7 ' .V... i - f r f ... ..';..t"-;-'f,-.- : ! t.-v - ) i v:v:- -,:v .. .... -J ''i 'V 1 1 i THE MM MISTER; WEDNESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 11. 18S3L 1 , , ' ' ' ' - rp tTT T mri ri FT! T TTYTTT rN JL JIJ ljAl Jlib 1 ' JU W S. ..CnATTAKOooiL, Feb. 8 Resolutiohs have been . .nxroacoea in the .Kentucky Lecislatora in favor ; ot an armistice. The Journal seemed In favoriof i proposiuon or conference between the Jjegiala ( ;ture and Northpxn. Legislatures to mo what shall - Pj aone-'..-.Tv,,' , . . .. . ; i. ":S I ; FROM X3H A ULESTON.i-cj-j! K,l i'Pr : i Cn Ant. esTow, Feb Information hat bpen receivi that a Yaniee and four or five irbn-cladsi Evid intlv Aamt,trrAri, movement is ivt -K.n1.t -..,?-. , j 7 l; .. .- il i TE: ilEPOUTlUllTO BE LOST I .-. - 1 . . i iuiyeriuer as Kegister jhasthe following, from I u :n on o oia msi, - aupaicn xo ueutii; irouvuronaaa, announces on rthe authority of The .number of deserters - from r the federal! army is great. , -come nave taken the oath of 1 al ' legianco.. 4, ,f.'..LrTy;i- fleetof over seventy teeaeU -ws tn Port Roval l Harbor on Saturday. The! fleot was ; composed of : fiftyrtw transports fllteon. laf iwarT steanJers j ; MORGAN'S MEN AT , WORK. ;! ' 'From McMinnville,ohihe 8th; we have learn- j ; ed that Col. Mania of Morgan's Brigade withone nunarea men aiiacsea Reynold's division yeeter : day, killing a number and wounding a numbep of tne enemy and burning a number : of the enemy's :; wBsona wun;proyuions. .f rJ--j f j .j CAPTURE- OFj 'CONFEDERATE STEAM- ,.;;.;; S rJd MobiIi, FeW ij Special to the Advertiser & Register from 4ack : eon on the 7th inst. says, a government ordiiinca : agent who escaped, reports that the federal gun boat Queen of the "West, which passed Vickburg 'Batteries, went up Red River j capturing stefamer A. W, Tajlor loaded with sugar and mojuses having thirty Confoderate officers on board,- in ' of .whjm'cecaped; steamer Moore . with .181)4000 'lbs. of prk for Port, lludson and also, steamer ' Berwick Bay, with 2,000 LbU. flour and 00. bales - of Orttcn. -Queen of the West; mounts 12 Vlfled uer Cct. Elliotr 'She was strucki twenty timesl but being Cotton-clad was: little injured; She! has returned to Vlcksbure without her prizes which were probably ro-oaptured or destroyed. lM '.i'.t (.;! -;f -v ev CON FEDERAT?E''CONGRESS.f f'I'J :. The Senate wis Inaqcret eosslon 'io-dayloki th& xiouae i passeo; a Mil making . It unlfflwfu , f ?niti'V une any j8oldier to by ttn aea by flogging, rxhe exemption bill wak tur- vnr. debated, -j. - No actfen. I. :.. I... uaiAilTTALf OP MAJOR SANDERS tro VVI: FORT LAFJUY ATTEi t : '1 . MaioxrB-ii5Snderil who fell into the hands of the bTockaders ofUharleston wHh the, "intercepted dispatcbes " was examioed in New York on ihe 1st insLVahdeommittodto Forl'XafayeftejlThe Herald sava f : r ? T s lie was then under the assumed name of Geo. A. Sherman, and claimed to be a British subject. w ' ' 1 a ' . a ... T I xxe was, aresseq in roec names' apptrei, and ! on being searched I document were found secteted on his peneon which confirmed tbe suspicion that . he was bearer' 6r t(r GlIpttcDelK-anoOT-was VUHVHJUU iAJ Will. I, BUU, HttiiouJ.nvu iiuui kuu j Pia7y Yard. Brooklyn, I to me custoay ot me United Stales Marshal, where it was thought be would be a valur.ble witness in condemning jtne prize vessel on board of wbich'he was wheo;ciap. tured. lie hero denied his idenUty, insistect that his name was Sherman, and that he was a British ' labject.' This subterfuge was, however, deUxjted by Prize Commissioner Elliott, ; who recognized - himVas Reid Sanders, sou of! George Sanders, with whom he (the Commissioner) had been well acquainted. k .-.. j . 1 i ; The Marshal said he was also acquainted - with Sanders' father and mother, and that the move ments of the acotned weio watched from th&time he left homo until he was brought to tbia city. Sanders ultimately acknowledged hii "name; and admitted that:! he waV known, at home as Major ' Reid Sanders, jpf (be Confederate frmy. lleiuked that he might not bo sent to Fort Latayette, a he was in bad health,; A pjyaician, nowever,f was consulted,' and he waa traninttted to lTort Lafay ette onSaturday,. under! thebareo of Deouties TV.0I and BuckFev. 1 Maior Rvi Sanders is some what like his father, stout and stinted, ruddyxom- nlezion. and about twenty -fivi ears 01 age. -riia mnnarel was .an ' excellent di) Ise; and ;com- i nintAitr tmnforttied the man of tary oearuig into the laborer jn search of hire, Tha Iflirthern papers, Of the 2d,' co Ttimori'hlfth we in circulation at " the 23th ulU of the Confederate steamor Fi ' (nee Ovieto.l. Tbe following is a summary 27. it was reported in Ha- van that heavy firing had been heard at; Milan . zaa and Cafdenali as if coming from vessels war encaged in' k serioui contest at ea. It w4 aU stated that the Florida, or some other rebel jvessel, . had been chased by several United f?H ft with w hat result had not been learned, . fli bolieved at Matanzas that theF Z were connected ' with the. same vessel. This ru mor jvaa strengthened by the arrival of tlw Cre ole, ftoni New York, on.the follow ng df.! reported that she hadieen spoken by the j Pnion cunboat Cayuga, which veaael reported th.arShe ? . . V 1, B'.,-mr on flrrt. uDDOsed: to be - the Florida, nd.that three other vessels were flr- f ing into her with great "PVrVteJ l-.mnt wai not definitely stated but that it was In tne vicinwy o r denM ahd MftUnzat. ; -. :,;ij :-MJ.:;: y Car- FROM TilK RAPPAHANNPCK rrn,; nrwuirir of yesterday, says : . Z' f . i a disnatch fVom our Special Reporter a Fred AA1B.C S.Livm the 7th says that fiags of J Fridayanday, Jbutno papers were objtainea, uW u,uB T": Mri Eustace Conway ana iwo cBnure.wuu Snon, ofjfalmouth, have bee 5a i(taried to Washington; . I r. There-waVeai activity on . tbe other s de or thefiver on Thecars we seen moving running all night. : Trnppsjwere ,A iha river Saturday mofnlngahd A signal g n was urea on mo ui buito w, t LI o'cb; ' ml.tni ill ZiJiZi Ar.rtillerv. as if a nearu up mo nrsf uih r . 0 'the driver wal dUtin6tlyh,eara all last night. y -;thThe baM waa up Friday and Saturday , ' n A 11 1 vis i hi iiis; v. w T . . . J KENTUCS AND THE PROCLAMATION .,-t. -I ' '; ' V)F THE v-.; - it X - ' I injthe Havloh l, fi 1 I k : i irra pt From the Eichmond Enquirer.' . AID! ANp COHORT 0 V VYe have Had ccaslan l&talv tn TnoA Ihn In. f t'Jar being done the ; cause of Confederate inde'. f, pendenoe by the course puraued by the so-called C00611'" ol orth Carolina. : The defeat of en Ee?itnent Bill has recovered; that State mu wfBguo iat wouio naTe;aacnea w nap, waiainpomio.' meacurebeen 'adopted.., we shuld fcavie tiismissed the, subject when the de feat of that; bill had settled , the fact that Forth v,iroj?na was not to. be aragged ,py the so-callea CqnserTaUires into even seeming opposition" to -the vwu?uerRie uoTernmenu , pu; our auenuon nas been galled to the BaXllmor American of Janaa ry,3lit, which parades extracts from' the Raleich Simetar4 to encourage Jthe Federal' Government mme nope mat tbe peopWof North Carolina still entertain-feelings of allegiance to the United S -KICHM6KD USyRPXTIOK . QSTTIHO-TO BB apfbkciatk. ivve , gave 1 in our - last: issue, ausonigst the news item, the fierce denunciations ol ;the Baleieh Standard aonlied to the rebel ati- murines at tiicnnxna ; ana wnen we consider, in ies fcwon with, these sentiments' of a leading mnrnmi Ttiriiohiw-i tn ih..ntfii nfNwth n.Aiifi. pal conspirators recently put .forth by Governor y ftncotheconclnsion is plain that the old North Stte is anything but eatisfied In iU alliance with fefred to In the Standard comDrisesaf amount of ujpaj.iajacuon, tot angry disgust, tnan wnicn noth. mgcan De more expressive or utter condemnation of the militarv desDoliam established at Richmond. yn lUUHU WM, U1YIUO 1U1U UCCtfVJ , SI1U VUttir Dioitp nqw v, consolidated rule or rum." . ; !' The beonla of North' flomHtfn fjn raa frnnt th aiovjs extract how their patriotism has'' beenbe- ueu,j vneir noDie efiorts misrepresented, and now the course pursued by the Raleigh Standard has been ah invitation to Mr. Lincoln to send forces Into !Nk)rth Caroling the Standard. "that sympathizers wouid rise up to meetithe "old government" and aid it to over throw the 'Richmond conspirators." The inva sibnof North. Carolina'was regarded as invited oyv ra leading journal -published- in .the capita of Noith Carolina;" and, of course. . understcod to represent some oortion of the DeoDleand from its outspoken and boldlanguage; believed to speak the sentiments' of tho dominant party in that Tk&American further quotes the Standard': "Buit .'when the Raleieh paper now indisnantl'v tens! the.Rlchmond consnirators. albeit in coarse tfirntB,' that .'they labored to break down the old gioveaiimeot because-they were about to lose the oeeii ana tney would break, tne new one Perore vtulturcs are settled,' althooch it tells us nothins: roallv new. the acknowledgment, is worth mnrh al thisjunctare as confirming the belief always eniejrtaiaed, mat despite.every miserarble ; pretext was a mere revolt to gain power." . j Axe tne . people or JNortn uarolina content to have their action represented "as confirming the' belitf always entertained, that despite every paia era bile; pretext Jt was a mere: re volt to "kiln now-' eir.'j And yet the misrepresentations, of the standard place the people of. - NorthV Carolina in tjhat1 category, and they are held by the American s 'dissatisfied with the "Richmond conspirators J' la-it to be wondered at that North Carolina should be invaded when such' representation a . are made t tie; United Slates Government the. Raleigh Stakdard noied as authority t It was most nat-. ural for Mr. Lincoln to seek to develop the Union feeling supposed to exist in North Carolina, and "which the Standard was regarded as representing. -j.nrtnin veil of tne pretended support yielded by $ftrd to ibe .Confederate goternment, was l S1? "ee.u through at Washington; its complaints persisted in for a loner time, and Its coarse abuse of members of the Cabinet at Richmohnd, were i eceied by tbe Government at Washington, bovfeVer they may been ih tended, as. evidence ot al real hostility to the 'Richmond Cabinet nd latent sympathy , with the effbrtaof the Washiag. I ine American concludes its artiele as lollows i HAInd now,! we have, as a resolt of'the experii tnent jso far, those fierce groans from one of the States victimized by the endeavor. Casting off I whattbey were deluded into believing was a ty tanjny; they have, fastened upon themselves onp, an sundrea. nav. a tnonsand roid more &isnintA moH exacting, more unbearable : one from which there is no escape, unless that 'old government,' ?hbso rule bas beep set at ' naught, can control ther destinies and resume its sway-. Well may they regret the past ; well may they deprecate the Julo it has brought home to their interests. Cvn traihed' to admit, In their great agony, that the Federal Government never really wronged them; driven to calculate, how little the institution has gained for which their leaders declare the conflict was precipitated, 'the conflict is bringing them penitence, lea thern endeavor to put upon the mat ter iwhat face they may. Although weknow that it - . . 1' . , - f . nev are measuraoiv powerless in toe : eraan 01 ,ha,t tyranny they have aided in establishing, it is gpOU sign 10 see taem recognizing is b iasi aa kuch is a good sign that wi h the 'old govern- leht'f again resuming its powers, they will be low to yield to like temptations and follies again. Are the people or Hortn Carolina content to see hemselves represented by . the American on the aith of extracts from the Slandard,.&nl the pro- sedings of tbe House ot Oommons on the Ten eiment bin, as '-one or tne slates victimized by ihej endeavor" for Confederate nationality ? Are they willing to see their governme.nt denounced toy the American as "a thousand fold morenbso- iute.Mmote exacting, more unbearable" than the espiaed concern from which their own brave na baye, bo far, rescued them ? And yet the Ameriaan has recoiqd from IhsStandard the ."aid and 'comfort" necessary to enable it to hold up a Southern newspaper as tbe autnor and cmer com- nin$nt 'of all the abuses charged upon the.gov- ment of the Confederate States. Tne "curses" Oi Vm fif.ndrd acainat the Confederate crovern 'HVave "come home to roost,'1 attended by the armyv the T7nited States. The Standard having held oovuopgg that there was a wide;sproad d ew,".'""a wltn tne government at juenmona existing Vnlgboutorth Carolinahw induced th Lincoln OT0rnmellt i0 take one step further i a simple .l-clnalion-, and concludes that that d&shUsfactionV-- rft-ai ,-vmntbv with the "old govern menWfVphe peoplo of North Carolina must settle witny, invader by arms ; but the chief invader is tf,0 found -ln tQa 0fflce 0f (he ivaieign Dianaara. :-v-V - CHAI 5STON. ' We are:kept in consk able' excitement about vessels running the blockvle of the harbor of Charleston, tod I will ,hernWion a very curi ous faci' I suppose X.1iaveen in and over the Charleston bar hundrods of tihios, in all weathers If was always a nuisance, X If if a, vessel drawing o yer, teri feet, y ou hadto Wal t untH ekact h igh water and then you rarely found over 1 S to 16 feot on tne par. Jtna vitooawinpanasare&ot more treach erous than those on, th A Charlestdn bar WpI i what doeslPresident Lincoln! A a ..J eipnse herdored arosselV filled with gtanitq to Desunn iu ina inain,cnaunai. wbere there nnvr was 17 feoto water at bizli or anv other i Theresult la , astounding, t h Cooper and , the Asniey rivors, wnicn luere pass to tne sea tn each side of Charleston city and ou over tho bar, have swept out a ship channel, in noplace under 3o teet aeep, ana in some places mere is , no ieei waer where there was only 16 before the . vessels were sankr'-.Wnen peace cohoes Charkton harbor will be one of tbe linest ln the Southern Slates;; "Man riroDOses. but Ood dwDosee." Fron' Pearly' round Charleston ihe water in a. channel'of 30 feat will, make her Ithe sepond city in tho United States in -t tk- r.tn : 1 have mv' informittlon. from a sburce tbatijannov b doubted by me fctfeio. York o i :Nmtol- .'natcVaavi. that thirteen -ghns and property worth a lUIlionol dollars ano, one n.u i uuiibi w-i ...... : - KmnrirArt atia nine prP " r" " Oat-rum ties: Ji laarass, 1 & FROM THE SOUTH, :; f : ' -.Pqbt UUIWOK, x eo..o ; Deserters : are" constantly coming; in from the V enemy at Baton Rouge; 'For thelast lour weeics iwo per aay cave smveu. "j.j- -. K All or them concur m conariauag o-.oyv.. ffi!An in Tnfe' armv. They state ithat numeroua officers have resigned in consequence oi tne arrival oi sao negruicgouw-. , . " The army is completely demoralized,-in some cases rescuing reyyis. - wuo io6. - in the Penitentiary for casting down their arms. Reliable informaUon states tne , iorce;. awa Rnnra t fifteen thousand. -1 ' i t V There are. at present no; indications of an ad vance. ?, The reported movement several daysago, rosa from A fiancrfl of CimD., . .- ' ' niri la. ctatwi tobava said. Vmy" army has has ffone to hell. It is useless to deny .it." i a fnnrrom!np'from Brfton Rouge, represents the sinking of the sloop, of. war-Brooklyn by the Confederate steamers Aiapamar jc wnua mu.um ;nM T.onati Rrnofelvn havins been, sent in nn ranit of the latter. r- .j . xv .Th F.wer made her weekly visit 4n Sunday loot an1 'too flrd nnon bv our pickets. One Yankee reported killed;. She shelled our pickets for one hour." I .Nobody hurtr ..Deserters state that Banks cannot depend upon his army, pence the 'delay in advancing. v. a : FROM tHE NORTH; . . ; . ' ' pKTSBSBXTIlOFeb'8. v rNew York dates of the Sth and 6th, have been News of thev Charleston fight had been' received through Southern paoors. i ? vThe 2mi Jearns authoratatively-fsom WashrH ington, that there has been no Interruption or tne (Jnarleston oiocKaae ana inai.no, Buya.assumpnoq will be admitted by the Lincoln, Government. The Times learns also that an attack upon- Charleston is momentarily expected,- wnen tne blockade will probably Jte raised in i manner not t all agreeable to the rebels. . The rebels under Forest and "Wheeler have been utterly routed al Donelson.; ! r - Official despatches received at Cairo say that they met with considerable loss. The Yankee loss is forty to fifty. Tbe rebels have also failed in tholr demonstra tion at Island. No. 10. ' Butler has.chanred himself, in account" with the war department, with onb million eight bun- deed thousand dollars, as havms been received by him from military assessments and conftsca tions. - j ' 1 " ' ". The Congressional Committee reported against "the admission of Wing from the Norfolk district. Only 50 votes were polled in a district which heretofore gave Jtea thousand, therefore na elec tion.. ' , f The Vicksburg canal is &JailurQ. Six feet deep of water in the canal, but the channel still follows its old course by Vicksburg Stubborn water that. Col. Stewart, chief of McCIornand's staff, was killed on the 24th, while reconnoitering near Vicksburg, Py rebel sharp shooters. r- No material change in gold or .exchango. Cotton slightly lower quoted at 86 cents. . .FURTHER FROM THE NORTH. , ; . Ricnuos, Fob. 8. : .Northern dated to the 5th received'. The news from. Charleston produced much excitement in the North. ' , -" , ..The Herald regards the raising of the blockade as a serious matter, if recognized.' It cites many authorities favoring the validity of the act very decidedly, Put expresses its own views doubtingly. It fears sotjao understanding with franco and England with regard to this mode of raising the blockade. " . Four new iron clad3 Would be sent to the Sou thern coasj this week. . '.. , i- Tfie grand armada was I waiting a! favorable wind "and Boaufort Will wipe out the' disgraoe .01 -jnarleston Jri ; 'w -' Dispatches from the West-State that. For est had been repulsed at, Fort Donelson. Ilocaptiir-i ed a battery of four guns, put atter wards lost them with about a hundred and eighty men killed, wounded and prisoners. Resolutions have been offered in the New Jer sey Legislature that the State will not bo respon sible for any portion of debt incurred for eman cipation of negroes in Missouri and other States. FROM CHARLESTON. - t Chablkstok, Feb. 8. Robert Bunch, Esq., British Consul, sailed yes terday in the British war steamer Cadmus. From officers of that steamer we learn that tbe results of the late naval engagement wore much jess substantial than was at first supposed. No 'Yankee vessel was sunk. The Mercidita is at Port Royal, whither. she was towed in a disabled condition. . . i The impression among her crew tbat she was sinking was caused by water rushing into the hold fromher boilers which were perforated by snot. - . -.;.-..'. Tho Yankee gunboats Quaker City and Key stone otato were also struck and - badly damaged v There were several killed andt wounied aboard each .of these three vessels. : , : - .The new Ironsides is still off the bar. She Gross out to sea every morninrr but returns close in every evening to participate in any fresh on gagement. .. . Tbe impression prevails among the odcers of the blockading squadron that; Savannah will be attacked before Charleston. " ' The Yankees confess that the iron clad Mai) tauk was much injured during the latier part of the "fiibt at Genesis Point, near Savannah. Uer turret refused to work. - Mpedes op Rev. Dr. Boyd. The Rev. Dr. Boyd, of Winchester, an able and widely known minister ot the Presbyterian Church, we . are pained to jannpunod, has been murdered by the atrocious enemy now holding possession of that town; Ha- was shot by a picket on duty, who alleges- that his. hail was not regarded -by tho Doctor, but very probably be was not challenged at all. Dr. : Boyd waa distinguished Tor nis abui ty and piety, and bad many triends and admirers throughput the KtAte. xne outrages or ino in famous enemy are truly reaching the climAX of fiendish development when peaceable ministers of the gospel' are shot down in the very shadow Of their : homes and .churches. Petersburg Ex- ' Wanted,- milREE WASHERWOMEN AND ONE XtJook, at Fair Grounds Hospital, .Raleigh. Good wages and rations given. Apply to rr j E. BURKS UAYWOOP,. Feb 11 w3ksw-3t each. ... - . Surgoon. ; v J, P. KNIGHT & CO., ; .(SUCCESSORS' TO KHieHT, HOBIRTSeK 4.CO.,) NO, iillftON FRONT IIUII-DING, SYCAMORE STREET,; PETERSBURG, VA-, ,i - - Wlli sell on commission . TOBA CCO, COTTON, WHEAT, FXOUJl, CORX, f B A CON, L,ARD, B UTTER, BllANDCES, &C. Will attend to the filling of orders j will make cash . advances on produce iu hand. . . 'r' J. P. KNIGHT & CO. XJOTICE. l am connected with the above house, and will be pleased to have my old friends and custo mers patronizo me as heretofore. H ' 1 liRV.I A S.T TXT HiT linDVPTOlVr Feb ff lm ' ",77 . For Sale. iA;AIin FA OV ABOUT-ibO ACRES crAnmn7rlnTo1f?t H3 Qr eout?y; N. i2.15 from, 0lfa- Tkere b roed dwelling good d wellin, Bouuui uQuse, ana oui-nouses on tha vvy guoa. app'o urenard. - Mr. Wm Paev Also, a Poitmaster at Oak IliU, wiU showTn l ' w n -. OUBLK BUGGY NotesiscountecL'y - $1 J,52,5H.26f'" -'i irnit 'fit'v-' ; ; -,'kD . ;. Ar - : - r ..7;. - - 1 BUI of -ExehangeV.V'. ftate of Nerth.Carolina Bonds, 191,000, 396,675 Conlederate Btteruonda, . Tlti frnro AtHr BtiV: Vi ui - W s' 1idfdris-? rMerehants Bank; Bosten,i h1' J. T. Boulter, 'Agent,J r Jj K Pulton Bank, New York; i.1 A. J. Rugely & Ca, New- Orleans. ; Patrick -Irwin A Co.l Mobile. ' r People's Bank 6. ChariestoB . J Bank or Charleston, 8. O.V ". Coniniercial Bank, Columbia,' S.C, r2l,33.0T i'Ci 308.20 l . I - . lit- - .8,104.07 '14.049.86 Farmers Bankof Virginia, (4,433.15 Bank or Virginia, t, . -, "Exchange Bank of Virginia' Z.,? - ' Thos. Branch- Jt- Sons;;. Petersburg;? Va., v : Bank City Petersburg, Va.,: f 1 Mcllwaine, Son A Co. Petersburg, Va., . - ;j.BGordon 4 brfolka., V - Farmers. and Mechanics Bank Phila ; t. 34,177.05 ,r; 8,7430 i 6,000. 8,194.81 70L30 Notes Various Banks of N. C; S; aund V. Confederate States,, Specia Silver, v. Expense account, V Salary . ' '.' C ; " " - - -, " - -. " ' ; Vouchers, " -: " ;- ' " BiDa and Cheeks and Transitu; February V It r: v -: To Capitalists y milE ALABAMA AND : MISSISSIPPI JL River Railroad Company, of Alabama; will oner Cor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, (not less than par) on Wednesday, the 4.h day of March, ' 1863, at'the Bank of gelma, in the City -ef Selma, :$ 4 00,000, bonds of the Company, 'dated January 1st, 1862, and! due January 1st, f87 5, and f 12,000 bonds of the City of Selma, dated January lstt 1S62, and due January 1st, 1882- The last named, "bonds will be-e&dorsed'and guaranteed by the Railroad Compa- . ny. All these bonds bear 8 ' per' cent : interest, paya ble semi annually, at the Commeroial Bank of Al1 bama, at Selma, with coupons attached for the inter est. The bonds of the Company (interest and prin cipal) ,are secured by a1 mortgage, duly executed and recorded, on the entire ? Railroad of the Company, with all its machinery and lands, and franchise, and other appurtenances;- .The road Commences at the City of Selma, where it connects-with the Alabama and Tennessee Riyer Railroad (completed 135 miles,) and now being extended under a contract with the Confederate Government, to Rome, Georgia) and with a daily line of steamboats, plying between Selma and Montgomery, and extends West through a well culti vated and very fertile region, via Uniontown and De inopolis, about 77 milos,and is connected by means tf the Northeast and Southwest , Alabama Railroad', with the Mobile and Ohio, and Southern (Mississippi) Railroads, at Meridian Mississippi. Resides its very marked local advantages, securing to it a large loca business, this road helds a most favorable position, in the great Eastern and Western line of travel .between Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana ana Mississippi, and tne Northern 'end Eastern portions of the Confederacy, affording -the most direct and shortest- route from Vicksburg, and all intermediate, plases to the Capitol of the Confederacy, and tne boath Atlantic cities. Although the route through from Selma to .Meridian has been opened only within the last-few weeks, and is not yet working as regularly aa it will, so soon as the arrangements in progress are completed, the in come already far exoeeds the sam required to make good the bonds proposed to be issued. In short, it is believe a, ina.l 110 ueiicr secunues iaaa uiose oonas, can be found in. the Confederacy. Two prior liens exist, to-wit: a mortgage to secure $ If 0,000 bonds of the Company, due January next, to bo paid out of the oroceeds of the bonds' How offered; and which will be received in pa jaawiiC for he lattfet bonda,.. Second, a morteaze to secure $150,000 advanced by the Confetl- Terata Qoyernmeat for the completioa f -ih rww.4 payable in 1372, unless sooner discharged, as expected, by transportation for the Qovernnient. Sealed proposals or bias, directed to tne undersign ed at Demopoli8, or W. S. Knox, Esq., Treasurer, at Selma, (who on application wm give any lniormation desired) will receive due attention. . - Q. G. GRIFJTIW, TresidenU Selma," Ala, Feb. 11 t28feb. - . .. NOTICE. I WILL' GIVE A REWARD of Twenty-five Dollars for any information con cerningG." L. Kirkpatrick, of Co. L,J6th Regt. N. C. Troops, who left Camp Winder Hospi.al, in Rich mond, on thp 28th October, on furlough home. Said K. is a native of Haywood county, N. C." Any infor mation will be gladly received. ; My address is Crab' Tree,. Haywood county, N. C.-;: v jan 21 3tpd - SILAS F. KIRKPATRICK. Q A Ci ACRES OF LAND. FOR SALE.-- OuU I' have for -sale eight hundred acres of fine land, which I will sell publicly on the tenth (10th) day ef February, 1863, if not disposed of before, that time, lying within three and a half, (3) miles of Henderson, Granville county,. North Car6!ina, one third Of which is cleared, which produces remarkably well tobacco, wheat, corn and oats, and situtaod in the immediate neighborhood of good mills grist and 'saw. The entire plantation has been recently put under a good fence, and in a nne condition tor-cultivation There is upon the plantation an overseor's house and cabins for thirty or forty negroes', with corn aibs, eta bles, lumber house, Ac. - There are four hundred bar rels of corn' and thirty thousand pounds of good fodder which I wul sell also. Terms made known on ' day . of sale. JOHN E. JONES, " Manson P. 0., Warren co., N. C. - Fob 3 tds - . .' Blooded Horses for Sale. kl B.M. TOUACCO FLY, Bl THE KED, I A. out of Fire Fly. Imp. Priam, G: dam by Imp, LuSborough rlost only one race out of fix 5 years oldnow stinted to Albion. Jr., J5SQ0.- 2. Her produce, BZ F., by Albion, Jr., foaled last spring priee $500. " c - 3. By. i ILIIorse Fly, by Imp. ..Fly by Night, out of Fire Fly 3 years old, 700 j 4. Br. F.. fall Biater to last named. $500. ' ; 5. B. M., Lola by Bailie Poyton out of a rogt. mare, now ten years old and stinted to Tarltiver i fine blood aad saddle auimal, $454. 6,.IIer.preduce, B. M. Esther, by Gen. Hawkins, bay Priam, -4 years olJ now stinted to Tar River, S3 OOO.- - - ' ; .- - ' -T 7- B. II., full brother' to last, named, 3 years old. 3. B. F., by Imp.'Fly by Night,. S years eld, $500 0. B. C, EpeUon, by Epsilon, Jr., one year old $400. . "10. B, Cv by Albion, Jr which horse Col. Green lost upon the fall of Roanoke Island last spring's eolt. . - , ; 11. B. C, by same oat of. No. 8, foaled May l&th; 1862, as was No. 10 a perfect match, price for pair, $50fl. 12. Be. H., Mid Night, by Imp; Albion, dam by Imp. Glencoe, 4 years old, $1,000. . - 13. B. C. M'., Pitch Dark, 4 years eld, in foal to Al bion, Jr. -she by Imp. Albion, dam Stockholder, G. dam by Imp. Leviathan, $700. '.. v? ' 14. Ch. M., Kitty, -6 years old, a, splendid saddle horse, by Roanoke, $$00. . ' " ; - - 15. S. II.'Regent, Jr., by Regent, 2 years ld, $700, 15. B. II. Beauregard, 4 years, old, ., by ea. Al x. nawkins' bay Priam. This horse is" believed to be the 1st or 2d racerin the country .vi He wen the'grtat New Market Sweep Stake in two straight heats, beat ing a fine field. - Among them Ninette, fall sister to' the renowned Planet his dam by .Imp. Trustee-he is a full brother. to the celebrated race' horse Frank Allen, We WUI sell one-half interest ia him for $180. 17; ATso,'a pair of da rk, browp , carriage horses by, a Wagoner horse large, gentle and weir broken to single or double harness, $700. ., .s..' t" - Being overstocked with horses,-we win" sell at pri-. vate sale,' the above list. ' Most of their pedigree are ss thorough and 'fashionable as any in this country More complete pedigrees wiU be furnished purchasers, : THOS.-J. GREKN 4 SON. Emerald, near'Warrenton, N. C, Jan. 28 2m . Notice . " ARE INDEBTED . a LL WHO. T.O US upon open account will please call and pay or Jiond the same,. . . . ,: i, ja 17 lm ' ; WILLIAMS "A HAYWOOD. UUSUELS 5 IE AL daily expected at WIUTAKEBS- . ; : fi' I 885154.6 J I $-jti . . ' k I Profit and. Lose ' ; ' I -4 ti-J" I ' i?li&iZr 1 497,675 U,26,J61U Bank State North Carolina, 4 " Doe to other Banks t ' .--.' Merchants Bank, Xew York, ; 1 " . ;Bank ot JiobUe, Mobile, : V-: .'J, E.,C." Elmore, TreasrC S. A-' ;Bank West Tennessee, Memphis, Traders Bank Va., Rlcluaond,-v4 0 Bank, et Cape Pear, WihaiigtoV - Farmer! Bank' of N. Oreensboro. i-Bank, of Washlsstoo, N. CiL i ? . 80243.73 ;a,ooov r ,:V- 489 -'-5,015,55 8 Bank of .Commerce,. Newbern, JConv! '-24,698.52 7 pany eaops, -:V" I" XT 1 J 1 . 41 iww, in vircuxat on ; ' issued by principal Bank, liranebenr DiTidendaunpaUi,t "rj! weposxia, v,-,ti 84,621.49 82.50 '132,650.64 . ,187400 1 295,055 ; l8M2";l ? 582,45 8-34 849 516,858.63 i; tT, r- - 594.75 V54.15 ' .7,849.10 "2,299.23 j 13,647,66 5,442,162.03 S' 1?$$ Notice. ... . - . : :, o N MONDAY THjE:16TH OP FEBUUA- ry next, I Jrili sell at auction, at the Court House Door, in Raleigh: sixteen Bales Cotton, of the crop of 188C. . i C. B, HARRISON, Adm'r; . . ja 17 td " . of Bryan Green's Sitate.' HUlstJoro' N. C , Military Acad- v" '. 1 emyv - " ' - THE FIFTI ACADEMIC YEAR OF this Institution will commence on the first Wednesday in February, ilSSS. ' ' - For Ciroulars and information, apply to MAJ. WM. M. UORDONSupt H. M. A.,', nov 29 4m J, ' IIiHsboro' N. - C. , TllEUB IS IN TIXE RAILROAD QF FICB. at this, place a medium sise red leather .Trunk, witheut any name on : it, containing valuable goods. Among them is a bible, with name W. R. Gordon written in it. The Trunk has' been in. this office about seventeen months. ' The owner is. hereby requested to come forward, prove property .and take it away, or I will appropriate it to my own use. Qarysbnry, Jan 31 6tpd B. H- SUITER. ORTR , CAR OX INA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO MP AN Y, OFFICE RALBIGn, N.IC THIS COMPANY taker'risks upon ail healthy lives between the ages of 14 and " 60 yearp for one year, for seven years, or for life the atiurert for life participating in the pro fits of the Company. Slaves between the a ares of 10 and and 60 vears, are insured for one or five years, for I two-thirds their market value; . All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented.- DIRECTORS FOR 1861 AND 1862. Charles E. Johnson, . Wm. H. Jones, Wni. W. Hoiden, H. W. Rusted, . J. G. Williams, p. F. Pescud, ' Quentin. Busbeo, K. P. JJattle, Wm. If McKee, " W.S.Mason, Charles B. Root, Everartl Hall, Rtch'd H. BatUe. - OFFICERS. 4 - Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President. ?W. W.Uolden, Vice President. v- r. , U.'W. Ilusted, Attorney. . - Wmlp H. Jonos, Treasurer. . . ." R. Ij Battle, Secretary. ' W. II. MeKee,' Medical Examiner."- . - - W. tt McKpe, V p "Charles B. Root, Executive CommitU. Q. Busbeo -J ' For futiher Information, -.the publio is referreoi " the pamphlets and forms of proposal, which "maybe obtained at the Office of the Company, or any of its Agencies. ' Address- , ' K. lx. BATTLE, Secry. Raleigh Jan. S,th, 1862. jan 11 Committed To JaiL WAS COMMITTED- TO THE JAIL OF Warren Count v. 'on the 31st dav of December last as'a runaway, a. Negro man who says his name is Washington Newell ; that he belongs to Capt. Wm. Smith of the 6th Regiment N. C. Troops, and that his. master lives in Faquier County, Va., when at home. lie also says he escaped from the Jail of Wake Coua ty some six or eight weeks, since, and subsequently from Nash County Jail. . v; baid Negro is a dark ginger cake or bacon eolor :' about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, hafebad teeth in front and appears to- bo about 40 or 45 years of age. ' : Tho owner must prove property, pay charges -and take him away or he will be dealt with as the law di rects. t WM. L. HARRISS. Jan. 10 tf Jailor.,. OrFics or tds Chatham R. R. Com tan y, . " . ! "i Ralbiqh, October 29th 1362. j' MONTHLY INSTALMENT OF TEN per ceht h payable on the first day of eact month, A until the whole subscription, is paid, is hereby called for, by an order of the Board of Directors. . - f ' ' ' Wi'-W. VASS, Treasurer: Raleigh, Oct; 511882. 't ; nov 8 tf SNUFFS! SNUFFS!! WE AHJE NOtV. Pit El AU ED TO KE ceive orders for Nelson A MunnU's e!tbraled .Scotch Snuffs,, vis : s "Scotch" (in papers) In Boxes, 50 lbs. "Scotch," loose in Barrels, 120 lbs. "Rappee," in 20 lb. Jars..... i ., . "Macawber,' in 20 lb. Jar. . For sale by ; , SMYTH & CO., Sole Agents. : Petersburg,: Nov. l2d, 1862. nov 22 3 m A P It I VATE SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES vriU be opened by Miss MaHaokat the residence ef her mother,.- in Orange County, on the 20th January, 1863.1, They will receive instruction in the English branches antl Music; and find a home in her mother's family.- Parents and guardians who de sire further particulars, will please address ; - .. Mi8s:M. P. MAlGUM, . either at -Red Mountain, or Flat River, Orange County N. C .'".-'' i - . '.dec 13-2m J . : ' .t , 1 i ' , ANOTHER LARGE; & VALUABLE stock of Imported Dru 9, pr Steamer Kate, tras purchased by the subscriber at the sale in Charleston on tbe 12th insW which is daily expected and will be sold in. lots to suit purchasers, at a small advance.' This is a rare opportunity for Physicians and country merchants to replenkh their stocks for fall trade.; Tsbxs, Cash (r Dlivert. Tbe following onrpri- ses'hi part the stock referred to vis: 200 oz. Quinine, 100 gab Caltor Oil, .150. lbs. Camphor, 800 lbs. Pep per, 1 Case Howards Calomel, 6 do.- led. Potass, 1 do. Sulpher," 3 Packages Chlorate Potass, 300 do. Alum, 8 Cases .Eng. Mustard, 1 Case Morphine in oz vials, 1 Package Opium, 1 do. nAssafostida, I ' Case Eng. B. W. and Omnibus Soaps, 5, bbs. Lard Oil, 25 bbln. Tanners Oil; 1500' lbs. -Yellow Wax, Fine Tooth Coombs, Ivory,, Spts. Nitre,' Lunar Caustic, and many extractS;teo tedious to mention c : , ' .1 Solod orders soon to ' " ' "" ''!' &:Sm-,'-A fP. F. PESCUD, 'Raleigh, N". . niOV. 19-A4r. - .-r :- . . i. ; R 6 IT S T O N ? - : ' PETERSBURG, VA;, " " . MANUFACTURER OF CITIZENS and miliUry clothing of all kinds, in tbe best style. Cloths CaSsimeree and Vesting? t of .'all . the b&t patefts, Staff Buttons, wholesale or retail, TrimM minrs ef all kinds. Ao.:- Gold Laca h tha . niece or at retail. .-In fact, I have a complete stoek of. military T U A .- 1k -. i : .Tt ri ... 9ni I I ouirui, iyrTci3, ouua.o, uioves, . vravais- xiesau Uniforms, all ready ma de. None but the best hands employed at i i : : ' - ' ' . . - 4 T. W ROYSTON'S -.,, . ., y 67 J Sycamore street. - "P. S. Orders for military clothing promptly filled. . jan 21 ty . . ., . T. W. B V 112,000- Jan. 18-tt : ': 8 PER CENT. BONDS - . W. H. JONES . Cashier: 158133.46 . ... Mi 183.96 vmi , 80.68 r; 144,99 3? ; 4,808.65 . fi.gso.Y8 v 106,125 MTMJl C hi : . ',576,846 V,OOD 80,368.14 . '.A 5,443,162.03 Si UCVliY, Cash'r. GoiDSBOBO', NoTH CaBOLIHA, i . January 23d, 1863. OKNERAL OKDEB3, 1 T. COMMANDERS OF BRIGADES X. wil give to the officers detailed fer recruiting ser vice, (one from each Company,) special, instructions to arrest nd forwarcf to Their Companies' all enlisted men absent without competent authority.". '. i - ' T-r . i . I . . . r II. A iuh purafa,. except as a iunware n paj lur the . period of unauthorised absence," is hereby pro claimed to all enlisted men, absent without leavr, who may voluntarily return to their respective commands on or before the lSlh daypf February next. - III. All enlisted men who do. not voluntarily re turn 'within the tiAe 'specified, and all who shall after this date absent I themselves from their eommandi .without proper authoritn will bo charged with deser tion aad tried by thei new Military Court how in ses sion; If found guilty, they will be senteneed to death, whether present or absent, and commanders will I e ordered to execute (he sentence wherever the con demned can be arrested. ' IV. Tn Companies all the enlisted men ( which, are present for dot except. those absent under legal orders or upon regular sick-leave, Division, District and Department Commanders are authorized to grant fnrloughs, at the.alte of ooe for every, twenty-five men present lor .dttty. in teach ' company, and for pe riods which, deJutctipg tht time neceisary for travel, will permit the parties to remain at home fourteen days. Wheneveri thtey are authorised by the facts to . append a certificate,! which willJbe required in every instance, that no enlisted man of tbe Company is b-. sent without competent authority. Company and Regimental Comman deaf wilL forward, through the regular channels, .at the rate and upon the conditions ' above specified, recommendations of the men moat mVritorious and deserving of furlough. V.-All enlisted men who overstay their regular iok furloughs, or those granted as above, will be immedi ately arrested on jtbeh return, an examination made jnto the facts of each case, and tlto 7 faets reported to the Brigade' Commander, who will', either punbh the dellnque.nteausej eharges to bv preferred, or return iiim to. duty unpunished, as the ciroamstances of the ease may 4n his judgment require. -I- .. t Vli Major A. F.f Conx, Caief Quar term aster, will cause these orders jto be advertised once a week for three weeks in. very newspaper : published.' la North Carolina; and in th4 nawspapara published in ColaoW. oia, Anderson, ureenviue, ana xorkriue, Couth uar- Bv Command of MaiGon. GW Surra i- Major and A. A. Geo. 1 ' ,J - . -i f VQXEf y U AHTKKM A8TBR 8 urriUE, 1 ' ,-." QollbsBoRo, January 23, 1863. j All the newsDanera in tho State of North Carolina. and the' newspapers in Columbia, Greenville, Ppar- tan8burg,?Yrkvll, Sumpter and Edgefield, South Carolina, are requested to pubhsh-this notloe in com pliance with Ar. Vi sending a copy of the papers to (his offico. . Bills will be paid on receipt at this office. T p ' .A. F. CONE, jao 31 w3w I i Maj. atd Q M. Turner's lt O. Almanac, fbr 1863 . " TpiillD IDITIOBf. flONTAlNING ALL TUB CHANGES J made by tie present General Assembly,-just published and for sale at the North Carolina Book Store. PricV$6;5tt per hundred, or $ l.2o per-doxea. - II. D. TURNER. 'if Fob3-St i . Standard and iBiblicai Recorder oopy three times. 4- Commltted mO THE JAIL OF WAKE COUNTlf,ON JL the llth of ( November, lsoz, a negro man who says his name is; HARRY, and that ha belongs to John Thomas Siebane, of Bertie County. Said boy is about 35 years of age, and of dark complexion. The owner of jsjaid boy is requested to ocme for ward, prove property and pay charges, or he will be dealt with as the law.dlrects. i -.- 4 i ' ,W. II. HIQU, Shff. 1 Dee. 15th, 182. - , dee 17 tf I1C NEXT SESSION OF J. II. HOR NER'S SELECT SCHOOL, at Oaford, N. C. will open the seeodd Monday in January, 1863. uxlord, N. Cf lo. 4i iB2. " -dee 10 2m NORTH CAJtOLlNA MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. At . the annual c nioetlng of theiNofth Carolina Mutaal Firalnsuranoa Company, held on the l4lh January, I862 the follow ing persons were ected Directors and Officers lor tha ensuing jearx j i l l ll MRECTdRS. Henry D. Turner, .Ralelgh ;, k.: John R.Wiliams, -do. " T. H. Sery " : do. ClW. D.iHatchings, do . Kemp-E.BatUe, , ? do; , x . Ueorge Little, t do. 4 . .lames M.Towlas, do. . James Ev Hbyt, Washington," Alexander MitehelL Nawbern. , , Jos. O. Wright, Wilmington. ':, Jehn M.i Jones,' Eden ton. ' fcorg Charles, Eliubeth City . Jos. Ramsay. Plymouth. "V""' . .r'J2Wi RarreU,ltarfreesborock. K.B.Waiiams, Charlotte. ' - Samuel Watkins; MUtoh. A W. Stei; FayetUville. . . Joseph White, Anson county " - ' ". Josh.' Bonef, Salem.' - '.v V AiP.Sualniy,,Ahvme, . OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY T; II. Selby, i?retrfr. . . U . Heniy DTkraer, :Vic rfo. . . .. A . John-11. Bryan, Attorney.'- ' r ' ' Hamdea S. Smith; Secretary and Trawr v Ti.ILSefby, -dffieio, ) ' i Jehn R j Wiuliama,' -1 IT. Commit . . C W. Djllhtchlngs, J .,.tt; i: v ,; . This Company) baa been in. Successful ' operation over 13 years, and continues to take riaka upon all lasses of property in 1 the State except Steam Mills aad Turpeutlnef Distilleries f upon favorable' terms. Its Pelioie now cver property amounting to nearly $1,000,00.0, a large porioa of whih is in country risks; and' its. present capital is over Four Hundred Thousand Dollars', In bonds properly secured. Alt communications in reference to insurance should be addressed tq the Secretary, postpaid. ' i 4 llAAiy 0. bOtllll, M'y; January 18thVli8o2, Jin 32 rniiE FIRST YEAR OF ;TUE WAR. X By r Edwako A. Pollari, Author of Blck D. amonds, Price, $2.00 . $2.50 POMEROY. When sent br inall, s3 i hi A 8M ALL 1 LOT t CLASS WARE AND XL CASTORS at WHITAKER'bv - T - I I :.r1(j for sale at ' WHIiAKERaJ 100 waipng for new conaera January 33, 83. '-;: . ' V' "x --: ... J- u ' f '