- . , - - ' .--aaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar:CT--r :. - - . f i wak rgnto. n axe f - THE Exarainal iu th Students of this Academy will laze place en Wtdueeday aad Thar day. tie I till tod ISih of Jane.'. 1; ; - t David A. JBaraes, Esq.. of Northampton, wilt deliver" the Annual Address before the Studeat Thordy, the 13th. ' The Trustees, Patron, and tha Pabiie generally ara invited la attend. ,-.- Tha exercises will be rasomed on tit second Mon day f July Tha depanara of tha Sank Ciaaa for Collet will leave room for several boye. if R.A.EZBLL.A.M. ';vv.-. - Principal . Way tS, 1850. ' 4-w41 Tha Standard. Orailla Whig, and Halifax Re p bliean, will copy four lime and forward aeeoonU to tha Prmcisat.- '" . :;-: -,,v xEaxtaaa. .... - THE attention of the I. diee end Gentlemen of Raleigh In invited to tea circular of Mr H. M. Par lev, to be bad at Tnrnara Bookstore. Thoaa desir ing: Wlaka lessons in - n . - V T . Drawing, French or Oil Palatini; t tre requested to leave their name at tba earn place Before ike Irs of Jaee that no time may be lost in nmMf ta New York for materia la, J-e., May Si, 1850- ' v t41 Administrators Notice, fZTZHE Subscriber, having Uken oat letter of Ad dJm BBiBiatraUon. apon tha aetata of the late Mra, Anna White, teqoexa all persons, having claim a- nanataaid estate, to p meant them within tha lima limited ay law, and tnoee indebted, to make imme- alaw paymenL - Craiaae may ba presented and paymanta made to tha 8aheribar, at hie residence at Chapel Hill, or at tha late residence of tha deceased, in Raleigh where, daring hia absence, an authorised agent may alwaya ba found. D. L. 8 WAIN. May 24, 1851 41 Kp NOTICE. "', THE first Aanual Meeting of the members of the V.C Matsel Lit Insurance Company, will ba held at the Office of the Company, on Monday, the Brat day in July next, for tba purposn of elect Log . Board a Directors for tba ensuing year. - JAMES F. JORDAN. f ; t, , - - Secretary. i Raleigh, May 24, 1850. - 4l --IMPORTANT SALE. THE Subacriber, befag a Vast to move to MMi atppv afiera far sale the tract of la ad npoa which he tesideef it lies upoa the waters ef New Hope, eeveu miles east of Chapel Hill, aad aaa mile east of the road leading fives thai place to Raleigh. Tba tract contain between 500 AIDC00 ACHES, large portion of which ia of excellent qaalily and tall ntted to the production of com, wheat, cot to a. A Rather uiore thu ae baif of this tract ie well -wooded, end of thai which fa) cleared about 130 acres ate rattan having bees brought iota cultivation with in the (art year or aa. The improvement eoasiat of a two storied frame house, soma tea y oar old aud in good repair; a kitchen, negro houses, extensive stables, a large barn and wheat-thrasher, a blacksmith shop, aad all other usual oat booses. Tbo situation ie a very healthy one.and aa azcelleat garden is attached. Within twenty steps of the house ia a well of the beet water, aad several never failing springs ara per fectly convenient for use. Ton Subscriber will take pleasure ia showing the premises to aay ana who may feel inclined to pur chase. It may be proper to add that ia ao probable nana can tha proposed Central Rail Roed pass at a greater distance than four miles from this place. Term made liberal. - Apply to tha Subscriber, at UedngsviUa. - - " WILLIAM S. ATKINS. -April 15. 1850. 31 eew4w Now Ready. OTSTJRIf EE'S North Carolina Almanac, for the ai rear of our Lord, &r n 5 o. Published and sold wholesale and retail, by Hen ry D. Turner, at the N. C. BOOKSTORE. SPUING SALES. Thai uadarsigned sra receiving direct from New Orleans and other Marketa. a large stock of Sugar, Molasata, ire which they will sell for cash or to punctual dealer, en favorable tenet i They have new in Store, I0& Had. New Orleana Sugar X&n Boxaa and Bbia refined do , lit Bbla. New Orieana and W.I. Molasses 40 Hbd. do do do do ISa Bag Prima Green Rio (r Laguira Coffee 1200 Bag Shot 51)0 Krga Nails, Cumberland and other Brand BO Tone Engliah Iron, Imported direct into Pe tersburg. ' 40 do- 8wade and American do COO Roams wraptng, tiling snd letter paper S0O Boies Tallow, Adamanlina and Sperm Can. dies o - -i t : 10 Tone Castrcf 10 do Grind rJtoae ,.100 Dozen Painted Pails, VViih fall uasortment of Wines, Brandies ace c ate. , PEEBLES WHITE k, DAVIS. x Old St. Petersburg fa. March 15th 1850. S3 Spring Goods. TT HATE received part of my Spring Slock of U Goods and am prepared lo show, Pfaun Chameleoa tfilks, Glacad do do Figur'd do da - Black Gru da Bhine do - Black and Printed Atberine, f Black Berate eery tne, - Plain French Cambrics, vsrioaa Colors, Embroidored Swiss M rutins. .Worked llouers and Cnflk. Paris Prints for Trimming, ' ' r Tspnatrias, Buttons for Ladies Dress as, 8wie and Jacooetta Edgings and Inserting, f L'mi; Bobbin end Thread Edginaa aad Lace. -- Printed Lawae, Bonn. t. Cap and 2' asset Ribbon, m It. a : jnarofoa nnnHD uingnam, Carved Shell Tack Combs, " "' Ladies Black aad Kid Gkrvee. . - ?" f f . J. BROWN, i - -- No. 0 Fsynteviila 8u BUUG1E3. HORSES, AND CARRIAGES vat aula by " 1 , Mansion House Livery Stable, Raleigh Jan. 31 1. 1850. 10 rAngling. THE America AagtaP Guide ; or Complete Fish er's Manual illustrated. No one should ao att - . . a a . naniDf; wnnout in is capital book ra a pocket or in hat head. It contains a goad deal of valuable in formation, and is a Book that abeald ba in tha bands at every Angler. ,i, , 'f , - - Also, ili CoropUie Angler by Walton, at tha : . C BOOK-STUB E. May 1 1858. 38 WHITE WASH BRUSHES. A LAEGE ni ply of variou aizea, just received Aland for sale low. v : L rr WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO ReWgh April 3d 1856. 33. ' TT 171 received aad for sale, on consignment, a fU targe aasertmeat of Gentlemen's Saddles, Ladiea a- J J O-I Jt ma . a a C . . sidooaatueo, unuies, niarungaiee. waggon untiles, , t? in . ... ... " f 5? znver vv nip, norse ana uuia dol lars, Gentlemen and Ladies Bruseet Bags, Travel KngValiae &. ;j. ; , A A. B.8T1TR 9- COt Aprf S3th 1850.- 38n -Koticer fir - TftTAVING at the last' February Term of tha LjU Court of Flees aad (luartor. Bessious,' deld for the County of Wake, taken Letters of Adminia iratioB an the Eatata of J. J. Fiach,' deeeased, I laareby give., notice to all creditors of said estate, to preoent their claim, duly authenticated, within tha time I'tnitodby law ; otberwwe this police wilt be plead in burefTerorerjr, Dvbtor" to said estate, will also pTeaae Ie mak uymast, - " " W. vY. VASS, Adm'r. RalaiglwMarch 1,1850. 18 wtf'' ' 'mm . 1 mp NEW arrival of a large and fashionable aa lyV aortment of the above just at hand and for Mw ebaaBac. than . aver, at PALMER 9r TV? Jewelry Store.. The raoet tztenaive gtock of all article ia their Una that hat been offer ad for sale here for years, -Com and tee, If you do not buy. - W . -.-. . - 4 Dozen gold ana surer w atcnen, ui aii aiuua, Gold fob, vest and guard Chains, Keys and Seals. Finger-rings. Ear-rings, Breast-pins, Studs, and collar Buttons, . Gobi Lockets, Bracelets, Clasps, geld silver snd spring steel Spectacles. ' Gold and silver Pencils and Pens snd waist Buck le. , . Silver Combs and Tortoise ebell SpecUcleaT A rery extenaire assortment of Silver and Plated 8poona, Cape, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Salt Spoons, dta. . -r " A large stock of Cutlery, Razors, Knives, Razor a traps, and Diamond Pasta for Razors, Brashes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, oca. Butter and Fruit Knives, Gold and Silrer Thimbles,- -,-.'- ' ' " - Gold and Silver Mounted Walking Canes, Silver Plated Castors, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Baskets, Girandoles, r A large assortment of Perfumery, Colognes, Soaps, Bozes for Toilets, Fancy articles, and " Christmas presents, and a variety of other arti cles. - - - s All kinds of Watches and J ewelery repaired in saperior style. . Old Gold and Silver received In ex change. i " 5 r ' i.'--- ." PALMER d RAMSAY. Raleigh, Nov. 81, 1849. 93 tf IIEAKTT & tITCHFOKD'8. Tm ECEIVED bv late errivala n complete 8uck JQ, of Uuple end Fancy Dry Goods, Fancy ar iictos. Bonnets, Boots, Shoes &.C-, consisting in part as follows : Silk Batiotes and Tissues. Crape de Paris, 8alin Stripe Organdie, Baeg ea Alborlnea, Jenny Ltnd Muttine, Printed, Polka and Striped French Lawn, Mileaia Jaconeit.. Plaid cotured Swiss, Plain colored French Jaconetts, Polka and Printed Lawns, Gingham. Print of neateat kind of style, FrencA Work. Capes, Collars, Cuff, List and Thread Trimmings, Neck Rrbbons, Neck Tie, Lace Mantillas, Palletola, Bound, a very extensive assortment, Psrasobt, Umbrellaa, ALSO, Black French Cloth. Black Drap de Eta Summer Coatings. Fancy and Black Cassimeres. Fanoy silk Vesting, rig a Urenadine io. Plain, Diamond and Slrip'd while Marseilles, Figured Marseilles, Hats. Baota. Shoe. Friends of the concern, customers and the public eenerallv are respectfully solicited to call and i amine the Stock, and they will be assured ef good bargains. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH N. C. THK 17h Tsrm of thai school will commence on the 8lh day of June, aad coutiaue till the 16lh tvovemoer. For a circular eontaining full particulars, apply to the subscriber ALDERT SMEDES, Rector. April 17th, 1850. 33 Standard. Fayetleville Observer, Chronicle, snd Journal, Wilmington, Newbernian, Watchman, Salisbury, N.5. w lug, Washingloii,Uld orlh State, E. Citv, Petersburg Intelligencer, Norfolk Herald. aud National Intelligencer will insert lo the amount of S3 00 each, and charge A.S. -f COFFEE 260 bags Prime Green Hie Coffee for sale by rbbBLEs, WHITE oV DAVIS. Petersburg March 7, 1850. 20 JIAYABD cV SOYES' THIS Ink has stood the test of more than thirty vests' trial, snd daring this time has been contin ually increasing tn public favor and patronage, and is now the leading article in the country. It flows with freedom, becomes permanently black, and will not mould under any circumstances, snd is adapted to both quill and steel pens. Those who may be unacquainted with its superiority, are i anted to read the following testimonials, selected from many of a similar dunrttr and to make trial ef it them selves. Bank the State of North Carlinat 1 Rileigh, 4th March, 1847. ( Messrs. Matxakd d- Noras : Gentlemen Your Writing Ink has been in al most constant use by the officers of this banking house for the laet Juteem wears, and has always been preferred to any other brand. Jit taws frttlw from the pen and does not mtnJd,'and the color, though somtettmes pale tent a oottle is hrst opened, ocoes a beautiful Hack. I have been a regular consumer of it myself during this time, excepting when curiosity has led me to make trial or other kinds, or I have been compelled to it in consequence . of not being able to find yours in this market, and take pleasure in being able to speak ao favorably of it, and trust that my opinion, founded on such Ions experience will induce many who my not be so well acquain ted with its merits, to give it a trial. Yours, respectfully, C. DEWEY, Cashier. Messra. Matxabd tc Novas : taenuemen: w e are happy in being able to say taat we entirely concur in the opinion expressed a boveofyou writing Ink by Mr. Dewey, the Cub im ui mis luswuuou. nespecuuiiy yours, DUN : CAMERON. President, S. W. WH1TINU. Teller, D DU PRE. Book-Kef per. The Above Ink for sale by H. D. TURNER, At the N. C. Bookstore. Raleigh Msy 14th. 1850. 39 FORWARDING. I WILL attend lo the forwarding of all Goods st Wilmington aud Fayetteviile. at iho usual com- UiiMnoa ; and will, iu all esses, forward by first boat without reference to limes. All orders for purchasers wui be atncUy attended to. Direct to care of W. BRANSON, Fayetteviile and Wilmington. April 16, 1850 31 tf I. 0. 0. F. FIRST PRUiYlIlJiri AWARDED by the RARYLAIVD INSTITUTE 1848, and 1849, to . IT enlia and Banner lTIannfacfn ILlL Term, for their Superior Styla aud make of Itegaiia, oanners, ftc. Uibb d- Smith would re, pectlnlly inform the difierent Orders and Societies throughout the Country, that I bey keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of Odd Fellows, Sons of Teen pens race, ITIasonie, Red Itlen'a. and all other Rosalia, Banners, Sashes, wooes, uapa, jewels, dec., all of wDicn are got up in tno uest manner. Individnsle or Aseoeialiona forwarding their orders may depend on as much care beina taken in select ing tha goods, and npoa getting them at tha same prices, a if tba articles were ordered in person. GIBBtf dt SMITH. V No. 73. Baltimore Street, Bsldmore. November SI, 1849. - -693 Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger, Prepared and told bv Frederick Brown, at his Dne and Cfceraicoi Slore, northeast corner of tyVianm fTfTXHIS Essence is a preparation of unusual excel ji uiu vi varied properties, in all cases where a powerful and safe stimulant is required, it is unrivalled for efficacy as well as immediate action. Ta tba traveler aad to the familv Circle it is I. valuable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water presents a safe and agreeable remedy to th invalid who require' immediate relief, as well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle Ionic. 'In a southern climate, where the relaxation of the sys tem so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found aa excellent substitute for those tempting beverages which debilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers.' In dya pepsia, In relaxation f the bowels, in nausea and aea-eickaess, It is as ictlva and safe as well as a plea aaat aad refreaLlag remedy; and ia prescribed by tbemostemiDeutoftbemdical-racuny- i A supply of the shots "jwl jfjeceired and for salt Stthe Drug Store of - ,- ,.-..--. rr f - Sold also bv 8. 1. Hinsdala rMMn. i. tS- Raleigh, March) 224. 1850. . tm?? i ITnlrl 'vTfitnA! anrt JelTelTV. Fire'&fcife Insurance North. Carolina; v'Z INSURANCE COMPANY ; " rmHE following persona have bean elecwd Direo. J tordand Officers of this Company for tha pre. rut yeart JJI KCu I Uno. , . Joaiah O Wataon, Raleigh. Richard Smith, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, J. G. U. Roolhac, 8. W. Wuiting, r T. H- Sefl.y Geo McNeill, , Jos. G. Wright, v James E. Hoyt, James Sloan, Wmi. Badbam, ' Josh. Boner, Joseph Pool, ' Michael Brown, Alex. Mitchell, W. N- H. Smith, H. B. Williams, John B. Barrett, A.T. 8ommy, do do de do do da Fayetteviile. Wilmington. Wsshington. Greensboro'. Edottton. ' Salem Elizabeth City. Salisbury. Kewbern. Murfreesboro Chatlotte. Milton. - Aahevilla. AB Directors are authorized to receive applications. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. Josiah O. Wslson, President. J. G. B. Roulbae. Vice ate Richard Smith, Treasurer. John C. Partridge. Scerttvry, John H. Bryan. Attorney. J. Hersman, General Agent. 8. W. Whiting, ) Richard 8mith. Executive Cam mil tee. John Primrose. S This Company is now in successful operation, and is nrecared to effect insurance azainst fire on all kind of property, (Sleam Mill and Turpentine Die tilleries excepted.) All communications in reference to insurance ahould be addressed lo the Secretary, post paid- J. C. PARTRIDGE, See'y. Releish, Jsn S. 1850. S FUSE ! nniIETNAI.SUR4tfCECOMPA Nf, or Hartford, Conn. Offer to insure Building and Merchandise, againatloaa or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. Thisi oue oftheoldestand bet Insurance Oom- psnies in the United States, and paya its loases promptly. Applicationsfor Insurance t n Raleigh, or its vi cinity,to be madeto 8. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity, to N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848 83 NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY- f Hib above Company haa been in operation fj nearly oua year, under the imme vision of Dr. Chaa. E. Johnson, President. Wm- D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan. Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Boabee, Attorney, Tl- 1 C 1 1 . uper Dr. Wm. II MrKe ( Mcdual Bosrd of Dr. R. B. Haywood, Consultation. J. b Root, W. D Cooke, ExectUit Committee. Dr. W. R. Scott, J . Hersman. Gen'l Ae'L During thia time, more than 500 Policies hive been issued, with an increasing demand for infer matiou on the aubiect of life Iuaurance. Tkia Comply is woikiag onder the most liberal Charter known tn lifi Companies. The 5lh sec tion provides aa follows. 5. Be it further enacted. That the husband msy in sure his own life, for the sole use and benefit of his wife or children, and In case of the death of the hue band, the amount thus insured shall be paid over to the wire or children, for their own use, free from all the claims of the representatives of the husband or any or bis creditors. Organised on principlea purely Mutual, the I ife .Heinbers participate in the whole of th profile. Besides, the lusured is allowed to use his annual di videnda in renewal of Premium. Slavea are incured for a term of from one to fivr years, for 2-3 their value. All loasea of Iho Company are paid within 90 dara alter snlmlaclory proot ia forntshed. No Californa rUka have or will be taken. Blank aud Pemphlela containing Charter, By La we : may be found on application at the Office or the Company, or any of the Agenciea Comirtuoicatieus should be addressed, postage paiu to JAMES F. JORDAN, Secretary. April Snd, 1850. 39 So H. ROGERS. - 1TT0EXEI IT LAW. rrlCE, No. 11, Lawrence's Hotsl North ids of the Court House. Clue and Sandoaner. iPkF Superior qualify, may be found at the Drug ' Store of WILLIAMS HAYWOOD d- CO. Hjinrnaccs, a few Caat Iron, of handsome pat Zl terns in otore and for aula, by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD f Co flHHIS day received pr. Express line, 50 Togas 11 ana isioazs, su qualities. E. L. HARDING. Ctraw lTIattlug, by the piece or yard. For 7 aale by R. TUCKER d- SON. March 3Hh 1850. GS(S3aXIV33 GS3D.dOaB5EU I have reev'd within a few day a pael,a large supply of Soapa, consisting of iho following kinds, viz Low Old Brown and Whie Windsor, Metsry Shav ing Cake, Rousells, Glenn's, and Ueerlains Shaving Creams, Shell Soap. Mottled Wash Balls, and a great variety af Fancy boa pa, of Sill qualities. Raleigh March 19lh 1850. S3 Standard and Timea copy. FURNITURE, Carriage, Coach Body. Japan and Leather, direct from the Manufacturer which we warrant lo give satisfaction, juat received at the Drug Slore of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, CO. Sept. 17. 1849. 7 Dry Goods, CAMBRIC, J scon ette, Swiss and Check d Muslins, Garment and Furniture Dimity, Cotton Fringes, Linen, Cambric and Silk Handker White and Black Cotton and Silk Hose, s creat ariety, do and Brown, do ' snd do do do Towel aad Table Diapers, Napkins and Dok!oy,aJ Linen Crash, and Brown Linen ' For sale by - . . , J.BROWN. Raleigh, April 23d, 1850. ' 33 , 11 i. - a .ii.i 11 s-i ., i , White GinserFresh and good, juat re ceived at the Drag Store, of . t '-- 2 V WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. October 18th, 1849 ' ' i r MRS. BREMER'S JYErV8T0Rr: EASTER OFFERING. ' By Fredriks Biem r. ' 15 ii W .J1IJ3 O tra ; i J? conquEs-r p canada, by Elliot Wnrbortea, Eaq-' ' -r Received this day by '.-i'iifTvi-f '- ' Tr?V"ir L 4 H.D.TURNER. Raleigh, May 21st, lt50: 41 - w Xa- m III I - triloTiiMxa iABiasnnE-tT, -.. UNDER TELEGRAPH FtiettcTiUi Stwt. m . BTltt Blue, Brown Frnkanrprts. CoM Brown, Blue and Drab Over-uoa, -Closks; Pant Vests, Shirts, Drsw-r GJJJ, gu nenders, rtau-noee, rocaea -, " rwvi vat hTfaef, everything usuaHykept in s . Cleihliig Store, CHEAP FOR CASH. WARDING. October 16, 1849. .. .. COSTViUC IlAIsI-.- Csmrr Pratt street and Centre Market Spec. CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. wmrmav pun'pRiKTnR OF THE ABOVE ES- II . M.Mtfullv inform . the MM llVHIUNirii, " "--I . ciuzene of North Carolina and ethers, that be ba re ceived from Europe, the , in UINTfR FASHIONS! Together with a rich assortmeat of Good adapted to the coming eeeeou. eonanuing 01 SUPEKPINE FKENUM, UlKMftw nivu a.- GLI8H CLOTHS. UA8TUK ""',., nt, 1 vri ppi.lTfiT COATING. A new article for OVERSACKs AND BUSINESS COATS. Also, a splendid a.aotiment or FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSIMERES AND DOEKlN8, of the tuoat dean able -ylea imported thia season. Dli'U V R8TI NfJtS ! 1,... .n1 .,. mnuimli receivins. New Styles of VE8T1NGS, consisting ot slain and ntiireu 8II.K AND WOOLBK vni.vt.io, rrnrrorn iVD KTRIPED CASHMERES, SlLKS.SATINS AND VALEN CIAS, of all shades and ioiors. rtfTR i:lTSTt)M WORK r. 1 -tit iNn MtliR in the best manner and as regards Style aud Workmanship, is wsrranted lo give entire satisfaction, add aLgreawy reuuceo piren DPinv uiiiK i;i.ui ninu: p . ..m nf KRADY MADE CLOTH ING ara particularly invited to call ani ezamice cur Stock before purchasing elsewhere, aa we manufac ture all qualities of fa sHifiMAHl.Tl CLOTHING, And our aasortroeel of that article it at all timea large. which offers to purcbsaers s great Inducement of procuring an article of a quality which cannot be obtained in any other Clothing Establishment in the 0iy We hsve on bsnd snd sre consent !y Manufacturing GARMENTS OF EVERY VARIETY, FROM THE BEST MATEKlAl.8. IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLES, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, Conitin2 of SURTOUT SACK AND PELITOT OVERCOATS, Of all colors, qualities snd sizes, from S2 50, 4 50, 4 75, 6 50 ai.d upwards. BOYS' HACK AND 0VEKC0AT8! A Isrge assortment of Boys' Ssck and Overcoats, 20 per rent, less ihsn ti e usual prires SUPERFINE FROt;K AND DRESS COATS, MADS FBOM GERMAN AND FRENCH CLOTHS, IN THE LATjT FASHION. a la aa z stock or TWEED COATS. PANTS AND VESTS. We have a Large Assortment of Tweed Frock aud Sacks, A New Article. FOREST SACKS. FOR 8T0RMY WEATHER, PANTALOONS, From Buper. French Doeskins. BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERE PANTS. Of every variety nf Shade and Color, al SI, 1 50, 1 75, 8, 2 50, 3, 3 50 and upwards. VESTS, Made from rich Velvets, Satins, Cashmeres and Va lencies, and at all prices (jy Remember the .Name and Place, corner ef PRATT ST. dt CENTRE MARKET SPACE, II. H. COLE. Baltimore. November 15th. 164 9. 62 PURE COD LIVER OIL- I Vista WJW tl I k Wss v i LARGE supply of Pure Cod Liver Oil just re- iLh cetred and for sale by P.F. PESEUD. Raleigh, April 9th, 1850. Letter aud Clip Paper. JUST to hand a lot of best quality Letter and Cap Paper, at P. F. PESCUD'S Drug Stare. Raleigh, April 9th, 1850. 29 Kerr & Cuthbert, (SUCCESSORS TO HICKS k Cl'TIlBERT,) Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PETttltSDUItC, VA. HAVE constantly on hand: Prime Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugars, LrfMi, Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified do Rio, Laguira and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper in grain and ground, and Allspice Rice Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Bozes Gunpowder, Imperial sod Young; Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles Brown, Pale and Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot aud Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum Salt Prime Virginia and Western Bacon and Lard Nails, assorted, with flooring and Wart house j Regalia, Principe, and fiavanna Cigars ; Together with a large etock ef foreign and domes tie Liquors. Wines, $-c, which they offer at the lowest market rate. The strictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods Petersburg, January 29, 1S50. 9 ly (RESERVED GINGER, just received by L. B. WALKER. i; arlboro Stripes and Lexington Plaids Eitra Ettrick and Randolph Osnnbure. or sale J.BROWN. Notice. The attention of Physicians and Dealers in Medicine ia invited to an ezamination jff way Stock on hand, which haa been selected for the FslI trsde. ll my powdered Gums, Root, ate, such aa Tur key Opium, Turkey and East India Rhubarb. Jalap, Ipecac, Ac , were di vented of all impurities previous to being powdered ; and every article of Medicine carefully selected with special regard to its purity. I havs nearly all the new preparatioua noticed in the late Medical Journals. A full supply of CEawware.Iustruuieuts, And, in s word, tha most desirable stock af MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS I have ever offered to the public Physicisos and Dealers generally, who have hith erto bought their supplies in Northern Markets, may save a great deal of trouble and az pease bv encour aging my Establishment, All orders, accompanied with tha cash, or good City references, will be attended 10 with neatness and dispatch Piescriptione and Family Receipts, compounded at all hours of the dsy and night by careful and ezperienced Apothecaries. An increase of patronage Is respectfully aolicited P. F PE8CUD, Apothecary aud Druggiat. Raleigh. 8epl. gist. 1849. . T tf GOLD WATCHES &, JEWELER Y, JUST received a new supply af the above articles, rich and hsndsome cheaper than ever, call on ' PALMER &. RAMSAY. December 27th, 1349. . 104 nsr,-00'11 OIL IN Bottle and Capsules, s genuine article, juat L opened and lor aale at the Drag Store of; . ' '"' ' " P. F. PE8CUD. PARASOLS AJfD UMBRELLAS. Ml CHOICE aeaortment, consisting or 111: Embroidered, Bordered snd Plain Chamelion Parasols," ; . ;- .? ; . Black, Watered, Plain and Silver Gray Parasols. Ladies Black Sna Umbrellas, 1 - 4 :v '- '.r- i Bl wk and Green, 5ilk and Cotton TJmbrellaa, of Il prieearr ' w . . - ; j. BROWN. Raleigh, Msy 6th. 37 - BSJSBBJSSS-asasBBSBSWSaa- - awawawawwaww . : ... -i. HobinsonV Shoe fwJUST.Kaeetved,, v . dll iadiM Kid snd Mor'co 8lippers eiidsTiesW j do.4 - - a .- .,w.ais r"T;'w-- ' do Goot Buskins, '""'i.v-J-' "f Children - do and Kid Bootee andBnakins Misses r;;do-:;Booias,;:. ;, Lsdles'l ' do Tresi-- ' - : T-.;:C J. BR0WN , No. ;Fayettevilla SU . - " - - - - - - flat " Raleigh. Msrch 25th, 1850. ' TO B AITIEI1I C AS a:- vDEPOSIX:BANKsI OFFICES 41 WALL ST., JAUNCEY COURT. ; NEW YORK.. tk nmnrlaiAra bes- ta announce that they have .ni riaoaa f..r Komsukci UDOO tbo system which baa obuined so large a sbara of the public support in Englsnd and elsewnere. ny wmcn-u k ..i..l..! 1. .11 rJaases of oblsininK ( SC cording to the mean or inclination of each) an in lf rrmi Bis THE GREAT SPORTING EVENTS WAbb PARTS OF THE WORLD WHERE HORSE RACING IS PRACTICED." A a will ka an bv the subiiiined Darticulars, the nhwvilMr, tn ilia a-hema now DroDOsed bv the A meriran Racing Deposit Bank mat ax thz smaii ocTLii or on Uolias aAia a sum oiaiu.uuv . :. the security of the Investment being strengthened by the guarantee of unquestionable 1 rupees An opportunity will be afforded ol speculating in ALL RACES OF IMPORTANCE IN AMERICA and ejrewhere, in which a sufficient lime intervenes between the Entry of ihe horses and the day of run ning, to enable the proprietor 10 fill the variou classes. THE SWEEPSTAKES NOW OPEN coosisl of Five Classes for THE GREAT DERBY RACE EPSOM. ENGLAND To be run on the 39 day of May 1850, una tii sppsaiSTusnsscs F TIE STEWARDS or me Enonaa JOCKEY CLUB. scjiicniE: s 0 5 ? 5e? m 3 si 2 cr o e Subs. Dols. Dolg, Dots. Dots. Do!.. Dots. A. 4uu0 60 100.000 50,000 25,000 15.000 10 000 B. 8000 35 100.000 50,000 25 090 15.090 10,000 C. 20,000 10 100,000 50,000 25 500 15.000 Kl.nOO D. 20.000 5 50 000 25.00(1 12.500 7.500 5.01-0 E. 20,000 1 10,000 5,000 2,500 1,500 1,000 The number of fiores entered is upwsrd of 200 The orswing of this Sweepstake will take place publicly ou tbe 2tilh day of May, 1850. ibeday on which the race will be run the place and hour be- ins firt dulr announced by advertisement ; when tbe names ot sll ihe horve entered will be aliened amongi-t the subscribers in esch clsss, snd on tii 30ih of June next, by which time the result of the race will be known, tbe Prizea will be diklriboted the holder of the name of tbe winning horse in Clas A." receiving a Prize of One Hundred Thousand Dollars! that of tbe secou.l $50,000 Sic, d-c., in accordance with the above Scheme. At ihi Drawing all subscribers will be admitted on producing tbeir numbers. To gentlemen of the Press free admission will be given 1 thus affording every security 10 the sutweribrrs snd the public. Independently of tbe above, the proprietors have opened BETTING LIST8. by which any desired bet (according to the atate of the odds) may be obtained in all the great racing eventa anJ as will be seen by a m-ire detailed pros pectus TorwsrUeU to sll subscribers, TBI holds Or AST FATOBrTK HORSES IS TBS HOT! SWEEP STAKES MAT IHSCUE TBE OAIN Or A COS Hi DEB A BI.E sc WHETHER THE HORSE WINS Oh NOT. A commission of 10 per cent to cover the expen ses will be deducted on psyment of sll Prizes. Any further information required will be afforded by the secretary, Mr. Archibald Mackenzie, at ihe ofhera a. above to wbom ail application for A ten cie and other communications are to lie addressed roaT rata and all remittancea, either by Bill 01 .Note to be made, in return for which numbered Cer tiffcata will b forwarded as directed. Lifts of horses entered for the above, and all other Races of Importance may be seen at the offices. April Ut. 1850. 27 id VTlTebster' Quarto Dictionary. UN ff ABRIDGED Get tub Best All youns persons should bave a standard DICTIONARY at their elbows. And while yon are about it, get the best : that Dictionary is NOAH WEBSTER'S, thr great mark unabridged. If you are too poor, save tbe amount from off your back, to put into your bead. For Sale at the N. C BOOK STORE. Raleigh, Dec. 5th 1 S-I 9, 100 A. B. ST1TH, Agent, Commission Merchant and Dry Goods and GROCERY BROKER. NEW YORK. TENDERS bis services to the Merchants, Plan ters snd citizens of the Southern and Western States, as A gent. Commission Merchant. Dry Goode and Grocery Broker, in the City of New York, and will attend to any business in his line, either in the ssile of Produce or Merchsndfce. or in the purchase of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. Shoes, Hats, Bagging, Rope, Drugs, Medicines, Furniture. Carriages, Musical and Agricultural In etrumenta, Vc He flatters himself, as a purchaser of goods for the Southern trade, that his experience, having been en gxged for tbe last sixteen years in the retail trade iu the lower and upper part of North Carolina and at Raleigh, will enable bim to give entire satisfaction to Merchants who may entrust to bim their orders. As goods are constantly varying in style and price, a great advantage will be afforded to the Southern Merchant in having a competent agent, whose iu terest will be to avail himself of every opportunity for his benefit, and who can at all all times supply himself with goods ss his business may require. His own experience convinces bim, that instead el Merchants sending order to one engaged in busi ness in New York, who will furnish it from his cwn stock if possible, by sending to an Agent, unconnec ted with any establishment, and having the wholr City to select from, be can more than save to the Merchant, bis Commissions on the selection of goods alone. He will be in New York by the 20th day of Feb ruary, 1850. Merchants snd other persons disposed to employ bim or desiring information before that time, will please address him al Raleigh, N. C, and after the 20th ol February at New York. REFER TO His Excellency Charles Manly, Raleigh, Wm. Hill, Secretary of State, So Geo W. Mordeoai, Pres't Bank of the State, do Dr. J. O. Watson. PrWt Mutual In. Co., do B. F. Moore, Attorney General, . de ' Matthew Shaw. Esq, Wsshington, N. C. " Hon J. R.J. Daniel, Halifax, ' do Col. Andrew Joyner, We'.don, de Richard H. Lewis, Greensboronzh, Ala. Raleigh, Feb. S, 1850. 11 Ice Cream, THE Subacriber bavins; laid in a supply of ICE, is prepared to furnish lee Crtara.of the differ eat flavor, at abort notice, aa low a, or lower than, it has generally been bought for in thia City. Those w'rshiug to buy by tbe season can have it at lower rate than the usual price. L. B. WALKER May 3rd. 1850. 39 STOJVE JARS, CHURNS AND JUGS. CASTINGS, Pots, Ovens, Spiders, snd Lids. Lined and Cast Tea Kettles and Stew Pans. For sale by J.BROWN, No. 9 Fayetteviile St, Raleigh, April 83d, 1850. v 33 GARDEN SEED. I HAVE just received a further supply of Garden Seed, making my assortment complete. " ;r - - P. F.PE8CUD. , Raleigh March i ISih i860. J - S3 Q Standard oopy.. j5. .1 i ; t. j.- j j r LOIES. WHITE MO SLIPPERS- V iB!t.rf.,!,d b - -J. brown: Raleigh, May 6th, 18M . , 37 w.FuU"LVWt, LIME. ,: rRE8H supply ia just received at PE8CUDS. A Pate nit Med ici n es x"To PhydcfaS)ttrnggi and 5 " COUWTnT MERCII AWTS. .7 . ' . TTKR.J.N: HEELER and Brother moat reepecl I ) fully solicit attention t their fresh stock of English, Frenth, German, and America Drugs, Medi cines, Chemicals, Paints, Oile, Dye Stuffi, Glassware; Perfumery, Patent Medicines d-c : Having opened a new otore No. 294 Market Su with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, wu fespecxfoJIy solicit Country dealers to examine oor stock before purcha sing elsewhere, promising: one and all who may feet disposed to extend lo as their patronage, to sell them genuine Dreg and Medicine, oa as liberal terms as any other house In the City, and lo faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dis patch. . One of the proprierbrs being a regular physician, afford ample guarantee of the genuine qaalily ol all articles sold at tbeir establishment. A JJS ' We especially invite druggists end country mer chants, who may wish to bVcome agents for Dr. Keelcr's Celebrated Family Medicines, (standard and popular remedies, 10 forward their address. . Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respectful ly remain, '- ' J. N. KEELER &. B Ra, Wholesale Druggists ; No. 294 Market street. Philadelphia, Sept. 16th. 1849. 75 It Consumption Cured y DAILY BY DR. HASTING8' Componnd Syrup of Ifaplitlia. The Medical Facultv, aa well as Ihe public, are atruck with wonder at the numerous care made daily by thia extraordinary medicine, and it is now ac knowledged bv many of our mort eminent physi cians to be a certain and speedy cure for tubercular consumption, in iu wori stages It has been re commended by tbat eminent physician, Dr Moil, and is constsntly used in the Marine Hospital at Savannah. Ga- bv Dr. A mold, the senior physician of tbo hospital Tbe London Lancet, London Medi cal Journal. Pralthwaile'a Retrospect, and all other .if the London Medical Journals, bave spoken in praise many times of the surprising effects of DR. HASTINGS' PREPARATION. Ii has been thoroughly tried, not nnlv in tbe Hoe.' pilal under the charge of Dr Hastings, in London, but also by all the Cast physicians of Lngland, and all bave fully endorsed it aa an unrivalled remedy in Consumption, snd all other dilates of Ihe lungs. The following are a few of the opinions expressed hv tbe Medical Faculty of England. Dr. W illiam son, of Manchester, thus writes : "UNDER ITS INFLUENCE I have seen the emaciated being, on whose brow desth had seemed to have set his seal, acquire in goration and strength and exebsnge btr. early mornings of intense suffering and distressing cough for tbe sound repose which alone accompanies ound health." DR. WARE, OF LIVERPOOL, Says ; 44 1 regard Hastings' Syrup or Naptha as one of tbe first medical tliscovenea nf any ace, and con eider its aecucv in curing consumption as establish ed beyond all doubt or question." A single bottle will piove its efficacy. All the pro prietor asks is the trial of one bottle, the action of which will prove to the patient the virtue of this medicine. Coughs, cold, bronchitis, decline, sstbma, night sweats, and spitting of blood, are cured in a sur prisingly hort space of time ; 'tbe severest colds having yielded 10 the treatment of the Naphtha Syrup in the abort space of forty-eighl hours. To enumerate all tbe cun-a performed by this medicine would occupy a volume, the accompanying hav ing been selected by the American agent from a mass of certificates which have been received by him. MAGM.VS LUCINA CORDIAL OR THE ELIXIR OF LOVE. Thia is the only actual remedy ever diacovered for Impntency, General Debility Nocturnal Emia sions.and all diseases occasioned by certain secret habits : and many of the nostrums recently recom mended for tbe same complaiuta are worthless im itations which its unrivalled excellence, fame, and popularity have brought into th market. 1'be medical faculty of Europe, and the United State are unanimous in their recommendations of the Lucina Cordial, and have not given their ssnction in a sing'e instance thai hss been authenticated, to any uh. r compound for the same purposes. The nc lure of tho maladies relieved by the Lucina Cor dial are eenerally such as to leave the publication of certificates of cures out f tbe question, or the proprietor could produce a host nf the most conclu sive testimony to show that tbe great reputation which it enjoy a wss not accidentally obtaiued, but ia firmly baaed upon its iOiue. and apparently mir aruloua virtues. In all directions are 10 be found tb happy paren's of healthy offspring, who would not have been so, but for this extraordinary prepara tion. And it is enqally potent in the many diseases for which it is recommended Objection has been aturally made to the price of the Lurjria Cordial ; becauoe the trash that has been thrown into tbe market in opposition to it, ia sold cheaper ; but the fact is tbat tbe cordial cannot bo afforded less, and ought to be much dearer, as many of the ingredients which compose itatre among the costliest things in nature ; whereas the others are made up of cheap drugs worth but little in money, and less in merit; and it ia a fact, that at least one of the getters up of these same mixtures, makes 11 s point to add one bottle of the Lntina Cordial to a given number of sallons of his compound, ao as to give it some little lone and vntue and thus solace his conscience. DR LE ROY'S . SARSAPARILLA & WILD CHERRY PILLS- The universal celebrity which thia medici.13 aaa gained in every section of the country, and the many asonihing cures it has effected, have established its enVary beyond all doubt ; aa a general family medi cine it has no rival. In all cases of Indigestion, Bil lious Fevers, Dispepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache. Jaundice, Aalbma, Dropsy, Piles, Colic. Worms. Disease of tbe Heart, and all affections of the stomach, and bowels, LE KOY'S PILLS will.be found a never-failing remedy. ; , To inaore the full benefit of these celebrated Pills, they abould be kept in the house, ao that apon tbe first commencement nf sickness ihey msy be at once resorted to. One dose then is better than a dozen after the disease has become established ia the ay. ten. ..- Le Roy Pills are purely vegetable, and so inno cent that ihe infant of a month old may use them if medicine is required, not only with safety, but with a certainty of receiving all tha benefit medicine is capable of imparting. Females may use tbem dur ing all Ihe cri ical periods of their live Le Roy's Pills will insure their health, and produce regular! ty in all the functions of life. Price 25 cents per . . ..x. ... . ... MITCH EL'S EYE-SALVE. The following certificate from Dr. Joalyn, of the regular practice, will satisfy every liberal-minded individual that Mitrhell' Eye-Salve, is no quack preparation, but is entitled a well to tbe confidence of lbs Faculty as all other, who may have occasion 10 avail themselves of it benefits: f - - ... '. .. p""iAouI0. 1845. D Mitchell -Dear SirrThe first time I saw your Eye-Salve wss at W. J. Chapin's, where It came aa I was informed, on yoor recommendation, foribe cure of hie little daugbter'e eyes. I bad little confidence in it. as I have in most of tha pa lent medicines. But aa the most popular modes of treaUTK-a and special remedies had utterly failed to benefit the little oaflerer, I consented to its use, sap. posing that if it did no good, it would do no hurt It waa a case of , severe 8crofulous Ophthalmy of both eyes. The eye-balls and lids were all very much inflamed Yoor Eye-Salve waa used. Im. mediately traded like a charm.: Ia s few days a perfect cure waa effected. Thia waa somethne last winter. Since that I bave ased your 8ales great many lime with the happiest result. Ia my bands it. haa speedily cured recent inflammation - of tba yea, and also that which had resisted all treatment from one to five years. ; My present opinioa is, that as la convenience, lime, safety and certainty.it ve ryfar surpasses .U the Salve and Eya, Washes of which I h... eny knowUxlge. Respectfully, . u -rv "U'V. 3 W JOSUN, M. D. P PPJ?n ,C"!ie for UW in tbi' ci,J 'WOOD at vn tDd.Mew-WILLIAMS. HAY raBr?t?w 0, I Md ia Loai.barg, by 1AH or1,af w York must heeddreased tot Gv w. onrr ilrsthejr. 184 Greenwich tStxwhoara uMiDouinera ana Western Agents, -V jeff jj) CHERRY For (ho C re of OOXTOZXSy GOLDS W2XOOPXXJG-OOT7GH, ORrS!' ASTnr.TiL and CONSUlyTPTloJ' The uniform success which has attended iK. of this prepsilion iu sslutary efiec: iu relieve and cure affections of the Lv r "r linn. I ed for it a celebrity eaualled Ii .l . Ml - --- - j uiuer bi,j: . ' We offer it to the srBieted with entire confix its virtues, and tbe full lelief that it will 0lJn.... remove the severest af larks throat and Lungs. . These results, they u1 publicly known, very naturally attract iK- publicly known, very naturally attract ih. of medical men and philanthronista " What is iheir opinion of CHERRY PEcTn may be seen in the following : 4 VALET1NE MOTT. M.D. Prof. Surgery Med. College, New York toy It Bies me pleasure to certify the vaL cacy of Ayer s uuckkk f-JSCTORA, T consider pecurisrly adapted to cure die 7 5 Throat and Lungs.1 .. Ut THE RT. REV. BISHOP FIELD writes in a letter to hia friend. Who wa fatt under an affection of the Lungs : Tr l(l IB't RY PECTORAL and if an, medicine V.n HU relief, with tbe bletsii.g of God tbat will" CHIEF JUSTICE EUSTIS," f LouUians, writes -Th-t young d.oMito- .r f waa cored of several severe attacks of cL, t , CHERRY PECTOIIAL" "ta,Jtst AKTHMA AND BRO.VCHItis Tlte Canadian Journal of Medical Scia slates, --That Aeihrna and Bronchitis ao l, l in this inclement climate, hasyielded withinm rapidity lo Ayer's CHERRY PELTOhal'1. we cannot loo strongly recommend this okilf I parstion to the Profesion and public generally -'"" Let the relieved sufferer speak Tor himself . . . HAHTFOAn, Jan, 26. 1847 Dr. J. C. Ayer-Dear Sir :-Haing been rJ from a painful and dangerous disease by j,, me, gratitude prompts me to send you tbi tciww ledgmenl, not only in justice lo you, but fortlnii! formation of others in like affliction. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected at Cm became so severe thai spitting of blood, a vioJ cough and profuse nipht sweats followed and latiu! d upon me. I became emaciated, coulJ not tier was distressed by my coogh, snd s pain ihrooX my rheel, snd in short had all the alarming tymV toras of quick consumption. No medicine wimtH at all to teach my case, until I proidentiallv trUi your CHERRY PECTORAL, which so.,n and now has cured.me Yours with respect. E. A. 8TBWJT, Albaxt, N. Yn April 17,lgts! Dr Ayer, Lowi II -Diar Sir:- I have for yean leen afflicted with Asthma in the worst form , N that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair far 1 largei part of the time, being unable to treitbi 01 my bed I had tried a great many medicines to u purpose, nntil my Physician prescribed, a an periment yoor CHERRY PECTORAL. At first it seemed lo make me worse, but a la than a week I began to experience the most gratify, ing relief from iu nee ; and now, in lour vreeU.iki disea-e is entirely removed. I can sleep on my M with comfort, and enjoy a state of health which I hal never expected to enjoy. GEORGES FARRANT. rarr-ABr.s irr c. atzs, chzxist, xowell, xih. Sold in Kalkioh by W illiams Hatwoos Ca by Ds. A. C. Etaks dc Co., Wilmibctox K;C, and by dealers in medicine generally. January 26. g 3a Affile, Bi lions, Typhus aud all Fe vers Dysentery aud Diarrhoea. Tn the commencement, it is of absolute importing in view of a speedy core, thai a full dose of pills bw taken at once, because ihe humors which produce disease f this claas, are alwaya of the mot malixDinl, poisonous quality and no safety to life axistt while any portion remains in tbe bowels or the blond Should the first dose not core, be not alarmed, but reiterate that dose. Should the evacuations be itry putrid, of bad odor, unnatural color, Ac Ac , befidat utng four or six pills tw ice a dsy, uke also. il spoonful of powdered charcoal, iu water, aerj day, while these symptoms continue. Let your diet Is light, nd of easy digestion, ss srrow root, rice pud ding. Indisn mesl gruel; also, sheep's head bruth witi rice and a piece of cinnamon boiled in it, or cilm head bmth. febeep's head makes tbe best diet if it be boiled nntil tbe bones are clean. As a role, th first dose f pills cores when timely nted. SometioM three or four doe msy be necessary. There ire cases in which it take weeks 10 cure ; but Ibrj it not occur once in a thousand limes. In any event, bo medicine or plan of treatment ia better than that above recommended, or will sooner cure. 80 too. aa tbe irritating metiers are removed, so soon jon iH be well, and not before Anodynes and astringents have a deleterious effect ;"l eca use they occasion ika retention of that death principle which alone cttuei dysentery, diarchies, cholera, snd all other disrisei, according 10 its excess over the principle of life. But Brandretb'a Pills' are opposed 10 this water ! fire, or aa heat is to cold ; and when they are takes into e man. they go to work boldly 10 drive ihiedeati principle from ihe body, and alf ibey. can do-fcut if there be work for fifty doses, one dose must not expected to do the work of liny. And thislroti should alwaya be kept in mind..?' : - Let not the palienta frighten themaelvea with tin idea tbat ihey are too weak to bear much puriinf.; bm bear in mind that these mildly operating Pill a Dr. Braodreth puf not weakness into the frtne, bur draw weakness out, leaving strength in it she and give composing sleep at flight, and an appetite lo relish any food. j ..THE BRANDRETH PILLS Are composed wholly of. medicinal herbs, sod oo contain sny mineral or chemical substance ; are per fectly harmless to the moat tender age or weakes frame and nevertheless sure lo search ool lbs tan1 of the sickness and produce a CURE, whatever nrrj be its character, when taken in time, and in awsA lies sufnrienj,. ii,L.;$. . . , Tbe Brandreth Pills are aold at 25 cents per hA by VILL. PECK & SON. Raleigh, and by agent in every town in 'the United Suies, and is mort every city throughout the world Lei si " careful where they buy or they will obtain s rMr terfciL . Boy orly of - men whose character J know to ba above ss mean an action a to rU falsa for the true Brandreth' Pills. - Ohseiv th signatures of Dr. Brandreth on each box. Absent -M,-'lS4: ' 1 J)rrA,,P,: Copcr gpino-AbdoBir- 1 : :; na Supporters. THE Subscribers bave on hand a supply jjj above valuable supporters, which are recomatt ded for alt persous, afflicted with muscular debiWj Round shoulders, r or prolapsus Uleri- - , ProflT; Mott think tbeyJ are very well adapt4 for aome varieliea af. incipient spinal distortiss. they afford tha useful combination ef shoulder bri and Abdominal supporter, with very decided Hppt to the spinal column. " -Z'. - Tlia ahova Faranoa kra rMnmnui nlbv thePby eiana generally, who have seen them, aud w old a number to citisens of Ibis place, wboarah't iy pieasea wttn them. , , . A gentlema a observed a few "day a since, had been wearing a rery celebrated body brae W some time, sad that he would not give ou ' 00 above, for fifty such." -. . "They need nOpuffiagaa they speak faT" selves." , PESCUD &. JOHNSON- tD" The' above Supporter ia au improvero' Dr.E. Cbaiks celebrated Spino- Abdominal Suppor"' Jaa, 31. 1848. (SUndard.) lateut ITJedlciues. A ULL supply of tbe most popular Kfroe W.Iteptcooalanlly on hand, snd sold at Manuiw turerptice at Pbscvu's Dauo Stobb. A a.L-ln . rmHE Hiuor of Alfred the Great; ay- rJ 11 - . ' . - . . j January 19th, 1850. 6 U