4 1 i. i V n VI Ai xmxt Aire! Emroaiuis. -fTTTTHOLESALE and retail Bookseller and Pub WW ier, RaMgh, N. C has tor aale all the pJoular School and College Book el the day ; each .the various Edition oCSpeinnc Booka; the va rious wrioa of Readinf Bookt, English Dictionary L nd Grammars, the , worka oa Arithmetic. Geogra thv. Rhetoric, ElacnUoB,Loffic, Composition, Alge bra, Geometry. 8arveyiag..Menaration, Drewiog, Book-Keeping. History, Biography. Netural Pbiloe ophy. Chemistry, Botany, Mineralogy, NaturalHia tory, PbysWofr AetrooomyrIetfellectal and Moral Philoaophy, Political Econamy, Freoch Grammar, Dictionariaa, Readers, J-c German, Latin, Greek and Spanish School and Clascal Books, with a ve ry extensive assortment of all tha Standard worka of tha day. in every department of Literature, Sci ence, and Art J together with every article of Sta tionary now in uee. All for aale at the loweat prices. Public, Private and Social Librariee, and all who onrchaae to aell again, supplied on the moat rea Booableterma with evtry.article in .the Book and Stationary Use ; Including new novels, and all new worka in everr department of Literature and Science. T?.l.;.h Tan 4. 1849. - v. ',: 2 -J TO SPOKTSBXEN . THE Subscriber has just received a finelStock of DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL UUNS, RIFLE GUNS, REVOLVERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL PISTOLS, BOWIE KNIVES. GAME BAGS. 'POWDER FLASKS, SHOT BELTS," EXTRA NIP PLES, $CL 4rC. All of which will be sold low. C. B. ROOT. RaJeigtr, Oat. 17. 85 Manufacturing Establishment Han, XX2aiXl9!l33a TfOSEPIl WOLTJEItING (.for a number sajjof rears Foramen i in the Raleigh and Gaston Kail Road Blacksmith Shop) respectfully announces . .V. ! . t a K af P I Z .-1. .Mwailtilinrf Paiiii. ties, that ha is prepared to manufacture XOCQIS. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, , i Cans and Pistols. Carriage Springs Mill-work, Brass Castings, and BKIt UO FREAaSD TO EXECUTK BKLL HANGING, AT TM SHORTEST fcoticft. ' Also baa on band an extensive assortment of Locks of all kinds, atpncee from 10 cents to 20 dollars IZdgetools, an assortment of Axes, Drawing-knives,' Haicbetey Hammers, tiles of varions descriptions. mention.' . . tAU orders faithfully executed at the lowest prices, and new work eatrasted to his care will be warrant ed Orders, fro in a distance will be attended to and executed at the shortest notice. His Establishment wBt be found at the Raleigh Railroad Depot Sepairiag in his line performed with neatness and deepateh. Also, a general assortment of Goos and Pistolaeonstantly on band. ; h JOSEPH WOLTE RING. Raleigh, April 17, 1849. 31 tf NE W GOODS BY EXPRESS. , . AT V MAY 1, 1849. THE Subscriber would call the attention of the Public to beautiful ' assortment of Fancy French Cassimeres, and Fancy Silk Vestiogs, re ceived tbirday, which, in addition to the btock be has on hand, selected by himself in person, in March, will make his assortment one of the moat varied in the State, and will be found to contain, on examina tion, every article for Dress, Comfort or Convenience, for. the Season. It comprises Black Freuch and Fancy Cloths and Cassimeres, of the best Factors, Black and Fancy French Doe Skins, plain and figured - white Drilling, plain white figured and fancy Marseilles. Black and Fancy Satins and Silk Vestiogs, Brack French Drap d'etes and Black Cash mere tU, for Summer Coats, with a variety of other Goods . . i In the' faney line, he offers Silk Shirts and Draw ers, and Gauze under Shirts, Linen and Cotton (lac ed) Drawers, Black and White Raw Silk Hose, a superior article,) Black and White Kid and fan cy lisle Thread Gloves, Suspenders, Black Italian and Fancy Silk Cravats, (something new,) with a handsome lot of Patent Leather Belts, for Misses. Also, a complete assortment of Drees Shirts, of the latest style, . received this day,, and warranted to fit. . . .. These Goods are offered, with the assurance that they will be disposed of on ai moderate terms as any House in Raleigh. Gentlemen furnishing; their own materials, will receive the same attention as though pu lased here. . Thankful for the patrocaje he continues to re ceive, no exertion of his wiil be spared to merit its continuance. A suit of Clothes made in any specified time, and all Garments warranted to fit, or no sale. N. B. Orders from a distance thankfully receiv ed, ana will always secure punctual attendance. T. R. FENTRESS, . .Merchant Tailor. 07 The London and Paris fashions are received monthly, independent of tha Plates, twice a year, Raleigh, May 4, 1849. 36 JT. CILEECMTS : . Cheap CuhSUre. T (HE Subscriber has just received a large and splendid assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery oc, whkh having been boaght for cash, he will sell at reduced prices. Grateful for the former patrobase which he has received, he res pectfully invites-his customers, and the public gen. erally, to call and examine his Stock before purcha sing elsewhere. ' x ' J. CREECH. Rsleigb, April 23, 1849. 33 if S. H. ROGERS. 1 V ATTORNEY AT f.lW. ---m af ia if FFICE, No. ii, Uvr...('. HatlNHt. side ot the Court Hon?: 2S FeJnale Benevolcnt Society. ii. .bociety will take place atith- p. k. SeaaiamUoaaa, UoadayX li ' J5T b,UK2 o'clock A-M.v ThaXadiirfv"1 tm attend - Hy ara raonrstaav Raiaigh May 1st. ..Notice, .TraOM .a4 alter thb day, SBb IlaetenniBvd ta do no mnr u : Sublea, .laaJl .ioUoc htteafier, and witbaatias. Y' j-"-" wui be eqaired for Dorses "rd7 ht!4JCl n before tbey leaf a the Fraona boarding Jiorsea bj the year, will be re- r NIXON COOKE. May 8th, 1849. 37 it i.rSvf fry. BrbadwaTf cbrtf cr oflrclaj street fliilT.KUUfi.) fTnHE Proprietors, TABEK A .BAGLEXV ws U pectfully snooonce' to their friends and the public, that they have leased this well known Hots I, and have made many important Improvementa and repairs, A new and splendid Ladies' Ordinary will soon be completed ; also additional rooms on Broadway. It ia famished entirely with new Furniture made expressly to their own order. It is their determina tion to make it one of the best and most fashionable resorts for tha travelling pnblk that can be found in this country. Its attnatien is unsurpassed, being directly in front of the Park and Fountain, where the Crotonis continually playing, cooling and re freshing the air; also within a abort distance of the Steam-boat and. Rail .Road landings. The Tables will at all timet be bountifully sup. plied with the delicacies of the season, and their Wines, and Liquors, having been selected with great care, cannot fail to give satisfaction . . The Proprietors hope by personal politeness and attention to merit the support and confidence of the public. ( . . JAMES BAGLEY, Philadelphia. JOB TABER, Boston, New York. Feb. 26, 1849. 20 3m Crockery on Consigiiiiieiit, from the North. We have received, and ar now open ing, three large crates of China, Liverpool, and crock ery Ware, comprising a general assortment, with some nice glassware. These articles will be sold nnnsaally low by the lot. Dealers and others, are respectfully invited to call and examine them. f WILL: PECK & SON. Raleigh , April 20, 1 849. 32 1 m Stair-Builder's Guide, THE MODERN GEORETRICAL STAIR-BUIDERS GUIDE, being a plain, practi cal system of hand railing, embracing all iu ne cessary detsils Geometrically illustrated by twenty two ateel engravings, together with the use of the most important principles of Practical Geometry. By Simon De Gr.ff, Architect. A few copies for sale at Turner's N. C. BOOKSTORE. Ralriirh. April 20, 1849. 32 MEDICAL DCIARTiTIET OF HAMPDEX SIDNEY COLLEGE. Millie Chair of the Theory and Pmr fe9 tice of Ulediciue in this Intitutiin, hav ing become vacant by the resignation of Professor Culltn. the subscnber will rrceive applications to nil tne vacaney, until the l?lhof.May; when the Faculty, with whom the nominating power rests, wi.i prnct eu to nominate a candidate to tne appoint ing Uoard. 8. MAUPIN, M. D. Dean of the Medical Fsculty. Richmond, Vs ., April 20, 1849. 32 9t North Carolina Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY- THE following persons have been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for ihe pre. sm year: DIRECTORS. Josiah O. Watson, Raleigh. Geo. V. Mordecai, do Richard Smith, do John Primrose, do Henry D. Turner, do J. G. B. Roulhse, do James F, Jordan, do Geo McNeill, Fayetteville. Jos. G. Wright, Wilmington.' James E. Hoyt, Washington. Elijah Clark, Newborn. James Sloan, Greensboro'. . - Wat -Badnanv Edenton. JV. Z. Graves, Wsrrenton, R. C. Pearson, Morgsnton. John Irwin, Charlotte. ' J. W. Cameron, Wadesboro'. Josh. Boner, Salem. J. W. Patton, Asheville. All Directors are aathorfeed to receive applications. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY- Josiah O. Wstson, President. Geo. W. Mordecai, Vice do Richard Smith, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney. J. Hertman, General Agent. Geo. W. Mordecai, Richard 8mith, C Executive Committee. John Primrose, j This Company is now in soceessful operation, and is prepared to effect insurance against ire on all kinds of property, (Steam Milla and Turpentine Dis tilleries excepted.) All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid- J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh. April 25, 1849. 33 White Hi ts, a OF Summer's Style, this dsy received by R.TUCKER At SOS. Raleigh, April 27, 1849. 34 jgxs. A Large lot of Umbrellas and Psrasols of ZHzZ- designs and Prices, for 8s le by R. TUCKER & 80.. Kalehrh, April 27. 1849. 34 STRAW Jtl ATTirt G. BY the Piece or Yard, for sale low by R. TUCKER & 80.V. Raleigh, April 27. 1849. ( . 34 ratS anp Standard copy. To Travellers going North. TRAVELLERS go. ing North, will find their most comfortable, expeditious, and only certain Route to be by the Rail Itoad Z,ine,via BichmoDd, Frcderiekjbnrj k Waifingtoii Citr. Passengers by this route, (the Great Mail Route,) pass up the Potomac Riv er by day-light, in the splendid new Stsm soar Baltimore, in full view of Mount Vernoa, Fart Washington, Alexandria, and all tha varied and beau tiful scenery of this noble Riverarriving ia Balti more to tea, Philadelphia in the course of tha night, and New York early next day. . FAKE From Weldon or Gaston to Baltimore, $ 1 0 50 From Petersburg to Baltimore, J,60 For throegh tickets, apply to B- A. ELLIS, Wal don, N. CC. C. PUGH, Gaston, N. C.,or at the Office of jtha BJobmood and Petersburg; Company, PetrSstiurtY'Vsu- ,U ,1 (Office P.R.B. Co Richroend. Ya.v 37 14 w parlter'iPatditU for.ImproTements aaxa.ii. 1 A LU DcraonainXriaiiBa.or-violaUaa? tha ho A PaienU are cautioned, not ts pay for said in. inuf eraanu or vtoiauoua to L.yman Merchant, Dan. el Uamphry and Thomaa J, Barney, or cither of them, acliag aa say agents mttdr a power of attorney dated oa lha 18lhday 0 January, 1848, as said powaf of attamey waa .revoked by ma osi tho 2Sd dy of April, 1849. , -'. , ZEBULON PARKER, Patentee. Newark. Ohio, May, 1849.. - 37 6t L(h 8ACK? FlNE LIVERPOOL SALTJust JtHjr received and for sale by May 7, 1819. A. B. SH & CO. ' STMARY'3 SCHWtrmOTH'rtt c TRINITY SCKOOCT milei Yett of Raleigh. . . Sight Ect, lv 8.'lYes, D. D. Visitor.1 xpHE hammer Term of these School will com 4l mence on Wednerdsy, the 6ih of June. .-? A' punctual attendance of the pupils is requested For circulars, containing full information as to Terms otc, apply to the subscriber. ALDERT 8MEDES, Rector of Bi. Mary's Bchool. Raleith. Anril 12. 1849. ' 30 C, B. Root : eA8 JUST received a large and splendid as. son metft of Watches, Jewelry, and rancy Uoods, making his Stock at present, very complete ; consist ins of " Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Anchor, Cylinder, and Vertical Escapements. Jewelry Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Gold and Steel Goard and Fob Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear Rtcgs, Gold snd Silver Pencils, Gold snd Silver Thimbles, i Medallions, Gokl Hearts , and Crosses, $-c Spectacle. Gold, Silver, Blue & polished Steel Spectacles, to gether with a Isree assortment ot reritocaiana rum Glasses, which can be adapted to any eyes, on short notice. 8iUer plated ware. Silver Table, Tea, Desert and Snli Simaii, T.alle- Ttutter.kniYe. Silver Cups. Su gar Tongs, Castors, Csndle Sticks, Snaffers and Trsys, Cake Baskets, die. &c 7 Fancy Goods. Perfumerv, Cutlery, Masical In ttrumpnu all of which will be sold cheiD. Watches and Chwks repaired, in superior style. . - a Gold snd Silver manufactured to order, wiin neai ne and punctuality . Highest prices given for old Uoid anil silver. p. Raleigh, Oct. 27. FAST AND SURE IS THE GO!!! llTtEREBY their customers, friends and the public U. al generally are respccliuny iniormeu iiiai. xTIessieitrs Oliver Sc Procter, R. R. R. R. Have this date received their vernal and solstitial tnnnlv nf eh want e nd banton fabric ks for the less refill ed genera ol the species, Bimaui. MM. O. and P. in especially invite attention to their Metropolitan Spriu Sacks, of as many dyes as the Mosaical coat of Joseph, the sou of Jacob's old age, (who wore the first sack,) styled the loocn iiign, irsougn at a low and supine price, and an altogether newel Buena Vista article kaown as the Zack coatee, which all will call and see ! ! The peculiar attention of the aforementioned gentlemen, together with tkaaddition of skilful artists from Paris and Denmark, will be de voted as heretofore to tha external improvementa of their Patrons. If any style of garment or coetumery is wanted, all they have to say are Here it la'. Verbum Sat. Grateful for aalrouage they remain as u Firm" as ever. OLIVER & PROCTER. BIG BUG-EE. SOLDIERS' CLAIH1S-GOERAL AGEJVCY. By L, Blanchard True & Co, ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIMANTS, &C. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. TTOOll many years, ibis Agency baa been auceeas II' fully engaged at the Seat of Government, in the prosecution of Claims against our own Government aod against the Governmi-nts of other Nations, and coniinues to prosecute with promptness, fidelity and efficiency, Claims nf every description, especially CLAIMS ARISING OUT UK THE LATJS WAR WITH MEXICO. FOR BOUNTY LAND, OR SCRIP, PENSIONS, LOST HOUSES, CON- TRACTS, SUPPLIES, UNSETTLED ACCT 8 OF PAYMASTERS, COMMISSARIES, BUR. GEONS, SUTLERS, AND ALSO FOR THE THREE MONTHS BACK PAY NOW DUE ALL OFFICERS AND PRIVATES, WHO HAVE BEEN IN ACTUAL SERVICE DU RING SAID WAR, OR IF DECEASED, TO THEIR HEIRS. VOLUNTEERS should forward their Dischargee or sturgeon s Isertincates, directly to the above Attor neys and Agents, who can certainly obtain for them their Land Warrants, and as quickly as Agents can who live out of this City. THE ARMY REPORTS of the killed and woun ded in our possession will be found of much impor tance to HEIRS, in obtaining their Claims for back pay, extra pay, and 01 her allowances. TWO THOUSAND LAND WARRANTS WANTED, for which the highest prices will be given. AGENT?, or those desiring to become such shall receive upon application promptly, the best and moat complete FORMS with instructions, enabling any one to procceu forthwith, and without erring in the business of collecting Claims for prosecution. The most liberal division of profits Hill be made with such. 60,000 Officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionsry War we have Rolls and Records of the services. Let widows, who do not receive the full amount of Pension allowed to their husbands especially, apply to us, and we will have tha same increased. Let othera apply also. N. B. Letters owing to the number received mast be post-paid. From the highly satisfactory testimonials given by many gentlemen ol my acquaintance, to the cha racier and qoalificationa of Mr. True, I have not the slightest hesitation in recommending him to all who may desire his services, as folly competent to give entire satisfaction in whatever he may undertake HORACE STRINGFELLOW, Rector of Trinity Church. Washington, July 15ib, 1842. I Uke pleasare in ststing that Mr. L. Blanchard True, of the State of Maine, ia a graduate of Bow doin College, the highest literary institution of the Slate, and among the foremot in New England, that be ia a gentleman of good character and worth I doubt not he will give full satisfaction wherever he may be employed. GEORGE EVANS, U.8. tf. Augusts, 1841. ... Would respectfully reler to tne unuersignea. Nathan Clifloid, Minister to Mexico, . Hon. W. P. Mangum, Ex-President U. 8. S. Hon. J. W. Jones, Ex-Speaker House of Reps, M. B. Lsmar, Ex-President of Texas, 4 lion. Levi Woodbury, Justice U e Sup'e Court, Hon. A. P Bsgby, Minister O Russia, ' Hon. Judge Semple, V. 8. 8enate, Hon. A. H. 8tevens, House of Reps. Hon. Judge Dean, do do Hon. H. St. John, do do ' Gen. Covel, Washington Citj, late of IIL Hon. RobU P. Dunlap, House ef Reps. Hon Luther Severance, do do Hon. Judge Da wson, ia do Hon. Wax, Parmenter, - do do , Hon. J. Jameson, Jo da ; H on. ThiM. Smith, do de . Hon. Freeman H. Merse, Jo. . do Hop, Josiah Herrick, do do Hon. Albion K. Pawls, 3d Com p. Tress. Dep fe Wm. O. Elliot, Principal Clerk P. O. Dep't, Geo. John. Wilson, Missouri, Hon. Judge PilUbury, HeosaofRepe. -Hon. Andrew Stewart, do do . Hob. T. W. Haskell, do do Hon. John H. Crotier, do do And to Members of Cemvreae, and Heads of Depart menu generally.' Office Willard'a Hotel Buildings, corner 14th St, and Pennsylvania Avenue. Washington City, Aug. 9. 1848. 64 wlj IF jVeali nice to hand. WILLi PECK f SON. House if raiuiltintf laiitallbft HOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC, A pltasont and never failing cure ftr CHILLS or A G UEt FE VER, in three hours, end a jesnedy in Bilious and Kevntttant ever. Tho cures found on the wrapper of NINE and TEN vears slaudio. are th waif 'remarkable on record, proving it clearly, to have been superior to everv other known remedy in curing IotermitUute. Persons of Billions or Debilitated habits, will soon find mtief from nsinv it. Nursiiie mothers, who need something to invigorate and strengthen them, will find it the very thing, taken in large table-apoonful Anmm ii.ro nr four timea a dev. Do try it, Price $1 per bottle. nAnA'a ninlmAiit. a soothing and perfect aire for PILES, and for Burns, Bruises, External Soreness, Mashes, Sprains, Fnsh Cuts or Wounds, whether on man or beast, and as an external ap plication ia Rheumatism, if effects are decided, and . . . 1 absolutely asxonunwg. A person after using it remarked, It Is wor.li five dollars a thimble full. io lamny snoum without it a aingle moment Pnce 01 per pot. riAnioi V?f Able Pills are worthy of a place in every family, and as a general Fanuly Med tone, the best tn the World. They are happily com bined so as to aa directly upon the tekoh animal economy, and assists nature in expelling all morbid or acrid humors, which engender disease. They are the only reliable cure ever discovered for RHEU MATISM. Try them, ye afflicted ones ; dry up your tears and cease your groans, for there is yet good in store for you So great is their popularity that orders for them to be sent ta distant parts of the country through the maU, are jrcquemiy receivea. No person or Planter, who has ever tried them, would willinrlv dispense with them. We appeal to the hundreds who have used them, for the troth of what we say. Price 25cts per box. Ilonsc's Cerate, a decided cure for Tetters-Scald-head and Ringworms. A cure of 15 yrr standing, by a single box, and many others that seem ed incurable, have yielded readily to its curative vir tues. Don't take our word for it, but try k. Price 50c per pot. O- The above tried, popular and highly approved of Medicines may be purchased of all the Druggists in Nashville, and from the Proprietor at VVboleaala or Retail, and upon inquiry may be found in almost every town in the South and West. All orders addressed to GEORGE W. HOUSE, Nashvilla, Ten., will be attended to, and liberal dis counts made upon the retail pricea. Prepared by GEO. W. HOUSE, Nashville Tenn. May 1. 1849. 36 6m AGENTS Will. Peck $ Son. Raleigh ; P. S. Rogers, Newlight, Wake ; P. J . Brown, Louisborg ; Samael Harries. Franklin Co ; ChamUer and Pippin, do.. Will. B. Ellington, Hayesville, Granville, P. V. Duke & Co., do : Wm. Whitfield do ; tSryant V. Kice, Nash ; M. II. Deams, Stanhope. Tbe Wife's Friend. Important to those about to become Mothers. PROFESSOR ALEXIS V. PAUL1TAN, of the Paris Lying-in Hospital, member ofthe Medical Ac ademy of France, Corresponding Secretary of the Pans Pharmaceutical College, respectfully begs leave to announce to the Ladies of America, that he baa appointed Dr. Jerome Y. C. Ropenhurty, of New York, his sole American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful medicine, known iu France as the Wife's Friend, or Mother's Assistant, the mast extra ordinary medical discovery the world has ever seen. Ita province is to lessen the pains of child-birth, and promote a safe, easy, and speedy delivery, which it doea by assisting nature. It is perfectly harmless, efficacious, pleasant to the taste, and uever fails to promote an easy and safe delivery, and improves the general health of both mother and child. It has been tested for years in all the principal Lying In Hospitals of Europe, and reeeives the sanction of nearly all the prominent Colleges and Medical men of the old world. It is the greatest medicine in the world ; aa all will admit that a medicine must be that will lessen the terrible pains usually attendant on childbirth. There ia no mistake about this med icine doiog all that is said of it ' It never fails. It is in the form of a fine, light powder, to be made into a drink, and used for a 'few weeka previous to the expected event, and its price is so low aa to briug it within the reach of all. Sure ly no humane husband will suffer his wife to endure pain, when it can be so easily .and cheaply avoided. For the small sum of only fl. 00, sent post paid to Dr. Jerome Y. C. Ropenhurty, New York Post Of 6ce, a package will be sent by return mail, it being so tignt mat it cau be seut anywhere by mail at a very trifling cost SIT No unpaid letters taken from the office. XT" To prevent imposition, the U. S. Agent, Dr. Ropenhurty will write his name in full 00 the outside label of each package. No other genuine. Remember this New York, Feb. 28th, 1849. 18-Cm Costume Hall, SPRING Ac SintlJlEIt CLOTHING S WH0LE8ALE AND RETAIL. ON hand and for sale, tbe largest and best assort mentof SPRING and SUMMER CLOTH ING, at prices very much reduced. Coats. Coats of every variety, embracing all the latest styles, and of an improved cut and make, from 75 eta. to I, 2, 3, 4, 6,6, 8,510, and upwards. Pantaloons. Pantaloons of all kinds, from 75 eta. to 1, 1,50, 1,75, 2, 2,50, and also a very fsshionable style, the Lamariine stripe, as low aa 3,3,50, $4, and upwards. Vests. Vests of every vsriety, comprising 8ilk, 8atin, Cashmere, Marseilles, Valencia, from 60 cts., 75 cts , SI, ft, $2, 60, $3 and upwards. Boy's Clothing. Always on baud the largest and best assortment of boy's Clothing ever offered in this city. A splendid sssonment of CLOTHS and CASSI. MERES ofthe best make, together with a large and handsome variety of SILK and MARSEILLES VESTINGS, which will be made up to order in tbe best manner, 20 per cent leaa than the accustomed piices. and in all cases a neat and beautiful fit guar anteed, at Cestnmc Hall. Corner of Pratt street and Centre Market Space. H. H. COLE. Cj" Attatched to' the above, ia one ofthe largast and most extensive SHIRT FACTORIES in the country, embracing every variety and make, at pri ces which cannot fail to please any one wishing to puschase. (frONE PRICE ONLY LD Baltimore. March 27, 1849. 27 ly , fTNDlA MATTING. Looking Glasses, B XL Bound and Painted Buckets, Painted Chamber buckets, Trace and Log Chains. Weeding Hoea, Garden Kakee, Spadea and Kbovela, Grain and Grass tfcythea. Just reccivedby J. BROWN April 12. SO NOTICE, THE 33d Annual Convention, of tha Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of North Car olina, will he held in St- Luke's Church, Salisbury, on the 4th Wednesday in May, 1849, that day be ing tbe 23d day of the month. EDW'D LEE WINSLOW, Sec'y. April 23. IS49. ?-IH mi-TT. If 1 V AND FOR THE '"1.: - CaaVtle4 uucisa 1 ;. in bringing this preparation of SaasapaaiLLa -' to its present state of perfection; and tbe experience of fourteen years has furnished Ujen,theiniosVsjnjjl op-T , portunity to study, ia their various forma, the diseases for which it ' is recommended, and to adapt it exactly to tbeir relief and cure. - Pa tients who wish a nutr aoOn Medicine are invited to aire it A trial, and satisfy tbeasalves of iu superiority, and the invaluable property fif possesses 'ot arresting and euriag disease- The bottle has been ealargedto bold ON? QUAJtT, and in iu .present improved form may safely claim to be the best and chxakst Medicine of the age, : Its progress to the fame it has attained may be traced by a lung line of facta and cures", that stand as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the way to the haven of health.' ., . ; . , The following is from CoL S. O. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing audeffassive acquaintance in the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Granatf! Messrs. X. B. at J). SamS 1- ; New Yrkj Jmnum f7, 1848. ' GnrTLXMxa, Having used, and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation of Sarsaparilla en different persons in various parts of the Southern country, vix , Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico, I feet much pleasure in stating the high opinion entertained of its great medicinal value. In my own ease it acted almost like a charm, removing speedily the enervated stata of the 'system; and exciting, in the most agreeable manner, a tonic and invigorating influence. Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved and extensively- a serf by the TJ. -States army in Mexico, and my cousin, GEN. ZACHA&Y TAYLOR, has for the past Sv years been in the habit of using it, and recommends the same ; he and myself adopted the article at the same time, and ft is now considered an almost indispensable requisite in tbe army. In conclusion I would say, that the better it is known the more hixhly known throughout the length and wm u, mm x rua wiw x ours very REMARKABLE Messrs. Savss : Gentlemen Sympathy for the afflicted induces me ta inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the scrofula on different parts. of the body ; the glands oi the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen.-. After suffering over a. year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, tha disease attacked one Ter, and below the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it should be laid open, which waa done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were induced to use Samd' Sarsaparilla. Tote first bottle produced a decided aad favor able effect, relieving; her more than any prescription she had aver taken ; and before she had used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now over a year since the cure was effected, and her health remains good, showing the disease was thoroughly err (Leatad from the system. Our neighbors are all knowing to these facts, and think, Sapf- Sarsaparilla a great blessing to the age. Tours with respect," ' . ' JULITJS PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. W. Harris, a gentleman well known in Louisa county, Va. : " I have cured a negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. Tours truly. ' " FrUcrickM Hall, Vm July 17, 1848." ; If. W. HARRIS." . ii - " ' . . The following testimony from Rev. John Grigg, lata Rector of the Church of the Crucifixion in this city, commends itself to the attention of the afflicted. Numerous certificates of cures of .various diseases affected by thia medicine are almost daily received : Messrs. Saxds : A member of my family has taken your valuable SarsaDariTia for a severe scrofulous affection, c with tha most beneficial effect resulUng from its use. It gives me very great pleasure to record my testimony in behalf of its virtue and efficacy, hoping that others may be induced to make a trial af it. lft Ym-k, May 10, 1848. Masare. A. B. Xl Tt. Kiw , .... flmnwb i,, ., un, 10, GxRTLXKxa Fee lines of a-ratitude indnc mm tn mlrt a mthHA vIiin,..t of the benefit I have derived from the use of your Sarsaparula, I have for several ; years been afflicted with scrofulous swellings in my head, which at times would Sther and discharge at ray throat, nose, and ears, and at ethers would break out la rereat parts of my face and head. These continued until my throat, face, and head were almost one complete sore, and for a long time I was so hoarse that it Was with the utmost difficulty that I could speak above a whisper: , During this time I had several attacks of pleurisy and other diseases. I consulted different physicians, and triad various remedies, but received no benefit until I commenced using your Sana-' parilla. I am cow well ; the sores are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely to the effects of your valuable mediciae. '.. ' xours, wita Being personally acquainted with to be correct. HtiMaro urn sold, ytbqijsuxx am ixvol, sr. . , A. B. fe D. Druggists and Chkmibts, 100 FcLTo-rr4 coaaxa op,Wiu.iak, New Teas. - Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the foiled States and Canadaa. J'rice SI per Bottle ; six Bottles for SS. lmnrniiiiiii-- or sale by NATIONAL LOAIf FUND fim ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. A Savings Bank for the benefit ofthe Widow and the Orphan." (txrowEnair n act of fabliax istt.) Capital, 500,000' sterling r $3,500,000. Beside a reserve fund (from surplus premiums) of about $185,000. PanT or tei Capital ia ixtkbtxs in tbe Uni ed States. T. LAMIE MURRAY, Esq , George st. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London. UsTiTEn 8tatx Boawb op Local Dibectos., (Chief Office for America, 74 Wall stj JV. York,' Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman ; John J. Palmer, Esq Jonathan Goodhue, Esq Jsmes Boormsn. Esq. George Bsrclay, Esq.,' 8amoel tS. Howland, Esq.,1 Gorbam A. Worth, Esq., Samuel M. Fox, Esq William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitcbt, Esq. . I Edward T. Richardsor. Esq. General Accountant. Pamphlets, blank forms, table ol rates. lists of A genU, dc. &.c. obtained at tbe Chief Office 74 Wall street, or from either, of the Agenta throughout the United States, and British North American Colonies. GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. R. B. Hatwood, M. D. Medical Examiner, Ra leigb, N. C. August 22, 1848. 68 A most excellent article for Coughs, Colds, &c, jrx jnst receivea, ana lor ante oy F. PESCUD. 20 Raleigh, March 8.1849. SODA 8ALJE1UTIJ8. ONE case of Soda Salaeratua, a superior article for cooking purposes, just received and for sale by P. F. PESCUD. ' Raleigh, March 8, 1849. ' 20 A further supply of Yeast Powders, just received, and for aale by F. PESCUD. I 20 Raleigh, March 8, 1849. TERY large lot just opened, and Cut" in tho latest style, and well made,' at all pricea. -i Call and examine. 1 ' ; KX. HARDING, it Raleigh, April 7, 1849. t. ... t. X7oi83QaficBiziSAlklio' ' Ready Made. Clo to i!n. vb a ' an am arsa.sjs 4Cvfciw rE have on band a beautiful sapoly of Coats. 1 V consUUng of Black Coatees, and Summer Sacka, of French, Merino, A lpacca. and Zephyr Cloths, Lustra - Linen Coat.: Plain mn . RtriaA Pantaloons ol Drilling Cassimeres 4 c, Verts of W,B nen, ana Msrsctlles, Urawert,8hirU, tfaspendere, Gloves, pocket Hankterebiefs, Cravats, stocks. Braces, and in abort' 'every thirg usually kept by Fomishing EatablishmenU or Merchant Taildrn,'-;VT..'' K2 .v-- W can sell the above Clothing as cheap as tbey can be purchased in tbe United States. ' All gotten up under our own inspection and supervision, and will be warranted both aa to,style and quality. Coats from $12 to $2.50; Panta fiom 4,50 to $2,50; Vesu from 5, to $2,00. No, misUke, nor. no Humbug ! Oliver Procter: Raleigh, A prill 849. 2SL r 1,7 r W . ' .,, . .11 CUn-:0Ff, if: " bivaa csu.i ' rrtilLr '0 TTeJ I ' . tii rramnon inn iwni wen udk t t in ueaiufresiorrag viriaes win maxe H generally breadth of our wiUely-extended couatry, , S. O. TAYLOR, respectfully, TJ. S. Consul to New Granada 9-T rl - CURE OF SCROFULA. JOHN GRIGG. Normek, N.Y.t Oct. 8, 1847 respect and gratitude,, ; FHXBE CAHOON. the perron above named, I belieye her statement - JAB1JS8 m. d. caks, Justice of the Peace. ifiujnjfijte ifiti'H'i JP. F. PESCUI. Irngglst, Raleigh, N, C. SAIJB OF VALUABLE PROPER- Thursday, the 17th day of. Mar next, the House and Lot in tbe City of Ksleigb, on which, Wide A.Stith reside wiirba sold without reserve, and a bona Jide title made to tbe purchaser. Persons residing in the lower country, desirous to secure a pleasant residence in the city, are Invited to examine early the premises, or they may loose this opportunity of obtaining one of the most delight ful residences in tbeVlty of Rsleigb. The dwelling and out-houses, are all new, and buitt'ef seleet heart timber; the former haa . a basement, with one large dining room and pantry; the first floor, four rooms 120 feet square, and a passage 12ieel,and the second floor two rooms, SO feet square passage, A Green House on the 8outh Side about 35 feet long, and a Urge and excellent fee House, Carriage House, and 8taMes for Six Horses. - . Terms will be liberal, and made known do tbe Jay. of sale. . " " ii. L. STITH, Trustee. March 81, 1849. 56 fate of North Carolina Jobhktox ICovxtt. Superior Court ol Law. March Term, 1849. iihl-.-ji y,- - - Susanna Fields c. Benjamin Fields. j PXTITIOW P0 DlTOBCX. IN thia case it appearing to thesatislaction of the Court, that tbe JeiendantBenj. Fields, is a non resident of thia 8uie, it is therefore ordered that pub licatinn be 'made In the Bmlthfield' Telegraph and Rsleigh'Kegistar for three months; notifying the said Uefendanr to appear at the net t Term ot our Sope- rior Court, to be held for the County of Jobnstoa, at tha Court House in SmithQeld, on the 4th Monday i n September next , to answer the petition of Susanns Fields, or It will be taken o eonfetso, and the case beard ex parte. -!- Wttness, W. F. 8. Alston, Clerk of our said Court, at office, on, the 4 th Monday nf March, A . D. 1849. and in the 73d ; year of the -Independence of thia Sute. ' , ' ' " ' W. F. 8. ALSTON, C. 8.C Pr. adv. 5 62. 1 w 283fl ; ANOttEtTWiyALVOF HATS. p-L .THE Qat for tha price cannot ha beat. J ir.tl'-r. K-rr nnrchasing- else- VbereV R.TUCKX HON Bt.;rK.u.ri:ii9;; ' 35 2t2SfilTU8T recrived and JbraaJe t our Aoetfon and CMCminiwon Store, a ery P-- - t ty Hour, manufactured eipreswj . ket. -C.Uand see oetore P r V "T VJTi April 17. 1849. ,,..!-.-vrr ' L SaffluelkKu0?SoD) field ai ilTtrisitha, TTP nrn rft rggegria "PQcfla MANUFACTURE, and baye always en hndr a large "amount of Silver; Table, and Te Spoons, Forkr of alf ai.ea;Sogar Tonga. Soup Ladles Butter Knivevgalt Spoona, Silver Tea Setts, Pitch are, Vasea, Urns, Dishes, &c. . ! They aia continually receiving by direct mpori tions, ill the new style Plated Casters, BaskeUj Candlesticka and WaUers, as early m' in the Foreign marketa. Also, fine Table Cattery, Gold, Patent Lever and Lepina Watchea-Jewsiry of every description. e . January 10. ' 6 lJ PfBIT S3 WW I insertic Twent damage This panies prompt Appl einity,t And Octo ii p aary oui Ralei! Raleii Ralei 1 vu now su wide, w, Measrs. - f April, UK Oat Cheap n.it Ralei' 1 air Ralei 1 1 . ,. :'t f1 s, Lam: ' JAre full ass Ing des retail a' SOLA I SUSPI BR AC! SOLA! 6,f SUSPE ' El SIDE, I CAM PI ' 8 i: GIRAN rioc HALL I - ; , atai New is aoldoi as Forest C second H , RevrC SermorfJ j- May I III Jeg of June, meat, bv GreensbV By or. nr..-V