r.r- r f r; we would UdoajbyOatidwe copy Jh article alio- V,. ... October 8th. 1849. rery ves- Mr Eirfei: J jbte seen thAntSiareiy and cook .leaUaruReverdtf: Johnson The jT-4 sfe- iv V! o Sirw f - OFFICE OF UTEJURT BOARD, f Standard re. flBd thlt Faaaora'1 - 0 J c ites nt mat satisfaction to copy an article so ODosalIyfifrwij pro-SUyery fauticiim and cxttb as wji3 wnica isiiows iromine Kaieiga a. Thstis tuewheltef It." ?And whst "now. does the pQblie soppceerom the eatery that baa been raised, follows this brief beading in the Antl 81a .very Standard t Ths readers 64 the Hornet's Nest Our are the plans pt fair delightful peace, Unwarp'd by party rage tcrllTe like brothers. R ALE IGftfeCy Saturday, Cctober43,1849r THE LATE FRENCH MINISTER. ; The late French MinUtey "to this " wuntrjf has much reason to exciaun, tsaveT ine: from niy friends." The only apology which we bare seen set up for hia indecorous . language, in the corres pondence with tAx Clay uSfro!lTOrretmily been published, is based pn'hia sjipposed igno rance and stupidity. 'The language used is ad- ix vri .:u ..;Wmhqto,Ocu 9tb 1849. r" We Whigs here are not in the very besf spirits in the world, owing to the unferward result of the election in Georgia and Maryland. But .".better luck next time,", as Jacob Faithful wouldsay I understand that a erood dm) rtf ill tmei mr nMt SlaYery. eontainine concessions to the North. Noth- P Mr. KeverdyJohnson and Mr. Pearce. which Jngor i he siod.An. article from the Register of baa doubtless contnbated to the defeat of the Autast 15th, on the Esnionace of the Malls" is WM Tt k.. .w t copied-and thU brief expression abore. is the mon- - eC Tf. . - Wr airoasacomiam,mplimeijt,brisrhatyoa will, JOIlnsoni M member of the Cahinethas used of which sehamysterioa&rff7P-Aeadmfi7M0M his influence for the promotion of his peculiar Our neighbor of the " Times" has properly ex- I am unable to say how far the aflecation is true. posed; in the foregoing judicious obserrauons, the but there can be no doubt that it has exerted an quixotic attempts of . a. ponfoh of the Locofoco unfarbrable influence upon the Whigs. The rress in tne estate, abettetf , by a few reckless mis- leua in tbe Whig ranks onghiated with the war ctuet-maxer8y4to .make; capital out of. this pal- speech of Mr. Johnson in the U. S. Senate, in much noise. . I.qnojte ftom rnetobryfas the paper i¬ ngvr, before me, but am sure that J give the sskb stance of the cutegyi The editor oTjbeJBtaad ard copies an. article from the Kegisterr entitled " Espionage' of the Mails," and prefaces it by say ing, we copy the following article , from" the Raleigh (N. C.) Register," with Dfeasure. be cause it contains less of thepro-slaYery cant tlian A ,CouWT" is usval in tltat quarter This b the entire eu A,nder lOSTOm" as neariv at I can it t i. .w Auunauce braced in a single sentence, and as you will peri Anson ceive. eires onlv: a, ooanw nrmr4ftT-a (u Ashe article cdmed froni'the Rpnctpr f k I rSeauiort article.' and form a it to enntain nAithor nnuU I rtertie nor anti-slaverr Cant. nor cant eit nv Yt Bladen was merely statement of the laws relating to the Brunswick Post Office establishment, with nk remarlra nn I XSUnCOmoe on the nullification proceedings in Sbotn Carolina recenuy, oy ine yiguance committee, as the oc casion called for. - t V , , The " Anu-Slayenr Standard" ranta the wildest and most fanatical of the Abolition papers. It is so uhra that it will hare no fpllow- shin whh the Free Soil Tiartv 'unA far 1m. witK 1 A J V aiM AVM WW I . . r wuic yi iue nuu r una ior ine year IC4. among tne serexaiijogsv orthe8UprxofConSc ordered thefonowiTabalarSteter im tiT?? J! Fed.PoP0lalof each County, the Spring slid nJir HD .of the Falstribuuon will be paid to the persons entitled to recdrelnesameoi. prorrapphcatKmtothe XreasnryiDep 'CHAS,mANU i J y . uT Federal Populauon. t Spring Distribution7r aU Uistribuuon. Total Distribution; Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden Catawba, Carteret Caswell try matter; by magnifying a molehill into amoun- 1847, . which your readers will remember, was a,bP wrth the Fr . .ii-..i-i. i m ... . . I the Whifl. North or South. It Kn Ton I l?:w. were neiQ some- pnexany otasteiui me Whig party, and called fimV nKtbtili&S&toV Cherokee " j - '"i ouu lama utn iroir irum ivir. i wim ine rv niM oi rvnrth i Tmrwiin it w ka vuuwau such encomiastic comment' upon the part of the! Pearce. Mt. Johnsonls on all hand admitted tn unblushing adrocate of a Dissolntinn nftK TTnirn Anti-Shrerr Standard iTnerer beinsr'. favored be eminemlv oualifipd hv his nnr li .tfin. The imputation of blame to the Resrister. because mated by the Locofoco Presi to I bfrensire: but witka.sight of that she) but our incredulity is ments for the office of Attorney General : and his J.0', ?t' LJT then, on the other handi ' MPbassin; entertains nqcbansapi disgust, at the opinion upon the question of salfage, in' the case . thing to approre, is absurd an'd ridiculous. If the the most friendly sentiments towards " the Ameri-1 little efforts which hare been made, to excite pre- of the French. vesselsaTed by, Capt Caroender. Southern people will entertain no opinion in com- can people and CrOTeraine'-'kVVQi antohWf j"g' about -.a - matter, -"wbick. turns has extorted jpraise from all ;men possessing the I011 me Northern abolitionists, the must . j-...V r,i -'VLj' ;tif. I l-.. . . . abandon some of then most cherished Tiews in o.ourireeuuiuoiis.anasi y 7 WTT , inaimiaw Religion and PoUtics. The AboUtionists are al raace of " diplomatic usage." ecordtng to bis Wbat does all this ridiculous tempest in a tea- his first official act cajeujatedto elitpubuc atten- most universally in favor of FreeTrade.of the Sub friends, he seems to fhaie supposed that the iropu- P01" amount to 1 Wby, it seems, that the An- tion, and raTnis he has much reason to congratulate Treasury, and in a word of Democratic policy. nf miriinlaiafidt'iUmnmfinm. ti-Slavery Standard" destgnates. as free from "fa- himself and bk. friends urxm the successful dia. Are the Southern Democrats ready to abandon all these principles because they dislike their compa- sisieni wuu tuptomauc usage, aoa uie remsai oi r , uc "a ny 3 Will they make another man's folly their the American' pbvemmeBt:toV: mtefcoarse ' rV.f August 16i with regard to:an Es- influenced by hb'petsonal Ukes'and'dislikes in the wisdom? In hke manner, should sane men a with liinC' ')wvSe&tmlfl the" Peonage of me maus, and theBarret case in South bestowal of patronage, I know iaot : but I am in- bandon all their ideas of civil liberty, the liberty Unkn,M 5f ai calculated to do rery linle credit to Americanu'iplornacy in the eyes bTth jPorVL' To arrive at.sucb a Yiey bQhe .tiuestion, it seems to us that a man must "set "out 'from oiie' iJf two points : he must either set a very . low. esdmate upon the honor and dignity of h own'countiy, or ebe he must, consider the French Minister a fool, and bis language unworay Poussin entertains the high respect and regard for the American people and .;Goveroroent, whicEhis organ, the Union and rjth'er newspapers, " at", tribute to him, he must be exceedingly obtuse, or ill-bred, to suppose his language compatible with friendly and courteous mtercourseHejs doubt less mortified af the loss of bis place, and in con versation widUndividuabexpressesgreatfnendship for the peopleandrGoreinrnCTt ofthe Umted UakMu-s' States ; out ineyaqt j unueuiaute, uav nis omciat Carolina, m: which the simple ground is assumed, duced to believe that he has frequently been mis that th laws themselves are adequate to the pun- understood or misrepresented. Mr. Johnson is ahment of offenders of hb class, without the in- an unpopular man in Maryland, owing mainly' to terrentiqx of atlawless : Mobocray. The fol- his connection with a Bank of Baltimore some lowing extract from an , article on the same, or a years .since. . He' was in some way regarded as similar subject,' m the last number of that sterling I responsible for the failure of the institution, and whig journal, the. "Old North State," embraces an infuriated mob tore down his house in conse- oui own position 'on the premises, .precisely : I quence. I have never heard that the uoreasoning ; " If they f the citizens of South Carolina) felt mob ny better foundation than meresuspi- themsdvesaggrieved why did they not appeal to cion, for the allegations made against that gentle the geneVal Govern not un- man, and the State of Maryland, or the authorities dertake to put down a mere Post Master who is c T" i-' i j 1 wm m An h dntw: and rrt of that dutr to w Piaceu 118 01 reprouauon upon deliyer all letters and- papers : to those to! whom lhe deed o( riolence by amply compensating Mr 1 makes they are addressed. ; We hope our sister will act Johnson for the destruction of his house.' Legal more rationally ana not oy nerown weax acis ae- gentiemen have frequently, in the discharge of tract that from the Southern, confederacy which 1 tK r- , ..... .k . r U respected among the other States of the .-4.-i . -h 1.'. ' t v" 1 juuub vuuvuj auu 111 uuiiu 3u, cam iui iucui- While we are ODDOsed'as much as any persons I selves the hurhest praise of reflecting men. An OUtio. wre Minn iiim. mm wi i ii.i I -. . . - I w conesoonW kTwktryVcT heroism was exhibited by - . - . 1 Annniinnisn cu inf. nana are iu luftuti vt waiu- i .1 u -.t - trf 1 w- 1 . . . rV : 1 . u I ouer Aoams. in me year mo, u i mistaxe pneij u wunoj, b uuo I s to ue swum, we re equwr oppww w sum r . . ' . . , r r . . . , ... v - :, - - - - t- 1 i.i 1 not. I allude to his defence of the Knlish snldiprs hnnpct inn rtarnoEu. Atneneans. vimnm mtrarn 10 1 measures ma mm mzeu 01 xuiucuju iwie men 1 . : .u,;. . xxr- Cwi ";k I adopted to break tin the circulation. It will only who assaulted the citizens of Boston in the streets. ,h,hnk:iim of We have witnessed sucb instances in our own r"J--'--i- gooatoineoiaxe, uwui Deanmjuryv State : and I recently heard a Tennesseean remark. And this we hold to be good North Carolina Gov. Brown of that State had not to this day doctrine. Our State is generally, and justly es- recovered from the odium of defendmer Murrel. teemed, throughout the wide Confederacy for the The Union of day before yesterday contains a law and order-loving character of her citizens, I charge of infamous corruption against the Secre-1 for the firm but temperate maintenance of her tary of the Interior, and undertakes to give the of the Press, and the inviolability of the mails. because the AboUtionists happen to approve T The idea is preposterous, and can make no im pression upon mtelligent. people anywhere. We are told that the Chinese are no less our antipodes in manners and customs, than they are geographically. They eat at different hours, es teem such tilings delicate and wholesome as we abhor, and in general, set all our tastes at defiance. Our rogues prefer the shelter of darkness, but it is said that the light-fingered gentry of the Celestial Empire will not enter a house with a view to rob bing it. unless the lights are burning. Now. un less the Southern people adopt the customs of unina, they cannot escape the imputation of co- in ciuing wiw ine ADoiiuonisis in religion! pouues, manners ana customs. The south Carolinians themselves only differ with the Abolitionists upon a a single supjeci. xours sue Mr. Buchanan, under the -late Administration, would have made the same impression upon us, that it has done in the "present instance. The conduct of the Union? . andothey Locofoco prints, therefore,. iB.jftssaIUog. ir. Clayton and the Administration, and defending the French Minister, shows a factious . spirit of opposition which will approve of nothing.- This course is anything but patrioticlCnd honorable. Telegraphed lor the Baltimore Sun. PHiLADrxrau, Oct 9 12 P. M. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. Reirarnsfrom Philadelphia political eccilement Great Riot and Fire Military Ordered Out, 4e. This has been one of the most exciting davs in the calendar of the city and county of Philadel phia. ' In the city, heretofore, the mayoralty" and city councihnen have been quietly surrendered to the Whigs, but a discontented rxrtionof the latter : .j j . : j , . i r pariy uavuix uuiuiuaieu wi luaepenoent ncKet, j Stanly running me non. joei jones lor mayor, m oppo- Stokes pi..J. .1 1 .1 I uuuu iu vuoijcs uuiu , iuc icguuu uuiuiuee, ine I ourry uemocraxs aeiermmeu 10 inrow ineir sirength in aid of Judge Jones and the Independent council- Cleveland Columbus Craven Cumberland Currituck , Davidson Davie Duplin Edgecomb Forsythe Franklin.-. Gaston Gates Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Haywood Henderson Hertford Hyde Iredell . Johnston Jones Lenoir Lincoln Macon . Martin . McDowell Mecklenburg '. Montgomery Moore v Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Orange Pasquotank.. Perquimans Person Pitt Randolph- Richmond Robeson 4 Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson CO- The Opposition journals some time since, rights, and for her inflexible-devotion ; to the Union. No scenes of Legislature rowdyism, as ! in Ohio, have ever disgraced her council cham bers : -no riotous resistance to the will of the ma jority, as in Rhode Island, has ever" polluted her fice his character for so paltry a consideration. ic," and -Nauve American." There were also particulars of the transaction, with the name of men, declining to make any nomination for these the other party to it. 1 have no means of know- offices. in nv thinw nf th m.rtAr h.it I hnlH it to h nt- For the sheriffalty and the other offices, known ma uwu u u uum tt- pt, .he Rough and Read v." the " Demornit. .v i . .u. : .: r I annals, and. we may well add, no exhibitions of The allegation u to the effect that Mr. Ewing of- three county tickets for legislature; &... three can somedecarntotedlWoexiolHciaI tolhaeffect fantastic chivalry haye ever brought ridicule fered to confer the office of Public Gardener in this drfates for canal commissioner, and in the eross some decaprtaiM ocoioco ex-oupai, to the enect j . :L1' A.,nf 's;,h rai;n. r i a:.: firing consequent thereupon, we have had a most that Uen. Tatxos. merely counted. one in his Cab- ui" a . . . ir ia a mj- iliai lllc exciting contest No return- met, and cast in all-natters' 'under deliberation, but a single siknt Tote.''- There was no founda tion for such a stpry j but nevertheless it suited the purposes of those, whose object it was to ef fect party capital out of the matter, and to ex pose the imbecility (as they, thought) of the hon- Tyrrell , Union Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Yancy We thank God that our State u free from "fa naticism," and that we ourselves are free from its "eant". .TJut lor . the jacoomical lury ot . the French ReVblutionttU.of the, last century, their cause would have been a sacred and a successful latter would rent Mr. E. his house at half the usu al price. The pecuniary saving would amount to the enormous sum of 4400! This incredible and infamous story i coolly related in the Union without comment, as if it were a matter of no great moment. It excites much less of the hon one t and but for the impotent ravings and mis- est old Patriot, who nrafe overlh- fiovrnmmt directed rage of the school of South Carolina poli- est indignation of the editors of that paper.- than oftheConntrr ' '- . I ticians, the cause of Southern rights would now the removal of a Clerk; and what is worthy of Weweresomewiatsurprbed,on looking over I free from f1 special note, they vouch for the worth and respect- avolum-of Mr. Jr r.nw' nhlhpd UrtPm. . I A new constituent, then, has entered info the ability of one of the beneficial co-partners to this few days since, to findlhat the usage.'ra the days composition of modern Democracy, already pleth- aUeged villainy. The story is told on the authori- of his Presidency, was precicdy such as that which is held up as an evidence of weakness and incapacity in the 'present Executive. We quote an extract from a letter addressed to William Short, and dated; " Woipgton, June 1 2, 1807 Perhaps the'snsesiers of the Locofoco Press maj now think such a mode of procedure not so dis creditable, after all "The proposition in your letter of fay the 16th, of adding an umpire to our discordaat negotiators at Parif, struck me favorably on reading it, and re flection afterwards strengthened my first impres sions. -1 isada it therefore a subject of consul tat foo with my eoadjatorar as laourosage For oor govern meat, althoaf h ia' theory subject to be directed by the tinadped will of the President, is, sad from It origin has been, a very tiaeren4hlog in practice. The minor' baaineas in each 'department is doae?by the Head of th department, vetf coBsaltation with the President alone. ; Bat all matters of Importanee Cr difficalty are submitted to all the Heads ofdepart menu composing the cabinet; sometimes by the Pre sident's consulting them separately and successively, as they happen to call on him f bat !a the greatest cases, by calling them together, dlseusslnc the sabjeet maturely, and.finally. taking the vote, m which the PrAuUnt ceuxts himself but Mt i So that in all important cases the executive is, in fact, aireetoxyl which certainly the President might eootroU.bot of this there, was never, an example either ia the first or the present sdminutratioav?.; . one as it is wnn oisease ana corruption, juoo Law is to be . incorporated as a; penal corrective into its civic code, and those are to be . denounced and defamed, who claim exemption from " cant and fanaticism." " Dorrism, Q,uattlebumery, and r : . til ft A In a I mlia , Mnisin Arrival of Predexika Bremer. The eminent and universally admired authoress, (r We beg" most respectfullyto repeat an in terrogaiory.whTcffSireye propounded, several times, but whicix'the Editor of the Standard'? has never found it convenient to answer r - - IFill you, in ihttcnt tftfojpassagt of p. Law, by Cottar us, prohibiting tl exlensiomjof liavcryiiU 'A. Luicsnsir, Esq., one of the editors of the N- 0. Picayune, has been nominated by therhigs as a candidate for the lower house of theegisW tue in the fourth district, New Orleans. ' ' -: ty of Douglas himself, and we have the testimony of Messrs. Ritchie and Burke to his purity of character 1 No better proof could be desired of the low estimate which the editors, of the "sole organ" place on the transaction. After relating that Douglas was .base enough to buy an office, he is vouched for as one of the most respectable citizens of Washington ! I have extended , my remarks beyond my . pro- Miss Frederika Bremer,' has at length arrived in posed limits, but I cannot forego the occasion to this country. Her coming creates something of a sensation in literary circles. Ahead y, says a New York letter of Thursday afternoon, ere she has been in the New World half an hour, she ia over run with visiters, welcoming her to our shores. r ; v. . ' " ' , Death of Edgar A. Poe. . We regret to learn that Edgar A". Poe, Esq4., the distinguished American poet, scholar and crit ic, died in Baltimore on Sunday last, after an ill ness of fouler ; firef diys. This announcement, coming so sudden'; and vunexpected' will cause poignant regret among all who admire genius, and have sympathy for the frailties too often attending it Mr. Poe, "we be lieve, was a nativ. of Mary-, land, though ; mred ; by a-foslerather at Rich mond, Ta4 where he lately spent some time on a visit " He was in the 38th year of his age. OO There was quite a heavy frost in this region on Thursday morning last 2 ; 03- It is stated in a recently published numeri cal systernrOf the uni lo the Ttaarroatas, eubmit to that Law, trMse of JrPlalhatj? the square of the umber your voice inotwf oDisuirio of . crimary rjlanet's days iv itkyear is"asthe u In the first article and 8Ut ;feoa'o?lhB stitotion, it ts declared that Cpa tress shall. exercise, errtusive legislation i ell eases whatsoever ovef t)ip District of Columbia.' 'Here U a grant of exqla Hitr and anorama TKiwir! WKt i rnt tSx Mni language used In rsUtloh t& the Territories ? Why. 1 "as the Register -declares, ,'.the right of absolute 1 nnnmirea legislation" over tan territories was tended to be delegated, did not the framers of the onstitaUon say ia,iast as they had said in relation 10 tni District of Columbia?' .. , K. Raleigh. Standard ef Julg 18th. cube of the diameter of its Sphere "of ;attractioh in the nebular hypothesis,"We have nut the sugni est doubt of it ' Can any thing be more Tsimple? v- tt r ; "Neves before in par history his an admiaistra tion been arraigned, '.condemned, and broken down in.the first six months of its artttf Union. ';That U to ssythe;Administraton has been arraigned,' exjodepanedi snd broken dawn ;before it has bd n; opportunity of ; presenting : to the country' singte measure of: domestic policy. Arraigned by the ofiice-hoJdrs, condemned ty the office.seesers, aadi: broken down by the heaps upon, heaps pf 4efsraaUon: sod scandal which hi. been thrown opon it .Lot -not the Union riuim tno oonvVer its labors. Tb offil which ir thrown' tipoh sed'pewff 'soWif, bdl manures xne grounu lor a more vigv"" cr -Republics call the attention of jour readers to a recent pub lication, of Putnam, by a North Carolinian. I al lude to C. P. Kingsbury's treatise on Artillery aud Infantry tactics ft is a neatly printed and bound volume of 203 pages, and has been favorably no ticed by the Press. .' I am very slightly acquainted with the military art, but I am nevertheless enter tained with the book. It would serve as an ad mirable manual for the military men of North Carolina, and State pride, as Well as a desire for rare and valuable mformation relating to military matters, should induce them to purchase it Mr. Kingsbuiis not a native of North Carolina, but he emigrated thither ,. when very young, and has since regarded it as his home. His talents and attainments' in literature have long been apprecia ted by a wide circle of friends, and they will hail with pleasure the appearance of his first consider able literary effort The military science is his appropriate sphere; He graduated with disting uished honor at West Point, about ten years ago, ein cp which lime he has been in the army. ' H& rank is that of 1st Lieut of;Ordnahce7-a depart ment of the service peculiarly fitted to qualify him for the task tehal unertakenS '1' ' It is said, that Peter Hagner, 3rd Auditor, will resign, and that a Mr. Gallagher, ofVirginia, will take his place. 1 hope not ; T think Virginia has her share already A Cabinet appomtment, afull mission, and half the Navy officers, besides iiear a hundred Clerkships, should suffice for a State which neyet roted lor tiie Whig Ticket - ' ' Yours, &c.,- " Thursday ,'the 29th of Novenaber, has been ap pointed to be observed as the annual Thanksgiving in Massachusetts. " " t . t .V p V . ... -v- - 7 T T.. v Wo see itstated that several thousand lithogra phic potraits of Father Ritchie are for sale in New York, and that there is no demand for them. The oldgentieman can boast,that,if he is not wxboxigktt his fctureis.LouwiKe Journal. exciting contest No returns have yet been re ceived. . PHiLADiLrHiA, I o'clock. A. M. At 11 o'clock a terrible row broke out in South- wark, between the blacks and whites. It origina ted in an attack on the California House, which is a general resort of the most dissolute of our colored population, lhe house was anally tired by the mob, and at 12 o'clock the State House oell rang to draw out the firemen, who were soon on the spot in great numbers. Philaszlfhu, 2 o'clock, A. M. The State House bell is still ringing, and two companies of military have just marched to the scene of the riot It is impossible to get in the vi cinity 01 me not 10 ascertain any particulars. Philadelphia 21 A. M. The returns come in so slow that it will be im possible for me to forward to you the vote of the city and county in time for this morning's paper. John A. Gamble, the Democratic candidate for Canal Commissioner, will have about 2,000 ma jority in Philadelphia city and county. In the city proper, the vote s very close. Gil pin, the regular Whig candidate, is doubtless elec ted Mavor bv a small maioritv. JUlegami Cotmfy. rReturns from Allegany of me voie'ier canal commissioner, inaicate that Henry M. Fuller, the Whig candidate, will not uave uver i,wv uiaiuniy. - vrcn. xayiors major a 11 . . o no 1 Lancaster County. Fuller's majority in Lan caster county is about 2,500 Taylor's majority was o,jiu. The brospect of Heaven itself fsavs an EnnIsh paper) would Jhave no charm for an American of the Dacxwoous, 11 ne tnougnt mere was any place lurther west; e 125T ; 769 ' 1037: . 9,485 6,658 . 4,419 906 6,184 8,383 5JXK) 4,999 10,190. 6,047 1L885 14,116 347 6,625 , 3,505 11,155 13,125 560 . 13,590 618 911 1230 852 6,705. 15,330 5,407 18,117 13,100 4354 529 6,165 579 14,195 9,205 318, 6,130 10,190 4,722 6,510 . 458 15.740 " 5;077 . 7,400, 765 10,760. 10,665 6,430 21570 7,398 J 6,168 8,050 945 1313 757 V9I6 11J610 1060 IZJOOT . 1085 4,709 15,190 1465 4,09a - 17,920 95 335 9,420 11,025 550 655,093 1792 444 637 579 407 271 586 378 513 306 v 306 622 50 369 , 725 863 212 ' 319 405 215 682 802 .'" 358 830 416 '569 ' 778 541 : ,372 937 830 1,107 ? 800 298 1302 577 341 867 .562 233 .375 22 50 289 398 286 962 310 452 462 C58 652 393 1,317 453 378 493 . 583 ; 753 440 563 711 658 : 831 635 288 928 . 878 251 1,095 ; 589 236 576" 675. . 358 :-T83;;; r 7iii - (-.720 r . 375 375, , 764 ' -154- . -891 i 1,059' t 25U i - 392 .497' - 263 . -837- -440 1,019 - 511 1 698 955 - 641 503 - 1,150 ; 405l li359v S83--. 364 s 415 " 462 ; "'418; 1,055 690' .. 286, - 460 ! : ' 764 ;88;v. 349 ; 1180V 381' 567: .482- :- ' 455-1 ..4fv .504 : TIG 998 552 . 691 871 ,v - ' 807 , 976 ;'77T 353' 1,139 : 1,077 307 , L344. 723, 288 , t 89 - - 906 ,1,142 1233 t:fv?42616 s;!' ,Vv463-'i . , 793, 1843.- .527 lL27r- 5 .Vl 71 ..-- " lS75 ' " v 733?- -WSO, .it -yji-.s--'' .2,142 it 5. ? 706. 827. 439 1X107 vI46S v?;vt-875?r . :vi97- X 1,751 :.92'rt 154' - 1582" ft 1,465 -Y;iJ,D67J . l55 .; 1JXB $49,181 ' $89;i81 tia v N i40XX00 The Counties of Alexander, Alamance j Forsythe, Gaston, Union ind Wataugjt"will receiye theii portions from the Counties respectively from which they have been 'etxeteo'- 4 I ho Inllnnrinor I Vuintux which hsr nan l-'iirwil at f ho I loaf antl I Inntk TnMitni. J't 1 .i..K uw c iu iuc x-di vci n j i' uuu vw xicui aunts uacui uiBigeu, ui eacu,,Tiz irto year' Franklin County, Wake " Northampton ' Cumberland Nash,. " Buncombe " Lincoln " Moore " Stokes " 4225 . a 675 300 375 75 ' 75. 75 g 75 75 Hvde Countv' $150 225 Martm .$ a Grahvule ' Rowan Johnston - ' ;: New Nanover ' ' Hertford Richmond f t t- 150. The Justices of the County Courts of these CkmntieSv are respeclfuliy irerniqd ihat firokni should be made in the next assessment of the County Taxes for the payment of these sums. " me luuunwg vAJuiiucj jiafiug cu wta uuic t uiu at uic rsuvuiu uuwv insuiuie,. are reQuireu' by the Act of the last session of tlie General Assembly, to levy and pay a i tox of 1751 ; fbr-tbii 'fliifta- r tton and support of each scholar sent to. the School, which sums; if not paid, will be deducted but'df their share ot the next annual distribution of the School Fund, to wit : - -n f-t - N Northampton County $75 Wake County - $150 Gaston - - - 75" I " JohasfonLM r lVrnfrX&i " MNED BUNTLINE" . AND THE PRISON AUTHORITIES. - v The New York Express states that the keeper of the penitentiary on Blaokvell'a Island, dUcorered a letter, which. Or. Covel, the resident city prison physician, sent to Dr. Kelly, tk Penitentiary - Medico," recommending J udson, ma Aster riot leader, to his " kindly attentions," with the intent to provide, him an easy and comfortabls situation in the Penitentiary Hospital, under pretence of sickness. The affair will probable be investigated. Mr. 'iNed" has refused to take any sustenance sine be was com mitted. He wanted time to edit his "own" but this was refused as against the rales and he was ordered to array in prison clothes, and go to work jn tk quarry. At first he refused, ' complained of,. being indisposed, &.C, but sftera while did as ha was commanded. 32LCkiaiaiiciT ' At the residence of Mrs. "Nancy Mordecai, in this vicinity n Tuesday morning last, by the Rev. Dr. Mason, Dairy Thompson, Esq.', of Mobile, Ala., to Miss Mary C. Lazarus. - v . At the residence of Dr. Baker, in this City; on Wednesday evening last, by the Rey. Dr. Mason, Edward Mallett, Esq.; of . Fayetteyflle, to Miss Mary S.. Hunter, daughter, of the late Dr-.Wil. Uam H- Hunter. i;? i? Recemlym IiQwdesCbunfy; Miss., Gen. Wy att Move, of Edgecomb County, to Mrs. Speight, relict of the late Hon; JesseJSpaght.'. " 4 y In "Lynchburg, Va., by the Rev. Mr. Lang home, Mr. John S.'Walker, of Richmond, to Mils Lucy W:, only daughter of Capt J, M. Otey, of the former place. FRESH sapuly i iaat received at - w 1 1 FtWCUXfa. PBsgyuis. IX dozenrfieli and,pl'lule,,! just at hand, si VI Ml . .... , (v- TT J tt , 1 ff jt t I 1 . ... ' " 1 Martin - 150 . -Stokes- .-754 Orange - r v; 75 "-Richinonl r' 4 i-75 In like manner, such other Counties as may send Pupils to the said Institute during the vr by Law, required to make similar provision. , ; (.. - -: . 4aiaA 1 - f fXr star, limes, cstanaam, ewoeraian uiu iorth fsstate, and AshetUle Messenger copy 3 times.; itate Nortlt Carolina tiaaNviLLB Couu Qty.Conrt of Equity 1? alt Term 134?. ; x Uicbard D. Blauk,f lha State of Misaiwippi, Plff Joba Y. WUkereoa Executor of Richard Blauk deed, and alio Executor of Samaal Blanks deed. James Ramsay, and . Elisabeth, hia WifJaaHaa Winfrey ,aod Nancy his wife, JsmeaWatnou, and , Sarah bis wife, Tboraaa Stbkea and Jane hi wife. Loguatiu P. Pool and Suaaunali hia wifej Alary lllaukfl, Joseph Blanks, aud tbe said Jainea Wiui frey, Adosiuwtrator.ef 'Witliara Blauka deed, mnd also Admiuistxator of Armiatead Blanks deed, i "y---. ... . -,,-! . . ; Dafeadaou. It appearing to. the satiafaetioa ef the Cenrt, that the defendanta Joseph Blaaka aud logoUiit .?. Pool and wifa ar not jahabitanta ef.thia Slate, but reside bevoad tb iuriadietida af tb Court: It is'tberefofe on motionjof the plaialihVa counsel stdersuV that pub licaUoa be made for sis: successive weeks iu the al eigh Register, a newspaper printed asd. published at the seat of . the (Jovernmeot of this State, for tu aid Joseph Blanks, and the said Loffiwtin P. Pool aud Susaaaab hia wife to appear at Use Court to- be held m 1 m as i a i j 1 nere on tne nrst Monaay oi : mH Ha iertako. answer or demar to the aatdra.tu,or else Um said i HeaaiIiM IF you ar aahjeet so a NertodS Head Acbe, send io PEaUUU'iS Drug rJtors,; and get a bottia of epuh Head Ache Eluir or if joo irs DeaCietl a bottle of cNair'a A"JUtic Oil andbe relieved. ff tlNfJliarARYi: t A mt z. . .it O THI3 FtlCTabs wder f LI signed baa prrparedfiimeif to take iu aud care ,:' au.in.e amicted witti kay or all calical or skuidis-t eaj yVrtboutatWaciwu no charge Tnfolowi big is in pn a Iwi of lite diseases 1m proposes fo no-t dertake. . Any eoiiiuiuutosiion frou) a distaaee woaldr r. .. . ' T CrVi. V - thansmiiy received and promptly attended to Bill will be taken as confessed .by the party or oar-. r, Og SQJk,jB,j . . 'Ki Wi ifaa a Thomas B. LHUeioba, Clerk of said Conrt, at Oxford. October 5th. 1849. V: X: " 821 ' THO. B. LITTLEJ0HN.XJ. 14 E.6 fTTATIl X5HfCII-IP: you Want bright Irb Knives and Forks, sand and get' a Bath' Brick. Prioei 10 cents. ' 1 www, loss, ,:..- - A A y.:e)f i Dnlltltlmi, mm-.i. --f.JL IK Silver and Brass, On band snd for sale AL80, Tamsrinds One Jr Terr hice. ' f. .i i i .;. .. r . ' ' .i -, , , Sealdbead or porrige faro- Carbiiacle, or aay old staa Seurvy . iiS, raeheealee - Coitra wr &.iamtNN neck. 4J ,7 VmneUes ef ulcers j. Ebrsmatlsm r f ixutw ana purs tvhiu SweJUnj kneels of reuereal Pateut ITIediciiietv A FULL supply of tbe -mostpovnfar Remedies;! sepicoosuoxiy on nanu, ana soiisi -Msuuiac- tureTs prices at Psacco DaC bToas fit JT?1 COD LIVER OIL," si j ITN Botlls and. Capsules, a genuine articlejuat i epenaa ana lor sura si ine uru eiors of . . , er P. F. PESOUD. a r-v billow . f :.rsliettsi parpars,tteh, at oiseaaa 1 Ktiin!. rittvronnda. MN V4opppotstioti'sH .y'i. v, f UpJrultaun!.wim Cifizehsinuarestecl inj thu' important work, at js-.deetpfel adyjsable to v postpone 'the contemplated fJonyenuon heretofore . adverfised-Wta'kepJacatr the 18uV instant. ' Nouce is therefore hereby' given; that aid Convehtioti will be held at Greensborough on1 Thixrsday, the 59tU Jf ovember uext. ' t e mnnPTii?4n' fK r" rw1