbouV injurious senectioDs upon the -Court and in terms of respect for that body. After a long debate the bill was referred to the Committee on aval Affairs. In the House Mr. Miles from the Military Comf mittee, reported a bill, requiring the enrollment of all persons between the ages of 18 and 45, and repealing the present exemption Isws, leaving ex emptions and details to the Secretary of War, with the approval ot Ibe President, and suspending tne enrollment of all such persons until the President shall call them into military service. Made the order of the day for to-morrow. The House then went into secret session onlhafl part of the rresident s message relating to tne qe- iv.ering of captured officers to the Stales for pun - ishmentV Jan. 21. In tlie Senate nothing of importance was dose in open session. The House debated tho exemption bill most of he day. Many amendments were offered. Fend ing a motion, to recommit the bill, tbe House went into, secret session to receive a message trora the President. Jan. 22. The Senate was in secret session -to day. In the House- Mr. Garland introduced a retaliation bill which was referred. The House agreed to recommit the exemption bill, and Mr. Hilton moved to reconsider tbe bill which was debated till adjournment. Liir- Vaccination. A paper on re-vaccination was recently presented to the Academy of Medi cine at Paris, in the name of Dr. Vlemincks, one of its corresponding members. The author gives an account of the experiments instituted at liaud, by Dr. Denopole, with a view to ascertain the ad vantages arising from a repetition of vaccination at variouB periods of life. The results arrived at are that between tbe ages ol twenty and iorty re- vacci nation only takes effect upon four out of ona hundred Datients. while the proportion of those on whom it takes eneot between tne agea oi forty and sixty re 23 per cent.; and between the fiffes of sixty and seventy, 54 per cent. The cor- respmieiu . : i i i ... wm mw i That until tne age oi twenty-nve re--vaccinauon is useless, Z. That trom that age to tnirty-ave it nrnrfiiop tmefiil effect unon a verv small number of persons, and that consequently it need not be very strenuously recooimenaea at inat periooof life. That from the age ot tnirty-nve and up wards it becomes really prophylactic, and there fore necessary. v 4. That when - vaccination has not taken effect at a certain . period, this is no rea son for concluding that, it will not take effect at some future period. 4 Office North Carolina It. It. Co. A , . Company Shoos, Jan. 19, 1863. i TiIVIDEND NO. 4 OF TEN PER CENT- XJ en the Capital Stock of this Company, will be paid to the Stockholders, and persons authorised by powers of attorney, on and after the second day of rebrnary next. Certificates not heretofore presented will stul be re quired before payment. tty order of tne uoara oi uyectors. ' JOHN H. BRYAN, Jr., jan 25 2t - Secretarv T. W. ROYS TON, t . -i PETERSBURG, VA MANUPACTURER OP CITIZENS and military xlttning of all kinds, in the best style. Cloths,: Cassimeres and Vestings of all tho bet patent, Staff Buttons, wholesale orretail Trim mings of all kinds, Ac, uoicr jbaee oy tne piece or at retail tin fact, I have a complete stock of nulitary Shirts, Drawers, Socks, Gloves, Cravats, Ties and Uniform all ready made; .None but tho. besthands employed at , .; , t. W. ROYSTON'S . 57 Sycamore street F.'S. Orders for military clothing promptly filled, jas 21 ly .T.V.K. S15;0OO IN.N.-C. & PER, CENT. BONDS Sale. W. H. JONES, Cashier. Jan. iv xi SHALL FARM OF ABOUT 40 ACRES .'In thO Tillage, Of Oak Hill, Granville oouaty, N. C J2 miles from Oxford. Tkere is a good dwelling, sehool bouse, and out-houses- on the ptaee." Also, a wy gde4,Appl Orchard. Mr. Vs. H. Paryoar, the Postmaster at Cak Hill, will show any ootf the prem- Uisea. For information regarding terms,. Ae., address .x. - i . ' ; r. BINFQaD, jan 21 2m.. KichntonoV -Va. TNOUWD; IN" THE STREETS OF RAL- X1 "elgh, a COUPON which has beeu. detached frem a North Carolina Bond, which the owner eaa hare oa application at the Publio Treasurer's Office, by de- 1 seribing the No. and amount of said Coupon, and by payug-sor uu aaverseent. t . oo i--u rTTHE FIRST YEAR OF THE WAIL- JLJ By Eiwatu A. Pollsud, Author of MBlaek D lAoads,? Ae. . s -r - - it Priofc--;, - - $2.0' 1 JiTaABi mi hw afl . , - ra& UTOlUaOT. EXCHANGE NOTICE NO. 4. ': - Richbtohd, Va., Jan. 10, 1863. . The following ofaeers asd men. have been daly x ehangsd, and are hereby, so declared. " 1 All elSoers aaduen eaptorsd in Kentucky, Ten nessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina, up to December 10th, 188 J. e: All.Ooers and mSa osptared in Missouri, Kan New Mexico, Arisona, Arkansas and Louisiana, tfpte Janaary Iit,18C3. - 3 .Ths tw foregoing sections apply not only, to offi ers and men of the Confederate service, bat alse to all persons eaptored in arms or hostile array against th United States, whatever may have been the char acter of (he military organisations to which they were attached and. whatever may have been the terms of the parolej given by thenv If any are in Federal pri sons, they arw' to b immediately released,- and deliv ered to the Confederate authorities ' . 4. All persons who have been eaptared on the sea or seaooast of the Confederate or United States, op to December 10th, 186J. j If any such are in Federal prisons, they are to be immediately released and de livered to the Confederate authorities. 5. All Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City Point np to Janaary 6th, 1863. 6. All Confederate officers And mm .who have been delivered at Vicksburg up to December 23d, i862, and including said date. 7. All paroled Confederate offioers and men-receipted for at Vieksborg op t0 Dmnber 2Sd, 18A2. and iaclodUf eJt4-dMe. ; ' ' I- All Confederate offioers and men captured and paroled at Fredarioksbarg, Va,, in December, 1862 9-' All Confederate officers and men captured and paroled at Goldsboro N. C, in December, 1862. Iff. Other miscellaneous and minor exchanger, of which the appropriate officers will be duly informed. . Nera. AU Confederate officers and men who had been captured, in , Virginia or 'Maryland, before the first of November, 1862, and ' all Confederate officers and men who -at any time- had been delivered at Ai ken's landing, were declared to be exchanged by a former notice No 3. . ROBERT OULD, Jatt 17 f.t : Agent of Exchange. SNTJFFS ! i SNUFFS ! ! WE ABE NOW PREPARED TO BE oeive orders fer Nelson "A.Maruiis'S celebrated Sootch Snuffs, vis : .! "Sootch" (la papers) in Boxes. St) lbs. Scotch," loose in Barrels, 120 lbs. "Rappee," in 20 lb. Jars. 'Macawber,' iu 20 rb. Jars. For sale by . SMYTH A CO., Sole Agents. Petersburg, Nov. 22d, 1962. nov 22 3m I AW mmmm e mmM J VM emy. IfTUIE FIFTH. ACADEMIC YEAR OF -JU tbw iBibrauon wui eommenee on tbe first Wednesday in. Febraaey, 1863. For Circulars and information, apply to MAJ. WM. M. GORDON, Supt. H. M. A., nov 29 4m Hillsboro', N. C. CALL AND SETTLE UP! WISHING to close our accounts to this date, we respectfully ask all persons indebted to us to call and close .heir accounts either by cash'or not. No new accounts will t be made after this date. . January 1, 186341 McGEE & WILLIAMS. THE NEXT SESSION OP J. II. HOR NER'S SELECT SCHOOL, at Oxford, N. C, will open theseeend Monday in Janaary, 1863. Oxford, N. C. Dee. 4, 1862. Sec 10 2m Auditor's Department. THE ATTENTION OF. A LI. PERSONS who are concerned is hereby called to the Act -of the General Assembly which. creates the offioe of Au ditor of Public Accounts. Acoounts with the State for the expenditure of publio money will be required to conform, ia all cased, touohing military affairs, to the Army Regulations of the Confederate btates ; and. all account?, whether in the military or in the civil departments of ttre gov ' era ment are to be presented quarterly, and sa soon as may be after the close of the regular quarter. The undersigned avails himself of the present cp portnnity to notify all who are delinquent in rendfcr- in accounts of publio money or property in their hands since the commencement of the war now pend ing of the necessity of having their acoounts pro pared and settled. The attention ef the General As sembly will be called to the names of these persons, and suits will be directed in oases where this notice is disregarded. Claims against the State will be audited according to the rules observed by tbe late Board of Claims. 6. F. PHILLIPS, ja 10 6t Auditor, Ac. N. C. SixJPgr Cent. Coupon Bonds. TaaiscBT Department, N. C, December 28th, 1862. J HEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE O CEIVED at this office until 10 o'clock, A. M., 26th Januarv next, for the purchase of $200,000 of Bonds, issued by the State of North Carolina, da tod January 1st, 1883, running thirty years, and payable at this Department The above bonds Will have Coupons attached, for interest at six per cent, per annum, payable 1st of July and 1st of Janaary in each year. Susoessful bidders upon being informed of the ao oeptanoe of then bids, can deposit the amount of their bids, including tSe interest accrued thereon, to the credit of the Publio Treasurer, in the Bank of North Carolina or Bank of Cape Fear; Raleigh. Parties bidding will please address their letters .en dorsed 'Proposals for N. C. Stooks." to the Public Treasurer, at Raleigh, N. C. The bids will be epened in the presence of ttie Gov ernor, SeceSfeary and the Comptroller of State, and the President of tbe Bank of North-Carolina. dec 3l-td D. W. COURTS,-Pub. Treas. Charlotte Female Institute. ammm uniiB nnafiinil A. Monday, tho 2d day of February, and' continue twenty-four weeks. Th musical department will be .under the direotion. of Professor Bauman, who has taught musie with great sucsess in Charleston, S. C. For further particulars, address REV. R. BURWELL, jan 31 8. Charlotte, jf. C. Office Raleigh' & Gaston Railroad Cq., Raliioh, N. C, Deo. 22, 1802. j THE BONDS OF j THIS COMPANY will mature on the first day of January, 1863, and will be promptly paid at this offioe. Parties holding these Bonds are hereby notified that no interest will b allowed after maturity. ; dee 24flm W. W. VAS8, Treasurer. ; Notioe. ON MONDAY THE 10Tn OF TAEBRUA ry next, I will sell at auction, at the Court House Door, in Raleigh, sixteen Bales Cotton, of the erop of 1881. C. B. HARRISON, Adm'r. ja 17 td . of Bryan Green's Estate. Notioe. WHO ARE INDEBTED TO US A LL upon open aocouat will Bond tho same. please eall and pay or ja 17 lm e WILLIAMS A HATWOOD. Notice. TTAVINg QUALIFIED AS ADMINIS XX trator of Qxvt Qaoaea B Avnxasoir, deceased, at NevemW teres, 1862, of Wake County Court, I hereby giro notice to tho debtors of the estate to make payment; and to the creditors to present, their olaims within the time prescribed by law. W. E. ANDERSON, Adm'r. Nov'r 24, 1802. nov 29 tf Ornpu or tb Cbatsla.h R. R. Compawt, 1 Balsigb. October 20th, 1862. U A. MONTHLY INSTALMENT OF TEN oor cent . navable on the first dav of each month. until the whole subscription is paid, is hereby called for, by an order of tho Board of Duaetors: W. W. VASS, Treasurer ' Raleigh, Oct. SI, 1862. nov 8 tf - Committed mO THE JAIL OF WAKE COUNTY, ON X. tha llth of November, 1862, a negro man who says hu aaasois HARRY, and that ho belongs to John Thomas Mebane, of Bertio County. Said boy is about 36 years of age, and of dark complexion. Tho owner of said boy is requested to eeme for ward, prove property and pay charges, "or ho will be dealt with as the law directs. W. II. HIOH, Sbff. Doe. ISth; 1862. dec 17 tf Notioe, COS FED. STATES OF AMERICA, Mis. Pntmes's Orncn . Caadott. N. C . Dm. llth, 1862. X - LL CLAIMS AGAUTST THIS DEPART- net, to bo ytU, smm! b yreaonts J ' before Uo ink f Xasmarjr, ltV p. F. KaJtSIVB, -oal2 tSitaJ . o s r j T-.I-. f. 'in. '.. ' . , Notice to Commanding Onloers of Militia Regiments in the First Congressional Distrldt,' N. O. COMMANDING OFFICERS OF MILITIA EtgimenU in the afoissid District, are hereby notified ta aasemble all. men enralled by them on the 20th Deoepber, 186?, ooassripts ia their respective regimen tsj at the following places and dates, for exam in ation and final enrollment, vis: Commander of. thj 36th Regimeat, at Jakson, on the 15th ds)y of Janaary, 1883. Commander of the oth Regiment, at Winton, Jld Janaary, 1863. r Commander of the 8th and fith, at Windsor, lth January, 1863. Commander ef the 10i, at WUllamston, Ath Feb ruary, 1863. ; Issued in obedieacje to Special Order, No. 12, by Oof. Peter.Mallett, Commaniaat of Conscripts in Notth Carolina, i Lt THOMAS J. STEWART, EnrolliDg officer First Congressional Diss., N. O. j i . . W. R. CAPEHART, - Examining burgeon First Cong. Dist, N. O. jan 7 lm -. ' - - Committed To Jail. . WAS COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF Warren Connty, on le fist day of: December last as a maawaj, a Negro man who says his nam is Washington Newell that he belongs to Capt Win. Smith of (the 6th RWtment N. C. Troops, and that his master lives in Faquier County, Va when at home. He also says he escaped from the Jail of Wake Cos a ty some six or eight weeks' since, and sabseqtently from Nash County Jail. baid Negro u a dark ginger eake orbaoon eolor ; about 5 feet & or 8 inches high, has bad teeth in front and appears to be about 40 or 46 years of ago, j The owner must prove property, pay eharges. ana take him away or he will be deslt with as the law di rects. . j WM. L. HARRISS, Jan. 10 tf ! Jailor. A Pit I V ATE SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES will tbe opened by alias MAxeux,nt the residence of her mother, ia Orange County, on the 20th January, 18&M They will reoeyre Instruction in the Fnglish .branches and Music ; and find a home in her mother's family! Parents and guardians who do sire further particulars, will please address i i sins m. r. uinuua, either at Red Mountain, or Flat River, Orange County N. C. , j. i I ' deo 15-2m "Good"Land Tor Sale. MY TBACr QF LANU IN TIIE COUN ty of Franklin, eight miles S. East of Louis burg, on Me Cypress Creek, is in "Market." The tract contains 1144 jAcres. Enough 'Vic" 'bottom to make TOO barrels of Corn is now open, well ditched and easy tu cultivSte and . with the open high rand 1100 barrels corn pan be easily made the present fear. The improvements oonsists of 8 Negro Cabin i, Overseer's BoOse, Corn' Cribs and Stablest" Thla Is believed to M the very beat traot of land in the County j ! Lean supply the' purchaser of this traot with 360 Bis. Corn, 43 StsJhki Fodder and 600 lbs Pork. Also 810 Acres near Davis' X Roads, 8 miles from Louisburg an dp 18 from,,. Nashville. Tho isapror. moots are one Frame House 20x20 with Basement Room and Stone Chimney, two Cabins, enough open land to make 200 Bis. Corn, with a good Apple Or chard. More land; can be easily fenced to make 200 Bis. -Corn. i I In my abscenee Mr. N. B. Massenburg is author ised to Siell, Convty title, Ac, to these lands, and Lieut W.j K. Davisj and Maj. S. W. Brodeo will take pleasure in showing them. f " 1 T. W. DAVIS. " . LouisbuTir. Janl 10 tlF "State 1st Fpb. Wai "State Journal" and Petersburg Express eopy till arrenton Fern. Col. Institute. . a 1UI INSTITUTION HAS VEEN IN operation -since 1841, and will commence its 44th Session January 8th, 18C3. . The timet oompel an ad vance ii-pricos. , ! Tbrms. Board per sees, of 20 weeks, $126 ; washing, lights and fuel in rooms, $15; Euglish Tuition, frojn $17.60 to $22.50 ; Music and use of Instruments, $26; Lan- gusges, each $10 ; Sutionery, $2.60 ; Fuel for School Room, $2.. Different styles of Painting, Drawing and Embroidery at former prioes. For particulars apply to dec 31-Jm J. WILCOX, Prin. ORT1I CAROLINA MUTUAL FIKK INSURASCE COMPANY. At the annual meeting tf the North Carolina Mutual Fire Insurance Company, held en jthe 14th January, 1862, tho follow ing persons vera elected Directors and Officers for the ensuing year : ! DIRECTORS. Henry D. Turner, RaleighJ John R. Williams. - do. T. II. Selbyi do. C. W. D. Hntchipgs, do. Kemp. P. Battle, do. tieorge Little,- do. .aahes M. Tuwlos, do. James E. Iloyt, Washington, Alexander Mitchstl, Newbera. Job. Q. Wright, Wilmington. John M. Jones, Edenton. George W. Charles, Elizabeth City Jos- Hamsay, Plymouth, J. W. llarrell, Murfreesborough . IljB. Williams, Charlotte. Sainuel Watkins, Milton.. A, W. Steelj Fayetteville. Joseph White, Anson oouuty Josh. Bonor, Salem. Ai P. Sumniy, Asheville, I OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY T. Selbjf, President. Henry D, Tbrner, Ftcs do. John H. Bryan, Attorney. , " Hamdea S. Smith, Secretary and Trearmrer T: II. Selby, ex-offieio, ) , John R. Williams, Ex. Committee, m n Unt.hi -J- This Company I has been in successful operation over 13 years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries) upon favorable terms. Its Policies now cover property amounting to nearly $4,600,000, a Urge portion of which is in oeuntry risks ; and its present capital is over Four Hundred Thousand Dollars in bonds properly secured. All comnrunieatf ons in reference to insurance should be addresae 3 to the Secretary, postpaid. ! i HAMDIN S. SMITH, w. January 18tb, L862, Jao 23 ORTII CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY .OFFICB RALEIGH, N. C.T11I9 COMPANY takes risks upon ail healthy lives between the ages of 14 and CO'!; years fer -one yearv for seven years, -or for life tf as a$trtrt for. life participating in the pro fits of tho Company. Slaves between the ages of 10 and and 60 years, are' insured for one or five years, foi two-thirds their market value. All losses are paid within 60 day's after eatUfisoUry proof is presented, DIRECTORS FOR 1861 AND 1862. Charles E. Johnson, Woa. H. Jen, Wo. W. Holden, H. W. Hosted, J. Ol. Williamis, P. F. Pesond, Quoitin Busbeo, K. P. Battle, WimH. McKiee, W.S.Mason, Charles B. Root, Ererard HaU, - Rieb'd IL Battle. OFTICERB. Dr. Chias. E. Johnson, President. W. W. Holden, Vice President. H. W. Husted, Attorney. Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer. . i R. II. Battle, Secretary W. II. iMcKeo, Medical Examiner. W. H. McEee, ) Charles B. Root, V Kxutive Oomwit. Q. Bosbee, ) For further iniormation, the. publio is referreu the pamphlets and forma of proposal, which msy.b ooUiaedi at tho Office of tho Company, or any ef if Agencies. Address j ; R. H. BATTLE, Bec'y. Raleigh Jan. 8,)th, 1862. jan 11 NOTHEIlj CARtiE A 'VALUABLE Stock of Imported Drurs, pr Steamer Kate, was purchased by tbo subscriber at tho sale in Charleston on the 12ih tofc,!wbih ia UUy expected and will bo sold in lots Jo suit purchasers, at a small adjraaoe. This i a raw oppiortuuity.for Physioiau and country merchants to replenish, their "stocks for fall trade. Term b, Cash d Dauvaar; Tbe iollowing coasprl ses in part the stock refferred to vist 200ost Qulalne, 100 gal.Castoi tiil. J M;lbs.. Camph 600 .IU. Pep- ; per, 1 Case Howard caiomei, ao. lea. rotass, i ow. . Snl pheri 3 Pdcge Chlovuto Potass, W0 do. Alum, . f 8 caJeslEog. Mastard, 1 Caw Morphino is ea, rials, 1 Package" Opiml do.' Assafoidia, 1 Case Enf . B. j W. ! Osuinbus 8opsi y, bb. Lavl Oil, 2h able. Tanners OiL UU A lb.- Telloir Wey ym. Tooth Coombs, Ivory, BpU. 'Nitre, Luuar CaasUa, ah d . many extrscts M UdlyMto wectlwpw ; V : aor, 19. t. ix i; J - .-I".- - .4; -' 'A

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