eta . .. . . V. nEivur P. TURNER, -rrrHOLESALE and retail Bookseller mad Pub VY.r School od College Books of Uie day ; such PaEdiUon. ofSpelKuff Books; the va of Reading Booki, English Dictionaries, Ji Grammars, tha workt on Arithmetic. Geogra Hhi Ehetorie, Elocution, Logic, Cooipoaition, Alge-JZ'fi-omtlrr. Surveying, Mensuration, Drawing, I&pS. History, Biorpby. Natural Philo Z, Chemirtry, Botany. Mineralogy, Natural H-S.ThyAIofT.-ArtioDOiny. Intellectual and Moral PnUoaophy. Political Economy, French Grammars, wSSSk- Readera, c German. Lat.n. Greek 1b?SpdW School mod Classical Books, with a Te rr extensive assortment of an the Standard work. 7fSedsy,lePrt?tnt of Literatare Sei race, and Art; together with every article of Sta SnaryVow in nse? All ftr ub a t orest prices. Public, Private and Social Libraries, and all -hoWo" to soil again, supplied on the most rea onaWtterms with evsry artiele m the B3ok and Statuary line ; including new novels, and all new works in every department of Literature and Science, "eJghJi!! - XO SPOUTSME. THE Subscriber has just received a fine Stf tk of DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL GJNS, RIFLE GUNS, REVOLVERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL PISTOLS, BO WIE KNIVES, GAME BA GS, POWDER FLASKS, SHOT BELTS, EXTRA NIP PLES, a & a All of which will be sold low. C. B. ROOT. Raleigh, Ost. 87. 8 Manufacturing Establishment Una S23aU&e!fci "fTOSEPH WOLTERIXG ,for a number fj of rears Foreman in tha Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Blacksmith Shop) respectfully announces to the citizens of Raleigh and the aurroundiug Coun ties, that he is prepared to manufacture "LOCKS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Guns and Pistols, Carriage Springs, M'dl-aork, Brass Castings, and t short tay tniAg t macrnne ana niactimun irorn K IS ALSO PREPARED TO EXECUTE BELL HANGING, AT TBI SHORTEST KOTICK. Also has on band an extensive assortment of Locks or all kinds, at prices from 10 cents to SO dollar. ; Kdgetoo!, an assortment of Axes, ,Dra wing-knives, Hatchets, Hammers, Files of various descriptions, and a number of articles in his line too tedious to mention. Ail orders faithfully executed at the lowest prices and new work entrusted to his care will be warrant' ed. Orders from a distance will b attended to aud executed at the shortest notice. His Establishment will be found at the Raleigh Railroad Depot. Repairing in his line performed with neatness and despatch. Also, a reneral assortment of Guns and Pistols constantly ou band. JOSEPH WOLTERING, Raleigh, April 17, 1849. 31 tf New Goods ! New Goods ! JUST BECEITED g3jdJ At JYo: IQ Fayetteville St., flTOHE 8uSecriber has just returned frm New 11 . York, and is now opening tbe largest stock of Goods he evei brought to this market, at any former Spring. They were bought entirely f.r Cash, and will be sold at moderate advances for CaL,andlp punctual customers, on credit. - Tbe assortment consists in part of the following -A Urge and beautiful assortment of Embracing the Newest Styles 4- Fashions out this Spring. A large assortment of Calicoes, EmbroM Linen Lustre, American, 8cotch. and French Glng hams, very cheap. Jaconet, Swiss, Mull, and book Muslin at reduced prices, Linen Cambric HanJer chiefs French Worked Colors, Scarf, Swiss Mus lin, thread and Lisle edzinrs. Gloves of every de scription BIk. & White Cot. Hosiery, Super Btk. and White Silk of the best quality, Bonnets and Ribbons, 4c 4c Cloths, dec. A well selected Stock of Black and Olive, Brown, French Clothe, verg cheap. Doeskin Casaimere. Faacy Do- Figured and Plain Linen Drilling, Brown Drilling. Plain Linen for ioata, Check do. r reach and lunglisU 6-4 . '- Drsp Tete, And m large Stock ef Fancy Summer StuS, Ves- . - ungs, occ &c. Gentlemen's Bl'k Kid and White Silk Gloves, Cra ,,TaU, Pongse and Bandanna HankTs, Irish Linen. " Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, large stock, Table Linen, 8 and 10-4 ; Towelling aud UsnabQTgs, mud Marlborough o in pes. A very large assortment of , -Hoots and Shoes, at tbe lowest rates.'' - --vi Cmll and see for yourselvesi the Spring styl Beam and Satin Beaver, the best articles, and beaoQea they are. Broad brims, low price. Do. bl'k rearl a0d Red, Soft Mexican and California;: do. raaama,, lgbora, and Palm Leaf Do. mt reduced prices from last season. Straw Malting. Groceries, dec. Groceries, Brown, Clarified, Crushed and Leaf Sugar, Rio, Laguirm, and Java Coffee-, Teas of the beet quality, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Cau dies, superior kind. ' Crockery, Hardware, &c. Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery, fine Table vUry,5l pieces in a sett Castings and Hollow J1 smith's Bellows, Anvils, Vices and . ;od almost every article osaally kept in UetailStora. T. H SELBY. R.UK a ,No-12 FayettevUle Sueet, aaieigh, April 23. 1849. 33 II I T AVE. ob band. .l own manufacture, July 2rl849. 53 Grocers aud Commission Mwh!.; , ; , via once, rewnourj, Yt- VSV-SSa VJS T3I n. I " 1 I ' A . c ,w7" ana well aasort. leouuB la me sals of cotton, Tobacco, VVUi ", Hill M WttW UOOI-VI piHUIKC . , : r LEMUEL PEEBLE8, -. THOMAS WHITE. PETER R. DAVIS. Jm. Fatertbvrg, July 20. 53 ly RmWML,M: BOOKSTORE, v ; v. -. V.; 'INSURANCE COMPANY- fTTtHB following persona have been elected Dlrec JJl tors and Officera of this Company for the pre. sent year: ? - 4 " DIRECTORS. Joslab O. Watson, Raleigh. Geo. W. Mordecai, Richard Smith, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, J. G. U. Roulhte, James F Jordan, Geo. McNeill, Jos. G. Wtight, James E. Hoyt, Elijsh Cisrk, James Sloan, . Wm. Badham, N. Z. Graves, R. C. Pearson, John Irwin, J. W. Cameron, Josh. Boner, do do do do do do Fayetteville. Wilmington. Washington. Newbern. Greensboro'. Edenton. Warrenton, Morganton. Charlotte. Wades boro. Salem. Asheville. J. W. Patton, All Director, are authorised to receive applications. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY- Josiah O. Watson, President, Geo. W. Mordecai, Vice do Richard Smith, Treasurer, John C. Partridge, Secretary, John H. Bryan, Attorney, J. Hertnsn, General Agent, Geo. W. Mordecai, Richard Smith, C Executive Committee. John Primrose, j This Company is now in successful operation, and is prepared to effect insurance against fire on all kinds of property, (Steam Mills and Turpentine Dis tilleries excepted.) All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid- J. C. PARTRIDGE, Secy. Raleigh. April 25. 1849. 33 Valuable Property for Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale his Farm, immedi ately adjoining tbe village of Chapel Hill, con taining 352 Acresj one half of which is under culti vation; the other half, (which is tbe better part), is covered with Timber of virgin growth. I here are, on the premises, two good log bouses, one of them with three rooms, a new threshing Mschine, two stsbles. a Crib, and every other out-house necesnary for a farm of larger size. The Land, though not rich, has been gradually improving for the last ten years. The soil is light on the surface, with a clsy foundation, and is now in a state of hish cultivation. There i enough meadow ground to make annually from fifteen to twenty tons ot nsv. besides several grau-lols se parately enrlined, and a pasture of ten acres for cows A beautiful stresm flows through the middle of the farm ; and more than thirty delightful Springs break out from the hill sides. - There has been set out, with in the last fire or six years, an extensive Orchard, con taining nearly 300; apple trees of fifteen choice vari lie. 200 peach trees of five or six of the best kinds, besides a number of damsons, blue plums, peers figs, prunes and cherries all of whit h are healthy. and in full bearing. An unfailing stream, conducted irom a small distance, turnisbes abundance of waier to the Dwelling House, and to the several lots belong. ing to the stable. Cow house and calf sheds. The tract, as be fur e stated, runs up to the loundary of the Village, and is in no part more than one mile and a half distant from iu A lovely site fur a house is reserved in a handsome grove, near the village, whirh command a view of twelve miles. The terms of sale will be made easy ; and poshes, sion given at any lime after the 1st day ol October. W.M.GREEN. Chapel Hill July 5th, 1849. 64 tf TO PRINTERS AND OTHERS- REAMS Pearl Foolscap, unruled, and 10 Reams Rice Flat Foolscap, expressly for printing, a new article in this market Also, a few reams of superior ruled letter paper, for sale by p. r. risscuD. August 5. 1849. 63 todadt Seidlilz Powders, afresh sup P'J jusl 10 bsnd. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. August 15th, 1849. 65 Flesh Brushes and Hair Gloves, in Store and for sale, by WILLIAMo, HAYWOOD & UO. Aueust 15ib. 1849. . 65 FOR SALE. E Plantations lying on both sides of Neose iver, iu the Counties of .Wake and Johnston, belonging to the Estate of Moses Mordecai, dee'd, containing about Two Thousand aeres, a considerable portion of which is low grounds and a large body of Turpentine land. ; There, is a set of Saw and Grist Mills, and m Cotton Gin, on m constant stream all new and in good repair. 2 The Plantations will be sold separately or togeth er, to suit purchasers. Terms, which will be most accomodating, will be made known on application to the Subscriber. GEO. W. MORDECAI. Raleigh, Anfc. 15, 1849 66 w2m Franklin Taper Mill, RICHMOND, YA. TTTiHIa properly purchased twelve months sin re Ji. bythe UELVIDERE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, has been repiired and greatly improv ed in its machinery. At considerable eipense, a supply of pure spring water hss been secured, which enables the company to furnish at all times on the shortest notice,' I ' GOOD WIIITE PRINTING PAPER, of the best materials sod workmanship. They are also prepared to execute orders for almost any other description of paper. At tbe PAPER AND RAG 8T0RE of tbe Com pany, (next door to Messrs. John Thompson St Co. and two doors below Metwrs.. Webb, Bacon & Co. Main Street,) will; be found a large and full assort ment of I , - Writing aud Wrapping Paper, embracing cotton yarns and envelope, at prices suit ed to the times, to which they invite attention. From the advantages of climate, facility of transpor tation, $-c., which the Company possesses, . they flat ter themselves that thev can comDete suecessfnllv with Northern manufactories. Exbendinir. as the do, some fifteen thousand dollars annually for mate rials, tbe product of Virginia and North Carolina, and affording employment to about fifty persons, whose earnings are expended here, constitutes, as they tbinfc, some claim on tbe custom of the South ern public. f 33 Ras purchased at the Mill and at tbe Store. August 17, 18413. 66 8t OEi CB CO flEl? 6S GENTLEMEN'S Calf Boots from the J manufactory of J. Miles & Son. Philadel- i phi., j. -VC IHEARTT & LITCHFORD. READY RIAnf! rf.OTnrwf3 . A B. STITH & CO. have just received a BAodsoma lot of Ready Made Clothimr. which they will sell very low. " ; Kaletga, Ang. 2, 1849. For Sale. ' THE large and commodious residence en Wil - A tningten Street, lately oecnpied by Mn, Ann E Nelson, ;Por- particular term's, 6cZ wftrerS fa titan either to Dr. Caai jonasoa c? M.L C. C. Nklsow. j' .... -Raleigh, August SSth, 1849. - - - 697t e&)(Th B?Sr,Shot' "orterflb'r sole By P-HV PEEBLES, WHITE Sc. DAVIS. Pettrburg, Jul, 25th, 1819. North r J, . TRINITY SCHOOL. 8 milci Wext ;o( Raleigh, Eifht Rcy. L. S. Ives, D. D. Tisltor. TptlE Summer Term of these Schools will com ii .tnence on 'Wednesday , the 6th of June. " f-1- a punctual attendance ot ine pupns is rnjoww For circulars, conlsining full information as to Terms etc., appiy 10 me suDscnoer. Sector of St. Mary School. Releigh, April 12, 1849. 30 C, B, Root . eA8 JUST received a ortment of large and splendid as- Watches, Jewelry, and r ancy uoods, roauing his Slock at present, very complete ; consist incr of Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Anchor, Cylinder, and Vertical Escapements. Jewelry Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Gold and Steel Guard . and Fob Chains, Seals; Keys, Car Kings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Medallions, Gold Hearts and Crosses, j-c Spectacles. Gold, Silver, Blue St polished Steel gether with a large asaortmentot reruocai ami r nut Glasses, which can be adapted to any eyes, on short notice Bilver plated ware. Silver Table, Tea, Desert and Salt Spoons, Ladles, Butter-knives, Silver Cups, Su gar Tongs, Castors, Candle Sticks, Snuffers and Trays, Cuke Baskets, dec dec. Fancy Goods. Perfumery, Cutlery, Musical In struments, all of which will be sold cneap. Watches and Clocks repaired, in superior style. Gold and Silver manufactured o order, with neat ness and punctuality. Highest prices given for old Gold and Silver. Haleigh, Oct. 27. 86 Tfjrcsli Ilice to hand. U vvi U, : PECK SON. LARGE lot of BACON, and the best while LARD, on band and for sale by L. B. WALKER. Raleigh, June 28, 1849. 52 nxtou'ft I,ife In I lie Far West Life in the Far West, by George F. Buxton. Tins day received at the N. C. BOOKSTORE Raleigh, July 5, 1S49. ' 54 H ADIES' Shoes and Slippers, just received from U J the Manufactory. Kid and Morrocco Walking Shoes. Do do Ladies' Slippers. Buskin Walking Shoes. Also, on hand, Misses' and Children's Bootees, Also, a good assortment of Fringed and Flounced Silk Parasols. For sale by J. BROWN. No. 9, Foyetteville Street. Raleigh, July 9, 1849. 55 Fnrnnces, a few Cast Irou, of handsome pat terns in Store and for sale, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & Co. July 19ib, 1849. 59 FRESH supply of those celebrated Spanish Cigars, just received, to which, vre invite the attention of our customers. P. r. PESCUD. August 5. 18 10. 63 College of St. James, WASHINGTON Co,, MARYLAND. THE eighth session will opeu ou Monday, Octo ber 1st, on which day the pvnctual attendance of all the students is requested. The duties of the classes are promptly re-commenced, and it is very important that all their members, new or old, should lake their places at the opening of the sessiou. The academical year extends Irom the nrsl 01 Uc tober to the first of August, there beiug but oue va cationAugust and September. Iu the College, all the usual classes, under a full corps of Professors, have, for several years been pur suing the entire course tf collegiate studies, equal to that prescribed in the older colleges of the North. At the recent commencement, the third graduating class received their academical degrees. In the Gramma School, which immediately ad joins the College, the preparatory classes are carelul ly trained by competeut Instructors nnderthe super vision of the Professors of the College. Thus pupils may enter the Institution at an early age, aud pur sue their eutire course of study uuder the same di rection until they graduate. The Merca utile Department embraces those par tial members of any of the collegiate or preparatory classes who may be preparing for the Couuling-Room or other non-professional life. Such Students are admitted to all the privileges mid advantages of their several classes, substituting iu place of some of the classical studies, such as are more neccessary to a preparation for business. French is a regular study, without extra charge, to all the classes. In addition to the French, the mercantile students will be taught, without charge, German or some other modern language. The location of the College is perfectly healthful ; and there are us towns or villages near, to preseut tbe tetnptatious so dangerous to the young. Moral and Religious education is one chief design of the In stitution. The charge, covering all academical and domestic expeuses, is $225 per Session of teu montha The rules of the College carefully restrict any other expenses of the StudeuL All the departments ars under the immediate supervision of the nndersTgned, to whom application may be made for copies of the Register," or for further information as well as for the admission of pupils. JOHN B. KERFOOT. Rector. College of St. James, P. O. Maryland. August 6, 1849. 63 2ni A Situation Wanted. A YOUNG minied man, who is a Licentiate Preacher in the Baptist Church, and who has taught as Principal for several jcara in an Academy, giving instruction in the Latins Greek and French Languages, ss well as in the various higher branches of the English, including Mathematics in its several departments, is desiroes of obtainii g s situation ss 4 eacner, eitner as rnncipat or Assistant, in some Academy or Classical School in North Carolina. Suitable reference's end testimonials can be given, both as regards moral and religious character, and qualifi cations to teach, either in North Carolina or his na tive State, Virginia. Any Communication addressed to CoUJ. T. C. Wiatt, Raleigh. .X. C or W. E. W., Gloucester uourt House, V a., will receive prompt attention. August 61b, 1849. " 63 9t klcgnr Matches, a Box of which every smo- 3 ker of Segars should carry, for sale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. August 15th, 1849. 65 TURNIP SEED. , 77 ORTHERN AND COUNTRY, of good quali xSI ty. for sale by WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD" $ Co. July 17th, 1849. 57 IX doxen, " freaU and prime," just at hand, and loraale at , .... . - t . PESCUD'S- uicues in iiu rsoxes. or superior quality, just received and for sale at the Dfog uore.oi viuL.iAMi3, max WUUU atuo: July 19, 1849. lid ' - - . rt 59 A now Root 1 Case best Bermuda, Just jo, to nana .- . . . WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD Si Co. , . Druggists. July 10th, 1849. 53 Sf MARY'S SCrlQOWRALEIGrK;C fMumfe'Siifl spRiiiG a svmmoT1, WHOLESALE AND.ltlSTAlii.;.j; iTKN band and for saWlbe largest and best MnV Q Dement of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTIJ iko, at prices very mutb rexluced, -Ti z.j l-A- u.i -,: Coatsw:- - w' CoaUof every variety, embracing all the latest elvles, and of an improved cut and make, from 75 els. to 1, 2, 3,4,6,6, 8, $10, and upwards. Pantaloon. ? . f Pantaloons of all kinds, from 75 eta. to ;l, lOt 1 75 8, 50, and also a very fashionable style, the Lamartine stripe, as low as 3,3,50, 4."aril upwards. -Vests. Vests of every variety, comprising. Silk, 8atin, Cashmere, Marseilles, Valencia, Irom 50 cts.,75 cts , $1, f2,$t, 60, $3 and upwards. - Boy's (Jlothin&r Always on band the large) and best assortment of boy's Clothing ever offered in this city. , A splendid assortment of CLOTHS and CA8SI- MERES of the best make, together wits large ana hsndsome variety of SILK and MARSEILLES VE8TINGS, which will be made op to order in the best manner. 20 per cent, less than the accustomed prices, and in all cases a neat and beautiful fit guar anteed, at Cost nine flail. Corner of Pratt street and Centre Market Space, 11. H.COLE. nr5 Attatched to-tbe above, is one of the largest and most extensive SHIKT FACTORIES in the country, embracing every variety and make, at pri ces which cannot fail to please any one wishing to puschase. (HONE PRICE ONLY Baltimore. March 27. 1849. 27 ly SECOID SUPPLY. K. rbSCUD informs thope who bave not supplied themselves with fl e r 11 a r l ' Cholera Medicine, that the supply which he has been expecting for several uas, came to hand this evening. He has sold 6 Dozen during tbe past (wo weeks, and has not heard of the first case of Diarriaa, in which it failed to afford speedy relief, when the directions rcere strictly adhered to. June 22, 1849. 50 THE PATAPSCO FEMALE INSTITUTE, Ten Dliles from Baltimore, Ellicott's Mills (Md.) Post Office. irirnKK thk imrkctiozt of MRS. LINCOLN PHELPS, Assisted by viany able Professors and Ttachtrs, rTTTTlLL rommence a new scholastic year on the VV 26ihof SEPTEMBER JN EXT. Pupils en terms for the new year can be accommodated during the vacation with board at the Institute, under prop er supervision or instruction Terms 240, for board and all necessaries connected with it, and for English education for the scholastic year of forty fonr weeks. Accomplishments. Languages, dec. with board in vacation, extra charges. For healthiness of location, (rrtuaied in a high and salubrious region.) beauty of scenery, and facili ty of access for travellers, the Patapco Institute is unsurpassed. That its advantages for bestowing a liberal and accomplished education are appreciated oy tne puonc, is tuny demonstrated ty its past and present prosperity. May 19. 1849. 41 wla$10 Splendid Lotteries For September, 1849. J. W, Maury & Co., Malta gen. $38 000! 20 PRIZES OF S2.000 ! ! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the Benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class lo. 109, for lS4y, to be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on ST . .n.k bob a - ' oaium.iy. me tn or September, 15-19. 78 Numler Lottery 14 Drawn Ballots! GRAND SCHEME. 1 Prize of $33,000 1 do. 16j000 1 do. 8,000 1 do. 5,000 I do. 4.158 20 Prizes of 2500 20 do. i 000 20 do. 500 20 do. 300 Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2,50. Certificates of packages of 26 Whole tickets $130 00 do do of 26 Half do G5 00 do do of 20 Quarter do 32 50 I wyuiuuu s $25,000! 10.000! 15 UBAWN NUMBERS OUT OF 78 i NEARLY AS MANY PRIZES AS BLANKS ! VI ll U INI A STATJG LOTTERY. Far tbe Benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class No 1 12, for 1849. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va , on Saturday, the 15th of September, 1349. SPLENDID SCHEME ! 1 Capilal of $50,000, 1 of 25,000, 1 of 10.000, 1 or 6,000, 1 of 5,145, 10 of 5,000, 10 of 1,500, 10 of 500. 5-c. te. &c. Tickets $1 5 Halves $7.50 Quarters $3,75 Eiehths $1,874. Certificates of packages of 25 Whole tickets $170,00 Do do of 25 Half do do do 85 00 50 25 Do Do do of 25 Quarter do of 25 Eighth 42 21 ,000, 50 PRIZES OF 81.0OO. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the Benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class No. 115, for 1B49 To be drawn at Alexandria, Va.. -on Saturdav. the 22nd of September. 1849, GRAND SCHEME. 1 Prize of $40,000, 1 of 12,000, 1 of 8,000, 1 of 3,681 , 50 of 1,000, 50 of 500, 182 of 300, ; &.C., 9C. &-C. 78 Number Lottery 13 Drawn Eallots ! Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. Certificates of Packages ol 26 Whole Tickets $140 00 uo do of 26 Half do . 70 00 Do . do of 6 Quarter do 3500 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates ef Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will .'re ceive the most prompt attention, and an official ac count of each drawing sent immediately after ilia over to all who order from us. , - Address J. C. MAURY Agents. Alexandria, Va.-' JOB PRINTING! WE HAVS JUST RECEIVED X BEAUTIFUL SUPPLT Or Fancy and Plain Type, ' SUITABLE FOR TRIXTIXQ HANDBILLS, FAMFBZJ3TS, &o, And are, now prepared to execute all orders, toiih neatness arid despatch. -0- Having re-fitted our Office with: a view to extending this department , of our business, our terms will be moderate, and the workmanship un surpassed. $ v -,. ;; Valuable Plantation for Sale , fr0 FFER for sale my Plantation, in the immedi 11 ate vicinity of Shocco and White Sulphur SprfninL in Warren County, North Carorma,. containing about 200 Acres. ' The Plantation Is iri good 'order, -and possession will be given oc the 1st day of January next. Terms, to suit the convenience-ef) the .purchaser, on his securing the debt, andjhe punctual annual payment ef the interest. v For. further; particu lars, apply by letter or in person, to ;.., J , . MRS. L. M; SPJlfJILL WarrV olon, fX' ; August 10th, 1819. ' C4 3m Jrt-Se - ii 7 AND FOR THE " linn SM of in bringing this to its present state of fourteen years has portunity to study, in is recommenaea, ana to tients who wish a siallv good Medicine, are invited to give it a trial, and satisfy themselTe of its superiority, and the invaluable property it possesses of arresn? and caring disease. . The bottle has been enlarged to hold ONE QUAUT, and in its present improved form may safely claim to be the best and cheapest Medicine of i the age. ; its progress to the fame and cures, inat stana as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the way to the haven of health. The following is from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive acquaintance in the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada: Messrs. 1. B. D. Sakss : New Yrk, January 7, 1849. Gentlemen, Having used, and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation of Sarsaparilla on different persons in various parts of the Southern country, viz., Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, and-Mexico, I feel much pleasure in stating the high opinion entertained of its great medicinal valuer In my own case it acted alrmxrt like a charm,' removing speedily the enervated state . of the system, and exciting, in the most agreeable manner, a tonic and invigorating influence. - " 1 Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved and extensively used, by the U. States army in Mexico, and my consin GEN. ZACHAHY TAYLOft, has for tbe past five years been in the habit of using it, and recommends tbe same r be and myself adopted the article at the same time, and it is now considered an almost indispensable requisite in the army. In conclusion I would say, that the better it is known tbe more highly it will be prized, and I trust that its health-restoring virtues will make it generally known throughout the length and breadth of our widely-extended Country. - Yours very messrs. saxdh : uenuemen sympatny ror tne armciea induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife. 1 She was severely afflicted with the Scrofula On different parts of the body ; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen! A Iter suffering over a year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked one Teg. and:, below the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it ahonld be laid open, whiea was? done, but withont any permanent benefit. In this situation -we heard of, and were induced to use Sards' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favor- -able effect, relieving her more than any prescription she. bad ever taken ; and before she had used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite restored. It is now over a year since the cure was effected, and her health remains good, showing tbe disease was thoroughly errri, oated from the svtew. in Hi il! Till' uur neignoors are au Knowing u blessing to the age. ! ! Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. W. Harris, a gentleman well known in Louisa county, Va. : " I have cured a negro boy of mine with your - Sarsaparilla, ' who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. Yours truly, " Frtderick Hall, Va., July 17, 1848." " N. W HARRIS." ' The following testimony from Rev. John Grigg, late Rector of the Church of the Crucifixion in this city, commends itself to the attention of tbe afflicted. Numerous certificates of cures of various diseases effected by this medicine are almost daily received: .- " . - Messrs. Sands : A member of my family has taken your valuable Sarsaparilla for a severe scrofulous affection. Sec. with the most beneficial effect resulting from its use It gives me very great pleasure to record my testimony in- behalf of. its virtue and efficac ;v, Boning mt lat others New York, May 10, 1848. Messrs. A. B. & D. Sands : . - Norwich, JWT., Oct. 6, 1847." Gentlemen Feelings of gratitude induce me to make a public acknowledgment of the benefit I have derived from the use of your Sarsaparilla. I hate for several years been afflicted with scrofulous swellings in my head, which at times would ' 5ather and discharge at my throat, nose, and ears, and at others would break out in ifferent parts of my face and head. These continued until my throat, face, and bead were almost one complete sore, and for a long time I was go hoarse that it was with the utmost difficulty that I could speak above a whisper. During this time I had several attacks of pleurisy and other diseases. I consulted different physicians, and tried various remedies, but received no benefit until 1 commenced using your Sarsa parilla. I am now well ; the sores are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely to the effects of your valuable medicine. Yours, with respect and gratitude, , PHEBE CAHOQN. Being personally acquainted with the person above named, I believe her statement to be correct. JAMES M. D. CA11R, Justice of the Peace. "1 Lltlf A. 100 Fuitok-st., coaifxa or William, Nxw Yoax. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadaa. Price 41 per Bottle; six Bottles for $3. , - f 1 ---riiiliii li . iiuiiai For Sale by LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. A Savings Bank for the benefit of the Widow and the Orphan." ' f iMrowms it act ot ali ixtHT.) Capital, 500,000 sterling, or $2,500,000. Beaide a reserve fund (from surplus premiums) of about $1 5,000. Pabt or tbb Cafital is ixvkstks in the Uni- ed States. T. LAM IE MURRAY, Esq , George st. Hano ver square, Chairman oj the Court of JJirecfors , in London. Uxitbd 8tatks Boas or Locai DraacTons. (Chief Office for America, 74L Wall st) JV. York, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman ; John J. Palmer, Eeq., Jonathan Goodhue, Esq. James Boorman, Esq, George Barclay, Esq., Samuel 8. Howland, Esq:, Gorham A. Worth, Eq., Samuel M. For, Esq uimmuiui"" William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habhcht,78lem of Medicine, may also be had at his.estab- Esq. Edward T. Richardson. Esq. General Accountant. Pamphlets, blank forms, table ot rates, list of A. gents, 4c &c. obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall street, or from either of the Agents throughout tbe United States, and British North American Colonies. . - v GEORGE LrPTLE, Agent. R. B. Hat wood, M. D. Medical Examiner, Ra leigh, N. C. August 22, 1848. 68 Samuel Kirk &;Son, Cold aad Silrtr Smiths, Ifo. 172, Baltimore St reel, ANUFACTURE and have alwavs on hand. large amouut of Silver, Table,, and Tea Spoous, Forks of all fixes; Sugar Tongs, Soup, Ladles butter Knives, bait bnoons, silver, lea Setts. Pitch ers, Vases, Urns, DUhes, &c..v . . ; .They are continually receiving by direct importa tions, all the new style Plated Castors, Baskets. Candlesticks and Waiters, as early, as tbey appear iu the Foreign markets. -AW. fine Table Cutlery, uoia, raieoi iever ana xjepine waicnes jeweiry of every description. ' " " r ' ' "" ; . ' J Jauuary 10, . . -16 y A Card, in. G. 1; takes this means loin. form his friends in .North. Carolina, that he continues with . UKDsLEr,. CAMERON AND HA Y.W A K D,- Wholesale" dealers in SILK and FAJSTC r GOODS. No. 66, Libertv? 8treet..Nw Vork, whete he would be pleased ta see those who visit the City, and to show them a handsome, fresh, and well selected Stockv '!U-l4- - If those, who do not come oiU will send their orders, they sbainneet with prompt and faithful attention. New York. August 18th," 1849. 67 Bt i A GOO D Coantry stind lfor V Tailor wnS can fif required) give unexceptionable reference with regard to capability and attention to ba wuess. ; A line addressed to Benjamin Bland, No. 145 South 5th St. care of V. Palmer, Newspaper Agent Philadel phia, will be promptly attended to. Phaidelphia, Angoet IS49uv y r S 2t , ff l 'OTinir,?o.. Aft' Vyr7'Es are new rnaBuracturinVlhe very test peg V,V'b that "can he made pa ndF sell henr a Oheipa ir nitde North. Call and 4ook t them, price for le, best from 5 to f6, and warranted vtp stand. July 2, 1849. tv ' ! 53 mV ' i ;-r . " - -- . 4 . :, CURE .OF ry Ths Proprietors hare spent much time J. - preparation of Sabsapakilla. of perfection : and tbe experience furnished them the most ample on- their various forms, the diseases for which it adapt it exactly to tneur relief and cure. Pa it has attained may be traced by a long line of facta respectfully, 5. O. TAMMR, U.S. Consul to New Granada REMARKABLE CURE Of SCROFULA. ; Soulhport, Conn.V January I, I84.' ' uiese racu. ana iiuns. sabss- aarsaparuia a greai Yours with respect,' JVUUa ri&Jb. may be induced to make a trial of it. JOHN GRIGG. nxraxxo ANn bold, wholesale a-d retail, at . ; ; . B. dc D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists. V. P. F. PESCUD, Drnggist, Raleigli Laboratory of Tliompsoniaif Botanic Medicines. TTTlPll'M LARRABEEL No. 2 So9tb; Calvert liJ Street. Balthnore. has always on hand tbe i largest and most compleiea'ssflrtrrient of pure Betau- 1 w. remedies ia. the Uuited Sutes, prepared, under i 019 special carerat his LAboratirybetng the first ,'et8,jl in th rXJn -tedrSutes for the special purpose ui preparing itiviufoviipii ow a ahiu iuw ClNES. AH. if the palterizrd and compounded articles are put up tn quarter and half pound pack ages, and neatly labelled,' ith' directions suitable for retailing, atd npon better,' erma than the same articles can be had in the Uiiited States. Every article in his lice is warranted genuine the public can rely upon this -' ' - OF"" A liberal discount mtde to country mer chants, who are particularly, request ed to call and ezftmiue quality, &c before purchasing" ' . 0" The various Treatises, embracing the most reputed authors, upon "the Thompsouian or Botanic li6bmenf, by the quantity or single copy. August 27, 1849. 9 4t . C. BAPTIST-STATE-CONVENTION. ifi 'SHE next annuaLmeeting of this Convention will JL be Jield with the Baptist Church in Oxford, Granville. County, commencing op 1 hdrsday befoie the third Sabbath in October, 1849. '-' Introductory Sermon by Professor Wm; T. Brooks. ""Missionary Sermon by J, JJansJef.-.- 'l'ir. The North Carolina Baptist JJible Society will meet on Thursday evening at early candle light. The Publication aud Sunday School Bociety on Friday evening, and the Education : Society in con nection with Wake Forest College ori Saturday ere ning .At eachkofwhich "annual addresses will be delivered. , ' Ample accommodaticais will, ! learn, be provided for ministers, delegates correpo"ndent, and others who'msy aUend by our friends and brethren ofdiHereBldeoomioations; ' c v.,- rv;vN.J. PALMER,Secretary; A'ogut 25th 1 849. ' ' C 2t 69 No. 3 4, S out Ii Calvert Street, IMPORTER OFSiSHOEstHREADS, SHOE TOOLS; AND FINDINGS in general, and Manufacturer ofFftsbionnble Lnsts, Boot irees, Shoe Trees, Crimping Boards, &c. "Constantly "on hand an assortment of Shoe Threads,-Oanoons. Webbing, Boot Cord, Bristles, Awls, Pincers, Shoe Knives, pnrrowou., Wm, with a fnU assortment of Tacks, Peg, Kit, &c. August 37, 1849. w " emetics FA1 T STVLE FOR 1840, M TUCKER St SON. have jast teeeifed their ,i"Fairsupply of Fsshionabto Beaver and Su per jrtoleskin Hsts. h''f-. In the production of the article jost mentioned, the most faultless models of European Style have been consulted and. bj uniting some of proniineht featureUH Americtrr hsbir and tsste, the present FashtonTias been fourfd, and ii appro priateness tA thother portionaf 4he Gentlemen s Fall and Winierrcostume caunotjail to recomrtena it to ' the Fashtouabfe Cortmunittr;f Oar eustbners and the :iblie are respectfully in- VtteU to call and examino for, ibeuwelfes. f Raleigh August 29, 1849. . m&XS SSj&Esr JStA4?Sa r . ,t.K UAlMtin. Xillr. Xr t. Raleigh; Msy 1, 1849. C9 35

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