- ' ' . T " ' """" 1 - : "rrrrL...j.L.i 1 " 1 " r..,,, -wC,;.l.uf,yB; :- ISTER the RMGHREG 1-! DfLm. ?eFor-yenr Sixteen. aAm At BY SBATONUGAW: -f .i.iii , b jj r i u 1 it i . - ? - a l .er- t 1. m v i -1 it j - wrs f- ft v t- v v .1 i j n i . 171 -4. i -r. - aaja it h i,r- sw & t ., at bi?i m . r 1 - r . ' ' ' - . LCA L ' W I - ' U I V Mil" t l ' v.. J. I J I II a :;r r; . - -l:T.Vr J" II I If'll r I w.r V T'l?. i:A I ev for the Semi-Weekly Paper, $$ peraonum for the Weekly Paper, 3 per tnnam. MISCKIJNEOOS. DYED IN THE WOOL. BY JOBN lOXES, JR. An acute disciple of Blickstone, in one of our AlUnlic chif, whwhahill b name lm ha.i. by course of active pettifogging, .Jcceeded in fiillin hie pockets. Full pock. cablei bn tp Mume an imposing sijrle of Jiving, "id lw reputation of having ot tra rich by practice at the bar, very natural w increased tlie number of his fee. S jn ,i,od -A Number O.te" among his le. brethren. . If ay one bd a pretty hard case for Iiti-flt.on,S- was hi mao ; for if anyhody oyJ gain it fur him be could. Ho not only ipderstood all the quirks and turns i the law, but wasfenil in original expedients. Toe goodness or badness ot a cause was no thing to him : his business was to gain it for bis client by any means hf could use, fair or foul. At tie age of forty. five, from some cause or other not clearly ascertained, S be came religiously disposed, and joined the church. An influential man like hi in was not lose fuffered to remain inactive in the seen- yhat Unties of tl.echurcn. ai me nrst uttiog nnortuity be was made a vestryman. g hd always been looked upon in the eommunity as a -pretty bvl case ami the reoutitinn by no uieans belied the truth. The ..;.. of one likf him over to the cause of rehcrioii was, therefore, a aource of no lit lie coneraluUtion 10 ihose whoregarded things tpintual and pious and a- looked upon u onite a triumph over th enemy of soul. i i i There were some, miwever, who snr'igijeu their shoulders, and pro'essel to have jusl .twiui much confidence in huu now as ever they had, and to regsr l his religion, to us aneaf their expri ssions, as "all in my eye.'1 Matters prules.-'ional went on pietty much in the old wrr Religion, in the eyes of R , vastoo sacred a thing to bring down into tiie world, where it mu.-t suffer violence, and be, in consequence, brought into disre wile. therelore kept his religion nicely laid up in lavender, for Sunday, when it was brought forth unspotted from ibe world. About two rears afier S - joined the church, it was thought by those who had af fairs in charge that they ought to have a new tod more imposing ediSce than the one they worshipped in, which was, to s-iy the truth rather an ancient adiir. ana by no means ucb as the wealth of the cons re ga lion en titled tbem to hare. was prominent in the matter in fact, he was the prune roovrr, and headed the subscrplioo list with a thousand dollars. In due time the church was finished, and an elegant edifice it was. When the build, ing iu projected, and plans called for, sixty thousand dollars was to be the maximum of cost; but the building committee and th ar chitect managed to run the cost up to a hun dred thousand dollars, and the cburch in debt about sereuty thousand. This caused all coucrrned to feel, as might be supposed, rather serious on the subject. A debt of se venty thousand dolit't ws rather a serious ifTur placed in any light. The first thing to be done was to have a sale of the pews. This proceeded rather iIowlr,and the prices at which they sold were by no means as large as had been anticipated. From this source only twenty thousand dol lars came. An extra subscription was then tried; butonly ten thousand dollars could be raised. Iu this aspect of affairs, S , who was chairman of the building committee, and to whom was mainly chargeable the excess oi eost over the first estimate made for the church, felt called upon to devise some means of liquidating the heavy debl. "It could be done easily enough, if those who are able wouid come forward and buy pewsat fair prices, instead of renting them," ae said o a fellow-vestryman. It was freely admitted that this would cer tainly charge the apect of affairs. But, if I members preferred renting to buying, nothing l wjuiu ne aone. "lliey ought to be made to buy, said 5"; . warmly. "There is Prea.on, worth winy or forty thousand dol Tars at least, who, iitsieart ot paying two thousand dollars for I the pew his fimilv occupies, is very wt-ll content to gel it at a yearly rent of a hundred uunars. ii is too bad! '1 would not five much for his interest in religion, if be has no oeiter way ol showing it." He certainly ought to buy," was unhesi- Utinely replied. He shall buy!" said S . snapping his nngerii, ag sudden thought struck Into. "Do you think you can make bini? ' "Ye." ttH.w! What means will you use?" ever mind ahout that. But, mark my words for it, next Stmdav Preston will be the owner instead of the mere tenant of his pew." ! k . r U -pC BO.' "Vou sha'l not hope in vain.' Tbe lawyer went to bn office and aat down think. After about half au hour's cogtta hen, he said aloud, "Yes, he's the man." And immediately writing a noteIespatch- iioy nis onice tnessenuer. In twentv m,i... i il i . c. a wen ureaseu man entered, and "area to the lawyer with a respectful, or iner, deferential air. .it! a lake a chair, Jones; I waut to talk to 7u, laid S The inin seated himself. v.. L . . . " kuuw we ve managea to get con ounnedly m ,ej,t with our new church." , so u leems," was the assenting re- "And somehow or other we must manage 10 ?"t out of debt." we e,. unr ii - . " en, i think we can, il the thing is done uL. ne,e?e have hit on the mode. Aiir well, you are fortunate. Nobody vmni niTe one 00 I natter mvaalf. nut m trf m.tro. little sharper than common people, you allk Tllere are lwo m"J pews rented; if " ho are abla to hue wrfiild :n. of renting, tbs debt would be paid off 10 Weefc No doubt bf that." vy well. That is admitted. No to make them buy." I VOU can." ' my BjP" TERMS,' mmm , At4.l Co, vulva good, fallow. Ijke yetf to aiajiie. . Aa I.tiuuk yor aixc4toa for th church is strong couugh to ioduce yot to Und a wnung nana to Ut work. Debt is a lerri- bribing!" Indeed it is ! But bow caa I aidr.: "Aro you williugrV . : k r "Oh, certaiulv.1 'Vtry welL Then, without anvbodvV knowing what wo are about, or suspecting any concert between us, we can raak hm lorty or fifty pew renters become purchasers. and thus Ditv the wbola debt " "How! how t I am curious to know that." "Very wJI, I will inform vou. There is Presiou to be.jfin with. His pew is a very eligible one, and if he gives it up he can't possibly get another without ping far down the aisle, for every good pew in the church is either rented or sold. Now, his pew is worth at least two thousand dollars." "Yes ; and he ought to par that for it ; he is able enough." "So I th.uk. Very well. Now, I will place two thousand dollars in your naiida ,aitri do you goto the treasurer, wbo has charge of the matter, and ofK. to buy the new, saying y.u are ready to pay the price down for it, cash. He will, of course, tell yon that he must see Preston first, and give him the op tion of buying it. And Preston, rather than let vou hav the pew, will buy. D'ye see?" "Capital ! It's the very thing!" Isn't it ?" "If you ain't a lawyer, dyed in the wool, there's no mistake," said the man, leaning hack in his chair, and giving vent to a hearty burst of laughter. "I consider myself hard to beat in any thing," returned S "But will you join nte in the matter ?" "Certainly, I'm ready to serve the church in any way that an humble individual like rne can do it. On the next Sibbatb. Preston sat in his own pew, sure enough, and the treasiny of the church was in a belter condition by just the sum of two thousand dollars. S was d 1 ghted at the success of his schem, and tried it on two other pew renters, who were entire si rangers to each other, during the week, and wiihthe desiredekuli. Jones eot some private abuse for his put of the business, and was ldd that be had better pay his honest debts before he undeitook to buy a high priced pew, but he put it all quietly in his pocket and went ahead. 'You are determined to have somebody's pew, I see, remarked the treasurer, when Jones appeared the fourth time. "I wish a good pew, and am willmtr to pay a good price for it," be replied. I don't covet anybody's pew. Rut I believe no one has a right to the property that he merely rents." "Oh,nr. Youhivea right to purchase any unsold pew in the church." So 1 supposed." But Jon s didn't get the pew for which he bad offered a liberal price. The occupant piefered the alternative uf buying to being turned out And thus the thing went quietly on, no one suspecting the agency at work, until pews enough were actually sold to pay off the fitly thousand dollars debt that bad remained after the first sale of pews and subsequent extra sultscriptton. "Didn i I tell you that I would make Pres ton buy bis pew?" said S to the vestry man to whom he had first hinted his inten lion of Diitliuz some unknown scheme into operation. 'Yes; but who made thirty or forty others buy pews I Prestou's case is a drop iu the bucket." "I did." "Your m mm a a "(Jena inly 1 did. the cnurcii owes me a service of plate for paying off its debt, and I believe I will claim it. "And you are entitled to it, it tne thing . - . . - . - ' 0 - has been done fairly. "You shall judge of that yourself. And S whose notions of riirht ami wrong were founded upon rather extraordi nary models, related the trick he had played upon the pew renters, and ended by saying. "Now, wasn't that capital r' "I believe what people say of you is cor- rect, returned the vestryman with unexpec- ted suhrietr. "And what is that, pray?" "Whv, thai vou are a lawyer, dyed in the wool, and proof against all spiritual bleaching alts. Good morning: was nrofouiidlv astonished for the moment. but he shrtizued his sboulJers and muttered to himslf "Netted, bwrauoe his dull brains were Dot bright enough for such a scheme. That there was some stir in the church when it became known what work the lawyer had been encaged in, may well be aupposid. Some were angry, some laughed at the trick, but all were more or less satisfied witn ue- hop nnt of debt. The? emulation of S professional man did not sum r; tnougn. we believe, on the score of bis piety, there were some doubts entertained in tne uuiias of a few, who considered him a lawyer, dyed iu tbe wool, and therefore a hpeles case- Manulacturing Establishment am miUcaasrta. "If OSEPIl WOLTCR1.1G tfor a number Uafvears Foreman in tha Raleigh and Gaatoa Hail Road. Diacasmii.il onupj rcaprciiuny u to the cilixeas of Kaleigli and ibe surrouuaiog ona- ties, that he m prepared to manufacture TjQCTtgr OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Ottns and Pistols, Carriage Soringt. Ndl-Mrx, Brut wutwgt, tna m short. any imtg w" "-" BE IS ALSO raXTABSD TO KXtCOTS BELL UAMeiAO, AT THE SBOaTEST KOTICE. Also has on hand an extensive assortment of Locks of all kinds, at price- from 10 eenia u, u nouara ; Edge-tools, an assortment or Axes, iniu-.m., Hatcheta, Hammera. rilea of various aeaeriptione, and a number of articles in bis line too tedious to AH ordars faith forty exeooted at tits, lewasA risew and pew wk ealnaued U his aara will he warraat ad Order front a aUataaoa wiU baaUandedto aad ezaeutad at tha ahortaat aoUee. H'n EaUbliabmenl ill ha foand at taw Raiauih fiailreAdTLtopot. Reneiriag ia bis line par formed with aeataeaa aad rlrnatnh . Alee, a ceuaral assorlmeat at baas aad FiAia sanatajiuv eat uaao. JOSEPH WOLTERING Raleigh, April 1, 49. 3J If rsa mT n-TiwT .-- lafTfcrnT THURSTON'S FOUNTAIN HOTEL, (FoBMBaLr BsLTZHoovaa's) Head of Liffht. near Baltimore St., Baltimore, , Z"IfIB iocreaiml patronage of this Ion establish-"- d aad popular Hotel, under the management T it preMnt proprietor. Ka inapired him with farther Mriy awd fViternMaatM, t4 urn sipea mr alien lioa of Ida or that Of iiia AMlauta will be .pared. U maiiitaia with the palrvu of l he Foutai" the reputation it held all vr ibo rouutry, in iu palmi-al daya"of Bfftzhter's cntiductorliip. To ittercaae its former attractions and comfort, tiring the past seaaoo, th llotet has ondergone mauy changes, the Proprietor having made heavy outlaya Jo introducing some of the best and latest impronienta- -which, togi-ther with its central posi tion, being located in the very heart of the business portion of the city, and near the centre of Baltimore Street, and witliiu a few rhiuulee walk of all the Itepoia and Steam Boat Landing?, il invitee the MKTcJtOHt.iUe F'ltmer, the Artisan, as well aa the Man f Pleasure to make the Foukta'n Hotel bis home during hi j'urn in Baltimore. The ladlcs Department. Containing Private Parlors, Saloons, Reception Rooms. Ordinary, and rxleuiT auiies of latve a no airy ('hambers, fitted up in a style and elegance thai cannot fail to giro Sataractiou and comfort. Pobtbbs are attached to the Fovntain," who may be recognized by the Badges on their Hata. and are alwaya iu the alteudaucn at Ilia different l)e oU and Steamboat Landing, who will receive Checks, take charge of the Baggage and ennvey il to the Hotel- fill! KAj THURSTON, Propria. Feb.26ih, 1850. J7 A CAIKD. I 'HE undersigned being engaged, and hnldiog a pooiiion that briug hm services iu immediate connection wnh the Uueals of the above Hotel, he trusts, offer a further inducement to hie numerous frieuda aad acquaintances of the u OIJ Norih State," when they vmU Baltimore, to slop at the "Fws((M, where he asxures llii-in they will be received and en tertained iu a maouer lhat shall strengthen this ac- quaiulauce and aecure for its Proprietor Iheil good will and patrouage. W STRINGER, Late of Wilminston N C. February 26lh, 1850 17 3m CLTMate of "Vortli Carolinn, Si -8i;rnME 'ocbt. December Term, 18t9 V. Nicholaoa and oiber against Jamee B Yel low ley. Upon reading the alSd ivii of William J. Britton, of Mimissiapi, it is ordered tbnt the defendant, upon notice or tbis rule, ten dys l efore the next te m of the Court, aball within twenty day thereafter. deliver to and poeeee the plamtin. Ibomaa W Nicholson, of slaves, Dick, Molt, Emily and Den nis. and their issue, if any have been born of s id slaves since the last term of this Court, or shew oauee at the neit terra of the Court why an attach ment of contempt F hog. Id not be issued agniitot kirn for not delivering ibe said slaves to the said 1 nomas W. Nicholson, heretofore on demand made of him for them And npon the reading of tbe affidavit of the plain tiff, Thomas W Nicholson, that the defendant i now an inhabitant of the State of MiasieHppi, it is further ordered thai it shall be sufficient to serve the notice on tbe defend mi's Solicitor iu this Court; provided, however, further notice be given by pub lishing a copy of this role in some Newspaper print ed in Raleigh, for sis weeks. A tree copy. 1 est. E. B FREEMAN, Clerk. April 3. 1850. Ul 6w GROCERIES, &c. i -Subscribers have ia store, and are daily THI eip peeling, the following goods, which tuay will srll at the lowest prices for cash, or on Urns to punctual customers, viz: SO Tons h rede, bnglinh and American Iron 5 Tous German aad Blisiered Steel 1 " Cast Si eel 150 Baga Coffee. Old Java. Rio and Lagiiira 75 lllid. Porto Kico. SI. Crux and N U. Sugars 125 " and barrels N.O. and Wert India Molasses 250 Bags Shot assorted, 300 Sacks Salt. 50 Bases Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised, and Refined Sugars 5 Toua Blue Grit Grindstones 100 Keen Powder, 10 Chests Imperial Gunpowder and Black Teas 300 Kegs Nails, assorted, Rapid Falls and Cum berland, 10 Tons Caaliuga, assorted ' 150 Boxes Sperm. Adamantine aud Tallow Candles 150 " Soap, every variety 50 Barrela common Whiskey 50 do Rectified 25 do U:d Rye S Pipes F reach Brandy 20 Barrela Apple do 10 do Jamaica and -Autigua Ram and Pure Holland Gin SO Pipe ana 4 Pipes genuine Madeira, Pale Sher ry, Pert and leoenne VV inea A general assortment of Cooking Wiaes. with Plougn Lines, Bed Cords, Grass Ropes, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Mace. N miners. Chocolate, Wrap ping, Letter and Writing Paper, Clover Seed, frc BKll lun dc. 1UUD. Opposite Friend's Hotel, Syca more Street, Petersburg. Va. February 18. IS50. 15 ly Spring and summer Goods AT UEAItTT A MTCIirOKD'S. ITll ECEIVED by lata artiala a complete Stock U tl. r etiaple aud Fancy Dry Goods, Fancy ar itc e. uouneu, ooota, sboea fee., consisting in part aa lolltiws : Silk Batiotea and Tissues. Crape da Paris, daiia Hinpe Oi(andie, Baagea Albovlnea, Jennv Liud Muslins, Printed, Plka and Striped French Lawns, Milesia Jaconet's. Plaid colored Swiss, Plain colored French Jaconetta, Polka and Printed Lawna, Ginghams Prints af neatest kind of styles, French W.rk. Capea, Collars, Culls, Lisle and Thread Trimmings, Neck Ribbons, Neckl'ies, Lara Man ilas, PalleUits, Bonnets, a very extensive assortment, Paraarls, Umbrellas, AL80, Blark French Clolb, Black Drap da Eto-Summer Coatings, Fancy and Black Caasimeres, . Fsncy Bilk vestlngs. fig d Urenadma iio. Plain, Diamond and Blrip'd whits Marseilles, Fignred Marseilles, Hata. Bents. Choes. Friends of tha coo cam. customers and the public t-eoerallv era respect lolly solicited totvtll and at amine the Swckjand they will be assured of g"d bargains. . , f . ff nblnSi Extracts for the llandker , U A Chiefs, afces. Tho Sah-cribee keene'eon- sUatly aa band all tha fashionable Odswa af Labia; wariaated geaaiao, and far aaJ law. - U- DTtJRNER RAlEIGDN.Ci; APRIL ilO,:l850; Dry . Goods -Establisliments. j ' CIICAP'TWEED COATS. ''- - " K.TK Tweed Cassimere Coats." eoir In good JLr tfjt and well taadTe, for !5 : i g Oct 30. K.i L.I HARDIriO. . (SUndard)., 1 86 Richard A. Caldwell! ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATTENDS Ike County Courts of Aason. Rich mond and Cabarrus Salisbury, Feb. 13, 1850. 13 A SUPPLY OF FRESH PHOSGENE GAS. J CST to hand and for sale at P. F. PESCOD'S Drugstore. February 12. lSr0. 13 GARDEN SEEDS OF all tbe popular varieties, warranted fresh and genuine, just received and for sale at tbe Drag Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD As, CO. February. 18, 1850. 13 New Jewelry Store. w..j. tji 09 PS ON Woold respectfully iufonn ilia citizena of Kaleigh and tta vicinity, that he baa open ed a choice slock of Watches and Jewelry, in a part of the slor- occupied by Mrs. Thompson as a Millinery establishment, where be offers for sale. Gold and Silver Walrhts, warranted correct lime keepers; llie lalel aiyles of FASHIONABLE JEWELRY: such as Guard. Vnrt and Fob Chain ; Cameo, stone and mourning Broaches ; Plain, Chafed and Stone Rings; Gold Pens and Peucils ; Gold and Silver t himble ; Studs, collar ana ieve uutioue, tvar Ring, (.old and Silver Spectacles, Ate, Fancy Good and Fine Cutlery ; all of which will be raid cheap. Walchea, Clocks and Jevrelcry repaired in superior style. Old Gold and Silver taken iu ex change. Sept. 21, 16-19. 76 6m merino Shirts. a, L ARGE lot just received very cheap. aStL, E. L. HARDING. WW1 liite Giuser Freeh and goed, jnst re- V If ceived at I he U'Ul More, of WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD At CO. October 18th. 1849 81 Dr. Joseph J. W. Tucker, FFERS hia Profevsional services le the citizens of Raleigh and vioinitv. He may always be fauud at ihe resideuce of Rutin Tucker, Esq MayS. 1849. 37 if K.lTI.C.TIi:X'S CLOTIIHG. UST received by Express, from Baltimore, a lot of fine Dress and Frock Coale, Cloth Cloak e loch, added to our prime Stock of Ready made Clothing, makes our aasortiueul complete; which we are instructed to sell at unprecedented low prices, for Uish A. B ST IT It & CO. Raleigh. January 28th, 1850. 9 Cabinet Furniture Warehouse JAMfcS II. COOliU. JVo, 92 2Jrrtiy,f;f77)pponfe Trinity Church,) NEW YORK. IB AS now in store a full and complete aseort- H mcnt of UAUIIMbl rUKNUUKK, to inch be i daily m ikine l irre additions. Purchasers of articles in hia line would do well to look at bis stock, aipoua: whichwiU be fouod every arricle tor The complete furnishing of a bduse, ran ging with the following tow rates: High Post Bedstxads, from $7 00 to $"5 00 MiHoo'r Fasaca do do IS 00 to 50 00 Walnut do do 15 00 to 40 0U Cottaor do do 8 00 to 10 00 Mat trusses at the low market rates. , Soras Citt Manufacttjks, $2U 00 to $75 00 Rocking Chaiks. Mahs't, 6 00 to IS 00 Mah't Pailo t'Haiaa (per riot) 50 00 75 00 Bureaus, Card Tables, Book Caaes,aud Wardrobes or the finest qualities, aud warranted equal to any iu the mirwet. 1X7" P-irticular attention paid to boxing and shipment of goods, which is done by most experienced bands. New York, March 5ib, 1850. 19 3m P RESERVED G1AGER, just received hy L. ti. WALKER. XH and Lard Lump Cliiuueya A good supply of vanoos sixes, just received by W ILLIAMS. HAYWUOD & CO. L VACANT Acre Lot, ia the Laalern part of fjaaa the City, an elegant site for a private rei- euce contiguous to the lot opon which N. B. Ilnrhee. Eq . resides. Luquire of L. P. Guion. or the Witor of this Paper. November 24 1849. 94-wtf TO SPORTSMEN. THE dobeeriher haa jnst received a Una Sleek of DOUBLE AND SIS OLE BARREL QJNS RIFLE QUNS REVOLVERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL PISTOLS, BOWIE KNIVES, GAME BAG3, POWDER FLASKS, SHOT BELTS, EXTRA NIP PLES, AC C. All of which will ha sold low. C. B. ROOT SPRING SALES. The undersigned era receiving direct from Nei Orleans and other Markets, a lare stuck of Sugsr, Molaeaee, 4-c which they will sell for cash or to punctual deilers on favorable leims They have now in Store, 105 Hbda. New Orleans Sogers 35it Boxes and Bnle refined do 110 Bbls New Orleans and W. I. Motasaea 40 Hbda. d do do do 350 Baga Prima Green Ris $ Laguira Coflee 1300 Baa Shot i 500 Kiga Nails, Cumberland and other Brands 60 Tons English Iron, Imported direct into Pe- terebutg. 40 dit Swedes and American do 600 Reams wrspi-ing. w tiling and letter paper 300 Bosea Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Can dlea 10 Tons Castings 10 do Grind Stones 100 Doxen Painted Pail-,. With a full assortment of Wines, Brandiea Aa PEEBLES WHITE it DAVIS. Old St. Peieraburg Va. Mareb 1 5th 1850. 83 BV EXPRESS lTfrLAC LACK and Colored. Embroi'ed Grenadines, IIP Real Valenoieitne Edgings, Plsm and Plaid fiues. Ladies Black and Colored, Kid Gloves, Gents Nespolita Riding Gloves, N irh Burniet, Neck and luff Ribbons, Corded Skirts. &0 R. TUCKER Jt SON March 36th, 1850- 35 if Dry Goods EstIislnnenis. ; i Spring aniSjtoir For-1850. R. Tucker and Son. WHO ewneuntly keep va'aaid m exteaaive aasorttaent of the best and moat desirable. as well as fashionable FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. tor im. une or tas uraa bas just roturaedroai new xors.wnere ne purouased, a rich vanetv of Goods of (his Spring's Importations, before they bad been picked over, and before the advance !a' price; and having thai bad the choice of the large n4 1 splended fresh arrivals, and the advantage of low prices, tbej flatter themselves they will be- belter prepared than ever to meet the demands of. this mar ket, and please their .numerous friends and custom era, in town and 060 n try. They respectfully invite tho publie to call and examise their stock; They bave mat received a supply - of the followiag, -and are daily receiving auca other articles aa are usually B1k GroDe Rhine cri!ks. Plain add Figured Chameleon Silka, v B roc he and Plain Grenadines, Plain and Embroidered Black ditto, Fancy and Black bi Ik. Ti.eues, . Silk, Albarinea and Heruanies, lyorn colored urenadine, Evening Dresses, Embroidered anJ Dotted Fancy Swiss Muslins, Cb-tmheiy, French and American Ginghams, Cumbiet Lostrea, ano Linen Gingham. Melriea, and Fancy Diaaootitf Jarkonels, Plain and printed Lawna and Muahas, Tarleton, etwias, India, Victoria. Bishop, Book, and Doited Jackonet Mu-Iin, Rich Bonnet, Cape, Neck, Cuff and Belt Rib bons French Needle Work Capes. Collars and Cuffs, Ladirs' and Genllemeie Paris Krd Gloves. Swiss and Jack net Eiigings and Inseriings, Liele sod Linen Edgings and Ribbons, Linen and Fancy -ilk Dress Bullous, h'us-ia Braids and Fancy Hilk Trimmii gs, L -dies' and Misses' L.C. Hem Stitch and Tape Bordered I Ink (a Mu-lin. M -hair, Grass and Hough's Patent Skirts. CLOi liS AND CASSI.YIEKES, of the various Colors and aualiin s. Linen & CoUnn Goods, in great varieties, many of which are touched wiiu the Hungarian and f -alifornia nntih. Black ami Fancy Satin and Silk VE8TINGS, Plaid and Embroidered Marseilles ditto, qx. dt. HA I'S. &-c Determined always to furnish what ever is latest, isrest snd lest, tbey offer an ex. tensive slock ol Men's, Youth's and children" Fashionable and Flat Brim Mole skin, Pana ma, Maracaiho, Leghorn, Sewed Pedal's, Hun garian ami Palm Hata. Infaiit's Fancy Goods. Also, Umbrella. Parasols. Bonnets, Shoes, Hard. ware. Cutlery. Groceries, 6lc. All ol which they now are offering on the mint liberal leima. R. TUCKER & SON Raleigh .March 15th 1850. NEW COXCEKIf, THE subscribers have this day associated them selves together, under the name and style of UKITTON TODD, for the purpose of conducting a General Grocery snd Commission Business, in the Town or Peters burg. They have taken the Store in the Odd Fel lows- Hall, opposite Powell s Hotel, and hope, by strict personal attention to business, to merit a share or patroeage from their friends and tbe public gen erally. They will, at all times, be supplied with a well selected assortment of Groceries, which tbey will sell at wholesale and retail, aa low aa they can be purchased in tbis market. Tbey will also pay strict atiention to the forwarding of Goods and aale or all produce entrusted to tbeir cire. K O BRITTON . orN. C. BERNARD TODD, of Petersburg. January 1st, 1850. IS aw IIorc Sliocs. 10 Kegs Horse Shoes Juat received. BRITTON dr. TODD. Feb. 14th, 1850. 15 Arniiatead's fine Chewing Tobacco. WE have just received 52 boxes and half boxes Armistead'i, fine Cbewing Tobacco. BRITTON &.TODD Febrnary 14th, 1850. 15 SOMETHING NEW. OODA, Milk, Maple and Butter Crackers, aome- KJ thing 1 cau coundeuily recommend to tbe citi- xens or Kbleign aa first rale. A pood supply tuat received. L B. WALKER DOZ. yards Velvet Trimmings, today re ceived by R. TUCKER SON. Nsv. 23,149. 8 Perfumerr, Fancy Articles, kt. m vi TE are now iu receipt of a brge supply ft Foreign and American Perfumery, Fancy Articles, die- consisting of Cologn, Extracts for the Haudkerchief, all the popular Pomatum and Hair Oils of tbe day, 1 pilet and Staving Soaps of every quality and price, f ancy Boxes aud Toilet Bottles of beautiful styles and patterns, to which we lavite the attention of those in pursuit of something good as well as tasty. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD $ CO. FRESH RICE. RESH Rice, new Crop just received SON December 11th. 1849. 99 3 CANDY J CANDY!!. CANDY J!! rr rilHE Subscriber bega leave to inform tl H sens of Raleigh and dealer in North Carol i na generally, lhat he has jul laid in a large lot of the beet Candy Sugar, aad is new, be ean confident ly say, manufacturing aa good aa art tela of Candy ia Raleigh, aa you caa gel any where ia Uie State or out of it ; and I pledge myself to sell it to the trade as low aa it can be bought in Petersburg, and will warrant H to ataud. All I ask ia a fair trial, and 1 will convince the dealers ha Candy that they need not go North for that article. . I keep also oa baud a good supply of Glass Jars, thai ( will sell WW to those that may buy their Candy of me. , 1 B. WALKER. Raleigh, Feb-5, 1830. " ' 1 U New Spring Goods. IT HAVE received part ot my Spring Slock of ii Uonds and am prepared 10 Show, Plain Chameleon Silks, G laced do do Figar'd do do Black Gro da Rhine do . Black and Printed Albarino, Black Baraga very fine, Plain French Cambrica yarions Colors, Embroidered Swiss Muslins, Woiked Collars and Cofls. Paris Prints for Trimming. '. Tepetrir, Buttons for Ladies Dresses, Swiss and Jaconetta Edgingaand laaertings. Lisle, Bobbin and Thread Edginaa and Lace, Printed Lawna, Uonn U Cap and Tuaaet Ribbon, Marbled Mournmg tiingtiam, trved Shell Tuek Combs, ' 1 - Ladies Black and Kid Gloves. . ,. J. BROWN, . Ne. Feyettevitle 8i. Raleigh. March 33th. 1850. , 35 ' BATS-4PWJIB STUB1S58.-- - as aicmnMlPf ty aa-il'.i.:-" 1itl-l-"i 1 H inouiiooiun awbsih, rut unj . prayer, I 1(7 Men's and Bay V Summer Hale of almost everf nssanpuoa. rwesjsvy " , . -..TDcaKV. 8DN. March 26tb, 1830. St MJ3 ! Wf tA- CaadteetlcH Torl1s W Novembet tS, "i 849. '?: t -5 t Jsh. 4. Id Sale-DOLLARD'S Ceicbrsied HerW J7,- ninmr Extract, or Vegetable Hair Veretable Hair YV-sli Atsev a extensive assortment of alt kinds of per fumery, . PALMER 4- RAMSEY. IN o am beg 26; 1849. ' - OLD WMST JVCKLES ' AND SLIDES just " received a beautiful article. Also, on " ''"' ,vkm warrmuieu xoou "f PALMER 4 RAMSAY December 4, 1849. 90 Head Ache. TTF yon are aobjeet to a Neroo Head Ache, send JL o PfidCUD'S Drug Store, and get a. aotU ot vpohn's Head Ache Elixir or if you are Deaf, get a boule of McNair'f Acoustic Oil and ba relieaed . ( P. F. PESCDD. PEEBLES. WHITE dfc'DAVIS. Petersbnrg, November tStH. 149.- ' -99 TAJfCY CAs'SmERS JPAJfTS. 3 DOZ pairs just received, beautiful colors well maae, and cut in tbe latest style- . - ALSO. 36 pirs fine black French Dos Skin Cassuneres, seliiug oheap at E. U HARDING 4. . Nov 24. 1849. 94 KCVY RJYD STEEL. i . . BZJy Tons Swede's American uud English iron 0JPy assorted, ,-- 21 tons Blister, Cast, Shear aad German Steel assorted Nail Rods, Band and Hoop Iron assorted, . Those in want of the above will flod it to their interest to give ns n call; the price cannot fail to suit PEEBLES, WHITE f DAVIS. Petersburg, Jnunry 22,1850. 8 4t ffhSL BOXE English and Goehea Cheese, just jgmJP receivao and tor sale by R. TUCKER $ SON. NoyCB. 33 HATS L, AT JEST STl'LJBS. usl at hand. HEARTT & T.ITCHFORD. Stebbins, Darracott & Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Earthenware, China, and Glass, Pier, Mantel and Toilet Looking-glasses Britannia aud Platttl Ware, Lard Lamps, Castors, Ttible Cvtlery. fre. NO. 101 BROAD STREET. ftliiCkoe Ilill, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. CHAS. STEBB1NS, JNO. DARRACOTT, BENJ. K PULL EN. ITT Particular attention faid to Packing Dee llih. 1849. 99 ly af "laitdle uud Eainp Wick A superior w article of Northern Sperm, iu store aud for sale by .WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD & CO. GROCERIES. A GOOD supply of Groceries, such aa Brown. ia CruKhed. Clarified aud Pulverised Sugars, Coffee R1q, J ava. Laguira. A gaod supply of Molaaaealow, from prime to beet. 1 allow. Adamantine ana Sperm Candles, A fiesh lot of ihe beet Buckwheat in Bags, and many omer articles loo tedious to mention. Call on Walker, for he is the hoy to el bargains L. B. WALKER. Kaleigli, Feb. 5, 1850. Il NEW BOOKS. 4TV URICULAR Confeesioo, iu the Protestant Ass Eaiscopal church. Fairy Tales from all Na- mobs; Lrara: scenes or nisiory, ny u. r. K. James Sir Edward Gr-iham, or Rail Way Speculation's, by Catherine Sinclair, Physician and Patient. Greenwood Leave, History of Spanish Literature. oy -Ticannr. The War with Mexico, by H. S. Kipley. The Whole and his Captors, by Chever A System of Ancient and Meciilevel Geography, by .auiaon. This day Received , by H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, Feb; 4th, 1850. n Tip A DIES Thick and Thin Sole Silk Top Gaiters ! ueceived to day bv R. TUCKER & SON. October 8th, 1849. 81 A T HARDING'S CLOTHING STORE, stttl ti. on hand, a full assortment of Winter Clothing at reduced prices. E. L. HARDING. FLOWING VARNISH. A SUPERIOR article for Cabinet M:4kers,fbr aale low by P. F. PESCUD. February 12, 1850. 13 Gold Watches and Jewelry. NEW arrival of a large and fashionable as sortment of the above just at hand and for sale, cheaper than iever, at PALMER & RAMSAY'S Jewelry Store. The most -extensive stock of all Articles in their Una that has been offer- ed for sale nere for years. Come and see, if you do not ouy. 4 Doxen gold and silver Watches, of all kinds. Gold fob. vest and guard Chains, Keys and Seals, if lager-nngs. tsar-rings, sreoat-pina, Studs, aad . collar Buttons, , ! . Gold Lockets, Bracelets, j Clasps, gold silver and spring steel Spectacles. ' Gold aad silver Pencils and Pens aad waist Buck- ilea,-- - " t- - ' ' Silver Combs and Tortoise shell Spectacles, A verr extensive assortment of Silver and. Plated Spoons, Cups, Ladles, Sugar Tongs. Salt Spoons, to. ' ' A large stock of Cutlery ,( Rigors, Knives Rsz6r- stmpa, and Diamond Postefor Raton: Brashes. so, nnour- Hair BroshesCotnbs, Tooth BrBshes, -etc. Butter and Fruit Knives, paid and Silver Thira-i 7 bles; " " r- ' ' ' ' Gold and Silver Mounted WalkrnT Canes, r Silver Plated Castors, Candle Sticks, Walters, . - Basnets, ijtranooies, i , -. t i- : .. A large - assortment of j Perfumery, Colognes, Soapa, Boxes for Toilets, Fancy articles, and Christmas presents, ana a variety er other art! des ' All kinds of Watches aad Jewel err repaired in , saperior style.. , OU Gold and Silver received ex change. -' . , fALMKR RAMSAY. Raleigh, Nov. 21, 1849. 93 tf UGGIES, HORSES,; AND CARRIAGES mr sale by ' ' iifJP.A T crtrtvv M a Brian Heuse Livery Stable. Raleigh Jan. 31 t. 1B50. 7.. ' . - 10 PEEBLES, WHITE dfc DAVIS, Grocers and Cotnnilssldti nercbaata Old ,&nrtet,;petinbori.' Ti , WrBBP always on hand a largS and well ipply af GfoceHea, and pay Mrrienhrrat tatutuav to taa .aala of) CMtost, -Tbacc Wtiaat, , Flour, aa4 all aiber kiaMlaef produce. y - LEMUEL PEEBLES, v, THOM AS ,W HITE-. i peter Rl Davis. j ' tefsbnrn-. JtV T; W ft scutch snlwjp Mm TOBACCO. r-HQSE wbo are Jond 9t WAia OT good eneva I 1 oftba weed will iM I ttperb article of SaoA ad T-haceo; aPesewd'a Pgettwe. ": ""j- jUistati ararcn 1 sia tsav, -r'" -v-r , 3 Standard and Tunes copy. Al ti-trkddTerbklBduCi-rro8ofe1 Bcone Chamber riadleMlclcs. Torl1a h V- : ZrMUWtf W?tnt ff ii.um.iii., Mimnca B uie 9KMf-WkULVx?sTi teraa, will also appehsa.' tka.caiLt Paper, fro .,aip arn I .!tiaiiU?'i -.it , a-er abetters f t fct Cditae aqakw, w4v !.r- atji '-tti Pjjf TS rmevowpatroflsgvi; hHherteitaeidlitoTiia wectfeli give notice that Ti iBiitieil.WdVaC etum aw hve of binea, - af? it.' t.raBthe''w1tM prornpawess and efficiency-- H is 8faiiiN eteaal sndceoodio, and Ms Ostlers esparieneskf' ah CO tealhret j indeed ne pains ex perse M se' . b0."l1"p,to render satiefactkns ill whoWnV rtmiza hi atauliBhinenL - h;m hif ' tntn Vj -Ha iwtft keep eoiaaiaatly mi hand, for hire; r ' - j HACKS, IIAIXITCSSV .- !: "8'-.r' CT" - ' g3aadttqQiij zxxswu&&mVi rHOrrBiS wUihWardeftiib?ffa1rr ' snodefaie jterias.t'VjroVeiiwTu fnl U , a central. i9iiipn';rii jaostepM. meat by whips) be wUL.be anMbled i keen, new old RiiaaiEC aul Hhiib fm - t l - z'J. riuai.wjll. eutrtinga uj giva.hioi a,i44aUi li-ja. a4i taai aa asaa. CI,-"!?-.' : - T . ; w j.-r ' r.-t4 a . --7eWT f. Raleigh. September t8 1849, A FIRST rateBhieksmitk Apply at thiaOffiem mwary 88, 1850j, v - ..,,vi?ni !iTi3Jj Now Ready. OrpTTRICER'S Nbrtli; Carolina -Aimwat'toV'tai eafjear of bur Lord,1 ; ;;7"i:' c ; " ' - 1 8 5 0. ; .fT- Published and sold wholesale atwf fetal.; t4 Hem f D Turner, at the N. Cl BObKSTORE. Raleigh, Nov 2V 18 19, " f VVitt. FROCK A K O DUras .sC4aArrsS.. E: t-HAUDII ha.juatreceiiea. r4 rate arson meat of Frock aad Xress lmtm el beautiful French Cloths. Cheap for Cash. Jujube Iasle A superior axUcIs of Rosa -flavored, just to hiind "' ? - WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. r f l. 0r 0F.l FIRST PREAlIUra A W A R l RaVi by the inAKTLAHD JKsTlTtTTG. 08r l UIIM As MiTtlTlIi ITttegalja aiid lianucr lUmiulas titv UAL rci'a or their Supeiiot. Sty le and maka af ikcgua, Banners. &e . Uibba X- Smiih woai.i ,mm- ptctfully inform the diaereol Orders uid tfocietia ibrougboui Urn Country, thai they keep , contani on hand, a large assortment ol . Odd JPlf aura. Soui of Temperance, ITJaaouie, JtesJ .tleu'Ssand all other Kelia. Banhera,..Seas, Robes. Capat Jewels, die, all of which are got byut the beat manner. .j, Indi vidual or Associaiioas for wardirx taajrasdWai. may depend en a much cat a beme taken in aalact. lag the goods, and upon gelling tbem l the aasss) prH-aa, aa if tha articles were oniered in persnau f i c i UIBBnv dcSMITIJjaf No 73, Baltimore Uireet, bati'miafVA. ; November 81, 1849. " " ' 99. -4m 7 To Deutiata. 7 7 1'.'j. r Supply of vary superior Gobi Foil Jnst ree4 ved, and for aula tor cash 33 per ox. by i .' P. F. PESCUD.! eat Powders-Another supply of those Yeaet Powders, jnst received. s ' i.iri WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. mOUNT AtiL.U Tumni SUPERIOR srtiale for , Chirg as4 ,Var ihiugGld, .Silver, Copper, Steel, Tirt aad ail other Metals i also tor cleaning Windows, Vlh v.. viiaca ware, just receivea and or aa(e ar WT T I r line it . 7r..-. . Raleigh, Mareii 12tjy I85U. . T. Auricular ( oiifcYeioii. in tho - EPJSCOPAb CHURCH, . In a series of letters aldreawd to rfieat in Vxmi, Carolina : B a Protestant Eprscopatlan.7, Pries t cents. -' 1 t-'- " ..-. a -n.-w-i-- i-rfi A voice from Connect icot. eoeasinaed iw tla taia Pastoral letter of the Bishop ef N. U. By Re &. r Airni u U: r.. 11: v 3.-u-i uj ti n-Mit The above for sale at Turners W". C. Boek -Stera Oxjbi rceio oiici tun. 1Nvi Jtrk. 1000 CocaaunK . - ii-.7iHH --..- wuna wuwc, a mutt a 00X0 -4.. ti a luuea iu awaii glass jars, , . ; Manga Grapes, ... ... . 20 boxes Figs in small bsxea.aomeil.irMr -i 1 Soft shell AUnouda, Walnuts, Pecsa Natta, -1 4000 Seara Plaatatiou. Revalia J Pr;nJL.'.. PautiUr. someilung can aay, ema't bm beat. la thia uaraet ; couie aud try tliem, J am deirmia43o sell low. L. a VVAI.KF.t . Raleigh. Feb. 5 -1350. : ittxe, -,;lf ' A 'FRESH auppiy'of- Townaeida, SasaU jtfflL; BrtsloU: iu alaro aud for sale by , iu.i . -. 'iiuii.ima, no. a UUJ. .oi TJ1J. Raleieh. SenL 7. 1S49 ' - - r . J ,.,). St Fi PHILLIPS, 'J li A TTENDS THE COURTS isLxba CemtUea ef Orange, Ai.imance, Waka'nt CaatlwnBo Chapel Hill, N. C May 24, 184.? ron-4 Ta w.aj latin s snuff,' if o. aA rrh' sdV If JL tlv jnst receive and for salebv - 4 'r ariuesiau, EaguexmL Aaaaricaa CJasea a-orsaietiy.. f .-.- - , n ; .U-tA R- TUCKER & 80N2 March 30ih 1850. lpfcopai apouvcntiou.i ..-a - .T ' ' ' : uttrm K Ht ,ui Moavenuoa f the rpteataat J 5 PPP" -VN ta lb Diocese af Mt,UMv oUna.wia he bald isv Christ Church' at Eliaabetb Pi- y,.aa weiaiv adnesday in May, J ,4bsb, atajaf May. iltwmv ..-jc, aila:,-. i r-EDWAKD LEE W1N6L0 W. Kee'w. 4 March: 30th 1850. - .o.(r troaa .mrt I .ivprv Sfifilp f 5 'rat TTIHE Subscribers, take eceasion tointomHhWr sJU friends snd tbe pabae generaJty, -tbaCfieWawiu carry oa the beniMs,i alt its hraachesalhastate stand ; and - that bo - esorts nor 'Cxpvrjew "wltr aa apaved on their part to aceotnmedass'a 'trave'7ag ouraniunity.. Avwuveyaneea, -wrtb good - hawse and careful drivers, will be fnruiahed at alUhaeaane) at short notice ; and to fast, everv eoavenienea for travelliog, in the way af tyv&M . HORSES. CARRIAGES," BU6S1E.S&C2I will ha supplied a tha moat favor ah.a and aceaaae daliuglerma. . .,. iHk- H,. i: ,n. ; . fc-, . ei-u lbs bausenaam atse. expeckto keep cauataally oa kaaaVsTeafl - e.s4ii!4s vt--.'-: i i -a'a ' . nnDoro. ftHAAiro ninntinrA t a nn WfJgggg A'acf persona-1 watbitur to out out tne Horse4 br the weekTW month, or jear, will have thf tri Well attended tev at moderate prices Their Stablea ire: ea 'WUmiagtoa Street, just to the East If artei Square. ixoptag to receive liberal eneouTsgeajerit, the an- aemzued I pledge thstiwelvea, lor do Q d ttilr pw It enhlie pstronagi and favor.1 . V avtasoerit at iaWgh;'Aprna.'tio. r?1 sw Atlattliiff ay Um 4m1, BV 1 ' a. fiT'-i ar yard. rFor - J s.TfJdKSSrt3Cf. Mareb 90th ItSO. llaas . V. " f ""Vf HPjpaaaaae -The Subscriberha alao effected: . ..ill -