,1 m- - tK.- TDERliiGH (r U r TERMS OF ADVERTISING . AitstrfiM Men's For army Swteea-j. inesrtien, DeMw each Maswaoawt Twwnty-fivo .Ceapj.''"?if m'iv-J - i- -.--mq ' . - .fv-wuuij -r -1 - i i i mi Mininin in mi - in ii"r i 11 ! n.i.w i- r- . li W fnt AW m.mi REGISTER lil ' II PUBLISHED IKMI-WXEXXT AlTD WXIXiT, BY SEAT0x:6ALES, KIITCX lO Fi:f UXTCL ". TERMS. Tor the Semi-WeeUy Taper, $5 per annum, foe the Weekly Pper, $3 per annum, ''t"1 POETRY. The following: iUuu by the late P. P. Cook, f WUfcer, Va, author of Florence Vane, the Froitmrt ballads, etc, ws take from the Southern Uterary'Messenger. They strlks as m having peculiar beauty : TO MY DAUGHTER LILY." Sis changeful years are ge, LU7i Since joa war bora to be A darliag to yoar mother good, A happiness to me. A little shivering feeble thru You were to touch sad view, Bat ve eould see a promise U Your baby eyes of Mae, Yo fastened oa oar heart, Lily, At day by day were by, And beauty grew apea yoar eheeki Aad deepened i a your aya ; A year aaede dial pica i yaM kaad And plamped yoar lit t la feat, And yoa bad tearoad aoma merry trayi - Wkiek w tkoogbt rary Iweet. And wkan tka ftrat iwaet word, Liy, Yoar waa mouth learned to aay, Yoar aiotktr kisaed iltrtytwaea, A ad aMrkad ike faaona day. I know aot aen bow, my dear, It it was quite a word, Bt year proud aaotker rarely knew, for aba the aoaad bad board. - nira jv " - j ' - -i j i Yo were my little friend. And we bad walk and aigktly pkya And talks without an end. Yon liule ones are sometimes wise, For yen are oadrlled, A grave grown man will etart ta bear Tb strange words of a child- u Wkea care pressed on oar boose, lily, Pressed with an iron kand I bated mankind for the wrong Which festered in the land Bat wtea I read year young frank faoa Its meanings, sweet and giod, My ckaritieajgrew clear again 1 felt my brotkerbood. A ad aoaMtimea it wonld be, Lily, My faitk in Gad grew cold, For 1 aaw rirtne go in rags, And tiee in cloth of gold ; Bat in your innocence, my child, And in yoar mother's leva, 1 learned those leasona af the heart, Which fasten It shore. "At last oar carrs are gone, Lily, And peace is back again. As yon have aeea the son ahine oat After the gloomy rain ; In the good land where we were bora We aoay be bappy still, A life of love will bleas oar home The bowse npon the bilL "Thanks to yoar gentle face, Lily, Ita innocence was strong To keep me constant to the right, When tempted by the wrong. The UtUe ewee ware dear te Htm Who died npon the Rood I ask His gentle care for yoa And far year mother good.'' MISCELLANEOUS. From Chttnbers' Journal. OUT OF WORK. BT A WOlXIHG XaN. What a dreary phrase? How suggestive of hungry craviags mid empty cupboards of rciiless wauderings to and fro of gloomy certainties and gloomier anticipations T How it disturbs a roan's relations with society? iouhare loeta vantage-ground. Thai which a week ago was possible is now impossible You are become a pariah without intending it; and you eye squalid people with a sort of shudder, half-persuaded that ere long you will be of them. How grudging and envi ous the world seems to have grown? You fancy that every one is as well aware of your feelings as you are yourself, and whatever discourse may be addressed to you sounds as if pointed with an embittered sting. Northing to' do is bad enough ; but out of work T hope-stifling words take us fsr beyond, even across the Rubicon of desper atton. And jet it is something to know what tha phrase really does mean. It is a teat to which you look bsck with feelings similar to those which possess the surviver of a shipwreck or other fearful calamity. You won Id avoid the trial if possible; but having gone through it, are rather glad tbau oi her wise at having endured il. Such ret roepecttons, it may be said, are not conge ni l, yet it appears to me that human experi ence, if reviewed in a right spirit, can hard ly fail to convey a useful lesson to those who read its history. My remarks are prompted by what has happened to myself, and may on tnat account, il on no oilier, present some slight claima to notice. Out of work! bow the grim reality haunta you, and how vain the efforts t shake it off T Then you understand fully why Keats speaks ef sleep as "comfortable, and join hearti ly with Sanch Panza in "blessings on the taan who invented sleep." The approach of bedtime waa as welcome to dm then as to a travel-worn pedestrian, and I ahall never forget the soothingeharm as the unconscious. nets of sleep gradually stole over me. It innuonce would remain lor a lew brief mo ments on first awaking the next morning; but presently a vague apprehension of some impending ill would creep over me, and then, when fully awake, my heart swelled with one huge choking throb, and tha leaden gloom aetlled down on my mind for the rest of the aay. How the moral reacts on the physical ! i Used to walk briskly ; now I went about with s hesitating step, and with a bearing that threatened to degenerate into a slouch l once believed my prineiplea firm, and my faith in essential points sound that nay mind was made up as to social rights and moral duties but the snchor-hold had sud . i. ... uemy given way, ami i wss sdnft on a sea of uncertainties. I began lo fancy myself ni-usen, and that be was the wisest who, in the general scramble, grasped most. What had 1 dons to b thus summarily deprived of ways and mean, while men whom I thought not naif so deserving war in full work 1 It was a hard question to answer under the cir eumsUnees, sod harder still to acknowledge uut I bad bo right tocomplalo. Again, bow yoimiEiL -. i ... -v. S many there were who could live In esse and comfort without laborious toil, while I, at the beat of time, had nothing but my manual akill and a week's Wagtis between my little bouse -bo Id and destitution. Turn it which way I would the idea was a harassing one. The new spirit that possessed me seemed ndowed with a resistlesa power of gravita tion. Society, in my view, had become inordi nately selfish : bow cleverly it had entrench ed itself within laws and statutes, so that if tbodinglv anxious without the pale ven. tured to kelp myself to the superabundance of otbsra, it would be under peril of libertyl Waal right had society to make a law which seemed expressly intended to sggravate my necesitous condition? Was I not the victim of a wanton injustice T Such thoughts as these make the work of temptation very easy for the temper. Whatever might be socie ty's notions on the matter, mine were, that retaliatory measures would be perfectly jus tifiable. I walked about it seemed to me that I sneakedseeking for work. The masters surely bad leagued against roe ; bow, other wise.could be explained their malicious neg ative to ray inquiries? There was the roar and bustle of life and traffic in the thorough fares, which made me loathe my forced idle, ness. I had no business there j I was one too many in the world. How the aspect of affairs had altered ! When in full work, I had not unfreqnenlly considered it a hard ship to work so many hours every weak for so comparatively small a remuneration. Now, in retrospect, the wage appeared an enviable fortune. Unconsciously to myself I was learning a significant lesson, fraught with pmloond instruction. Could I have appreciated it then as 1 do now, what a load of heartache it would have spared me ? Staying at home became irksome te me : borne appears somewhat strange to a work man on a working-day, and although my perambulation might be fruitless, it seemed that I was less idle when so occupied than hen loitering within doors. Some morn- ngs a faint revival of hope would make me feet certain of getting work in the eoerse of the day, and I started forth animated by all ray former confidence. Unsubstantial trnstT The first disappointment brought back all my irresolutions, el! my bitter forebodings. had made up mine to brave it oat, but the effort was too much Ut me. By a strange contradiction, too, notbtvithatanding my ea ger desire to be again employed, there were times that I shrunk from the thought of work as an owl shuns the eunlight. How often the few remaining dollars were counted I this wss in New York. I des pised myself for calculating on how little my family could be made to exist for a given time. My heart grew hard, and I often shod, riered lest it should never soften again. How slewly time paaaed! the days bad grown longer on purpose to torment me, and the thousand bewildering thoughts that preyed upon me had ample leisure for their work. r adix detctnsus averm ; the pbrsse is ss true now aa when originally penned two thousand year ago. When first cast loose, 1 had felt sure ef readily obtaining employ ment in my regular trade : the idea of con descending to inferior occupation wss not to be for a momeql entertained ; it would dam age my respectability, and disturb my self esteem. But as the wearr time wore on, the imperative necessity of providing food for a certain number of mouths every day. left no alternative, no possibility of over scrupulousness in conventionalities. Res-' pectahility soon ceased to be a bug-bear ; if cabinet-making waa not to be had, 1 would take carpentrv or jobbmz-work. These fail- i"g, I next called on the shipwrights, but with no better success ; and then I bethought myself of trying other resources. It had al ways been one of my purposes and pleasures to see as much of other trades ss possible, to visit and inspect all sorts of workshops, by which means their most obvious details had become familiar to me. I knew enough of shoemaking, bookbinding, printing, and some other trades, to be able to earn small wages at one of them. Should these also fiil, it was all but certain that some sort ol rude labor could be hunted up, which would furnish at least a pittance till more prosper, ous days came round again. My heart often tailed me while following out this new queet, yet I did at last get through my task of seek ing any kind of work. In some respects it was a repulsive task, for in the lower grade of shops and places of work I found a lower class of workmen ; men on whom vice' bad set its mark, in whom depiavity of mind and heart had become habitual, whose talk was .se . n as coarse as tneir looks. "Misery, ssys Shakspeara, "acquaints a man with alrange bedfellows, and the dread of being compel led to mingle with debssed associates in. creased my apprehensions. Necessity, how- however, bas no law; a needy man must work, if not wheie be would, then where be can. It is a critical time ; lor there is more or less danger that contact and ctielotn may lead a man to "put up with his altered po sition, aud gradually assimilate himself to it. Many a man in such circumstances is apt to aay, "What's the use of trying to keep a fair front to the world? Who cares whether I sink or swim? Lettbingstske their course." However, on the occasion here more partic ularly referred to, my asking for work proved fruitless; whether it was that I looked too dejected or too unpractised, no one would employ me. Who shall describe'the prostration of heart and soul with which a man who has been wandering the whole day in a vain seeking for occupation returns at night-fall to his borne ? The dispiriting is occasionally so extreme, tbst for a time the solaces which there await him fait of their effect. It is in such circumstances that a man learns to sp. preciate rightly the valne of a good wife ; one to whom he can aay with truth- When pais and asgniab wring Us brew, A'sainistering angel thon. If she be kind and considerate, she will know thst now is the time to display that affection which iaclndea no thought of self in ita warm desire for-anojbera uappineaa. True it ia tha: she baa her own share of tha general trouble to bear: but abe baa not been worn out by a descending walk : that i e a m m rebuffs which solicitation seldom fails to e-1 voke bave pot fallen on her personally ; be- aides which, women are leas irritated by Ad. verse lonune than men. If, on such occa sions, the wife will strive insincerity to be come a "ministering angel, bow soon will ber'gentle words sooth the "chafed spirit of her husband 1 With what blessedness her sympathy reanimates bia hope and subdues his impatience) How bia bitter thoughts take, to flight and abe suggests some com forting anticipation and a brightening faith takes the . place of despair 1 Ere lot, the sustaining influences over ma tier him,- hie children again claim bia notice, and share his smile, and the dejected man finds in the light of home a solace for all his disquietude, so true is it that there ia no condition of Kfe without its bright side, no adverse eircutn- stancea without its compensating quality. Herein toe married man is more, favourably situated than the unmarried the one baa a sustaining resource which the other knows nothing ef. But on the other band, no fate i can be more deplorable than that of a man out of work with a comfortless home, a care. less wife, and contumacious cbildee. It must be confessed that the general aa. peet of such a season of trial as above indi cated ia sufficiently discouraging; the down ward tendency appears to be inevitable. But there is a remedy ; and this remedy is to be found in the spirit of self-reliance -in firm moral principle. And it will be a las ting satisfaction to me that I was enabled to apply this remedy, aa a fragment'of experw ence may serve to exemplify. The mental and physical condition which I have endea vored lo pourtray in the foregoing paragraphs was not permanent il was but the stunning effect which the natural reaction would pre sently dissipate. One evening, after a long spell of involuntary idleneea, I waa aeated thinking over ray pros pects, when all at once the though struck sne, MIf no one would espUiy you. aet yourself to work." No sooner waa the thought formed, than I started opto act npon it; one aide of our kitchen was occupied by my bench ; I got inio working trim, eharpened my too, and sawed a pair of enda for a chiffonier out of a mihogany alab which I had by me. These were planed and properly aqeared bclore I went lo bed- that night ; and woodroua waa the effect which manual labor produced. Fling but a atone, the giant diea,' saya the poet and moat truly; for aa my limha fell into ibeir aceufttomed movements, and the shavings whis tled fnm my plane, the anxious carea forsook me and hope resumed her sway strong in the vig or of self help. It ie true the prospect of profit was bat slender. That, however, waa not the prime advantage, which lay in the restoration of mind to iia healthy tone ; atill, in a large city purchaeee are alwaya to be found for fabricated wares, and small gain is belter than complete inaetion. Beeidea which, a man who keepa him self employed ia more ready to improve auch op port unit ie a aa fall in hs way, than one whose wor king babila are weakened by disease. Idleoeaa is by all meana to be eschewed, and I would nrge thin point atrongly on the attention in working men my Ute companions. The resource which I adopted m such an obviously nataral one. aa to have since caused me much sarariee that it did not occur to me with diaiinctoeee before the second week of ray wandermga. And mine la no exceptional case ; what I did may be done by others. There are few tradea at which a man cannot work at hia home that ia. if be bas the will to do ao. If be wil! only exercise a proper thrift while in work, be will not lack the mean o! parchaemg male rial on which to employ himself when oecesaiiy compels. Let tbse wbe aaay feel diapoeed to undervalue such apparently in significant means ren.em&er that it ia eaaier to o- bey a fixed habit, than :o recover it if broken or lost ; and no purpose, however alight, ia to be des pised which may serve to keep a in an out of the way of evil aseociaies or temptation. Il would be well also, if every artificer would learn some thing of other tradea as well aa hia own, as he would thereby not only multiply his resources, but be better able to judge of fitting occupations for his children There is no reason either, as I afterwards hsd occasion to prove, why the days spent in looking for work should be altogether wasted, ror.vjitb ol losing sight of the main chance. I took occa sion to visit the noteworthy parte of the ciiy, pub lic buildinga, wharves, docks, sod when practica ble, factories snd workshops. Nor did I confine myself to the town, but walked a few miles in various direction into the country, where, if nothing else was lo be seen, there waa alwaya natural scenery, whose influence on the ojind is ever quieting and elevating. Laaily. in integrity of character consists the most potential remedy ; it ia the soring of all the reat. Ii ia that which gives and maintains the energizing impulse. A wise writer has obeerred that "a atraight line is the shortest in morals aa well a in geometry." And ao it is, even ia a calcnlative point of view. The steady, honest worknan ia leaa exposed to Icaa of woik or dis missal than be who baa no aetlled conviction as lo what ia right or wrong ; he is better able in keep money in bis pocket, and to provide for bis children. Here is so much clear gain ; but when we come to higher views, how immeasurably su perior does moral rectitude appear 'hat which springs from the soul, sod aims at aotnelhing be yond mere peconiary advantage Aud such s condition of mind and heart is possible to every man, I would endeavor to impress on all who shall read what I bave here written, as sn unfail ing resource throughout the changeful clrcuu stances of life. Foaaeaaed of that spirit of eter nal juatice which does aa it would be done unto. man will find that "out of wnrk ia d 'Vested of half its bitterness, while a double blessing attends the sweets of prosperity. ABBOTTS ILLIJ8TBATD HISTORIES. THE History of Alfred tha Great ; byJaeeb Abbott. Thia day recsivad by Dec. 8, 1849. 79 New Books Received this day N. C BOOKSTORE. TB OMAN Liberty, a bietory by 8a ml Elliot t, JTsaL Memoirs of Was. Wirt; by Jno. P. Ks nedy. Msetchen of Sooth America, Polynesia, etc., by Win. Maxwell Wood, M D. Morning among the Jesuits, ArtiMery and Infantry, Mr V. P. Kingabary. HMdretb'a History of the United States coca plot a u(3 vote. Copperfield, by Dkkins. Noa. 1 lo 7. Aaaeriean Almanac for 1850. Churchman's do do do Swords, do do do I tea on the Obedience of Faith, do Pastoral Lei tar, Answer to the same, Kippe' dnohio Witness, -Lilo of Aahbol Green, V. D- K. Ecvptand its Monnatenta. bv Dr. Hawks. Maeanley'a History of Cniland a variety of odi- lions. Irvinsa sketch Book, Illustrated.. . t, Knickerbocker's New York, .do . Shirley, o tale, bv Carror Ball. Minor of "Jane iEy'- JOB PRINTING NetAty executed at this Office. R41EIGII,. N. 0,; FEBRUARY 27, Dry Goods Establishments. CHEAP TWEED COATS. 150 Tweed Caaslmere Coats,' eat In good sty Is sad well made, for $ V E. L. HARDING. . (Standard) ! 84 Oct SO. AIXOTIIEK SUPPLY. a MOLESKIN HATS NOVEMBER Style today received by R. TUCKER & SON. Ralehrb Oct. 13, 1849. 87 Black iTlelcskJii UaUa. Fashion for November. I, CASE Just received ; also, receiving, Ground AHam and Blown Salt prime and fall sacks. '- J. BROWN, No. 9, Fayaiteville 8treet RaUieh, Novembr 2. 1849. ' 64 BY EXPRESS FROM PHILADELPHIA. 200 FAIR ROBINSON'! SHOES, for Juadies, Jdisses and Children ; rhia da R. TUCKER Ac SON. received by. Richard A, Caldwell, ATTORNEY AT LAW. "ATTENDS the County Coarts of Anson, Rich aond and Cabarrns Saliebery, Feb 18, 1850. 13 AX INTERESTING NOVEL. aplONSTANCE LINDSAY, or the Progress of eiy Eror j ay i. ur. n Received this dy by February 12, 1830. Pries 25 cents. U. D. TURNER 13 A SUPPLY OF FRESH PHOSGENE GAS. UST to hand and for sale at P. P. PESCUD-S Dme Store. February 13, 1S30. 13 GARDEN SEEDS OF all the popular varieties, warranted fresh and genuine, just received and for sale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &. CO. FebruaVy 12, 1830. . 13. GARRETSON'S FRESH GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. T The HE Subscriber haajnat received and opened his supply of Freeh Garden and Field Meeds. stock ia well selected, and are of tha most ap proved kinds. Below are enumerated some of the principal kinds vis : Asparagus Large Whits Giant Beet Early Red Turnip, Lone; Blood French Sugar, Magnet Wertsel Cabbage Seed Early York, Sugar Loaf, Red Dutch, Early and Late Battersea, Drumhead, Flat Dutch, Long Bregan, Green Savory -Carot Leng, Orange and Early Hera Celery While 8olid Cucumber Long Green, Prickley and Early Frame Lettuce Brown Dutch, lee and Royal Cabbage Onion White Silver Skin, yellow Dutch and Onion Bat tone Parsley Large Carled p4renipf-Large White Sugar Raddiab LoDg Scarlet, Red Turnip and White do, V Salsify Large Whits 8ptnage Round Savory .Teaaatte Large Red . Turnip Early Flat, Rata Bags, Whits Dutch Red Top, snd Aberdeen Beana or Saapa E-irly Valentine, Mohawk, Re fugee, Yellow weeks, Large Lima, Large white Kidney Peas Extra Early, large Ull Marrowfat, Dwarf Marrowfat, Bishop's prolific and early Warlington Pens Grass Blue, Herds, white Clover and Lucern Sundries Tuscarra, Sugar and Smith'a early Cora Sage Thyme, 8ummee Savory, Sweet Margo ran. True. Cress, Boll, Tomatto. Shaped and Cay enne Pepper Scotch, Leek, Melon Seed, j-e ; all of which are warranted fresh and Genuine, aad for aala by P. F PESCUD. Raleigh, Feb 13, 1830. 13 LT- Standard and Times copy. (Offeror (9asiO&Ba DOZ. Bios Felu Over Coats, Sjsj ' Blankets, 4 Black heavy Eagliah Cloths. E. L. HARDING. Nov. 34, 1840. 94 New Jewelry Store, v. n. thoipsos ' Would respectfully inform tha eitisana af Raleigh and ita vicinity, that ita bas earn ed a choice stock of Watches aud Jewelry, in a part of the stoiv occupied by Mrs. Thompson Millinery eatablarhment, where ha oners for sale. Gold and Silver Watches, warranted correct Unto keepers ; the latest styles of FASHIONABLE JEWELRY; each aa Gaard, Veal and Fob Chains; Cameo, etsne aud mourning Broaches ; Plaia. Chased and Stone Rings ; Gold Pena and Pencils ; Gold aud Silver Thimbles ;'Studa, Collar and Sleeve Button, Ear tltor, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Slc, fancy Geadeand Fine Cntiery; all of which will be sold cheap. Watches, Clocks and Jeweiery repaired in superior atyle. Old Gold and Silver taken in ex change. Sept. SI, 1849. 71 (m J. W.MAURY If CO., Managers, Richmond, Virginia, GRAND LOTTERY, to be drawn 23d of March, 1850. Capital Prize 970,000 1 Virginia Monongalia Lottery, Clasi C. Pmim 1 of $70,000: 1 of S0,0 )0; 1 of 20,0i)0 : 1 of 15,000; 1 of 10,1)00: 1 of 4,817; 11)0 prizes of 1,200; 114of 1,100, lowest 3 No. prize ; 63 of 200, 1st and 2d drawn Nos. ; 63 of 100, 3d and 4th drawn numbers, etc. 75 No. Lottery, 12 drawn ballots. -Ticket $20, Halves $10, Quarters $5, Eighths 21. fe A certificate, or risk, on a package of. J25 whole tickets, $236. Do. of half, quar ten and eighthi id proportion. r uraera lor packages, single tickets or hares, addressed to the undersigned, receive immediate attention. Drawings forwarded J. W. MAURY & CO. Richmond, y a. WAR n EN TON FEM ALE SEMINARY. THE Exercises of thia aetittflha closed for the p meant year with a Pablie Examination, held aa tha 30th and 3let nliiano, aad will be resumed on Tuesday the 15th of Jaaaary. The Principal m as sisted in the various duties ef the School by the moat sbloTeaebora. f Terau t fyUtms, per Session a lUe Mentkx: Board, $50 00 I Music, $30 00 English. Tuition, 13 50 I Use of Instruments DO Fraaeh, 10 00 I Drawing ft. Pain- - . 'L link..' 1IT00 Ueafnl and Qnmaaental Needle work, free af charge. no extra ebargaa will be anace. lrula contain rag mora cniaute Information Sen be 'obtained, en application ta the FnaeSpal- " -' i : DANIEL TURNER. Warrawtaw N. CJfwr-th. 18. , i3 tf - : irjefHaiV Stalrta. A LARGE lot just reotived very cheap. . ' E. L. HARDING. 1850. Dry Goods Establishments. To Day by Express,. AN Additional anpply of Ladies' Drees Goods, Consiating of Mode 1oJored Moaeiia Da Laina' aad Caannserea, Mode aad Cherry Colored Fraoeh Mariana, Piuk, Blue and White Tarlatan Afnatioa, . Fancy Silk Braids, , Bonnet and Belt Ribbons, Black Twiated Silk Egyptian Mitts Ladies Loog While Kid Gloves, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Col'd Kid Gloves, Superior Black Clotb, . Embroidered Cashmere Vesting, Black and Fancy French Cassimerea, j-c- J-c ' R. TUCKER dr. SON. October 8th, 1849. ' 81 SHAWLS. BLAItKETS, etc 171MB KOIDERED AND PLAIN MOLE COL 14 OKED CASSlMEREtSHAWLt, black Merino and Uaaimere rlgnred and Plain ao. Heavy Woolen, Rob Roy. and Plaid Blanket do, , Large Plaid Cashmere and Doable Knit Wowlen do. Bed Bleirkete ol various sixes. Bine Green, and Checkered Blankets, Servante Blanksta by the piece auten. For sale by R. TUCKER. &, SON. Raleigh. October 5, 1849. ' 80 A LOT OF PKIME GOSHEN CHEESE, IN BOXES. For aala by R. TUCKER & SON. Raleigh. October 5, 1849. FINE CUTLERY SETT Balance Handled Knives and Forks, complete 5T pieeea, vory flaud'ed Butler Knivea, Pocket, Peu aud Congress Knives, Scissors, large aud email, Wade and Ifotcber's superior Razors, Saunders' Razor Strops, Oleophaae and other Shaving Soaps. ALSO. W. Hull U Son's Tallow Candles, J add, Son and Co'a. Sperm do. For sale by . BROWN. Raleigh. Nov. 11, 1849. 90 WHITE WINE, FOR COOKING. A FIRST rate Article. Also, Cinnamon, Cloves, A Mace. Nutmegs, Allspiee, Black aad Cayenne Pepper, Raee and ground Ginger, Mustard, Sweet Oil, Extracts of Lemon, Rose, VanilU, and Orange, Cooper'a Orel tine $ and many other articles suitable for Christmas times; ia atore and for aala by WILLIAMS HAYWOOD &. CO, December 13th, 1849. ' 101' TALLY-HO! Frederick Feniiey, Sheffield. Manufac turer of of the real Tally-ho Razors ! Every one warranted to abave. The increasing demand for tha Tally. Ho Rasora ia the atrongest proof possible of their being duly appreciated, both at borne and abroad ; their fame (having spread to every quarter of the globe) ia now fully established, enu Ibeir undoubted superiority admitted For aaie at the N. C. BOOKSTORE Kaleigb, December 20, 1849. . 103 Preininm rtfatclies,&c. Diamond Cigar Lights, Wax Taper, Matches without Brim stone, for sale at The N. C. BOOK STORE. . Raleigh Dec. 12th, 1849. 100 Recxhtlt Pusushed, THE NORTH CAROLINA FORM-BOOK. CONTAINING ALL T 1HE most oseful Forms which occur in Business Transactions between Man and Man, aa well as in official stations; together with the Constitution ef North Carolina and the United States ; the Act fixing the Feea of Clerks, Sheriffs, 4&, calculated for the use of the Citizens of North Carolina, snd made conformable to law. Compiled by a Member of the North Carolina Bar. For aale By H. D. TURNER, at the N. C. Bookstore. Raleigh, Feb. 10th, 1SS0. 13 lie rata Grass Seed. GOOD supply of Fresh Herds Grass Seed, tlUjost received, and for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, Feb 8. 1850. 13 VfTioliii Strings The beat Italian, juat re Vcived by WILLIAMS, MAX WUUU UU. OILS! OILS! I k LARGE stock of superior Lamp Cotton Seed, XSL Whale and Linseed Oils in store, and for sale perBM. or gallon, by P. F. PESCUD. Kale ge, esx g, laa. l NEW CONCERN, THE subscribers have this day associated thesa selves together, under the name and style ef BRITTON A- TODD, for the DurDose of conducting a General Grocery and Cominiaaion Business, in the Town of Peters burg. They have taken the Store in the Odd Fel lows' Hall, opposite Powell's Hotel, and .hope, by strict personal attention to business, to merit a share of patronage from their friends and the public gen erally, l hey wilt, at an times, oe ssppuea wits s well selected assortment or Urecertea, waicn they will aell at wholesale and retail, as low as they can be purchased in this market. They will also pay strict attention to the forwarding of Goods and sale of all produce entrusted to their aire. k. u. tsiu ri ua. otn. j. BERNARD TODD, of Petersburg. January let. I860. 15 5w IlorseShoes. : 10 Kegs Horse Shoes just received. Feb. 14tb, 1850. 15 Annlstead'a flue Cliewisea; Tobacco. WE have just received 52 boxes and half boxes Armiatead's fins Chewing Tobacco. BRITTON & TODD February 14tb,' 1830. IS GROCERIES, &c. THE rirbecrSbera bave in store, and are daily expecting, the following goods, which they will aell at the lowest prices tor cash, or oa time te puaetua! customers, via: - 501 one a wades, xmaiisb and American Iron 5 Tods German and Blistered Steel t '' 1 " Cast Steel 150 Bags Coffee, Old Java, Rio and Laguira 75 Hhda. Porto Rico, St. Cruz and N. O. Sugars -, i 125 ' and bamloN-O.andWaat India Molaaase 250 Bre Shot assorted. 300 Saaka Salt. y50 Boaea Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised,' aad Refined RnnM - ' ' STd BlivGritGrimistaaes 100 Kegs Powder, 10 Chests imperial Gunpowder and Black Teas 300 Kegs Nails, assorted. Rapid Falls and Cass- norland, 10 Tone Caettora, eeeerted 150 Besea Sperm, Adam'aatiao and Tallow Candles 150 . Seep, ovary variety 50 Barrels common Wbiakay 50 do . Rectified - do Old Rye ' 5 Pipes French Brandy' 30 Barrels Apple . do aO do . Jamaica and Antigua Ram and Para Holland Gin . , . ,. . tO Pipes and ) Pipes genuine Madeira, Pale Sher rv. Port and TeneriSe Winea A geaerwl assart mf of Cooking Wmoa, wfch Piongect Xaaaa - Akat .Cords, Grass Re pes,- Pepper, Spice, timger, mace, not mega, caeeelate, Wraf tog, leaner ana " pug raper, vwver ft sea, ae. BRITTON & TODD. Opposite Friend's Hotel, Sycsniors Street, Peteraborg, Va. rebraary IS, 1950. 15 ly 4!''ij;' 7l: w"- V" NUMBER 17, RICH ASSORTMENT ofSilver-Plaaad Cos tora. Candlestick. . and tiirandolaa. And B rouse i Chamber Candlesticks, for aalo by PALMER A- RAMSEY. , , November 18, 1849. 94 lrior KaJe DULLARD'S Celebrated Herba JT nium Extract, or Vegetable Hair Wash Alao,. aa .extenaivei assortmant at mil kiaia sf Mr. furriery PALMER 4-RAMSE1 November 26, 1849 94 GOLD WAIST BUCKLE 8 AND SLIDES just received a beautiful article. Alao, on band, 3 Jarrisoa. Marble Clocks, warranted good time pieces For sale by PALMER k RAMSAY.' December 4, 1849. 90 Hea3 Ache. 1TF you are aoajeet to a Nervous Head Ache, send Jl. to PESCUDtl Drug Store, and got a bottle of epoho'a Head Ache Elixir or if you are Dear, .get a bottle or McNair's Acoustic Oil and be relieved " P. r. PESCUD. OQTTON YAHNS .000 lbs. Cotton Yarns, aaorted,4,sto I4s; Washington, Msrchanis aad Battle At Co for aalo by , PEEBLES, WHITE 4cJ)AYIS. . Petersburg, No'ember 13 th. 149. ., ..ft: FANCY CASS1MERE PANTS. 3 DOZ. pairs juat received, bcautiul colors, wall made, and cot in the latest style ''" ALSO, 38 pairs fine black French Dos Skin Cassimerea, selling cheap st E. L. HARDING'S. Nov 24. 1849. $4 TTTAL E:TIESf EXVELLOPES V VALENTINE WRITERS AND A BEAU tiful assortment. Received thia day at the ' ' N.C BOOK STORE. Raleigh, Jeorttst, 1850. - i0 AROTIATIC VINEGAR. 8 OMETHING new and superior to Cologne, for an purposes or ibe loilet. Juat recsivad and for sals at the Drug Store bf WILLIAMS HAYWOOD J-CO 9ttCS3.0r3S39 FRESH anpply of Uiose celebrated Spanish Cigars, juat received, to which, we invite the attention of our customers. P. F. PESCUD. IRON RNQ STEEL. KJ0y Tons Swede's American and English Iron assorted, 2 tons Blister, Past, Shear and German Steel assorted , Nail Rods, Band and Hoop Iron assorted. Those in want of the above will find it to their interest to given call; theynrfee cannot foil to salt ; PEEBLES, WHITE A- DAVIS. Petersburg, January 1S50.. : . , , , Sot BOXES English aad Goshen Cheese, juat received aad for aala by . R.. TUCKER fr SON. Nev39, 93 HATS LATEST STYLES. .1 oat at band. HEARTT At LITCHFORD. Stebbins, Darracqtt & Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN EarCtaeuwnre, Cbina, and Glse Pier, Mantel and Toilet Lokimg-ghittet1 Brilanmia )id Phtted Warti " it LardLemps, Custfrs, Table CmtTerf, f. - NO. 101 BROAD STREET. ihockoe am, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CHA&STEBBIN8, JNO. DARRACOTT. BEN J. K PULL EN. . tTPertieuhr attention paid to Fading Dec 11th. 1849. Sg iy landleand Lamp Wick A superior article of Northern Sperm, in store and for aale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD Sl CO. GROCERIES. A GOOD supply of Groceries, sack aa Brown. Crashed, Clarified and Pulverized rWars. Coffee--Rio, J ava, Larurra. A rood supply of Ms! awes, low, from prima to beat 1 allow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles, A Ciesh lot of the best Buckwheat hi Bass, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Call on Walker, for he is the boy to sell bargains. L. B. WALKER. Raleigh, Feb. 5. 1850. II NEW BOOKS. j URICULAR Confession, ia the Protestant eTeTs Episcopal church. Fairy Tales from all Na tions; Dark. Scenes of History, by G. P. R.' James Sir Edward Graham, or Rail Way Speculation's, oy iatnerine Sinclair, rnysician and Patient. Greenwood Leavs, History of Spanish Literature. byTicknar. The War with Mexico, by H. S. Kipley. The Whale and his Captors, bv Chever. A 8ysteea of Ancient snd Mecillevel Geography, by Ambon. This day Received by H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, Febs 4th, 1850. It ADIES Thick and Tbin Sole Silk Top Gotten, Received to day bv R TUCKER As SON. October 8tb. 1849. 81 . AT HARDING'S CLOTHING STORE, still on hand, a full assortment of Winter Clothing at reduced prices. E. L. HARDING. January 13, 1E50. 5 Standard copy. FLOWING A SUPERIOR article VARNISH. tot Cabinet Makers, for P. F; PESCUD. 13 aale low by February 12, 1850. Gold Watches and Jewelry. iibif uriu oi m wrge ana laanKxuuuie as sortment of the above just at hand snd for sale, cheaper, than ever, at PALMER AV RAMS AT 8 Jewelry Store. The most extensive stock of all articles ia their line that has been offer ed for sale here for years. Corns and see, if yoa do aot bay. ' 4 Dozen gold and silver Watches, of an kinds, : Gold fob, vast and guard Chains, Keys aad Seals, Finger-ring, Ear-rings, Breast-pins, 8tnds, and eolrar Buttons, Gold Loeketa, Bracelets, Clasps, gold silver and spring steel Spectacles. - Gold and silver Pencils and Pens aad waist Buck les, -: Silver Combs and Tortoise shell Spectacles. A very extensive assortment of Silver and Plated Spoons, Cups, .Ladles, Sugar Toaga, Salt Spoone, etc . , . ..... A large atock of Cntiery, Rasors, Knives, Rasor strapa, and Diamond Paste for Rasors. Brashes. nair Dnnuo, wuuiue, aootn Drusnes, dec. Batter snd Fruit Knives, Gold and Silver Tbin Dies, Gold swd Silver Mounted Walkinr Canes. Silver Plated Castors, Candle 8lTcks, Wsiters, Baskets, Giraadolea, J A large aaaortmeot of Perfumery, CMogoea, Boaps, Boxea for Toilets, Fancy articles, aad Christmas preoants, and a variety of other arti cles. . t ' . i i All kinds of . Watches and J ewelerv iwnsirod , in saperior stylo. Old Gold and Silver received ia ex- rAuantzti RAMSAY. . Raleigh, Nov. 81, 1849. 93 tf ; lfftRBtfERVED GINGER, ins feeder' WALKER. jqiUGGIES, HORSES, AND CARRIAGES 9 MJf y GEO. T. COOKE. Maoefea Koeoe Livery 8uUa. RaleigH, Jan. SH, I960 fTJ gl fwbigTaW a eUoamiea) Hlt Pr MavVvlUM awade freaa tho Iswgaiav pitfT.fii sveWasrsbytaoyeai'.i f - :: - fta awaV0KaassMa : CT Leatersto tb EdMar sawatbo vsei sas ' f.t JO t. m- flntW eatweribet mam JJ. - thanks lo the rublic, lor the veiy Jibaral sai generous patronaga, hitherto extended to hfna, , frosdaTr respectfully giro notice that ba continoea tpt4om. coto'bia tine of bwrneaa, i; afl iu braathoa, wiUt proaafMiieaa and efficiency. Hia Vtahlso sro eassa and eomroodiooe, and hia Ostlers sxrjoraaoesal aadt.1 teatfve ; indeed no perns or azpenao have beam 'e ahall bo spared to render sstieractioa'-tav all fvfft faaW rooise faie EsUbliehment taw Ho will keep eotiotawiry head, toltfra, aaunobo WHIM ouuroao oy iaf oeyft week, tanoth or jrear, oa the awoaL modcrsis terSM, Drovers. vriH hW tbia, a central position, and a ssoot evav4 nient one foceHeclinc satae, and lhey . i I..: r u - ' will I always And ample acconmodaUon ior aaif aaas-'-of Horaas, however largo. "! ' ' ' ' ' ai.iMtiwM v.. .arlS . wu.jLTn ber The Subscriber has also crews fee meat by which he will be enabled to keep s)ew aaaf eM Bvaariss,aBw Hoaaaa,y awls, orSr fietHs) oa moderate aad acoomaaodadar iarsasU . TVlT&ra new featwvw ia his baaiaeas. . . .' . .V. The Hnbacribse bopaa that Us IHssjsw Public will continue to give biam a trial, ttls Isfl lasulsSawka... a ' c, -Ilir.-r. ins JAMM M. HkKElMX Raleigh. 8epvebe M, IMt : , yaWty lT . r ; to hire i ;ri 7J;i A FIRST rate Blacksmith, . Apply ai Abb) Ofisst January ga, 1850. ,; 8 ... : .! ? ml.H 99909 WANTED." '- y 7 ' ' HE Snbacriber ia sathoflted to racaivo' ifssjav sals for a loan of Two Thousand . Dollara. 4ax Bonds of tha City of Raleigh, fofflv HrdredTpW tars each; payable after iwoive months from the 4ms at the pleasure ol the parties, and bee'riha rataraat t the rats of aix per cent per aonan. payaWe aaisaV; amnaiiy. ' . WV WHITING. ' Raleigh. May IS. 184f.'l; 1 1 c i-'-itU , aBSaaskOsaaatX Now Ready, trnURNER'S North Carsliaa. Akiaa ' ftm SSJS vi vur iKiru, H 5 0. Published and soM wholesale ana! twtaft fij ltm' ry D. Tamer, at the Jl. C BOOMT&RJL ! ; -Raleigh,-Nee. 8, IS4t. ''.' v.(ajsw Fit OCK. AND DRESS COATS. EL UARBUIG haaiest reoeiveda Arsf rati assortment of Frock aad L:DraaCsnAs at beautiful French Cloths.' Uheap for Casa Jnjabe Pawtav-A saporkw rlsbrwf Xmm" flavored, jnst to hand 'n . : WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD A Drwggioaa, Livery Stables! ,? niHE Sabacriher, having purcbaaeJ all tbe staajL AX etc., of the lata Finn of Nuoa aad Cooka. takes oceaaioa to inform bio frisnda and tbe' aafilW raneraiiv, inn no win continue 10 cairvi ilmno lo carry oa the bwsK nose, in aH na brancbea, at the earns etawd : aad (bat t no efforts nor expeaee will be ape red oa bis part YaV! aoooaamoddto the travelling- ommoaity. CeevOT'8 a aces, with good bersae and careful ' driveas, will baj" furnished at ail liases aad at abort aetieo r wwd laT1 fact, ovary eoaveaioaao for traveillBg.ia tk mnfAi HORSES. CARRIA8ES, WJGfllESi ' ' will be aupplied on the moat favorabia aad L1 . dating terms. , - The Bubscnber also expects to keen anaalaaifr aai hand, good UOR8E8 FOR SALE And persona wawingto pat out their Hemea W 100 wees, or moo id, or year, wur navs tfeeaa waif attended to, at moderate onceev - Hie Stabiaa-aM mm WHovingtoa Street, joet to the East of Market SqnaiW ! Thankful Car tha nn tilaal - which has been extended to the lata Fiin.lA deraigoed pledges himatjf te merit, by bis eaertasaaV a swiuanass . u pumic oauooaira ana laewr.- . ' GEaT. COOKaL : Raleigh, Dae 10, 1849. , 9v lw FRESH SUPPLIES A PESCUD'S TTltolesale aad Eetaif IrnlUrtw ; - H as41a K Pore While Iad, JL0VlOONo.l - Ualloas Linsed Oil, . 69 ouueea Quinine, . , u 12 dtfr. fresh Congress Water, '' 100 lbs. refined Borax, 3 ease-. Goodwins patent Chewing TrlissssJ ' 1 . " Old Peyton Gravsllys ofT And many other desirable articles are fast ra and expected to arrivethai week. ; ' AM wbesb WBT be sold apoa reaaoaabae Uraae,by- . . --'t F. r.PTSSCUD. -Raleigh. Oct. 17,1849. i;t . .'s Manufacturing Esteblbliment:; ?Bitiiianaqae .it n OSEPU WULTIUIIIU (fsaA Jl of vests Foremsa ia the Raleigh and Kail Road Blacksmith S bop) aopeef aUv ties, that he la prepared to manufacture . 4 nns ad Pistola, Carriage Springs, M3l-mork Urate Ckstinga. jndU m sherl, any thing m Mactoena Jiiacxenuln meek, , , . ax is also racrAaso to ex t cut a bkm. maau,A4 III UHMI aOTlCU. . ..,'; ;. A - At Also baa on band aa extensive aaaortment of Laahw of all kinds, at prices from 16 eeata to.30 Mollam rj..Ml. mm UMHH..I me Amm f-l '1 I aucwm wa w, viwm.aBITaa; HatcheUJ Hammers, Fllse- arthrlosal shMej1nia-ma aad a Bamberof articlea iav hiaiao 'taw itoSaarW1 moatioa.' 4 U :!S ns-stf All orders faithfully execoted either toweet iwiasa.fi aad new work enirnsted to Jiis-caro will be irarraat ed Orders from a eUstanee wiH bo att eases' to and executed et the ah orient notice. Hie EatairfaaBaaasra- will be found at the Raleigh Railroad Depot,. .I.r ,:: Repairing ia his Jina aerformed with oataews'siaaSi despatch. Abo. a general aaaorlmant e( .Gaaaay., ranoHconouBUj.oa nana. - ! : jusvru woltsrin Raleigh, April 17, 1849. ' ' ..Sl i 'i - ? SUCLtlL 30 Hhda. mw crop. New Orleans Sawar. far lew crept New Orleans 8 agar, for sata- PEEB LEA WHITE DATMLi'S. ,Jaanary 24U850.. t -af y tr .K. ai-a ' a., a -w 4.'" a vtnrvtt s? . m . . - 1 ratersbarg. TnrTaTlancini tttif f, It: St-A freak saa A w mm I ' J m my .v, vw . , . . - WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD A CO'' UME-llMeV:-i n ! I .11 i.i I mi SM0 Casks Lrme, extra sisa t hi prixas order, tot 1 aala low, by V.PEEBLES, WHITE fcDA.YW. ti Petersborg, January B4, J850J -.-t: ;. .a s SOMETHING EW- 7;:1 SODA.1 MHk. Hapfe and Boiler Crackers, sesao j thing I cab coaBdaatly rocomineBd tf the ekt seas' of R.leigh aa first; rate. A good saps' barl . received. vf WAlAElC!! S'My rery Mperior GeW Fail jaaw taM- yed, and Toe aala foy cash tt per ox. fcw ; ii RaleiyAFeK8,fj850.; , ;.rf;t,.uWu PHALON'S CHEMICAL HAIR INYISOSATDUr ; OTpHE lavtgorator prevents Baidasss, restores taev, H-ir that bas becasse thia, aad cures off act. ally Scurf or Dandruff:. It r aa article ia whioBV adeansiog sad purifying wash fa beautifully blssni dad, and produceathe moatrdelieate silky aaeT glos sy xeotsturo for the Hair tSMgtnable. " - - " try- Ladies will And tk larlgorator a great ad dHkw to tha Toilet, both en soconat of Its deHgbt- fal perfoBis, aad tbelaciUties it sffsrds ia dMsf the Hair. A supply-just, received st PESCUD'S Drug Store. Raleigh, Feb. 8, 1859. I SI