r s I ( M Will I li MIT ii" HiMJ Will tiLLliiiii, U ' i-iiin -i" iillUJW .i. n , i .i.-ii. - ' t'tI 3, 3i 4 ! ; are sue dellglitfulp ta c e - tJ n tt a r i d b f par t y ru ffc , :t b li r e 1 1 k rf b r o n 6 1 -if - - - fpia n : of t f It 4 '. - , - Riv I '. " I' i t -jb r j vtV f i . USA- s 1 , : j..f --'-4 .y f and osd J.f.V ya - ' '-" " Ve- 1 V1UU1V . I JUI - PUBLISHED 8KSI-WEEILY;lXD ?EEilT, BT T dol. (an per a'anam-half itt Adfance.; '1 1 iatertibn, .baDolUriaach abquant ijueitiatf, Tenty-fiT'"Cnt:--4"-- ; '-? 5- (?oarPr lr andaii Xiertwmen will bi ehargedvSS per cent- hif hef iat a dedacUoof 33J per caut. will hm made from tba- reg alar price, for adrertiMri by tba year - ''-J 'Z' -.-J'. ,'. - "III Advertwementa, luserted j n tba S ""Wa irxr Ra cisTaa, wiU alao appear,.thaWkl.T Paper, fref f ehargr.' ' i - - O CeUeritelbe Editor "tnnst be; foTr aip. FUSE! Tueu rx a :iauiutt jls cucompa Sf; of Hartford, Conn. ,OfiTrato insure Baildlnsa and Merchandize againailoaor damage bf fire, at premium to uit the timea. Thia ia one of the oldest aad beatlnauraoco Com nnle in this United SUlea. and paja ta losaea r v , , ' - - promptly. " c. w- : - Application fofTnaorance in RaleisH,or it vi cinity.to bt made tb V-f 8. WVWHITINO, ? - -. . - 'i-1. TAgant.' And far Milton; N. CJ and minify, lo - v .--;' " v - Jir.i." PA LMBK, Agent, October, 1848 83 Trinity; School, THW Scbooit i?ied for the moral and Keligioaa culture of boy, and for iheir thorough tuition in ery branch of atudy oauaflyarauedatiJcbooU. will begin a new Term, tic i lb 0t January, which will continue fire month. - The Terma by this arrange ment, will be made to correspond with thoaav ht the Unieraity.ad of other choola for Njya in the 8tatei Thia !chooV poaseaaea -dantagea. in .reaped to beauty : and healthfuln-aa of 1 situation, extent of grounds', and comfort and conTeoience of buiklings, not often surpassed. - Arrangement have been made, for the moat efficient management of Ha do mastic concerns, and fur securing to the boy a ma ternal supervision and care, the mxt assiduous and kind. The expense of y a popiL for board, with Tai tioo ia EnglisVand in the Ancient Languages, and i a- French if desired, will be $87 60. , W ben two boy come from the earn family $80 only will be charged for each. . .1 - Far application for admUaion, and for further in formation, apply for the presentto the aobscribex in ... ..MB MA f Till Kaleign. v.'n t AtUCKl -. i - ' n-r. i - Jlctorj of St. Mary! 8ehooL N. B. Boys ow 14 yeare of age will: not be .re ceived unless they are communicants. " " ;' - -: Dec I3ff..r-ii'z -f vi-.--,r-.- 104 WiHiara:J. ATTOUIIEf AT RALIIBH. N. C. fTRHE Subscriber takes this method of. returnins hit sincere thank to the good people of Kaleigh HnJ vicinity, for their patronage since he commenced bosiaess in this place, and be hopes, by sUict atten tion to boaineaa and a'desire to please, to merit the same ttberal ahare of patronage,' bestewed on the for mer ooconu. afy motto is, a "nimble sixpence. and low for cfh? -- i- , . - . . . . xirrLBrox b. walker. Jan. 19. A 3t THE. Business formerly, carried on, 4 under the name of Walkbb Pac, waa,on the 10th int. dissolved by mntnal .coosent, and all persons haviur claims against the concern, will present them io L. B Walker foe settlement ; and. all persons in. debied to the same, will make payment to him, who ia alone authorised ; to settle the business of - the concern. - -: ' I B. WALKER. Rsleirh. Jan.-29. - - . - -- PflR; RENT. nilHE large and convenient Dwejungr now occn- ii pied, by R W. Seawell, sq. w'uh ail tt;e neces- sary out house an two acre of land attached Possession will be given the first of January next. ; V .ii-v ; O. 8UAW-. Ualeigh Nov. 10.1848. ; - . 93 Ai JB.rStita:& Co. General Agent, Commission HXer cnants, and 'AaetiQneerjs , . : llaleisli. If C &-;z ;. -jr;. , A B. ST1TH CtX would ; Teepectfeily jtnv AX.f naonce to the pubtio Utat tbey. are now pre pared, ma Geaeral Ageata, Commission. Merchants, and Auctioneers, to sell tisods. Wares, and Merchan tfiie whieh may be committed to iheif: eh rger and aecoaat for tha saiBe wUh paactaalUy aad. prompt tode ; as also to attend ta ail hosioesa in their line, of whatsoever kind, that may be entrusted to their at teatioa and -care. ; -They , solicit a share of pablio patronap with .the amranco that no pain will be spared on theSr-part te givaaatisfactioo, . . . v j REFERENCES: -u, . .. His ExetJleacT ChaJujcs Mahl.t, Ralsigb, N. C. Wiixujk IIiix, . Secretary oi o tate. y Unaaxsa LC ilijrro.f, cq. Treasurer. - Gcoaoc W.Moa:nsxaisf.-j5 Dr. Josiab O. Waysok:v . it Ir M ft" Hen. J. R. J. UAarttJ t'&MxtXZC. February SOtb, 1849. ' x :' -36 tfs TrpDCK WHEAT Flour of tha teat kiadV Just T lLl)ciel and for sale low, byf-. j . T ? v. w in a vrn ass . L. B. WALKER. Jan. 29 FATO. 3 iTlaCkerel aud Nova Scotia, -.a aicrnnsa s ww jaarreis oi eacn juat receiv. 4 by -. U. T Ali&b IV -an. 19. 23t HESn JXICE to hand " jgry16, , . J4l Tn-ae Pasle-A 'superior article of Jnju " 6 Pae just received, and for sale by PE3CUD & JOHNSON. .r..; inO BACOW Alf D SALT.; OTXHB Sobseriber, haviAf titaly boo ft I oat the lLLjntm 6toclt6f B. B B OFFALOE.-and made advent additiona to 'ihe earner totuake Ibe 8toek ooaplete, retpeetfallInvltea the" Pobne to cell tod txamme the sam far themtWea. He leelf aeaared, tb.lt he will giTe iatit faction, botb in quality and price aa oxtbe articlea have bee a careful! r Selected, artd bavtnbeeq bouhtTitb cah", be 'U determined not to be Qnderaold br arrr dealer in the Uity. ; . . - . .... - ' . , -- - A ' . ' - W rf AAA IL. 1 f Vt- .-1 1 -i 4,000 Iba. of ery beat.LarJ, . t-v . ' Iron and Naila-a feneral araortment, ' . , CaaUogajrTrace Cbaina, and Weeding Hoeat , Loaf, proahed and Brown Q atari, Ball, Molasaeaind Iriab: PoUtoea, - Sole and Upper Leather, : ; .- Sboea e varioaa kind, i v -x, J . . Pepper, Spicei Muatard and Ginger, -.Tobacco". Snnfia and.Soapa,' J . ' -Sperm ind Tallow Candle,, a J' Powder, Shot and Lead, Joffa, Jara and Tin-ware, . - S Cotton -Card,' Bed Cord and Plooth Linen, And: a great many article, too nomerous to inetilion. Uiontrr Produce will be taken ill eichance, at a fair rate.- . ' ' Four hundred rood Jrr Beef Htdea wanted imme diately. - - ' jro: m: BDFFALOE. nrnTne South aide of old Market Street, 4th and 5tb doora. Eaat of Williama & Haywoood'a Drug 8t6re. . Raleigb, March. 84Y 24 Exclrairge. Office of C. WPnreell & Co. CORNER MAIN AND GOVERNOR STREETS To Discharged Soldier. rjTHE Subscribers will collect, with despatch, U ot-maaa QtAixsroa Bocstt LAostTaxAs oar ecatr, and back pat, on moderate terma, and win bur and sell in aaroa at the-market rates The Claimant must send bis Discharge, with an af fidavit that he ia the person earned in it.' Liberal Advances made on the same. Soldiers furnished . with information relative to Claim against the Government, free of charge. - fJ7T;iaSaii sent through tnaillo the Subscribers, will have the mom attention aa if on personal appli cation Address . " ' e w: purcell & co. . : Exchange Brokers, Richmond, Va. July; 20 l148'. . "i' ' - 68 tf. Tl ETrllV SACKS Liverpool and Ground Alum liPj;4ylt;foraaJeby U. TUCKER SON. - t - - - 78 Raleigh, Sept. 25. SOLAR LAMPS. TFDHB Subscriber has just received a new and LLi beautiful article of Lamps for Lard or Oil. . Al so (ii ran doles, new and handsome patterns, which Lwtllbesord low. r .- C. B. ROOT. Raleigh, Nov. 24, 1848. . . 94 fTo change-in the wealher will materially affect the body, it the blood is par. Ererv individual, even the most diseased, has with in him. sierra or root of thai- original pure rblood of our common , isomer xr ; woicn germ. iv pur Wood is tbesuppertejrof hislife, aad is ia constant struggle to throw; off the heterogeneous, corrupt hu mors, which are the canse of disease tn the individ ual. By purging tho body of. this diseased individ ual of iu bad, burtors, yon allow tbo germ of pore blood to gain ground and to make blood of a better qaality, aad so on progressively till the whole may ia regenerated ; for the good principle or good, pare blood, is always striving to be predominant over the bad or diseased humors. . Let all who wish to be of a fiae healthy habit ; who wish to have a -Mund mind in a sound body ; who 'desire to be able to stand without injury the eoatiooal changes of this climate; who desire to have healthy children, use the Brau dreth Pills, which will effectoally cleanse the blood at nil hxHor cnrrBDt humors, and rtor-the human body to the state ef health enjoyed before tbe la-H traduction of jnioeral medicioea. . Remember Bran drelh Tills place wilhio Ihe t reach 1 o( sOl, health and long life. -'r "A c"l"-- - : ' " 2 ' TRUST "TO BRANDRETrTS PILLS,, take them so as ts prodnee a brisk effect, and your sick ness will be th affair of a day or: two, Joa lhoM who' are too wise to lollew- thi common-aeoae" ad vice, will be skck for months. Let the sick enquire of "ihe agent for BrBdTeth, Tilbi whether- tbeeo things are eo cr not - lt them enquire among their friesd and aak the same qaestion. Verily .if EVI DENCE ia wantad it shall be procured.-. To tho aiokvlet me aSyneo tha BRANDRETJl PILLS.. . Uu will be bora to davs of bliss, comparad to irhat ha hitherto been his lot,. weighed down as he hMbeen by disease, wfirmiUei.aBl suttenng, wntcn no earthly power kaewThow o alleviate, uutU this djacovery was' presented Id the worlLj Th weak the feeblei the infirm, the. herrouabe.oicsie, ' are a a few day ; atreogthened 1y their operation, ana the worst' complain t are removed by. pereeveraaee -runout me expense 01 a pnyeiciaa. . Aoaptou mil dreamstance and sitdaraons, they are the beat rad Ictoeeefer iavaotedfer families, oi to take t saa, pteretHiagi senrvy and cbstlvnes requiring : no change of diet, particular regimen, or.car agaiast takiog-jold. . sj, t-'r . . ; WB. .There ia a suretT that yes get tbe genuine BRAN DRETH PILLS, antes yea parchase of the duly ahriaedvigtBC't. j.- .,.-. ,.. tT. The : above PilUV are for sal hy ' Wf Lt i PECK, Agent, Raleigh, wholesale and retail.'. 'Price 15 cents per box. ' - -1 ; ' - - ' Jr.. - C , : LEVER'S .NEW W.0RK . rfnOLAND CasheU by Xaver, author, of Charles I 1 0MeJIe v.1 Ac . Price 25 cents. Illustrated bv Baleigh, March a. . 18 r Kjirrela of best clarified Sugsr, and a rood pPaajonmcat cj Brpiwi Bugtrs, Teceived "and Mbe saleby. Jan. 19. L. B.. WALKER. lit WEDNESDAY MORNING MARCH '1(4, '1849, Swainp Mn iJVbrth Carolina. IHE President and. Directors of the literary Fund of North Carolina, in Dbraus'ncn of mp. taip Resolution, passed at the last session of tha Ge neral Assembly, offer for sale, 7. - ,i THOUSAND ACRES OI Swamp Land, ' ' j conati luting a part ef the. Literary Fund of tbe State, situate in Hydo and .Washington Counties, and env racing the. region lying between fatnUco and. Al bemarle, Sounds 1 .These lands have been drained at treat expense. under the direction of competent EngineersTand laid off Into Sections. The drainage has been effected by two main Canals, lorwit : -Poogo Caiial, extend ing from Pan go Lake to Pungo river, six and a half miles ia length, with ah average width at bottom 6f 23 feet, depth six fret and fall twelve feel and Al ligator Canal, from Alligator Lake to Pun go fiver,' 6 miles loo?, with au average' width at bottom of 30 feet, depthseven, and raU teo . feet ; tegth- er wdh sundry tributaries or lateral ditches." liese Casals are uavieahie for IlaUsaJux. aud euiblvuiir in to the .navigable waters .ot Pamlico Sound, their mouths are. accessible to sea-going vessels. , A large portiou 01 ina iand abpands in Jumper, Cypress and other valuable Timber, lor which the fo rest of Eastern North Carolina la distinguished. The rrsiaua cuunmi vi rrairie, coyerra -run 1110 vine sou Bamboo, and in the estimation of the Engineers who surveyed it, the whole of it is "extremely-fertile." To Grain Farmers, and to the getters of Staves, Heading and ohioglea, this laud oners peculiar in ducements. To Immigrants in the Ports of the United States, accustomed to a country similar in many respects, this Lead offers a soil believed to be aa fertile aa anv in the North-western States, with easy access to the Sea. and witlun. three days sail ot New York 1 he Juniper water is pleasant, aud the. hands engaged du ring the Ian two hummers, in getting obinglea, have enjoyed excellent health. - r '' .T6 mid place: .u The Sale will take place in the Town of Wash ington, iu Beaufort Counlyby Public Auction, com mencing on Monday, the 21st day of May next, and ill be supennteuded by tbe members 01 the Boara, in' person. " ," 'S'" ' ' ' Terms : The Laud will be sold in Sections of about 150 Acres, according to the Maps and Plates Of ike En- a a a --" si. .a itl- gineers. A credit; win oe given 01 one, iwo, inree and four years, to be paid in equal Instalments, with interest from" the day of sale. ' " ' -! Bond and approved security will be required, aad the title withheld until the purchase money shall be paid in fott. Certificate of porch ase will be given, and the titles, when made, will be warranted.- - Turnpike Road. ; At the same time and place,' the Board will re ceive Proposals' for completing the T urnpike Road from Padge Lake to tho Iowa of Fly mouth. Given under my band, at the Executive ynice, ia the City of Raleigh, this 6lh day of March, A. D., 1349. ' v- --- CHAS.' MANLY, ' Governor of North Carolina and ex officio Pres't Lit'y Board. By ordsr :' j L. Chkvk Maxlt, " Secretary to Board. - . TO SPORTSMEN. THE Subscriber hae just received a fin Stock of DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL GUNS, RIFLE MUNS, REVOLVERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE. BARREL PISTOLS, . BO WIS KNIVES, GAME BA GA . POWDER FLASKS,. SHOT,., . BELTS, EXTRA NIP- . . PLES, CL G All of which will be eotd low. C. B. ROOT. Baleigh, Ost 17. ' 8S arg6B3oaixcipia' mrtniBa . ; . CLOTniNG E-STABLISn.TJET, ' . NbV-146. "Balliioio St : North Side. 3d Doorlast of Calvert STREET, - ' BALTIMORE, MD. j MOORE A. INM AN, Merchant. Tailors, res pectfully invite atteolion to their slock of rea dy mads Clothing, of every variety, cut and mad in & superior style, , and not surpassed jn price, finish, or quality. . I J- -i Always on hand, superior Cloths,' Cassirosres, Vestmgs, o., in their .custbm'departmeiil, which wHI be made to order b the most fashionable style. Gentlemen wish log to order a fine suit, without the expense of coming to Baltimore, can do ao' by send ing their measure to M. A I, stating color; quality, Ae which will be attended" to' wlth-the same care, asiflhe purchaser were present. They: feel confi dent of giving entire satisfaction to ail . who favor them with their orders, either by. letter, oris person. ET Mr. Inmao is the ageaj for Shankland'a supe rior system of drafting Garmeats-terms for books, apparatu aad instructioa, $10 - ' ''T-. -Baltimore; Feb, 3. ---V 'll-'ly " - Pomade Devi ne. L A RGB supply oT Pdmide'Devbe for chap. bed4ip;d-6 justrecahred,aodfbrHlby c? Raleigh. Dec 14, 1848, V. "'-100; LegMative:Documenls- Thera are on bndat- tho r2etrter)lfici;iew bound cdpie of the deeumentrdereo. to be printed by the: recent Uenerat Assemwy. rnce O PF vorame.' Raleigb," Feb, 22. 1849. - 5t "... . : ... f l .-.' f ? r.: t. k.v.w Wmn: that lhaiaition of Supreme Court Reporta-Vol 6,7 8 Uw,d VoL AEquity mt th Resistor Office, will tbe offer ed for sale on 16th of March, at pblic.auctioi.!r-; Raleigh; Felt 22 l849it ?i-v- -- --; - -y- FMNXUCllillSTRATjIO. -prrrtft a AtJRuinh. d a rtarrauv mviumuv- ... . lr T..v loitic Llf and Serricee.hy thaeHHsaUiig. Weld. To be completed In -S rn a s each. Partsl , it and 2 now ready at HD. .Tur aer's N. C. BOOKSTORE. Dr, Am ' Fi-Coopers SpUio-Abdomt- i vrj nat supporters.-. THij Subscribers have 00 hand a-suppW of th ebove-vatoabje sapporters, which 1 are . recommend- ded for all persons, afflicted with- muscular debility, Koond shoulders' or prolapsus Uteri y v Proff: Morr tbioks they : are Terywell adapted for some varieties ef. incipient -spinal Ustortions,..as they afford tae oeerul combination of. sboaldar brace and Abdominal supporter, with very decided eupport to the spinal colnmn. . HwVi' The above brace are recommended by. tho Physi cian geaerally, who have seen them,.and.we have sold a n umber o cit'rzena of this place, who are high- iy pleased witji them. N. ... ?c - :v 4,-v A gentleman observed a few days since, that be had been wearing a. very celebrated body brace tor some time, add that he would not giv one of th above, for fifty such :. . .s,rV They need no puffing aa they speak for them- selvee.M t : vr. t PESCUD A JOHNSON. 0j J he above supporter m an wnprovemeat on Dr. E. Caans celebrated Spino-Abdominal Supporter. Jan. J3 IMS. - (Staudatf.) . . , 4 " MAYHEW'S NEW WORK ODEL MEN. rrith Comic Illustrations, prite cents.' 1 bts day received at the . -t ; 3 N:C. BOOKSTORE. Blake Pittmaii, : : Lat or Halifax, N. C. . , COMMISSION. MERCHANT, ifilVES his special attention to the sale of all XjETkiodsof Country Produce, the purchasing of viwoas, ana me receiving ana- lorwaraing ot uoods, REFER TO Bi F. Moore rEsq Raleigh; N.C. Thos. IC ThOmas, -Esq.. Louisbur?, N. C.' vn Uorteh, lisq., W. Weston, Jesse II. Powell, Dr. J. J. Phillips, . N. M. Loaz, Esq., I Rocky Mount, N. C. J JJattlesboro, N. C. L M. Long, Esq., Jas. Simmons; - ) Patterson. Cooper - Co W'dlsoS Lea, -B. F. IIalsey,. Weldon.'N. C. Petersburg, F. S. Marshall, Halifax, N. C. Petersb irfr Feb. 1 , 1849. II w3m Cjaltpetre. A large supply of Refined Salt petre juil to hand and for sale by . PESCUD JOHNSON GARDEN SEEDS. THE Subscriber has just received his supply of Gsrden and Grass Seeds. '" which he warrant to be fresh and genuine, consisting in part oi tbe usu al varieties of the following kind, viz : . Asparagus, Beans,. Beets, Boricole, Cabbage, V Carrot, , Cauliflower, Celery, . Cress, ; Cucumber, . Egg Plant, . Corn, . . . Leek,. Lettuce, Melon,' Mustard, Nasturtium, Okra, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip, Peas, Pepper, Pumpkin, Radiab, Rhbbarb, Salsify, 8piaage, " ' Squash ' Tomato, : Turnip; Aromatic Herbs, Grass-seed and Fruit Trees, ' - Also, a lot of Flower 8eed, which win be sold at three cents a paper, as they are not of last y ear's growth. " P. F. PE8CUD,-. Apothecary & Druggist Eeb.8. 1 - i - ,12 FOR CALIFORNIA AND THE GOLD ' 1 REGION. CAPT. R-J BARBES, proposes to make up a Stock Company, each indi vidual subscribing and paying a certain amount of Cash-; the sum to be in pro portion to the number' of passenger Or adventurers offering, purchase a good and anbstantiat Vessel, the cargo and vessel W be owned by the company, and each individual to be governed by such laws and reg ulations as the said Company may make after being formed. Fifteen Hundred Dollars, hae already been subscribed. CapU Barbes is an experienced naviga- tor.having sailed; around the Horn, seven different times, aad. well acquainted w.Ub the coast, and will famish 8700. worth of instruments for the ouluung of the Vessel. For further iu formation apply to HARRIS: A DRAKE. Wilmington, Feb. 8, 1849, ' ' Vs. . Public Sale. ' A good chance for toarjgains. 0N Monday, the Id day of April next, will be Ljsold at Public Auction, at the bouse oa Fayette ville Street, how ocenpied by L. F. Smith a, a Re fectory, (formerly Pepper A; Uncriics,) all the Fixtures belonging to the Establishment, Furni ture of all kinda. Cooking apparatus, crockery or ev ry description, (a splendid lot,) with a variety of ar ticles used by families. '; ' V v .. . And all the Mock on hand, consisting 01 Liquors of every sort, aud of excellent -qualilies, Wines, of various brands, begars, Ac. , . - . , . v - . ALSO, X. ; - . . --.i. A new Northern Buggy and Harness made to or der, and a first rale harness horse. ... L. F.. SMITH. Raleigh, March 6, 1849. . ' - 19 w4t - - - -v- - - - - - Chocolate ' Drops an d Lozenges of all kinds; just opened; aud for sat by; -- v t p. F. PESCUD. Raleighf March 8, 1849. - - v 19 "5Xcnaa5O0 !P3S97aaixia-ss3 ., y A farther supply of Yeast Powders, just receirad, AA,and for sale by Raleigh. March 8, 1849.' ' p. r. PESCUD. 20 A FEW Urrel of fine Mullets and Shad, also A Mackerel. --Jn"- - ' r nlt;v?. - , WILLt PCKA SON March 9, 1849, fe20ti SODA SAfEICATfJS. X"KNE case of Soda SalsBralus, superior article for cooking purposes, just received and for sale by vi ; - 'Z-'? .4-tf:.r- F.:?1SSCVD :. Raleigh,: March 8. 1849 ? , t 'i?: 20 :nnlf i Doxes, Cigar Cases. and To tmcco i Hoses, justto tiaad, aad for sal, by Raleigh, March t,4849- f ...v. 20 LARGE assortment different trapds, fjroni lh MA lowest pTico to the best article March 11,1849. XOM &o( 'th "mostV uperir Comba'eTer jpffered for sale BalemhrOuylrt-'loaBtfat' r t - - p. f. FEscuirg ; - .DrWEftorfc Raleigh, March 8.1849; 'ss1bbWb -:-i- - ' m .Vv.; v'k'1. r-saasaaaBBBBSSSaaaaaaW " ' v ' " ' U - ' - ' . . . ;. Floor Oilcloths.; til Aioro, lloyt & Xa John Street, v A RE NOW RECEIVING' lNTfiSTORE JA KOM THEIR F.ctorIe.; jt iliJZ Vir TnctJ w udjmg.inal patterna of ? y r UEAVY JPlOOn OI t CLOTHS t in width tS IH. 81 and 24 feet. They ere also re reivingfrom thX: Alhany, ;Lahsing6urg, and Utic Factories, hi shetsofJ8 feet in widih, a Urge assort merit, embracing many new patterns of their - 'Alo, from lb Newburgh Albaoy, Lensingburgh, Utica and .Maine Fslone, every variety. of patterns manufacturing by jhem, or their 4-4 tb. 6 -4th. 6-4 th. 7-4tht8-4tb,abd 12 feet wide , I LIGHT FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, A Iso, Mahognsy,- Rosewood "and fieured 4-4. 5-4 and o-4.ni nlish, uermaf) and American' ;-JABLE;OILCLOTHSr: Also, a great Variety of neve pattern of . .-CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS- . - A 11 of which they ofifer to th trad on liberal terms. Jan. 2, 1849. ; - V::- 5 2m Kirk & Soni Cold and oilier SmiUis V -If o. 172, Baltimore Streelf - MANUFACTII.RE and have alway on hand, a laree amount of Silver. . Table, and Tea. Spoousi Forks of all sixes, Sugar Tongs. Sonp Ladles Butler KoivesSalt Spoons. Silver Tea Selts.i Pitch ers, Vases, Urns, Dishes, Ac i viv- They ai e continually receiving by direct importa tions, an the new. style Plated -Castors, Baskets. Candlesticks and Waiters, as earty.as they, appear in the Foreign markets. . .AIsor fioa Table Cutlery, Gold, Patent Lever and Lepuie VVaiches Jewelry of every description. . . , .J January, 10. . , .v ... , 6 ly - MEDICAL INSTITUTE OF PHILADELPHIA, The Course of Summer InsUrnctioh will be resum ed on Monday, April 9tbsndJe continued under the following arrangement uaul the- middle yr Uctober, carfl tlaA nanal maasm sea A narne to tuv vsuu ivvco . aiw aaDt-' . tCV W- Anatomy, . , by; 't ioan Neiix, M. D. Materia Medic and Therapeutics, J. J Rkese.JM. D. Obstetrics and Disease ol Women;, -;. '- -.. ,W. Bran Pace, M. D. Surgery, .Hrjiar H. Smith, M. D General, and Special Internal Pathology, , , . . Jj1kjmth -Ctrma, ivi. Df PhysioloffT, v. .-JosErarLsmr.- M. D- Da. Hoaftaa will assist in the Lecture en Anatomy. Fee, for the entire Course, y ; . 7 . 50.. either Ticket separately, . 10. ,.-y - J. J-vB EESE. Secretary, N, W. Cor. SchuylkUl 7th A Chestant StJ. Philade4phia,Februaryr Id49. y .-. . ta $2.50 Orem & Hopk r ILatc j ohn AI. Orem :5c Co. N. W. Cokner Market & Charles Streets, " ' BALTIMORE." 'rJi ';L 11 - TCTVTOULD inform MaacaAjtTa. and Msrchast V V Tailors, that they have fitted op the floors over their Tailoring and Clotfiing DeparUpentt for Ihe kale, by the piece, of Cioths, Casslmebss, Vestiwop, Tailors Tsimmings,. and. ali.. Articles adapted to the trade. The. liberal patronage bestowed upon them, ia this department of their business, has induced ibem to enlarge their warehouse to enable them to meet thtir increased trade. One of the partner .whohaa had long experience jn bumess,'wjU.devole his whole time to purchasing goMs; and buyers ma rely upon finding a ' large stock of whatever is ' moat desirable of European and American manufacture, that money can vrocuft, .. ' ' . New Cloth rooms will be opened on the let of March Extranet on Ch&rhi street. ta 84 : JO TH t; AFFLICTED. 4 : . L: . MADLOCK'S Vegetable Powder aad Syrup, for Diseases of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Liver Com piaiuts, Cooghs, Colrh c. ' r-i "r: - - This medicine has beerihefore the public for twelve years, aud as-far as it is khe wn, Stands jnnrivalled as a remedy for the : above ' -named comptabta--when used according to-the directions Those-disposed to make a trial of it, are advised to use it from three to four weeks ; and Chat without the omission ef even one dose. ' Scarcely any thing short of this can b a fair trial of its efficacy. Nomeroas -and surprising have been the cures perferrned by 4ts iu In CONSUMPTI VE and LIV ER COMPLAINTS of long standing, and even highly aggravated "-ses' ef BRONCHITIS, have yielded l this powerful remedy.- ''.-. v3vS' ' As a MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN in cases of W.UOO PIN COUGH INFLAMMATION of tho LUNGS, it is UNSURPASSED byany-otber yet offered to the publicVLlcmerroTer, an excel lent Restorer lh T Appetite. JJ. is twlieved thai more, permanent care jiavo heea made Jy it use than by any other article bofoc the publieVs vThe above Medicines for Sale at the- North Caroll as Book S-ors.hy. t u.r : w u d. turner. February 20, 1849 THE American. Almanac. aa4 Repository ot us fol knowjedge, for 1849 thi dsy.receied by . . ' :X c:v-rt-H. D.TURNER. -: . p irr.-. IREDELL1?; RE VIS ALr TKF. THE Act of the General Assembly of IS VjJCn from 18 38. to . 1846. inclusive by Jame . a -aa a' m . " . . " . -. . treueUrXisq., wr sale oyi rlll, iTarnerat In .-, 7 .. . 1 j 1 . Sabbath and Scripture Readings, ia 5 vols. u This. day. received at fh -J - -T ' g.-. a.-1;. uuu&a rune. Harah 1, 1849. .y. r- s -: 48 Ar FBW barrels of Northero Pippin, .-wry fiae; ":- n i.-f k. lrir -J ftfW J . March 9; tao--' 4 w- 1.;;-. JFIfni t-Trecai; - rra M tnKf has tost reteired, L tnimlv" ; TJ efieicoTValtTree; frOm;' Perkiaycc braled Nursery, at Brfington,NV J conanmg Of leaciws, A n-iisots. Nectarines and Cherries. Ix. creatiTaKefr. and with the Tieir sf efleetin g vpieedy safes, will felt them low . F.r. KSCUPDrngjist,-. ' m """ ""' " " " J7. 9 ; ; " C:.'' f7 V-sf t ?i V."-; . " j J - -VM . , j.y y . -tf .- - . ,-w.-t.V -rW"-- v : "i rr " " " -it r-t ' piosecutioh. of C lairza i zainst our own tovernmi? t. sjuafntt ihf Govcrnne eorihac to priiecf 4iit5; r6fcMftess 6fejrilu& TRACT8UPPLIESN8ETTLED AGCTdfc r rAXMER3,v.fJ0lMISSARlE3-iUfri i' THREIT 0lTH8.BAClCPAYHiNOlyra)Ul7 "VO LUNTE E R8 ah3uWlbrwaTd titkr or 8orgeon Uertlficatei,- drrecUy to the aborer Attor- ' neys and Agefiwh caceruml Ibejr Iftd Wirraols; and ai qjileki gatg ttti who IfM tint of l&fs Cffy'f i;fe!. ? : ; THE ARMMEPORfS oti lUan ded iq oaf JBossessiob will be found of rrrachlmnn- tance to HEIRS, m obtaimng jbeJr CIsima pay, extrl Wiatnf dt&r alio wsnces. ttJVf.-.4: :Z' T wfi THiitraAND :iARti-ttiik&iti& WAKTEDMvihichth : ,AGETf?itf ihoaedcairirllDleomM receive cpoc appIkaUon promptly, ,th$ best and-mosf complete; FflRMSUhJftslrttctw one to proceed forth with, and wUbout erring in tha - business oCcotlecuog tabias.fof,fpnfeaihn ,&bf most liberal division of r profits. HI . fit otda irittt such y: vi K--y-'rWt?rXwf Avk:- 60.000 Officers and SoUierr of ihe of&Aiy? Warwe.have Rolls and ReeordAt f ihmri0 j Let widows, who do-not receive 4h full amount -oil Pension, allowed to' their husbands especisily, apVy to Us, and we will have the Same inrcJ.- ; Others spplv sfsi-;:-'4 . i N. B. Letfert Owing U fteiiumDef fecelfei ...? be postpaid:'.: ".Ti-'"?"';-!- '. . From tb h1ghly6sf by, many .gentlemen 6f my; aequalhtance; to'the cha k racter andualification i$MtSTifl hae not IhV" slightest hesitation: !tt .re(bmm'erng.hii&'to all wbdr? may desire hi services, as ful competehf to giva1 enfui sstisfacibfi in whatever he -'may; endenaksC HORACE STRINGFEtLOW. 4 jsecior of irrty Church. iWashmglonDui ISth,- 1841. Ltake pleasure in statinj; that Mr. BrAehsrd True, of the 8tate of Maine;" i a graduate af B6w4 doin .College; the highest literary institution 4ofabS c3tate, and among . the foremost. mrNew fglandjrj thai he is a gentleman of good charaeter sad worth , I doubt not be will give nil aatisfaction whfcrever htfV may be employed. - k- GEORGE BVANS, TJ.8, v " -Aogsst 184L-i rr-:-5 tfrizv Woold feipeBtfuIfy refer o je &&ttig&e&i Hon. W. PMangUBOt, Er.PretidentTJ.-S; Hon. J. W. Jonesr Ex-peaker House of Bepi M: B Lamatr Ex-President ofTexas,' ? iuiiici is MnicOi W ....... . t i.. noo. juoge oempie, U.B. Benate, ' ; Hoh.;AVH. 8tevens,-Houseof Kepsv ..wn. 0 uagst imu,. BOT , flO' ' HoS.-H. St. John, ! ' da ' ffrf -: 3 . - GajfCoTei: Wa6htngloaUityjlaf o?flt- Jion.oht. F,DpnUp, , House of RepsV, .Hon, Luther Severance,, .rAmt" do J gop-'Sepawspn, ' . do "w Hon.Wm.Parmeoter,. .d;ro ; Hon. X. Jsmespn,r -v w; umi. . .uus., viuiiu. u .--j. fle f. 40- Hoo. Freeman HJforscv d ""! Hon. Josieh Herrick. . Hon. Albion IC PsrnVld Comp. trea)pp f r w. u. irfiw, r r meipai iierr. v rVf-uif tL Gen. John, Wilson, Mucoori, Hon. J udg Pillsbury, " - ; c fous of Rep, m Hon Andtew 8tewart. - f ? do uV " Hon. T; Wi Haskell, i-doi v-dw i---' Hon. John H: Croxier,t v ? -dflr-J-no- '- And to Member of Congress,' and Heads Of Depart-' ' menu generally - i;V'; Office WillardeJIolBl BuHdiiigJ ! eo'iicf . fttE fH snd Penrtfylviaia Avetihe '--4,-i-; . ? Wasbingtotf Cityy A ug.1848.t 64- wlr" JL ILGRlMASlOo the HcrfyioVT LanaaiS- omen of ChRetoint&a7;bT !WrayRfit: ' 5 YfunJ?fhy AUcott The Poorousiu , byJtf iaa Pie.terin. , rr;i HalUburton-r ceafsv '-jU v - ThfJateiuM -VitturiV.Retenge.yvy;,--;,,. 'CStw v emoira of Phyiciab y Charlea Q'M.ttey, .w Edition , fe i'gLSf yolonxaavtav 6 JJctaTjQyV ui-i 4tiV;- yThfiaaySreeciT JajefehvFe riTHE Subscriber, wisbe to" ipoe a second I JUL j?od 'iVt&f&ttti&rtkrM&- it caa haf: 1 '-!,.avi?tJ V'-- TA Aw-TweT"" 'r''. J0S.X hunter; For. SanfranclscOi California The new A.I, iWenedmd pered, iiJve ask. and, red Ceder 1:0 rr3 8he can take the bulk of 200 tonsfiei-htt:-- JC3 as ienger, F-paiUelarliajftv--5.5 -5r4A .Hf?s GEO. XI: DAVISI. yWSsaiflgtiaj Tbi i5,-1849.M?- r4 j.;.v.,.r,, . v r ii, T 1 'AVING otenriined tole&ta iU Cute c Norllf Carolina fdr!C72a.'l fr!Tl!. at 4 puWic Ahctlon; en4 Monday tLa l::i C. j it I Izrth i.'Mir(ri'.-. 1 ...... j my Bewiy built THrelhnsyaad Ctira AO 13 v acres of good laud. - It. will be- re tr. z- rfd tint t!. tasttgstatorepaBaedithe.CeLtril 1. . r.c-J and no3 doubt Uendersott will to cae ef ths test tusf-" BessT place r North Carolina v..v - - y -' : 9 y-" "?y .-v.Tf a - a.;- 5 FeBv22,--l43.yn:A:- -27 rTT"T' - 'AA Kiflff Chaies the-First' of Ch- AbbolU' Just fkucliehed sad for , . 1 - - . ' TTQRjnani.yeaEa; ibis Agrcha);fi-fi ID fujly engaf ei at the Seat of Uovernaest. intiSli TlD - . fr. r -.1 1 If