I, - 4. : v r p . 'T i" 1 t XERS. ' Sat. i . U.ooa n it I - fi Jurb; Price of Pek.ef 24 180 SO It fto 7 So It to r 7 to f- 7J : r t 7$ i7M i 7 m be U Lh old - reb, ?AMED I- :st iitxU acUtV xrietyv ViUtsll ;titub, .xncy. variety tickets, rwnplly ibrWard j the only - -. r" u ' UB C. 01O. t Prizes S of KY ix -tad ivuJged. -WPy- i darts. 3 7 00 TOO inio 3i0 ' 9 . 0 23-00 is; i 8 0 S3 Oo 18 So .7-00 is 5o 31 & 700 25' 00 8.00 45 00 ,18.80 73 00 14 00 22 M 8 00 27 80 17,00 T Z 80 ItJW 70 tt 50 59 00 onlyb trwaroV -isrx I per -rrrA ; &JL ?--sdate :ytnd- caaii abign ;3 75. I above :t or Ubwazp'd by party ran to JIt Ilka brotlma. RALEIGHv Nv'C.'' . : -, j - ' i K if - Catnip XTondiXX - -fCot'Ctattu-- ; WoWeri taai' IU fcBnrlij MmVri of tit CoaacQ antmSud ta tk Capital, la pnrmae of th e3' of Grraor Wat, U:A. EErwio, Tkaa A. Atkiaaoa; Caarlc L. PyM, Joha Wla abw, tad Joiaai Taylot. Kimirt and ww orftn had oa Tawday yjlataeatv of CeL TajUo as PnaideaL oad L. Catc Maaly as Sao ratary.,.- t . .. . , . t- ; Thofonowlaf nomhuBons wers .ttertapoa saV, mitted by ta'o Oortrnor, fi : - i ' ; " VrJWi f lMttnul Jmrwrment: -Frederick" J. Hill, of Brsnnriek Coaaty, 5 CalriaGnTes, of Cifwdl Cotmtj. .. ' Rickard Hlaes, of Toko Catmtj, Otorga UlUei ; ;1 do--t, ".y , Wcldoa N;Edwtrdi, of Wtrrc Coaoty. Then aosaiiaUins vert all aualtaotial eon firm ed, and Ho CaancH :toereapoa 'odjourned Tfitkoat -J . yi&r9 la tals ppr occoaaV fto vU Natiooal loUUifeaeer, of too Impoaing eertawales of taa XoaagonUoaof Gaa. Tatuo Into thePreai doa6al CaalrJ twetber witk lis Addrcaa oa too oe cftsioa ; tat iroal elaiai of U apoaaalVeml at- leaUoB, noosOim diapa or reaift ia iw brorUyt. As has beta weU reaurkod by tho BaL tlnStta1wJodctuooBt taathaa Ter emanated from aa iaedabeal of thM PreaideotUl Chair, bas by thi peculiar aeriK aw ooauaoadod itaolf to sodif foaiTO a popalarity. .Waitber aaaiyais aor ayatoeau weald aid tbo ! reader la Its peraaaL It Is like one of toe Generaabattleo B aeoa VUU, for instance eatandeoaipletola UaelfUioTery ii of Ua Tho Address broauot tM saao pauotto spun vhica cbanctcrissi sll.irodaotioas4f fh Pres ident, tad reiterates tte pronaiie of fidelity to tho ComtitoUon, and ohemjcoto tho -priadples vhlob foverned the admlnittrationV of the earlier Presi dent, 'and particularly thoce of tho Patberof bis J Coaatry. Hs FilLrocoomemdoonsUtatioaai taeaa ares tt proper to secure at$wfrgtMSt and protection t$ tkt great otfierof if ifrteuUetcmmerc4 and swa ttfctttrt; U vmprttt nrryetttei Jtartw f to pro Tide for the speedy extfBguIhment of the "public debt; to enforce" aVrik accountability oa the part of oil oificors of tho fOTerameot, and tho ataost economy in all pWi olpeaditares. Theoo interests eared foT, ho vill bbserro strict" neutrality in tho eonfltctt betvWfere aatioas, and .eadesror io. presorvo peace Whb oil. 'r lr7t are fUd to too Uis sentiment ezpfie! liho Addreai, for it pofats to the true poKcy of d& 'eoontfy-itte policy VniciwilTdiTsl. opatha resonrceo; isw tho VesiAaad power of tho BsUoanurp jUasefolaess, end cootnbote noot to the enduring happiness of the people. , To say that the Address oqaals oar' expectations in tnanner and matter,-Is to itte bat a feeble expres sion of oar approbation of it. .:. It contain all that oaghf to bare been said, and aothing that should vbara beea oauUed. Jt lays do wa no plat f era for future action, bat thai of the Constitution; sod makes no pledge bat that of a faithful discharge of doty . It -aill bo unrreraally read, and, we Tent ore t a assert. as nniTersally spproedr-for. there'is aot .single sentence of H to which just oxeeptioa Honesty ,of parposo perrsdos owy liae, la ths clear head, sound- heart and patriotW spirit of the President, the people haTe ereiy guarantee, that tho aflUirs of the GoTenuaent'.irill bo odmiaistered or the honor, prosperUj tod happlatss of the whole ns- At.tit Mrs ftli Is thbCjryca Saturday Ust, rtlaUro ta the great Central Eail Head project, i cj port Utercstifi2 tad tst'eaishic; afrtlitlral facts Vtra dfti!cpod by the CposJw'rsj Ulastratlro of tie Ixs&eaM pecaaiary iadftiitajea; 1st sstlsgs alooe, ai forded to these woirs fatprtd with Rail Road t mUei; jTt irffl fefeir? YrOM of.tat csset k teJ,,WUh reXertnra to tho IUleign aaa uesron mu Bold, en n Jo Its preset dilapidated tad wreUhed eoaditioaw Td . tha Coaaty f GroatjUa alone, if was establlahed frtwa antheatioatod data, that ia the oxpoftatioa cr rooecoorr01- swgie bthoo inn the Pepot at lienderson, totne 1 or 813,000 perta aaai, we think, irss ttred to tha prodocer, in com pmrisoa with ths old plan of gettlsg it to market in wsgoaa ka aad perhaps as kooch,' or more, was shown to bo Bared in thi price paid for the Imports-. tioa-oflhotrtIcIesof.'SaIty JrcaTXlme, a The same ad rantages were showa.to- exlst with. regard to the srtiales prodoced in, and brought on tho Road to this County v i Wo do hope to too those facts tad statistical dnwa from sboawst tathentio-soureos, spread before the people In order that they may bo srouVed to seo the Vast necessity for pablio improTv meats, to oar prosperity sod odraaeemeat ia Com mercial iaportsac and wealth, -i .-. Wf Joiaoor arighber of tho "Standard," ia re gard to his tiews about " working oat subscriptions," and quote from that paper thf following article from the- last' "Saliabury Watchman,", ; which furnishes an Met of tho best way to do the work": ; -: cTats is Tsia wat to no rr. We hero undouht. ed tathority for saying that If onder tho Charter of the Merth Carolina Rail Road ta arrangement can bo made by which subscribers fbr'stock will bo able to workaut their subscriptions io the manner sug gested in the newspapers, the whole amount neces sary to execute the work ia Rowan. (33 miles) will be taken by her dtisens rtaitif f - We know of two gentlemen that hove declared they wil take 0 miles of tt, end two others end (bars heard oTJ one hidyf who have determined on taking one or two miles each, and several who eay they will go into the bttsineso to some extent. We will vouch for Rowan. Her capitalists, we admit, appear, to be ftaud; but her working men tre sptrtted taL bold." As the B Stsndard'1 obserres. of coarse nothing Is said Is the Chart ct for the CentralJUil Road, about working .out subacriptlons ; but that will make no differesca. W hoa the stock ahall baTO been taken, and the required am oust paid iarit will be for the Bute sod thejStbckhdldert oomblned to say in what mode tnd upon what terms the work shall be done and we can hare no doabt, Uhereforo, that aabscrip. lions may,to a conaiderabla extent, be worked out aad furthermore, that in all contracts to be let, the Stockholders wiTl bosi they boght to be, preferred. Sayj for Instance, an UdlTidaalsabscribes $3,000, and lakea a ocatract for that amount. He does 83, 000 worth of 4 work receives $3,000 In-eaah, and, throwing la 81,000 worth of labor, bo gets on evi dence of Interest in the Rood 'to the amount of $3, 000. 'There It Is. In cliin EnrlUh : and' this ia the way, maiaJy, in which the Rood is to be constructed. A similar plsa, we believe, was adopted ia Georgia, and with the best results. , uIt ia of tha arat'Iraiiortaiica ta th Bon1 of Ra. - F - "rr leigh sad of Wake County, that they should arouse themselves fully oa this subject, tnd get ready to put their shoulders to the wheel. All we ask of them is toj tt the figures, tad let self-interest, If nothing else,' decide.' But beyond .this, what has not the State done for this community ?,' J t placed tha seat qf government among us, sad ia doing so expended nearly a million of dollars ia our midst. As the re sult of this, there is slso disbursed here aot less than $40,000 per annum; and recently we have had loos ted among as tho Lnaatio Asylum tnd ths School for the Deaf and DaaUJsaU this nothiag? Does it not bind as, even ia common gratitude, to the peo ple of the Eaet and West-oow' so nobly struggling to units their InUrests sad their destines) tnd la do ing sOjUb benefit as, as wsll as the State generally to make aa effort to "forward and consummate the work li We aoper oar feUew-dtlxeos of all parties will ponder open these things bring ths proposed measures to the test of utility tnd self-interest,' (to ssy nothing of State pridej and then determine wise ly for themselves snd their posterity. This is, per haps, the last opportunity we shall have, for years, for improving our condition. The sands la ths hour glass are fast ebbing twsy ; and if this occasion bo allowed to pass, ankeproved, t long fareWelF to prosperity and enterprise in this community.'" Another- Great Pictorial Paper. " Wilsos" 8l Co, of N ew Tbrk, have issued a most minificent pictorial Inauguration, sheet Double Baornca Jonaraaa, ia oonimemoralioa of General Taylor'a taking bis seat ia the - Presidential Chair of the Nation. Il Is filled with five large and bean. tifully printed engravings ehsracterietio of the great event, among which tre portraits of Tsylbr tnd Fill more, the sixs of lifoCTrbol principal picture ista exact representation of " Old Zaclt" delivering bis Insugursl Address,' surrounded by the great men of both political parties. The Doleful Doings of a Dis sppointed Patriot la sesrch of aa ofScothe rich Adventures ia California ths Intagnration Ball the Battleef Buena Fiats aad other aabjecta are also amply illustrated With'spirltod snd -well executed Engravings. The'crloe of the iheet U 124 cents tarjr, or ten for one. dollar. v i. " A message was received la the Senate, en Tues day, frotn tbt Pfssident of ths United 8utes,by ths hand of Col Bfiss, bis Private SecretSry, understood to be thf nonUnt Uena f his Cabinet, as follows : John M. dayton, of Dtltwtra, Secreury of State. Wa M. Mersdith,"pf Ptnniylrania,Sec'yIof the Tresiary7.fTV: t George t7. Crawford, of Oeergis, JSwretary of War. ; - ... ,; MiXi.i:!w''; Wm. B. Prestoa, of Yx Cecrstiry of the Msvy. Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, Homo TJeartment. ?. Boysrdy Johaseaj of Maryland, Attorney. Gen eral. . " - .. VrV . . -J tcob CoDtnw.of Yenaoat, P7xtruster Gestnl - ijuuaam ZZotal, How Tors -This Hotel,1 the Advertisement o? which wltt U fwud la this ptpery Is second to none in poi4tvef leeation, tnd the txH! la which it U kept by Messrs. THE OHIO V. & BZX ATOR. ballottiBgs iaifcaXegisiatart abow that ths Bfw D-8 Senator, lit. Chase, was alected by b B0 f Democratloand Free soil totes, aoV Whig ud Fr Soil, as first reported.1 'From tbis fsot, wo iofr how his politics! sympathies run. The reports of the proceedings in botVHonses of Congress daring the session of Saturday night, ox hjbit acenes of the most discreditable character seen ef of personal violence aid . outrage bamiliatiug to the country, and well calculated to bring its Na tional Legialatnre Into disreputs. We regret that say "member of Congress should have so far forgot ten thtj dignity of his station tnd bis own self re spect, as to have been guilty of the sets imputed to some tntlemeni There can bo no apology, offered for" thsm for, whatever differences msy , aave.be eared, or however improper the langusge which msy have beea ased la the excitement of debate, neUher tho Senate nor the House were the proper places' to settle accounts between members by; resort toTper sonsl comUta ;Ws"m proceedlngsj'tnd Ukthtt they will. not jbo ap proved ty t single iadi vidua! of respectability in the Uniext k' .- - -' . 'r'- ' ..-'v:1v4-" i -o js new Dpeoxea ox vorew. , . Gen. G. D. MrrcasxL, an intelligent tad experi enced planter of Warren county, Miss, ass recent ly Introduced the culture of a new kind , of CoUon, which he calls the Prolific Pomegranate, and which, is said to surpass any other speeiesof the gsesypium family yt produced in this eonatryTae stalk does not attain aieight wntlly; svhsA.fonr: Or ;flve feet pat every portiea of the plant it litertlly jeot-. ered witb bolla,wbicb are tnstainod iaaa'apright positioa 'by tbe sxreagtb and vigor of the Irtea and branehes. The chief pecollartty of this plant is that tb em tad brtnebas . btyaa Jointi aa,ln other kinas , end although tbbolls'tre so anxaeron lhere can Wno Inconvenience in puking. la fact aa'ex per picker might at one graapngatber lmtf a dosea at t tima. The staple is basatifal and far norttiK ly'fbasj the best Pettt rulf. '-': -.. Froa.joajlrd of an aarsj' pQnr$ lirnmtu. gathered tad weighed the past toaa 2143 lbs. of Superior eottoa. -One hundred-pounds ef the seed eottoa yielded 33, lba.; lint, mnd by ta occnrsls test hs toand thit sixty-five boila made one pound of linti? Movx Aoxrr Coxaaxn Pxarxa mOxswA bill Utrodaced Into the dhlblbtaie by-UrV Chase, prohiMbJbUbKwU the SMijceptlBi flemporaryienand sWrsaders them incapable pt tcqoiring orholding ml or personal property. w r r-Axmz tho last tots of tie Ute U. & Senate, was tbeesssge ef tha Uoata Sin,- eaJUtsblegV la W eordsnea with 4be recomaen4ation tt tbt: Ute Soe reUr TrtTT.tSr. Wi'"e;aeir Djn psrtmeat in our Gcvvrnaeat, eaUed Tht f lcaae Depart menu The Bill was reported from the Com mittee ea Wtyt and lileans, of the Hboitnd pro T?4 .Wryi : wih lheswsaftry'tnd the tae power of appoinjaurnt and rraOval-aa other Heads of Deportments, aad foereferrtn2 to him the soperiatendenee nf the 'Patent dffice. of tho 1st Comptroner's Officof the Marshals tadClerka of the United States Courts, of the ladltaiBareao, ZjtndOffice, die. - " . -.--i?.-5i-; ,,''4' T Tbe Iiratibnal inteingeneer 'says; OmC toe pi sage of his Bill may be falrlr ascribed tothovreieht of character and just influence of the Chairman of the Committee of ; WtysTtadMeans, rVTisroaJ who has saeceeded n carrying thronghl a meaanrs heretofore frequently presented in vain to the con sideration of both Houses by some of the wisest tnd most experienced of our Statesmen'aod, smong tbea, J roore than thirty years ago, by President Madison. . v There bat. been for; a long time aeeded a subdi vision of labor in the Executive ofiees, which would secure promptness tnd responsibnity In the despatch of pobllo .business ; The recent set' will serve to lighten the trduous labors of the ether Secretaries. Tho labors ef the Treasury, particularly, in several of Its departments, ts well as of the Secretary him self, tre almost beyond human endurance tnd, of ooursej the business of the Department has attffered from demy tnd neglect. . ' , Thus, by the passage of this bill, Gen. Tayloi has a seventh Cabinet Minister; snd auch is the cnaracter or toe uaties ne will bave to perform, that an intelligent writer bns expressed the belief that he will be tho u Premier, In regard to influence aid importance, In this great Empire." thb ouraoiNo or. thb old akd INCOMING OF THB NSW. ; The subjoined article, foand ia the " Lynchburg Patriot is so much better then any thing we could offer, on the same subject, tnd expresses our senti ments so much bitter, than we could do it oorself, we . commend the whole of it, to the dispasaionaie judgment ef all unbiassed readers.. THE ADMINISTRATION. This week brings to t dose the eventful Oylapiad of James K. Pol k, and consigns the sceptre of his power to the unlineal hand of hia Whig successor. Unlike his "illustrious prod ecestor," Mr. Van Buret, Mr. Polk had the good sense and discretion. to waive hia claims to t re-election to the Presidency, thereby averting a direct expression of public opinion on the merits of hie administration of the Government., He did not wait to be elected by the voice of the people, from hia high station, but gracefully yielded to t fate which hi sagacity told him wm inevitable. t . , Whatever of comfort or of consolation thia circum stance may afford him in his retirement, it cannot blind blm to the fact that he has been virtually re pudiated by the American people, and, that, sentence of condemnation baa been pronounced, in the most emphatic manner, on the policy of hia administration. The defeated candidate of the Democratic oartv. in the late Presidential election, was thoroughly Identi fied with all tbe prominent measures of the present Administration. ; It was to his bold and unshrinking advocacy of those measures, that he owed his nomin ation as Mr. Polk's suecessoi and it was ehiefiy upon this ground that bis partisans claimed for him the support of the people. . , - . - . ? . In the rejection of Gen. Cass. Mr. Polk cannot but read si signal rebuke of bis own conduct tnd pablio policy, and be retires from the service of his country. without its parting boned let ion or "well done, toon good and faithful servant." ' Under the circumstances that attend his exit from tho publio stare, Mr. Polk will naturally turn from the present to the -future, tnd console himself with the pleasing anticipation or a more favorable verdict oa his public coed set, hereafter, than bis countrymen are at present willing to award; butts long as the tree principles of tho Constitution shall be revered ea long ss ths President of tho United States shall be regarded as the servant of the people and not their master; the popular decision of November last, on the merits of the present Administration, will stand confirmed by the sober judgment of the American people. - . - . . Mr. Polhrmsy point to his triumphant tnd bus eeesfal career in the path of warand eonoueat.' He may point to the brilliant and anbrokan series ef military triompne, which marked tbe progress or our armies from the Rio Grande to the capital of the Astecs, and which have shed aa imperishable lustre on the American arms. He nnysboast of the plenti ful harvest of glory - which the country has reaped, and contemplate, with the feelings of gratified vanity, the dazxliog achievements which have illustrated tbe annals Of his own Administration ; but the American people will not soon forget, that all these splendid results had their origin in n gross and flagrant viola tion of the Censtitotion ; and, if they are true to the faith of the republican liberty which they profess, they will continue to regard the preservation of that instrument in its parity snd integrity, ss t considera tion of far higher moment than all the glory that was ever won en the battle-field.: ' 4 ' The policy of Mr. Polk baa brought to the Union sn immense secession of territory, but,' whether this acquisition, with til its golden, accompaniments, 3s destined to prove t blessint or a curse, time only can developed if it has unfolded to our cess visions of national wealth pad power it has also stirred into activity; ths fesrfol elements of domestio discord snd strife. But even supposing that the dsngers which it bat Invoked shall be happily dissipated, and the benefits which it promises' be realised, the endj how ever much it may redound to tbe wealth and gran deur of our country, can never justify ths means by which it was attained ; tnd enlightened pablio senti ment will, in all future time, reprobate as unconsti tutional tnd unjust, th act y which a' weak; and defenceless nation was despoiled of its possessions by a more powerful neighbor. '- ' ' i. h - , i .t 1 -iOsr-Tbe Swords .aoted, by Congress to Major Generals Butler; Twiggs, Qoitmao, Worth, Hen derson, snd the heirs of the late Gen. Hamer, bare just ; been finished, and forwarded from the celebrated manufactory of Autt of Spnngfleld. Tbsy are reaUy amgnifioent j cost $9,000.-,: t . u 1 " On Friday, Gsnsral To wson, in the presence of t numerous tssembisge of officers, received from the President of the' UnlfStates the Swbrd'intended foV Gen; Worth,' (as desired by Jthtt officer, be beiag bow stationed ia NeavMextee J s The etaere win be seat, as early as practicable, by private conveyance, to Ihelr respective own Irs. " 1 ;Tbf following Oriaioxs bate been deUftred since ' I Ejc7oSAirra'roE"CALrr;srtiA. The berk; Algoma ailed from PhTltdeTphU ob Wednesday, last, with the Alroma Minins! and Manofactbrlnr' Company, 13 In auaber ;" the Maunch Chunk Mining Cempe- . m r - ' -wa .t' ' : . : ? a. - BY IS ta numoer, una a? ewers. nu-mMum wav eShrfaet lea&aad catga valaertt $123:000. file resaals sailed from Boston on .Thursday for California; tbe ship Sweden-Wit h 170 passengers, among whom sre tbe 'Mount Washington and Rox bory Sagamore Companrtho ship:Kegulas, witb 134. tad barque Thames, whh 34 pissengera. The ship Charlotte, aitlt'l tsaseagers, end tbe bark Edward, with 33 paaseajarig ".ejeo cleared same The steamship Northerner sailed,, from NTork on Thuraliy foe Chsgrts, with 160 posseogersv -i . f- ' ,'r, i t-.-4f- WnaTt rsra-NAsrsr' This qaestloa 'u'asked by a ooteaporary, tftevdVoarlblnga newly-inveated masieal instrument,' ealled'Xylo-Cordeon, or Troa deamlphiiipinotrasiamenta ' M ' oar lastxtotlcet" . Wattm, a J. Ia Mosby s. Htfyter. from War rent judgment reversed snd judgment bore for de fendant. . Also, in Armstroag Bakesvf rem Edge combe, reversing the decision ef the Court below and directing a procedendo.- Also, In Dim ex 4m. Mor risey . lifU, from DiipUn, revtrstegtho judgment, end directing a tsatrir o asrtf. "Also, laSpruiU r Moore,: In Equity rum, Martio. orderi-rg aa eTKjtJi-, ry and directing a decree for dividing the negroes. Abo, in the matter oflMakepeace and Christian from Montgomery, reversing the order of the Supe- rier Court . At.o,'in"Kea . Robeson, in Equity from Bladen, dismissing the bill with costs." ' ' - w . By NsSk, J ia the ease of Briujr. Pstterson, from, Grecnaj reversins; the judgment and remanding the cause. Also, in Lee o. Patrick, from Craven, rever sing the judgment and. directing venire it noes. Also. In Roulhto r. White, from Bertie, efSrmior the judgment. '' Also Jn Cullipher a. Gilliam and Butler, from Bertie, affirming the judgment below. By Psassos, Ji: fa Poole a. Cox, from Wake, af firming the judgment below. Also, in Dot ex 'dent. J ordan v. Marsh, from Chatham, directing m venire dt aws. Also, in Myers tv Beeman and Belcher, from Pitt, affirming the judgment. .'Also, in Metres 9. Town of Wilmington, affirming the judgment Abo, in Caton v. Willis, in Equity from Craven, dismissing the bill with eosts. Also, in Faaeettc v. Barbee, from Orange ; judgment reversed and judg mept here for plaintiff., Abo, in McDaniel and others o. Stoherand ethers, in Equity .from Stanly, reversing the interlocutory order of the Court be low. Abo, rn Griffin . Carter, in Equity, from Northampton, reversing the Interlocutory order wltb costs. ' ' ' , ITEMS OF NJjlVEL ; Lkoislativx TsLtoaaraWe have received, from Hsrrlsburg, t copy of t vote taken by the Leg islative Telegrsph, as it b called, recently' fitted up In the House of Representatives ot Harris burg. Tbe members tote by touching keys (for y eas snd nsys) placed at each desk ; the result at each touch being t perforation on tbe yet or no side of t prin ted list of members named. The vote here recorded comprises fifty-eight y ess snd forty noes; but the written statement on the record b that the whole vote was recorded in less than two seconds. ' U. S. Bot-jnuKT Comm isaioi. Col. W. H. Emo ry was among the passengers who sailed r6ra New York, on Friday, in the steamer Northerner, forCht gres. " This gentleman b charged with the command of the military attached to the Mexican, boundary commissions, sad ths direction of the scientific ope rations connected with it GsNKSAta Tatlou aso Scott It is said that General Taylor has written to Genera! Scott invit ing him to return to Wtsbington tnd make that bis headquarters, r ... Tax DirLOXATio Skvoolks The Commercial Advertiser, in reply the PhCadelphb Ledger, says : a As to the accusation, we tre tt liberty to say that it comes from tn official source ; that it haa been for some time tecessible to the authorities at Washing ton, with the evidence to sustain it ; and that we have been ready from the first to speak out full on the subject, and waited only in the expectation that such a charge would be thought worthy at least of an in quiry, if not by the officials tt Washington, certain ly by the official organ of the Government.''. Qaery f How does it happen the above charjre has not been investigated, and the official conduct of Henry u. Ellsworth, our Charged' Affairs at Stock holm, has not been examined into ? . 07 The Wilmington Journal thus alludes to the new Senator from Delaware: Mr. Wales is t man of excellent abilities, snd good judgment; be b an unblemished Whig, tad t genuine patriot. It b unnecessary for aa to refer to bb party labors for many years, for every Jbody knows that he was always ready and willing to give hb best efforts In aid of the Whig cause, to which he b indbsolubly attached- That hb inflaeoce and speeches have been effective of great good none can deny, tnd there b many a man among, us who owes his illumination on political matters to the plain truths presented to bim by Mr. Wslea The Whigs repose the fullest confidence In Mr. W. in hb new position, knowing that hb future will accord with bb past action, and be marked with wisdom and pa triotism ; and doubtless be will reflect great honor on the State he represents ; s.. Goon Darramos A town clerk, in Massachu setts, in making out the census tnd stating tbe oc cupations of u unmarried girb snd boys," ss requir ed by bw, writes thus to the Secretary of State: ' My vocabulary b not extensive enough to express in a single word the occupation of unmarried young ladiea Can't do better than to set it down yr foration for wuUrinonf. .- :" Riqht. At t'eebbrstioa dinner on the 22d inst In Charleston, the health of Dr. Samuel Gibson, an amiueut clergyman 'of that city, was proposed. ' He gave in response the following : Industry Xc9nonfPvnctvaltiyFidclity--Ttm-perance and Perseverance ; out Inexhaustible Cali fornia on the Atlantic shore. PailfTINO PSKSSKS, POLPITS A5D WoMEK. These are the three great levers that govern the movements of the world, t Without them, the bottom would fall out, and society would become chaos tgain. The press makes people patriotic, the pulpit religious, but women snswereth all things. There would be no going to church if there were no girls there neither would there be'sny going to war were, the soldiers to meet with no tppbuse except from the masculines. Without the sunshine shed by women, the rosebuds of affection would never bloom, nor the flower of eloquence germinate In short, she b the steam engine of delight, sad the great motif e pow er of jove, valor and civilization. .. i .. - , . . - ' rOB TBE afCOlSTSB. - CaAsax. Htlb. Dbbetib Society March 7, 184 " v. Wo are called npott to- bment the death of tbe Rev. Dr. N. H. Harding, of Milton, who has been stricken down by Divine Providence, in the evening of hb bright career. - During the abort time in which he wes a member of the Dbbetie Societyy bbrlite rarr efforts were marked with treat success. Pre- vioue to hb mttrieubtion in tbe University; he em braced the Christian Religion applied himself with iadetatigabb exertion to the atady of Divinity aad soon tequired the requisite eminence' to be enrolled among the most talented ministers of our State, v In rememberaaee of whomi e if -;r? W ? m Resolved, That the Society deeply regrets bein deprived of such a bright ornament, and is conscious that the Fresoytewaa - i;turea ana eoo community In whioh he lived bat sustained an irreparabls loaa. . Resolted, That the 8ooietj feeb deep svapathv with the relatione and friends of the.deeeased, and that in tokos of thb WO will wear tbt usual badge of mourning for thirty daya?tv;r lUsolvtd, Ths teoTT of these Rosolailone be sent te tbe retatiaas of the decesaedLand tboto the MU- ton Chronicle Raleigh. JXesbUr and SUndard re- queaung: tnetr pa oiioQien.' p .v iv,; john m. Johnston; -'V i -r; GEORGB,VYOUNGv Committet . JeiTersoa. once siid-aTUUUt of using ardent spirits by men ia o3ee, a occasion ed laore-injury teethe pallia, ' ajad raore trouble to me, than til other einiet "sad were I te eemmence my.adminbtration sgain, with tbe experfenca f now; have, the. first question;! jwoold- tsk respecting' a candidate weald be, Does be uae.ardeo spirits V SiTrfifeatSs a Pij tdelpbin last week : 74 adults aad 76 children of consumption 34 ; ' small pox 3. dkd i?mt the following twUce frbratbiB itick We'fcsre seldom been tnoe ttelbed byny pobKc exbibiJlon, thin we were fey tbe. Corn trf of these ifngera, at the Exchange Concert Room eti Vyedneadsj erenioir.' JTber "1 had been pro- Wed. It si troev; by the, most' farbrtble reportsf tbe enure. IX ortberq presv weM asth?of botft London tod Paris, having ODi.tcd - tf .their praises Yet it is no seldom that fa nyperforane ever comes up to our previous concept icno; that we went prepared for t Usa pppfntmenL at nature the opposite of tbstahicb .we scJuaUy eiper wrced. y?f We not skilled jn tbo technicalities of the mnsieai science, andcsn, iheretere-nfy speak of what we oorsel res fe IV snd of srbat thw todience appeared to. ne taieel. f v J t iutttj piece which they atteropted wa exiv cu,ed:H wa tfwught, io a style of superkw - ele gsnce ; tnd tt they were al of ouch t charactet ta to be understood end appreciated by tnr, the least coUivsted esr they railed forth; ot. etch fresh occasion, a ;.bq'rat of besrt-feltSpptatise. Madame Lovarny, whose Voice b one of great sweetness tnd compass; was' compelled, by the admiration af the audience, ?o repeat netrly all the "pieces in which she snng. - ' - The most wonderful part of the performance however and one" which so nearly resembles mafic, that it woald bare obtained for the per former w the dark' ages, the questionable honor of being- reckoned a professor of the hia ek-art, was'' that oV Herr Stoepel upon tbe Xylo Chor deon. ' This instrument, as i ita name iaiporfs,is not hi no; more than a number of pieces , of wood,' connected st the ends by cm-gqt or wire, and laid upon bundles; of straW The, performer bad, tn each band, a key made of some substsnee which we took to be steel, sn with, which be struck the bars of wood, 'elicitinsr ihe rnost varied tnd extraordinary sounds, ranging in volnme, froor the low notes of a large bell, to the bxrhesl key tone of the piano. I Upon thb primitive instrir ment, Herr Stoepel contrived to execute, to the amaxement tnd delight of tbe audience, several difficult pieces whh the most perfect execution. The effect; upon the audicooe wse elect ricsl, and when - the performer had completed tire first piece the applause was so Ion tr -and continued, that he was compelled to re appear. He did so, and struck up first the Boatman's Dance, tnd then Xtnkee Dtwdle." perform. tl "rial , THIS E 7 . iNa (fridayj iSARCir LOaT whiih oceasiea ba wni sk0f$ i"er Mrifcatieeu naSStiSSi fry-Aurofssioa ci7 cznts ' unuoren tnaschooisv half price. Tlcketatabe h&cL' tt the door,' tod tf the tJook store. ..uoort open tt J perrormanca to commepee at quarter to 8 o'cloek. a A r A .XaRGE assortment iiTereat brajrfs.frsa tho lowest price to the best article, .' v, - S' U. i U VWILli: PECK ON ft"" m ww v"yi'. A We recommend all lovera orMusic, to attend the Concert, of these talented Artists, on this (Friday) Evening, the 9th instant, as it will be a great masieal treat for all, '. ' Ton THE SESISTSB. PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES. Long life to brave Old Zach whose master mintL " Gives hope,, joy, safety, welcome to mankind I A warrior, Statesman, farmer, joined in one, In bim we hail another Washington! FEW ImmhVef Nwthera Prppms, very flntf, For sate by c - i's-mvLi peck 4srwf March f18ltV r : ' P St XOMEef tho most superior Combs. eTerofTersd ilfor sab In RaIeightoay be found at "' Raleigh, March fiVlW. jj. . vsaAaErv jij5r5S9spt --Ar further supply of Yeast Powder; just recehrsd and for" sale by V i .m RaWfih March 6Vl4Jfcl r&&g$ai A FEW psfrsis of fine MsJbre tad Suad, aTso Aeun 1,20 t - March ;;i840. SODA bv Rabigh, March 8, J$49. N E case of. Sods Safanstna, a trpifor; trfjcltf for cookins parvoees. hist received snd for sal - v:: - p. y. PESCUD. Deaths iw Boston. There were 93 deaths in Boston last week 50 males and 43 females; died of consumption 9; scarlet fever 10 ; measles 19 j star iTMlioeolate Drops and Lrfzenffe of 7all kinds, just opened, sad far sale hi, Raleigh March 8,' 184?. ration 1. Past Day. The Governor of Connecticut,- has appointed the 6th of April as fast day in that State. Deaths is New York There were 283 deaths in New York bat week; 72 men, 65, women, 85 boys emo w 0 Peolitic. Col. Samuel T. Harrison, of Gueen Anne's county, has t sow that has bad three litters of pigs in eleven months, in all 27 pigs I WOMAN'S WILL. : ' A wife once kissed her husband, snd, said she, My own sweet Will, how dearly I love thee! Whoever knew a bdy, good or ill, -; ' Who did not love her own smut will. WISTAR'S BALSAM AT THE SOUTH. , One of our agents tt Athens. Georgia, has sent ns the following letter with permission to publish the same. ' .:..j- -".-t . TRUTH IS MIGHTY AND.WILL PREVAIL. , Athens, August 24, 1846. Mr. A. Alexander Dear Sir : Having been afflic ted for more than ten months with Chronic Inflam mation of the Lungs at' times, very severely and having adopted many medicines without - any bt temporary relief I purchased about three bottles of Wbtara Balsam of Wild Cherry, from the effects of which 1 obtained more relief than from sll ibsnedi cines I bad ever taken for that distressing disorder. I have by the repeated use of thb valuable .Balsam been more free from pressure for breathand. oppres sion on the luags thanr had anticipated and, in deed, conceive that I will be cured by continuing jts use, of thb most dbhearting malady. ; Jdo, most cheerfully tender yon thb acknowledgment, which yoa will use as yous judgment dictates. : 7 , . RODNEY ; BURKE. Waynesborough, Burke Co. Georgia. None genuine, unless sighed L. BUTTS on the wrapper. - - - Foraale in Raleigh, wholesale snd retail, by WILLIAMS, HAY WOOD & CO, and by Drug gbts generally in North Ctrelina. . v- - - 3 'Near New Orleans; Elijah H. Hutchisgs, formeri ly of Wake County, N. C. but utterly a resident of Carroll Co. Tenn. ,.. City papers please copy. -At Milton, on Saturday the 17th ""alt, in the 51st year of his age, the Rev. N. H; Harding, D. D. for many years minister of the Presbyterian Coo'gre- Sttlon in-thst pbce. "Dr. Harding was a native o f. runswick, Maine. The early 'part of hit Ufd wat spent s4 se&f and before he was twehry-ohe yeart old, be was promoted to the command of a vessel." While at sea he obtained a hope of an interest in the Lord Jesus Christ, and soon after connected himself with' the Presbyterian Church in. Newborn, In thb State He subsequently engaged in the mercantile business in Raleich, and during bis residence there hisat4 tention was turned to tbe Christian ministry.AHe bad, early ia lifea fondness for books, snd was well acquainted with J&seusa literature.- He spent some time tt the University of North Carolina, and after going through a partial college course there, he went h ui -m bcvivkm fscioiMrj i fnoceuii, wnere ne spent mo usimi time, furree years ) v rle entered on the full work of the minbtry about 1328. : Hb piety tad seal in the service of the Saviour were eminent. and bb labors were greatly blessed in the Church. He was untiring in his efforta to do good, tnd seldom let an opportunity escape of attemping tobenefit inose wua waora lie had intercoeraa tie wss a diligent Undent .while health permlUed,anJ all hb studies, as became archrbtian minister, were direo- ted. to one point the honor of .the Saviour His preaching was si wsys io the highest degree instruc- live, ana though he preached mucn, generally three times on the Sabbaihv he carefully , studied allhb sermons, as nras apparent to tuosu wno nemru nun. Hb great esrnestness snd boldness for whaf he be lieved to be tbe truth, sometimes led, him to say things which ippeared harsh td those of opposite sentiments ; but no one bad a more'' benevolent heart: or regret ted it mere when hegave offence. Hb health had been- declining for three or four y asrs, not wl thsund lia iaaA the best medical skiU could do. His deairs to promote, the interests erhe Bedeemer's kingdom, led .him-to ontiaae.bla taberawhen Jie kaXid ktnrtttal: ovunsatil tbedJsoaat hsdreach- eda point beyond nm! ftiTS?1 Ue.was only. a zewweaxn-wmw ?Zl7' chamber, daring which not a urjnar efbsr jut ipilHs talked lUtlej bb disease prevented blnv Hb end, as wsJ lo'tjlwatisi. tin X .ion qumnuij, in iwni, r i rciau. March 9, 1?4. WILL: PECKdt; SON. &xnnff i ftot!; rcigarrcawjf and To WhaCCO Uoxetj just to hand, and for tab by Ralergb'M'tlreli-lgjol . r 4 large supply of Coachr ForaitureFoflsbnilg'sntJ l JaDan Varnishes, iust received and for sate by i jr. , jr. srjuais v r Raleigh. MntArl$4l,fiM.. 96 -X' m w a ii RectMed-.VVUskcyi: A LARGE Stock slwsys on, hand, of ; mr owtf mahufsrture.' whicht-e fetidW to be fit least an good, as soy thing of thltihd bionjht io this marked and which we can aefl in barrels snd upwards ' at about' Baltimore prjees, lor eath; thereby eaving freight, exchange, rtik, sod time to those ne'parchsa - Peiershorg ttsrch 0, XUKfj&&6 -ft - CUEimG TOBACCO. BlFFERENT kinds, by tbe box retail. A so, 8mokipg Tobsccoa good trticb. - WILL: fJBUtti dt BU..; March fl, l84;5 7TTN DER a Deed of Trust, executed te me by N. B. Hoohes, 1 hereby notify eB petaetw indebted to said N. B - Hughes; to call and make immediate settlement,' -or they wrill find tfwh nceountaviWtho bsnds of an Officer for eotfeetieaW-rk A. F. HUGHES, Trmfesv Rsleigbi March 8, 1849; , ; JN.3l A most, excellent article; for Coughi, Colds,'. &c. Al iust receivedytad for sab by ., Raleigh, tiwfatS&i&t$X1' 7 . farther soppTy of Bsy Ram; just received, tt fi vtP R-PESCUD'S Rabigh, March 8V 1 840w 'i-:MXi9 A large lot of. Fish Hooks of tbe Jnest vpftorod kiDdjt, just received tod for sab by ?v Raleigh, March 8r.l84K ?-:t?a: - FRESH JRU BSf t sEOIC INES-ANO PAl MT ITtt Y recent arrivals, I have itemed a f arge. sup irDirfr of articles' neefulto make wtit stock. eb- ptete, i which I invite'lho atbatimt of parcbaaer. 2frist"hnd Apcihecary. "' Ralenrh, March WSi9T?WiT& B3" Standard kTJnWleiopy aagf Broadway, corner of Uarclay tirtzU fmilE 'Proprietors. TABERr if tf Ai3LET;rlfeev U peetfully snnbonee, to their frier "and the publio. that they have based' rhjrwsU known llobfv snd nave made many inifwrtstfr itfporses sn repairs, A new and epbodld' Lsdia''Otdinsry will soon bexewrpleted ; ? sbo sdditipoa' rooms oa Rroadwey V..i- v.5'5('1c'r fjtb fu robbed ewirelT" with new rrn1toremV expressly to tlrefr ca'oisriVJJ is tbebdeteimifltVi. Um to mtke it cms of the Vest sod most issbbnsbbf resorts for, the travelling! public that eao found hs. thb country;,' its sUnatbo br ovisuYpaseedrvbe: dlrectlyjn front of the : Per end Founuin, srtra toeCXfotea ii comtnosjlyy ptsynig, cooling tnJ rs freshing the Wi-abowithnra short Astaacs;ef Uar Steaitt-boat and Rail Road landings. -' 5 ; ? K 0 Tb T.bfei '.Witt csl sit tiroes' be WWWf.T.. 1 Wines, tndUqobr.bstmr bnVtecri t: , : eareiresnnbt'bil teidyesatbfeet : ;j r a The Proprietors hope, , hv perso J . v . JOBTABERv" EdEtoa.. M fNesr York.Fefc t8t t&' , n?rv SMiriciSTx-a r r" r -"f- jTUMrvuovni iae most pcrir.v. " . r, U received, snd for sale at ths Drr I rttz' IT sr T I U -iP- eorr'.'y c-t trr.a iri I vrt:istbd:Jr" . wr ' "'-r-V - - ii- -iJ t isjptjtisii.; V2 ::to : I ?Aiso5VjBes auJ P,Jy of ths ' &SZ which taev ctt yt salsi e- c datirg terms-..? ' . . Rsbigh, OcL U " 84 -V. . I . " ;'iV--'-v..