L-- T - 'V v ' : ' - - ' t ,c- r ji n-nr twWK ''' .-iim-mih. ' i " .... . ,. -T'jjr- ..-. urn mi -."-, cimis 1 'i. SB SBBBBM BBBBBBBnaaB . . . sf,. Y J " - ; rsron-vnT9 nff THE PRESIDE l tUtCldSWfoMb year 1849, moti themI Coun- trilmtwa wnojdnieof fJSKfoSoWg Tabusarbmeot Jo pub- proper application to the Treasury yepm. FederalFopulaUon. bpnng bittibuuM. FailOmnbution. ioWimriDuuon. COVKTIXS. Alexander Alamance Anson Ashe Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick Bfcraeocabe Burke Cabarnas CaUwaU- Camden 'Catawba Carteret Caswell Chatham Cherokee Chowan Cleveland Colombua Cbbtw Cnmberiana & Curiituclt Davidsor Dayi DupUa Edgeoomb 4 Forsyth Franklin Gaeton Gates GranaiH- Greene Goilfbrtf Halifax Haywood Ilenderaon Hertford. Hyde Iredell Jebnstoa Jones ' Lenoir tincoft Macon" V Marring McDowelT Mecklenburg Montgomery MooriV-. Nash' NewHanoTer Northampion Onslow Orange; cr-.- A , Pasquotank Perqaimaas Person ? A Kit ' 12,957 10.43T -. 9,485 6,653 . 4,419 " 9,606 6,184 883 , 5,000 499 10,190 6,047 11,885 14,116 347 529 ".305 11,155 13,125 5,860 1390 , 618 911 12J30 852 4792 637 579 407 271 586 378 513 306 806 022 369 725 863 212 319 405 215 682 802 358 830 , 416 569 778 541 372 937 330 1,107 800 298 302 377 341 867 562 233 375 622 289 398 286 962 310 452 462 658 6J05 1530 5,407 18,117 13,100 Afi54 6,165 - 579 14,195 905 318 6430, 1049O 4722 6,510 458 ' 15J40 5J077 - 7,400 765 10,760 , 10.rW5.j - 1, w 7,398 6,168 376, Rknmon4r?-:v J Robeson 2 . RocJdnghara - RatherforJ.rT; SamDSOBv. ' . l 3' --f"L83l ;r 635 r.vf 288 7S Sazrr Tyrreff .Union , 4)93 251 1,095 589 236 576 Wake . Warren " -. --i-Washingtoa ' . Watang ft. . Wayne Wttea 3 Taney" 1720' -i9,65 , 9,420 11JQ25- 675 550 x s rm L -44n r. J iUr.W: AhmuM. Fdrtrthe. Gaston. Union and Watauga, will recede their nortiflos from the Counties rwpeetiTeJy from which porMna iromwjL i j pn-iu 1849 owe to the Literary Fund the sereral sums , mjSnk5n County, $225 ? Wake 675 , l ne louowms wu"""! " - - -i Northampton " Comberland " Nash . 1 Boncotnbe Lincoln " Moore " 300 375 75 75 75 75 Stokes 75 V TH fintices of hhe County Courts of these ahould be made m the next assessment oi me vudit a u f-J""' Tbe following Counties baring at this time Pupils at the Deaf and Dumb Institute, are requi br the Act of the last session of the General Assembly, to lery and pay a tax of $75, for the edu xLZZa pport of each scholar sent to the School, their share oitne next annual ojauiouuon oi uc Northampton Couary $75 . Canton " 75 iTTdT - 150 Martin 150 Orange " 75 In like manner, such other Counties as may by.Law, required to make similar provision. rLIvery Stable TIE" 8abseribn alksr (staming bis graiarQl tbsakifto thsPablkfc for the ery liberal sad generoo. patroMge, kHberte extended to him, weald Mapectfolly give notice that ha eoattooea to prove cato kia lioe mf boatnea, ia all iu braaehM, with promptnew aad f&cmmcj. tim sunn re oean apdwnmoJiea., and hie Ostlsra xperieoced aJ at teatf ; indeed aa'eiMr arpeoee hsve been or hall U pared te reoJeTMliaf action to all who pat reaixshie EMsbtbhiaent. Be will keep eoaeuotlj en hand, for hire, HACKS, BUGGIES, II All ESS a - 6G3oidlaClXL ZXXBoreBsxw HOR3E8 will be boarded by the day. VTt weak, bob th or Tear, en the mott moderate terms. Drovers will find this a central aoeiiioa, ind s meat cone- r ' aient ene for efiectinf tale, and they 4, will atwaja find ample accommodation fur any nam bar of Horace, however terra. Tbe Sabacriber bopaa that hi. friend, aad the Pablic will continue to rive him a trial. It is all that he asks. JAMES M. HARRIS8. Ralarh, September 18. 1849- ' 78 -ly TO SPORTSIXEX. THE Sabeeriber has joet received a iaa Stetk of JfOUBLS ANJJ SINGLE BARREL OJNS RIFLE GUNS. REVOLVERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL PISTOLS, - BOWIE KNIVES, GAME BAGS, POWDER FLASKS, SHOT BELTS. EXTRA NIP PLES, tC f C, All of which wiU be sold row. C. B. ROOT. Raleigh, Oet. X. 88 10,000 Imported Havana CighiaV of choice 'brand. ; a first rats article of Chewier Tobacco : Mrs. O. B MilWa Scotch Snaffj MayiuxTs Bn.ffl ia Douica ana Madder. Tor sale by R. TUCKER & SON. Oct. 23, 1849. 5 aWBaaaaaKS OJ77CJS OF LITERARY BOARD, ? w ft "T PTfiu Ha 111 til VUif. THK LITERARY FUND having made dis- & QftLtoW $972 545 783 - 711 499 331 720, 464 629 -375 375 764 454 891 1,059 251 392 497 263 v 837 984 440 1,019 511 698 955 641 503 1,150 406 1,359 963 364 415 462 418 1,065 690 286 460 . 764 354 488 349 1180 '381 j555 567 r -s 807 fr' 989 1,420 1590 . - 602 1,306 - 842 1,142 . 681 681 186 60 823 1,616 1,922 463 711 902 478 1,519 1,786 798 1849 927 1,277 1,733 1,182 50 M 50 875 2,087 736 2,466 1,783 662 717 839 759 1,932 1,252 519 835 186 50 643 886 635 2,142 691 1,007 1,029 1,465 1,452 875 235 1,008 841 " 7&T 199 1751 '992 .1.254 182 1,465 107 1,414 641 2,067 155 58 T. ft " 552 hW'; .691 41871 807 976. 779 353 1,139 1,077 307 144 723 288 706 827 439 2,439 U12 524 182 1,502 797' mo 00 149,181 389,181 00 they hare been erected. t the TW.nd Dumb Institute. Dnor to the year : : , , herein charged to each, Tia : Hjd. Cou.ty v Orange " 150 225 525 675 150 600 150 150 150 Mamn GrmnriUe " Rowan " Johnston " New Nanorer Hertford Richmond Counties are respectfully reminded that proTisioa red uca- which sums, if not paid, will be deducted out of owm r i . Wake County $150 Johnston 44 75 Cumberbaod" 75 Stoke. 75 Richmond " 75 send Pupils to the said Institute during the year, are, Kaleigu raper Mill i THE andeisirned take. thi. roatbod of iaformiof the P.bliaher. of Nawppar aod Periodical ia North Carol iaa, sad the Pablie geaorally, that he ha. laaaed tba Paper Mill, abwat 3 mile, from Raleigh, procured the aerviee. of Daubed operatiTea, parehaaad the aeeeaaary stock, aad ia now prepared te make aad furaiah aoy amoaat of Paper to order. He ask. a trial only for hia Paper, a. he i. deier miaed to giv. Mtiifactioa fa it, or ceaae its manu facture. " IMPERIAL, SUPER-ROYAL, MEDIUM Package and WrappltlK Paper, manufactured at the shortest DoUea and the most tederate prices. To " eacoarare Hoaae Iadaetry, m, aader all circa mats acaa, eenMneadable aod proper ; aad it m wise, wbea ia doier so, we sacrifice aolhiog oar- selTes, Addreaa, JAMES D. ROYSTER. Raleigh. Aag. 84. 184. 3 lm Manufacturing Establishment JOSEPn WOLTERIlf G tfor a aaejber of years Feremaa ia the Raleigh asd Uaotoa Rail Road Blacksmith Shop) respect fatly announce, to the citizens of Raleigh aod the aarreandiag Conn- tie., that he w prepared to Biaaafactare JACKS. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Gobi and Pistols, Carriage Springs, Xill-wfk, Brass Castings, and in skart,f thing in Machine and Blacksmith work, mt is also rBaraais to axtcirra sru, barsuio, at TBS SBOBTKST HOTICK. Alao has on hand aa extensive assort sie at of Lock of all kinds, at price, from 10 cents to 20 dollars ; Ed retools, an assortment of Axes, Drawing-knives, HateheU, Hammers, Fries of various descriptions, and a number of article, ia hi. line' too tedioo. to mention. All order faithfully executed at the lowest prices, aad new work eatraeted to his ears will be warrant ed. Orders from a distance will be attended to and executed at the short eat aeuoe. His Establishment wiH be foaad at the Raleigh Railroad Depot. Repairing ia hi. line performed with neatness and despatch. Also, a general assort ment of Gua and Pistols cnastsstly ea bead. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, April 17, 1849. 31 if Bank or Caut Fkas, ) October 18th, 1849. J TTKIVIDKND : A ScmUaaaal dividend of three J1f per cent has been declared this day, payable toUe Stockholders on and after the 1st day of No vember next H. R. 8AVAQE, s v V Csahler. Raleigh, Oet Is, 1849. T 83 3t Catttmn Hagrglnv and Bale Hope SOOjtieoes Qerssu and Daadee Bagging, 44 100 ooOs Bale Rope.4 Far smlsly PEEBLES, WHITE & DAVIS .Patersburg, Sept 20, 1849. 76 6t Fire & Llfe'Iitturance North Carolina Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY- he following persons hsve been elated Direc tor, and Officer, of this Company pr Po stal year: DIRECTORS. Watson, Raleigh. Josiah O Geo. W. Mordecai, Richard Smith, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, J. G. B. Ronlbac, James P. Jordan, Geo McNeill, Joe. G. Wright. James E. Hoyt, Elijah Clark, James Sloan, Win. Badbam, N. Z. Grave. R. C. Pearson, John Irwin, J. W. Cameron, Josh. Boner, do do do do do do J'ayelteville. Wilmington. Wasbingiou. Newborn. Greensboro. Edenton. Warrenton. Morganton. Charlotte. Wadetboro'. Salem J. W. Patton, Aaheville. All Director, are aalhorixed to receive application. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY- Josiah O. Watson, President. Geo W. Mordrcai, Vice do Richard Smith, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan, Attorney. J. Heriman, General Agent. W. Mordecai.") Richard 8mith. S- Executive Committee. Inhn PrSmrrMM. a Thi. Company i.now in .uceeasful operation, and is prepared to effect insurance agsmsi n kind, of property , (Steam Alius anu i urptimu. tilleries excepted.) All Mmmnnirllinnl in leferCOCe U iniuimw should be addreed to the Secretary, post pjid- J. C. PARTRIDGE, Secy. Raleigh. April 55, 1849 33 THE AOKTII CAROL1JIA MUTUAL LIFE ISSCRANCB COMPANT. rmrHP. shove Camnnnv has been in operation since 1 th 1st of April last, nnder the direction of the following Officer - .. Dr Chaa. E. Jonneon, rreaiuens Wnj. D. Haywood, Vice FreeUent, James F. Jordan, Secretary, ; Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, , Perrin Basbee, Attorney, Dr Charles E Johuson, ) Medical Beard Dr. Wm. H. McKee, of Qonsultatitn. Dr. R. B. Haywood, ) J J . Hersman, Gen'l. Agent. Thi. Company ha received a charter giving ad ...t.. to the insured over any other Company Tk &ih Section rivee the Husband the privilege to in.ora hia own life for the .ole nee of hi. Wife and Children, free from any claim of the representative of the husband or any of hi. creditor. Organised on purely mutual principle., the life member, participate in the n-hole of ll.e profits, which are declared annually. Beside, the applicsnt for life, when the annual premium i over $30, may pay one half in a Note. All claim for insurance against the Company will be paid within ninety day. after proof of the death of the party is furnished. Slave, are insured for one or for five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure thi class of property against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance present, a new and interesting feature iu the history of North Carolina, which will prove very important to the Southern Sutes. The last four months operatiou of this Company shows a very large amount of bosiness more than the Director expected to do the first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. All Communication, on bu.ines of the Company should bs adeemed to JAMES F.JORDAN, Secretary- Angmrt 89. 1849. 70 IfATIO.AL LOA!l FEUD LIFE ASSIR1XCE SOCIETY OF LONDON. " A 8svingsBsnk for lb. benefit of ths Widow and tha Orphan." (ixrowiii st act or rAatiAWSVT.) Capital, 00,000 sterling, or g2.500.000. Beside a reserve fund (from surplus premium.) of about 915,0OO. Past or thi Capital is iitk.txb in the Uni ed 8t.tes. T. LAMIE MURRAY, Ekj , George .t. Hano ver square, Chairman of the Court of Directors, in London. UniTtn 8tatk Boasb op 'Local DraxcToaa. (Chief Office for Amerita, 74 WaJ! t) JV. York, Jacob Harvey, Esq. Chairman; John J. Palmer, Esq., Jonathan Goodhue, Esq. JsmesBoormsn, Esq. George Bsrclay, Esq., 8amue a. Howland, Esq.. Gorham A. Worth, Eq , Samuel M. Fox, Esq., William Van Hook, Esq., and C. Edward Habitcht, Esq. Edward T. Richardson Esq. General Accountant. Pamphlets, blank forms, table ot rstes, lists of A gents, 4c. ate. obtained at the Chief Office 74 Wall street, or from either of the Agents throughout the United Stales, and British North American Colonies. GEORGE LITTLE, Agent. R. B. Hit wood, M.D. Medical Examiaer, Ra leigh. N. C. Aoxo.l 22, 1848. 68 FIKE! TOE ET.V A INSURANCE COMPA NY, of Hartford, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. Thi i ou. of the oldest ind beat I niuranc. Com panies in the United Stale, and pay it losse promptly. Applicalionsfor Insurance in Raleigh, or it. vi cinity , to ba mad. to v. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Mtlton, IN. U. and vicinity, to J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848 83 BEApV MADE CLOTII1XG. fXVTE have oa band a beanliful assortment of Over Coats. Business Sacks and Frocks, Cloaks, Pantaloons, Vests. Morning Gttrns, very ele gant, under Shirts, Drawers, Suspenders, Gloves, all kinds. Pocket Handkercheifs, Cravats, Srocks, Shirt Collars, dee. O. Il P Boys Clothing. Black Cloth Frock Coats, Tweed Cassimere do Black and Fancy Casaimere Pants, Black Cloth and Satinet Round Jackets, cheap. E.L. HARDING. October 16, 1S49. 83 Wood Land For Sale. E Subscriber wuhe. to sell all that part of the Beer Dam Tract of Land, Ivinr ou the West si nde of the New Hillsborough road, one and a half to three miles from Raleigh, containing sboal 800 to 1000 seres, all wood. This Isnd wil! be sold in lot of 50 and 100 sere, to suit purchaser, and will be found by person wanting to purchase fire wood, very desirable. Term, made known on application to HENRY MORDECAI. October 8, 1849. 81 9t WARRENTON FEMALE SETJIifART. T HE examination of the Students of this Insti- tion, will, take place oa Taesdav and Wedseeday, ths 30th. aod 31st of October. The friend of Female Education, and the pablie gener ally, are invited to attend. DANIEL TURNER Warrenton, Oct 16, 1849. 83 2t afplhewinff Tobacco. A La ree Sopplaf I J different Brands. WILL. PECK dt SOf. i 1 ... ...... Clothing. A CIIAXCE TO MAKE xIOXElT. mf, OSeDn J, VV . iUUHCI, choice lot of Superfine French and ni k Cloths, Cnsimere ana ?""K- " , Dir'f'O' wpi r.UNOWN CLOTHINU . a WT T 1- na VkAirlrf ' WARE-HOUSE, ou Fayetteyille SUeeUwhere hi. friend aud the community generally, are particular ly invited to call. There i a great variety of new.tyles tin. season, which, with a general supply of good m Uie furnish ing department, may be found on the i rnoet accom JL. terms, at the above place. The propr.stor. or hi Foreman. Mr. Peach, may at all times ne found at home. Ready Made Clothing just arrived. 83 w6w Raleigh. Oct. 16, 1849 E L. HARDING'S CEOTIIIItG EST A B 11 S II M E JTT, UNDER TELEGRAPH OFf ICE, FayelleTillc Street. OW openinz o large and complete assortment of Ready Made Ulotbinjr, consiBnug iu k Blacl lack Bln, Brown f rocR ana uress i,oj, Brown, Blue nnd Drab OveMJonta, nan lop, Closks, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Sus penders, liait-tiose, rocKet nuimK.wi t. in fct, eery thine nsnally kept in a Clothing Store, CHEAP FOR CASH. innI October 16, 18A9. 83 , Grand, Gloomy and Peculiar. FALL & WIf r-wrsTTP RTTRSflRICERS have received and sre I now opening t their establishment on Fayette viUe street, their Fall and Winter supply for 1S49 and '50. Our stock embraces Black, Blue, Ouve. Green, Mulberry, Dark Brown, Light Brown and Dahlia Cloths, of French and English manufacture ; ri-v nw Skin Cnssimeres. fleured aod plain ; f;in- ,w rHimerea. of all colors; Plush Velvets, various color ; Woolen Velvets, Cashmeres, black plain and ,.,rt RAtin and Silks, fancv Silks of all colors The above goods comprise the largest stock in our line, ever exhibited in this msrxei, anu, we r. with eqnal sssurance, that a finer or more elegant nnnW cannot be found in any Tailoring Establish- ;n tfcL State or out of it. Call and examine fop yourselves We have Good from those the most ..t,r).. tn .nMi a. will nlese the plainest utilita rian all of which will be made up to order with neat ness and despatch. An .rrlln.r, advertisement will not allow osto S numerate our supply in detail: suffice it to say that h.w T.r thinir in our line usually kept by Merchant Tailors. Gentlemen nt a distance, by tx.ir DiMinm together with their K-;Kt h mnil. can be furnished with Clothes (qual ir of the Goods considered,) ns cheap as they cn be bought of any Northern House of reputation. A ! thankful for favors past, present and to come, w. shall, with the aid of s generous snd confiding public, continue to flp or wings. OLIVER $ PROCTER, Mekcha.it Tailors, FaTCtteville Street, Raleigh, N. C P S The latest London, Paris snd Northern Fashions just st hand. Gentlemen furnishing their own Goods will have their orders executed with the same elegance and dispatch, as though we furnished the articles entire. v. r r CALL ANO GET CURED, AS USUAl ! ITIefislcnrs 0r dk pr, R.. R.. It.. R- Old Fits, New Fits, Big Fits, Little Fits, and al terts of Fits! Too tedions entire to enumerate the many thousands that have been and shall be perfected at .VO. CXXE, UOLY Riirht oPDOsite to no-where, but ' Rotten Row," Ls faveUe Street. Tuillerie, Metropolis of the Caroli nas. except South. Come one. come all, who desire nerfectibilitv of Costumery. We can commend the tora.tnrr. hibernatinr stylea. called the "Clean Sween" and "tall too loft v" which can kill snakes, rake the stakes and est the cakes, upon what tarf so ever the Proprietors enter. N. B. The " immortal insect" having recently re turned from his Autumnal tour, been brought thro a la Par-ie, and pronounced accompli P. C. V. G. M in the knock up and knock down "compound prin ciple," upon theoretic suggestions of the opposite po larity of the electrified terrestrial superficies, com mensurate with pure snd unrefined " skill" in the bnoysnt phenomena of electric consummation as prac ticed by the " Choctaw Ration, rrom tne tounaa lion of the World, sod only now ex arte divulged at immense expense to a " few" Boulevard Plenipo tettiaries. Vide The corporals do not pretend to philoso phy but Artistry, and will postpone the topic to a parlez vous inspection of their obliging customers. Invalids unable to attend in u propria persona," by transmitting per Post the lesser diameter or cube of their left great toe, will, upon arising convalescent, receive such " Fits," as if being flayed, molten lead was cast ar.d cooled in their respective epidermis Vale f Valet With a superfine buoyancy of feel ing, M. M. d'O. and da P. return their cordial and lasting thanks for conferred favours, which they as sure their patrons will continue to affect them ta renewed exertion for their external welfare. BIGG BUGG-EE. " A la mode Ralie," Oct. 17th, 1S49. 83 Pants, Coat, and Vest Grand Master. SHIRTS, SHIRTS. WE have also on hand a few doxen of those celebrated patent shirts, (Dress Shirts) our selves the ouly venders in this state warranted to fit in all cases ; snd a few extra heavy silk Shirts. OLIVER & PROCTOR. Raleigh. Oct. 16. 1849. 83 Fall and Winter Clothing For alc tt COSTVJUE 111 LL, Corner cf Pratt Street and Centre Market Space, COMFR1S1NO THK BEST AND LARGEST STOCK Or READY MADE CLOTHING EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. PRICES SACK. RKDUCED. DKESS. FROCK, BOX ANDOVERCOATS,allcolor.. qualities and sizes from 3,50, 4,50, 4,75, 5,50 and upwards. InnUloeil of superior French cut and fin ish at SI, 1,50. 1.73, 2, S,60, 3, 3,50 and upward. embracing all at; lea. Fancy, Plain and plain Cassimeres. y"aSS333 embracing every variety, st cor responding price. Roys' acK ana overcoats a large asKoriment of By' bstk and Overcoats 20 per cent, less thsn the usual prices Also, a large stock of CLOTHS ofevary shade and quality, and every variety of Caasiincres and Vest i UK, alwav on hand, which will be made up to order, in the beit and most fashiouable stvle at the shortest notice, and upon the most rea sonable terms Having one of the moft able and experienced Cutteis, s good fit i always guaranteed- REMEMBER THE NAME AND PLACE, Corner of Pratt atreet and Centre Market (Space. H. H. COLE Baltimore. October 19. 1849. 84 CLOTIIIXG ESTABLISHMENT, No. 1(6, Baltimore St. Xorlti Side, 3d boor Ca of Calvert STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. MOORE & INM AN,1 Merchant Tailors, res pectfully invite attention to their stock of rea dy made Clothing, of every variety, cut and made in a superior style, and not surpassed in price, riuisb, or quality. Always on hand, superior Cloths, Cassimeres, Veting, d-c, in their custom department, which will be made to order in the most fashionable style. Gentlemen wishing to order a fine suit, without the expense of coming to Baltimore, can do so by send ing their measure to M. & I, stating color, quality, &c., which will be attended to with the same care, as if the pnfeliaser were present. They feel eon'fi-t dent of giving entire satisfaction, to all who favor iuieru wiia loerroraera, enner oy loiter, or in person. HZr Mr. Iumaa ia the azent for Sbankland's sun. M rior svstem ot draft inn- Garments terms for hnnk. BDDaratuii nnd insf ruction. 2I0- GOODS! Baltimore, Feb 3. 11 )y Medical. FFERS hi. Profetsional .ervice to the eitisea. U IfofRaleieh and vicinity. He may always us found at the resideuce of KulUn i ucner, xq. MayS, 1849. 37"Jr Notice. The attention of Physicians and Dealer, in Medicine is invited to an examination of my Stock on hand, which has been felecied lor tae r an ir-ire. All my powd. red Gums, Koots. etc., sucu a - key Opium, Turkey and East India itnunaru, Ipecac, &.C , were divesiert ot an impurme- Ik.: ,A-.mA. n,1 vprv article of Medicine ... ... : . i I .f I n tt nurttV. careiutiy eiecea wuu spwim "K-1- .r i I have nearly all the new preparalious nouceu iu tbe laie Medical Journals. A tull supply oi Glassware, InstrHineuls, And, in a word, the most desirable slock of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, uyt biurro, ASD I have ever offered to the public Phvsicians and Dealers generally, wno nave nun- erto bought tbeir supplies in Northern Markets, may save a great deal of trouble and expense by encour aging my Establishment. cash, or good with neatness All order., accompanies wim iuo r.iim Mrrtinres- will be attended io and dwpatch. PrescripUons, snd Family Receipts, compounded' st all hours of the dsy and night by careful and experienced Apothecaries. An increase of patronage Is respectfully liciteu. a.. Apothecary snd Druggist. 1849. " 76 ' Raleigh, 8ept. 21t, B itter Almonds A email lot of fresh and zood in .tore, tfnd Tor sale, oy 8 WILIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. eat .Iorder8 Another supply of those Yeast Powders, just received. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. Violin Strings The best Italian, just re ceived by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. Druggists. C handle and Lamp Wick A superior Particle of Nfirthern Sperm, in store and for sale by WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD & CO. rtTTT hite Ginger Fresh and good, just re- WW ceivrd al the Drug Store, of WILLI October l8th. 1849 WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD &. CO. 81 ENGLISH MAGNESIA. C VERY superior article, in small squares may. A be had st fne Drug Store of, ' WILLI AIVIS, HAYWOOD & CO. jT"Klive Oil. 6 dozen, very fine, just U W and for ssle. bv received WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, & CO August 5th, 1849. 63 Crude Soda ; Soup makers and others may be supplied with any quantity of thia article from the Drug Store of W ILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, & CO., August 5ih. 1849. 63 ODOXTIN E, a most delightful paste, fir pre venting the decay of the Teeth and rendering them beautifully whiie ; for .ale. by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, CO.', August 5th, 1849. 63 A FRESH supply of Townsends, Sands and BrUtols. in store and for sale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD Raleigh, Sept. 7, 1849 T L& CO. S3 2SIT S3 R OUSSEL'S unrivalled Shaving Cream also Soaps of every variety for shaving and the t oilet, r or sale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, St. CO. Raleigh, Sept. 7, 1849. 72 Crucible; .supply hf Lead and Sand, for ssle by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD dt CO. August 16th, 1849. 5 Congress Water. lIX doxen, "fiesh snd prime,'' just at hsnd. and ) for sale st " PESCUD'S. Furnace, a few Cast l&nif handsome pat terns in Store and for sale, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD $- Co. July 19th, 1849. 59 ii x ton's I.ife In tbe Far West Life in the Far West, by George F. Buxton. This day received at the N. C. BOOKSTORE. Raleigh, July 5, 1849. 54 COO LIVER OIL I N Bottles and Capsules, a genuine article, just opened and for sale at tbe Drug Store of P. F. PESCUD. CHLORIDE OF LIME. FRESH supply is just received st . ESCUD'S, r tobacco Pure pressed Leaf, without any JL composition, just received and for sale by, WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. Alegar Itlatcliea, Box of which every smo ker of Sf gar should carry, for ssle by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. NO EXCUSE FOR BAD BREAD. WE have jurt received a Yeast Powder, supe rior to anything ever before in this market, which we warrant to give satisfaction. Try a Bot tle if yon want good bread. For sale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, or. CO. FRESH supply of those celebrated Spanish Cigars, just received, to which, we invite the attention of our customers. P. F. PESCUD. HI' atcnes In I in isoxes, or superior quality, just received and for sals at the Drug Store, of WILLIAMS, HAL WOOD &. Co. July 19, 1849. 59 TURNIP SEED. Pi ORTHERN AND COUNTRY, of good quali ty, for sale by mo ujr a WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & Co. July Hjth 1849. 57 RATH BRICK.. IF you wsnt bright Knives and Forks, send and gel a Bath Brick. Price 1 0 cents. P. F. PESCUD. October, 12 IS48. 82 Polishing Powders and 15 rushes, fj ti Silver and Brass. On hsnd and for sale ' ALSO, Tamarinds One Jar very nice. P. F. PESCUD. Patent mcdiciues. A FULL supply of the most popular Remedies, kept constantly on hand, and sold at Manufac turer prices at f xscuu s Uhcb stork . 8 BOXES of Turpentine and variegated Soaps for sale -cheap by box or pound. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD.de CO. Sept. 17, 1849. 75 DOLLARD'S HAIR WASH AND POMADE. T HIS justly popular and sdmired preparation needs but a trial to use bo other; a supply just received snd for sale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, &. CO., August 5th, 1S49. . 63 URM I U It E,' Carriage. Coach Body. Jupan nd I .eat her, direct from the Manufacturer, which we warrant io give satisfaction, just received sj. the Dreg Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, 4-CO. Sept 17. 1849. 75 PORTER AND ALE. - 4 CASKS of genuine London Brown Sfoot and Scotch Ale, -warranted superior, just received at the Drag Sime of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, &. CO. To Physicians, 'Draggistsand COVNTBT MERCUAWTS: DR j sf. KEBLER and BrbtberTOest respect fully .olio attention to IheMresh .stock VnglisJirFrexc; Gamarfand African Drvgs, M ed.-v cine., Chemicals, Painty Oils. Dye Slogs, GIas.ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicisesd-e. ' Having opened a new rtore No 294 Market St. wub a foil supply ei Fresh' Drugs and Medicines, we respectfully sojicjt Country dealers to examine out stock before purcha sing elsewhere, promising one and all who may feel disposed to extend to us ther patronage, to sell them venuiue Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any other house io the City, and to faithfully" execute all orders entrusted te ns promptly and wifli dis- Oue of the proprietors oeiug a rcBm affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment ' We especially iuvile druggists and country mer .!...,,, m..v ish to become agents for Dr teeter's Celebrated Family Medicines, (standard and popular remedies,) to forward tneir address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respectful ly retnaiu, J. N. KEELER & BRO. Wholesale Druggists No. i94 Market street. Philadelphia, Sept. 16th, 1849. ?5 lT arn Riiinus. TvdIibi and all Fe vers Dysentery and IMarrlMt. In the commencement, it ia of absolute importance, in of a oeedv cure, that a full dose of pills be taken at once, because the humors which produce disease of i hi--class, are alwnys of the most malignant, snd no safeiv to life axiiMs while .t noriion remains in the bowels or the blood sckn..i,i ihp first dose not cure, be not alarmed, bot rpitpraie that dose. Should the evacuations be very ,1 nfhnd odor. unnatural color, &c. &c , besides using four or six pills twice a day, take also, a tea suoonful of powdered charcoal, iu water, every day while these symptoms continue. Let yourditl e liirht. and of easy digestion, as arrow root, rice pud dinr. Indian mealeruel; also, sheep's head broth with rice and a piece of cinnamon boiled in it, or caUes head lirotii heep head maKes tne pesi uiei ii u l boiled until the bones are clean. As a rule, the lis cores when timely ofed. Sometimes three or four doses may be necessary. There are cases in which it takes weeks to cure ; but they "do not o;cur once in a thousand times. In any event. no medicine or plan of treatment is better than thai above recommended, or will sooner cure, oo soon aa the irritatinr matters sre removed, so soon you will be well, and no before Anodynes and astringents hsve a deleterious effect; lcaos they occasion the retention of that death principle which alone causes dvsentery. diarrhoea, cholera, and all other diseases, according io it. excess over the principle oJife. But Brandrelh's Pills sre opposed io this as water is to fire, or as heat is to cold ; and when they sre Jafeen inir. man the polo work bold I v lodrrve this i1 ith nrinciole from ibe body, and all they can do-Lut if there be .work for fifty doses, one dose must not be ;.8work of JtTfVy. And this troth Jf kepf4n-mind.t. 'R ..tntifricltrr-!:?themseiveo swithlhe - tao weafci to'.bear. much purging1; but.- i thai these mildly operating Pills.oflj l)t. Ursnorein ui noi wnnnm mm mv injure, but draw, weakness out, leaving strength in it. place, and gives composing sleep at night, and an appetite tojeltSh" r'-'foddj,; . A; . 4jfDRETH PILLS Are co'mposed v.i cfrxnedieinal herbs, and do not contain sny, miner? orcbemicsf substance ; are per fectly harmless Jaihe 'most tender age or weakest frame ; and nevertheless rare io search out ihe cause of the sickness jEnd-prnce a CURE, whatever may be its character", '" ken in time, and iq iquanti ties sufficigirMf " V The Br&J&irethmia sre sold at 25 cents per box, by VILLPECK & SON, Raleigh, and by one agent in every town in the United States, and in al most every city throughout the world. Let all be csftefaLwbere ihey buy or they will obtain a coun terfeit. Buy 'only of men 'whose characters you know to be above so mean n acthn ss to sell s faUefor the true Brandreth' Pills. Observe the six signatures of Dr. Brandreth on' each box. August 22. 1849$p 67 Houes Family and Plantation $ Itiediciiies,,. THESE MEDICINES MAINTAIN A HIGH $iCrHHP,tER AT HOME AND ABROAD fO -'ffW'NJONIC. f utong 4i- r ed to the public for Intermittent, "66K nn rsvsa.j naoeis rfd,or cure, so quick, as Hocsk's Tq.xic. Irlthreel rtfecl fore is effected. It is aUo a remedy " Semitient Fevers, Price SI per bottle-" ' - Extrsot of a letterrom Rev. F. A. Owen, of Mem- ft""-- pbis, dated JNovember 16, 184J. in six different cases, and find it efficacious in a very high degree. It arrested ibe chill in evrry instatcc. and as yet there has been no return I cheerfully give thi testimony, that others may be induced to use a remedy both safe and efficacious in curing Chill. and Fever. F. A. OWEN. HOUSE'S PILE OINTMENT. A soothing and rapid cure for PILES Blind or Bleeding and. for Bu Bruises, Fresh Cuts, Mashes, tee. It is atferj-Jpairi extractor. CT-See wrspper for certificates Price 00 prr bottle. HOUSE'S VEGETABLE FILiS. The grearalue5hCrk is1 Vgeneral" Family Medicine, can be easily known by a trial, or by ask ing those who have. Tbey are Ihe only reliable cure for Rheumatism. Price 25 cents a box. A friend at RusselWille, Ky., writes: " Mr. Starling has just arrived from Hopkrnsville. He says his mother was afflicted for years with Rheumatism and- NewaJqia Upon the recommen dation oTjUiu Hall, of Lexington, Ky , who had been .... tid by House's Vegetable Pill, she got a Supply, Jtolias been made ns sound as in early youth, and can run sll over Hopkins ville. AGENTS . Will. Peck A Son, Raleigh; P. S. Itogers. Newlight, Watte ; P. J. Brown, Louisburg ; Samuel Herriss, Fmnklin Co.; Chambler and Pip nil.Tdo. : Will. B. Ellinirton, Hayesville. Granville. f,R V. Duke Coajo; WTm. Whitfield do; Bryant D Rice, Nash; M.TI. Deams, Stanhope; William Vann, Vann's Mills, Sampson; 3. e W. Johnson, Clinton do; A brain Hobbs. Sampson Co ; A Monk, do; Collier and Peacok, Ecntonsvill, Johnson Co.; Powell Blackmnn, Johnson; L. W. B. Adams do; Micajah Cox, Wnyne Co; Eli Sasser, do; A. E Gill, Wayne; N. B. Danjel, Stnntonsburg ; Isaac Scarbrongh, Edgecombe ; David Smith, Sampson ; Lewis Carroll, Edward Vail, do ; R. Parish & Son, Sampson ; G.3. Bronson, do ; Wm. H. Hood, Eagle Rock, Wake. - s Dr. A. F. Coopers' Spino-Abdominal Supporters. THE Subscribers have on hand a supply of the above valuable supporters, which are recommend ded (or all persons, afflicted with muscular debility, Round shoulders, or prolapsus Uteri Proff: Mott thinks they are very well sdapted for some varieties of incipient spinal distortions, as they afford the nsefnl combination of shoulder brace and Abdominal supporter, with very decided support to the spinal column. The' above braces are recommended by the Physi cians generally, who have seen them, and we have sold a number to citixens of this place, who are high ly pleased with them. "' i" - -;'Ji.-' A gentleman observed a few days sincef that he hzd been wearing a very celebrated body brace for some time, aad that be would not five oue of -the above, for fifty such. a " They need no puffing ss they speak, for them selves." PESCUD &, JOHNSON. 0"! The above Supporter is an improvement on Dr.E. Chains celebrated Spino-Abdominal Supporter. an, 21. 1618. (.Standard.) 4 9 JIH'jU1 tIH QUART BOTTLES, FOR THE REMOVAL AND PERMANENT CURE OF AtL DISISJ-.B AK1MIVU FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZ : Scrofula or King's EvU,' Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Ervptions, Pimplet of Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, fcald -Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Syrup, toms, Sciatica 'or Lumbago, and diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Ascites Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chionie fionstilvtionat Disorders. In this preparslion are etrongly concentrated all the Medicinal properties of BiasirsaiLLx, rombinrd with tbe most effect u I aids, ihe most saiutsry pro ductions, the most potent simples of the vegetaMe kingdom; snd ithaa been so folly tested, not only by patients themseUe, but atsofcy Physicians, 'that it has received their unqualified recommendation, and the approbation of the public; and bs established on its own merit a reputation for valcs and trri cact far superior to the various compounds bearing' the name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been cured, mch aa .re not furnished in the record, of lime past; and what it has already done for the thousand who Lhave used itit is capable of doing for tbe million. still sunonnp and struggling wnn disease., it puri ne, cleanses, and strengthens ihe fountain sprinps -of life, snd infuses new vigor throughout the whole animal frame. The diseases for which this article is recommend ed sre those to which it is known from personal ex prrienee lo be adapted; and those apparently removed beyond the sphere of il. action have yielded to its. influence. The c-stologue ol complaints might be . greatly extended to which the Sarsaparilla is adapted, but experience prove, it value, and each siiecet ding f day is adding new trophies to its fame. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. . The following striking and, as will be seen, per manent cure olau inveterate case of Scrofula, com mends itself to all similarly ufEicted: biiiTUPOUT, Conn. Jan. 1, 1848. r Mess s. Sands : Gentlemen Sympathy for the afflicted induces me lo inform you, of the remarkable ure effected-by. your Sarsaparilla in ihe case of my rfe. She was ceverely afnieled with tne scrofula on different parts of tbe body; the glands of the nick were greatly enlarged and her limbs murh swollen After Kuffeiiug over a year and finding no lelief frcm tbe remedies used, the disease altucked one leg, and below the knee suppurated. Her physician sdvised it should be laid open, which was dons, but without any permanent benefit. Iu this situation we heard of, and were induced to use Sakds' Sarsapatilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, relieving her more than any prescription she had ever taken, and before t-be had used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friend, found her health quit, restored It is row over a year since the cure was effected, and her health re mains good, showing the disease waa thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our neighbors are all knowing to thee facts, and think very highly of Sand' Sarsap.rilla '- Yowiivnihre.pect, JULIUS PKE. Eitract fromaMetU-r fromJWr. Ingrabanf, a gen tleman well Known in Delaware county? Tt com-nrf-jiilsrlf to at! similarly afflicted. "MgrX Rotsdrt, W.Y.March 28, 1847. Gentlemen : My wife hss ured several bottles ef your Sarsaparilla which I obtained of your agents in this place, fromwhich the has received such special benefit, that I am induced to add mine to the abun dant testimony now before the public in favor of its medicinal virtues. Her father, mother, and many oth er relatives have fallen victims to consumption, and it was suppised lht she too was inclined the same way. She had several turns of raising nlood, Ac, andatlengih became so rediced that her life was despaired of from day to day We we're induced to try your Sarsaparilla, as before mentioned, from the use of which her health has been restored; so tbaffor ihe past year she ha been sble to sttend to 'htr do mystic duties. Respectfully your, JOHN B. INGRAHAM. DR H. F: PEERY'S VERMIFUGE OR "DEAD SHOT," FOR WOK1TIS. A aiOBLT TtlUllLl FREFABATlelT, CAPABLE raojt tub raoatrriTCBK or it. actios, or CLBAB1SB THS ISTCX 11 1 IIV KIM OF EVERT WOHM. ''IHE origin, development, and support of worm. 1. in thetiuman system, are to be attributed to a depraved and debilitated condition of the stomach and bowels; it being an established fact, that where the digestion is unimpaired, and tbe general powers ot the system in a healthy stale, they can find no haUiiuiioii . This preparation has the peculiar ad vantage of not only destroying every worm, but also of producing a healthy action of the stomach and other organs of digestion, thereby relieving many complaints arising Irom s oerangement of the digess tie orgsns. Although prompt snd certain in iu operation, and not unpleasant to tbe taste, it is per fectly safe and adapted to the tenderest age. The followingcrtificate was addiessed to Mrssrs. A..B. A D. Sands general Agents st New York. Nw Yohk, May 5, 1846. GsXTLKME: I feel it to b. both a duty and a pleasure, to make known the great medicinal value of Dr. Peebt's - Vebmifcoe, as proved by it effect on two of my children, boih of whom were much afflicted, and iheir health quite impaired ia consequence of worms. For nine months jreious to using tbe Deab s-hot Vermifuge, we had resorted to various woim tried-, icioes, which produced but partial relief; their sleep was broken, with great fretfulness, and pains in ihe stomach, itching of tbe nose and other parts, and we were unable to rest at night, being obliged to wait upon and relieve them all wa could. I admin-, isle red to each of them a dose of the Dead Shot, which brought away large masses of worms in a decomposed stste, snd greatly relieved them. A second dose effectually - removed all remains of worms, snd their health since, which i. now over three months, has been entirely restored. 1 make this statement, that all having children suffering from a similar cause, may resort to tbe same mean, for relief RICHARD HALLORAN, No. 3 Cioaby St, The following is an extract from a letter addressed to A. B. e D. Sands from the Agent st Deiby Line, Debbt LmE Vt. , May 7, 1846. Gmtlixis : I received the box of "Dead Shot" Vermifuge about fifteen days since, and have now only a few dozen left on band, which will be gone in less than ten days It seems to do the work to the perfect satisfaction of all who use il. I hear some gieat ac- ' counts of it, where it has produced the expulsion of f from 15 or 20 to 115 worms from one person, and nearly the same nnmber from some children. Of ' course you will think worms one of tbe prevailing diseases in Canada and Vermont. Please send me " snother snpply as soon as convenient. Respectfully, T.O. BUTLER. - Price 25 cents per visl. ' ' 43 Prepared by Dr. H. F. PssaTand sold wholesale y and retail by A. B, & D.SAI$DS, Druggists. IQQggr Fulton street, corner of William, New York. Sold also by P. F. PESCUD, Rakish, N. C, and 4 by Druggist. generally throughout the United-State. 'RafatsflV BAGS Shot, sssorted, for sale by OlJF' PEEBLES, WHITE & DAVIS. Peterhocg, Jaly 25th. 1849. 60 "TarHThi te and Brown Windsor oap J-1 ww auDeriar r,r wsshina and shaving:, msy be . had, of WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD, .CO Auenst'5thri849. ' 63 Oil . goci and Laid JLamp sjUjuneys A good supply of various wzes, just received by 13 il- 1 9s- f -n"

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