of tba Register.) CorTWPaence ' WiSHiirerok, May 26h 1850. . h,ve strong hope that the friends of the wUI triumph. There was no posst Crforthe Presidem'. plan few North merely wished it lievedj hey favored - ft hs "" noT ha ve suouurted it. " w I mow "rrj - - - -- ... '5 bnne for any thin? Wee a speeuT seme; .Vthe Compromise le people m us coo -fnt' lt out hey most call their maddened A-'Swi, Congress to rtm They Rff0 u. ii.miiTrhout the Union and make ...ku ii.miyrhout the Union na loud as Heaven's thunder their the subject. The members of Congress idare much longer to neglect their duties. Lrarelul scenes in Caress hare been per jKodTred and submit to. too Ion. The """VV: were uot elected to quarrel and fight and "wvard each other ia the halts of the nation constitutes no part of their duties; and those wntleoieo, without exception. Should never tepenu'1"-1 o desecrate the Councils of the !n The "lories and happiness of this Coun lBIhould notbe trifled with! The man who "7 sn. a rojce or finsrer in advocacy of disunion r!U fa looked upon as a traitor! The man s7io ihe least opposes the Constitutional rights y JmeniBer of the Confederacy, should be trea . ;.nr The man, who after swearing wiioB or Compromise; it wilt and mu?t be per 7mle4 if necessary by compromise J the whole nrU lires by compromise ; no roan, no people !; or shoulJ have their own way each party L Hve up something, every man must deny jfahtile for the benefit of others. The South titled to her Constitutional rights and the SorthNes nothing, gives up nothing, in securing those ri"lts as most plainly stated to the Consti miioo The people of the free States are bound in jj mJSt einn manner to TvwoteT fugitive from SL. Md ihey are equally bound nut to meddle rfiDtetfei,. wiih Slavery. It is no business of Iknrs whatever ; and to new territories, all the ."iuzens of this Republic have an equal right to and to carry their property of whatever des alma, when they please and bow they please lad when a sufficient number of freemen have ibere assembled. they have the right to form a State Constitution, admitting or excluding slavery, and then to apply to Congress and be admitted into the laioo, as a Siate. There exists no Constitution B po'er to stay or prevent it. The Wilmot pro Tiso is an infamous humbug, only issued by deru eoguesfor political effect. The ultras North, jta-ard, &c-. care no more for Slaves or Slave holders than ihey do for Locke's Man Bats in the boob; they oniy wish to keep alive the slavery qofsuoo, aud will oppose any compromise or set tlement. On the other side, the Cafhounists Clemens, Colquitt &c all the ultras south, would appa rently be willing to destroy the Union, to gain wui? Lh theiu answer ! V hat do they ex pect obtain better than what the Compromise olfers, bf opposing it ? Let them say! 1 he people ap ptaTt the principles and plan of the Compromise, uJ ibeir will is the Jaw of the land. The ex roues, ultras, the fanatics and demagogues of the Country oppose it. 1 am wiih the people. ' MARION MiLWacaic, Wisn Maj 10th 1S50. Mi- Eorroa : Supposing that a few facta relative tt the political atmosphere of "The Empire State the West? aud more partiealarly of it metivp fctheroan and floeruhing city ef Milwaekie, BirJii aui be altogtither onintereating to yoa, 1 take this eoniion to communicate them. What facts I a ia poasrsion af, i" have either received from the Pnsstf the Slate, which id the great exponent ol pt&iesrotiment.or from conversing with the ciliirna iadneriniinately the leaders a well aa the maairi Tat facilities for political information ie thi Suit are by no meaus scanty. 1 veutnre to say. ia the absence of the necrsetry data, that at thia rise, the Dumber of papers daily isaed in Wiscon m will, at least, double that of North Carolina, al thtogh the population of the latter is as two to oae tith former. There are pablished ia this c:ty KTfH different nevsp-ipers. five of which are issued daily, ane weekly and one, semi-monthly, mikiug ia iH, iodKiing the tri-weekly eemi-weekly and week ly of some of them, not lesa than thirty-five issues par week Of the fiTe dailies, one only is Whig, theatber fonr being dedicated to that blind Idol of ( va!gr and deluded rabble -Locofocoixm 1 Two rf the fife (bulb Locofoco) are printed in the Uer aa t-ingtw, which fact, more than any thing else, utwnts ike German population in this State float taming Americanised soccer, and causes them so Krapalously to adhere to ike babita and costoma f the "Old Country." One of their sacred ens lorn is lo hare tbeir waltzing and cotillion parties oa Suady eeuing. The politic il complexion of this State, as yoa are vire, is decidedly Locofoco ; and.il the rime canae coatiMrs to produce the same effect, will long re aaiaaa. Of ibe American population, the Wbirfs ke a decided majority ; and tbia roijority is cent posed of the tnnst intelligent and enterprising men thiTf. Bat to state that Whigs are more inte! Iifent and enterprising than Looofbcos is anaeces iy it it a truism known to the merest ass. Of ewr$e, so long as men are ambitions and aspiring, there will be exceptions to thw general troth. Meat f intelligence sometimes turn demagogues, who are willing to compromise respectable associations, as ell aa a deserved reputation for talents, in order obutn political preferment. Th is effrded by pandering to the gnsser apj e ites and caprices ol thaeinaile The foreign population if this State mo e thin one tLird or tbe entirety; and the .-eigBers, almost to a m m, ar- locofocos. A few lateUigeut Irish are Wbigs. The English who are generally men of intelligence, sre all Whigs. The tngltoh, however, are few Whig among the Ger- ibs are like angels visits, but if yowalioald happen ts.aieet a very intelligent German who has been in this eooatry long enongh to learn something of its wrfitstions. it is prima facie evidence of his being a Whig if he u not, he is at least well divsd" awards the Whigs. This uuiverol Locofocoism Mong the Germaq population, 1 have been inform. M, M attrtbuLnble to the fact that the anti-ninopo-"u German States ryle themselves Demo ? v i emira,ion 10 fhs country is composed ' 00 mere is sometbing ia a name, rrr". ,oere "J be notniog ta those bearing it aia MBinle fact. hn. - " wvuws a W4MJ VCWUlf Prte for many years to the end of tweeting the otherwise prosperous Sute of Wiiteon- - w ocoioerauj misrule and corruption. The astitution of the Sute enables a foreigner to be- . " ,n as a Virginian wbo comes r extract the qualifications of electors e eoatt ttutron of the State : - Every male jnon or the a?e of tweoty-ene years or apw.rds.be. ring to either of the following elnKM .k. .k-ii te resided in the State for one year next nrecedine -j election, saau be deemed a qualified elector at --.,..o. t vitecittiensofihe Untied states. - ..j . c persons or foreign birth, who $haTl kttede- fi , Lulled Statu the noittt f waimUzm. wbnwf.(vvc, wa" As soon as a foreigner u.d. h... r- .v- a" Aa soon aa a farei. u.w-k. ' .v. of 'setting some deiwgoguetakeebim before the w e coiirt,when he declares his intention, and !Ted.h.", moa'hs. becomes invested theciv.1 nghtsand faamnniJes of a native. No iactt' w aae by law beta-tea resident aliens wleitizena. in -r.... 1 VS to possession, enior atttt. or dfvMi r --.m vi pivjjruj; toi lKCOIOCOS llSVe Hi. .. " . i ' - Ration of advocating the shore provUions - ..6, , oeiog Hostile to ti them f-U that the Whirs caa do U te bone on. - E!. Z""P n that tba political Pandora has lea to ")le them. The day irtfdawn, when Wlaeonsia reaeemed from tbe yoke of Locofocoism. We tij.. ,ery ,ar88 "chool fund, andnnless the Le- b" ' re P an act that foreigners shall not be in- ora, hut ebali bo kept In perpetual ignorance, ""S generation will discard tbe errors of their Met,rs- I treat I i.j : nZl I e "wd-tioa of tba poluical atmosphere ""en th. tw9 great parties in this Stat I ffftfj 1 a fj- w anasao-v a as S H Bar V twm uea onefly lo t,,eB aeeooot of tbe pablU sen-lr.v-rVereB ho preseot ezciiine issjo U- it. w ort' and eoutb, so far ss I can judge of oaJ. . " 9n,t obvMMis the people 0f Wis xtxx," n.ol1dff towards ths Union. Thsre U-i ,bohtioDisU.who wonld prefer to sea-' the mt "under to any imaginable political U.. u or ,h" en avow this epeoly. But lTrP anqaaliied ai,rk. ot patrwOsm ta... - "v-uarneonians are neia in sonreme T oa anqnalifed acarw by all tbal have Ibe of DatrintJatK t mi. tVw mi. ... V aik.. , ' P"' SS'VV-ootri ant uuo"stnat utoMstuniion it a ewe Wthi .k4 D.(! wiik W.Tkay be- ia Th. a . . . . . - ... . . , ""v . t hit a death a (ha Cona n I ' Cooatitation is the saprems law of ths ecarl that phariwucfil doctrine pot forth inn)Tt IUC valiant u "Mo rule and govern his actions in relation lo nsirument. is a traiior anu a. pc-rjureo. by that eoturomiU- aypoorUa, VTvu U: Seward, (hat one's eoaadeaca when contravened by the Cen atituiUn, claims kit allegiance, whilst the latter by the natarat la w is subordinate, ' It Is a fact worthy of remarking that wearly alt tha member T the Garrisoalan School style theaaselves Free soil dem ocrat claiming to belong, aa they in. fact do, to the Lecofoea party.' The . whig scorn every con neaioa whatever with the motley crew.-As regards the Wilmot Proviso the poblio aeatiment is that it is constitutional, but aa abstraction and therefore inexpedient, as the only effect of its application wonli be te irritate the South." As regards the ad naiaaioa of California, the sentiment seems to be that eke ought to be admitted at once, without qnaiifio. tiona or conditions aiace she herself accepted and established by her own act the onljr condition that of prohibiting Slavery -which it was in the power of Congress to iaopoae tnca taking the matter la their own hands. , Yours, 4 From the Grttnsboro Patriot." ... , THE CENTRAL ROAD. Huzza for Goilfobd ! All the time we have been scolding our Old Dominion for not corntnjr up to the right scribe, in the way of Railroad subscriptions, we . had a presenti ment that there wax 'a good time coming when we should have to take it all back And we are glad to have a large credit to en ter for the old county this week. A mee ting was held in the Court House, on Tues day last, at which the . situation of the sub scriptions was explained, and the proportion of the unsubscribed balance expected from Guilford stated, by those indefatigable advo cates of the great improvement, Messrs. Morehead, Gilmer and Caldwell. The as semblage did more than was expected: $5, 300 was at once subscribed ; aud next mor ning $2'0 more; making Jio thousand fit hundred dollar of nVi subscription this week, and the five per cent, alt paid in. This was principally from fresh men, who have hith erto not subscribed any thing, and shows that the work is steadily growing in public fa vor. Shortly after Gov. Morehfad's last publi cation, the 5 per cent, was paid upon 10 addi tional shares($1.000) by a gentleman of this coanty, who nad been absent several months. Added to the above subscription, we there fore count $6,500 for Guilford since Gov. M's last report. We call attention to the proceedings of a meeting held in Salisbury, on Tuesday last, where twenty-one hundred dollars of addition al stock were subscribed by the. people of Rowan. This munificent county knows no stopping place until the last cent is subscrib ed and the charter secured. Nobly does Ro wan bear the banner. The above, in addition lo some $ 12"0 sub scribed since last report, will make $33jOU. We understand that the 5 per cent has ac tually been paid in upon $33,000 since the last report. The final returns will exceed this sum The attentive -friends who forwarded the proceedings of the Rowan meeting, mention ed that " Mecklenburg, by two gentlemen here this week, has also spoken ; she has subscribed $2,000 and paid the five per cent. We have also been informed that more than half of the $2,000 assigned to Cabarrus has been taken. And so goes on the work." We have heard nothing from below, ex cept that in Alamance the prospect of addi tional subscriptions is dull. The following is very near the " state of the case" as we are at present advised : Balance unsubscribed, as per Gov. Morehead's last statement, $18,500 Since subscribed, and 5 per cent, paid Guilford. $6,500 Rowan, (say,) 3,000 Mecklenburg, 2.000 Cabarrus, (say,) 1,000 -12,500 $6,000 Strange Notion. -In an edttotial article on the subject of the approaching Locofoco State Convention, the Wilmington Journal " We believe that some compromise or bargain with the whig party is looked forward to, hoped for, or expected by some of the members of the Democratic party, by which, if we run no candi date, now, but allow Mr. Manly 'o walkover tbe track rh is time, we will be graciously permitted to elect our candidate next time. As a member of the Democratic party an bumble member, ii is true, but one zealous for its puniy and c-inciency we take this occasion to protest against any sort orbargain, compromise, or arrangement of the kind." We, too, take the liberty to protest, most emphatically, not only against any such bar gain, compromise or arrangement, but against what is more likely to come to pas, viz : a- gatnst any stith reason being assigned in August next as an excuse Tor a Locoioco d feat,or any such understanding being plead ed two years hence. The Journal may be assured that tbe Whig party has not tne smallest idea of making any such bargain. Fayettertlle Observer. GOV. MANLY. ' A correspondent of tbe Elizabeth City "Old North Slate" does Gov. Manly great injustice. To our own knowledge, tlfe " central influence" of which the eprretpondent speaks, was not ex erfid to ecore"the nomination of Gov. Manly in 1848. That influence was opposed to bis nom- inatfon. 1 he oe legates irom toe wiwie Congressional district, including those from Ra leigh, were in lavor ot tne nomination oi oimt (rnHhnl riiiy-D reskline . in the east ; and the strongest influence that was exerted in tavor of the nomination of Gov. Manly, ana wnicn tnaeea secured his nomination, came from an honored citizen ol the district in which the correspondent referred to, livesthe 9th district. It is therefore unjust in the extreme to charge that Gov. Manly s nomination was effected through the influence ofa few central leaders to honor an undeserved favorite f and it is painful to see such aspersions, without cause, cast tinon :o worth V a Whiff and so faithful a. public servant as is Gov. Manly. He did not seek tbe nomination this we know. It was tendered to him, fairly and honestly, as he thought, and ever ready as be had always been to serve the Whig party, what could he do out ac cent hi. It affords us pleasure to slate in this connection, that the manner in which Gov. Manly bas dis charged tbe duties of his office, has given entire satisi'aetion in this section, to all men of all par- ties. Not a word of complaint is heard. There is no oround for anv. VVhv then shook! he be so unjustly dealt by, by his brother Whigs 1 We dislike such anJairness oeyona measure. . rr ' v. $i Whig It will be seen that tbe Whigs of Rowan, have resolved to sacrifice personal preferences, if neces sary, and to abide by the decision of the Conven tion. We had lutnerl for this. It ia riffht. We must not ro into ths annroachinff contest divided and split up among ourselves. Prieipk are worth more than men, and to secure these,- tnere are few persons in our ranks who would hesitate Jong which to ehoosev Let the Wbigs stand firm, and the chucklinra (1fnn, nnnonenls . will die Sr way to the weak pipings Ofa pipped chicken. CariUu Ifetchman. Art. The citizens of Lincoln. Gaston and Cataw ba counties are holding meetings fbr the purpose of exeitin? the Deuple tn build a plan k road to con nect with tbe Bourn Ctrohnt Tailfeads, eithef at Charlotte or Yorkville. v y lb FREE StfFFRJVGECf 1 r. Mr. Holdea has rnade quotation W oWre- eonror 7'wrJrase" some time ajo.'and confound, them With equal Buffrage ol which we have since said a (, .-.i. .vl,?. P fnen1 ,ofU Standard will take note of ugua?e we used on. the former occasion, he will perceive thatita force is directed against the evening and I deinoralain- doctrines of those who advocated . free suBVaga" och aa " the desecra tion of the Btble and the abolition of matrimony," T7.T . Siaodard'rf advocacy off free suffrage,' Y St '"n0' Election, wt believed to be Jy"10 T"ff t P for party effect ; and so it pro ved to be at the ensuing session of the legislature. Arter the democracy? got into office, they forgot all about their great love for the " large liberty" of the people. ' In regard to the question 'of "free suffrage," the election of judges by the people," we take our position now and intend to stand to it. Let the matter be submitted to the people, by an act or the next Legislature. Submit lo them, the true sovereigns, the decision of this. If they de cide that the Constitution shall be altered to this effect, alt will he right. We belong to the old Republican School not to the " progressive de mocracy," that has progressed" out of sight ol all the ancient republican land-marks. We go for the sovereignty of the People, not the sover eignty of Clubs and Cliques. JFtt Com. CAUTION! Fremtkt (BoXen) CMrenotfpe The great popularity or Wisiar's Balm of Wild Cherry h-is ioduo-d eime mercenary indii.Jule in various parts of the country to compound quack nostrums f. tue purpoae of deceiving the public and rautng monry on the wall-earned reputation ol this truly valuaMe medicine. The iuU-reste of .. tbe proprietor cannot aufler if he can but kerp the (fuMic in' roeJ aa'nrt Hie faUe preparation attempted to I palmed oft ia the name f the Wild Cherry ; for cer tain it ia that no medicines ever proved an efficacious in a of caialoua of tbe mart common disease which -'human floh ia heir to.'' or preaerved UV healthand life of to many ihuanils of our race a ha Dr. Water's U.iUam. MR SETH W.FOWI.E druggist. M.t. 138 Washington street, is tbe sole proprietor wf the original receipt for the minufjrtur of the genuine meJicine, and supplies boih ai wholesale and retail, and of whom, also, agrucie can be obtained. THC GEN (TINE AND ORIGINAL Dr. Wistax'a Balaam of Wild Che-ry. Ha. be n EXPENSIVELY Ct)UN TERFE1 TEI in Philadelphia, and anme thousand b-atlea of ilit pnri.u imiiation thrown in o ths market and ex tentively circulated ; thi ia to caution Dealer and the puUlic generally ngainat pmchasina tin other than that ha'in the written signature of I. UUTTa on the wrapper. None genuine unless signed. I. BUTTS on the wrapper. For sale wholesale and rett.il by WILL! AM5, HAYWOOD &. CO., and Drugists geutrally in X. C. At St. John's Church, Fayetieville, on Thurs day evening last, by Rev. J. C. Huske, Mr. Wal ter Draughori. and Miss Angelina S. C., second daughter of H. Erainbert ; all of Fayettevilte. Near Hillsborough.', on Tuesday evening the 21st inst.. by the Rev. Jas. B. Donnelly, Dr. Pride Jones, ol Hillsborough, to Miss Martha A., sec oud daughter of Win. Cain. Sr. In Clarks ville, Ark., on the evening of the 17th ull., by Rev. J. Mayloy. Dr. J. Gasion Wat son formerly of this City, to Mrs. Xancy B. Hard zrave. Dirt! In Morganton, on Sabbath. May 12th, Mrs Martha Matilda, wife of Mr. Wm. C. Erwin, ami daughterof Thomas and Martha Walton, in the 36th year of her age. On the 2d instant, of inflammation of the stom ach, at the residence of her husband in Lafayette La., in the thirty fifth year of her age, Sarah Eliza, wife of James Jons, of New Orleans, am. daughter of the late Col. Joseph S. Pugh, of Ber tie county, North Caruliua. PRICES CURRENT. COR SECT ED WEKKLT FOS TBS BKClaTES. Raleisli. coraTBY rtODVCI. CTS Bacon Haius, 7 to 7$ .Sides otShooklers 7 sncRtnDizr ;Sall LiveHLsncka n 2 10 do Blown 3 40 to 2 -V Cotton Corn Meal Flour Feathers Hides, green " dry Oats Wheat Fodder Butter 13 to 13 50 00 a GO 5 3'J 4 8a 10 30 SO 73 a SO IS Coffee, Rio, pd l'-'i Iagutra Java ' 2. Sugar, 7 to IS Molasses, gal 3d to 40 ii .i 6 7 5 40 i do extra sizes Rngliah do : Whiskey, gl 35 to ' r I l 100 FAYETTEVILLE. coontby raooucic cents 1 7-S do do Cotton, lbs 11) to Hi Osnaburgs, yard 8 to 9 Corn, bushel, 70 to 75 Flour, bbl 54 to 5 J Feathers, lb 30 Hides, green, lb 4 do dry 8 to 10 Tobacco, man a fd. 5 to 15 Wool, lb 15 FfffetHftiU Manufactures Cotton yarn, poond 17 4-4 brown aht'g, yd. 8 MERCBA5IOISS. CENTS. Bale rope. pd. to 11 Bagging, hvy, yd 15 to 20 do light 13 to 15 Lime bbl 173 to 200 Nails, keg, pd -r 31 Oil, lamp, gal 87 to 140 do tanner's bbl 1750 White lead, keg, lJto2i PETERSBURG MARKETS TOBACCO. We have no chance to note in prices. The demand continues active. Lugs 4a$b ; Shipping 6nd Stemming Leal 6a$10 ; bulk of sales 61a$3 ; manufacturing ba JiU. But little lias been done since our last report We hear of no sales over 12Jc. which is the ru ling price for aril of good quality offered in matket. Slock light Superfine li. Family CJa$7. COUN. . The supply is barely adequate to the Cily de mand. Sales are made at bUatjttcts. BACON. This article is imprvintr. Western Shoul ders bring 5ia5i; Sidrs GJaGlc Va. cured, hog round, 7a71c; cuoice Hams cjc. LAKL). Virginia Lard, in kegs, 7 cts. HERRINGS. Tbe receipts are very light by the quantity Borne sales have been made of N. C. Cut No. I at Jtfii; gross &5. The retail price is 6a$7. Matches and Cigar Lights. TTBjREMIUiM Matches (without Brimstone) JI7 CIGAR LIGHTS, and Patent Wax Vestals. For Sale, bv H.D.TURNER. Raleigh, May 27th. 18-V). Reported for. ths Tttenhurg Inltlligtncer. SALES OF TO DA CCO MADE AT WEST-HILL WAREHOUSE, -Since tha 13th May, IbiO. Lues. Short Leaf. Good and Fine. 4 fiO 6 S - 16 00 47 00 $7 00 4 85 ' 6 75 6 25 7 50 7 50 500 6 621 6 021 7 25 . 7 50 sun v 600 623 7 75 7 00 85 6 00 6 25 8 W -J Sit 00 6 75 6 62 7 62J 9 00 30 4 6 00 6 62i 7 25 8 75 80 6 00 -6 75 8 25 7 00 m 6 75 6 871 7 On 7 00 7ft 600 C 75 . 7 60 7 62- 90 6 25s6 25 - 70 7 50 05 - .6 50 , 6 60 u 7 00- 7 00 90 '6 75 , 6 0a. 7 25 7 00 40 6 00 6 25 f 7 75 7 25 75 6 50 -6 75 1 14 25 7 50 60 , 6 75 6 621 H 18 75 8 25 5 20 ,: C 6 75 6 621 1 Ii l 00 ; 7 50 TV. VuA (neladed ia a brae 'vera sold bv Wat' vtna X Martaa. Bad mads bv Mr. AtTl and J" Y Chandler of Mleabrt. Va. - ' i Vr J GRIGCr ISYttftOR, !?ear Msylst,!$5 11 TELEGRAPH. (REPORTED FOR THE REGISTER. ) 3 JFOKIGn-MWS. Highly ExcUIng from Cuba! GeiL Lopez near Havana I ! FAILURE pr TI EXPEDirXOTT tit An Extra was issoetf from this OEBce, on Saturday afternoon last, (and sent 'off by the mails of Saturday night and Sunday morning, in advance of the mails from the North thereby showing the efficiency of our Tele graphic arrangement,) containing the sub stance of the following highly important news from Cuba, brought by the Steam Ship Ohio. The Ohio is just in at New York, from Chagres, but brings no items of interest from California. The Ohio touched at Cuba on her way, and brings the following thrilling news from that Isltnd : Lopez landed on tho 17th at Cardenas, with 50u men, and look the town and garri son, consisting of COO men. The excite ment in Havana is tremendous. Martial law has been declared, and foreign residents have been compelled to enroll in the army. Just before the Ohio left.lhe Spanish steam er Pizzarro came in with 105 prisoners, ta ken on the Inland. It-was said they were mostly Germans and Irish. The report was that thev were to be ihot at 12 o'clock that day, or at least every tenth man shot; the balance are to be confined in the dungeons of Moro Castle. The force on the Creole with which Gen. Lopez effected a landing is only a small por- lon ot the expedition. It is known that some ten or twelve vessels have left New Or- eans, and different parts of the sulf, proba bly to land simultaneously at different points. It was reported that Gen. Lopez had bro ken up the railroads to Cardenas in several places. The merchants and bankers in Ha vana, were removing their money to the fort for safety. The Ohio, Georgia and Falcon, were com pelled toanchor at the entrance of the har bor. Capt. Schenck protested, through the A- merican Consul, to the Captain-Geneial, and demanded a safe anchorage ; but was refu sed, and told he might go to sea as soon as he pleased. None of the passengers, except those who had passports, were permitted to j go on shore. LATER STILL. The Steamer Isabel, with Havana dates to the 2'2nd, arrived at Charleston, on Saturday afternoon. She brings tidings that the invading forces have become frightened and abandoned Car- lenas, after having burnt several public buil dings and carried off the Governor of the Town as a Frisoner. Lopez landed at Savannah, Ga., on Satur day morning, in the Isabel. The Latest. ( Telegraphed for the Register.) Washington, May 28th 1850. It is rumored here, and. doubtless, truly, that Gen. Lopez, by directions of the Secre tary of Slate to the District Attorney, was ar retted aod examined at Savannah, on Satur day evening last; that the investigation con tinued until a late hour at night, but there being no positive evidence on the spot to convict him, he was discharged ; tha' the re sult of the investigation was received with acclamations bv the rabble ; and that Lopez has since departed for Mobile. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. YARBROrjOlTs HOUSE. May 24 J. H.Pigzott, Thos. McIWIy, " Mrs. McNeety, " Master McNeely, " R. Loan, " J. C. Holmes, " W. R. Gires, " N. Arnifiekl, Guilford N. C. CS3 Mocksville N. C. do do Halifax Va. Clinton N. C. Wilksborv' N. C. Union co. N. C. W. H. Spooner, MiddU-ton N. C. B.H. Brva Wilmington N. C. " J. 13. Yates, " G. J. Rout he, 25 Judge Stranjej " W. Depw. " H. L. Gibbs, " W. M. Long, i. M. Faison, 26 L. E. Jakway, ' J. II. Mastun, Mississippi, do Fayetteville N. C. New York, Middleton N. C. Halifax N. C. N. Carolina, Baltimore, G. W. Circus, " Gen. T. G. Polk, Mississippi, " George Davis, Wilmington, f A. II. Graham, S. Koonce, 27 A. Hinton, " J. M. Sevres, Lincolnton N. C. Columbia N. C. Wake co. Franklin N. C. 708. lawresck's (cut) hotel. May 24 John M. Fleming. Rolesville, " S.jU Collins, Caswell co. ' Sioa Rogers, Sr. Wake co. " Thorns Avera, do " John Ligon, Wake Forest, " Capt. J. J. Ferrell, Auburu. 25 Dr. John H. Jones, Wake co. Reuben D. Sanders, Wake Forest, 26 John Winston and Lady, Franklin co. " Charles W. Clay, Granville co. 27 James R. Jeffreys, Fianklin co. " James H. Raiford, Johnston co. " D. H. Whitley, do " James M. Whitley, do " O. C. Sasser, Wayne co. ' J.B Northam, do " Belford Herdle, Orange co. " Calvin J. Rogers, Wake co. B7- W. S G.CLAYTON, of South Carolina, will deliver a PoWio Temperance Lecture in. thia Ciiy on this (Wednesday) evening. It s hoped that tha BaptUt Church can be procured for the purpose, but as that cannot certainly be ascertained in lime for this oaoer. duo notice will b given of the place, if that edifice is not procured. New and Seasonable Goods. JAItlES M. TOWXES baa jnt received bi Siock olSPKINO aud SUMMER MERCHAN DISE, embracing a good, variety of the latest styles snd almost every quality of TAMC 43II staple goods. for particulars, ho would raspocifally invito his frienJ to ea'I and sea for lbnila. as ha is ds- termiiied to offur them n such terms as must please fjy A cash of nice, fresh Rico just at hand. May Cth. I85Q ' t ii - 31 4w . ." iriATCIIK.' ;, '' I II AVE on baud a supply Soperiot Match) (& Standard and Times eopy. :-J- RIIRMiMn Fl HID AND PHOSGENE GAS Tf H AVE iut reeaived a sapply wf Burning FW Ji. and Phosgene Gaa. snd have made arrangements lasllaalBTBa A mWW W swww , - r Standard a nd Timet eopv. '- ummm a N IP IB. -l W CB IlilCESS OP LOTTEllES, RICHI03D, Tl. r . '.f --iSf'Buf: oW; Kduii aCfc.!. I BECAUSE all the large prises of anv noU scat to Richsaond la ths last two ears art ia shale Lotteries, and they, continue to send mora.prizes than all other managements together. The whole of $38 000 and 30.000 sold la their Lotteries in tho last 13 months, will amount to mare mooej thnn all tha largo prises sent bv other man agements in tbe last 5 or 10 years. LIST OF PRIZES SENT TO RICHMOND IN Paine' m Lotteries in the last troche months. Whole, $36 M00 I Whole, , $25,000 Whole. JO.0O 3 of 20,000 Whole, 3 of $15,000 1 4 of . 10.000 And numerous smaller .ones, ranging from $500 to $3,000. Orders for Tickets will meet oar usual prompt at tention, if addressed to D. PAINE Ac COM or C. W PURCELL dc CO. AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEMES LOOK Brilliant Schemes for Jane 1850. 40,000 12.497 6,000, Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 17., to be drawn at Baltimore on Saturday, June 1. 78 Noa, 12 drawn. CAPITALS: 1 prixo of $40,000 1 prise of 4,000 I u 12.497 100 1,000 1 u 6.000 I 100 " 600 TicVeta $10 ; Halvea 5 ; quarters 2 50. Certificate of a package of wholes $140 ; halves 70; quarters 35. 430,000, 20 of 5,000, 20 of 1,000 ! Graod Consolidated Lottery.Claaa l$,to bo drawn at Baltimore, on Saturday, J uue 8. 75 Nos., 12 drawn. CAPITALS: I of 30.000, 20 of 5.0IK) 20 of 1,000. 30 of 500. Tickets 010; halves 5 ; quarters 2 50. By A BniLClAIiT L.OTTJERT- 80,1)0(1 Capital 40,000 1 of 20,000 2 of $10,000. Twenty drawn ballots in each package of 26 tickets. Grand Consolidated Lottery. Cls K, to be drawn at Baltimore, Saturday, June 15. CAPITALS: 1 prize of SO. 000 S prizs of 5.000 1 of 40,000 20 of 2.5(H) 1 of 20,1100 0 of 100 2 of 10.000 1 20 of 750 Loweat two number prise $50. The 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6 7. 8. 9. and 10 drawn Nos $32. All other single No. prizes $20. Tickets $32; halves 16 ; quarters 8. Certificate of a packsge of wholes $312 ; halves 156 ; quarters 78. 33,000! 22,000! 11,000! Susqnehauoa Lottery, Class 29, to be drawn at Baltimore, Wed lesday, 19 78 Nos, 13 drawn. CAPITALS 1 prize of 1 - 1 do of 33,000 22 U0U 11.000 5 495 1 prize of I do of 20 do of 20 do of 3,000 2.0ti0 M50 750 1 do of Tickets 10 ; halvea 5 ; quarters 2 50, $37,500, 10 of 7,500, 25 of 1,250! Grand Consolidated Lottery Class 19 to be drawn at B iltimore on Saturday Jane 22nd, 1S50. 78 Nos. 13 Drawn: CAPITALS. I of 37 500, 10 of 7.500, 25 of 1 250, 25 of 500, Tickets $10; Halves 5 ; Quarters 2 50. 35.000, 16 000, 7,500. Susquehanna l ottery Class No. 20 to be drawn at Baltimore, on Wednesday, June 26. 78 Nos. 16 drawn, CAPITALS. 1 of 35.000 1 of 3.G08 1 of 15.0111) 20 of 1,001. 1 of 7.5 W 20 of 500 Tickets $10 ; Halve 5 ; Quarters 2 50 Certificate or a packuga of Whole $100, Half 50. Quarters 2 50. A BRILLIANT SCHEME FOR JUNE 29, 1S50 50,000, 10 of 10,000, 10 of 5,000 Grand Consolidated Lottery Class M to be drawn at Baltimore on Drawn. Saturday June 29. 75 N 12 CAPITALS 1 of 80,000, 1 of 10.00(1, 1 of 5,000, 1 19 Lowest 3 No. prize alio, C' 63 1st j- 2nd drawn Nos. 150, 63 3 and 4 do do 100, Tickets 415 ; Haifa 7 50 ; Quarters 3 75. Certificate of a puckage of wholes $195 ; Haifa 97 50 (luartera 48 75. j Orders meet our usual prompt attention. For Ticke's in the above, or in any other Lottery, drawing daily, (price of Tickets from SI to 830 ) under our management ; address ns. or C.W. PURCELL, Richmond, Va. Asent for D. PAINE & CO. FOR JUNE. 185a J. W. MAURY & CO-, Managers. &An nnn? -m w w w w VIRGINIA STATE LOITERY. For tha benefit of Mouongalia Academy, Clasa No. 61, for lb50 To be drawn al Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, tha 1st ol June, 1850. 14 DRAWN NUMBERS OUT OF 781 GRAND SCHEME: 1 prise of 40 000, 1 of JO.000, I of 10,000 1 of 5 000, I of 4,000, 1 of 3,000, 1 of 2 589 15 prises of 1, 000, 20 of 500. oe. fro. Ac. Ticket $10 Halve. S5 Quarter S3 50. Certificates ol package of 26 Whole tickets 0130 00 U". do. of 26 Half do 65 no Do. do of 6 Quarter d 31 50 $53,0001 $33,000 I (11XOOO ! 50 PRIZES OF. $1,0001 VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. For tho Benefit of Monoagalia Academy, Class No. 04, for 1850. To bo drawn at Alexandria. Va on Saturday, the 81 h ol Jane. 1850. 73 Number Lottery 1 Drawn Ballots! RICH AMD BKILMANT WCHEME. 1 8plei..li.l Prize of 53,000. 1 of 33.000. 1 of 13.000 1 of 11.000, 1 of 3.330, I of 4.01KT, 3.000, 6 prises of 3,000, 8 of 1,690, 50 of 1,000, 150 of 600. f- ffc Jte. ... Tickets $ 1 5 Halves 47.50 Quarters f3,75 Eiffhlhagt 87. Certificate of packages of 25 WW, ticket $200 00 do do of 25 Half, do J00 SO do do ot 25 Quarter do 5a 00 do co . of 25 Eighth -do. V 23 00 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages ia tha abvivo Splendid Lotteries will re- coir lh moat prompt attention, and an otnoiai ae eon at of sach drawing sent immediately aftar H is over ta all who order from a a. .. 4 . - . r ; . .Address - J. . C. MAURY A CO. tV' 4 -"'"-eaarjiVatf-F.- ' Chaste and-Beautiful.-; TT . ATE arrival from Now York havo planed in H A posaossioa of Iho.nndarsignul, his Spring and Summer supply of STAPLE, and FAlf CT BiltY GOODS, amaraeiof almoat ovory. stylo and facfaioa for the year 1850 ; and wbieb, for tost, ixtomt,- tad Vrif, will favorably eovnparo with any in thm Cf. Tnr. e&aaoro arotbarofbro, roapactially invited to call and Sanaa for themselves. .-r''--,-r-- Ti A. MrtCtlELiU- ftideigh, April 9th I8M.7; "IT 1 It : lJWt IXATOERSpECD. TjlY an ardor ef the 8oott Cireoit Court, the on lip deralgned was directed to advertise for too Un known heirs of " Paul Leathers, dee'd, who was a n stirs of Culpepper coanty, Virginia.' and who died intestate in Scott county, Ky , in 1843, at the" ad vanced age of 05 years, leaving his brothers and sisters, and their descendants his only heirs at : law and distribute of his estate, .soma of whom reside in the Mute of North Carolina. 8onth Carolina and Tennessee, as is supposed. ' " ' This is.' therefore, to noli By said heirs- to appear forthwith before the Master Commissioner' of tbe Wcoit Circuit Court in Georgetown, Ky.. " and make proof of their heirship and claim to said -tats, which is estimated at tan or . fifteen Utoosand dollars. P.THOMPSON . '' ' Master Comoiisxioner. Georgetown. Ky.-' April t$. - .: -r r - 8a 5'sr UNIVERSITY. ; THE PaMie Anniversary Ezamination of the Students of the Univoraity of Nurth Carolina will be held al Chapel Hill, on Monday, tba 37ih day of May. ensuing, and be continued from day to day.nn til Thnraday, the 6:h day of Juno, being the. first Thursday of ibe month, which last mentioned day is sppointsd for the Annual Commencement of the College. " , Th following Trustees compos the Committee of visitation. . " His Excellency Charles Manly, Governor, and Presidei t ex officio. Hon D, Ii. Swain, LL. D President of the Col. lee William J. Alexander, Andrew Joiner, Mathias E. Manly, Giles Mabane, Geo C Mendenhall, John M Morehead, Henry Potter, Wm B tShepard, Jos. B. Skinoar, Hugh Waddell, Jonathan Worth. William H. Battle, James W. Bryan, Thomas N. Cameron, Henry S. Clark, Daniel Wj Courts, John R. Donnell, William A. Graham, Cushtng B. HasselL James C Johnston, Cad Jones,' Jr., All other Members of the Board of Trustees who may attend, will be considered members also, of this Committee. Byorder CHARLES L. HINTON, SeVy. Raleigh, April 26tb, 1850. 34 Star. Standard, and Time's, insert- NOTICE. THE Subscriber has determined to locate in this City, and having procured a sufficient number of com petent assistants, is prepared to execute in the most finished Style, all kinds of PAINTING AND GLAZING. Orders from the City or surrounding Country, if left at tbe Drug Store of P. F. Pescud, will be prom ply executed and satisfaction guarantied. At present I am engaged in paint ng the Residence of Judge Cameron and the Bank of the State,where 1 m.iy be found. Reference as to ability, character, iro will be given to all who may wish to patronise me. WILLIAM OVERBY. Ralrieh. May 20. 1850. 41 FKAMtLI I.ST1TIJTK. mm AJ. WM. J.CLARKE will deliver an Ad IT U dree bf fore the Student of the Institute on be 7th of June next, th day f their Annual Ex hibition and Elocution. Examination on tbe day previou. D.R RICHARDSON. P S. The Ladies of Cedar Rock eontemplste holding a FAIR on the evening of the same dsy. t edar R.-ck. Msy 19, 1850 41 id STATE OF WORTH CAROLINA. ALEXANDF.a Cohhty Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1849. Mary J. f helps, vs. Richmon Phelps. Petition for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of tha Court that the defendant, Richmon Phelps, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordered, that publica tion be made iu the Raleigh Register for three months, for the defendant to appear at tbe next erm of thia Court to be held for the county t Al exander at the Court House in Taylorsvillt!, on tbe 9th Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, ibn and tbcra to plead, anewer or dnor fo said petition, or the same will be taken as confessed and the cause set forbearing and determined ex parte. Witness, Wm. G James, Clerk of said Court at Office, tbe 9th Monday after the 4th Monday of September 1849. WM. G JAMES, C. S C. Pr.Adv. $5 62 1-2 14 3m A REFORJIKD 9IED1CAL. COX- VEA'TIOJV. WILL be held in the city of Raleigh, on the 1 1 th day of Jane next, at which all the Keluftned or Eclectic Pbyiciana 111 the Slate are re quested to attend, for the purpose of consulting to. gfiher for mutual benefit ; of formiug a Stale Re formed Medical Society , and taking irp to protect themselves snd their lellow citizens Irom that odious aod oppressive mouopolv, by law, by '.he Mineral D-ctora. of all lh emolument of the practice Of Physic aud .-Surgery in the Slate, which isnow being aought. and iiius depriving the people of their right ful liberty of rhoing tbeir own Doctor and methods of treatment when ihey are tick. Tbe season being fine, and tbe great political Conventions then bting held there, will give additional interest to a visit to the Cspilol at thai time: it is hoped therefore, that very Reformed Physician ;n tba Suu will attend thi Convention. By request of many Phyaicjans, SIDNEY WELLE R. Brinkleyvitl. Halifax, May 3 73 THE present Session of tbia Institution, Will eloi-e on th 13tb of Jone ensuing. At which time tho second eion will commence -deeming it beat for various considerations to have no ammer vacation Tbe well known tepnlation of Warren ton for health, rendera it preeuliarly mailable for an instil n tim ol the kind. No serious ease of indisposition has ever occurred among the young Ladies entrusted to our charge ;over whore health and comfort, par ental care is exercised. ; 1 I am assisted iu tho Schsol by the most competent reacber. among (hem the Rev. 1 boa. S. Camptxdl, Tbe Musical Department ia under tho direction of Mr and Mrs. Hrandt, accompliabed and competent Toarhera. ' ' Terms as follow per 8eeion of fivo Months. Board, f 60 (M 1 Moie n Piano, (20 00 English Tuition, IS & French 10 Oi Draw's- i Paini'c. 10 00 Uae of Instrument, 3 00 Music on Guitar, i20 use of Inat'm'nt Uaoful and Omamenta! Needle work free of charge. No extra charce will ba made, Persona desirous of mora partienlar information, will on application be supplied with eirenlar. r ; DANIEL TURNER. Wamntoa N; May 18th. 1850. There will bo a Public Concert by the young La dies 00 Ibe vening of the 13th Jane. AAT LATisT 8rUiS. ' ITost at hand. ' - - u " - t? y HEARTT AUTCHfORD. Carlyle's Latter-Da M PAMPHUTS. , THE following are now Ready : - 'Nn 1. The PresentTimo. - No 3. Model Prisons : t- ' No. 3 Downing Suest, v: Prieo 1S cents eaob, Beeeivod this day, by ' H. D.TURNER., May 24th 1830. - i - 4t - : r -; JNotice. CrpHE Undersigned, having ' been Tteretofore largely impoTod upon by tho preoatation to bimofaooouats, wbickwho had glvaa ao authority roe contracting, and having promptly paid all such claims, hereby gives notice to all peraons that hereaftar, he, oither as Trostse, Agent Qnardtan, or in any other capacity, will pay ao accounts of any character whatsoever, nnleas the? same shall U been expressly aatborixed by bim in amtagr.v, As ths andersjguod , keeps no acooonts in ;hia own be half wttkvaay on, but pays as ho goes. It is nselesa for bim 10 ir r that ht will pay. so accooots based oa Jlodge4wUoT4am; SSurn'- 3 HOUSE. L0Ti AND LAffl) MY HODS EAK 0 LOT? onMri Streets id Raleigh, are for sals. . ', j j -' , i - ' ; -, The House has etgii Urge nomtt with a fire plaeev? ia each there era as many sut-houses arnocea. sary, a rod garda, , and as good .WELL OFt WATER as any ia ths State. '-: , - M f laod. containing five hundred Vnof filty-throea aeree, on tha Fayetteville road, two miles from Ra loigh. hralso ? i - , i : FOR SALE. ' ' Oa tha tract there is a Meadow CoataMag twsVtV . two acres, and wood enough , to pay . Jargw rrapor liou of the price asked for tho land. Immediate psjawj session can be bad of the laod aud growing crop i Povaeasioa of the house aud lot caa be had by the 1st of A ognst- For terms, apply to Mr. Joaarfl V. Hci tsb, osar the plantation.' ; '-y::-,! ., ..- - 1 " -s ; i S. J. BAKER'i Raleigh. Mayl8.150. :-: -.v- 41 kinDTU r A ont m Da it- on 1 iiuii n. uAnuLiiti : imiv nw-.Wt To the General and Local Commissioner ef i theJTorth Carolina Rail Road.-:- There remain to be sutRjeribedtdthe Stock of tha N. C. Railroad 183 shares. . . " .- ;-3u.yy " . The Local Commissioners heretofore appointed for that purpose, wil! again open Books' of Sqljscrip- ' tion for the Stock to s-ud Company,- and keep them open until the 1st of Juno nest, and make rotor F the books of Subscription and fivo per oeat. . paid si thereon to the General Commissioners at tbeir Bxt meeting to be hold inXhapel liill on the 5th day o Juno next. . . , . . . .... The General Commissioners will hold at their nex;! meeting at Chapel Hill, oa Wednesday, tha 5th of. J une next, (tho day preceeding Commencement., 'to. reeeivo tbe Books of Subscription and to take tho necssary steps preparatory to the meeting elLthau Stockholders ia Salisbury ' v f J. M. MOREHAEDV5 Chm'n of Board of Gen. Com'r ' Greensboro', May 14, 1850. f ' FOR RENT. v ! , THE Subscriber, having located ia tha eountry, proposes to rent, or sell, on accommodating- ttnBt, his former place of residence situated ia the western part of the city. The House is cottage built, 'and: has five rooms, all with fireplaces. Ths Lot is cobv venieutly furniched with all the usual out-house buildings all comparatively new -with a good garden attached. ' ' - . ' A lot of two acres in a high state of cultivation, adjoiniog. can be had, If desired. For terms, apply to Seatom Gales, Esq. v ;. . : EYERARD HALL. May 10, 1850. V . , . ,..3T tg.i State of Iortlt SDaroIIna. Nash Co ti, Superior Court of Equity, March Term 1850. . s. J Sarah Shallingtoa vs. Wm. E.. J.. Shalllngto and ethers. . ,r '.'. Petition for Divorce and Alimony. ' " s In this case, it appearing to the Court that pro cess hath issued against tha Defendant W; E. Shallington in the manner prescribed by the Act of Assembly, and that he is not to be foond ia tho County proclamation is thereopoa mads at tho Court House door, for tbe said Shallington, to ap pear and answer as commanded by raid Subpoena, and thereopoa tha said defendant not appearing? it is ordered or tne court that notice or this sou bar given in the Tarborongh Press and Raleigh Regie. ter, tor me space 01 inree mourns, requiring the dev fcndant, Shallington, to appear at the next term ef our Superior Court ef Equity, to be hold in and for the County of Nosh, at the Court House, in Nash- ville, on tbe third Monday ineeptembee next, then and there to answer the charges and allegations set forth in the Plaintiff's petition. ' ; -3 Witness B. 11. Blount, Clerk and Mast ft- of oae said Conrt at Office in Nashville, the 3d Monday ia Alaren inou. " B. II. BLOUNT, C. M.C March 26th, 1850. (Pr. ad. $8.) 25 3m WE are authorized to announce Cat Tin J. Kogera, Eaq k if ,a Can didaie for re election to tbe 1 Sheriff- alty, at the enauing A6gust election. Diply grateful for the past support that bo baa received at the bands of the people of Wake Coonty; hoptedgas mmeit, if re-elected, to di liarse ths duties of his. office with renewed zeal and application. - - r ' Raleigh. May.SJrd. lo5il., .Tf1 V- lo 41 rr-Standard copy. - , r , New Firm. - :' HE Subscribers having connoeled thetnselved in business, under tbe Firm of D err a lob Cooks, tske ilii occasion to inform the Poblio, that they will keep constantly on hand all attiele neeea. sary for the uses ol the Family or Farm. Their Slock toiia els in part of the following articles j -' ' Bactm and Lard, ; - - " " - . Flour, Meal and Corn) : " " -I, Iron and Nails, , . . Csst, German and Blister Steel " J r Castings, Trace Chain and Weeding Hoc, J Loaf, cbrualied clarified" and browtt tJugt-'s,- Uoflee, Molasses and Salt, ' " -t'-ftv Sole and upper Leather, - 8perm. Adamantine and Tallow Cand(eV ,. Powder, bhol ami Lead, . N - Tobacco, Snuffs and Soaps. 4;tf., '' Country produce pariirularly ern, fodder" and! dry beef-hides will be taken at a fair exchange.-"' ' Tbe above articles having been carefully eeloefew and bottgbt with Cash, the SuhaeribrMiaro determuw ed not to bo under-sold by any dealers in tho City, J. O. M.jrUFFALOlV . oEontiB "T.covsir. April, 9lh 1850. ' ; ; ' - f 99 N B. South aide of HargeU Street, fotrrih ani fifUrdoora oast of Williams, Haywood f- Cos Drog- 8 1 ora ' : . ' i.: ' ' ; ": r ''. ' SAUSBURY YOUNG LADIES T INSTITUTION. . -wtTt, THIS is a new institution, of Collegiate grad amply furnished, and for ornamental branch es, conducted by the Rev. Gilbert Morgan, to bw opened on tho 4th pf July I860. Circulars seat to applicants. : ?--' .;'f- "v-.-.- '.' '''ix ' - ;W" - ' -' - - Z -. , fp; " tODLITEBOIL.w freh snpply of RUfcHTON. CLARK f CO ahirh wo lielievo to he sotierior Vanv wo hrvo een, just received and for sale at the Dritg 8loref . , wjttiiftWf nv i w out y tjj A GREAT NATIONAL YrOKIi; , THE GALLERY W ILLUSTRIOUS? DAGUERREO l YP& BY BRADY EN". GRAVED BY D AVIGNON-- EDITED BY SC, JED WARDS Thia creat work, now beine Issued ia semi -man thltr" numbers, will contain the Portraits and Biographies of Twenty Fovb of the most lllostrious Citizens f the Republic during our own times.w it ia paUithod on imperial folio drawiog paper in a new and mag nificent style, and the Portraits art superior to aay ever publiahwl in Jhis country. :;I "-;V. teems. - -:: . -; ;r- , For the entire work of 24 Numhersptwenty dol lara,' payable quarterly,' in advanocor one dollar av number, payable on delivery- ? - - i 1 ' s . - : This will be an illustrious work. - Taylor's Is thr finest specimen of Lithography we have ever asea. Twenty fonr of these bum Vers will eomprjsa ft ,L nms of real valoe, and nnsorpassed eleganeo.' ' - - ' je rry k Sunday JHorning ATrt.' Fonr numbers received this dsy 'hj? :-- vhV D. TDRNERi ' May 10, 1850. -A W fjs"- Received tliisjdaytlili1 NEW sapply of Sugars. Rice, Gum of Caaif nbor. Alum. Salt Pctre. Snanisb Brown, Cas- lerOil. in quart, pint, and half-pIot'BottlesValaat constantly on hand a good supply of Monatw rms, and Pheosix Bitters..hundreds of woaderful.eurea are being effected every year AU ihM in &tUM health, cure and be cored. - Raleiah Mar 14. 1850. - - - -. .?t 39 1. W.J.BWGW1MS fTnBE FALL Sessioo will begin July tooth. v. A Lf das discharged makes rooa for aaother.--fitva nrepared to commence Latia greatly prsferrod. Nona Wt good and dociio boya daared. , SarawsUy iMttawtca liw ftppiicaiios 9sariT isc vw- T - a ju Ajl.UaJ liaiT lltnilffBUOal wVfBCwt v .;. v 4." 1

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