- v vr.f. -. J ' t o y.-ft.-s'ai-U aT Volupie.L -It... ... i i. ' t ir-i t tktr ien pefiLce, Utiwarpfd by plirtT rage, o Ure ilka - V ! r- KJ". . . - - .- oAiunijAi Mumimij, lijiBKUAitY 4. . ' ' NumbeM6.Hi i ; errn- Firrn of mala a) brixtd to. NES, 3N. hare of ;ern, the W - NES l3-3lp of Ibirty ?st of hu above- sad IS lion can will be r town 'his loog im sufi- 4, witit bppy (of Pn. y years' guage, i ' r - anBBmv PUBUSEB1I 8BHBlCT'i!5BKllTr BT .' VrWViV,: ' " ;l leWpHo.4ttXTVPA Five dol (iri per aanurai-Valf ta"aiYne." . Yttf4FVVthr Mart per 1 AirtiMmeV(&For every Sixteen Lint, first Twenty-five nt , Comrt OrfcWt d JdiicUl Aiirti$tnunti will U bceot. will Wmtii from iW rejmW f ricfor drtir y th year. , , . 8 .rtC ? ... ArfTertiwraeaU, MMrted is tbf 8cw,Wo. R wtb, wiU alio appiar la th Wacaxx Paprr frea fehcrje. " ' ' - ?: r JT Letrf to tlio Editor mut bo rorr-yfT .. , - I K ' I rrn HE JBTNX IS&VRLfiCK COMPA- 11. r,or ,aartrQirdt qonn. .yneraip insaraBaudiota and Merchandize,' igainat loan or damage by fire", at prroium to suit the timea. Thii t oue of tbe oldeat and beallnfurance vobi paaiea ia.the United tfUtea,"andpaje Ita oaaea Apiieaifo'natar rQaorance in RaUigb.or lt ji einityaobanaOatb WHITING;; V, And far IriHton.'N. C. and tleinUy, to 1 " J. PALMER, Agent. Octaber, 1S48 ' 'J. ' " NOTICE. ;r V. &. A. STITltliating aaaigned, oter to mo, all the debu doe them by ban J; "note and aceoant, I hereby gie notice to at I tboao indebted to "them; to aU and aetUe their reapectite doea, aa by the aaaigp ment I am required in collect them forthwith. ' . t - Trinity School,- THIS School, doaigaed tot the moral and Ketig toca eulture of beya.ajd fee their thorougJaJiakMi in ry branch of atudy aaaally ptirraed at Scboola. "ariH begin a near Toroa, 00 llTerlOth anaary. which will continue fito montha. i The Teroi by. thie arrange ment, wU bo made to cornapood witk thoao of the UniTeraity , and of other JSchoole for. Soya in the State. . Thia Schoot Doaoeaaea iirantagea. in reapoet . to heaatT tU kullkfalaBTU of ailBMlion. OXtett of groanda; and comfort and convenience of bnildinga, not often eurpaeaed. Atrangemnta have , been made fpr.4h-eoa YQcieitnnanage.ment of iu tJo matie concern, and Xdf aeenriot to the' boy a a ma teraal aapattiaion nd cav tbo moot eaaidaowahd kind. Tbo expeosa of; vopil for board, with Tui lion ia Engluk, and in the Ancient Langoagea, and in French if daairadjwilj be $37 50, When two boy a come from the aame family 580 only will be charged for each. ! , 1 S ' ' j FK. application for admUaion, and Cor farther, .in formation, apply for the preeent,to tbo aabeeriber in Raleigbi " v AI4DERT SMEDEU, - . . . Rector' of St- Mary's SchooL N. B. BoyaoTeflf yeaWof afe will not be ie coired anJaaa tteyaraommftBicanta. " r Dec, .33. ni - . - Winimti.' Clarke, RAIEISH, N. C. .71 6m THE Subscriber takes tai anethod of . returning his sincere thank tcf the good people of Raleigh and vicinity, for their patronage cinee hecommenced business in tb'ta place and he hepes, by etrict atten tion to -business and a desire to pleaae, -to merit the same liberal share of patronage, beet wed on tha far mer concern. My motto is, a nimble sixpence, and low for cssiu" - v - LITTLETON B. WALKER.' Jan. 2. ' ' 9 3t JYOTMCE. ' THE Buitinesa fornurlyVcarrted bo, under tbe name of WatxsV wa,:on tbe 10th i ust. dissolved by mutuai Tconae'ntVana alraona haviug claims against the concern, will present them to L. B; Walker tor seutement; - and 'alT petsorisl tp debted to'tbe same, w'UI male fy ment to. him, bo ia alone authorised! tp ' aetUe the bualneaa of Ibe concern. , L- BJ WALKER." Raleigh, JanV ?9.j ' 9 ttf llarrela f best cJar jficd .Sugar, and good tPssortment of Brown 8ugara, received and, for -eale by r . t . fJU,B, WALKEJL . 0 tj Jan 1 19. .. ... . 3t BAGS of Rio Sugar and Java. joSbsm -jttst received by : 1 LB.iWALKR. oVibern Potafoea, by the barrel or lea yantjry.; WlUJt PECK &'80N gQTATE-OF NORTH CAROLINA. BmiTit fJCouMTt. SiperUr Ceurt of Law, Fait Term, 1848. ' :v-? Harriet WcaUov- Richard Wsstoa. v x - It appearing; to tdwJCirt,HitB4tEieltawd Wton ia notaa isttfabiUai otihia Suie.it w enkirlba oab licauoa be made Xer lhrea rtoaiftfr ia the OJd fitnh fiisia wd Rsielh.RegiKsr, or eaid Wesson to ap pear at tha next Term.oSbaBrior Court pfLnyt, a . seta- for. ge Couaty of Bertieal a.4 goort Hooso ia:VVmdsor,,aa4t..3ld fllonday- of 4.aCf, nVto plead, anawer or axmat. to aaid pelUmnpr rf," rY rr,", t euiereo aratn avau UiK. i'PHffI tW Court, Jatx. l. rr: tPv Adr. t5 ' -w - - - - -rtf 6.wt3mM A til ttldr Capnl,'a 6av-article foTaick Head Ache, juet received and for Bale by . -a S"X " P F.PESUUD. ' Feb.. - .Ti-i$yi lit ,t;jvi -tt ' T .Th eortfeniesi Darelims, now -aceuJ Ji j0' R W. SeawetL E.avidailUaaeces. ary out Bouse, ,wo bjad aOrebosL t roesnon will be gi,en the first of Jaswary mxt Raleigh Ncv. 50, lgig. O. SHAW. . 93 10 : . . .. 1 . .. : : : : - i---'"' "r- 'an tr A aw a wn civ 4; WA4MVJ.TH U4.VVlf 4TUTJV OTTZHB 9bBrtbor, batioff lately bottabt o the cBttM Stocltof B.B BUFFALO!:, tnd made UfflCrtnt'eJiUooata tbe ume. totaako tb 8tock CAmpleioVeapoctfiitlj invilea tbo Public call and cxamtaetho faia for tbemAelresV v He'feoh asrared, tbet howt pvesatirelion,bath ro qaafiiy and price eJ the articW bare beenrefatly1 aelected. and barlh ben bbuahtwfih caahrba ta dalermined riot Ito 6e undf Mid St anj .dealer in tbe City. t. iiu oiovft wuiJB r' f1 witowiug aril- 30.000'-lb;'Citycore Bacon, . 4,000 lbs. of very beat Jard, Iron and riaila -a rem eenerat . araortment. ' Castinga'.fTraee Chains, and Weeding Hoc, Loaf, Crtientd and Brown Sagars, ; Salt, Molaaaea and triah Potato, Sole and Upper Leather, J Shoea of Varioo kindi. Peppr, 8pice. Mnatard and Ginger, Tobacco; SrioflTa and Soaps, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Powder, 8boi and Lead, ( Jaga, dare and Tin-ware, - Cotton Cards, Bed Corda and Ploogh Line, And a great many articles, too nomeroaa to mention. Country Prod ace trill be taken in exchange, at a fair rate.v r r Four bandied good dry Beef Hide wsnted imme diately. . J. O. M. BUFFALOE. . XCy The South aide of old Market Street, 4th and 5th doorarEat of William 5t , Hay woood'a Drug Store. Kaleigh, March 24. 24 Eiehansc Office of C. W. Poreell & Co. CORNER MAIN AND GOVERNOR STREETS To Discbarged Soldiers. THC. 8ubacriber will collect, with despatch, Sot9isaa.CLAixaroa Bocitt LAoa,TasA oaT ScMir, and back pat, on moderate terms, and will boy and cell the aaroe at the market ratea TbcClaimaoi ntnat send bia Discharge, with an af fidatit that beta the person named in it. " Liberal Advance made on tbe same. Soldier furnUhed with Information relafife to Claims against the Government, freef charge. T T.fm aent through mail to the Subscribers, will have the came attention aa if on personal appli cation " Address : " l - J. W, PURCELL & CO. Exchange Brokers, Richmond, Va July, SO 1848. 58 tf. 71 RVfK SACKS Liverpool and Ground Alum JULQJtll'Salt.forsalsby - -T . . . K. TUCKK fr. SOW. Bale4gb,Sepu25. 78 SOLAR LAMPS. QTTTJHE Subscriber ha joat received a new and fUaVbeantifularticle of Lamps for Lard or Oil. Al so Girandole, new and handsome pattern, which will be add lew : C. B. ROOT. Raleigh, Nov. Si, 1848. 94 ' A SCETIFIC IllKDICIIf E. Great experience end judgment are reqwed t make 1 a vahabli, and at the same time, innocent purgative. This is possessed only by few. The groat majority of tbo remedies advertised of this class'are manufactured by 'person who have no idea of the relative or individual powers' of tbe drug- they use. It is this cause, more than any other, which occasions the inertness "and often iojuriou effect, produced 'by advertised remedies: 'And heneethe general prejudice which prevails against them. Now tborei etc great difitatace ia this respect, wkti regard to tbe Phis made by Dr. B. Brandrelh, and eoasequ eally, their SDpetioc oiaima upoa tlte public Jbach or the artklo com posiBglhe,Brandrth Pills, are pre paredia tat way arbich.wU aeeure their benefi ciaiaSecU to tbe system, fa the aafest and easmt manner. For'iastaaee. ao'm inrredieut hare to be prepared lotne 'yaeuo ; that is, the air i' exhausted ia we Diensu, anc remains so hoiu smuiuuu n effected with other' lagredlenta, which afterwards C event tha air from acting injuriously wpon the edicine." Ajrairt,' tho-proportfoh for each iafredieat rdepend upon itBtauldpfyingpower ftpooi otheriagre- aiont- jror lby aowat on onroi vereiaato porga tireB upoUekoh other, ia roterned by atmilar laws that govm tha power of figures by saultipJieatiOB. Nina added louifte, make eighteen i but niue timea niae are, eif btyroue- fio' it ia with aoma. vegetable purgative.. By addiag nioe parts of one iagrediant, and nine parts of another ingredient together, the power is iocreaead, not to eighteen, bat to eighty-one For example either . of tbe articles to produce any purratite affects Would have to be bsed to the extent eiebieeo rratos hav o bowed- " Aalof another in gredie'nt ta foand to tnaltiply Ttbie power ataln.hebieb in at proportion Of twgTto,;wmJd': have no 4!ect upoa the aaiaial eeooocny, batr whfeby addUo-egn taea grauaaeCA cempeaM tf twopsmsnramefwi each af twainfCadieBta vuJeaJaasiatrpJy Ihopawtr wun uwyttte fusaet egJHyfBi,pBe Iiba drad and anty.vwo,S affaia,,tb xaixtaeB(tweaiy f rajR.eai be, aUioUyUedTiyjia addition of two traiaa, to the powsr of three buadred aod Wf u'tT-four grains,. of lb orljriaaj power of 'fthe two first mgre' JS501 PP we have tweql;o gram,' which aa aurgatire, cooiaia the. power equal to three buodAd And Iweolv-fbDr 'erstin of tburiuJiJ'1.1i 4 neTrfbAieaa, ,W porfu1 'aflar being ilrwMmi bite. r Bae; la byiieaatitf iikf waya 5 having Taj niniuM.1 vwew., t wpsis Of aOIOK jury ,'of Which tboasaso bear araaU whawa. t- Letthot t ry-y ear tf kvahh.mt the POh ,Tto mBt'Mditimickti their mduinhurt. . ForaaJebyAVlUL PECK, Raieh wboUaal aud retail Areat, attaa coof pa v :. . .) 0 St XSI Herflns- a fcw Brr4 of eaeb arte-v- ed by - v- . - - - It. D. IV AA-B.ik , Jan. 19. S" St SHU kb Periodical aLlferatnre. Talnablc Preminmi ta Kev Snhtriberx. Sv air aii x. bab.lt wbilb th Tram abb' 10 w. . 1 REPUBLICATION of tbe London IjUarterly Review, the Edinburgh Review, the North Britbh Review, tbe VTesJ minster Review, and Blackwood'a Edinburgh 'Magazine. : ' 1 j The above Periodteals era reprinted in New York immediately on their arrival by the British tfteamera, in a beautiful clear type, on fine white paper; and are faithful copies of the originals, Blackwood7 Mag. ntine being an exact foe simile of tbe Edinburgh Edition; They embrace theviewi of three great parties in England Tbry, Whin and Radical" Blackwood" and the " London Quarterly" are Tory ; tbe Ed inburgh Review" Whig ; and he Westminster Review' Radical. The North British ReTiPwwiii more of a Religiog character, having been originally edited by Dr, Chalmers, and now, since bis death, being conducted by hi son-in-law, Dr. Hanua, asso ciated with Kir David Brewster. Its Literary cha acter i of the Very higfieat order. Prices, if SoLicribcd for Early. For any one af fae four Reviewa, $3,00 per annum, For any two, do 510 " For any three, do 7,00 For ail four of tbe Reviewa, 8,00 For Blackwood'a Tif a?zine, 3,00 For Blackwood and three Beviewa, 9,00 t M 14 for Itlaekwood and four Reviewa, 10,00 Payment to be made in all ease,in advance. ' ' PREMIUMS. Consisting of the Lack volumes of the following valuable Works, viz : Bentley'a Miscellany, The Metropolitan Magazine, The Dublin University Magazine, Blackwood's Magazine, The London, the - Edinburgh, the Foreign Quarterly, and the Westminster Reviewa, Any one subscribing to Blackwood, or to 00c of the Reviews, at 3.00 a year, or any two of the Peri odicals at 5,00 will receive gratis, one volmue of any of tbe premiums above named. A aubscriber to any -three of the Periodicals at 87 a yearCT to the Four Reviewa at J8, will receive two premium volumes as above. A subscriber to Blackwood and three Reviews, at S9 a year, or to tbe Four Reviews and Blackwood, at $10. will receive three premium volumes. 03" Please be particular in naming the premium desired and the works subscribed for, CLUBBING, Four copies of any or all of the above worka will be sent to oue address on psymentof the regular aub ecription for three -the fourth copy Iteing gratia. Ho premiums will be given where the above allowance is made to clubs, nor will premiums in any case be furnished, unless the subscription is paid m full to the publishers, without recourse to ana- gent. KA KLti UOPIBS. A late arrangement with tbe British publisher of! Blackwood Magazine secures to us early sheet of that work, by which we shall be able to place the en tire number in the bands of subscribers before any portion of it can be reprinted in any of the American I Journal. For thia and other advantages eecured to our subscribers, we pay so large a consideration, that we may be compelled to raise toe price of tbe Mag azine. Therefore we repeat subscribe early while the prxct is low. Remit unrea and communication should be always addressed, poat-paid or franked, to the publishers. , . LEONARD SCOTT & COn , 79 Fulton street, New York. TO SPORTSTIfHT. THE Subscriber baa jast received a fine Stock of DOUBLE 'AND SINGLE BARBEL GUNS, RIFLE GUNS. REVOLVERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL PISTOLS, BOWIE KNIVES,' GAME BAGS. POWDER TLASKSfUSHOT BELTS, EXTRA NIP PLES, iC, d-C, All.ofwbicb will be cold low. C. B. ROOT. Raleigh, Oat. 27. 8ft is4T. ; THE American Almanac, and Repository of use ful knowledge, for 1849, this day received by; '- - rrr t t m n. x. 1 univbu. CLOTIIEfO- ESTADLISHAIEIVT, " No. m, Baltimore St. ' ' ' If orlii Side, 3d Door East of Calvert , , ; r STREET, . , x - . BALTIMORE, MD. OORE ii INMAN, MercHant Tailors, res pectfully invite etleulion to their stock of rea- V made uiouiing, 01 every vaneiv, cut ana maae in . " j ,j.r-: t a superior aiyie, nu uui iuijimcu iu yucm, uuibo, or quality. , ; 1 ; . Always on baud, superior . Kleins, assiinerea, Vesting, fl-e , in their custom depart tneut, which will be mad to oreer. in tbe moat lasnwaaot. style. GenUamenNtriahiog So order a fine suit, without the expense of comiugjo Baltimore can do so by send- ia tbeir measure to . in aiaung epior, quauty, dte wh'ichv will bo attended to with the sam care, as ifjtbe ptirf base4 were present. t They feel confi dent of priuit eatue .aat4facl'on, to Tali who favor jicra Willi Lucir vruors viiivr ujr niinj m iu rawui v 53-JVlr. Iomao the agent for Bttankrantfaaupe nar rvatem bfdfafUftc Gafrnentstermi for books. spbarabsaBdinstrtictioH; $10. " il v ---v PonadeDevlMe. , . JAQUti supply oir9maoe utiuxo tor cnp kicmi 1 11 nr. -iiir-i raniri Wear) rquetl fuaaooaoce Tamktii rxBBOK, esq-, or it onnampion, as a isu 'tTdidate -fot Brirad'wv'Goneraf of th15th! Brigade etN lalilsliarraP041 of the Oeuaiiea mxt srTft a ! .mI PI A4 W ai sbb rvl An xeoTBarv o. imi - w a - tm nr- a - It 1 A is&obb nixma ,snnd aad roedBod V aio-k si-JARDl inaa to Jiand-u3IDES aad toUOI UOULDEX9 also uttered tow. . .a J . Feb. A,:', t : WILC: FECK. d SON. " ',. fJhrar and- Tobacco iPlH EWERS and SrnekaVi wUl Uud at our Drug sLad Apothecary $tore. some very uprior To bacco and Cigar. PESCUll & JUUMSU Sept . 6 72 Dr. A. P. Coopers Spino-Abdoml-nal Supporters. THE Subscribers have od hand a aupply of tbe above valuable supporters, which are re com medd led tor all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, Keuad shoulders, or prolapsus Uteri. , -i . Pf off vJVloTT.think they are .vary well adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal diatortioos, as they afford the useful combination of shoulder brace nud Abdominal supporter, with very decided eupport to the spinal column. . , , . .. ' The above braces are recommended by tbe Physi cians generally, who have seen them, and we have Eold a number to citizens of this place, who are high ly pleased with them. A gentleman observed a few day since, that he bad been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not give one of the above, for fifty auch. 44 They need no puffing as they speak for them selves." PESCUD &. JOHNSON. ILr The above Supporter is an improvement on Dr.E-CBAiNS celebrated Spioo-Abdominal Supporter. Jan. 12, 1848. (Standard.) 4 MAYHEW'S NEW WORK ?ODEL MEN. with Comic Illustration, price zo cent. 1 his day received at the N. C. BOOKSTORE. Blake PiUmau, Late or Halifax, N. C. COMMISSION MERCHANT, iflIVlSS his special attention to the sals of all Xj"f kiuds of Couutry Produce, the purchasing of Goods, aud tbe receiving and forwarding of Goods. REFER TO B. F. Moore, Esq., .Raleigh, N.C. Thos. ItL Thomas, Esq., Louisburg, N. C. W. T. Dortch, Esq., M. Westou, Jesse H. Powell, Rocky Mount, N. C Dr. J. J. Pliillip. ( N. M. Long, Esq., 1 L M. Long, Esq., V Jaa. Simmons, j Patterson. Cooper 4; Co., Wills d- Lea, B F. tlalsey, Baltleaboro', N. C. Weldon, N. C. Petersburg, . F. S. Marat. all, Halifax, N. C. Petersb irg, Feb. 1. 1849. 11 w3ra altpetre. A large supply of Refiued Salt petre just to band and for sale by PESCUD d- JOHNSON GARDEN SEEDS. THE Subscnbrr haa just received his aupply of Garden and Grass Seed, which he warrants 10 be fresh and genuine, consisting in part of tbe usu- Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Boricole, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cress, Cucumber, Egg Plant, Corn, Leek, Lettuce, Melon, Mustard, Nasturtium, Okra, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip, Peas; Pepper, Pumpkin, . Radish, , Rhubarb, vJL'",,rT 8pinage, Squaah, Tomato, Turnip, Aromatic Herbs, Graas seed and Fruit Trees, Also, a lot of Flower 8eed, which will be sold at three cents a paper, as they are not of last year s growth. . P. F. PESCUD, Apothecary oc Druggist Eeb.8. 12 FOR CALIFORNIA AND THE GOLD REGION. CAPT. R. J BARBES, proposes to make up a Stock Company, each indi vidual subscribing aud paying a certaiu smoont of cash, the sum to be in pro portion to the number of passengers or adventurers offering, purchase a good and substantial Vessel, the cargo and vessel to be owned by trie company, and each individual to be roverned by such laws and reg ulations as the said Company may make after beiug formed. Fifteen Hundred Dollars bas already been subscribed. Cant. Barbes is an experienced naviga- tor.having sailed' around the Horn, seven different times, and well acauainted witb the coast, and will furnish $700 worth of matruments lor tne outnting of the Vessel. For further information apply to HARRIS &. DRAKE. Wilmington, Feb: 8, 1949. 12 (ilJIDE TO CALIFOItNIA. "WTTTHAT I aawpn California; being tbe Jour- v v nalofaToun by the Emigrant Route and South Pass of the Rockv Mountains, across the Continent of North America, tbe Great Deseit Ba sin, arid through California, in the yeara 1846 and 1847. by Edwin Bryant, Jate Alcalde of SU Jrancie- co. rourtn oiliuon, wun an ippenuix, cuniawmg Account of tbe Cold Klines, vsnoo Route, out- fiu. etc , oue volume 12mo. with a map. . This is an interesting and useful volume. It pre sents, in an att recti veTorm, a great body of informa tion, concerning the interesting region which it de scribe, and ia fitted to direct public attention to tbe resourcee and advantages 01 tne vasi racinc ierr.no ry which we have recently acquired. Regarded a a work descriptive of a very interesting and compare tivelv unexplored portion of our own territory, it can scarcely fail to emertatn ana instruct tne general reaa er, white to tbe emigrant and tbe traveller towards tbo Pacific it ia indispensable. Wash. Ubiow. J as published and for sale, at the a. G. Cootstore Raleigh Feb. 8, 1849 DR. W. P. BAffON, IEUBEriCPlJ:5S3a Oraugc. "If . C . l"NY Communicaliou directed to Hillsboro', will attended to, ine nrsi wppononuy. tttrtTiLTttcX' A utpioiDa irom invoiier vi uwn- tal Sueery; aud Letter from dHtraguisneo genus- men, well known in every ponien 01 ids otaio. N. B. ''Every haprevement cuarges reason ame BUVM!-grv. . j ::',''. ji t : . - - Artificial XCCMl trom one, 10 rn ure seis and no .charge unless enure sauaiacuoa, aiier um- Mnt tri.L 1 - . 97 1 3nV, 1 - - 1 FRESH ARDEIf SEEDS, fpfOM PRISING !tbe most poeaiar vanUe, jost U Vreeeived, aad for sale at tbo Drug Store of. hm r m. tin Tf a XT ltTAn B rf"B f r,Btaieign,'.X '-' v " ' T 1 vTrnfnl uinhG a?aif4-,A auperier" article of Juja- be PasteiuAi received, and for' sale by reo, ana iot nie pr 7. PESCUD fri Old N SON. 4 UJJACyiFCE OVER, DRESS Alt D UST received by Express a tsjga assortment the above roods. .', , Cloak and Rnuns Toitn. Yb can aav from T9 to 810- trv- batrar' at Coat ready mBde. -atl at - - .- - . w ... r rwm a St. a aaruiofrc viotniar oter Raleigh Nov. 14,1848? . " "I... -"-,11 TT1I1 ETV RxarrelB Flour, to bind, tt Pa four of our best Mill ; part of it 9a;l ' totbe best brought here. vtiuu. sTSKip wy. Raleigh, Jan. 24, 1&49. 'w - - - . ,.:. A -' ) t JIV i'T- Floor OU ClotM Albroi Iloyt St Co., f 73 John StireeU RE NOW RECEIVING INTO Arngp FROM THEIR Factories, at Ehsbsih.T-r H a .. variety 01 new ana original patterns of HEAVY FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, in width of 18. 21 and 24 feet. They are also re ceiving from the Albany, Lansingburg, and Utica Factories, in sheet of 18 feet in width, a large assort, ment, embracing many new patterna of their ITlEOICJiTI FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Also, fronuthe Newburgb. Albany, Lansingburgh, Utica and Maine Factories, every variety of patterns manufacturing by them, of their 4-4tb, 5-4 th, 6-4 th, 7-4th, 8-4th, and 12 feet wide LIGHT FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Also, Mahognay, Rosewood aud figured 4-4,5-4 and 6-4 th English, German and American TABLE OILCLOTHS. Also, a great variety of new patterns of . - CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS. All of which they offer to ihe trade on Kberal term. Jan. tt 1849. . 6 3m iv 1 . r r ... Samuel Kirk & Son, Gold and Silversmiths, No. 172,. Baltimore Street, MANUFACTURE and have always on band, a large amount of Silver,' Table, and Tea Spoou. Forks of all sizes, Sugar Tongs, Soup Ladles Butter Knives. Salt Spoons, Silver Tea Setts, Pitch ers, Vases, Urns, Dishes, &c They are continually receiving by direct importa tions, all the new style Plated Castors, Baskets. Candlestick and Waiters, as early as they appear iu the Foreign market s Also, fine Table Cutlery, Gold, Patent Lever and Lepine Watches Jewelry of every description. January 10. u ly JAMES FLETCHER, . LOTTERY AND Exchange Broker, NO- SOUTH CALVERT STRtET, BALTIMORE, MD. TT7NCURRENT money on tbe Eastern, Wes tern or Southern Banks bought and sold: Wsnted British, French and Spanish Gold or Sil ver, at the higbeat market rate. London and Paris Exchange brought and sold. I will purchase or sell drslt on any of the principal cities in the United States , . .. , . Brilliant' JLucJc 2 ! WITHIN THE PAST MONTH. The following will show which way the wind blowsc 6,000 DOLLARS? Nos. 24 63 67, drawn January 9th 1849, in the Maryland Consolidated Lottery, Class .No, 6, sent to an old correspondent in Cincinnati, Ohio. 15.000.DOKLAR3 ! ! Nob. 6 23 43, drawn January 17th Susquehanna Canal ; No 7, cold to a gentleman in Philadelphia. 3,000 nOIjXjJIRSI No. 1 6 66. drawn January 20th, 1849, Grand, Colsolidated Lottery, Class 8, sent to Kentucky. 1 omit prizes sold by me of $1000 and under. Psys the most strict and conudeuual attention to orders sent to his address. Anawers to orders mailed immediately. Prize Tickets or Bank Notes on any of the sound Banka throughout the United Statea received in payment for tickets. qQ No postage need be paid on letters ordering tickets from him. A Granfl Lottery. $60,000 CAPITAL PRIZE. IOO PRIZES OF 2,000 EACH. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Consolidated lotteries of Maryland CIsssNo. 13, -To be drawn im tbo City of Baltimore, Maryland on Saturday, February 24, 1849. - . 78 Number Lottery aud 13 drawn Ballots. ,. SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 60,000 , , $60,000 1 40.000 40,004 1 20,000 2U.0U0 1 12,00 12,500 1 9,000 9,000 I 4,750 4,750 100 2,000 200,000 100 600 ,60,000 80 400 32,000 66 200 13,000 65 100 6.600 130 75 9,750 130 50 6,500 4,680 40 87,200 " 27,040 . 20 -640,800 32,391 Prizes am'tinr to 1 1. 20 2. 000 Whole Ticket 820 -: Quarter 5 Halves 810 - Eight '2 60 Certificate of package will be sold at the fallow ing rates: - . f ' ' - 26 Whole tick $280 28 Quarter tickets, $70,00 2& Half . . . -140 t26 Eiehtbs -.? ' -35.00 QCj Orders for packages of tickets, single tickets or shares, to receive' tirempt. attentioo, should be sent wubouMeiay. Addrene f.- : - ,s .. JAMES FLETU11EK, -No. 3 South Calvert St., Baltimore, Maryland. Jauuary 27,1849 . j H -53 ' The am a 11 84j000 lottery draw three times each week Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Tickets on j 9i, quarier zo cents; m pacasge 01 wnatca c vil laining allitbe tumbera in the wheel on certificate . 1 a w . . , . e 1 1 - only . . ' "Jv'i - U.- -T- Certificates of Jjalycs : 7.ou Do" , of qoartersi.- -30 SUBSCRIBERS to th ereetio of Ibo new Epts eopal Church, ow building ia tbbr City, are re qaeatied, on or before tba lat of March eaiutBg, te- now bo third' IkBaMIaTieBI Of iv wim va Aw OMtBjw subscribed, ta tbe Treasurer, Jab. JfdcKniiibiij ''Esq. :. Raleigh Jaa-23. I84 Tt JREDELl'S REYISAL. iOvF THE Acta of the General Assembly f N. UJa, from 18 to 1846. inkjMTeby James Iredell, Esq j for taja lry H. D. Turner, at the K. C BOOKSTORE. Pee. If W SQLDIEIIS' By LBlaBcharuiTruif Cdi V. -V WASjjfNQTi5N:SVm TTJOR many year tbiB Agency haste& sBcCaat IJJ fully engaged at the Seat of GovnrBenthi tbd piosecutioa of UlajrBBgainstUnir twti Gvtonment and against the Governnwat of Cther 1 Nation, afcd continue to prosecute with'prdmpthill,1 fide fiXy n'd fetficiency, Glaiais of -every fleaerfplKnVeBrWcialiy CLAIMS ARISING OUT OFTHE fcATELWAIl W ITH M EXICO, FOR BOUNTY LANDOR SC RI Pi PEN S I ON S; LOST H0R8E,'lxiA TRACTS, SUPPLIES, UNSETTLED5 ACCT OF PAYMASTERS,; COMMteAflErTjR! GEONS, SUTLERS, AND-AIFORHP THREE MONTHS BACK PAX NoWDUB "VOLUNTEERS sbouid forward their Ibiafglt or Surgeon Certificates, directly to the, above Atloji ney and Agents, who. can certainjy bbtaia fer ihem their Land Warrants, and a quickly aa Agenu catt who. live out of lh City. . VsXiSf .. THE-ARMY REPORTS of the kUfedand wonnV ded in our possessjon will be found ofnad impoe-' tanco to HEIRS, in obtaining their Clarm for battt pay, extra pay, and other allowances', r-.. 1 - i TWO THOUSAND LAND :WAatFARf 6 WANTED, f which the highetprica wilf bj given ' . '. - i -a -ew t'fi". - AUENTf?, Of those desiring fo become efach aL'all r-ici-ive upon applicai ion promptly; the bert 'and mW complete FORMS htfnatruetibBnabiiifii ' imf " uc prweru juiiu wiiii, bju wuouui erring in. tDSj buriness of collecting Claims for prosecution, " TbJ most liberal division of profits rvill bc mad witU 8Ucn - . v . t . f 60,000 Officers and Soldiefa of tbejUvtiobaf War we have Roll and Records ot the service Let widows, who do hot receive the fait amount of Pension allowed to ilieii i husbands' especially, apply to as, and we will nave the same increased-: Lei others apply aso; , V I -rft fri. B, Letters owing to the number received mnsi be post-paid. , , V ;.4i From the highly satiafactory (csUinbbial giveii by many gentlemen of my acquaiulaoce, to the cha racter and qualification of JUrjTruei I. have rjBttbti slightest hesitation in recommending Jiim to all wbd may desire hi services, ; as fully competent to give' entire aatisfaclion in whatever be may undertake vi HORACE STRINGFELLOWf '- - - - Rector of Trinity CbircBr 1 Washington, July 15th, 1842. -i ; . ! - T I take pleasure in stating that Mri L. DTaficbafjt True, of the State of Maine, it a Kraduafe of Boar' doin College, tber highest literary instHutibn of tbd estate, and among the foremose in 7New Englabdj that, he is a gentleman of good character ajbd Wbrtb1 1 doubt not be will give full satisfaction wherever hie' may be employed. , GEORGE JSYAN8, U,B. August 2, wt-: . r.;.r,; Would respectfully refer to' tbe 'faidwiigneat.: Nathn Cliffoid. Minister to Mexico: Hon. W. P. Mangum, Ex-President U- (8. 8 14n. J. W. Jones, Ex-Speaker House of Jlrpij M. B. Lamar, Ex-President of Ttxaw . ;, II on. Levi Woodbury Justice tj Sup' Qaarf Hon. A; P. Bagby, Minister to Russia,4 vs Hon. Judge Semple, U.S. 8enate, s 3 Hon. A. H. Stevens, House of Rep - h Hon. Judge Dean, - dor- 'do'. ' -. - -- Hon. ILSt. John, ' 'do ; dtT" - : . -' Gen. Covel,; Washington City, late vf III. Hon. RobuP. Dunlap, House of Reps; Hon. Luther Severance, Hon. Judge Dawson, r . ; Hon. VV m. Perraenter, : Hon. J. Jameson, -Hon. Thw. Smith, Hon. Freeman H.-Morse, , 4a- '' do do--do4 dd 3 do dd flo do 4 Hon. Josiah Herrick, do Hon. Andrew Stewart, y Hon. T. W. Haskell non. joiin xi. vrozier,. And to Members' of Conrci. i and" Heads of DeeatlJ menl generally; 'J' JZj:' if-J Office Wulard's Hotel. Bufldioesv cornel J4th f. and Pennsjlvaniivenue. if' itt'Xli Washington City, Aug. 9, gWmljil LATE PUBElCATiOWS' PILGRIMAGE1 tovtb HolyirfiMinaf tine. ' "-M ?sa ty- '. . v . v avvi wuvu. 1 - aW4B4W Youujf Molben-brAfle6ti;s--.1 " ' ThoPoot ouslnvtyMisa rtmg?-h ' The Lftneashl nr Witcbea, byJAoawortfi A Thai Old -Jadge; or 'life in 'a' Cofony hi Jugif r HaHroortou- ceiitM The Mysteries aad Mieeriea'of New' Yorjgft Three vear After ; A sequel to Ibe kq6Y4 ' Victim' Revenge;- f'. k-. :r-J?yttf$$S Memoir of a Physician by Pumaa. i -'',!',1. . '" Gnarie UM alley f.New JEdrtioo. Raleieb.Teb. u f fTI.HE SnbscTiber wishee to dispose Of a second - II ha nd Bsmd with ntmnd s harness. 1 1 U ca a bw seen at the store of Mr. Ja.-MTowle. i Feb.H0,'1849i:-.ri -r'vr? CAIf dies, ia i-a cets PEjiJuai - BALTIMpRft mlSm: fTflHE Subscriber f prepared to TotAiali . tBiij 11 article of oried Candy, at the'above -priceV p'uTup in 25,40, eo;;70, p. iQQyiC: Wben 100 lb. boxes af peered, the bo is pot c'lar--gedfbjiC No box charged over Tortj ci. or pndertO cbsi,' Bccording , to size. Ta .Csiudy!, J arrauiaid not to ' ikk-Bo.,1undsom,'-and: vetl ' JUvorad Order with' a remiuance, or Cit v nekune. prompt- Also, Orntes, LemOT. Fl . A!iaoridL,rAin. nl Brjf rtide Qtmllr kciK ia; iratfe axjorkd a. v,' viap9rhf-'A4TJll&Sl0Es ' ? :tWtr.vQ,jf5 AfiuKakAfMBt - BalUasota Febj 14; I849if ic? ; lP'214? a Th rew A.L topper luutMtu cop- Live oak i-ttTM tcilt fer. sr, will sail love, cai!y b f pfStiSs'- 8he can take the Hon. Albion K. Parris, 2d C'onip; Tfea: Dep I Wm. G. EUiot, Principal Clark P. O-j)pra Gen; John. Wilson, M9ouri fc ''y?T,j Hon. Jo tee Pitlsburv. House of Rensi' lite (Queens of Lngiaad, by Atfne, Strickland ; 13 Volume in 6 Octavo. ' ; ' This day received it tlierf ; M For Qiifronmciiff r ,-Bered.' K Tor P4 - vis .-SO'&i 'j&y?

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