I: BMWMW8MWWWWyIWMIWWIUI! aWIBBaSBBSBtWJBjBaJBSBBB eW ri G1?AP ASH STORE THII K 9bwobe having recently takes the boat. Miinly t JusBvrelf, wiihes. ta iaJbnn tbo citixsa Raleigh aod ihe adjacent country that ba is iu tVs tfw York, where ha has fwcbasad his i-nriak a4:Semjr Stock of pod Faaliaf well aaradthat has aelaetieaa aad alylea af gaeda will aa1 aawy tHiaa aad enow for tbemaalve, only afcju aaamiaalia of the following article; aa tbaj-ariUrl awtd cheap fur cash. , , , . ShlrtiM She4ins, Shirting aad Linens, , Liaetl aad Cotton Unlit ; Casiinere and Cottooade, CrClothtt DraaD1 EK Vesting aeaortad ; Alpacee, Me-rfio and La was, Ukm Lawless-, Vmbrr aad ParaaoU, Haoka aftd Byea, Pina and Naedlet, Tack'aadSidaComha, ' CaM,Taat aad Shirt BaUoaa, Sliaf,TailattadBarSoapay-' v - .t - JMackiay aad Brushes, . Fbh "hawks mad Unt ; Sciason, FiU aad Tack, . Silver Laad aad Slate pencils; Powder aad Shot, : Percaasioa Capa aad flints ; Shaa thread. Wrapping. Priatieg, Fools p aad Lttr papar, Bed Cards aad Plough tinea eottoa aad wool earda. Nails, Na 3 to 20 ; Willow Basket, Lfetiog Gtmaoea J Picture ia frame, HU aad Capo ; Boou aad She, Ladte'4 Shoes, assorted f Baaaota and Ribbons, , WreaU aad FJawaraj Faocy Giajfhama, Apr Checks, large aaaartmaat Calico, Bad aad Mattnaa uekm $ Silk Hkfa. and Cravats, Cattaai aad 4 iahaaa - da Sospeadeta aad Gloves, Ledi Ho, - , . . Caatlaaiaaa half ; do Sewtng aak aud thread. Spool eottoa, Head- Sawe and Gimblet ; Marblsa aad Matches, Fad Locks ; Adamantine and Tallow Candle, Allspice ; Copperaa and Iadigo Saaffaad Tabasco, Segara. aaaortad braads. Crockery aad Glaaswara; Spade aod Shafk, Weediaf lloea and Trace Chaina, CoSea aad Tea. Breara aad Clarified So fir, Loaf, Crush and Palverised . d Qota t Meal aod Hour ; Salt aad Molaaeea, Rjco, Viarrar Bacoa aod Lard, Maatard, Haiti ns. Soda Powder. Iemon, MatotefSi Oraagat, Starch aad Writiag Ink, Fancy food and Lace. 1 AlJSO, jot to hand, a choice lot of fin Candtea. Cava Candy; Candy Toy. Maple Sacar, brot to hand by Adams 9c Co'a Kxvreaa," direct from the MaOOfactoriea. Together with various other goad aud' ware and produce, too tedious to nwatioa. CaAaadaoa. T m- J.J. RYALS. iRalWh,May3,1850. 3w 3C 'Oy Staadard eopy. ' ' t2 jSPKLNG SALES. ' The anderaigned are tjceiing direct from New 'Orfeanrattd other Market, a large stock of Sugtr, jMolaxaea, 4"C which ihcy will aeli for cash or to punctual ttaalera. on favorable lerms ATbey- haa tow ia Store. -49& Uhda. 'w Orleans Sugars i t b Box a and Bbls refined do V 1 1 Bbls- New Oricaos and W. I. Molasses -4a fthd. do . d do do 350 Bags Prima Green Rio 4- Lagnira Coffee . I Bscs 8but . - 7 500 Kf Nails, Camberland and other Brands 60 Tons English Iron, Imported direct into Pe araberf. . - 40 do Swedea aad American do 800) treaaae wrapj-ing . tiling and lei tar paper Mo Botea Tallow, Adamaatina and Speraa Can. dlea 16 Tone Castings ' 10 do Grind, "Wtoaea 1 (taeo Painted Paila, ' Vi;h a full assortment of Wines, Brandies Ac &C" " PEEBLES WHITE Jt DAVIS. - Old St Peteraburg V: -raeb 13th I860." Al,VJl FlLlaS FROM THE BOCK- BKtSGB ALUM 8PIISGS, Tl. THE saharnbers are now prepared to offer these itU-l tba pablie for the effectual core of Scrofula, Dyepepaia, Chronic Liver A Bed tons, Diaeaaaa ot the KHlrsey aad Bladder, all caianeou arapuuos. gnarai JebtliU and lose of appetite. They are pe edltatly adapted to the disease of female and. all diseases artsiog from want of action in the Liver and directive onana. . The are dtorattc, cathartic and topic in their acuoo on the system in many case heyacttHi .the Liver when mercury woo hi have n affect. There ia not the alighteat danger to be ap preaaaded Irani their ae under any circa mats neei Tbaj are carefully prepared and pat np in viala o ,100 at l 50 each, an.1 for sale only by JOHN' a- 8JSAYK3 Colombian Hold, 8oU Agent for the U. 8., and JOHN J. LYELL 4 CO., si; Corner ISth and Cary ec, Richmond. Va. April 1; 185(1. 31 6t- " TRINITY SCHOOL. BJ3VKW MILES WEST OF RALEIGH. v REV. P. T-BABBir. RECTOR- FlpHlS School ia in a retired, healthful and beau IK -tifal sitnatioti ; its buildings are ample and comfortable, arranged expressly for the purpose ; aod it c !f"r advantage of a b ib order for intellectual, moral aad religions culture. The term payable batf yearly in advance, are one hundred and fifty dollars, per eaawm, for board, aad tuition in Ens- is . Latin and Greek. For French, an extra charge wfll be made The School year is a period of 10 voootbs, commencing January the 8th. Pupils are received at any time during the year. Mr. Babbit being personally known to tat few in north Carolina, offers lor consideration the fouo tng testimonial and references. Tb undersigned, having seen from gentlemen of the highest respectability ia Cbsrleston, S C. and ia ether cities, testimonial to the eminent qualific tions of the Rev. Mr. Babbit for ike duties be is a boat to assume among us. take pleasure in cordially eommradir him and the instituiion under his care to the confidence and support of their friends and of thseommanity.1' Charlea Manlr. re fc. Eidaer. Duncan Cameron, a . G W. Mordeeai, , T.P.Devereux, W. H. Haywood. Ricbd. Hines, Kenneth Rayner, C E: Johnson. Joan It Bryan, Mr. B. refers lo the following gentlemen : &C Rev. L. 8. Ives. D. D. DrT. W. Wright, - R t Rev. C. E. Gadsden, D. D. Wilmington. IU. Rev. T. Browoelt, D. D A.J DeRosset, Jr do 1tw.W M Own D. D Rer. R.S. Miton, D. D. Han R.B. DrancD.D. KawJsris Buxton, , Bea,t.F.MeRaa. . Rat, E-M. Forbes, J Re. A A-Watson, Bet. A dot Smedes, Hon Edward Frost, Charleston, SL C H. W.Conner. Esq. do Geo. B. Raid, Esq.. do W. Court aay. Eapdo John HsnckeL. Esq.. do CT. Hatch. Era. i. "... ayeuevtlle. E. J, Hale. Esq. do P.B. - Aay ine;n7ries in relation to the School, addraaaed to Rev. P. T. Babbit, Raleigh N. C.will ,be promptly auwered. ,: . &Isj Stbil850. . ...... 37 ..." 'IMPORTANT SALE. -, THE Sabscribar, being about t move to Missie- sippt, oflVrs for sale) the tract of land upon which he j reside ; it lies upon tba waters af New Hope, seven ' miles east of Chapel Hill, and ana mile east af the road teada( fr m that place to Raleigh. Tba tract ''.fetttftiss between " ' - CrMtOOO AKU .600 ACRES,. A ! arjre parGon of which ia of excellent "quality and wil i:d to tb productioa of core, wheat, eottoa, , Jtc- Rather mora than one half af thia tract ia well asonaW. bad of that which ia cleared about 130 aciva wa rasatt having beau brought iate enltivatioa wkh m tba last yaaror a The im pre v menu consist mi a i two storisd Cranso bonaM" Jfo ' rspak: a. kitcbaa, negra baaisea, axtensivo etablaa. a e" large barn and wbeMhraaher, a biackanuth ahop, kmmd all eihar aaoaJ oat be'ueea Tba situation ; is a .wry bwatthy anead aa eiesJIaal frdea ia atiaobed. ;-Vhiatveatytpaf lb isao ia a well of tba .Wera. aaaf aaeeaJ .aawfaiUnf apttop are per- 'aJaatte. eamtaaiaal iar aasw'. y. , l P btmtM wul taaa ptoaanra w snowing ine awiseaU aay ana who may feel. Inclined U por t ,hr. ;Jt easy a. proper ta add that a no prababia aaaa the fwoposad Central Rail tfioad nam at a - tmu 44im taaa fodr milea frnm thVlaea.' Terriw maiiwfal. Apptj 10 tkw Snbscrjbar, al WILLIAM a ATKINS. Apr! 15,1850. 31 eoww A NEW arriral of largaand fasatona&ie a aortmant. eftka above just at hand ahd for sale. Cheaper- thsa tsr, as " PALMES JtAMdATS JewahPT Srore-iTke moat exMoaira stock or all articles to their line-that has bean offer ed fa sals hare for Jears. Ccme and see, f jwi da noV bny. .4ua.. ; - .v . 4 Djsen )ld and silver Watcbas, af all kinds, Gold fpb test- and faard Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger-rings. Ear-rings, Breast-pins, Stada, and collar Haltone, ; - - i;. -Gold Locketa. Bracelets,' Claspa, gold silver and spring steel Spectacles. ; -Gold and silver Pencils and Pens sad waist Bnck- les, , , Silver fcombs and Tortoise shell Spectacles, A very extensire assort meat of Silver aad Plated Spoons, Cops, Laites, Sogar Tonga, SU 'Spoooa, dU. - s"- ' A Urge atock ef Cntlery Raton, Kni van, Rasor strapa, aad Diamond Pasta foe Rasors, Brashee, . Hair Brushes, Comba, Tooth Braahes, k. Batter aad Frait Kairts, Gold asxJ Silver Thiai- '. UsaV' " : ? ' V-V4 Gobi aad Silver Moaated Walking Caaea, i Silver Plated Castors,. Candle Sucks, Waiters, Baskets, Girandoles, ; A large assortment of Perfumery, Colognes. Soaps, Boxes or Toilet, Fny articles, and Christmas presents, and a srietj of other arti- All kinds oC Walches and JaVelery repaired in superior style Old Gold and Silver received In ex- ekDg" ' ' s f;.PALMER d RAMSAY. Raleigh, KoV:gl,:i84g. . 83 tf HEARTT1& lalTCIlTOKU'S. Ifjsa ECE17KJ) by lata art.val a complete Slock .i KiapJe and Fancy Dry Goods, Fancy ar uc. Bonnets, Boou, Shoea 5tc, consisliug in part as follows : " r Silk Batiotra and Hasoes. Crape da Paria, Satin tripe Orcandie, Baeg ea Alborinea, Jennv Lind Muslins, Printed, P.dka and Striped French Lawns, Miiedia Jaconet is. Plaid cofoied Swiaa, Plain colored French Jacnnetts, Polks and Printed Lawns, Ginghams, Print or neatest kind of styles, FrtJtch W.ttk. Cape, Cllara, Cuffs, Lisle and Thread Trimmings, Neck Ribbons, Neck Tie. Lace Mantillas, Palletots, Bonnets, a very extensive assortment, Paraarle, Umbrellas, ALSO, Black French Cloth, Black Drap da Ete Summer Coatings, Fancy and Suck Csssimere. Fancy Wilk Vrtinjs, Fu'd Grenadine do. Plain, Diamond ai d Stnp'd white Marseilles, Figured Maraetllea, Ha. Bo na. Miors. Friend of the rooeern, coatomera and the public generally aa rrspectlully soliciud l call and ex amine the Stock, and they will be assured af good bargains. . ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH N. C. THE 17h Term of thia School will commeuc on the 8th day of Jane, aad conUnua till the 16ik November. For a circular containing foil particular, apply to the subscriber ALDERT SMEDE3, Rector. April 17th, IPSO. 33 07" Staudard. Fayetteville Observer. Cbroaicla. and Journal. Wilmington. Nawbaraiaa, Watcbmaa. Salwbory, N.S. Whig. Wasaiugtou,Old North Slate. E. City, Petersburg latelligeucer, Norfolk Herald, and National lateittgeocer will iuaart la the amount of 3 00 each, and charge AS Bank of Cape Fear, ) April 10. 1850. S B1VIDEND A Semi-annual dividend or three and a half par cent, ha been ileclared this day. payable to the Stockholders, en and after the 1st of May next. H. R. SAVAGE, Cashier April 16, 1850. 31 5t CHLORIDE OF LIME. FRESH supply is just received at PESCUD'S. A FOBWAHDINV. I WILL attend to the forwarding of all Goods at Wilmington and Fayetteville. at the usual com mission : and will, ia all caaea, forward by fint boat without reference t iax. All order for purchaser will be strictly attended to. Direct to care of w. BR.tnw.i, Fayetteville aud Wilmington. April 16, 1850 31 if atPI OFFEE 260 bags Prime Green Rio Coffee J for sale by PEEBLES, WHITE V DAVIS. Petersburg March 7, 1950. 20 New and Seasonable Goods. JATIES M. TOltXKS has iurt received his Stock of 8 P KING and MUMMER MERCHAN DISE, embracing a good vsiiety of the Ltest style and almost every quality of FASC1 4II STAPLE GOODS- For Dartirainra. he woo'd rfspectfullv invite bi Vie to ca'l aud see for ti.enipelve. as he is de termined to oilier them on such terrrw ss murt please 1X7" A cuk of nice ftesb Rice jost at hand. Mav 6th. 1869. 37 4w WHITE WASH BRUSHES. a LARGE supply and for sate low. LARGE supply of various sixes, just received WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD dc CO Raleigh April S3d 185(1. 33. O" lire Oil, 6 doxen, very fine, just received ml for sale, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD. At CO.. JS'EIF SPRWG GOODS. siTE have received considerable portion of our V W opriog purchaae of ataple aud Fancy Dry iouoj, ccDsisiing in pan, as ioi ow : India Silks, Bro Cham, tl'd do Silk Tissues, figured and plain Barege do do Bounet, Cap and Neck Ribbon Neck Tie. Belt. Ac A large aud haaJsome lot of French work Cape Collar, Caps, Sieeves, colored, embroided Lace Cape, 4C Black Silk Lace ManiHIaa Embroidered Paletots. HEARTT Sc LITCHFORD. March 19.1350. 23 JUST received, and for sale, on consianment. handsome assortment of Bonnets of different descrip tions and latest styles, Gentlemen and Boy's Palm Leaf. Rutland China Pearl, Leghorn aad Panama rials, Artinciais, Bandboxea -e. A. B.STITH JaCo April 29. 1850. 38 A UtFOBMnD in KOIC A L cox- AM f a A w . . ILL be held in the city of Ralatah. on the 1th day of Jane next, at which all th. Hetutmed or Eclectic Phyictan in the Sute are re quested to attend, for the purpose of consulting to- gainer f r mutual benefit : of forming a State Re formed Medical Koeirty, and taking sirps . to protect themselves and their fellow ciirsen from thai odious and oppressive monopoly, by law, by the Miners U-etore. of all the emotoniente of tba practice of rhyaic and eJurtery ia the Stats, which is now being aught, and thus deprivinr th Deanla of their riaht. ful liberty of rhoing their earn Doctor and methods j of iraatmeai when they are sick The season bein fine', and the great H'l'cl Cnnvantiona than Ulna nam mere, win give additional interest M a visit to th Capitol at thai time; it ia hoped therefore, that every Reformed Physician in tba Stale will attend thj Convention. By request of many Physicians, SIDNEY WELLER BrinkleyviHa, Halifax, May 3 73 NEW NOVEL. ' TnE Fear of tb World ar Living for Appear ances i by tba B rath era Mayhew. 35 cents. This day reorivad Jy M D. TURNER, f ' Mayw-1850. - " -38 . LD1L& . WHITE KID SLIPPERS. BROWN, RaJAgMrtpja, 1800 37 TrnUGGlHORSES, AND CA-RRI AGES- M'ViSTs . GEO.T.COOltE. Mansion House Livery Stable. Raleigh Jan. 3lt, 1350. JO 1-i TRB foflowmr persons have been elected Dlree tors and Officass oT this Company for the pro- erst yeafj : . ' 1 .. - - .-: . DIRECTORS. l" Josiab O M'ateon, Raleigh. Richard Smith, ... John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, J. G. B. Roulbec, 8. W. VVniling, T.'H. Sall y Geo McNeill. do do da do do v do Fayetteville. .Wilmington. - Washington. . Greensboro. Edrtoo. , Salem f Elisabeth City. Salisbury. Nawbetn. Murfreesboro, Chailotle. Milton. Ja. G. Wrjghf, James E. Hoyt, Jama Sloan, Wat. Badham, Josh. Boner, Joseph Pool, -Michael Brown, Alex. Mitchell, W. N. H. SmUh, H B. William, John B. Barrett, A.T. Summy, Atheville. AH Directors are aiihorized to receive applications. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY Joaiah O. Watson, Prttidtnt. J O. B. Rou'hsc. Vtee do Richard Smith, Treaturtr. John C. Partridge. Steretaryt ' John M.T Bryan. Attorney. 3. Hersmsn, General Agent. 8. W Whiting, Richard Smith, C Executive Cammittee. John Primrose, j This Company is now in successful operation, and is prepared to effect insurance against fire on all kind of property, (Steam Milla and Turpentine Dis tilleries axcepied.) All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid- J- C. PARTRIDGE, See'y. Raleigh, Jan S, 1850. S F11CE! THE 2 lf, IIETIVA I VSUR AXCECOMPA- of Hartford. Conn. Offer to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loasor damage by fire, at premiumx to suit the times. rhis is one of theoldest and best Insurance Com' paniea in the United State, and pay it lose promptly. Appiicationslor Insurance in Raleigh. or its vi cinity ,to ha made to S. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848 83 SOUTH CAItOLIXA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY- HE above Campaay baa been in rperatiou nearly one Tear, under the immediate super visioa of Dr Chas E. Johnson, President. Wm D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, Psrrin Buaber, Attorney, Dr Charles E Johnson, Dr. Win. H. McKee, Dr. R. B. Haywood, Medicil Board tf CoHSuhttiOH. W.D cSta, I Dr. W.R.ScottJ Committee. J . Hrrnnnn. Gen'l Ag't. Daring this time, more than 500 Policies have beea issued, with an increasing demand for iulor nation on the subject of life Insurance. this Company ia workiug nnderlbe most liberal Charter known t lire Companies. The 5lb sec tion provides aa follows . a. Be t furtker enmeted, That the husband may in sure bia own life, for the sole use and benefit of his wife or children, and in ease nf the death of the bus band, tire amount thus insured shall be paid over to the wire or children, for their own use, free mm all the clmms of the representatives of the husband or any or his creditors. Organized on priuciples purely Mutual, the '1 e Members participate in the whole of the profiisb Besides, the lusured wallowed lo use bis annual di vidends in renewal of Premium. Slaves are iuured for a term of from one to five years, for 2.3 their value. All loses of the Company are paid wilUin 90 days alter s-tlislaclory proof ia luruikbed. No Californa risks have or will be takeu Blanks aud Pamphlets containing Chartrr, By Laws frc : may be found ou application at the Office of the Compauy, or any of the Agencies Communication should be addressed, postage paid to JAMES F.JORDAN, Secretary. April 2nd, 1850. 29 8. H. UOGEttS. ATTORNEY AT LAW. o FFICE. No. U, Lawrence'. Hotel North id of ihe Court Howe. Cine and Sandpaper. OF Superior quality, may be found at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS HAYWOOD j- CO. ITInniacoa, a few Cat Iron, of handsome pat ' tern in Store and for sale, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD $ Co T HIS day received pr. Express line, 50 Togas and Cloaks, all qualities. E. L. HARDING. .traw Ulattins;, l-y the piece or yard. Tor 5 sale by R. TUCKER SOW. March 30th 1850. SALISBURY YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTION. THIS ia a new institution, of Collegiate grade, amply furnished, and for ornamental branch es, conducted by the Rev. Gilbert Morgan, to be opened on the 4th of Jnly 1850. Circulars sent to applicants. 7P GS3CEXIJDgS3, GS3CSxraaSa. 1 I have reev'd within a few date pst,a large supply ef Hoape, consisting of ihe lollowing kinds, vjs : Lows Old Brown and Whi e Windsor, Metary 8hav. r.g Cake, Kousella. Glenn's, and O'uerlains Shaving Cream. 8heil Koap Mottled Wash Balls, and a great variety of Fancy Soaps, of all qualities. Raleigh March 19ih 1850. 23 Standard and Time copy. F URMTURE, Carriage. Coach Body. Japan and trainer, direct I'om the Manufacturer wbtch we warrant to give satisfaction, just received at the Drug Store of W ILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, $ CO. Sept. IT. 1849 7 Dry Goods, CAMBRIC, Jaconet ta, Swiss and Check'd Muslins, Garment and Furnitare Dimity, Cotton Fringes), Linen, Cambric and Silk Handker: White and Black Cotton and Silk Hose, a great - variety, w-.. da 'and Brown. ' do - and do do da Towel aad Table Diapers, Napkins aod. Dohloy's, Liuea Crash, and Brown Linen : - Far sale by jr ft ' c J 1 - J. BROWN. BaTelgVApril 23d, 1830 .-33 Whtt -lnSer-Fr.et nd good,r inrt ra cdat tb UrqSot., pf. WILLIAMS, HAY W-OOD & CO. October I8tb, J84P- 81 , INSURANCE COMPANY .11 T c. a 1 a 1141 r r vi. 4 On.rter-Sessioaa, held ULJL 1 1L" . . A mini. tr tna uaonty,at .bk4 w'":u,,::rvi , tratioa aa the, JSalala of J. J. ti' ."r hrreby gWs'notioa to ad eredilor of said eaiaiej , to present their cki no, duly authenticated, within th time Hmited by law i .othorwire that notice will be plead in bird recorery. - 1 1 1 Debuiia to said estate, will P1'"".1" T1" parmenu . . .... , 'w, W. VASS.Ad.nr. r w t a - mar . a w a a a? k a t Iff ttLI . R L. HARDING'S t? T'J CJLOTI1INO ESTABIalsnMaSriTt . UNDER TELEGRAPH OFFICE," . .. f arcUTille Street ,. HJOW opening a Urge and complete assonmeni iyi oT Ready Made Clothing, conauuing in prt of biackvBlue, Brown Frock and Dress Coats, Bluck, RMn Rlna and Drab Ovcr-CoalS. H"" TognS, Cloaks, Pants. Vests, Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Sua prod er, Hair-Hose, rocset nanuaereuiwj, vats: in fact, every thing neoally kept in a Clothing Store, CHEAP FOR CASH. Y. Oetorer IB, 1849. 83 COSTVilllMlAMJ-. Corner Pratt street and Centre Market Space. CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. THE tat E PROPRIETOR OF THE ABUVfito- biiebmrnt would respectfully inform tba eitixen of North Carolina and oilier, mat ne na re ceived from Europe, the FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS 1 Together wilh a rich assortment of Goods adapted to the coming araaon. omsisiina: of SUPERFINE FKENCH, GERMAN AND EN GLISH CLOTHS. CASTOR BEAVERS, PILOTS. AND PELITOT COATING A new article for 0 VERSA CKs ANDB US1NESS COATS. Alan, a splendid aaoiimeni of FJtENCH AND ENGLISH CASS1M EKES AND DOtKlN8, of the most dean able ylea imported this season RltJH VESTINGS! We have, and are constantly receivins. New Styles of VESTINGS. consoling of plain and Figured 8I1.K AND WOOLEN VELVETS, FIGURED AND STRIPED CASHMERE-, SILKs. SATINS AND VALEN CIA 8, of all shades and Colors. OUR CUSTOM WO UK Is CUT AND M ADE in the best manner and ss regard' Style and Workmanship, is warranted lo give entire atiyfartion. nd at greatly reduced prices. READY MADE CLOTHING! Personsinw.ni of I.EADY MADE CLOTH ING are particularly invited to rail ani examine cur Siock belore purchasing rleewhere, as we manufac ture all qualities of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, nd our assortment of that article is stall limes large, which offers to purchasers a great Induremenl of procuring an article of a qusliiy which cannot be obtained in any other Clothing Establishment in the City We have on hand and areronMantly Manufacturing GARMENTS OF EVERY VARIETY, FROM IHE BKKT MATEKIALS. IN THE MOsT APPKOVED STYLES. FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, B.aajaaBfnisajBaaBmf . SURTOVTTACK AND PELITOT OVERCOATS, Of all colors, qualities and aixe, from $2 50, 4 50, 4 75, 6 f0 i.d upward. BOVS SACK AND OVERCOATS! A large assortment of Boys' Sack and Overcoats, 20 per rent less ihsn the uuat prires SUPERFINE FROCK AND DRESS COATS, m adr ransj GSRMAN AND FKENCH CLOTHS, IN THE LATENT FASHION. A LAK stock or TWEED COATS. PANTS AND VESTS. We hsve a Large Assortment of Tweed Frock aud Sack, A New Article. FOREST SACKS FOR STORMY WcATHER. PANTALOONS, From Super. French Doeskin. BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERE PA NTS. Of every variety of shade and Color, at $1, 1 50, 1 75, 2, 2 50, 3, 3 60 and upwards. VESTS, Made from rich Velvets, Satins, Cashmeres and Va- lenriss. snd at sll price QjT- Kemrmber the Name and Place, corner of PRATT ST. dt CENTRE MARKET SPCE, II. H COLE. Baltimore. November 15th. 1849. 62 PURE COD LIYER OIL- l LARGE vupply of Pure Cod Liver Oil justre- ceived aad for sale by P. F. PESEUD. Raleigh, April 9ih, I 50. Letter and Cap laper- JUST to hand a of best quality Letter aud Cap Paper, at P. F.PESCUD S Drug Stare. Raleigh, April 9th, 1850. 39 Kerr & Cuthbert (SUCCESSORS TO DICIS k CUTHBERT.) Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PTt2KSBtIR, VA. AVE constantly on baatd : Prime Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugars, ,0:1 1, Crushed, Pulverised .ma Clnrtfied do Rio, Lngnir and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adnmnntine and Sperm Caudles Brown, Pale and Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt Prime Virginia and Western Bacon nnJ Lard Nails, assorted, with flooring and Warehouse, Regalia, Principe, and Havanna Cigars ; Together with a large stock of foreign and domes tic Liquors. Wines, -c., which they offer at the lowest market rates. The strictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods Petersburg. January 29. 1850. 9 ly P RESERVED GINGER, jost received by L. B. WALKER. arlboro Stripe and Lexington Plaids Extra Eitnck, and Randolph Ostuiburirs. r or sale - . , J.BROWN. Notice. The atteitioi ot Pby&ieiaiu and Dealers ia Medicines ia invited to an examination of my Stock on hand, whirh has been seb cted fur ihe Fall trade, ll my powdt-red Gums, Roots. &c, such as Tur. key Opium. Turkey and East India Rhubarb, Jalap, Ipecac. Ac , were divested of all impurities previous to being powdered ; and every article f Medicine carefully selected wilh epeciel regard ta its purity. I have nearly all the new preparaiioua noticed in the lata Medical Journals. A full supply of Glassware. Iiistruuieuts, And. in a word, the most desirable stock af MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS aan I hav eer offered t- the public - - - Phyiticiana aod Dealer generally, who have hith erto bought their supplies ia Northern Market may save a great deal of trouble aad expense by encaur agidg say Establishment. . jj All orrfera, aoceeapaaiett with tba cash, or goxxl City rafarenrasr iU ta atttmlad to : with aatna and dispatch . Pi ascriptions . and Family Recaipu, eooiioded at all hwurs of aha- day. and night by careful and experienced Apotberariea. An i"ffrtaa af patronage bt respectfully solicited., , ", ::tl:- v, , i 1 p. f pE8t:UD, . ' Apothecary aod Qrogsjsf. ; Ttala.gh.?pr. tittr t84. ; -TTOif GOLD TF ATCITES & Tf UST racetved biwsraopfyrthW Jf jUb aod handsomeheirpVmah vr;Biron rAiuMEtt .KAM8AY. December 87th, J849. - j 4 m JiMUs'JNAtlfr nil) Rofsliwnrs.;iSbs Q adies Kid and Stot'co Slipp"" T, 7fao" f? uo rWalking'Bhoea, hi 4 optBoskins, fi LaJ.es do Ties. ' ,v ti i ; ? v., yJlorw Fayettasilla SL Raleigh. March tSlhj i-5V s OFFICES 41 WALL ST. JAUNCEY COURT. NEW:YORKV The proprlefora beg to announce that they have opened Cra.-se fr! Sweefstake upon the system which ha obtained so large a share of the "public support in England and Klsewbere, by which an op portuuity is extended to all classes of obtaining (ac cording to ihe means or inclinstion of esch) sn in terest in ' " the great sporting events in all parts of the world, wheuej HOUSE RACING IS PRACTICED. As will be seen by the sul j.iineJ particulars, the subscribers to the scheme now proposed by ine A meriran Raciog DeKoii Bank mat nr thk small outlay or osa Dollae sais a sum of$lO,000!i! Ihe security of the Investment lieing strengthened by the guarantee of unquestionable Trustee An opportunity will be afforded ol speculating in ALL RACES OF IMPORTANCE IN AMERICA and elsewhere, in which a sulficfcnt time intervenes between the Entry of ihe horses at d ihe day of run ning, to enable the proprietors 10 fill the various ,ls.es. THE SWEEPSTAKES NOW OPEN consist of Five CIssms for THE GREAT DERBY RACE EPSOM. ENGLAND To be run on Ihe 29 day of May 1850, wansa tub scrsais-rmDrscs r the STEWARDS or tkb EaoiisnJOCKEY CLUB. sciii-Jii: to CO aa -a m s 5 3 5 1 '- c- i 3 5 3 o O s Subs. Dols. DoU. Dels. Dots. Do!. Dole. 4uo0 50 100.000 50,(100 25.000 15.00(1 10 000 8000 25 100.000 50,000 25 090 15 090 10,00. Stl.OOo 10 100.000 50.0(10 25 500 15,M)0 10.100 20.000 5 50 000 25.000 12 500 7.500 5 0' (1 . 20,000 1 10,000 5,000 2,500 1,500 1,00b The number ol Hor.-es entered is upward of 200 The urawing ol thia oweepsiake will lake plao publicly on the 2&lh day uf May, 185U. ihe day i which the race will be tun the place and hour br ing fiit duly announced by advertisement ; whei ibe names ot all ihe borces entered will in- alloitei: imiinjt 1 be subscribers in esch class, and on tin 30. h nf June next, by which lime the result of the ace will be known, ihe Prizes will be disiribuu-d the holder ol the name uf the winning horse in Cla A." receiving a Piiie uf One Hundred Thonsand Dollars! ibat of the second $50,000 &c, j-c, in accordance with the above Scheme. Al 1 hi Drawing sll subscribers will be nlmittei on ptodut ing their numhers. To genth men of ih Press free iidmixsion will be given ; thus affording every security 10 Hie sulecribi-rs and the public. Independently of the above, the proprietors havt opened BETTING LISTS, by whirh any desired bet (according to the slnt. of the odd's, may be ol'Uined in all the great rarinu events and a will be seen by a m re detailed pro pectus forwarded to all subcribers. the bildei or T rivoirri bobsks ik tuc above sweep STAKES 31 AT IXtVIC THE GAIN OF A CU3(1DER1BI.E sum WHETHER THE HORSE T.S Oi NOT. A commission of 10 per cent lo cover the ezpen ses will be ueducled on payment of all Prizes. Any fuilher information required will be affurdel by the secretary, Mr. Archibald Mackenzie, at ib officrs a. above lo whom all application far A gen ie and other communications are lo le addresrei rukT rttu and all remittsnces. either by Bill o .Note to be made, in return for whuh numbered Cer- tificales will be dirwarded as directed. l-it-ts of horse entered fr the above, and all other Race of Importance may be een at the ofTices. April Ul. 1850. 27 id vnTebater' Quarto Dictionary. UN f'f' ABRIDGED. Get the BRvr All youi persuns should have a stnndurd DICTIONARY their elbows. And while you nre nrKiiit it, get tin best ; ihnt Dictionry is NOAH WEBTER?S, lh great tvork unabridged. If you ure too poor, snve tin amount from off your back, to put into your head. For Sale nt the N. C BOOK STORE. Raleigh, Dec. 5th ISJ9, 100 A. B. STITH, Agent, Commission merchant anil Dry Goods and GROCERY BROKER, NEW YORK, FTPENDERS his servkesto the Merchants, Plan H tf rs and citizens of the Sonthern and Western States, as Agent. Commission Merchant Dry Good; and Grocery Broker, in the City of New York, and will attend lo any business in his line, eiiber in the sile of Produce or Merchandise, or in the purcbasr or Lry tjroods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Shoes, Hats, Brttreine, Hope, Drties, Medicines. Furniture. Carriages, Musical and Agricultural In struments, Ac. He flatters himself, ns a purchaser of goods for the Southern trade, that his experience, having been en gaged for the last sixteen years in the retail trade iu the lower sud upper pari of North Carolina and at Raleigh, will enable him togive entire satisfaction to Merchants who may entrust to him their orders. As goods are constantly varying in style and price, a great advantage will be afforded to the Southern Merchant in having a competent agent, ) whose in terest will be to avail himself of every opportunity for his benefit, and who can at all all times supply himself with goods as his busiuess nmy require. His own experience convinces him, that instesd of Merchants sending orders to one engaged in busi ness in New York, who will furnish it from his own stock if possible, by sending to nn Agent, unconnec ted with sny establishment, and having' the whole City to select from, he can more than save to the Merchant, his Commissions on the selection, of goods alone. He will be in New York by the 20th day of Feb ruary, 1850. Merchantsand other persons disposed to employ him or desiring information before that time, will please address him al Raleigh, N. C, and after the 20th of Fehrnary nt New York. REFER TO Hie Excellency Charles Manly, Raleigh, Wm. Hill, Secretary of State, do Geo W. Mordecai. Pres't Bank of the State, do Dr J. O. Wstson. Pres't Mutual In. Co., do B. F Moore, Attorney General, do Matthew Shaw, Esq., Washington, N. C. Hon. J. R.J. Daniel, Halifax, do Col. Andrew Joyner, Weldon, r de Richard H. Lewis, Greensborongh, Ala. Raleigh, Feb. 5, 1850. 11 JUST on baud another lot ot spleudid Lamps, of diffVreut color and patterns, (some new style) and suitable . for burning Fluid, for sale by P.F.PESCUD. Raleigh. Apiil 9th, 1850. 29 Standard and Times copy. FLAX SEED AND BEES WAX WANTED. 11 flHE aubscriber will pav the highest cash price esSjo for flax seed aqd Bees Wax , , . P.F.PESCUD. : Raleigh. April 9th, 1850. 59 Staadard and Time copy. ' - Ice Cream THE Subscriber having laid in a supply of ICF. ia prepared tbfofaiah lee Cram, of the differ, em flavors, at short notice,' aa low as sir tow-r than,' it baa generally been bought for in thia Cry. Those wishing to bay by Ihe season can hare it at tower rates than the usual price - - -...I "-: V ? . LvB WALKER, -May 3rd. IPSO. - -f . STOXEUZRSi CHUJWS JlW JUGSi aCtASTlNtJS. Pots. Ovens?.nM.i.t'l Ml i 4 Hjr'Liped snd Cast Tea'KeU'les and tew Pans, t NcflayettfTlIla-pit sUleigh, April 23d, ;830. 35 .. .4.. raI . I a n, a ri n C3 2 W ! Td"PhysiclansDriiggi5ts'and COIK TniLjUCRCUARTS. r )y TS.KtLtkMitbkk most respect; tl if nllr solicit attention' to their fresh stock: of' EngtisKFreneh; German hid AmerieaitDrugi, Medi r cities, Chemicala, Paiuta, llila, Dyo Sfuf&, Glassware, Perfumery, Patent Medieinea -ci. Having: opened a , new at ore No- 294 Market Sl with a full Supply of Fresh Drags aud Medicines', we ffspectfoiry solicit Couutry dealers to examine our stock before purcha sing elsewhere, promising one and all 1rha tnay feel ' disposed to extend lo ns their patronage to sell thjsui geauine Dreg and MeaUcinea. on aa liberal terms as any oiher bouse in th City, and lo faithfully execute all orders entrusted to u promptly and with dis patch. - ' ' ' :;" - '-M' - Oue;of the proprietors being a rerrnlar physician, affords ample guarantee of the geuuine quality oi all article sold at their establishment. tm..n V Wo especially invite druggist and couutry mer cliants. who may wish to become agents for Dr. Heeler's Celebrated, Family Medicines, (Rtaudard aud popular temediea,) to forward their address. . ,t Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respectful ly remain, J. N. KEELER &BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No 294 Market slrret. ' Philadelphia, Sept. 16th, 1849. 75 lv- Consumption Cured f DAILY BY DR. HASTINGS' Compound Syrup of Naphtha. The Medical Faculty, as well as the public, are struck with wonder at the numerous cures made daily by this extraordinary medicine, and it is now ac knuwledged bj many of our mo.-t eminent physi cist. to be a certain and speedy cure for tubercular consumption, in iu woitit stages It has been re commended by thai eminent physician. Dr Mott. m. I is constantly used in the Marine Hospital at Savannah. Ga by Dr Arnold, the senior physician of the hospital The London Lancet, London Medi cal Journal. Pralthwaite's Retrospect, and all other f the London Medical Journals, have spoken in praise many limes, of the surprising edects of DR. HASTINGS- PREPARATION. It hss been thoroughly tried, not only in the Hos pital under the charge Dr Hs.-lii.gs, in London, but also by all the first physicians of England, and all have fully endorsed it as an unrivalled remedy in t'onrumption, snd all other di.-eas-es of the lungs Thi' following are a few of the opinion expressed y ihe Medical Faculty of England. Dr. William on, of Man. (tester, thus writes : ' UNDER ITS INFLUENCE I have seen the emsci iteu being, on whose brow death had seemed to have set his seal, acquire invi joration and strength an.l exchange his early mornings of intense suffering and distrcsing coush tor the sound repose which alone accompanies ound heslth." DR- WARE, OF LIVERPOOL, ays ; I regard Hastings' Syrup or Naj.thi as one of the first me.ticnl discoveries of any age, and con -ider its Hgency in curing consumption as establish ed l.eyond sll doubt or question " A single boli le will p.ove its efficacy. All the pro ptiemr eeks is the trial of rie bottle, the action o: which will prove to the patient the virtue of this iiedictne. Coughs, cold-., bronchitis, decline, asthma, nigbi sweats, and spilling of Mood, are cured in a sur prisingly i-hort space of lime ; ihe severest co'ds naving yielded 10 the treatment of the Naphtha jrui in the short space of forty- inht hours To enumerate all the cur- performed iy this medicine would octupy a volume, the acc-mpanying hav. 11 g been selected by the American agent from a mass of certificates which have been received by lira. MAGMX'S LUCIN A CORDIAL OR THE ELIXIR OK LttVE. This is the only actual remedy ever discovered tor Im potency , Gtneral Debility Nocturnal Emis sions, and all diseases occasioned by certain secret habits ; and many of the nostrums recently lecorit tended for the same complaints are worthless in. itatinns which its umivalled excellence, fame, and popularity have brought into the market. The medical faculty of Euro-.and the United Slates are unanimous in ibeir recommendations of the Lucina ordal. and have not given their sanction in a ing e instance thai has been authenticated, to any 'th-r compound for the-sMtne purposes. The ni ure of the maladies reliered by the Lucina Cor dial are generally such as to leare the publicatton of certificates of c urea out uf the question, or the proprietor could produce a host of ibe most conclu sive testimony to show that the gnat reputation which it enjoya was not accidentally obtained, but 1 firmly based upon its positive, snd apparently mir ir ulcus virtues. In all directions are to be found the happv paren's of healthy offspring, who. would not have been so, but for this extraordinary prepara tion. Aud it is euqally potent in the manv diseases for which it is-recommeuded Objection has been aturally made to the price of the Lu. ina Cordial ; because the trash that has been thrown into the market in opposition o it, is sold cheaper ; but ihe fact i that the cordial cannot be ofiorded less, and ought to be much de.-.rer. as many of the ingredient wi.ich compose it are among the costliest things in nature ; whereas the others are made up of cheap druas worth but little in money, and less in merit ; and it is a fact, that at least one of the getcr op of these same mixtures, makes it a point to add one bottle of Ihe Lunna Coidtal to a given nnmbt r of eallons of his compound, so as to gie it some little tone and virtue and thus solace his conscience. DR LE ROY'S SJRSJPARILLA & WILD CHERRY . , PILLS- The universal celebrity which thia mediciii ass gained in every section of the country, and the many astonishing cures it has effected, have established its effi acy beyond all doubt ; as a general family medi cine it has no rival In all cases of Indigestion, Bil lious Fevers, Dispepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma. Dropsy, Piles, Colic. -Worms. Disease of the Heart and all affections of ihe stomach, and bowels, LE ROY'S PILLS will be found a never-failing remedy. To insure the lull benefit of these celebrated Pills, they should be kept in the bouse, so that upon the first commencement of sickness they may be at once resorted to. One dose, then is better than a doxen after the disease has become established in the ay, ten . Le Roy'a Pills are purely vegetable, and so inno cent that the infant of a month old may use them if medicine is required, not only wilh safety, but with a certainly ef receiving all lbs benefit medicine ia capable of imparling. Femiles may me them dur ing all Ihe crrical periods of their Uvea Le Roy's Pills will insure their health, and produce-regulati ty in all the functions of life. Price 25 cents per box. .-.-..-. MITCH EL8 EYE-8ALVE. The following certificate from Dr. Josiyn, of the regular practice, will aatisfr' every liberal-minded individual that Mitchell's Eye-Salve is no quack preparation, but is entitled as well to the confidence of lb Faculty aa all others, who may have occasion to avail themselves of ii benefits: Pxnnr, August Id. I845. D M ticbell -Dear Sir The first lime I saw your Eye-Halve was at W. J. Cbspin's, where It came sa I was informed, on your recommendation, for the cure of bis little daogbter'a eye. I bad little confidence in it as I have in mott of Ihe pa tent medicines But aa the most popular mode f treatment and special remedies had utterly tailed to benefit the little sufferer. I consented to ita use. sup. posing that if it did no good, it would do no hurt I was a case ol severe Bcrnfulou Ophthalray of botheyea. The eye-balla ao'd lid. wer silvery much inflamed Yur Eye-alve was ueod.4.Jnv mediately it acted like a charm v In a faw dsy a periect cure was effected. jT bis was aometaM last winter.; Since that I hav used your Sale a great many time with tbe happiest resorts. In raj huul ii baa apeedily cured recent inflammation f the yea, and also that which bad resisted a treaimem from one to five year My present ,Moioo Kthai a ia eenrtntenee, time tafctg mnd etrtaimy. a ve ry far surpasae. all the 8alv. and Eye Washes of which I base any knowledge. ! ReapeVstfully, .. .. . 55 w- iOSLfN, K.D Ar r"mnmm or sale in this CRy. by wW Ttvfe mnaf Wa IMawaJ ft a 42 t7. "ST'1 ARPPtSy i fVlB, 9d(I, It i ... - '4.--' the) Care r . . ; COUGHS, OOLDs WHOOPIlTOiOOTGH, oS5l ASTHMA ani OOKSTJatPTloI' 7 he uniform auccess which has attended ih of thia orenailinn its aaluiar ffV.. ' - -.v.--r-:---- . 7 V w,cl-'-- lli Per relieve aud, cure afiVctiona of the I,ur ed for it a ceh hrity equalled by no othef We offer H to the afflicted with entire rtj .. -tit ;, ., . lntnJi ",citia. trt.J- met!. it virtues, si.o ine luiiteliet that it will is l hjIJu. remove the severest sttaiks of fc'tsraie tlM.i .t T'l .uiwj. ai.u liung. m urrv rrsuilH, g they I publicly known, very naturally attract the at,!" of medical ' men ' and ; philanthropists rT """ Whai ia their opinion of CHERRY PEUTot"" msy be seen in the following : VALETINB MOTT. M D. Prof. Surgery Mea. College, New York, taft. "It sives me pleasure to certify the v!i',. cacyof Ayer'a CHERRY PBCTOR.." "J consider ecolisrly adapted to cure disaaa J r 1 Throat and Lungs " 61 of the THE RT. REV. BISHOP FIELD writes in a letter to his friend, who was fMt .. under an affection f the Lungs ; Trv it. o.. RY PECTORAL and if an medicine r.0 r lR' reliefjWiih the blessifg of God that "J CHIEF JUSTICE EUsTis, ..f Louisiens, write That a young d.ughtrf ki. was cured or several severe atiat ks ul P, l . CHERRY PECTORAL " p fcj lh AWI MMA AKV BRO.V'.'HITIS. Tlte Canadian Journal of Medical Sciextt. stales. ' That Asihnia and Bronchitis so prer.l in this inclement climate, has yielded with sun,,; rapidity to Ayer's CHERRY PEi;T0lAL ,5 we camiot too stroncly recommend this kiifui I paration to the Profession and public generallt Let the relieved sufferer speak for himselt-J. n t r . HA""OAn J".26. is77. Dr. J. C Ayer Dear Sir: Having been rwciei from a painful and dangerous disease by y..urnwjj me. gratitude prompts me to send yon this cknwi ledgment, not only in justice to you, but forihe ! formati. n of others in like nfflictiou. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected tl fat became so severe thai spitting of blood, a wiolatit eouah and profuse nitiht sweats followed and tum, u uwi mc. 1 uecsme emaciated, could 1 ... - . not tiers, " nini'CKu uj inj tougn, and a Dam ih.j,..L my t-ne't. and m h.irt had all the alarming nmV torus of quick consumption. No roe.licine ttttoei ai all to reach my case until I proxidrntiillv trM vcur CHEKKY PECTORAL, which so..B and now has cured(me Yours wilh resw ct. E. A. STEWlT, . Albaxt, N. Ym April 17, 1848.' Dr Aver, Low. II Dear fir I Lave for jean t'een afflicted with Asthma in the worst form t m that I have been obliged to sleep m my chiir far 1 largei pan of ihe time, being unable to brembios my bed I bad tried : a great many medicines to purpose, until my I'hvs'tciai. prescrihed. as tnti periment your CHERRY PF.CTOHAL. Ai first it seemed to make me worse, but n U than a week I beRn lo experience the most graurj. mg relief from Its use ; and now. in four week, tk disea e is entirely removed. I can sleep onmj Wi with comfort, and enjoy a state of health which I had never expected to enjoy. GEORGES FARRANT. PBi rRE BT J C. aTEtt, CHEMIST, L0WRLK, MISI. Sold in Kai-KieH by W illi ams Hatwi.ob I, C. by DnvA.C Etas & Co., Wilxisgtos WjC, and by dealers in medicine generally. January 28. 8 Sot Ague, Bilions, Typhus aud all Fe vers Hysentcry aud Diarrhoea. In the commencement, it is of absolute importance, in view of a rpeedy cure, that a full d.e of pilli ta taken at once, because Ihe humors which product disease f this class, srealwaysof the most malttMiit, poisonous qusliiy snd no safety to life aiisin ahil any portion remains in the bowels or the blons Should ibe first doee not cure, be nt alarmed, but reiterate that dose. Should the evacuations be 'try putrid, of bad odor, unnatural color, Ac. &c , bwidw using four or six pill ; ice a day, take also. 1 1 snoonful of tmwdered eharcoal. in water. ? An. , , - ... , "IM, Bui. miu ui rasjr uigesiion, as arrow rooi, rice poo ding. Indian meal gruel; also, sheep shod broth with nre anu a piece i cinnamon boiled in it, orciha head brotli.. frheep'a head makeshe best diet if it be boiled until the b nes are clean. At a rule, tb first dose -f pills cures when timely u-ed. femeiima three or four doe may be necessary. There it rases in which it lakes week lo cure ; but tbrt dt noi occur once in a thousand times. In any event. no medicine or plan of treatment is 1m tier than that above recommended, or will sooner cure. 80 wm as tbe irritating matters are removed, so soon job tl lie well, and not, before t Anodynes and ailrinjMU have a deleterious effect ; because they nrcasi "0 tba retention of that death principle Which alone muss dysentery, diarrhrsa, cholera, and all other disrtw, according 10 its excess over ibe principle of life. But Brandreth's Pilla are opposed.lo Jthis as water all fire, ores heat ia to cold ; and when ibey are tain into a man. iney go to work bohJIv to drive thu dead principle from ihe' body, and all they can do-but i there lie work tor nlty dose, one dose must not m expected to do the work of fifty. , And this Untk should alwaya be kept in mind. Let not the patients frighten themselves with to) idea that ibey are too weak to bear touch puriini; but bear in mind that these mildly operating I'ills f Ur. Hrandretn put not weakness into Ihe frtM but draws weakness, out, leaving strength in ita plc and grvea composing sleep sl night, and sn fpeli to relish any food. . THE BRANDRETH PILLS Are composed wholly of medicinal herbs. and contain any mineral or chemical substance ; are per" feclly harmless to the most tender age or weakeat frame and nevertheless sure 10 search out tbe rat)) of the sickness and produce a CURE, whatever buJ be iu character, when taken in time, and in que ues sufficient. , '. - The Brandreth Pills are sold at 25 cents per b by VILL. PECK & SON, Raleigh, and brew agent ia eveiy town in the United States, and most every city throughout the world Le " careful where they buy ar they . will obtain a ro terfeiu Buy only of men whose charactera J1 koow to be above ao mean an action as w false for the true Brandreth' Pills. Oterr th M signature ofDr.'Brandreih on each box. Augoat 32, 1849. ; K: lr. A. F. Coopers' Spiiio-Aarw'" lial Supporter. . THE Suhecribera have on hand a aopplt above valuable supporter, whkh are r00?!!' ded for all persons, afflicted with muscular debUHJ Round shoulders, :or prolapsus Uteri : Proff: Mott thinks they are very well P for come rarielies of incipient spinal dist0,1K,VLl they afford tbe naefuf combination of shoulder and Abdominal supporter, with very decided sBPr to the spinal column. j . The above brace are recommended by th ciana generally, who have aeen them. nd ' sold a number to citizens of thi place, whoai"" ly pleased wilh them. ' A gentleman observed a few daya since, tW nan oeea wearing a Tery ceieorairu ; . give above, for fifty such. They need no nufiW aa they pek for'" selvea" PESCUD &. JOH, -.!.. o ... .. :.nnrnvmei' el Dr.E. Caaisa celebrated Spino-Abdominal bupp". Jan, 21. 1848. , (Standard.) . lateut Mediciues. a rm.T....;..U.rn.. n.ni nnnu ar l""".. Ukeptcoostenily on "band, apd sold sl D l urers prices at Pptcvv' Dace Stohx . Ana-nst Sth. 1849.. ft v.;i-t;... HISTORIES.-- , h,j rrnHB History of-AlIrfirie Oreat, J Vjl) Abbott, , Thirtfay ffrjjffjj DecfJ, 1,849.