J. , . , ' -I-' . ' 1. W i " If. ..if: 1 iV-v ','lr, thai GerTjXUl feat cpBjpletdjt lavested the 1to wn. of T7teWBglot;t vi-xs river so waaea.ue low the .loWU'i ;i It l3a faiUi TxaV at J!ewbea4a."saccc:: T -.r TU3d,e.i 7qUs&4 ton TtSy hive-tl- . .VefU-attsapts to f M OnnU'datafffibdCii ittfrtoderof the Wwn, but the, Xanxoes rtltfca WiWvrtnawinu tit Dmi&h brdef4 theJWcwearnnd ttoUdrenrtA batwxebijulfo it.- TWt,t oMIto bt ,00& ronwyMicsnm in Yethlbtbn; ir6 wbdm will doubtless b AneSdal tAcar.lra Brig.. Geo.! Taylor, dV&1wlce- BayrrVo?6 A4? General Cooper, aitea.iAt toe h aer sra'f1 f wa' eeptbrwl et that rdaee Ion that j-vShe mounts ftitmn;tnbtt '- lj njuld, d wiir U ImodUUlj pat taanrvioe, ' The enemy's5 loss Ik kAled; 'wooaded nhbtliouU C&pl-; jakVj,Artilkr0;iMD, wm HUckftd by thai oi UllrDg, la IB Vichiftyj of .Drmni!v 1 Vm Wbo lit I:iMb x 6o U(rty f $ th; fW fall at oaf fint lite. wt ftadt nJ ity; oni of b!r camber were ea6ta fid la th jsamrfU Tbey belonged to tb first iVwrmant Cataj. r The-anemyV gynbotf on Ue Teonetee rfre 1 ToeoaaibU. l by b "'m. .-. .ur-a .-..-..1 vrj;-H".-'r lUk lleCsn. wUb,10ft'Ba4i.ptar on. .tb I Sd Imt, Vedertl fc treia4 oa; tb: IfMhVlIU Md ChUooogrAi!roiuJ, nine notlet tfom KtbVin: Snemy'elowil kllled T, wonndei. -. hau on'oat ide-boo killed;tbree-wounded.;4 J H 1 oVtbe?na:toJb 4lMUt bate been rK ceived.' i Adbpt.tcbdnied Ceffov April Ut, ey ShrmAVi exp2oii.ibe opperTib3t toned wiUKateoropUbAng (v ebJecW; j .f AMtofelcb ffoet IiiwrrlUe e4 tbe lit tott nyt Oen.totlmeif foroi eiUclid tbf reb.ob d .trD la a ANt' foilUoe ieu Bomeieet yesterday antl foogbt tbem Ar or els bonrt end irblpped tbem bedly hVux, lo aoee no eceea tblrty r ibat of. tbe rebels waknoweu f ;j 1 lr TbeTbiladelpbU Ledger says It u now nftionf r wbispetedaa Aaecrei that Uuraside baa f one lb Westerb Tlrglniai andtbat af Urge pbttiett ef bta old oemmacd ere ttta le.Xri.:yi' The same paper says tbeadeemistratloo coofldent ly anticipate news af an important soeoese by be fleetn the rear of Oh'arieston ir'igementa bar-., inc been perfected for ' oommeacement f the atr taoken tbe ITib. If the batteries atSwnojiobe taken tt Lr beUered tbe Federal troops can be land ed and the city eachedvwitbontr aasanlUng -Forta ; Samtef end Mooltriay,'!j 1st bave eleoted tbeir candidate for bovernOr, i fibodblsland by twenty-eight hundred majority. They'bere large majority a tbe Legialatiire. Tbe'Boston ifanaU aayt Barnside with bis com- mend has beeft rtlgiieat.to the Depaftmenk df A.enOCKj JO support (Mwnxsr i ww tbaf a formidable inTatien ; of Kentacky j I' at hand;i Gold adtancedl Niw ork on the ?d 1 58 -Sihs Cotton MdwMooai mmmilfJlQ fiuU p. pound: Sales at 14, with upward tendency ; ; It? Is reported at Port Iludson that 'Banks' j army bear fallen beek. i -1 The Memphis Appeal stales that there is great' consternation in Kentucky owning to the advaneei of the Ooafedarates on Lexington. Troops fare reaobing.CincinnaU freely. ; Burnslde la in born- mand, but 'too' sioktb take the' fteld. - From Taonessee we learn that though there la dally skirmisbtogbetean the forcWof Bragg as d Roiencranx, a geoeralenag4ment is not consid ered imminent.. Bob Johnson ,aon of Andy Johov aon, is reported to hare bean captured by our carp alriraVrrlane;.-: ;k ,.- ;J - . n the Confederite Uaoae of Representative en Monday lr.' 8 Wan aaoTedarsaspeAsiaa'of the rules id offer adjoint resolution ' looking , to ; tbe w(th&raaal :of our com mntsioners ' from fOreat Btftain, but faro-UurdinOt Voting to suspeodtbe motion waa lost. ' ' . '-. " ' t t'rona Vlckburg ' v. have dtas to' tliia 4tnl B very thing qui. The - YanEeas admit their kalJd.be' a fxjhtrf.' ' v r -t'ff dispatch t rem Obariesfam dated April S am : wImDorUhVmdtemnrti aretakinr tAmtsm barel hut v foemUltajy.reaaonajjopartW gripbedlT'e ladratfhmf other aouroerthatejs iml ' medtate aUack'otiUi.'Ciiy ;wal Expected:: " ' 4: Tnnesident-wae requested to inform tbe3enat if hoy1 ahd'what orders nave been given by- tfte mijitary anthoriUet lit Blchmbbd id. arresl aoldlert whoae f urloughx have atoi iexpired,: and eoofline them! In barracks orproba, whi!e said soldiers re main in Biobsnend, ' The bill to lery tixes for jbe rt eoiuuiLFU ueience wwsrtpoi lau wiui net tw ana oraerea w oe priniea ror oonuaerapon, u io-: crat session TbebiiraathoTiaiog tbeacmary of th4 tressury to establish the form offlfty eeiit notes' was pawed ) 'also4, the bill ft' establish a preferred ; mail acruei the Mississippi. Mrr Maxwell mcW! edi a rAoansidera)r4 of the Vpte by Which the bift1 toj reorganiaa that -Tavy , was passod y eslerda, The motion waa. debated severer hrurs. .Ad joerned. i'i,,'; -,-fi.:-.p --t-V5''--ff-'- tj In tbe House, av bill reported by HChUtotiiofi Ala, from the PostoOoJomiwtUe exempting; fata military duty 0Mtraetorc carrying thwenalkaj in ! the Ooofederale Btfttesv aeoVt the dHverakf! M.aiBeilltjawt ITaWaUjni, 1 f " - ' ' t. T' ' U A bill, introduced; byjlr, Bmlth,' o2 Hortbl Carolina, to reierenoe to tne eaiisimeot if -Jew norsunder 18 years ot aga, and for- thalr.lia4 oi -ge, ana tor inair.te4 cnarge, was rererred to taty Affairs. A resolution, alooff adoi,td. rrqiMtine the President tocomm'unfQaie .(.t. TT. 1. ... . . . . .. ..1 .J w w uousv wuetnersne requirements Or ineota 0a act to Detter provide tor the sick and Weunded of the arm In hnanlf .U tii tJjH' nMi plie4Wlth : aod if so. the hembar and lockUaM 'tof thiMe.wUhia.aa4 neat the cHyqf Biobmond wbci aaw ea reapecuveiy esatgjsed If thai several States, and tbeamea and plane whence appointed fj the Surgeons and assistant Surgeons awirned aqd doing seYVioe ateacS ; had if said requirements hive cot bectf carried 60 delay.. . !' ' . u . ,f-".)4'M T.f pi- resoIati6n;alsodfferywlIf.TSm vwtuepeaaie ana pasertbe Wost bf "t-whwhjw .anair SKnourn' in air s reroecurtJ. 6,T. Tburaaay'thelOth of Aprtl, twfelrb ! WMiloa te reeonaidex Ibla vote waa&wt, decided to tiLe 4 Voccis'itS 6rdoecb; dlt; du Huj tlj remainder of tbe ladpn toneeteaia at A bill wu passed aUowlo mlnpri tohold com miseion ia tbe ProTlsiopaJ Army of, the Coefed- L'.Tbe Ilotue pawed tbe .illl. , reported from-' Ibe Goomlttee on Military Afiaira. to exempt certain perioM from taiUterr datr.ind to rece&IelL acta iieretororepauea Dy .uongreia, on tae. t&me. ab JJarieg tAeTtiilBs lealoq tbe JUMue reeoiuider ed tbe bill to regalatebe: oomensatio for. public prlnilnt;, wblcb, waapaaied hy avlrojLe' oayea Oo motloBX of -lir.vMilea, of 0.0., tbe Itoote edaroe4 over aotll SaVHrday, to obaerre Oood Friday; On tbU motion the Totetoodyei 38, 4 BiTBJttATr Acrll 4. In tbeSebate, Me. Clay j or 'jui reported a Mn fW" tneoanaortption' of uenaia tbe'Conreaerate Otttee: liooae tuu t prereht'fraoda on-the Qaartermaatera' aad Com pabBarlea E Department, and tbe -ebtajnlos;, under false oretmoeF.trenaDortAtioa for tartrate nroDertT. wb reported With a iabUtutetbe act t oontert ike it ueMmenter ;vo."iniantnr- into tne id BtglmebY S, KXArtillaryvnlcb bed been n toed by tab President; wat call, and "advocated by Ueaar. Orr and Wietall, and? oppoeed tor. llr Phelo. -It waapaaaei twotbirda-oflbe6e- ate-yee I8t aoefik Tne, Benatertnea. went inte ecret teeaionffsnt-'cer "'-:. ? -.n r Ito IbeHoM bUfwaa pnueed lacreaiing tbe pay of Hon com missioned oOoerr sad ji eatee in tbe Odnfederate'Sutee army fbordollara per OOntb; 1 ,.'"-v--fii-.-!- 'i--.it),t:i I .A'bni i9 paolsb forgery andooosterfeiUne; wee ;e1ao pasaedV- "-"k .JUfv. . I- Also, a' bill te aoaend tbe law in regard to cpy jjejnta--' - 'f .o. t t 2 1 W 4 ''. - st iki, ttw rijynnftni fog Booa4 wea ea eased in tbe considerations of the bill to provide payment for property heratofere impressed. 'ADDITION ALFBO IT 'TAB ; KQBTS V 'AtFaxwwailw ! tidr ibU: impressive hW'the btititiphi Sunday. .'Afsrcwry publishes" the following extract from a lettebTe staff cOoer tft o&e of the brt gad of 8hWman,s ltiilon of the''afmy of the Boutbwest. Ili: s writlen il campMd the Talla iatcbie tlrer, and the wrltarf says' tbo Jtfftrsatry, as.decM&dIy opposed to and osed all hb) Iaa 4icegaf;ri8t what he cotuld'ered the absurd "and suicidal policy oJprotecUag rebal prbpefty, 'the iettev sayst' : Vf" '-V7a I believe vbe time has oothe when I am ashamed U acknowledge that I belong ttf lh Union army: Of all Ibe dif graceful oroeeediags that I ever wiW neaaed, I think what I have seen -on tbla taaTeh, caps tbe climax. Two-thirds of Sherman's wrmv Js compQjed of new troops from Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, ana tney . nave -come, qo wa nere Uiib tbe iatenVion of burning and destroying, and fwell afri they carrying out their Intentions. Tbe iwhole UaeoCour march ts Oni'cotttaued aceaf of destruction Priyate a well In gal burned woman and children driven oat of their houses end even the clothes stripped from tbeir baekv4oaay'nUhV .leg of acts committed by tbe soldiers wbiob would 'almost make the blackest hearted libertine blnah for iharae. Thif very day I have wits eased scene from which I turn with loathing and. disgust Troej stringent orders-have been lsSaednagainst these exoaasea, but I 'fear they wfirddno good, The only sure remedy if for General Sherman to shoot about a doaen of Ihese infernal rascals in iiha pre4ence.of hia whole division, bdt wbetherbe I will resort to eny such atrinrent meaaure remaina to be seen. -I have always blamed 'Union Gen erala fur guarding rebel ptoperfy, but I now see the necessity of it. ' Not sd much o save the pro perly, out our own saiety lemaads it. xnree weeks of such unbridled license would ruin our army. r' i ". t ."' 1 tell you the truth' when I say we are about as mean a mob' as ever walked the face of the earth. f It Is perfectly frightful-If I lived in this country. x wuuiu aerer jay nova my arms wane a . ".Yan kee" remained on tbe soil. I do Dot blame South, erners for being seceisionists now I could relate many tbinga that would betlaughiable if they were not so 'horribly disgraceful. Por instanoe,lmagine two privates in an elegant . carria,f bekoging to aome wealthy Southern' nabob, with spieddid span of horses riding" instate along the road we are marching over,! with a. negro coachman hold ing the reins in all the style of an Edgliab noble man, and then two amalLdramnaer boys going 1 mi e two-fwrty pace,' in an. elegant bugy,. wih a fast horse, and the boggy loaded with a strange medly of household furniture and kitchen utensil-. Isom an elegsatparlor mirror to a pair of flra dogs, aU of-wbicH they have 'crampad' from tome fine .feobJ which from sheer vsantonaesa they bave rifled and daisroyed. Hundred Cf such soenea are constantly occurring alongthe line of our march, as ridkuroua.iid absurd, U Aey are a burning shame Ut the army of the Onion, 'VxttlX this WAJl IT CAWHOt Yianvfttn " Bl XVDXD.BT The PhiladlLla Afsrotry publishes a number of lttera freva the Yankee army showing greet disaffection and demoralization among tbe Fede ral soldiers. As an instance or ho w Ifred the Yan kees are of UghUag, read ha following extract of an army letter from Fredericksburg : 5 -'; ! .Whatever Dry be wtU by papers at home of the wish of the army to advance, rtheir cry for on ward, and eo forth, I can, tell you,-Afrreury, that, although. I have no doubt everymaa will do hia beat, wkenevea we meet the enemy again, theory is "settle thia warIt een never be ended by fichu Ing; We are tired of . it aad'wisb to-ge home" whatever a few fanatics may aay notwiuundinr, lo.'faetjU'Od to Btehntond, Taplsyed ontlathia army, from one -end" to the other, althougbthe balloon does go up etery fine day to tee where the rebels are. . ' ' ." "-a ;.;" '' ' f Ouralck men ahd there 'ar e many are being taken to the landing this (Tuesday) morning to be forwarded te more oomfortabla quarters in Wash ihgtOn and elsewhere. Everything else remains in about tne same' stata as when we first eneamuerl ucre, aiior uKj retreat. ... ; A special dispatch sayi of the reeeptioa of Val lanulgham at home, tbe'prbmuent peace member of .'iCoegreea !f:. vvr"' V . . ',",v .";;-.'v . r- Ahhough but wf a js. notice was bad of his comltfg; he received one of the greatest ' ovations evT given to anytnarrin OhTo; It seemed as if every man, woman aad child In 'the 'dlstrlQr had come out to dd honor to this' champion5-advocate uu"uuwuH ngiw ,;,4.o puoi K nivio en waTdprtl eagercatchlibe first-tight of the mae woo, so nooiy,gauaayitto;tanaaaly represented the W hltrman'f Interest in the Gonrr asa thatbee jaitfadJooraedV ik'V-.-x, i&? ?A&Jt ' Tea crowd, waa 0 dense that it wae almost inv possible for Mr. Tallandbzham to reachf th ear. rtage which wag la readiness to convey him to the speafc. Havinrat length heehmWcarrled" to Us carriage, and being seated;' hi bared bis brow to the breeae, hod wak hkiladwlthdea&nlhir cheera, while the cannon responded twenty four Faoai Xxw$vfrTr$te KnexTillr Jifay. cu Tuesday lat sartw.-:. jz r - ; Gepf xjerim'a c) mrnsi a" si paMid safely into Keetucky ,-iittuigi aod eapturing e.T'amber -of bushwhackers. The last bdard pf him was at Som- j, Yankees are fortiMnV slrongTy at Bw4 Uns tlreen andls'?6w.'whiciindiAi. anai Ra2 sencrana , contemplates xfaHicg , back, upon; tbote coiata.- The Uoion men of Keatocky hegisk rto eocotLj thai (he State most go with the South, s IiETTSB FBaifcSX-PKaiDENT PIEECE TO THB LATB 8JESATOB PKABCB. . Thefaiowihaletter front ex-TresidenV Pierce to tbr(ltkFM jStajrybitfaV Iff rf gard h arbrirary arrWt, has never before been Wbllibed. ;The potiiion :aJsatnebyvex-Presi- aemxrierce u maniy ana aeciaea, ana leaves no ground lor'doubt im irjdoTObirii liy Dear Bif : I read- with tifluaual Inverest and t saturactlon the4 xiebatea Which occulted la 'the Beaate on the 16th altlmopon the resolatio of Mr. Trumbull, and desire to eioress my thanks for the sentiments abd thobghta whicbv the' occaw sipfi elicited from yoevMy c6ttvWUit aad ay !twX pathies are with 'yon -thorwigblyfWen) yon aay JI4onot beliave.thai$, PmeMtapon let tret da cachet) promotes j the. purposes, of those Who deaire to aee tbii Unlott brought ' toeether again, en object, of all ojbett, to me the most da- I sirible, if Ube feaemWeisST 6j -I j Jo raj estlmauon, 'Uke mover jf tbe inquiry deserves -the gratitude of freemen- every wnere, and only otter truth with' force" Whe'aiie'deelAres that .Mtbe pb werwithottt cnargOf-wlUHrat exami- nkttoa: without opportunity of reply, at the click I of the telegraphy, (oj arras V a matt in peaceable Jptttion of the country and imprison him ia of the essence 01 aespovunv- f ajui yet, me puoqo mina thua far would seem' to have- been . acaroaiy tttete ruaed by current events of this character thaa.it waa, years ago, when U received accounta.of aim t liar incarcerations, ordered by the father of the now deposed King of the two Bicittes. How. In credible tt will appear beeeafterj Whtf hbrtory bail be written up that at ibia, period of the Ke pdblio the constitutional aafegoarea of personal liberty bould have beea ab easily and with so.llt tle apparent eohcern swept fiV- . Tbe Secretary of State, ! on the 20elW four diya after the debat6 id which .you. partlcipatal, aadreaed an oflcial.tfoleto me, which aeema to illuatratei ia a aui kinsman her, the slight grounds, or rather the groundless suspicions upon which ta these timee, citiaena are liable to saner in repute tiootif notin loaeof liberty. J.repUedV without delay, and, eo far ea I amraonally affected,' may, 1' trustj' leave the' toatter la rquletriea trpon the files" of the DepanmeBt It' Is' my be lief, however1, that ae recent tpeasurfc haa been fraught with more- miachief than, tbe . faauiag of lettree da cachet and consequent arrests and im prisonmenta, in violation' of the provlsiohf ot the Constitution ; and that the earlier-the system is effectually checked the better it will be lot . the UovaTnment and the oouotrv, aa wall aa; tor .the eobject .of oppression. Th-evidence is abun dant to show that the plea of necessity, except in the presence oP Immediate neighborhood of hoe tile aamka,' Where the admlaistraiion of . law an-; der its oioal forms may be. ineyiubly suspended, ts not graciously acceptea oy tne mass of the poo- -- Union without security for personal liberty la not the Untoa which they have bheriabed and to the restoration of which they look' With earnest deaire and hope., Nothing, perhaps, could ex-. press mom clearly tnetr views on tats point lhao the 'laneuasrs oT the eat modern blsvorlan. who Ldledata comparaUvoTy recent period, daaving hlr arora leooeapietA. , n tracing tne sucoaaaiva etepa in the progress of British liberty. Mr. Macauiey aays: 'We have ben ubgbij by long experience, that we caanot,tbout agr,aunVny breach o us vooauuiuou u peaa unnoueea. am we cannot, '; without the risks of evils from which Imagination recoils, employ physical force as a check pa misgovern menu, it ia evidently our wis dom to keep all constitutional checks on mlagov erament ia the highest atate of a&ciency to Watch with Jealousy the first beginnings of en-" croachment, and never to suffer irregularities, evenwhen harmless in themselves, to Daaauh. challenged, lest they acquire tbe force of prece denta.? W.ho in our land will affirm that any other doctrine ia worthy of those who bold their rights under a solemn, written charter T It Is cheering to kpow thai inquiry has been moved 1 the right quarter, and that able and fearless man are stirred by a sense of what is due to our fellow citixens who have been Imprisoned, without as signment of cause and discharged without ex planation ; and, yet more, to such as are still in confinement, and precluded by guards and prison - bolls from the privilege-of the "great writ of liberty,", and thus of confronting r-eefbre a com petent judicial tribunal suggestion of crime, which the act "of imprisonment itself implies. Of this latter class, 1 believe from my knowledge of the mea, are not a tew worthy sons of Maryland, who love the Union as you do, and who have striven, not to destroy but to Dreeervo it. If free from any taint of crimes si I take them to be they will derive unfailing'capaciiy for endurance from the conaciousness that thay have never nourished their manly streng h to strike stoat blows at tbe Xouaaatron which tbe fathers laidthat they bav- neyer "participated .in lines of action, or in tbe surutng utterances caicufated to encourage age greasum upon tbe rigbte and lnstl utlons of sove reign Staiee to foster sectional distrust and aai- moalty, or fo inaugurate ooaflict between different parts of the Confederation, and thus to weaken, unity of feeling, interest and purpose. If, en the other hand, they arerguilry, the lew will infiict adeqnate punianeaan whatever;: that mav be. as Li. snouia ao. umi new long, is, such durance, witoouta bearing, to he their allotment T ' i I am, very troly.'your friend, t F&AxtKLIN PIXBOS. Hon. Jab. A. PxAaca,- U. S, Senator, Washington, P. 0. ' ' From theBlehWoud Xoquirer. " If the Confederate Oovanineat do not take the in itiativa i m ssnduig aeay the geatiaiaev whewera eba- ssu tarour porta before tbe aeeessioa.eutwha are bow permitted to aXareiaa eonaolar fanetioaa here without authority; it weald seem thai the Xaglisa Govera- ment, so far as it Is eonearned, la dlspeaad to reeaH iU ewa eehsular agents, aad-eepeeially auehaa aave fhewa1 sympathy with the Coafederaeyr Somathae alaear Mr. Banah waa ealled hoiae frdm Charlaatoaj, where be had been long kaewa and respeated aad where he had become disnageished for. hia Southern Wiae. Mere lately Ifr. Hasee, Britkh Consul at Hebua, has Wen di-atd, oo becaae of aav eoja. plaint against him by oar Govsrnment or people, bat in eonsequenoe of aeeasatio&s made a Waikinoto, by the eWetary "of Btato" of a . foreign' and hostile power. TheMobiH Bguttrt spaaklag of this traaa aetios, and Of tbe action of Lord fiassell and Lord Ljoitf therein, sejrs ' .' ; ' :- " - " ; Thaa thssa'tWo KglUhvsUtesmen; of whom the world expeets a loftiness of" toeeof lastlee and eeur age equal ta their ecalted rank aad.offi.oial position, have basely sarrifieed two of their, countrymen 'and Govaraawat ofieerato propitiate theamilea attd to de jpreoatb the smgeFof as aoatemptible Govarnmeat at waahiagtoa. "The transaction. is not eely aaean aad base, but it rafleeta 4sgraee upon the' Briosh uaaaa. It la aaetharproof to sustain the general belief that Bart KaaseOia andar Washingtoa lnflaeaei ,tta:t greer iajuriosur to .the dignity of the British erowa, aad that Xerd Lyearaaa jDoodeseaaded to beeoma the Isequay and the too! to the false and vuipilnelpfiid- newara.-'Mi.i - . The imrnediate pretext ' for the remoral of- Mr. Magee consiau In the afiipment;aome months aerb, of $200,000 of coihr rom Mobile to pay interasb on bonds or, the SUta o, Alabama... JTh Joaey viae welcome in B?glaad, but the Yaei.ea Gov ernment ootifplaiaed that tt was k breach bf the blvakade byv connivance and 'contrivance of Hhe Britl 4naui. ' Wel bile "ttagtsW' en the whole transaction y j , : 1 the Tabkee Government baa suffered damage irvu Mtia sttipmentoi coin-ajOa uuaouDieary has there1 is but one man who can be litstlv held responsible for it : and thai IS the commaader cf the Yankee blockading fleer, who allowed it lo- paee the blocluda- Uiannseit roved naAiele of retDonslbUhvrom the shouldera of the L Britisa Consul and the British. Captain end as be f was the representatiye of hiagovaratoeot, Ittuta tne moota or taat TJartlacl wouk. wu. I WM WWI UT WI BWWH EH W I jWBJoroa.Ano, Anas sa ne MncpiPg poinv e Wahlrjglbn. They raised the blockade for. the ptjssse of British : propextr. Having, done so, thejr liave given thtf aame right to aU other. eu- umi.powera, una vne laiier.nave a.ciear iuie to clahn lCTATbe itthlahhteht ef Uto Macee and tbe commaoderot. the, Yetuvius does dotjn'jthe least caaoga or impair tbe right. Mr, Seward la a very wfly dfpMl&Ustthe- -cutest". Tabkee " of hta irfbe-rbet ,w. hardly think; that. he cr4 tb 4os!atatheeTeei the Bmtteror KapoTeon bv.so transparent a gov ice,- nue fact sianas icrin; me ; iaflxee.M:PVtnrtb.giv parage, ta UriOb -w . - ... - . . : . -! coin, and Naooleoa baaanrht to claim transit foTrencH cotton and tobacco? We are miatoJcen? tot the xaaarif he sleeps oar his rightiif 4 . " r Tj . ... -j . r- irf 7"1i NT'S - JjaaJ UAX J3t -XJ , w- All f. a fVil ' A"letM iJtheIeatoad from Ijolum hia, Tennn gives an interesting aocpant of a nar A rwcucapu maae oy v-n asots rjom tnet capture bfj himselCaadwle c on the lltb inst., be bad takmsut advantageous praiuoa to maxe a at ort oppoaiuoa to tae ad vaace ef a superior foroebfhe enemy .'afid,' then; rire ucr'ok?reira bverf wblch a toatoMbridge af aupppsea to neve been completecl. y pon at tempting to launch it, it waa dkeovered to belm- pcslbla, aa the riverbed ovenrffowad fts banks, and was sweeplbgin with the ereatest raoiditv. bear - ig oalU bosam. huge logs aind. drift' weed, hurled defwn withawoh telodty aa to reader -the -lay leg doWtt of the M.hipsf ty lTeTi&&iam.1X9n still, rorAa,1tbe ,rppe Jby mans of wichlbe ferry mt was creased, became submerged. an"ahother one was with difSoltv etretohed across by meant of which they were en- aDiea to cross, a ooet apaDie px carrying at eaob .trip, occupying, forty mioutos, one wagon or eight or ten horses. The fetter sas : , tf! ; Planed Ua lala"' joafor tauata poaiUoavwe -avarat completely oovered by.Federals ia.iiaaTy force in the front aad opon both flanka, wtthont! having any means of Tetreal in case of avenaerior tforee, Which was certain, and which it waa only new in tebtion toengajaad retire. Several plans of s cape were snggeetfd, amocg; which the moapind tible was to swim the bones aeroas thwatreeuaad arbacthetroope by the ferry j but Uwesfobnd tBat eVea tbla waa impracticable. Our.poaUiou .was i this head of the peninsula formed by the junction of Carter's creek aid Dusk, river, wbil tbe see toy's position Was upon another peainauta direct ly opposite formed by the Juncliooof Rutherford and Oartert creeks, all of which streams were no usually , high and rell : nigh .impaaaable. Our foroea were disposed oathe south side of Buther f d's creek, eur centre resting open the if aahville pike, oar left extending to Oerlarfccreek, and our right," under Forrest, extending a mile or two to tbf ? right of .the piksy nod upon the . border of Butbarfbrd's creek.'. The position wav e very stfocg and commanding one, and King's battery was put upon the highest hill commanding the approaches from the pike., Ia front bfur poai tionVupob tbe 'centre, open 'fields: stretched' from BuiherfOrd'e creek, back a'thbfnaad yards to a wooded bill upon the left of the turnpike, upon which .lhe';enemy mounted- their artillery, but whto wa perfectly commanded by Kfeg's excel lent position.., from the top of this bill the movements pf the enemy might plainly be described On the If th, .three brlgadea wera ; plaialy visible, end large wagon Veins were moving in all directions. It .was Feared, from .'"What could be seen of the ene my's movement ifflon our rig hi, that he was about driving wagons into Butberford'a creek, upon which to place plank aa rxrosa'hii infantry, es the creek was too deep and rapid to beat ell fordable. It soon became knoWn to our troops that the pon toon had proved a provoking failure, and being aware of 'the enemy's large force and his so per fectly covering our front and flank, a.nd deeming escape improbable, their lack of confidence 4vas plaialy exhibited, and hundreds of -stragglers at tempted to cross by means of the ferry boats, but were prevented by tbe guard, who were ordered u (reroui m pus couriers ana orananoe wagona to cross, xne mgnt ot tbe JOth. was, indeed, i sloomV One. and the mvriad eainn flrWnf tKa an emy, seen through the raTa mad mist la the woods In front of our position, by no means re-assured our disheartened forces. At 10 "o'clock at night a councilor war was lield. nl which Forrest; Jack soDjCrosb? aad Van Dorn were mem bera, and the planN of escape adopted. lln ihjpiorping qur troops were ordered to make- an unusual noise ar d keep Xip a cheerlmr, while buelera were ordered to sound reveille' and forward', from many, more pomes man wnore we naa troops. At 6 o'clock A. M., the enemy'e betfery upon tbe left of tbe turnpike opened Ire upon King's battery, end gave that officer tt much desired OD- portnnity to return fire end convince them of bis whereabout jast before .hia battery vies with draw n.. Several anelle- vrbicb he had Uken from We baUle-fteiaof Spring Hill were returned rapid ly to the enemy, to whom they origlnajly b3long edf and our lottery was theft taken id tbe Ferrv and crossed, by the iadefaUgable' exertions of the . mut uw uuno "waui accoaa. upon tne previous 'eveoibg the Texas - brigade sent word that they were upon theaame aide of Butberford'a creejc aa tne enemy, and were unable UMiross. Tbe next thing heard of them; the enemy commenced advancifg, 4h4 Hit said with a smile; that to see tbe Texas Bangers crossing the creek one would hav thought that they were crossing' a turnpike instead efJa rapid stram,se hastily did they effect it. ,( At 10 o'clock. A. MT this brigade aod Cros hys, which had been upon our lea; were with drawn throuarbr the woods." so u in tnld hino- J seeij by ta Yankee look-outs, leavicr Ihelr usual ouv7osBs.peuioa, ana aunea upon a ey-roea run ning along the Deck rlverlny northeaster ly di rection. Fbrrest's command wen jioda another iroad rt.sing psurallel with is, 'and Armstrong urougai up toe rear.witp yen Ato.rn and ataffasd eaoert tmntediatei ta ue reayof Oceby ei at to bin a pceitjto dlreamevementi either in froat r rear ia case the enemv atlemvted tolnuifeent us? Every thlg: wa now under way, tboertiUo nr. and wasoa traios-bavirifr been ctosawd umb tha ferry, aad the aaimala awam, the position pie-serj exacusieu, aave oy tae oatpoau and plca ets, vmr mmm si.wmt -w m uu&m ir oaouoTas we got fairly-oader wsy, r the enemy should .advance. xiZi: . . lii ;i tTprj:i Biatji." The tonowfnjr'ls n. tract 6t 'tt prtvaie letter from a' brothaf, who Is In the arm of Virginia to bis slstetf ltrMoWle : 1 Dear SUitr t In dne tlme l received year last. ana. ox couree weicoment, as nnytluagtrcB ttome ii trjaly vnlobau. .? ii-t'cv .1 vai.V.i ; You aay that yon iiave "aeiraral beanx.' , I am in hopes, dear-sister. 4hat they are not Haoldiex. DBaux--nos vaaaa. avaaat to oevact zrona t&ejmer its of a soldier, as voa know I aaa one mvtelf : but tistet, I havahrwaao touch- since. I kit hrme of aoklierv braaa buttons, gold una, dfcc. tbakX can not helD oalaavlnc iavea tbaall that e-iittara 14 not goldV ?iLx 4-' -.inW ja JOhol atish that every.iyflnngi glri aa. arel aa man? aid-ones, would thiak and know thM every. naa.rwho weara ssniforaa; with, or without brass fauttoaeiaadgold lace, itnota gentleman. J .': STRAYED Oil xyrOSlf PBOS TUB stable ef . Bi Foster, (aear seetherlaaeValtill, iotlisaoaaty) eaSamday alhV39m-alt,uty ridiag aecau arighs bay, aawyeUawiaa; eysv heavy aaaa short taiL Be aas matn t,eerriagfv ad appaaraa.ee, heavyetaad U fine, erder. - "- -iiV -. Thejterard wiUVbepald for. his oaBvary to iiaf iajdwta4.teai-I eaa gai ISmith VarraarCo, April IroV lSBtv- 3 -riprY-t j ;i . i s.'iw'wsa, -mm waaavaiawaB vavw' IfEAH OP -TUB ' WaMU X By SawAae A. Polulxsv Aathor-af Blaek D araowds, Ae. : - -v- - ': r ".. .;": mca wMtaaADi Aan lira stbxVts, , 1 V f. GTock and; bonds - ob TCFRRY. a boajtbt and sold on eammiulan. (HUJ9lteliakxehaa add iBank Kota bmirTii And sold at current nurket rates..' i.. ., For i fcrtht- thelTTinciNTA tati! r mi -vTivr""f P1S1T CENT BONDS Missouri 6tate per, eent bonda. . veustaeraxa etata, lieala r the SeTera lamas.' ad.a(n f the Confederate tates . Treasury netea reOsired atpar for bonds. i. V ax w4;-wt54 ve,,seJti...4tii9l(vijl, . f-Ajv per; CENT. , t a.i xjobos, oio iasues.v .-' T: 1 JSTettb Garolinuftper eeat. benuW,-J.'vS'-.r! v Confuj.rmt. Stated U . nA. unl ' T) .r .v. . wwvw mm .i - wuM. Vi fiftaea minion (15,t0000 loan! GeSUrlinjp.and Banknotes . , , . K; n. MAuBAY CO. ' f-u-;anuwakre V- ewV4f G. W: MerdeeeL, Esa PrasideUL Raelehi 2fifli aad to tbe Cashiers generally of North Carolina aai .UareB tl.tr : t " j A ;?bb unite wHh( the present corps m-aaslailrtoyerecA A sioT.uuieui so so memory or tne -lata UoL u. g. Tew. wauMu iwmw pupenaieaaent. or tnu- Aoaaemy, are requested to address their eontributioua to"' -, . ; ' . , Cadet W. B. CATHCABT, - " i . Chairman on Committee of Contributions, '.' . ' :.. . ,-HiUsboro', 'v , -.- p,, jrfj, ' The raeeipt of each coatributipn will' be duly ae knawledged. . . ; jp 2t Common Sohools rinilE BOARD OST 8UPErnNTEmRT JL W Ceuuaoa 6eheelat Wake County will meet as the law direeUat the Chairman's offiiil the City ei Aaieign on tae u Monday of April, Instor the tranaaetka of beshieaa. i ...v r 8JLBPHEN STEPHENSON, Ckairmu. . April T, 188$. - sn 4-w2t ' Headquarters Camp of lnstrnctiob', ' v . Ritfaisn, March 28, 1863. JL SncicAt. Obdkb, V ' ' He.'SOd.-' -)"" v : ' ''- - NOTJCE IS HEREBY (a IT EN THAT aooording to instructions reoeived from the Bareau of Consoription.'Jtistioes of the Peacebe tween the oonseript sges are liable to eoneoription,. Thiv will be enrolled immediately, and this notioe is published that ' thay may make their arrangement aeeorlingly. . . . . Bywuer of .'CoR PETER MALLKTT, Commandant of Conscripts in N. C. . . JVC. Paiacu, Adjutant. , April l-3fc. ' AU the North Carolina papers copy three times and send bills to Progress Office. - -. W H. HARDES, I A I E S A V. I S A E A R D B E,: . GENERAL COMMISSION II EROUA.NT, . - .' PETERSBURG. y: March 1863. ' , mar 15 lmpd. J. P. KNIGHT &. CO., fSUCCCSSOaS TO KHIQHT, BoaxaT8j A co) NO. IRON FRONT BUILDING, SYCAMORE STREET, "PETERSBURG, VA., "Will sell on commission ' TOBACCO, COTTON, WtlE AT, FLOUR, CORN, BACON, LARD, MUTTER, BRANDIES, &C. Will attend to the filling of orders; will maxe cash advances on prod aee in hand. J. P. KNIG11T A CO. NOTICE. I am connected with the above honse-. and will be pleased to hve my old friends and custo- mars patronise me as' heretofore. BENJAMIN M Feb 8 lm B0BERTS0N. Orrica or thb Chath R. R. Com past, I 1.AI1KIGH, October Ztfth, 1862. A MONTHLY ,INSTAL!ENT OF TEN per cent , pavable on thefifst dav of eaot month. until the whole subscription is paid, is hereby called iot, oj an oraer or tne Hoard ot JLirece0rs. W. W. VASS, Treasurer Raleigh, Oct. 31, 1882. nor 8 tf John G Williams Co., STOCK AND MONEY BROKERS. AONTINUB TO. CARRY ONTH&BRO- J kerage business at their Old stand as heretofore in all its various tranches, Feb. Z5-6mpd '4. . ' ' DarosiToar C. S. A. Raleioh, march 19, 1863,- J A IL TREASURY NOTES NOT DEAR X. ing interest which bear date prior to 1st Deor, 1&6X, will be funded at this office in eight per cent bonds ep to 22d April next, after which date they can only be landed in sewn- per cent bonds. Ail treasury notes not bearing interest whioh bear date after December 1, 1863, wul be sanded in seven per cent bonds. Interest will be paid on interest bearing treasury notes np to January 1st, 1553. 0 . ' GEO. W. MOROBOAg. Depository. mar 21 t22ap Attention -Recruits Wanted. T AM NO W IN RALEIGH, AND WOULD JL be glad to get a few recruits tofiiliop Company E, 1st utgiiLUi ss. v. uavairv. ao one wanted unless he can furnish his horse for which he will be allow ed $12,00 per moatby and forage, . Arms and horse equipments will be Tarnished.' I will be in the eity unfit Jst April. d . LV f, CAD. J. IREDELL,' M Lieut Co. E. 1st N C. Cavalry: marl.-UAp -. ; . . . . ON TI1E.1ST OF APR1JU WIS-. SHALL eon vert our MQl into -a Corn and Wheat Mill,' and ahaU not make any aanreSNUIFunUl n4xt wiataa, Wedfrsire patrDi of the "CAROLINA , BELL," to sefid fa their orders for a supply Wo wiH endyor to lutaJlordersraeeivei by tne 1st of April. JAMBS M. VENABLK A CO., m'erl4 lm sa ' rPMersbttrc Va. Committed To J;ail. v a TTT AS COMJlITTD TO- THE JAIL OF T.f,. Vvarraa Coantr, on the.31st 4i7 ef December lass as a runaway, e JMegro men who says his-name is .Washington Newell a tkatjie belongs to Capb ' Wm. Smith, of the 6th Regiment N. C. Troops, ; aad that us buw uvea in jraquier uouuty; va waeu at heme. He-aieo says he eeeaped from thp Jail ef WakeCwua . .tysome stx or eight weeks ainoe, and subaeqaaatly fteat'Rejh Cbanty JaaV ' e-' :.J Said egro is darkgiger eake or baeoa- jsolor about feeder 6 inches high, has bad teeth iu front aad ameers to be about iO or AS 'vears' af aira.r - ' The owner aiast prove property, pay charges and take,him away or he will be dealt with as the lair di rects, -.y v;r J-WJLilt.'JlABBISS.S ', Jan. le tf . , . i . ... . , . Jailor.. BLOCKADE GOODS. 50 PS MERINOS AND CASlIMlfcR 49 piece Blaehr Alpaeeas. ' ' tiH7. a: i .100 eosenileavy Jeans Drawers just received, ihO pieces Fi&'a WhiU Idnea drawers all aisesJ 212 prarLinesr Sheet aH Teady IbrwMAMlt 10 lbs' Whito- BrownFUx. No" l -artie!et C4taPan ts, Vests, Over Coats, MIUU17 and t iW j April V-Z-'J ;vt Patersburya4 Sriiiiaiinlaoture TTTir HAT& IN STORR AND OR! SALR f i, be commission. 10.000 boxes Manofae Lured To. baoeo'oonsistink of Ibs,v3a IbT. 5s'A 10s: fl:00O boxes Jwists and H lbs in Cady Boxes, aome fine ehewlagr ive,eH ins 01 jSBMKiag tn ail KUHie er shape and sised packages; 1.0D BexeaJaauftfor which we hrtigvfiit J. M- Vtnabte ACo'a celebrated CaroUna Bell A Moore Loehsnne Scotch nut&i also othet" Brands of SnuftV -r Wa seU en commlsie all kinds at Produce, and. havxng aa ezUnaivoaeqaainUnee, weeaApromise the highest prices for all articles sent .to. our scare. ; . i - ,v JOHN-FaIGJlTCo- ' ':'r L Ne. Llrew BaUdrair flveaaaare BtraaL wlT I raaateaeayaK rXlIIIJ BUIlSCCILlIiKS ;1VI1.1. IiXlOK -V "X" ta pabMi ulm the vninU, W JtUlfZJj DAT the eih dj of April, 1861,' that valuable area. erty;lo the .Town ef Leakburr North Carolina. known aa th LO TJISB CBG IS MALE, COttGS.. Ts bell dlrig'tl lor brfcJt, (foe;rsuries) fahd torravdL wiu. tin, f it eeetalns roenu enough to aoQomncdate eoout one naara. hoarders, axelasive of the priirel-,. pal'a, semawT,lhe-paders.R'chapel;jdInlBr xeoafJle. : There is alse,oa the premises a briek kitchen wit&ffour'.; larga Tooma, besides other' eutVulldlaga. ; It Uf aerv't rounded by a laitga grove of, aavetai Aeras, all aaelea- 3 Lasaediaiely after the sals of the above real se&ta, nrrmausA ol tbe" caiy-Tehaiftflnf kreay washstaada. tables, ehaira. table ware. aofaa7saiti and pier tablM. aaroteBrr nUaoa. Ae - will alaea u. ' nosed to publie ss . i v .tnT. 'puis property ii atae7 ta'mlthy.ijrgleB)bM in-tli midst pf.e;ateiat7. .A better e-9ortaw , airy for a good inveaUBeat ia valuila property has Mot often : been presented. , " ;- f x,: poseeesion wul be fvebarly&ttTie. Teinde f01 theytt frW erraaged. to aeithe PWhawjj , ... - . ..HT Loaisburg.'N. CL, ltarsa t, tV : Mageh'dliBwtdt11? .st.T.i;; ifUJA 4t- - . VS ' UK HI 1 M' miTB TJNDEtLrCWEDTJErfitriSTdTiriC'a r .-X- threeliundred bands to -work ear the 'arsZliaai r i" a. w were a. s.. . erases -L.i r . - - . . . , a!" Ua,na XaVliTOwifX. -r - The line runs throorhli healths eoW. WJ,:ai5w- . ridgsj aaeraU haadl lAywl an thdxeaAm-W wU.fed and earWleri-nWe . wttl ddre itkwr) byiaae n6nth or the year.-; Apply evwa aA -CaryVl-saUas .-SaV?re jF.JKBBtfViES. 4K. P. Battle, PresTt Chatham B. R. Company; Be., .. leighanduWHsrwklAs, Prest Blebsaadatob! -t March If-ew n.- ; ... )ad onraaZ copy. . IlXAf BkiEN4APP0M 8eeretary of iheTreasury. VhW Agent To purchase of Cotton fer'tie Confederate Votsfumebt' 4' within the Stale or North - Carolina, ud wBT Jpayfor ' " ' the same In f per coat? Bond or Cash. w-t-v -- 8ub- Agents flsitiagTt!he Atfereal pattt af the State, baying in my name will have written eertineates of appointment, f -:-' 'f-? v nv'. i JM--; 7 per cent, Boads or. Cash, and hot 8 oar eeat. Bonds as eUted in former adTertasemettt c Up to thiiltnaej however, the 8 aor; oeot. eerf witt be fanlaltad, as stated, , ... . i, ' e- fJT..... --75. .. Patrleflo ettlsenserejaoW'eBeradaa eppertasity ae sid the Government by aelUng to it their Cot:on rather than to private capitalists. 73 ff pri o. Ja.-7-vrfJfcc LBWIS WTT.T JAJlS Charlotte, mar tl N PDRTlANirANd I; An Aet to -amead AtActtabllsif 'tl . Bank, Of IsxiBton,s land to. estobjish arseoaraU, Bank to be called the BarJ ofOrahatttV pasted at tkc lastsesskm of . the Geaeral Asaemblyr tba.Bajak ct Graham was dalv organlied osfthe 7th of March, V ' by tbe electlonof R. YMeAden PresiJeat, ead C. c Mcbane Cashier.: Notice is hereby given tbik ti Bills of the Bank of Islington payable' at' Gfahatn will be paid at the Baak of Graham,-v" -, U ' , I ,C P. MBBANE.-Cu. i !' 1 Banker arahasa. i ;. .v'4KjC.JrJUJWB-Caa. : mar 14 lm . L Baajr of Lexlnrton. ' ORTli j CAROLINA MUTTJAft. i! IT""I INSURANCE COMPA N YCFKIC( RALEIGH,. N. J.rTniB COMPANY takos risks upon ail healthy Hires between the age of 11 and 80 years for one year, , for seven ysara, or for Ufa (Ae aaiurer fr lift participating in the pre fits of the Company. Stives between the ageSwf t ana and 60 years, are-, inaared for one or Ave years, fbi two-thirds their market value: "' I All leases are paid within 90 ' days after sathfacta. proQi is preseniecu. , . j -a DIRECTORS FOR 1881 AND 186. J Charles E. Johasdn Wm. H. Jeuea, , H, W. Hasted, . P. F. Peecud, K.T. Battle,; . Tl UU TT . J. G. WiBiams, Qlientitt Bus bee, Wm. H. McKee, Charles B. Reoc, TT Wt MMVRl Bverard HaiV Rich'diLBatUe. S OFFICERS. . . i Dr. Chas. . J ohnson. President. ; . ,W. trHolden; Tice President. 'S i H. Wi B;usted, Attorney. I Wm. H.! Jones, Treasurer. ' I ' Bi H. Batae, Seeretary. -. W- H. MoKee, Medical Examiner. ; W. H, McEee, fl ' ' . ' Charles B. Bootj V Extovtiw Oommiti, Q..Busbee, .)). For further information, the puh&e is'ieferre' t the pamphlets and fojrms of proposaL wbiahj aiay be ' ootained at the Office, of the Company, or any ef It ' t Agencies. Address B. H..BATTLE, -Secy, Raleigh Jan. 8, t&, 18621 Large Arrival olaluaMe Import ' '. I 1 'j ABU '. . 'TOILET ARTICLES, JUST RECEIVED FEicub IJRUG store. ' CONSISTING IN PART OF THB FOLLOWING vU . I I . 10 Kegs Sap, Garb. 86da. ' j 10 Cases" Cooncy's Iadigo, 10 lb easaa, i 200 Ounoes Quinine. I . ! 160 lbs 'Uem Camphojr. ' . r - SOOlbs Oeperaa.;-ht, - , 300 Its Ejttrset Logwood. I - Superb Eng. Mustard n '1 lb BetUea- ande lb Cases-.' 2. Gross Low's OldVBcoans Windsor Soap. T 2 Gross EnglshTobth Brushaa' w Very Superb Yawng Dysou, 3tra Powdery fihoaseug and Congou Tea, in ehest and half ehesU. . 10 Gross Matohes? 6 dot Henry's Calcined Magnol' ..silk it. : vi -?'- t .. .-;.- . i 2i Doa. alne Tooth Comb Ivbry, Hera aad India 60b IU Blatk. Pep Gum and Powdere rVt?(, , :r ft.- A,' V'i ered Opluau IpesaejDovert Tewdert; raii Salad ODf x00 ibr Flo uwes - Sui . ' ' Ctdatofbteai; pear. 1. . t-.l. l ' j-28 fb Bottles Bafsam Cepalba; English Bleeliae aad CalonteL la pbur. paakagea, ii Ibr Cbleree fotash, and maar other geede botglt 'at raaeasalat tafCaaiaW -. ton and Wilmington, , wbieluwili be told at small advanpea ia quantities to r lulf nurch.1 ' rDayy expected a sn of SUGAR aadTcOT .-.TJ ; Hhnat-gL7Ttfti-iaF- a Ji-ijfaift ir.TTieirv:4 Ol airA 4 1 : .( . 1,. Mf-vm: . THE BESXJR1SR BiUU 1 - itijaav . March 1 100 JSOTpigsgs- Gray Cletas.100: doiaa Tooth Braxhaa. aa aeet ' Battoni. wide end yarrow, Lace, Geld, 19 rTeoaaplsid -aad plain Cashmeres for ladies and eh2reW utaaea loaoaaa a'gente CpiMMM Ceajaav tlack and white. Thread black aad whiiTs.SftO aT xUea for the Soldiers, Urt JIaeraiLL lUt "1T A. X . S . . . 9 . . rjivjvrufut ws nsaoate oroarf aaa acrsat ta rtety ready made: wholeaale andreUU. f'T?!' eew uoseavnae umms wr;tasjntTAv-' t, T.vT. B0Y8T03. V. 'if eiaraoarg, va; f ' Vf.t ". . : . T-.- vwwaaw. . lisai i-t ijta. BITABBSfltefl s iHi1:,iWjl5i; .srSj i;tljii a an Vwr: 1; iL3 SWEET" POTATO Ca? T By,prder.bf ht -"Secretary af the jTreaauryalt Cotton purchased by myself; or my Agsats, cnVnd' after, the 1 8th dsy'ef Mareh, 188SJ will bernaid for U , 4' At r ,3 1 4 . il - islVv i s"(aIs ti fsi.f 4 ,t