Fafiftniwe-CIothins Store . - - thw establishment bis reT iwSfk b. is now prepared to meet 2ri-? madc iootls cvr offers in lh . ' rror manner Hi etothiojr i msnafcetureJ in WP' . cannot .arped by ''J ei.mine. ,h.Stte. Purdur. will pj" ABWNO. 81 3m Raleigh October 9. 1H8 . Vests I Vests r n-lfVE Csshmsr. and Silk Vests. Large assort- for Cash OcJ. 7. .T 1 MA.iiitiiiii Batter by L Firkin," less qtjsntity. icllf Oranges LLPECK & SON October 31. 1348. 87 oiSTEKS, FISH, sfc. MRS. AVILSON tenders ber thanks to the cit izens of Raleigh and the surrounding couutry, for turn liberal patrouage heretofore extended lo her, and begs leave to iufomrlhem, that she liu agaiu commeuced supplying the Market wilh Fresh Oysters Fish, and all the delicacies of the Norfolk Market, by ex press, in the unprecedented short spaoe of 526 hour, and will warrant the article sent, lo b equal to auy furnished by any market in the United Slates. Mr. H. H. Ponrsa is the sole Ageut for the transaction of her business, in North Carolina. Auy order addressed to him, will be thankfully received, and attended to with prompluesa aud fidelity. Families wishiug Uyslers, &.c. for parlies, will please give five or six days previous notice. Raleigh. Nov. 2. 1848. 83 "Whoevkk bare these 'Boots' displace, Must meet Bo bastes, tack to face." Alfred Mitchell, alias "BOOT S, for short, and by way of dignity, resect fully in form his numerous customers, last he has recently fitted up bis Establishment, in the best style, and is now thoroughly prepared to carry on bis business as BARBEK.just as it used to was"," with the ex ception that he thinks be bas improved by practice both in skill and manners. The Members of the approaching Legislature, and rav old customers especially, of that body, will al- waya find me ready to shave, and trim hair, in the quickest, easiest, aud most fashionable manner ; and if any should prefer Ibe old fashion, "Boots" will be entirely agreeable, and conform to the tastes and wishes of bis customers. On application. Ladies and Gentlemen can have their Hair curled most elegantly, according to the prevailing fashions. No reference is made to particular gentlemen -my qualifications most be judged of by the community, which I have served iu my line of business, for a number of years- Hair will also be cleared of dandruff, and if reques ted, dyed any color, to suit the customer. My establishment is on Fayelteville Street, oppo site the City Hotel. ALFRED MITCHELL. Hair Dresser and Bat ber. Raleigh. October 30. 18 4x. f7 Land and Negroes for Sale ! BEING very desirous of leaving this State, 1 now offer for sale the TKAU l Ur LiAMJou which I now reside, containing by estimation, 1300 acres, aud ul na ted ia lb County of Halifax, with the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road on one ride, and the JJivrr Roanoke oa the opposite combiuing tne advautaga of transportation by ibe Rivr aud Road, and iu a few hours run on the Rail Road to Petersburg or Raleigh baviug Gaslou in 5 miles aud Liillelou Depot the same distance. The Dwelling House islii a mile and a half of the Rail Road. The subscriber deems it unnecessary to go iuto a description of the many advantages and inducements held out to per sona desirous of owning such property. lie requests that any person desirous of owning such property, -tvillcall and look at it ; and he can confidently -y that it combines as many comfort and advantages as any Elaee in the country, and ia known as one of Ihe e alt est places in thai ssciion of llieSuie. l.'the a bove described Land is not sold before the lt day of November, it will then be put up publicly, aud sold without reserve, at which time the Subscriber pro poses to sail from 15 to IS Valuable Slaves, mostly bouse servants. They will be sold in families, as I am not disposed to violate the laws of humanity, by sell Log or separating children from their parents. R. H. MOSBV Halifax County. July 17, 1 S43. 57 if- Notice ! DTpjIlE Subscriber earnestly desires all persons in ilSbi debled lo the lata W. R. Gales ue'd to make immediate payment. He would remind those living abroad, that it will be a good time to remit by ihe members of the coming Legislature. C B. ROOT. November 9, 1843. 90 AGENCY TO LOCATE SOLDIERS' CLAIMS fniHE undersigned, a citizen of Lafayette Coun U ty, Mississippi, proposes to locate Claims, for Bounty Lands, for citizens of the Slate of North Car olina, on the best Cotton Lands in the Northern part of Louisiana, and the Southern part of Arkansas, up on the most reasonable terms. For Terms, address Rufus Barringer, post paid Concord, North Caroli na, or the Subscriber, P. B. BARRINGER. Refer to Gen. A. B. Bradford. Holly Spring. xion. a.j. word, J. $ II. A. B&rr, T T r ... . ' t Mississippi. ) Oxford, M ississippi. Esqs. Hon. H. R. Miller, Pontotoc, Mississippi. Salisbury, Concord, Judge J. Hon. D. D. Pinson, F. Caldwell, M. Barringer, Maj. G. W. Caldwell, Charlotte. Oxford. Mississippi, Sept 18. 1b-l8. 83 3m AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS7 At IV. B. HUGHES' Auction aud Commission Store. Jr HAVE now on band, a great variety and miied L collection of GOODS, consisting ol Dry Goods, rocenea. Hardware, Iron, Books, Papar, Ink,c. Ac, &c. all or which ia offered at unusual low prices, for Uasa ostit, at the Auction and Commission Stor of N.B.HUGHEK. Tot the Memben of the North Caro lina leglslatnrc. ?wEUrrlSeHlhia,nVK0df "foxing f tbe Meher.orU,eHoos?ofCoronon,,ofthe next aessiOB of the li. C. Lgslatoi, tht ne wt ba a Candidate for one of the Clerkships in that House. J. L, BADUER Charlotte, N. C. Oct 1843. 8", Calcined Plaster ParisT PCOGG1NS at. CO , of Philadelphia, continue m ta maBofaeture Calcined Plaster, of the whi test aad fiaaat quality that can b produced, at the kw rata. f CMhj p, barrel, freshly pot np in axeelleat ahipoiag condition. Also, Stereotvne CliH, PhnadHphia, or October. 4. Si8 Al'Dt N 10 ... inoRK - New Goods. W E have jast recei veil the following new and beautiful drew goods, to which we would res pectfully call the attention of the Ladies. Broche Alcyonca Fancy tfilks Plain do Plaid Orleans Gala PlaiJ Plaid Lustres Latest French style Cashmeree and DeLainea. ALSO. French worked Capes and Collars Down Capes Bonnet Ribbons White and colored Kid Gloves' Long white Emhreidered do Embroidered Cashmere and Thibet shawls. Together with many other articles adapted for both ladies nd gentlemen all of which we will take great pleasure in selling lo oar friends and customers, and the public generally, on the most liberal terms. HEARTT & LITCHFORD. Sept. 22, 76 AGREEABLY to an order of the County Court of Cumberland, al Sept. Term, 184b, I shall proceed to sell for Cash, at the Court House in Fay elteville, on the first Monday in December next, so much of the following Lola, as will pay the Taxes due the Towu of Fayetleville, for 1847, together with all the iucideutal expenses, viz: 1 Lot Listed by D. Carver, Jr. Robeson St. valued at 150 dolkirs, tax 5 75 1J do. do D Carver, Jr. Hay St. va lued at 350 dollars, tax 1 75 1 do. do. Anu Jordan, Person St. va lued at 750 dollar, lax 3 75 1 do. do. Thomas Morgan, Lower Fayalteville, valued at 100 dollars, lax 50 1 do. do Angua NcKensie, Moore Street, valued at 225 dollars, lax 1 13 1 do do D. W. Sedberry, Person Street, val ted at 300 dollars, tax 1 50 1 do do George Thompson, Russell St., valued at 300 dollars, lax 1 50 C do do Estate Gitbcrl Eccles, Low er Fayetleville, valued at $600, tax 3 00 1 do do Trustee of Marley, Row an Si. valued at 450 dollars, tax 2 25 UulLstrd, and sabject to double tax. G. DEM IN (J, Culloctor. Fayelteville, Oct.21, 1S48. 87 wta Sale of Land and Negroes, TTPY direction of the Will of Kelly Rawls, decess- 11 Ded. his Executors will sell al public sale, on Tnuraday the 14th of December neit, the late resi dence of said drceised, si Hillisrdston, Nssh Coun ty. There sre sboul 850 acres of land, wiih a large and well furnUhed Dwelling Houee. Store-House. Tailor's Shop, Cotton Gin and Screw, wilh all the necessary out houses in good repair. This is one of the otoril desirsble locations in the surrounding country, having ihe advantages of health, good so ciety, a good female school, and has long had the re putation of bcint; an excellent stand for merchandi sing. There will also be sold at the same time, the former residence of said deceased, situated in sinl of the other, and containing about 60 acres of land, with a new and suitable buildings for a small fami ly. Six Negroes, the Crop, Uiock and Household and Kitchen furniture will also be sold. The land on long credit which will be made known on the day ; the other property in six months. Either of the Executors, or in their absence. A. H. Arrinaton or E. B. Hilliard, will show ihe property to any person wUhing lo exsmine it. JOSHUA WATSON, J.0. ARRINGTON, Execttor. Raleigh Nov. 15. 1848. 92 41 New Fall Goods for 1848. TIIOS. It. FE.KTR ESS , iTIERCII AN T ONE DOOR NORTH OF THE POST OF FICF, at his old stand, cau be found at all times ever ready to exhibit to his friends and the public, a general assortment of Fashionable Goods and is now prepared to execute nil orders in his line with fidelity and dispatch. This Block will bear com parison with any in the State, being entirely new aud all of litis Fall's purchase, selected by biraseif personally in ihe Cily of New York. Ho deems it unnecessary lo fav any thing iu re. gard to his competency or the skill which ho kpot es ses in the Cut! lit g or inauufactttring depart iiit lit; that he leaves lo his customers to decide. All that he asks is a trial. If you wish a garment made iu the most fashionable, or any other style you may desire, it ia only necesscry to call aud leave your measure, aud he pledges himself you will not be an noyed by tryiDg on severs! times before completion, lo enable the culler to make a passable fit. His es. tablitihmeut he cousiders not inferior to auy North or South ; and for cash great bargaius can be had. II.'? stock embraces Sup li'.k. French Cloths and Cassi meres, (Plsin aud Doe Skiu.) of aU qualities and prices; aud a splendid assortment of Fucy Cloths, I which, for color or quality, cannot ba surpassed in J this market. Also, a' beautiful lot of Plaiu Black Saliu Vestiugs and a superb selection of Fancy rrcuch Silks and Satins for parties, with a choice variety of Fancy Cashmeres for Winter wear ; and a general assortment of Fancy articles, consisting of lambsYool, Meriuo and Silk Under Shirts and Drawers ; Dress Shirts, Bl'k. and While, Kid, Me rino and Fancy Cassiutere Gloves, Half Hose, Cot ton and Meriua, Bl'k. aud Figured Salin Cravats ; all of which are offered uncommonly low. Geutlemeu prelernug to furuish their own materi al to be manufactured, are assured my charges are the same as all others in the Chy, aud a well made garment, wilh a good fit, ia warranted in all instan ces. My usual terms of busioefs is a 6 months cred it, say from October lo April ; after which time all accounts bear interest. This is meulioned, that there may be no misunderstanding. Members aud Strangers visiting the City are as sured Ihey can be furnished with a Suit of Clothes at the shortest notice, and as low, for cash, as at any House in the Cily. To his numerous friends and patrons, who have ao liberally patronized him durtug the past right years, he returus his grateful acknowledgments, and assures them nothing shall be left undone on his part, to merit its continuance. Ou hand a large assortment of Ready made Clothing, consisting of Bl'k and Brown Frock and Dress Coats, Business Coats, Cloaks, Pants and Vests, which will be sold low for cash. N. B. Orders from a distance will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. THE LONDON AND PARIS FASHIONS wilh the monthly reports, are regularly received at T. R. FENTRESS'. Wanted immediately one or two apprenticea of good moral character. RaieighNov. 17, 1848. 92 6t XnHE Subscriber offers for aale hia HOUSE ihd CL LOTS in the Town of Louisburg, price f 2500 possession given in January next. J NO. BOBBITT. Raleixh Nov. 17, 1848. 93 3t 15- JUAltKUIXS, OPTICIAN, jIVES notice to the Citizens of Rsfeigh and the vieiniiv Ki K. K . . : BbeeomolieJil the 8tor, one d.wr above nus.be. Auction and Ccmmia-ion Room. p'-lBj8- 92 lUWjb. Oc..l 3. lif f l'n 41 JOHNSON.1 7 fi&t I .uorc iv v saaa 3f;uaw DRY GOODS, For the Fall aad Winlrr Trade of ISIS, JUST A T HAND FROM Many from 25 to 50 per cent, vnikr former prices. THE st ten tion of the Ladies and Gentlemen o' Raleigh, as well as those of the surrounding coun try, and strangers generally, is respectfully invited to an examination of the Rich aud Brilliant Assortment of FASHIONABLE DRY GODS, contained in the following List, at the Store of the undersigned, just selected by Mr. B. B. SMITH from late arrivals from Paris and Liverpool, and which for variety , richness and beauty cannot be sur passed in this market, to wit : For the Ladies, Beautiful Cameleon Poi de 8oi Silks, Black diagonal Satin, striped do. Best black Gro de Rhine atidcolM plaid do. Superior black, blue and mole-colored Alpaccas, Black, brown, and fancy colored Cameleon Lustres, Parisian Etotft a la Cavagnac, (a new and Splendid article,) Lamarttne plaids, and Satin striped Alpaccas Plain and striped Mohair aud Jenny Ltnd Lustre, Plaid and striped silk Brilliantines, (iala. Cashmere, and Alpacca plaids, for Muses and Children, Super 6-4 Queens Cloth and Merinos, far Ladies' Riding Dresses, Changeable Arago pljiJs, Cashmeres and Delaines, 200 FEIUES ELEGANT NEW STYLE WIN TER CALICOES AND OINGHAMS, Woolen Shawls, Cashmere and splendid Turkcria Shawls, Large and fine black Cashmere, Delaine, and Cass- mere do. Fine Leghorn straw and Tcicax Bos sits, for Ladies and Misses, Beautilul Winter Bonnet and Cap Ribands, Laces and Edgings Thread and Lisle, Mull, Swiss, Book, checked and jaconet Muslins, Long, Lawn, and thread Cambric Handkerchiefs, Grass and Marseilles Skirts, Hose and Gloves, Worked Collars and figured Laces, Gimps, Fringes and Bullous. For Hie Gentlemen, Fine blue, black and Invisible Green CLOTHS, Ditto black, fancy, Tweed and Erminet Casumeres Super Beaver and Pilot cloths, for overtoate, from 1 to 3, Lamartine Fancies, Satinet and Kentucky Jeans, Black Silk Velvet and Merino Veslings, Merino, and Lambswool Shirts and Drawers, Blsck and Fancy Silk Neck Handkerchiefs, Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Gentlemen's Black and colored Hoskin Gloves, Irish Linen, and Cotton Shirtings, Large Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Kerseys, Linseys and Tickings, White, red and Canton Flannels, Superior Whitney and Twilled Beo Blahxxts, Red, Green and White Mackinac do. 4 C and 10-4 unbleached Sheetings, Fine bleached aud unbleached Shirtings, frcm 5 lo 10 cents. Diaper snd Diaper Table Cloths, FASHIONABLE HATS, Molkskis, Bkavkh & Silk. SrPEmoa Fca, Cloth aud Sils: Plcsbi Crs, But Kaxct Cloth a u Vklvbt co. Together with many other desirable articles, all of which will be disputed of for CASH, si a small ad vance, s he desires not lo do business on the crtdit system. THOMAS A. MITCH ELI . Rsleigh, Oct. 20, 1848. 84 Grand Schemes, F 0 R NOVEMBER, is 4 8. J. XV. ITIaury dc Co., JJaituccrs. BRILLIANT SCHEME Fon 25tu or Notfmbsr, 1848. $60,000 ! ft5.t00! SI 5.000! $ 1 0.000! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For F.ndoicing Lttsbvrg Acadtmy and for other purposes. Class U, for 1843. To be drawn at Alexaudria, Va., on Saturday, the 25th of November. l4g. 13 Drawn Numbers out ol 75 ! BRILLIANT SCHEME. 1 splendid prize of 6U,U00, 1 do. 25,0C0, 1 do. 15,000, i do. 10,000, 1 do. 6.595, 10 prut s 3.00U, 20 do. 1.5U0, 20 do. 1,000, 30 do, 500, 200 do (lowcsl U Nus.) 300, &c. 4c 4c. Tickets $15 Halves $7 50 Quarters 3 75 Eighihk fl 87. Certificate of packages 25 Whole Tickets $180 00 do do i!5 Half do 90 00 do do lib Quarter do 45 (0 do do 25 Eighth do . ,22 50 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates ol Packages iu the above Splendid Lotteries will receive the mol prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing sent immediately after it ia over to all who ordvr from us. Address J. &. C. MAURY, Agents for J. W. Maury &. Co., Managers, Alexandria, Va NOTICE 18 Hereby Given, thai application will be made lo the next Geueral Assembly of North Ca rolina, for a Charter to build a Rail Road from Ral eigh to Goldkboro. MANY CITIZENS, OF RALEIGH. CATCH THE ROBBERS! elOOO REWARD!! THE Subscriber having been robbed on Satur day, Ihe 9th of the preseut mouth, iu th large Poccosou called Dover, -lying partly in the Couutiea of Joues, Craven and Lenoir, through which the pub lic Stage Road runa from Kiuston lo Newbern, on or near Ihe Sandy Ridge, aud so severely baateu by his assailauts, that they left him as dead, after hlcn ing from hia pocket ihe sum of Forty flight Iluudred aud Fifty Hollars, takes tbia method of informing the public lhat he will cheerfully pay to any individual or individuals, the sum of One Thousand Dollars, who will apprehend and lead to the convicliou of the said Robbers. K. H. BLOUNT. Kinstsn, Sept. 19. 77 tf Prime Ocean Shad in half bis. II oe Herrings in do. Mackarel at retail. D . . . , W"'L- PECK &i SON. Raleigh, November 10, 1848, 3W Common School Geography. glMITH'S New Common School Geography, if. 3!uslreted with Maps and numerous Engravings. w WnP?0u" T""". on sx.mining this Work, will find that it containa much more Geogra phical matter, than si.y of ihe School Geographits in use. and it is alao far supe.ior in iu arrangement. Just published, snd lor sale at Turner's . . . w- u- BOOK STORE. Raleigh, Oct. 25. 86 PANTS! PANTJS II, JPAKTS 1 1J yA DOZEN Fancy Casaimere. Three do. black tj-French Doe akin Cswimere. For sale cheap at Harding's CLOTHING STORE. Ocl 27. ss PJKTERSRtTRG . Dying Establishment, THE subscriber respectfully aunoutices to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Petersburg, and the public generally that he still c ntiuut s to carry :i the yiu Business, oil Bank street a few doors below the Exchange Bank, where lie would be pi eased to receive orders. -,1 Thanklui for past patronage, he pledges himself to give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work to his care ; and having every kiud of machinery, fix lures, and eonreuience uecessary for finishing Goods, he is prepared to Dye piece Goods, Virginia Cloth, and Ladies? Dresses, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, &c, in a superior style. Gentlemen's weariug Apparel dy ed, scoured, repaired and pressed at the shortest no tice. Also, Carpets scoured, aud Curtains and La dies' Dresses dyed aud watered. i J. W. WALDEN. August 26. 1S48. 68 3 in .Cabinet Furniture? CIIA1KS AN1 SOFAS THE attention of purchasers is respectfully requested to the Large and Elegant assortment of auperior CABINET FURNITURE, now in store opposite Mcllwayne & Brownley's, Sycamore Stree Peters burg, Va. , TV inHN HIGGINS. Who, dcBirous of keeping up with the times, has madc larce additions to his supply of Furniture, for the Fall trade ; among which will be found some of the most elegant and modern r umnuro ever ojlereu in this place, which for durability, style, beautiful wood and Workmanship, cannot he surpasaeu in any citv of the Union. Also, an unusually large and varied assortment of Mahogany, Walnut. Beach, Maple, Caue, Itusn and Wood Seal CHAIRS, and Rocking do. The whole of which will be sold al such prices as cannot fail to be perfectly satisfactory. In addition to the above. Knave a large sssortment of Material, used in Manufacturing ; consisting of Mahogany Boards and Funk, Branca -and snaded wood, veneers, Pine, Poplar and Walnut Boards ; Hair Seating, and Titden's superior Copal vabkish ; which will be sold lo the trade alow as Ihey can buy al the North. JOHN HIGGINS. Se,t 5, 1848. ' 3m 71 XOUTII CAROLINA FANCY STORE CUR. It I ill ITJ2 . "IT UST received, a fresh supply of CONFF.C f T10NARIES, consisting partly of twenly dif lervul sorts of Candies, Preserves, Tickles Jellies, Sauces, Spices, aud other articles ; liavanna Cigars, of different brauds; Sugar and Coffee, of different qualities ; together with the usual aud large assort uieut of article kept always for sale ; audr which are now offered at greatly reduced prices. CHR. GRIMM E. R. Tucker & Sen "UTTTTOULD especially invite the Trade to exam- V y ine their New and Extensive Slock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, consisting in part of the -tollowing : For the Ladies. Superior bit French Bombazine, Naznrine Blue and Purple Cashmere Merino, feolid aud Fancy Cashmeres of all colors snd prices. Plaid Alpaccas, super, silk warp black do. Gla Plaids. Black and Fsncy plaid raw Silks, t-atin striped Cashmeres, VUites of the latest style, Heavy black silk Fringe, for Trimming VUites, Solid and Fsncy Silk Fringes and Bullous, Li ie and Thread Laces, cheap. Black,! brown and lead-colored embroidered Cashmere Shawls, Fine 12-4 plaid Shawls, A It xander's White and colored Kid Gloves, Purse Twist, on Spools, shaded and plain, Puise'aud Bsg Trimming, Gill and Silver Beads, Wirsted Plaids for Misses snd Children's dres res. 1 ! For Gentlemen. Fine black, blue, green and brown Cloths, Black Doe Skin and fancy French Cassimeres, Fancy $ilk snd cut Velvet Vesting, Black, ', while and colored Kid Gloves, best quality, Silk, Lsmbs-wool and Merino Shirts and Pants, Fancy and Black Silk and Satin Cravats, Revolving snd t-ell-ailjusiing Neck Ties, And many other desirable articles R. TUCKER & SON. Rsleigh, Sept. 22. 76 Cigars and Tobacco. ClHEWEKS aud Smokers will hud at our Drug Juad Apothecary Store, some very huperior To bacco and Cigars. PESCUD 4- JOHNSON Sept . 6 : 72 FOR SALE OR RENT. 'IMIE Subscriber is desirous of either selling bis 1 Farm, in the immediate vicinity of Raleigh, or renting it to a good tenant. The Dwelling House is entirely new, ol modern construction, and conve niently arranged for a Family. For healthiness of location, fine Water, and accessibility 10 a Market, this Farm cannot be surpassed. Persons wishing lo buy, or rent, will apply to ibe Subscriber, who is pre pared to offer very accommodating terms either in the purchase or ren of the Propertv. peter'r. HINES. March 1. 1848. 17 SPICES, 4-C. rlHIS being the aeason for preserving Fruit, we JL would call the alteuliou of purchasers to our choice supply of Spices. $-c., consisting in part of the following varieties, viz: Mace, Cinuamou, Cloves, Nutmegs, Pepper and Ginger, of various kinds Alls pice, While Mustard Seed, Turmeric, &.c. PESCUD 4- JOHNSON. Sept. 6, 184a 72 Trinity School. Rt. Rev. L S. ITES, Visitor, Rev. F. m. Hubbard, Rector. THIS Institution, in a retired, beautiful and health ful situation, jaboul 8 miles West of Raleigh, offers peculiar advantages for the Education of the young The system of Iustruction is thorough, and designed .to train boys in ihe true method, and correct habits of stody. They are fitted for any Class in the Uni versity, or for Commercial life. A constant supervi sion is exercised over their morals snd manners, and especial attention is psid lo their instruction in the doctrines snd duties ol Religion, Ample provision is made for the accommodation of thirty Pupils Asa general rule, boys will not be admitted over fourteen yesrs of age. TERMS t For Board, Tuition, &c. for a Session of Five Months, $87 50, to be paid in advance. The next Session will commence on the lltk of Nov. 1848. ; Further information will be given, on application to the Rector at Raleigh. Oct. 27, 1848. a 86 0"The Standard, Wilmington Commercial and Journal, Fayetleville Observer, Newbernian, and Old North State, will insert the Advertisements of St. Mary's and Trinity Schools, to the amount ol $2.50 for each advettisement. KIJIKUFINU FLOUR to band; also COTTON TWINE, for Carpeting, Ate. WILL: PECK SO NT RsleTgb. 24th Oct. 2 1 ?JarMPs Opposite the Southern Bail Road Depot, TTOilWiJARRATT, the former Proprietor mil of this well-knowu- Establishment, has the plea- Laure of announcing to the public -that he has agaiu assumed its management, 111 connection with iUIa. f WILLIAM HAWTHORN of this town. rHe promises to, use the very best exertions to jnake rihi8 one of Ihe most agreeable aud desirable Hotels in the couutry. He and his partner are determined, by the closest attention to their business, and the most uuremittiiig efforts to accommodate, iu every particular, all who visit their House, to merit the patronage of the public. Their table shall be supplied with the best fare which this and other markets will afford. Their sla bles, which are large and commodious, wilh the best provender, aud they shall always endeavor lo keep attentive and obliging servants aud the best Ostlers. While Mr. Jarratt takes this occasion to return his sincere thanks to his old customers for their generous patronage, he also takes the opportunity to solicit a renewal of their kindness, with Ihe assurance that his own personal services shall always be at their com mand. Petersbnrg, Aug""! 15th, 1848. C6 3m 12 ; Raleigh Paper Mill. THE Subscriber, having rented the Paper Mill, in the vicinity of Raleigh, is now engaged in pulling il in complete repair. By the first of June, he will be prepared to furnish Printers, and others,, with every description of Paper for printing em bracing Royal Octavo, Imperial, Super Koyul, and Medium. Also Envelope Paper of every kind. AViapping Paper for spun Cotton, and also of the ordinary kind. Paper for Pamphlet Covers, of eve ry shade and color. Any quantity of Rags will be taken at the high est cash price. Orders are respectfully solicited, and an assurance is hereby given, thai es good paper shall be furnish ed, as can be obtained elsewhere. WILLIAM N. SHAUCK. April 18, 2848. 31 tf ' IVOKTil CAUOL1IVA Mutual Insurance Company. PURSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa ny has been formed in this State, under the name and style of the " North Carolina Mutual Ia sursnce Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, viz: JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, ALBERT STITH. Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, JAMES F. JORDAN, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, ' . RICHARD SMITH, JOHN PRIMROSE, . WM. W. HOLDEN. Executive Com wit lee. The Company is now prepared to receive anplica lions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. Iy the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to lake risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and qjher property, against loss or damage by Fire. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr B. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayettevilte and Har getl Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany Raleigh, August 16, 1848 "if Raleigh Livery Stable !! THE SUBSCRIDERS having ren ted the Stables, recently occupied by Mr. Buff aloe and thoroughly repaired and refitted them ; and, having furnish ed the Establishment with an entirely new supply of Carriages. Blggies. Horses, (both Saddle and Harness,) and having also engaged experienced and careful Drivers, well ac quainted with the different Roads, and stopping houses thioughont the Slate, are now prepared to at tend lo all calls in their line. The Stables are located in a very c&nlral position, and some one will always be found there, at ail hours of the day and night, to attend to oiders Horses will be boarded by the day, week, montli or year at the most moderate prices. Drovers visiting Raleigh with Horses lo dispose cf. will find these Stables conveniently located for that purpose ; and every attention will be given lo pro mele Iheir views. JAMES M. IIARRISS &, CO. Raleigh. Jan. 6. 1848. 2 tf NATIONAL, LOAN JFUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOUKTi OF LUMGX A Savings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." (empowered bt act or nmuxiKT.j Capital, 500,000 sterling, or $2,50O,0CO. Beside a reserve fund (irom surplus premiums) ol about 8185,000. Pabt op the Capital is invested in the Uni ed Stales. T. LAMIE MURRAY, Esq , George st. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London. UsiTen States Boa n 11 op Local Directors. (Chief Office for Amerira, 74 Vvll st) V. York, Jacob Harvey, Eq. Chuirntan; John J. Palmer, Esqn Jonathan Goodhue, Esq James Boorman, Eq. George Barclay, Esq., Samuel S. Howland, Esq., Gorhaui A. Worth, Eiq., Samuel Al. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward HabiUht, Esq. Edward T. Richardson Esq. General Accountant. Pamphlets, blank forms, table of rates. lists of A genla, Ac &c. obtained at the Chief Office 74 W a li st reet, or from either of the Agents throughout the United States, and British North Americsn Colonies. GEORGE LITTLE, Agenf. R. B. Haywood, M.D. Medicsl Examiner, Ra leigh, N. C. August 22, 1848. 68 Joseph Woltering, BLACK-LOCK-aud GUN-SMITH, For a number of years Foreman in the Ral eigh and Gaston Rail Road Snor. RALEIGH. N. C. RESPECTFULLY offers his.services to the cit izens of Raleigh and neighborhood. MILL WORK and HORSE-SHOEING attended to iu the very Desi manner and at tne lowest prices. A splendid as sortment of the fiuest Guns and Pistols constantly on hand at the cheapest prices. Repairing in his Line attended to with neatness and despatch. Also all work pertaining to Carriages, Carriage Springs 4rc. Soliciting the custom of his neighbors it will be hia constant endeavor to give geueral satisfaction. Raleigh. Angnst 4th, 1848. 62 tf ! LAMP MAGNESIA. jNE case of superior Englhh Magnesia, in half pouna pacaages. Just opened, and lor sale by FESCUU $ JUHJXSON Extra Chelan Tea. WE HAVE just received 2 chests of Black Tea, of the above favorite brand, which we can recommend as being very fine. PESCUD &. JOHNSOS; BBOTTS NEW WORK. History of JUary. Queen of Scots, by Jacob Abbott, with engra vings. Just published and for sale, at the 1 ; m-r. ,0 N' C' BOOK STORE. Raleigh, Oct. 18. 84 JOHN GRAY BNV!Q, ATTORNEY AT LAW Solicitor iu Clianecry, COLUMBIA, & C Ang. 31. 71 tf 1 GENERAL AGENCY iiuuuinuiu.i ti . ' FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM ARISING FROM THE TirvLS OLIVER D1EFENDORF, of Sprint nors. S-moel V. Niles, of WashE?1', .I!t late officers of the 16th U. S. Infautrv . n;.. 1... . awiinpion ri n.5 iu 111c tuner cuv ir il. of all claims arising from the Mexican War . j"1 - j 1 1 devote uartit-ular . r avu 'i u 1 lilt OOliiitt, I Krk Fhv. HmThr Mnml W-..Bn J ' T lil the Three Month' Extra Pay 'Vp lo soldiers who served iu thai war 1, V 1 representatives. .' aBB ti s ous, due their legal represeutativ They are alfo prepared to purchase on ri """-I vi 00 gcui( i.a itu a r rains end ry Scrip, and to attend lo ail business reru aid of an agent in Washinoton ; , a .i1. find Tr,,. "'"a- IU their friends aud the public, thai they wilTiai, aud zealously attend lo all it them, and that their chaiges will Le nit delate U N. B. All soldiers .wln liae bem per . " ( disabled by wounds received, or sickutM it in the war with Mexico, are entitled to nn.i U,re0' cording to the degree of disability with wl if.i ',, are amictec. aim a II Wiovaoi SodenVh' " bt-en Kuieci 111 tattle, or cud ol wcni:d sick nets incurred in the service of il n ceivfd, tr I are also entitled, under certain provisions t0 . 1 If a soldier has left no widow, tlir-u l.is tna . dreu under sixteen years of age are envHlLd ' All letters must be post-paid. Addrels D1EFENDORF &. KILLS., General Agents, Washington City f-FFrs. D $ N. would respectfully refer to Cant. 1. Henry, Leaksville, N. C. . . M Hon a. A. Douglas, (jumcy, li lir.oui, " Siduey Breese, Carlisle, Robert Smith, Belleville, . John A. McClerland, Shawtseetown, ' E. D. Baker, Gaieua, " A. Lincoln, Springfield, Thomas L. Harris, Petert-burg, Col. Henry L. Webb, Caledonia, Maj. Leslie H. McKeuuey, Dixon, Capt. Richard Owen, New Harmony, Indiana Joseph P. Smith, Crown Point, ( 'IV V UrtUnU lrool.villo . , v . ...... k , J. T. Hughes, Madison, Col. John W. Tibbats, Newport, " K (i .1 W. Rrnnnnn. I.nii!iivilli 11 ntneky, T. G Carrard, Manchester, " Edward Curd, Murry, P. H. riariis, Esq , Harrodtburg, M. M. Andereou, Esq., Vernon, Virginia. O" Capt. Henry of Leaksville will act j,s 0nr agent for iho Stale of North Carolina, and auy bus iness enlruated to him will meet with proper mieu tion. DIEFENDOllF MLLS. Washington City, September 16, 1848. Ralegh Nov. 14 1848. - 91 2m' $100 RE W AUD, RANAWAY from the subscriber about the first of September last, a ne gro man named BOB. Bob was form erly owned by Wm. SToungbiood, bn, of this district. He is about 24 or 25 years 01 age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, of a cop per color has a long head and face, and canies bin head inclined somewhat to the left side. 1 be above reward will be given for the dt livery of above named boy, and the proof necessary to the conviction of nv white Dcrson or persons of harboring or assist ing said boy away, or Fifiy Dollars for his sppre hension in this Stale 01 North Carolina, so that I can gel him. KOUEKJ U. MCUAH, VorkviUe, 8 C. October 10th 1848. 91 3f $30 IfcJBWAKl. FTB AN AWAY from the subscriber on or nboot the IHfc l.t r Scntpmber last, the followin? described JNenroes. Penny a woman about 30 years old iwho baa wilh her au infant ciina.; one i 01 siimii biature 120. Bill is a buy about 17 vears old, sou of said 1 enny also Deny a boy about 11 years old all blacS. wneuiasi nearu 01 u.ey nrr in Hip vicinitv of the Rail Road Bridge over Tar River, aud it is presumed they may endeavor . rt- 1 1 . 1 1 to make their way North, x ne aoove rewaru m K .;l fnr ihir confinement in Buy jail so that I may get them again or S50 will be paid lor their de- very to me at my piamaiion in -u..i, Kenansville, Duplm County, !S. ( . Raleigh Nov. 14 i848. Jl.3t ITJ- Tha Halifax aud Petersburg Papers will gii the abov 3 insertions each and send their bills to to this office for payment ihey will also send iuea pap r containing the advertisement. United States Hotel, WASHINGTON CITY. - .. r .1 . ..1 THE subscribers respectfully iniorm iue puuiw, that they have, within a lew days port, taken be manageniei t ol this jsiauiuuntui,. uuu -Pennsylvania Avenue, between 3d and 4th streets. The locality and interior arrangements of this Hutel will we trust, reci mmend it lavorably to visiioni.oa business or pleasure, and particularly to ira'elleif, as it is situated withimt few bteps of Ibe Ualuinore and Washii gton Railroad Depoi, ll good accom modations and the utmost exertions lo please, can contribute .to the o mfort and lonvenien.c of thetf eaests, they Lope to secure s liberal patr..i.age. b D. H. BRANCH & CO. Late of Petersburg. Va. November 8. 1848. 9'-w4!l liJEACJ'llFUL OVliK, BBLiS AAD FROCK COATS. Tf UST received by Express a large assortment of Oy the above goods. ALSO, Cloaks and Roman Togas." You can save from. $8 to $10 by baying a Coat ready made. Call f t. Li. Harding a Clothing More. Raleigh Nov. 14. 1848. 91 APPLICATION will be made to the Legisla ture of North Carolina to extend the fifth aiid aixih Articles of the Amended Charier of wsse Forest College, pertaining to Billiard Tables, Iuea trical exhibitions, sale of spirilous Liquors &c totns distance of three mites. . Raleigh Nov. 14, 1848 JL Macon again. A further supply ad o a good quality, is just to hand. Our stock w uow heavy, aud is offered at the lowest cash ric WILL: PECK & SO.V Raleigh Nov. 14, 1S48. JLook to filial THE Subscriber, being desirous of emigraimg w tha West, offers for sale, on acomnwll"J terms, bis Office, ofike.Furnilure, and enure" of Medicines. This is the most eligible location i the Towu, and any Physician desiious ioC"" in the Eastern part of ihe Stale, cannot find tion more desirsble. The Town is rapidly imp ving, and for a proof of this fact, a person has oc ; to pass through it. For terms apply lo v . L. L. COLEMA. Kinston, Lenotr Co., Nov. 4. &9tNW- ERNST GRIMMER , Professor of Inslrnmcnlal end oc al Una'' MESPECTFULLY announces to ibe 1'a" and Gentlemen of Raleigh, that be is n?w J pared to take a limited number of pupils, anuic them on the Piano, and in Vocal Music , vs.. r-.. . t- c... ,r,nj rianoft81'" ic uurn uib set vues aiso, iui iui - - ,g teaching the French Language ERNST GKKMMt. 1 air if apply to July 5M, 1848. FRESH supply of pure Salad OH -or i and for.ca!e 7j PESCUD JOHN--- Such as Bovnty Lands, Back Pay, Thrn nr.., tiraPay, pensions, $c. Dve to the Sold !'1' & tdmlLat War, and their legal Ripreiw J