CLAr3 SPEECH.,: r W r .k. nviiBinHibr. tltat il wJl , -r ik Cofltnromisr. tltat k w re , . Krtrth and Soatb. usotteoi -- . Tbecaku t.Ti . fcaodatkMi which has never J ntC-ve - . e r ...I J'mmiI mar fffV the flcxwOfeitbe House an1 - . .but.w Twbo w not 63 to speak in fcuh hor. p ' WecWrrt ibattba rcnenuae patriot cificator. Henry cVy. boiki. upon this i VbJ smiles at dnottraii of h-a. Hi reat speech n Senateytw 8 ,be i3ib, which we had the gratification and in w"ich h went OTer the 8TOUUIa Comprorai import, was so armentaiive ff1" -ik.t with nme few exeerjtions , lusirr, w' -- r gators gathered round him at the close, and sd their admiration of h effort, by cordial and congratulations. The scene is thus 'Tpccnbed in a letter to the Philadelphia (or.c"j " taker:" iftPf the termination. Danl Webster rose to v v. him bT the hand. So did Gen. Cass, whose Aimwand genuine lore of country actu Ci53 the wTiokleson h face, and made ( Janitors followed the example of Webster ."till ibe oW Lion oT the West was sur " , r? anxious crowd of admirers. To row Lftom Mr. Clay's countenance, himself was f? rr pleed with what he had done, and Hl he expressed his conviction that the bill U sod that lhe coail,ry wouW standby gnite and the galleries responded with fuJ tearis and countenances beaming with THE GALPHIN CLAIM. Mr Bcst made a report in the House of Rep- list The reoort vr a thpn sentaiiTes, oa ivj ---- - -- -a J a long one g'""5 j . . it-l. n,miitf nr thev are ulnhprf pkio claim. iur .... -LA. ikt mere was ui" r--r--- ual, m the conauci m ofccers. anu mat mr tyyy --' - i . -1 .nnnnnAtk kr i mm rr r I A in tbfo-'ual mode. Mr. unwioru nw u "o""'1 kenren me chiuwuu .... blfnf the sum realized. IVothingwas disclosetl the testimony to show that the Secretary of the Treasury, or the Attorney General, knew that Mr. - i i : inri in fhjk mstlpr Craora naa any miti.w. - sail after it was adjusted. The report concludes ! rti tbe following resolutions : I Jfoofced. That the claim of the representa tirBofCkorseGalphin was not a just demand annwt the United States. 2. Raoleed, That the act of Congress made it ihedutf ik tne creianr ut y kj tie onocipai oi sin chiiu, uu v paid in eoolbrmiiT with law and precedent. 1 BcaofacJ. That the act aforesaid did not au thorize the Secretary or the Treasury to pay in tend oa said claim, and its pavtnent was not in oalonnity with law and precedent. TV first resolution was agreed to by Burt, Uis- ler.Feaiherston and Jackson. DiMgrttd to by Conrad, Breck, U nonet ami la. The second resolution was agreed to unani- mooshr. Tbe third was agreed to by Burt,Disney.Feath- oswa. Jacssoo, anu miun , uu v I I t W ..J Dm&eed to by Breck, Grinnel, Conrad and King. Messrs. Breck and Disney read minority re- ports, ana uaauy, aner lunner proceeuingn, iue . ! ' i i .i reports were oraerea to oe pnniea ana ine suojeci a . aat t! - was auae we soeciai oruer ior iuc ivuiia x ucsust i .i - I I r .i c . t. J JDoe. Tbi New Yoax Fsuircxni ExrrDrrioK. We kara from the Journal of Commerce that tbe Ad- nuet aoa uescoe. me Tesseis cxmDosinz "w n- n 1 - .t ' pediuon, hanng been thoroughly equipped, are transferred to the Nary Department and sVeir officers hare been aDDorated as follows : Of the Adrance. Lieut. De Haren. commandin?: Wm. H. Murdauffh. Passed MidshtDman : W. S. Lorefl. Midshimnan. E. K. Kane. Passed 7 ' ' Assktant Surgeon, is exrjected to win the expe- ditioa toon. The following are the officers of the Reseoe: S. P. Griffin. Passed Midchioman. a ' coamandin?: R.R. Carter. Passed Midshipman. Henri Brooks, Boatswain, detached from tbe 0 9 Nona Carolina. One of the Tesseis will have a Crew ol blteen men : the other, thirteen or iour- oea. A lar-e nnmher have Yolitnteered lor the Krrice. but onir a small Drooortion ol tnem were ' - i considered suitable. Both tkIi ni rM-mTinir their stores at the RmnHvn X v vrt and will probaWr be fully equipped, both in prorisions and men. bT ihe hl! nf this -mlr Wm Lam UUt Mr. Colhv. lh inimtm nf iWa TVuiKU Mm. uCammn. f h UH t mmnrMnrl ffs tininfln. JT W m U a-7 It'WV W V-L. -M M I U M M encedbr local attrap.linii 1 Ki nnxpn f Arl two rf BIS lnitrumonta In tKa nrrwlii'iMi wlili iKa Jaa!im Of testing lhp;r nmlillo. D 1"-""-" THE CHARLOTTE MEETING. We publish below a letter from a most re liable iOllrr thnmlnir H- . w, s..vsu UJb I1IWUCI IU WUIkU the Meeting t rv.,jt. k-u j Tln DAti riAn wu il n If Wam; :n. e 3 J'" to SW Ul Ul lUUIUftUUU VI CoNcoan. Mav 11th. lR-O Mr. GALES : Sir I that th SmnMi.'mn au ptHie not tht tVia r,.n-nt.A- L.i J : Charlotte. lOmpfim in Anrlt Par. rention of this Diit '" " at itaitaw w m wu intended as such. hi;t it othin? more than a fminr. n.: rui - tUIUIyU w a entes had been appointed in one or two nth er t rvinf ipi Ijnfntrt J r- t. t t.:i. Ifld tome of thpm l k.. Muwiu uiu I iia w I luinK. fi,.j . . . " J . "cu to to in. or rn hi k; i .ik Hv- T ... . 1 . rc iiif i inrr ih. tito i. i . w. . b tr sj .usvl Luc uEieiraiei iitniin ICQ tO atfpni rha KT.ak.:il. : til - " wu m mvu v aa Q2T nn 9iitKu-.v a Ol thilD.jttr.rt vAr.s MAi.tUnk..M..iw vwi iiAv&lwUUUlK VUVIUIT J-narlotte Meeting ; one man from the Coun- 'J ttk part in the meeting, but be did it upon w own responsibility. Mj object in writing ju, meretore, ts to let yoo know that the wea that said meeting was CooTention of wis district, is entirely and altogether a mis- e The fact U mn far T hav kn aklo J learn, the people of this District, without uncuon ot party, are opposed to tbe Nah tue Contention. Your ob't serv't S. . PLANK ROAD TO RALEIGH. ns project has been under consideration some ia this place and th upper end of Ibiaeeun- ft SOU We Warn that a nr mnirlimA nK.nmi.u. w wen made, so far, by the ciuzens of Fayette-rf- The people in the upper end of the county PtintereMlnit,a8dalittt bein circu- I amontr tKom wtiuk wa hope will meet "h equal aueceaa. v r- w liuun iui m uutcieni amoant Will fnbed in this county lo carry k to tbe P ear River in the dir-etioa of RaUia-h in "'PPost. of ejMin ..i.ii.:.. ai i -fert rf Wake, and the City of THE PLANK R0A1X tWe subjoin the proceeding of t meeting held in Greenville on Wednesday week lut, on the subject of a PI ink Road to Raleigh; - , ; - V H GassjiTiLiit. May 12" At a rneeting of the citizeoi 'of Pitt,'' for the purpose i of taking into consideration the expediency of building a Plank Road from Greenville to Raleigh, on motion, Mr. Peter Hmes ; was called to the Chair, and J. A Selby appointed Secretary. . The object har tag been stated, the meeting ' was addressed pertinently and at tome length by Messrs. J Warren and W. B Rodman, whose speech et were followed by appropriate remarks from Messrs. Matthew Shaw, E. C Yellow ly, F. B. Satterthwaite, and Jas. Joyner. On motion, the annexed preamble ard re solutions were unanimously adopted ; Whereas it has been proposed to construct a Plank Road from some point on Tar Rirer here after to be selected, to the city of Raleigh ; and whereas the citizens of Pitt county are fully: sen sible that the construction of such an improre ment would increase the prosperity of Pitt Coun ty and of this portion of North Carolina gener ally ' . 1. Retoltxd, That we will lend a hearty aid io the con si ruction of the proposed rOad. 2. Resolved, That we recommend the same to the favourable consideration of our fellow citizens. Retnlred, That a committee of six be appointed by the Chair to confer with such committees as have been or may be appointed elsewhere, and to obtain information concerning the different routes which bare been or roar be suggested for tbe pro posed road, and concerning the nieans which may be obtained for constructing said road, and such other information as they may think useful; and h shall be the duty of said committee to report at a future meeting to be advertised by them. MotBzas or Committee. Marshall Dickinson, R. F. J. H. Williams, Churchill Perkins, Willie Brawn, E. C Yellowly, Henry Stancill. On motion the Chairman was added to the committee. Voted that the proceedings of the meeting be published in the Washington JV. 5. Whig, and that the Raleigh Register, North Caroli na Telegraphy and Tarboro Press be reques ted to copy P. HINES, Ch'm'n. J. A. Selby, Sec y. FOR THE REGISTER. At a large and respectable meeting of the Whigs of Chatham County, held in the Court House, on Tuesday, the 12th insL, On mo tion of Robert Faucett, Esq., the n eeting was organized by calling Isaac Clegg to the Chair and appointing S. L. Riddle, "Secretary. The object of the meeting being bnefl v explained by the Chair, M. Q Waddell moved that any gentleman nominate any per son as a candidate to represent the county of Chatham in the next Legislature. The names of several gentlemen were then brought be fore the Convention. Mr. Waddell then mo ved thai a Committee of five be appointed by the Chair to consult with those put in nomination and ascertain which would con sent to become candidates. The Chair then appointed the following gentlemen, to com pose said Committee : Col. James S. Lasiiter, Robert Faucett, W. M. Burns, Brooks Har ris and John T. Brooks. The committee then retired, and after a shott consultation, reported the names of those who would con sent to become Candidates. Mr. Waddell moved that tbe Convention then elect bv ballot a candidate for the Sen ate, and then for the House of Commons, from tbe names of those repotted. The Convention then went into an Elec tion, which resulted in the selection ol J. H. HAUGHTON, Esq., as the candidate for tbe Senate. Dakiel Hackney, William Stedman and Isaac N. Clecg, Esq., having received the largest number of votes, were declared the nominees of the Convention as candidates for the House of Commons. On motion, tbe Chair appointed Messrs. M Q. Waddell and R. Faucett a Commit tee to inform the gentlemen of their nomina tion. Mr. Haughton then came forward and in a short address accepted the nomination. Messrs. Stedman and Clegg also appeared and addressed the Convention, and each ac cepted the nomination. Mr. Hackney was not presen r, out it was stated by some of his friends that he would certainly accept the nomination and become a candidate. Mr. Waddell then moved a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Secretary of the meeting, which motion was adopted. It was then moved tnat tne proceedings of this meeting be published in the Raleigh Register, which motion was adopted. ISAAC CLEGG, Chairman. S. L. Riddle, Sec'y. y , V WHIG MEETING IN BERTIE. A meetine of the Whiz party was held in the town of Windsor, on Monday, May, 1 3th Dr. John W. Bond was called to the Chair. On motion of Mr. LewisThompson, a com mittee of nine was appointed to select suita- able candidates to represent the County in the next General Assembly. Tbe commit tee then withdrew and brought in the names of the following nominees : Mr. Humphry B. Hardv, for the Senate, and Mr. Joseph B. Cherry and P H. Winston, for the Com mons. The nominations were accepted in verv appropriate terms, by all the parties, and their acceptance was enthusiastically receiv ed by the rery large collection present. Af ter which there were several snon. out very cheering addresses made by some of the whigs present Whereupon, Col. S. B. Spruill moved an adjournment, and the meeting closed with good feeling and indicating a determinaton to place our County right side up, at the next canvass. J. W. BOND, Chairman. Wm. P. Gurley, Secretary. roa the axcisTEa ALMUNI ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY. Ma..Eorroa: At a ueeiinc of iha Alomnt Aa octaioQ of oar Uoitarsitr, during the last com meaertMat, it wm resolved thai ihe limit heretofore mc to the subscript ioas to tha Men me t proposed io b erected to the lata Psssidsht Caldwell, hJI be removed ; and that all who may desire to do bo, shall be at liberty to increase their contribuibns to any convenient amount Under tbe schema or tha Three Dollar sahacrip liotM. a boat si kfrtd n4 fifty d'Hati ha been raised ; whit Il is tbovght that io carry oat the mo aiUbU pfcMi Ibe Ihe aoonaaaent, from M thousand t tmt kttndrtd d!Urt will ha req-irsd. -As the CofneaeeaMt oflbtf eikoT Jaa ast, Iks assoeia tioa deaircs to take soma order relative u ths orre tioa of this MeaameBt. and to thai end it Is necessa ry that tha sbovs sum shall h completed. ; ; AU whoderaUiaeiMtiirauUcriHl"i? ba pleased to forward the amooat ta Saaaeel F . Phillips, TroMarar of tha Association at Chapel am. .--" v May 20,180. - ' - ' A Company has been formed W Boston .'with capital of $15 5.000. called -The N. E. Matrimo nial Asrescj Co." Gentlemen in want ol wives, and ladiet a want of husbands, pay S3 and hkve their names igi4ered. Thia doae, hy are en trued for one year to receive introductions and ot h er assistance Votn the Company. E-.- ? V 1 ' 11 iar - . -' tnst by Joah Htt, Esq., Mr, IFiffiw, Q. Do.,, n..'s WW'.wk from Ilockinxham if' . rT . . . asion aiearea, to MwKate D. elder daughter of. Dr. A. J. De 'tn Vr:i: .. . . . . . v. wiwubuiiia,-miss Eitrxa Ann LrfUin?ton, in the 37lh year of her age. r BlS5SSMasssssmajBSSjmmjBSjammjaa PRICES CURRENT; - eoaascTtB wkrklv rot Tat aaotrrra. Raalolarla. cooirrtv raoauoa. era,- MaactiAiza. . Baooai Ham, - 7 to 7 4 Bait Liver5 L saok 8 a 3 10 Si-lea U. Shoulders 7 do Blown 2 40 to 2 50 Cotton , ja to 13 Coffee, Rio, pd 12 Cora 50 Meal 50 a 00 Floor S Feathers 30 Hides, green 4 " dry SalO Onta 30 When! 80 Fodder 73 a 80 LKuira IV J Java Su Sogar, 7 to IS Molasses, gal 33 to 40 Iron, Swedes pd 6 do extra siaes 7 Enfliah do S ! Whiskey, gal 35 to 40 Brandy, gI loo Butter is FAYETTHV1LLE. couNTar raoBucs. ckhts Cotton, lba 1 1 to 119 7-8 do do 7J Oanahorga, yard 8 to 9 MKBCHAMDUK. CCMTS. Balo rope, pd. to tl BffinSby,yd 13 to 20 do light 13 to 13 Lima bbl 173 to 200 Nails, keg, pd ' u 5 Oil, lamp, gal 87 to 140 do tanner's bbl 1750 White load, keg, 11 to 2 Corn, bushel, 65 to 70 Hour, bbl 4to3t Feathers, lb 30 Hides, groeo, lb 4 do dry 6 to 10 Tohaoce, maaofd. 3 to 1 S Wool, lb 15 FvyettttUIe Mamfaetmres. Cotton yarn, pound 17 4-4 brown aht'g, yd. 8 I PETERSBURG MARKETS. Reported for the Intelligencer, ) Fridat, May 17, 1850. TOBACCO. The article continues quite active, at improv ing prices. 'I he advance during the wt ek is from 25a50 cenis 100 lbs.; Lugs 4 a j; Shipping and Stemming Leaf. Ga $10; Manufacturing 8 a $15 ; a considerable auantitv is selling at 10 a $12. ' COTTON. Several lots have been sold during she week at 12c. Holders are (inn, and some parcels are held at 13c. Prices are lending upward. FLOUR. The demand is rood at 51 a 151 for Surerfine the stock light. Family 61 a $7. WHEAT. None arriving. Red would bring 90 a 100 cts.; white 100 a 107 cts. CORN. In active demand at 60 cts. We uote sales of small parcels at 62c. The receipts are barely equal to the supply of ihe city. There is a belter demand for Va. cured Raeon : hog round, CJ a 7c; Ham 8,c. Is in good demand at 71 cts. for bbls., 7 cts. for kegs. HERRINGS. Only 4 or 500 barrells new Herrings have yet been received this season, which were sold on ar rival at $61. The retail price is 6 J a $7. New Shad $8. HOUSE. LOT AND LAND FOR SALE. Y HOUSE AND LOT, on Morgan Street. H in Rt-igh. art" for sale. t bo Hoe haa figkt Urg rooms, with a fire place in each ; Ibrrr ar a many out-houaea a arr oeeea ry a rood grda. and aa good a WELL OF WATER aa any io Iha State. My laud, eoolaiuing fia hnodrrri and fifty three aerra, ou i ho Fayrttrville road, two mile from Ra leigh, is alao FOR SALE. Oo the tract there f a Mraduw containing twanty two acrr. and wood enough to pay a Urge propor tion of price asked for the I a ad. Immediate poa- Hsiou can ho had of Ihe land and fron-iny crop. PomK-BMoo of III boose and lot can be had by the lM of August. For term, apply to Mr. Joseru 1. livx TCa, uear the plautatioo. S. J. BAKER. Ral-ijrh. May 18. 1"50. 41 Fit A I, I 1IIHJTK. AJ. WM. J.CLAKKK will deliver an Ad tJI dresa tvf.xe the Studenin of the listituto nn the ?ih of June neit, the day f their Annual Ex hibition aad Elocution. Examination on tbo day previous. D. R RICHARhtsON. P H. The Lsdieo of Cedar Rock contemplate bo'dio g a PAIR on tbe t-venios; of tbo same dev. edar R k Miy 19. 1H5U 41 id NOTICE. THE Sohaeriber baa deirrtniDl to locate ia this City, and having procured a sufficient nnmher of com prteut aaistiint.a, ia prepared to execute in the most fioisbrd Style, all kinds of PAINTING AND GLAZING. Orders from tbe City or siirmundinjr Country, if left at tbe Drag Store of P F. Pescnd. will be promply execated and satisfaction guarantied. At present I am engaged in pint ng Ibe Keaidenee of Judge Cameron and the Bank of the Suie, where I may be found. Reference as to ability, character, $-c, will be given to all who may wish to patronise me. WILLIAM OVER BY. Raleigh, May 20, 1830. 41 StandaH copy 3 in STRAYED or stolen from tbe Sab scriber, at Raleigh, on lbs 10th inst, a Dark Bay Horse, about tea years EaS .1 a old, common site, having the marks of and some white spots on his back, which gar t hi havea.roogh appearance, and look as if caosed by a bora. Any information respecting aim win be thankful ly received ; and if bo was etoleu. I will give a re ward of ten dollars for tbo delivery of tbo horvo and tb- apprehension of the thief, and pay all reasonable expenses. JORDAN WO.MBLE. - May, 20, 1SS0. tt 41 ,H2I2Sril&?a THE present Keaaion of thia Institution, will clo-e on tbo llh of June ensuing At which hum the secuu eaMi will cu mu-roro 'lieoiuliig ii boat for variooa consider alious It have do aaoamer vacation. Tbe well known reputation of Warrenton for health, renders it ptec liariy uiablo forai instiiu-U'-n ol tbo kind. No aortoaa caaa af indi-p anion has ever ocrarrrd among ibo voting Ladtra animated to our charge ;ov. r wnuto health and comfort, par entoi eaio is exerciaed. I am as-Mied in iho School by Ibe moat competent Teachers, among ibom ibe Rev. Thoa L. Uampbrll I'be Mo.iral Department is ander tbe direction of Mr and Mr. Urauut, accomplished and competent Teachers. Terms as follows per 8e-stoa nf fw Months. Board. itO IM 4u4c Piano, tit 00 Kngtisb Tuition, 12 & French 10 0t. Draw m & Palm's:. 10 00 Ua of Instrument, t 00 dusic n Gunar, ir. I I'nt X0 - ue of Inst'm'i Useful end Oma enta! Meedte work Iroo of charge iNo extra chars will be mad. ,. Persona deairoas of m re pariicwrse iainrraalioo, will oa application b Mil'd with circulars DANIEL TURNER. Warrenton N. O. Mot I8ih. 1x60. MRS. BREMER'S Ji'EirSTORl'. '. , EATEtt OFFERING. By Frwdrikav Bremer. . .- .ALSO tub coxQuiair or Canada, bj Elliot Wsrbortoa, Erq. . . . , ' . iUtslrsd this day by : ' .. ., . - If. D, TURNER. Rali,h, Maj 81st, 1830. . 41 VinMtMnn 7? (REPORTED FOR THE REGISTER.) 1 r iaiPORTANT INCONGRESS. t i.' WAtHutcroir, May 21st . The Compromise bill wal under nlscasaion gain in the Senate, on yesterday. Cle mens, Foote, and .others, addressed the Sen ate, f The bill is slowly but ,urely gaining ground. . . . ... , In the House, the report of the Committee appointed ta iavestigale. the conduct of the Doorkeeper was takexr op and-considered. Brown, of Mississippi argued that the char ge I were proved, and asted the dismissal of I the Doorkeeper. Mr. Olds explained. . The Report was then made the special order tor the 27th int Mr. Toombs moved a reconsideration of the Galphin claim ; and in a speech of some length, defended Secretary Crawford from the attacks that have been made upon him Mr. Brooks, of New York, replied, and said, that as a Whig, he had fully condemned the whole transaction. Mr. Kauphman gave notice that he should move a resolution in structing the proper officers to bring suit to recover the amount, if decided to be impro perly paid. The motion to reconsider was laid on the table. (Telegraphedfor the Register.) NiwYou, May 2 1st. Cotton firm. Middling uplands, 12; Orleans, 12 to 13. Telegraphed for Urn Register.) HIGHLY INTERESTING FROM HA VANA New York, May 21st. Dates from Havana to May 13th have just come to hand The Cholera is raging an average of fifty deaths occurring daily. The new Captain General has arrived The old forts are being repaired, and new ones are everywhere being erected, in anti cipation of an American invasion. The President has ordered a large naval force to proceed to Cuba, to prevent the landingof armed Americans, or the reception of supplies for such as have already landed. Rumors ef ooolzc'0 -Tatur aeVerv where in circulation. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. lawkekck's (citt) hotel. May 17 Maj. John M. I'rensbaw, Wake Forest, Mr. Cooke, Washington. D. C. " M. Landaner, Fayetirville, John Ligon. Wake Forest, " Capu J. J. Ferrel, Auburn, N. C. " Sidney F. Johnson, do " Alsey J. Hunter. Wake co. " Gen. D. S. Crenshaw, Stanhope, " James B. Averea. Onslow co. " S. T. Sheppard, Forsvthe co. 18 S. L. Collins, Caswell co. 19 Josiah Turner, Orange co. 20 B. D. Rogers. do " Win. A. Rogers, Wake co. " John M. Fleming, Holesville, " James D. Newxoui, Falls of Neuse, " John B. Leathers, Orange co. " Maj. U . D. Jones, &. Lady, Forestville, " Mrs. Smith. do " Wm. Crenshaw, Wake Forest, " Dr. John T. Hicks, Wake co. " Wm. P. Forrest, do " Thoa. IL Debnam. Eagle Rock, " J. M. Fertell, ake co. " Caswell Powell, do " J. W. Hutchins, do " Dr. Hartsbeld. do " P. A. Dunn, Forestville, " Sion Roger., Sr.. Wake co. " A. B. Horton.Barcleyville, " VV. R. Williams. Earpsborough, " John Ligon, Wake Forest, " Maj. A. G. Banks, Wake co. " John D. Powell, Wlke Forest, " Kemp P. Hill, do " James Fort, Wake co. " Henry H. Finch, do " Thos. Bell, Chatham co. " Joseph B. Bell, do " Peleg Rogers, Wake co, Geo. W. Thompson, do " Calvin J. Rogers, do " Capi. Wm. H. Hood. do " Dr. C. W. Ballord. New York, James H. Moot, Warrenton, Heory Wail, Wake Forest, James Tomlisson, Johnston co. TARSROCQH S HOUSE. May 17 S. P. Boddie, Ala. 639 " J. J. McDugall. Cumberland co. " S. C. Dennis, Summerville N. C " D. Blue, Louisburg N. C. " W. S. Newby, do " W. Mattock. N. York, 18 J C. Jones. Trinity School, J. B. Dunn, Petersburg Va. " E. Graham, . do " B. Clark, New Garden. 19 Dr. Sneed, Granville N. C. " Dr. Henderson, do " J. J; Gracy, Columbia S C. " G. O. Long. Randolph N. C. " W. F. Small, Philadelphia, 20 Maj. G. H. Wilder, Wake co. H. L. Owen, Richmond Va. H. Owen, Wake Forest, " H. Moore, Duplin N. C. " S. P. Phillips -Chapel Hill, " Dr. Braniley, Busbee's Store, " A. H in too, VV ake co. " J. Mordecai, do 661 i itu j x. euux i lfT MEETING of tbe citisens or Raleigh will be fsAaiheld at the Town Hall, on Saturd iy afternoon nex', lbs 25ih inst at 9 Veioek, to make tbe usual arrangements for the proper celebration if the a proaehiaK Aaniveraary of American Independenco. W.D.HAYWOOD. Inttndant of Police. May 81st, 130. 2t 41 NOTICE. SriJHE Sabscrlber has at his Gin (10 miles east iJL of Raleigb) 40 Bales of Cotton, for sale. N. PRICE. May 20. 183a - 1 Notice. f AN off from the aabacri herns iha 10th inatant, Jl, a Negro Mar nme4 Harry, of adaik ln r4oi, and abowt ft Jel lOtincboe high, from .26 lo SO years of ago. Maid Near waa breuaed uf Mr John Woenblev Rakigbr H io aodouhi making his way i -that ftloca. A liUral rowaid will ba given to any una who wWI apprehend bin and writ to the) ub-eribe'at Diawiddi C. II . Ya. . '. BENJAMIN W. 8MITHEY May 0th, tW- : - - . awtwv4l T nifftslr Prtmsd Old Brown JLi Wiadooe 8ap-o orach sppmod ,f for Waahlj aad Bhavfaf . ; Ff sala . , i. . Dm P. TURNER. , R:ajbtMay lsS. ; .. , 'M 'KC.UMArllNrVAllHi3AD' Mfv Genervl and Local Gmwutumer$ pf r Tber remain to be satweribod to tba tttock of the N. C. Rati road 1M shares; Tb Local Comraiasionsrs beret ofbr snboi&ttd for that purpooa, wt Staia open B okS of BubecHp tloa fortbStoek to said Company, and keep them opaa atll tb 1st of Jane neat, and make return of tb books nf Sabncription ami Cv per cent, paid, ia thereon to the General Commissioner at their next meeting to be held in Chapel Hill 0a tb Sih if ot Jane next. - r " Tb General Commissioners will hold at their next meeting at Chapel Hill, on Wednesday, the 5th. of June next (the day precaediag Commencement,) to receive the Books of subscription and to take the neownry step preparatory to tb meeting of the Stockholders ia Salisbury. ; ' J. M. MOREHAED. Chm'a of Board f Oca. Com'rs. Greens ho ro', May 14, 1850. 3w 34 Belvoir Classical School. IIIHIM Institution is situated sboot tweaod a bal J Bail from thevillage ul Lenoir. Caldwell I Umnt ty. North Carolina. It ba been in operati abnat five year, and ia now in a more flourishing stat than at any Cornier period, the number of pupils having gradually increased. The location ia very fine, and naa proved itell remaikanly health, not a solitary in--tanc ot sicknesa haviitiNrcurred amona tb Rector's own Children, nr the pupils lioarding in hi family, since ih commencemeut of Hi cJciiOtd. There ia probab'y not another place in the Stat where boy are mr ptisan ly aiiuaied ; mirefleiaaliy guard ed at a inst the temptation that besat the youna ; or where they can lo more thoroughly educated at s- little espenao. They are prepared, if dew red, for any College in the United Mtatee, nr fitted to nier any profession, at tb exceedingly mideraie cost of 12A per annum. This chart covers all uecaasart ch'ol expenses, except book and Stationary For full particulars, add'toa Ihe undersigned al Belvoir, near Lenoir, Caldwell County. Nrth Carolina. THOMAS 8. W. MUTT. July Htb.i39 6S tsmly To the unknown Heirs of PAUL LEATHERS, DECD. BY an order f th Seoti (Circuit I 'ourt, the un designed was directed to adeerliae for toe un known heir of Paul Leathers, dee'd. who was a niie of Culpepper county. Virginia and who died mteaiate in Ccott county, K . in 1343, at lb ad anred aa;e nf 05 tears, leaving his brothers and -isiers, and their devct-odanU hi only heirs at law and distributees f his eaiaie. some of whom reside in the State of North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, a is supposed. Tins 'is, iheielore lo n.nifiy said heirs to appear Ion h with be I ore ihe Master Commissioner uf the ctl Circuit Court in Georgetown, Ky.. and mak proof of their heirship and claim to said e tat, which is estimated al ten or fifteen thousand dollars. P THOMPSON Mler Commia-ioner Georgetown. Ky , April ih. 35 5 w Pianos ! Pianos ! ! Pianos! THE undersigned respectfully call the atten tion of the public, to the splendid, highly fin ished Rosewood and Mtihofony Pianos, iritk am en tire Cast Iron Frame, handsomely curved and gilt This iron Frame combines the entire Instrument, prevents it from warping and getting out of Tune. The climate or change of weather have little or nv effect on the Instruments. The quality of their tone and workmanship cannot be surpassed by any other Factory in tbe Country Priucip-ils of Academies, Professors, Merchants, and the Public generally, will please send their or ders and they shall be promptly attended to. ANTHONY KUHN &. CO. No. 4 Eutaw St. Baltimokb LIST OP piim. Pianos with metallic plnte in Rosewood or Mahog any casea 6 octave, fmm $180 to $250. Metallic frame, from $230 to $3 00; CJ, 6 in proportion, and 7 octave from$300 to $400. Please refer to Arch Carter, Mocksville; Josh Boner, Salem; David Scott. Greensborough ; Mr Holden and Dr. Thornton, Milton; and Cad. Jones Eq Hillsboro'. July 20, 1849 58 2nmlypd New Spring Goods. I HAVE received part of my Spring Slock of Uods and aw prepared to anew. Plain i;hmel-oo Silks, G laced da do Fmar'd to do Black Gro de Rhine do Black and Primed Alberine, Black Beraee vny fine. Plain Fiench Csmhrics. va'ious Colors, Eml-roidered Swiss Mualins, Worked Collars and Cufl. Pari Prints for Trimming. TapeKirie, Buttons for Ladies Dreses, Swi and J-tconette Edgings and Interting, Liale. B .l'bin and Thread Edgings and Lace, Printed Lawns. Itonn t. Cap and Tusset Ribbon, Matblwl Mourning Gingham, ( arved Shell Tuck Comb. Ladies Black and Kid Glove. J. BROWN. Nn. 9 Fayeltevill St riCOFISClt Tricopherous. OR MEDICAL COMPOUND ; For Restoring, Purifying, and Beauti fying Hair; Eradicating Scurf and Dandruff, and turing dis eases of the Skin, Glands and Muscles; Stings, Cuts, Bru ses Sprains, ire, &c, &c, THE followiug teaiiiuuitiai, selected from hun dred of similar import, will serve to show the value of the preparation, and th sumatioo in which it ia held by thoa who have given il a trial : corr or a Letts. raoM db lsk. New York, Feb. S, 1849. Mr Barry I have no hesitation io recootuieuding aa artiei wbioh I can, of my own personal knowl edge, endorse as good ; and 1 therefor state with cuundence. I hat your Tricopberousjs what you claim it to be an article for clemaing preserving, beauti fying and promoting tbe growth of tbe hair. 1 hod it to be tb beat remedy I have ever had in my practice for scald head, ring worm, and diseases which tbe skin ia subject to. T.A LEE, M.D. Tbe following testimonial is from Mr. Mann, ed itor of the Scientific American. Comment on such evidence is unnecessary. New York; Feb. 34, 1S49. Barry's Trieopherooa i aa aniele thai w take pleasar ia awarding tb highest eommendatioiu. W do not do it upa tbe recommendation, fath ers, but from our owa personal knowledge of its ef fect upon tb hair; while it tends to keep ii healthy oft and gloacy, it also remove Lni nff,pr. vent grey hair nod invigorates iis growth in a mauner unequal led by any other composition knows to as. A per son only needs to a on boul to ba convinced f this truth. Hold in large bottle price 35 eta at the princi pal office, 137 Broadway, New York, and by th principal Merchant aad Dragists throughout tb United Mate and Canada, sad by ..nt A. B.8TITH CO MUtetfk. Ni'-lfth. I880t n---39. r 'ixTCB'9 LAST HOTEL. THE DALTONS,rThre Roads, ia life. , By Charles Lever, Eaj-''-'-'-".!H - . ; H.vD. TURNER. Raleigh, May 21st, 1$50- - - - . 41 M Caudle stnd Lainp WIcU A nparm U7arUe! af Nrthra Boats fa atata stad tot sal Vy WILLI Ail, HAY WOOD ct CO. Draara ia th cilx Baluavia, Institaud by Act ot AtfUttif f7rW iftata, and Pravfa andes aopsr, vioo i Cfami-ixjers, ppptim-i by Exeitiva authority. j i .T i J f : - i'-la. :?tj ' " v .' rrr Jrrv r- 'rtrr attim'Tt :Y'U.:L' UBiea If. W, cornar of Baitimera ; . CJvrt-ta. -,-' . " Mnsewm Bniliimg, Bma'mm, Hi. 5 W 9WWH ;' - Waeail aitewitow of th pepW of tb U. Siate to the Lutierie to b drawn in May, ISaO, 8 Bcbeduta f Schamea below, and to tbw ? r ' BrilUMt Army of Trim f eld : Wbich' fully equal any thing heretofxra knawa ia tb hkiory of L 4tria. , W Bifc Capita Is only in this advrtiamnt LOOK AT THE GOLDEN COLUMN! On :pUal Prix of $20,000 Sold ia Yirainia tine Uaprtal Pns af Owe Capital Priaa ml Oni:piulPriaf ; One ITaptiaJ Pms f ; On Capita! Prix of On Capital Prix of Kid Tana 10.000. : t IHrO. $,0i0.- :4 000. .8 000' SO 000. Void ia Alabaaaa SoUiaOUv 8ddiaN.C tJold.oN.C. Moid ia Alabama. Sold in Alabama. On Gapttal Pns of All aeat to eorreanondvnt throogh lba mA PRIZE AGENCY OF COLYIN 4k CO. of Balti more. - J ..s-i.'i.-i- .'.i.Vw (TT ORDERS fartbrolly complied with. ' M.lCii.'flFICE'lT LOTTEBIES . for mat, xm: To be Drawn in tb City o Baltimtr Md. May S3, 1 S4.000 7 N IS drawn. 6, IR My Si, 16.000 TS No 14 drawn, 4, 13 May 26, 66 000 - AifiOO S3 000 S3 000 7a Ao 13 drawn. SO, 76 May 27. 9,t0 78 No 14 drawn, J, May 38, . 17,000 78 Vo 16 diawn. , 17 May 59. 30,000 75 N ltrawn. 13," Si Mav 30. SOOttO 78 No. 14 drawn. 6. ' f May 31.4 of 5. 000 78 No. 13 drawn. 3 f One Order for a Capital Prize 1 07 Correapoaaeals can Lrausaet boaine through th mails with tbi agency, aa wall as though per sonal! v present. Q7 Letter carefully directed aad answered by return mail. 07" Col via fc Co. send maifafera official drawing to all who order tickets. 07" Bauk notes on ail good bank in tbe country, ar Prize ticket received ia payment, at par, for tickets ' Prizes cashed at sight Bank drafts remitted t those holding prixee - II orders are carefully complied with. The meet prompt attention always given to -rdera. Please address. COLVIN & CO.. Baltimosb ftf a , SPLENDID LOTTERY. D. PAINE & CO., MANAGERS OF LOTTERIES, t.CHIOMJI. && Buy Paine' Tickets BECAUSE all the Urge prises of any note sent to Richmond in the last two years ar in their Lotteries, and i bey continue to end mora prises than all other management toarether. The whole of $30 000 and 30.000 sold ia their Lotteries ia the last 13 months, will amount to mere money than all th large prises sent by other man agements in tbe last S or 10 years. LIST OF PRIZES SENT TO RICHMOND IN Paine' s Lotteries in the last twelve months. Whole, $38 00 I Whole, $25,000 Whole. 330.000 I 3 of 30.000 Whole. 3 of $13,000 I 4 of 10.000 And numerous smaller ones, ranging from $500 to 33,000. Order for Ticket will meet ar usual prompt at tention, if addressed to D. PAINE eV CO., or C. W PURCELLeVCO. LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEMES GRAND SCHEMES FOR MAY 1850 Brilliant Lottery for May 11 lb. 5,0000 20,000 10,000, Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class I., to be drawn at Baltimore on Saturday; May 11. 78 No., 16 drawn. CAPITALS: 1 pris f 50.000 1 pris of 3,000 I 20,1100 j 1 1.500 I 10.000 20 " 1,000 I 5.963 30 300 Tickets $15 ; Halves 7 50 ; quarters 3 75. Certificate or a package of wholes $150 ; halves 75; quarters 37 50. 135.000,25,000, 15,000! Grand Consolidated Lottery,Clss be drawn at Baltimore, on Saturday, May 18. 75 Nos., 11 drawn. CAPITALS; 1 of 35.UO0 I 1 of 7,500 1 of 35 00(1 i 1 of 5.000 1 or 13,000 j 100 of 1.0OU 60 of 667 ; the lowest three number prit Ticket 10 ; halve 5 ; quarter 3 50. SPLENDID SCHEME FOR MAY 25, I860. $66,000, 44.000, 33,000, 22,0001 Grand Consolidated Lottery. Class K, to be drawn at Baltimore, Saturday, May 35. 78 Nos, U drawn. CAPITALS: 1 prize of 66 000 1 prise f 11,000 1 or 44.000 1 100 or 2,500 1 of 33.000 j 115 of 600 1 or 32 000 j 66 of 359 Ticket $20; halve 10; quarters 5. Certificate of a package or wholes $280 ; halves 140 ; quarters 70. 30,000! 20 of 5,000 ! 20 of 1,000! Suxquehauna Lottery, Class 26. to be drawn at Baltimore, ou Wednesday, May 29- 75 Nob, 12 drawn. CAPITALS: 1 prize of 30 000 I 20 prize .of 500 20 " 5 O0II i 30 do of 400 20 do or 1 000 I 20 do of 250 Tickets 10 ; halves 5 ; quarters 2 53, Qj Orders meet our usual prompt attention. For Tickets in the above, or in any other Lottery, drawing daily, (price of Tickets from $1 to $30 ) under our management : address aa. or C.W.PURCELL, Agent for D. PAINE c CO.. Richmond, Va. Received ibis day at the ANEW uppiy ot Sugars, tuee. Gum of Cam phor, Alum, Salt Prtra, Spanish Brawn. Cas ter Oil. In quart, pint, and half pint Bottle, also constantly oa hand a good supply of M aflat ta Pills, and Phoouis Bitters, hundred of woadtrfu! cures are being effected every year. AU tbo ia delicate health, cure and be cured. Raleigh May 14. 1850. w3t 39 I. 0. .0. F. FI RST PR mi I V 91 AWARDED by tbe .tIAItlAftD 1WVTITUTJE. 1848, and 1849, lo f $3 v feitti 111, -0 saroskt C33 aT-mnnonnnaapirqa wp cgalia aud Bauuer dtuitufa to rcra. ior their Bupeiior otyi aud make oi banners, 4te , Uibto f - dmtth wuuUi tea pectftiily .Jom-th diflorout Order audcitia thruughoat th Couotry. that tby keep, cooatantly on baud, a largo aasortmeat ot Odd FeliW, uu of 'lesnperuMce, Jnaui Med iTleuVand all other Kcsaiic, fisnnera, tiaabea, Kixwm. Caps, Jewels, Ac, all of which are got op in lba beat manner. 1.'"" lwdiulual or Association for warding thoir orders may depend mm aa much cat being taken tn select, ing th goods, and upon getting them at tha mom pru.-, a y the arliclea wer omeved ui pers. UIttB dtBMlTH. No 73, Balliosor tftraet, Balumor Nvmbef SI, 1849. .8 93 r Angling. - r3HS America. AelrVs Gaide ; or CornpUt Fwb- 'A. ar Mnai--tuwiratea aauoia go fisfaine wuhout this capital book m hi kt or in hai hoad. ' It otHaiaa a uod deal f vaJaahl i forwiaiioa: ad ia a Book that should b la tha basaw mf very Antr. . -'- ; Uf- :::'v' - 1 . AJ-LtSwCaWnoawAafW . ; a. a fioOstsTojte.; 1 THlk ha atoo.1 th teas ot uoreua f ..' . ywsrttrMl, and daring t ti rtiase has been axfftj. ally loorensiBg U pat f f ivoraad patron-, arf 7 ia now thk leadine article tb !ou0trv. Il Cjw with frdaay beeoaes permanent ly bUkat s;X. not mould nnder any iroanrSlriCes,aad U adapt4 v tabatli jaain4 stMlptns. Tbo-f wb may J anaeoaaiuted with its saper!'ritr, ar lnvitf t j rand th fbllovriac testimonials elctad front of similar eharafttaraaxl tamakt- trial af Ml t nefthe Bt at t if Sent CWir, I " t f - RaWgh.Hih Mrch, 1847. I Measrr. Marusfc 9r ortV i Gentlemen Ytror Writinc lak baa beev ta ttU moat eontiat as byrb offieerf of tbuj baaUaj bouse for tha last fat year, and aaaat3 prererre1 to any otaor nranov , u pmmwjnj -jrwmm. the fmm mmd dots nt tmmmU. and the emit, tih j ttmntima pmh IttU itJLrX fptmed. benmu tentjfml Hack-i 1 bav bea reguUr moommtmu ml . it myself dorinsj this Urn, exeepting when ettrtadt. f has led ma to make trial of other, kin-la, ar . aava, ; been compel ted to it ia conseqaenoa f net Hiej able to find yours in ibis market, aod uka Jlasara;) ia being able t apeak so favorably of it aad. trasi rhat my opinion, founded on such lnrPV; will indoo many who my aot b sa jrall awin " s tad with it mcrita, ta giv it a trial. ;.; , v: Yara.reapejtfiUrt i ..:'. I;. ' C DEWEY. Caaakti. Messrs. Matnaso dt Nova : " ,. A " Gentlemen : Wa are happy in being able to j that w entirely eoneor ta tha opinion M pressed, rj bov or yoo writing lak by Mr Dewey, tha CaaV j ier bf tkij lustitnt ion; Re-peoi fully yours, DUNs CAMERON. Preaidat,. , . .. S. W.WHinN.Talle4 D DU PRE, Book-Kaepctw Tb Above Ink foraalaby H. D. TURNER, -' At tha N. C. Bookatorav Raleigh May 14th. 1850 . ;, L 3$4i FOR AEAT. THE Snbscriber, having located ia tbe 6oratry; proposes to rent, or sell, on accommodating term his former place of residence titoated in th waster' lrt of tbe city. Tbe Mouse is cottage built," and; baa five rooms, all with fire places, ' TheLot isaonV venieutty furniabed with all tbe usual' oat-boom" building all comparatively new with a" gooX garden attached." ' - - also, , ' A lot of two acres in a high state or cultivation adjoining, can be bad, if desired. For term, applyt to Ssatoh Gales, Eaq. - . EVERARD HALL, May 10.1850 ' J . 37 If : . JUST received and for sale, on consignment, a larga aaaortmcat of Gentlemen's Saddle. Laaiaa vide Saddles, Bridle. Martingales, Waggon Bridle. Waggon and Driver Whips, Horse and Mole C4 lara. Gentlemen and Ladies Bruswl Bags, Travaf ling Valiae-. 'ii . i ' ' ! . w A. B.STITH f CO. . April 39th. 1850. a m J 3f : 7 W. J. BINGHAM S , THE FALL Sesstoa will begin July tenth,' A cIhd discharged makes room for another Boys prepared to commence Latin greatly preferred. Nona but good and docile boy desired. Earaeatly reqneaied that application b mad for sack oaly. E.trly application advised.' ' u ? P. O Bei hmont. Orange, N C - ' ' 33' , GARDE SEED. . ? t I HAVE just received a tnrtbar supply of Gajv Seed, making my assortment completa. ' - , P.F.PESCUD. Kaloigh March 19th 18S0. tt tjf Standard copy. Now Readji afiXURNER'S North . Carolina A -r Vv? Imaaaav fa? tha sjJL year of our Lord, 1 8 5 0. Publisbed and sold wholesale and retail, by Hwa ry D. Turner, at the N. C. BOOKSTORE. -Raleigh, Nov. 3, 1843. 4 COD L.IVEEL OIL. , frh supply f KUeHTON. CLARK f CO ahirh belie' to be uurior t.' n w bav oen, just received and for sal at tbo Dr .g 8l.r mt WILLIAMiSHAYlVUUU f UU. April 33nd, 1850. 1 33 V UNIVERSITY. THE Public Annrversa y Esaniinatioa of tba HtadenU of lba- Uuiveraity of Nunh Carolina, wiQ ba lield at Chapel Hill, on Monday the $7th da of May, ensuing, aad be conMituad from day' to dayman til Thoraday, tb 6ib d of June, being to Irst Thursday of tha month, whch last . mamioned dy is appointed ior lb Annual Commencement of tha Collar . ; ... , . Tb following Trustee compos tb CommiU of vmtatiaof.. I , z., ' Hi Escelleney Charle Manly, Governor.. aad Preside; t z oflicio. -j - - ' ; ' Hon D, Ii. tiwaiiC LL. D Piideat of th Cot William J. Alexander, Andrew Joiner, ' .i '" . Mathia E. It anlyr . Gilea-Mehaae, Geo C. Mendenbatt, v John M Motahaad,'! Heary Potter, ; ' Wm B 8bpard , Jo B. Skinner, . Hgb WaddcIL . v . . . Jonathan Wrth i William H. Battle, James W. Bryan, Thomas N. Cameron," Henry S Clark, . Dmiel W. Courts, John R. DonneU, William A. Graham, Cashing B. llhaaell, James C Johnston, isd Jones, Jr., All other Members of ibe Board of Trustees wha mny attend, will be considered member also, af thia Committee. By order CHARLES L. HINTON, Sacfy. Raleigh, April S8th, 1850. ' -:? v.'.J( Star. Standard, and Times, insert. i ; coo liver oil; EN Bottle and Capsule. genu in articl. jat opened and for sal at tba Drua Hirtr .af - -iut-i p. r. PErtcpq PARASOLS AND UMBRELLASjt A CHOICE assortment, consisting ef -i Embroidered. Bordered and Plaia Chanalioa Parasols,- -' ' Blaek, Watered,' Plain and 8ilver Gray Parasols, Ladies Black Son Ombrellaa, - ' v : . -' . " BUck and Green, Uk aad Cttoa TJnbrellaa. mt nil price. - - ,t J. BRO WJN. ' Raleigb, 1 May Qih. -.-.f 37 . IVATCUCS. v IH AVE oa hand a supply af ; Saporior Malcbea. for Sale by - " . r . - .;. . -i tr :;i 'S) mif'F FJE8Cfjp;;' (Xy Standard and Tim copy. - VVv-t Brwnj Eaaeuce of Jamaica Glnrr Prepared end toidhj Frede iek Brevmlmi Jus Drug mdChm!it,wwthekaconierFfLemd OwBtut&stelM.Phila. w-k" frnrtlS Easenoeis a preparation of bnasual exeal U lehca and of varted properties. la-'all where powerful and safe stimulant Is req aired, It bt unrivalled for efficacy a well a immediate action. To tha traveler and to the family 'Circle it i ia valuable, as a few dropa dilated ia augar aad water presents a aaf aad agreaabi ramady t tb iavaUd wh requires immediate relief . H a..t tha aoavalercing patient who needs gentle tonic. I a a ooatbera climate, ; where tba relaxation af f ha y tem o generally induce thirst for stimulants, jt will always be louad an excellent sabstiiat .foe th tamptinf beverages which debditat ; the stomash and cans a morbid condition of Us powers ' la dya peraaa, ia reUiation of iha bowebv in aaasea aad ea-eiekness, it i aa active and nfe aa well, as pJe aaat aad refreshing remedy, nd is prtoribed.y th atost eminent of tba medical faculty. A aupply of tba above juat raeeivd aad for fala atth Drug Sior af x. ' : Sold alas by & J - Hinad, Fayettevilla., Raleigh. March 23d-1850. -tv mm v. - 25 BZSWARD. :,; n '. fTT AN A WAY from th abseTibar, aVtt tl IJ128b of April last, a aegra boy by Us ttasaa if rETER. " Said negro U thirty-eight er frty C,r f age,rnod-boldered, about ,'va f.-t six bos high, par built, weighing abtmt 1 - jsanda. aad ha rather a down east took. H ; whm he left common salt of hoaespwa doth . - Ta reward ill b tWiA fa hi ka aad dalivrry ta a, or fo pt:i?j i gvw JJL a that I f him aeBlafc'---.----? . JehattsaCetiafci. Uv ltKttS.9 k : JS