THE RALEIGH REGISTER II FOILISHSD SshfI-w-EEU.Y AMD Wit KIT, BY SEATON GALES IDITOI 15B nOfUEIOL TERMS. For the Semi-Weekly Paper, $5 per annum. Tor the Weekly Paper, $3 per annum. TOETRY. SLANDER. t rBAacca a omom. A wkisper woke Ike air A soft, light tone, an 1 low, Yet barbed witk shame sod we ; Maw, might it only perish tkere, Nor farther go! Ak ! a quick tad eager ear Caoght mp ike little eaosniag sownd I Aaotkrr veice kaa brraiked it elear, Amd se it wanders roaed From ear to lip from Mp te ear Uatol it reached fettle heart, nd tkmt tt sreAe. It wtke only keart it found Tk only keart 'twas meant to find, Wkea f rat it arcea woke ; It reached tkat tender keart at last, Ami that it brtlt. Lew at it teemed te of W ers, It erne a tka&derrak to hers Tkat fragile girt mo fair gay Tkat guileless girl ao pere andrae ! Tu W a little hamming bird, ) That in a fragrant lily lay, And dreamed tk m amer more away, Wat killed but be the gas's refer 8ome idle boy kid Ired ia snort 1 Tb very touM a de th blow came. And Ikes ker happy heart tkat heat With love and h-p-, so fast and sweet, Shrined in i't Lily too (Pur who the ranid that knew Bat owned ike delic-ite, flower like grace Of her ynnn form sad face ?) When first tint word. Her light he-rt kenl, It flattered like a frightened bird, Then shut it wings and sighed, And wiih a silent shndder died. MISCELLANEOUS. From the Cincinnati Uzrtie. OVERLAND JOURNEY TO CALIFOR NIA. BY X. POWELL. Our part j was composed of ten persons a very small nviuber, when compared to the many mammoth companies forming when we left the States, who were founder lake the same journey. The belief was then qnite prevalent that it would be unsafe to set out on the perilous, ami, 1 may add, arduous task of crossing the plains, unless in large bodies. Experience, tht lamp that guttles the shrewd, has ere this taught ' . L r I r . - i v I saify iut uuacy oi ioc iuca. urge com panies, composed of a heterogeneous mass of insubordinate spirits, seemingly, were or ganized upon the principle that number, with the capital that numbers would com mand, was the all-important object to be at tained for protection and success. On the contrary, joint stock companies have all the disadvantages without any of the real bene fits that tend to insures pleasant and spee dy expedition. The restless spirit natural to adventurous men soon breaks out in complaints against the officers fur some real or fancied neglect of duty, while others la. merit that they have to bear inure than their proportion of the hardships of the journey ; nl a .1 . C I t I. with everything that is done, without their , views toeing first consulted, or else .he idea ! originate with them; and lastly, there are I thowh are nn a .1 i 19 niiuiiif iriaK mull ...... a . w -w.vS,wsi,we alll IBi; pu git iiy main force. These caus s disagreement cenerallv result. before the company reaches the sccoml fort. In a dijnrtranizalinn anl ulnniln. n t U . motto, Every one for himself," or. the ' formation of small p irtiep, and in this the? are more likely to succeed. way We left St. Joseph early in June. It was a beautiful day. Ueneath the brilliant and cloudless sky, all nature seemed to wear a countenance of cheerfulness, and the re splen lant rays of a morning sun made the large drops of dew, that hung from each leaf a :d twig, sparkle like a thousand diamonds. Tii clouds of dapple gray, that in the east first denote the approach of morning, bad no sooner faded away, than the grccu trees snng their song in the notes of the feath ered tribe that everywhere filled their bran ches. All turned to take a parting look at the last white settlement that we should see before reaching the end of our journey. ! mere it calmly lay, as if asleep, with its eat white houses shining oat from the dark green foliage, while the diversified face of nature, in hill, valley, and plain, rendered the view extremely beautiful. It seemed to dieapoear behind, ue upon tbe verge of two immensities civilization upon the one band, and barbarism upon the other. We crossed the Missouri, and pursued tbe well-worn road, winding our way with ad hearts, for our I noughts were far off with those at home, whom we might never again lhold all before us sremed enveloped in the dark pall of uncertainty ; all behind oa waa the translucent sunshine of happiness and prosperity. Every one of tbe party be came oppressed with thoughts peculiar to himself, and lost in reflection, each one pre. served a moody silence. The scorching rays of a hot sua beat down upon us with intolerable oppression ; but as wc entered tbe woods through which our road lay, we consoled ourselves with the thought that the sunny part of the road was a kind of proba tionary state, to fit us for the enjoyment of tbe groves, with the pleasant air and cool shade incident to them. The first day journey was rather monotonous. One of our party, Mr. Green, had for several days previous been suffering with premonitory symptoms of cholera, and he concluded to return. Reports from Rumor with her ma ny tongues, that From tke orient te tbe dropping west, Makes the wind ker post-horse, ' brought to our ears accounts that the hek era had broken out with fearful violence among those who had preceded us. and strange stories were told of those who, be-, g, . r . ,Tere aeierc? bJ u'c'f company, -uu icii to uic uueared f. r and alone on tbe oebirnl, and in this way keep the more en- ! T , -; -:. me, terpnsing buck, like the I.Ty student . f l'1"'' .s fore-feet firm y out at angle college: until he is dragged on bv his class, f" l' WUl nh a . Iff VTCll llnwn Uja anVam aa andilan :a I. plain. One of the propeQiiiiei ef the hn. man mtnd it to exaggerate, and -i-. - cesofa. simple nature geed only distance and mystery to be altfched to then., and the ,n,,8,n,"n will complete the story, and make isarvellousU crel thing, utoriri flea. We parted fronT our cotnrade with raanj regrets, but have nut yet bad any rea son to believe these fearful stories Uiat ru mor blew in erery eye.uutil tears did drowi the wind. The first night out our tent was pitched, - muics picaeiea in the forest with suppli 01 www ana water close at hand. Sjon Iter dark the sentinel wss atationed, and we SV ttnUTM Kill r.. . . .. , j , gcl msierp until iar ayoot me twa1." Our thoughts were nfwnid en dreams in future, and we wre ulkinwof C Ytmmm m cuauic ivcceM to our enterprise. Now, we wotih think of the novelty of our situation, of the restlessness peculiar la A- racricao. character, and of the similarity of ,UVC "peumona those that preceded us, by a few hundred jears, from the old world, which history has clothed in the rarb of chi. epattevaw TP!- . 1 as rv 9 4Us capcaaion 01 ue Solo was tor the express purpose of discovering the land of goM: he did not, Continue far enough west, and failed in his enterprise. Yet he found that which has immortalized his name, and hi; burial-place continues to hare a monumental mark that will remain am. i changed by age, and still roll ou in its petty k"-' y 10 uay, until the last sylla ble of recorded lime. Thus we lay in the silent forest of the far West, ruminating on the present and the past, as Thought on thought, a countless throag, R ached, chasing countless thoughts alone. A until gradually we fell into drowsy slum bers, from which we were aroused hr the aliarp crack of a rifle, close by our tent. am sprang to our feet, and hurried out to inquire the cause. Our guard, the verita. ble Jim Cobb, bad fired the shot, as be said, at a thief who was amoug the mules. Upon examination, two of our best mules were gone. All immediately gave chase in va rious directions, but it turned out to no pur pose. When morning dawned, we could distinctly trace them from the pickets, and determined to follow. Lawrence, Cobb, 0ari, Taylor, and myself, composed the party, and we proceeded on the trail of them for arer thirty miles, when we met a party of 04ge Indians, who told us, in answer to our inquiries, that they bad met a white man with our identical mules, making all sjieed towards Tort Leavenworth. He was an expert thief, and probably had watched our party for the express purpose of making us part company w iih our invaluable prop erty. Wc gare up tlie chase and returned, being compelled by the loss lo abandon one of our wagons. From this encamping ground to the mission or agency station of the Sacs and Foxes, wc found the roads almost im passable. The cholera seized Dr. Charles Otincomb, of New York, another of our par ly, ami, at his urgent request, we left him in the care of the kind and gentlemanly Colonel Vaughan, commander of the station. On the 18th of June, crossed the Neinhaw j river, and entered upon the plains. We ex perienced much annoyance from the mules ; they are stubborn anniraals, and very bard to control; sometimes, in their freaks, it is impossible lo more theia forward ao inch ; the more you beat lliem the more obstinate . Jk h.ecomr l,,eJ Purled K being coaxed into . forward locomotion, , "C , 6 l,M thro n :, but witliout doing me any more injur)- than a a a . a a wet - his hind legs, that sent me over bis bead in a hurry. This kind of ground and lofty tumbling is very common, I understand', m"ff novi,i,tcs in lbe niult-riding busi ness. We pursued our way through the sun all day long, and on the afternoon of the 10th of June, we were, to allow the Hibernianism, out of sight of land; the eye searching in Vain for a tree or bush, on the broad expansive prairies ; nothing was visible but its coat of green stretching far and wide, a continuous grassy bed, until its color melted away into the tints of the sky. When night closed in we had very little water and no wood. fie. ing exceedingly tired, we were soon in a sound sleep, although the wolves kept up a fearful how ling close about our ears. We were awakened at daybreak by the braying of the mules, and the lowing of the oxen, which formed quite a concert; one that pro. bably wou.dnot be quite fashionable in tbe State as lliseaccianii's or Brientis, but to us the signal for gearing up, and to break fast ; and as the son' rides from bis green bed, we are on the road for our day's journey. Have passed a large -number of graves, a fearful mark of tbe ravages of the epidenic among the emigrants who preceded us. On one of them we could distinctlr read the name of " William Chapman, of Cincinati, died May 19th." It was traced on a rude board for a headstone, and also, Dr. Ryan, of Ohio, died May 23d. w Many other newly, made graves were along the roadside, and some of them were torn up by wolves, and the bones were scattered around bleaching in the sun. If was a sad sight to behold them, and one well calculated lo fill us with gloomy bodings of lbe future. At one place tbe bones and skulls Were so numerous, torn from the graves and strewn over the prairi es, that it resembled a field months after battle, where Foe and friend mingle in the dost alike ; Bat not 't is e'er, like the wave sank down. Moen tke winds a reqaiem song, Te spirits of tke bones tkat bleach tke groand- After endeavoring to learn the names of the.unfortunale, without success, we con tinued on, passing over tbeaa graveyards as quickly as possible. On the afternoon of tbe 20th of June, reached the banks of the Little Blue river, after a journey of nearly a month. What a change has come over us! so altered in appearance that we should scarcely be re cognize'd by our most intimate friend. ( Imagine to yourself, far out on the prairie, surrounded by teams and live-stock, a pic tureeque group, eight in number, with coot- plexions tanned to a color partaking of a ! glowing twilight tinge, between a white aud i inisra ir nonv am i w .a i J ma erwuwo I vei W I I II black, or a shade between night' and day, Jl with long aliaggy WITrls and moustache) broad-brimmed hatband red 'flannel shirts on one washing clothes, another making bread, others shoe mi the mules, and doing the blecksmituing in general for the com pany, the rest of the group carrying wood and water, and feeding lha stock, and. f pu complete the picture. We have no idlers', no, loungers ; all are busy at something win le there is light to see.- The transition from our luxurious home fare, and easy manner of living, to pickled pork and salt bacon, and the hardships Incident' to an overlnnd journey, are ao great, as. not easily to he conceived, except by those who are' able to contrast the difference between them by ex per'neneet There is much exeitetnentj and iwneihnes real enjoyment, in a border life, notwithstanding the hardships ; "something ia turning op continually lo give spirit to tbo party, and our fare wa look wpon in a matler-ef-cooree way, until it ir occasion ally varied, when fortune smiles tipon us, by a change to fresh, delicious game. As we were toiling along one dsy, we were overtaken by a son. of the Emerald Isle, all alone and on foot, fie was not overloaded; his baggage consisted of a small bundle, hung on a stout cudgel, swung over his shoulder, the end of which rested in a huge fist, not unlike a brown loaf in resemblance. His walk w is fast and steady ; as he came up opposite to me, humming an Irish lune, I inquired where he was bound. "To California, sir," he re plied, with a peculiar twinkle of his small grey eyes. The idea was so r.ovel, lo think that he would attempt a three months' jour ney, solitary and alone, across a country to tally unknown to him, without friend, ac quaintances, or provisions to last him any length of time, that I at first begin to doubt his aincerity. But on he was going, and would soon have left our party behind, if it had not been proposed to him that he join our company, lie accepted, and is now one of us. lie has turned out to be an original genius, and witly, as you may weH suppose. We have given him the name of "Tall Walker," although he disavows any claim to it, hut says he was christened Pierce Flcmming, m county Mayo. Numbers of deer and antelope are to be seen, hut too far off to get a shot at them. The huntsman of our company is Joseph Taylor. Who is there that has visited, for a few years past, the well-known place of resort called Sportsman's Hall, near Cincin nati, and not heard of the soul of good com pany and marksmen, Joe TavIorT He still continues with his shot gun, or rifle, to be equal to any emergency with a possibility of success. Wild lurkie. ducks, end snine. are freqtienty brought in by him, after an ab sence of but an hour or two. STOKX OX TIIK rBAIRlZ. On the 25th of June, encamped upon the open plain without wood or water. We are compelled to drink from tbe stagnant pools n tnc Doles on the prairie, so intense is our thirst. The air is lint and oppressive. Dark clouds were looming up in tbo south, west, indicating the approach of supply in the stormy clouds. A thunder storm on tbe prairie is a fearful sight. All was rendered snug at our quarters, like any ship at sea, at lie hrst distant sound of Vulean s anvil. who is still forging ihaJSgian shield for Ju piter, not unlike the noise of Armorers, accomplishing the knights, With buty hammers closing rivets up, . Give dreadful note of preparation. The wagons were arranged lo form a hoi low square, with the tent erected in the centre; I lie mules were picketed at a short distance on the outside. The clouds rolled up, and drifted across the sky with fearful velocity. Yarious-sizcd birds went crying through the air, now flying almost out ol sight,now coming down again nearly touch ing the surface of the earth, and then again disappearing in the distance, as if in search of shelter, or fleeing from the impending wrath of the elements. The atmosphere became agitated ; a light breeze blew mto a gale. At short intervals the wind would lull, and then an eddy-wind would sweep over i he plain, as if beat back from some far off mountain, shucking up the dust and smaller objects that lay in its path. The mnlcssnd other animals pulled away at the ropes, as if they, too, saw something in the appearance of inanimate nature, thai warned them lo flee from approaching danger. All becomes calm. It is too sudden to be of long duration. The cloud banks become more dense arid darker they seem to lie but a few yards above the surface of the earth. It grows dark as night. Of a sudden, the atmosphere is in a blaze i and, wjth awful rapidity, pea after peal of thunder makes the very ground trinlle Aa I tie first sheet of limpid fire illumes the darkness, instantly followed by a crash like the sound of falling towers the terror-stricken animals burst their fastenings and run wildly before tbe storm. The flood-gates of the sky are opened, and everything is delug ed with water. The ocean itself seemed lifted from its bed, and borne in a volume through the air; it burst, and poured down the whole of its contents on our devoted heads, in the far distant plains of the Anahu ac The violence of the tempest soon passed, by. ' Long and difficult was tbe task of re covering our mules again, and it was not till after a race of some miles. Our quarters were rendered most uncomfortable, every thing wet through leul blown down, wag oas upset, trunks burst open, and, what to me was a more serious toss than any incon venience I felt, my writing materals were entirely destroyed. The storm was over al most as sudden ss it rose. A nd tke firmament bow gloved . Witk livid sapphire. Hesperus, that led The stirry host, rode brightest, till tke moon Rising la tke clouded majesty, at length, Apparent queen, an veiled her peerless light, And o'er the dark her silver mantle threw. Without light, or fire, other than the light of heaven, we lay down upon the wet mat. trasses, and forgot our troubles, as sleep, the universal leveller, stole o'er our. brows with leaden legs and batty wings. There are many things to cheer the emi grants while on their long march, and not the least of these is the news occasionally received by telegraph. Be not astonished when I lell vou that the tele era oh i. extcn-l ded along the road to California. I do uot RAHIGHf N. C, OCTOBER; B1, mean, the great'lung, O'Riley's, but a line establiabed by jhe emigrants them selves, for tbeir own convenience. I will explain. At different points along tbe road, there are sheets of wijtjug paper nailed up high on the trees by those who bave gone on before. They are generally headed with the name of the officers of each company, and from what State they came, ami then com mence a detail of events occurring among them on tbe way up lo this point, with the date of the time when they passed this tele graphic post. One day, Taylor had been gone longer than usual on a hunting excur sion, when it was determined lo call a halt, and as it' was growing towards five o'clock, we concluded to pitch ouif terit'and go no further that nighl. He had gone on before us, and we supposed probably turned off the road lo follow an antelope or wolf, to get a shot, and in thatway had fallen behind us. We thought tt best to await his coming op. About an lionr afterwards we heard him coming down the road, be being still a&cad of us. His mule was loaded with game; and the first words we had from him, as he galloped within hailing distance, were 'More news by Telegraph I What is it V return ed some half dozen voices at once. Du puy, of St. Louis, died of cholera yesterday; his company are six or eight hours ahead of us. I learned the news at the telegraphic station (an oak tree) about two miles up the road.' On the 2Sihf Jnn t jf I . P. mor,nmP dawn' our little train pursued its way along the mar- gin of the Little Blue river, and as the road turned to-the left leaving l he prairie far be hind, I turned to takes last look at its broad green surface, and, with a sigh, involuiita- my repeated the lines, Oh ! tbe prairie lea is tbe home for tat, For there I am lord of all I see: Tbe cbase, tbe chase, o'er tbe boundless waste. . . i 1 nu us grassy coarse ror ate. H We are now entering the Pawnee reeion. i ue vicious nanus oi trie Indian tribe from which it lakes its name are such, that all the emigrates are doubly vigilant while in their country, and it is customary to increase the number of the guard at night. Their thiev ing propensities are such, that a white man will lose the very coat from his back and the boots from bis feet, between sleeping and waking, scarcely being aware of it until fairly aroused, and then be becomes sensi ble of the fact that they bave been stolen from him. The Arabian tale of the three .-harpers that stole from the countrymen, who was taking a goat to the Bagdad market, his goat, his mule, and his clothes from hisback, without he suspecting it until too late, is a mere nothing to the stories I bear of these Indiana. Some of them 1 will transfer to paper at the earliest opportunity. From the Little Blue river, the road stretches across the country a distance of twenty-eight miles to the Platte river. We passed through fine bottom lands, a dark luxuriant soil, covered for the space of a hundred yards with buffalo skulls. The picturesque scenery surround ing the entrance to this valley, brought to mind the romantic myth of the Northmen. s-. . . . . "1 Imagination pictured among the bones, tall warriors drinking their fierry draught from the skulls of those whom they have killed in battle, and dancing their drunken War dance in OJ in's Halls, and ou the mead of Va'.hallah. Passing the low bottom lands, we reached (he banks of the Platte river; pursuing its courso a short distance over rolling lands mid dry hard soil, we at length reached Fori Kearney. The idea associated with what is termed a fort would lead one to suppose il would comprise a block bouse, with loop holes lo fire through, out on the enemy, or !nur walls enclosing a certain number of feet of ground, either square or oblong, with bastions and cannon, and a sentinel or two to keep up a warlike appearance. Not ao with Fort Kearny. It is nothing more j diaii a lew mud huts, apparently built for a temporary purpose. It is situated on the north bank of the Platte river, opposite to Grand Island, three hut-.'red and twenty eight miles from St. Joseph. We reached it on the 30th of June, about mid-day, and encamped on the low plat in front of it. Found plenty of soldiers, and a blacksmith's shop. The latter wa have had occasion to call pretty loudly for, considering the little experience each one of our party has had in that line of business. The venerable de fendant of Vulcan, ith his assistants, seems lo be in great demand, as a large number of emigrants are waiting here to make re pairs, and to give their mules time 10 recov t .1 cc . r ' cr irvin iiie vueciB oi oreruiriving. New Goods! New Goods!! II- TUCKER fc SON, RE daily receiving their Fall supply of Staple and F aoey Dry Goods, and woold especially caU attention lo their rich aad varied assortmeal of Ladies' Drees Goods, consisting in part of Changeable Satiu Do Cheeu, LupiVs best Merinos, ' Clmrry, Green, Crimson, Scarlet and Maroea, , Silk atripe Clareadoae, Embroidered Cashmeres, . Brocade Cbameleoa, Solid and fancy Cashmeres, Black Groa' de Rhine, Plain a ad Fancy Silks, - Silk iretvet Uiaamiage of -aU colors. Ladiee' aud.UeuUemsu's French Kid Gloves, Belt and Bonnet Ribbons of all styles and colors, Black and changeable French Visiles, Wrought Laee Capee, " French work Collars, Uale and Thread Edgings, Moslia Edgings and Inserting, Thread Bobbin, Victoria Cord, Jte. $-e. September 21, 1849. ?6 JUST RECEIVED OH AIR Lustre, Cberrv colored CraDe Scarfs. bile Kid Gloves. Oil Friat, Black Alpacea, Blaek French Clotk, Fancy Caeuneresi Together with other articles. ALSO, . . Jest to band aa additional supply eirJlen'e Kip Shoes and Youth's Boots. ? HEARTT LtTCHFORD Oct KL1S49. ; 83 jL FRESft supply of Moleskin. BeaVer, Mexican ryk one u UatifOTnia Hate InMllin witk lOn".. Boys rar end Ulotn Uepa, daily eypected October 18, 1840. T. A. MITCHELL 81 61 1819. Dry, (foods Esteblistoentsk Tq Day by Express 9. AN Additional eapply of Ladies'. Dseae Goods, 23k. L-opaiating of , n . . Mode Colored Mouslin De Laies and Cashmeres, Mode and Cherry Colored French Merinos, Piuk, Bine and White Tarlatau Moslius, Fancy Sirk Braids, ' ' " Bonnet and Belt Ribbons," " - ' ' Black Twisted Sitk Ejryptian Mitts, ' ' Ladies ltg WftNe'Kid G levee, LadW aad GejjttenWs CTd Kid Gloves, Soperinr Black Clethv " Embroidered Cashmere Vesting, Jtlaok and Feeoy Frencb CaaxiiNeres, -e. fc . Tf R-TUCKEU .iSUN, OetoVar 8th, 1840i r, . , ... :. 81 SlTAWr,. BKAWK.ITrs.'eVc. -WTiMBrmtDBRBD AND ri,..! MOLEUOL JCi OUED UASSIMERE SHAWLS, Black Merino snd Casshnere F1,are4 and Plaiafdo, Heavy Woolen, JUb Roy, and PIsi Blanket do, Lerge Plaid Ceah mere end Doable KmI Woolen de. Bed Blsnkeie of verieos shea. Bute.: Green, end Checkered Blankets, Uesvanta Blankets by the piece at eVmenw ,.; -, -,- . t Porseleb R. TtitlKER dc SON. Raleia-a. October , 1849., . 80 Gentlemen's Hats. FALL STYLE FOR 1849... .. IT TUCKER cteaNthavejnet received their Fall supply of Fashionable Beaver and Su. per Moleskin Hals. In the production of lbe srlicle jtmt meaUoaed. i oe most lawuesa nodeis of European Style ha vs len consulted, aud J.y uniting soiVe of their moat j prominent feature. wuJ. American and Uale j the present Fashion has been found, and Us sppro- priatrncs to tbe other portions of the Gentlemen's r all and Winter costume cannot fail to recommend it to the Fashionable Community. Our customers snd the public ire respectfully in viled to csll anil exsmine for themselves. hsreigh, August 29, 1849. 69' IH POUTED AND ATI ERIC AN CltlPISTLYtiS. SEPTEMBER 25, 1849. CSTE invite attention to our assortment, import W erf by ourselves, and just to hand per hin (ul.Kn r.Rtuaunv V v ..i. ' T l 1,CW IWki AISO great vsriety of Ainci'lcau Itlnnufactare, Embracins some emir4y new design t and pattern not to be to nod elsewkere. Ia tbe assortment wiU be (bund Rich imioried Tapery Brussels. Do do Ens.lib do. Do .do 3 Ply Imperial Ingrained. Do do csUa suer . dii Do do and American superfine and fine do Also r-'age anl Uir Carpeting, Rugs, Floor, Cloth, Bsizes, Oil Cloths, Stair Linen, Carpel Bindings, all of which we will uke pleasure in shewing. JOHN STEVENXO.N CO., Bollingbrook street, a few doors from Syramore. Petersburg-, September 30, 1819. 70 6 w IV CIV FAf DltY GOODS. OCTOBER i, 1849 117 E 'n'i atununp to oar Stock just to hand, f? Embracing a full assort in eut or Ladies, Gciteincn aud Servants Combining tbe Newest Plyles in Foreign arid Domestic Oar Slock Is always Isrge Snd eomtnanding. la which we make weekly addi ions tbroueh ihe See.' aen. CHisene of Raleigh arid edjoining Uoanties, that visit ihis Market, weald do well to exsmine tbe esMO-tment before purrkasing elsewhere. JOHN STEVENSON A CO., Bolliagbrnok Htreet. a few doors from Sycamore. Petersburg. Sepleaibot 30. K9. 79 gw NEW GOODS. FALL AND WINTER Supply of Family Groceries just to hanJ and consUntly receiving. which wa win sell 1 or small probta. Santa Cruz, Porto Hico, New Orleans Crubed ami Refined 8ugars, Java, Itio snd Laguiia ('oflee, ImieriI snd tJuii Powder Teas, Molasses and Vinegar, Pepper, Gingrr and Spice, Starch and Copperas, Calf snd Lining Skins, Shoes and Shoe Threads, Bole and Upper Leather, Bed Cords and Plow Lines, Cigars snd Snuff, 8hoe Blacking and Lamps, Ates and Hnd Bellows, Brown snd while Xop, 8perm, Adamant and Tallow Candles, Tin ware assorted, Casings and wood Ware, Si one ware assorted, Nails and Barkers, . Flour, Meal, Baron and Lard, Col and Roe Herrings, Shsd and Mullets, Dundee and German Bagging, Rope and Twine,, Air tight and Box Sloven. WM. PECK f SON. Raleigh, Sept. 19th, 1849. 74 8 w TO THE PUBLIC , fp.HE Subsciibers take this method of informing I their Conntry friends, aad the public in general, that they have Made large purchase of Goods at ilia North, and are anxious to do a jobbing busiuess hi uie true sense of the word. wl bey go for smell profit ana qoics. sates, a ney mosireapeelluJIy aslioit a call from aay parson visiUag Patersborg. buying Coods to sell again, aa tbey luiow they can offer suelv induce menu aa lo secure customers from going elsewhere. Terms, Cash enly. . DVIS & ilTMAN, '' Corner of Sycamore and Bauk StreeL ' Pstersbarg, Aog 30th, 1849 TO 3m PEEBLES, 1VJIITJB dk UAVIiL., Grocers and CouihiIscIoh Jlrcluuitn vm otreetv reienborf. a, "If 7" EEP always on hand a large and well assort Jied ennply ef Groceries, end pay particular at 1 00000 lo the sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Wheat, Floor, and all otbetsinda of produce. V, . LEMUEL. PEEBM:8, TH0MA8 WHITE, ., PETER K. DAVIS. Ja, Petersburg, July 30? t. y SUPERIOR CHCWMG TOBAC CO, Just Received. ALSO, Jdst td hand, English Mustard, 8up. Carb. Soda, a prime article for Family use t Wfre Fmdere, Carpeting, Hearth Rugs snd Carpet Binding; Looking Glasses, Brass and Fancy Cast Andirons ; Brass Head aod Com mon Shovels and Fancy Tongs Bellows, Spades and Shovels; Collins Axes. Brosd Axes, Hatchets, Plain Stocks, Hand Saws, Files and many other Tools. - - Jaconet, Cambric, checked. Plain Swiss and Mull Muslins r Garment and Furniture Dim fly Cotton Fringes, Thread f.ace. edging and Inserting; 8wias and Jaconet Edging and 1 naertihg ; Lute Ed ainc and Laee, Plain and Firured BetAtMt. Merinn, and High 4Joi eved Shawte Cotton HandH ercnieisr macK-end f ancy Vetored Cravats, Black Gran D Rhine Silfa.. rj 4 . , For Sale on reaanaahjeiatas,ty ."V ... . " j brown; j , . . , Ne, , FayettevUla 8trsat 18, 1849. . . . r 84 A LOT OF PRIME GOSHEN CHEIESE.IN BOXES. ' For Mtety ta- V ' p , , L r ' V TUCKER & S0N. Raleigh, October 5, 1819. go : I " JcwelryEstahlishuient:! I, 1 : i-" " " ' - -- j N"wi: Jewelry; Store: , I"; ' Woald; respectfully infers the ehtean of Raleigh and its vicinity j that kekas open ed a choice slock of ..Watches and Jrar sakvjMitof lbel stor-v occupied Mrs, i'hoanaaoo as a. MiUinery aatailishmeut, wbere be eft Jer aale. '-, ";-j'. j Gold aod sn ver lTatafccMwarranted correct tiaae keeper ; tbe latest styles ot. , , ;, liMAoL&rJEliRTr sack as Gud, Vest sad. Fob Chains; Cameo etoo and mourning Broacliee;.. PUH, Chased and Stoae Riugs: Gold TeMaJWysj Geld and .Silver Tlii.inblesv$tuda, tol Iff and Sleeve Batreee, Ear R,gV Gold and i Silver SpeeUslee, Goods and Fine. Colrys all f wMck.vriU ba.sald cheap. Watche Ttocks and Jewelery repeireSin eoDeriot f 'pii! Gold and Silver lakes ia chano:' " ' - " ' ' "Bent. K. lAid !'-'' , - . 1 IPiiJ Cr Bi 'IlOOT, : ; HA YfN G Visited Iffiw ork.anl Philsdelpbii for . his atinck, jrespecifulltln- forms hT friends Snd the prjblic . Iif ' he has tsi r opened a faree and splen Ald aacAriment of ' ' Jcwrlry. aud Fancy Coeds, Cmsisirng of OoM and 8iWer Lever l, An chor, Cylinder, Vertical BsckpemeMii Gold end Steel Guard Chains, Keys, togetbei with a large as sortment of Bresst Pins, Finger Kmg, Ear Kings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Thimbles, Medallions, At , CC -,; . - n v . . -t. i j; Silver and Plated Ware. -. 8ilver, a'able. Ta, Dessert, S sit end MoaUrd poooa. Ladles, Sugar Ton-si Batter Knrves, (W. tors. Candlestick, Cake Baskets, Couae Greques. BfiUnaia Ware.; . , . ,tJj , , Fanejr Geods ef Selected firicij. A n amenrof irogers RssorsV forVet'anJ . i !, vuu m rsieni and Revolving PwloU CHOICE Pa-RFdMERY OF ALL KINDSjjI ' STpanieh QfarYiMttktJ?.ir!i'3 Gnirar-ahd Viohn String-. Extri Vjolfn Bow4 S aicbes and Clocks repaired in ,aperierll! , wn-personal snprrvision wilf be gfreq fo this department, these. monrbkfhg artlrles oTthie kW to repr, may rely on their being well andfajlnfuRT executed. ';' ,; ' . m -J.. -. y-. Gold and Silver msnufce-nred tif 6rde, wfrh neal ssand punetualiir. 'Hiskest nrk-. K. ki.i Gold and Silver. ' ; r --""vsTrS Raleigh, September S7, 184. ' Samuel Kirk v& ,8oni fiohi nd SiItm Smlthv - . IVo. Balticnre tre?tj v . MANUFACTURE ,d have always on a'.U a large amoont of Silver. 'TM; fi Sposas. Forks of all ises,gar Tongs, Tap Butter Kmves,Salt Snoons. '8itve T.i s-k. k.a" urns, isisnee, ecci "'-- '.,!: They a.e eMtiaweily- receiving brdiret uriporlai r!;. t w,7' teted Castors, BaSteW V. II." . ' . - "v, IIUH- . -ny aanhey appear " f,e pFr'l rk rA-,r n 1 Wcnikwy, Oold, Pateni Lver and Lspine WatchrsJcweuY of every description. . , . January 1Q ic r 9 f:w '8lH28'jostor m M and for sale low by ' ' " "AVTr.t.T A 'tfirufftnW . t Sept. 17. 184 " " Vk JTlatuily flour. n excellent, article on .pd:. - WILL. PECK de SON. October 16. 83 ?i Bacffiiiabd K'dpc A jjo-d supplj b ni- . wiij.-peck &. son. : ; October 18. k83 3 w Old Jam Coffee and Crmlied Svenr A LSO ON H A ND.. A fei piece, of WII1TJ6FLANNLS, suitable for the season. J. BROWN.1i Arrow Root, to hand ;' 'lt Caie best'Bermtida; just WILLIAMS,5 HAYWOOD &. C6 July lOtfa, I849T DfOgjarfi.- Jy ihc Kcr. fpliarlen Beccher--Tbe wi ?aio ur II II ei -ij -f a C0"0" St'ius and KopeWA heavy article of Bagging just o hand. BW .Ro , gotid sgrpply, , . : WM. PECK & OJi Bats and Caps-Caw and HaUi , T EVER If DESCRIPTION, ST VLB AND W PRICE, CAN BE FOUND dlY CALLING Ai . . TI7. V dkd . . rl TUCKER'S.. V . .'Ir i. ,1. "' Kaleigh, OctoBer 5, 1849 S'tga of the Braaen Hat. eo 1 BY EXPRESS rRDM-l!HjUU)FLPHIA: rr received by -anai.v uuk.s, misses anc Children: Ibis dan R, TUCKEfc St SO K4' AloatR w - lllstf-QrH-eo ' Meri Autotnetta, of Franebf witlv oavnetbu Mer; vmga ; by Jettm 6. C Abbott anthnrtf Kiaen and QiMxas- JasCrecstvedat-Nj t ,-XURN tt'S - ' - - - .r-T n taaa att baud; lot of oU V i tM Cenatstingi of Ladiee? WmMmm 8lMe.'-r.i r- :4 -! - ' " ' .vBhark Kdrppenir-i.d rV ;Whia!Tdsnt i.df -,-t.i . i ,. i - ' . -ixh i -..m r.Hatin rd4 Misses and Child erns Goat end Bronzo Bo&j ft T-l -i i'l-'i TUCKER .S(m '' titrcrlpr Faniil Flour, or", 8.U by cLi WRspNi' ' ' t. - . . . 83 ., J weT pir ri8rl Turkey 'Red Ctrrtaiif 6531 Mualm,- For sal by 1 "-i: H. r . . R. TUCKER It SON, ' Oct. 33. Sh oes, SJipjrt 4and iSaltcrs, , ITUST received and nowpeninr.a firs -rats. J sortaneai of and Oenlieinen's Shoes f' ajmai every eesoiptioo, trom Philsdelpbis. i: Ralejgh, October. 18. 1849-' V -;g4 ti TfT, you are subject, o Wjtf.rvc Jl II toTEUCTJD'S DrniSt-r-f oponnn need .4cbn.E1isirV-oi ifjo are JJeafna i was aaja gvj rnjifwnji A Vooag -GeatJema wn; is s4riWi,fciis a d -mjl i... : : . . ; . - u i . w. . . iri,w nnn, irnan wmmmm iinaaii.iin n iff "btajaiax f ttk)n evteatcbee of noad aehaol Address, A. llamiltett. At. nin c:nn M i- --! the Editor of this papsr. Oct 19, 1819. 84 a AO TJSJfMSr-tlJT rADVEKTiSLNU Xfatfffl f . par cent, will be in'fjroni th; regalM JWavfaf ' advertisers ky tbe year. ... . S f enarge.';sit1;-fi ViHtu m ih'.t ii'ol; tytitgfx .17: Letters ta tkb Edkor aset U ftm-nm j Ltiffnp : 'siietoWfcsTtSlftffc-ii krk. ntU'4r 4cii FjilarcasVWv 'Jl (TJtprWt Meetihghbuse OroveVhh Jl tbi aeCes sary edl biases and twW seres eTbiinfatraie''' : PoseeMeawiM begdven (he first of UmmmvymXL RaleighoaOi tt8. . urajl,m ,f, ft SJtisalsfora loan f:3V Tbdusantt DaAaenrlw Ponds HMfr of J?,kighMFilBlvIlo. dt hf rate of . sli per cent1 per annanTn. v7fcU TTiX City Treaserar: i alrtck.Msy H.Sti4t.'tI. M).l.f maHEHEAfr, weanej .haying jeceaUr, V V curred fn tke Office of MsW dmnitZJiil tih Divferloh ef North Carolina, Mihhs iM wbfch anelen as'beenbcWr acettrding tm A& & A4. emkJjryin ittchees taode abd nrvidediULk appearing fromr the ret urns made to aie, that, at the elections herd in the two Brigades constitoiinr jS the 18h 6T A'ngnet ad-22d of Septenv ber,GKOde-E; B.eiiKTiirf RlefgV,es bee dnljr elected; Majar General'of the Vth DlvitioaheV ?Iortb :Careliaajt Mnjtia:; I have rdSemJIr jfaate known the snme teis EtctlVncr, Ciusia Man i.r. Governor of ih $taeor NoribCre!?awhn has issued" eeenmlssibrr- seWdftiglT, bwirlai? "date! October lT.SrJ-Sfot1cUneTbi"eco lag to the requin-mfBts. of the 1 tih section of tka 73rd Chn pier of Revised Stntnies, that QronQ ' B.,Suigletarj js tfulj ccmissionedas.MsjorH eral of the 7Tb Division of North Carolina MJJfthu and as eo:'B efficrt and SoWiers STentred Is yield khn their teady bbedienOt'tTj, : .Sj ' H- R. W, HAYWfllOD.ri4 V y. i' V.!'!li -.1 1 CHI Teaana ior'tile MK Wk,CkioWl8, 14? -Ktvth tns n-srutd v AV holesale nttd 'Retail IWntW g-.. - iwnm pce-ier aesevreaeai mrrmH complett: fcasoitraeirt'ot Crfrbetings RaetXcli air whei witl be-soW apon 'SleasTnk mkv- Thrrr.! pedtfully invite xke laakaUtt' faltAaasWgberaeJ rpcrBUurgy.Qept, mi, 199 r f7,j tji 1 jtiii Chameleon PnOlt de Soie i f 't.n ad" isavc.uin Sdtin detebe' m vv -T'iJsn' Printed and Plaiac ahaacsra.; great arietv ' ' 4lMoiJUmweU s4 t bns Fch MerwoVj h,ut . .. g Chameleon Lwircs, 1 Breeade, 3' J!? '42neMVOrefnioi vc--j ri nib I. ,n3 FoulerdiSjtinr r;i v?'.Ta rr?:'s ' rf; tlih Csrsfctars.plovs, Miita,, ,t , 'i t Bonnet anfCp' KlWsi E ns r)Tel?et'Tita1ngsiT C' -.iT .T-it-ic rlHH(j V si'i'TndJ'-' iasff ?:1 .SwrssvMalUjOook ends Jaecne Mn.lin Y a a m . , . - . - ramjsasinii lihna.'Onrltar? . ; tarll' lOa ibs. renned JJorax I ; - . , 3 cases ffoodwius patent C,hwlo?TnoacUrnI' v OMiPejton ratfeayV df Aud many other desirable art ieUaa fast and fixyeouttm arrhra tiweefciMfcfciea Wsl be aeld JtMmu. fcakigh, OctMlTVWW.1 II A T I A r Subscriber havior . unrchased th ' 4oW eapW By Mat Jainef LircheW m hopes hy$ asHwuci m.i merit be--DauWs loeneed the, faking huaioesa j this e hceMwans!llw aonibs amcethst hf iniemled to fire it a Ikir ins) Vl8 Jelernurfed- Wilnl HjiKat forwaiek hasiSJ about 'Stirling, hb earnestly attUsiw ihtpnd peUonageef tan good people bf Raletgl "ats VWF'tJU iifrwKvs mii as'ril f.si5r9r scsnoection;. with th.aWos, m lirre. a si vs vide an honest support for them. All I ak is 'eatPtof equTinoe 4hawkjt;,1j)iia.j. miB form. i. . , r lease recourct rat mA , -'-- - -H.-np ' an j-a t4 ri i-ftv - ... . -FALL IMPORTATION OF ' ' :i vv .ajreeerriag' per- aha 1 P rafouw , Suaaa;: JEU Howell, and Jienrj; 1 ratt, im '-'V5TToooersua-J 1 i .f6 aa.ttnawaajAttraw ;s yonfH. weare recerrjpgaWL endCapers, 1Wanrs,aBd a5 'treat Variety eabej tfHlry'nterehants aVe inTfteeTUr' eaR mH inafr iee oar stock. ui iy ... . . r: -tir-ri -r STEBBINS; DARftACOTT d CO." ' 101 Broad street, Richmond, Va. September 2, 1849 79 -I I', II ' BgBPMg gkaMH ihgy May 84, W4;v .v.TTW jtVL WipH0fp a4 SheetlngJ. just received, at d 4 3 T M aHn.Tr mtmb4(tM Sent1' 1 7. ?8!:PD, fIj uiailT m(i ICKSnl IO UlfJ - LUA JT rll vltiihl A aWr Havinr a'tarai amnoi' Lll&l??A IhteisJe leave nndime nWjr5.AS?3 AT And JBV ai. J I i