i ... i US- ft 11 si V 1 4 a U 1 J ,1 y . 'ti V- i I ilium ii ill il l. mill iff 11 ii w l -a. miii .:- iuiiiiiiiiiiihiuiiiivi ii i I' WEDNESDAY MORNING: FEBRUARY! i, l63. THE LATEST iNEW ITS MS OF ' LATEST N E WS; ! i Northern dates to tbe-th nd' 3 !t btTfr beoh received." "Tbo dfilr.Ma '.Inn mm! Ana reslsUncffW Li D coin tvrr&nv was tnreatenvl. I aChe rebel stiamcr Florida had . dwtfoyea fonrT Yankeo veuela with vWMa r.irop; , n.k ' l v " D.; , -viv.w: ... - ..wj r-TT-' l rrocUmatron. -1 Cotton has advanced to 89-td 90 Erctange to 1T to 172. . 4.tBimie ifWKiiuca irom. ounotK on Balurflsy says, Corcoran torn man3ed, not Peck. The ene my admit a loss of 500 killed and woun Among the killed U a liieu tenant-Colonel i name ...i I riot jemembereil, and a Capt. Tavlor. Generaii I !-Qibba;.iraeyej?el V . wpunded:., 'i ; , j j : Aii.the hospitals, ih Suaolkre filleu. With . vrnan' Xx ,.. nu.V' v. . 1L . .uv tyc unviriii vuuivuum uwu iBiica for a hospital. i - i , Bryiiant Naval Viotory. ' PORT OF JCUARLESTOX OPENE0.I ' .1 " ' f ' ' : hi': On ; Saturday; morning last the two iron-cjaid: guqboaU Palm'etto Stat an'd Cfaiicora, accompa nied by, three small stoamers.left the port of Chat-; leston about I oclock, And attacking the Yankeo blockading floetj eunk two of them and disabled 'a third, which hauled down her flg to su rrendor, but finally 'succeeded In escaping. There Were 13 blockading vessels presont.and all of them were so filled with consternation that they got out of harm's way socjn as pouible. Our fleet was'cojm manded by Commodore Ineraham. The. Colm jmodjre, who was oh board of the1 Palmetto State,! give the TolWing'acoouhl'of the fight: j ! j i On BoIrd Gunboat Palmktto StatxI. I I r .''I wnt-out ilast night. This vessel struckkhe Mercedita, when she .sent a boat on board - ind surrendered. ; JTho.officers and crew were paroled. Captain Tucker thinks he sunk; one vessel and set another on fire, when thettruek hf r flag. Tno blockading fleet had gone to southward and east ward out of sight , - ,m. ' , . r ( f I "(Signed,) ID. N. INGRAH AM. ! I lag Officer Commanding eign Consuls went out in. a steamer on Saturday afternoon to afdistanco Of fire mil las Kamap s4 HhM usual an'chorage'of the blockadersj and could eee nothing of any blockading -vessel. When 'the Consul! returned to Charleston, they held a meeting And expressed the unanimous opinion iht th blockwdfl had been Ipp-rIIv riBd. i t .' i . . I I i i 1 The following proclamation hM been! issued by Genv Beauregard and Commodore Ingratfam 1 Official Proclamation. I HXADQH 8 LAND AND N AVAL FOKCKS, 1 ' Charlesun. S, C. Jan. 31. 1863. f : 1 At about 5 o'clock this morning the Con fcde- I rate States naval forces rntnis section attacked tne I U. Si blockading flet off the harbor of the city of Charleston, arid sunk, dispersed or drove off and I out of sight for the time, tte entire hostile fleet : I therefore, we,f the undersigned, .commanders, re- specuveiy t ,tue con teaerate -piaies navai -.janq, land forces in "this quarter, do hereby formally! de; dare the blockade by the United States of the said city of Charleston, S. C, to be raised by a superior force of the Confederate States from And After this 31st day of January, A. D, 1863. - (Signed) j O. T. BEAUREGARD, f i ,: General Commanding t D. N. INGRAHAM, ? j l Flag OJEcer Com'g Naval forces in S. C.i 1 . Offic-Al: ; j 1- 1 THOs. . JTrRDttr; Chief of Staff. ) - j A dispatch' from Charleston j dated Sunday sums up the results of Saturday's naval engage ment as follows : Two vessels sunk, four set on ur ai vu i at Rich- fire and the remainder driven away. TTnnn th r'tceint of the Above news mnnA Mirt flwrAturv of Klata cave notice to! the AUWMMf.ww - j " o h ; . 'liritish arid itrench Consuls of the raising of! the blockade At Charleston. On FridayjlastJLieut. Col. "ates capture the Yankee samer J no. r. omim, in owuu rK-.i4.n !ih iRo'nriaoners. Shelhas been car Hcd to Charleston, and will soon be rfady for secvice. .ijer armament consists ofone Parrott gun, ten 8 inch guns and one 34 pounder. "On Sunday twenty blockading. vessels app red .off Charles tod bar - t The Yankees with a heavy force again attacked ' Fort1 MoAliiter, near Savannah, on Sundayilast, -rin whiDtyed off. The bombardment w more furious than the last. The only person killed on cur 'side was Major John B. Gallie, com mander of tie fort, a shell striking, him in the headJ Sl2,000fo?s!ie. C. 8 - PER CENT. B0 ONDS W. H. JONE Jan. 19 2t 1 Cashier. t Only Correct Edition !. i n vpRtlRllATE STATES ARMV REGr t w. iiAin'oLPIl. RICHMOND, VAl O . in accordance with a written contract with-the Dublishine (to be ready about the 25th of J&iuAry) a ecnd nd only Complete! edi tion of the Arht ltKa0LATirs, revUed and enlarged ,t .nntoinin J important forms not in any otheri ; iTbe DUblic u warned against an imperfect edition - i fir -l Tl-.4. . T X aVmhmJ of this worn, nnntea Dy nesi a, ovuuowu, aivuayu andiolcLaif3;00.,. . j t AlthoTh it is printed from my old book, (noteven correcting the'plain misUkes,) and conUiningi ova one thousand important error, not yPK'aPf "x" mr of the Dtihtar, (a the publisher ef the $S.0 eda- tion would have tne pudho uiio, . 'Kr.Zr'TI of the publishers j yet, strange to say, u isoparea - -nMiir knd the public as a'revised, corrected io the soldier Md the publio aD?,eDlalr---rh0t excuse, has interfered ferny . ::xr: ntm this book, in the 4 0f ?""rJh to ..Alst! between the Qoy rnment and fcyself ; and, undertaking :a wofK Lui-i. t.- .a. B-norant. and taking no pams to life Of jan27 2t, Ofiice Korth Carolina K.K. CoJ, J i (Tbnipany Shops, Jan. 19, 1863. ) ,e Jd NOi 4 OF TEN PEU C '.Jt I.., o..ir nf thia Comnanv. wi" Tinnp'fcn no; 4 k h m. w m mr - - . n a.- V, rlSldrrs; and persons iuthorised by ilnd afr the second fry of tal etc holdei w l it sj powers oi - . . i . Yn"7Jt' i s-, r,enfd wUl still.lbe re- 11 still fb! quired before payment. rtnrA nf Directors ijyoroer o -brYaN, Secretarv. jan 26- -2t ftRO Reward- ! it. K.tT Trro boy. BOB, belpngini to thekstate T 1 W A V IIW 'I'llEi X M. MA JM "V T.:J AliA. He is about twenti art oldWAlghi. about ii :po.?v w own ill him east 100A.WH v v,--- ,-- .. I- 1 .. J . ' i a IT 2mnd '.. t". SM eBsaa rcAoM) tt.' : . ' - - ttfe1? QInfy. engrossed bill j-X&X JiTw iC IT "i4011 lDe Aea' Regiment Bill, !Mbj the amendment of Mr Tn "iraucovernment. ' ITa nuMful il?aaIlty cf e script law, batbflh'had, not i.Tti JL..":. finwn in me way or.tu faUn lull eieCUlIOa. vH a thnnhf v. icr .l 1 1 ft F nil n a h.H Knn i ' . -, I . ,.7 "OKiOT-utJU, ouuevim r" wivn tnos gentlemen whose homes had rfcjanoiiQ island. Coftfederate troo its vnrA nnro scttttjrod xrvor the State, at stations within trik injglistanQe or every important point. t They WiMwiunder 1tfee coraman of Gen. "Longstrect, a 'l, ,an Sa,lft0 'Commander, who doubtless rr I0? we!1 atwr defence of the State: The contended to some lenerth to show th superiority of militia hjf Co.PIa?.d fought there was a prospect of 1m T inU..U- W 1 F!-Lindsay mo ve(Tto amend the amendment IUF aqaine'ifia worda. "tsx .nnl. ij . Z "ff'J yKJ eujiu ua art) oader fort v." rMf; iiana hoped Ih'e amendment to the amBnd' nent would not prevail. He called for the ayes - tUt. liindsev stated that ha (ntM t,. amendment to allay the fears Of the gentleman on tnie other side who dreaded a conflict. Anje vote on Mr. Lindsay's amendment resulted AI folio WS 8VBS 5. nara An , O lit. L ana's amend tnAnt.-l.Ar as o The question noon the ainendroflnt of th Sfnatqr from Gales, Mr; Eure ayes 13 nays jThe question now was upon the passage of th'e ma it was rejected-ayes 18, nays-27. motion ot Mr. Brown, the OhathRm Railroad bill was made the special order for to morrow, ' ftteaoluticn in favor of nrisonara at Suluhnri- WAS Ithen takan intrt o.iinaiinratinn isitVt Uo -r - i . w w v m w& wi TV MAJ amendment of-Mr. Murrill. lilt. Graham thought the dutv of clothing nfl providing for those prisoners belonged to the GbveVpmflnt that had them in fcharge. He mov ed toj strike out the first section of the resolutfon. Agreed to. - Mr. Brown should vote against the resolu tion.!' ' ' ! Farther discussion was par tici bated in . bv "Messira. Hall, Graham, Brown, EUU and others. ine resolution was nnallv passed over lnform- aUy.j :v IMr. Lmdsey introduced a resolution proposing irjg tjhjB concurrence Of that body in a joint resolu lion to adjourn sine die on Monday next, at 12 o'clock, - On motion of Mr. Eure the resolution was laid on the table. Ayes 24, Noes 19. ;Uh tootion of Mr. Hall, an engrossed bill from the House of Commons, amending the charter of oe Utwn ot VV Umington, was Considered Kules RilanOnHprl unrl iha hill nntttvL 5fa iwvinH anA YirA jngs. - 00 engrossed LLouse liill to amend tne 4th cnapter of the Revised Code, was- taken up, and passed its Becofld readiog )On motion of Mr. Graham, a message was tent to thaUou9d of Commons. - nroDosinir to eto into the election of nine Trustees of the Qniversitv. to-morrow at 12 o'clock. Several nominations wer imade by different Senators. i The . bill "to secure the claims of North Caro Una i against the Confederate Government, and for dther purposes" passed its second and third read ngs The enerossed bill in reference to the Justices of JphnBion county, wa's read the second time, and a message sent to the House re-advising the pas sage 0 1 the amendment offered by the Senate at its last session. t A bill to legalizj the proceedings of the recent session of the County Court of Henderson. Rules suspended and the bill passed its second and third readings. On motion of Mr. Slaughter, the Senate ad journed till to-morrow at 10, A. M. I I 5 HOUSE OF COMMONS. I . . Tuesday, Jan. 29. Op motion of Mr. Shepherd certain' portions of the Governor s special message were referred to appropriate committees. Sir. Lemmonds, abill, accompanied by a peti tfon; from ceitam citizens of Union county, in fSvojr of J. J . Uarr being allowed to aism spirits for medical and mechanical purposes in said coun ty ii veMl first time. The adjourned debate upon the bill to regulate' 1m currency between debtor and creditor was re sumed. Mr. Harris, of Cabarrus, moved that the vole Which struck out the original bill be reconsider ed! ! . f TTniiA ficrppfl to rernnsidpr- vcaa 51. navfl 44. I . e question upon striking out all after the cn- sietibe clause recurred. A desultory debate en sued pending which the hour for the special or der iarrived, and the bill to amend the chapter of the revised cjde entitled Salaries-and a ees was takdn up. This bill increases tne- salary ot tne Governor' from $3,000 to $;,00U; me oecieiary 01 Statle from $800 to$l,000j the Comptroller frojn $1,000 and 10 cents from each claimant, to $1, 500J the Public Treasurer from $2,000 to $2,500; the Speakers of the Senate' and House of Commons froDi $4 to $6 per day, and members ol the Leg islature from" $3 to $5 per day. - " 1 Mr. Shepherd moved that the salaries of the iudTgesof the Superior Courts be increased from li,950 tO 5,Olu. - r Waddeii movea mat wb um auu . t'be laid on the table. -Rejected-yeas 41, rSrf Shepherds amendment was rejected, yeas 35, hays 62.' , " Mr. MdAden moved t strike out that port'on Of1 the bill which increascd the pay of members of the Legislature. Adopted yeas 91, nays o. T L - - .... , . - nil .mill Ihlt Mr. vvaddell movea to skikbuui, relsitivetothe Governor's salary, which, was car- 63 yeas, 29 nays. . . , n motion of Mr. tshepberd, me vm was on Its tniro reaairjc. . Mr. VVaddell movea 10 Biri.o i" v-.v-w fnasrt $4.t)00. - f, :Mr. Mann,of Pflfinuotank. oDnosed the motion; the! Governor could not live in Kalelgn tor loss i t i . . - ihan $5 000. The Utile Dtato i oi k hnn AlAhama cave asiw.uuo. unu huh M ------ a nM ttrri to orivfl ino saiarv ujchhvu ... bei bill. The motion was iejecteu, 43 4 56. - ilTr Hhonherd offered an amendment raising thelsalary ol the Principal Clerk of the Treasurer, frota $1,200 to $2,500. Rojectid, yeas 39, nays 88- ' 4lr Grissom moved an additional section con iVnhing'tbe Ordinance of the Con-vention, that in U.Joo5 ihoBularioa. in force ;'to January; 1865. i nrtwuHu LuapniHiiwi - . - i s ho oaiariiiH in n ri t:ii . lu v i m THis motioo, which gives ail the increased salaries Asked for in the original biil.was adopted, yeas.69, loays 34. , ilj i Mr. Williams offered &n amendment, that privates and norr-coramissioned ofllcers of iNofth Carolina Troops should ba paid $3 lmph$h,in addition to the present pay, from iTrieasurv of the State. r. the the per the Mr. Grissom -offered an amendment, that said jsuCshould be raised by.'taxes from the original L j T-..:;io .,n.iap A vatr of a?e. not in the iPeCvbaioiiiaw uuuv. j - o kr; Cobb asked permission to stato his position !asicit zenoi.xortu vtuw"- - : rv . . sn ;A?t hnt ri would not stslnd by and hear them condemned. He gave aytatement of whAt be witnessed in the Senate 'It others bwded; in the acts of secession from the several btatea Hedescrtbed thejoy evinced by the Abolitionists as each act of secession was read. xie tnen alluded -to the name of :,'Detnictive, given by the Standard to the original. seoeesion jsta, and clearly proved the absurdity of apply ing such a term, to men who were driven from the Union by thetyrAnny of the Northern abol. tionists. Mr. Cobb, who was listened to Vwitlr much attention, made an able and effective reply to the usual -cant of Conservative speeches nd editorials. j . '-: . - ' The. debate was suspended bv the receiol of" A message from 'the Senate, proponing to enter on an. oicv-Mvu ui ntner trustees or tne u niversity on x n day. Concurred in. w v' ; f- The Senate refused to concur in the resolution to adjourn fine die on the 2d of February. ' . On motion of Mr. Shepherd, the Bevenue Bill was made the special order" for Friday at 11 o'clock. t , TheHouse then adjourned to Friday morning at 10 o'clock. ' .' SENATE. - ' ; : . j Fbibat, Jan. 30. . Mr. Wright introduced a resolution in favor of Hector McNeill, sheriff of "Cumberland county. Rules suspended, and the resolution passed its Sec ond and third readings! ' The bill io provide for the service of writs upon the Southern Express Company was then taken up, and parsed its third reading. A bill to promote the wool growing interest of the State was next considered! and after a' hu morous discussion between Messrs. Car ra way and Murril!,- was, en. motion, of Mr. Arendlll, laid up on the table. A bill to increase the payiof jurors and witness es was read find voted down. ' A bill to permit free persons of coloiuio enslave themselves was discussed by Messrs. Slaughter, Drake and other , and" passed its second reading. A bill to facilitate the -payment of amounts duo to the families of deceased soldiers was, upon motion of Mr. Ellis, laid upon the table, the pres ent arrangements of the .paymaster's department being as nearly perfect as they could be made. A resolution in favor of Mr. Spainhour was in troduced, and passed its second and third readings inder a suspension of the rules. A resolution was introduced instructing the North Carolina , delegation in the Confederate Congress to vote for the repeal of so much of the army regulations as authoriza the infliction of 'corporal punishment. Several amendments were o tiered, and the question debated at length by Messrs. Ellis, Eure, Brown and Jones. Mr. Eure moved to lay the resolution upon the table. Rejected yeas 1 1,' nays 29. Further dis cussion was participated in i by Messrs. Brown, Outlaw, Graham and others, and the resolution passed its first reading. A message received, from the House enclosing a .bill for the relief of the citizens of Alleghany county On motion of Mr. Sharpe, the rules were sus pended, and the bill' passed its second and third readings. . .. 'The special order of the day, the bill to amend the charter of the Chatham- Railroad Company, was then taken up. Mr. Taylor, of Chatham, supported the bill at length, ( . . The hour having arrived for holding the elec tion of the Trustees of the University, the Senate proceeded to ballot. Pending the consideration of the vote by the commfUee, Mr. Yeung proposed the. postpone ment of the order of day until to-morrow. Agreed to. . . - . .r. " A resolution requiring the Public Treasurer to repay the bounty refunded by discharged soldiers, was laid upon the table. . Mr. Young introduced a bill to amend the charter of the Piedmont Railroad Company. Passed first reading. An act to raise a police -force for the defence of the county of Brunswick was, on motion of Mr. Eure, laid upon the table. A bill to provide a reserve force for State de fence, was, on motion of Mr. Sbarpe, laid on ta ble. - ! ThaSenate then adjourned till to-morrow at 10 o.'clock. HOUSE OF COMMONS. The House was occupied from ten to eleven o'clock with ratifying nominations for magistrates from the several counties, a large number of names being presented by ine respective mem berg. A message was received from the Senate trans mitting simIfrr resolutions to those presented by Mr. Grissom and adopted bj the House. They were laid on the table. ! An engrossed resolution from the Senate au thorizing the payment of certain claims passed by the Board of Claims, was read the nrst time. COUNTY COURTS. A bill passed bv the House, authorizing fifteen iustices of the peace to transact publio business, in Johnston county, was returned iiom tne Donate with an amendment au.norizing one mira ot tne justices of the peace to transact public business in any county, ine House agreed to tne amendment REVENUE BILL ON ITS THIRD REAPING. Mr. Shepherd, from theFinance Committee, re- norted back the revenue -bill. Me stated tnat In the original bill all slaves were valued at $350, except mechanics, and they were valued at $t50, but this was struck out by tne benate and tne slaves were valued in classes, and there was no probability of the Senate agreeing to any other mode. There was offered an amendment-by the Tfc-.f WoV rJr. cZ;iTr VniT, 3 1 statement of the number of .volunteers and con mittee that local assessors should be appointed I , . u. Kaa ;n ,va f m; num for a new valuation of slaves and lands. The committee also offered new sections, providing that valuation should take place from the 1st of January in each year, instead of April, as hereto fore, and thus have the taxes levied iqr one year, . and not valued in one year and levied in the next as at present. The question was whether the j House would agree that the Legislature should tax the slaves in classes or whether it should be done by local assessors. He thought the average varua of slaves in ine diu w samer ww, wbdw ering the present Circumstances of the State. A debate ensued on tne ijigut u yry privy u taxing slaves on a valuation fixed by the Legisla ture Meeers. Amis and Foy against the proposi tion, and Messrs. Cobb and: Hams, of Chatham, in favor offit. , - . . xr, nnwlfia offered ani amendment that the county court appoint three Assessors in each Cap tain's District, whq shall value the slaves therein in classes, except mechanics, accorumg vu aee and return the same within ten days to the county court clerk, who shall transmit said r turns to the Treasuer of the State. The Treasu rer and Comptroller shall then strike an average value in each class from all these returns which shalf be sent to thesheriffs.of the several counties. Messrs. Fleming and Pejson spoke against the amendment and in favor of local assessors. Pending the debate, the hour appointed for the election of Trustees of the University arrived, and the House proceeded to vote. A large number of candidates were put in nom ination, aHd the House was engaged in receiving lists of names until the hour of adjournment. The House adjourned to ten o'clock Saturday morning. I . SENATE. ' Saturday, Jan. 31. , Afr f5rim introduced a bill to Amend the i Mit.ivA.tn the honrs of keeping open the of thflCanitol. It fixes the office hours of the Treasurer, Secretary, Comptroller and Audit or from 9 until 2 o clock i on each day, (8unday excepted). Passed its first rending and placed on Mn HalMnlrdduced a bill to alter the rules ot ia Titlw to a nrobate of wills. Passed its sev- oi renilinaa under a suspension of the rules. An engrossed bill from the House of Commons dctrtPi, nf an act nassed February, 1862, en- ts.iAn Act te provide ways and means for nnnivine- the Treasury," was read tne um uuie, .rA mnA rAacpA on the calendar. Rv Mr. Young, a resolution Authorizing the Governor to appoint a commission to visit the Into their -condition, AudV .prtrfabcCo theiirrWants.-- jrassea nrsv reading and placed on the; calendar, .By Mr. Adam?, of Guilford! a bill to iricorpo rato the North Carolina ChriirAdvociter joist Mr. Patton presented a memorial -from H. T. Wolsteohblmes, asking a VemuneraiQn;'for ctbthes furnished troops. Referred to the' committeeOB By Mr. Patton. Aibill amendatnrv of an art incoiporAfing tber towjr'of AsneviHe.' Referred to tnexxvBmlttee or$ corBpionsi.f ' r Mr. Leitcb, fremtbe committeerto superintend thelelection of nine Trustees' of Jtoe UnlTflttltyi" reported that Hon; JJ. Shepherd, eUr McKay and Dr. E. Warren, eacll haviner received a ma- jorftyfdf the votes cast,"v(rere drily elected. ' - ' Ajmessage from tha House of Commoafr trans ' jnitted recommendations for justices; of the' peace wr jjci via auu v; uutora counties, in wnicn it asKea the conenrrenoe of tha Senate. , au : u . a : - On motion of Mr.. Outlaw, the recommendation fpr Bertie county was laid bh the table. . The recommendation of Guilford count? was concurred in.,. ,, , , , . . r , v. -a. message was received from the House or Com mons announcing the passage in that bodvof-tbe resolution In favor of Raf us Galloway and Lewis amendments the, concurrence of the Senate was. asked. The Senate concurrednd the,louse in formed thereof by message. 1 The resolution in favor of A. Latham."8heriff of Craven county, and the bill n favor of-Isaao Ariedge, late Sheriff of Henderson county, were severally read the second and third times and passed. ; , , . t- t .'. Mr. Lane aroseand made a few remarks in re ply to an editorial which appeared in the Daily Progress of to-day in' reference- to himself. Ha jd but for the repaAted attacks of the Editor of that paper upon himself, he wbuld' not havenr need nim. The .chareres made in tha editorial were untrue, and the' editor knew them tq.be when, he wrote them. He would take ccsasion to say that whatever that editor might say derogatory of himself, it would tend to strengthen him in the estimation of his constituents. Mr. Warren, from the committee on th 'Judi ciary, to whom was referred the, bill to amend the Kevised Code in regard to the writ of habeas Corpus, reported the same bank to the Senate with an amendment, and recommended its passage. Placed on the calendar. - .- On motion of Mr. Tavlor. of Chath am tha nn. finished business of yesterday, being the bill to amend the charter of the Chatham Railroad Com pany, wa3 now taken up: ... , . , ; Mft Toung introduced' an amendment author izing the Governor to. subscribe $600,000- of the stock owned by the State in the N,; C, Rail read, so as to aid in the completion of this road, but it oemg stated tnat tnis transfer would interfere with the Sinking Fund, it was withdrawn. .V Mr. Wiggins offered an amendment to strike' out $500,000 (the amount authorized to be sub scribed by the State) and insert $250,000) which. was aaoptea. . . After further discussion between Mr. Lassiter: j in tavoroi, and Mr. Copeiand,m opposition to the cm, tne question was put upon the passage ot the bill its second reading. On notion of Mr. Brown the yeas and nays Were ordered- Passed. Yeas 30, nays 14 Mr. Graham presented a memorial from sundry persons, asking for an alteration in the charter of the -Piedmont Railroad Company, so as to change the guageof said road. Laid on the table for the present. The bill to modify an act entitled "An act to change the jurisdiction of the courts and to niter the rules of pleading therein," was read the 2nd time. , ' The bill was ably advocated by Messrs. Gra ham and Lassiter, and opposed by Messsrs Hall, Brown and Carraway. Mr. Murrill stated that he could not vote for the bill in" its present shape, and desired to see.it amen de! and perfected. The bill was discussed until the hour of two o'clock, when, on motion of Mr. Graham-, the Senate adjourned mntil Monday morning' at 10 o'clock. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Saturday, Jan. 31. An engrossed resolution from the Senate, al lowing and granting further J4me to several ex sheriffs to collect arrears of taxes, was amended by adding several names from other counties, and passed its third reading. An engrossed bill from the Senate to provide for the completion of theclaina of .North Carolina against the Confederate Government and for oth er purposes, passed Its first reading. ' Mr. Richardson presented a memorial front citizens of Anson and Richmond counties, on the subject of keeping the Pee Dee river open for the passage of fish". Reports from committees were made ; the sub jects will be noticed when called upon their fur ther readings. "BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED. . Mr. Bu.rgin, a bill ceding a certain district of territory to the Uonrederataf btates for the pur pose of establishing a permanent seat of Govern ment. . . Mr. Fowle, a resolution instructing the commit tee on Propositions and Grievances, to take undet. consideration a contrast between the .State, and W. G, Strickland, and report if any damages are due said Strickland-. . . . . Mr. Harris, of Cabarrus, a resolution calling . upon the Adjutant General to furnish a tabular scripts Viat have been in the army from this. Diaie. Mr. Woodall, a resolution requesting the Gov ornor to confer with the General commandine in North CarMina, relative to the imnressment of wagons and teams-in Johnston county, and She counties adjoining, and endeavor to have the mat ter so arranged as to bear equally on all. Concur red in. Mr. Beall, a resolution-instructing the Finance Committee to enquire into the expediency of raising the pay bt our soldiers, and also into, the expediency of raising the taxes -for that purpose. JU.r. .Teenies called up a resolution in tayor .Di W. W. Bapper,"ftnoTlhe same passed its several readings. Mr. Henry, of Bertie, presented a list for ap pointments of magistrates for his county. Con curred in. , Mr. Foy, a bill to authorize the Governor to call out the militia and to reorganize the same. Mr. Craige moved to take up a resolution from the Senate in favor of J. M. NeaL Concurred in, and the same passed its several readings. Mr. Foust, from the committee to superintend the election of Trustee of the University, reported that Hon. J. G. Shepherd, Neill McKay and Dr. E. Warren had received a majority of all the votes cast and were elected. ' Mr. Joiner introduced a bill relative to. the binding out of free colored children. "-- Mr. Patterson; a resolution authorizing the purchase of the arms belonging to the Military Academy at Hillsboro. . Mr. Hampton, a bill authorizing the sale at public auction of the old Jaif, in Wilkes county. Mr. Parks presented a memorial from certain citizens of 'Burke county, asking to have a portion nf that county to be transferred to Mitchell county.- .' .. The Revenue biU again came up for considera tion. ' Considerable uiscussion ensued and numer-. OUSproppsi lions IO amenu were luwuuuueu, sooiv of which were conourred in. iney . are not re pirted for the reason that they could not - well be understood without having the bill before the reader. . - - The House adjourned unti-half past 3 o'clock this afternoon. AFTERNOON SESSION. , "Satprdatt Jan. 31. yThe afternoon session was ehtirefy occupied in- the consideration of the JKevenue BUI. The House adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock this evening. . " . 1 A CASES CHAMPAGNE CIDER at 1U WHITAKER'S. .fL PuIVBg- company. aaseot, flrst reading and referred to. the committee "on7 corptf- Notice. to Commanding Offloers of r uiti oteixnents tho First , Congressional iDistriot. XT'. G. COMMANDING OFFICEKS OF MILITIA BegimeeU.ja. the afores-aid District, are hereby nctioed to Assemble all men enrolled Hv thorn nn fSOth Deeeaber, 1863, as conscripts in their respective ifguwuHi WD juuuwmj piaees ana aatee, ior exam ination and final enrollment, vis : t , Cemmaader of the 36th RezimebL at JA son. on L the 16th day ot Janoarr, 1863. - Vommander of the 6th Begunent, at Winton, 22d Jaaaary,1863. . r - Commander of the 8th and.9th, at Windsor, 29th January, 1863. 'j t . Commajoder the I Oth, at "Williamston, 5th Peb Tuary, 1863. '! , . . ' Issued In obedience to Special Order, No.I2, by CoL Peter Mallett, Commandant of Conscripts in North Carolina.: : Lt THOMAS J. STEWART, .Enrolling; officer First Congressional Dist., N.Cr , . .-w..i;v r. AV. JL CAPEHART, tr.x Exsniining Surgeon First Cong. Dist., N. C. jan f lm , , - A EXCHANGE NOTICE NO. 4. . t- , 4 . i BtCHMOHD, y., Jaiu 10, 1863. . The following officers and men have been duly ex changed, And are hereby so declared. - 1. All officers and tien captured in Kentucky, Ten nessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, FIorTda - and South Carolina, up, to December 10th, 1862. 2. All officers" and men captured in Missouri, Kan sas, New Mexico, Aritona, Arkansas and Louisiana, op to January '1st, 1863. 3 .The two foregoing sections apply not only to offi cers and meq of the Confederate service, but alse to all persons captured in arms or hostile array a trains t the United States, whatever may haTe been the char- -1 e si. i. . ... ..' 6or ui we Hiuiary organtzaiions to wmcu.toe.y wero attached, and -whatever may have -been the terms of the parolei given by them. If any are in Federal pri sons, they are to be immediately released, and deliv ered to the Confederate authorities . 4 All persona who have been captured on the sea orseacoast of the Confederate or United States, up tQ December 10th, 1862. If any each are in Federal Srisons,- they are to be immediately released and de vered to the Confederate authorities. ' 5. All Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City . Point up to January 6th, 1863. .6, All Confederate offioers and men who have been delivered at-Yicksburg up to Deoember 23df 1862, and including said date. - 7i All paroled Confederate officers and men receipt ed for at fieksburg up tb December 23d, 1862. and including said date. -8. AU Confederate officers and men captured and paroled. at Fredericksburg, Va., in December, 1862. r 9. AH Confederate officers and men captured and paroled at .Ooldsboro N. C., in-Decemher, 1862. 10. Other ;ini8celIaneous..and minor exchanges, of. whloh the appropriate officers will be duly informed. NOTB.--A11 Confederate officers and men who had been captured in Virginia or Maryland, before the first of November 1862,. and all Confederate officers and men who at any time had been delivered at Ai ken's landing,' were declared to be exchanged by a former noce No 3. ROBERT OULD, jan 17 fit I Agent of TSschange. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C O M P ANY .--OFFICE RALEIGH, N.! C THIS -COMPANY takes risks upon ail .'healthy olives between the 4ea of 14 ana eu . years lor 1 one year, tor seven years, or for life -the asturere for life participating in the pro fits of the Company. Slaves between the ages of 10 and and 60 years, are insured for one or five years, foi two-thirds their market value. All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. . , DIRECTORS FOR 1861 AND 1862. Charles E. Johnson, - , Wm. U. Jones, Wm. W. Holden, H. W. Husted, J. Q. Williams, - P. F. Pescud, - Quentin Busbee, K. P. Battle, Wm. H. McKee, W. S. Maeon Charles B. Root, - Everard Hall, ; -Rich'd H. BatUe. OFFICERS. Dr. Chas. . Johnson, President W. W. Holden, Vice President. H. W. Husted, Attorney. Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer. R. H. Battle, Secretary. W. H. McKee, Medical Examiner. W. II. McKee, ) Charles B. Root, V Executive Committee. Q. Busbee, J For further information, the "public is referrcu the pamphlets and forms of proposal, which may be obtained at the Office of the Company, or any ef its Agencies. Address R. H: BATTLE, Sec'y. Raleigh Jan. 8,th, 1862. jan 11 Committed To Jail. WAS COMJ1ITTED TO THE JAIL OF Warren County, on the 31st day of December last as a runaway, a Negro man who says bis name is Washington Newell; that he belongs to Capt. Wm. Smith of the 6th JRegiment N. C. Troops, and that his master lives in Faquier County, Va., when at home. He Also says he escaped from the Jail of Wae Coua ty some six or eight weeks since, and subsequently from Nash County Jail. . Said Negro is a dark ginger cake or bacon color ; about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, has bad teeth in front and appears to be about 40 or 45 years of age. The owner must prove property, pay charges and take him away or he will be dealt with as the law di rects , ' WM. L. HARRISS, Jan. 10 tf Jailor. - .- Omoi or the Chatham R. R. Company, ) Raleigh, October 29th, 1862. j MONTHLY INSTALMENT OF TEN per cent , payable on the first day of each month, until the whole subscription is paid, is hereby called for, by an order of the Board of Directors. W. W. VASS, .Treasurer: Raleigh, Oct31, 1862.. nov 8 tf .SNUFES ! SNUFFS ! ! WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO IlE ceive orders for Nelson & Munaia's celebrated Seotoh Snuffs, vli : "Scotch" (in papers) in Boxes, 50 lbs. ' "Scotch," loose in Barrels, 120 lbs." "Rappee," in 2S lb. Jars. ' "Macawber," in 20 lb. Jars. For sale by SMYTH & CO., Sole Agents. Petersburg, Nov. 22d, 1862. nov 22 3m A PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR YdUNG LADIES will be opened by Miss Mangdh. at the residence of her mother, in Orange County, on the. z um January teaa. iney will receive instruction in the English branches and Music ; and find a home in henfiothert family. Parents and guardians who de sire farther particulars, will please address . Miss M. P. MANGTJM, either at Red Mountain, or Flat River, Orange County N. C. . dec 13-2m ANOTHER LARGE & VALUABLE stock of Imported Dru?s, pr Steamer Kate, was purchased by the subscriber at the sale in Charleston on the 12th inst., which is daOy expected and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, at a small ndvanoe. This is a rare opportunity for Physicians and country merchants to replenish their stocks for fall trade. .Terms., Cash o Dxlivert. The lollowing compri ses in part the stock referred to viz: 200 oz. Quinine, 100 gaL .Cwtor Oil, 150 lbs.' Camphor, 600 lbs. Pep per, 1 Case Howards Calomel, 6 do. led. Potass, 1 do. Snlpher, 3 Packages Chlorate Potass, 300 do. Alum, 8 Cases Eng. Mustard, 1 Case Morphine in oz vials, 1 Package Opium, 1 do: AssafOetida, 1 Case. Eng. B. W. and Omnibus Soaps, 5 bbs. Lard Oil, 25 bbla. KTanners OiL 1500 lbs. Yellow Wax, Fine Tooth Coombs, Ivory, Spta. Nitre, Lunar Caustic, aDd many extracts too tedious to mention. Send orders soon to P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh, N. Ci - nov. 19. ' Notice. . A rri ' imnn nTMtn ucannt will nlaasa na 11 anil nv nr . aud the same. ja It lm WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD.- T . W, R O YS TON, ,i PETERSBURG, VA., MANUFACTURER OF CITIZENS' and military clothing ft all' kinds, in the best style ' Cloths, ; Cassi meres and Vesting of all the bBtvaterrs, Staff Buttons, wholesale er reUiL Trim mings ef all kinds, Ac, Gold Lace by the piece or at retail In fact, 1 nave a complete stock of military Shirts, Drawers, Socks, Gloves, Cravats, Ties and Uniforms, all ready made. None bat the best hands employed at . , - .1 . T. W. ROYSTON'S I 671 Sycamore street. ' P. S. Orders for military clothing promptly filled. jan II ly T. W. B. Qolixsboko', Noam Caaolua. ) ; January 13d, 1863. , OereraL Ordxss No. 5. f T CO MM AN PER 8 OP BRIGADE . jl. wiu give to ut ompen aetaiita ir recnilus ter viie, (one from each Company,) special iestraetion to arrest and forward to their Cempaaies all enlisted men absent without hompetent authority, r. - II. A full ptrdonj excen as to ferfetor ef pay for the period f vnaatharited abeenee; Isnerebj pre. claimed to all enlisted seen, absent with ot leave, who ' may voluntarily retrai to their ispestive eosiBBAAdS on or before the 10th day f ebraary next, - - IIL All Alistedx Wen whe 4e not Tolsmtcrily.rev torn within the time specified, and all who shall afjr this date abeeat tkentselre from their MntmandJ ' without proper authority, will be charged witki4SfS tion and tried by the new Military Court new la Ses sion. If fousdtUty, they iriUU sen teae4 to death, ' whether present or absent, and eoamanders wjllbt) ordered to execate jthe) sentence wherever the con demned can atretteeV - v i .- i v. IV. In Companies all the enlisted men of which are present for duty except those Absent under lags! orders ot upon reguJUi .sick4eve, JiTiaiontAtrirt and Department Conomanders are authorised to grant furloughs, at the rate! of onejor every twenty. Ire men present for doty in eech- cempaay, and for pe riods which, deducting the time n3esTjjtfr.JtrateL will permit the parties to remain at home fourteen days. Whenever they jar aUtherised-Vy the-faets- to append a certificate,; which will be required in every instance, that no'enlisted man of the Company is ab sent without oompeteint aatherity. Conpeny And Regimental. Commanders . will ferWard. threasfa.tha -regular channels, at, the rate and. -pen the ooavdilums aDove speoueo, recomimendauons - of the men stoat meritorious and deserving of furlonglu.' . . ,r , V. All enlisted mtn who overstay their regular sick furloughs, or those granted as above, will be tQusedi ately arrested on their Iretarn, an examination made into the facts of each ease, and the facts reported to -the Brigade Commander, who will .either punish, the delinquent, cause charges te be preferred, or return him to duty unpunished, as the circamstanoes of the case may in his judgment require. - . VL Major A. F. jCob,l Chler QuArUnnaster, win cause these orders to be advertised onoe.a week- lor three weeks in every newspaper, published i. North Carolina, andj in the newspapers published fn CoUun bia, Anderson, Greenville and Yorkville, South Car olina, I . - : I t By Command of Mai. Gen. G. W. Bum : SAM. W. MELTON, Jklajor and A. A. Gen. PROCLAMATION, j BT ZEUILON 11. VANCE, GOVXRNOE OF TH STATS Of, NoATH CaAOUXA. Whereas, it has been made JtnewA to me that a large number of soldiers from our armies are Absent from tlretr colors withiout proper leave, io- this the hbur of our greatest need and it beiaji eeaadently believed that a large majority of such arere impelled to this course by a natural and almost irresistihle esire to see their homes .and families ones more Af ter eo long an absentee and not because ef A coward- ' ly determination te leave their brave comrades to share all the dangers and hardships of thefisld.alon; and whereas,; Maj. Gen. G. W. Smith, in oommaad of the Department of North Carolina, by eensent f -the Secretary of jWar, has! published, an order declaring that alt who may "voluntarily return to duty by the lutn day 01 prehmazyj next, shall be received into their several commands with no other punishment than a forfeiture of their pay for the time they have been so absent without leave : and declaring farther -that all who do not so return by the said 10th day of February, shall, when (apprehended, be tried fer de sertion, and upon -conviction, be made to suffer death: No wV therefore, Lj ZEBULON B. VANCE, Govern or of the State pf North -Carolina, de issue this ay proclamation to all soldiers from this State, serving in the armies' of the Confederacy, who are now ille gally absent from . their colors, commanding, thesa te return to duty with their comrades, and exhorting them to avail themselves of this opportunity '-of sav ing their friends from , the disgrace and infamy, whloh will cling forever to the name of a deserter from his country's cause, and themselves from s felea'a Aeath. Many, after carrying their .country's flag in triumph through various bloody conflicts, and making them selves a name of which their children's children-might have been justly proud, have forfeited it all by ab senting themselves at a moment when their own State is invaded and about to be desolated by a brutal half savage foe. Now is the time to re-Instate themselves, by a prompt return to-duty 1 appeal to then to st and by theiir. country yet a little longer, and not te sully by desertion the. bright and glorious reputation ef the State, which they have helped i .tot win4A hundred hard-fought fields ; And I appeal tq all good and loyal citiiens throughout fhe State togivethsii t influence to induce these men to return. .. Let no ynev unmoved by tliis appeal to patriotism and honOrvsup pose that he can remain at home with impunity ; th full power of the State authorities, aidadif need he by the Confederacy, Shall be put hi force to' Arrest him and bring him to I punishment after the 10th day ' of February next, and there shall be no rest sfof -the 1 deserter in the borders of Nerth Carolina And let . none exouie-their desertion by declaring that they go . home to take care of their families ; they widW Add nothing to the comforts of their, families by biding like guilty men in the woods by day, and. h plundsr-.. ing their neighbors by night; they only bring .shame and suffering upon (the heads of .the innocent, And their little children, when gray headed old-seen, will have the finger of soorfi pointed at them And the nit ter taunt will ring m their ears, u Your father, skulked . in the woods; to keep from fighting for his" -country." - The State is. bow trylagjo provide food-for year families, and each county is.msklng A sisailar re-f vision ; and as your Chief MsgUtratev I premise yom that the wifW and child of the soldier Who is in the army doing his duty hall' share the- las bushel of meal and the last pousd ef meat. in the State, Let every patriot in the land assist with all his influence' in tne execution of this proclamation, and Av.&ete rioua ranks will again! be filled, and our country soon be rid of the! enemy. I . j. ;.:. .j In witness whereof Zxbulqji. B. .Vaob, our I Governor, Captain-General an A Com L. S. mander-in. Chief, hath signed these presents . and caused the Great Seal of the State to bev affixed. : . m r.- Done at our City of Raleigh, on the 26th day of January, in the yeas of our Lord 1863. t . Z. B. VANCE. By the Governor; j R. H. Battle, Jb., Private Secretary. January 28 w3w. j N' ORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE i COMPANY At the -asuwaI meeting of the North Carolina Mutual 7ire Insuranee Company, held on the 14th January, 1862, the fellow ing persons were elected Directors and Offioers for the ensuing year : L I DIRECTORS. Henri D., Turner, Raleigh John R. Williams, do. T. H. Selby,: j do. C. W. D. Hutcbiings, do Kemp. P. Battle, do. George Little,. ! 'do. James M.TowEes, de. JameS E. Heyt; Washington, Alexander Mitchell, Newborn. Jos. u. Wnght,; Wilmington. John M. Jonesj Eden ton. George W. Charles, Elisabeth City Jos. Ramsay, Plymouth. ' J. W.HarreuMurfreesorouxh. . H. B. Williams,! Charlotte, i " Samuel Watkini, Milton. ' A. W. 8 teeL Fayette viUe. J oseph White, Anson county Josh. Boner, Salem. A. P. Summy, Asheville, . OFFICERS OF THE COMPAirT T. H. Selby. PrmAin. Heniy D.Tuirnir, Vie do. John iH. Bryani Attorney. Ham den S. Smith, Seer t tar and TrosttmrmT T. H. Selby, exrofficio, John R. Williams, A Ex. Omnia- . :f. C. Wi D. Hatchings, j . . , . " ThU Company has been m eosMful operadm over 13 years, and continues to take risks neoaleUl slasses pf property n S the State,' (except Steam-Mills' and Turpentine- Distilleries) upon favorable temsv i8 Fj.' f T VWfJ Amounting to eAry $4,000,000, a large portien ef which is in country risks; and its present .capital is oyr Four Hundred xnousanajouara,mbondspreperlysenrd. nr, . All communications in refereneeto insurance shoi be addressed to the SkwreUry, postpaid. ...I : ' I ' HAMDEN 8. SMXTIX, Ay, -Jan nary 8th, If 61. ' . Jan 13- fTUIE FIRST YEAR OP TliiB WaC--' JL vj, BDWAuo a. roLLAan, Author of Blac T Price, 1 $2.01 t r; . ,. SJ.se ; , V. L, POMER07. GLASS WARE AND WHITAKER'S When Sent by mail. se 3 a a A r CASTORS mk u a January 28, llu. i ij ..... 1IM.O VWUuy, fw - - " i j-fi I . ! !' . i : - : ' 'i ' - V t ' 1 ; ' i ' : i ' . U: Ci: t- ' i - ,1 - '!:: , UV: i t .-. ; . i ' - ' .- i . - : . r '. ; K- '. ! j' ' . i - -Sr. - - . : : - i- mmimmm mmm - . . -.v.. . -.- ..." . .-. " ' i l