TOEfflElGflliEWER. iDSBSDlY'MORNIJra, MAT f, 1883. 1 Tip g3rWeare indobtrf lo MfcBpelmin, of li State 'foKrjtalt lot tttunowlnjttcehfA flJK MOST BRILLIANT BXPLOIT.-OP '! YANKEES I .... ... ..-.V'-.-.j; sv . J ) ; A 'spadel dWpilch' i the 'JZdtftdl Bomf, .., Forrest accpmll-bod tbtto16ti.briniaNt f0a.tof the wjr jeslerdaf: H captured ' Straltls entire ccmmt'nd, cVrisptbig ol 1,600 Infaitr ;f;nir. sued tnem .lyom'- Gourmand,' AIsh I and japtujd tetn imo mile from the Georgia line nndj twenty ' miles from the former place;' ."v.'';' "Tj m The fighting waa Incessant for five days arid ''night,, '..i . . "Hn aA: Forreai'e low U 10 hilled and 40 wounded. umpbant ovation, a saime ui m,guu and the Indie welcomed him with" smiles wad leap I of gratitude. . ' " , W ANOTHER GLORIOUS vie- TORI. . THE YANKEES ROUTED Orl THE. SLm HANNOCtt- : : FIGtlTING i JOB UOOKEn-OH TC? likJN, tEE IN. PURSUIT OF UVA 1 1. thw. Battle progressing AT FRElM ERICKSlHJRG-JACKSON COMMANDS - tub river. . . Hichmoxd, May M a from rwdonaville received 'a the ar-. hLmL hti that Dr. WoodfirX ha , Vs. Vr:.l" in- i 3 o'clock . m,. riWI-daT report tbai tha fight was still going ' J. -1.1 i S-tf. Jictaon occult all Ihe Forda except? Ely V, and ed taken 5000 prisoners, ore were, coming in. - Oar nwn era ingood oondUian '-iN cneroynn CuJpcpery fSBCeVB MSrATC- 1 THE PROG BESS OF THE YANKEE CAT aipv p at n-lTS 1 PROXIMITY TOs RICHMOND. ' : T I Richmond, 'May . worriing bj a Tcport brought by oourifri, ttart .w v-nb-l Mairv who ware at Atnland yemef- kUg & aaww - - 9 . - gK ,w dn, r tMByy ttit 3 to JOOb. It expected they will be earitowd M dU'peried before !)mii " . t , L 1 :VlC-i TORY COMPACT E. i V PAXtON KILLEDJ ACK.SON BEYERE-j LY WOUNDED? mTU AliDA. P. UlL SLIGHTLY WOUWXW6W I - H i , f :V Ricsmoxd, jfaf 4.,: Tbi following official dipatch U jastlrecflired da'cdjMllford,Mar3l: To Prtsidertt Davis : I . j, nkiruT uTOi j j---. . the enpmv. nd drove bim from all hia jpotiti-ni from the WilderoeM to wiihin one mile VfUbajn ee l rii!le. ; lid yn engaged at the same titne in two of L ngtreet'i, DTiiom. , Talk morainflT tbe battle wu renewed. - r front by diildted from all bw potitioni artund Cbwcl lvrtTisle ana ariven ock wwrai om jMpiau&u nock joTer wbich be is now reireauog. Many pri4nnr were Uken, nd the lot in killed and wounded ia iaree. . r.. j i i enemyV Wo buTe again t tbank Almighty God noiher giwt T'piory. . ..j. I rf term to nale that Gen'. Pxon as killed, On. Jickion lerrely woaftded, and Oani. lie) n nd A. 1 Uill tligbtly wounded. . i i3l4ned, . R. E. IEE, " Uen. uommanciog THE YANKEE CAVALRY GOtXE. f fTHIBU WSPATCH f i1 I Richmond. May 4 4 p. ml Nothinz .received', from the Scretarj of War since' Lee's oQcial dUpatcb. tbe Yankee carj&lr! ry be clared out in tbe direction cf vber EH municy . Kiver. xue rauroaa wui pe rvpairea in a short lithe. - -f . .. :i GENERAL JACKSON JtfOT DANGEROUS LY WOUNDED, .-i f !.i A dispatch a't a late hour last night brings h gmtifying aMurance that Gen. JtfCkson la tool dungerbosly. wounded. j : xjfom ine j.icnmona uisputcn ot ALonaay.i j THE; "SITUATION" A YANKEE JtAtDU The city yesterday was In a high stte.of IxH citomenl, which was caused bj ' a mimber bf jro poru f a Yankee raid made-oa a scale which faai bereiofore been unappfoached byttemj In ibel after E(.on several thouand persona were oongjreH gated at the depot of the Richmond aod Ffede ricktburg railroad, "an xiausly awaiting (he nw expected to arrive by ibe trai n. The train, bewi everfwas destined not to arrive. Thk-iiiimr which circulatdd yesterday might be extended in! the sensstion style to s"evefal colomiMij, -redufeel to tbe.abtolumacs of the case, may beaAil follows 5 i ' .. : -i f: refterdiy tbe Yankees entered OolauibiA. Flu- van a couoij, va., and destroyed the capal bAnklt there.' At 1 o'clock yerterday eveninr a forcnof Pod erals was within eight miles of Farmvilln, wlLh the intention of dentrojing the Iliglv BHdge. loti the SMUibsMe railroad. :f -r In, tbe tuornioe the. Federals anUrf A .M.U whb it larjre force of cavalry and artillr-. akidl it is nUted, burnt the town, which cons tsts of a Mvn muu, tweutj or airj collages. j Mi H In the.etenlng they were reported to be at rttUon on tbe Richmond, Fredericksburg and Poiom-to 'allradrelgbt miiesdUtst Jfrom ibe city. Tbi report ls supposed to'be correct, thoegb nothing ws bard of them afterwards; "It H tnore likely that" after the ;rai4 aCA4b1an1 ttev turned their, attention to tbe. Central fBaQMje wbch last night 9 o'clock bad been tornl cD near Pek', .bout sU roil, f rom, th-cfty s tbe party performing this feat is evidently bait down the Peninsula to secure a safe retreat W5b-i in tbflr lines. 0 their way they will weetOn. rl. Wise's command, and may be overpowered by it and captured. . j. "V jtS Whwrtbe raid on Ashland was consncrasited our ambulance train, with 198 sick and e? wound,. d, ws captured, and, His slated lhat; b were'burnt after the pr Uoners wer parbltd. A gwniUnw. who arrived here last night states that a body of Yankees, numbSrlflaOOO, Kan MHrerai m doubtless,) were at Dviick tJt,i,re, .11 Ik. k J " "1" "" UUWUIIUU CUUniT. '.MM and rre takins: w ' v-w"r v wots taeoi II ttlf, of bMetb UUItpi li It mn tat yesidy 4befe feat It ry tthimi th itom j byt aa the Wpgrapb line war daam,- aod there war fla railroad commumcAtoo.'tir ture vns report la not o ha rs!id in.'wi LATEST TKOa EUROPE. .in- '"t.T'r-- mlI .i..swl. t Ji T ii nt ei nm iuHDniin ruai ihih. irnnr m.j tbu-ihii t iiir vaea lain olt. U ti teenstown oir the 19U". anirad U . ' v . famnjary.-vfltty newt r; Vrt-'?V" ;rf4!.ic On tbe l6J instant a depuUtion of 4b!ppaoa merobvrtt nptreated ifl M,xioat.trde waited on Earl Rum- ll. TbvimrVruince ft tbe fnryiw waicobsider'ab y enlsano d Ty an aonoancemen', being made during itr ptogresa '.ihaf w bile the Uaited8tatca Uowt-tore. Jbeen --m xlttg Untisb. Ttesela bound VM. f mora; avttboat ny -contrsband of war being on board ol tninf ,Mr. Adams bai been citing a speciat iicenie ftir asbip to prrceed from Eiglaod to MaUraoras, free frou any. interference Jty American cruerv to tarry supplies, wbich are stated to conUtof arms and amnmni'Jotivtbe llexkansla Ueir ar-nh, JTraoo. It was alfo shown that ttfoir terfret.ce of the Federal cruisers with, Ibe !Uxicmn ir(i bad the eff ctof enabling the Americans to eiab IWb a monopoly. TbeidloXediate object oflhelJp: utaiion was to elicit froro th (irrattteat snme as- suranceof protection for Jthe steamer Sea Qiwh which is df turned at Falmvuth waitii g the uecit ion of thi OuvernmenU 4 A Isuggestion was mad for , the. Government fcf send A mail agent in tbe ship who would represent an officialguarantde: tbai sbe was tound to' tbe I ort for rbicb she cleaied E rl R isseii promised it) oovtider. tbe ptopoaali J$ xjTr5ud OMlcttior-t jpetoprw m b'cr-- :r .. . ihey;. tiigcriminai sot autjact to -rir.J-at lawa."- v; -A fwlicy of .iawrrssy.-eac: : tU-UeJJicU pd at Uoyda oa tb 16, tt?T3D&Iliss furniab d mlih certiflcatei Iwmll:zLizrslTitt sddreak ed to ; Admiral JitffonV "dated rdortho Uaiftd, St 4ee Iration,Iojirraadthistaat lltSJtf, HiirelJ 4& Tidjnan bad furniabed ilr ACaca kn vidnoe;tbat tbeteeaeUwaatwollf bound id 21 ;t a moras with ' oargi. tovhe Uexiama,; and bo tberefore obeerf ally gare tnem cerilficates at their Vvotf 3awvTb.0d1tarieXIja t-h.!-; Uejcican Und toctiar toEag!i4b pom if ablp ment iy-a iyttm of pjneea for Krgll gooO nd OMrehasdiza wivbout wblch iwy are vox, to reach tb lleiletfn'(coatt'lbe iM&zrurd be baa grjwtedidanyTu4 a'aaobey 'a!ue,"(ice ivaraa protinoed jatJLIoy(ia in ordar ;to' oUwn tuoranoe.!: If ll itt lkTy to-raduca bro tniumltgave abippere an oalklr ftdraatzo otpt aJl flrma tO - wb)h Hr. A4am. Htvm xprter-r mbintrmatlint might eWUatrvir ra. "llctiiie cHraerov wonnwa win nosccep exerapwm tbt glrftH treednm of sUon 'on an American ttcke of leave. All lb a-tvwgt f.fll sr '.jxt U Central t'rritdrysmd by do ribt cao one 4 !t portr be 4rfookaded; 4utindit.p,oarv sammarolal latetw eoorse with ilexkcV-e deny -even -the Itabilit to any detention or tatrtBptlotte'.Ce.t' legitimate endTcannot be carried'orf Ha toe fetters; of pewnlueitid ertiAcates Rdm this United gtatoa legation. SngUsh sneronajita cannot gaasfCrp-4 tdianU to fHrvba mlniet for Uceasea to transact boalneiL. Tbe wtGe -proiilt: to taonstrocu, whether as a calefclatida or a lluader- "... ' Tbf Tfmaa dtjr artlclejgl f si fdrjjperaUn j oi toe anair. ai says : "Tbe ireotUmea earned. IflJbe pan try Hr. Ad- J ams are air. uoweu, an AJnenoma contrectnr.avd Gen Z fman.'oftbe-llexlca 'ennrT ad U-wws the. agea a of 'these wbosotempfcd dseilbtt insurancH. Mr. Adams, in a loiter 4h fan grent e l the ce tiflcate on aocount of the creditable ot- jectin view. That olj-et wa to ship arsna and ammuniiidn, tor tbe .niesailjkttjat9tot ITrance. ihe Insurance ioposed wee 40,000 on ibe arms and X30.000 on the ship's trltj-f ,.. -: -The Globe.rnMrM r -r - .. . tt . ?- - ,Mr.A,iais felt so chagrineX at the puTtflca 1 lion or bis letter to tbe Jfoderal Admiral that be visited the city to oansure the indiscretion of the parties woo f ave it publicity.". ' 1 be Daily News says : Tnere can be no duubt that ini'ation between England and the United, Suite Uraduallv in creating.' Tbere are ut qutliot.ably faul s on btwh sides ' B jt, xcei t ,.- in the , case .of the Alabama, it is im,as)ble to point to -.jmy o- 0 ac which nVsjuit ground of romplaini. R itfvll U no doutt d.-ermihed v eVall be rtto to prevent anotb- r Alabama B it unlss bis lT.rt .are suppoited t.y puMtcvpihtoo tbey will be una vailing, aqq certainly uui-s tbe temper or t- country alters, it ia difficult to see bow 4V.can. bv avoided." ; -a " . I n the H use of Commons, on the 1 $ h, M r. HorfIt gave notice of bi intention to call at ten -tiin to tho seizure of tbe gunboat Alexandria at Liverpool. " ' ' v . y Lot I R Cecil askd II it was true tbat spies bad been sent to Liverpool (o watch the dockyard arid th Contederate aseoti ? k bir G Gray aenied that any spies tad been em ployed by the GvernmenUTTbe. facts werethfeer Earl Kuasel. hud received a letter Worn the Amn can Minuter . conuinineTarioosralleeaiion in' the infringement of tbe foieign en-: liatmenu act at Liverpool. a -Tha Mayoa of iliw erpoU JiaJ conq ntly been requested :V0n Biak iocies; tut po eun:tipn bad ee made as to ti.e manner In wbjcb a-cbiinijttHee should; be madek Ue was after wads informed that the bead constable of Liverpool bad made irorriesend 0iat nalher the Mayor nor theVTatcbCommittee bad- raised any cl.jectkji. ,,., - .Napoleon bad addressed an anbxmahIattar In th." Qoai-nof Spain in tv bar resslnterasuoft bena'f of tho imprisoned Protectants; - a4s-- , The following, paragraph appeared in the Moni Ueur, and it has-attracted oonsiderable;: attend ?Tbe growing hostility ofthe tlnlteiStates t(K ward EnglapdisexoiUng'unevineaednL.m'lon.' The M dispatches from the: Washington" G t- emmeat bare a chajscter of increasing imta- Tbe London Times is Terr bitter on the letter i w?eTAfnerlcn MlnUteri Mr." Adsnt?, to AH uuru iupon exempting a certain snip for .Mex ico from England, andtcaU It an. arrogant as sumption., . It sayt theraibas been nothing eqialtoit since Popish bull' were issued rrom uTwnuuui toe iawa oi Jbngiano, it Adds t Tbe exercUe of tbe sirgbtest autberity byfor eign Ministers In England is not be DQi mit ti for one moment after the assumption ot power either wuuuummg or ansoivtngu.made known.' i' ' . ." lf;- ."' ... ,:. r , CONFEDERATE FLAG. i The two Houses afdoagrasi JharaagTeed Spoa a newytv, as Well a a seal;fderOieJCnfedeiaKT IVlre toKitg UJ-oaj!preat batUe 6gA&f upper left band corner JU ihe ftanion,' jobbed: This, is a oombinatlAjr of p4oct var,&i jbig f truce and tbe baUU-jlagjiarU wifrfaht-! which we bang out to the world in Ipfoof tbat we are toady for either, and feave it Id tier Rations to make choice.Tbe "Peace embim-iedomii nates, bo .ever.'-"- i ':' -"- :- y- - ar f This fligls simply out jt K-erj btePeri kaptV dAbalt be better able Indulge 1o H iofo msnfover It, when better5 used to y, end hen the success of ourjitrtiggle all haveeonserated it Tilf then it Kltn V - , Vt ? L0S3OFtBAp SgrOFWiR t a ;V,PREBLE.-"iiv'-;;1- r.' OQcial information htsen receired; here that the United States sloop if war; Preble, was turn ed on the 28tb Instil oflT Pensacol:- ' - . . XJ ITr YiA e. w. aM a v t.t vae -., . " -V- wiititataTOHi Ma;-::!MKitftFaBa t5? P!t Ualifax ftationVJoa ibeilalifgloB etejua4salar r.rTUB RAID OMxJMINJTVlLXE. 1 V Wia WUIKINU Wlkll g:iifcit:iuii J 4V tf (Jill &ell Inn viv il tepfWn ti the duiraeer of the ine enemy. appare n tbe nonben aid thy town 'at- ri on -oh" Uari6tj. 'Tditiit aide At his vpproaon dm oen brousbt in atl4iouroriwolM "T?, "VW S V-IWTO coaraiecens a iaieFF ana oioers chance olT rso Toer e was a co u nnuv of Kr iv.-m Vutrd'tooru.tvreaent. ob Inbda stand 'bgltlnst rtbe :fl t alvme- lbs itafUf-Se' of pUinic'our wmpadttttelent;i-tA$ awn. ..r ur brbkkirmWh Af lat air four Mrerpoweiia; Humbert fvwed this nandfo! of wen 1 to'dnper-or .me Kcare 1 a set others were tp- iurev ;,;j.nere oemg n farmer ous'aciea tova ara'a proteeded t ont e t tbe public square. Tae wvre mftsVty m mated infantry, estimUat at oe teesn. err and ten thousand rrt number. - - ' Poeir fiist business tai- tbe difuction of the large ot on factory, near the railroad bridge. It is one of tt. e nmi si exnie, ar.d has -been j alo one ol the. most useful, in tbe South. ' It was em letVly dttroyed They then burnt the de oot buildings, ettd adjoining , bouses, and J the bridges eros the Barren' For.. It is also report ed that fh'-y burn t tbe eoui tbous, but of this car informant cbull not D-eak-wiih preciiiorr es be wasLonable to rach the "publio square. It wa also' reported that two. eitizans of the tewnbaaj b0n ShiH.' -:'-t'-r!''-'. ,''..'.' '' J - Gn. John H: Morgan was In the town at the time, end only uc-Hed in' miking bur.escape with . biswtte; by a hair's ' breadth. He left" on aQ'ambuUnce (ilnvelf moontwl) on the Sparta rud. We are tispy to announce that be reach- ed- Spait that iHeht 'io 'safety -;ElUworth; who had. i.l tiOKsajoiaa time ago, vas eap-turSMLt-t i ''" I -i' ' . . Who la to blast fiir ihlsldrgly tfcsln see t. Herfr It a smtalry dasti rrjoni onf our chief frontier towns, fs pooe:ba t-J dcsirScdcjcMarg' and ttsefol p'Opauy - ri 1 i teo 'ettandjd as far wnuiaburcs pasin almeat wttder Cha gtrai aathektesrsmd siht 4wosothf oUUusrytaerojs:Bd yatok sahtls"Sredead tbe vabdala esiape-'auUt gloryVTropWearaod alt 1 iVho is to blsae lor itT IrcerUtal-f la one; am-mgi tb Jeaet coittmeadsi4e wikrh tasa oecarraa m- KUdUtTaanigsaeV 7eeaatb Jtt-dmeJDi fil O VfiiUEJl T3' i) FlpEN.iLBODSNf " I .XtassmUrtlyreliAbia -aourca w.AafsjKtha UformaUon that the Cunfaderata force toi Trlsadiar General Imbodnif ured the iowk c .FatixattOA5a $pjica Jt noay .isst v I. ,' with bis- foreee reached the tows eas tiaaf 'woaXiylijtni 'arJsrst ' abxT iklnnlkhj ia'erh'ic' tiro or three of hte meajilere woqnded. aomher bf ere-ona, with soeaat pvksoiiata-- Pre-' !dtdjTtTcuaU dsitrb3 sSsEa' 1.S woVti'oif ;oonisrjf; sUina' J"C liC 'ja&yt'46p that 'imjjrivaa ihptzrj ctd oil 4&JWmniW sjxpcciad tgasstlnrte the pcauit at Xtank thaBrti-Cay, (2it4Yy' Ha ado 'tslesl I that ti a'icbU ,eirjciiim be expected to WffSl f.lwnpS( bead, of -cattle U Rando.pb wiraaty '-.Wf'K'' 7Harvtlo-ted eirscuation of Wlochester to hot yet frfiM d' though, Ua Uormailon trbtn thai qiartey tends to tie b lief that Milrp's f roTs have iaUea Inok, with a view 4o"the protection ol the Ba'ilaaore and hlo rilroad. , 'Binceawriiing 'be above we have received an extra from tbe orBce of tbe .tSttunton Vindicator onataintng the following o die oil report" from Col. imboJen: . Hkadq's N. W. Va , Brioadk, 1 j.wo lutles nrtb ot B v-rly, April 24 1863. I a' tacked the enemr in a rirung pttaiiion on ibp heights iik tbe rear ol B vtrly t-uy, and de'ent ed ai d drove him from the. town after a stut-borj resutatice f thn-e hours, pursued Lim till, dark onttie Pnillippa renew tie pursuit m tb mo''ninp. llt burt a considerable )unt ot the ttiWfii and otetroyed hi store-wbio'j wereytf'rj corisidfrable commissaries alone over $40,000. 1 cipture.1 nve new army wagons, tamr od i flni horkcs and luules,. tbiny -fur new Enlisld r.fl4, number f eid tents, a-quaatity fc grain. a Jtoeas militia AM r, anLa namber of oriso- ners Sistnot mde up yrtT 1 Iwu-n I wilt pro- eure over, J.OOO need ot tt ie cattle in tis and Barbour county, and large quantises, of. bacon. It has teen raining for for. days roads in a perfei-t mire. . !ft Casualli a. A few bidly wounded on our side nU-s. Killed.- E em 's l"ss uknown4 as he r mved all before he retreitei. The oeonle are .rvjrticing at tb-ir deliverance from the oppressor. n,..- rl..... ... a . i s t: r - ,jiiouii w 1,11 iu uj iwu rrgiaienu oi iiiiau try, a battery, and two eumpanus of cavalry, . ,-... VrillPJ .Sr... . . J-D. IMBODEN. OPERATIONS INTHK VALLEY OF VIB- vf-tv-v 'iS'-' o I jjfl'j. -? - -. '" 1 jcWe have the. .satIfication ,ofN publuhing, to day some pei fectly autbeniio , jnfoanaoa jof ..the late movements of Gen W;VE Joner, command ing our forces'" in; tbe Valley. Of these move ment we have heretofore bad Hbniylnaccur'a'e rum6rs.wTbe i xpediton on which he set ott has: ere ibis; oub'leesaceomjahhed dr iost its main oiject, So that there can be"' no impropriety $n giving tbe true particulars so far as they'hkve reached 6s. "':,v :'i.;tr.; ' It will be seen from our esteemed cbrreBpon defies narrative, that Gn. Jones did not proceed! upon! Winchester, as ihe flretf accodnta represent! ed. His course led bim West and widely away from that town. Alter gaihing tie passes ot the Alleghany, he left "his ariiHery and infantry to secure his rear, and with bis large and admiraU -ble satalry dashed instantly1"' on to hi further ind ultimate object; On'Sttdfday- bight last be was on the top of the A-IehaDy moubtans, with bis face toward Cheat river and' the Baltimore H I Ohio railrqadrndThot more thart fifty or six y milesf distant'!, : "Where be was ioing be did not' fell; but if he tfiouid strike the Cheat mountain ' ire-tli -ork ol tbe' railroad,1 and should Interfere with'the bridges knd ushe s In tbe neighborhood, tbatereaC line of transit of'oor enemies will have received a most damaging- blow'.-' Mean white, it v 11' oe rehdvnbered Hbat 'Imhvden bad " reschd Beverly on TWs lay tas-vhich to nof -very Tar faf from tbe sas&a road w Grafion, another very Importaei points r- - - i Vfm learn that 'the irboptegaged in this e3 peditijn nndr GenJonefii follow Mis lead with erreat eatbesiaVa. ; Wbat they have considered asapproacblrtflr' umiditr1 Id his imansrement of nam iPAvne j aueyv tney -nowA Del ava lo nave tteea a pfimrr produncr; end ais enerer. tn aouon; taow trsatwottassia oor Cjutbaa .eaotttred UuiedW -sairaUe&v. j: r,. V-UesldefcUit tislrinlnirisavwhlch We hatede bed,.we;. iha;aiJr ye Jias bsJ anoerencaojixer with i he enemy iajthe Falley UUaimesLsncoAafQl on -Ijtoplaoemuea- oay, us sain, aaa atiri.bei's Ut.l, oc theiV alley xera piaev iuraitea ttxtin. oi IStraUburga-M yerS had with- him there ebout: 2u5 4f the infantry; 1 t behind 4y jjstea for the defence of .the Van lay. Tbey Srre attacked . by lwaegi ments'of eevAlry. - Theeaemywee; bandstymely- YepOlsed, Ch 1 ol about 'priyi'inr killed, Wounded mod prtottfrf... On'our sidexiva hadv&lr one t&mn .aronled-it was feaedr jnortalry : j tr j ? Toe cavalry wb'cb. rmedotne attsckion ;Myers :wa part of. a .tDixed forca.of caraJry, infary i nd arull xy, Which amaijito: Suashurg' by.the out on. a tecunB.4sance.t After xa ieDUh':of eneoiy id laai qiarxer a eur passi n g any y ev per 5 tic!? eayalrvbjrrZiy ers tie .wb(l3,. rje..toado.',foderat rrolit wiU pj uph, ajuj. no man fill "HnH'VfCfi - BIIFOB SSES3ITartf AND COLC&-1 A." TAXESv. fS i A bill under ..the above title has paesed botbr Hoae$ of 'Oaflgraaitft to aerfgied to g?vaeilet to thelitx ;Vprovding thWS&MtfiZiZ ctlrieTy fir lt exeodOon.5 The bm'ls very Tong- tbirty-Tl e pages.' . A synopses will be- more ao cjrivUble tcvour readwrsjtbaa. Me whole 1411, mil thnt mm Viava mam r. Sc. 1. Creates an of3ce in the . Treannrv Da r -partment u he called the xEL T tbe'Oimmiei i'nrof Tajes ; be salary of tte C?pmeolsiofte! t3 000; . H prepares under dire -lion ot the Bec4 rirary, the irwtnictihni,' tabulations, 'directions! forms, blanke,rei., dwtribttter tbewf, aod - super- Intend ibvi "xooution r. tbe ta lW (Tenorally. beo, 1. D lares each Sute a Tax Division : to each ir api-ointed sf State co lectof.-whd must' be a resident freebolder of the S.a e Jiie salary: to be one t-ntn ot one r cent, on amount pf tax coU looted in tbe'Statp, : provided it 1e dot lesi th two thousariif nor moretbaa threat thftoAanVf dol i la"s;: Statf Collector t give bond, with soQcient sureties, and superintend the tax collection in his division. V f - See. JKchSUU'eonector tobjdehi Sute into eon ventenf ;txllfption . districts following as near as. may bo jbe cOu n ties or la x districts ;,Got ernment State collector lb appoint for each coll-j ti6n4itrlct a district eollecior, ho"shalf bee Vbe, idnt freeholder, and shall aiaess, levy aed C6IUct the'tatesofWdh.trlct. ', '-; " f . Sec 4. Requires collectors to give bond aid se curity. - iJ ."5:T;- '-i Bee. SAutborixes a district col'ector to sub divide bis district and arpointril jnany assistants as he may desire, they ' being responsible to him, aadhe totfam Govarunent. The 8ute eolhefer shall also appoint for each ctllction district one tptra wsasfiTrajMaida ntheUtt k a an oath without faToror paruality toxecoWJihcur oflcia-i. ' . - : .. 4 . i Sec -RjQirra all parsons or associations lie-' ble to isx, to meksr reium ner oattt or affirms lion, and aVU times and aecordirg to.ttra: forms! :w.!kichu maybpre;aribedf of -alt pnperty io cem, Cs&im which tax is ordered -to be "levied. a-f T-Errj4najet eUlllent discharge of duty .'..-'j3SW svirnuis aow-amsyiioii yinu taxs- -bl 1 when propatf yhoUar failr to make-re- ' SsoC &MIas7oieiarpnAltytf Jajgisyottany pa:Ok vcirnianA rrqalrea tbjs spif ante to make a new 3t323tidut-i ted i$$ &:.. rl 'f&isiunu piriBtty4oldaTa4 refuse -or ws' tawlam piDpany lisSv thd assessor to en tax oyq the propsrty smd.Vaiefor hlmeelfc-and to add taiatj-rfi-rt raati to the ralttatlon at a WiaiM-swJH.;. .. -e-i n jCeii llCeqitteftaialiiissiit tgyalnsi prgperty srhers oWaar U aojJrLlant smdeterbich no UftiJww .f'eswwd.'"e--'v " -s,iUifi7. ti lAlvapcg-ratldatt property holers' td aruJte returns f frppertyjttl tbeasmiaor of 4haj distrXt-t wherertlie rUevba tVw-WJarded byeaid tsestrrttmha ser in wbcea dlrtricVlbe prwp ertrJ for bis aod-asm r;. p: r: -3&&mmtJMX5MmxuB UMthkk the tmtie en li iwnlarty JisU, nd ra-t-r? CtatiIstrtaleElarf; Jmpm.lwd . .C . . " -" -l ... Sec. MItreiiUxtr&t coHecton tagtra no i Uee tbroash Ibee pTca,iJrCttarwise, of Ohe tlm and plana' whnn -sisesxtstnxa-tnay ber inspecied; td .appeals received aad. datetntnad hy tbe.l- 15,-rKuIweisitictrleclitofcwward property BsU to State oHecwr. ik- Sen. 16.-1-quiret' district coUectors logife public notice when ibe taxes ar- due, aad. the times and places of peyoeU .-Persons neglect ing so t py , liable t bei chariped a additiwrt 1 1 ten per cen. A)i!bwix colkdor to distrain lbe! property of rlellnquenU. i "? cVc 1 7. Regulates sales under distraint iavcqr tai' cases. Se. 18. Declarea -.assessed taxes a preferred'. lien on-property. - ' Sec. 10. Provides for selling xeal estate for taxes wbn tbee is not aufaesent-pesaoilty. , Sec to and 21. Prescribes the times for col 1 cting, forwardng toxes by the district collect m al.othiir accountability. S e 22 aod 23 Prescribes penalties for un faihiu , deiirquenter oorrupt collectors. Se. 24 R Qiiites aseesmnU to be esUmawd in C nf -derate Treasury :Sec. 25 f-Autborize collector or assessor toen f r any bouert, except f welling, iu tbe day time, in dUeoargeof thir dtis. Sec 2 and 21. Provides for the cases of sick nest or death of a collector. i .. Sec. 28 AuihrixM -collectors to prosecnte. where necessary, to recover taxes. Author is a tax pavers owning proper y in two or more dUtHctn, to pay tea whole to ihe collector .of the district in which la resides. or te tbe 8ata collector. , Setr. 23 Authorises col lKrtors and assessors to administer ostbs. - . . - 30-35. Various matters of detail. , Sec. -. ComneiHetion of district ..e-llotors five percent, on the first twenty thousand dollare paid oyer, and twa and a half perron t. .on ell be yond j with twjgr ikhoasand dollars salary as- tbe maximum. OjmDensatton.of-.thft assesois. five Ldollara per day lor each day em ploy ed and five dollars fr every hundred taxable -peTsons--wun one thousand dollart a$ the maximum compenea- V Sec. 37. Tax Ben do follow 4 property . every where. .. -,t -r; v . . '.'. So 38Authori!aadisbttrsorT clerk lor com missioner of taxes, -salarj.41,750, , He examines- rendj settles aocouott. for salaries, .commissions, ' Secu3. No Derson capable of appointment oa der tbur act if under, torjy yean. ules declared unfiKfor miUtary,..dotror idiseharged thertfrom for diiability. received fn. eecvkw; i. i. .. . .. - ; 8ec. 4Q Secretary - of Trearary m7 receive taxes, in advancei aod-alloii: five per.oent. in- S Seoal-43 Presidentmay appolntoneersdu ring recesoi Senate j creditt.oft wbih the bolder; endorses htowiUingness to ejvej; Confederate . . a a a . a a '3 a. s. a. npies in pay mens not so oe vaiueo.Ju& nisuer rmw, THE FINANCIAL CONDITIOK OP THBl , ii .From tba Sontbern Confederncy. ! We feel -more encouraged with, jregard to the proepeets ef tbecoefttry flnanciatlyevery.way lei wbich money V involved in or can influence our caui e than at lanY- lima since the?aastioo ol JiXF . VVQi UUfOMIiSSNiwcv , wyapaaesMeBfc- swj mrstm e- iv4w - Prices Tof.every thing are tumbling refreablogljf about our.ears. -Many articles of necessity ere worth fully iO per cent less than they -were- two weekm age that ij Confedeeaie notes ere worth fuilr that mnch imore'in pablio . estimation than . MkwsksMt fMsta, fl nsifMiasi . Kaaeesvewsaw SBr Stawfl ttvsi ;eTTwbx I A wo Jweks ago, What bar given this confidence wb wwm rapidly orxine dane-so recently 7 , ?-To things ixiainly.kTbe first to that large iuadt inj-of noteaAinjea the pawageot the Currency act. I Last evening erexWere ialormed.byGol Jahn W 1 Dancanlbe geouemaniy lpositary rorthiicuy, t tlist up to that y me therevbad beea funded with 1 btm 232,000, ' YC Main that the people of otb-1 t-ae Jouttmas nav tunaeajeoeaiiy aaiargeiy m not 8a"re ioe7:ixr &uanuuxias anucjx-ea; sji wr oaoob have iOeea funded. wUl t yery sensibly ..The second and. the nlsotiUnhoweter, WlbA prosp ct of J thefinal passage ot ihe ka biU ,by Congress two snean the bill ; W lax surricuruirai prolucixin kxndV at .weU; aa freal j estate nd All o heripropeny, certain rate to be paid in money. JJ jthis Jt4 bill becomes a law of wbJch tyehayl nodoubu-rit sxiil srork the -grandipit financial re frfrmvof ny- legislative- tnea&re;thaX evrjrat ad ited-' li will, stop- tbe issue of; sUi Traasary -n-Va fijmy.parpcasv, (unless it hrio bdttl a ca vy.J It-will pr-ivislonaitd faragh the army jrjtbi btu btt i"Jr.ita support anttthetax tohe paid in money-willTav ttw interest on tboipublio debt texrdejl.ine .be:ordinary expenses otrtitaJUov. i nea tha jdsy comes, tas we can: go 1 debcwithout issouw'ativinora novs e-nen con 1 douheithet out fiaal ereavrjyes Utnfy taWr our rWiodabtprompUy. -ItU tbef life eiyifE remedy that tingles jprith invigorating power mine coda ofthe aagera ot tne oooy pwi; a'&rjt iCcyplRa, Pyovisloiis? - : ; -1 ONEOT? TUB nESOLTJTIO.NS ADOPJ ed at the late meeting of e&xens la Raleigh, re4 qaues thai tbe iaveral ConimlUess raised e asosetsia the avoeat ot ,arprat previsions in Sbelr respeetive 4urruHs snau asseoieie in -iou viiy ana maze repoTs oftkabr trcaediDg5 enAdsy: telbe deslgAatad bylke Chairaaaer tbe Meticg. - la parsaaace whereof I appoint AT, the 24th .instant, JCoort weak) as the day .fw said ContmUtees to meet. .. . - - i - . " ' Z CHAft. MANLY, Chatrsaan. i - : - . To Cotton Planters - . " 5 ;X tL?B DEE.T APpOjaTCO DY TniJ M Secretary of the Treasury, whief Ageatfer the !tureftasef Cetton for b .CbaJederaU .Oevemaseat within the State of North, Carolina, and will nay for Ithe'satiie in T per' cent Bonds or .Cash.' " GeVAgeets vishEhgthe dilfereet parts of the State, bayiag I mj name, will have .written certificates ot appointment. '' .-r ' 4w'i,2 . i' ?wi4-A. I By-order of the '-Secretary -of the TreM.ary,' all Cotton parehased "by asyself, er nay Agents, on and After lha ISth ey of Jlarsn, 1K3 wilt be paid for Is I jer eent.Boad or Cash, 'and sot 8 per cen.-onds as eUtedti a former advertisement. " Up to that time, boeererttheS per-eentt Bals will be; furniabed; aS. stated ' , ' ,v- V " PtUrlstie eidseas are vow oSered an epportaniry to aid the .Government by seJUingttf it their Cot jon tathe than to private capitalists.". ' '. itnvy. ' Eia 8.-VILUAMS.: -( Charlotte, March 20, 184. ' , marXa tt ' i ;.i.Lili ii.. it im.j,'"l Jonn O waUaxnaCp Si . STOCK AND fiONEY CUOKEKS. ' ATloriiMtiis'xir JAiix Truss xjuvn , . t ..... . .... , . . J Irrage business at their old stand-as beretofore City-Battalllon. I.AST CU.A9CB FOfit COWSCllIpTS, 1 1 HAVING BEEF X v raises eenips&y to beeUacbedto Ms jor EilloU's en liatulUoa (2th Va,) I invite the attention el all per sous subject to eoQscriptlon (6ire ftetay -roWerfJ and ethers M this chance ef joialag a good company or special daty a and around Blchiaond. This Batt&lTuB is permanently atatioaad la Sarraake at Ritfhmend., bounty and good, clothing given. Quarters eedlEtetffes f urnishecU xroaC day of enlist went f also, traniportatlon. - if?- Address tTM. IL ALLISON Captain aad Beeroit lag of&oer. City Battalllon, Richmond, Va. -ApriTT- wswoa& pd t 1 . SnnlT! Snuff! rjrTESiIAVE SOLD OUT -OUR CUT! BE VV stock of CaroUoa Belle to Messrs. K. F. RIVES A CO., to whom all Orders for thefinoff should be addressed. . h . We shell, la a few dsyr, convert our Mill Into a iTaeat and CornJiilU and step makixHf Saoff. - Our patrons would do well to seed forward, uvir oraera qeieklT,as the supply will soon be exhausted. ' - : . JAMKS i& YENABLB A CO , April 7Tlm Petersburg, Va. -- Carolina 23elle. - , flAVI!f G PUHCUASEO TttB BBfTIUE stock ef the above popular brand ef Snuff, w ase prepared to fill- order for toe setae. 'I r RYjEaJ4JCt vrngguts, April T la - Fetssbn, va. ; ; u i,i' i i .j i -. Ile-cr Auction and Commi8on . House. - CREECIl A LfTCHPO BD. WE HAJTE THIS. DAY FpIJJBEI A Co earinsrship in the Oeaeral Jtectfon 'and 5ommiioa barinets. vU., for ; the saie of Ooods, Wares aadMerehandize, Real end Personal rreperty, Oar Stove is large aad commodious, ironuag oe Faettevil!e and Harret streets, ka the eeatre of the beaesrof the tdty, and nlvenally eeeoeded te be (he best leeaiiae in the place fur tbe business. Both of as baring been engaged for tee teen Tears in the Mefeautue or AnutjeWv this city, we flatter ourselves that wo can make it to the Interest of parties to make their consignments to us for either priv&te Commission or Auction saies. A. vs&avn, ap 251 m J. J. LlTfllFORD Large Arrival ofValuable Import ed Drugs aim m TOILET ARTICLES, JPST RECEIVED - AT . rESCUO'S DilUG STORE. CtON8.aTINa IN FAfctr OJ? TBS FOLLOWING, -vlar3i v . 11 Ke2S Son. Carb. Soda. 10 Cases Cooney's Indigo,.10 lb easts. 200 OanoeS Qaintoe. 60 lbs (tua Camphor. SliQ lbs Copperas ?00 ks Extract Logwood. Superb Eng. Mallard la 1 lb Bottles and 6 lb Cases. 2 tfross Jt iwVOld Brown Windsor Soap. -J Gross English Tooth Brushes. "Very Superb Toung Ujtox Qan Powder, jEhousong , aad Oongea feai ia chests and half chests. 10 Gross Mswnes; 6 doz. Henry's Calcined Magee '. '. aia. 'v '" '- '--' 24 Bos. Fine Tooth Combe, -Ivory, Horn and India Rahber., . - . t lbs Blaek Peppers - - - i, Gum and Powdered Opium; Ipecac; Dover's row dam Chloroform; Salad 0U; 200 lbs Flowers Sul vnr.. ; - . ; U r, -4- - ; lb Bottles Balsam Copaiba. j. . . English Blue Mss aad Calomel; in jars and peuad packages, 35 lbs Chlorate ,PoUJh, and s many . " pther soods bought at reeent sales In Charles. too ad WUminston, Jwhieh will be sold at small advancsiia , ouaaUUes to at purchas ers. - Baily expected, a snpplyi of SUSAR aad COP- FEE. -March-21. Cbrnmitted To XaiL AscoMarrTitD to Tnu jau. of urrrft Ciuntr. 6e the Slst dar: oXiXeoember ium aa a rnnawav. a Neirro man who says his name is WashiiigtonSeweUr that h44elobg4 to Capt Wm. Smith, of.the dth Regimens N. C. Troops, .and that bis master Iiesin-FaqulerCoenty,Vawhen at home, lie also says he escaped from the Jail of. Wake Cone tj soma six or eight weeks siaeand subsequently fiem Nahdaty JeiL ' w i - Said Negro is a dark ginger cake or baeoa: Color ; abont 5 feet a pr Inches high, h,s, b4 teeth in froat and appeart te,4Mabeat 40 or 4 rears of age. The owner must prove reperty, pay charges .end take him away or lie will be dealt withv at the law dk - w .tt n inr.TBO ft : Jaa; 10-tf ev ssm awve . . , v BANK CAPE FJ3AH,"!' rrniE anhual meetin o, up tub, X' Stockholders of this Bans, will W-hebatthe Beaktotfjtooso Thui i-wumtogton. April zo o, isoav- r v apx-sw. Jilst Run tne Bloclcaaer 1 1 UU Pidcs. 1 0 Pieces superior Rlsek, Tlae; and Gray Cloths 100 dosen Tooth Urushes15w' gross Staff JftattOB,' Wld aqa parrow joeoiu ei ptaceaptam and plain Caanmeres tor iaqies aaa enuarear oreesea, 199 dosen nne gents vurs, sea aesea apeee imwi blaeit end White, Thread black aad white,- 09 neew dlei for the soldiers, large sixes ; Haversacks, Mllita- aethiah of all kinds made to cederpaatt a great ve- Xiery ready maae, aneieeaje anareuu. 40dosenfiaeComisforthelaer: - MarchY-lf' ri-rJL-ii,. s'l.X 4 "f -tvr tnft riOST rY sSAJlOa?-C2if VTJLtU JLcRysEavAaa A- Poixaaiv Aaihor.ef 'J;isk $ 1 ' raS ACKS SUPEUFIWE jrLOTJR ; I I'l.- . ') .--.l i v...'.::BTIIMMrVSl ISA -vv. r --.-y-f",' t3;'r" ejaa aa m. v .Jva8TaxiraxT.I . .v To raoTios fox rga ftnsbnte asre ttavwaa its va er. Aaterseed citaef, Ttat aU ueaaery aetes not bearing interest, lsaeed previees to the am day ef Bsosniber, eighteen hundred and sixty -two. ahaB be faadablo in cljcbt per sent, bond or stex entil tke..twenty. second d.fy ef April,: eighteen Jmndred end- sixty. urea; that rrosa t&at date ar l the trst day ef Anns. tUtsenr i hendred? vi. sixty three, thav - shall Ve f aiided ia sven per eenCboads er stock. - aad aftevjtBe said' arst day of Awjesi ftx, ehatl ee locrer he faadabte at the wleasore af-ie hel. " derv iot shall . be reeairaela ta paymerr-tf public deesvexeept the expert daty e.. etfej,oVtyable U BteBtbs afte tbo ra tifteevion of a treaty- of . peace, as specified be their tare. All treasary aous"nt bear ing iateretk, toned tfter the first lis ef De'caaiber. eighteen haadred aad stxty tweadwithla.laaUbys'. aiter tea peaaare of wi arc anau aeraneabie is sevae per cent, beads er stock eatiTthe awt day et Aaaest' b next; and after the ssid firsl dsy e AttxesVshail be fundable ealy uhesida bearins !teraat as the tktm of Tovreeat. per aanuwaad payable -- t exeeading thirty years frees the daU thereoi; ee ai jsarh notes not funded shall be reeeiwble in payment oi au peouc.eues, except me export -y an. cotton, and shaJt be payable six months afu. ..e ratl&eaUoa of treaty of peace between, the Confederate gotera- .flent.ead the United states, rul ealL eeriacatcs bearing eight per eent, interest, shad, with thci acorned wtateat, be fan ablai on or before the first day of Jaly, eighteear hundred and sixty-three, fate bonds ef the conreaeraxe sutea, testing taterut at the rate or eight per cent, per annum, aad paya' le at any ttssa net ex ceadiag thirty yearselfter their data -Prevtfeti; That the accrued Interest afores id 'may, at he eptiaav cf the holder, be paid Inskad of Wag fdnded, ' All esil cer- unoaiee oi every posenpuon, outstanding toe prst day of; Jtlv, mj;htfaii hundred and sUty thj sbaB, after that data, be deemed to be bonds bearine an ais. bnal interest of six: per Jfcentlt"and payable t a date UI, KifrUVCVU UUUWM UH tUlj'MIM-'t j f rsaci 2. in eti jaf tue power hereto&ire glveh by i Uw te the Secretary Of the Treasnm to issue treasury notes, he shall ne author Ued "to. issue, monthly, an amouatof such hoOsj bearing no Interest; net exceed- hsf fifty saillions of dollars, which shall be reostvsble la payment of all puilio does; except the export duty on oonoav anapayame witnin lea jeanxilec th rSU fieation of e treaty tf! eeaee between the Confederate LBtates aed 4he United States, and' fundable at tbe pieasere or te aoiaer, e:oriag Aweiye mpn the ft om the first Say of the month of their issue, tahonds of ' the C0ufe4sMt:lej paVable it ? any Cms not vexpeeding thirty jyeers ..after date, .end pCAring raxes er interest as rouows s ir runded wiuntf twelve months frrta tbe Jbst day' qf the moathif 4heirissae, t&4 beads shall bear six per cent, interest perennum ; if-funded SJter that ! period seey shall ba fundable ' mto Bonas neann i; ionr per esiLntsrettper, eanjun. These dotes shall bear apoa their face the month aad year ef their uwva,aaid if not fended shall be paid at the time specified eo their face without interest. -' Sac 3. After the passage of this act. the authorltv . heretofore given to issue call ' eerUfisateS shall -cease, but the!notea feadahle into six per cent, bonds may be eonvertsd at the pleasure ef the bolder, into call ocrtittcates, bearing interest et tbe rata6f fire per cent, per annum, from the date of their issue, that ' every euett eertifleate shall bear apon its face the j monihly date of the eldest of the notes, wbieh jit rap. ', roeests, cower ti&le into bke notes at any time wiutu M iuvuuib uwiB uif Brit o7 Dl toe IBOntO OT its monthly date aforesaid. But every certificate pet receareerted within six months from thofirstday of its monthly date., shall be exchanged for a bond pay a-: bie at any time not exceeding thirty years fiom tbe' xpiratlqn ef the ,saJ4 six mntha, and beajing inter- est at the rate of six Iner centum ter unno. Traa." saryaetes; which by Ithe eperstioDof this act become ; runaaeietato Donas peartng a yearly inteiest oi four t Ceeat, may be 1 eon verted, at the pleasure of the ler, into call eeii gcaiee bearing interest at the rate , of foar per cent per jannum, from their date until r,e converted br paid the Said certificates being feoon veTtibleatasy Qme b.the bolder into notef fundable! In four percent bonds, and payable and receivable sa heretofore prtscrtBd,",&ut the said eertificatea may be redeemed by the government after six months, from the ratsficatiea ef a treaty of peace between tbe Conj tsderate-Statet aad the United Btates. t fcac. 4. That all bonds or registered stock authoris ed to be issued :by this act,' shall be payable not ieaa than thirty years after dtc j bu shall be redeemable Ive years after date,! at the pleasure of the govem sseat aad shaa ie other respects eeaforsx to existing .laws..- .., i. Sac' Sh The Sceretary of tbe Treasury shall use sssy iispamlils mfsawa ie the. treasury, a etch, east be applied to that purpose without injury to the public Intei est, to the ps.-hase of treasury notes bearing ae interest, and issued after the , assage ef this act, until the whole an ount of treasury notes in clrculatioe shall net exceed one hundred and seventy-fly mil lions of dollars. : r Bio. S. ine treasury notes-hereby allowed to be Use3, ahalfbe of any denomination of not less, than five dollars wbichts uw authorised by law, that the becretary of tbe Trejsaury may direct. The authority hejreby. given shall cease at the, expiration of .the first session 5f Congress, 'after the ratification of a treaty of peace, jr at the end of two year?, should the war eentinue so long, s j 'Baci 7.: In addition to' the aVthoriry hereinbefore given to the Secretary of the Treasury, Issue trea sury notes, he shall be allowed, to issue notes. of the denomination' of one .dollar, and M -tep. dollars, aad ef fifty coats, to such ah rmoont, as,' In" addition to the .notes of 4be peaomiaatioa of one dollar, hereto, fqxe Issued, shall hot exceed, the sum of fifteen mil tieee ef dofiars end sid notes shall be payable six months .after the ratification of. a .'trc'aty of peabe be tween the Confederate States aad the United States, and receivable inpayment of all public' dues except the export duty oa celton, buUball aot be fundable, j Sxc 8. That thej- Secretsry of the Treasury ba authorised to sell bviH beariag six per cant, interest per annum, jend payable as hereinbefore directed, t par for'- treasury "nrttos issued eiace ihb' Jrst day of tecembeK, eighteen. biodred and siy-twe, to auoh ef the iTonfederat States as may" desire ie purchase the aatujior he may sell such bonds, bea guaranteed be any of the 6tatetnof; the Qoahitnej, -tpea t Mh blaa as may be determined by the Secrttary ef the Treasury, toy treasury noieeea eoeh seims as beeaay deem adviiable, te the highest bidder, and. not below ptn Provided koto4vr, That "the Whole amount of puch bonds aball eoi .exceed two hundred ssillinas ef 'dollars : "Amd pmviitd, further, That the treaspry notes thspMhssed hall not b4 reissued, If the ef feet of snob t reissuej wond be to increase the whole emouat ef treasury motes, bearing bb interest which are U rroutoUon. to a sum greater t&saone hundred and seventy-five milUons of dollars. , And the Secre- f tavy of 1he Treasury, Is also a.ethorised, at his eptioav L after the first of July, eighteen heeed and .tixty- uiree, to issue ana ssii, es not less man par, as esti mated in treasury notes, aoupon bond ef the KTooied. erate States '.bear mgi six per eeat iatomst pevjanama and payable as hereinbefore directed; The' said eou popl.tofbe paid a?q pleasure of the owner, either fa the currency in weigh interest Is paid ea otjier bifiSl of the Con&dermm Stotee, er else ia estton eenincates wbieh pledge, the goyerament to pay the tainjtjai eet toa ef the oaslity f New Orleans middlmrs. The said eottejt to be paid at -the rate ef eUh-papost star. flag per peee, aad te be daiirered At aeyr Si see witbia six months after the ratification of e treaty ef peace betwepsa.ths qonfed&raUE.ttes ead tbaXTnitsSuuss, at any or all of the Prts ei r-w Orleans, MocJle,JMt vennehV aMriettear er ... tdtr. af the Seaetary ef tbe Treasury may, anr romido', ,roJTht the beads,'" hereby Mtoerixed, shall eet exceed ewe handred mlTti eas oCdoQays, afcd shell fee sippltedetay te. nfpmmm fbj Sac, $. That UsIalUe treaty fOCiretao 4 the Treasury immediately after tbe earteof this sot. ' to make iNthltoaUsBief e cdp tLircof ia slxch ttata. in at least tweaewtpapsrs pBtns.re4 in tee, gutffAaad to hate said pubQeaiia eontiaeed.aata the first day XAnsosVsirbtosn hassddaixiyaitee . f - r. - approved; src isox.,..; M VJ fpra tutai fcr rs xtcr jca.iti a$xxwsszszs . Uk9 49 fiee riekA!peeess i.Jj,vf. 4 i Ih V"Vl20 --a -.ary Jsans Drawsrs, Hit reeslvee. Tts, PanU,Veat, Orer Coats, UUiury and Citseea Apra.ivix XA-'r fJYM ' -trftrrf..tsATjr' n$ !!' 'f .1 ' ti - 1 f ' "i '" ii'j A. ; V. Ji prs Laee Sheets ail ready few Maewee. ,. ..lCft lba .WMtoiXrewa rlTaxV-ITo J4 article. ' ;-'V '"I it ' !"'""'- . jV-' w-iSSv' it' 4i'-.. if;i.-iv; 11