) rvi ?m -m . . i , V.-H UOnvi hvm . the- Dlani' of ' fairvdcllsfttfnl ninnm. 1Invn vnM Kw nnl " n a lib. ' .. .". - . . 7i : WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOTBER' 3, 1849. .,5 V-', ft . C -fvT3i - it, ' amKi J 1 I." : f : D3, in' yj.iii EDITOfi: iW) TROPjtlETO . Siwnififc ScMHWEfcKtr hiw-Fifi dbl- Wctti : Pirii Thf 4Dollir pir-MMm, or To Dollrt fcna Fifty tjeotliidTaBe. " ' AfortitMnii: For Yrjri: SixUtu Li, tint I msrt3oii , oj -:lJUt; "kh f abMqaat 'in nrtiM , Crt Orr and JiilliMrt imcat will b harmed pef eeU higher ; Wat a deduction of 33 J pr ceat- will W made freca the rertlar pricee, for dreftieen y the yean " . ' "; AdTerUiemeaU, iaewUd ia the Suh-Weekly Ra itraa, will aleo appear ia the Waaxw Paper free f ehaYfei'-VC.S- -tr . ' IT LUm te the Editor matt he roT-rxjx. : FIUE I Tunc r,v a i xsuit iwc e c6mpa KIT, of Ilartrord Conn. UfTersttt injure tfuildinge and Merchandize, agaiuatloesor souse by fire, at preauoms to attit.the times. r v This is oue of the oldest and bestlasorance Com ptnies ia the United Sftateraad pays its tosses promptly. 1 s -' - r' ' ''. Applications for (asaraaee in Rateigh,er its yi eiaity.ta ae nadsto . W. WHITINO, Agent. Aadfar Milton.TC. C.'and firfnity, to ; : ' N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, l48 r-.-.-r-v-V v. it - ' 8S FOR; RENT. THE huge and eoaTenient.D welling, near the old Baptist Mretinghooso Qroe,wi(hall the aeces sary out houses and two acre of land attached. " j Possession will hegiveo the first of January next 1. r- -f . - - Q. 8UAW. Ralsigh IjfY. 1 0. 1 8 4 1. , , 83 To;RevoMonary;Claimants. FO R severe! year pat, many- inquiries and Marches have boou maJet and wiihooa aoceesa, for the oSctsl proofs of tha grades' and Services ' of the Officers in the North Caroliua line, in the AVar of the Beveloiioa : and for llut want of such proofs, the claimant fof these services tue been unable to MtaUUh and obtain pay" for the same. . , ... Thi iito inform" those interested, that the sob Mriber hae turned " hitf attention to e laborioos examination of thou sands of old papers and records ia th Capitol, aad after much time and labor spent in ths March, has fodnd among file long since deemed taeloM, the; Record-' in Jqoestien, where thsj had beM misplseed and uppoed-to be.losV shswing thesffietal. proof of the grade oCtheuaand frachomcra; such as' Colonels, IiieuUnant-UoU aasla CaitUia. LieutenanU and Eaaicns.-' &" And the Subecriber-wUl promptly attend-to Utters to him ed Jreesed pnUts potieelling for such proof: and will forward official certificates in due erm of law,' of the grades of ueh officer, on reason- abte terms. - 11. ivinjviiin. - Kakigh NC, Juna i0th,18t9. - 48 tf. 3 $2000 WARTED. m HE Sahscfiberis'authoMxea to receive propo . s!J sals for a loan ' df -TwVThouiand 'Dollars, in Bonds of the Citv of Raleieh, for Five Hundred Dol lars each, payable after twelve month from the date, at the pleasure" of the patties, and bearing interest at the rat of six per cent per annum, payable eemi- ainatUy. s -c : . u frJa. W. AYMliinw, j.... City Treasurer. Ralelrh.Mav 12.1849. 38 tf w - 4 . . ,ts3gk5x moppet.. "If CASE of Bay .Bam, ar superior article, for sale 11 at the Drag Store of F. PESCUD. August 5.1849. ' -63 ; jyRNip jsEEos... ; LARGE Norfolk; Rule Baga; Flat Dutch, and Beaaehaa's, just received and for sate by ' i :i. ,P. F-PESCUa RsUivb. Anv. 5. 1849- ... .. iV. S3 Of euu wbuf.vAMutwi AS EM I-MONTH LY PA PER poWUhed at the f ivortn Carolina InsUtnUon for tbe' Education f the Deaf and DiualKn- devoted Chiefly to the subject: M the Instreetio theSPEAF aod; DUMB and, the BLIN D. IfwUl also eoaUia. article both Original and StecieL6& ether- subjects of general interest, except Polities: V - ' ' z i iHHf- ;- ADVERTISEMENTS fa proper .eharaeler, will be inserted at the asaal rates, and a liberal de duction "made to i yearly Ad vertiMrs.' . THE DEAF MUTE w3l he issued oa the First aad Fifteenlh ef eacli' moathi it ONE DOLLAR per aatfum payahla i,aYe.,. i-.' Aay persoa sending . l?s ire oiwecrwers s Cask AH letters had ' Commnnkiatibn4 ' should" 'be : ad- THi CM BUU1 W m wpj iwwe dreated U :ju J3 -WILLLAltr D. COOKE, ; isutth, gaptember i,-ig4. 7S-t i XiErr nTJrlDREDT'ACRE3 w- rirsTKate ID ' Weed Land, m West Tenn, Ir fcCrfed tor Apply to the Editor of this p, U RaleighT Sept 24lh, 184. ' 'wJaV3 doluro's;hairwashano poMadE TnH IS justly popular sjHlTadmired preparatSa 11 needs bat a trial to use no other; a soppty'just received aad foe ssle at the Drugstore of -i WILLIAMS, HAY WOOD, Sl CO., August 601,1849,., , , t3 Old Java Cofjce and Cmtbed Bxtsar also o nvh a w n . . . . A few pleees of WHITE FLANNELS, ;raftAfe vMcifiiou. J.BROWN. ..Raleigh Paper Mill ! fTnHE undersigned takes this method of informing JJ the Publ'whore of Newspaper and Periodicals TaNorlh Carolina, and the Poblie" jrefteratly, that ha hat leased the Papar Mill, abuat mile from Raleigh procured the aerYicea of fioMhed operattres, purchased the necessary stock, and i now prepared to make and furnish any amount of Paper to order. lle- aska trial only for his Paper, a he is deter mined to give. satiafacUou ia it, or cease its . mana facture. ., ' , : - IMPERIAL, SUPER-RQYAMEDIUM . Package and Wrappiu; Papr, manufactured at the shortest' noliee and the most moderate prices. : vTo " eacoarage Home Industry," is, under all circomstaaces, commendable and proper; and it is wise, ..when In "doing so, we sacrifice nothing our serves. Address, - s . . ; JAMES RaIeighcApg. 24. Ip49. . D. ROYSTER. . 68 lm Reccut Pablicatiom receired at . . tlie N9 C. Bookstore, Raleisli : OUTHEY'S Common Place Book. LyelFa second visit to the'U. Statee. Gieders CotnpeiMJiain of EcclesiasUcal History. Alaynew MagM oi Kiadoess. Dante'a Divine Comedy : The Inferno. Chalmera Posthumous Works, in seven vols. Melville's Type. RuYton's Life iu the Far West. . , History of Wouderful Inventions. - Beecher's Incarnation. My Uncle, the Curate. ., Melville's Mardi. -Agnes Morris. ' Lamartine's. Memoirs of my Youth. Roland CaKtiel, by Lever. -v Abbott's Etistories, comprisiur Msrr Queen of Scots, Charles lit. Alexander the Great, Hanoibal. Woeen Ehxabeth, Charlea 2nd, Marie Antoinette, Julius Caesar. Kaloolah. . Acton, or the Circle of Li fa. Raleigh, Aug. 18. 1849. 66 JlOVCl. The Woodman, a Romance PSl of the T James,' Esq. Times of Richard 3d : by C P. R. Esq. This day received at Turner'a N. C. BOOKSTORE. Anguat 18, 1843. , 66 LADIES1,-MISSES AND CHILOREN'S SHOES. fTnillS day received, by Express, from the man- ; II afactory, - - xtftweea and 300. rair, comprising a grand assortmsal of Ladiee Kid aud Morocco Walkiar Shoes, Buskins :ir aad lies, do .. . do, . . do Slippers and Ties, do 'Boarded Boskin Walkinr Shoes, Misses Goat Skin Bootees, Cbildren s do do , For tale by -J. BROWN, No. 9, Fayetleville St Raleirh:Auf. S3. 1849. -. 68 NEW BOOKS, OUTHEY'S Common Place Book. No. 2, History of the Bible Society,' Hildreth'a History of the U. Stales, vol. 2d, Lyelr vwil.to the U. Slates,. new. edition, Magic ofKindness, by May hew, Lift for the Laxy, - J - The Foet'e Offering, for 1850, edited by Mrs. Sarah J. -Hale, with 9 splendid illustrations. Received this day .at Turner's ' 'N. C. BOOKSTORE. August 2. 1849. . , . - . 08 . Notice. . . The attcnlion of PhTtleiaai and Detlm ia Medicines is invited to en examination of my Stock On hand, which hss been selected for ths Fail trade. All my powdered Gums, Root.' dec, auch as Tur key Ovium, Turker end East India Rhubarb, Jalap, ipecac. die-, were divested of all iiapuritie previous to being powdered ; and every article of Medicine carefully selected with special regard to its purity I have nearly all the nevr preparations noticed in the late Medical Journal. A full supply of GZasaware, Xtttfrauienta, v c And, in a word, the most desirable stock of .MEDICINES, v PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, opaaijac3rytimr , I have ever offered to the public, Physician and Dealera generally, who have hith erto bought their supplies in Northern Markets, may save a' great deal of trouble and expense by encour srinr my Establishment. All orders, accompanied .with the cash, or good Cily references, will be attended to with neatness snif dispatch.' Prescriptions, and Family Receipts, compounded at all hours 'of the day and night by careful and experienced Apothecaries. An increase of patronsg is respectfully solicited. y - P. F PESCUD, Apothecary and Druggist. , Raleiah. 8eif. 5 1st. 1849. , : - 76 tf New floods !: New, Goods ! L ax- TUCiiER jSc. son, , RE daily receiving their Fall eopply of Staple aad Fancy Dry Goods, and would especially call attention to their rich and varied assortment of Ladiesr Drees Goods, consisting hi part ec Changeable Satin ptf Cheen, . , , . 5 I Lupin's best Msrinos, !; Cherry, Green, Crimson, Scarlet and Mareea, r-Silfc stripe'CHateneloes, . - Embroidered Caehmerea, . Brocade Chameleon,. , , . , Solid and fancy Cashmeres, ?BlacvGmTd'lUiaa,Y: ' - P!ain-and Fa&cy Silk,.- - . ... - . ..Silk yelvsfUimmiug of all colors, . . .. . . LAdies' aud UenUemen'e rreacn tuo uiovss, Belt'and Booaet Ribbona " of all- sty lee entf celors, Black and cbajireable-FreacAVVisUesV' - x rencn wort VOiiars, Lisle and Thread EdemmL r CMnaU'n Edgings' nod I asertlags, . . ..Thread Bobbin. -Victoria Cord, lie. fa "- . . v September 21T 1849. t v"- ..7S OStaadard -and Star eopy: s&jS&i? . . Peebles- Scott WUte,: VTliolctale and 7 Retail : beaiers ln" STAPLB &F$GY'Wr GOODS; TtTTA-VB 'TWlvcoTa teperlor niaedrtnfeht of Por 4 fl I efgti and Domestic uooos, sanaoie.ior- lb FaJTL Z.A Wtittw tmAml erahraciftff all the stvlea of Fbreizn and American MaDufACtnre. inctadins a . u.ntir C.itntntri Rdvtc' & ell ef which will ba sou trponi pieastnz tenni.i,r.A oej re - pectfttllj,layUe the attention rnjreajutra general - jy; FetenhargjSeptao, 1349. 70 wsrai CLOTHING aSTABLISIIIIIET, Nov 146. Baltimore Xorth Side, 3d Door JUut of Calvert sT&EETy" ?r . BALTIMORE, MD. - r MOORE & INMAW, Merchant Tailors, rea pectfully invite attention to their stock of rea ds' Clothing, of every variety, cut and made in a superior style, and not surpassed in price, finish, or quality. - Always on hand, superior Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting; ire.', in their coatom department, which will.be made to order in the most fashionable style. Cenllemeu wishing to order a fine suit, without the expense of coming to Baltimore, can do so by send ing their measure to M. fit !., stating color, quality, die, which will be attended to with the tame. care; as if the purchaser were present. They feel confi dent of gting entire salivfaction, to all who favor them with their order, either by letter, or in person. 07 Mr. Inman is the agent for ohankland's supe rior system of drafting Garments terms for books, apparatus aud instruction, $10. Baltimore, reb. 3. Illy Old Arrangement THE Subscriber moil respectfully inform their customer and the public cenerally, that they too, fur the pafpoe of reducing their Kiock, and ma king room lor a new Fall supply, will sell at reduced prices for cnuh. ' We bsve elsn obtained the services of Taoxas and Isaac, K..K li. It. an Cutters, who spent Mten year each, in the City of Baltimore, where they graduated as A rlista of the first wster: hsve been living for ibe last twelve years "in this City, in some of the most respectable houMs. and can highly re commend themselves as to ability in their profession, and in point of moral cbsrscter. thev are " some punkins. They bsve alwaya lived in the North Slate, visit the North twice a year, and try t find out by reading the papers, not only what is dohe in France, but also in Hungary, and have wonnd up by ditkivtring that the Dutch have taken Holland. Oliver & Procter. July 19. . 68 medical College OFTDE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. THE LECTURES of this Institution will com mence on the first Mondsy in November, and terminate the first Saturday in March, on the follow, iag branchee: J. E. HOLBROOK, M. D Anatomy. J. BELLINGER, M D Surgery. E.GEDDINGS, M IX, Ipstitutes and Practice. JAMES MOULTRIE, M. D., Physiology. HENRY R. FROST. M. D., Materia Medic a. THOS. G. PRIOLEAU, M. D Obstetrics. C. U. 81IEPARD. M DM Chemistry. P. JULIAN RAVENEL, M , Demonstrator of Anatomy. The Anatomical Room will be -opened on the 1st day of November, under the Direction of. the Demon strator. - - ' Clinical Lectures will be delivered by Drs. CAIN and HAYNE. at the Marine Hospital and Alms House. 8irrgicsl operations furnished by the College Hos pital are performed before' tbe Class, - Good boerdinc and lodcine can be obtained at from three 10 four dollars per week. JAMES MOULTRIE, M. D. Dean. Chailestoh, August 37, 1 849. w6w 68 . Brilliant Lotteries, , For Otobel, 149. - Jf. W. 1TXAURY & CO., MANAGERS. $40,000 1 20 Prizes of $1,000 ! TIKGIIfIA STATELOTTERT. Far the . Benefit of Mnoogmlia Academy, Class No 120, for 1849. .. To be drawu at Alexandria, Va on Saturday, tbe 0th of October, 1S49. . 79 Number Lottery 13 Drawn Ballots. GRAND SCHEME: Prize of $4A.000, 1 of 20,000, 1 of 10,000, 1 of 6.600, 1 of 5,000. 1 of 4,000, 1 of 3,255,20 Prize of 1.000, 20 of 500, &c , d-c. Ticket only $10 Halve 15 Quartare $2 50 Certificate of paekaeeaof 25 Whole ticket $130 00 do do of S5 Half do 65 00 32 50 do do ot 25 Quarter do 53,000 Dollars. 810,000! 816,000! VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the Benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class No. 133, for 1849, to be drawn at Alexandria, Va-, on Saturday, the 13th or uctober, i4a. 15 DRAWN I1UMBEK8 UUT OF TSI Making nearly as many Prizes as Blanks f) SPLENDID SCHEME. l Prixe of . 353.000,' 3 of 16,000, 1 of 10,178, 6 of 5.000, 10 Prixes of 8,000. 10 of 1,000, 10 of 500, ire, Ate. - TickeU 815 Halves 7,50 tjuartsrs W,75 Eiehths $1,871. - Certificates of packages of 26 Whole tickets $180,00 Do .do of naif do vu uo Do do of 28 Quarter do 45 00 Do do or 26 Eighth ; do 22 50 Orders for Tickets end Shares and Certificates of Pack a ire in lh above Snlendid Lotteriee will re ceive the moat prompt attention and an official ac count o( each drawing sent immediately after it is over ao all wo order fromoa. -; . . i: ; Address- : . , - J. &. C. MAURY. Agents. , . ' . , . ; ;-', Alexandria,. Va, ROANOKE, NAVIGATION: COWPANY, . FTTHE annual meeting of the Roanoke Naviga- U tion. Company ' will be held at Weldon N, C. onThoraday, the 35th of October next. ' -'I ; T" " A. JOYNER. BeptemDef i7. j849. - w3w 75 Qr- 8tsnJard copy 3 time: - " ' ' ' ' '' 3 BOXES) oft Torpeotina'and variegated Soaps forsaU cheap by box or pound.': ; ' ) ? rrn WILLIAMS, HAY W UUD, OX vU. n pepu ii. -i ei,-.. f.J tm Samiiel:Kirk:&" Son, f. , p. Bit-snT Swiffcv ! UWttA BMW HIMtl UiMUKy Ifo. 173, CalUmore 6 1 reel, msSXLQilXSXiDwm0 e3QcU lm ANUFACTURE.and have elwaya on head. Vila larcre amount of Silver, Table,. and. Tea Speoua. Forke of all sixes. Sugar Tongs. Soup Ladles Butler Knives, Salt Spoons, Silver lea setie, rucft er. Vasee. Urns. Dishes, cj ' ' ' . I Tbev ere eontinnallY receivisr by direct Importe- I tiona. alt the new style? Plated Castors, Baskets. I Candlesticks aad Waiters! 'as eariV t; aa tbeY apoear 1 a-iweiajB. raaraeia. vah, jwv 1 yoio, raieni ever ana ifeptne s icbt--wwxj wi ever awenpuoa. January lw. J Ooitsca Familv and Plantation ' Medicines ' :"' : 2 THESE MEDICINES MAINTAIN A HIGH CHARACTER AT HOMB AND ABROAD. HOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC. Among the many remedies offered to the public for Intermittenla.(Caii.i.s or Aeva aan Favxa,) none is so good, or cures to quick, a Hocss'e Toaic. n three hours a perfect euro is effected. . It is elso remedy in Bilious and Remittent Fevers, Price SI per bottle. Extract of a letter from Rev. F. A. Owen, of Mem phis, dated November 18, 1843. Mr Dcab Sin : I have .tried the Indian Tonic in six different cases, and find it efficacious in a very high degree. . It arrested the chill in every instscce, snd ss yet there hss been no return. I cheerfully give thi testimony, thst others may be induced to use a remedy both safe and efficacious in coring Chills and Fever. F.A.OWEN. HOUSE'S PILlTolNTMENT. A soothing snd rapid cure for PILES Blin J or Bleeding and for Burns, . Bruises, Fresh Cut, Masht-s, &c. It is a perfect pain extractor. (Zj'Sem wrapper for certificalea Price $V 00 prr bottle. HOUSE'S VEGETABLE PILLS. The great value of this Pill, as a general Family Medicine, can be easily known by a trial, or by ask ing those-who nave. J ney are ine only reliable cure for Rheumatism. Price 25 cents a hot. A friend at Russellville, Ky., writes: ' Mr. burling has just srrived from Hopkinsville. He says his mother wss afflicted for years with Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Upon the recommen dation of the Rev. N. H. Hall, of Lexington, Ky , who bad been perfectly cured by House's Vegetable Pill, she got a supply, and has been made aa sound as in early youth, and can run all over Hopkins ville. - ' ' .. . AGENTS .Will. Peck Son, Ra!eigh : P. S. Rogers. Newlight, Wake : P. J. Brown. Louiaburg ; Samuel Hsrriss, Franklin Co.; Ch ambler and Pip pin, do. ; Will. B. Ellington. Hayesville, Granville, P. V. Duke A Co., do; Wm. Whitfield do; Bryant D. Rice, Naah: M. H. Deams, Stanhope ; Wilham Vann, Venn's Mills, Sampson; J. fr W. Johnson, Clinton do : Abram Hobbs, Sampson Co. : A Monk, do : Collier and Peacok, Bentonsvill, Johnson Co. ; roweil DllvIOlnO) uuusuu j u. if . u. auaiuiuv, r-l' it TOI--1 1.1 .- V tir D 1J - .1 . . Micajah Cox, Wayne Co : KI1 Sasser, do ; A. r. Gill, Wayne; N. B. Daniel, Stantonsburg ; Isaac Scarbrongh, Edgecombe; David Smith, Sampson; Lewis Carroll, EI ward Vail, do: It. farisb & son, Sampson; G.S. Brouson, do; Wm.H. Hood, Eagle Rock, Wafce. . t Dr. A. F. CooperV : Spiuo-Abdomi- . nal Snpporterts. THE Subscriber have on hand a aupply of tbe above valuable aopporters which are recommend ded for ell persona, afflicted with muscular debility, Round ahouldars, or. prolapsus ruten . Proff: Mott tbiokr they 'ere very well adapted for some varieties of incipient spinal dntortions, aa they afford the useful combination of shoulder, brace and Abdominal supporter, with very decided support to the spina! column. . The above bracea ar recommended by the Physi ciaua generally, who have seen them, and we have sold a number 10 ciuzena 01 inia piece, wnoare Dign ly pleased with them. A pentleman observed a few days since, that he had been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not give oue of the above, for fifty auch. " They need no puffing as they apeak for them selves." FESCUU & JUHN8UN. 0The above Supporter la au improvement on Dr.E-CaAiNs celebrated Spino-Abdominal Supporter, Jan. 12. 1848. (Standard.) 4 won. SALE. A WELL improved lot in Henderson, Granville County, N. CI, and a lot adjoining, with a parcel of ' wood land contiguous, containing in all THIRTY TWO ACRES. PoeseMion given be. twern the 15th October and the Ut January; ' For Particular description and terms, address " HUNTER tc HARRIS, Henderson, 8ept. l7,4-1849. . . 75 w4w Qy- Standard 4 times and charge, this office. Livery Stable. frnHE 8uhscriber anerfeturninghls graleful U abank'a to the Public, for the very liberal end generous patronage, hitherto extended to him, would respectfully give nouee-that he contmuee to prose cute hi line of butnes, in all iu branches; with promptness ana effictency. H re Stabhe are clean andaeommodiou, and his Ostlers experienced and at tenuve : indeed ho pains or expense have, been or hall he spared to render satisfaction AO all who pal- ronizw ma csiaoiisnmeni. - 7 . . He will keep conatantfy on hand, for hire, riACRS, BCGGIE nAnX3S central position, and a most conve- . J a meat one. for eBecUog sales, and thev will always nnd ample accommodation for any num her of Horses, however jarge. v The Subecriber bopee that , hi friends and ' the Public' will continue to give! htm a triaL .It i all JAMES M. HARRIS. Ralefgh. September 33, 1849. 73 ly " XX iffi'Tt A noj Ok.tkmWMl tat sale hr gEU.4iAPEEBLEi WllTB. dfcPAYIS. Peterbargv Jaly 95th,4849. CO JO& PRINTINO NoatlT axecutad at thit Office. rma r rvn -' - - i j ? 1 i 8f WJboAdf4by At,4g aDd garer WatieewrraBAe4-eweetlia Ague, Ciliotis Xyphtta aiid all re- vers Xyeiitery and DiarrliCEai - In the coniaiencement, it is of absolute importance, in view of a speedy cure, that a foil dose of pills be taken at once, because . the humors which produce disease of this clss, are always of the most malignant, poisonous quality, end no safety to life exists while sny portion remains jn the bowe's orrthe blood Should (tbe first, dose not cure, be not alarmed, , but reiterate that dose., Should the evacuationa be. very putrid, of bad odor, unnatural copr, dec. &c , besides .. r ; : : 1 1 . , using tuur ur ia uis.wice auaj, UK8 linn, lea- 1 .poooful of powdered pharcoai; iu w.ter.-every day. while these symptoms .continue. Let your diet be light, and 01 easy digestion, as arrow root, rice pud ding, Indian meal gruel: also, sheep's head broth with trice and a piece of cinnamon boiled in it. or calves heed broth. Sheep s head makes the best diet if it be boiled until the bones are clean. .As a rule, the first dose of pill cures when timely used.' Sometimes three or four doses tnsy he necessary. There- are cases in which it tskes weeke to cure ; but they do not occur once in' a thousand times; In any event. no medicine or plan of treatment - is better than ' thai above recommended, -or will sooner cure. So: on as the irritating matters are removed, so soon you will u wen, ana uoi uciore. Anoaynes sna ssrnngenu l have a deleterious effect; because tbey occasion the' retention of that death principle which alone' cause dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera, and all other diseases, according to its excess over the principle ofJife'.. But Branureth's Pills are opposed to this as water ja to nre, or as heat is to cold ; and when tbey are taken into a man, they go to work boldly 10 drive this death principle from. tbe body, end all they can do but if there be work for fifty doses, one dose must hot be expected to do the work, of fifty.' Arid this truth should always be kept in mind. . . : . , Let not the patients frighten themselves with the idea that tbey are-too weak to bear much purging ; but bear in mind that thee mildly operating Pills of i .... i..uj, I and givea composing sleep at night, and an appetite to relisn any lood. THE BRANDRETH PILLS Are composed wholly of -medicinal herb, and do not contain any mineral or chemical substance; ar per feclly harmless to tbe -most tender age" -or weakest frame ; and nevertheless sure to search out the cause of the sickness and produce a CURE, whatever may be its character, when taken in time, and in quanti tie sufficient. - The Brand ret tv Pill are sold at 25 cents per box, K. VIT.T. PRIIIT A RUN. R.l.K anil h aim acrent in every town in the United Slates, and in al-1 most every city throughout the world. 1 Let all be iffnl vhir ih.f linv Ar iti' will ohtaln Minn 1 terfeiU Buy only of men whose chsracter yen know to be above so mean an action as to sell a false for the true B rand reth's Pills. Observe the six aignaturea of Dr. Brandreth on each box:. ' ''- ' . ' Anguat 32. 1849. 67 NOTICE. PfrHE Subscriber having qualified as Executrix-! II to the last will acd testament of Caleb M alone, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons having debts, claim or demands, againt Caleb MaIone, de ceased, her Teststor, to present tbem to ber; Attor ney, Willis Scott, for psyment, properly proven within the time prescribed hy law; otherwise this notice will be; plead In-bkr of their recovery. ' JULIA A MALONE, -Executrix. By virtue of powers conferred upon me as Attorney of Julia Melon, Exe cutrix of Caleb Malone, deceased, I shall expose to- Public sals, at the Court House, in the City or Raleigh, en Thursday the 37th mat., the fol lowing property to-wil: ; r, 1 wo iv egroea named A tuey and , I'rtnce A Ibert ; snd a certain tract of Land in it is County, on House's Creek, adjoining the land of William Finch and others, containing 1 00 Acres more or less ; also a Lot of ground in the Eastern suburbs of the City, adjoining ihe land of Josiah O. Watson and Richard Smith, containing three A crre, more or ks ; also. some Household and Kitchen furniture, consisting of a Sofa, Fender, Ac, &c Tkbms of sale : Six months credit the Purcha scr giving bond with approved fecurily. . WILLIS SCOTT, Attorney for Julia A. Malone, Ralich.8pt 7, 1849, 73 t NEW GOODS. TTJIALI AND WINTER Supply f - Family IP Groceriea. juatto hand and constantly receiving. which w will sell for small profits. . Santa Cruz, Porto Rico, NO Orleans Crushed and Refined Sugars, Java, Rio- and Laguira Coffee, " Imperial and Gun Powder Teas, -Molasses and -Vinegar ' . Pepper,"' Ginger ar Spiee,x ' Starch and Copperas, N ' Calf and' Lrnin: Skins ' v Shoes 'end Shoe Threads, ; ' -Sole and Upper Leather," ' ' ' Bed Cord and Plow Lines,, l": Cigars and Snuff, '.. Shoe Blacking and Lamps, Axea and Hand' Bellows ' Brown and white Soap, 8perm, Adamant and Tallow Candles, Tin ware assarted. Cssting and wood - Ware Stone ware assorted, fW Nails and Buckets, Flour, Meal; Bacon and Lard, " ' : Cut and Roe Herrings, - 8bad'and Mullets,;"-' . Dundee and German Bagging, --'Rope end Twine, i i-' Air tight 'and Box Stoves. f:l --:vWMv PECK .d-'SONf lRa!eighr8epC 1 0thl 849. 7 8w- New vJewelry Store. Wtil A Msnectfull y la form the eittzena. of R.utK .nil it, vicinity, that he has open VmA stock of Watclweend Jswelry. sale, tart of the. stow occopied .byr.-JTbompaon FASIII03ABLB 1 JETTEUT ceek as Guardr Vest and Fob Chains Cameo, itone and mourning Broaches ; ' Plata,' Chased'and Stone Riogs; Gold Pens "and "Peacils ; Gold and Silver Thimbles ; Studs." Collar and" Sleeve Buttons, Ear RiajpGold apd "Silref vpeachM, olFaney Good and Fine CuUery ;'all of which wilt 'he sold cheap. Watcheiv Clocks and "Jewelery. repaired ia superior styled Old Gold aad Saver Ukn ia x change. ; " ' -'-: Sept. 21. 1849. - 7 far . v, . . ULA3. CV EL BOXEi from 8 1Q .to i i SV in store, U tUf d for sale W- by . " w " WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD. A CO Sept. 17, 1849. 7 1 G FF1CE, Nov 1 lp LawrenceV Hotel NortJt side of the Court House "f ::' S. r.?.PHTT.T.TPS; A TTEND3 THET COURTS la the Cohntiet jX of Orange,: Abroance,- Wake ani Chatham, ;ciutpei mm V May Sf)iw?f T? a ' T " 1 T TTf - ' fit UY, JOSeDlIf J tVteUjW5lieK TK FFERS his Professional services te the citizens UVof Raleigh and vicinity. He may always, be found at the residence of R affin Tucker jSSfqi?! I rude Soda ? Soap makei and whwc xhs be snppuetf .with, any quanury. of thlsSarUela from the Drug Stored of Nii i WILUAMS. HAYWOOD. & CO, i August 5tb,. 1849; .M'&lUA-& Ov DON TINE, a moateBghtful paste, for prei (J venting the decay of the Teeth and Tendering Tendering them beautuully white : foraale b.-v rt,v WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD. 4- CC-2 .August 6i4849i.,i.ui'3r, -v.tgjr A , FRESH plXswnaSaaoV, aad W Bristol, iu stare and for sale.hy, ;:- W1LL1AM5..I14XWWP. ei CO. Raleigh,-Sept. 7. l84r'X TCU "J 10,000 DOLLAKSI 10: WORTH 6f Wil- inington SIUleigh' Rail Road Bonds,-fendorsedtby the 'State of iiuiui vxuuiuia, Aur .taic - at vuc AfCcisurY Office. C. L. HlOTON; Pui). RaleighSepCTthlcMSixi 4 es ceo txp .Gsa :T" JSL( i OUSSEL'S unrivalled Shavin? Creamaiso Soaps of every varisty fof shaving aad Tthe) 'l'oitet. -For sale hy-' -'r " W- -. t WIIXIAMS, HAYWOOD, fc CO; ; Raleigh, Sept:?, 1S49. V ; ' ' ; . ;'.72.' ' :Tofhyid TThRi " -V KKELEIt and Brother moat resDeet- Jjjf wity -soiicii aiteniion o jheir fresh fetock, of JZnglisk. French' German and American DrvirM. Midi- c,nM nemicaia, ntau, yns. Aye axontilassware Perfumery' Patent Medicines fc Having opened a. new .siore no-warxet ou wim a full i aunblv of Fresh Drugs and Medicines-ws resDectfullvsoIieit Country dealers to examine bur stock before purcha-, sing elsewhere, promising' one and all who may feeL disposed to extend tolas theU pronage, to sell them genuine xrrngs ana Medicines, en aa liberal terms aa any ether house In the City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrustecT to us promptly and i with" die , tue of the proprietors being a, regular physlciaji, affords ample guarantee of 4he genuine quality of all articles sold at.lheir establumment ; We esteefalty'lbyhe 'drugfiwts: and '. coohtnr mer chants, who my whit- Xo become" ngenis uiiJDr.' popo tar remed es,; to forward their address, i Soiiciting the patronage of deatera, we respectful ly-remainr-; rf K;-?S$Z 4 . J. Ii: KfciELEK & BROi, Wholesale Drugguta, 5 ' -No: 294 Market aireeCZ Philadelphia; Sept. lfith; iS49. t '.. ?5 ly A? NR fctoghtaa ai-meat of the bestTAPEE ? GOODS. Call and. examine; "i;.:- VKt!J?s' a . , t HEARTXd-LlTCBFORD.-Raleigh, Sept. 18iK, 1849 4-'-M75.. FIURNI'I URE, Carriage,-Coach :Body, Japan. - and . Leather, direct , from ihe lanufaelurer which we warrant to give saUsfaetionJust received at the Drug Siore of" - - - - WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, ir CO. Sept. 17rl849. . ' 7ft Additional Supplies EMBROIDERED and Flounced Worsted Rose'C "French BrocM" Cashmeres, ' V V uuiiu.vuwin. ajmK"i MClllnlii j , i-. Chameleon Luktre Eng)sh Printa, Kh.wL .iwt HrMr' - " ' ' ' Cashmeres, Tweeds. Saltinetls.TKentneky Jeans. Bleached and Bro. Shirtings, Flannel: dec; die. ' iladieaXaitWi Gailer-. ' ' "m ' Seal V hiking Shoes 'v " ' ,J KidSltpp jSy .'"' Cork SoleeN " " Ladiee Morocco Booteee, From the Manufactory of Si Miles and Sen. imJi -M mZART? r LITCHFORljCiX Raleighte3ipt24th, IMi-h fX'M'rTft F A SI1 1 OADL E OMR Wfi'JS;;' " f Tf USTRBCEfVEp; byxpTeeat'biir Aott OJ -and Commission Store, fronT one' of the most ; fashionable Houses' lot Broadway an. assortment of Bonnsis of different styles .and patterns: "Si?fi ' ' - v . A. u. U I I 1 A. u. ePUl4lh, 1849. 51 ftTTTlLL rbeaold f Mdly fhfKtft&lfaZ yA Uaeioe to the EsUte of nh 4ate R. Gil, 4c via Joe, Austin, VloIt, tepberr Charlotte, and Jerry 8J U take place .at the Coort Jhtouse jloor, pa Satatnayj the zota vtobat.ii Tain s Six vtnoniha credit, yita Bond and tpft proved, seenrity . p$QJ0J4 r A& , Kaleigtv oepU,?9, iWi;A'Z?$S; 4 - . .r ; ..." ...v ha iu , W sJte Couaty,' fdrc; . ' y k - wa'. as Bos movement. itf-tner project oi ine t,zr. rtimtor fjentrai rto will attend thii stUr j ; car ii is believed tlxt LhiBirst and weira- el te Ctate depend r pea tbe iwmsdlate ahdecacerted aclion f the frienii cf the cause. y -e 3 jfi , , There . wiU be tmtjie; epeakiag expected. ' a. iwi . v"f A -WILL;. jtQOt; '-A t 5. i-:. , LV BARKER 11 :;d,- - J JOHNSTON t r- fjy "CHyptpera ItisiXZTT''' - VtJf nrOcla of Bagging ust to hand. ' Eala. Rcpa at Jod suppty.' It. pil2 w0r Auirustxtb, . ctf w bees; on the J un. Uctober next, far ts purpose of discussini Ihe' alLUnportint f. rl cf Lltrn&l Z.i kMtsv detorsl tzxt c.l cereone InUretlto; . "