I' v i Ik 'tC .1. .. i ! - - 1- - 1 J. 8 v v ' -J v ri, $ ' . Wj.i- ?'--.- t "0?r arervtl10 pln" 'air deliBhtlnlpeace, Unwarp'd by party rage, to Ifre like brot&ers. To, . fSSST . ,": (lean" . ... I r bined pro- . tahlsV j el 'Ptj f wh , lion's hole. lend ,1 -Jovei 10 its jpled, eding com Lr the of my roful ? neck , ollen. , X from IHl about heard Wbla ptlree, s, she ver'a jib re- AJgfcly re ill llyaf gen- COIXV 1 T lies of jata in perial abnQ- j th- was cod to iL hat for er do vorm llo pmach whets owera n J bo ' t also V and I mny in its per- , fessrs. rs 46. make Wax's of my 'd.and vorms. SHOT Vibe a, and ed lo drntn 3uot, a in V A na of V over make I from na far G ,35 Volume" L. prBLISHED . SE1I-WBEILI AXDlWEEILT, Bl TERMS. ' SulscriptUiu--&-y?x 'Eirta Tire dol lar peraonara half in adranca. ... . Wrkklt PAraa Threa Dollara par asnotn. Aivertittmtt. For erery Sixteen Line, first insertion, Ooe Dollar ; each aubaeqaant inaertian, fsrenty-fiT Centa. , Court Order and Judicial Advertisement wllb eharged 25 per ceat. higher; bat a deduction of 33 J per cent, will be made from the regular prieea, for adrertisars by the year. Advertisementa, inawted in the SkmiAVkiely Rc eirrsa, will alao appear in the Wkut Paper, free of chaTge. ' " XT Letters to the Editor mnst be Foar-rAin. FIUE ! TaEiarnrAtarsuiiAWCEcdMPA fff of Uartford, Conn. Offerato inanre- Bnitdinga and Merchandize, against los or )imifi b fire, at oremiams to suit the times. Thia ia one of the oldest and beatloaorance Com- paniea in the United Statea, and pay a ita loaaea promptly. ' ' . . Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or itavi einity.tobemadeto '8. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milfon, N. C. and vie'vnity , lo N. J." PALMER, Agent. October, 1848 83 FOR -RENT. THE large and eoovenient Dwelling, now occu pied by R W. 8eawel1,' Esq. with all the neces sary out houses an two acres of land attached. Possession will be given the first of January next G. 8HAW. Raleigh Not. 0. 1848. 03 FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES AND PAIN1S- BY recent arrivals, I have received a large sup ply of articles neeful to make my atock com plete, te which I invite the attention of purchasers. J. F. PESCUD. Drag gist and Apothecary. Raleigh. March 8. 1849. - 20 fish nooKs. large lot of Fish Hooks of the most approved kinds, just received and for sale by m r r v rv Raleigh, March 8. 1849. 20 I OSTSC K I pt uin. UP TO THE LATEST MOMENT. Telegraphically Jnst Here, a RECEIVED oaly two doien of those Super fine Silken Cylindrical Teguments, or aa the valgatehaait " II ATS. ' now superceding ail heretofore fabricated from the wide world famed Manufacturers of Gotham, the Messrs. Lesry and Company. Only a half Eagle. April. 1849. OLIVER fc PROCTER. JUST RECEIVED, a large and splendid lot. of Superior quality, of the very latest '. Cheap for cash. E. L. HARDING. Raleigh. April 7. 1349. 28 3m ttltpetre. A large supply of Refined Salt petre lust to band and for sale by "7 PESCUD 4- JOHNSON ; m&ttss m&RS sKAVa S Panama, Brush, Moleskin, Silic one. HEARTT St. LITCHFORD. Raleiah, May I, 1849. 35 sLainps Girandoles,-Hall Iaiiterns, and Chandeliers. OEITZ. BROTnCR & CO , WAS H I NGTON STO RES, No. 139 William Stscbt, Are manufacturing, and have always on hand a full assortment of articles ia.lheir line, of the follow ing descriptions, which they will sell at wholesale or retail at low prices, for cash: SOLAR LAMPS, Gilt, Bronze, and Silvered. SUSPENDING-SOLARS, " BRACKET SOLARS. SOLAR CHANDELIERS, 2,3,4, 6, and 8 lights. SUSPENDING CAMPHENE LAMPS; BRACK ET do do SIDE, do do " 1 CAMPHENE CHANDELIERS, 2 3, 4, 6 and 8 tights. J IRAN DOLES, Gilt, Silvered and Bronzed, ra- rious patterns. HALL LANTERNS, various sizes, wtth cut or - stained glass. New York, March 20, 1849. 24 6m - GENTLEMEN'S Calf BooU from the mannfactorv of J. Miles Sc Son. Philadel- HE K i r & L.I TCHFOKD. COFFEE Java, Laguria and Rio Coffee by the Bag. , . , .WXLL: PECK 3t SON. Mav 1 8,. 1A4SL .: fe 40 6 ArfDirritt'TOJBT cosxei 0 NE more Case of Fashwnabie Sgper Moleskin Hats received to day by Express ' R, TUCKrJK ? SON. Raleigh. May 28, IS49. , V,. " .43 iX PRE8H Ut of ThomaMowo JJme jual re- ceiteo ty R. TUCKER . tb OW. Raleigl , May 28, 1849. ' ; ; 43 jnj LEACHED aqd Browtf ShirUngs. Sheetings IflJ. and DrilU ; Candle Wick ; plakl and faacy Cottaaades, of all style, and prices for .ate by r' i Viir W TUCKER iL SON- Raleigh, lay 23, 1849. :43" , WORK. AGNES ORRls; or the Heroine of Domestic I4fe Price IS cents. Thia day received at N. U. BOOKSTORE. 'y , . 1849. - ---" -' ' i MvtT NEaT JTOFELi. Y Unda Tb Curate; by tho Author -of the Bachelor of ihe Albany Price 25 rent. Re ceivedthi.dsyby H. D. TURNER. My 22, 1849. A2 . Exchange Office of C. ,W. Pnrcell t Co. CORNER MAIN AND GOVERNOR STREETS . To Discharged Soldier. "TH HE Subscriber will collect, with despalch. 11 8ouiiiaa'Ci,AiNCTOB BooiTTLAi)B,TaaAS. oar Kcnif, and back pat, on moderate terms, and will buy and sell the same at the market rates The Claimant mat send his Discharge, with an af fidavit that he is the person named in it. Liberal Advances made on the same. - Soldiers furnished with information relative to Claims against the Government, free of charge. g Ulaima sent through mail to the Subscribers, will have the same attention aa if on personal appu cation Address 3. W. PTIRCELL & CO. Exchange Brokers, Richmond, Va. July, SO 1848. 58 tf. Important to Every Body. fTTf AVING made arranzementa with one of the UIJ moat extensive manufacturers of No. 1 Needles, iu EoeHaad, to aupply m with his best quality Nee dies, I am enabled to offer great inducements to the purchasers thereof, as to prices and quality, as my articles shell be always guaranteed of best quality, and the pricea chalked down to the lowest notch much lower, indeed, than inferior articles are sold for for aale by the thousand or single paper. Aloo, Silver Thimbles, by the dozen, of first rate retailing quality and exceedingly low. CALL AT LUMSDEN'S Watch and Jewellery Store, Where a good assortment of the richest and most fashionable Jewellery, Watches. Spec tacles, Thimbles, Pencils, Gold Pen, Minia ture Lockets, Silver Spoons, Military and fancy goods, in fact every article usually kept in a Jewel lery Store ; my goods beiog bought at the- loweat Cash Pricee4 from first hands, 1 am enabled to sell as low aa any house North or South. The Beaux and Belies, who wish to shine "Can make themselves extremely fine With Breast Pins. Rings and Bracelets rare And all things else to anil the fair. I am well and efficiently prepared to give univer sal satisfaction in the repairing of Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, Pencils, Jewellery, &c, &c. Persona passing through Petersburg will find their interest subserved by leaving with me Watches, or other work they may have to be repaired. Petersburg, Va. 23 3m A large supply of Coach, Furniture, Polishing and Japan Varniehea, just received aud for sale by - P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh. March 8. 1849. 20 BUSINESS GOATS. A very large assortment of Business Coats ; con fi elating in part of Single Milled French Cloths, black and Brown Cashmerets, English and French Tweeds; Brown and Drab Qoeen's Cloth, a new ar ticle for summer; French "Toil de Nord; Black Twilled Alpacca ; Plaid and Brown Linen, of Dress and Frock atylea; also, cheap Cost for summer. Cheap for cash. E. L. HARDING. Raleigh. April 7, 1849. 28 3m I It ESS AND FROCK COATS. AN Y quantity of Super French Cloth, Dres and Frock Coats. In beauty of style and fin iah, they are not to be equalled. Cheap for cash. E. L. HARDING. Raleigh. April 7, 1849. 28 3m Gentlemen's Summer Goods. KLACK and Fancy Casaimeres. Black Dr.b De'Tee, with a general assortment ol Couonades and Nankina, for Men and Boya. For ssle low by J. BROW N. Raleigh, April 17. 1849. 30 BAY ItUJI. A further supply of Bay Rum, just received, at P. F. PESCUDS Drug Store. Raleigh, March 8. 1849. 20 BY EXPRESS. A LOT of Granite Berages,' Black solid Muolin, Swua Edgings, Fancy Head Dresses, French Worked Collars, dc &c 'Green and Mode Tissues and Berager plain and Satin striped. HEARTT 6c LITCHFORD. Ralehjb, May 1, 1849 53 R. Tucker & Son HAVE thia day received by Adams 4 Co's Ex press, another aupply of r-nnted Organdi Lawns, Second Mourning Ginghams, Blsck Silk Tissues, - Ladies' Colored Kid Gloves, Gentlemen's ..do. do. Plaid and Fancy Bonnet Ribbons, 1 doz, Grata Skirls, ready made, at 75 cents each, Lyanese Braida, Lace, Buttons, . Thread Bobbin Edgings, Blue French Cloth, Marlboro Plaida, Furniture Prints, dec., -c. . AUo a few Seta of Gothic and Landscape Tea Trays, a very handsome article. Raleigh, May 7, 1849. 37 Star and Standard copy. f 2000 WANTED. QTTXHE Subscriber ia authorized to receive propo ILSbsalafora loan of Two Thousand Dollars, in Bonds-of the City of Raleigh, for Fit Ho ml red Dol lira each, payable after twelve months from the date, at the pleasure ol the parties." and -bearing interest at the- rate of aiz per cent per annum, payable aemi annoally. 8. W. WHITING,; r ;; .l "V. ' City Treasurer. - Rsleigb; May 12, 1849. 38 tf iCT8un4ar4 till further notice. - ': v i tXfh rfh "OV roUND3 Bacon mostly of my Qh 4 V 4v 4V n curing, that cannot he beat in Su mutku.- : V Li B. WALKER. "Raleigh. May 12. 1849. ; 38 Dr. Joseph, L W. ..Tucker, yOvFFERS his ProfeWonal services ts the citizens VJof Raleigh and ricinity." He may always be found at toe residence ol naao i ucaer, May 8. 1849. : ; : . 37 tf CLOTHING ! CEOTniNG l!; TfTOIt bargains in Ready .Made Cloihing. call at IT HARDING'S ileleigh, May 14, 184S. 39 Iff SATURDMmOMING, JUNE 1849. GARDEN SEEDS. rTrVjHE Subscriber has' just received his supply of . U Oarden and t.rasa Seeds, which he warrants to be fresh and genuine, consisting in part of the usn al varieties of the following kind, viz : , Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Boricole, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cress, Cucumber, Egg Plant, Corn, I.eek, Lettuce, Melon, Mustard, Nasturtium, Okra, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip, Peas, Pepper, Pumpkin, Kadiab, Rhubarb, Salaify, Spinage, Squssh, Tomato, Turnip, , Aromatic Herbs, Grass seed and Fruit Trees, Alao, a lot of Flower Seed, which will be aold at three cents a paper, aa tbey are not of last year'e growth. r. r. PEvSCUD, Apothecary & Druggist. Feb. 8. - 12 UNIVERSITY. THE Public Anniversary Examination of the SludenUdof the Uuiveraity of North Caroliua.will be held at Chapel Hill, on Monday the 28th day of May ensuing and be continued from day to day until Thursday the 7th of June, beiug the first Thursday of June, which last meutioned day is appointed for the Anuual Commencement of the. College. The following Trustees compose the Committee of visitatiou. ilia Excellency Charles Manlt, Governor of the State and President ex-ofScio of the Board. Hon. David L. Swain, L. L. D. President of the College. John L. Bailey, Charlea L. Uinton, Simmons J. Baker, John Kerr, John H Bryan. Waller F. Leake, .John R. J. Dauiel, Willie P. Mangum, John M. Dick, Jamea T. Moreuead, Jamea C. Dobbin, Samuel F. Patterson, Johu A. Gilmer, Thomas Rutfin, Robert B. Gilliam, Romulus M, Saunders, Calvin Graves, Jamea S Smith, John D. Hawkins, Richard D Spaight, Lewia Thompson, John D. Tootner. All other Members of the Board of Trustees who may atteud, will be couaidered Members also of thia Committee. By order : CHARLES L. HINTON, Secretary. Raleigh, May 1st, 1849. 35 rrprankliii, Illnstrated His Aotobiogra- JJl nhv. with a Narrative of hia Public Life aud servicea : bv Rev. H. Hastings Weld ; with numer ous designs. For sale at Turner's XM. C. IJUUK.3TUK1S. Raleigh, May 4, 1849. 38 ff A DIES Black and While Kid and Morocco. iLi1 Slippers and Walking Shoes, Philadelphia make; Misses and Children's do. Men and Boys Kip and Calf Sboetees, Heavy Brogana and Women's Leather Shoes. For sale by J. BKOWIM, No. 9, Fayetteville street Raleigh, April 12. 30 TlrfniTh Pieces Calico, of all pricea and Shades JLHVlV''awn' ti.ngh.m, Warp, Black Alpaccas, Black f rencn liombazinesand uasnmerea. J. BKUWn. Lsleigh. April 12. 30 IT ibrnry of select Novels, price 3ft UicentS. Mordaunt Hall ; or a September Night; by the author of u Two Old Men's Tales." Joat Published, and for sale at TURNER'S. Raleigh, May 4. 149. 36 BLACK Mole Skin, Panama, Pearl, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats. Jut received, and for ale by J. DROWN. Br-fX SACKS FINE LIVERPOOL SALT, just 40) Vr received end for sale by A. B. 8TITH & CO. May 7, 1849; ' 37 Valuable Works eriaining to Agricul ture and Rural Economy The Amrricau Flow er Garden Directory, Townley on the Honey Bee, the American Skepberd.Johnson'a Agricultural Chem istry, every Man hisown Gardener ; Horse, its Hab its and Management, Bou.singaull'a Organic Na ture, American Poulterer's Companion, Clater and Youatt'a Cattle Doctor, the American Turf Register and Stud Book, by P. N. Edgar ; Liebig's Agricul tural and Animal Chemistry, Liebig's Familiar Let ters on Chemutry, Loudon's Encyclopaedia of Gar dening, Loudon's Encyclopaedia of Architecture, the Vegetable Kingdom, or Hoid-book of Plants, You att on the Horse, a new edition: Bridgeman'a young Gardener's Assistant ; new edition, much enlarged. Bridgeman'a Fruit Cultivator's Manual, the Theory of Horticulture, by J. Lindley Gardening for La dies, and Companion to the Floer Garden ; by Mrs. Ijoudon. Americsn Husbandry, a Muck Manual for Farmers, by Samuel L. Dana. Ives' New England Fruit-Book, Browne's Trees of Ajnerica, Gray'a Botanical Text-Books ; Fruit Cultiirist, by J.J. Thomas. Treatise on Milch Cows, Stable Talk. For sale at the N. C. BOOKSTORE. Raleigh, May 15, 1849. 40 THE PATAPSCO FEMALE INSTITUTE, Ten Miles from Baltimore, Ellicolf s mills (iTld.) Post Office. UXBKB, THE DiaSCTIOff or ITIIIS. LINCOLN PHEIPS, Assisted by many able Professers and Teachers, WILL commence a new scholastic year on the 26th,of SEPTEM B ER NEXT. Pupils en tering for the new year can be accommodated during the vacation, with board at the Institute, under prop er superviaion or instruction Terms $240, for board and all necessaries connected with it, and for English education for the scholastic year of forty four weeks. Accomplishments, Languagea, &c. with board in vacation, extra charges. For healthiness of location, (aitnated in a high and aalubrioua region.) beauty of scenery, and facili ty of access for travellers, tha Patapico Institute is unaorpasced. That its advantages for bestowing a liberal and accomplished education are appreciated by the public, is fully demonstrated by it past and present priisperity. ' " May 19, 1849. ' 41 wta$10 CAPB FEAR NAVIGATION COIPASI THE Annual meeting if the 'Stockholders . will be held on Friday, 1st Julie, in the' town of Fay eiteville. ' . L. WIN SLOW, Prea't. . May 14,1849. - 39 EL persons indebted to the Estate' Of the late Weston R. Gales.'decM- are" reuuested- to make immediate avmenL as money must be raised to liquidate the claims against the same. A C. B. ROOT, Administrator. Raleigh, May 30. 1849. . , 43 3t . . SOEETINGS. : Y the Bale or at rsUiU' n - WM. PECK 6c SON; a! el gh May 18th, 1849. 40 6 Dr. A. E. Coopers Spino-Abdomi nal Supporters. THE Subscribers have on hand a aupply of the above valuable supporters, which are recommend ded for all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, Round shoulders, or prolapsus Uteri. Proff: Morr thinks they are very well adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, as they afford the useful combination of shoulder brace and Abdominal supporter, with very decided support to the spinal column. The above bracee are recommended by the Pbysi ciana generally, who have seen them, and we have sold a number to citizens of thia place, who are high ly pleased with them. A gentleman observed a few days since, that he had been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not give ooe of the above, for fifty such. " They need no puffing as they speak for them selves." rtSCUD & JOHNSON. O" The above Supporter is an improvement on Dr. E. Chains' celebrated Spino-Abdominal Supporter. Jan. 12, 1848. (Standard.) 4 New Spring Goods ! 1849. IS. TDCKEIt & SON ARE daily receiving ibeir Spring supplies, and have just opened a large assortment of Fash unable Dresa Goods, consisting of etolid, Figured, and Rich Chameleon Silks Striped and Solid Silk Tissues Plain and Plaid Bi'k do Rarese De Toil Pink Tarlatans Toil De Nord Fancv French Organdie Lawns Silk Striped Ginghams Black and fcecond Mourning Muslins and Uinghams Solid and Fancy French Ginghams Mode Colored Baiise Linen Lustres, Linen Ginghams Beautiful French Muslins French Prints of New Styi-js Silk Fringes and Buttona Linen Fringes and Persian Braida Bonnet and Cap Ribbons Silk Chameleon Shawls Bobin, Swiss and Jack one t Edgings and Insert ing., Lace, Ca pea and Collars, Kid Glovea and ho- aiery, risid Bordered jjawn ana L.ineu v am uric Hankerchiefs, Grass and Mohair Skirts, $-c, dc. March SI, 1849. 26 Mutual Life Insurance Co, In Distress ve Succor! COM PAN Y with the above title, having been Chartered at the laat session of the Legislature of thia Slate ; and the provision required in said Charter (viz. Application for Insurance for $50,000,) having been fully met, the Company has been or ganized by the appointment of the following officers, and ia issuing Policies, viz: UK. CHS. E JOHNSON, President. WILLIAM D HAYWOOD, Vice President. JAMES F. JORDAN, Secretary. WILLIAM H.JONES, Treasurer. Dr. WILLIAM H. McKEE, Medical Examiner. HENRY W. MILLER, Attorney. Dr. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, ) tj Dr W. H. McKEE, . of CorUation Dr. RICH'D B. HAYWOOD, 5 onuU8t,on- J. I1ERSMAN, General Agent. Thia Compauy has received the most liberal char ter that haa ever been granted to-any Company of a simitar character, in any Slate in the Uuion. The 5th Section of the Act of Incorporation pro vides "that the husband may iuEure his owu life, for the sole use and benefit of his wife or children, aud, iu case of the death of the husband, the amount thus subscribed shall be paid over to the wife or children, or their guardian, if underage, for her or their own a&e, free from all the claims of the rep resentatives of the husband, or any of hia creditors." Thia provision needs uo comment. The Board have also determined to insure the lives of slaves, and this beiug almost half the wealth of the people of thia Slate, a large business is reason ably anticipated. Any information respecting the" principles of the Company will be furnished by the Secretary, or any of its officers. JAS. F. JORDAN, Secretary. Raleigh, April 9, 1849. 29 Edge worth Female Seminary. TTp EV. G. MORGAN, Principal, Professor of Jl, Mental and Moral Philosophy, Teacher of Lan guage aud Criticism, Mathematics aud Experimen tal Scieuces. ' Mas. Maiia Morgan, Associate Principal. Mrs. H. M. Perlet, Teacber of Drawing, Oil Painting, Landscape, 6-c, aud of the French Lan guage aud Literature. Miss Josephine Perlet, Assistant in Water Colors and Flower Paiuliag. M iss i , Assistant iu Higher Classes. Ala- A. S. Kern, Teacher ; of Instrumental and Vocal music. Mrs. Perley baa attained a high reputation in the city of New York, aud ber services have been secu red with a hope of creating a new interest in the South" for her department in the Fine Arts. The scieuce, taste and skill of Mr. Kern in Music, are confirmed by hia success duriug the past year and by testimonials ef distinguished musicians. Mr. aud Mrs. Morgan wilt devote their experience and time to the improvemeut- and happiness of their pupils. The number is limited to thirty five. They form the Edgeworth Family. The terra of ten months will begin oo the 9lb of July, and close on the 9lh of May. Bills are paid half yearly, $50 in advance. $75 covers all expense for the half year, except the usual tuition for ornamental branches. Greensboroogh. N. C, May. 1849. 42 la$2 HOUSE AND LOT And Lands for Sale, TH E Subscriber offers for sale his House and lot in Chapel Hill, in a very pleasant part of the Village. On It is a good Dwelling, a well of fine water and all necessary Out Houses--all of which have been built ia Ihe laat three years. ; The lot contains 2 acres. Also iat " Plant ion; 4 milea North of Chapel Hill, containing abont 500; acres, well watered. On it is a largo Dwelling and Barn, wiih a good wheat machine and all necessary Out H ousts for a' farm of that size j all of which isv in good condition Any persons -wishing to purchase any of the above named Property ; will do tvetl to calf aon and examine for themselves, as I am determin ed to sell.' ;v.S4--- .-,vv A.-. n ,-... - . ...WILLIAM J. HOG AN. Chapel Hill, May 23, 1849. 42 6 w Cn rockery on Consignment, from tbe J North s Vo have received, and at now open ing, three large crates of China, Liverpool, ant) crock ery .ware, compr'uiog a general assortment yVith some nice glassware. ' These articles will be fold unusually low by the lot." Dealers and others, are respectfully invited to call bq examine. them." : ' - WILL: PECK SON. Raleigh, April 20, 1849. 32 lm Wm. U. CARY & CO. DATE REMOVED TO THEIR HEW STORE, Nos. 243 and 245 Pearl street, Bear Mn Street, NEW YORK. WHERE they are prepared for the SPRING TRADE, with the Iareest stock i their lrae to be found in America, consisting of new styles of Foreign and Domestic Goods. They invite dealers visiting this city to examine their assortment which will be offered on the most fa vorable terms. The following are among their importations, sort ed for the Southern and Western trade, and will be aold in lota to suit the trade, viz: Linen Thread, varioua makers Spool Cotton, 100 and 200 yards, white, black and colored Tapes and Bobbins, of all descriptions. Tooth and Hair Brushes, in grat variety Accordeons, plain and aemi-tone Violins and Bows. Violin Strings. Harmonica?, single and double notes. Percussion Cape, plain, ribbed, split 5- ribb'cf, 1-5 and 1-10 Razors, Knives, Shears, and Scissors Cotton aud Silk Purses, plain and ornamental' Purse Twist, all colors, on spools and in lbs. Steel Beads, Bag and Purse Clasps and Trim mings. 1 earl and Agate Buttons French Soaps and Pejfumery Low's English Soaps and Pomatum And Fancy Goods in General. Also, a fuil stock of American Goods, viz : IVOItY FINE COHIBS. CombsBack, Side, Dressing: and Pocket, all pat terns of Shell, Horn and Ivory. BUTTONS of every description Spoons Sliver, German Silver and Britannia O I ?peciacies - - assorted agea Looking Glasses Mahogany and Gilt Frames Brushes Hair, Cloth, Shaving, Paint and Var nish, Shoe, Scrubbing, Crumb, Horae, &c &c Razdr Strops and Hones Shaving-Boxes, large, small and medium glasses Pins, Hooks and Eyes, and Thimbles Pocket Books, Wallets aud Purses Fans Leather, Paper aud Silk Jewelry Gold aud Imitation, &c. 6-c. &c. I rinted Catalogues furnished in the English, French German' and Spanish languagea. March 20, 1849. 24 3m TIU8T opened a magnificent assortment of Cra fjl vats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Socks, Hosiery, (Marino and Cotton) Gauze under spirts, for sum mer, Bosoms, Collate, Silk Night Caps, Suspenders, &c. 1 - . . E. L. HARDING. Raleigh, April 7, 1849. 28 3m Raleigh Bakery. THE Subscriber has just received at his Cheap Cash d'tore, on Wilmington street, in the rear of the Market, the following articles, which he intends to aell as low aa any house in Raleigh. Ail he asks is a call, before purchasing elsewhere, to convince the most skeptical, that what he promises to do, he will certainly peifurm. 12 Bags of the best Rio and Laguira Coffee, 4 Casks of Sugar-bouse Molasses, a prime ar ticle, . 1 Box of Langhorn & Son's No. 1 Tobacco, 2 Hbds. Bright N. O. Sugar, and a general as sortment of other kinds ef Sugars, 12 Boxes Window Glass, 8 by 10 and 10 by 12, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Figs and Raisins, Pepper, Spice and Ginger, Coffee Mills, fancy Soaps, and Mason's Blacking, Mrs. Miller's, Olcott'a and Jones & Hudson's Snuffs. 20 Reams Wrapping Paper, 1 Bbl. Copperas, and many other articles, not necessary to mention, usual ly kepi in a family Grocery. Please to remember my motto, a " nimble sixpence, and low or cash." L. B. WALKER: Raleigh, May, 12, 1849. 38 rrj LEACHED Snd Biown Sheeting, 5 to 1? IgTpquarters, Bleached end Brown obirtings, extra Ettrick Oznaburgs and Spun Cotton. A great vari ety of qualities and prices, for sale by t he-single yard or piece, by J. BROWN. April 12. 30 Coles-wort, OR RAPE SEED, (for Canary Birds) A supply received this day at the N. C. BOOKSTORE. Raleigh, May 6, 1849. 37 Br. Benjamin Brandretn'g Veget able Universal'Pills,r the longest known, hate been the most considered, and are the best understood of all the medicines of the day. Their action harmonizes with the condition of tbe body. Tbey are seldom felt after they 'are swallowed, until they produce iheir known effect. " But should there be crude matters in the circulation, or any un digested food in the bowels, or putrid acrid bile in the region of the heart or liver, or any part of tbe viscera, then the Pills of Dr. Brand re th msy 'occa sion aome slight inconvenience, but nothing in com parison to the great good , they do in. removing the cause of disease out of the system. . They are extensively used in every section of thia wide extended country where they are made known, and are fast superseding every other preparation of professed similar import. Upwards r forty thou sand cases nave been certified as cured aolely from their use in the last twenty years, thus establishing the fact beyond all doubt, that the Brandreth Pills cure the (apparently) moat opposite diseases, by con tinually evacuating 4he bowels with them until the disease gives way. Therefore, whatever may be said of the theory, the utility of the practice is now be yond all -doubt . . : . THE BRANDRETH FILLS arecomposed.srhol ly of .medicinal herbs,, and do not contain any min eral or chemical substance; are. perfectly harmless to the moat tender age. or weakest frame I and nev ertheless sure to search out the cause of the' sickness and produce a .cure, whatever may be ita character, when laken in timeand in quantities sufficient! ' Patients cannot be too often reminded that in all obstinate cases larger doses ahdjperaeverance will finally effect a cure except in 'those cases where na- in Raleigh. if you would Wswe Of aettinz the Gen nine Brandreth Pills. . f ; f f t 'f-s' May "30; -1849 'f. - 43 NG Charles Td of England, by Jacob Al-bolC. For sale allhe C BOOKSTORE. 1 ;-ir1ay;22t 1849 - j ? 42 TTJ) j Herman , fttelville. Mardi': Jiud 1 LTP Toyago Untfaer,- 2 Tola. -This day received by Raleigh, Majr 1, 1S49. ' 36 tore is auogemer canratiea ouore iota meotciue oi Ml; B: Purchase of WnuPeckJc &' my igents TTT COMMISSION ANJ ommission'aBd-4iie0oii iton's. 'Ralefslf C.' CONTINUED AS USUAL. J ALL BFSUTESS ENTRUSTED TO TJS, SHALt Bff EXECUTED PROMPTLY AKD TJtTBtpLLT.J V will: PEcx1fc!sqir, Raleigh, March 21, 1849; . .y,.'&jtm-' Female Classical Intntep Htll&Doroii'h.Strccl, RaIeigh?Bffd!T THE NEXT SESSION of this Institution wi! commence en Monday, tke 25th of June. , It is desirable that Students be present en that dar, or iunner lniormaiion, aaaress sr. BEN NET T. BLAKE, Principal. May5, 1849. ' 36 lm . faqrartrrfgg jsx Trnrac, - ... CLOTHING ESTABEISHirjEIlT, Xortk Side, 3d Door East of Calvert STREETS A BALTIMORE, W - -; ' MOORE Sl INM AN, Merchant Taflbrs, fes pectfully invite attention to their stock of rea dy made Clothing, of every variety, cut 'and made in a superior style, and not surpassed iff price, liuian or quality. ' - - -' ' .r Alwaya on hand, superior Cloths, Casei'mereey Vestiugs, 4-c., in their custom departineut, which, will be made to order iu tbe most fashion able styled Geatlemgu wishing to order a fine auit, without tho -expense of coming to Baltimore, can do so , by send ing their measure to M. & 1, stating color, quality &LCn which will be attended to with the same carv, as if the purchaser were present. They feel eoafi. dent of giving eulire satisfaction, to all who aver' them with their orders, either by letter, or in person. S3" Mr. Iuman is the ageut for Sbankland's supe rior system of drafting Garments terms for books, apparatus and instruction, $10. -, . - Baltimore. Feb. 3. ' : 12 ly"'' ATINS, of tha Bat n Silk, of every lmd f ' White, Marseilles, Bombazine. Texianna." "Toil De Hord," and Valencia, of all styles an qualities, made in ihe beat manner. Cheap fer eaala. - - ; B. L. HARDING. Raleigh, April 7,"1849. v . r .iWJm& Oliver & Procter " MERCHANT TAILORS , -.'U. (ugly row,) rATZTraviLi. sraiCT, -RAEEIGII, IT. CV WE have just received and are s now oponing' our very extensive and judicieaaly. selectedv supply of . . ... h-'-'-i-.i- SPltllVG AND SUJTJITJEH GOOD8rv - - Consisting of f s: Jvi - CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTlNGSi Embracing every color and variety, ef . which th following, are a part: . a?. . Bhtt Black, nnd02ive Green, Dahlia, Zephyr, anl Drap$et? Cloths, Blade, and Blue French Doe Skin Cassimeresi Fancy Cussimeres, of cUty t Color, (Str$ed down the out-side seams, some: thing entirely new.) Drillings, of eery $lot,i Plain and Fig. Satin and , Prtav,;, all Colors,, Bar athias, QishmereSy t Marseills, Figured and Plain, E16- ? gant White and CoVd Satins, for 4 Party Tysgs,fromtheJtig& - Falluting" to the Vulgar jot X - ' ; T Ordinary &e,&c. 'f - .f The above Goods were selected by, the B og Jj propria persona from the latest importations, and can be recommended with confidence to 'our customer aud friends and the public. Call and look before you buy. We are determined to self as ebeap, as the very cheapest, and tobave aH garments turnedl out by us gotteu up in a- style not to be surpassed either ia this Slate or out of tt-South xr, or Northf of the Potomac.; . ' A complete suit of clothes made in 524" hettri, If uecetwary. 'Ordera froro. a diataues thankfully ceired and prompUy atteaideoVio - . - OLIVER Ac PROCTER f -: iriiCii f: i Projfesaora and Artists, vj? RaleighrAprH 1849. &&4 Tbe Latest London; Paris and American ftakmf. ions just.at hand, - ,. O. & P. OSNABURGSAND - SHIRTINGItf A FEW Bale, received thia day. For sale by AVtfae piece, at manufactory prices. v -'- ':B.:l'HARDING -Rafcigh, May 14, 1 84 9. - 0l All yonng persons itnonld hare A StandardfDiction at their elbows. , And white you are about it, tv -v :jSth k m ist j Jtba - Dictionary tJ she great, tcerk unabridged. If yon era too poor save Uie amount from oil your oaca, to pui u inva our heuPhrcnoloeicat JournaL' .. a ' Dr. Webster's great aork is tbe best -Dictionary of lue ngiisn Atanguage. smwuvniingjsaro -' kitJn.t ''i"-''' "k ".. '"t- -4 4 -L'-.V- This Volume moat find its way into aU our public and good private libraries, lor it provides the xng lish ktodent'with a mass of the most, valuable) 'in -' formation, which her would idein seek for le " where "London Liary Caullei ... Containing fArcs fi'jTiM the 1 amount bfi natter o ? any other English 'Dictionary otppHed in this coon try,vor ariy-'Abridgment; ofthla workA pf vrurisbedfcbys UMERRIAMprmgaeid Miss. a4lbr safibyan BseJlersV . For sal in Fayeitrrille fotz&ri&J&AtXf - -"May 4; 1849? r y 1 JfSM'1 ' - ;;W..;Jf:BiDaSelecfi 'A'11 -LARGE Class wilt jhe dlsehai Jalytl llhv when tho Fall Sesswndljv . ? f . front ten to fourteen years of nJ7l ? begin llm Crainmarfafe much P'efJ rX SSeX Teqoested that .pplicaUOnJead fcri rest umce- viovwsw .sr7-r?j,l,iM:w " ; May Ist;lS49v , i' m4J2&& 5