-4 JtV.'-. r4 ej " . . jj- '! ------ - - . - . . - - - ... ; I ' Jl , w: Vrj3f''-ir.,'-S ..?: Zf :' live like britlieri. ; . V ir?&i8'l3 - - - - i ' - ' rYblumem:; , .: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 1849. . : zt?:"- P:j': PUBLISHED SEMIWKEKLT AND WKKLT-3T - ED1T0L45D ? PROPRIETOR , ?r or Four dUn and Fifty CdUV ia adrtnce, prnnara.- J. : ' Wmxt Papee Thre"'15olUr pr innum, or Two Del rii and Fiftj Cent, 'rance AdrxrtiatnunU. For' every Slxtetn ldne$t fint insertioa, une uouar; eacn auwesm iweru.o, - . ,, . . . Tweaty-fire Centa ..' Court Order and Judicial Advertisement will be charged 2 pr cYhthfgher j itttydedaetien of 33 pr eenU wUl'be'made from the regalar prices, for adrertiseray .the year, , AdTertiemenU, in9rted ia the Sam-Weekly Rk eitTE;ViU aJo appear in IhV WEXKLT Paper, free of charge. . v , - ; . , ,T - . , .. t O LetUra te the Editor mast.be rorr-riiD. fii:ei rrnnc jets a i.ysuh awce compa- U J Y. or Iiartlord. conn.- unersto insure Baildings and Merchandize, against less or damage oynre,ai premiums io sauineuoes. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the United States, and pays its losses promptly. ' Applications for tnsarance in Raleigh, or Its el nity, to be made to 8. V. WHITING, ' " . t t Agent. And fo'r JiliUon.rfrC. and vicinity, to " A X. J'. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848 ': - t 88 FOR RENT. THE large and convenient Dwelling, near the old Baptist Meetinghouse Grove, with allthe neces sary oat biases ens two acres of land attached. ' Possession will be given the first of January next - f: i . . 'r , O. 8HAW-' - Raleigh Not. 10. 1848. 93 JUST RECEIVED, a large and splendid lot. of Superior Reality, of the very latest : Cheap for cash, - - ' . . . L.HABDINO. RaleighApril lj 1S49 - , ... , 28 3m LAinps, Ciraudoles, Hall Xauterns, andChaudeliers. ' DEITZ, nUOTIIEU d: CO., WASHINGTON STORES w No. 139 Wiixiam Sxaaar,, .i Are maaafaetnriog and have always on hand a fall assortment of articles in their line, of the folio w iag descriptions, which they wUl sell at wholesale or retail at low prices, for cash: . SOLAR LAMPS, Gilt, Bronze, and Silvered. SUSPENDING SOLARS, m m BRACKET SO LARS. " SOLAR CHANDELIERS', 2,3, 4, 6, and 8 lights. SUSPENDING CAMPUENE LAIPS; BRACK ET ' da do SIDE, do do CAMPHENE CHANDELIERS, 2, 3, 4, 6 and RgMs. : - GIRANDOLES,' Gilt; Silvered and Bronzed, va rious patterns. HALL LANTERNS, Various sizes, wtth cut or ataiaed glass. - r New York, March 20, 1849. 24 6m . . I New; Law Books. m ASON &.WELSBYS Reports, veL 1, English and Common Law do. vol. 36. barton's Precedents and Indictments, Morris ou the Law of Replevin, Wharton's American Criminal Law, The history and law of the writ of Habeas Corpus, with an Essay on the Law Of Grand J uries, by E. IngervoJI, T theThiladelphla Bar. Received this day at the N. C Bookstore, by - . - H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, June 1, 1849. , 44 Soda Water, : MY Soda Fountain is in operation, and it affords me pleasure, to.. inform my friends, and the public generally, that more delightful Soda Water and Syrups eaonot be found anywhere. ; I have an ample supply of Soda Water Bottles on hand, and families can be: furnished at any time, with any quantity of Soda Water, flavored to suit the pajate,' by application te P.F.PESCCD Raleigh.Jone6,I843.- v. ., 4S m House i the first of August nezt, we will sell, at pnblio sale,. on a credit of six months, the end Lot on Favetteville street, in the city of Raleigh, on which Mrs. C. A. Lewis now resides. Bond with approved security required. Possession fiven on the day or sale, ir desired. WM.:H- BATTLE. 1 Ezra, of J. .- RiCHARD H. BATTLE, J W. Lewis. j ane is, iovs es ot SedgwickFemale Seiiiinary, FiriHE ninth session of ibis .IosutuUoo . will oom Ji. mence on .Monday, the Sod day of July;. Punc tual attendance is desirable.' Expenses of fopile for Xfoard aad EnHan Tuition. 860 per session of five months. For ornamental branches, an extra charge. , Jf OT particulars, address - A " ; - . i i - s '5 Ralergh,Jonc 3d.849- M FU.?: FINCH. UP TO THE LATEST MOMENT h TeleyrapWcany Just Uere , .RECEIVED onlytWo dozen of thoW Soper fine Milken Cylindrical Teeuments. or th- vu Irate has it II AT8. . r now sapereediiig all heretoCore fbriatd.frro the wido world famed Manufacturers of Gotham, the Messrs. Leary'sand Company.' Only a half Easle A ww.'.1 i U m w tnnn e nn .- UM received ami far low. 3 more Casks mnrh k.n.. ougsr House MOLASSES, a mneb - . . article than the lat, but at the same price. L. B. WALKER. Kale:gh, June 28, 1849. 53 Eichansc Office of C. W. Poretll t Co. CORNER MAIN AND GOVERNOR STREETS , v To Discharged Soldier. -. frnHB" Sobucribere will collect, with . despatch - H SoiiiEaa Uuixiroa BovaTT LA,TaAa- car bckip. and feACK vat, on moderate terme, and will bay and sell the same at the market rates The CUimsnt mast send hie Discharge, with an ai- 6davit that he is the person named in it. Liberal Advances made on the same ' Soldiers farmrhed - with infbrmstipn relative to r xyi&flrii. iiiiuh iui wufsiuuicuh "iw vi vuu Ito. ... . lhrona m,j lo lh- 8nwrihr, will nsvenne same tttenuon as tr on personal sppli cation Address . C;;W PT7RCELL & CO. r' Exchange Brnkert. Richmond. Va. July. 20 ni9. ' 8 tf: BY EXPRESS. v LOT of Granite Berages, Blsck solid Mu-lin, Swiss Edgings, Fancy Head Dresses, French Worked Collars, 4c otc Green and Mode Tissues and Bersgs, plain and Satin striped. HEARTT Sc LITCHFORD. Ralei'su, May 1. 1849 53 ff ADIE3 Black and White Kid and Morocco. I JJjI Slippers and ' Walking Bboes, fbiladelptiia nuke; Misses and Children s do. 3fen and Boys Kip and Calf 8 hoe tees, Heavy Brogans and Women's Leather Shoes. For sale by J. BROWN, No. 9, Fajettetille street Raleigh, April It. 30 v qanyT7araasaa) oats A DIES. Superior French Kid Gloves, Blsck, white and colored. Gentlemen'e Kid sod Silk Gloves. Taylor's 300 vd. cotton. Lee's S00 Linen and Cot ton Tapes, and Bobbins, Needles, Pins, Combe and prunes. ' Thread, Bobbin, and Lisle Edgings and Laces. 8wiss and Jsconette Edgings and Insertings. Linen, Cambric aud Pongee Handkerchiefs. Irish Linens and Long Lawn. Table, Scotch, Russia, and Huckaback Diapers. Damask Napkins and Dohlioe 13 Irish Sheeting, 9-8 Pillow case Cotton. For sale by J. BROWN. April 17, 1849. 31 To Revolutionary Claimants. FOR several years past, many inquiries and searches have been made, and without success, lor ihe official proofs of the grades end services of the Officers in the North Carolina line, in the War of the Revolution t and for the want of such proofs, the claimants for those services have been unable to establish and obtain pay for the same. This is to inform those interested, that the sub scriber bss turned his attention to a laborious examination of (hoots mis of old papers and records in the Capitol, and afier much .time and labor spent in the search, has found among files . long since deemed useless, the Records in question, where they had been misplaced and supposed to be lost shewing the official proof of the grades of thousands of such officers; such as Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Captains. Lieutenants and Ensigns. .. (JjF And the Subscriber will promptly attend to letters to him addressed, postage paid, calling for such proof; and will forward official certificates in due form of law, of the grades of such officers, en reason bis terms. J. H. KIKKHAM. Raleigh N. C, June 10th. 1849. 48 tf. Raker's Notice. THE Subscriber would beg the indulgence of the citizens, for a few days, for disappointing them about his Bread. He has been sick for the last eight or ten days, and consequently bss not been able lo attend to his business; and while sick, the work man he had, destroyed a if of his YesaL But he hes sent to Virginia for some, and as soon as it arrives he will resume his Bread-baking again ; and pledges himself to use every exertion to please his customers, and merit the continued patronage of the place. L. B. WALKER. Raleigh. Jone 38, 1849. 53 lerou the Mississippi Hirer to Memphis. OrniHR vndersigned would inform the travelling imL publie that he has provided two new, safe- and substantial Steam Ferry Boats, .for-the purpose of conveying persons, wagons, or other vehicles, accross the Mississippi river, st all hours during the day. Having constructed and fitted up said bouts at greut expense, the subscriber pledges himself to use every exertion In his power, to give universal satisaction to all travellers. . . As a crossiDg point, Memphis is equal to any on the Mississippi river.' The roads on each side of the River are now in good condition, and all kinds of vehicles can pass over them without difficulty ...v . JOHN H. BR1NKLEY. Memphis, June 7th. 1849. r49-taS5- , : Jailors Notice. WAS committed to the Jail of Wake County, ron the 2 1st instant, a NEGRO BOY; who says 12L bis name is Richard, and that he belongs to J6bn E."Patton, who resides at the Wann Springs, in BuuAombe County, N. C. . Said, Boy is 23 or 24 years of age, quite black, and has a lump or koot'on the right Sid of hie neck1 and had in bis possession when taken, a Chestnut Sorrell Horse; with a blaze face, 10 or 12 years ld .The pwnor of .said Negro is requested come 'forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away,' or hi will be dealt with agreeably to Law. - y i M. H. BROWN, Jailor. - Raleigh, June 25 1849. ' 51 tf N. BIaro requested to say that the owner of the horse can get him by calling on J as. M. Harrias. of this City, and paying expenses. M. H. B. II AGS J, HAGS ! RAGS t ; , rJTlHE Sobseriber will gtv tbo highest eash- prf--alls eee for any quantity of Rate, at the '' RaJeigb Paper Mill. : Iminiaie appTicatione are reqoted. j :rv. R JAMES D. ROYSTER. ' Raleirh, 7nry S, 1849. -J K ' 68 St rj CUy-papers eopy five I Imee, - - TTUST- received, and for saJe, a large lot of Phila-ty;delpfiia-Calf Skin. Raleigh, Jnly 3,1849 - 53 ek LARGE lot of. BACON and the besuwbiie LARD, on band and for sale by- . r.. it . L. WALKER. ... Raleigh, Juny 18, 1849. " M - - ,!f' Ca76SaQlXCSSIS3XIaXS3 CLOTniHO ESXABLIsnOTEIf X, " Ho. '146, Baltimore St. ; ' : Xorth Side, 3d Door East of Calvert . ' . STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. lrwrfOORE & INMAN, Merchant Tailors, res- 1 yjl pecttully invite attention to their stock of rea dy made Clothing, of every variety, cut and made in a superior style, and not surpassed in priee, fiuisb or quality. Always on hand, superior Cloths, Cassimeres Vestings, 4c, in their custom departmeut, which will be made te order in the most fashionable style. Gentlemen wishing to order a fine suit, without the expense of coming to Baltimore, can do so by send ing their measure to M. & 1 stating color, quality, dec, which will be attended to with the same care. as if the purchaser were present. They feel eonfi dent of giving entire satisfaction, to aU who favor them with their orders, either by letter, or in person. 07 Mr. Inmau is the sgeut for Shankland's supe rior system, or drafting uarments terms for books, apparatus and instruction, $10. Baltimore. Feb. 3. 11 ly R. Tucker & Son TfJI AVE this day received by Adams 4 Co's Ex- tf 1 press, another supply of Printed Urgandi Lawns, Second Mourning Ginghams, Black Silk Tissues, Ladies' Colored Kid Gloves, Gentlemen's - do. " do. Plaid and Fancy Bonnet Ribbons, 1 do. Grass (Skirts, ready made, at 75 cents each, Lyaneee U raids. Lace, Buttons, Thread Bobbin Edgings, Blue French Cloth, Marlboro Plaids. x Furniture Prints, dec, 2-e. Alo a few Sets of Gothic and Landscape Tea Trays, a very handsome article. Raleigh, May 7,1848. 37 , 8 tar and Standard copy. Notice. TTpY virtue of a Decree made at the last Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, for the County of Wake, I shall offer for sale, at the Court House, in Raleigh, ou Saturday, the I4tn day or Ju ly next, THREE LOTS," belonging to the Estate of the late Wbslet Hoixistes, adjoining the City of Raleigh, Mrs. Wedding aad Dr. Thos. D. Hogg. Two ef the Lets are improved with a two story dwel ling house; the other unimproved. Terms made known on day of sale. GEO W. MORDECAI, AdmV. Raleigh, May 31, 1849. - 44 wtd NDIA MATTING. Looking Glasses, Brass Bound and Painted Buckets, Painted Chamber Buckets, Tr see and Log Chains, Weeding Hoes, Garden Rakes, Spadee and Shovels. Grain and Grass Scythes. Just receivedby J. BROWN. April 12. . 30 C. W. PURCELL & CO., - Agents for D. Paine Sc Co., Managers, RICHMOND, VA. Fortune still favors adventurers in D. Paine Ac Co.'s Lotteries. Below we present to the public a specimen of their leading- schemes for the month of July. Grand Schemes for J air, 1319. Susquehanna Canal Lottery, Class No. 33, tn be drawn in Baltimore, on Wednesday, July 11, 1349. 78 Nos. 13 drawn ballots. CAPITALS, prize of $30.000 ; 1 of 10,000 ; 1 of 5,000 ; 1 of 3.907; 100 prizes of $1,000. Tickets 10 hare in proportion. Certificate of a package of wholes, $150 -shares in proportion. Susquehana Canal Lottery, Class No 33, to 1-e drawn io Baltimore, July 18th 1849. 75 Nos. 13 drawn. GRAND $40,000 30,000 10,000 7.500 SCHEME. 1 prize of 1 prizes of 1 do 20 do dec $5,005 4,000 1,1)00 &e. do do do Tickets $10, shares in proportion. Certificate of a package of wholes, $120 ; halves, 60; quarters, 30. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 33, to be 1849. 75 Nos. 13 drawn in Baltimore, July 21 drawn. CAPITALS. prizes of do do do 955,000 6.000 4000 2.250 4 ' 4 20 prizes of $1,500 do 1,218 Ho 1,000 Tickets $10, halves 5. quarters 2 50. Certificate of Package of wholes Ql 30 sbarea in projortion. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 34. to be drawn in Baltimore, July 28, 1319. 78 Nos. 13 drawn. CAPITAL8. 1 prize of 1 do 1 do I do $60,000 - 40,000 -20.000 12.500 - -1 prize of 1 do 100 do Sic. $aooo 4.750 2,000 &c.' Tickets f 20. shares in proportion. Certificate of a package 'of wholes. 200 ; shares in proportion. (7 Orders meet our usual prompt attention. For Tickets in the above, or in any other Lottery, drawing daily, (price ol T:kets from $1 to $20,) under our management ; address us, or C. W. PURCELL, Agent for D. PAINE 4; CO Richmond, Vs. . June l 1K49. . 3S Orricz or Adjutaiit Gcnzsal, Kaleigh, June 27, 1849. TTTATHEREAS, a vacancy having recently oe ' yf. V curred ia the Office ef Major General, of the 4tb Division of North Carolina Militia, to fill which, an election has been held according to Act of As sembly, in-such cases made and provided: And it appearing from the returns made to me, that in the 10th Brigade, commanded by G. W. Logan, John ff. Wheeler received b8 votes, Samoel Gaither 54. In the 11th Brigade, commanded by Wm. II. Niel, John H. Wheeler received 47 votes, Samuel Uaither 70 In the 7tlr Brigade, commanded by 'J. M. liach, Joha H Wheeler received 61 vetee, 8amael Gaitber &SI Total votes for Wheeler 196 . Total vetee for Gaitber 213 majority for Gaither 17 votes; and that the aaid Samuel -Gaither of Xaxinfftea. Davidson Ceantyj has been duly elected Major Gen eral of tbe 4tb Brigade of North Carolina Militia : I have officially made known- the same, to His Ex. eelleney, CHaauts Mani. Governor of the State, who has issued a Commission accordingly bearing date, June 27, 1849. Not too is hereby given,' a cording to the requirement of the 11th eeeUow ef the 73d Chapter of the Ret 'wed Sutates. that Samnel Gaither is duly commissioned as Major General of the 4th Brirade of North Carolina Militia; land as snch, all O (Seers and Soldiers are required to yield him their ready obedience. "' R. W. HAYWOOD 53 4t Adjalaut GeneraL W Coopers' Spino-Abdoiht- nal snpportern. THE Subscribers have on hand a supply of the above valuable supporters, which are recommeud ded for all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, Round shoulders, or prolapsus Uteri. ProfF: Mott thinks they -are very well adapted for some varieties of- incipient spinal distortions, as they afford the useful combination of shoulder brace aad Abdominal supporter, with very decided support to the spinal column. -;, The above braces are recommended by the Pbysi ciana generally, who have seen tbeni, and we have sold a number to citizens of this place, who are high ly pleased with them. A gentleman observed a few days since, that lie had been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not rive one of the above, for fifty such. " They need no puffin? as they speak for them selves." naSUUD & JOHNSON. UT Ihe above supporter m au improvement on Dr.E. CaaiNs celebrated Spino-Abdotninal Supporter. Jan. 12, 1&48. v . (Standard.) 4 New Spring Goods ! 1849. R TUCKEK i'SOIV A RE daily receiving their 8pring supplies, and Ml have just opened a Jarge assortment of Fash- louable Dress Uoods. consisting of . Solid, Figured, and Rich Chameleon Silks Striped snd Solid Silk Tissues Plain and Plaid Bl'k do Barege De Toil Pink Tarlatans Toil De Nord Fancy French Organdie Lawns Silk Striped Ginghams Black and Second Mourning MuIins and Ginghams Solid and Fancy French Ginghams Mode Colored Batise Linen Lutres, Linen Ginghams' Beautiful French! Muslins French Prints of New Styles Silk Fringes and Buttons Linen Fringes and f ersian Braids Bonnet and Cap Ribbons" Silk Chameleon Shawls Bobin, Swiss and Jaekooet Edgings and Insert ings, Lace, Capes snd Collars, Kid Gloves and ho siery, fluid Morcerea lawn ana .L.inen amnric Hankerchiefs, Grass and Mohair Skirts, 4-c, d-c. March SI, 1849. 26 Mutual Life Insurance Co, la Dhtm. we Snccor! COM PAN Y with the above title, having been Chartered at the Isst session of the Legislature of this Slate ; and the provision required in said Charter (viz. Application for Insurance for 350,000,1 having been fully met, the Company baa been or ganized by the appointment of the following officers, and is issuing Policies, iz: DR. CHS. E JOHNSON, President. WILLIAM D HAYWOOD, Vice President. JAMES F JORDAN, Secretary. WILLIAM H. JONES, Treasurer. Dr. WILLIAM H. MeKEE, Medical Examiner. HENRY W. MILLER, Attorney. Dr. RICHT B. HAYWOOD, J. HER3MAN, General Agent- This Company has received the most liberal char ter that haa ever been ' grantedeny Company of a similar character, in any State iutEe Union. The th Section of the Act of Incorporation pro vides "that the husband may insure his own life, for the sole use aud benefit of his wife or children, aud, in case of the death of the husband, the amount thus subscribed shall be paid over to the wife or children, or their guardian, if under age, for her or their own use, free frorri all tbe claims of the rep resentatives of the husband, or any of his creditors." This provision ueeds no comment. The Board have also determined to insure the lives of slaves, snd this being almost half the wealth of the people of this Slate, a large business is reason ably anticipated. Any Information respecting the principlea of the Company will be furnished1 by the Secretary, or auy of its officers. JAS. F.JORDAN, Secretary. Raleigh. April 9. 1849. 29 Oliver & Procter. MERCHANT TAILORS, (COLT HOW,) TAYETTEVILLE STSEET, RALEIGH, If. C WE have just received and are now opening bur very extensive and judiciously selected supply of -SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VES TINGS. Embracing every color and variety, of which the following are a part : Bluty Black, and Olive Greeny Dahlia, Zephyr, end Drop 'ePete Cloths, Black and Blue French Doe Sim Cassmer'.s, Fancy Cassimeres, of every Color, Striped down the out-side seams, some thing entirely neiv,) Drillings, of etery color t . Plain and Fig. Satin and Silk Vestings, all Colors, Barathias, Cashmeres, Marseille, Figured and Plain, Elc gent White and CoPd Satins, for Party Vestings, from the "High Falluting" to the Vulgar or Ordinary," frc , &c. The above Goods were selected by the " Bug" in propria persona from the latest importations, and can be recommeuuea wuu couaaeace iu our customera aud Llrieuds aud the public. Call and look before you buy .We are determined to sell as cheap as the very cheapest, and to have alt garments turned out by us gotten up in a 'style not to be surpassed, either in this State or out of it South of, or North of the Potomac.-" .' A complete suit of clothes made in 24 hours, if uecessary. Ciders from a distance thankfully re ceived aud promptly attended to."'1 '": ' ' OLIVER & PROCTERr 4 ": " ' Professors and Artists. Raleigh, April 1849. 4 v29 Tbe Latest London, Paris and American Fash ions just at hand. ; - : '' " ?Q. &P. ipHB 8nbtfcriberi anthortzed to recei vs propo LSCaale for a loan f Two-Thousand' DolUrs in Bonds of tha City o Raleigh, fo Fivs Hundred Dot. tars each, payablo after twelve months from the date, at the pleasure o! the parties, and bearing Interest at the rata of six per cent per annum, payable earn. aonoalry. f - B.1 W.' WHITING, ' -jt - " - ''cityTreasnrer. Raleigh, Msy II, 1849. v 1 tf ILT Standard till farther notice. ' . tSL JTh 4 TK POUNDS Bscon. mostly of my tPvp 4V 4Jr own curing, that cannot t. heat in this maiket. L. B. WALKER. Raleigh, Msy 13, 1849. 38 i Dr. A Tf UST opened a mat nificent assortment of Cra- Jl vats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Socks, Hosiery, . (Msrino and Cotton) Gauze under shirts, for Sum mer, Bosoms, Collate, Silk Night Caps, Suspenders, dec E. L. HARDING. Raleigh, April 7, 1849. 38 3m K LEACHED sod Blown Sheeting, 5 to ' 13 quarters, Bleached end Brown Shirtings, extra' IS tt rick Uznabnrgs and spun Uotton. A great vari ety of qualities snd prices, for sale by the single ysrd or piece, by J. BROWN. April 12. 30 Town Lots. For Sale. fflHE Public Lots in the town of Graham, the J seat of. Justice in the County of Alamance, will be exposed at public auction on Tuesday the 17lhofJuiy. -The terms of sale may be known by reference to the 3d section of the act to lay off aud establish a"new County by tbe name oi Ala mance. JOHN STOCKARD. WM. A. CARRIGAN, JOHN FOGLEMAN, GEORGE HURDLE, JESSE GANT, JOHN SCOTT, JAMES A. CRAIG, ABSALOM HARVEY, PEYTON P. MOORE, May 29. 1849. Commissioners. 45 td PUBLIC NOTICE. IHE Candidates for County Offices' will meet A their Fellow-Citizens at tbe following times and Places. The Captains within the respective Dis tricts are respectfully requested to give general notice of the fact Spikes', . Saturday, the th Adams', Monday, the 9th Cedar Fork, Tuesday, the 10th Grady's or Hayes', Wednesday, the 11th Laws', Thursday, the 13th Jeffreys', Friday, the 43th Tipper's Roads, Saturday, the 14tli July. do . do do do do - do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Franklin's, Monday, the 16th Utley's, Dupree's, Barney Jones', Banks', Busbees', Dunviller Forestville, Rolesville, Hortona', Hoods', Wakefield, Tuesday, the 17 th Wednesday, the 18 th Thursday, the 19th Friday, tbe 30th Saturday the 21st Monday, the 23rd Tuesday, the 34th Wednesday, the 25lh Thursday, the 26th Friday, the 27th Saturday, the 28th Monday, the 30th Andrews', I shall also attend at the same places for the pur pose of collecting ail taxes due for the year 1848, and respectfully invite and request -the people of the County of Wake to meet me within their several Districts. CALVIN J. XUlitKS. Shenlt. June 23nd, 1849. 50 lm II ust received a prime lot of Cbewing To st U bacco, at A. B. STITH'S June zo, 1 ay- i SCHOOL. THE second session of the Seboolof Ihe undersigned will commence ou the 9th of July next.. - Terms ner Session SZo UU. The number of pupils being limited, early appli cation and regular Attendance are expected. 11. n. aiAourx . Raleigh. June 36, 1849. 51 4t. The Buffalo Springs. rm HE recent appearance of Asiatic vioieram J the principal citiea and several of the interior towns in the State 01 Virginia, logeiucr mw ..... r - r M.tK aeneral nrevalence of the Cholera Diarrhoea through out the counirv. induces the belief that iu ravages will be much more widelv extended tnan in mo me morable visitation of 1832. Under the influence of these appalling apprehensions, it is perfectly nstnrsl ft iniltwuloMl to look around bim for some place oi safety during the sojourn of this fearful vis- iter. The all-atworDing question prrsema wen w every one: Whst shall I do, or where shall I go lo escape this terrible scourge ! Among the few pieces of compsrative security, I beg leave to call the sttention of the public and par. ticularly of those residing in the cholera districts, to the Buffalo mineral Spring, situated in the upper end of Mecklenburg Coumy, Vs., two miles south of Dan River, and seven West of the town of Clarksville. The tonic powers of this wster, so potent in imparling tone and vigor to the diges live organs, and its diuretic qualities, so efficient in purifying and cleansing the blood, can hardly fail to brace up and fortify ibe system sgainst tie insidious approaches of this pestiferous malady. We are told that whatever gives tone and energy to the stomach, boweU and skin, and brings into plsy and harmo nious action the innumerable sympathies pertain ing to these organs, are the best preveniivea to Chol era. 8uch ia believed to be the eflecl of the Buffa lo Water. It is especially worthy of remark in thie regard, that in almost every country and region via I iied by this epidemic, its appearance is preceded by some derangement of the stomsch and bowels ; or what are called premonitory syoffM, engendered, it is supposed, by some pestilential poison, diffused in tbe general atmosphere. It is to prevent the coming on of these precursory symptoms, a likewise to hold them in check when they existj that the Buffalo Water, is recommended While it imparts tone to tbe stomach sod increases the appetite, it stimulates the liver to a heshhy , secretion of bile, and that fatal current of fluids, drawn, it may be, to the bowel by the collocation there of the CLoIeta r:nn . im.inrned in a different and lees dangerous .i!riiAn in fimllv eliminated and thrown off by the renal organs. This view of the operat on oj the Water is not a mere hypothesis, patched ip for thV occasion -boi a matured opinion, based on long etperience and observation in its use, in teeopline- J ry bowel complaints oi tne counirj. w -...,, not the least familiar of tbe laws governing the ani mal machine, that whatever increa!e the secretory sctkm'of tbekidneysjessens the. qosntity and changes k. .r .k nuLts thrown on the bowels. .. e rrm ik lneof this Spring as prop v- LutlU- n erardinir off the Cholera, it is located in an laubkl snd healthy secUon f. country, where that fearful disease has never yet made iu appearance. Th nronrietof btf made arrangements lor the com. fiwtabl reception of three- hundred vjaitera. Those .h. w think nreoet to seek this pleasant Ssjwxast retreat, reenoto from the asoai havnli ef Cholera, will find good appeUte, good mot too and goto so eJety. Added k tbeso solid Comforts, tha ywms and the) gay will etesi with aO those light amasaaaents and recreations common to other waerm places ia the frU D'oininfw. " - T v -' "' ;--v; i-'A? inooMoinuuoa. ' AN OLO.PtlYSlClAII Jrfecklwonrg (tarty, Jane 7, 1849." 48-wfjii BACOft Alt LAQDfr A 'ROOD sniiolTM bind.1 r i 1' A WILL : PECK & SON. fent 22, 1849. CO S. II. ROGERS. ;ATrasBr:Ar..uw. TKFFICE No. I U La wrencev ' .HotelNortw XJr side, o) the tourt House, k ; a. F. PHHIJPS, ATTENDS THE COURTS In the Coantiei of Orange, Alamance, ? Wake and-Clurtaajn. 1 Chapel flak; i. cJMay 24, 1849.;f ? ;? - - 1 - - - " - - - - - Dr, JoseMi TOiFiifelsjer OFFERS his Professional services te the cJtizens' of Raleigh and vicinity He. may 1 wave -be found at the residence of RufSn Toeker, sq r vrr; mays, iB4y. ...,.0137 tf ,r A. P. nUGHES; Will attend promptly to all business in his line Raleigh May 29, 1849. 44 Im Whit Hi t r- ur oummers oiyie, tnis uay rreetved bf&& IA R. TUCKER & SON.Ff sin d . ... . ' . . -r-. Raleigh, April. 27. 1849. A Large lot of Umbrellas, and . Psraaols of all designs'and Prices,-for Sale by " r '-t' 1 Raleigh. Apnl 37. 1849 f?fV4; 34 STRAW,.JtIATTIWObl TTBY the Piece or YarJ, for! sale low by JD R. TUCKER A SON. ' hal.igb, April 37, 1849.,; . . : : ...s-. uf4 GENTLEMEN'S Calf Boots friar lb' f. manufactory of J. i Miles dfe Son, Phthdal HEARTT &JJTCHFOR0ti2 fir? J t str nrP iv rz v a r - - Panama, Brash, Moleskin, SUkv iu. J A J A , ' V HEARTT t, LITCHFORD Rsleigb. Msy 1,.1849. : - 35; AIKD SrntslJnEWlfMWRl;.. ONE more Case of Fashionable Super lfoleakisi Hats receired to day by Express, vi !'. R. TUCKER fr SON. ' Raleigh. May 38, 1849. 43 e LEACHED and Brown Shirtings, SbeeUnrav and Drills ; Candle Wick ; plaid and ;aneyv Cottanades, of all stylea and prices for sale by ' ' .v . "f;- "- R. TUCKER dt SON.1 Raleigh, May 38, 1849. ; ; 1 : 43 GentIetneia,s Summer - Goodav . BLACK and. Fancy' Cassimeres, &'; Black Drab DeTee, with a general assorUneBt of Cottonades and Nankins, for Men and Boysuv :. f. For ssle low by - . ... J. BRO WJTJ Raleigh, April I74849';- &i,89 CLOTlIIirG! CXOTII1WG !J 4 TTjljOR bargains in Ready Made Clothing, 4aII al HARDING'? Kaleigb. May 14, 1849. Honse's Family: aud Plantation V Ifledleines.. . --Vi ...... . T . - . These Medicines may be always , relied! opon to. accomplish what they promise. No one will bodis sppointed who tries thenzp::, HO USE'S IjrDMJ TOJirHU Asafe, certain and permanent cvtefofCuTLLM tit AMVW. amp Favxa, and a remedy vi Fevers generally. Boioxi. Mississippi,-Sept. , 18472- Mb' Geo, W. Hops a : ' ? -f-n-.f-- Dear Sir . H sving been at a former period tn gaged for several years in the practko of Medicisvl have frequent occasion, (now .that I have abaudooed it.) of bestowing gratuitous advice upon, and sellin- drugs to the afflicted of :.ftw sicinUyi'j: T procured., some weeks ago of. Dr. F. M, . WUliejcnaon of llist ville, MissisKippi, few bottle of your Tonic. for tbA cue of Intermittent Fevenof MaUrUI originii vsasl in this section or country :.and 4ho access that msv been attendant, upon its administration has ..far ,:e: ceeded my most sanguine expectations Jl think, it yon will forward, to my address, cam of , 1 PradadVt a half gross if your Tonic, and a reasonable propose lion of any other valuable repetioa of which yoot may be tbe proprietor, they .can be sold during titer present season. . - tns-wZw'vfi-2"-'fk444,6t;i Very respectfully, your ob't aiervf i-W; Ai TI?RRELLv itlp A certain cure tor Puts Blind or Bleeding Th 4 Value f this Ointment for Bumsr;Braies.i Fresh t CoU, Masbes, dec ie great ','a price $lf per, box.-i rjyee certificates on wrapperJ) Wvj - f 2 HOUSES VEGETABLE4 PILLS J As a generaFamilyVMedicine,, cxeelaU oiheriJ , ti a can viilk, lenniarcn e, of. . g.o.w. Ho0: v:-; ris,x;.:r:;: . - Dear-Sir : By voor advertisements we have UC ceeded in geldng our " Pills" into notice for the euro. ' of Rheumatism, . .' We bs vo sold all y our agent left, within the last three weeks, and jtney i havaren genera satisfaction. ; One person- who has 1 freia terely afflicted - with , Kheomatisoi. for flfirtn, years,; and for the last ten yean nnsoie w wtUj-.-xs tney will cure him entirelyWp have? two ether haevj ful cases,, : Please send btsiar aWe&astvjaoon as peewbJeWg yv XowtBpf8liy-:r""s5 t. .MLtOXItl' PAR15B iAQENTS Vmec1 CM, tHii(irE M Rogers, If elight,Y ale f P. J. Crows, LcsLt-rf X Samnel Ilarriss, Franklin Co.;.CsamUT tzJ T'j pis,' do; V V711L C XUI:-tC2;iIsye3vn:s,Crta' P. V.pnib 6. CA C i -A Iu. VUsU C Jr vans, vazi't Cxr:7-:3rf.r ' .- do k . a . . .lr i xtJ I'll. XV tf. vanier, -ej - Rock, Wake. wBtca O; Atrsa liOwU, Lraen y -k l CC:zt anJ Ptawi, Laatwnrrsn, 0- . k: ""aeser.''drA.; Hi-- Scarbrooghv Edgecombe t ' Le.'is CaWoll, Edward Vail. JVr 8ampson ; G.S. Bronson, do ? Wm. H.liood, E. l i 1 " hi r9