f -i I 3 i s s 1 .ve -. a TTTTTHOLESALE and retail Bookseller and Pub VVBUlgt). N. G. hM foe aale, all the Popular School and College Books oi the da; ; each as the rariour Editions , of Soellius Books t the va- ? no US ajaris f Reading Booka. English Dictionaries, aad Grammar, the. works on Arithmetic. Geogra phy RheUri EUeatioa, Lop Composition, A Ife b ra Geoft&tfj, Surveying, Mensuration, 'Drawing, BooeKpiog.' History. Biography. Natural Philoe e?hy. Chemistry, Botany; Mineralogy, Natural Hie , lory, PhyaTeloirj Astronomy Intellectual aq Moral Philosophy, Political Ecooemr. French Grammar, Dictionaries, Readers, "J-c. German, Latin, Greek and Spanish Seboo. and Classical Books, wan a ve ryeaiensivw assortment of all the Standard works f Ihetiay; ta every department, of Lilerfctere,' Sei eteceTwad ArtY togethe with every article of Sta tionary now In use. All for sale at the lowest prices. K PubticrWt Social Libraries, and all wbr-tfrchase to sell again; supplied on the most rea sonable terms with' every article in the Book and Stattotaary line ; including new novels, and all new works Id every department oi literature ana ocienne. b'V..iirh .Jan. 4. 1R49. TO SPQUTSMfuf THE ' Subscriber ss just received a fine Stock of DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARBEL UUNS, EJFLE G UNS, RE VOL VERS, DO UBLE v A AND SINGLE BARREL PISTOLS, BOWIE KNIVES, GAME BAGS, . . POWDER FLASKS, SHOT .... BELTS, EXTRA Nir- PLES, $c. a All of which will be aokl low. C. B. ROOT. Raleigh. Ost. 27. 86 ManufacturiDg Establishment TTOSEPII WOLTERIIVG for a number y of years' Foreman in the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Blacksmith Shop) respectfully announces to the citizens of Ralaigb and the surrounding Coun ties, thai' he el prepared to tnanafacture - . . .tXiOCjES. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, v v Cons and Pistols, Carriage Springs. Mill-wrk, Brass Castings, and in ir,j tits; in Mathuu and Blacksmith rk. S IS TAQaEAaCP TO EXECUTE BELL. HANGING, AT bf "V THK 8H0ETEST KOTICE. C Also has en hand an extensive assortment of Locks of alt kinds, t prices from 10 cents to 20 dollars ; EdgetOoUv an assortment of Axes, Drawing-knives, Hatehets, Hammers, File of various descriptions, and a'tfamber of articles in bis line too tedious to mention. Ail orders faithfully executed at the lowest prices, and bsw srork entrusted to bis care will be warrant ed Orders front a distance will be attended te and exeeated ai ' the shortest notice. His Establishment wRtbev foemd at tbo Raleigh Railroad Depot Repairing in bis line performed with neatness snd deenaxefa. Also, a general assortment of Guns and Pistata constantly on band. r.i i - JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, April 17, 1849: 31 tf j.ciTEEcnrs Cheap CuhSlort. FT1HE Sabscriber has just received a large and I splendid assortment of Dry Goods, Hardware. Cutlery drc, which-having been booabt tor cash, lie -will sella! redaced prices. Grateful for the former patron aaje which he has received, he res pectfuUv,ihiCes his customers, and the public gen rraJIr. calf and examine his Stock before purcha- sing isewhere. r ' ' - J.CREECH. Rateigh, April 35, 1849. 33 tf New Goods;! New Goods f CTTHP'T Peeked "it lVo. 13 Fayetteville St., nnHE-8oSecribet Ikat fust returned from New U ork, and ia now opening the largest Block of uoeda bever brooght to this market, at any former Spring. -They were bought entirely for Cash, sud will be sold at moderate advances for Cask, and to panciuainstomera,oa credit. The ctaortment eonsiata in part of the following A large and beautiful assortment of Embracing the Neweat Srvlee 4- Fashions oat thi. cspruig. a large assortment of Valicoes, Embro'd .tnen lustre, American, Scotchvand French Glng- naas, try cheap. Jaconet, Swiss, Mull, and book wusiio at reduced prices, Linen Csmbric Hander chief French Worked Colors. Bearf.. s.;u 11 lin, thread and Lisle edgings; Gloves of every de ecripdoh BIL & Whiw Cot. Hoaiery, Sopei Blk and -White Silk of the beat aualitv. Ronni. niooona, q'C etc w - Cloths, eke. A well selected Stock of Black and Olive, Brown; ' French Cloths, serv chean. ' n-i 1 . . auu Doeskin Caasimere, Fancy Do Figured and Plain i-men UnlUnf, Brown DrilRujr. Plain Liuen for I Washington, Alexandria, ana an we vanca ana neau CoaU, Check do. FrnK ... iuw i 1 tiful scenery of this noble River arriving iu Balti- n - vrap o eie, .1 And a. large Stock of Fancy Summer Stuffs. Vee-JniNow York early nezttay. i3 tiags.ete.6te., ,.t . - , 7? A .. --FARE: bctjmen a B4k Kid and White Silk Glovea. Cra. 4-wurea ana tSandaaaa Hk'P. Tri.kl '. LinenK Bum d Rlu.j cjl-..v -1"-'-" uieungs ana enirtiBgs, large rtockaWe Linen, 8 and 10-4: Towellfn aud usoaBarga, and Mariborough Stripea. 4 A very large assortmeot of IIooU aud Shoes, t the lowest rates. M r ' . ' . aa -v.au and see for yourselves, the Spring styles "'"wiaHBitu Beaver, the best article, and JLj i y ,re' Br0ad brims, low price. Do. Wk. Boft Mexican aad Califoruia. d. , K"orn' ud ralm Leaf Do- at reduced uwm saasoa. iStraw Matting.: '" " "IT .r. - -Urocerieg. dkc. e.iri-r'rr:". n "ned, Croaked d-Loaf Z?:7, T ..IM Jva CoSea, STeaaei the TZLXd. r tin. and Tallow Caa CntlerT,SVpieee.4 ett-Cro llrt B.wmi tun 'nil. - . H a Retail Store. - 1 -No., 12, Fayetteville SUeat. CCF-FlCE. Ko. tl, LeTwrenceV tloteIN f aide of the Court House. u iiiuriiiii ii ihiiiui Broaatruyf comer of Katcla jr itriet, fTflHE- Pfopnetorg.TABEK t- OA CLE IT, res- U 'Jectfolj ahnoooc; lb' thalr" friend andjha public, that they hava.leaeed ihia well known jioiei, and have made many, important Improvements and repairs, A new and splendides' Ordinary willsooa- be completed j also additional rooms on Brbadwsy..;;. . , - , 4 It is furniahed entirely, with Jsw Furuitare mads expressly -to tkeir own order. It is their determine lino to make it ona of tb best and most faahtoaable resorts for the travelling public that can be found in this country; Its sitnstren is unsurpassed, being directly in front of the Park and Fountain, where the Crotoo is continaalty playing, cuoling and re freshing the air also within a abort distance of the Steam-boat and Rail Koad landings. The Tables will at at! time, ba booniifully sop plied with ihe delicacies of. the season, ana their Wines, and Liquors, hating been selected with great care, cannot lull to tire satisfaction. The Proprietors hope by personal politeness and attention to merit the support and confidence of the pUDUC. JAMES BAGLEY, Philadelphia. JOB TABER. Bostona New York. Feb 26. 184. 20 3m ifPlrorltery on Co mi ?u incut, from the Mjworln VVe bare received, and are now open ing, three large crates of China, Liverpool, and crock ery ware, comprising a general .assortment, with seme nice glassware. These articles will be sold unusually low by the lot. Dealer and others, are respectfully iuvited to call and examine, them. WILL: PECK SON. Raleirh. Anril Qf) 1849. 33 lm I 1 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF H1BPDEN SIDNEY COLLEGE. Cm; lie Ciiair of the Theory and Prac 3b tice of Medicine in this IniitotM, hav ing become vacant by the resignation of Professor Cullen. ihe subscriber will rrceive spplication to fill the vacaney, until the 1 2lh of May ; when the Faculty, with whom the nominating power rests, will proceed to nominate a candidate to the appoint ing Hoard. S. MAUPIN. M. D. Dean of the Medical Faculty. Richmond, Vs.. April 20, 1849. 32 9t North Carolina Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY- THE following persons bave been elected Direc tor and Officers of this Company for the pre. st ni year: DIRECTORS. Josiah O. Watson, Raleigh. Geo. VV. Mordecai, Richard Smith, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, J. G. U. Koulhac, James F. Jordan, Geo McNeill, Jos. G. Wright, James C Hoyt, Elijah Clark, James Sloan, Win. Badham, N. Z. Graves, R. C. Pearson, John Irwin, J. W. Cameron, Josh. Boner, J. W. Patton. do do do do do do Fayetteville. Wilmington. Washington. Newbern. Greensboro'. Edenton. Warrenton, Morganton. Charlotte. Wadecbnro'. Salem. Asbeville. All Directors are authorized to receive applications OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY- Josiah O. Watson, President. Geo W. Mordecai, Vice do Richard Smith, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John II. Bryan, Attorney. J. Hermn, General Agent. Geo. W. Mordecai, Richard Smith, C Executive Committee. John Primrose, j This Company is now in successful operation, and is prepared to effect insurance against fire on all kinds of property, (Steam Mills and Turpentine Dis tilleries excepted.; ; All commuft&ation in reference to insurance should be addreseed to tbe Secretary, post paid- J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh. April 25. 1849. 33 White Huts. ra ra v . ... . r-j r oummer a eiyie, tnie day received ly R. TUCKER & SON. iirign, April 1H. 3 A Large lot of Umbrellas and Parasols of all designs and Prices, for Sale by R. TUCKER &l 80 X. Raleigh. April 87. 1849. , 34 STRAW iriAXXIIfG. BY tbe Piece -or Yard, for sale low by R. TUCKER & SON. Kaleigh, April 27.-1849. 34 ralS anp Standard copy, t '' To Travellers going-North. I "rn, . . TRAVELLERS go ing north, will nud their most comfortable,' expeditioua, and only certain Route to 'be by the Rail KointZ Xjine,via Richmond, Frcderick&bcr; fc ,Waihington City. - Passengers by this route, (the Great Mail Route.) pass op the Potomac Riv- 1 j i:l. .t.. M"m 1 splendid new utcimsoat ia . - " I Baltimore, in full view of Mount Vernon, Fort I . . ' r.. , ... .1 r .1 more to tea, rniiaoeiprua in " wi vuo oieoi I From Weldon or Gaston to Baltimore, 810 SO 7 50- From Petersburg to Baltimore. fer'throoitrrticketn, apply to R. A. ELLIS, Wel don, N. C, C. C. PUGll. tiaston, W. C.or at the Office of the Richmond and : Petersburg Company, Office K.yr K. Ii. Co., Kichmond, Va. 37 I4w Parker's Patents forHmproFements iu cayara.uiic rower, . - I A LLpersohs Infringing er violating the above V,rtienisro cauuoiett not to pay for said in- trtiigements or iolatioiia to Lyman Merchant Dan. 11 Humphry and Thomaa J. Barney, or either of them, acting aa my agenta nnder a power of attorney dsted on the 18th day of January, 1848, as said power 01 aitoruay was revoked by me on the 13d day of April, 1849. ' ' ? . ZBBULON PARKER, Patentee. ewark. Ohio, May, 1849. . ; 37 6t PI rfft SACKS FLNELIVERPOOLALT. just y xeceivadasd or aale byt , .u : -ij Afiy 7, 1849 -j i O.DI iitt 4l UU. evJ- white .xten.d'n8 an between, the I iJ2lhi r W Wren ,nd Weep n? nei8htebou TS1- '1 Zl.A, i bn .. I. - a- up bt aia Tueadav l-lntr . - ' . -..MU1WMW County,' on Kichmn.l Co, May 11,1849. 38 2t p TnNTERED Ty Na'thaaiel P. Gioson, bay f-ihore, ed hr eight years pld.'varued by J.4 p. and Trahcia 'A.'Terry; kt the sum of twentv-' TruNlTY. 5CHUUL. B muti itsi u uiuigu. jpHB Summer Terra of these Schools will corn el mence on Wednerdsv. the 6th of June. - - A punctual attendance of the pupils is requested. f orcircuiari. containing iuii iuufmauoa iciujv kc( appij to toe soDecrtDer. Rector of St Mar7r School. Raleigh. April 12. 1849..: 30 Ci B. Root A8 JUST received Urge and pleadid as. orlment of . Watches. Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, making hi Stock at present, very complete ;coum- ing of Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Anchor, Ly Under, and Vertical Escapement.' Jewelrj Breast Pina. Finger Rings, Gold and Steel Guard and Fob Chains, Seal. Key. Ear Rices, Gold and Silver Pencils. 7 Gold1 and Silver Thimbles, Medallions, Gold Hearts and Grosses, $-c Spectacles GolJ, Silver. Blue & polished 8leel Spectacles, to gether with a large assortment of Perifocal and Flint Glasses, which can be adapted to any eyes, on ahort notice. - , , wsr. Silver Tsble. Tea, Desert and les. Botier.knives.8ilverCups, 8o .'r! r'..tnr. fondle Sticks. Snoflers and KBi I unjri Trays, Cake Basket, Ate. &c Fancy Good. Perfumery, Cutlery, Musical in.msnta all nTwhirh will be sold cheap. In. Watchea and ;lcke repsired, in superior style. niA K:ir minufirinml to order, with neat- ...I n.,r.iM.lii. HivhMt micea eiven for old iicn sjisu aaasv"sj . - g m Gold and Silver. Raleigh, Oct. 27. 86 FAST AND SURE IS THE Gtf!!! EREBY their cuttomers. friends and the public generally are respectfully informed that JTIcssieurs Oliver Ac Procter, R. R. K. R. ihia date received their vernal and solstitial suddIv of eUsante nud bent on fabricks for the less refin id ireners of the species, Bimani. MM. O. and P. in especially invite attention to their Metropolitan Sdhuit Sacks, of as many dy es as the Mosaical coat of Joseph, the sou of Jacob's old age, (who wore the first sack,) styled the " Touch High ,' though at a low aud supine price, and an altogether novel Boena Vtsta article knowu as the Zack coatee, which all will call and see ! ! The peculiar attention of the aforementioned geutlemen, logelher with the addition of skilful artists from Paria aud Denmark, will be de voted as heretofore to the ezlerual improvements of their Patroua. If any style of garment or costumery is wanted, all thev have to say are Here it is Verbum Sat Grateful for paUouage they remain as u Firm" aa ever. BIG OLIVER & PROCTER. BUG-EE SOLDlCUa' CLAIMS-GENERAL AGENCY. By L. Blanchard True & Co. ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIMANTS, iC. WASHINGTON CITY, 0. C. FOR many years, tnia Agency haa been success fully engaged at the beat of Government, m the iiosecution of Claims agaioat our own Government and against the Governmrnta of other Nations, and continues to prosecute with promptness, fidelity and efficiency, Claima of every description, especially CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF THE LATE WAR WITH MEXICO, FOIt BOUNTY LAND, OR SCRIP, PENSIONS, LO&T HOUSES, CON TRACTS, SUPPLIES, UNSETTLED ACCT8 OF PAYMASTERS, COMMISSARIES, SUR. GBOiNS, SUTLERS. AND ALSO FOR THE THREE MONTHS BACK PAY NOW DUE ALL OFFIcEKS AND PRIVATES, WHO HAVE BEEN IN ACTUAL .SERVICE DU RING SAID WAR, OR IF DECEASED, TO THEIU HEIRS. VOLUNTEERS should forward their Discharges or Surgeon s Certificates, directly to tbe above Attor neys and Agenta, who can certainly obtain for them their Land Warrants, and as quickly as Agents can who live oat of this City. THE ARMY REPORTS of the killed and woun ded in our possession will be found of much impor tance to HEIRS, in obtaining their Claims for back pay, extra pay, aud other allowances TWO THOUSAND LAND WARRANTS WANTED, fx which the bighest -prices will be given. AGENTS, cr thoee desiring to become each shall receive upon application promptly, the best and most complete FORMS with instructions, enabling any one to proceeu forthwith, and without erring in the business of collecting Claima for prosecution. Tbe most liberal division of profits will be made with auch. 60,000 Officers and Soldiere of the Revolutionary War we have Kolb and Recordaof tbe services. Iet widows, who do not receive tbe full amount of Pension allowed to their hosbanda especially, apply to ua, and we will have tbe aame increased. Let others apply , also. N. B. Letters owing to the number received must be post-paid. From the highly satisfactory testimonial given by many gentlemen of my acquaintance, to tbe cba racter and qualifications ol Mr. True, I have not the slightest hesitation in recommending him to all who may desire his services, as fully competent to give enure aausiaciion in whatever be mav undertake HORACE STKINGFELLOW, Rector of Trinity Church. Waehington, July 15th, 1842. I take pleasure in stating that Mr. L. Blanchard True, of the State of Maine, ia a graduate of Bow doin College, tbe highest literary institution of the oiaie, ana among tbe foremost in New England, mat ne ia a gentleman of good character and worth I doubt not he will give full eatisfict ion wherever he may be employed. GEORGE EVANS, U.S. S. August 2. 1841. Would resiiecifullv refer to the undersiened. Nathan ClilToid, Ministei to Mexico, Hon. W. P. M annum. El-President U. 8. S. Hon. J. VV. Jones, Ex-Speaker House of Reps, AI. B. Lamar. Ex-President of Texas. Hon. Levi Woodbury, Justice IT e Sup'e Court, Hon. A. P Bsgbyt Minister O Russia, Hon. Judge Semite, U. S. Senate, Hon. A. H. Stevens, House of Reps. Hon. Judge Dean, do do Hon. H. St. John, do do Gen. Covel, Washington City, late of III. Hon: Robt. P. Dunlap," ' House of Reps, Hon. Luther Severance, Hon. Judge Dawson, ' . Hon. Wm. Parmenter, Hon. J. Jameson. Hon. Thos. Smith,' Hon. Freeman H.' Morse, Hon. Joaish Herrick, do do do do do do do. do do do . do do do do Hon. Albion K, Parria, 2d Camp. Tress. Dep t y . wm, u. luuiot, rnncipai uierk r. O. DepX ,s Gen, John.' Wilaon, Missouri, V , ' f; ' Hon. Judge PilUbury, , Honae of Repa. Hon. Andrew Stewart, do do Hen., Tv W. Hkell, .4 ? . do do! Hon. John H. Croxier, - .. do, da r And to Memlers of Congress, and Heada of Depart menu generauy. Qfficec Wilbtrd a Hotel -Buildings, corner 14thSL and Pennsylvania Avenue. Washington- Citj, Aug. 9. 1848. 64 IF reslt Rice to hand. WILL: PESK J- SON. House' Yainiiy ana Plantation , 1 Tat" nousirsriiiMAw TONIC, A pleasant, and never failing cvre. for, CHILLS or AGUE, FEVER, in three hours, and a remedy in Bilious and Renilttant Fever. , V - ' The cures found on the wrapper of NINE tJd Tr.N..iri standing, are the viost remarkable on record, proving itlearly, to bave been euperior to ... Aihctknowa rtmrdv is oorioff Iotermittants. Debilitated habiU, will soon ka -i;.r fmm nuinir it. . NnraioE metbeia. who need something to invigorate and strengthen them, will find it the verv thior, taken in largo table-epoonful doea three or four times a day. Do try it, $1 per bottle. Price n.wweiL ninfment. a soothing and perfect cure for PILES, and for Bvrns, Bruises, External Soreness, Mashes, Sprains, Frtsh Cuts or Wounds, hullir nn man or beast, and aa ah external ap plication in Rheumatism, its effects are decided, and absolutely astonisnxng. A neraon after oaine it remarked, " It is wor.h five dollar a thimble folh" No family shoold ever be withoot it a single moment Price $1 per pot House's Vegetable Pills are ttorthy of a tAace in eteru family, and as a general Fandy Med icme. the best tn the World. Thev are happily com bined so as to aet directlv upon the nhele animal economy, and assists nature in expelling all morbid or acrid humors, which engender disease. They are the only reliable cure ever discovered for RHEU MATISM. Try them, ye ajturea ones ; ary up your tears and cease your groans, for there is yet good in store for you So great is their popularity that orders for them to be sent f distant parts of the country through tne mail, are Jrequenlly received. No person or Planter, who haa ever tried them, would willingly dispense with them. We appeal to the hundreds who have used them, for the truth of what we say. Price 25cls per box. House'g Cerate, a decided cure for Tetters Scald-head and Ringworms. A cure of 15 years standing, by a single box, and many others that seem ed incurable, have yielded readily to its curdtive vir tues. Don't take our word for it, but try it. Price 50c per pot. O The above tried, popular and highly approved of Medicines may be purchased of all the Druggists in Nashville, and from the Proprietor at Wboleaale or Retail, and upon ioqoiry may be found in almost every town in the South mod West. All orders addressed to GEORGE W. HOUSE, Nashvillj, Ten., will be atteuded to, and liberal dis counts made upon the retail prices. Prepared by GEO. W. HOUSE, Nashville, Tenn. May 1. 1849. 3b 6m AGENTS: Will. Peck tr Son. Raleigh; P. S. Rogers, Newlight, Wake ; P. J. Brown, Louisburg : Samuel Harries, Franklin Co.; Charobler and Pippin, do.. Will. B. Ellington, Hayesville, Granville. P. V. Duke Sl Co., do ; Wm. Whitfield do ; Bryant D. Rice, Nnh : M. II. Deama. Stanhope. Tlie Wife's Friend. Important to those about to become Mothers. PROFESSOR ALEXIS V. PAULITAN, of the i Paria Lying-in Hospital, member of the Medical Ac- ademy of France, Corresponding Secretary of the Paris Pharmaceutical College, respectfully begs leave to announce to the Ladies of America, that he has appointed Dr. Jerome Y. C. Ropeuhurty, of New York, his sole American Agent, for the sale of his wonderful medicine, known iu France as the Wife'a Friend, or Mother's Assistant, the most extra ordinary medical discovery the world has ever seen. Its province is to lesaen the pains of child-birth, and promote a safe, easy, and speedy delivery, which it does by assisting nature. It is perfectly harmless, efficacious, pleasant to the taste, and never fails to promote an easy and safe delivery, aud improvea the general health of both mother and .child. ,- It baa been tested for years in all the principal Lying In Hospitals of Europe, and reeefvea the sanction of nearly all the prominent Colleges and Medical men of the old world. It is the greatest medicine in the world ; aa all will admit that a medicine must be that will lessen the terrible paina usually atlendaut on childbirth. There ia no mistake about this med icine doing all that is said of it It never fails. It is in the form of a fine, light powder, to be made into a drink, and used for a few weeks previous to tbe expected event, and its price ia so lew as to bring it within the reach of all. Sore ly no humane husband will aufler his wife to endore pain, when it can be so easily aud cheaply avoided. for me email sura of only IMV, sent post paid to ur. Jerome i . (J. Kopenhurty, New York Post Of fice, a package will be aent by return mail, it beinr so light that it can be aent anywhere by mail at a very tnfliug coat. ET No unpaid letters taken from theomce. To prevent imposition, the U. S. Agent, Dr. Ropenhurty will write his name in full on the outside label of each package. No other genuine. Remember this. New York, Feb. 28lh, 1849. 18-Gm Coslume Hall. SPRlIfG fc SUlTliTlEU CLOTHING ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ifTWN hand and for aale, the largest and best assort- MV mentof SPHINU and SUMMER CLOTH lNli, al prices very much reduced. Coats. Coata of every variety, embracing all the latest etyles, and of an improved cut and make, from 75 ci a to I . a, 3, 4, o, o, 8, 9 1 o, and upwards. Pantaloons. Pantaloons of sll kinds, from 75 cts. to 1, 1,50, 1,75, 3, l,5l, snd also a very fashionable style, tbe Lamarline stripe, aa lowaa 3,3,50, $4and upwards. Vests. Vests of every variety, comprising 8ilk, 8atin, Cashmere, Marseilles, Valencia, from 60 cts., 75 eta , $1, t2, 2, 6U, 3 and upwarda. Boy's Clothing. -Alwaya on hand the largest and beat assortment of boy's Clothing ever offered in this ciiy. A splendid assortment of CLOTHS and OASSI. MEKES of the best make, together with a large and handsome' variety of SILK and MARSEILLES VESTING, which will be made op to order in tbe best manner, 20 per cent, less than tbe accustomed prices, and in all cases a neat and beautiful fit guar anteed, at Costnmc II all. Comer, of Pratt street and Centre Market Space. H.H.COLE. rr A Hatched to tbe above, ia one of the larrast and most extensive SHIRT FACTORIES in tbe country, embracing every variety and mtkr. at trU ca waicu cmoaiM latt 10 piease any one wishing to 0O"ONE PRICE ONLY L0 i Baltimore. March 7 I849j . -u .:s L -.(;S7; y ff NDI A. MATTINGS Looking" Glassef1 Brasi JiBoond and Painied BuaeU, Painted 1 Chamber Buckets, Trace and Log Clisins, Weeding ;Hoea, ueiaen svaaee. opauea and nhovela. Ciiain urasa-scjtnea. Just recetvedby J. BROWN April 12.- ' 30 Notice. KIHE Subscribers to the new Episcopal Church "7 " v ivy, are nereoy requested lop.y u.o Areasurer.on or before the first day of .... ,uimeni 01 percent, on the XI , . 't"!'! JicriDed by them. Raleigh, May 11, 1849. 383t rtl mmmmm m. -T . s at v ami AHl FORThe- "Ml, .... r 'minium "in... T ..a-TtSU i The Pronrletora , ia bringing this to IU present state of Y : ; , of onrteen years has lunuabedthem tie most -ample op- portunitr to study, in their various forms, tae diseases for whirh it ts recommended, and W adapt - tJenUwbewiah a atxtir eoos Medicine are mvitedtoaive it atrial, atwt themselves of iU superiortty, and the andcuruig disease. The bottle baa been enlarged to hold QN QUAJIT, and ia its nreaant improved form may safely claim to" be the bbst aod cHKArxst Medicine of the age-IU progress to tbe fame it has attained may be traced by a lbng line of facU .and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the way to the haven of health.. ' ' ' ' . . ie following Is from Col. S. G. TaylorJ a gentleman, of high standing and ezteasire acquaintance In the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada: Messrs. A. fi. & D. ajids: . .-..r.-., v.t -Kern Ymkf,Jmm9l, m. GtwTLSMEir. Hanngtwed, and witnessed the eflects of your excellent preparation or Sarsapanlla on different persons in various pans of the Southern eountrv. vis . Virginia. LouUiana, Texas, and Mexico, I feel much pleasure in stating- the hieh opinion entertained of its great medicinal value. In my own ease it acted almost like a charm, removing speedily the enervated state of -the system, and excituur. in the most agreeable manner, a tonic and invigorating influence. " Your Sarsapanlla highly approved and extensively nsed by the U.' States armv uaiexico, and my cousin, GEN. ZACHARYi TAYLOR, has for the past ave years been in the (habit of using it, and recommends the same ; he and myself adopted the i Vki T-T-H. tX It! ? lB. rm: J.n conclusion I would it wm oe prized, ana 1 trust that its known throughout the length and breadth of our w Yours very respectfully, " -. wwswa. war, VWSWI- wfcsTS'av'?- ' .? Messrs. Saws -GentIeraen-:Sympathy for the ametetfindusn5worm you of tbe remarkable cure effected by your Sarsapanlla in the case of mv wife. She wm eeTereiy anuctea witn tne scrofula the neck were Kreatlv enlarred. and ilvZ' nnaui no uet uom the a f . ' . . ' ' -r-'" ' Buppuraieu. n pnysiciaa aavisea it snouiu no law open, whics was done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard ofoaad were induced to use Sards' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided, and favor hle effect, reheving her more than any prescription she had ever taken ; and before she had used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now over a year since the cure was eflbcted; and" her health remains good, showing the disease was thoroughly err fi cated from the system. Oar neighbors are all knowing to these facts, and think SaM&s- Sarsaparilla a great blessing to the age. -,, ..-, , .-. - Yours with respect, ! JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr. N, W. Harris, a gentleman well known in Louisa county, Va. : " I hare cured a negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. Yours truly, ' "FToiricktUaU, V.tJulfntM.n . . U .X, .W.itARJtlS." The followini wing testimony from Rev. John Grigg, late Keetor of the Church of tbe i in this city, commends itself to the aitentioif of the afflicted. . Numerous certiacatea of cures of various diseases effected bv this medicine are almnat AHv uviu.ivu us Hii. Lib r received : t . , . Messrs. Sabs tk member of my a severe scrofulous affection, c use, it gives me v gives me very great pleasure to record my testimony in bet acv, hoping that others may be induced to make a trial of it. wi, Afay 10, 1848. . j( ana emc NtwYorl Messrs. A. B. at D. Sams : . j . . . NmmkklXiY Oct. i, 1847. Gxktijimkk Feelings of gratitude induce me to make a public acknowledgment of the benefit I have derived from the use of your Sarsapanlla. 1 have for several years been afflicted with scrofulous swellings in my head, which at times would gather aad discharge at my throat, nose, and ears, and at others would break' out ia , different parts of my face and. head. These continued, until my throat, face, and head were almost One complete sore, and for a long time I was so hoarse that it was with the utmost difficulty that I could speak above a whisper. 001189 this time I had several attacks of pleurisy and other diseases, I consulted different physicians, and tried various remedies, but received no benefit until I commenced using your Sarsa parilla. I am now well ; the sores are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely to the effects of your valuable medicine. - Yours, with respect and gratitude, . . ?HE CAHOGN.. Being personally acquainted with the person above named, I believe her statement to be correct. r JAMS'M. O. CARR, Justice of the Peace. nJBAMXD 1RD SOLD, WHOUtaAU ASD EXTAIL, BT. ' A. B. dc D. SANDS, Druggists ajtd Chxmists, 1M FvLToa-sTM cositxb o WitiiiH, NtwYeaav : . Sold -also by Druggists generally throughout the ,Vnited Statasimd f-rt'lst . Price 1 per Bottle ; six Bottles for $5. v tnhmi Jt 11 1 1 M I ale by NATION AI XOA FUND LIFE ASSDEASCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. A 8svings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." v (iXPOWKKXn BT ACT OT TAB 1.1 AM TUT.) CariTAL, 500,000' sterlingor $2,50O,000. Beside a reserve fund (from surplus premiums) ol rf about $185,000. Pabt or tsb Cafitai. is Ibtsstbv in the Uni ed Ststes. ' T. LAM IE MURRAY, Esq , George st. Hsno- ver sqosre, Chairman of the Court of Directors, m . London. ' UsiTan 8tatks Boabs or Local Dtbbctobs. (Chief Office for America, 74 Wall at) JV. York, Jacob Harvej, Esq. Chairman; John J.. Palmer, Esqn Jonathan Goodhue, Esq James Boorrrtan. Eq. Gorbam A. Worth, o - - j , - -I- Esq., Samuel M. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitcht,'. Esq. - ' v ' v , . ;v z ; Edwsrd T. Richsrdson. Esq. General Accountant. Pamphlets, blank forms, table o rates, lists bf A gents, 4c &c. obtained at tbe Chief Office 74 Wall, street, or from either, of the Agents throughout the United States, and British, .North American Coloniea. GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. R. B. Hatwood, M. D. Medical Examiner, Ra leigh, N. C. .August 22, 1848. 68 A most excellent article for Coughs,' Colds, J-W just received, and lor sale by P. F. PESCUDir; Raleigh. March 8, 1849. .:' 20. SODA SALJERATIJS. fTKNE case of Soda Saleratns, a superior article Mjftor cooaing purposes, just received and for aale by P.F.ESCUBv Raleigh, March 8, 1849. - 20 ( . A further supply of Yeast Powders, jusVreceived I-W ana lor sale by . : : j-1 P. F. PESCUD., ... ., . ,.....v. 20 Raleigh. March 8, 1849. ., A VERY large lot jost opened, and -. Cut', Aa Uie latest style, and well made, ar all prices. Call and examine. i: , E. L. HARDING Raleigh, April 7,-1849. - a " ; v 28 3ni Re ady MadeCIOthinff; E have on hand a beantifnl snnnlv nTrw :onsisting of " Black Coatee, 'and Mnrnnjr Sacka, of French ' Merino. Aloaeea toinsi t,rmre "LinanCoats' Pliin kR,,; Tantaloonir Of 'rUlinmX'asslmMVyrf-vZ,! 8aUn, SiIJne'WnJ MarseH MnatiAniia. sft t a ' at a ' - m.- m. 1 - ' --.rvHu.,wWTe,, rocxet nanKierchiel,' Uravats, "'"" "lac-js, aca in snerrt every tbmg tisnany "f rFarniahing Eatabiisbroents or Merchant Tailors. ' ' : - v .-- We can sell the above Clothing as cheap as they caif be purchased in fhe TJnitid States. All gotten up under oof own mspectiqn'ahd aupervision, and will be warranted both as to atyfe and quality. , Coats from $12 to $2,50; Pants from 4,50 to $20 Vests from 5, to $2,00. No; mistske, "nor no Hnmbug ! ' ' '; - ' OLIVER & PROCTER. Kaleigh, April 1849. 29 ill i inm"' V r ' - . LIVER , : i DESff. Z ''AT '4f hare soentmbch tima - . preparation of SAasarA.an.La perfection ; and the exoerlence it exactlvVo their lief and nn.. v- invaluable nroDertv it iioeeeaaea of arr- w ooawiereo, an almost indispensable requisite say, that tbe better it ir known tbe more hurhly health - restorin virtu wiii mi. ely-extended countrv. s. g. taylgr; TJ. S. Consul to NewGraaada f on different parts of the body the glands of her timh mmr. n remedies used, the disease attacked one Teg. and . . 1 wnw..va ,UUCI W W After sufferiBg over a , , ' family has taken your valuable Sarsa&aWfia for with the most beneieial affect nmitm. i. behalf of its virtue It. JOHN GRIGG. -3 avT5Sa.lAA- ci,.. tJ r I I. PESCUD. Irng?ist, Ualelgh i-Tf . C. lale , of .IV ortb Caroliua Jobbstss UouaTT,, Superior Court jpf Law, March Term, Susanna Fields cr. Benjamin Fields. ... Pktitiov fob DivdacB. ' IN this esse, it appesring to-the satisfaction ot tbe Court, that the. Defendant, Beuj, Fields, is s non resident of this State, it is therefore ordered that pub lication be made in the Smilhfield Telegraph and K sleigh Kegister for three months faolifjing the' said Detemlaru to appear at thernet Term ol our Supe rior Court, to be held for the County of Johnston, at the Couit House in imithueld. on the v 4th Mondiy j September next, fosnswer the petition of Susanna Fields, or it Will be taken pro eonfesso, and,lhecH beard ex parte.-"r. " ;T'?t;ir : ' Wiineaa W. F, 8. Alston. Clerk of our said Court, at office, on Ibe 4 th Mondsv of March, A. D. 1849, and in tbe 73d year of the Independence of cute oia.vc, ' W. F. 8. ALSTON, C. 8. C. Prodv. 5 62 ?8-3m k. A5THAAi:iOFATS. f iw THE Haf for the' price canndt be beat. 7- ehirTthis market. " I.Ca1f;siDaa1erof5 purchasing .elss. 'wherev 1 T. R.TUCKER SON. Raleieh. Mir t. 1849. V 35 Kirk & Son, ' : '! n .1 .1 . J D!lL. r - uoiu sau utcrotuitusf rlfo. 172, Baltimore Street, MAN UFACTURE and have always on haad, a large Jtmonnt' of Silver; Table, and Tea Spoons. Forks tf all aixea, Sugar Tongs, Soup Jadlei Butter Knives. Salt Spoons. Silver Tea Setts, Pitch e"cV'nB ff. s. Vases. Ur as. Dishes, dXC They are eontfnuaUy receiving by direct importa tions, all the, new tylf Plated Castors, Baskets. CaudlertTcks and Waiters as early as tbey appear in the -Foreign markets.'4 Also, fine Table Cutlery, GoIdVPateQt Lever and Lepine Watches Jewelry of everv derriitnt ' 4 a i every 'descript January 10. 16 y ft' Hit 11 li II Raleigh Female Benevolent Society rHEwal meeting o? the Female Beoejroien 11- Society' friiriake place at the frnby tenan Session House, onMonday, tbe J4th ot May, at. 10 o'clock A. M. "The ladies of the city are teqoesled vw aa v v U VS , Rateigh May 1st, 1849. n. 37 td Notice; 1 .,3" TTROM and after th rv 2?25S7. Z jHrrfetetrohied todono innwcWwne&M tbefr Stablea. Ib allJnstances bereafteh and without tee peeuto peraens, pay mental feqaired for horses aafT tenieles hired ot M9Htfrrf, they leave the lard. .' '''&''if,;&JSics Persons boarding horses; br the, year, wUI be re- f quired to pay Quarterly. , : ' UV 37 4t May 8th, 18491' RAIL' ROAO MEtTtNfiAT f RAhlKUNTON. 7HF ciUzensof.Franklintqn.and ju v X friendly 4q th CenUil Rsyl ImP'?,V v ri are Requested tctboM meeting at Cou J;u T atebu ok Saturday, the 2nd day of Jjf" the porpose of appoinung Dejegatea to the Salisbury Convention, i . - . i ha. -j ! 39 Franklinton. May H 1S49. A SMALL Ipt of good Mooiiuin Butter. ( Kaleigh, May 12, 1849. r: t S T'F I PBBUI ara per losertior Tooiyi ? Court. argedj percent edverthv t'Adr. Br; j OIITElt of char, s rrnai IL1 insure damage av-Mssr k panies i prompt r Appli einity,"tc Ahdf! Octob TO aary -oat Posse Raleig freshI plete, te Raleig Raleigf fin, "yui; nowaup( wide wo Messrs. 1 -April.; Cheap f Raleir Are r full.ass 'iog desc ' retail at SOLAI SUSPL BRACI SOLAf SUSPE v ET SIDE.-! camp: girai; ' 'riot ,1 m V-f aoldon 1 4 - JfiB v I Forest second ' Rav.i - Sermon J Mayl r) vrmiu . aTjUiuf SOMfU b GreeBa1, May' 1 1 1 rv - MA' itaiei era ... J pi , ..r.j HALL stsi u ..Near I ; V.-