f fc'- Hi I' M.I -''I ' ' . ' ' i ! ' L. ' - J HALipn MGiSTER. BSDiY MOWING, lafcCH a," IMS. , J ' df ed and taking between efvAje JityidTed i ' " 1 1 lL priaaner. ifccAmom JETxoontttn :tH .' -mi ; rn Th A KsLT . IvTKY W H1 4 f1 AtJorTrRi antra wnm Ti aoLTi Wwntr IIa Kftfttn'!' :. " BKufuoaivMarcb , .u.' utwto the ifilh rtoeWd: Tbe bill ik in ----- ..... Voll Dd call out n wuin pww uivb 1.: ,4mnt VAaaltvnaVf l.'"i 'i rl Senate'paased the bill smlBorlxlhg thifPrt; 1 Yi World says Gold wsl fartous on th ThnremiuMtde4ti,ita .ieamet Jora, wna LlTfipool dates tov0 . ik 'r.-v vi r ...... i, .... . ,! DiwcA'hM daU to Uxa jid. 0oc N. dars mliea iron v .r JT lie baa uoniedertM oupawuw w uaww. -t that iarM ; namoan abw' from -dao. si thar should Kasnvme on Oth., i Uke as to indicon.of M early ett- mentby BoeBCTana'S army.. r j.'Gftt. paaslua ai. aiayiaa nw-iuw-i TTaited SUtes. Minister to .Bttjaiv.ywe U ailed SUtes. a Catneion, resigned f. v; New Tork TTimt has prrvate advices cos) "rSf" it of the in- e ng, V SQjne exUntr the tumors 01 iTi.nkM command, cro'witor out Cction Of; negro troop. Four or flre omeers 9 U3i regiment of New York Volunteers rMfoned. and . one Brigadier General has 1 refuted, to recognize the colored troops, Qr Urch with them.-' . ; ';; ', '' f) I snatch dated Feb. 17. autes mat tns suocess a. Graot'i ew dut-off inthe rear..6t(ctoj- U now the ialk In military circles Witwn h the hew channel completely ciroumventt icksburg. ' Contrabands are seised wnerever and tireaaed Into service tar out trees dig up )S, snd clear out abstractions: Aboet ilreadyi at! workv.tThe , Times esyt ' Gen; t's plan eridantly Is to sorround the enemy inboata to prerent retreat, and then to take aoe by' regular siege operawoaiSj.aua w m H..h'in tttair batteries. "" . ..L b VVasbmgton Republicun states thaf a com- has at laatbeon denoiteiy arrangea tot r. and add that there is no more importanl bf operations on the contloent4thaa the one iti wilt oe emoraoea wiuiu ia nawwm- about to be given him. - -' Id was quoted in New York on the J 1st, at the Ylnkee Ooogreas, Powell ofientucky noticsu that be, should call for an lOTeetlga- J Iconcerhlng the-dlspersion of theConfentloni l,tly t, Frankfort.:,, JT - jhe rtew io'Ximenas tne loiwwmg- bh: t . ' it r. h reteran Army of the Jiississippi oeiw leted at a fearful rate ; and a letter from HJa Ssburgc'! which we publish this morning, as- that Mslaoe our army has been mere, erer undrd mtnKantttoni dav failed to respond 111 call, and been carried outnever to return." Lid in kew York, 163 Jv L f'oiV- 'j , r FROM EUROPE. Canada brines Enellsh dates to tbe Ylbv )ueen. in her soeech before Parliament with M to Amerioaa-affaks, said the had abstained taking any steps' wnb rlow' o induotaf : 'ion of hostilities, because It bad not seemed iy. such orertures could be attempted with -robabtlitv of success. She however rlewed I ! raged, I " t . 11 -t,t.V at11 titnetscd with grief, the distress whloh the I A dieted upon portions iA. her subjects. ." ,,. Lrondon Tunes says, it as reponea mat cer arties in Paris had offered a loan of :.ftye! V of pounds sterling, to (he Con fedora to trnment, on the basis of Cotton at fle pence nd with tbe option of exchanzinfffor Con- e Bonds at seventy, bearing eight per cent rqt, and that the offer bad been accepted.. fhl Liverpool Cotton market dull, prices weak. insurrection in Poland Is said to be r-pread- sanguinary battle had been louent at ew n which the insargents were n town Gantured.br tha Raaaians. .. defeated, Lt'fheLord Mayor's banquet, Mr. Mason cald f.r acipaied speedily establwbed friendly reJa let ween the -British and .Confederate Gov- tots, i The declaration tws v receired with applause. r - " , ' -i Times says Mr. Mason w.as mucn too last . present proceedings mean nothing. I coin's reply to the Manchester Address, baa )ublihed." It, deplores tha sufferings 'occa- br tbe soaroity of Cotton, but rrioices that Ibrts V create sympathy lor the socwioniats failed In England. He eulogizes the utter- (of 'the Manchester meeting as lubllme he- ua, and; xpreaaea an.earneat dealra for per-J kal peaee between the two nations. - ; ributions for tbe relief of English operatives, Varrired in Liverpool, and ; was received with lies. the Confederate ateamer Sumnter had escaped li Gibraltar, and the Tuacarora had sailed tor was stated that tbe new steamer M296" wsa in Mersey on the 5tb, and was expected to sail lie w7djs for a rebel rendezvous. " ! H the new Corps LegxtlaUff, paragrapha in the less toi tbe jcmparor hare passed reiatire to ioo, America and "Italy,' but the opposition kgly denounced the Mexican' war and lhe I nued Occupation of Home. ".' ' 'v' v e Berlin papers announce news of an alarm- cnaracter irom the roiisn provinces. The ttion harine oroased the Ruiasian frontier. rrustian troops are concentrating there. ittok bales at Tdrerpool lot last weejc tinted to 2i,000 bales, the market closing At a ine 01 one-nan penny. . ,1 . ; 1 vi TRUCTION OP THE :aS.; BWAMEB I : NASHVILLE. - '' lYiNNAH, Feb. IS. The ateamer Na8hTiIX,1 Dming up toe ugeecbe last night, grounded; f .e sand bar above Fort McAllister, entl wai vered this mornine by tbe enemy's fleets i Iroo'dad opened fire across the marsh at; the! pvilleat thirty minutes, pait seren o'clock j continued unUl ten, when an Incendiary shell pk the Nashville, setting her on fire, aadl she! p w a total wreck. Tbe fort fifed unon 1 thd i-ciaa, nitung her twicer uyier gunboat from! neet jfihelled the fort, doing no damage. DM KASSAU-RTj NNING THE BLOCK- Li. ; ADE, ; -''j-,' r ablxstoit, March l.T wo sleametsi the glaa and the Ruby, arrived here . at. day Ught mem log, with Nassau dates to Thursday ilastl Nassau was fired at sararal timaa h! th kaders i but not hit.- i ; , . - . I he steamers Stonewall Jackann it nA TTml Charleiton, and also t the St. Jonna. frnnv .annab, had arrived safely at Nassau. ( t ' ' A ' j ITARY MOVEMENTS IN N0RTpH4 f 4 ' ERN VIRGINIA. : n Wednesday last, Brigadier Gen. Fitsbguh wun aeuchmenu from the. lst.d and 3d linla cavalry, numbering five hundred men. sed the Rappahannock seven miles eiboyl ickaburg, and fell upon a ctvatry 'encampl f11 4foodcbuTch. The enemy were Ml Sd with little resistance and were pursued bnl ihey fauna tefuge .behind a heavy bpdyUol h infantry, our en killine. wouidteff? and ng prisoners upwards of 200 of their number troops then Deal. retreat; brineina- off-tbeii paers and a Dumber of han 10 lae anrair onir una inun -At nded. One hnndred and fiftv of tha nr!r,I amoig whom were- two -carAaina- a JL uw, were orougntj W thU dtv on StuW ,uey represent sla diflarant rrimnita i m - - r. ij uu, via low aunafhnsfitlilnrsnUjA se si. avii. ' . ,-fpn tbe r.m8TjUTifOvT7il!aa I Jjpjcs, tctai mahdin a brigade,! A ihe y alley, attacked and , plated twa brigades 'of' thsT enemy at Edinburg, iuriy mites -jron t uicaesier, - Kuunr one nun- ' I Gold dTBCa4 hr t4aj.lbrtj cents7loslng ! 4434 pretilamV The ttMcK$f nana notes nrnYt-9V. POT ?e5PrB!W w.vs fFrom th OotrntrrnaaR. 1 miw of .'a T TT4 a -MTk -iTsnmA!T.T A WR. icrJl (mii"fltlon to hia alaveaoaia aam SSSSl ELTLthSlnAs loyaj r the psAltefc 4.q.aote wolaijowenBVBi Wftrn .S-m KplioopaJ IpstrocUon t bit slaT4-0Q U aumr herXapd jlblftk it Md ,leod(Cyfwakeitbefit 4 1'Th prioci pie en -which the oiastet of thU plan taUoh has proceededj is, thaf theXThnrcB ot Jesus Maqited to alt wtssmdjonUonf nrM I wiUof GoU that all these, and each like in tMUltoXJtwgTtf tkqbM are:Dly .meani. to the one great iMhanakmf .Ms v-SOTranU. thea 4t Mr not- the Church, for himself or ht eUMreafH0 Jhe samje aertiaes, the same Bacratoefits, me sameser mons, have been one and the satis for all, Vheth m httarllaekdi Wsoj-w--i-X; The children hare been bapUzed iu soon at they we'dayiJbld: JUto tb aha hraad wirich ierishethi Tttey ar teen Main .WTVllrf. - TiukrtM. have iher. been taurht si lad, to their Zmm BAiil'i oomfort that bread of life; of which, M a mat ! eat, he shali live forever. i And so soon as the colored child could say!. tha Creed, the Lord's nMvwi asd the Ten Commandaaenta,-and has been, sufldeaily, instructed in other faruof the Church OatechUm. set rortn ror tnas purpnaav ae haslbeea broughttthe Bishop to be confirmed by hInW rr; ,K; ,n,e vr l J -A th Ilka, have been avoided vengious.y as ue cholera and vUw fever rtha former being oorw kidnJ aa detrimental to th soot, as the latter are to the body. , The only prayer ueettngseterneiq therev have been the morning and evening servi ce of the Church, without addition or an bt faction; and, at certain ubom, -unrxag usrwter, wbiom hare been treached on the duties of the baptixed. The servants nave, ln one-word; been broughi up as one great Christian famyy,- with tneir mourner as their spiritual leader, landlheir master. as their aelDer : -one uaitea oana, airtyuiEto serre wu ithe wars of Hie holy Church w v. M- . f r Wktne the result t rw nen ue enemr camew tbf Eastern coast of Horth Oaroiinaj where these MTiBU of God lired. and when (he were offered Yankee freedom 1 God save the mark l they all irniid ta man to leare their earthrr -Christian jmMlflr m& wvfc one mouth; .they all promised to follow their, minbterit btf wonld only -lead them ito ntm, wno naa neen suoniuaa maaier to Men. Thi ther did T under dif&cnltieai and when, they imlghlhare fled to the enemy with but little dan- ger. h et, iney eriaoea rwy owm w mawwn their Christian character la wntcn it naa pieasea God to nlace them. What but the boly Church tha Holy Spirit of God operating through Ahe ' holy word ioiiy iuusbt. and the holt Sacraments duly admlalster. ed, with the daily . prayers, couia .nave Draugai about such a glorious result ? ; Barely It Is all dae: not tj thaminMUrnot to the master, but to Him who esUblished HU iCbureb 'as an ark of safety . ... - .-.. . for all men; the only way of: salvation, and the only refuge-for ainnerB," -; .. I iIdoo the communicatioa from which the fore- gUn? is taken, the, editor of. the JnUUigtneeriU ter giving various reasons ana examples to snow that it was not kiadneas alone on the part of the master which prevented his oorretpondent's slaves from forsaking mm, thus proceeds t j f W must than look for some other explanation of the conduct, of the servants referred to, than tbe influence exerted upon them by the christian kind ness of their 'owners. In what, then, shall we find it ? "We shall find it in this in the influence, we Leandidly believe, of Church teaching, which. where properly underatool.ana carried out, 19 sim ply tha teaching of the word 01 ttod. These peo ple had been born and reared under the influence of that teaching their very cradles bad been the couches of it. They -were not taught that they must be converted. Tbey were treated from the outset as Christians as believing the gospel, and were led on, from day to day, and step by step, in the ways of the eospel. Among other lessons taught them, we know this to hare been one to be contented and satisfied with the condition in which ,God, who allots to all their place: and por tion in this world, ha fixed them. "Art thou caUei Teing a tlavet (doulos ecletbea ?) Car not for it Brethren, let every than, wherein he is called, nbkit therein with God" This tbey were taught, as a part 01 the;r religion. They were not taught to get religion, but to d it-rto lire In It to make it part and parcel of their daily life and actions: As servant! tbey were taught to be obe dient to their masters, in all things not With oye service, aa men-pleaaers, but as the - servants of Christ,! doing the will of God from the heart. Now, we would not say that these, and such like le&eons are omitted in the teachings of tbe de nominations.' By nd means.' Ye . believe jbem to be as faithful as we are, In their own way; but the difference Is this : The denominations treat the j negro, as indeed they do all persons who have not gone through a certain mental process called coo- version, as a heathen. They approach him as If be bad never beard or (jurist, and were in no sense or degree, under the influence of His religion, and tell him he must be converted. To this end, meant and appliances are resorted to music, especially, .which bas peculiar power over tbe race to excite his feelings, and to work him up tn a state of en thusiasm. In this state.be loses sight of every thing that is reali tangible and practical. " He becomes excited and bappy, Just as he would, at a dance, or merry-making of any kind,, where music and singing prevailed, and he takes that bitef state of pleasant feeling, for oowvxasiON, taking it for granted that he- has got religion.'' After this, the duties of the gospel may be urged Upon him with lie greatest fulness and power but be thinks all t&Is is only something by the way; This may all be very well, but tbe main part of the business bas long since been accomplished ; he has been'conrert-ed--he got religion etucb a time and place, and it was a rery pleasant proeess. He would gladly go tbroagb It once a year, If not once a week, and hence looks out, with anxious expectancy, for ere ry Opportunity of a revival. ' Practising the du ties of the gospel, howeter resisting his natural propensities to lie, steal, bate, and revenge him selfgoing about bis daily labor with steadiness and diligence, from a sense of duty to God de nying himself, and taking Up his Cross and walk ing inthe commands and ordinances of the Lord, blameless all this is comparatively,' a dull and iFeless business. It is much more agreeable to get religion by the wholesale, under the influence 01 an exciting tune, adapted to words or soul stir ring energy ; and no tnatter how he may fail In the- morulities of the Christian life, 'he goes back to Its commencement, or' what he was told to be such,'and consoles himself by the recollection of the happy feelings be then enjoyed,' trusting that u uuaequeiib ueucienciea-wui 00 'orenoosea on tnat account. --now, we ask all those wbocoun tahaoce the system of things which .favors and leads to this process, whether we are pot speaking a littlenot a little, either, but a good deal to their own experience ?. Whether the 5 .do not find lp tbemseltes a constant propensity to go back to past experience, and to coasoie .themselves, espe- cially junder tne patnrui consciousness of short with AanonajLia anT their first love T If this bbd case with the free. wnat are wa to ernacC'In tha horid 7 Tf Ihi ! tha ossoious experience of. tbe rational, b at are we to ioo:.ror, from sach a system in the simple, ig horant erealures of whom we are sneaklne?:" ; Now. tba Churcb, on tba other hand, treats the negro; a she does indeed all personsv bof nVibap -tired, and reared jri a CbrisOan ln not as. heathen, bu as a vhwstian. To preach conver sion ta such a person', in the sense tn whicK Chritt and rW Apottlei weacheditto the 'Jew and hca- tten if their tise to timptj'aUurd:' 6he Ukeo U wa craBMO. tnat annit a Daraon Daueres. or naa. faith b a est Lain eztrafr-rOtotB or less. M the case mar bft another object U to jaaibld that faith-- to exteod, treogthea'and make it foperatiTC Baa takes him no. vaerefore. as a Dabe ? wrui, ieachea hito, leadj; Mm bi to Jiighcr degree of lajthi abd a uller,; 4charge .ot duly. ; b&e re gard; bim from, hit bptum,aa baring entered o tof pathol urejMierer auitera aim vo auspeci batJD aaa g?t to pause, tarn DacK, ana oegra the process of rannipg the Tace aeV Ibefora him anew, but nrgea him on to steady, perseterance, and-daiir ioereaaiog diligence, Ana.neiein tiea her aacoefc,- The tisoe, kl by ottuari, in effort Ur make a beginning, is, by her, redeemed In mak- ing pTogreas. The sl?e is properly taught that he is- aod actually comes to Jeliete Jiimsell, a in, just so tar ,es. he designedly conforms mealed -.rffilb of flod so far actually a Ohristiatii JuvtKcarthaf Dne"ieacnos Jiim ma b Wth.whichdoe.not lead t action, is nothing thatleleelhie is- LOthinrwotth which does q . d lo ltaefr in lhe ,aDCtifleation of the life wA .i not, relian t thataalnriiur Chnst la "J1 paalfhaaad hjmns U not religion j that going to nMtinir ia not relicioh i buv that relieion is doinsr object of bringing the .dally life into conformity witn toe pxeoepis ana priaciptea w ub aow -tes tament. . M;m v1 Such rim perfectly sketched, we admitis tbe Chnrch'a teachiDg.. . It wisdom is seen in such resulu as the case mentioned by cur; correspon dent case, we repeat it, which Is not solitary, skenof falh .Jourbyo ,. . :, ' J?.t ijr but is one among numbers mat nave oeen aireaay ourselves, ana, among that might be ad duced, if our too modest' clergy would only con sent to make known what has occurred in their own ministry -We .cannot but agree with, our correspondent, that tbe revival system, and tbe . . . ... ' - J 11 . u . protracteo, moeung msuu)urv, buu iu biwu .t, healthy 'appliances, would be fatal to it. E very- - . . . T . A m m a- uT Kut 9,- wnetner in tne care 01 Diaeas or especially of the former. . Tbe negro. though of an inferior race, Is a rational being. Treat him a such, and you may lead him, as rea arm; properly consulted, chimes in with revela tion ; ' but he Is naturally tbe creatare of vastly tuxeptible passion ana enaction, uommit toe reina to nta emotlpns, ana you lose control 01 nis rational being.' He becomes the victim of an imagiaatioo, stimnlated, to madness, by the lower nd more controlling elements of his nature substituting feeling for duty, and the' ravings of Bacchanal, for the peaceful and holy suggestions of the grace ot" God." .The extracts from tne intelligencer are so long, that I have but little room for comment. I must say, however, that these extracts present food for serious thought, and careful consideration. ; The religious instruction of our slaves Ira matter which must be attended to, if - we intend to do our duty. : We owe it no lets to. the well-being of the slave, than to our own interest. JJoes not tbe Jpisco- ! na.lia TBtem. aa here presented, offer superior 'ad vantages' for the -religious training of our ne- I am, loo, very mucn pieasea to naa tnat me views of the writers (Under church sanction, to0) -coincide so entirely with rlews which have been eliminated in my own mind, by my own observation and experience, without ever having met with them before, from any other person.- in JprinVo out of it. At some future time,' I will enter more at .length upon this subject. Now, I must content myself with noting, iq brief, some points in which l so essentially agree witn tne writers. j. ''Unhealthy religious excitements," says the correspondent, haver been avoided as religiously as the cholera aud yellow fever the former being considered as detrimental to the soul as the latter are to the body." This is "the truth, the whole truth, and noth ing but the truth." The editor says, the negroes spoken of, ''were not taught to get religion, but to do it to live in It to make it part and parcel of their daily life and actions." Again tbe editor says : "The denominations treat the negro, as indeedthey do all persons who hare not gone through a'praticular mental j pro Oess, called conversi m, as a heathen. They ap proach him as if he had never hard of Christ, and were in no sense or degree, under the influence of His religion, and tell him be must be converted. To this end, means and appliances are resorted to music, especially, which has. peculiar power oyer the race -to excite his. feelings, aad to. work him up to a state of enthusiasm. . In this state, he loses sight of everything that is real, tangible, and practical." But why should I continue to quote extracts which are particularly good ? Were I to con tinue to do so, I shoulu haye to quote all tbe editorial by piece-meal. I will return to the article, again, at some fuiure time. 1 Will not theSarannah Rebaplican, which has shown a oommendable disposition lately, notwith standing it is a sicular journal, and notwithstand ing it' may be a matter of Surprise to see' Saul among the prophet which has shown a com mendable disposition lately to advance the cause of .Christian truth and liberality will not the Savannah Republican republish this article, in order to show how much good sense there is amone tbe Episcopalians, in some things, and j bo whittle real, danger tthere la in patronizing their schools? - .LETTER FROM JOHN MITOHEL. Amond the coriespondence captured recently by the Yankee. Government from Mai. Saunders, was a letter addressed by John Mi ten el one of the Irish rebels of 1848 to the Dublin Nation. It commeneea by telling how he escaped into Vir ginia. He arrived incog, at New York, and pro ceeded as fast as possible. to,one of the Southern Counties,, where, in company with two officers of the Confederate army, he crossed the Potomac. "close by . four gunboats, and under the bow of a Yankee revenue cutter." He extols the people of the tower "countlet of- Maryland, sava thev are loyal to the core to the Confederacy, and that tbey kre constantly -smuggling contraband goods to their friends in the South. Mr. Mitchel says tbst north of the Potomac there ia no law, and he was in doubt all the time whether he was in America, or Poland, or Veoetia. The people of Maryland engage a great portion of the writer's attention, and. he cannot find words enough , to ext .ll them for their patience and Southern pa triotism. Richmond he finds very little changed, and that the Irish citizens, are giving a t'earty support. to the Government. The letter concludes with tbe following: . . H There are, asI learn, about forty thousand Irishmen in tbe Southern ermvr but thtfi ir distributed, as they ought to be, through alf regi ments and all nrms of the service; and baveUever ben formed into an Irish brigade. They 0 not pretend to fight this American quarrel as irish men, nor do tbey desecrate the name nor' j-fosti-tute.the flag of Ireland at all. As for the xfprth ern" Irish, who seem. to have got themselvei "pur suaded that- the enfreochisement of Irela is, somehow, to result from tbe subjugation the South, and .that the Tepeal of one Union inEu rope depend1 on the enforcement of a&her Union in America. Our friends here do nbtorell understand tbe process Of reasoning whicbSfeads to ! that 'conclusion; nor do I; They call'ytbote Northern ibroes, by the one general nameFan fcfs,and indignantly protest that the green btfh 6a g under 'wbich "Irish" brigades have chosen to march to the invasion and subjugation of tbe Sputb, is not the banner, of Ireland at all mere ly one of the Yankee insignia. 4 n all this I agree with (hem entjrely ' Nobody has the right to un . furl the colors of Ireland lb a war of invasion and piundejr and coercion These Irish at the South nave" never pretended to mix up their native country in the struggle; they indulje in no Fon teooyism; they, flaunt no Sunbursts; tbey display n their, banners no round towers, wolf-dogs, or crownless harpe; but go ahead quite aim ply, under the atari add ban of their adopted country, to de fend their own homes and hearths from a host of geedy invaders. If they should ever be over powered and defeated, Ireland at leastwill not be dishonored iatbeir- persons, But tbey have no taought or being defeatadt and J. will sum up my tmpresoion bj declaring my eonyictioa that 1 thii VnXadaracr can narar ba ooBAatrtd. 1: r XfliCQLONBL ZABVQNA;a ; ,The Nassau correspondent of the Obarleston OonrieT". writes an interesting letter under date of the 10th ibstant, from which we make the fol lowing sUmngVxlract f ; t ; The case of that gallant pirit, the high-ton ed and gallant Zarrona, is one of the most har rowing on record. :Xet it fe, published to tbe world. "Butler, th6 Beast could hot Invent more atrocious piece of brotality. j Our goTern inent should pot each capta red Federal officer In dose Coatneinent. and keep him there until Zar- rona is restored to freedom. ' When Capt. Carlin ieu jf on uaiayeite lasi monm, zyona wr-s suit in oKti conjlnenimt, 'where.; he had. been for the last txx months ? His windows are nailed up so that Tay ot light enters , not tor cheer his deao lata souLt He is allowed nothin to read not, erea a Cibie.-f The pnsoners-know rery little about bimr beypnd what tbey-pfck tip from their jailori. Very often the physician is seen going to his cell, and the natural supposition U that he is gradual ly' linking under - his .sufferings, frequently large volumes of smoke are seen bursting through, the cracks of-his door ; after the door is opened by a sergeant and guarded untiUhe smoke wholly. escatjes. Seward seems determined to kill; hia rictim. it- ' V;'"' ; ..' ' A rusa worthy, of- the "boasted "cuteness" of Brother Jonathan, was practised at one time on the prisoners. The keeper of the Bastile suspect ing that Zrvona was in correspondence wlyi hit fellow prisoners, bad him quietly removed to the Guard House, one day, and placed one of the Eederal Sergeants, who bore a r&emblance to Zarrona, dressed in his uniform, at his cell win dow. (This was before tbe window was her met-; ically sealed.) The pretended Zarvona salu ted the prisoners as they passed, and occasionally threw to thorn bits of paper, wrapped around nails or. small . piece of wood. The plan succeeded. Those of the prisoners who picked up tbe decoys were thrust into the Guard House. Amffng the suspected was a gentleman from Maryland, Mr. UL W. Cecil. On suspicion of the crime o communicating with Zarona, he was put in a cell two and a half feet by six in size, and though ha was in delicate health there he was incarcerated for ten weeks. His food .was Coarse and scant ; his health failed and finally he was taken ill. The doctor was sent for, but be brutally declared that, nothing was tbe matter. A goad natured feoldier, however, exclaiming in his own emphaN ic way "that it waaa d d shame," subsequently procured Mr. Cecil-some medicine, which be thinks saved his life. Supposing, perhaps, that be was - sufficiently punished, or that they were sufficiently revenged, the authorities released Mr. Cecil from solitary confinement,' and- he came again among bis fellow men a shadow of his for mer self, his face haggard, his hair turned grey, and his 'body wasted to a skeleton. Only tbe greatest attention from his leilow prisoners pre served his life. He was released from the fort two months afterwards, after bsviog been confin ed for fourteen months for no ascertainable cause whatever , A Scini at St. Louis. The following para graph ig taken from a late number of the New York"imes:? The boat from St. Louis, just in, brings intelli gence df the arrival there yesterday of the Rebel prisoners from Arkansas Post. An Intelligent passenger informs pie .that there was a very nu merous gathering upon the levee to witness, and, as it proved, on the part of hundreds of sympa thizers, to welcome their arrival, and to make the occasion a kind of ovation to treason. . finding so many friends on the dock, and so many manifes tation of sympathy, the Rebel prisoners gave vent to savsge outcries of defiance, whleh.were re sponded to from tbe landing. One of the privates, more impudent and tonguey than thereat, voluns teered to be spokeman for thecrowd, and, mount ing a temporary rostrum, harangued tbe assem blage for an hour in the; .most exciting and trea sonable language. He applied to tbe Yankee every term of abuse and contempt which his -peculiar vocabulary could furniahj without the slightest interruption from the officers in charge. Barrels of apples were brought down to the dock, their heads stove in, and their contents showered among the prisoners. And this Is the way we receive in a Union city red-handed rebels from the battle fields where the blood of brave men has flowed in defence of the. Government. Scotch Snuff. THE SUBSCRIBERS, AGENTS FOR Messrs. Riddle and Mcllwaine, arejaow prepared to furnish to the trade their superior brand Scotch 6naff, which wiU be found eq ial to any manufactured in the Southern Confederacy . They also offer the "W. H. Beaaley" and "South Egerton" Snulf, and solicit orders for the same. McILWAXNE, SON A CO. Mollwaine, Son & Co., PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON' HAND A well assorted stock of manufactured and Smo king Tobacco. Also the celebrated "Riddle k Mcllwaine" Scotch Snuff and other brands suitable for the trade. McILWAINE, SON A CO. Feb21-lm SnufF& Smoking Tobacco Faotory Paraaaauae, Va. MOORE & LYNCH HAYE ON HAND Superior Sootoh Snuff and Smoking Tobacco (Climax Brand.) Orders promptly attended to at th lowest rates. Feb.25-8t Certificates Lost. Y EACH OF USONE SHARE OF the Stock of the R k G. R. R. Company. All persons are hereby warned from trading for the aame, as we shall apply for their renewal. S. G. WARD, A. L. STEEP. Mr. E. B. UTBKD, Feb. 25-lmpd Admln'x of J. H. Steed, dee'd 1 111 - . . - . . R. P. LESTER, AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, PETERSBURG, VA., (opposrrn mcilwaihs, boot a co.,) Store recently occupied by Stevenson, Weddeli A Co, Bsrxas ro H. Bv Turner, Esq., Raleigh. A. W. Venable, Granrille. Prot W.T.Walters, Forestville. ' Feb 2J-lm HEADQUARTERS, DxFABrHEirr Nokthkrs YraaniiA, 1 . February 10th, 1803. ' J " aXTBACT. Spbical Oboib, - NO. 47. J I CAPT. LATHAM OF THE BRANCH Artillery, will proceed to North Carolina, with three of his Company for. the purpose ef procuring Horses for the use of the Artillery, By oommand of General Lib i - v W. W. TAYLOR, A. A. GenaraL ' i In pursuance ofthe above order, all parsons engag ed in buying and selling Horses or Males, r those having the same for sale, will find it to their advan tage te write or call on me at my Headquarters ia Greensboro, N. C. v X shall visit the different portions of the StataT as soon as possible. - . A. C. LATHAM, Feb IS-lw , Capt Branch Artaiery.1 State Journal, Register va Stanford toy j on week and seed bills to Progrtu Office. j' - - . ; NT. P KNIGHT &c CO. , ; (sccckssobs ro shioht, aoBXBTSea. A co) NO. lRbN FRONT BUILDING, 'SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, YA., .. r Will sell on commission' TOBACCO, CQTTQfi, WHEAT, FLOUR, CORN, : BA CQN, LARD, B UTTER, BRANDIES, AC. . WUl attend to th filling of orders ; will make cash t . , adranoes on prod ace in haad' : ,-. - ?J.P. KNIGHT 4 CO. NOTICE. I am connected with th above hoase, and will be pleased to have my old friends aad custom, men patronise me a heretofore. , . BKaJAJaJJ ROBERTSON. m TUB UE3CIUJ3EU! TTOUItD . IRFUIUI his fria aad the pdblia ia natt taetteaae procured thevaXaabl service ef fir.O. F. Ra Oasa of Rkhmoad.) known as a very tastyand; skiUfal Cottar, and will bestow his whoia attantioa U the sat. isfaotua efaU whe may patroalaw UaiwKhthais er dars. Ha would alse ntrne thapubUo a the sapply ( - RSADT1IADD CLOTHES &r Kt ja fc t - Qisrx3 iURaisaiNO -aoons,-f ii t'-y -H '1 ; ' '-. :yKH f-1 w&c: v TRIZiaia3 e. Which can eoaatantly f ooad at bis etbUbsaenftj Retarniag hi tbaaks ia th paVUs far sh Uad aad liberal patronage heAtowWoahiaa,k rsaactfistlyea. lieits aeontiaaaaee of the asi ae pains will be. mmi tit tim Ma eaatMnera. . ' '- " . way ai-jwa. ifMa St Wf llTTl J. 04' ' j FabxS-swlw ; v -V StaJisiaw n. m. pi' Jl I . 'l. . 1 i'l." '.- ' For Calo i SSIAIX FARM OV AHOVT Cq ACRES irLla thetlUaf ef OakJISL firanviUr eeaaty, N. 11 aailMAawa Oxford, - XkeTe Is rw4rwiF ahool Hmaaa. aad MUhoasas'oa the Mae. Al very good Apple CrrohardU. illr JTat. IL Fr7ar, th Foatmaatar at 9a Uiu, wiU anew any ena. ta praaa ises. For inftraatioa racartllag tarma 4W, Mire i F. BINI0R1?, jaall JntJ - Biehtaead, Va AMATCn FACTOlRX, WITfl aulrge : atMk f saatacfal an haad attd fittad an ao-Cajt to. tha most approTad .gartpaafc. plaafe rft f and labor. Tea nroDriatorlntandlor to v ur rape ta aoxioar U salb aad will eCsr ademrtta-te a porch ssar. Aadrass t tt - i 5 D. R. Be leb -J i-, . i..., BJfibiae F.J. OcnxunittediTo JaiL- WAS . COmUTTCD Wr THE JAIL OF Warraa County,- ea the lst.4ay. ef IHnbe last a raaaway, a Nagr man whe say hist aavwl WaaiJagteairawen that ha helonra to .CffpVWia Smith of the $th Rrtaeat ST. 0. Troops aad that bia aaaatar UrasU FaqaiarCkrahty, Vawhaa atheaaa. u aviso says a eseapea rroaa ana Jailer, vraaa uoaar ty soma six or eight weaks jamee, aad sabqaatly .xrom sash CoeatyJeil. - - Said Sacra ka earkarar als or bacon eolart about feet or f iaehes high, has bad teetia front aad avpaaars t ba about itAA ywat efas!- ' The owner most 'prove . property pay aharres and 1 take him away y or b wUl be deaU with ai the law 4i- recta. I . Jan. 10 tf WasVIVJIABJLlSS, &i Jailer IhTOTIClS 18 HEB.EOY GITEJf . TIIAT 1 w one moBu anar sua ftorta Carolina RaOrsad Cartiflflaie Be; 11, far one ahar of their Capital Stock ataadiag ia my aame, the erigual aariag bean loatorniislaid. U I JAMJBS IL' HOLT. rbl3-wlas. .. 1" ?ii - . Ofgce of the Chatham g. R. Cel, t Buiest, yabroary ,lS61.r 1 THE STOCKHOLDEiia OP THS OBAT baa Railroad Company wiU meat at the Court Hons ia th City ef Bin Tuesday, the $d day of MarohT It 03. to eonsider thanronrietr of aeoant-: ing th amendment t their! Charter lately passed y tne uanarat AJsemMy. . - . , feb 14 td j JOCMB F. BALLS, FraaiAeat. 1 . Qommlttfid mO THE VAU, 017 WATUS COUNTY ON JL th 11th lef November,! W J, a agre man whe ays hi nam ta BARRY, and; that-b belongs te. John Thomas Aiebano, ex Berti County. Baid boy is about 5 yean ex ga, and ox Oarkeomlexioa. . . Th owner of aaid boV ta reouaatad ta -aaiae for ward, prora property and. pay. charges, or he will be dealt with as tft uw directs. 1 ' W. H. HIGH, BBS. Dee. 10th, 1803. dec IT tf To Cotton Planters. T HAVE BEEN APPOINTED BY THE J. Secretary of the Treasury, Chief Agent- for the purchase of Cotton forth Confederate Gorerament within the State ef North Carolina, and will par for the aame ia 9 per eent, Beads or eaaKy Bmeh ageata visiung tna cusenni parts or the em, baying tn my name, will haye written certificates of appolDtmant. Patrioti citizens are now offered aa pportanity to aid the Government by selling to R their eotton rath er toan te prtrate eapualiata. - XiKWaS 8. WHiUAJlS. Charlotte, TeW II, 1803. feb 14 la Broom. Corn Seed. A GENTLEMAN WHO RAISED A CHOP X. of Breont Cora, last year ha a larga quantity ef seed for sat, rrloa f par eaaet doUar extra when a bag I furnished. Printed eUreotioas f or the cultiTatioTi of broom eom will be seat t all who desire to raise a orqp. All orders sent to WILLIS J, PALMER, Principal or us lnsuumon ror ta- Mar and ' iftunb and th Blind, will receive proapf attantien. " -' Feb 21 ewboa r .: . r IsOSt. CERTIFICATE OP STOCK, FOR ONE Share ia the North Carolina Railroad Company, No. 805. Application will be aad tor renewal of same. - - ; JNO. W. STME feb 18 la . . : J '. I Shocoo Springs THIS CELEB BATED WATBBISTa PLACE IS now open for the reception of visitors, - (refugees and others). For terms, apply vo - HYMAN NICHOLLd t CO, Proprietors, Sbooeo Springs, Warren Co., N. C Feb 18 lapd . ' ; i For 8ale.;;;V: A FIRST RATH CLOSE CARRIAGE J. and harness but little used; else a good Carry alL Forestville Feb. If 6tpd ITo rfanitnllntiT THE ALABAMA AH0 ! HISSISSIPPI River Railroad Company of Alabama, will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, not less than par) on Wednesday, th 4J1 day of' March, taw, www pwutw-Mimsj m uw vht w Dauna, $400,000 bonds ef tha Coapaayy dated Jawary 1st, 180 aad eUa Jaaa 1st isras tUloa b of the City of Selma, dated January . 1st, 1802, aad due January 1st, 188 J- Th last aaesed bond w&l b endorsed and guaranteed by .the RaUread Campa ny. au ues oonus near e par eons uarastj 'paya ble seal annually, at the'. Commercial Beak . ex Ala bama, atSelma, wita eoapoaa attached for tbe inter est. Tae aoaa or tha voapaay rmterest and prin cipal) are secured by a atoctrtra, duly axacuted aad reoorded, oa the antln' Railroad 'of the Ooapaay, wua au iu aaemaary ana lano,- aaa rraachise, and other appartsasnsasv The 'read ssaaaaeee at tha City of Selma, whet It oosaeetn wtth -th and Tenaessea Rlrer Rsilroa4(eosiplatad 13 mik,) -ana new oug exxeaaea aaaera eentraeaanta tbe Confederate Government, to Race, Georgiai and with a Oauy line u steamboats, piyinr aatwaan Belaaaaod Meatgomery, and extends West thrngh a weReultk rated and very fnmi region, tia uaiontowa aud Ps mopolls, about TT tolas, snd ta eonneeted by aeaaa of the northeast and Boaunres? Aiabaasv BASmd, witn tae sianuaaaa unia, aaa Boutaem fasjsaissrbciT Railroad a, at Meridiaa ttaataatppt.' Beeide IU rerr laJUYeaieeaAaavsmareavsaaBTurao) am argv 14 . a . . . . . m business, Udf rosmaeldmMt Isr eraide poaitioa, ia tha areat Easteraaad Westera Rn -ef travel 1 betwaaa Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana aad Mississippi, aad; tha ' Northern aad gastera portions of tha r-"fH rrafry. uvraur hi nm ureee mmm ; aaoneaa ream aoaa Yiekaaarg, aaa afl tatartnedlatarplaee te the Capitol of the Coaledaraey; aad the , South Aflaatta eiUe Although the route threugh.froa Belma te XleridUa bak beau opened only within the Ust few wee ia not yat woUm M raralarbr ae It wUL ae and the arranreaaata ia - prorrasa are eomnletaeV tba eoae already far exeeads the sum required te saake good the bonds propesed te be Issued, la short, it ta beiievrd, that no better saeuriUet than those bonds. can be found m. the Confedsner.'- Twe wrier Uaaa exist, to-wtt 1 4k saertgage to secure sJU 9,9$ bonds of the uoapany, aaa January next, te aenaidout ef the . prooeeds of the bonds now4Dae4 sad whlob win be reeeiTa in payment for tha isar aoadsv mortgage so aaopr axsvvearaaeea ay taa wassa erate Goverameat for the aoapletioa ef tbe road, and payabl bt 1872, unless aooaer discharged, as expeead, by tranrportatioa for the GerersuBent, n .,,",,... .-..,,. . . k mta AarakAAA.au. e . Sealed pronosais or bids, directed te tbe undartlrn-. ed at Demopolls, er W. B. Raox. Rsib4 Treasurer, at ctetaa, wno-ea appueauoa wiu gxye any imennatiea desired) wUl rsn deeattsaUoa, a' - . -. .-.- b) GXUJFI3 rreaidaat. v Balaa, A'af, T lUXMi : . 1 11 1 1 Wn. ii 1 hMim Ol IACHS SALT ' -.,-, aate anau appij to. vx 1 1 .Z -i ' . Tr. . fJAAt WaOSASSTXV dteHcrsa. Cato. 'yR i eat ef Fir Fly, lamp, tttasa. O. dasa sy laop. LaiboroaXB last aaly e raaaaataf la-l rear eld aow stiated te AlUoa. 3u fSOt. - " "J""--. X, ntTWnJ-, JIv Fby ATUoa, feabi Ust -1. Br. BL. none Fly. by lata. Fly by Hicht, aat f Fire Mr ayearaald, Tt , ; ; - - : 4, Br. rTau stater fsf law aareiea, a. B. )L, LU by B2S Fytoa eat ef aregt saara,. aaw tan yean aid aad stint! te TaT Rlvr--b fiaa blood aad eaddle asumal, $iia. V nr nrr4aew B. U. Jaiatbsav T esu tlawatas, bay Priam, 4 yean eld, new Uatad ta Tar Birer, T. B. fall brether te las 'I years old; iiM. .- a. B. F, by Isaprly y iV Jfan , lilt t. B. .. KMUooi by EpsU-a, Jr-ena year eid. $40. ' .:-tZ::- i 10. K C by AlbUa. Jr- waieb aora Cok Sreaa lest ttpon the All; ef Roaaeke Islaad-last sprlag! 1L B.XL, by aaaaa atf Ka. . foM May Itth, UCz,as wask. 1 a prf mateb, priae faapairy $0e. v? .fkrM.1-, 12. Be. BL, Mid Kigbt, by lata. AlbUa, daaa Vy lasp. OUaeoa, 4 yean eld, $100. " ; ; r - lSB. allTaa 'Dars; yean bid la foalta Ai Won, Jr-aka?y ,Ip.AJbUav aa taakaOdcr) Q. 4abyTp.iiTt-m,$7a7 '..-; 14.:cW2tV Kitty; ywtn Idv '4 aplaaaUd aaddW here, by Baaokis, $500, j . . ,. . t t - Iti ft IL Ragaat, Jr., try Bagaat, f yaars ali, 170. , lf B, Beawngafdj 4 ryeara eld, Jby HkK tX; Zi Bawkifts'Vay rriaaa. This berse is haUated to be the later Xdraeer tatbaaMaatry. Be waa tfe rraat New Market Sweep Stake ta two straight aaato. beaV ia a fine lld. - Asaohg thaat IHaaU fall siata W ilia 1 si meal TTanst- titi ias ty Iaaai Ttastaei tar is a rail bratbar so the bratad raee bona Frank ABea.- We will sell one half Interest m aim tor $1000. 1 Also, a pair ef dark, hrywn, rrlari beMsa y at" Wagoner, bene Urge, otle' aad wall bcWea ts gwe4blsaarn$7a tcor if J , ; Being overstocked with Aorsaav wawBl aefl at pri vatesak tU br nt4"llrtvof ' their pdJrraaare aathorowgb aad . tehiaaabte ' aayrla thlAeoantryt. Hera eempieta padigiwarvUi'ba faraisbad panhasars. !'' Taos:J.GEE2 son; Emeraliay neat lfarrenoa, Jaa.is jgai r-r4 After the ;ist f aextmeitth, la par eeBtwili be added to the pries of tojaTthta IUt Uwa ansal4 , W tel. HUuur UHBf Fbraary tthlSIS. ; . SOUTH . CAROLEIA HTJTTJAL LIFE IN8URANCIS COAtPANJf 0F7ICB . KIQT -lc a TBI COMPANY takes lik upoa ad healthy Urea t beww;;th ,at-t af U4 : sr, tea swrea years, er aitSahkt&a ia thnro Vl aa (ha mmm mt ta mJ and TOO yean,' are ' ntsartd for ene or fire yaarsV for o-4hird- their market value, it r c i i , I " ' : All losses an paid wilfcla 90 days aftar saSfaeUry UlAJCUXUKS fOa 1001 AMD 1154. ' Cbari B. Jhnon,r V Ww. lL Jaa Wa. Wrf Sol4eai - jv a V H. W, llasteaV- J. WUliams, , ; r.F.Fesene, - Queattn Basbee. ' ' K. P. Battl. Ok Charles B. Root, ' : Xverard HalL Rioh'dR. Battle, OFFICERS, Br. Chas. B. Johasoi Treaideat. W. W. Roldea, vica Prsideat. . H. W. Huctal, Attoraey. "; r " Wa. BVfeaeaTrssHarsjn. RH. Battle; Secretary. W.H. MeKee, Medicai Kxaminer. W. H. Moea,, V t Charles B. BoLHtoewrse CbaaaWrrsa, ;Q. Basbsjevr. trJ;- (;; v For further information, the nuhua li N&ma tha pamphlets and forte of proposal, waleh saayba ebtainadat the Offioa ef the Compaay, or any ef tta Agencies. . . Addresa u !.. b, H. BATTLE, 8ecy. Raleigh Jan. 8,th, 18M. I . iaa 11 1 1 ' 1 " - f 1 ; .1 " -fc . XT ORTH CAnOLINA MUTUAL riRB 1 LNBUKANOB COMPAJfXy At the I saaatiagr tha North Carolina katuel Ftnlnauranea Company, held ea the Uth January, ltftl, th folio if a lag personi were elebted Dhweton aad Ofieenfer tha ensuing year: .--"ji M- ' ' ' " '' BlftECTORS. -Deary. D, Taraer. Raleiarh ' Joha &. WiUiaas, do. x. it. Beihy, , aW.IKHutehiaga; Keap. P.Battla George Little, ; Jaae'M.Towls.; do. do dT do. da. , James B. Hoyt, Waahiartoav - . AiexandsrMitchirNerWn, - Jaa G WrigaV WUmluEten; ' John M. Jonas, Rdeatea ' . Georg.Charbai,liiaeti CUy " J.W. HarreUtSsborOTrh ' ' ILBWUTiaasvCharlotca, r Samuel Watkias,MUton,r . ' A W. Stert, FaysjttevOW' ' - Joseph White, Anson aonnty Josh. Boner, Saiaa. , -AP.SAamyi Aahevflle : ' ' ; OFFICBBS OF THE COMPANY T. H. Selby, PreeUm , - Rsary D, Turner, -FVos 'ats.: 1 John H. Bryan, tontsy. Haadaa 8. Smith, Seerstarg au4 C W. D Hatehlags, j ; - - ---7'- This Cempaay has Wsa VnuMMhi i.. ever It yean, and eantinaa te take riiks ayoa an slasaeeeforeeerrrU the Stat. L.tVn? tfAFS? UtttH) W WTorabta. ta. .7 property aaeuntiaf to aoarfy $4,000,000, a lATCT-lDortW o MUk u l- Z.-JL . All ooaaunieations ia refaranaa A inifUA ktmata be addressed te the Seeretarv. aastaakL. ILtMbESMlTB: January 18th. 186X r JanllA r Oiwca or ran CakvaAX It BJ CosrtAar, ) " '; Raxansa, Otobar-nth.iaax.. A, -.. -.?J, rrabta)sithsameyssaWiUh J oie auoeerimtioa u paid, U hereby aaUed T , . . v. w. vabs, xreasarsjR Ralalga, Oct. 1801. t aor 0 tf rliys. n--UERWOMEN AND ONE -.a.voox, a jreir urouada Aloe Rlgh, Good. wageaaratioa given,'- A . .-,r, , ; ,. jl;b' BAYW00D, X II WSW-3t jpnE FIRST YEAR W'TYllT TV ARJ-i5 JL By EnwAa A PiQLiAaa, Autbarwf "Black X 1 saewtswWajla Ash "T"?- , -j- rw . 1.... ) by aaan, - i- -; $ui at . ,,,, W. L. POMraoT. ACBAIII,X.OUar:fc; Jirscalradat , . rj ,- .1 ...f . M Ju irniTAKXJL'S, !' .-'. j u:a , RargetO.??. " QSASJi BUPXUI17INttaT1.0Uir, - ' 1UU - ; 'r7 1 whttarer's. fTTVYTY si sirvffrww 1tnlWnt piUl, purr To DREE. rSlI ri 'fSf i"; ,tL VMIUi4i. At J-' " S - WmTACXB'A . . ; . -. !)' 1 m, .. t. . - ' j i ?'. J tltt. SUGAR, . ...M At f ' ' ' ' - I ' ' ' WHTTAKXi'S.' 1 ' Tx rr AiruFACTurxEU i tra crrisairai . tyvaiu iZttipM; citasjm 4sad Yestiagr ef -sJl'tk bastpaiwra, Staff ?ttvwhoaanleav fejafl. Trisar-L suat atii tiirdf aAJ fiAU tjum ka .bMn ratals Lafaevjl baaessAiOs wtev ef Military' ehirta, Bnwera, Books, Gloves. Cra Xlrfid Uaifarnissn4y Nea aut the aaad 1.W.R0YST03W ..V1 fTI Sveaaar atraeC - - f P.S-Ordorsform ha VOV.V - !- - ' - - ' i ii .nil li anCULTHY TOXUCE COUUHT- .WAttm&a tei,? raata at VERY TIGHTLY BOUND