- ..... J f CBLlSflED SEMI-WEEKLY AlD f SSKLY, BY SEATON GALES, ED1T05 AXD flOP&IETOR. . terms; "J.;. Forthe Semi-Weekly Paper, $5.1raraum For the Weekly Paper, $3 per annum. ? POETRY. FROM THE PERSIAN. 0ce from t cloud a drop of na Fell trembling in the tea , 4nd when ehe w the wide spread nnin, Shame veited her uiod-siy- MVh't place in this wide tea hare I ? What room is left for me 1 Sure it were better that I die n this immensity !" But while her self-sbisinjr fear I;S lowliness confessed, A shell reoeied and welcomed her, And pressed ber to Us breast. And, nourished there, the drop became Eialied by its low'T shame. And humbW but to rin6 ! MISCELLANEOUS. ONE DAY'S EXCURSION. One day last summer I took my place in a Geaend steamer, and found considerable amittemeot in watcbing the various charac ters. Two persons in particular attracted mr notice one was a mida'le-agcd eentle man, stout, rather surly, taciturn, who paid no attention to any living being on board; ex cept ahue Newfoundland dog, that was panting or lolling out his tongue, roaming among the passengtfs, shoving them out of bis way, or frightening children, by sudden y covering their faces with one lick of his great lonsue, and convincing nervous ladies that be was going mad, by the vigor with which he stuck out his legs while rolling upon the deck. His master eyed these pranks with a sly smile, and seemed quietly to enjoy the terrors occasioned by the antics of his burly friend. The ether person whom J specially noticed whs a very pretty and well-dressed lady. Young lady she would no doutt have been called, but that she had with her a little girl, about seven years old, who called her mama. She was evidently po-si'ssid of nerves ; indeed, she seemed to be possessed by them, and their name was tg on. Endless were the petty annoyan ces m which they involved her. But her keenest sufftrmgs in the small way caused by tbe unwieldy gambols of Lion, the New foundland dog ; and ber incessant and puer ile exclamations ofurror, indignation, and spite, against the good-natured brute, kept ap the sly, malicious smile upon the lips of his apparently unnoticing master. The lit lie eirl, on the contrary, had, to the iucreat. ed alarm of the weak mother, made friends with tbe monster, and for a lung liuie amus ed herself by throwiog biu of biscuit for bimto catch, which feal, notwithstanding the incorrectness of her aim, he managed to icco.nplish, by making a boisterous plunge to one side or the other ; and u ben at last she timidly offered him a piece out of iter b-'tnd, and be acknowledged tbe compliment by ficking her face and rubbing his side against her, until he almost pushed her down, the little creature (airly screamed with delight. Her mother screamed too, but in One of the mull, hysterical screams in which she was foud 01 indulging, and which was followed by an outburst ot anger at Lion's audacity. '"Good gracious V she exclaimed.' if that horrid creature should be mad, h:'ll have killed my child ! How dirty he is, too ! Look at your pelisse, Adeline ; see what a (late it is iu ! How dare you play with that mima! !" This transition from hydrophobia to a io;led dress, was too much lor Lion's master, and he burst into a loud laugh. "I wish, sir," said tue Jady, snappishly, "that you would call away that nasty dog, instead of setting him on to annoy everybody who ii not accustomed to have such dirty animals about them." The gentleman said nothing, but bowed and walked forward ; and I soon after saw hira enjoying a cigar, while Lion played the agreeable, in his own rough fashion, to peo ple who knew how to read the expression of bis honest and intelligent physiognomy. Little Adeline, deprived of the attraction which had fixed her attention to the inside ofibe boat, began to see amusement in watch I'igthe forming water, as it rushed from the paddle wheels, and danced in iong lines be. bind tliem. She knelt on a shawl which a fellow-ndisenger had lent, as a cushion for her little knees, and leaned quietly over 'he side, watching the roaring water ; so her mother was for a time relieved from the thousand inosquiio-winged vexatious which bad hitherto beset her. We were within a few miles of Graves-'nJ- The tide was just at thn full, and the broad expanse of the river lay around us in 11 its majesty ; and to those who have never ebeld the Hudson or tbe Mississippi, old father Thames is majestic, sy, and if we place in the balance the h istoric, political, Jnd coruiiierical importance of th transac tions of which Ins broad breast is and has "Wli highway, our lime-honored river H not lose in dignity even when compared i'li those giant floods of the west. Such thoughts as these, however, did not rouble Adeline's pretty head, which began, coulj see, to grow giddy with the coutin 'l whirl brneath her. A large sea-weed, "at Js dashed from the paddle-wheel, ""ght ber attention. It sank, then rose, "rned around in a short eddy, and then dar ed out m tle lng wake that was left be "'d the steamer. She leaned forward 10 'ch its progress further stillher neck S 'treiched she lost her balance, and Din roaring HOOU. in 8 onent all was confusion aboard. Men e shouting for ropes and boats to stop . Iv, an,Cf J cr'e 'f " A child ov! rboard !" Ho can t,WI,H and a thousand other M a"d nuestionings; but, above all, were p,' 7?r '"o'ber's heart-rending shrieks, loo ,1 ln Earnest now and she alone, in ,e lonrt. Inn; .-. j r . ov l uevonon 01 maternal u. hc.fll .11 .... K.. . .. . t33 mat even should she reach .. .... u j u Ui ai. tl , c'iid, she could only sink with her, en. I fj i , ferai'iM BS t A' A HI H -4 111 I-If I , r J in: II w B.TI ' i r YLJZl u . , Lowp& WzWmmk s sill gail tiolSTOi "'"''"wasasBaaaawaBanBBwaweBsasainB ' . " ' . ; 7" ' .." ar .. r-r - as Suddenly, ia'on, olloweL ciosety. by his master, came tearing along the deck, knock ing people to tbe right assd. left like nine, pins. They sprang into the boat that hung at the stern, everybody giving way before the determined energy of both man and dcg. Li on looked anxiously in bis master's face, and uttered a sharp, low bark. Wait," said the latter in reply ; "where was she seen last?" "There, sir," replied a sailor, promptly ; "tin re beside that piece of plank." "How often has she risen T "Twice." Tbe gentleman drew a long breath, and said to his dog, in a low tone, "Look out !" And Lion did look out, with wild flashing eyes, and limbs that trembled with anxi- ty. What a moment that was! Every one else was passive; every other attempt was laid aside, and all stood in mute expectation. Those who were near enough watched the third rising of the poor child, and those who could not see the water, kept their eyes fixed upon Lion. In anether instant a cry was raised, as a golden tressed head was seen to emerge from the water. The noble dog had seen her first, though ; and, ere the warning cry had reach ed his ears; he bad dashed from the boat with wonderful rapidity, and was swimming to. ward the little sufferer as though be knew that liie and death depended on bis efforts. His master marked his progress anxiously. His face was pale as death, and it was only by rigidly compressing them that he could control the nervous quivering of his lip. i " He has her," he exclaimed, as Lion rose. to the surface, after a long dive, holding the j little Adeline by the hair of her head in such ( a manner that her face was out of water. " He has her, and she is smed ! Down went the step, and on them stood a cotipleof active sailors, encouraging the brave dog by shouts and gestures, and ready to re ceive his precious burden when he should approach them. Slowly he came on, wistfully eyeing the steps, and now and then looking up at his master, who was leaning over the side en. courafing hiimwith his well known voice. "Here you are !' cried the sailors, seiz ing the little girl. She was handed from one to another, and at last deposited in the arms of an active-looking gentleman, whom every one seemed instinctively to recognize as a surgeon, anil by him enrried below. "Now come up, that's a bravo fellow," said the sailor, retreating to make way for Lion to climb the steps. But the poor crea ture whined piteously, and, after one; or two frunlt-ss attempts lo raise himself out of the water, he remained quite passive. "Help him ht lphiin! he is exhausted!" ctied his master, fjulfting his way through the crowd, to go to the rescue of his favorite. By the time, however, he had reached the top of the ladder, the sailors had perceived the condition ol the dog, and with some difficul ty dragged him from the water. With their assistance, hecrawled feebly up.and languid ly licked his master's band, and stretched himself on the deck. It would be difficult to tell which receiv ed the most attention the little girl under the hand of the surgeon and all the women who had squeezed themselves into the cbin, under the firm conviction that they were ex ceedingly useful, or the noble dog, from the rourh but kind attentions of the steamer's men, under the superintendence of his mas ter. Both the invalids were convalescent, and Lion was sitting up, receiving with quiet dig. nity the caresses of his friends, when Ade line's mother came running up stairs, and throwing herself upon her knees before him, and clasping hiin affectionately in her arms, laid her cheeks upon his rough head and wept. "He's a dirty animal, madam, si I the gentleman, who had not forgot her former slighting remarks; "he'll make your pelisse in such a state Besides, he may be mad!" Site cast up her eyes with an expression of meek reproach. They were very fine eyes, and I think he felt, for bis features softened immediately. "Oh, pray, pray, give him to me !" she earnestly entreated. Give Lion to you" he exclaimed, in de rision ; "why, what would you do with him? I will tell you. You'd pet and pamper the poor b at till he was eaten up by disease, and as nervous as a fine Ldy. No, no ; you'd better eive Adeline to me. Linn and 1 can take much better care of her than you can." "Perhaps so, sir," she replied, with the gentle manner that came over her since the accident ; "but still I could not spare her he is my only child, and' I am a widow." "I must go," muttered the gentleman to himself; "whew ! has not the immortal Weller assured us that one widow is equal to twenty-five ordinary women 1 It's not safe morally safe to be in tbe same boat with her." He walked away. But who can wrestle against fate t When tbe .boat returned to London Bridge, I saw him carrying Adeline ashore, and the widow leaning on his arm. They had a long conservation all the way home ! And, when he had put them into the cab, they had another chat through the win dow, terminating with a ptomise to "come early" Whateould all this meant He looked after the cab till it was out of sight. I think she has got rid of her nerves," he observed lo himself ; "what acharming crea ture she is without them !" ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH N. C. THF. 17b Tsrm f this School will commence oo j the 8th day of Jane, and continue till tbe lClh Nerember. , ' For cireular eoutaiaiDf foil particular, appty , to Ut subscriber. ALDERTSMEDES, Rector, j April 17th, 1830. 32 ... . . 1 1 e L k KUI . ItF" standard, riyeiwnin - and Journal. WilmiDrtoa.Newbaruiau. Walcrunan, Salinbury. N.S. WhisT, Washhiftou.Old North 8tate, B. City, Petemburc IaUllijruer, Norfolk HraM, ti. Ciiy, reieraoarf mien'ireneer, . mill iiuart to the amount of $3 00 each, and charge A. S. 111 and Cross Cnt Saw, Aiuierson'a raieni n a miner, raieut Vorry iu '- faisse'., Handsaws and Files, Weeding Hoes eedidg'Hoes, Cel lias Axes. Far sale by No. 9 Fayetteville Street. Raleijh. April lth, 1850. 33 SPRING; GOODS 1850. THE Subscriber Is' opening' bis 8prinf Block, at his old und,of the latest importations and Domes tic Manufactures, comtMing of , Staple, and Fancy Dry Goods, . j , . Hats, Shoes, Crockery, Hardwaie, and Groceiies, ATIO.IG TUEJI 100 piece Calicoes, various colors. 100 " Brown and Bleached Shirting and Sheet inf. Ginghams. Lawns, Irinh Linsn, Holland's Cot toaad and other SJummei Good for soon and boys. Padded for children. Brown, Refined, Clarified, Crushed and Loaf Sugar, Ja, Lagnira and Rio Coffee, Cut N lie and Brad. California and other Hats for men and boys. All of which will he sold on reasonable terms for Cash, ir to prompt customers on time J. BROWN. No. 9, Fayelleiille St. Raleigh, April 15. 1S50. 31 SWAl.Tl'S JUSTICE. THE North Carolina Justice, containing a sum alary statement of the Statutes and Comm n Law of thm Stale ; together with the Ueeisi.s of the Su preme Court, and all the most epproed Purms and Precedent relating to tbr office and duty of a Jus tice of the Peace, and the Public Ufticers, according io modern practice. Uy Beujamin Swaim- Second edition revised and corrected. r9 For sale at the North Carolina Book Store by H. D. TURNER. Raleigh. April 15,1350. 31 Bank of Cope Fear, April IO, 1S50. DIVIDEND. A Semi-annual dividend of three and a half per cent, be been declared this day, payable lethe Stockholder , en and after the 1st of May next. H. R. SAVAGE, Ca.hier April 16, 1850. 3 5t ASIIEVILI.E .1IESSEAGEU. The M?sseHer' is the olJest, largest, and has the largest circulation of any paper in Western Ca rolina printed on fine pper, and new type, and offered nl the low price of 1 copy. 1 y"r, 2 00 ; 3 for 85 50; 5 SS 25, and 1A for $16 00 1 1 ! Advertisements of 16 lines, inserted for the first insertion, for $1 01). and 25 cts fr each continu ance, and a liberal allowance made to those advertis ing any length of time. Published at Aahcville, N C. every Wednesdny morning - JAMES M. EDNEY, Editor and Proprietor. April, 1850 31 NEW CO.TfCEKX, THE subscribers bnetbis day nssoemted them selves together, under the name and style ef BR1TTON 4- TODD, for the purpose of conducting a General Grocery and Commission Business, in ibe Town of Peters burg. They b.iTe taken the Store in the Odd Fellows- Hall, opposite Powell's Hotel, and hope, by strict personal attention to business, to merit a ahare of patrocsge from their friend and the public gen erally. They will, at all times, be supplied wiib a well aelected assortment of Groceries, which they will sell at wholesale and retail, as low as they can be purchased in this market. They will also pay strict attention to the forwarding of Goods and sale of all produce entrusted to their ore. R O. BRITTON of N. C. BERNARD TODD, er Petersburg. January 1st. 1330 15 ly Chaste and Beautiful. LATE arrival from New York hae placed in poset-aion of the uuderaigutd, hi priug and Summer supply of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, embracing almost every style and fashion fer the year 1850 ; and which, for ffllfe. txtcnt, end rsruy, will favorably compare witli any iu the City. Pur chaser are therefore, reapecllully invited lo call and ezainiue for themselves. T. A. .MITCHELL. Raleigh, April 9th, l5t. 39 If CO.TI.lIO. SCHOOLS. THE Board of Superiuteiidanle of Common Schools for Wake Couuty, are requested lo meet on the first Saturday in .May. at the Court Hoase in Raleigh, al 10, A. M. A full Board ia de sired. Gnilleineu wUhiuglo become Teachers of Com mon School are reqeted to be preneut and be e mined iu the preeuce of the Board of Superinlen d.nta. WILL. R POOLE, Chairman. April 16. 1S30. 31 td ALUM PILLS FRO.TI THE ROCK BRIDGE A LI S SPRUGS, Y A. THE subsrribere are now prepared to oflr these Pills to the public for the effectual cure of Scrofula Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver Afleciiona, Diseases of the Kidney and Bladder, all cuianeous eruption, general debility and loe of appetite. They are pe culiarly sJsptrd to the dieases of females and all dineaies arising from waut of action in the Liver and digestive organs. They are diuretic, rathxrtie and tonic in then action on the syaiein in many case they act n the liver when mercury would have n effect. There is not tbe slightest danger to be ap prehended from Ibeir use under any circumstances They are carefully prepared and put np in vials ol 100 at (1 50 each, and for sale onlv by JOHN H- SEAYRES Columbian Motel, Sole Agent for the TJ. S., and JOHN J. LYELL CO.. Corner tSth and Cary U, Richmond. Vs. April 16. 1851). l t GARDEN SEEDS OF aI the popular varieties, wsrranted fresh and genuine, just received and for sale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &. CO. February 12, 1S50. 13 White Ginger Fresh and good, jnst re ceived at the Drug Stora, of WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD At CO. October 18th. 1849 8l NEW BOOKS. ENCYCLOPEDIA of Chemistry, byJsmesC. Booth. A. M. A nun al of Scientific Discovery , a Year book of facts in Science and Art. Literal nre and Literary men, by Gilfillan. Works cf Edgar A . Pee. Women io America. Leaves from the Note Book of a Louisiana Swamp Doctor. Concregan. By Lever. Capu Simon Suggs Dol. Smith's theatrical Apprenticeship Trial of Prof- Websier. For as la by HENRY D. TURNER. Raleigh, April 19. 1850. "in: ICE DCY IS." . E have oa band, of our ewt manufacture, a handsome assortment I Business Coats oi Cloths. Linens, c. AU, Vests and Panta loons, together with a splendid assortment of Shirts Cravats, all kinds ; Gloves. Snaps- ders. Gowns ; io fact every thing kept by Merchant Tailors generally. CaH and examine for y On r selves. Bstoigh. April IB. 185Q. 3 fflfraw jtlattlnau by the piece of yard. Foi Eg sal by - ' - - R. TUCKER e SON. Mii.b COib HtO. Diy Good A SUPPLY OF FRESH PHOSGENE GAS. JUST to hand and for sale at - P. F. PESCUD'S Dra Store. February 12, 1850. 13 New Jewelry Store, w. n. Thompson Would respectfully inform the cilisens ef Kaleigh and its vicinity, that he has open, ed a choice stock ef Watches aud Jewelry, in a pert ol the storv occupied by Mrs. Thompson as a Millinery establishment, where he offers for sale. Gold and Silver Watches, warranted correct time keepers ; tbe latest styles of FASHIONABLE JEWELRY; such as Guard, Vest and Fob Chains; Cameo, stone aud mourning Broaches ; Pliia, Cbaed aud Stone Rings ; Gold Peus and Pencils ; Gold and Silver Thimbles ; Studs. Collar aud Sleeve Bullous, Ear Ring, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Sea., Fancy Goods aud Fine Cutlery ; all of which will be sold cheap. Watches, Clocks and Jevrelery repaired ia superior style. Old Gold and Silver taken ia ex change. Sept. 21, 1849. 78 fim Dr. Joseph J. W. Tucker, OFFERS his Professional services to tbe citizens of Raleigh and vioiuity. He may always be fouud at the residence of Ruffiu Tucker, Esq May 8. 1849. 37 If Cabinet Furniture Warehouse JAM US II. COOK12. ?Vo. 92 Broadway, (Opponte Ttinity Church,) NEW YORK. HAS now in store a full and complete assort ment of CABINET FURNITURE, to which he is daily m-ikiug large additions. Purchasers of articles in his line would do well to look at bis stock, among which will be fouud every srricle for tbe complete furnishing of a bouse, ran ging with the following low rates: Hioh Post Bedsteads, from $7 00 to $"5 00 Maiiog- French do do IS 00 to 50 00 Walnut do do 15 00 to 40 00 Cottagk do do 0 00 to 10 00 Maiirassps at the low nnrket rates. Sokas, Cirr Manufactubk, $20 00 to $75 00 Rocking Chairs, Maihy, 6 00 to IS 00 Mah'y Parlor Chairs (per doz) 50 00 75 00 Bureaus. Curd Tables, Book Cases,and Wardrobes of tbe finest qualities, snd warranted equal to an y in the market. E7 Particular attention paid to boxing and shipment of goods, which is done by most exoerienccd hands. New York, March 5:h, 1850. 19 3m TO SI'ORTSJIO. THE Subscriber hasjuet received a fine Strrkof DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL GJNS RIFLE GUNS, REVOLVERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL PISTOLS. BOWIE kNIVES, GAME BAGS, POWDER FLASKS, SHOT BELTS, EXTRA A7P PLES, $C. 4 C. All of which will be sold low. C. B. ROOT BY EXPRESS- B LACK and Coloied. Em! iroiYd Grenadine Real Valenciinne E.lging. ' rlain and Haul Tissues, Ladies Black and Colored, Kid Gloves, Gen I Neapolitan Riding Gloves, Rich Bonnet, Neck and Cuff Ribbons, Corded Skirls, $x., Ac R. TUCKER &SON. March 26th, I8.';0 35 NEW WflRK, BY IIEIt.TIA.Tf MULVILLE. WHITE Jacket; or " the World in a Mau of War." This day Received by II- U. TURNER. Raleigh, April I2th. 1S50. 30 NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FOR 1850. BT7E erenow in receipt of our entire Spring WW uPP'y. embracing every thing in our hue, Aiio. Durable and Beautiful, t'lcih, Cas simeres, Dmp d etes. Drilling, sauna. Silks Mar seilles, jhallie, Ac , Ac all of which will be made up 10 order as heretofore with neatness and di paich. Thankful for pal favors we earnestly solicit a continuance of patr..nigo. Out entire Stock was elected by Mr Oliver in person, and we can with confidence recommend it not only to be "Freth and Fine" but of the vt ry latent Importations OLIVER At PROCTER, Meicbant Tailors, Raleigh, N. C. April 19th, 1850. 33 P. S. Paris, London, and American Fashions al hand. O. p. From the Optra of the " two SUITron.' Translated on Fayetteville Street. I dreamed that her favoring glances fell On a well-dressed Beau at ber side. And I rould'nt tell why tbe laughing Belle, Had refused to become my bride. But a single glance at my rival's Coat, Told asa there Uy tbe strength of the game ; And I said if the Tailor's in Town whucsn do it, I'll bava one eiactly the same. Then I dreamed that I searched the Town all o'er. For the gem that would win ber heart. Till I found myself standing in front af the Store Where cloihing is fashioned by art ; And then I remembered that this was the place W here the Goal of my rival was made, And entering in, right before my lace, Lay a Broad-Cloth, exactly the shade. Th-- Coat was sent home, and like Caisar I sped, I came, and I saw, and I wop ; For she smilingly said, when I ssked her to wed, 'What an elegant Coal you have on " Three days from thai time, perhspe it was mote, I induced ber to alter her name ; And I still buy my Coare at the very same Store, And she loves me aa ever the tame. OLIVER &. PROCTER wuxkes thm Coats. Raleigh. April 19, 1850. 3 BLACK WRITING INK, FOR METALLIC OR QUILL PEUS. JtXHE Manufacturers hsve been engaged more (baa thKiy-five years ia the preparation ,J this article, and during ihiv lima have devoted them selvee to improving and perfecting it, and the result if their efforts is seen In its wide circula Ion and general asa throughout the United States and other countries Those who may be ignorant of iu saperi rity and reputation are invited to baka trie! of it themselves, Whan tba best judges, afar twenty and more years' trial of tba article, at press themselves n one manner ronceruingits superior excellence, it i qait evident that no one Deed be troubled with btdlak. By HENRY D. TURNER. Dry Goods jtablblimeiits.: Spring ahd'Siimmef 'Gootte R. Tucker and Son. TfTHO cousLsnUy keep on had an extensive WW- assort meat of the - best and most. aestraPis, as well as fashionable , -j FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, are now receiving their Spring and Summer supply for 1890. Una of tbe f irm has just returned from New York, where be purchased a rick variety of Goods of this Spring's Importations, before tbey bad been picked over, and before the advance in price; and having thus bad tbe choice of the large and spleoded fresh arrivals, and tba advantage of low prices, tbey flatter themselves they will be better prepared than ever to meet the demands of tuts mar ket, and please their numerous friends sod custom ers, in town and country. They respectfully invite t ho public to call and examine their stock. They have just received a supply of the following, and are daily receiving such other articles aa are usually kept in a Dry Goods and Family Grocery Store, suited to the wants and taste of this community. Bl'k Gro De Rhine Silks, . Plain and Figured Chameleon Silks, B roc he and Plain Grenadines, Plain and Embroidered Black ditto, Fancy and Black Silk Tissues, Silk. Albarines and Hernanies, Corn colored Grenadines, Evening Dresses, Embi.ndered and Dotted Fancy Swiss Muslins, Chnmbeiy, French and American Ginghams, Cumblet Lustres, and Linen Gingham, Metrics, and Fanry Diamond Jsckimels, Plain and printed Lawns and Muslins, Tarleton, Hwiss, India, Victoria, Bishop, Book, sud Dotted Jackonet Murlin, Rich Bonnet, Cape, Neck, Cuff and Bait Rib bons. French Ni-edle Work Capes, Collars and Cuffs, Ladiee' and Gentlemen's Paris Kid Gloves. Swiss and Jack met Edging and Ineertings, Liile and Linen Edgings and Ribbons, Linen and Fancy ilk Dress Buttons, Kus-ia Braids and Fancy Silk Trimmii gs, L. dies' and Misses' L.C. Hem Stitch and Tape Bordered Hdkfs Malin, Mohair, Grse snd Hough's Patent 8kirts. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEUES, of the various colors' and qualities. Linen Sl Cotton G.ods, in great varieties, many of which are touched with the Hungarian aud California finish. Black and Fancy Satin and Silk VE8TING8, Plaid and Embroidered Marseilles ditto, de. ot. HA I'S.&c Determined always to furnish what ever ia laiest, tared and best, tbey offer an ex tensive stock of Men's, Youth's and children's Fashionable and Flat Brim Mole Skin, Pana ma, Maracaibo, Leghorn, Sewed Pedal's, Hun garian and Palm Hats. Infant Fancy Goods. AUo, Umbrellas. Parasols. Bonnets, Shoes. Hsrd. ware. Cutlery. Groceries, &.c. All( ol which they now are offering on 1 he most liberal leims. R. TUCKER & SON Rsleigh .Msrch 15ih 1850. Horse Shoe. 10 Kegs Horse Shoes just received. BRITTON & TODD. Feb Hth, 1S50. 15 Aruiistead's fine Chewing Tobacco. ISJ E have just received 5'i boxes and half boxes W W Armistead's fine Chewing Tobacco. BRITTON &.TODD Febrnary 14 th, 1850. 15 SOMETHING NEW. SODA, Milk, Maple and Butter Crackers, some thins; I can confidently recommend lo the citi zeus of RJeigh as first rate. A good supply just received. L B. WALKER DOZ. yards Velvet Trimmings, to day re ceived by R. TUCKER 4- SON. Nsv. 23, 149. 8 Perfumery, Fmiey Artieles, tc. WE are now in receipt of a large supply of Foreign nnd American Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Ac. consisting of Cologn, Eximcts for the Handkerchief, all the popular Pomatums and Hair Oils of the d:iy. Toilet and Shaving-Soaps of every quality and price. Fancy Boxes and Toilet Bottles of beautiful styles and patterns, to which we invite the attention ot those in pursuit of something good as well as tnsty. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD - CO. FIIKSU RICE. F RESH Rice, new Crop just received. M. PECK 4- SON 99 3 December 1 1th, 184D. CANDY! CANDY!! CANDY!!! THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the citi zens of Raleigh and dealers iu North Caroli na generally, that he has juu laid iu a large lot of the best Candy Sugar, and is now, he cau confident ly say, manufacturing as good an article of Caudy iu Raleigh, as you can gel any where in the Slate or out of it; and I pledge myself to sell it to the trade as low aa it cau be bought iu Petersburg, aud will warrant it to stand. All 1 ak is a fair trial, aud I will couviuce the dealers in Candy thai they ueed not go North for that article. I keep also 011 baud a good supply of Glass Jars, that I will sell low to those that may buy iheir Candy of me. L. B. WALKER. Raleigh, Feb- 5, 1850. 11 HATS SPRING STYLE 1S0. FASHIONABLE Moleskin, Medium Beaver, Meu's and Boy's Summer Hits of almost every description. For Sale by R TTJCKER ir SON. March 26th, If 50. 25 o il and Lard kLauip Cliiuuers A good aupply of various sizes', just received by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. 50 BOXES Candles, best Brands Sperm, Ada mantine and Tallow. Just received and for R. TUCKER d SON. by A DIES Thick and Thin Sole Silk Top Caitera, Received to day bv '" IL TUCKER t SON. October 8th. 1849. 81 AT HARDING'S CLOTHING STORE, si ill on hand, a full assortment of Winter Clothing at reduced prices. E. L. HARDING. FLOWING VARNISH. A SUPERIOR article fur Cabinet' Makers: for sale low. by P. F. PESCUD. February 13, 1850. 13 NEW BOOKS. fURlCULAR Confession; in the Protestant t$e9 Episcopal church. Fairy Tales from all Na tions; Dark Scenes of History, by G. P. EL James Sir Edward Graham, or Rai) Way Speculation's, by Catherine Sinclair, Physician and Patient. Greenwood Leavs, History of Spanish Literature. byTieknari Tbe War with Mexico, by Hf S. Ripley. Tba Whale and his Captors, bj Chever. A System of Ancient and Meoillevel Geography, by Ambon. ,t ...... This day Received , "? ' by H. D. TURNER! Raleigh, Feb: 4th, 1850. ' H BOXES English and Gosben Cheese, just received and for sale by R. TUCKER -f SON'. Nav5. 93 : HATS LATEST STVLX3, ' rust at band. ' HEARTT & LrrCHFORD. mill milMi" If : THURSTON'S . FOUNTAIN HOTEL, (FoaiiERLr BsLTZHoovBa'sl .. - Head of Lieltt, near Raltiuiores St., BALTIMORE. ITpHE increased patronage of this lonf establiab feJa ed and popular Hotel, Under the management of iU present proprietor, baa iaepired bias wrth farther energy and deterniiaatioe, and M expeaae or atteu. lion of hi or that of his Assistants will be spared . 0 mainiaia na io pa irons ot the- - r ocnraia" the reputation it held all ever the eonntrr. In its palmiest days" of Belt zht iter's eooductorship. To increase its former attractions and comforts, during tba past season, the Hotel Jiaa undergone many cnanges, me rropneter having made heavy outlays in iotrodueing some of the best and latest improvements which, together with ha central posi tion, being located ia the very heart of tba business portion w ir.e city, aud near the centre of Baltimore Street, aud within a few miuutee walk of all the Denote and Steam Boat Landings, it invites the Merchant, the Fatmer, the Artisan, as well sa tbe Man ef Pleasure to make the Fountain Hotbl hie home during- his sojourn in Baltimore. Tlie Ladies Department. Containing Private Parlors, Sslooos, ReceDtioa Rooms, Ordinary, snd extensive suites of large and airy Chambers, fitted up in a style and elegance that cannot fail to give satisfaction and comfort. Porters are attached to the " Fotmtai," who may be recognized by the Badges on their Hats, and are always iu the attendance at the different Deuota and Steamboat Landings, who will receive Cheeks, take charge of the Baggage and convey it to the Hotel. rHirxrJAS THURSTON, Frtvriettr. Feb. 26th, 1850. 1? A CARD. 1 MI E undersigned being engaged, and holding a . position that brings Ins services ia immediate connecttou with the Guests of the above Hotel, be mists, oners a innner inducement 10 his numerous friends aud acquaintances of the u Old North State," when they visit Baltimore, lostop at the "Foyntam, where he assures them they will be received and en- rrtainedin a manuer that shall strengthen this ac quaintance and secure for its Proprietor their good will auu patronage. W. STRINGER, Loft of Wilmington N C. Febrnary 2Clh, 1850. 17 3m 17 22caX9a,V3lla l RICH ASSORTMENT of Silver-Plated Cas- XJL tors, Candlesticks, and Giraadoles. And Biouze Chamber Candlesticks, for sale by PALMER RAMSEY. November 26, 1849. 4 or Sale DOLLARD'S Celebrated Herba nium Extract, or Vegetable Hair Wash Also, an exteuaive assortment of all kinds of per fumery. PALMER & RAMSEY. November 26. 1849. 94 G OLD WAIST BUCKLES AND SLIDES just received a beautiful article. Also, on hand, 2 Harrison Marble Clocks, warranted good time pieces, r or sale by PALMER f RAMSAY. December 4, 1849. 96 IRON WD STEEL. 57 Tons Swede's American and Euglish Iron assorted, 21 tons Buster, Cast, Shear and German Steel assorted Nail Rods, Band and Hoop Iron assorted. Those in want of ths above will find it to tbeir interest to give ns n call; tbe price cannot fail to suit fEliBHiS. WHITJfi 9- 1JAT1S. Petersburc, Januar? 32, 1S50. S 4t Stebbins, Darracott & Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Earthentvarc, China, and Glass, Pier, Mantel and Toilet Looking-glasses, Britannia and Plated Ware, Lard Lamps, Castors, Table Cutlery, $-c. NO. 101 BROAD STREET, Sliockoe Hill, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, CHAS. STEBBINS, JNO. DARRACOTT, BENJ. K PULLEN. IT Particular attention paid to Packing tj Dec 11th. J849. 99 ly BURNING FLUID AND PHOSGENE GAS- T HAVE just received a supply of Burning Fluid 8 and Phosgene Gas and have made arrangemcats 10 fceep 011 nana a constant supply. P. F. PESCUD. a leigh, April 9th, 1850. 39 mndard and Times copy. GROCERIES. A GOOD supply of Groceries, sack as Brown, Ml, Crushed, Clarified aud Pulverized Sugars. oonee tuo, j ava, juaguira. . A good supply of Molasses, low, from prime to best. Tallew, Adamautine and Sperm Candles, A fjeh lot pf the best Buekwheat in Bags, and mauy omer articles too ircious 10 ideation. Call 00 Walker, for he is the boy to sell bargains. ,L; B. WALKER. Raleigh, Feb. 5, 1850. H Gold Watches and Jewelry. IHC.W arrival or a large and fashionable as sortment of the above just at hand and for sale, cbeaper than ever, at PALMER & X AIMS AY1 S Jewelry Store. The most extensive stock of all artieles in ibeir lina that bas been offer ad for sale here for years. Coma and see, if yon do not Day. -4 Doses gold and silver Watches, of all kinds. Gold fob, vast and guard Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger-rings, Ear-rings, Breast-pins, St ads, ana collar Buttons, Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Clasps, gold silver and spring steel Spectacles. Gold and silver Pencils and Pens and waist Back- Silver Combs and Tortoise shall Spectacles, ' A very extensive assort meat of Stiver and plated Spoons, Cups, Ladles, Sugar, Tongs, Sah Spoons, &-C A large stock of Cutlery, Raxors, Knives, Razor- straps, ana LMsrnona rasta for Razors, Brushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brashes. &c Bauer and Froit Knives, Gold and Silver Thim bles, Gold and Silver Mounted Walking Canes.' Silver Plated Castors, Candle Sticks, Waiters, DBsacva, uiranuoiea, - 5 - , - - 1 A lares assort meat of Perfumerv. Colornes. Soaps. Boxes foy Toileta, Fancy articles, and Christmas presents, and a variety of other arti cles. ". , " ',.' if " ' " - All kinds of Watches and Jeweler repaired In soperior style, Old uu and stiver received la ex change . ; :r.:: - .--. --a' ; . : ,, '., PALMER 4 CAM8AY. J RaleigB, Not. SL 1849. i . M tf TTttUGGIES; BDRSB8, AHp CARRIAGES r.. ubu, x. VVUVC ' Mansion Houae ' 3Lt, 1850. livery Subl Raleigh Jaa 10 r III f m ! mi a l TERMS Ori'AbVERTTJliTl -??e-rror avary Sikteen iinea fi rs waeruon, Uaa Dollar Twenty-five CSati - fi, HV-i l.tiy -., r rl Oraers aud JudUUl AipeHiatmnnwinU ehasd35.per eL Kghe; Wat a dedurtiop Wi rvjffL&P&A from ths rxalas ptiws, for . ndTeatisarsbTbayea .T AdvertiaeraeqU, nserte4 in.tb SEvt-Winuiwi-' atsTsa, win also appear in tba Wiuiii K.. V.4 ofaharge. i". i-v--,1- . njlu 5 D-Lettersto tn'lRinitst be rosrafft. wavaanaawaatsaawaa'- n'f" iiiinaini in' t ftntlB Wwcriben after aatttrninjg' hh f gratcfM JUL tbasika' ta the Pubbe, for 'the very 4UWrarnd : , geoeraua palrensge, bHherto extanrjad to bjoi, voabi respecifolly .give notice thai - ha bnauant i euta bis )ie of business, iaall Jta! tranches,- witbii I promptness and efficiency. : Bia Stbleaera elea f and commodious, snd his Ostlers cxWiauced. and : tenlfva j indeed no pains or' expense hive1 been H shall be spared to sender sstisfactiori , aR frtrr fkf : roniaabis EstaUUhmeat. lf.- , 1 i,M 5sT tHa will keep conatantry or bsnd.ier hfroyj HACKS, BUGGIES, mV9C9$a . tiutta tjo wiiibe boarded by the day. weak, muth pr'.year,. on' ib, me moderate terms. 'Provsrs rUI nd1 Als a centrar posiiion, and a aaeetsoaTfv5 'moot ona for enectina safea.ajidla wtlf aiwavs find ample accommodation for aarnaa, ! beiofHoises, however targa.. . .., ,-.aVibJf. . 1 he Subscriber . bas also effected a new arraws , mant bv which be Witt be enabled ta leen new adt old Bpoctss, and Hosss,r sgli, rfortxohngt- on moderate and accommodating terma. This ft n' new feature in bin basiaasaV iHi-teoo Tba Subscriber hopes j hat hi- irienda and tba,. Public will continue to aiva bim a uiaL ' Jt ie aik that be asks. . - v . ..i . JAME8 M.: HARRtsS. ' Raleigh, September 38, 1841. ntfttot to hire! t , , : ;,;; A FIRST rate Blacksmith. Apply at tbia OlSca Jnoary23, 1S50. ... . . T.3t, FROCK' AUD DRESS CwATS. '1 E L. HAItJDIIVCa has just received first a rate asaortniant of Frock and Dresa Cea . at oeautiful French Clothe. Cheap for Cash. . .. Jnjube Pastes-A soperior articis af Rao flavored, just ta band T ",: v WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD dr. Ctt. To DuUt. i ' " v Supply of very superior Oold Foil jnsf recel " ved, and for sale lor cash 30 per ox. by -j- n ' P. F. PESCpp,, Yeast Powders Another supply of those1 Yeast Powders, just received. , t , .. , WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD f CO. . . ; . MOUWT EAULE! TlllPOLLk U SUPERIOR article for Cleaning ami Varp Xu ishing Gold, Silver, Copper, Steel, Tin, and all other Metals; also for cleaning Windows, Mir-! rors and Glass ware, just received and for sale by' WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &. CO. Raleigh, March liith, 1850. . . ; SI tv A FRESH supply of Towaseads, Sanda aa BristoU iu store aud for sale by , $ .. WILLI AilS. HAYWOOD. V COi Raleigh. Sept. 7. 14 7 t S, F. PHILLIPS, ATTENDS THE COUK IS in the-CooBtie of Orange, Alamance, Wake and Cbatbasa..v.' Uhapet tint, Ii. May 34, 1548. f- May laud's Snnf f, Mo. 3A fresb sap.' ply just received and for sale try ; K-r.' WILLIAMS. HAY WOOD f CQ.. aruiesiau, Eugbsh and Ameiicaa CMsvft 11 Fwrsaleoy R. TUCKER fc $0N. March 30th 1850. Episcopal Couveuliou.' -.4 rr.l 'IHE 34ib Annaal Convention of tba Pruiastaa 1. Episcopal Church in tba Diocets of North Cast olina will be held in Christ Church at Elizabeth Ci ty, on the last V ednssday in May, being lbs Jtb day of May, 1890. ' 7tr. EDWARD LEE WIN SLOW, 8'y. : Marsh 3Uth 1850. , Livery Stables J : , HE Snb6cribera, take occasion to inform ' their frieuds and the public generally, that they wiM carry on the business, iu all it brauciies,at tbe aama stand; and that no e dor is 'nor expense will bo spared ou their part to accommodate tba. travelliar uommuuiiy. Couveyauces, with jjood horses, aud careful drivers, will be furnished at all times and at short notice ; aud in lapt, every convenience faf travelling, ia the may of - ; ';r v Hi! HORSES. CARRIAGES. BUGGIES. &C.t . will be supplied ou tbe most favorabie "and accoaiaV daliag terms. ; ; : n '. I be bubscribers also expect to keep eonstanUy an hand, good ' ; T HORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &CY And perseus wiatiiug 10 put out their Horses bv the week, or mouth, or year, will have .them weM attended to, at moderate prices. Their Stables are an Wilmington street, just to lite East of Market Sqaare. Hopiug 10 receive liberal encouragement, tkenu- dersigued pledgS themselves to do ajl in (beifjow er to merit public patrpnage and favor, - , ,. : - Raleigh, April 5, Itiao. 99 1 IT ubju's Extracts for (he Ilaudker 4JL4CUiefS, KC. Tbe VubsXriber: keeps ton. uiutiy on hand all the fashionable Odors 1 warranted geuuiue, and for sale low. H. DTURKSRq Manulacturing Establisliment Xtoa lUcsasU ;l i 4(1.' "b JOSEPH WOLTERIAO a .amber of years Foremau in the Raleigh aud.Gasten Stall Read Blacksnu'th Shop) repepUry.anir0tfncee I ta the citixens of Raleigh audtooxsurrouwdiug: Coua ties, that i a prepared lo maRufaelpre 'C- ZrOCHS, OF ALL DESCRIPTION ;j - : Gnus und' Pistols, 2 Carriage Spriagi'lUi&mcri?' BrasF Castings,' tid in short, any thing in Machine and Blacks ant n work mm is also rsxr aszb to axscaTx ni&.-AnmuHr?t '' '' tHs'saOBTKSX XOT1CS. ; " "J4" Also bas on band an extensive assortment of Locke of all kinds, at prices -from- 10 cents to .20 dollars t Ldgeteoto, aa assortmeat af Axes, Drawing-knives, HatcaaU Hammers. - Files of ,WriMt dsacriaiiaa. nd a number of articles in bis Iiua4eo Medians f . All orders farthfoRv exeeotaa at the i Towesf bricsa. snd new work eutmsted lo' bis ear Fill be warrant ed Orders from a dietasiee wiH be attended to ba executed at. the sbortest nstica. His IsuWisraarjut wUI be found at tba Kaleigb ICailroad tiepei. - Repairing in his lina performed with . neal aees 'and despatch. Also, a geaeraJ assostnient afGpns and f Mtol conataalty on baaiL ' - f - f Raleigh, April 17, 1849. ssa sd tor?;3ilI LiNSEEO OiLA svfi PlsfX GALLONS Moasuia Linseed Oil?- ceired Uiia day and tat sola by Raleigh, April 9 tfi,TS0. s J Standard and Timea copy. ; FresU AmYal at PesciuJ BY last Freight Train, I have received a ferTher supply of tba following valuable ajticleaTor Cogba.Colda,ii.e ' rttSi! '5 ;ft Waster Balaam af Wild CkirrWutarb Caaeh La tew res. JaynetEspfftaraatAjjera Cherry Pat- (OTt ocmrwmm 4 """ J "f. QCTrrai l VI superior Jujube Pasta and, Dr .-WUey't aelthraia Cough, Candf. 4' .i-i i?-ri scU&j gj All persona wbnaf afflicted witbJogbasad Colds, are invited to call and get a care at. : . . P.F. PESCUCS. .k. -an . . .. a.