, - I: vf.. l-y:.- Si .1 4 rUNDIKO. till. CSartb,'by Ka DriMetoq, tJapt! WALKER federate pjad' ICotHouse of Represen mil- letter fMm Uiior Gftnenu xno -previ burner e,nqurc;ss,. u ... y-wx r- - . . t n : ti a. . - 51.-: CIIEECE s XITCUFORD. 17th K C, wltrue prfaonAr. of w, Ad Ifot 4d eoanec itjoa W "f rear 186. ind of the erdwth Mproducttou of wy. .nd Mittfcltf trtbr-reber Utter M bilo: Oar.Stor "V1 froHg on vr 'I, r . . : -. - " ? .-- -. - -- NwtherkYntpt of ta i JUi nJ 15VH l ah wjs.iujw , pi -toiwa, oa ILATJS WASH, l - i i V- . . . 1' ; I' -""''a ! : i ! A..:. i". j fc r' Vv, r? who kaofr him reel, well tr3ure l iixi tji you pnotM9 whiEfc prwcie.M Jc4afiTi pTOTd hioaelf "flt1iM iteward oftha ttlp ti'iM itrmr hrk.n. Laj held Lis W.i b(.mi s tnuteefor the ippdrt'of Itbs great uid iolr Mtue ef the 8oath; a Wjbiti lli Brace tmyi to bit fcllotw-pitlxcnj of IJili'ix la Dphcbl to lie eitixeci cf ertrt otnjt U eeutent to exufHaud glre trrer , beyond tl ieanj.f e bare . exuteneeT;te the eopport of the ttmj tolliejwfio tte now boarding corn to pport cesroerwlul tbeyre )nak moat especially etMea4tt.;tpp: ... Brnoe. Can tbey.BOt be jersoided ito iiah ttta ble example, ina tead cf pWsmngi poirse which la at oooeuepatriotio and sufcidai :l J jnuinr'tt ian i f rod TVTiTTWrVt 1 In making the following" appeal to yoo. Ibope that I shall not be deemed guilty of unseemly flolooinesa. par armies. In Virginia, I aw, be yond quesiion, la;!great need of. supplies, 2!f pecially dd thy require corn for cavalry and Am tillerv horses, and neat for the soldiers. -J, The soil of our county Jbai been to far uxi polluted by the tread of a hvttileL foot, and we ooghtta previa, to the fuU meaaare of our ability ; for the support ' of oor armr. which so far. under God has rri-' teoted ut .1 lluch has been done-by our peopJe,' nut no -enooan. ' inw is uoquesuoDaoiy , .some . scarcltyj bht It Is nothing like so great' as many "seen to think. : Trsons are, alarmed by this high nriceai without rrfleotlne that . this ia. owbe mare , lo a- redundancy of corrnoy thao toa dencieseT. of load. .. yvny sbouia we looK any rarther ahead atban:to be coming. wheav harvest,- which wilt commence, 6ft the 2.0th of next June T We can very safoli spare every grain of cornovervaad bore ba ia necessary to carry' of to thie 1st" bf July, Prhdence in ordinary times Ji notp'riji dencenowf It is thecll m x of prudence to soi tain our afmies. ' for, lf they are vaaqulabed bv famine, the bounties of. summer and autumn will enure to the beneflt of.our en amies, -and not to .us, and our families. Ou crop of Irish, wetatoes will be fit for use early ia "Junayand in July the eartb will jveem with beeta, beana.peaa, and every other vegubl. Even if Providence should de ny to usj a bountiful wheat harvest, we have other aafeguards against famine. Ah enormoua crop of Indian oorn will be planted, and this may be used tor bread by theJStn of September, alter Vtag driest in the sun. Indeed it used to be a common spying among us, that if the core would ftftcb'wheat," that is, would hold out to wheat harvest; that there waa no danger. Ii ia true -that while tbe winter .oav in thie county, the last year, was a magnificent crop, that sowed in the) Spring was a faiturf' iv Is alo trae that while the wheat Was of fair quality, thequaniHy was greatlrahbiit. . Bui it ia equally true,' tuat the crop of corn, taking all paru ot the county together, was a fall aver age crop, t In an experience pf thirty years I am sure that I have seen ten worse corn yeas, and not telvf better. For our stock we shall have tbe frutu of an cat crop by the 20th of Jane, t A great breadth of lund has been sowed with winter oats, and having grown this crop for the last ten years, I have never once met witha failure. "IPFe may oouai on it with certainty, . and weichtns: forty pounds to the ousbel, are we so difiereat irom iiooi'icnmani mai we could not, m an emereenpy , Us it for . bread ? . : v 7 .t L On those o( my brother planters, who lik ny. m hvu uj sko jt .; LDurmity, and who have ineloriuuslv slinnad in iwtn.A ware, without feeing actfYe service inuaiher. it is iwvuuariw inuujnuaai o oesor oarseives in this patnouo wore oi suppiyine our armiaa mttw ink. sisteoce. i Let us puvour families on the shortest rations, and make It a poioV to send to our jol. dlers every thine; that absolute existence "does not demand. 'Io-l 81 T; I think it was daring aereit try of the ktndom determined to use na breavi on w M l0,B" oi vneir aervants.T They UTed well on potatoes and other vegetables. Tbev were actuated by moUvae of cbarityi to haAty wel have the added Impulse of patriorisna. An honored friend of mine, now nd mor. the zzzrrzz-"irris uow? 5 ainar .with o sons ana aauMters. . tin the centf of the tablo. was olacad a TTL ing . wooden, tray of black-4yed fieaa,riWsished w.ih thramaVvbiu of ohU wat the uiner r ,uxinwe, cpw my friend ventured vary ijmuiv- vi aK r av pieoe of bread". is fca idof rather roared to biro VTottng-maa, wheA we eat pae wi eal peas'when we aat bread we eat bread; this is pea day." " Now. my frienda, , fva fm iv munw v .enaureaa .much as avarice, and that lot e of country ,will Jmpel qj ml ea-may lacriaces as me wveot - money. Ylt us have or pea daya and 4 oar potato; days,1 and et oreau ana meavaays oeiew and far between? I4Bt.n0 man say that my barf el of corn ! m .1 r i 1. kMnea ana prearvu avtvief m wotsu , out Utile bv himself. In. driving pack an invadins host, y et j he Is a unit, and nniu coasUtnte tb great,sum or a prowwins; army 1 . s : , -pwb Let us act Ttomptly, and without a. day's de lay, send, meat, corn, oats, fodder, hay and straw to our armies. ; Let ua trust to Providence, and nt look 'through one Jarvestto another,' f Our j;reat; danger last how is not famine, but the fear of famine. Ve have the men to-drive back ooir enemies, and they are ready aad willing, and thie question for, ua to decide ia. Whether we. wfU . b aparihg of ouf.&od to. ihem, when: they ara .not aparina of tl err -blood and. their lives for i ua. have lived1 my "wholeife in all good neighbor hood eotf friendship With the perpte of Ilallfax? I know them well, and count confidently on their hearty and unanimoua co-operation in feeding a Kllant army,: wjbo ; baye gon forth with Iheir te in their bsods, tf protect our altars and our firesides trom ' he the desolations of a aavaze eneV m j a gve y ou ny ; name or. wnat it la jworthj, oeiwviag tnai ina emergency 01 the occasion- such aa to mak modesty a crime. 4 V - -1. Teur Fellow Citizen. -? ; JA11ES O.BETJCI5. New has been recdvadat7Nrt Hudsea from . New Orlehirmlogihe destractlon !of bet . Queen bf the esLrjL setl from 'oneof th Yen ke veasels struck fceT;nMgaT:--i -blew her np It Is said that "our own men . -rot the Diana to hmr hatp fnim filI!rT Into Lh htnt tV M iff hMlth loo tlcsejr-iat5 rmy, job jwM.t-.6f. , .-.6.f--,- f our two ton.; - A meddUnS Tfnke.troaw . hlmMlf abbot irerrbodyg 'natters exempt bia own, bimaeu aooo eey-imaiwr. .x J wUbthtm;b k 1 narifvln theatmoDhefevv;- !"ifl!fMWW c vuT -4"T- V7 not remembering tbatyorf are the moaV atrocious hocwebnrrier as yt unhong in tbe wh18 oniverse. Let me remind, yoti of the fact that' jon hfve tnadi two raids, when ou were weary of debanchery ii our 'begro; harem, andbn you kuew that yoai forces ootnambered te .onreaerates bur nine ch urohea. , school Jtoaeee, dences, baras, aUbles, gin . houses, negro cabfns, t.m im! mm - A-a VbuVmfetf have nlun- dred the country, of all that it contained, and wani ltla hot -wonderfol that Vour raid" was character- . . a. t in . , . blWlWtWwVWMivxuTfor. Learnv icg.lMtIJbeiu.thal , ara:eas -but a single weak Brigade on this line, you toreyourself from the arms of sable beau j and mqved out with fif te4 ie. ott a grand; marauding foray. Yon partially burnt fKin$ton, and entirely de stroyed thoyUlag'e of WhItS; HalLThe elegant mansion 'of thep1ahter ' and the but of the poor ' farmer' and fisherman vwere.. alike - consumed b v your. brigands. - How matohless Is the impudeoce whieh,- in view of this wholesale ' arson, can oomv plain of the burning of Plyjnouth in the heat ot action. But there U."anqthe species of effrontery . which New Snglaad itaelf oaiinpt 'v excel. When, you return: to your harem Irbm one of these Union feswHngeuMiohs,yoawrtie to your Govern meaj the 'deliberate Me that ypu have discovered a large ajidinOTVarirg Union sentiment inthlsState. No one knows better than yourselt that there is noV a respectable man in North Caroiiha in an condition of life, who is pot utterly and irrevoca bly opposed to onion with your hated and hateful j people." A few wealthy men have meanly and falsely profeS9d Union' senumems to save their property, and a few ignorant'fUhermen have join ed yeur ranks but to betray you when tbe oppor tunity offers. No one knows better than yourseif that our people are true as steel, and that our poorer classes have excelled the wealthy in their devotion to our cause. You knowinclv and wtl- fully lie when you speakofa union sentiment in this bxavey aohle and patriotic State- Wher ever the trained and disciplined soldiers of North Carolina have met' the Federal forces, you have been scattered as leaves before the hurricane. ;In conclusion, let me , inform you that I will receive no more white flags from you, except the one which coders your surrender pf the, scene of your lust, yeur debauchery and your crimes. No OMdUlikeaNew England more cbrdiaUy th do, .but. there are thousands of honorable men even there who ahhor your career, fullt aa much aa I do. - I , Siaeerely and truly, jfour enemy, , L - . . D. H HILL, , t ,.r Maj. Gen. C. S.. Army, i ' The't laily Rogreas ' does not deny. ,bnt. ia substanee admits that iisaditorial I r ' L JU sornetixnes occupied-by the emi- -ri ' - - . 1 ?"J'cl.u a aesign I to form a. peace and reconstrnction party in i NtfrtharoUnvThe DaUy -Progress, then, whd denounces seoession, advocates xeoon truotioD, and ays the .Yankees -haye been aianacred, and jtbat.ou? vr soldiers iaTe in fRcted :gfeatef ijutrages on solera people Uitt wex lQiUetea yi the Y ankees to use jits ctorial;cblnmns UDg ms poisonous ma treatonabletitimcnta: toply d-troyed whattbey tld caYty. o-. Oonfedera o credit botio asUV Dy ounin; rarOoTaca" Before yoa started on 7cw freebooting expedi- iihin'ff th? amount of outstanding Confederate -$100, and 2 peV centum ? - - tion towards Tarboro', you addressed your soldiers jrV4f'Motea' . r . 'Hotels,- inns tarerns4 ad"eaUnrhbuesfnrrtv lathe town of Waihtttgton.'and ioSdlbm that ' ga-a. ... : cia8J-$W)0 j aeoond cJaJia, $300? third ciaas, $500; ,Te editor o the Standard,! too,' makes no ;to wriUag: ; , teblr td bur nhai-r-W fW.rM-t i 1 ' "If s01"11 P88-1 1 'my deliberate opinion RPv owchargetoe.rthi- eminent law-. thal i u a virtual dissolutfoi of the Union, and yer v vrrote the artiole-addrJessed to "James that it will free tbe States from their moral obll-A-rn'mAA'Vi'H U-i. j-j 'C'tl gations.TAnd ai it will be theWhtof all. so It U-Tr-VV ' T:; . 4 W nttmber OI that -paper. A precious pair of ilT-V . -vii.i. a 'I.l.- K NoldaroTito fci fW p v V Vkt . lau vacwted Newbern, aiX f .back,Miwtth almost unparalleled P! thw place, left behind him his press and types, which wereseized .and used b v Yank iWkfc xankee publisher. Tbe eminent lawyer wouii oomiora tne proprietor, or the Kaltigfi vgecoa, viiruugu uia -own euicoruu columns, bi is wi aUnder that iT'ii W t, . " . y I00 im that Ibis Ho anon ' outrage was T, - . - Yatikees, and the nronrietor bf th:. "Ralno-h rrogress would ,beeomforted,' inasmuch as editorial would ehbw th -I etprj)d6uld oommand 'some of the - beat t :ette 1 1 Iy;ne ws Ja per 'proprietor who ah be r thueTpmforted has need in his odi tori department of better Ulent Uian his own, ielUiough ivist 5 Jlty;t6 tee talent ed commanded' devoted to J wy cauw tne; wyTflpaihieeworthe . ldyerft of freedom hiuUe world: ; . Qerft i, Whaler is rivalling thsiexploiU of Mor gan with-Jaa ,cvalry In.ZIiddli Tanneasee. 60 thaUth'bV mtjde a raidl tipon. Hartaville,' swim ming tbe "river," andfcaptured 100 prlsbnera and a iarge,; guanwiy, px jsmaji, arms .and commissary -"M;i-5wiiw.m wevumoeruM section since tha ta lm h.. 'r'i. . ! river near VaAvW rntur ..o f rr.r-.r - ---?r:.3rw' r.L i! 1MnMi.ti r- v.;i,i.v . . ..i .--,.7- . ,r iFT r ' U?-- BtraeRoeDW anatheyrwia kwcj tarallic V Wli' 1 - . . j ttP V,J w a . ,. I . : I. . - f - .-. -. r .- "" - -BUa '..-'.-'', r . ' .. . ' - . j, : ' - ' - .-... . -i, ' ', ' ' A "'-...- . '. . - .'-"v ' ' Jl v.--i.,'i -.-.- --X.i ;-. r'.--...."..i; ---r.T .. . or lanamg Areasurj.MwiB", "v " rt of Tini hat yittuaUy,reMiiaVd t I by proTiding tbat only the iaaaee uwtinr, l;V f . R h11 - iur,ioaiTed . for m :tbt lit fcrvnhlB&i: hi fandlin CQnfede ronds.A5d,thnaJassuMae:onieowav , Government to diminishine itbe yoloaie of a'nbatanoe CO JLJ --.ttiil-. ftf i,n-1 occ, ovep dour will admit, vlt was not to "repuaiaie other uch vegetehlea, wnere a person naa duvii tie room.' and wishes to make the xnoei or 11 as .l city plai-is toIantthemso that tbtf wju run on a trellia. SetlQurvUprigLUtakea.or small post, about two feet apart each- wayiu tbe centre ot mtuioq, plant las meiona. aquaso or whatever else ia wished. . As, the vines begin to run, support tnera upon i:tne vreius oy.naiuag across small slats of board, and when the melons set ind,bfgin to form fruit, erect a abelf for it by. forming short I pieces of boards across the slats previously, nailed on. Piccb,.toflT. the running . - . a ' - - tt TV shoots of the. vines, so as opt bay a too heavy t a growth, andaa they run highervpUcei additional slatador the purpose of suppUng them.. -There are two advantages to this pin and so ar jaa we are acquainted, no disadvantage ; it -ecQjiornlzea space in the garden, and-the fruit ripe"' earlier 'than when upon the ground half ooverv4 -With; leaves.. . Th ose of out readers, who h a ve email gar .; dena would do well "to make a note" of this plan, and. give 1t a trial another season- iorna Farmer. ' ? ; . - - '". ' rv- While planting cucumbers; the other day, we were informed by a negro gardener thatl he had often seen cucumbers and oymhdeU atuck and raised just as pole beans are, and that they matured much sooner . than when permittqd to rtmaiu on the ground. Ed. I Reg. TORIES HUNG. A letter from Jefferson, 'Ashe County, informs us that a notorious tory named James Price, who has caused a great deal of trouble in the Western 'part of Ashe County 1 was : caught 4aat weekoo- gelher with two of his sons and one. of his ne phews, and carried to Jefferson and delivered up to Capu John Hartzog and some ten or twelve privates who. were passing through the town in . search of deserters. Capt. XL ordered the three young men to be confined in jai and iiad old Price, the father, carried out and hung. In the afternoon both litisens and soldiers became so much exasperated at the recital of the depreda tions committed, by the ruthless gang that are lurking in the mountains, that they proceeded .to the jail and took out one of Price's tons, and bis nephew and hung them also. C: ' A CHAPTER IN HISTORY. L corresponder jf Affay CHsu,: of Colnm- bua 0hio Mjtes the reminisceoce that in 1803, . . W . i a- ' . . . v - ,1 ?w.Pwextttoiana, the followiog reeo- 4Ution was aoontad dv inn iairtsia.upA nf m :i chusetU; ? ' V y V f 'JUolveL That the annexation of LouislanYio tn Union transcends the consiituUonalwer of py the former compact are-not bound to adhere "-Tho13overhmeht is here prohouncedTa'compact between the Statee, and from it the right of aecea- stoa or.withdrawal for just cause resuita aaa neces - sary logical deduction;- p: ',; : ' -' . In 1811, on the bill for Che adxnlssibn o) Loui- 8ta JoaiahQulncyrBr.si said, and af I ter Delog called to order, committed -.his remarks wiU ta the ouy "mMeilnitely tOprepare for aaeparaUon amicably If they can, " violently if thev most. . "- V' , " : - ;f - - ' John Qainoy Adams in describing the Federal dUunionisU of Massachusetts, says among Other reMona for . dissolving on.the annexatipn of Lcui- liana, Vas the following f f-f ; .-That it was opplresWelo 'trucuve to the Influence of the Northern section of 108 Confederacy' whoseT right and duty it was, therefore, to ae-cedVfrom.tJw body rUo, and to J constitute one pr tneir ;wjt'j The same State declared that the admlssibU ofi TeM w?u weTe- h? further obliga-: tion to remain in theJhldta. Firslt in maintain. ing the doouine of secesaionvand first in nullifica- f inn r n...t;i ,. j. i ft keeping with hereby rat in making war to the death upon any bthes community which presumes' for any' cause tb dhv- ife4h:e-rru fT: - - . y- - . . -v7j ; ' :SFOt0f fePrteribttrgxcileai tbooeffMaaaai' (r"r" mvibj AMkhwrj- o uve guns, aw TAcbedto French V Seeg FiB, on the Tffaoaomond riverV was surprised odjptjj is atated that. 10 of bnr men Fe uWprisWerilZ Heavy firtog -sa ejud ittjGie MbodyV It Uu agaip angaging tne enemy guuboats. , tayji Char: the pricet f tibaiiiicaaad: .1 thesrtlc7aa W&ii f fund :Joux7 TreMUfi Notes per oentum on th 1 . . . made.- . . -. I tbem they will .not be received in payment ot moleialodiajgaia xiua-w-- v "-7 I lo liquors, $100, and 10 andon the value of all crelitg oowaicn vx uwr-. 's i I 'Vv;: -1'; t.m'm 1K.1 :all w.vn'u. h . v--r--;-. mobevs owned. held or depoelud: beyond the Um- ila"oY tbe Oonfoderat Slate' aliall be yalaedaftbe carreci rate I of ercbaneeittnfedate rreaiary tiolef The Ux 'be bfOctpbernext, or as iooo thereafter a posaible. BecUon 5th Imposea i the'followinjr taxes for, thiT theiist of 17ecembcrf'1863,i and for eaca vear. thereafter; ,- .i. -f i -v ' V Baakers .shall. payv$5do. f Auctioneers, .retail Wholesale dealers in groceries,, eoods, wares; merchandize,1 eta,i$200,rand per centum::? pawa brokers money ndlHchaage brokers, or more,' ah ali be deemed an eatipg bouse under this act,; f t''"f" - y"' . tMiJTi4 . Commercial broker or cammia too jnercbants $200, and 2 perJcentum.' M.-v&;. v. -V Theatrea, $500, and Jve per cenAum- on all re ceipts. ach circus $100, and $10 for each exhi biuon;- Jag!firs .and other persona exhibiting hows,:$5e. .a'- Bowling: alleys and billiard rootn9i $4tr Tot each leyr tab e Tf1sted. ft'-i 'Livery stableTkAepera; lawyers, pbysjeianai sur-l seoni and dentulci $50. 'i -jA-v ' " -'"t Butchers and bakers $J0 and l pr. centum. . t JU1 perbn enga;ed or Intending to engage, in any business namudia the 5th sectiony shall, with in alxty daya after the passage of the act, or at the timeof beginning btuine, and on tbe 1st of Jan ; eary io each yearthereafter, register with' the dta-' trict collector a true account of the name and res idence of each person, firm o corporaiiin engaged, 'or interested in the buainess, with a siatemenV tt the time fbr,whichft and the place and -manner in which' thVaame -ia to be conducted, oW.' At the time of the resUtrv thero shall be paid the specific tax for the year, enling pn- the. neit 31st of De- - inikta iw-aueh Wria? '.- Any person failing to make such registry and pay such tax, shall, in .addition to all other taxes upon his busineas imposed by the act,. pay double the amount of the specific -tax on such business, and a like sum for every thirty oays of such fail ure. .Requires a separate registry and tax for each business mentioned in the Sth section, and for each place of conducting the same ; but no tax for mere storage of goods at a place other than Unregis tered place of business A new registry required upon every change in the place of conducting, a TegtKeTCdUiiness71ipohthe death of any person conducting the same, or upon the transfer of the business to another, but no additional tar. " Every person registered and taxed ia required to make returns bf Che gross amount of sales from the passage of the act to the 80th -Jane, and every three months thereafter. " . A tax upon all salaries, except of persons in tbe military or naval service, of 1 per cent, when not exceeding $1,500, and two per cenwpon an ex- oees oyer mat . amount, xrovuiea anas no taxes Bball be imposed on the salary or any p tsc0 to ceiving a salary not exceeding $1,000 per Atnamt, of at a like rate for "another ptriyd of .time, longer or shorter, Ilj ix.on anaaai tncomea,- between f 500 and $l,500, shall he five per. cent ; between $1,500 and $3,000, flve per cent, on the flat 500 and ten per cent on the excess i. between $3) 00Oand v$5,000, ten per cent.; between $5,000 and $WJOOO, per cent. ; over $10,000, filiaen ar cent. subject to . tbe fdllpwlog deductions. on incomes derived from rents of real estate, man- ufactaring and mining eatabHshm na & , hatn "aa luwusvai - w - - -- aaasaaa- an-rrintant rori necefisarv Annual renaira oa iti-. I comes from any tolning-or manuJacturmg-husw SenJlS lmA - . - nv; other nroi 1 cost, cost of transportation, ealar )f clerka and I rent of buildings : on incomea from, any other oc- 1 ipatioBi thert salaries or cierxa, iwuv costv of labor material; &e-ind In case of mutual insuv . .Jk, - - - - ? -- An tp Af Iaa-.aMI .xL. sourcea are-subject to po deduction whatever. i All joint stock compiaies and corporations shall pay one tenthOf. the -dividend and .reserved fund annually. If. the annual earnings shall giv a. profit of more than ten ?il lesa than twenty per eeht. on capital stock, o-3 eighth to be paid ; if more than twenty per cent., one Sixth. - The tax to be collected in the lit of January next aodof mcT-feaerel5er, I A tax often per Tt. w. -i cent, on allpronu in 1862 bv the purchase and aale of flour, corn,, bacon, ' pork". oats,' bay; rice, aalt, iron or the manufactures of iron, sugar, molaseee made of cane, butter, woel-i en - cloths, . shoes,; -boots, t blankets and cotton cloths. This is not to apply to? regular retail bu siness. jrir2A&' v. Each farmer after reservmg for bis Own. use fifty bushels sweet and fifty bushels Irish potatoes, one hundred bushels corn, or fifty .bushels wheat, pro duced this year j shall pay and deliver to the Cod Tederata Government one-tenth of the grain, po tatoes," forage, Vugar, molasses, cotton wool, and f u , peaa",or -beans, ho. shall deliver , one-tenth thereof.;-fc: X'-A1' ' --:V -V- Every faraier, pUntoror grawer,. one-tenthof Tooacoo produced. Alter reserving,twenty bush- i ue nogs aiauguioreu or mm. m cured Dacon. t jit - - i 1 i t - . . . pork; one per ct.uK)n the vatudoi altnett cat tie, horses, mules not used in cultivation, and asses, tepe paid by the owners of the aame ; beeves sold r4AU hospitala, Insane, deaf and chatitoble Mtj- IStoxation-'-' d?egea rare exempt s--'X ' AJ ' f-tv C -r -. . W At tU A 1 J 11 t I I . nt III I f VFjom eery Quarter we "bear the moat favbrahla I reports of the growing crop. In aompart of .ixiaDana . tnere wuivprobWy. be : more ; wheat made than for the last ten veacs tnthr. n.. breadth'of land put in Is much, greater than war eye? known befbreAod thb Crop is bacommbalyTrV ' ! " t t promising. The recent cool, drv weather. ! aM to favor, iwand unlesa some disaster overtakes It, the harvest will he a bountiful oneV N"othinbut the fell spirit of speculation can keap the pries of flour up to iu presentrates.,: At much' less than half the present rates for, wheat,' ther farmer will make abundant- profits on" bis wheat crop if it ahould turn out as h jmow promises to dv In Flo- rioa , nunaceas 01 acres or cotton have b n plow r-S ' ? 5f fe? PM ltt Corh.cWuf tTm.. . : . r - - s SulSjlk, we may aUU that there Ja IWgg; feeling in tbu city relatie: to t the hooling of L TJeut. Kimball b QeA. fCOTCoraoiTa "ii1f 'The FpttrCM Jlonrdec0rreponaeni.ovwe Upaper -wrfteg0-i-3r,y:n ? . The good intentioibt of the enemjrwwaroa w in paying us a friendly Visit by way ofha r semond river;- were, onaersiooa oy out such obstacles In his';way that up to tbijltiqje.be o as not made much : headway - tnv ina aavauca,-- i Twice haa.Lonpstreet-laid down dod toons. nd . each time haveeur FarroUguoa played socb natr ooW JHaraakahaxxheateap was givaw. wpt4r-. . .. i f pow Qrnca DapaaraxiiT, ) futile ' aod.to all aooearances. be has retired, per 1 -J -;; , wJohmObb. Anrtl 14th. 1883. I la L fiOfliO plait $ 0 P ' k lAti T j ; I tfc?W 1 1 the river, and there is everv indication that they are retreatiBg,thgh they atilt havoomertiUo rv and sharosnootera oa the x ansemono. , - 1 , , Our boats shot down-a number of their men to- WV with anitter. , -Wo have had three wounded. making ; in air nys -uMrm wtaawwpu 4nour littla flotilla;. to wbJcllK.ironaiwbatrlraa I iearn.-the ' JlxbtrbaJ--lreeiretty teuclr ctm, ( making in all nve aiied .aj.ojgntoeaKwJwpuw - "Deserters' infornt 'the Yankees tbatXonjg- street'a forces number earirfiXfy thouaand.;,5lt t is understood that tbeirrealest portion iof the Keb j e army has naen witnurawn irom vuerpp"MM,7 nock, and are concentrating In asternYlrgiela i and JI6rtb:l3arda;v. jjpori tblaolntthe HeraU tayseditorUly j s-The)Eeataor the larmv or jo jonnsonr iron? tiTanassaa ia atilttformoat item ihthe abilrtiod toe and. cry ' against 3encrrlICleTlaht after ttialeasons of Kanaisas and CorUlb.the reb ,fls are permitted to play the same gameatFrede ricksburg,rwhat possible defence ;cau .Jbef made available to tbe Secretary of i7ar andhU right j han.tn;0eneralHalleckt r'A -1 The country r between -the Bapnahannock 'and r:i f L..:. lu.ii At,nt&i) rf lir ttnrlM. is of n further use-td the army:? It Wtay DC wise- I vioeo. jiys o mriaa use ronirscwr snau oe ex Iv abandoned: tnarefore. to tienHookerr and M I htjBn any routapd; a ne jnore than one men. may be left to choose bia Own read-to Itimond wlilejiaclearingout ing with an overwhelming force P0y'T We auDrehend. howevervrtbatrthe War Utace la sUll',sdtOBa,abbutAthe.s and hesitates to make a forward mbvement,hoi so much because of the nJuddyTSOndiuon of the roadr, aa from a desire to get Lee back again into the Richmond peninsula- and out- of, the -reach of Washington. Ur'":- " V But let us hope for the beat, and that our small detachments of troops on the peninsula,and on the Black water and in North Carolina, will hot be -gobbled up" by. overwhelming nlmbers or the : - - . ' enemy, after the. fashion' of Harper's Ferry', toe fore our ' Army of the Potomac can come to the rescue. ' , . ' . . . . MrSCXLLAXQTJS. . It waa xumored in Nashville, on the 14th lost., that SCO of the rebeh sy mpathlzers In -that; city were to be arrested and held as hostages for the Union EastTennesseana who are now confined in Southero prisons, and to be exchanged; for .them whenever the Confederate Govern meut ahalt aig- 3adesW..to''daoJ "-J;; - j. -f : ' !:' . . Alt the ba ldlAga ai Tyreej Springs, TenaJhave been destroyed by fire. V Tbe destruction occurred acme four weeks ago, and waa eupppaed to be tba work of aa iioaa)diaryi -f By the arrival of the British Queen, frotri Ual - aau; NA P4 we learn thai 14 teeseht fronr5 rebel borta ha arrived 'tnetw -irom tse lettr or juarcn to the lOth ot thhrmonfbi all tringicg -cargoea of COttOn. . - - . ; . J. I"f -r.la.X- :--T 1 ' 7; Mra,VBemmesVife of the Cap lain of the Pirate Alabama, who has beenlreslding all winter Jn Cine jcinnati, baa been ordered, under jhe, recent roo- Umatioa of Gen, iJurnsioe, to preparn ?j croas the ULnee into PUia: 'm-, .i'-.-s :? w jr Confederate serlpiwas. put op at auction InHal 4fax, Ni &; on the 10th inst, by John D. 2? ash & Co., -and' the-enly bid that couloy be octained ' for -and' the-enly bid ' that could' be obtained If waa -4 Cen abound.-' 'a-' ' - ! from Vjck8bA!r,mya:a only. pu VlcksburgU to land in front and attempt to'storm thCbatWries; but this reeves more bravery than Admiral Wilkee has been arrested at Havana, and will be held as a prisoner jpa. paxolai until he accounts satisfactorily for. firing on a-. Sroniah ateamer:J:'--V- Sewardlhu'se&C another dispatch (oZSelster Adams; to go by next steamer, warning Greai Britain against allowing any more Aiaoamas -to Marquis of Haninevon, lately in Richmond, bis made a speech, saying the Notth can only eiter mlnate the South, and that the South js ill fight to the'leatX' The London Foil hopes by the end of the year, tho Confederate straggle wil boorowned-with auecesa and its inderendence recoimizad. "I uvi it is a virtual jecogniuou ,au ouuvu. . ... ,4 The;, iron clada., -which;ere engaged in. the Charleston, fight aro to be sent to Farragui, to aa eiet in thertduction- of Fortr Hudson. Gold opened atrong tali morning at 154 It fen in the middlajDf theday to 152, rallied to 153. soidat lSSI.'and 153 in the afverboda, hndcW ed at. 5 ptl'm., about 1 53.- Exchange opened . with some signsuf strengtb,nd agood many bills were sold at 168 ; bat on tbe declme fr golde 4 mand fell Of-aiv -:j"cjL' waul yaoM r9i',:icti'tra'li tTAHUto bune writes ijy li.' s. The attack upon arleston8 has b&nhi&i Our force of offence collected durirjg the last three mohths. In the Waters and upon the fea lskiidr fcf South Carolina havebesa fairly tried and.iound; waatine ln.stead of the pleaintduty icf chronil I ding a triumph tojhe Ueioo arms,: wbklh:Ibs4 lerveniiy.wiahed-rather taan ftopodiberthmkr less harbinger of ill tidings devolve upoit naer- Wa have experienced a bittea repuUra. The irom iUxdi AdtreAtamaoiiii cfttm the mostcoTiji2ent,in& we afa cot hidurhlnrott the apparent certainty xf aa at-toQtaento the enterprise of which t i co-a-try lib' kaoretlith' Uan, reason, opcJ. :s gieiuila;";; Confederate larmyJter a .uig jcieclinella waa a nephew X .Gea, 'Lz. im J afftei,'' swdts-'a-prcininent iniui'ih LU Zizldhf? xiit Oulionday rnornixig last cnecrn V ci: 'z-y'i blbckaders at Ch arlestou, cbms - Ci Lt Iz'st i' the nkn.vKtebk'ik! .with a' v:' Vt l--'.J-i.:- - dur Jjatteric. on IIcrrLi Iilisi ccriei Cra .... - . r j"-- - - t ; jr . J waarovetierc.:.-:-frrrfs-v- -. droy - - - -n. .j - r - - - - ,-:-' . A drart is to be had to flu up the old reglmeats in Hooker'saf mi?&? " -4 " " -Tha KrHian A Ihinn " RnARtrintr r lha loan. Stn or n Bating ia engxa tor ins put MTen. thi Wwe flatter alrea that we earn make it . gt 0f pwtlet te; make their eoe.imwu t! aftoreiiDer priTaie vomnnwion or Auonon sales. ' ap Ji-fiip J.l.ITClfV0ED. kaitu CAPe Pear, ,;U1WOT4 -'leflAprlC' 1861 fTinE ANIIUALUlKETini. OK TIIR X' Steaaholderrof Jtale 'Bank will be held at their Banking Jteoaa ea.TMiaday, 7Ui May, at 10 o'clock. V- 4- ', k ? 1; jfib BUMt, Cash'r. . WllmlngtonprU 20 h, 1863, , jap 16-2 w; I CONF E1;RAIE 6TATE8 0"ff. AMERICA. WiTAmntion of CerlaitwJtf ail ContraetArs and UIrivera of Mal Stagea fromMiitiarF Ser- 1 vice, smo avxienaion oiaime lor aceceinng ' tTropoaala for JIail Service ia the State a t Vircrlnia, Bovth Carolina,.Snth Caro- BX AUTlIOJiTY, OP THE SUBJOIN ed act of Congress, proposals for Mail Service in the ftatea above named, nader the advartiscmant fcf he Department dated. Dcmbr.3 -SV1862, will be received at this department, unUt 5 P. M. of the SOth day of April instant J and the proposals alreauy raeiv ad, w ill jaaiaioj vnpaaed until that datar epeeial attenuoa u eauea to tae subjoleed act of Cotitwl fa 4 exempUona. .il Ari -I'M nHt JOH ' C - ,-.Poi W" JT-- TJa. & si eft to eatea,tlfls for aeeeiviog bids for trans- Zttftlr Alj Congress of, the Confederate States of America; That the Poatmaster General be, and he U hereby authorised to extend the time for Tedflving and epeasg bids for the transportation of the mails la 'the EUto e Virginia, North tarolina, South CaroUia Georgia and florlde,. nntil the first iy of Jlay next: jwr;- -rrr Aperod Arllth,M63r I ..7 vf j; an- act To exempt eoairaleTS-for eV the mails of the v Confederate BUtes aJid the drivers ef Post coaches and hacks from military service.,. The CoBftees of the Confederate States of Ameri ca do enaot That- the contractors for carrjing the -mails of the Confederate States shall be exempt from ' the perfornmaea of military duty ia'the armies of the Confederate SUtea from. and ahar the passage of this aeL deriag the time tnej are seen contractors : Pro. . a ; a '' . xl - ' a . ti ivrgm UbYci tUll u rarried.en hor, ahallW exempt ftr this act and if one or more n.mvm.j)r.r inch firm ha jtxairat from r or jfreia tha perfermanee of military duty, the other meaner, or memDersot snch firm, shall not be, exempt by tbia aoi.on aeeoant of being mail oon traetors : and- provided further, that . no person to whom a contrast far carrying. the mails may be trans ferred, with the cessans of the postofBoe department, altar the oassare er tnu act, snail be exempt fro irom milit&rv service oo that account." See. S. That drivers ef pott Coaches and hack for but v a ax tf aaws aaiaan wia a-usi m aaaaaiai -w aaw aw axi b wdikul ui earrvinjc the mails ea alt rentes -where the weixht of l uia-mails requires' that they should be carried in eoacnes or nacx, aoau oe exempt irom sauiiarv ser vice ia the armies ef Jtheij Confederate States from and after the passage of tola act, ao long ns tley con tin ae to be eopplojsa as "suieh drivers : Provided, the con tractor by whom aayisueh ' driver is emploved, shall take and sabeortW aai oath to be-fowxished to enroll ing officer, that the Weight of the mails on his route requires the use of coaches or hacks for their convey ance, and that he baa not a greater, nam bar of drivers employed ia his serviee then are indispensable to en able him to r fulfil hi eentraot for oarrving the mails, and that, he t will not; while a contractor, employ a greater number of drivers than taay be tadispensablj accessary for that'parpoae j and that he will give aetiee to thef enrolliak officer whea- any! sueh driver eaaaaS ia ha ia his employment,-v.- . 1 t Approved April -14jlS6X. . ,v;. U ap 18 4t. TAT-UADLE It DESIltAniill UlPUoVKl) m His AI'ESTATJSATXUCriON. -mflLte IXfi SlJx.l ON TUUS Tnr,MISES, "V -&iakfUf--99tiAi< o'clock, av AL, that vslaAfcla bBUdic-Mu and lot of gronnd naiHhaJrsjMiIaalto of A. H. Lewia, Esq ebatalaing 1 acres, mere Or less. - The Iaproyeman ts eonaist of the aaaal ei tbuHding-, via : a kilcaea, smoke Iboase, stable, Ac, new and tom-pleB-'- n-tr- u -- I - A T7EIbe added to thi rja the ffama'of the' dwelling designed to be erected on-iha lot, (the foundation of which la now laid), sixty thodsand bricks, window and doo frames, glased sah,ihdow' bliada, mantle piece. 1 vMtJS' .etteae Auettoneers. t' Afmabagrjt horv eix years old.: C. A E. Aoetioneerr. V "V-J" rfr -RaIl Bead la the ioterier ad aodar hhelter a good aad sofa tote-tmj'nt. -Tayment Ukea in Confad. rate hoada oi meaey. i Apply to H. K. BUBGUWYN, Jwetgn.--- 4pzz t'7 ri:.r- lap ll-et. f- SLate.'J'oaraal eopy cod :$' timei tlmes.:' -'"JJr? les and JBtandard 5 T i'Sj'l' tot Sale. : . ... QFUn FQXL&kltto, MY IlESfDliNCE Ji. one mile east of the Capitol, with (0dj three hun, dred and sixty-five acres of land attaehed, wne hundred and aeventjr. acres pf which is 'elearad. The house eoataina aieht rooms and I la rood repair. v if. v. HiYwnnn - r . City Uattallica. ft a i r- rn r?nar w.rK.rf a pirff? trnfi T?Ttffflortsi . . . -- - -asf say-i a-a. a fear saw - BV -eaa w wvea at . -a -rp H-AvINGBEE?:iAUTnOKI2ED : TO raise a eompany to be attached to alaor SUiott's Citx Battallioa, (25Ui VsvJ I iavna the attention of all petaoha aubjeot to' eoascriptloa- leort-hitkg ,e rolled) aad others to fbie iehaaee of Joinieg a good ooupany for special, doty a aad aroaadV Siohraond. This Battalioa la permanently stationed ia Barracks at Riehmond. ti9 bounty aad good, elotfting iven. Qoartert and Rations farnishedf frpm' dajj ;ec; enlisu mentjauadtrtntnation..' ''.J "f: -.k''"-. ' uAddreas MIL 1L ALLISON, CapUl nd Reernlt tngTifieerrClty CatUlllon, Richmond, Va.C V April TwLswc'w- pd ' 1 rH. ' 2 'HATE SOLD OtJTtJtriT ySlfTIRE ataahf of "CarotLaa UfcU'ilIaaarB. M. F. RIVES 4 CO W whott all orders for the Sauff should .be adareaseoVU V J,' ..-.-:, ..! TfeahalLbta few 'daya,' convert ear Mill into a Tfheat aad CjnJtf. ujd t. making Snaff. ' Oor patroaa WMli (14 . well :to send iortrard . their orders quickly, as thai supply WIU aoowbe exhaastad. ' JAlillf. yjOT ABLS J0, . AprUTnt 4 "Petersburg. Va. ! ii .i n..i( aj 1 .A, i'.."-!! . . 1 1 ii t '- .1) 11 1 i''i 1 ATxaurrrcaAsciif twh it ntijjjs we ' 1 CUAltTnmASTr Ka D EFT. I . Sn:k. UaleinvZIr jCv AvrU I3rl8d3. . J 2Jl asttli3I)erart-tai,tU rasentl mem -vdiaiely fr s-f ' - e ad ia f atare rarties, will pre tm& the tills 1.: i aimaht on the' delivery ot the canj. -z ::ia Lr sarvia rftali tr kiii ef heuses, Bast ta treienUd aU "-.rf T th ead Ceach W B PKTRCS. f i . Ait M jJjH L -V stock of t1 aiovf popaiar hraad ar.BBS,, .ate prepared to LU ardera for5 the Same. ;W'.f a. m a; 3 3 te. WK'." 1-3 i "''"J 1- if 1 ' ; V i t 1