- . - - ' . '-.....J . . - .... . - ' . - . .X v" .$ - 1 : - wb".,. . '-' BSW"" ' - " ' .,, , . .-,, r.m lmmmmm T"IW SLI.aj - - . . . . f f gfglgUU ' . 1... vwrrwawv ir I JHP -M5 'web a'abaaqaaat ijasertisa CnHOitori, mad aasWiiafVsTissaaeauia slITlk. v ! charged W per etetl hhit j ut a dedocti. f J3r IMwea wiHbi iidew. tk rtrtlar ariee. fa TER5fS. advertiawrsbrtha year.: i'j-sxT the SeiniWeUj'l4peil 5 peraanu for 1(10, iV..))., APRIL IB, ArvWtajeAnta; averted in tat.-lir NUMBER-SO Tat the Weely Paper, $3 per annanu r.t. - - - . i t -rv -' . . . r-r -t : l , ' . T 11 JCll JJ I If 1 rf sr ' K I ! i t III .w m W Vw--V V T I It I r - - Iff I Mi I i -I Jf 1.. Jiij ti iff. 1. X I U M lltlfX I I -3S: " eV ft I :R f?t 51 V , Li ."K7 . : ' " " - ... ,.! ... , . : 1 1 ' i ' t . . ' -..-j mi IrllllllllM II - .1 , 1 If II I lllll I III! II . . . .r. - it .. r: . : . lUUUillljlUlr Ilfl K - i n i PQETRY. EVtMi GVoJm' JUarvztne or Jlpril. : USES. BT CKOBBK D. PR EZf TICK. jbe forwei' sweet and holj biiwb . ! I iwgel n tb lP'nJ stream, 'All natare's deep and solcino hash I like tb si)ar. of s drrn ; jind peace aeeina brooding like a dre O'er scenes to raonin? apirha dear greet Mary, "lis the hour of love, . And I were blest if tho wert here. fbe myriad flowers of erery hue Are sinking lo their evening rest, tk with a timid drop of dew Soft folded to its sleeping breast. Th birds within silent grove Are dreaming that the spring is near greet Mart, 'tis the hour of love. And I were blest if tho wert here. On yon whhe elood the night-wind furls t lone and dewy wing to sleep, And the aweet stars look out like pearls Thro' the clear wave of heaven's blue deep ; The pale n.Uts float around, alwre. Like sprits of a holier sphere Sweet Mary, 'tis the hour ..f Jove, And I were blest if thou wert here. Xbe pale, foil moon, in silent pride. O'er yon dark woid is rising now, A luvely aa when by thy side I aaw it shining on thy brow; li light the dew-Jrops of the grove Aa nope s origin smite ngms oeauiy iear Sweet Mary. ti the hoar of love. And I were biest if tboe wert here. Ah ! as I mnse. a Strang, wild thrill Steals o'er tb? fiares ol in? frwe A gen-le presence seem to fill My heart with lore a id life and flame ; I fel thy eirit romd me more, I know tby soul is hovering near Sweei Aftry, '-is the hor ot love. And f am b'est, for thou art here. MISCELLANEOUS. From the JV. O. True Delta. THE NEBULOUS THEORY. Toung men who would study a style of tbougbtand delimry, remarkable at the saute time for its lucid simplicity and impressive grandeur, should embrace the opportunity of lisienin? to the profound and instructive ! r p,..r. i ... k. 11 .. i ' " " rr1 " x. ' " I nan. niany migni suppse iiiai noue but tbosf who have plumed themselves at the fountain of knowledge, can soar away on the uigs of thought i b rough tbe star peopled atrekJies of inanity, aitd comprehend tbe ab itruse laws -hicb bold vast fields of moving worlda in their apoted positions, but here We bare these wonderful priiMioles, night after mgftt, develoieJ in a manner so clear and explicit, that tbe most illiterate has but lo hear, to understand. Perhaps the most interesting and startling subject upon which he has discoursed, is ike lately received opinion of the nebulous tbrorj of ihe heavens. These mysterious Oh. bodies bare been the subject of investigation I . . -I l -t I . frwfl age to aire, and exceedingly diverse are been the conjectures and speculations pou their formation and purpose. Tbe the ory of La Place was, that they were great rouses of the elementary principles of worlds in a state of vapor or fluidity, and that by throwing off into space their immense accu nutation of. caloric, they would eventually condense ino a system of planets and satel lites, revolving in sublimity around bright blazing centres; yet, magnificent, poetic nd reasonable as was this mighty cone p tion, it ftll before the persecutions of illner. ate fanatics, who look upon any inroad perpe trated by science, upon even the dubious working of holy writ, with great wrath We lire in an age when the prison-damp of su perstition no longer extinguishes the intel lectual lamp. We have our Galileo?, with out their dungeons. The great massive rock of ignorance has been smitten by the rod of science, and the waters of knowledge have fuihed forth throngli all the human avenues of the earth to gladden and enlighten. Intellectual as was the good Albert Galla tin, he once remarked, that be was exceed ingly pleased that the theory of La Place reluted bj telescopic iiiTestigations ; od so, indeed, it seemed to be. At ihe time to theory of La Tlaco was discarded, tbe glasses used were of moderate power, and hen directed to these mysterious bodies, othing but a great mass of stars was per Wptible, and the inference was, the dim ne- odious appearance to the naked ere, was piO- aucea bj the combined rays of these nun DCrlcsS orbs. Rut whn I he hnoro tele-SCOneS of the present age were pointed to seek these Wonderful orcunania nf mnm milliona rf I legU8s beyopd those contreries of stars, were I "'covered immense fields of caseous. Iu- minoui apor, presenting the moat dirt Te instituted auit against her for perjury, which geMrtHy are irspectiully solicited t.call snd ei nd mjstKrious anoearance. Some Dosseas hf defended and muleled bim for the coal ! amine the Stock, and ihey will be aured of good n annular shape with dark centres some resent a planetary appearance and occupv n immense field of space, larger perhaps "Mn the orbit of our largest planet.' Others fPpear with a fiery central orb. surrounded UJ hazy, yet luminous atmosphere. An- wneT m the constellation Andrnmod ores- "'a, according lo Marina, the appearance of Rai.dle shining diroush a horn. It has been "e wonder of astronomers of all a?es. and be isible to the naked eye, from ita resent- 0 eoniet, has been the awe of the .. 'l possesses an elliptic, oval form, " " or,8"l condensation oi light in tbe "ire, which gradually decreases in brillian- Rn , Z ,he ed?p" of 'be netiufotis mass. ie most wonderful of all these Lolies i'luaied in i,B constellation Orion. Im- lia 1 VrCal of P"ce Peopled by briL ... ",u'i which trail in their aerial course rains of fierv atmosphere, in which III! " "re rrraduallv r.ll.nn t.- I ..n wind ln? Strata nn. r h,JnJ,of,n rth, unt 'ttfteI. md then move - iu4 tu me conoensinjr 11 it shall all he ex- move on in their sublime rott t0 necome, like our own planetary IV :iem the garden spots of God. gtlli "." of astronomical developments tore ft his been proved from the very laws wmcn govern me luovuiiienia of our ulanets. ..... uuee mis great pageant ol rotund H or Ids wnicn tnofe with us atuund this common CPnlrsV rnnal!l..lhJ ! . fia r . 1 . uHisoi iiMNieu elements, cut bow came Kah k nr. . . ,ucj .scpratei i iv nat convulsion in this emer-coursing meteor could have hurled thoneorbs into their present position," and held them rolling, each iu its aupoiuled path 7 r Tbe heat, which held ibid coruscating mass n a state of fluidity, or gaseous vapor, grad. ually passed off into the wastes of mtii.itv. ami a crust of matter condensed udor iii Mrfuce. As the circumference beoama h. ier by fiese condensations, the revolution of the great body btcsme increased to such a degree, that the cenlr.fugal force overcame thecentnpeial, and the solid part of tbe sur face was hurled out lo a point where the a. quilibrium of thoe forcee was restored and there it revolved around tbe central niac in accordance with the law of attraction ex. utuig between atoms of matter, it naturally assumed gohular form, and there sw eping in us vast and sublnne orbit, requiring one hundred and six years for a revolution, shines the planet Neptune. oo wit ill rsHiel condensed and thrown out from the red-hot mass; then Suturn, Ju piter, Mars, the Earth, and all their totund companions. How many millions of years must have elapsed between the formation of those orbs? Is not the same operation still in progress? Else what arc those black, mysterious patches rolling and forming, and dissolving in the fiery billows of the sun? II tins be the case, at the period when a new planet is about lo be thrown off, by calcula tions from the velocity of the sun's rott on, astronomers will be able to predict, not only the extent of its orbit, but also the time of its revolution upon its aju$, nd even the period of its passage around the great cen tral In miliary. Thus the law which governs our system can be applied even to the for mation of new worlils ; and now, so far from rejecting the theory of nehuize, it is receiv ed as the only rational explanation of cre ation, and is upheld by mathematical calcu lations.' We are almost overcome with wonder and awe, when we gne out into the endless fields of coruscating spheres, and think what numberless years elapsed during their for mation ! Whence sprang the elements of which they consist ? What is beyond the limit of telesct.pic inspection? Is it peo pled with worlds, or does it stretch off in endleM wastes of darkness, not yet reformed from chaos by the Almifhtv's mandate? Have thoe nebulous masses been hurled forth into the realms of unenlightened spac, there to burn and boil and gradually condense Uuntil the great shadows are peopled full of flashing suns wkb swift revolviug satellites T most unmeasured of the meaurle-a. Wbeie rnde.h iby domain! W hai boundary Confines the etertal jLi -t I, . . m - mn w wjuiMt, wyono Thought swoons away ! Her pinion trail in Just ! WeaUfger with the thought. THE COMET OF 1264. The attention of astronomf rs is now, and for some limr has been, directed to the re turn of the zreal Comet of 1264, which is uptoed to have r turned in 1556, and which 1 ' . ... is esnt-'Cteu to re-appear anoui una tune, u is suniMsed to have a neriod of about 292 it years ; to have its perihelion within the or bit of Venus ; and at aphelion to be nearly one hundred times the distance of the earth Irom the sun. Missrs. Barter and Hind of England, have expended a asl amount ol lobor in calculating the return of tins coinrt ; and accord i i e to tht-in, it is possible thai. though earjected in 1848, it may be retarded l.v Saturn, Uranti, and Neptune, till 1851. It appears bv a h ttcr puhlisl ea in tne jvai- ional Intelligencer, from 1 rolessor M. r. Maurv.lliatiheRev. Mr- Jenkins, ofGrorKe- !.. r..llop.nii the eveiiiuir of the 28th of November last, while at sea, on a toy Age from Baltimore to Rir, sw a cornet very di- tincllv near the tract of the sun, in the west, about 14 dee. abi.ve the horizon. It wj nniiA lioht. aouarenilr as iarye as Mars, i -- . . , , , Uil curveal. and pointing soutowaru, aim neatly a degree in length, as isihle to the naked eve. but much larger when viewcn ihrnnuh ihp env-Hass It wasscen lor twen - . - m ty minutes by all the crew, when a cloud in. ti-rrrniPil it and it was not allerwarus seen. A Smart Womaw. The Grove Hill (Als.) Recorder states that in the country of Choc tw, a new one created at the recent session of the Alabama Legislature, a woman was charged with murdering her husband, and emnloved a legal gentleman, wnose name n ia n..t necrasarr to mention, 10 uetenu m-r, . . r i i nrdmisinir him two negroes as ui lee. Me - , undertook her defence, and contrary lo the pxnectation of all. she was acquitted : be eu-1 U-W tinnn her for Ihe two negroes, wnvn v. ;nrr,r,npil him that the nrffroes be- innireil to her dauehter. Not rclishiiiar ihe irlo f twiner r healed out of the negroes, he T ahnrt time she trave birth to an tllep-iti- mate child, made oath that be was tbe latlitr. ami compelled him to enter into bontia lor ;t. .unnnrt arxf maintenance, accortnnz o . , . the statute in auch casea made anU proi - . ded." Mam the World. The W.aK.no-tnn eorresDondence of the Journal aasviia'tfa a f n-.m, ui cf-ntlemen from Calilor J ..... . l. r..i Ppk i.nuv in VY asninffion, say iuii wi. - mw,t ia the richest man in the world. , His gold mine will probably be saleable. iiVa few vears, at six niiii""' says also that he knowa of spota belonging . : 1 1 . .. - n n nir. iiuul I to the government, whico are wurtii . liona of dollars an acre, and win proauce rrnm r. inoni. npr cent a Tear 011 thai sum. Information Wanted. : ; wTPrn kM r t ova' u- V.ikr of a Soldier tha Mexican War. who nassed thronttK R for Guilford, or some of the upper CbunUes, in January 1850, has not baen heard of since. Ha placed in my hands a claim against the Government. He is requa.ua 10 can aaa get um K FI A !VI April 9th, ISSO. 2 3' (JHiiiiiL lllllllllllnr THURSTON'S FOUNTAIN HOTEL, (FORXCRLY 'BcLTXIIOOVCa'Kt kTcad of Light, near Baltimore St.. BALTIMOHkL ZIIIE increased patrouage of this long eilablii-h-2L ed and popular Hotel, under theminnrpmrnt of iu present proprietor, has inspired him with further energy and determination, and noospenk or atten tion of hi or that of hia Aasialauta will ha spared, to maiulain with the patrons of l he Fochtaik" the reputation it held all over the ceuntrv. in in palmiret days" or Beltzhoovcr't eonduetorship. To increase its former attraction and comforts. during the past season, the Hotel ha undergone many cuinjej, me Proprietor having made heavy outlay in introducing some of the beat and latest improvements- .which, logoihrr with its central poci tiou. being localrd in the very heart of the business portion of the city, and near the centre of Baltimore Street, and wiihio a few minutes walk of all the Depots and Sle.tm Boat Landings, it invites the .UrrcAffHf. the Fmmer, the Artisan, as well as the Man of Plnasure to make the Fountain Hotel his home during his sojourn in Baltimore. The radio' Department, Containing Private Parlors, Saloons, Reception Rooms. Ordinary, and extensive suites of large and airy Chnnibers. fitted np in a style and elegance that cannot (ail to gire sli?faction and comfort. Ports rs are attached to the Fountain," who may be recognized by the Badges on their Hats, and are always in the attendance at the different De ots and Steamboat Landings, who will receive Checks, take charge of the Baggage and convey it to tha Hotel. PH1NKA3 THURSTON, Proprietor. Feb.26th, 1850. 17 A C AKI. F. Diidrrsigned being eiigad. and fiolding a 1 posiiiou that bnug his services iu immediate connection with the (iuesta of the above Hotel, he trusts, offers a furllier inducement lo his numerous friends and scnaitilances of the OlJ North State," when they vixil Baltimore, to slop at the Fountain," where lie assurea them they will be received and en tertained in a manner that shall strengtheu this ac quaintance and secure for its Proprietor their good will ana patronage. ' W STRINGER. Late of Wilmington N C February 26th, 1850 17 3in GROCERIES, &c. T HE ubcribera bave io store, and are dailv pectiug, tba followiiif goods, which they will aril at the lowest prices for cash, or ou lini to punctual customers, viz: 50 lona Swedes, Euslish and Americas Iroa 5 Ton Germxn aud Dlisitred Sileel 1 " Cast Steel ISO Dags O-fFee, Old Java. Rio and Lngnira 75 Hhda. Porto Rico. St (Jruxaod N O. Siipsrs 50 B.xp Loaf, Crushed, Pulverized, and Refined Sugars 5 Too Bine Grit Grindstones 100 Kegs Powder, 10 Chests Imperial Gunpowder anil Black Teas 300 Krgs Nails, assorted, Rapid Fall and Cum- berlaod. 10 Tous Castings, assorted 150 Boxes Speri". Adamantiue and Tallow Candles 150 Soap, every variety 50 Barrels common Whikey 50 do RrctinVd 25 do Old Rto 5 Pipes French Brandy 20 Barrels Annie do 0 do Jamaica and Antigua Rum and Pure Holland Gui 20 Pipes ana 1 Pipes guoio Madeiia, rale Sher ry. Port aud Tenrriffo Wines A genr.1 a snort me nt of Cooking Wines, with Plougn Liues, Bed Cords, Grass Hope, fepper. SDice. Gineer. 31 ace. uiniecs Chocolate, rap- piug. Letter aud Writing Pupr. Clover Seed, J-c. not nv t. Tunil l IV I 1 I U.I Ub I UUl. Opposite Friend's Hotel, Sycamore Street, Petersburg, V. February 18. 1830. , 15 1 Spring and summer Goods AT UCAltTT & LITCHFOKD'S. ECEIVED by late arrival a complete Stuck f Staple and Fancy Dry Good. Fancy ar- ir; e. Donneia, doois, sDm olc-, cousivuna. iu pan ss ioIIdw : Silk Bxiiotra and Tissue. Crape de Pans, Statin hine O'tsndie, Ba ege Alborlnes, Jennv Lind Muslins, Printed, P..tka and Striped French Lawns, Milesia Jseonei's. PUid eoloied Swiss, Plain colored French J sc. melts, Polka and Printrd Lawns, Gingham. Print of nesl-l kind of tjlea, French Work. Capes, Collars, Cutis, Lisle and Thread Trimmings, iWk It ibbon. Neck Ties, Lara Msnul as, Palletois, Bonnelt, very exiensive asortment, ParsK ls, Umbrella, ALSO, Blatk French Cloth, Black Drap d Ets-Summer (Jostinc. Fancy and Black Cassimsre. r sue J ona i niD, ria , Plain. Diamond and SUip'd white Marseilles, Figured Marseille, Hs, BoU. !hos. Friends of the concern, customer and tne puouc bargsm. it raw Jlafting- sale by Msrch 30ih IPSO. by tbe piece or yard. For R. TUCKER a; SON. Wanted. A YOUNG man. a Resident of tba City of Bat- timnrn. is .lesirtias of obiainine a situation as I ulor in a Drivala r amUV. or t eacuei in an ncauc- inv in soma of tba Southern Cities or 8tales. He can produce tha mot unqur-ationable testimonial aa to Character and Attainments. ou mymj lesch. Addre H. N. 280 BsltimoreBL llalumore April 7th. 1850. 28 l N. B. He will also give in traction in Vocal Mu aio. Chaste and Beautiful. ATE arrivals from New York have placed in possession of the nnderaigntd, hi bpnnf and Summer upply of STAPLE aud FAHCY DRY GOODS, K,.ein almost everT elvle and fashion far the ...r 1850 i and which, for is, extent, and variety :tl C.nraKlu lummra with anv in the City. Pur chasers are therefor. reapecUully mvUed to call and .,an,,u.forthe.,v... T n MITCHELL. Raleigh, April 9 1!., I5e. 29 tf Dry Goods Establishments, CHEAP TWEED COATS. N fncTh Twee1 Cassimers Coats, cat in good JLwjv vw j ie ana wen maae, lor $3. E. L. IURCINO. Oct 30. (Standard) 88 Richard A. Caldwell, Jl TTORJVE Y AT LAW, ATTENDS tbe Countj Courts of Anson, Rich mond ana unnarrns oaiisDurv, Feb. 12, 1850 13 A SUPPLY OF FRESH PHOSGENE GAS. JUST to hand and for anle at P. F. PESCfJD'S Drugstore. February 12. 1950. 13 GARDEN SEEDS dF all the popular varieties, warranted fresh and VIJF renuine, just received sod for sale at the Drae aioreor w illiams. HAY WOOL) ot CO. February 12, 1830. 13 New Jewelry Store. W. n. TBOMPSON .Would respecUuUy inform the citizen of Raleigh and it vicinity, that he ha open ed a choice stock of Watches and Jewelrv, in u part ol tbe ator- occupied by Mrs. Thompson as a Millinery establishment, where h offer for ale. Gold and Silrer Watchta, warranted correct time keeper ; the latest style of FiSIlJONABLE JEWELRY; soch as (uard. Vest and rob I. hams; Cameo, stone and mourning Broaches ; Plain, Chaed aud Stone Rings ; Gold Pens and Peucils ; Gold and Silrer Thimbles ; Studs, Collar and Sleeve Bullous, Ear King, Gold and Oliver opecracles, Slc., fancy Goods d Fine Cutlery; all of which will be sold cheap. Watches, Clocks and Jewelery repaired in superior sty le. Old Gold aud Silver takeu in ez change. Sept. 21, 1849. 76 Gm Meritto Shirts. L ARGE lot just received very cheap. E. L. HARDING. White? Cillgcr Frfh and good, just re ceived at the Drag Store, of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &. CO. October 18th. 1843 81 Dr. Joseph J. W. 'Fucker, OFFERS hie Profe-vional services to the citizens of Raleigh and vicinity- H may always be found at ihe resideuce of Ruflin Tucker, Esq May 8. 1843. 37 tf .ETrE.YIE'S CLOTIinO. JUST received by Express, Irom Baltimore, 8. lot of fine Dress and Frock Coats, Cloth Cloake which, added to our prims Slock of Ready rnxile Clothing, make our nssortmem complete ; which we are instructed to sell at unprecedented low prices, for Cut A. B. ST1TH & CO. Raleigh. January 28tb, 1850. 9 Cabinet Furniture Warehouse JAMKS II. COOKE. o. 92 Broadway, (Oppotile Trinity Cliureh,) NEW YORK. SI AS now in store a full aud complete assort- mcut of CABINET FURNITURE, to uich be is dailv maJfitJJcwtuuin. look at bis stock, nniong which will be found every arricle for tbe complete furnishing of a bouse, ran ging with tbe following low rates: High Post Bedsteads, rronj 7 00 to 5 00 Mahog v Fie.ich do do IS 00 to 50 00 Walnut do do 15 00 to 40 00 ottaok do do 0 00 to 10 00 Mi trusses at Ihe low market rates Sofas Citt M andfacttjse, $20 00 to $75 00 Rockins Chaibs, Maho't, 6 00 to 18 00 Mar'v Paslo Chaibs (per doz) 51) 00 75 00 Bureaus, Curd Tables, Book Cases,and WarJrobes ofibefiueat qualities, and warranted equul to any in ibe market. rr Particular attention paid to boxing and shipment of goods, which is done by most experienced bands. New York, March 5th, 1850. 10 3m RESERVED GI.MGER. just received hy Li. U. WALICK. Oil and lard Lump Cltiiiuey A guod supply of various nixes, just received by WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD CO. 023 JGUaSS a IT. VACANT Acre Lot, in the Eastern part of ffiA the City, an elf-ffHut site for a private resi dence contiguous lo the lot npon winch IN. B Ilnghe. E-i . resides. Euquire of E. P. Guion, or the Editor ot this Paper. November 24 1849. 94-wtf TO SPORTSMEN. THE eJubscrilier bajut reoeivad a fine S trek of DOUBLE AND SINGLE BAKU EL. UJMS RIFLE GUNS, REVOLVERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL PISTOLS, BOWIE KNIVES, GAME BAG3, POWDER FLA 5a i, SHOT BELTS, EXTRA NIP PLES, sc.. t-C All of which will ba sold low. C. B. ROOT SPUING SALES. The undersigned ara receiving direct from New Orleane and o'.ber Markrta. a large tck of Sugxr, vinta-aea. &c. which thev will sell for cash or to punctual dealer, on favorable term j nay nava now in oiore, 109 Uhd. New Orleane Sugar 250 Boxes and Bbl reQned do 1 10 Bble. New Orteana and W. I. Molae 40 Hbds. dn do do do 350 Bsgs Prime Green Rio ir Laguira Coffee 1200 Bag Shot 500 Kta Nails, Cumberland and other Brands 60 Ton English Iron, Imported direct into Pe tersburg. 40 do Dwedes and American do fiOO Reams wrapiiina. writing and letter paper 3i 0 Boxes Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Can dlea 10 Ton Casting 10 do Grind 8tone loo Dozen Painted Pails. Wi.h . full assortment of Wine. Brandies dt &c C PEEBLES WHITE at DAVIS. Old Ut. Petersburg Vs. M.rrh l.fth 18S0. 23 BY EXPRESS- ITIjLACK and Coloied. Embroi'ed Grenadines, ID Keal Valencienne Edgings, Plain and Plaid Ti-ue. , Ladi.a Black and Colored, Kid Gloves, ' Gents Nespolnan Riding Gloves, Rich Bonnat, Neck and Cuff Ribbons, Corded 8kirU, 4c, &e, R. Msrch 36th, 1850. TUCKER & SON. 25 Dry Goods Establishments. Spring and Summer Goods For 1850. R. Tucker and Son. HO oonatantlv keen en hand an extensive assortment of the best ad most desirable. as.wcu a fashionable FANCY AND STAPLE DRY1 GOODS, are now receiving their Sprang and Summer soppljr ior lsoo. una or tbe firm has jast returned from New York, where he purchased a rick variety of Gooda of this Spring's Importations, before they had been picked over, and before tbe advance in price; and Having thus hud the choice or tbe large and splended fresh srrivals, and the advaatsge of low prices, tbey flatter themselves they will be better prepared than ever to meet tha demands of this mar ket, and please their numerous friends and custom era, in town and country. They respectfully invite tno pnonc to can ana examine their stock. t bey have just received a supply of tha following, and are daily receiving such other articles as ara usually kept in a Dry Goods and Familv Grocery Store, sauea to tbe wants and taste of this community. Bl'k Gro De Rhine Silks, Plain and Figured Chameleon Silks, Broche and Plain Grenadines, Plain and Embroidered Black ditto, Fancy and Black Silk Ti.-sue, Silk Albarines and Hernanies, Corn colored Grenadines, Evening Dresse, Embroidered and Doited Fancy Swiss Moulin, Ch.imheiy, French and American Gingham, Camblet Lustre, snl Linen Gingham, Melne. and Fancy Diamond Jackonets, Plain and printed Lawn and Muslins, Tarleton, Mwiss, India, Vicioria, Bishop, Book, and Dotted Jackonet Mu-lin, Rich Bonnet, Cape, Neck, Cuff and Bait Rib- b.ns. French N. edle Work Cape. Collar and Cuffs, Ltdis' and Gentlemen' Paris Kid Glove. Swiss and Jack met Eifgingt and Inserting, I,ile and Linen Edcings and Ribbon, Linen and Fancy ilk Dress Buttons, Kus-ia Braids and Fancy Silk Trimmii gs, Lidifs'ond Missts'L.C. Hem Stitch and Tape Bordered H.lkfs Mulin, M.ihair, Gras and Hough's Patent Skirt. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEKES, of the various colors and qualitii , Linen & Cotton Good, in great varieties, many of which are touched with the Hungarian and California finish. B ack and Fancy Satin and Silk VESTING8, Plaid and Embroidered Marseilles dlllo, 4x. &. HA I'S.Atc Determined always to furnish what ever is laiest, rarest snd bent, they offer an ex tensive stock of Men's, Youth' and children' Fsbional;e and Fiat Brim Mole Skin, Pana ma, Maracaibo, Leghorn, Sewed Pedal's, Hun garian ami Palm Hat. Infai.l't Fancy Good. Also, Umnrella. Parasol. Bonnet. Shoes. Hard, ware. Cutlery. Groceries, Slc. AH ol which they now are offering on ibe mort liberal terms. K. TUCKER &. SON Raleigh .March 15th 1850. HEW COXCERJT, T1 HE subscribers have this day associated theai- selves together, under the name and style sf olHiTUn Br x VUL), for the purpose of conducting a General Grocery nd Commission Business, in the Town or Peters- K-.- ..till, f. i 1. tv. --v.5 strict personal attention to business, to merit a share f pttrocnge from their friends and tbe puouc gen erally. They will, at all times, be supplied with a well selected assortment of Uroceries, wnicn tney will sell at wholesale and retail, as low as tbey can be purchased in this market. They will also pay strict attention to ibe forwarding of Goods and sale of all produce entrusted 10 their care. K u. bltlll t-iv . oi 11 . . BERNARD TODD, of Petersburg. January 1st. 1800. 15 w IIore Shoes. 10 Kegs Horse Shoes just received. Feb. 14 th, 1850. 1 Arniitear fine Chewing Tobacco. H S7 E have just received 52 boxes and half boxes V w Annislead's fine Chewinft Tobacco. tsnt 1 i u .1 ot x juu February 14th, 1850. 15 SOMETHING NEW. SODA, Milk, Mnple and Butler Crackers, some thing 1 can confidently recommend lo the citi zen of UJeivh as first rale. A good ropply just received. L B. WALKER rB DOZ. yard Velvet Trimming, to day re 5 ceived by R. TUCKER SON. IXev. '3. lt?43. Perfumery, Faney IrtielelTte. TlmTE are now iu receipt of a large aopply of WW Foreign and American Perfumery, fancy Articles. &e. consist ine of Coloen, Extracts for the Handkerchief, all the popular Pomatuma and Hair Oils of the day. Toilet and Shaving aoaps ot verv nnalitv and price, r ancy Uoxes aud lonet Bottles of beautiful styles and patterns, to which we Invite the attention of those in pursuit of something (rood as well as tasty R ...... ...ac it. vnrnnn (. rrk Fiti:sn rici:. FRESH Rice, new Crop juat received. W M. PECK d a . SON 99 3 December tun. i. CANDY! CANDY!! CANDY! ! THE Subscriber begs leave to inlorm the cm zeus of Raleieh aud dealers in North Caroli na geuerally, that he ha just laid in a large lot of the beat Caudv sugar, ana is now, uo can cuuuuouv Iv ..v. manuIacturioB! as zooa au article 01 i.aMay ... It.lvioh. aa vou can eat any whera in the Stale r out of it : and I pleds-a tnyselt to sell it ta tne trad aa low aa it cau be bought fetSrabarg. aud will warrant it to staud. All 1 ask is a fair trial, and i will convince tha dealers in Gaudy that they need not cro North for that article. 1 keep also on hand a good supply of Glass Jars, thai I will sell low to those that may Duy tneir vanny 01 me. 1. o. WAL.svr.rt. Raleigh, Fab- 5, 1850. il New fT HAVE received part ot my Spring Stock of Goods and am prepared to abow, riain unameieon eiia. G laced do do Figur'd do do Black Gro de Rhine do Black and Printed Alberine, Black Berage very fine. Plain French Cambrics, vsrtous Colors, Embroidered Swiss Matlins, Worked Collara and Cuffs. Paria Print for Trimming. . Tapestries, Buttons for Ladies Dresses, Sw'ts and J aconelte Edgings and Inserting. Lisle. Bobbin and Thread Edgings and Lace, Printed Lawna, Bonn, t. Cap and Tasset 'Ribboo, Msrbled Mourning Ginghsm, C'arved Shell Tuck Combs, Ladiea Black and Kid Gloves. J.BROWN, , No. 9 Fsyeitevilla St. Raleigh, March 25th, 1850. . S DATS SPRING STILE 1850. E IfTlASHIONABLE Moleskin, Medium Beaver, I p Men a and Boy a summer llatsol almost every description. For bale by R TUCKER SON. March 25th, 1850. 25 A, RICH ASSORTMENT ofSilver-Pkated C tors, Candlesticks, pad Girsndola. Bronx Chamber Candlestick, for sale by And U PALMER 9- RAMSEY: November 6, 184. - ' 4 lITfor Sale-DOLLjap'; JsV . ' hjn Extract, orVefe S Celebrated . Herba reUble Hair Wash ' Also, aa extensive ai fumery. , v , . November 26. 184. nateat of all kindr er per- PALMER fBAMSEY, GOLD WAIST BUCKLES AND SLIDES just receiveda beautiful article. Also, on hand, 2 Harrisoa Marble Clocks, , warranted rood wine pieces x or saie oy PALMER 4- RAMSAY., December 4, 1849. j fee IRON RJYD STEEL. - rSr' Tons Swede's American and English Iron (f : aasorted, tons Blister, Cast, Shear aad German Steel assorted Nail Rods, Band aad Hoop Iron assorted. a nun in want oi tne anove will and it za their interest to five us a call: tha price can net fail to suit PEBLEJ, WH1TEJAV14 JPetsrshnrg, January 2, 1830, 8 41 BOXES English and Goshen Cheese, just received and for sale by R. TUCKER f SOTS'. Nov29, 33 IIATS LATEST STYLES. "B"uat at hand. ' 99 HEARTT ft LITCHFOJID. Stebbins, Darraeott & Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Earthenware, China, and Glass, Pier, Mantel and Tpiltt Leoking-glatttt. Britannia and Plated Warer Lard Lamps, Castors, Table Ctleryh &e. NO. 101 BROAD STREET, Shockoe Hill, RICHMOJW, VIRGINIA. CH AS. STEBBINS, JNO. DARRACOTT. BENJ. K PULL EN. lJ Particular attention paid to Packing Pea 11th. )S49. 99 iy m lauiiicnua iinip stick A superior M . . . a m . . . . . article or J orthern sperm, in store and for sale by WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD & CO. GROCERIES. A , GOOD supply of Groceries, such a Brown. jftV. Crushed, Clarified aud Coffee Rio, Java, Lairuira. Pulverized- Sugars, A good aupply of Molasses, low, from prima to best. Tallow. Adamantiue and Sperm Caudles, A fjesh lot of the bext Buckwheat in Bags, and many other articles too tedious to mention. Call on Walker, for he is the boy to selj hareains. L. B. WALKER. Raleigh. Feb. 5. 1850. n NEW BOOKS. , URICULAR Confession, in the Protestant wfeft bsujeopal church Fairy Tales from aR Na- Hons; Dark Scenes of History, by G. P. R. James Sir Edward Graham, or Rail Way Speculation's, by Catherine Sinclair, Physician snd Patient. Greenwood Leavs. History of Spanish Literature, by Ticknar. The War with Meiieo, by H. S. Ripley. The Whale and hia Captors, by Chever A System of Ancient and Meailleve! Gaocraohv'.hv by H. D. TDRNER. Raleigh, Feb: 4th, 1850. . II A DIES Thick aad Thin Sole Silk Top Gaiter, Received to day by K. TUCKER & SON. October 8th, 1849. 81 A T HARDING'S CLOTHING STORE, still on hand, a full assortment of Winter Clothing at redncei prices. E. L. HARDING. FLOWING A SUPERIOR article sale low by February 12, 1850. VARNISH. for Cabinet Makers, for P. F. PESCUD. 13 Gold Watches and Jewelry. NEW arrival of a large and fashionable as sortment of the above just at hand and for sale, cheaper than aver, at PALMER S- RAMSAY'S Jewelry Store. The moat extensive stock of all articlea in their line that has been offer ed for sale nere ior years, uome anu see, ir you do not buy. 4 Dozen gold and ailver Watches, of sll kinds, Gold fob, vest and guard Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger-rings, Ear-rings, Breast-pins, Studs, and collar Buttons, Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Clasps, gold silver and s prion steel spectacles. Gold and silver Pencils aud Pens aad waist Buck les, Silver Qombs snd Tortoise shell Spectacles, A very extensive assortment of Silrer and Plated Spoons, Cups, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Salt Spoons, Slc. A large stock of Cutlery, Raton, Knives, Rssor straps, and Diamond Paste for Raiors, Brushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, cte. Butter snd Fruit Knives. Gold and Silver Thim bles, Gold and Silver Mounted Walking Canes, Silver Plated Castors, Candle Slicks, Waiters, Baskets, Girandoles,' ' , A large assortment of Perfumery, Colognes, Soaps, Boses Tor Toilets, Fancy articles, and Christmas presents, aad a variety of other arti cles All kinds of Watches and 3 ewelery repaired in snperior style Old Gold and Silver received in ex change. m a V a ns w m Waa Raleigh, Nov. 2L, 1849. 83 tf B UviGlES, HORSES, AND CARRIAGES lor sal by GEO. T. COOKE. Mansion House Livery Stable. Raleigh Jan. 31 1. 1850. 10 New Firm. THE Subscribers hsving connected themselves in buina, under tha Firm of BcrraLos dfc Cook a, taka tnis occasion to inionn tna rubiie, mat they will keep constsntly en hand all articles rwe- sarj for the uses of the Family or Farm. Their atoe conatxta in part ot the following article : Bscon and Lard, Flour. Meal and Corn, Iron and Nails. Cssi. German and Blister 8 teal, Casting, Trace Chain and Waading Haas, Loaf, chrushed, clarified and brown Sugars, Coffee, Molasses. and Salt, Sal and upper Leather, 8perm, Adamantine and Tallow Csndlcs, Powder. Shot snd Lead, Tobacco, Snuffs and Soaps, ttc. Act, dC, Country produce particularly eurn, fodder and dry beef-hide will ba laken at a fair exchange. Tbe above article navmg been caretuily selected, and bought with Cash, tha Subscribers ara determin ed not lo be under-sold by any deslers in the City. ' J. U. M. BUrFALUB, GEORGE T. COOKE. April, 9th 1850., , . , j 1 9 N. B. South side of Hargett 8treet, fourth and fifth doors east of Williams, Haywood f Go's Prug Store. ,v . . . Wanteds iONE or two first rate Coat hand, wanted in-' Uy mediately. April 8th, 1850. 89 ft 1 1 - rmfiS 'ibseribsf filter ielarhms fcli aaa JX 'Jbaoks to the Pabiic, for the very libsfal aad, Keneroo patroasf a, hitherto extended ta ktaa, woabJ . respeclfullj give notice that he continaesto pfossv cuts hi lui of baj.inee, in all itt4 brtachea, arith promptness and efficiency. His Stable, ara daaaT and commodious, and his Ostlers experienced aad at. iDd!d 00 Pisf expense have been a snau be spared tw reader Mlkfaclioa te ( wa9 m rooise kia EstaulUhmrnU , . Ha will keep oon,sta8dj on band, tat bira, ". ....... : : - a .. ' . HORSEcT willbe boarded by tba imj,' week, month or year, ou the most moderate terms. Drovsr will find flda W a central position, and a roost coave. j nnnt one for eSectioc sales, and thaw wijl alway s find ample accommodation fwTMj fltiam bwtfflwm however lara. "TT . v f a Tha Subscriber ha auto e eel ad. new awajaee-. meat by which h will be enabled ta keep new and yiu DiwwtaayaBU nvnaaf,T TJOt tzttomg w I Bew feature in his ausinasa. . , r Tba Subscriber hopes that his friends aiut tha Public wilt continue to aivs him a ttiaL It U all mil asaaw ! JAMES M. HARRIsk I... . i- .- - ..... . TT r Raleigh. September 88, 1841. TO HIRE I " A FIRST rate Blacksmith. Appry at this Offiaa January 22, 1850. 7 St ritOCK AMD DRESS CATL lfTI HAU.DXG baa just received a first MlZdm assortment of Frock aad Dreas Coata I beautiful French Cloths. Cheap for Caah. . ur,!,ub snperior trthjla of Rpi 9JJ flavored, just, to hand WILLIAM'S, HAYWOOD A CO. To Dentists. Supply of very superior Gold Foif jnat recel (Stab ved, and for sale for cash $38 per oz. by . -9 P. F. PESCUP. Yeaat Powders A uotber supply of tbosa Yeast Powder, jtust received. . WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD f CXX ' I MOUNT KALl: TIHPOLl. ' C SUPERIOR nilii fn. n.: j ibh;n. flM a?;i... n o. B, n.- . teZTXl 71 rort and Glass ware, just received snd for sale b WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. ' Raleigh, March lvth, 1850. ' gi IA FRESH supply of Townaeuda, Sands aad' Bristols in stare aad for sal by .- ? . ; ' WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD, am COi v Ralsigh, Sept. 7, 1849 , Mi S. F. PHILLIPS, 4 ATTENDS THE COURTS in the Ctmniittf of Orange, Alamance, W.ake and Chatkam." Z Ckpel Hilt, N. May 94, ll4V. t f ? MITaYlnud'a Sunf f, No. 2 A freak aup. XV ply just received and -for sale bv " WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD CO ,i fniuriuesian, KngUah and A mar Man Chase U For sale by R. TUCKER dk SON. March 30th 1850. olina will be held in Christ Church at Elisabeth Ci ty, on the last Wednesday in May, being , tba Ivth day of May. 1850, EDWARD LEE WINSLOW, 8eey. ' Marsh 30th 1850. , - g Livery Stables! 2ITIHE Subscribers, lake occasion te inform their ait friends and the public generally, that they will carry on the business, iu all its branches, aVlh sanM stand ; aud that no efforts nor , expeaae will ba spared on their part to accommodate tha jU'svelling cumuiuuity. Couveyancea, with good horse and careful drivers, will be furnished at all Uinee and at short notice ; aud in fact, every convenience far travelling, in toe way 01 HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. will be supplied en lh moM lavur able and aeei dating terms. Tbe Subscriber also expect to keep constantly an hand, good . HORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, AC, Z a mm. "mr-v w-nn- fiat Jr-v - ' a i.iai nil an l mil ail . t jj And persons wishing to put out their Horses oy the week, or mouth, or year, wHI have I hem wail attended to, at moderate prices. Their Stables ara as) Wilmiugtou Street, just ta tha East of Market Saiara. Hoping to receive liberal encouragement, the dersigned pledge themselves to do all in lh sir sow er to merit public patronage and favor. 4 . COOKE -BUFFALO E." Raleigh, April 8. If 50. ' : : : , 89 If ttbiu Extracts for the ftlandlter U, A ChiCH. dkC. Tha Subscriber keeps awn xtautly oa hand all tbe fashionable Odors of Lubin warranted genuine aad for sale ky - H. DTORNXat Manufacturink Establisl ITOSEPRWOLTERIKG or nkvlni of years Foreman ia tha Raleigh and., Gaston Kail Road Blacksmith Shop) respectfully announce to the eitisens of Raleigh aud the sarrouudieg Coun ties, that ha i prepared to maaufaetur - ' ii tdSOSS. OF ALL DESCBIPTjbirs; r Oima auta listols, , Carriage Springs,. MUhmarkiiBrast Castings and in smart, any thing in Machine and Blacksmith togrlh, na is also saxraaxn to sue soots aaxt. nAnciaa, At tbe auoaTianr norm. Also has oai band an extensiva aasbrtinwntW LacStrn of aH kinds, al prieea from JO oeala to SOtdtdUra ; Edgetoola, an assort meat of Axes, Dtwingvkaive, Hatchets, Hammers. Files of various deacriptiooa, and a number of articles in his liae ; too tedioae to naoMibw. - . . ...- Ail orders faithfolly executed at the laweet' priae, and new work eairuted to his eaie wiJI ha warraat ed, , Orders from a distance wdl be attended to. and exeeuled at the abortest notice., liie Establishawnt will be found al the Raleigh Railroad Depot. . ' 'Repairiag iu bis line performed with neatness and depalch. Also, a genrrai ' aasorUueal of Guns and Piatol constantly oaiiand. hit Raleigh, April 17, 1849. WIGS AM CALP8. i TO ILL olFFK KING FBOS THE CEFKCl CI lirocr . Quirks ihe.Rejuvejtaior, kasaaad V arrangements ta visit Raleigh, on or. by the lum inst., when he will be prepared to Scalp or Scratch all those who may require hi artistin ser vices, ia the way of aieAsVe mr pari Head of tfahf; or to advise with theyoorig, who are likely to be come prematurely bald. . tibe will ba found .at hia Koom, at Xarbrongb'siotel. on bib am vat. . rt? , - THOMAS aUlRlti -.... of 4BtfBiawwaysj AprU 5ta, 1850. . . . 188 tf; ( iNSEEO OIL 7 , G A LL'OS Mou quin. TAnotai OH rs- i tw mw ceivsa ui wj suu ivr hk.pt Ralaigh, April 9th, 1S59. 99 Standard and Times copy. not satuticd with a mere conjee A

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