m . 4 . . - . ..! 1 - - : - j ; , T3B RALEIGfl REGISTER II PUBLISHED gBMI-WKSKLY Aid) WIIUT, BY SATOGALES, Him Vst mrifttot. TERMS.. ' " r--for tbe Sm-Weekl7 Pper, $5 perannnm. For the Weekly Pperr $3 per BM; POETRY. ' From the BaUimart America. MY MOTHER'S KISS. ' 1 lore to hear the music Of ray sisters' careers f le And a brother's Irindly voice , Bnngetb. melody to pae . r I love the gentle pressure Of many a food caress Yet there's ooe that more than all ' Hath power to aooibe and bless. Mr infant lip tora'd eagerly To meet its soft salute. ?n Giva with u trembling fsmstatas --- Thai seal'd tbe givers mute I loved it then unconsciously. And from that hour to this, There is nought on earth as precious As my mower's gentle kiss ! It was then my richest guerdon, When some, childish lesson o'er. With wildly gushing joyousoess. That may visit me no more - My young heart overflowing With the fulness of this buss I flew to claim the promise Of her proud and happy kiss. And when at length grown weary Of happiness and play, I sought repose and balmy sleep At close of summers day ; When my vesper hymn was over And my eveniug prayer was said, And the curtain gathered cart fully By her hand around my bed Tbe fervent presure of that kiss, ' As4ny eyes bezan to dose, ' Shed o'er my rest its rosy dreams. Till the early birds arose. And ever when a wanderer From my lore encircled borne, 'Mid other scenes, with other friends, O'er land or sea I roam ; When the twilight shadows gather. And the dew &1 s on the flowers, And tbe weary birds are turning Each to fits forest bower And tbe fond heart homeward tendetb. Oh ! 'us sorrowful to miss Tbe accents of her sweet good night," My Mother's parting kiss ! Florence, Ahu, Dec, 1848. V miscellaneous! THR FATHER. AX INSTRUCTIVE SKETCH. BY at S3. SieoOBXBY. It is the duty uf mothers to sustain the reverses at furtune. Frequent ami sudden as they have been in our own eountrj, it is important that'jOuug females h"uM poewcas sotosrvtatpteyoKitt,- by which thry might obtain a livelihood in case they should be reduced lb the necessity of supporting tliem selves. When families are unexpectedly re duced from affluence to poveny.buw pitifully con temptible it is to e 11m mother dea ponding o helpless and permitting ber daughter to ember rsM thus whom il is tneir duty to aesist and cheer. X ; . "I have Hwt tny whole firtane. said a mer chant is he returned ooe evening to hie borne ; we can m lunger keep oar carriage. We tnai "leave this larger bowse.- - The cbiidren can ro longer go to expensive schools. Yesterday I wae a rich man; to day, there is nothing I Can call uiy own. Dear hoeband. said tbe wife, we are still rich in each other and our children. Mmey may pass awy. but did baa given u a better frea are in those active hands and loving hearts," 'Dear lathf-r, said the children, "do not look so sober. We wiH help ya to tret a living -What can yu ds pr things ! said be. You abatl see ! yon shall see f answered several voice. It is a pit j if we have bee to school for nothing. Hw can the father of eih" children be sour. We aba. I work and wake you rich a. a n. 1 eh, 11 help,' said l be younger girl, hardly four years old. 'I will not ov any new thing bought' any 1 ehali sell my treat doll.' The heart of the husband and father, which had sank withering bis roorn like stone, was lf r! p. Tbe sweet enthusiasm of tbe seen cheered bin, and bis nightly prayer was a eg m pr4ie Tbey tell tner auteiy buuee. The servant were dismissed. Piciares and plate, rn-h ear pete sod furniture were eld, ebe who had been tbe mie-uee of ihe mansion, ahtd no tear. Pay every debt." said a he let no' one suffer IhoMiglt os. any me may be h-ppy, Ue re a led net rsHisge, and a small piece of ground, a few mites Tro'm tbe ' city. With th the aid ef hie awn, he eultivated vegetable tor tbe markets He viewed with deiigni and aston ishment the economy of his wire nurtured aa she had been in weahh. and the efficiency which bis daughter soon acquired under her training-. The eldest one instructed in the household, and alsosesisted tbe younger rbi:dren-rbesiie. they executed various works which they bad lear ned a accomplishment, but which they fooaa) could be disposed ol toadvanttge. They etierw d ered wfth taste some of the orn-ttneetaJ parts oi female apparel.- which were readily : sold to a merchant in the city. TbJtyjC a Ujvafed flowers, sent bouquets to mar ket in tbe cart that conveyed tbe vegeiaolee; they ptaftcd straw, they painted map, tbey execu ted pUki need te work. Every one was at ber poet busy and cheerful. Tbe iu tie cottage wss like bee-hive. "I never enjoyed socb health before, 'said the father. r . "And I was never so happy before," said tbe mother. . ,, VJ, . I "We never knew bow, many things we' could do, when we lived in the' great bouse, said the children; "and we love each other a great deal better here. You tall us your fc little bees. 1 "Yes, replied the father andyna make just sorb honey ss the heart likes to feed on" Economy aa well as ioduatrr wss slridv observed; nothing was wasied. - Nmbing wnne cesssry was purchased The eldest . daughter became assistant teacher in a diet in a-ui beg female seminary, and the second look ber piers, as in- sirectees 10 ine launiy Tbe dwelling, which had always been lest neat, tbey were soon able to beautify. Its roo strsetion wss improved, and tbe vises and flow ering trees were replanted around it. The mer chant was happier under his woodbine rovered porch in a summer's evening, than be ' bad Veen io his showy dreesieg-rooov. -?, . . "We are sow thriving and prosperous,' said he, "bll we return to the city ! K)h. no, was the unanimously reply. "Let us remain, aanl the ' wife. where we' have found health and contdntaienL -Father, said the youngest, -all we children hope vou are not going to be rich again for thstH she added, ws liule ones were shut ep in LI, t'' la nersery. arxT slid not see suvfc nf yne r s 1 L ma .. r . w w an 11 v lofeioer, auu aisnw, . wrm Invee m. and we learu to be indutrios ami nasi f. We were wetta of us hpy when we were rich and dd out work. So, father, please not be a rich man any mor."r . AN EARLY PIONEER. A sketch ol Edaro Dr.uker, o Philadelphia, who, it Vrae a id. saw greater- revolutions than any oibernMn that was everbrn was publUhei, in the Ptnladelphia Gazetie ul April 2lk 173. There are a good many Edward Drinkers now-a-day. . The sketch is ss lolluwn; "EJward Drinker was born is, a cottage, in lfWO. un the spot where the city of Philadelphia how stands, which was inhabited at tbe time t his birth by Indians, and a few 8wt-dea and Hollae. ders. He otteu la.ked ptckmg blackberries and catching wild rablnla where this pnpuHHMCMy ie mw seated. He remembered Wtlliaui Penn ar riving there his second time, and used to pmnt out ibeaput where the cabin aiOd in which Mr. Penn and bis friends were sect Attn Lt led oa therr jrr vaL Tne ule of ibte aged citisen w marked with' ciretiaistancee which never beiel any other indi vidua); foe he saw greater evenis than any other man.' at leapt aince Ute Patriarclte.- Ue saw toe same sput ot eanh, in the coerce of bis own life, covered witn wood aud busbt'S, tbe receptacles of wild beas:s aud birds of prey, after ward become the real of a great city, not only the brat in wealth and arts in America, but equalled but by few in Europe; he saw great and regular streets where he had often pursued hares and wild rabbits; he saw fine churches riee upon uiorassee. where be used to hear nothing but tbe crocking m leogs; great wharves and warehouses where he had so olten seen ihe Indian savages draw- their tieb from tbe river; afterwards lull of great shpa frotn all the world, which in hisyouih hid nothing bigger upon it than an Indian canoe; and on Ihe spot where be had gathered huckleberries, he saw their magnificent city hall erected, and thai Half Ailed with legislators astoniohing the world with their wisdom and virtue. He also saw ihe firm treaty ratified between ihe United Power of Amcica and ine most powerful Prince of Europe with all ihe loroiahty of parchment and seale, and on the same spot where he once saw Win. Penn' ratify his first and last treaty with tbe Indians. And te conclude, he saw the beginning nd ihe end f ihe Bntwh Empire in Pennsylvania; He had been the subject of many criwned bead; but when he heard wt Ihe many oppressive aud naCMoSiiiutional acta passed in Britain, he bought ibeiu all and gave them to his great grandsons to make kins of; snd embracing the liberty and independence ot hia country in his withered arms, and lriunjhing in tbe last year t bis life in tbe salvation of hi country, be died on the I7tb ot November, 1782, aged 103 years. Nor Very Consouivg A few days since a negro WHO went by the rime of Bill Williams died in one of tbe cells of th county jail, at St. Louis. During (be night previous to his death, the poor fellow became conscious that he was dying, stid from fear or some o her cue began to Oalloo. It hap pened that there was aVinth-rugro con fined in the same cell, after hallooing a few times Btl! woke bis fellow prisoner tip. .The fellow turned to the dying man and, cried, "What you bollin"bout?" No answer yet. "What you boll in' 'bout. I aay 7" . Bll answered in a feeble lone, !'! rlyintr. Well, ehal if yon in, ynu ain't de fud nigger is died,' pettishly teplted the liajf uttctp negro. A knowledge of the fact that some other negro jiad preceded hin in closing his eiistenee, could not have consoled Bill wioe.h, particn. larlv when the information was conveyed in so petulant a maimer. A Whits: Neg. The North Carolinian tells a story ol a alve who has irrariually I -come white. The change is supposed to bsve been caused by the bite of a rattlesnake, which oecurred une t n or a dozen years ago. He was formerly as black as sny Afri can, and now shows no sign of the negro except the kinks in bis hair. Some of the friends of Mr. CWhoun sssen that lie will never again, in any reasonable probability, be able to take aoartive part in puhlie affairs, bis health being completely prostrated. Mr. C. is now more tbau sevent) years of age. PsstBB- O rot sonl, w I- lhu be jimtnd simple and true, imrtwf nised, m mI eaev ot approach, as the body which surround- tle ; then manifest s sweet aim loving temper, evrr con 'e nt, wanting nnihing, living or rleait; neither seeking after pleasures, nor time to enjoy them; nor plCe, nor good fellowship, satisfied with what thu art snd what kvasi, believing that God hath done well by thei s'nd y the worW G-f the gooil, the jus!, thsbeiMiiful Fnend, Comfrier,Suslainer, Friend from whom 'all thing eotne, snd to whom every change is owing ; irt a word, so comp rt thyself 10 the sight ol God ami man, as uett&er to blame nor be blameworthy. NEWSPAPERS. There is much truth io ibe mllowing paragraph, which we clip Irwu an exchange: -There ui no rxntk so "cheap aa a newspaper none so interesting becsuse it cmsisfs of a van eiy measured bi in suitable pontons as'to time and qualitf .Being new. every week) or dayrit in vite 10 a habVof reading, snd iffrde an esy .nd agreeable muds bf scquiriiig Jtnnw ledge s. essential hi ins individual and'-Cotuuiunny., ! cause many hours ! a-ss asy pleasantly nd profitable, which wuld nihetwiae bave beeu speot in idleness and mischief. "- Jones asked s friend to go with bim to church. N"," said tbe gentleman, ril send my wife I never go to chwrcbr extrept bv proxy." ,AI.!',said Jones "I atri afrahl that people who worship God by proxy, mtit ex. pect ogo to Heaven in the Mine way.' ffALEKTISE$ f R.ITrLTLOPI3i yf VALENTINB WRITKRSANU A BEAU Uful aauertmesC Keerived thia ay at the . . . N.C BOOKSTORE. RaUigb, Jan Ut. 185a 10 AHO-1ATIC VINEGAR. SOMETHUiacw end superior teCoIognt, for sU psrpaMS ef the Twilst.. ) est, , received and for amis at tbe Drag Store of , WILLIAMS HAYWOOD k CO. - . LIME LIME 93t) Casks Lint, extra sis in scrnte erdsr, for la low, by PEEBLES, WHITE PAVI.S. Petersburg, January 84, 180. , . . 8 5t J ; j mojcRKD steel. J tZJTY Tons Swede's Ameriean and English Iron Suff ) asssrtad,- - V.''-" '",,- - 2a teas Buster, Cast Shear sad German Steal "iSsil Reds, Bsd and Hoop Ires assorted. 1 Tkosa In want of lbs above wilt flad It to their Interest te gt a enIT; tht pries easwot fall te sait - PEEBLES, W H1TE D AV1J . Pstarsfwrfc Jsssnry , l$. it VOLUME RALEIGD, . N; C; j-- ,t ; Ti -r-nBOTTS ILM79TBATJSD v , HISTORIC. THE H Story of AKred the Greet; try Jacob Abbott. This aUy teeetved by ' r ... , II. D. TURNER4 Pec. 6, 184. , ..,:. .. , . , . ., 19 New Books .Received . this ' day ' 'XHLs aniT-snr : na If . CJ. UOOK8TVIKB. - " ROMA.M liberty, a hsalory by 8aat Btlieit, ' Memoir of Wo. Wirt; by Jmx P. Kaw edy. , ;; ttketcbe f 8outh America, Polynesia, V by Wm. Maxwell Wood, M D. Morniua: anvi the Jsuit, Artiitery sod Infantry, ty O. P Klerabory. Hildreth's History of tbe United tUatea complete in 3 ls tpperseU. by Dick in fine. I. to 7. Ameiicaa Almanac lor I860, UherrbaMo'e do do do 8 word, do do do Ives on the' Obedience of PaHh, de' : " PaMttiral loiter, -,-v Answ-e te tbe sasasi . Kippa dalns H itnoss. ,. Lue Aahbel Orsra, V. D- M . , Eeypt an.l iu M on u menu, by Dr Hawks. Macauley'a Hiiry of Entbuid, a variety of edi tions. Irving' sketch Bwk. flluatraled. K nick ar kick er'a New York, do - Shirley, s ule, by Cmrar BaU, author of Jane Dec 18, 1849. 10 PEKUL.CS, WHITE a OAY4S Grocers audi Coiuuilaaait -.Tlrckiants Old Street, PeUninrx. Ti KEKP alwaya on hand a largo aud well mort edaopply 'of OrocorM. and pay particular al iem.m to tha aale of t'ottou. Tol co, W heat, Fkmr, and all other kinds of produce LEMUEL PEBBLES, THO,M8 WHII'B, P61ER R. DAVIS. Jt. Petersburg, Jaly tO. fi ly FALL. IMPORTATION OP ; EARTHEN-WARE, CHINA AND GUSS 8EPTEIBEI I, 184S. Wo a.e reeeiviof per the ships Francooia. 8nsaa E. Howejl. a ad Henry I rait, ar riving from Liverpool, oar sap ply ef Earthenware aud Chi na, direct from the wmtutfactm rets. And by arrivals from th North, we are reeefeing a fall stock ef Cat, Plain and Preea- ses, Castors, Waiters, and a great variety ef Fancy ivooua, selected lor too eoeniry iraoe. Caooiry merchants are invited to call and exam hm' oer oteeb.'" ' 8TEBBINS. DARRACOTT CO, 101 Breed slroot, Richmond. Va September S IMS' 73 . Ftrfimtry, Futy Articlu, 4c WE are sow In receipt of a Urge snpply ef Foreign and Amerieau Perfumery, Fanev Articles, die cowsiating of Cwlogn, Estraeta tor bo I Itodkerchief; all lbs popular Puma la ma aud Hair OUs of the day. Toilet and Sharing Sea or every quality and pries. Fancy Boxes and Toilet Bottles of beaattfal styles and pnttartta, td wbieb we invite tbe attention ef those in pwrsoJt ef sosaetbiag good aa well as tasty. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. ' Old Java Ceffe aaidl Crnstaedl Ssar jast recelTeHl. AL8O ON HAND, A few pieces or WHITE FLANNELS. r--hr for tbe seaon. J. BROWN. FOR SAIE. A FAMILY Carriage and Harness, ssd ens se coixi banilcl Piano, sold for want of use A burxaia in both may be had hy applying- to A. B. STITH 4 CO January 7, 1840. 3 neriaiw Shirts. LARGE lot just received very cheap. E. L. HARDING Nov. 34, 1849. 94 Supreme Court Reports NO. 1, Vol. 10, Uv Reports. No. 2, Vol 8. Equity Reports J iat iasiiod and for sals by, f 8 EATON GALES. RetVer Office, Jan. 18, i860. 6 rf O II audi Larsl Lamp Cli i n iters A gi4d snppiv vanona mxs. jnaV. reeeiveaj b) WILI.lAtrt. HAVW11OD 4'0. TsJL-UL.K dfc wt.nM call atirn. lion to their ecxelient lot of Tobacco, eon 18, Mi4 or . 109 lbs. of best Cbewins Tobacco, ' 10 000 Cigars of liffereni Brands, li00 P pets old Virtiinia Saiokiug Tobacco, Mrs. Millers and May lands Snuff, in Bottle. Bilea and BladJer. A lo. a frenh nivltlne article of Rice, --neenvfwr 41849 6 Ur. Jasepii J. VV. Tucker. OFFERS h Profe-aional nerrieea te tbo eitixaai oTRaloicb and vioinny. He may at way a be foead at ihe reaideae ef Raffia Tucker, Eae. . MavS. 1849. 3t t IM9S1SB mXtXlH 9aaODiaa HIS day received sr. Express line, 90 Togas and UtoakJ, au qaalttlea. " E u tiAKUinu. - Nav. 84, 1849 , 9 10 BARRELS floe St. Croin Sugar, ' for sale by tbe barrel, by ' A B. 8TITH k CO .-tr a Fi PHILLIPS, AiTTENDS THE COURTS 4n lbs Connties AJk ef Orasre, Alamance, Wake and Chatham Chapel HilL N. C Msv 34: 1849. ' , 24 FRCSII RICxS.. fnRESH Rice, sew Crop Jm received, ' . t Ui . .i WMPECK 4 ON. TUeeember 1 Ilk. 1849. 99 3w "TO WHIP .4UTYfclr8. JTflHE Fayetteville and Westers Plank Road aUa- Company are prepared te make coal (met i for sa wins lumber bv Whip Swa on ths line of tit- Road between M srob wen's Faetory aa l CaHba; am tbe lussbet te be sawn ajrreeabl to spesilearioa Sawyers would do well to make appCcatfeh at tbe 10 3t ' - ' " F.' COOPER, Esgwaer. to wwTnAcroni, ' Office F. k. W. P. A,' o. Jan 28, 1850. ' f1tHB Payeueville "ssd WeWers PJenk Read r Ceojposy will be prepared to Jat out -the e. traction sf tbeir Road te CttaeTera, front' Lower Little River to CartaagVoa the SStb day of Febrev nry next, berining a. tbe Riser and Mmt rlfk gt0tmd coai toning frees day to. day U Carthage. ' Aay infonnatioa repaired eun be bad by applica tion at tba offios of the Company in Payeueville. 10 S ' ' 't " ' P. COOPEK, EocJae 2 DOZL Bias Petu Over Costs, J -. ) 9 Blaskets,- rtr i. ; j - I Black bsary EavlUbCVXls lttv.34, 1849, V v--4 ' M MJJ dfvlM1 : jn"it -if- iee4i .fij 1 IS 6, ill! I n . ' 1 f .' ; r?l . Dry' Goods sKnentsw V -J MOHAIR Lsutre,' ,,: i , ; 5a Cherry colored Crape SearCa, - ' 1, 1 . . .rnte Kidfilovea, Oil Print, . . - ' , ' : . ", " Black' Alpaeca, ' ' Black French Cloth, ' - Fancy Caaimeres. Tofotber wnh ether art 1c lea. v .( . ALSO. Just to hand aa nomtional sapply ef Men's Kip Shoes aud youth's Boots. . ; HEARTT LITCHFOKD. Oct. 18. 1849 t - 83 The Freight Train has ComeT AN D brongbt as a large and very Ine assort ' meet of tbe best STAPLE GOODS. Call aa4 examiae, - - HEARTT f LITCHPORD. Raleigh, 8ee..18:h, J649. TJ fTTftLAID LlMNfiVn. 44 ARLBORO tTRIPS IL OKEtSOX PLAIDS. txaiwrs, Tickmie end Toweiiinss, Tweeds Satinets. Kentucky Joana, . PibH Uloih. Over UeeiNaes. Kerseys, - . . Wsabintlow Plaiaa,and Pennsylvia Stripes, Kouh and Ready Caaaiiasrea. 4 4tc Juarreeeied and forsala be .. " R TUCKER it SON. RaUbjh. October 8. 1&9. 80 CHEAP TWEED COATS. TI w41l Tweed Caasimere Coats, eat In iLwLkvIV sty Is and well made, for R5 good E Lu HARDING. Oct 30. (Standard) 88 AftOTIIKIt SUPPLY. MOLESKIN HATS NOVEMBER Stvle today received by R. TUCKER SON. Raleigh Oct. 13. 1849. 87 FALL AM) WIiTEU U8T 10 hand aa elegant stock of Ladies' Drem soooV. as toRowa : Chamsleou P-oli de Soie, Satin du rbone. Printed and Plain iTaehmeree great variety, do ' de Mouslin do Laines, French Merinoa, Obamalsim Luatres, do toils, Brocade, do QoMti'ja Grey do Poulard HUka, Aham Isatres, KmbroMUred Kbes. Capes, Collsra, Gloves, Mitts, Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Velvet i'hmmini. ALSO, 8wiaa, Mull, Book and Jaconet MuaUne, Muabn Tnminga. 4-e .e. HEAR1T 4. LITCHFORD 8ept. 18. 1849. H BY EXPRESS, THIS DAY. TtTELVET TRIMMINGS, DRAB, te. V Coau, 200 8poa4 CoUoo. v . macs ingrain Cottoa Hess. ' Plaid Limwya. Cotend Sajoi Cotton. J. BROWN. Ra sir. October 30, 1849. 87 CHANGEABLE CHAMELEON SILKS. SILVER Grey Silks, French Merinos, Velvet Trimmings, Embroidering; Braids, Paria Kid Gloves, Black Belt Ribbons. Jast received by Express, R. TTTrlCEP. Jb SON ov as. 1S49. 94 Olack irjolcskiia Uals. FasMen for November. LCASE Jaat received : alao, reeeiving. .Ground Alluin and Blown Salt prime and fall sack. J BKOWN, No 9, Fayetleeille Street Raleifh, Novembr 28. 14 94 BY EXPRESS FROM PHILADELPHIA 'afWa. PAIR ROBINSON'S 8HOE& for Ladies, Misse and Cbildrea this day rceivod by R. TUCKER 4k. SON. DOZ. yards Velvet Trimming, to day re- 47 iLP reived by K. 1 UCKEK 4- SOU. dev. S3. 1C49 93 tf 1 ADIES Tbck and Thin Sole Silk Top Uailem Received lo day by R. TUCKER eV SON. 81 October 8th. 1849. AT HARDING'S CLOTHING STORE, stilt on band, a Tall assortment of Winter Clothio rodueed prieee E. L. HARDING. Jannary 15. 1S50 --9 07" Standard copy Kerr & Cuthbert, . (UJCCEoMU T8 BICH k CITBBKIT.) : Srown, Porwtrdli' idCommiiilq Irrthaitt, PiJTEUftBIJUG, TA. , , HAVE eonntantly on band 1 Prime Porte Rke and New Orleans Sugars, leait, Crashed, Pulverised and Clarified do Rio, Lruirend St. Doaisge Coffees Bbtek Pepper In grain and ground, and Allspice. Race, Ginger in Hags, nod Ground In Bo sea . v . G an po wrier, Imperial ami Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Caudles -Brown. Pale aod Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot snd Bar Lead B lacking, 1 tik, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather LtrerpooT and Ground Atom Salt ' -f'" frime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard ' Naile, seortol, with flooring and Warehouse Retails, Principe, and Havanua Cigars ; Together with a large stock of Jbreign and domes tie Liquors. Wines, aj-c, which they -offer at the wweet market rates., -c4-.' '. 1 :t- ', . Tbe striates attention paid te reosivJsg and for wardisg goods . r .. ... .- Perobaru. Jmnafy 29. 1850. 9 ly Something New.f Tp TUCKER cON, always at the ten ef JLLTaVe 1 ' nave jest raoeivea ami bars tbe llanre to offer te the pnUic, HATS ef tbe nree aou watt inrenioor meeaaaiam ever seen In this market. ' Tbey are FresoV Invention lately- in troduced tnte thia country; sailed Gibus's haB eaoji mesapiqser'-t-saeeiianieai U; mr which tba ingenious hatter, M. Gibos, has received ikeeulee ties of lbs society tor tbe Eaooraremenf of Nation.' allsdastry.asd tba Aeadesnyof Industry, of Fnsee, with gold and silver sandals Thishas Is asele. gaat eurlosity, as well ss laxwry. a ll. cwasoasaS an ebusioiiy by wbieb it sen be folded lute tbe pass of neap, abd tbea thrown -out late tbe shape and smeathrieaB of a moles I in orbeevwA Come aud ass. i;r,i z-' liik-C . , ri;;4- e. v. Jasvt, ttuu . ... ..... . a T) J BOXES JEseUsb and Geawau CImsss, jast .. ... 1 .ft. TUCxvKK d SON "- i 11 iiiMimi I 11 ' .-'.. iir t!.n i' 1 -rz x.'i rri. j -r-w at .1 t i;iit . l.: t . 1 Dry Goods EstJiblishmeriti t To Day by Express, N Additional supply ef Ladies Dress Goods; '.Cenotaliac of S Made Colored Mouaiin Do Ijaina and Cashinare node and tyherry t.olored r ranch Menoos, : Pink Bine nod Wtiite Tarlatan Maslias, Fauey Silk Braida. ' Bonnet and Belt Ribbona.'- . . Blaek Twi-ted Silk Egyptian Mitts, Ladies Long White Kid tilovea, . Ladies and Uentleinen's Col'd Kid Gloves, Superior Black Cloth, Embroidered Cashiuera Veatinea, - Black end Fancy French CoaMtmerea, 4e. d-o. Ry-TUCKEU ot SON. T)etober8th,'l849. 81 IHAWL8. DLANKiri dkc. TTTIMBROIDERED ANDPLA1M MOLE COL- UJ OSEUCASSIMEREHHAWLei, ' Olaca Merino and 4Saiinere Fioredntd Pbnw do, Hewrv . oonjn,l.m Roy. and Pmtd Blanket do. Laree I 'laid 'aaha.eisaud Dwuole Kf.it Wo.4ond. Bed , Blanket ol vaiua alxes. Blue Gret-n, and Checkered Blankets, Servants Blaukets by the pioce or d.n " i Fora!eby" R. TUCKER A SON. Rsleich.ttetohee6 1849. - ' 80 A LOT OF PiHMB GOSHEN CHEEaE.IN BOXES. For sale hy R. TUCKER osBON.' Kaleieb Oetoher 5. 149 nO FINE CUTLERY &C. -ti SETT Bmce Handled Knivea and Forks, II complete SI piecea, iory llaud'ed Butler Knives, Pocket, Pen and Cone reea Knives, ' Scissors, larre and small. Wade and Butebei'e superior Raxors, Saunders' Uasor Strops. Oleopbaue aud other Shaving Soaps. ALSO. W. Holl h Sou's Tallow Candles, J'edd. Son and Co's Sperm do. - For .ale by J. BROWN. RaleiKh. Nov. 11. 1849. 90 Fresh Arrival. New FnII and Wiuter. Goods. - I AM mw opening my usual aaaortment of Goods for the season compriaing in part : Cloths. i:simeres. Velins. Plain 'snd Printed Cashmeres. Plain French Merino, Black Alpaca. Black French Bombasine, Black Cashmere. Ladies' Kid and Sitk Gloves. Linen Cammie Uaudksrcbkfs. 104) pieces Calico of all abades. Englnh Kal.y Prints, Gals Plaids for ehiblren, Cottoa and silk JJose. Bonnet, Cep and .Tsfity TiMmmv Bobbin. Tape. Worsted Braid-, Velvet T rneomaia, e-ewing Silks, Combo, . Bruabes, 8oap, tjologne Water die. UCEXO Piecea Bleached and Brown fthircings. Bnmrn and Bleached Jean. Oxnaborg. M'av1iore Mtripes aad Apnu Cbecb. Linsrys, Kentucky Jeans, Diapers, Irish Linens. 6-4 and 18 4 Bleached Shir ting. vVhjta and Red Flannels, Patent Welch Flannel.' dfVgXID Pair Shoe, of Heavy and KipBrogan for Men ami Boya, Women 'a Leather Booteea and Smiea. Indies', Misses, and Children's tmoes snd Bootses. Keresye and Blankets. Hardware. Cutlery snd Crockery. . Groceries of all kind. Ground Alum and Blown alt.' '. Sperm Candles, Cotton Bagging, Dale Rnps and Twins. ' Green and Black Umbrellas. Cotton and Silk Mnie ekin and Far Hate, Wool Hau, Xen'a snd Bys Cap Naila and Brads. For sale by J. BROWN. No. 9 Fayettevilia Street. Raleish. Ocmber 15. 1849. 83 NEW GOODS. Tost Received nt Ra 12, Fayettevfflo St RALEIGH. N.C. sklHE Sebscriber has just retarned from New -I York, aad is now opening a large and well elected Stock of Goods in his line. .They were hough! entirely for Caab and will be sold at moder ate advNnces for Cash, and to penetu'al ouatomers nil a credit.' 4 rLHrge and lecanll fell Asaortmeitl of Conaistingin part of Black Silks, col'd Chameleon. Do Figured and Plain Casbmers French Merino Orleans Cloths. Plaid Luairea a great variety, Black Alpaoaa, Gingham, DeUlns, dee. French. Eng linb, ami American Prints a large lot, Silk and Cotton Hosiery, Gloves, French worsted Collars, Laces, and Trimmings for Ladies' Dresses, Brown and Bleached Shirting ami Sheetings, White and Ked Flannels, Brown t Bleached Table Diapers d-e, " Clothes, CnanJmrv3s, dkr. Super fiae Btack French Clota, Blue end Brown de Tweela.SMtiinet, Kentucky Jeauisplaia and striped Vestings GeoxUmeu's Slack Kid aud BUak.and white.; . -. - . Silk Gloves, Cra-rats.Pnngee Sl Bnndann t Hsndkrs. Irish Liaen, Ready Mads Over-Coats snd Vesta. ariaaaaaai.Tw3-Ok :" A Large asaortnteat of Blankets, front 50 cents a-' niece to flO a p.iir, Kerseys, "Osnabdrgs, ' Urge .aeortsaent of Carpetingand Hearth Rnxss very Urge Slock of Boots and Shoes at the fowest rates. JJttaatiaxj aaxaoD. cc?aoapsrj , Beaver and Stiin Beaver the latest aiy lea, Broad Brims, low price, Black and Colored,' .'' " CalifbrnU do a great variety of Youths Boy's and .Gentlemen's Cloth Capn - ' -v OaXZNXtKBiaMrilSwSw v Brown, Clarified, Crushed and Loat Sugars, . Rio, L-4guira, and old Java Coffee, tniperfil and Young Hyson Tea of tbe best qua'y, Spertns-Adamaatine and Tallew Candles the best: A Urge let of Crockery, Hani are, Cuirerv, 4-astiaga. xtlnessmilb's Bellow, Anvil. Vices and- Hammer, Nails, ot. ate, and almost every article usually sept in a Ketau store, ! -: ' '- ' T H. SELBY. No. IVFayettevllle Sl, N- C. October 2ft, 1S49. 87 iV' WHITE WINE. FDR COOICINS. 'A THIRST rate Article. Also, Cinmmwn,. Clove. AJk. Mce Nutmega, AHspice, BUck and, Cayenne f eKper, Kace and ground uinger, Mustnrd, Sweet OiL Extracts bf Lemon, Rose. VaniTbt, aud Ofance. Cooper's Genuine; and many other articles suitable for Christinas t inn ; m st ore ami for ale by ; . WILLIAMS HAYWOOD & CO December 15b, 1U49. t ..! : 101 TALL.T-1IO! V . Frederick IFeuttey. Sheffield. Mai.ufac ture et of the. eal Ta.ly-o Raxos I S vrj as wsrranied to absvs "'fhe iiereaaing demand for the Tally. fie Raxors is the strongest awoof psaainle et their 'being duly aporertate.1, both er bums and abreed; their fame Jbavng spread li .every quarter of the globe) is nw oily1 eatabiiahed, ano Ihetf urtdmbted superioriiy sdmiited " For sale at tbe N:C. BOOKS TUUE ITIIresaiam natebs3SHffDwassud Cine IT Lights, Wax Tapers, Match m without Brusn asasm .i nr),.wrsaie.st hi t l . Raleigh Deo ifcie, 1849. .. 100 inikRIaEKVCD,GlNGKR.jWnt received by UT- - - t-- L. ti. WALKER. UvJGlES. HORSES, AND CARRIAGES lersam by u. ,,F: t :l, i;,-,;,,'. areriV earn jaMAveU " r - ' Mapeioa HocW livery Stable. " f1UrJaav 3IiW18aL 10 T f 't? -: ' tf -tt ;' l -i' fc 1 .:r, r ' T7T NDJHBER11. kifl I Jewelry-ltablishments. WATCHES AND JE1TCLRY. rnvirllSday Yeeetred, per Express line ' Twe' fine JLL Gold Hunumaa's Wbicheej sfso Fins Gold Fob snd Vest Cfaaiss ueit o Gold Pens j bU ef which will be sold lew for cash. ,v , (D , .. . ; WM. H'ROMfSOH. Raleigh.' Fehroafr 1." 1S50.' -' T' 'io Gold. Watches and Jewelry. ; n. w arrival er a large and raahtouable -. aortment.of the above just At hind and Ibr . Cheanep than mmmr DifttPB a. MAMSlrS Jewelry 8tore, The most eitesrive Stock or all articles in their line that has bees offer, ed rorsale here for years. Coma and see; h yon do nor buy. 1 , 1 ;;-t-. .v.i 4 Doxeu gold ssd kU ver. Watches, ef nil kindi J ., Gold fub, veat and guard Chains, Keys end Seals, , Finger-rings. Ear-rings, Breast-pins, Studkand collar Buttons, ' rJrm: " Qm Lockets, Braeetsfs, Oasps, gold silvw sn' myiwaf, m'Tm prawn aetSB t ,;h,-j t :J . Gtdand stlvasPSilgumi fam4rtrt. VSiler Combs snd Tortolee aheil 'SpeeweiesT'''1' A fry axtenrive iuwort merit of Silver and Plated Spoons, Cups, Ladles, 8egnr : Tongs, 8slt .. Sponos, Ac. Ir.; : . : - .- . ,:, A large stock of Cajtlery, Raxors, Knives, Kssor. straps, and Diamond P.iste for Rators, Brushes, Hair Br usbe Combs. Tooth Brushes, Ac. Butter and Fruii Knives. Gold and-Silver Thim - ' bles, - -1 .'. v . ' i..- : . t-- , . , : Gold and 8ilver Mounted Walking Case v SUverPUted Castorv Candle Slicks. Waiters, Baskets. Girandoles, -A large awwrtmeBt of Perfumery, Colognes Soape. Rosea for Toilets. Fancy arttcle,ani Christmas presents Sad a variety ef ether arti cles. : ; - . ... , ,. ,,v. All kinds of Watehea an.l !.. . 1 " w .w. j jriwufii mi superior style, , Old Gold and Silver received in ex change. , :-''' v-r. ' 'i palmer. d' Ramsay.- Raleigh, Nov. 21, 1849. ,.. .- 03 tf New w'ewelry Sto.-' " W. H. TyOM-P8ttfl Wonld reapeetfally inform the ehJsensof Raleigh and its eieinHy. that he has open ed a choice aloek nT'DvatokM .nil Ilr in arMritoflha ator oeennMul k Mm TI...i..' as s Millinery eaUblishment, where he offers' for sale. Gold and Silver Watehea. wamntad enmtet lima keepers ; the latent styles of f lSfllDalBLR JKWKl.BT! soeh ss Guard. Vest and Fob Chain ; Cameo, atone ana mounMng oroacne ; rUin,Uhaed aad Stone Rings; Geld Pens and Pencils ; Gold end Stiver Thimbles; Studs. Collar and Sleeve Buttons, Ear Rines. Hold and Silver Snwi.l 'A,. Goud and Tina Cutlery ; all of wMch will be sold chesn. Wntchea. Clock auperior atylo. Old Gold and Silver takes in ex change .-j , Sepcgl. 1849. , fi Cm Samuel Kirk & Son. Gold ini XilTti Xmitht, . Iff o. Ilaltanamrej Street. MANUFACTURE and hare always on hand, a large, amount of 8ilver. Table, end Tea bpuena, Ferka of all amen. Sugar Tonga, Soup Ladles Batter Knives Salt Snonna. Sitnr.TM Ki.. era, Vaae. Urna, Diahea, olc i ,L lions, nit the new ' ervre Plated 'Castors. Ramkai. CaadleMicks and Waiters, as eariy e they appear io the Foreign mark eta. Abe, fine Tsble CutUry. uoid, rateot Lever sod Lepine Watches Jewelry of every deseriptioa. ' , January 10. j d7tBlvBtl UiOKBObflvrmnn . RICH ASSOR rMENTWSuver-ftutew Cas lora." Caadleatick. ami f JiV. aj 1 w wweinwa aTwawVal Biouxe Chamber Candlesticks, for aale by 1 ! PALMER d-RAMSEY. ; November gg. 184S. i' v -... - 94 Far Sale DULLARD'S Celebrated Herbs atom Extract, er Vegetable Hair Wash Amo, au extensive assortment of ail kiada'af nee. fumery. PALMER , 4 RAMSEY. November 36. 1849. - 94 df OLD WAIST BUCKLES AND SLIDES V FX just received a baantiul artirik. AIga a. hand, 3 Harrison Marble Cloeka. time pieces For sale by ; PALMER -4 RAMSAY. December 44S49. eg Head Acbe VP you areoubject to a Nrroua Head Ache, send to PEftCUlPtf lira Htara. nnd .a . kri. pbus Head Ache Ebair-ur it you are Deaf, ret a uwn 01 au- s Acoustic Uil and be relieved - P. F. PJSSCTJD. COTTON. Y A HUH -6.000 lbs. Cotton: Yarns, assorted. 4a,to H's; YVsahingten,, Mercbsats and Battle 4t Co .for sale by , f CBBI.KS, WHITE A DAVIS. Peteraborg. November 13th. 1S49: ' 92 : VACANT Abre Lot, in the Eaatern part of the CRy, aa elegant site for s private rwd- eoiiiiesooa to the for iimikhU n R Hngbee. E .Temdevt . Enquire of E. P.-, Gutouj or the Editor ol thia. Paper. j, . November 84 .1849, gaVwlf - FANCY GASSIMERR PJJTTS. S DOK pairs just received, besutiful colors, well made, and Cut laths latest style nalrs.fina Maek Prauk hu fifrS. vhsiiih seiiiug cssspas. "a R. L; HARDING'S, 1 Wa.'i Cio Ki 94 :;;Teucher Wanted, TIME Truenme ed tbe Rutherford P EM A LR AOADEwY.Wa to engage !u competent GamtWuMM ;be aMH bw a marrieu) mao)-te sake Charge the tcbaw.' A .teecnar of weed quatrf canon would tswet w uh wberai nuppnct; Tbe lutttew "MJ JW ecfcatliuts the; miaaawaasiioa of i the teacher ;tbVsrlhaa at nrm usee yielded to the Principal ews thtummd doiimrt, after paying hi AppUcati.MM moat be made os or before the lath February. J 850. aa en that day the Trusteee . will proceed 10 make a selection ;. , j ;. . . -. Applications w id also be received, at lje saxse time nw.f MUSIC Teacher. t Addresi ' J. McEXTIRE. M. D. , i l , GKmirman Board ef Truetem. Rn'berfordtou. Jan. 16th.l85M . i,, T- w ' CtTATK Sf ITsrlh rSfMlv. mm i. - . mmwm jw.m CownTT. Ceert f pfeas snd O. Barter Sessioas. NoremberTerm, 184, rl-jTL HardyT, . ) brlgin-i Atmckmestl re. urn nutuvr 1 " 1 t'v i 11 11 i lannianj axarnaan ai ine inweav Sls.es. 9 Sf"rl" ? Cmt it fa) ordered thst Pob. b4 neW; rork eaW-ted to ImVcsm Will iumat ITon . He mnde in the Raleieb Rreinter. for ai I t flnbnfnm.iiui.M.u .it..r r BeaiTon.be mnde in, the Raleigh 'Regieter, for six m m .'km tnmi ' ' - ' . , mnraiHi a-'i nunwr appear at ear sexi Court of Pleas and Qusrter flssslsua, to be held ISae that Ooamte f Rm -ml tmM Hm I2mmm j WlndaoTfOa the second Monday of Pcbruary nextr asJul frsalmsSt Saul AMimsta sssut nlakaul 'em f A ' I rf-.-- v-r- -Tw-j arrt and replevy ad property and plead, er Jadgement L iirj'uann Witt knaliml MM mmlmmm kW - ' t Witnees Jemrtnsri8 Tsy hie, Clerk-of seJdCeurt! 1 u . .mmm' L . a . a . . . . ikM ssoond Monday sf If her 184x. n JONJL A TAYIiia rt.i. Jsnwsry Mi.i850. - fPrl Adv. f 1 2T ! FRESH supply of tl, eewated. Spsnlnb Cigars, jest .received, to wbieh. we is vito the nnawtbm m v "w ST1 iBeTrrv t 'r; D. s TEEMS Oi? "ATJlTEUTljil ffi ' ww.KT vasts - cJisrged So per cent-'kigher; tttf a deduction ef S3 1 pMoent. yU5dmnV relthetfegsjsr riaek; far sdvsrtissss pyUhs: yesrii u UsxitMi s' L.44 - AdveMisswwntssumtad isthaSrwi.Wa'rkuSaL eurr,wMnlso aT i. the Wststr p.py, f,., of engwa?c;Tfy Uz, ioHiuSTU: ;.2nrs ' ItT Lettem'toths- Editor 1 I 1 i m' 11 'I isst be rosT-r utf" J If A FIN. AL inauhnent of J per ses. sn tks saV soripdooe to tie new Episcopal Church, new beiac erected ia tLis-Cify, wIU bedus on or baforsfht 1st ef Aril, 185.(t ' e ,i4i - vmtiA&riuuniv IWb.W A Jsssary 18, leM. 4t WIWWGTOJfJtJfD'IlJiLEIGfrlUilL SfflHB 8ubeeriber ts now ready to take' us lie Sj1 Bond of the Wilmington aad RsiSlgTi Rait Road, due January 1849 wad 1890. . f; -jru CHARLES I. HINTOiri) v ' . , , , rublis TnestattVv Jasssry 18, 18W. J '. V . ; g 07 Standard 3 tines. ' ; ' 'i tiv.-?ji. ; It' (hanks tu the Public; for' tbe very Cberaf as smerooe iwtnmage, biU.erto extended to htm, sruld vsapectlulry rnoUeS that be coorinuee proeat Cute i.ti:---g. ,i- ..' . r rnuo eunaennef allar Mataaia kU mM fiWtuffiaia ano eomimwmn-, sne&lt M)er sxperieneed and ss lenttTe ; indeed no pains or expense ' have beeav, ST shalf be spared t.V render fiafaction to all who imU binixebi Btablnhmrttt ' l r.- ,(7 - Hs wilt keep sonaiantly ob fiand; mr hire; & - dacr dcg4jii, nAnar ts 1 ass: ts m x il V HUKSE witwba bdadby lbs day, .week,m.mth os year, on hw xeoat Mno. aerate terms. . Drovers will find phis .sia''tHBi'.sn4 a meatcouv. 'nmnt ooe lor efleclin iwt iILm - -- v . v w. , ill aiwarafind ample secomnvodntionVe awv nnaaL bar oT Hovaeav bweV mrgev tjfcr jt 4:; .? t ! The 8ubsoriher baseJae effected s sew arrasgS- tent 4vwhiehhe wilt' he SnMhlaJ tn- In.li mmA old B use ics, and Houses, 7sr s srsY crcsere- - , . 1 . . . M. . aw menenve ana awvaunuiiug CTBS. " A U1M at S new restore in his business. In-'i-f .i Tm Subscriber hopes that' bis frietidr and th Publici sHil enntinua to give nun ; triai, j.It Is Sll thst be ssks. ,. . JAMES M, HARRlSS. Rsleigb. September 9tt, 1849. 78 ly A FIRST rate Blacksmith. Apply st this Offlot. January 22, 183a ,: -,. 79. , Where is He? ., f FOR MAI ION wanted of ths wberesbents sf p. C Dtrssiss, Esq Patent Boamer Msnsss proprietor. .. . If he will address a line to 0.'. P. Q. CaAMLOTTZ. N - C h ailt bear. muiuiMm lulili sdvantage-otherwLw he pay hear ' something not very ptesssniv v . : "' -- : Cbarlotte. Jss..l9th. 18i0. tf"fTi Vtrr t. t 2X8 3000 WASTED. ' r !ZTIBE SubrCriber W aothoiized to receive jpropo. sVJJb, sabj for S loan of .Two TnoUeand 'DoHari; nt Bonds oT the tmy of Releigb, far Five Hsmhrd BeV tar aaeh .'nnvabLsatftnr twelva maiilh frnm tJui Jam. ailhe pleassrs ol tbe prt'aM.nd burning Juterast - -i. f . . ai we ram 01 jx par cent pef snntua, payable sesn aipnslly. ...... , .; , W.; WHITINO ,, ' . ' " ' ' A" City TreUurer. Raleigh. May 11 1M9. ' -""- ggt 1 1 wow Ready, nMm CTEZURNER'8 North' Carolina Alnanaa. fbe ikn Tsm Pn sff ev lsrsVi4tIJ L' ..tia-T ..if 4 Pnbllshed snd tbtd wholesale and retail, by Hail ry D Turner, at the r.5 N. C. BOOKSTORE. Raleigh,, Nov. 8, 4840.' n t, .W,..,;.- .gg FROCK AND DRCSS COATS. TCI 1 OA RttiNGbai jast received a nrrt IP Ami rate aaaortlueut of Frock Snd neaaai Camtm mi onaamai renca utotna. ussap ror Cssh. o fTfuiJsike rastV.A superior srtkls ef Rest lUvored, Just ts band-' -r-a 3 .v V- ...v. .. rJ-,- V -.,.Pwggistfc-.. SHE Subscriber, havrogmrcmmpiraU tbe sleek, Ac . of tbe late Finn of Nixon sod Cooke, lake occasion to inform his frieuds and tbe- oublie generally, that he' will eoutinue to carry en the btajsW nens.-ln'sll rur brauehrnvnt tba aama atanat k.iik.i no efibrje sor Sxpesse' -wiH be spared sn fan) pkrt:le sceommodate'tbe trsvelliag .CbrnmasUyV Oonvsy nnces, with good horses and careful drivers, will be r J . . ..11 1 . . . 1 . . - .v iruinMu m mi uiins mua im aoory UOUOW nnOT in fact, every eooTeiilenee for traveirmr;, la tk tray ef will be supplied ou the most farorshla - sad teooaa. dating terms. ' ' ' ( u'-5a If T ,.-v the Sa4sieribsr slsu sl'pecw to keep sonaUnUy ua A mm era 9Aam mr mn . Aod'oersoee 'wiihia to bniamf th th" weekM raonlb, or year, will have 4bes wall swan .nuiw yDMm pinnies era en Wirmiugton Street, just letbs East ef Market Souare. 1 TbaiikoJ , for JW, ary liberal I encouragement which haa been extended to the leia. Firm, the sn derMeaed oledses hinmlf td muni .' hr Li' '. fialeigec. 1(184 n l :K 'wtfauh gsd tiuivtns tutClZI SuU baeanluaedOH, .-f. - .ou ounces Wuuusc, a , 18 dox. fresh Couersss W.lar!iT ; " lOttlbal refined Bora-.'' i.'fU.-,?.-wAtt 3 caseeOoodwiiMf Miear'r.i... 'r.ir r, I ,.t tildPeyttsVuVairyleVr" Mf! -And mnnv othna1eainiUBri - snd expected to snivntiinji.week,. All wbjeb;wiU RaWItt3e. 17, 184,; SsiS .- t.-gg TfOSIuCIl rOaTttiaatforrMser SUafVnia KiirMMa. in Ik. R.l.t.W mm. A tl.lm """"Oi'auia, M Had-: Read Blaehih'hop) reapectfully annoamose 10 me eiineiw 01 w.aieign wuejino ssnsusHUatgUesjnj (ies,tht'hei prepared wsnnsuntcturet; nl .m XJ0CS&: 0F.4LL:DESCBJPTJ02r& CmkgeSfriitg, MJt-Kfk, , rw JCa$tigtmni . is thort,mt ry thing i Maei and BUcJumkk war. is Also rsxriatn to tXEfcoTS atLt auseuto, at . ; ! ut - .'-russseStssr orrcs.-. 'x-i . - - yr Til m I U T nf I Ores 1 ni dLbinda. nt once from, .40 e. t. en a'WTT. " ; a mean 1 ii..innM mmv mmmmwwmmMnmm .1 m wmm L. : - ,7--7 --, Hsieiiets, Hammers, t des of various, daacriptione, and a number ef articles in bis lias too tedievs ts mentiont ht ip. tinum.fsn mui All orders faJthrallyeYecnS at t lew SYfeee, ed , Orders from a distance will be attended to; and executed at the shortest notice, ilia Uhliehmsnt will be found at the Raleigh Railroad Depot J" " ' ' Re pas-rag In his b'ae performed with w iatssm ssd majninu,' abq, n gi pstsssS4SmnUy en i ' . ' " deepnieh Asm, s genwral "aamrtnesnCof. 4sstssd i JOSRI tOLTEjjUNG. Rsleigfa,' April H, 1849. 04 u U4 ns'8U1(M5mi ntvs hzt r SO Hhds. new ernpNew Ormsas Sugar, rufsals Vby . PEEBLES,. WHITS 4DAYI. . Petersburg, January 34. 1830. r - - i 44 TTaybUBtTs CnxtXA Ns. 4J.--A' frsskvwsp. JYli 97 jast reeeived and foe sale bv t; 3 - - r : . L . . M arrrT t una rw t viunnn a. akaa inklH 4 vd '.fsjr

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