turT V - -i '' -;" ..,-... t'-'- V"'!' V? Klore I cxf and ; fipJU?jxsl2 V. aw f .... " . . . - aw- Jl. t Ji Urti jv Ir b,V Lt f 1 v 'reus cn, ; -WTiim.if.R and retail Bookseller and Fob I v . ar - " r.-r -.i.t.ll IK. cheol asd lUrr Uocksnt uteoay i a the various Edition of Spelling Books the r- ' 1 nM!keuM: rrml:araa . AriihrneUe.' Geogra- Jby.'ttteteric, Elocution. Iij CompoaiUon, I Alge rm,JMraetry, ScnrtyiDMensuratioo, Drawing Eocx-JUepiBj, Uistory, li.ograpny,--Biurw. lorvl PhvtloUnr. AtrooofnTIilencetua and Moral wlewphyPrtiUcal Ecoriomy.-'French Grammar, DVctieoarioa, .Reader, fc. Germta,- UUo. Gree :Bd Span!. choo, and teamen pwMii'f " ry oxtensirn 9rcnM oi an u, ovuvi .""" . wtZ wiA mrt irt l lb. Baolf: aad l rotT.-Iu i-ijua. '.Vf,i"'.j"-9 1 . 8 i ! . t 0 lifer eret:er i.r.j' a vMVj w AaAv -l - ;H7B A RE: bow opening W.wfiaJ AtfplJ U ,iCtafiw"-iaiUii 1 . Of awroioTanajquuvT ttamx ytur-v nwwip " 1 . m -fc. Tit . j t. A. 1 order; with ou uaual promptneaaVanA deapah.1 Uamhan of thalooroachin LesfalMure.luu! otberat a iiaUat tiia CUywaldahfwellto ct U,tt Wtaia oeurnuaaa nov w po unucrrem or ouuioac w i - , J T I taloootv Veata, dc;AUo FaahiooaWoDreea SkirtaCI Flannel Shir, and . Drawera Cottoaj, htrta and I IJraerett, UoMSuapendora.ujorfa, lm,j 1 1 i . - 87 tu ic.iw-wa-: Tft-" Tinttuui jt, t:- I -r FTlttBiiew Gims of DrFoxbyi Wh'af 3Te but J . ii',.. - . - - - j- I r ITS AaMafi' a Lf ftnotAat . AaTx Uaniunao 11 a tvtaav tKwa Monkejs 01Jtle4UJtej'ia,.o.taitts .of Uea.U. . Jmbotio ATJry.r, 4 - .Tr.-jLi-'f "0 1 2HESE U haTe.beeanow OMre thaa tea yan W t before Iho PahHe, and their josl pretrasioha to (the character eiaimed far thomoaeJy-etaromed and - tested, by groat namber of perso4i too intelligent to bo deceired, ai oO deepbf iaterested in the re oulta AOt- to:ieero wditaroV ond jodge without , Xxp9neQC0'han1B0t,,weakeoed theao . pretensions, i nat atrspybened and wnfitraed. them by a ttuus of taslnnooy ofsTicB tespectabi character as has rarely aostu'aed aoY'axUcle iil thU fend ia iiw!ry bow ia on. All for mY t ih fowl prteMj iM nuiBi ip w w Kiuivuia v uireM ui wi prmia Qann UK9UA i voe ioui oay.w Ml .vsotaeaisiaae la l uour, u neceuary w. r JT, .1 axu FpMim ittert iinmediatriy.on com pi i -t-r--f. rr-;V-- .-.-I wUhtholerarof aate; In'lheeatiw .rTha aabscriber has jost received a supply of them, fjt Milljoa four-Hondltd ThBDjaild DoIItn. Vilw receatly raade,. andhe bejogPr. J .Touloba and Indiridual thia scheme presents uo CeckwiOv Aesirtfor lh4 part .at the State, ia pre-1 J,ma ..t.M nukKM. thr. h-ii.'i. pared to faraiail e,helesJo:rada at hi l?rice in .any WVty.; ix'tT.:r v'.-' - - -t : ""ZF- TH B 6obacber. intending to :bnng his badness to a apeody ctoee, now ffera ' for sale hia entire Stock of Siaple iind Fancy Dry Goods at prune ctot, fof eoan, : This stock is not very Urea. .iHJt'emhraeea a variety cf p&fulfy frttk wd flair' z mbte, Goocbwhieh ar: coiog vS like t- hot cakes " FamiUea and others, who may wWi io lay f a 'sop ply.' had baiter eaU soon, or dee- they will lose the -i vi : : r in lt;: t ri..JfextlodridjoTo.''Mr. K. Smith. United States : i- TTiioIesale Clothinr Ware i Lewis, tcHANEfjRD. , . -yi i ZI. 232 & . 230 Pearl 45tv 4 y h Between Fnhon Sc and Burling Slip,. HAVE on hand, the l-rgVawrtmat of Ctorn IKO. In tho Uaited States, adapted to the Soother a nnd Soath western Markets, t In the artieie of. Shirts t-andraweray we keep. a endless saxkayf Also the raost exteasivo Jdannfacturora of OIL CUJI HlG nnCdvtkfjiHAT in the world. Plain and fssh ionabU Clothing, of all kiod. ; : '- . 4 HANfORp, 1 .1. -AA . ,is OB, i0 rsaxt at. January 10. S Sin Young Ladies'. Select SchooK THE -next BessioQ of this School will commence I on tho 1st of January Dei t- nnder tho management of tho nUsnar Partrids ai young Lady r who has for tw a years psst'-4eenc Prmeipal j of n flouxisbing 8eatinary in 34 ew- York; . ToTu of Tnitionter'Sesutn oJJ1r -1 Months as 10 00 ;8i rs 1: Latin, French aad luUaa, clu' 10 00 t, :JLtnale, on, tho Piantxot Goiter,' , ,r20 00 ' JDrawing-and Needle VV.otk, 6,1)0 , i,V iPaint'mf. .;.L?r-"rrj.f 8M- -.iVBoald, Washing and Fuel, $50 per SsMsibatv" tTTTtrltLbe eoli at ihe Court io RaloTah. rV oalSalardiy, lhe14th day of April next, tho touowtng ieai XiStaie, oeioogmg o na iaie w tainr. bitirrxnlo witjTwn Houseeahd LVtfc adjoin ing the Cify of Raleigh and 'MriuT Vsddiog contain ing aboot on acre ach,"witk i newtwo storv frsme Building on each tot on yacsbv ToV adjoniiag the above sod Thoiaas D.'; Ilozi'eoutaininz aboot two ,, tho! HoBso and Ut .whewa(4;iLlUUr t!T- HT1111' ot Lot tToSX4,i4ho, City f RsJeigh, (subject to o mortgage of one thousand ? ..'J ut rranU vonnty.on tho fTjacinA, Qastoo Usilroad eonUiobg ahoitttw frfi!?r? Hog Hono-lhWrXil 3tt.";. - TT..;z:.r:zr""i f00" acro,i ;rcia2Ti giving pond-with apnrn TT .t C aam tans,' iRGE WilMORB EU AI.V ; ,tu; j ;,f..:-- Administrator I!i?;:2h; March U 1813- r- -y 19 W4w .'aa4 nwoot .Oranges by:4kn hi'n'h - ' .C i Pcx SOW DACSoi Eio Bujnr sJsvWeSe: W ireceieday- . IV. B.WAl.iTR f 4lMw.1l.M& jX. Kcw Oilsan ilienetin Tlgtaph Cosm?. 111 tiro ' "French worktd Ctp tnJ CoIlf, . L ' ' j . .Jt t . .. , v. , - I , " rU.V 7V t nV":." ' RtWrfirw.ri.ithb W the surrounding p(in- ilZi Cohmer. in Thibet WM.' " U -Tofeiher withmant olher trticfet tdipttiT for bh pkMiuv ii? H"uJg Iq our frlndnd: cuttomermnd th pabUa nAeftUTlt tl)A 1t Ubetrfunni. - S lU-HfiAUTT- LrrCHFORK L-Sept Sj.Wjt.a :-, isU V.MiJ J.75 . riiinc uMcxiscr.ueaifomjMX&aQinnzinsxMiiftui. ;1L for." i?pa4tn4 HotkrJTrtXor lbia I TalaublejPlaniaOoh iiown.a -'.i.w.rv , J a. t . ; " .. Ill ii lllllflll r I Uoata on Xb lohn. RirrB. Florida; ttilet IrMifr --rlmJ .tw-mt 000 acrea, . -Tha aUuatlon 1 U hhr, mt mrvTnirai ii.i(rtiaa 'tha coil ridi . : - 1 aa4 weU adiptad to calloie or 8aA tav UoTTOW 1 Ricf am Svaak. . Tfca tuUdihsa conaut oi.'a two I atorj Uweiiing, cotton liinsnamk-i -,x a ieei atory. With t)nsyfii, CHton;Oina?;anJ running tear eotnpicte ; effreMouaeaBDa.Oiaer.DeceBMry i uiWinga ne.arlj all new t 5 wOO.acree elrarcd, to- i MJV "i ii . . k ' r-n . I t I gethet whh atock;f.Horea. 'MuJef and Hogs ; a a)aabirtoAW-i;'foD of Com and peM, W.a -1 . I . . . - 1 oo. Cmrt. rarminsf L'tantiTa. otc. Alo. aoout so I AapM mm a. r - - t. f a w Rkelj'NEaROE.frrtm U tu SS jeaia.ainong ; which fhe fcUyr proprt. ir notpreTloo.lt' disnowJ. of j MTateTy.'trill be old at rumie " Aucuon. on toe ' . .. ov.m a, v f : ' a. at l ircn ante ! hllolbrepira- tiona for plioiing another crop will be fnadeof which uhikuhvt nu -ii wuiku. luviin. yiiwj ,alejd peiae-awi-hinf to make a aafa bto i0,ftlnifit wiU eetdom meet with ao 1 ..Til. . J - i . . ' , . . j 4. I if(irhlft ftn I opportBab and tattle ouitft accessible bj-8team- UMU.MWMDS utiv hki uviuwiiwHnu i iav i UU, on St. Johns, res visitor address me at an ear- ) t date ott'iha kobiect. aa X am disuoeeu to sell on I lavorauo laims- wa casn r vnr.KU lriM StMM ati ' ttr af Jaaira.1 mai half fir I w-f,:u 9 he amount on & creJU of 6, 12 and 18 j . i ;r -.i:.r.. n i months, if salisfactohiT secured. CYPHlArr CROSSL i vwj ' , I Jaooary,, 184. , . . , .3,Ut 'Office of C. W. Parcell tk Co., AGENTS FOR 0 PAINE & C0u MANAGERS, ... ii- Richmond. va. . - f.- The m$st Brilliant Scheme ver Irajtn-i America Capital 100,000 dollars, 2 pmeeof 50,000. 4 of i . 5. j 55.000.8 of 18.500. -UsDIBrTRK MlNASEMENT OF D. PaIXS & Co, ,- St Gbatraetara of all Mary land Lottarieav E have the pleasora of areaeoUog to odrea- tarara in Lotteries the largeat and meat bril J fiaot scheme ever drawn in the United States, . We J larite 'particular ; aUentioa to it, and challenge a I coropariaoo with any other scheme heretofore ode red v ' . I di?twa bsJlots in each package of 25 tickets, and one package may contain the Fire Highest Capitals. Two Biradrrd aid FlfiT TfionxlBd Bal ift. W present thia seharoo at this early day. In order that our corresppodeots from all parts of tho -Uailed States may havoample. time to forward their orders 4 and receive! their tickets before the day of drawing arrives, which wiS take place at Baltimore, on the 28ib day efpril, 1843, under tho aoperiatendence of.! Commiiaiooera appointed ; by tho - Governor of Maryland. ' Orders torpaekazes or aiaef tickets wilt be promp tly and coDfideafiaJty attended to, if addressed to the Managers, fr-to-1 .s t .tW. fUKUt;L.L.otUa, KuAmnur, Va. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class ff, f be Drawn on Satwrdaf, dfril 28, 1849, at Baltimore. Bktixtajct cutJiE' 75 Number Lottery, 15 drawn r-'-. "Hallota. ' . . 1 Capital of $100,000, 300 lowest 3 Ko. prfxe, 1 .380 2 dor 50.080, fjO Istandud drawn, . 1.000 do 2a,000i 60 Sd and 4th drawn; ' 750 8 do 12.500, 120 5lb and (kh b 7Ui and 8th50Q SO -er 5KJV 12 9th and 10th Or 1 1th and 12tn, 400 40 do 4.000, 120 rtthindlSth orl4ih'aud 15tB.300 40 do 3.000; 5B20 all -other 2 drawn. ' 200 40 no 2jOOC -So-,550 siegle nombeV prize,7 1 ' 1 " 1 00 , rrixe Amoubtiagtoo.40z.OVO Uollars. Whole Tickets 5100, Halvee 50, Qnarters 25, 1 '' 'Eighu 12 50. : '.'-' . - A certificate of wliolo tickets $1,000 1 . Half tickets. . . 500 Qomrter tickets; 250. 1 Eighth tickets, 155 The purchaser of a package has 1 chance in 2,701 of drawing 8100,000: --" - The purchaser or a t&ekgt has 1 ehauce.in 180 ef drawing $100 000, 50.000.125,000, J 2,600. . 1 ' Tho porehasrr of s paekag has t chance kk't of drnwwg n.eapUat of 100100, 50 ,000,2500, 1200, 5,000, a.uuuj j.ow, or jptur. .. ? - k D-. PAINE At Co.. Managers, or - -i WJ PURCELL - Co.. Richmond, Va. 5J)ort oud JUrijtleSiTt Winef lin Bottles t and Demijohna, .A lot of fine French brandy, est India Rum and Holland .Gm.LnOemuohn, fos sal at the Auction end CtmunWion Slot of -ft . 1 . 1 "t. liB.iHUGHBS. ., Det. 23.; ; b . ,K, IQJ 1 ' T -THE Annual Meeting of thn-J4mbossof th North CsxoUbb Muami.4asufaneJbsP- oy. nld at ;tbe OSes of theSieiarr. 00 tb $ dead 9dV ? of p January, M9rtho fbOowlngigstnlemeii' war olected a Board of Directors, lor the- ensumg .year, viz t''f- Af- .rf'-rd r - :v-rJ.--0!Wataon,."x.,rUleigb, .w;i' . f?Geoj W. Mordecal, :, Richard Bmkh, .. - " . - Joba Primro,'-' i ' - Tlenr D.'Tnrner: - v Vn tr: 'ft -KAAlhae4 " JEJdtfan7T;-. . -. Ci 'Geo. McNeill f Fayetiovllt; ? ' . iJas.XHViI,C?nit ChStevr.Newbcrn. ' rJesboE G VVf1g1AVllming?r T 1 The BoaiJ tTiredorf then orgawxndy aprn? ,4 1 -,JO4WATS0N. President ,.fit ;;iOEO MORDECA 1, Rtaident. 4? lfJARJP SMlTa Tfeatorer,,, ; .a r. usiuAr4ieereurxi k JOUvN H. BRYAN. Attorney -.0 GEa SW. MORDEOAl,?' c Erocniiv V f s i. RICHARD vBMlTH.i a cVa3nAi5 i.-: aJDHNcPRlilROSE,-. .-:,' nht;3Vi A. BeHirt oftU.businoaof ibo rpany; ataon it organixsiion, wlUU pobBshed laooa; tz$ i 1 so 4 n; Ui2 ' J AS. F; ORDANV80C4 . CaWigVJane, U49: Sr? A-l f'i Wua thimq ;f ftEQucE&;pmcEi Naaon U somewhat advanced, sod in or nf S!,, a for nJargo atockof Spring Sf.l21 bnaindf ctnyotoekoT win ! Clothmg at grentrj reduced eriees.ar cask eat. RateiSh, Fen. "l, iaf. W ... nwva.M d m1nnori .of ifcf - ; l;rt ,T tt V. ' i nili . and :lir 111 I ant Assort cacnt ol conUioe4aauToHointXwt, at Joe Store o JLte 5nderiPJt J1 fcj, Wr.,B B.BMlTJf fom Jl nnl from lf,ri. od JUvftrjpoQWabtl , fa lira EAOiet; Betmifol Uaoelfoti Ppi Bo tftlka, ' JBbdtr4itgool Saiin, atripaddo. m ft v i. . ; V, 4 . 7 a' a i -: j. jr ' t ' BJack.Arod, indaocj colored ?nieleoD fctttt Lanunma plald, and 6aU Arired A1paccaf Plaltf and itriiml M chair and , Jenny Ltnd Lttfllira, In.", -v i -v raio ana tinpeu ant orfiuqun, anmera, anu.ipaccf puiaa, rMiii uuurcu, v' j -i, Bupe 14 Qoefna Clothr and iMerInoa,;fot Ladj. wuB vij, ..k r:K.nn..alla Artt,. rJji.Ta f:ahmra anil IIIMnai Ohangeabla Arao rtda. laafemerea and ciamae, S00 PBICES ELfeGANT NE STYLE W ;TER,CaU(1QES AXU UIKGHAMS, I J 1T I ui ii l X I l:J ln.b.rf woifn ouiwii, vssataer. gna.fuieuuiv:- w. i Bhawia.' Large and fine Watk Cashmere, DaMne, and Caaa Fiaa: leghorn. traw and TwaexH- Boxsrra,; tot , LaUiea and bf .jrrii ;i Beautiiful WinUr Bonpet and Cap pibandt , ; Laeea acd Edgtng Thread aiid Liale, ' M0ii,xwia; unoK.cDecKeu ano jiconermunini -'i . W.i,...l r.il I 1 T .... (Jimoi . Frinrec and Buttons. For Hie CehUeHlCii, Ditto blsck, fancy, Tweed and Ef roinet UJmerrs r iiib uur. mau tnu Kiiniin uiih vwv Muncr HMnr and Pilot cloths, for overcoat e. from t ,A .1 Lamartine Fandeai fiatinel and Kentucky Jeans, Black 8ilk Velvet and Merino Testings, Merino, end Lambswool tfhrrts and Drawers, Black and Fancy ilk Neck Hondkerchiets, Silk Pocket. Handkerchiefs, Suspenders,:- "r Qentlemen'a Black and colored Hoskm Gloves, Irish Linen, and Cotton Shirtinga, k Large Silk and Gingham UmhreUas, : " " ' "" Kerseys, Linseys and Tirktnga, . ; ' Whlte,Ted and Cantor i Flahnels, ' 8opeiidrWh'itney sndTwiMed Bf BtnntTtf n Red, Green and Whito Mackiosc do. ' ' ' " , r 4 - 6and 10.4 unbleached Hheetings; Fine bleached and ubbtacbed rihirtrngS; fom 6 to '10'conts. ru:r.i, r-to ":'-" , Diaper and Diapr Table Croths, V ' -FASHIONABLE HATS, Meuatfi, Biittn"&. Bunt a ion Fern, CoTRviwn jSxx,k Ptcan C-ra, Bovg Finer Cloth ?Kri Vatr kf; Together with many other desirablo' articles, all of which will be .Upved of.for UASIf.al n. small ad vance, as he desires not to do business on the credit system. THOMAS A. MITCHELL. ! i Raleigh, Oct. 20, t84 8i , " '- "'-8 1 . C BtvKoot ..-' as just received n large and splendid is. and i ortmont of--" " "V2-1 i . Wstche, Jevelry,an4 Fahey Goods, makrnr ' his Stock at prasent, very complete ; consist-. tmr of - t ! 1 " -r- . Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Anchor,' Cylinder, and Vortical 'Eocapemertts. " Jewelry Breast; Pins, Finger Rings; Gold and Steel Guard ; and Fob Chain. Seal. .KeyCEar i . " ; Rirga, Gold and JSilver .Pencils, , Gold and Silver Thimbles. a " ' M edaUions, Gold HoarU -, i -ril.fnT mini ,y aWaaa5sWfi. X,S :GoU. Silver. Blue dc polished Steal Speciaele.o gether with a largo assart men l of Perifocal and Flint vGIasses, which can be adapted to any eyes, on short notice.- t, i.,':, .j. "iff.', rt ' V SiUcr plated ware; Silver Table, Tea Desert end 8att Spoons, Ladles. B otter-knives. Silver Cups, 80 gar Tongs, r Castor Candl "Stick, SOhfler' and Trays, Cake Baaketsr&c'dre. ' , Fancy .Good. Perfomerj, Cutlery, Mosical ln slrumenls. all of which will bo sold cheap, , JrVstchend. fjlocka. repaired, ip superior style. Gold end. Silver; manufactured to order, with neat ness ahd'ounciuallty.' Highest prices given for. old Gold and Silver. ... . , ' ..jit s " Ratoigk, Oct. 27: : 8f Rigki Rit. i. i ITES 0. 0. lisiter. uvit a.wuHi uuuvwi atitui. . frnHE Fourteenth Terra of thia Sehool willeem 1L menee on Saturday, the 11th Nor. and con tinuVtill the X5th of Af i ir, ' 1849. ' " ' " ' .1 -i TTerm Inaar ' ?f ' For Board, "Washing; Ate with . Tuition In - Eng lish, 100 per -Term of five months. Ttaition fn French 810. : ToitkM inMnsio on the Piano; ON gan or Garitar $25, with 83 for the nse of Piano or Organ-.vTm'tiou on the Harp with use of Instru ments 4Q. . Tuition in Drawiar : and Paiatiatr. in Water oolers 810, in Gil colors $15. Pens sad 'Ink , 79 cents. . .jt . - .TnprewBt rivalry nd extravagance io-dreav a simple naifono ia adopted, to be used on Sunday and special occasion ayt Thi in summsr, consist Df plain whit dress, with straw bonnet trimmed arkh Woe ribbon, r In winter the dress is of merino oroth. " wmmm raaierisi oi , wo ooior. Jewels ore pro hibited. . AM tho clothing opopil,ahoald bo marked .mth Jk.WWa)aanJMW-la lalL-r. ' For tnore mm ate parties lam e Circtd,T which o"14 n PplK5tionto tho Reeteriluengb: tho a iT ' ; - .'-i April 3,1848 ,. , . w , 88. m. VSSBl SB SlJBlSBimWISBIBtY BIV. B B 1 W . VA Wlctftlyg3vn oetic that tbeynre IffUh sha Spt nrg" alylo for ' i ' iWnnelng ihU stv-. wesim. - hu who sn AM in nun. to merit a cootm nance jf the' same. ITJT Li U rvwf r a., m V r.'i01"1 end cuinot . 7ft ??,FW! M'he three points no ImporUaf id thoiiunttfacinro of the f?.! 2 Wofrefei&atf a- fci1 KMuioenu and - hnrL. - ..a - ? 18 XM oetttrtnaa ektatJ ;; Jnfiexnrcjaaa-oflJiiatfnaaatiitt-wUl. resum-i'-' l-VCV-eiifVrCVtU 7 d on xho lrtof , Apr:r. aJPtdJ2r4Wp34 nfuai. everyacinjy incurwwon zoenlavt fcducaUon t i r: V a i 1 . -r 4a, VVf JUV"l"a. J -.J. .Ejjjjlishtuijioor Primary -P0' -o "ra " . "-iliiffber ..' do,, :- r 15. 00 ral1 rf (.'4 5V'e ri" -in -nn . Tnlfinn in French. . -w . lM ? ' 'TViuafe oh Piano or Guitar ' J ' ' 20VC0 uTJseIaktnenl, 4 1 :30a Incidental expense, : , V Th pieipalr-dewrooaof ehaninji ihevacatioa at Sedgwick will teceive,:;pu?irsonJUe Jt of Apri far nierrn of thfU Inorttkw tho doso of which; ' Session of fir htha-witt; eommoncs en-thef first of Jujy, aod clone on the ,14 ofcowinjrviTIio charge for three! months t1lt bo at the pabliahed ratesr per niontlv: Novdedaetioh for absence, except incaaee1 nrprotractod Uroew - Ctrcdlara contaiaicg mora mipute detail?, yrdl boktat to any one" on ap- t BEING very destrona of .'leaving this State; lwow offer for sale the TRACTOF LAN Don which 1 new reside coatainio'g' by estimation, 1300 acresi nndaiU nated in the County of Halifax, with" thd Raleigh and GaatbV Rail: Road 00 one sideband the- River Roanoke 04 the npposite-ombtning thondvaBtageo of ... transportation by.tb Riyr.aud , Road, and inn few houra run on the "Rail Road to, Pfterebnrg; or Ralelgh--hariBg Gaston iV in 3 hiites and' Littleton T)nAt the same distaiiee. CThe D weHiOff Honsils in s mile aiid a half of the Bail Kod. The suUcribef deems it unaeceasary to go into a description of the many advantages and Tndncemeni held out to per sons desirous of owning such property He requests that any eraon desiroo of owaiog auch-prepetty, , wUUall and look at it ; nd he call confidently nay that it combines as many comforts and advantages aa any place in the conntrv.and Uf kuown as one bf the healtest places In that section oPths State. If tho a bove described Lund is not sold before the 1st day ot Novembetivit wytibeijemr5rF4ablicy. nd soldT tcithant . rutne. at which time the Subscriber pro poses to sell from 15 to 18. VaUtable Glares, mostly JwuseMrvarit. .-They 'wilt he sold in famines, aa I am not dpd to violal the law of Jwmanity, hv allinrf)f seoaratimr children from their parents. ' : U R. U.MOSBY j Hanfax Comity. 3 uly It, 1848. L " 57 If- A - Dissolution FTnHE Copartnership heretofore exutioglipder the 4 : JJ nrnr ot resevn or johnson, n inisoay oibwoof P. . F.Paaoob i ilon authorised to settfethehosi- new of Ue tale concern. v- F; Ffcsi-Ul, C E. JOHNSON, Jr. " The Sobscriber having parchased of Dr. C.;E. Jonnsod, Jr. his entire Interest in ihelatecbneera. will oontinoo tbo Drug & Apothecary DusU ness in it several branches,' .' HA has recently ex--amioed the Stock on : hand, and thrown a wa "ocn Medicine a were Inert or Injured by agend haa received additional SappliesL. needfol Ho ;make the Stvcireomploto, tht purity of tthkhTis gyarantitd . H hopes by assiduous itienUon to business witbj aid of competent assistants. to retain the liberal Pa tronage which Waa extended to the faT firmhd to I evuro an srsos oi . mauy rnysicians iuu omerpur chaaera who hare hitherto bought their supples' in 'vortnern mamets ana eisewuere. 'tr.lKT. PFSCUD. fi U' Tlie Wilc'n Friend Important to thoae about to become Mothora. 4 '.',J". ,.f' .PRCiSOlltHALEMSVAUUTANiottb Paris Lying-in Hoepital,memher of th Medjcat Ae-1 ademy of jraaco,. Torres ponding Secretary of -Abo Pari Pharmaceutical Colleger , respectfully begs hravo taannouoce to lb Ladies of America,' that he baa appoiuted Dr. Jerome Y. C Ropeuhurty. of Now York, his sole American Agent, fat, ihovfalo of hie wonderful medicioekaown in vFranco va vthe-4 Wife' Friend, orMother' AitaoU th moat extra ordinary medical discovery t the World ha -ever a. lis province i to Iejen.the paio -of UUd- birth.- and promote aafe, easy, and speedy delteery, which it doei by assisting .-nature.- It . is perfectly harmlea, efficacious, peasant to the taste,- and never fails to promote an easy and tafe doiivery, and imprsveathe general health of botb mother and chitA'lha been tested for yeanflu all the principal Lying-Jn Hospital of :Enropet .and receives 6e anctido f nearly- all the promtneatt College and Medical, men. of th old world. It la the- greatest medicine in the world i-aa all wilUadmk that a mediciws must be that wUTlaseu : the terrible Pains usually; attendant on childbirth. There is no mistake about tbiau tried- icine doiog all thai iassJd oftt.- - - ' :i : Ifnf vr fails. It-is in the form of? o? fiaa,' light powder, t. he mad into a driuk. and nsedoroL. Jw week previous to tho expected event, natL il price is so low a to bring it within Ue rearh bf sJh' Sure ly nohamaao husband will u2er -hi wlferte endure pain, when it can bo se easily Nnd cheiply avoided, For .the email snm Of only 81.00, eent post paid to Dr. Jerome Y. CRopenbnrty.vNew York Post Of- 6ce, a package wmI. bo aonfc by return raaiI,Mt oeing so light that it. can. b sent auy where by mail at : a rery trifling coat,: D No unpaid lellers taken from i in omoe. xJ' i o prevent rmposmon, tner j s a . Agent,Dr' RdpeDhrty wiirwrk tusiname'JoT full on 4he, outside label of. each package, No. other genuine. . Remember thi. ; ii..;' ' New.Yorka Feb. 28th,'1849 Y ; 8m s Quarto fBib!e; Af DID Edition oL; tho. Holy 4 BibleIn A largo quarto, sailed to be used itf Churches end Families. Thia Bible : i ir larxer-aiisd ty pe ihan any other primed In tbUnited.Sutes It contains tho Apocrypha and a family Record. . The followihr Mmm ill. Atmimm . TU . II ' ! . - per Extra, bevelled boards. u&niuiajmtewir Sptendid, IHumihatioai. Tukey, super ExlrabeW .oiled Wde, V,;..;..;.; . - J ' :C.;tllotlata JraiV lOfM$i& tn&iti&& 6 New dad SjIendid;1irumtnaUonai TnrVey,?Ba.' ptr.Extra. .K',rtaitfsb i aim , . - .-.''-'' - s ooT ior aaio oj s t,THNR.-s ;,Baleith. Ifajrch. jl, -1 948. , ,? , to ediaon,' a'adj also" an arrsngemeni of y n tinder the teadlnw fda'.2n- t H arpor nad Brothers oW 'York,' trtafeceTiiy publUhed .Jo oniundsom Volttm. of nearly fQ0f. teeq Qndred VZ mrfiif AmariwDicBotja wbitnig.the Longia, orthography, j)rojiimeitliaatid defialon of word. X Tadrohlyr,ie and Jr of 1 4 VD?eaJwtwiuid iW4he..high attaint lh wri4JrMW: Of learniOs. whev .-Hemes r'tr a.-ija . t , ' A?L?k?T .nofv hdebti: w w sauu wnati' eago 0 cai r -end af akwl nfikfrfrilnii. ate attlrior.thof wHIfiod their auouM -U Co mmwm i sua of.ieor lerswisetsMi ..aj.ll a M . ft -r s I I f ..J-....ij.,iuPfinti'orr to same :Prge Qarctay rsq, oarsuel, B. Howlsnd, L'sq.,b9 made to bim'al Ijltlelon, Warren County. IN. L. oahtyof paper, mod dialer Gorhsm A." Worthiq.V.SamuerMrToxrEsqi 1V1 ;&WaOOFEB jT UnaWVarrHook; EiK,nd pEdwd'Habir - -Si 4 A.iUasuaud wtlh-10 Coloured EtfgfWaiia M&i&i ;i alstVr fct .J-,. "J .wWV' x " r 6 New and 80 endid IIfdmfn.tfon.T-iwwjaAi : KAmMrAT. inrh.T.n v. Vj-I-'-i ' J va ;ia5i3aSi2C2IU,-; s t "... .. . , f aii: ju&h ."ftVf-v s?ac-?i VfePA. i d f 6 ft Tflit ; ''""nil. f"i -'- HT' :;iViali -jV?'. ' - .1a- f nxjnjgjtlus y' Of fourteen rears has . . . . .- 1. . . v portuniv tp ftody, n;their various forms, the diseases for which itv-''-' recommended, and to 'adapt "it cxactTt to their reBef and cttreT r 1 who wish a siALLr ooob Medicine are mvie3J,ie: lt;a.triak3d satisfy ves of Its sdperbjrltr.'and the invaluable orooertr it. possesses of arreatin ;sjtd coaHng eUsos?T present liuproved. form may. safelf claim to pe the 'sMna.enf sJrf f.Medieine of the age! ;lits progress to the Tame it has attamed m ay.be trased by a Jong Une of facts And cose; that stand ai Uadqiarks and beacons W the mraJiclj' pointing the way to' ;jhe haven of health. W-vis4 ii'ZfSZt:3laz''&,-& - I The following is rom CoLS; OTaylotya genUfiroao, of high standing and extensive -acquaintance in the' Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada: Trfessrs. JUtfl tv. SatOwi- . w 2Vt, Janttay 7, 188. O kstlkmi a, Having used, and witfwssed the effectsof yoo r excellent preparation of Sarsaparilla.on different persons-ia varioiis parts of the Southern, country, viz., liHl- ;yirgmnv;inwunar3-exas,ana. li the most asrreeabie manoer. a tonic pinion enienamea, oi ks great, .raeaipinat vstoe. 9mvwn caso-n aeteuannost ke a charm.' removus speedily Ike enervated state of the systim. and exciUnc. hi Tour SsisspariUe is highV approved andjextenstvely psed. by the XL States army in Mexkstxead mreousnK tN. ZACHAEY TAYLOR, has for th nait ftVe veers -been in th habit of usjng it,-and article at the s&me time, and it now considered an almost indispensable requisite ia the axmyv In eonelasioa 1 would ssr that the better it is known the more highly it wm d prizes ana a iiTiH inai known throughout the length and nru loiiDl Messrs. Sahbs v Gentlemen bf the-remarkable cure effected by waw Kici;: wwKi . " "Ti " . the neck were ereatlr enlarsed. and 1 I. m 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 Unwif..i. .1 : . . ... . . . . r. t year, and, finding no reUef ftpm the remedias.used, the disease attacked one tee. and. ijelowlbe knee suppurated Her physician advised it sbonld be laid open, whici was cuTnsBovwiHiaiuuiyperiitMicn. oenent. in iius situation we heard of, and were induced to use Sxsas' Sarsaparilla-kTh irst botU product Js deCld and fa vor! able eSarelienng lieriapTe than any prescription she, had ever taken& and before .nesJtbqaite restored, 'it-is itow neaitft reraainf gootvshp wing- tbd disease wasthorottghlynv cated from the sistemv -ijeighSors areSltn0wmg to these fasiwlJtkink.SABo a great Wesslngtagej i Yoms wim respect, 5 JULIUS JIKE. rr Louisa county hr wred "Tbe foRowng testimony from. Rev. Jehn Grigg. late .Rector of the- Church of the Craciaxion in this eitrj Commends Itself to the ai tent ion of the aiftioted. Numerona eertificates. of cures of varipu diseases effected, by tbisedicine are almost daily received -- J : -Vi . - V ' , .yr7 ; - Messrs. Bauds. a. member bf mv fsjnirvliar 'a aevero scrofulous' affection, c. ...at HIV v p. years, been afflicted -withr swofuJ satter dfrgey4hroa diflereBt Darts Of mr face .&ad ta&rf: c "."2'B?jM,!,;,w,i who uw uuoos mncuuy tnai iouia several attack of pleuroyend other Yours, with i! II V rsonally acquainted with 1 V t ! ..use.-, it gives me renr great pleasure to record .my testimony in behalf of inr virtne , and efficftcv, hoping that qtherf may be induced tamake a trial of , ? . 5 . Messrs. A. B.t D. Sards: ; ' JVoraHcs, I?Y rt, 6 1847 ' jjrte liI5?i.fwl fJgJ1,t;,mft hvwee mlo"make Ill I IB I mu nrutn4rMuriiu v,. K...a . Panfl--1Jm ?oW weU, be re sil healed, and 1 attribute the jeault enttrelr to the effects of your valuable inedieins.- r..- iTy;t&-'-?.fj;i s ; ' 3 v rxxr axxd and soijj,-WHOuaAijt axd retail, it 4 - A B P-lS-AlO)Sa,DEUGGW . 100 Fei.TOH-sT., ppisx ojinrtiUBi; Ngw Yoax.r f s' ? .. ' f Sold also by Druggists generally throughout iW United States' and 'Canidas .ie-. -- . . Price fl per JPor aale 6y. 1H A1 2 .T. Tl-: . ' H Till ii -U E 8ubscriberi having-tenivd ;-the?Paper Milf: ' U in the ricirutr of Rglelghrneriow engaged in putting tiricmpletjtf.jepxit; ?By-the first of June, he "wiU be. prepared, tof famish Printefssnd blhersi ( with every 'decnpVio& of Paper for primiDg--em bracing Royal OcUro; ImreriafSuper RoysT," and JT.J:. t. a Ci !-'- - I - . ar 5 j'lcujNHt. nreo.oiiveiop faper or every xi na.-. Wiappins; pape4 for spun ptlonr anoValsoOf - thi ordinary Bind. ; reper lo rampnl plic Order are rekpeetfulry adladVlatrlMays i hereby given; that he good psper shaU WfQrnish ed, V?JJ,W Awtf 18V 2848. 7' f " aV .PI - 1 i: igt " .1 - , JfATIOWA 1 jLOATlFUll- ? 1 hC" "" "-L" A aIng Bank forlba nenefiVoAi.d tdbw .nr-.. . sl a ss 1 11 avsai .ak w . ai a" fiBaiiwvi aa . . T OBaa. . a. TICaTafm 1arArX T -jaVK-ai aAA 2ka.. peeiae n reserve lunn (from ' ry snaue and color. A ny Quantity uf; Rsgi wiir af r?ash pVteK A .- S l;A r , 11 uie.io a more privaie.suuiiHia., ne proposes, Mere- ir b taken iftheagp$- VitC9 abo OT,TOf:la lhe.Unlve . feJw ."&WK"J - 16 J application-. therefore should bee.rly 1 ver square. : Chairman or the. Court nf nirrJnr. m ' i L l-.ja-r-;W ..-., ja. , . : r . .- t . i,'cient' 1 - UBtTXn BTlVIl Usian eiv T.AfT-Ttr.A.. v 7vhieffjf5ca for Amerir a,- T4 Wslfst) JV Yor vUf p, sent to any one o"applicntioa to the wLscri HWh H.rveyll JBsq Common l Jobtt J. PnJxner,: ber at Wako Forest College, till the 15th sf ' f Ego. Jonathan Goatlhne., Rao J mm nnnrmin vr., v.-T.Ah Era-General Aeernihlrir. ' Pamuhltl blank gents. 4cv. pUatned st the Chief DfSce X4 Wall- street. crk from Either orthsv sAm' thkAni: will continuo hisprofeUmal xjpnection rsitb tis xstabltsbment and auperintend the puttipt nv cf t in prescripli.onialieretofnrer - lT -: f i ; ab. iw.iMBni -ats inends int' rh T .j.i "wiMaB tWIB, in billBZUS raifE2liuav'- V . jif J5i:4 u. .: 4.-. . . . w wmv-nj 6B4iof8a tbeia?iepatrnxei W 4 . . - H r rmnles nnd Prtarcr Xch; of evefyf I i iiaf"ndt:orfriDi;inLiif - bin "'X! .kJ Xic.ith Lesas. ra cineRini' Prrat T?n,i-rL? Hp0"? Xkartetka?Dek5 un varioui i9F5SW igd.ai'Turner's. 103 LOT of sopcrjnt ,Druv Brrf. receivrd and for yiitarj flpejf s ir-"To .pes iad: jtt:t r?cah V Care!:na.DfokS Si ore. Garden Perd. rtr-d freah snd od.'crop or 1 43. selected Iroa '1L3 ccct approved; Seasaas nnd Gardener la' "lf HcziLzrn iwS?ii:ii A oW22m8 rj;; 'j'i ' I- r -1 - X, . r , - .1 . ? I. it-o r in HIei - b, on or before the first day of May a. HE UNDERSIGNED." although' he- has ho Aeiti'vaAS;--K'''JORDANi' 'ii, pecuniary interestr in tti Dfcg and ApotSecaW ;r w tiV. tW-r rf4?e; ' Slore nf -P. rPsial latar. PMi. aw lA..'..' '." All ffff?s emav-il fA tli -Secretarr. m busi- iWa present cm, tin vat cn'oT- ea nv uie firm of Peserid Xr. r. - i tfJIuSary-'2;l 9(9 -;$i 11 1 .VvMa ?. W : i i5j ' .... rfc.:---"e-.-, -s, 7,, - iTl,C., Tliarrodrietors" bae rpenrxnuchliBie v t ;r . s pTepajwiiC 3ajia wutitti 4, i. mraished them-the most amole on-V - hold. OKRUART? iuxf lalts Mexico, 1 iee raucn pleasure in statms; utenigu and inriroratinK reoommetHls theame he nd nyrolf a us Beain-restonng. virtues wut make it generally breadth ou widely-extended conntryv - -.i-' e Aita, SynsDathv for tha kfflirf rl inrfna ma ,A your Sarsaparilta m the-case tf mrwifa. ifet OU- he . 'r. "jucju. pans 01 mp Doay : tne eianas el. her limbs much Wniikn : over a year since the cure wa effected, and her tiegm COR of mine1 wimyotu 8arsoparilla, with th most beneficial effect resuitinsfroin its m my head, which at times would and ears, and at ethers: wouW break Out in ' Thu onHnH m- TxJT.. wmioBg aime we so nosexa speak ebove a whisper. . During this; time I had diseases. I ebinmn 'd respect and sratituda. PHEBTt nirrnnw the person aW namedflbelVe her statement pern Xit U. J, CA&R, Justice of the Feace. Bottle j six BoUles for ' ; ': -r - 1 j-1 'ir; I hill 1 ? . toflnonnoi9oC'ytl- 4J r'-fc... 1 1 i.a?. RESCrOi rriff5fst,t nalf-Ix, slrtll?WjJlWx1l.:Cct;pty-tISi' C - . - - , ' ?... f "... I-.'.,'.' .' ',' ' - fTpHE SobMriberahaVmgspiit OpWards of thirty - JJ- years s- Btn$lriCior.4n!?tne , iiollegea of the Sthotl tOt'toltWiCIL ' 8 and If - U r asv :-vejliT 'Of jlfctf finnich'tneWVn ea. :e-'ar-fnlry attended wnA-wbwoithey will be r ;wwi.BiriaiMv jiiiu u u wf airv: wf jto;vj.j2j tv m trc .Iwtthdrwn fom iW OsoaUeniptXtioris of our towns s-ifnll'lJea-; The Subscriber, hope that:, his long TmentTy Known H04he-pabhcvlarnrnith toJpareni8 a aewnheMhelrnn's; tetfratth,' wiO .k 200 per .820 extra. , . wj mcr ti.ru yv.u aw taaeu, 11 a uui- number undeftbaf stre".' ta oSTered -: tWtta.r1 aAAa Wi14mK :o---.f:..: mnd 'T ihn Annnkl Jjeeiiag'il thnrireelersoH!) tvofth ;fJaronai otut Jnsaraneou Cnmpsny, e'd on tfte Vd Jannaryjj?43rthefoIIo.wing resola- Besolvtdy Thai aa artcr.siif : cTCva' per cent tx .... :....:.....: ...... ......v.... ? n.af.th3 Company; mu6f he poat-jpaii or; they will e (-la frpst tLe Post Gi.ce; -r. . Raleirh. Feh. 8.184 A : i:- v.it?ll 3t O Surand TnTevlfjx'?y ihrl?ms-ach. yThJd Cacon Caras eonad and good, aad 1! ye stock of LARD ".to band 'i SIDES aad bliOULDER.also cCTered low. . . .vt -:s Fb 6; - ?X SWILL TECJK V SON. iVJ)lg f " f r"" ""i1 7V j " Clirara and jTobacco. fTmnWERS and Smoke: wUJ find atonx Prog Vaandt Apothecary Storecome very seperiorTe feacco and Cigars.'PESCDD JHNfON .' - ' 1 tut,..- . wii 11 u in. in. al ImiiiMI 1 t7 ESPECTFULLY rctfroMi;thank to:4b J L seeoaxvorin-(uawiOB,--jorino-W4twM- he no seceived froin themrwbile engaged In bow Be la the city of Raleigh. and.e la?i 'takv them that "he msy-bfoondrr-? ? ihereho'wia te happy to twiliTriecJ and sc- aictanee, nfpled:hic:8lfi Isav¬hif nadonaoa hi part to eontribcto'to their. comfort ao u 1' tT' 1.....' r.:. r.n. 'srf ; hia tl.VOVerr. Ol evetkwv,",?B .oeiro wreure iortine rest 01 his JT: Jjebeinriicre riocrrr- forums v rrais 5 5?-fvVWaf4fJU rHitnstrli.tnj. ill VAm mnd mnH.'rn r.aDouavel. v J520O ;er annnm, 1 PUBLI&r ars perl Wesx Adcer Insertion Twenty- Courf charged .! per cent. advertise Advert oisTaa.,V insure L damage ( This i panics i promptl ApplU cinity.tc Andf Octol xr1 -THU culture tj ery brar begin a j continue ment, w w : umvers This beauty grounds. made, fb mestic c ternal st kind.' tion in in Fren charged! w . a' v. formatia Raleigh j - ij:iVi Ni "E cetved - Dec Sept. fTflH MX and vie busiues tion to same lit roer.cot and lot, - r - 'JanJ H U n inst. d' hsviuj1 10 L. I debtedl , is aloe ' COIlCBT fltai: aary o - Poa' Tlal' Gen A pared,! and A Tjixe-vr OI CHl 10, Raleigh, March 6,1e4a -u .lp5w voontry.7 eeeir uurcayy4 r"? : Rale.SlajW 1 w3m 1 4 7