X. - : n ... lr. 1 ' r ,; ' ,f, lfliptt RE A rCSUSHUKBSMKWXBKLT AKD WKKJ.T, f BY SEATON GALES, i 1SSIT0& is9 mmsTci. TEEMS. . ; : For the Semi-Weekly Paper, $5 per annum For the Weekly Paper, per annum: - e. - v. - POETRY. From tbLoMi!Ie JournaL f TUB PARTING. The mooo Ja op, ad I have come to bid farewell to thee, , 1 v -' ;'. AnJ bj it cold, pale lif bt to apeak tba word that eia tbee free i Tben let ut jna our hand once awMre, and wan der by A tide . . ;'.. Waer tfcoanf I ahall tit bo more in friendship aide by eide. fbe eve ia fair and beaetifa!, aod not a elood ia t - nigh, - , r v-.- . Sire tbai whicbdrkena oo thy brow, and ahadea ihy florioaaeye The wo Jijii'a ep oar trytinj place aa aweet- ly aa of eld," r . re yet lay -a art baa learned to doubt, or ha lave IMWIi I know not why thia datiaome change haa come aeroeatby heart, .; I only know, and only feel, that thou and I must party i aakaot if a fairer form haa met thine earnest eye -. "'.'-'' '""':" I onlf know thy loTt eairanjed, aod ibatoiy own inaaidie. I came not forth to tell thee all thia breaking heart anuat bear. (Already bowed beoeath a weight of more than mortal car) ' la parting thua irom all that made thia cold life dear to it.e fjt tboa waat all I had to love and now fare well to thee ! Ba', if thy glowing dreams of life should be as mine have been. If diaappuintment'a bl'ght should come to change the bliaaful scene. Come to the heart thou scorneat now, and thou wilt find us trmh - - Aa pore a when 1 pledged to l nee the firtt owa of my youth. The watee are rippling sweetly by, the summer moon ia bnrhi. And we have tuet as we shall meet no more, be neath its light ; Oar whimpered word will eteal so more along the tarlit d-ll. For we are here thia night to speak the fatal word, farewell! Umrm. taka m hand, and sneak to me in kind ! " kiuI caili tone iA nu ikon naat !oed me welL and, until note, alooe ; ihnuvb the Iots ia lost to me. tbr laiih no lonuar mine. A memiry of the past shall still around tby apirii twine : Forgiee these tears, and let me weep upon thy tireiat ooee more. And Juld me ia oae last embrace, aa warmly as nl vore : Kew take thy lore to one more blest than I can ever be A bleeding sacrifice, oh Gi-d. this heart I bring to 0 Wli sT 1 ine! . sj. l. v MISCELLANEOUS. DREAM OF A STAR. Th re was once a child, and be strolled about a good deal, and thought of a number of thine. He bad a sister, woo was a cnuu too, and hie constant companion. These two useo to wonder all da long. They wonder ed at the beauty of the flow era ; they won dered at the height and blueness of the sky ; tbey wondered at the depth of the bright wa ter ; they wondered at the goodness and the power of God, who made tbe lovely world. The used to Bar to one another, aome- tianeat Supposing all the children upon earth were to die, would tbe flowers, and the water, and the aky, be sorry 1 They believ ed tbey would-be sorry. For, said tbey, the buds are the children of tbe flower?, and the little playful streams that gambol down the hill -sides are the children of th water ; and tbe smallest bright specks, plsying at hide- and-seek in the akr all night, intut surely be the children of tbe Stan ; and they would all be grieved to see their playmates, the chil dren of men, no more. - There was one clear1 shining star that used to come out in the sky before the rest, near the church soire. above the grave. It was larger and more beautiful, tbey thought, than all the others, aud every night they watched for it. stniidinff band ia hand at a window. Whoever avaw it first, cried out, Ml see the star !" And often they cried out both to retber, knowine so well when it would rise, I and where. Sitber rrew to be such friends with if. that, before It inz down in their beds, tbey always looked out once a .rain, to bid it rood aifbt: aod when tbey were turning-1 round to sleep, they used to sar, God bless I I sat and eyed tbe floor. And thus waich tbe siar !" . . I insr. STazinsT. pondering, trembling, doubting, But while she was still very young, oh, very, very young, the sister drooped, and sundering, as for Banrjuo s ghost 01 yore came to be so weak, that she could oo longer and while gazing much astounded, instant stand to the window at night ; aod then tbe r 1 herefrom there bounded a huge Rat up- child looked sadly out by himself, snd wben he saw the star, turned ronnri, and said to tbe oatient. pale face on tbe bed. "I see tbe itar!" and then smile would come upon tbe t - faee, and a little weak voice used to say, "God bless ny brother and the star !" And so tbe time came, all too soon I wben the child looked out alone, and when there Waa tvn tmrm nn th bed ! and when there waa a little grave mmopg the graves, not there r oeiore ; and when toe star maae long rays down towards him, as be saw it through bis tears. Now, these rays were so bright, and they seemed to make such shining wsy from earth to Hraven. thaf when the child went to his solitary bed, be dreamed about tbe star; aod dreamed that, lying where be was, be uw a train of people taken up that sparkling road by angels. And the star, opening, show. ed hira a great world of Sight, where many more such angels waited to receire them. All these angels, who were waiting, turn- ed their beaming eyes upon tbe people who were carried up into the stsr ; and some esroe out from the long rows in which tbey stood, nd fell npon the people's necks, and kissed ftan tenderly, aod erent .way with them down avenues of lishi. and were so happr '3 their company, that, lying in bis bed, be 2 ' u- - ' " ' '--"-'- -As-- .:--. -v, aWWWWasJS""saWSSaWW r..rytT -t- , 1 . t. ,-,. ' .-.-(.v' -rri jiilg?-: J: 1850. .. W , .. . -MlliRi! : But there were many angett who did not go with thenva ml among them 'one be knew. Hie patient face that once had Jain upon the bed was glorified and radiant, but. bis heart found out bis aister among all the host. Ilia sister's angel lingered near the en trance of tbe alar, and said t tbe leader a mong those who bad brought the people thither: " la my brother come V And be aaid, "So." 4 She was turning bopafully away, when the child six etched out his arms, and cried, ''O, sister, Iain here I Take me!" and then she turned her beaming eyes upon him, and it waa night ; nd the alar was abining into tbe room, making long rays down towarda him as he saw it through his tears. From that hour forth, the child looked out upon the star as on the Home he was to go to, when his time should come ; and he thought that he did not belong to the eaith alone, but to tbe star too, because of his slater's angel gone before There was a baby born to be a brother to the ebiUf and while he was so little that he never yet had spoken word, be stretched bis tiny form out on his bed, and died.' Again the child dreamed of the opened star, and of the company of angels, and the triin of people, and the rows of angels, with their beaming eyes all turned upon those people's faces. Said his sister's angel to the leader : If my brother come 7" And he said, "Not that one, but another." Aathe child beheld li is brother's angel in Ker arms, he cried, 0, sister, I am here? Take me I" And shi turned and smiled upon him, snd the star was shining. He grew to be a young man, and was luy at his books, when sn old servant came to him and said : "Thy mother is no more. I bring her blessinif on her darluiff son." Again at night he saw the star, and all that former company. Said his sister's an- " Is my brother comer And h said, "Thy mother !" A mighty cry of joy went forth through all the star, because tbe mother was re-united to her two children. And be stretched nut hi arms and cried, "O, mother, sister and bro ther, 1 am here ! Take me !" And they answered him, "Not yet, and the star was shining. He grew to be a man, whose hair was turn- .- t-a. ing rrar, and lie was sitting in mscnair dj the fireside, heavy with grief, and with his faee bedewed with tear;, when the star open ed once again. Said bis sister's angel to tbe leader : Is my brother come !" And he said, "Nay, but his maiden daugh ter." And tbe man who had been the child, saw bis daughter, newly lost to him, a celestial creature, among those three, and he said. "My d lUghter's head is on my sitter's bos. om, and her arm is round my mother s neca, and at her feet there is the baby or old time, and lean bear tbe parting from ber. God be praised 1 And the star was shining. Thus the child came to be an old man, and bis once smooth face was wrinkled, and hia steps were slow and feeble, and his back was bent. And one night ss he lay upon hia bed. his children standing round, he cried, as he had cried so long ago: "1 see the star! Tbey whispered one another, "He ia dy ing. And be said, "I am. My age ia falling from me liken garment, and I more towards the star as a child. And O, my Father, now I thank thee that it hss so often opened to receive those dear ones who await me !" And the star was shining: aud it shines upon his grave. PARODY. Tbe following parody on Poe's poem, 'The Raven, is not bad : Once uoon an eveninz dreary, while I pondered lone and weary, orer many an ol. den paper, reading forgotten stories o er : uddenlv I heard a curious, lonely, ghostly, strange mysterious grating underneath the floor only thi and nothing more. And again I trimmed the taper, and once more resumed my paper aged, forsaken, antique paper poring ita ancient cunieuia o er ; rhen the same mysterioua grating, some. what louder than before and it teemed like some one tawing wood beneath my office floor ; tis no mouse, thought !, but more. As I listened, each particular hair siood up. risbt oerpandicular cold, outrtandine droiw orbicular, strange, mysterious terror, filled mv soj1 with fear and horror such as I never fet before ; much 1 wondered what this cu- rious rratinz meant beneath tbe floor I Ihus I fVaring, wonderiiiflr, sudoenly the wan was I on the floor I Not tbe least obeisance made I he, caring naujthl for lord or lanr, but a mo- ment stared he. and nothing more. And j . while gazing at each other, suddenly out sprang another, somewhat greyer than the otber, with the veight of years be bore ; tben I wiih imprecations dire, bign I raised my boot and higher, and a step adrancing nigh. I l,;.l.l it a emu the Root I but the little wm.. .. --. . imps bad scattered, and the door was bruised and battered inat 1 nit ana notniog morr. FOR RENT. THE Sahserthar. baring located is tba country, proposes to ran, or sen, on scwsiwiisj ...-, his former place or resiaenca s"ieu ia neet r ik. Mtw. The House is cot tags built, had has five rooms, all with fire places. The Lot is eon- wsU.tl. tmimA with ell ths SSOal OUt-hOBS beildinrs ell comparatively asw with a good raruea auaehea. ALSO. A let of two aerea la a blah Stats of eelUratlOB, adjoining, can be had, If dasirad... For Unas, apply to SaTo Uai.es, bsq. - , ; 1 EVERARD HALL. " May 19. 1830. : - -v ! J ; " : 37 tf TOttKMIUM M'tehes (wit K.Ji 9 I (witheot Briosteae) For Sale, dt - ' 43 WAISTS JUSTICE 'Ign THE Worth Carolina Jostle, containing I tuuww Hmnni wi tuts oixoisa ami Uomm-.n Law of iois owe ; loeainsr wiin u Decisions fihe Su preme Court, and all the most approved Ffttmsand Precedent relating to the office and doty of a Jos tics of the Peace, and the Public Officers, according to modern practice. By Benjamin 8 waim. Second edition revised and corrected. For sale at the North Carolina Book Store by ... . .. D- TURNER. Raleigh. April 15,1880. . 31 NEW CONCERN, THE subscribers hare this day associated them salres together, under tba name and styls of BRITTON TODD, for the purpose of conducting a General Grocery sad Commission Business, ia tbe Town of Peters burg. Tbey hare taken the Store in the Odd Fel lows' Hall, opposite Powell's Hotel, and hope, by strict personal attention to business, to merit a share of patronage from their friends sad tbe publie gen erally. They will, at all times, be supplied wjth a well selected assortment of Groceries, which they will aell at wholesale and retail, as low as they can ba purchased ia thia market. They will also pay strict attention to tbe forwarding of Goods and sale ofall prodace entrust sd i their ere. R. O. BRITTON. of N. C. BERNARD TODD, of Petersburg. January 1st. 1850. 15 J y "IIEKE DtiY IS." G hava on hand, of our own manufacture, a bandaomns assortment of Business Com 01 Cioihs, Linens, Jr., e. Al.i, Veta and Panta loons, together with a splendid sssoittnent of Shirts. Cravats, all kinds ; Gloves. Suspe-ders, Gowns ; in fact every thine; kepi by Merchant Tailors generally. Call and eiamine for yourselves. S3 Raleish. April 19. ItttO. PEEBLES, WHITE & DAVIS, Grocers aud Commission invrcliants Old Street, Petersbnrg. ia , WJT EEP always on hand a large and well assort 11. ed supply of Groceries, and pay particular at leuitun to the sale of l.ot ton. Tobacco, Wheat, Flour, and all other kinds of produce. LEMUEL PEEBLES, THOMAS WHITE, PETER R. DAVIS, Ja. Petershnry, Ju1w.a -L 'T ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACUURE. WHY will North Carolina merchauis who deal in Candy prefer scudiug North, when tbey can ret it in Kalrivh as pood 111 every resoect T Aud 1 am delermiued to sell it as low as they cau get it in Petersburg. Give me a fair trial, aud I am coufideul that I can give satisfaction. Seod'ou your order. 1 will also keep through the summer. Oranges. Lemons, Sugars j-c-, which 1 csu eel I low because, getting them direct from the North, I am able to ell litem aa low as they cau be bought this vide of Baltimore. L. B.WALKER. May 3rd. 1850. 36 PRIME CHEWUCG TOBACCO. WHULL A SON'S Tallow Candles, Straw Matting, by the piece or yard, ,-oroad Axes and Hauhets, Spades and Shovels. Ivory Handled Beef and Game Carvers and Steals. For sale by J. BROWN, No. S Fayetteville Street. Raleigh. Anril 23d. 1330. 33 NEW ARRIVAL. PALITIER dc RAMSAY- II AVE just received a handsome lot of fine GOLD AND SlXVEIl WATCHES. Gold Fob, Vet and Guard Chains Jenny Lind, Ear Rings and Breastpins, Silver and Plated Spoon and Forks. Butter Knires, and Plated Waiters and Candlesticks. Said on their usual reasonable terms. June 3rd, 1850. 45 To the unknown Heirs of PAUL LEATHERS, DECD. JTh an order of the Scott Circuit Oourt, toe un- Irta il.,.i.nl was .tirected to advertise for toe Ui.- --' " . 1 , 1 known hair of Paul leatnrs. aec u, who w native of Culpepper county. Virginis. and who died intestate in Scott conntr. Kr . in 1843, at the ad vanced age or 105 years, leaving bie brothers anu .... . 1. , i. aiars. and their deeeoaanu HIS ouiv n" - ..J ju.nkaiM r hi tale, some of whom reside in tbe Suu at North Carolina, 8oulh Carolina and Tennessee, aa is supposed. This is therefore. 10 notifiy said heirs to appear forthwith before the Marter Commissioner 01 me KmII r!i.enit Pnlirt in Georsetown. Kr- ar.d make nror of their hairshiu and claims to said e. 1. ia hi..h ia Mumated at ten or ntteea iuouuu r , dollars. P. THOMPSON Master Coinmis-ioner. Georgetown. Ky.. April 35 3 i w New Spring Goods. IT HAVE received part of nr spring otocs o U Goda and am prepared to ahow. Flam Ubameleon eilka, G laced do do Figor'd do do Black Gro da Rhine do Black and Printed Alberine, Black Berate very fine. Plain French Cambrics, various Embroidered Swiss Muslins, Worked Collsrs snd Cuffs. Colors, Paris Prints for Trimming. Tspeatrie. Buttons for Ladies Dresses, Swiss and JaeoneUe Edgings and Insertings, Lisle, Dobbin and Thread Edginis and lace. Printed Lawns, Uoon-1, Cap and Toaset Ribbon, Marbled Mourning Gingham, Carved Shell Tuek Combs, Ladies Black and Kid Gloves. J. BROWN", No. 9 Fayetteville 8t Rev. Dr. Hooper's Family IN THE COUWTRT, Warren Co., Near Littleton, N, Carolina. Teachers. Rev. W. Hooper. Prof. JT. J. D. Hooper, Thomas C. Hooper. THE nrai aeasioq will comroenoe on tbe 11th .101 J bit Lna vaeaiiona ninns DMn aiireu of July the recations having been altered so ss to Buit lhoMI goiBt Unirersiiy. There are a few vacsneies. A Pol cations shook! be made immediate Circulars will be sent lo any desiring more par- ticnler information Mar S4 b. 1880. 41 w-lm (TT Standard. Biblical Reenrder, Wilmington Commercial, will please insert for one month. NOTICE. THE Sabscriber baa determined ta locate in thia City, and having proeared a eatBcieat Basher of eonv peteat aaautaats, ia preparaa to ax acute la las most Qaiaaea styie, ail una or PAINTING AND GLAZING. Orders from the City or sarroaadlng Covntrr, If left at tba Drag Store of P. F. Pescad. will be Dromply ezscuted and aatiafaolioa gaaraatiad. ' . . - - J c 1 . . n t . ' af Jadgs Cameron sad the Baak of ths Suteyehere I may be fooad. . ... Reference as to ability, character, fe,will be cjrta to all who mar wish to patronise me. , WJXLJAM O VERBY. - Kalaigh, May 20,1850. 41 . ai present am engagaa peiatiag taa naaioeoeo fff'Ti eta nowf ja receipt of ant entire Sorins- SUPdIv. hmhrarinv r. .... - - "-r . : --"-71-.ua vu. I'uc. JVeui. Diirnhfr J B.-..t:ri . - aimeres. Drirp d eUs. Dnlli,.g. Satms, Silks Mar seilles, dhalhe. &c &c all of whieaill bo made up 10 order aa heretofore with neatness snd dis patch. Thankful f.w pat favors we earnestly solicit a cntinavic of patronage. Our entirWStocK was selected by Mr Ohver in person, and we can with confidence r scorn me od it nut only t be -Fruk and Fine ' bui of the vi-ry latest Importations . r.-;' OLIVER & PROCTER, - t . Merchant Tailors, n -J Raleigh, N. C. April 19 th, 18504 rr 1 33 P 8. hand. Paris, London, anJ American Fashions at 5 O. & P. From Me Opera qfthe " two SUIT-ors. " Translated On) Kayetiesille Btieet. I dreamed that her i'a..ring glanees fell 00 a well-dressed Beau at her side. And I could'nt tell why the laughing Belle, Had refuaed to Income my brjdo. But single fiance arivaiiCoaf p&..?' Told me Ihere'Wy theri.gth of the game ; And I said iftha TsrtVsin Town whucsn doit. I'll have one eiactly the same. Then I dreamed that I searched the Town all o'er. For the gem that would win her heart. Till I found myself standing in front jf tbe Store Where clothing ia fshioned ty art; And then I remembered that this was tbe place W here the Coat of my rival was made, And entering in, right brfora my Isce, Lay a Broad-Cloth, exactly the shade. Th- Coat was sent home, sod like Cesar I sped, 1 came, and I saw, and I won ; For she smilingly ssid. vriien I asked her to wed, Wbai sn elegant Coal yon have on " Three days from that time, erbsps it was mote, I induced her to slter ber name ; And I still buy my Coars si the very ssme Store, And she love me ss ever the same. OI.IVKIt &, PROCTER makes thsm Coats. Kal-igh. April 19 1850 3 A SUPPLY OF FRESH PHOSGENE GAS. J CST to hand and for sale at P. F PESCUD'S Drag Store February 12. 1S30.- 13 SPUING GOODS 1850. THE Subscriber ia opening his Spring Stock, at hia old stand, of the latest importations snd Domes tic Mauufaclures, consis'inr of Staple snd Fsncy Dry Goods, Haia, Shoes, Crockery, Hardwaie, and Groceries, AMOXG TIIEH 100 pieces Calicoes, various colors. 100 Brown aud Bleached Shirliug and Sheet ing. Ginghams. Lawns. Irih Linen, Holland's Cot- lonsde and otber Summer Goods for men and bvs. Padded for children. Brown, Refined, Clarified, Crushed snd Losf Sugar, Java, Lsguira and Rio Coffie, Cui N lis and Brads. California, and other Hats for men snd boys. All of which will he sold on reasonable terms for Cash, or to prompt customers on time J. BROWN. No. 9, Fayetteville St. Raleigh. April 15. 1850. 31 Tllli Illuminated Dook of Needle 'ork Comprising Knitting. iNettitig, Crochet, and Embroidery. For sale by H. I). TUKnEK. Raleigh May 2nd. 36 BY EXPRESS- B LACK and Coloted. Embroi'ed Grenadines, Heal Valeiicienne Edgings, fUin and Plaid 1'isrues, Ladies Black and tjolored, Kid Gloves, Gems Neapolitan Kidmg Gloves, Rich Bonnet, N. ck and Cuff Ribbons, Corded Skirts, 4;c, Ac R. TUCKER & SON. Msrch 26th, 1850 35 Stebbins, Darracott & Co. IMPORTERS AND' DEALERS IN Earthenware, China, and Glass, Pier, Mantel and Toilet Looking-glasses, Britannia and Plated Ware, Lard Lamps, Castors, Table Cutlery, $-c. NO. 101 BROAD STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. t HAS. S I EBMNS, JNO. DARRACOTT, BEN J. K PULL EN. U'Partieular attention paid to Packing Dec 11th, 1849. 09 ly RICH ASSORTMENT ofSilver-Plated Cas otaV tors, Caudlesticks, and Girandoles. Aud Brouzs Chamber Candlesticks, for sale by PALMER 4- RAMSEY. November S6. 1849. 4 lor Sale DOLLAR DS Celebrated Herba niom Extract, or Vegetable Hair Wash Also, an eitaueire assortment of all kinds of per fumery. PALMER k RAMSEY. November 96, 1849. 94 FLOWING A SUPERIOR article VARNISH. tot Cabinet Makers, for sale low by P. F. PESCUD. 13 February 13, IShO. TWISTED COTTON TflREAD. STE V ING end Knitlins thread and Carpel Warn TIM Wat. PK(;K d- tSflN. May 1st. 33 UEAIITT & MTCIU OKD'S. rrmECEIVED by late arrivals a complete Stock IrB. of Huple and Fancy Dry Goods, Fancy ar- noes. Bonnets, Boots, a noes 01c-, consisting in part aa follows : Silk Baliotes snd Tissues. Crape de Psris, Satin Htripe Oigandie, Baeg es Alborinea, Jennv Lind Muslins, Printed, Polka and Striped French Lawns, Milesia Jaeoneiis. Plaid colored Swiss, Plain colored French JaeoneUe, Polka and Printed Lawna. ' Ginghams. Print of neatest kind of styles, French Work. Capes, Collars, Cuns, Lisle and Thread Trimmings, Meek Kibbona. Neck Ties, Lace Msmilias, Psllelots, Bonnets, very extensive sssortment, Peraacts, Umbrellas, ALSO. Black French Cloth, lack "Drip da EuSammer Coatings, Fancy and Black Caasimerea, Faney Hilk Veslings, Fig'd Grenadine do. Plain, Diamond and Sirip'd white Marseilles, figured Msrseilles, , Haia. Boms, Moes. Friends of tba concern, customers snd tba publi generally are rrspectially soliciud to cell and er amine ths Stock, and tbey will be assured af good bargaiae. " s I 8ALZSBURY YOUNG LADIES' institution r. finHIS is a new ipstitation, of Collsgiata frada, jJi amply forclshod, and for ornamental branch. as, conducted by ths Rer. Gilbert Morgaa, to ba opened on ths 4th of July 1830. Circulars seat to appUcaats. 7tp arid Summed For 1850. R. Tucker and Son, WOHO constantly keep on bad an extensive sssortment of tbe best and most desirable, rU as fashionable FANCY AND STAPLE DRY 600DS, are now receiving their Spring and Summer supply for 1650. One of the Firm haa just returned from New York, where he purchased a rich rariety of Goods or thia Spring's Importations, before they bad been picked over, and before the advance ia price; and having thus had the choice of the large and spleoded fresh arrivals, and the advantage of low prices, they flitter themselves they will be better prepared than ever to meet tbe demands of this mar ket, and please their numerous frienda and custom ers, in town and country. Tbey respectfully invite tho public to call and examine their stock. They have just received a supply of the following, and are daily receiving such other articles as are usually kept in a Dry Goods and Family Grocery Store, suited to the wants and taste of this commnaity. Bi'k Gro Da Rhine Silka, Plain and Figured Chameleon Silks, . U roc he and Plain Grenadines, Plain and Embroidered Black ditto, Fancy and Black Silk Tissues,' Silk Albarinea and Hemanies, Corn colored Grenadines, Evening Dresses, Embroidered and Dotted Fancy Swiss Muslins, Chambeiy, French and American Ginghams, Camblet Lustres, anil Linen Gingham. Melries, snd Fsnry Dismotid Jsckoiieta, Plain snd printed Lawns and Mnslins, Tarlelon, Nwiss. Indis, Victoria, Bishop, Book, and Dotted Jackonet Muslin, Rich Bonnet, Cape, Neck, Cuff and Belt Rib- bona. French Needle Work Capes, Collars and Cuffs, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Psris Kid Gloves. Swiss and Jsckonet Edgings snd Inxertings, Lisle and Linen Edgings snd Ribbons, Linen and Fncy Silk Dress Buttons, l'us-ia Braids and Fancy Hilk Triniraii gs, Lojiea' and Missta' L.U. Hem milch and Tape Bordered HilkTs Mulin. Mohair, Grass and Hough's Patent Skirts. CLOTHS AND CAKSiMEKES. of tha ai - corors andqualnirs. Hasw At v Jirtuu Goods, ia great varieties, many of which are touched with the Hungarian aud California finish. Black and Fancy Satin and Silk VESTING8, Plaid and Embroidered Marseilles ditto, dC. dr. HATS. &c Determined slways lo furnish what ever is Istest, rarest and best, ibey offer sn ex tensive stock of Men's, Youth's and rhildrens Fashionable and Flat Brim Mole Skin. Pana ma, Maracaiho, Leghorn, Sewed Pedal's, Hun garian an. I Palm Hats. Infarl's Fancy Goods. Alto, Umbrellas. Parasols. Bonnets, Shoes. Hsrd ware. Cutlery. Groceries, &c. All ol which they now are offering on I be most liberal terms. R. TUCKER &, SON Raleigh .March 15th 1850. Horae Shoes, 10 Kegs Horse Shoes just received. BRITTON & TODD. Feb. 14 ih. 1850. 15 Armistead's fine Chewing Tobacco. Wt have just received 52 boxes and half boxes Armistead's fine Chewing Tobacco. BRITTON 6t TODD February 14th, 1S50. 15 SOMETHING NEW. ODA, Milk, Maple aod Butter Crackers, some thing I can confidently recommend to the citi zens of Rkleigh ss first rate. A good supply just received. L B. WALKfcK. FRESH RICE. F RESH Rice, new Crop just received. WM. PECK 4 SON 09 .1 December 11th, 1849. MOLASSES. JUST received a supply of prime Molasses by the Hud , or at retail, ttM. FECK. tV SON. Raleigh April 30, 1850. 36. NEW BOOKS. ENXYCLOPEUIA of Chemistry, byJsmesC Booth. A. M. Annual of Scientific Discovery ,a Yearbook of facta in Science and Art. Literal ure and Literarv men, by Gilfillan. Works cf Kdgar A. Pee. Women in America. Leaves from the Note Book of a Louisisna Swamp Doctor. Concregan. By Lever. Capt. Simon Suggs Dol Smith's theatrical Apprenticeship Trial of Prof- Webster. For sale by HENRY D. TURNER. Raleigh, April 19, 1851). 6t V m AHE . resent Session of this Inalitaiion, will B cloi-e on the 13th of June ensuing. At which time tbe second ession will commence deeming best for various considerations lo hare no summer vacation. The well known reputation of Warrenton for health, renders it preculiarly suitable for an instil u tin ol the kind. No serious case of indisposition has ever occurred among the young Lsdies entrusted to our charge ; over whose health snd comfort, par enlal caie 1 exercised. 1 am assisted in the School by the most competent rescuers, among them ibe Rev. 1 bos. S. Camubell The Mui-ical Department is under tbe direction of Mr and Mrs. atraudt, accomplished and competent I eurnera. Terms aa follows per Sesaion of five Month. Board, $50 01 English Tuition, 12 51 French 10 Ot Draw'g & Paint'g, 10 00 Mu-ic on Piano, $20 00 le of Instrument. 3 00 Husic on Guitar, ) use of Inst'm'nt ( .20 Useful snd Ornamental Needle work free of charge No extra charge will be made. Persons desirous of more pan c lar information will on application be supplied with irculara- OANIEL TURNER. Wsrrenton N. C. Mar 18th, 1850. There will be a Public Concert by the young La dies on tbe evening oJtbel3in June. Literary Notice. THE Rev. C. R. Hendrickson, of Elisabeth City will deliver the Annual Address before ibe two Lit erary Societies of Wake Forest College, el the ap proaehing June Commencement. JAMES H.FOOTE. Cor. Sec, Phi. Society. Mar 24. 1850. 42-3t FKAi"KI,IN 1.ST1TCT nriAJ.wM.J. CLA RKBwill deliver aa Ad IV 11 dreaa bt-fore the btodenu of .the lnatitnta oa iha 'ah of June next, the day f their "Annoai Ex. hibition aad Elocution. Examinatioa oa the day ' : D.ff BICHARD80N. " P.- 8." The 'Ladies of Cedar Rock cootemplsxe holding a r AIR on tba evening of the sane day. ,, Cedar Rock. May 1I.18S0 , 7 41 td - ' FLOUR. ' ; i: . -: ; ' A GOOD supply of family Four to band. . WM. PECK dk SON. . May It. 35 feu Illl llimr 1: as 111 11 j ii 111 THURSTON'S ' FOUNTAIN HOTEL, (FoaMcaLry BKLTxnoovaa'si Head of EigtatT near Baitiiaore St., BALTIMORE. CTCXHE increased patrouage of this long establish aV!L ed aod popular Hotel, under the manarement of its present proprietor. has inspuasi hiss wtth farther energy and determination, aud axaease er atten- tton of hi or that or bis Assjataats will ba spared. to maintain with the patrons of the Foontain" the reputation it held all orer the country. i it palmiest days" of Beltzhtoter's eoodaetorahrp. To inereaae ita former attractions and comforts, during the past season, the Hotel has undergone mauy changes, the Proprietor having made bearv outlays in introducing some of the best and latest improvements which, together with its central posi tion, being located in the very heart of the business portion of the city, and near the centre of Baltimore Street, and within a few miaatea walk of all the Depots and Steam Boat Land inn. it inrilea the Merchant, the Fatmer, the Artisan, as well as the Man of Pleasure to make the Fountain Hotel his borne during his sojourn in Baltimore. The Ladies' Department, Containing Private Parlors, Saloona, Reception Rooms, Ordinsry, and extensive suites of lane and airy Chambers, fitted op in a style and elegauce that cannot fail to give ealixfactioa and comfort. PoaTsaa are attached to the Fomtttirt," who may be recognized by the Badges on their Hats, aaejapa al waya iu the attendance at the different Derets and Steamboat Laudie, who wrH tveefr Cheeks, take herge of the Baggage and convey a S te Uelstrt rnint.AH lavBtSTVa, Frtfntttn FeL26ih, 1850. 17 A CARD. HR undersigned being engaged, and holding a position that brings his services In immediate connection with the Guesta of the above Hotel, he trusts, offers a further inducement to hia numerous friends and acquaintances ef the " Old North State," when they visit Baltimore, to stop at the Fountain " where he assures them they will be received and en tertained in a manner that ahall strengthen this ac quaintance and secure for iu Proprietor their good will anu patronage. W STRINGER, Late of Wilmington N C. February 26th, 1850 17 Maylatid's Snnff, Ifo.9. A fresh sup ply just received and for ele hr WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD f CO SCOTCH SNUFF AND TOBACCO. MHOSE who are fond of a nice dip or good chew I of the weed will find a superb article of Snuff ana I noecco, at rescud a Drug Store. -Jialeigh March I9,n 1850. . 23 Tricopherous. OR MEDICAL COMPOUND; For Restoring, Purifying, andBeauii fying Hair; Eradicating Scurf and Dandruff, and curing dis eases of the Skin, Glands and Muscles ; Stings, Cuts, Bruises Sprains, S(c., 4c, &c, THE folio wtug testimonials, selected from hun dreds of similar import, will serve to show the value of the preparation, and the estimation in which it ia held by those who have given ita trial : COPT OF A LETTEft FIOM Sa LEX. New York, Feb. 5, 1849. Mr Barry I hare no hesitation in recommendina an article a bich I can, of my own personal knowl edge, endorse as good j and 1 therefore stats with confidence, that your Tricopbereus.is what you claim it to oe an article ror cleansing, preserving, beauti fying and promoting the growth of the hair. I bod it :o be tbe best remedy I hare ever had ia my practice for scald bead, ring-worm, and diseases wnicu iuo saun is auDjea to. T.A.LEE, M.D. Tbe following testimonial is from Mr. Mnnn. ed itor of the Scientific American. Comment on such evidence is unnecessary. New York. Feb. 24. 1849. Barry's Tricopherous is aa article that we take pleasure in awarding tbe highest commendations. We do not do it upon the recommendation, of oth ers, but from our own personal knowledge of its ef fects upon the hair ; while it tends to keep it healthy soft and glossy, it also removes danrnff,prerents grey hair and invigorates its growth in a manner uuequai- led by any otber composition known to us. A ner- soo only needs to nse one bottle to be convinced of this truth- Sold in large bottles-price 23 eta. at the nrinci- pal office, 137 Broad war. New York, and far the principal mercnania ana Lirugists throughout ths 1 aa a m mrm. J " unueu oisiea ana uanaaa, aid oy A. B. STITH si CO Raleigh, May 15th, 1850. 39. HITS SPRITE STILE 1850. FASHIONABLE Moleskin, Medium Bearer, Men's and Boy's Summer llats of almost every description, r or sale by K TUCKER fSON. March 26th, 1850. 35 COD LITER OIL. fresh anpply af RU8HTON. CLARK & CO which we beliee to be superior t any wo bare seen, just receired and for sale af the Drug Store of WILLIAMS. HAY WOOD CO. gf STRAYED or stolen from the Sub 1 Sutw scriber, at Raleigh, on the 10th Inat ji'Nt . a Dark Bar Horse, about ten rears .! IfawC A- old, common sise, having tba marks of gear on him and some white spots on bis oace, which hare a rough appearance, and look as if caused by a bare. . --- Any iafsrmation respecting him will be thankful ly received ; and if be was stolen I. will give a re ward often dollars for the delivery of the horse aad the apprehension of the thief, and pay all reasonable expenses. JORDAN WOMBLE. May, 20. 1850. - : ,i U: . tf 41 New and Seasonable Goods. . JT ARIES II. XOTTL.ES has jo-t received nUSittkOf orKlPiU astdSUMNEK HEKCHAiv DItSE. embracing a good rmristy ef tbe latest styles sad alavest erery quality ofr; " i '.' :- : ' r FAUCI Ail . STAPLE COODV For pertiraiais. bo weald rss-peeifutlr in " . - . - - '. 1 T XV iriacM: to eai ana are aor iubujmi terniuad U ebr them oa soch terms as mass (tLa. , 07" A task w nice fraaa Kiee jast at band V Ma? ih. 1850"' : T 4w .Ttaiidlennd Lanp Wick-A nperw article ef Northern Sperm, in store aad for sale by w iL,uiA.tisrriAi wuuu ac tu : -at. buertioa, Oae CiT:--; Twenty-Sre Casta?1' T ----- . a m. V Comrt Order, and ' t stt r .3 charged S5 per ceaL higher :.ktt a i par cenL will be mae frorn Umt r: -!;jieiC3 j-22f,'faf adrerthwrs by iheyeagVX, f, t -, ; t, ' AdVeniawents, stserted tall i L r.V. tVt Tl aiarea, will else appear faVtba-jrf T;; - fti of eharge, , ft , :-Vc:ffiI s -' 5 , D Letters to the Editor mvst be rwr-r;r5." ' ? A TTENDS THE COU H l y 11 , j. of Orange, AUaaaaee, ; Wale i ChspeiHiW.OrMay 24, IZ7. r C Tfarmeaian, English' and Aatc-j 9 i . For sale by ILTTJCKEa d ttz March 30th t$S0. .' Epbln's Extracts for tbe Caccr A ChJefs, eke The Subscriber keeps ees ataotly ea ha ad alt the fashionable Q )mb af LU warranted genuine, and for sale law. ' - - - ; i- -. H. D TUftNCS. LINSEED OIL' wis GALLONS Moaatabj Uaee4 CSt VK cerred this day aad for aale hw t - Raleigh, April Sth, ISM. i y ; r , ' ' gj Standard aad Tiroes eesyv -'V I " -i - Predi Arrival atj Pescud: " 'v' -'".fA. ihn tT nroi r? " ' T'-..''ssajs-- -TTSkV t . -v :u. f 1 -f . : a m .. 1. . 1.. llB asimnl tba AJtaiaa n mttlalm " CoagliaCo4e.vaW: ' . t.. - ' ' WUlar'a Btimrn tf Wild CUrtf, WinVr4tim$t Laxongeo, Jay Exptctomlf Aytrw Caerry P toral. Hcknkt P mimetic Svrum. Sereral haaew am superior Jujube Pasta aad, Dr. Iftiefi edabnUt Cough Utmtg. , -vW , i . 1 . . O" All persona who are afflicted wka) CeCgbaaad . Celda, are iaviud te call aad get avvre at Mill audi Cross Cat gftwv Aeeassrv - Patent Hammer; Patent Carry Oaths) era, Chisaess, Haadsawa aad Files, Weadblg JXaaaV Collins Aiea. Far sale by 'v . " Jf:BSOWV;"- " Ko'9Fayeawttllaftnae7 Raleigh, April 18th. I8fi0. . t GOLD WAIST BUCKLES AND SLIDES just received-Pa beaatifal artklrv Alse, Ws hand, 2 Harrison Marble Clocks, Warraaitod gaei time pieces For aala by . ' -r- ' PALMER I- KjaMSAT. ' December 4, 1849. - T-'y .-9S MaaxtesaaV Ufa Jtawaae 1 sWssa rS ! Life ia theTarWest. hy George T.- Dsurta, TlMStday receired at the N. C. DOC JLSTORC. i Raleigh. Jaly S. I84.J. . - - .84" Received this day at It 97. 9aSeTeW7 ' ' ' ANEW supply-of &ers. ktee,Gaai of Caav phor, Alum, Salt Pt-tra, Spaaiafa EroWa, CaaV ir Oil. in quart, pint, and, half piat Bottles, alee constantly on band a good supply af Mcfatfa PiUai andPheonix Bitters, hundreds of weaderfafeurae are being effected every year AU taiadsatf health, cars and be eared. ' , v .- - s Raleigh May 14. 1830, 1 : . .-TWat' 9t:t A GREAT XATroXAL-TTOnZL. t THE GALLERY OF" ILLUSTRIOUS i AMERICANS rv DAGUERREOTYPES BY BRADY EJfV 1 GRAVED BY DAVlGNOW. , 7 j EDITED BT O EDWARDS tESSit Tl)ls great work.no w being issued ia semi-aaeataj numbers, will eontala the Portraits snd Biograakiae of Twertt Foca of the most Ulaatrioas Citiaenaaf ibe Republic during oar oWa times. It is jinhlribad on imaenai roire srraWTng paper ia :ae ss uta.. anu tnvrevrtraits are npsrier te 1 ever pnouaaea ia tats country, " THKI5, . For the entire work of 34 Naatbaf. twaatv slai. iars, payable quarterly, ia adraaoe, er oae doUar aumber, payable oa delivery. . ' - ' 1 hia will be aa illnstnows work, Tstlora iat&a finest specimen of Lithography We bare arer aaaub Twenty foar of these aaaVers will eoeaprkaa Vel urns of real ralae, and unsurpassed elegance. ,;..:-;? , Sunday MantimgNtm. Foar numbers roeeired this day by - V H. D. TURNER. May 10, 18fi0. . . j t 4 -. gf ; GARDEN SEEDS OF all the popular varieties, warranted fresh aad genuine, just received aad far sale at the Drear Store of WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD A CO. February 13, 1850. : , v-. -.1 .;: .r-? U , iriATCHESs IT HAVE on bead a aupply af Superior JNatebeaj feraale ay - - ' ' - " - - ... t i.. F-F.FH3CUBV (y Standard and Times eepy. . ' .i r BURNING FLUID AND PHOSGENE GAS, I H AYE jest receired a aupply .af Bsuaing Flail and Phosgene Gaa, and hare made'arraBgesaaatS to keep on Band a eoawtaat aappiy. ; - - - . r. FrsscuD. - Raleigh, April 9th, 1850. r 2 -1 Sundard and Times copy. . J: V . TUB A8SA1TX - v : , TEA COMPANY, 136 Greenwich Street, New Yorh: -J flllHE proprietors beg taoall the aitemioa ef II cortBoiseera in Tea, aad the weeds af reaaiBaa tothe choice aad aaas aelaotloa of Teas isasrie4 by them, aad hitherto anknowa hi this eoantry. which, ny their rrsgranee aad eeiiesey, eotnbined with rirgin parity and strength, prodace en jUUaV sion or surpassing nenneas ana aavor. --- THE TEAS OFFERED ARE THK FOL LOWING. V-f - The Jedda Bloat a Black Tea, wt ft 00 per Sb, to tl ll t U Niphoa do ' 7i - Diari, .- 4e Osaeca, a Green Tea, 1 08 $ . ' Tnn-tnu. . Ma, : . - if O li Ticki-rsiaa, - ' do ; 0 go M Ud-fi Mbttore. a compound ' - - -of tho SBoat rare; aad -a. . caoice i eas grows on - . -? the fertile aad geaial soil ofAsaaia, - - 1 04V With a view to encourage the in trod action of these Batehles Teas, it ia the intention of tbe proprietors to distributes by lot. amoag the paTcaaaers, a qaaa-' tity of Tea eqeal te' i.yfrUfitfXMr K'vftfe " - TUG FIRST TEARS PRCriT f t Each purchaser will receire enclosed ia tWaica age, a numbered certificate, entitling him te Oae Ckssce ! the Jiitrlb it 1 sl H '-: CEy- FOK JSVSB.T PLFTIT 'CZBfTS a laid oat, and oa tho receipts aaaounting te (20,000 the eadermaatioaed parcels of Tea, te the yahie of lea pereent, or :'; .-.-j i TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS, GIVEN AWAY AS BONUSES ! ! I ACCORDIKO TO THE rOLLOWIKG S rrsaa ar a sto. at Tlx sack at 1SS sr- saw, sa. aa SO 25 . .. " 50U - " 500 50 . 10 M0 900 100 l - 9 ".:: . 900 - 0" 20 V l :.;'; ; ; njJO 820. 425 Prises la ati; -? i,00!bs UfXZ These persaas who prefer Jtrwez priced Teas. U .rwtbeirarlae. to tweraattsaj. v. Trills i 1-.TP" TI? nrrOMTifnrrSi' r ILtt r' vmvm . 1 i; t ar 4 Bievctioa or lOrcaeavr V ' Ceantry Agents reqnired.'" Ap'plicatioMto, be addressed (post paid, tp the Company's Depot; as above. . June 2nd, 1850. s 44 3a wpi lor joy. Raleigh, May 27th, 180,