THE MLEIGn REGISTER, SATURDAY . MORNING; MAY SO, 18fl3 THE; LATEST NEWS. THE LATEST FROM VICKSBURG! NEW ORLEANS REFUGEES. I The people of Mobile have exerted themselves ost enerirette&llv and humanelv to Drovide for j. f the transportation from Pascaeoula and shelter in their city of the large number of refugees which ihe barbarous edict of the Yankee Government faas driven from New Orleans.. It was estimated lat they numbered from five to six thousand,' Thej embrace all ages, sexes, and conditions of life. It would take many daysKand the Mobile Register lays possibly weeks, to remove them from tjheir place of landing on Pascagouki bay to the city. Such a scene 01 wuoiesaie -exile nas - , . t i ' . r ' w, .nnDliaPMRKT VOR THEj WE THE UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION Kits ur Art x..--- - -State of NortVCarolina, do hereby declare the following prices to be those which will be . just com ......:.. nr,.ri. imnreased for the use of the Government for the next sixty aays, GREAT; SLAUGHTER OP Y ANKERS I - t . , , - , k 1 Mobile, May 28. f- ' The special reporter of the AdvertW $; Reg liter wrlline from Jackson 21 th. Java i Reports from below s tat that Banks bas crossed with his army at Bavou Sarah. ! A Federal deserter confirms the report of the carnasre at Viekabursr. " ! I urani sent iu a uag pi truce vo-uay aDpui nis " uv-..ww .-- j - 0 - sice and wounaea. Gen. Peoaberto'n is burning tar and other die J infeciants to saye his troops from the effecti of the! Federal dead rotting in front pf our work. . in siaugaier ox me reaerais is tar greater tnaa l in any other battle of the war. not eeri witnessed in modern times. It carries back. tihe world to barbarous ages, nd exhibits the Yankee nation in the li2ht of one ot tbe most cjruel, unrelenting, and brutal of tne races ot men VISITED BY GUNBOAT3 -We understood that three Yankee gunboats vis- ited Murfreeeboro', N. C, on Sunday night last, 90 000 lbs of bacon were" stolen and all the lr.vs au J " I The Miaaissippiao states that two gunboati hay Ltiie brandv that the vandals could find. They been sunk t Vicksburgf U- rdnts for the brandy, but declined doing .Tbe'Misaissippian ofjTuesday evenjng-bas beea If f the bacon. We. do not hear that they burnt received. It say Saturday's battle at Vickbburg!. was the most sUubborn of a. I. The news came from! Memphis to Grenada, and is believed at'Memphig, that Helena has been cap-j tured. A telegram from Oxford to Grenada if -dayi' states tnat ueiena was captured on Monday A man from tne river who bad reached Canton.! T I" lt .... had read a dispatch to Col. Ferguson, that Mar-j. ileman writing from Ozark to L,ittle KocK, says maduke had taken Helena and banged a rezimanti I IkoV . fw davs since a Federal scouting party left . i if...L.l. "r. I m T I "-" J - - - - oi negroes oi ou ana meir i ansee omcers. u ... ... tha h,-nk fla, hoisted. They ... J ' tT J.T -i 1 . i. .man n-tinrvthcim I. W- the statement may be relied on. Yankee Gunboats reported at Yazoo City, any property, or interfered with the people in any Other way than depriving them of their bacon and brandy. The boats departed at an early uour Dai- iuy morning Federal Atrocities in Arkansas A gen- FROM NORTH CAROLINA THE NBW ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENT. . The -department of North Carolina has been divided into districts. General Naglee has that of the Neu8e, headijuartera at Beaufort ; General WesnJla tnat ot tne Albemarle, neauquaii?rs nw Plymouth ; General Prince that of the Pamiito, headquarters at Washington. The three districts arebeiog put in a complete state of defence, and guns of large calibre are being mounted. Since the Beige of VVa.hintuu,-th9 place bas been strongly reinforced and everything is ready for the enemy, who are expectad back since the unfortunate turn of affairs on the Rappahannock. Jew, lorn limes. lUUU iV lJll w V LIU V IT UVil U f Vl'v j 1 , . - suDjeci io auerauon snouiu ioi iffrncpi exist We divide the State into four districts, as under present circumstances, we find material differences exist DISTRICT No. 1. consist of all the counties East of Warren, Franklin, Johnston, Sampson, Blade? and Columbus, induiive, and in said District thprices shall be as follows : ' FROM VICKSBURG. . Richmond, May 28 An official telegram from Gen. Johnston; dated; on the 27th. states that (ien. Stevenson reports bard fighting as going on at Vicksburgj' since Tuesday of last week, with continued success to us, and that the men are confident and iji high spirits. NORTHERN ACCOUNTS FROM VICKS , BURG. j-;- "t- 1 Pktkrsburo, May 28. The evening edition of tbe Baltimore Ameri can ot the 26th contains the latest from ivicks burg, dated Friday night, the 22d, and said to be official. An brdinance .officer of the Yankee writes: Our loss not very heavy for the position we have eained. The rebels make a firm) res is tance. We think we shall have tbe place to-mor row. We completely encircle the to wd, and toi ' night our men have colors planted upon I hie rebel works and are trying on the exterior'slopesl Gun-i- boats and mortarboats in front of Vicksburgj, working away. Our captures thus far are six thousand prisoners and seventy-four pieces! of art lillery. Grant is in goooVspirits. If we tske the city we shall secure 15,000 prisoners, with! Pemj- barton x Co. r it: u a fl T. oigneu;- j. v i Porter's official dispatch to the Secretary; of the NavV-eives the particulars of the capture oif Haines' Bluff on the 18th, with the guni, tenti) and eauinace of all kinds, to last a lone sieLze.-4- As the gun , carriages might again fall into the hands of the enemy, be bad tbem burneq, blew up the magazine and destroyed tbe works gene rally. ' . ' Lieut. Walker was sent up the Yazoo jwith a mfficfeut force b destroy all the enemy a proper ty in that 'direction, including the navy yajrd and Yazoo city.' On the 19th he placed six mortars in position with orders to fire on Vicksburg night and dlay as rapidly, as they could. . I r ! Intelligence of the probable fall of Vicjksburg led to a decline in gold and exchange, whicb re . acted on i produce and stocks. Gold cljeed at I2- I ' ' ' i :. i ifs Hewitt and three of the Appleby s. The tories there ODenlv preached extermination, and threat en to murder every Southern man, woman and Child. COTTON BURNT. Savannah. May 26. A tram loaded with (Jotton. '.the property of the Confederate Statesj was accidentally destroyed oy nro tj-uay ai iioetoa, on the Gulf Railroad. ANOTHER CONFLAGRATION. Wilmington. May 27. A iirebrokeout here St 2J o'clock this evening, on the west side of.tbe river, jnst nortu ol tne JuancneEier- xvaurctia ue- bot, which barnt some snpas ana a large war.e fouse with a quantity of spirits turpentine, and 500 balos cot o.i, me prinuipany yeiuugmg to the government. The loss is believed to be beavy. The railroad is proDaDiy uninjureu. . MILITARY APPOINTMENTS. We mentioned some days ago the report that Maior Generals A. P. Hill and Ewell had been appointed Lfeutonant-Generals. We are enabled, Up n omciai miorurauou, iu sbj tuai vuo iun iwas correct. 1 ney win do assignea to coanaanus n the army ol Northern Virginia. Richmond Examine . Notice. rflHE CONCERN OF J. P. KNIGHT & CO. X having beeu dissolved this day by J.-F. Knight, I take this method of notif y ing my friends and former customers that I am no longer a partner in the con cern. They will henceforth please address me in per son. I shall continue to carry on the Commission business, and solicit consignment-? of Tobacco, Cotton and produce generally. Having been engaged in the comoiisslou business far the last eight years, 1 flatter myself that I can give satisfaction to all who may Qivor me with their consignments, Hoping that my old customers will coatinue to stand by jne in .the fu ture as they have done in the past, I pledge my best efforts to give the utmost satisfaction not only to them, but to all who may fuvrnie with their" patronage. As to my character and qualifications, 1 refer to the following gentlemen : A (J. McI'lwane, R. F. Lester, Thos. Wall'ac e, President of the Exchange Bank. Jno. Kevap. President of the b armors and the merchants and business men of Petersburg generally. B. M. ROBERTSON. Petersourg, Va., April a, I8ta. iay ta u To Cotton Planters. I HAVE niiEN APPOINTED BY THE Secretary ol the Treasury, chief Agent for the purchase of Colton lor the Confederate Government within the State ot INurth Carolina, ana win pay ior the same in 7 percent. Bonds or Cash. ' SuL-Agents.visiting the different parts of the State, buying in my name, will have written op tincates of appointment. By order ot the "secretary oi tne lreasury,' an Cotton purchased by myself, or my Agents, on and after the 18th day of March, 1863, will be paid for in 7 per cent, Bonds or Cash, and not 8 per cent. Bonds astated iu a former advertisement. Up to tLat time, however, the S per cent. Bonds will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citizens art now offered an opportunity to aid the Government by selling to it their CotLop lather .than to private capifUliats. LEWIS S. WILLIAMS. . Charlotte, March 20, 1863. mar 25 tt Corn, Meal, Bacon, Wheat, Flour, Oats, baled, unbaled, cleaned, Peas, Hay and Fodder, Rice, cleaned, Salt, Sugar, Lard, -Leather, upper, " sole, ' harness, Wheat straw, Wheat straw, baled. Molasses, Whiskey and Brandy, Iron, round and plate, 3 o 30 5 6 1500 3 15 85 00 00 50 00 2!50 3150! 3 00 3 50 !l6 8-00 , !60 85 2 50 2 2 1 1 4 300 350I00; per barrel of 5 bushels, 56 lbs to the bushel. bushel of 48 lbs to the bushel. lb. " bushel of 60 lbs., for choice white. " barrel of 196 lbs., first quality superfine. " 100 lbs. " 100 lbs. " bushel of 32 lbs. " bushel, measured. 100 lbs; unbaled. " 100 lbs, baled, . "lb. " bushel of 50 lbs., dry and clean. " lb., fair quality. " lb- good. " lb. " lb. " lb. " 100 lbs. " 100 Ibis. " gallon. " gallon. " ton. DISTRICT No. 2, is to consist of all the counties West of the aforesaid Counties to Rockingham, Guil ford, Randolph, Montgomery and Richmond, exclusive, and in said District the prices shall be as follows " All continues ciuiet on the Rappahannock. - pen. Ewell, who bas succeeded to tne command kt .iHiLrsikn'a rnrtis. had a errand review of his V - M-W" " I I O - troops on yesterday. Richmond Sentinel. FURTHER FROM THE NORTlf. j Richnd, May !28. ! Newt from Mexico to the 2d of May stajtek that very effort of the French at Peubla wasjruet by disaster. Niue ineffectual assaults were unade. Th.e Frencb losses are put down. at 8,000. i Tlie- ' Mexicans were preparing to pursue the French T army. I i I , St. LoTJH, 25. A band of r&bel guerillas cap tured the town of Richmond on Tuesday, with the Union force which occupied it. They also plun dered Plattsburg and took eieven thousand! dollars belonging to the btate. ' ! Datea from Murfreesboro' of the 25th.say, large bodies of rebel cava'ry are goiffg southward. Breckinridge's corps has fallen back from I its ad vanced position. There is consderable talk of changes Cabinet. Butler is mentioned as Stanton's sui-- jcesaor. XCHANGI1 NOTICE NO 5. Corn, Meal, Bacon, Wheat, Flour, Oats, baled, " unbaled, " cleaned, Peas, Hay and Fodder, Rice, cleaned, Salt, Sugar, Lard, . Leather, upper, " sole, " harness, Wheat straw, Wheat straw, baled, Molasses, Whiskey and Brandy, Iron, round and plate, o P 20 00 per barrel of 5 bushel, 56 lbs to the bushel. 4 1 1 S I " bushel of 48 lbs. "lb. " bushel of 60 lbs. for choice white. " barrel of 196 lbs., first quality superfine. " 100 lbs. " 100 lbs. " bushel of 32 lbs. " bushel, measured. " 100 lbs, unbaled. " 100 Ibis, baled. ' lb. " bushel of 50 lbs., dry and clean. " lb., fair quality. " lb., good. " ib. " lb. " lb. " 100 lbs. " 100 lbs. " gallon. " gallon. ' ton. i0 ool 30 OOi 5 50 5 00: 2 50j 3 M 4 00j 4 50 20! 10 00 ieo! 90 2 so; 2,00 2 50 100 1 30 4,00; 3 00 350 00: FROM VICKSBURG REPULSE OF THE E II EM Y-tCOLORS TAKEN, &c. ; j. - - Mobile, Maiy ; 25.1 1 The Misaissippian of Saturday' says the! eneiAy attacked Vicksburg six times, three times; on yes terday, and each time were defeated with im mense loss. Oeneral Stevenson says he can hold Vicksburg indefinitely. Special to Evening News, Jackson 24th : Firing heard till nind o'clbck this roorningi nothing since then. This morning the 20th Mississippi regiment dashed into Raymond, capturing fourhundred priseners. Fourteen were brought Co thia city, tbe rest, sick and wounded, were paroled. j . ; j Jack8ov, May 25.1 An officer from VicksbuVg says that on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, the enemy attacked our left and centre 4 times Tbe first attack lasted thir ty minutes, second twenty, third fifteen, and fourth nine,with great slaughter to themselves each timle.. 1 Our Ioei waa eighty men. We took four! startd of colors from the column of assault, which were brought up on Wednesday. Officers leading tho troops broke from the column and disappeared, Thursday the enemy were shelling. The Federal dead were unburied, Thursday night. Our works towards Warrentoa are not menaced. Federal line of investment was imperfect. Federal prison ers report Gen. Steele killed ' FROM THE WEST AND THE NORTH. TuLLAHoMi, May 25j All quiet in front. Nashville Union !22d has dates from Cairo to. the 2 lit; Col. Clayton made a raid from Helena towards Little Ropk, de stroying tw.o hundred thousand bushels of eorn and several large buildings of commissary stores and more Grist Mills. Encountered a rebel bri gade whicb after a small engagement retreated.; Col. Hatch made a raid from Corinth on the 20th, bringing in four hundred prisoners and six hun dred horses. He encountered the rebels near Tal lahatchee and escaped unhurt. . Says the rebels evacuated Warrenton after destroying the batte ries. ; "! Nkw YottK, May 21.k Beast Butler's son bas been summoned tio V ash- ington ; believed appoipUid to the Department of ' Gen. Curtis, Curtis being relieved.. Meagher's resignation has been accepted. Arrangements have been perfected which will add one hundred thousand Cavalry within six moaths.' The rebel forcel ob the Blackwater reported 20,00011 INotht" ing from Mississippi since the 15 tb. - j V A L LAN DIGII AM AT SHELBYVILJJE, ' : TENNESSEE. f-' Tullahoma, May 26 The Federals have exiled Vallandigbarrj under flsg of truce. He was dropped yesterday by them on neutral ground, immediately ia front of our pickets at Foster Tillt. HeU now at BheW byville. I ; j A small raid of the enemy advanoed near Mc Minnville yeaterday, but retired, having accom- piunea notning. HOOKER AND HALLECK THEIR RELA- i TIONS-WHAT IS IN THE-FUTURE. i The New York Times, in an editorial com menting on the situation and the army of. the' iPotooiac, says : F I .It has been rumored, for a few days, both that General HaUeck is about to take the field in pr iotx and that he baa been paying visits to the cimp md overruling certain plans of ilooker's, and tieverthole3i we are asaurpd he bus nut the least, intention of. superseding Hooker. He mrely to supplement bim. As, if this be true, it is a matter which seriously aft'octs tho fuUire of tbe iriny of the Potomac, and, perhaps, tho result ol the war itself, wo think the public cannot prote too earnestly against, anything which promises to inflict upon the inot important portion of our 'whole force the evils tt divil -d comniand. The Army of tho Potoumc is probably already one of the not unfortunate armies tluitevcr twk the fi'-'d, not thnuh any fault of its ovtu, but though tho misfortunes of those who have had charge of it. It wa? organized by a man who would not fierht, and it then, fell into the hands of a man who was willing to tiht, but did notktum Jhow ; and it may be that it is now under the jleadership of a man who is as unfittel for bis po sition, as either of the other two. Hut there can !be no greater mistake than to suppose that two jGeneraU, let them both be ever' so good, are an iirnprovement upjn one, et him be ever s bad. Secrecy, enerey, decision and rapidity, both of jconcepti'-n and execution, are so essential to mili jtary success, that every organization which fails jto Becure them, is worse than useless, let its other (virtues be what they may; and uo organization jean possibly secure them which has two heads. ! If this wore a matter of strategy or of taqtic?, we j might be disposed to let it pass in silende. But i no knowledge of either strategy or tactics ia nes- j sary to enable one to form one's judgment about -pit. A very ordinary snare ot knowledge oi .nu- tnan nature ; and a very slight knowelSt; of his tory, is all that is wanted to enable anybody who chooses to think about it, to pronounce with cer tainty that whether General Hooker he either ablo or incompetent, if General llalieck goes down to advise him, with the power Of overruling him, th result of the coming campaign in Virginia will be disastrous-, and only disastrous. THE LATE GEN. VAN DORNi-A CARD FROM HIS STAFF. -'. Mobile, May 15, 1363. We, the undersigned, members of the late Gen. Van Dorn s.staff, having seen with pain and re gret the various rumors afloat in the public prees, in relation to the circumstances attending that ot fleer's death, deem it our duty to,. make a plain ! statement of the facts in the case. Geni Van Dorn wa3 shot in his own room, at Spring Hill, Tennessee, by Dr. Peters, a citizen of the neighborhood. He was shot in the back of the head, while engaged in writing at his table, and entirely unconscious of any meditated hostili ty on the part of Dr. Peters, who had been left in the room with him apparently in friendly conver sation, scarce 15 minutes previously, by Maj. Kim mel. Neither (Jen. Van Dorn nor ourselves wore suspicious in the slightest degree of enmity in th mind of Dr. Peters, or we would certainly not hnve left them alone together,-nor would General Van Dorn have been shot, as we lound him Ave min utes later silting in his chair, with his back to wards his enemy. There had been friendly visits between them up to the very date of the unfortunate occur rence. Gen. Van Dorn had never seen the daughter of his murderer but once; while;his acquaintance witji Mrs. Peters wa-such as to convince us, his statf ofceers, who had over' opportunity of know ing, that there was no improper intimacy be tweeri them; and for our own part we are led to believe that there, were other and darker motives, from the fact that Dr. Peters had taken the oath of, allegiance to the United States Government, while in Nashville, about two weeks previously as we are informed by refugees from that city that be had remarked in Columbia a short time before, "that ha bad-lost hi"3 land and negroes in Arkansas, but he thought he would shortly do something which would. get them back ; " and fi -,ually, that having beforehand torn down fences and prepared relays of horses, he made his e.-cape across the country direct to the enemy's lin-i-s . Such is the simple history of the affair, and we trust that in bare justice to the mem.iry of a gal lant soldier, the papers that have given publicity: to the false rumors alluded torumors alike inju rious to the living and to the dead will give place in their columns to this vindication, of his name. 4 M. M. Kimmel, Major and A. A. G. W. C' SCHAUMBURO, A. A. G. Clxmilnt Sulivanb, Aid-de-Camp. R. Bhokmajckb, Aid-de-Camp. Richmond, May 9th, lSf-3. The following Confederate officers and men have been duly exchanged, and uro hereby so declared : 1. All officers and m.ou who have been delivered at City Point at any time previous to May tith,18f:i. 2 All officers captured at any place before the 1st of April, 1363, who have been released on parole. 3. All men captured in North Carolina or Virginia before the 1st of March, 1363, who have been released on parole. 4. The officers aud men captured and paroled by Gen. S. P. Carter, in his expedition to East Tennessee in Dnfteuiber last. 5. The officers and men captured and paroled by Lieut. Col. Stewart at Nan liu eu, Arkansas, January 25th, 1S63; by Col. Dickey in December, 1362, in his march to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and by Capt. Cameron, at Corinth, Miss., in December, 18ti2. 6. The officers and men paroled at Oxford, Mississip pi, ou the 23d of December, 1.S62; at Desark.Arkansas, ou tbe 17th of January, 1363, and at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on the 2M ot" Fedraary , 1863. 7. All persons who have been captured on the sea or the waters leading U (he same or upon the sea coast of the Confederate or C lilted btates, at any time pre vious to December 10 lb, 1S62. S. All civilians who havo been arrested at any time before the 6th of May, 13C3, and released on parole, are discharged from any and every obligation con tained in taid v,!irol' lr any such person ha3 taken any oath of alld;iauce to the Uuited States or given any bond, or if bis refuse was accompanied" with any ntiior Condition, ho is discharged from the .same. 6. It'ttuy pei-dons embraced iu any of the foregoing sections, of in any .-ecti ju or any previous exchange uotioo wherein thy are declared exchanged are in any Federal prison, thevaretobe immediately released and Jeliveied to-tho Confederate authorities. ROBtRT OULD, May 10-U Agent of F.xchaoge. Hillsboro' N. C. Military Aeoada- my. milEaECONI) SESSIOXOF THE FIF Til 1 Academic year of this Institution will commence on the 1 at of July next. For c'u c-ulai and information apply tp " .MAJ. W. M G OR DAN, . May' 27 3m' Superintendent. John G Williams & Co., STUCK. AND MONEY BKOKEltS. Kai.eigh, Is'. C. C10NTINUETO t'AKUV ON THE BRO ) kerage business at their old stand as heretofore, iu allita various branches. Feb. 2o-6inpd Executive Department INOrth Carolina, 1 Ai.ju tant General's Office, (Militia,) Ralkioh, May 6th, 1863. J deiinal Older, No. 4. THE ATTENTION OF THE MIL.1TIA OFFI- cers i directed to the ail vcrtisement of Capt. Henry A. Dod, (j. M , io regiri to exchanging tut t"n Yum fm- H o. The wool is needed for .the pur pose of furnishing our soldiers with clothing", and Militia Officers are requested to assist tbe State, by urging patriotic cili.ensto muke the exchange, and discountenancing all sales or exchanges with specula tors. - Militia Officers are ordered to seize all wool pur chased for transportation beyond the limits of the State, roi'trary to the proclamation of the Governor. Every agent of the State, for the purchase or ex change of wool, will receive an appointment under the great seal of the State, and Militia Officers are order ed to arrest all persons claiming to be agents of the State for the purpose who cannot produce auch. ap pointment, and have them bound over to the next Term of the Supreme Court, to answer such charges as may be preferred agaiDst them. By order of Governor Vaste : DAN'D G. OWLE, Adjutant General. DISTRICT No. 3, is to consist of all the counties West and including said oountit to Alleghany, Watauga, mc JJowell and Kuthertord., exclusive, and in said counties the prices snail be as louows : o p Corn, Meal, Bacon, Wheat, Flour, Oats, . baled, " unbaled, " cleaned, Peas, Hay and Fodder, i' Rice cleaned, . Salt, Sugar, Lard, Leather, ipper, " sole,. " " harness, Wheat Straw, " baled, Molasses, Whiskey and Brandy, Iron, round and plate, 13 OO'per barrel of 5 bushels, 56 lbs to the bushel. 3 7 5 1 bushel of 43 lbs to the bushel. 85j "-lb. 5:00! bushel of 60 lbs., choice white. 25t00! " barrel of 190 lbs, first quality superfine. 4150' " 100 lbs. 400; 100 lbs. 2i00; bushel of 32 Lbs. 3 1 50 " bushel, measured. 2! 75! " 100 lbs, unbaled. 3 25 " 100 lbs, baled. :25( " lb. 12,00. " bushel of 50 lbs., dry and clean. 60! " lb., fair quality. j85j ""lb.,, for good. 2:50' " lb. 2 00 " lb. 2' 50 " lb. I Oft "100 lbs. 1 30 " 100 lbs. ' 4 00 " gallon. 3 00 " gallon. 350. 00. " ton. DISTRICT No. 4", is to consist of all counties West of and including said counties, and in said District the prices shall be as follows : Corn, Meal, Bacon, Wheat, Flour, Oats, baled, " unbilled, " cleaned, Peas, Hay and-Fodder, a Rice, cleaned, Salt, Sugar, Lard, Leather, upper, sole, " harness, Wheat Straw, " " baled, Molasses, i Whiskey and Brandy, Iron, round and plate, 17 50 per barrel of 5 bushels, 56 lbs to the.busheL 6 !75: 5,00' 2500! 4,50 4!00: 2;00i 3! 50 2 00; 2 50': V 15 00: 75' 75, 2 50 2'00; 2 50: 1 oo 130! 4' 00'' 3j00; 350.00, Lushbl of 48 lbs to the bushel. " lb. " bushel of 60 lbs., for choice white. " barrel of 196 lbs., for first quality superfine. " 100 lbs. " 100 lbs. " bushel of 32 lbs. " bushel, measured. " 100 lbs, unbaled. " 100 lbs, baled. " lb. " bushel of 50 lb., dry and cleau. " lb., fair quality. " lb., good. " lb. " lb. . ' " lb. "" 100 lbs. . "100 lbs. -" gallon. " gallon. " ton. T The undersigned having earnestly endeavored to adjust the difference that have hitherto existed be tween the Ageata of the Government aod the holders of- supplies necessary to carry on a war for their own defence, do now, most earnestly and seriously, call upon all who would support the Government of their own choice, in this its life struggle ; upon: all who would preserve themselves and their families from the licentious despotism of. a malignant foe; on all who would saw. their' own lives, their own liberties, and thei own property from the hands of an unprincipled. devilisS v a'nd bitter enemv. (wha have alrPdv de clared the entire confiscation of all theif estates, and even theitWy extermination,) to come forward at luwy !Fa" ouppoit u! meir orave sons Kna brothers now in the field, and with all their aid and sympathy for the Government of their own making, and which is now so beset with many and great difficulties and dangers, and to cease this war of extortion against their own country so dis graceful to its citizens, and so threatening to their own success in a contest in which their all is at stake. H. K. BURGWYN, R. V. BLACKSTOCK, COTnmiSSionei-9 of AnnroUamnnf fVii- Tni.tK r - .1 ; The Wilmington Journal, Western Democrat, Henderson Times, Greensboro' Patriot, and Fayetteville C UonvTrn nil 1 rtririiT fX" tnrA vnaka anil a cut rl fVj-l.M1 O 1 1 rv tCl vT 1 1 iwi tnw wv.Jf auu a..ux tucil UILIO IU IJlttUUarU OIDC6 T caro- TO.tnC PEOPLE OF NORTH lil NA.. Quarter Master's Department,) t Ralriph, May 7th, 1863. ) OWING T) THE LIMITED SL' P PLY OF WOOL which the State has now at its command, and in view of tbe contingencies of obtaining any great amount from Texas, (heretofore tbe principal market for her supplies,; I take this opportunity of announcing to the patriotic men and women of the State, that I am mak ing arrangements to exchange Cotton Yarn for Wool. and earnestly request that. those who have wool will not dispose of it to any person, except he be an agent of the State, and acting under my directions. There will b.a established Depositories for the Cot ton 'Yiti m, at points accessible to each .County, making ft convenient for those who wish to make the ex change, to do so with little trouble. The object in procuring the wool, is te clothe X. C. Troojjs ; and it is the duty of every patriot to leud a helpiDg hand in thin cause ; for while tile State will straiu every nerve to provide for your husbands, your brothers and your sons in the field, she yet relies upon the agency. of those at home to assist her ; and to do this, you must keep yonr wool from the hands of specu lator, and exchange it with the .State for Cotton Yarns. ' Very respectfully yours, 11. A. DOWli' A. Q. M.'N. C. Army.X0 May 12,1863 May 23-3 1 Bacon, Lard, and Corn, WANTHU AT Ji. A. WIUTAKfiRS, highest market prices paid iu money or groce ries. May 8th. 183. Ju3t Run the Blockade A AH DOZICN FINE UltlAK ROO'i Jv Pipes, Hi Pieicws superior Black, Blue and Gray Clolln, 100 dozen Tooth Brushes, 50 gross Staff BultoD, wide and narrow Lace Gold, 50 pieces plai'J and plain Cashmeres for ladies and childrens' dresses, 100 dozen line gents Collars, 500 dozen spool Cotton, black and white, Thread black aud white, 5,000 nee dles for the soldiers, large sizes ; Haversacks, Milita ry Clothing of all kinds made to order; and a great va noty ready mde, wholesale and retail.. 200 dozen fine Combs for the armt. Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, ) Richmond, May 1, 1863, J " General Orders,! No. 52. I 1HE FOLLOWING ACT OF CONGRESS, Ap proved by the President, is published for the in formation and direction of all concerned, in connec tion with the act relating to impressments heretofore announced in General Orders No. 37, from the Adju tant and Inspector General's Office, April 6th. 1863, aud as supplementary to said act: An act to amend an aot entitled "An act to regulate impressments by officers of the army." The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That in all' cases of appraisement provided for in said act, the officer impressing the property shall, if he believe the appaisement to be fair and just, endorse upon it his approval ; if not, he shall endorse upon it his reasons for refusing, and deliver the same, with a receipt for the property impressed, to the own er, his agent or attorney, and, as soon as practicable, forward a copy of the receipt and appraisement, and bis endorsement thereon,' to the board of appraisers appointed by the President and Governor of the State, who shall revise tbe same and make a final valuation, so as to give just compensation for the property taken, which valuation shall be paid by the proper depart ment for the use of which the property was taken; on the certificate of appraisers, s provided in the act of which this is amendatory. Approved April 27, 1863. By Order, Signed S. COOPER, . Adjutant and Inspected General. yAU parties taking appeals from the decisions of local appraisers, to the undersigned, are hereby notified that these appeals must be made up in due form and accompanied by suitable proofs and reasons, iu accordance with the law, or they cannot be acted on. H. K. BURGWYN, R. V. BLACKSTOCK", Commissioners of appraisement for N. Carolina. Daily papers publish 6 times, Semi weekly papers 4 timet and Weekly paper 3 times, and send bills to Standard office. May 2 t Dickens New Novel- jjREAr EXPECTATION. By Charles Dickens Boi. Price, 3 oo When sent by mail $3. 25 For sale by W. L. POMEROY. Steel Pens. QAA GROSS JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL OU1J PENS, VARIOUS KINDS, by the single box or quantity at POMEROY'3 Lead Penoils, TI7H0LESALE OR RETAIL, AT POMEROY'S Envelopes. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT POMEROY'S Blank Books. LARGE SUPPLY CAP, DEMY AND MED I UM SIZES FOR CASH ONLY, AT POMEROY'S N Gilham's Manual, FOR VOLUNTEERS AND MILITIA. EW EDITION CONTAINING ALL THE PLATES FOR CASH ONLY. Price $10,00 For Sale by W. L. POMEROY. Bank of North Carolina- THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of this Bank will be held at their Banking House ia this. City, on the second Thursday, tL 11th of Jane next, at 1 1 o'clock A. M. C. DEWEY) Cashier May 6th, 1863. May 9 td Bank of North Carolina. A DIVIDEND OF FIVE PEK CENT. QN the CapiUl Stock. of this Bank has been this dy declared out of the profits for the last six months, pay JIN ACT To pro tide roft.tffii rN!Diaa ajd further rsscapr Tkkasikt Notes. Section 1. The Uonyrett of the Confederate State of America do enact, That alHreasury motes not bearing interest, issued previous to the first day of December, eighteen hundred and ity-two, shall be fundable in eight per cent bonds cir stock, until the twanty- second day of April, "eighteen hundred ana sixty tiiree; that from that date until the hrst day ol August, eighteen handred aud sixty three, they shall be fuuded in. seven per cent, bonds or stock, and after the said first! day of August, they shall no longer bo fundable at the pleasure of the hol der, but shall be receivable in paymert of publio dues, except the export outy on cotton,-and payable six month's after tho ratification pf a treaty of peaoe, as specified on theirfafe.j All treasury notes not bear ing interest, issued after the first day of 'December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and within ten days alter tne passage oi inisacx, snail oeiunaaoie in seven per cent, bonds or stoek until tbe first day ol Aagust next; and after the saidfflrst day of August, shall be ; fundable only in bonds, bearing iDterest at the rate of four cent, per annum and payable c anv Till.- r.t exceeding thirty year from the date tbereot ; at. a an such notes not funded shall be receivable in paymeut of all public dues, exOept the export duty on cotton, andhall be payable fix months after the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate govern ment and the United j States. All call certificates bearing eight percent, interest, snail, with the aeorue iaterefft, be fundable an r before the first day of July, eighteen hundred anal nixty -three, into bonds of the Confederate states, bearing interest at tne rate ot eight per cent, per annum, and payable at any time not ex ceeding'thirty years after their date : Provided, That the accrued interest aforesaid .may, at tbe option of the holder, be paid instead of being funded. All call cer tificates of every description, outstanding the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty three, shall, after that date, be deemed to be bonds bearing an an nual interest of six per cent, and payable at a date not exceeding thirty years from the said rst day of July, eighteen hundred land sixty-three. Sko. 2. fn lien of the power heretofore given by law to the Secretary of ithe Treasury, to issue treasury notes, he shall be authorized to issue monthly, an amount of such notes, bearing no interest, nt exceed ing fifty millions of dot jars, whicb shall be receivable, in payment of all public dues, except the export duty on cotton, and payable within two years after the rati fication of a treaty S peace between the Confederate States and the United States, and fundable at the pleasure of the holder; during twelve months from the first day of the their issue, in bonds of the Confederate States, payable at any time not exceeding thirty yeans after date, and bearing rates of interest as fellows : If funded within twelve months from the first day of the.month of their issue, the bonds shall bear six! per cent interest per annum ; if funded alter that period they shall be fundable into bonds bearing feurj per cent, interest per annum. These notes shall bear upon their face the month 'and year of their issue, aad if not funded, shall be paid at the time specified on their faoe without interest. Sec 3, After the-passage of this act, the authority heretofore given to issue call certificates shall cease, but the notes fundable into six per cent, bonds may be converted at the pleasure of the holder, iDto call certificates, bearing interest at the rate of five per Cent, per annum, from ithe date of their issue. That every such certificate jshall bear upou its face the monthly date of the oldest of the notes which Jit rep resents, and be convertipale'into like notes at any time within six months from the first day of the month of its monthly date aforesaid. But every certificate not rcenveerted within six; months from the first day of its monthly date, shall he exchanged for a bond paya ble at any time not exceeding thirty years from tbe expiration of the said six months, and beating inter est at the rate of six per centum per annum. Trea sury notes, wbicfc by the operation"of this act become fundable into bonds bejaring a yearly interest of fuur per cent, may be converted, at tbe pleasure of the bolder, into call certtfi ctes bearing interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum, from their date until re converted or paid j the said certificates being recon vertible at any time by tbe holder into notes fundable in four per cent, bonds, land payable and receivable as heretofore prescribed, ,lut the said certificates may be redeemed by tbe gorerjnment after six inoutUj from the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Con federate States and the; United States. Sue. 4. That all bonfls or registered stock authoriz ed to be issued by this act, shall be payable not leas than thirty years after.jdate; but shall be redeemable five years after date, ajt the pleasure of 'the govern ment, and shall ia other respects conform to existing laws. : Sec. &. The Secretary of the Treasurv shall use any disposable means iu the treasury, which can be applied to that purpos without injury to the publio interest, to the purchase ot treasury notes bearing no interest, and issued aftjer the assage of this aot, until the whole amount of ! treasury notes in circulation shall not exceed one hundred and seventy fire mil lions of dollars. Sec. 6. The treasury notes hereby allowed-to be issued, shall be of ivnyldenomination of not less than five dollars whiohi ntw authorized by law, that the' Secretary of the Treasury may direct. The authority hereby given shall ieajje at the expiration of the first session of Congress, after the ratification of a treaty of peace, of at the end of two yearg, should the war continue so long. j " ' Sec. 7. In addition to the avthority hereinbefore given, to the Secretary, of the Treasury to issue trea- A 1 1 t 1 1. ' 11 -m. eury notes, ue pnau oe aiiowea to issue notes of the denomination of one dollar, and of two dollars, and of fifty cents, to such ian -amount, as, in addition to the notes of the derrotninatioa of one dollar, hereto fore issued, shall not exceed the sum of fifteen mil lions of dollars; and Said notes shall be payable six months after the ratification of a treaty of peace be tween the Confedenatej States aud the United States, and receivable in payjment of all public dues except the export duty on eotton, but shall not be fundable. Sec. 8. That the Ffeeretary of the Treasury be authorized to sell bond bearing six per cent, interest per annum, and payaljle as hereinbefore directed, at par for treasury noteis issued since the first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixiy-two, to such of the Confederate Stated as may desire to purchase the same; or he may sll such bonds, when guaranteed by any of the States of the Confederacy, upon such plan as may be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, for treasaryj notes on such terms as he may deem advisable, to the; highest bidder, and riot below par: Provided however, That the whole amount of such Donas snail not exceed two hundred millions of dollars : And provided, further, That the treasury nctes thus purchased sjhall not be reissued, if the ef fect of such reissue would be to increase the whole amount of treasury notes, bearing no interest whicb are in circulation, to a sum greater than one hundred and seventy-five millions of dollars. .And the Secre tary of the Treasury, is also authorized, at his option , after the first of July eighteen hundred and sixty three, to issue and sellj, at not less than par, as esti mated in treasury notes, coupon bonds of the Confed erate States, bearing six per cent interest per annum and payable as hereinfbefore directed. The said cou pons to be paid at the jpleasure of the owner, either in the currency in which interest is paid on other bonds of the -Confederate States, or else in cotton Certificates which pledge the government to pay tbe same in oot ton of the quality pf iNew Orleans middlings. The said cotton to be paid it the rale of eih-pence' ster ling per pound, and to be delivered at any time within six months after the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States, at any or all of the ports ot Naw Orleans, Mobile, Sa vannah, Charleston or Wilmington, as the Se -retary of -the Treasury may direct: Provided, however, That the bonds, hereby authorized, hall not exceed one hundred millions of dollars,and shall be applied only to the absorption of Treasury notes as prescribed iu this aot. ' i -i ' Sec. 9. That it shall be tbe duty of tbe Secretary of the Treasury immediately after the passage of this act, to make publication of a copy thereof in each State, in at least two newspaper c, published in the State, and to have said publication continued until the first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixtythree. Approved March 23, 1863. apr 8 tlAu Artillery Horses Wanted. rpHE KXIfiENCIES OF THE SERVICE I ablein Currency to the Stockholders, at tbe Principal j require a numoer oi aniiiiai Bank, Branches and Agencies, on the 1st Monday in earnestly request that any one having good Harness Horses, call on my agent A1K. WM. F. ASKEW, who is authorized to pay the most liberal prices. .W. W. PEIRCE, May 20 4t Maj. k Chief Q, M. DisL of N. C. June next. May 6th, 1863. DEWEYi Cashier, May 9 td CE LOT OF BACON FOR AT E. A. WHITAKEft'S TREASURY DEPARTMENT, C. S. A. ) RicHMONn, May llih, 18t33. NOTICE IS IIEHI.BY GIVEN TO AIL holders of two year Tieasury notes issued under the act of 16th May; 1x61, that they must come In and present the said notes for funding at the. Treasury or some of its Depositaries on or before the 81st day' of July ensuing, or tbjy Will be debarred the privilege of funding. I i The eaia notes are entitled to be funded in eight per cent onds,payabU io ten years. (.Signed; . j C. O. MEMMIKQER. May 20--t1a ! j Sftcrttary of Treasury. GT .j.P . " UI.UE, " ' -, j (JLUE, THE BtST IRISH GLUE. MANUFACTURED BY THIEM & FRAPS RAljEIQH, N. 1. . Maxeh 11 -tf ! FEW 'DOZEN DitOOHS FOR SALE i ; E. A. WHITAXER'S A

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