MORNING, OCTOTBER 1849; " j-'.V, v'aiV4; vVffinlTiflCn' c nr r- 1a. "iin't PAtk Fir Sol- ntreetrTlffiiatttP,fcwor AdyertiMmU, iawrted is thi Smi-W.t R. ot ena-rgr. r- - 0 Letter to th Eiilwr mqH b-orr-fAio. r . " FIUE ! THE E rA ISlliA?iClCOMPA' X Y,- Q rr liar t ford, ; CpnnOflRrr to inure Building aDtl.Merchanilixe, giaittoMer dm;e bj M prvmiame to eailtbetimes. .- Taieis oue o(tbolJendbeft(asaraoeCoia paaiee io the United Stated and pa jf its loaM premptlj - . . v- ' . pplieatiooafor laauranee in Raleigbor lU i be madea . W.WHITING. :. - . v. - Agenl. A a J for M ilten, N. C. and vicinity , la . X. J. PALMER, Agent. . October, 188?vt A-r 3 FOR RENT, THE largn' and convenient Dwelling,'naar the old Biptiit Meetinghdnse Grove, with all theneee' t iry eat houses and i wo acres of land attached. . V Paesion will no given the first of January next'. G..SHAW. R.l-irh N'rv. 20. 1818. ; : . a n. t 93 SBJ - 4 To Revolutionary Claimants. FOR several yeart pat,iniany - Inquiries, and searches have been made, and without auccess, (or the official proofs of the grade and services . of the Officers in the North Carolina line, in the Wal of the Rtlmion : and lor the want. of aucb prools, ihs claimant for those services have been unable to e.tablinh and obtain pay for the same. This u to inform thoao intefsstod that the sab Mriber has turned his attention to laborious tKminaiioa of thousands if old papers 'and records iaths Capitol, aad after ranch lime and labor apent ia the aearehrbas'lonndamnng filae" long since Jammed ase.ese.-tho Records "Mn-qoestion, where ihaj ktd been misplaoed and apposed to bo loit bvwing tbe ofScial proof or the grades of thousands ofsuch officers; such as CotonHs, Lieutenant-Col-ousli Captains, LieaunanU and Ensigns (EJ" And the Subscriber will promptly attend to Utter to him adjressed. postage' paiaV catling VfolP rich proof; ani will rorWaTd official certificates in dui rm of Uw, of the grade of such officer, on reason ahls terms. - v - ; J,,H KIKKHAM. Raleigh N.C.. Jqno 10th, 1849. 8 tf.l $3000 WANTED' amHE Subscriber i anthoffoed to receive propo L, tali for a loan of Two Thousand . Dollars, in Bond of the City of Raleigh, for Five Hundred Dol lar each, payable after twelve months from the dale, at the pleasure of the parties, and" bearing interest at the rate ef air per cent per annam; payable semi ai neatly. - aV W. WHITING, ' City Treasurer. Raleirh. Mav 11. I49. 8g tf 1 CASE of Bay Bum, a superior article, for sale at the Drugstore of ; P. F. PESCUD. Angaat S.-449. - v 63 -TURNIP SEEDS. - If ARGE Norfolk, Rott Btga, Flat Dutch, and li A Bsansban s, jost received afirffor sale by P. F. PESCUD, Raleigh, Aug. 5, 1849. t3 By His Excel If ncy, diaries Manly. - - Governor. tAt State cf .Jprih Carolina. A PMfJLAM ATION, WHEREAS the Genera! Aa-tmhly di at their Imst Session; adobf a Reaoiuuotf in these vronla, 1 : fT'-t K Resohedy by the General Assembly of the State " of North Carolfnajthat the Governor'or theSute i; for the time being; be directed 'to sefaparr a dijf " in every year, and to-give notice thereof, by Pro i( clamation, as a dny of solemn' and nublic thanks- " cWinsr to Aln Ijhty God, Tor past blessings, and 6f iuppuoa'tvu ii uu whuuucu &iouacss ana. care 4 over us as Stateand as tf'Nation ' ' Nov, in compliance Ith thexTirectTon therefn tfvl n 1 f dn?hreby tef apart 1 THURSDAY:" THE FIFTEENTH DAY OP NOVEMBER NEXT, to be oheervedthrooghdurthis State as a day of gen eral Thanksgiving; and Pratae to Almighty God: ana I do recommend ana earnestly desire tnai ail seevlar emtrtoytnenti mai be' inspended daring the dsy, and that att 'Minlstrs of the Gospel, with their congregauontj iQfiy essemDlerin 'tneir respecure Churches, and naite'in'rederttj'jgTatitode nd praise to the Creator and Governor of the earth; for theblessiugs of Peace; for exemption from the rarf. ges of Pestilence ; for the abundant 'ffuts 6f the earth and for all the other nnnifold bounties $f his Providence, that have crowned the year and "to implore of him the eontinnanee of bis Fatherly good ness and Almighty protection over us and the whole people of the United States ; that we may be a peV pie fearing the Lord and walking in bis holy ways, and that peace and happiness, truth and justice, re ligion aud piety may ha established among us for alt generations.; , ' t Given under my hand and the Great 5 Seal of the State, at the. Executive Pe- parcmeni, m tne cy 01 . itaieiga, rnis 1st day of October A D.1849, and this 74th year of American Independence. By Order oftheboveraor, W ?GDNJ a MANLY,,; v. ,,s . -Mrir. Smndtrd and Times copy. mm fTnHE apderatgned taket thla metbod ef iaformip ' U, the Publishers of Wewapapera aod PeriodicaU iiTNorth CaroKna.' qJ the PqWic ffeBerally, that he haa leased the Paper Mill, about 3' biles from Raleigh, procured T.he rriee of finished operatives, parebased the necessary stock; and is now prepared to make and rdrnlsh any a'moant of Piper to order, He asks a trial only for his Paper,- as ho la deier mined to give .aatisfaciMU' ia it, or cease its menu factnre. . '.f.uv. -1 - ' - - IMPERIALj'SUPER-RQYAL, MEDIUM JPackase arid Wrabius Paner. nianu factored at'ttie shortest' notice and the most moderate prices. " - To oaconrage r irbitao Iodustr,, Is, under all cjrcamstances,' commendable antf proper; and it is ww,r wnea inconrv; so, wo sacrifice Tnolbiog or seirea. . Addffa V .v; v. ' Raleigh, Ao 24, 1P49. ' . -1 , BS lia Recent Pnbllcdtlous irceived ut the IV. C; Rookstore. ItaletgU: CJODTHEY'S Common Place feook. ' 3 ' tiyelP second visit to the IT. Statea Oieder lompendiatn Of Ecclceiasucal History. MayTjew'a Magle ofKiudueaa. ? :. Daote'a Difioe Comedy : The tnferue. Chalmers1 rwthomma Works, in seven tola. MlvilIe's Type. - . kaxtoo's LiU4u the Far West. - History of .VVouderful Invsniiona Beecher'Jjacarnatioe. My Uncle, the Cerate. Melyille's Mardi. Agnes Morris. ... , . . Lamarlina' ifinnSra of mw Vnll fr " . w vi w.w . umiuq Vrstieit rjy ievar. Abbott o Histories, eomimsinr Marv Oueea of scow, ,naries let, Alexander loo Great, Hannibul, Queen Elizabeth, Charles 2nd, Marie AateiueUe, JuliusCaesar". ... n . . .. r -- '&taioolab. ' Acton, or the Circle of Life. Rileighj'An 18, 1S49: 6S TNTW Novel. The Wojdman, a Romance JJNI of, the Timeo of 'Richard 3d; by G P. R. James,' Esq. This day received at Tamer's JVv . ....... C. BOOKSTORE. . Angnst 18, 1849. - . ' 66 LADIES', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. r til, II IS day received, by Express, from the man- . nfactory, ; " ' . . Between 200 and 300 Pair; comprising a rraud assortment of . " ' . 1 Ladies Kid aud Morocco Wlkior Shoes, Buskins - audTiea, ,. . ' do do .' do" Slippers and Ties, . do Boarded Buskin Walking Shots, Muses Goat Skin Bootaes, Children do .do For sale by J. BROWN, No. 0, Fayette vUle St. Raleigh, Aug. 23. 1849. 68 HEW BOOKS. OUTHEY'S Common Place Book, No. 2, History of the Bible Society - Tldreths IPuitory of the C. States, ol.' 2d, Lyelfs visit' to' the U. States, new edition, Magic of Kiddness. by May hew, Lift for the Lazy. The Poel QSVriog, for 1850 edited by Mrs. Sarah J. Hals, with 9 apleudid Illustrations.. . Received' this day at Turner's V " N. p. BOOKSTORE. Angnst2f.'i849.' . . .. S Notlcer The attention of Phy&itiant and Dealen in Medicines is invited to an eiaminstion of my Slock on hand, whirh has heen sehxted for the Patf trade. All my powdrred Gums, Roots. &c, such as Tur key Opium, Turkey snj East India Rhubarb, Jarap, Ipecac, dtc i were divetel of all impuriliev previous to being powdered ; and every Reticle of Medicine csrefutly selected with special regard to its purity. I have nearly all tbe new preparatious noticed in the late Medical Journals. A full aupply of r lass ware, Iustrnuients, And, in a word, the most desirable stock of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, . IIS I have ever offered t the public, t - , r - Physicians and Dealers generally, who have bkh. erto bought their supplies ia Kortnern Markets, msy save a great deal of trouble and expense by encoor aging ray Esubliahmeiit. ''' - All orders, accompanied with the cash, or good City references, will be attended -to' with' neatness and dispatch- Prescriptions', and Family Receipts, com poo a Jed stall hoars of the- dey end night by careful and experienced 'Apothecaries ; An inCreiie of patronage Is respectfully solicited. ' - ' p. F PESCUD. Aponecrj an Druggt. Bafelea. epjj Slt, . 1 849. 76tf New Goods'! vNew Goods!! ; 4 "R B daiiyeeei vine; their Fail supply of Staple band FancirDfv Goods, and would especially caU attentfou to their rich and varied assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, consisting in part of Chao'geabfe Satin Du Cheen, Lupin's best Merioos,' Cherry Green,' Crimson, Scarlet and Mareen, Silkrstnpe Claren'does,'- Embroidered CashmSfes, Brocade Chameleon, " ' " . Solid" and faoey.Csshtneres, i . Black Gros' de -Rhioe . . . ' Plain and Fancy 5ilk, ' - - . ": Silk velvet tiimmiugs of all colors, " . Ladies' and Gentlemen's French JCid Gloves,. Belt and Bonnet Ribbons of-alt styles and colors ; Blaek'and chaogeabre French Visites, .. . Wroogftt Lace Capes, ' ". i " French work Coll.ra, , Lisle and Thread Edging,' .'Muslin Edgings and I overlings, - '. ' Thread Bobbin, Victoria Cord; Etc. fc. " r September 21,' 1849.' - 76 I SOT Standard and Star eopy.- , i. Scott & -White.' Wholesale aud ITptait Dealers iu STAPLE FANCY DRY P00DS, Feralen'knd American Manursctur including e'E .feeeived jeuperior taortment of For eign ahdDopestio Gobd. suitable' foe the fall and Wintet trsde, embraclDg all 'the. styles of a w a s complete assortment'of Csrpetttigs' Rags, Scc all ot which will bO'sold tfpnn pTeasing terms.TTSey res pectfully incite the attention of purchasers gentral- Pelersburg. Sept. 20, 1S4B. 78 Tf2m if orlU. Side, .3d Ioor JCust; of Calvert ... . STREET,. BALTIMORE,1 MD. ' Tnff OO R E IN M A N, Merchant Tsilors, res lYii pectfully iuvite attention to their stock of rea dy made Clothing, or every variety, cot and made in a superior'style, and not surpassed in priced iiuisb, or quality.' ' Alwaya on hand, superior Cloths, CasstmereS, Vesting, -d, in' their custom- department, which will be made to order in the i most fashionable style. Genllemeu wishing to order a fine suit, without tbe expense ef ooouug to Ballinxnre, can do so by -sending their measure to1 MAt, I- stating, color, qaalitv. JStA. which wilL be attended 4o with-the same care. as if the purchaser were present. hey feel confi dent of giving eutire. satisfaction,, to al. who.ayor them with their orders, etihfr by letter, or. iu person. " 0"Mr. IiShian is the ae'eut for Shaokland'a ijm- rior system of drafting' Garments terms for books. apparatus and instruction, $10. Baltimore, Feb: 3.; 11 ly Old Arrangement THE Subscriber most resp ectfulfy . inform their cutotoers an'd the nublic ' eenerallv. that thev too, fr the purpose of reducing their feUock.'and ma- Ling ro4m for a new Fall supply, will sell'at reduced prices for cuh. We have slso btsined the services of Thomas snd IsiiCi R. R K. It. as Cutters: who spent seven years each; in the City of Baltimore, where they graduated as' Artists or the first water; have been living for the Isst twelve years in this City,' In some of the most respectable houses, and can nighly re commend themselves as to ability in their profession, and in pwint of moral character, they are some ponkins." They have alweye lived in the North eUate, viait the North twice a year, and try to find out by reading the papers; not only what is done in France, but alto in Hungary, and have wound up by diskivtring that the Dutch have taken Holland. OLIVER 6c PROCTER. July, 19. 68 Medical College OP TUB STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA. THE LECTUKES of this Institution will com mence on tbe firt Mends v in November, and terminate the firt Saturday in March, on the foilow- ug branches: J. E. HOLBROOK, M. D., Anatomy. J. BELLINGER, M D tt urgery. E. GBDDINGS, M D., Insthutes and Practice. JAMES MOULTRIE, M. D.v Physiology. HENRY. R. FROST M. D., Materia Medka. . THOcJ.13. PRIOLEAU, M. D Obstetrics. U. 8IIEPAKD. M D Chemistry. P. JULIAN RAVENEL, M Demonstrator of Anatomy. r - , , . Ihe Anatomical Room will ne opened on the 1st dsy of November, under the Direction of the Demon strator. Clinical Lectures will be delivered by Drs. CAIN and HAYNE, at the Marine Hospital and Alms House. Sursicsl operation famished by the College Hos- p'tsl are performed before the Class. Good boarding and lodging can be obtained at from three to four dollars per week. JAMES MOULTRIE, M. D. Desn. Chailesion. August 27, 1849. . w6w 68 Brilliant Lotteries. For October, 149, J. IT. MAURY 5c CO., in AX AGE ITS. 53,000 Dollars, 916,000! . $16,000! V1KGIN1A STATE. LOITER Y, Fop the Benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class No. 12.1, for 1849, to he drawn at Alexandria, Vtu, on Saturday, the 13th of October, 1849. . 15 DRAWN NUMBERS OUT OF T8! (Making nearly as many Prizes as Blanks I) SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Prise of $53,000, 2 of 16,000, 1 of 10,178, 6 I 5,00b, 10 Prizes of 2,000,. 10 of 1,000, 10 of 500, j-e TickeU $15 II aires $7.50 Quarters $3,75 Eighths 1.87 J. Certifkatea of packages of 26 Whole tickets $180,00 .Do do of 26 Half do. 90 00 Do do of 26 Quarter do 45 00 He do of 26 Eighth do 22 50 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificate of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will re ceive the most prompt attention, and an official ac count of each' drawing sent immediately after it U over to all who order .from us. Addis J & C MAURY, Agents. Alexandria, Va. ROANOKE NAVIGATION COMPANY. TTfjHE annual meeting of the Roanoke Naviga Jl;. iion Company will be held at Weldon N. C. on Tliurday, tbe S5lh of October next. . , A. JOYNER. September 17, 1849. w3w 75 rjy Standard copy 3 times. .BOXES of -Turpentine and variegated Soaps fur aala cheats bv box nr.nonnd. - Wtr.T.iiuS H AYWOOD '& CO. WILLIAMS, Sept. 17, 1849., , 75 Samuel Kirk & Son, Cold and Silrer Smiths, PTo. 172, Baltimore Street, r 523ou31oatraatpa 'CQdU; TtVTT AN H FAOTURtT" and Kara al ways on hand, Jyjiy" large' amount Of 'Silve?, TaWe, and Tea Spoons, Forks of all sixes. Sugar Tongs. Soup Ladles Butter Knives, Salt Spoons, Silver Tea Sella, Pitch ers, Vases, Urns, Dishes, AW;-" ? -l They ere continually receiving by direct importa tions, all the new style; Plated Castors, Baskets. Candlesticks and. Waiters, aaearjy . as they appear iu the Foreign markets. Also, fine .Table Cutlery, Gold, Patent Lever and Lepiae .Watches Jewelry of every. description, j January. 10. .1 . ' . 16 y Tennessee: Land,; FIFTEEN HUNDRED ACRES of First Rste WoodLsnd.ln West Tennessee; are offered for bale, or in Exchange for Laud in Wake,. or some adjoining County. Apply to tbe Editor of this paper. Raleiab. Sejl 24th, 1849 . 77 5w Old Java Coffee and Crushed Sugar " just received. . ALSO ON'HaND, A few pieces of WHITE FLANNELS, snilahle for the ee-ion. , ' J BRO YjX... JUST received, and for sale, a large lot ofPhiTa adrlphiaCalfSkina O L BURCH & CO refuse's Faniilf aud PLnu tail orr THESE MEDICINES 1 MAINTAIN A HIGH CHARACTE RAT HOME AND AB ROAD. - - HOUSE'S INDIAN TOISliC. - ' Among the' many remedies offered to the. public for Intermittents (Chills or Aevc asn Fxtaa,) none is so good, or cures so quick, a IIocsks Tonic. In three hours a perfect -cure is effected. It is alto remedy in Bilious and Remittent revers. Price 91 per bottle. ' Extract of a'letter from Reri F. A. Owen, of Mem phisdated NotemberltS, 1843. Mr Dea Sia : I have tried the Indian Tonic in six different eaes, and find it efficacious in a very high degree. It arrested the chift in every instaree, and as yet there hss been no return I cheerfully give this testimony, thst others may be induced to use a remedy both safe and efficacious In curing Chills and Fever. F.A.OWEN. HOUSE'S PILE OINTMENT. A soothing: and rapid cure for PILES Blind or Bleeding and for Burns, Bruises, Fresh Cuts, Msshes, &c. Tt is a perfect pain extractor. (TrSe wrapper for certificates ' Price 1 00 prr bottle. . HOUSE'S VEGETABLE PILLS. The great value of this Pill, as a general Family Medicine, can be easily known by a trial, or by ask- ng those who have. I bey are tbe only reliable cure for Rheumatism. Price 25 cents a box. A friend at Russell ville, Ky., writes: ' Mr. Stsrling lis just arrived from Hopkinsville. He ssys his-mother wss afflicted for years with Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Upon the recommen dation of the Rev. N. H. Hall, of Lexington, Ky , who bad been perfectly cured by House's Vegetable Pill, she got a sopply, and haa been made as sound aa in early youth, and can run all over Hopkins ville. AGENTS .Will. Peck A Son, Raleigh; P.S. Rogers. Newlight, Wake; P. J. Brown, Louisburg; Samuel Harriss, Franklin Co.; Chambler and Pip pin, do. ; Will. B. Ellington, Hayesville, Granville, P. V. Duke A Co., do; Wm. Whitfield do; Bryant D.Rice, Nash; M. H. Deams, Stanhope; William Vann,' Venn's Mills, Sampson; J. d; W. Johnson, Clinton do; Abrnm Hobbs, Sampson Co j A Monk, do; Collier and Peacok, Benfonsvill,' Johnson Co.; Powell Blackman, Johnson; L. W. B. Adams do; Micajah Coxy Wayne Co; Eli Snsser, do; A. E Gill, Wayne; N." B. Daniel, StAntonsburg; Isaac Scarbrongb, Edgecombe ; David Smith, Sampson; Lewis Carroll, Edward Vail, do ; R. Parish & Son, Sampson; G.S. Bronson, do; Wm.H. Hood, Eagle Rock, Wake. - Dr. A. F. Coopers.' Spluo-Abdomi-. ual Supporters. THE Subscribers have on hand a supply of the above valuable supporters, winch are recommend ded tor ell persons, afflicted with muscular debility, Round shoulders, or prolapsus Uteri - Proff: Morr thinks they are very well adapted for some varieties of iucipieat spinal distortions, as they afford the useful combination of shoulder brace and Abdominal supporter, with very decided support to the spinal column. The above braces are recommended by the Physi ciaua generally, who have seen them, aud we have sold a number to citixen of this place, who are high ly pleased with them. A gentleman observed a few days, since, that he had been wearing a rery celebrated body brace for some time, and that he would not give oue of the above, for fifty such. " They need no puffing as they speak for them MUtm." PESCUD &l JOHNSON. O" The above Supporter -is au improvement en Dr.EL Crains celebrated Spino-Abdomiual Supporter. Jan. 12. 1848. (Standard.) FOR SALE, A WELL improved lot in Henderson, Granville County, N. C, and a lot adjoining, with a parcel of wood .land contiguous, containing in all THIRTY TWO ACRES. .Possesvion given be tween the 15th October and the 1st, January. Por Particular description and terma, address HUNTER , HARRIS. Henderson, Sept 17, 1849. 75 w4w fXT" Standard 4 times and charge this office, . Livery Stable. t tt-f 4 . rTTIHE 'Subscriber' after returningf hisgraieful LI thanks to the Public; f5r the' veryHberal and generoot patronage, hitherto el tended to him t would respectfully ' give notice that h continues to prose cute his line of buiness In all ' its branches, with promptnesa and efficiency. His Sa1ls;sre clean andseommodious, and his Ostler experieuced and aU tenure ; indeed no pains or' expense nave been ot shall be spared to render ssltsfaetKm - to alh'who pafi ronixe his Establishment.'' " ' He will keep constantly oh hand; for hire, HACKS, BUGGIES, IlAItlfESS . '. " ' I."';: " : HORSES will be boarded by the day, week, month or year, eu the mot moderate lerrns, Drovers. will fid ths a central, poait ion, and a most conve nient one for effecting sale pud they will always find ample accommodation for any num ber of Horses, however large- , ... ; ., The. Subscriber hopes lb et , his .friends and tbe Public ,will continue U give him a f trial, ft is H that he sake. . . . , , JAMES M., HARRISS Rateigh. September 28, 1849. 78 ly STThrfh BAG3 Shot assorted, for sale by v dDUL JU -PEEBLES,- WHITE DAY1K Peter burg, July 35th, 1849. GO JOB PKINTING Neatlr executed at this Office. Affnc, Bilious, Typhus aud all Fe I vers JOysentery OJidJDlarrliopa. I III the COmilienCemPllf. it Isl Cif xatscxnlsslea intrwtaaea I w . . 7 . 3 a ---w wvvaHw i,ivV1 seiw vvff in view of a speedy cure; jbat a.jfnJ(dos pitla-ba. taken at Once, beeaue. the ho mora wjicli., produce disease oTlLii rlaia, are al way of the mot t malignant, poisoqousaatityv and iio safciyto, lifejaxisi w'hUe any portion, remams snjhf bowels. or the blood Should the firt dose riot cure, he not alarmed, hut reiterate that dose?'. SbJonfd the t very putrid, of bad odor nnnatural color, Xc'Aici besidee Ufingfour or six 'pltfsjnice'adayjtake'a tea-,' spoonful of powdered cnafcoaV n Water eey day.' while these sy mploms continue et" Vour diet lie light, and of easy digestion, as arrow Vopt,' rice" pud ding, Indian meil gruel; also, sheep' head broth with rice and a iiiece of cinnamon boiled in it; 'or calves head broth: 17 Sheep's Tiead makes the best diet ifV it Jw boiled tintil the bones are clein.' As a rule, the first dose of pillar eures when timely ured.'vSomeumes; toreeor lout ooes may ae necessary.' There are rises in which it' takes weeks -to cure ; but th'cv Hlo hot occur once in a thousand "times. - In any event no or pian oi treatment is better than that above recommended, or will sooner 6re Sd-Vooi as the irritating matters are removed, so eoon y ou will he well, and not before. Aoodvnes snd astriftrenta have a drjetsrioua effect; because they oceastonf tfie retention of that death principle which- alone cause dysentery, diarrliara, cholera, and all other diseases; according to ile excess over the principle of life;- But Hranuretu7 Pills are opposed to this as water is to fire, or as4ieat is to cold ; and when 1 bey are taken into a man, they, go to work boldly to drive this death principle from the body, and all tbey can do but if there be work, for fifty doses, one dose must not be expected to do the work of fifty. . And this truth sbould always be kept in mind. .. . , , Let not tue patients frighten . themseLves with the idea that they are -too weak to bear much purging ; but bear in mind that thee mildly operating Pills of Dr. Urandreth put not weakness, into I ha frame, but draws weakness out,Ieaving strength in its place. and give composing sleep al night, and aa appetite to relish any food.' - ( . . .t THE BRANDRETH PILLS Are composed wholly of medicinal. E?rbe,and do net contain any mineral or chemical substance ; are per fectly harmless to the most tender age or weakest frame ; and nevertheless sure to search out the cause of the sickness and produce a CUKE, whatever may be its character, when taken in lime, and in quanti ties sufficient. The Brandreth Pills are sold at 25 cents per box, by v ibl,. fCUK & SUA, Kaleign, and-by one agent in every town in the United State; 'and in' al most every city throughout the world.. . Let all he careful where they buy or they will, obtain a coun terfeit. Buy only, of men whose, characters you know to be above so mean an action ai to sell a false for the true Brand re th's Pills.' Observe the six signatures of Dr. Brandreth' on each box; August 22, 1649. 7. NEW GOODS. FALL AND WINTER Supply of.. Family Groceries justfohand and constantly receiving. which we will sell for small profits. . . Santa Cruz, Porta uico. New Orleans Crushed and Refined Sugars, : Java, Rio and Laguirs Coffee, , - Impet-ial' and Gun Powder Teas, Molasees and Vinegar, Pepper, Ginger and Spice, Starch and Copperas, Calf and Lining Skins, Shoes and "Shoe Threads, 8ole and Upper Leather, Bed Cord arid Plow Lines, Cigars and Snuff, Shoe Blacking and Lamp, Axes and Hand Bellows, Brown .and white' Soap, Sperm,' Adamant and Tallow Candle, Tin ware assorted. Castings and wood Ware, Stone ware assorted, Nails and Buekets, Flour, Meat, Baron and Lard, Cut and Roe Herrings, Shad and Mullets, Dundee and German Bsjginj, Rope and Twine, . - Air light snd Box Stove.' WM. PECK SON. Raleigh, Sept. 19th, 1819. . - ? - 7 8w New Jewelry Store, -w. ii. t no mf so r -Would respectfully ; inforni the citizens of,J Raleigh and its vic nity, that W has "oprus ed a choice stock Of Watcliee aiid-Jewelryr sale, part of the store occupied by Mrs-Thompson - . a t . a a a - . as a Altllinery esiaonsnmeni,' wnere no oners-lor Gold and Silver Watches, warranted correct time keepers ; the latest styles of , FASHIONABLE JEWELRY r - ' such as Guard, Vest and Fob Chains J Cameo, afoue aud mourning Broaches ; 'Plain', Chased aud ' Stone Rings 'Gold Pens and Pencils; Gold and :Sifre Thimbles ; Studs; Collar and Sleeve Buttons Ekr Rings, Gold and Silver Spectacles, &c., - Fancy Goods and Fine Cutlery ; all of which trill be-sold cheap. Watches, Clocks and Jewelery repaired jo superior style..-01d. Gold and Silver taken in ex change. 1 ' , . -. . v. ,. ; Sept. 21, 1849. , tS. Crn WINDOW GlASSi )EV, BOXES from 8 x 10 to 34 x 33 in Store, Q . P and foe sale, low. by . WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, 4-CO. ; Sept. 17, 1849 : 76 J Tl PORTED; A H D AXrjUBlXICAill SEPTEMBER 25. 1849. n. TTrVnvrieatikhtToii to our sMortmen', tmpotti WXt kd bv 'onrselves, 'shJ fust 10'hand pecjshfn CALEB UK1M3HAW, ia new ur. greaf variety or ' urjicaxi Manulactare , v ., Emllr icins'eome entirely new designs iand palterak . w . . . ' .. -M i -IT bv - l-r r t tobe tonnd elsewhere. -U tosw assortment be found ' ; ' ' I Rxu iDportedTanetry BruseeU. . f ,. will c Do uo sngue. . U Do , do 3 -Ply.Imperial Ingrained. Do do : exiiaeuper', . do r , Do do " . and , . American'; aiiperfine., and. fine.dcv . . ... . ' - ..? Also paage and stair Carpeting, Rugr, Floor C ot i, Baizes, Oil Cloths, 8uii Linens. C-pet Bindingi otc., aU of which we will Ukp i lessors in shewing. ; JOHN STEYBNSON Bollingbrook street, a few doors from Sytemre. Petersburg, ciepiember, 3Q, 1819. , - 79 6w. OOllARD'S HAIR WASH AND POMADE v; 'npirJlei justly pejurar andf dmired preparaQon; neeJs hut a trial to use no other ; a supply just received end for sale at the Drug Sture of? " WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, Sl CO., August 5th, U49. 63 fFFJCllirelvi 1, - Lawrence's HoUlNortS SP aid t4 tbeCdnrt IlouseiMr 1 ' ft i:ivt . snm iji J-otOninge; ATaniSii Wnlte a; a CbaeeMIntpNrCMay '1849 nCntthaninT rJlii4t5f ffji ' r -nKFFERS bi Profeeeieaal tervhreslolBi fthsn HJrof Ralefeh ;ud yieiaitTHe may always ie t ouudat ifux j-edeee- afM mma TnckerEsq 3Itfu rnqc.2ola f soap makers andhefsxaaryy ' be supDlied .'with an v onantJtv f thia artiel from the Prog : -Store .of u , VOiDONTIN 13, a tnbstdeUgfatfal paste, lbrre IIP fntingithe decay on thsfTeeth and renderragr tnem;beannliUly.wJitefoeale by- ; s f ?i.pi , v LIHUAMHATWQOD, A CO, August isl dtb, J849; srf'f jftt v'ft V-?--63 i5 FRESH suraily of Tewnseada- SenAi. aaJ Brialots. iu stere and or aal Kr ? ; ' V I ELI A M ST HAY, WOijiC 3sT i l.leign;Sep7,184trti; CO- .72 ;vgC-f; f fff WORTH f m XJ XsrlWttimt -Rail Road BdhrJs?riaorsea hrmmttf S3 iSaGw IP 32 . fr&OUSSEL'S anrivalled Shaving Cream' alee v rery irarSety, for abavthg ' and the r Soaps ef -every iMixu r or sale. ' f WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD. k'M Raleigh, Sepl.7, JS49. -UH,i' i ' ??7Jr iK- j X KE E&ER and BrotheK V ewe-: i iu'y bojich aneniwn to meir Jresb stocsi niu, JsJngluti, French. Gctman and 'American JSrves. MedV-. clues, Chemicala, ;Paiul.OiU,Dyeluf5,Glasjiware, imiiranjr, raiem jeaicmes ye. naving opened new stores No. 294MaketSi;f with a full supply of " Fresh Drugs And - Medietne's, wo' respectfully solicit ? Country dealers to examide bur stock before pnrent sing elsewhere, promising one and all who may feei '' disposed to extend to ns their patronage, to selMheos gen uine Lrpg and Madieinee; en as liberal terms as any other house . fo theCity,and tofaithfally execttte ? all orders entrusted to ns promptly and wHh 'dus One of the proprietors being a realar . phyaicisiij aixord ample guarantee of the ffenume oaality of aU articles sold" at their establishment- We evpeeiaTly invite druggists and 'ednnlir mer. chants, who may 'wish to become agenta' OrlJDr.; Kxlers Cekbrotid: JainUy-Medicines, (atandsld ahdi 1 popnlar remedieff,)no forward theif addrlr ! Soliciting the patronage of dealers we rprpsclal ly remain, r 'V:- J. N. KEELER & BRO.,- Wholesale Drugisfs. , ,t - v -No. 294 MukeVstreet Philadelpl''e. Sept. 16th, 1849? .vl 1t The Freight Tr A- JS D brought - ns a large and Tery fihe assert Jr ment of the best STAPLE QOODS. CaU- anU examine, v- ., . j-. v - t-tj. ,V - : HEARTT $ UTCHFjORD; v R-OfigiySept. 18th1849 t -7 , TpUKNITUREg. darrjageCoach ZodjSifrn?: Uj "d Leather, direct . from the .Manufacturer.' C winch we warrant Jo give satisfaction, jdst received '; at the Drng Store of '.. - WILLfAMS, HAYWOOD, 4- CO. Sent, 17 1B4 ' i . ' . . f - Additional Supplier EM B KOIDE RED and Flounced Wonted Eober, r rencn OJroc d Uashmeresy - a f rc oona vutorcarogusn-sierinos, t ?i- a - m . a -are a a . t t t . Chameleon LusUeS, English TrUuw baw a arid Hosiery, biz ttt, - Jt.-A Cab meres Tweeds, Sattinetts. Kentncky ,, Jesns, J Bleached and Bro. Shirtings, Flannels, die. dee. :itn Indies JiaUng Gaiters , HsJsgi,t;::, Kidinpe LorlvSolcs -iu, Ladies Morocco I Bootees, x rum tne Manutsctory oi J. m lies ana omu -, "J; v f. HEAOTT' 4',I4TCMPdR0. I RaIeigh;Sept24th, .1849. , m UsTltECEIVEBv b7':i0tfj: y iin J Commission 8tdre, front onV of the most t asbionsble Houses in Broadway an. assortment of -Bonnets of diflerent sty les i'andpatterBsVr"' - :'21 - 'a- k m - f aAi PURLlOJiALE TmriLL besbld ' (for61f &rohr Negtpsfbe VV- tongfii t(r?t6e Estite of ihi later! Vft R Gale,' dee'di Va v. Joe, Austin, Viefet SrephenV'1 , Charlotte, and Jerry, , Sale Sd Uke placihnT, Court House doer, on Saturday, the 20Ur October- Tsrjis Six months .creditilh Bowt and? ap- ,1 proved securityt . . t -C. B. x00T,fAdnrr4d ; P ltileiKh;'Sefc$4?C; fTnHERE wUS he k PuoucMnilLdf aCAo? It burn; Wake County: formerly hue wa as Bbs- J bees, ea the Ifth October next T.r 'lis purpose' ot Movement. It is desired that .all -perfone InUretisi in the project of tr2VsrtA;tWirrt?e road wit! attend thhr mVstiog "aSt' Ufieved thstfe the interest and welfarefel the' Staterdepend-Upon A theinmMdiate 'andeoBceTted action of thefriessf the cause. '..j ; -j ...-s' , : 4 . . T; Tlusre will bepnelie spesahig expected- ffve.. - , S PARKER EANDTic- . - -JOHNSTON BUS BEE,. -;Ai . -fyi. g., x. a v rYruvva- Cotton Batteirig and Xlope. A heavy article of Bagging just to band- Bale Rope a,: good supply. WM. PECK & HO A. ' Auguft 4lh, 1849. - tt Jw-- 7 "4.

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