r RAW REG ITER PUBLISHED SEMI-WEE1U.T AND WEEKLY, IS BY SEATON GALES, EDITOR AND fiOPWETOE. TERMS..-, for the Semi-Weekly Paper, $5 per annum for the Weekly Paper, $3 per annurn POETRY. MEMORIES. BT GEORGE D. PRENTICE. Once more, once more, my Mar deir, I il by that lone stream. Where first within thy timid ear brea'hed love's burning dream ; 13)6 birds we loveu still tell (heir tales Of music on eacn spray, And still the wild rose decks the vale But thou art far away. In vain thy vanished form I peek, By wood and stream and dell. And tears of anguish bathe my cheek Where tears of rapture fell ; And yet beneath these wild wood bowers Dear thoughts my soul employ, For in (be ineoMcies-of pact hours, . There is a mournful joy. Upon the air thy gentle words Around me seem to tnriil, Like sounds upon the wind harp's chords When all the winds are still. Or like the low and 60ul-like swell Ot i hat wild spirit tone. Which haunts the hollow of the bell When its sad chime is done. I seem to hear thee speak my name Id sweet low murmurs now, 1 seem to feel thy breath of flame Upon my cheek and brow ; On my co d lips I feel thy kiss, Thy heart to mine is laid Aksthat such a dream of bfibs L'ke other dreams must fade ! MISCELLANEOUS. From the !mericcui Farmer. RENOVATION OF WOUN OUT LANDS. We copy with great pleasure the follow ing excellent paper from the pen of If. K. Burgwytm, Esq., of Northampton County, N. C. from the May No. of the Southern Cultivator, in which paper ittias been pub lished, in anticipation of the "Patent Office Report," for which it was written. We a;ree with the enlightened editor of the Cul tivator, that if the "Report" contained noth ing else than the essay in question, the mo ney which will be expended in printing it, will be profitably laid out. What Mr. B. stales is not theory, which may or may not be true, but are the results of his own prac tice and experience, and, therefore, impltcitly to be relied upon. In reading Mr. B.'s excellent communica tion, we regret that lune and marl were not available in his district, as either, if used in connection with bis pea-leys, would render his soil infinitely more productive. It is possible, however, that the slitf clays which underlay the lauds of his neighborhood, and which are brought to the surface by his deep ploughing, contain notable portions of lime, potash, aud sslts of iron in various stages of oxiJition, and may thus afford healthful supplies of the two first named substances; but even in that case, benefit would result from the applications of lime in the quanti ty so propei ly suggested by the discrimina ting n.irtd of Mr. B., or, even less quantities "A quantity of lime," says Mr. Tcvis, "which does not exceed the thousandth part of the tilled surface layer of the soil, a like proportion of drawn ashes, or a two hundredth part, or even less, of marl, are sufficient to modify the nature, change the products, and increase by one-half the crop of a soil des titute of the calcareous principle." In an other part of his valuable essay on the prop erties and modes of applying lime, he speaks most approvingly of the practice of the far mers, La S'trthe, France, who apply, every third year, Hi bushels per acre, in compost made of one part lime, and seven or eight parts of good mould or earth. In those districts of country where both lime and marl are to be had, but where the toil has been exhausted by improvident cul ture, by adopting the deep tilth and pea-ley system of Mr. B., and by liming or marling, the proprietors of such lands will greatly add to their productive capacities. We invite your attention to the following: Improvement of Worn Out Lauds by the Use of Peas and Clover. By II. K. Burgwynn, Esq., of Northampton County, Jf. C. Having heard from various reliable sour ces of the great success of Mr. Burgwvnn in renovating worn out lands in North Caro lina, we were particularly anxious to obtain, from his own pen, an account of bis practice in this important matter, for the Agricultural part of the Patent Office Report. At our re quest, Mr. B. sent the following able and in structive esay, which we take the liberty to publish in the Cultivator, kimullaneously with iu going through the press at Washing ton : "There are large bodies of land lying in Eastern and Middle Virginia and North Car olina, which have been to much reduced by continued cropping, planting tobacco, cotton, and sowing oats, as bo longer to pay the cost of cultivation, and are 'turned out as waste lands.' These really still possess a good saarc of fertility, and, by a very rqoderate expenditure of labor and attention to com mon sense principles of agriculture, may be reclaimed, and have their productiveness in creased from 190 lol50 percent. They can he rua-Je truly valuable ; and I do not hesi tate to say, as the result of m? experience, mat they will give a greater profit in the course of five years1 cultivation than can be uenved from any except our rich river lands. "This is ihe method 1 have adonted. and by which I have increased the products of ucb lands from 1 1 to 2 barrels of corn to 4 barrels per acre. The increase of wheat is I'tortoitionably greater than that in corn. oi y system of culture is substantially as for low?: 'If the 'broom straw iu which these wate lands always grow up, retains any sap, uy which, when turned under, fermentation will ensue and cause the straw to rot, let the hud cs it is, be plowed with the largest size p.uvs, drawn by three or four horses, running j -;7py -'sjg' " uvm J il? IB LI. inchesand turning everything under. If uiHiVM UU UO. ll will oaM ml itv - s- mwT'tnffm thai-ease bura iTOffiml plow wwertii puuioiey ; louow-eacn plow, and goeor 8heVdeeper. -Thig will make tle s'ff clawhich laKsVerry where un deflieV our land, inofe open lo genial in fluences of the sun and air j and enable it to.get rid of the aorpUis water of winter, and heavy ralnB in other periods of the year. 'About.the middle of Jiine following, wberi ihe weeds are 'about half grown, and before they have formed their seeds, sow the land broadcast at the rata of a bushel per acre, of any of the numerous varieties of peas among us, except the black. eyed,' which having very little vine, affords little shade. In all cases, I prtfer those which have the most vine, and ripen earliest. When the land has much of weeds or grass upon it, turn under the peas with any kind of plow, running not over three inches deep. If the land is bare of weeds, I prefer covering the peas with a large h?nvy harrow, running both ways first lengthwise, and then across tTieTieds. As it Is important ld give the pea 8 a start over the weeds and grass, I soak them six hours in water, and rub them in plaster of Paris ; and when they begin to leaf and branch, say when 12 inches high, I sow plaster at the rate ol a bushel per acre. This stimulates their grrtwth, and they over- power the weeds anil grass. 'When about half the peas are ripe not half ripe' hogs should be turned in to trample and cut up the vine.", otherwise it is extremely difficult to turn them under. So soon as this can be dor.e, the hogs should be taken off for the peas are useful for sha ding the land from the summer's sun a most important matter in all improvement ! and jri vinil to the tbin soil a large mass of vine-leaves and other vegetable substances, j From experience in the use of both, I think peas not infeiior to clover (to which family, indeed, it belongs,) as a specific manure for i wleat , . , . . , ! der' you have a pea ley,' over which sow a bush el and a half of wheat per acre, and six quarts of clover seed. Harrow them in thornujjh'y, and let the work be finished by the middle ol October. The return wiil, of course, depend somewhat on the quality of the old field;' but I venture to affirm that it will amply repay nil labor and ou' lay. and astonish by the great result apparency from so trivial a cause. I am familiar with the great increase of crops from the use of lime and clover, and I do not mean to compare the two mciiidsof renovating land as equal : but where lime is not to be had, there is no application that can compare for a mo ment, on well drained land, (if it need draining) with plaster, peas and deep tillage. No gold mine is so valuable as a good marl pit. I am however, confining myself to interior districts, where neither lime nur marl can be had. 'After the wheat comes off in June following, the clover if sown early in October, wiil have grown so as to ulude the land pretty well, even on the waste lands I speak nf. It 6hou!d not bo grazed the first year at ah; in the February after, top-dress it with all the manure to be had, not foTVeitin? to auolr all the t,U tk witLin rh This tune of the year (winter) is the best fr j applying manure in our country, where the h"t j sun acts so injuriously on a bare surface. The ! roots ol the young clover Deing pro:ecifO irom j naru irost anu suuaeu cnanjjes uy me manure, n j shoots forward With the eeriest warmth of sprii g j and smothers all weeds. When weeds mature I their seed, they draw upon the fertility of 1-tnd equal to most crips. Clover gives a cr.p cquil ' to any other, and is all returned to Ihe land in! dreppines of the stock while grazii'.s upon i:. As proof of i s profi', for three years I have never fed my working horses on grain or fodder, fr m the middle of May till the clover fails. They are turned on the clover field after the day's work is over, and taken up in the morning in good condi tion for service. I have never lost one by thi management ; in fact, they improve from the lime they are thus treated, and work better. Alter the clover has been on the land two summers, during which period it has dropped three crops of leaves and stocks, and thereby greatly improved the land, either turn it under as before in September or Ocober, for wheat, or later in the fall for corn the ensuing' year. In the former case, you will find your land as thirkiyset as be fore with volunteer clover, whirliougnt to remain as a pasture lor toe summer, alter me seconu crop of wheat comes oft If corn, instead ol wheat, be crown, sow peas broadcast among ihe corn at the last plowing, soaking the sepd and rolling them in plaster as before. After the corn crop, do not suffer the land to lie ou'. ISoer- ror can be more opposed to good tanning thn that which assumes that land is improved by ly ing out" and permitting a crop of weeds to mature upon it. 1! we had duly renecrco, tins error would Ion erg nee have been apparent, in the con tinued quantity of thousands of acres lying waste around us, not a tehit improved by 'lying out.' After the soil has once been brought up by peas. subsoiling the deep ploughing and clover all within reach of the farmer even in the interior it will not again relapse, unless the former barba rous and senseless practice of exhaustion and negligence be again adopted. If lime can be had even at the cost of 20 cents a bushel, I would in all cases spread it on the land, after the first crop of peas had been turned under, to the amount of fifteen or twenty bushels per acre. This quanti ty will greatly benefit the land, and enable the owner shortly to repeat the application of a like quantity." STILL THEY COME. JUST received at the Variety 8 tore an addition al supply of goods in the following line : Brown, Crushed and Clarified Sugar; a prime article of Rice, Coffee, Adamantine and Tallow Can dles, Tobacco and Segars or good quality, large lot of Snuff, of different qualities, Guu Powder and Black Teas, Salt, Leather, and Nails. Nos. 4 lo 20. ALSO A 6ne Barrel of best old Southampton Cider Vine gar, together with a great many other articles too tedious to raeution. All of which will bo sold on accomodating terms, by vtbv.tc. J. J. RYALS- July 11, 1850. 5Mt SOUTH CAROLINA Female Collegiate Institute. THE PRINCIPALS respectfully announce that the duties of the INSTITUTE will De resumed ou tbs first Thursday in October. The various Literary and Scientific Departments, as also those of Languages, Music, and Painting, are, and will be, supplied with experienced Profes sional Instructors. Circulars referring to Examination just closed, ami giving particulars of Terms, Ac, forwarded on triplication. 'r ELI A 8 MARKS, M-D. BENJAMIN RICHARDS, A. M. Barhamvit.leuesr Columbia, 8, C.Jnly 16 1850. IDEM . WHfc. Subscriber wishing to go North ou the 15th of next month to buy s. fresh Stock of Progs, Medicines &.c, respectfully requests all who are in debted to Stith Sl Pesoud, Peecud &. Johnson or on his individual scooant previous to January 1850, to call and settle, without delay or further persuasion. P F. PESCUD. July 23, 1850. &9 Standard and Times copy. ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACUURE. WHY will North Carolina merchants who deal in Candy prefer sending North, when they can get it in Ilaleigh aa good in every respect? Aud I am determined to sell it as low as they can get it iu Petersburg. Give me a fair trial, aud I am confident thai I can give satisfaction. Send ou your orders. 1 will also keep through the summer, Oranges, Lernooa, Sugars j-c., which 1 cau Fell low because, getting them direct from the North, I am able to sell them as low as they cau be bought this vide of Battimore. L. B. WALKER. May 3rd, 1S50. 36 New Firm, THE Subscriber having connected themselves IHE Subscriber hi B. in burfiue, under the Firm of Diffalox !k t'toti, lake this occasion to inform the Public, thai they will kef p constantly on hand all articles neces sary for the uses of the Family or Frm. Their stock LOnsxls in part of the following articles: Bacon and Lard, Flour. Meal and Corn, Iron and Nails, Cnal, German anil Blister Sleel, Castings, Trace Chains and Weeding Hjcs, Loaf, chrushed. clarified and brown Sugg's, Coffee, Molasses, and all, Sole and upper Leather, Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candle, Powder, Shot and Lead, Tobacco, SnulTi and Soap. $-c.t$c., 4-c., Country produce pariirularly corn, fodder and dry beef-hides will be laken at a fair eichange. The above articled having leen carefully elccled nrt KrtlKrtl! Willi ' -i lIlM ..hurilu.rd nr. .I..l.rmin cj nol t i,e under-sold by any dealer, in the Ciiy. J. t;. M. BUFFALOK, UEOKUE T. COOK I', .l,r'',9,h l9j0 ... 29 Souih side of Harcett Street, fourth and filth doors east of Williams, Haywood & Co's Druj COD LIVER OIL t.N Roitles and Capsule, a genuine article, just ox"ned and for sjle at the L)ruu Store of P. F. PESCUD. 03" The Season has now arrived when Dyente ry. Bowel Complaint, &c, are iti.i most prevalent. These i!iseae very often prove fatal to both ("till- i dr?n and Adul.s ; therefore they should be removed ! itfore debility and exhaustion ensue. One bottle i of I BERNARDS CHOLERA MEDICINE, I Will cure the worst ru."e in less thau 24 hours, if ! i t -t i i' r r i 1 1 l rr I r liirprlinnj It u s i-t" . i wi i-mv I t r or .man r rtms. and has never been known to tail, evpii when the mutt eminent Physicians pro nounced ihe patient bey on t ihe reach ol medicine Over 200 references and certificates cau l e mom ctn. For the cure nf CHOLERA INFANTUM, This Medicine has no equal. It can be given to an infant a week old with perfect sefeiy. It n pleas ant to the taste nnd harmless in its composition. A fresh 6upp:y just received anu for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Rxletgh, Aoijuft 3U, 1K30. C-2 SPR1XG GOODS 1850. THE SubscriliTr is opening his Spring Slock, at pcril$r h 0j ,iand,oflhe latest importations and Domes- tjc Manufactures, consisting of Maple and Fancy Dry Uoodn, Hats, Shoes, Crockery, Har.lwai, and (Jroceiies, ' AJIOACi TIICU 100 pieces Calicoes, various colors. 100 " Urown and Bleached Shirting and Sheet- ing. Ginghams, Lawn. Irish Linen, Holland's Cot lonade and other .Summer Goods for men and boys Padded for children. Drown, Ketined, Clarified, Crushed and Loaf Sugar, Java, Laguira and Rio CoflVe, Cul Nils and Br.id. California, and other Hata for men and loys. All of which will le sold on reasonable terms for Cash, or to prompt customers on time. J. BROWN. No. 9, Fayetteville t. Raleigh. April 15. 1850. SI Pianos ! Pianos ! Pianos ! THE undersigned respectfully iuforma the La dies and the Public generally that he is daily putting up Pianos in dirlereut parts of the Slate. He will send Instruments to any part of North Carolina; and if they do uol give satisfaction, they will be taken back and uo charge made for the transporta tion. All orders and letters most be addressea ANTHONY KUHN, Baltimore. No. 75, Baltimore St. to LIST OF PRICES. Pianos in beautiful Mahogany aud Rosewood ca ses, built of the finest material, of the latest styles aud improvements, metallic plate, aud eulire metallic rallies, cost as follows : 6 Octave 180 lo $150 ; 250 to $300 6J 250 lo $31)0; 2:5 to $350 C " 300 lo $350 ; 300 lo $500 Grand Pianos, from $500 to $(1000. The above named Pianos are constantly manufac tured at my Establishment, and are not to be sur passed. 1 would particularly recommend those with entire metallic frame, as they cau be readily trans ported auy distance, without jarring Ol beiuf put oat of tune. A. K. Jaue, 1st 1850. 42 PURE SALiD OIL. A SUPPLY of pure Olive Oil. direct from Bor deaux, via Petersburg, Va., on hand and for sale by 3 P. F. PESCUD. ALSO Pure Cod Eiver Oil, iu Bottles, and Capsules. Raleigh, July 21st, 1650. 60 NOTICE. THE Subscribers have determined to locate in this r.ltv. and having procured a sufficient number of com petent assistants, are prepared to execute in the most finished Style, all kiuds of PAINTING, GLAZING, AND RE-GLAZING. Orders from the City or surrounding Country, if left at the Drug Store of P. F. Pescud, will be nram n executed and satisfaction euarantied. Reference as to ability, character, $ 0-, will be eiven to all who may wish to patronise us. OVEUBY 4-WHITLOCK. Raleigh May 20, 1830. 41 Wanted. GOOD House-maid. Li XA Raleigh, Aug 6th. 1S50. GOOD House-maid. Euquire al this office. 63 3t Mil RALEIGH,- N. v: C-V AUGUST 11; N-! Hunt & Co., If. 6 Devonshire Street, Boston. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand, for sals, Best Oak Tanned Leather Belting-, BELT RIVETS AMD BURRS, SUPERIOR BELT CEMENT, AND EXTRA QUALITY LACE LEATHER. Belts Made to Order and Warranted. N. H. & Co. respectfully refer to the following, touching the quality of their quality. WE the undersigned, having in use the Oak Tanned Leather Belting, manufactured by N. Hunt 4- Co., No. 26, Devonshire Street, Boston, do cheerfully recommend it to Manufacturers and Machinists, nnd have no hesitation in saying, that for quality of stock, uniformity of thickness, being thoroughly stretched, the superior manner of its manufacture, nnd its durability, it is equal to any we have ever used. South Boston Iron Co., South Boston. Seth Wilmarth. Union Works, Souih Boston. John Souther, Globe Works, South Boston. Seth Adams 4- Co., Steam Engine and Power Press Builders, South Boston. Hiuckley J. Druby, Boston Locomotive Works Boston. . 4 "m. Wa-shburn,Sawii;gaad Plaining Mill, Bostou A. C r W. Curtis. Paper Manufacturers, Newtou L. Falls- John E. Wilder, Salamander Safe Manufacturer, Boston. W. W. Alott, Sup't Suffolk Flour Mills, Boston. Henry Brevoori, Agent Glendon Rolling Mills. Eust Boston. Thomas Ditson, Boston Sugnr Refinery, East Boston. F. Main, Superititeudant Marblehend Cordage Co. Davenport A Bridges, Car Builders, Cambridge port. Edw"d Lang. Sup't of Spinning Room for Sewell, Day A Co , Cordane Manufacturers I Lem. Crehore, Paper Manufacturer, Newton Low er l alls. Otis Tufts. Steam Engine Builder, East Boston. N. HUNT & Co. nre asents for SWINGLE'S MORTISING MACHINES. April 30. IS'jO. 35 Cm SPUING SALEs. The underpinned are receiving direct from New Orleans and other Markets, a large .-lock of Sugar, Mola-ses, -c. which they will sell for cash or to punctual deitlerii, on favorable terms They have now in Store, 105 Hhds. New Orleans Sugara 250 Boies and Uiils refined do 1 10 Bl'ls. New Orleans and W. I. Molasses 40 Hhd. do do do do 350 Bags Prime Green Rio Laguira CotTee Bas Shot OHO K gs NhiIs, Cumberland and other Brands 50 Ton English Iron, Imported direct into Pe lerobu'g. 40 do Swedes and American do 600 Reams wrapping, litini; and letter paper 300 Boies Tallow, Adamantine and perm Can dles 10 Tons Ca-tir;j 10 do Grind Stones 100 Dozen Painted Pails, Wiih a full assortment of Wines, Brandies &c Vc. c. PEEBLES WHITE &. DAVIS. Old St. Petersburg Va. March 15th 1630. 22 EXJMLYJlTIOA', T THE UNION INSTITUTE, will close o the 10ib of Augusi next. Gradcine and Ad dicss on the ul ernoow preceding, at which time pa rents and the public generally ate invited to be present. Greenboro July 5. 1850. 55 ENGLISH MUST.1RD. A FRESH supply of (S;.d !ler and Firtles.) Eng I lisli .Mustard, just received, nnd for s ile by P. F. PESCUD. 60 Raleigh. July 21st. 1S."0. Racing Subscription Office, 19 PARK PLACE, KEW YOUK. rBUE Proprietors beg to announce that they have opened Classes for Sweepstakes, up'n the system which has obtained a large i-hare of the public support in Enyljnd and elsewhere, by exten ding as ii does lo the puldic at large, the interest otherwise fell by few only in ItACI.U EVENTS, AM) ENABl.l.NG ALL Wlitlher Cvnversaiii rcith Sporting matins or not, To participate in the ch.ince of G.1LVLYG .3 UiRUE SUM, Uy ihe rKoti, at proportionably A STl.II. KISK ! j As will be sen by ihe subjoined Scheme, the subscriber in Cla-e E. may FOK ONE DOLLAR, GAIN 5.000. 'Ihe bweepstakes now open ronrisl ol live Classes tor ihe s GREAT YOKKM1IKE STAKES, To be run at York, (England! 23d August. 1S00 164 Horses entered. Fiitvr iioRsi;, $.30,000. 19 C CP OB - 3 S a- o 2 e o- d 5; sr o A 2,OOOS50,OOS-'0,)00251OOOS10,OOO.S10.000&5COO B 2,000 25,00 25,000 12 500 5.000 5,100 2,500 C 5.000 IftOO 25.0dO 12.500 5.000 5,(J00 2,500 D 5,000 5,00 12.500 6.-J50 2.S00 2,50 1,250 El 0,000 1,00 6 000 2.500 1,000 1,000 500 THE DRAWING of this Sweepstake whI lake place publicly on the 23d day of August, 1850, the day on which the race wiil be run the place and hour being first duly announced by advertisement ; when the name of all the horses entered will be allotted amongst the sub sciibers iu each class, and on the 20th day of Sep tember next, by which time the result of ihe race will be known, ihe Prizes will be distributed ; the holder of the name of the winning horse in Class A receiving a Prize of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, that of the second, Twenty-five Thousand Dol lars, dj-c , &c, in accordance with the above Scheme. A commission of 10 per cent to cover expenses will be deducted on payment of all pi ire. Any further information required, will be affor ded by the Secretnry, Mr. William Dairoll, at the offices as above to whom all applications for A gencies and other communications are lo be addres sed podt paid, and all remittances either by bill or note to be made, in return ior which numbered Certificates will be forwarded as directed. Lists of Horses entered for the abover and all other Races of Importance may be seen, together with Schemes for Sweepstakes, in the forthcoming S. Leger, j-c. &.c. June 19th. 1850. 49 2m NEW BOOKS. rPHE Shoulder KtooU; By B. F.Teft. ft- Rail Way Economy in Europe and America. By Dr. Lardner. Past. Present, and the Fnture. By Lamartine. The History of the Confessional. By Bishop Hopkins. The Vale of Cedars. By Grace Aguilar. No 3. The Daltons. By Lever. . Old Oak Chest. By James. .'.Mary Morton, or the Broken Promise. - By Ar thur. Edmond Daates, Sequel to Monte Christ. By Do mas. The Mob Cap. By Mrs. lieutxe. No. U. CopperfielJ. H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, July 8th. l&.v). i.t 1850. For 1850. R. Tucker and Son. VnTTHO constantly keep on bapd an extensive V V assortment or the best and most desirable, as well as fashionable FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, are now receiving their Spring and Summer surely for 1850. One of t he Finn has just returned from- New York, where he purchased a rich variety of J uooas ortnis spring's Importations, before they had been picked over, and before the advanee in price; and having thus had the choice of the large and splended fresh arrivals', and the advantage of low prices, they flatter themselves they will be better prepared than ever to meet the demands of this mar ket, aud please their numerous friends mud custom ers, in town and country. They respectfully invite thu public to call and examine their stock. They have just received a supply of the following, and are daily receiving such other articles as are usually kept in a Dry Goods and Family Grocery Store, suited to the wants and taste of this community. Bl'k Gro De Rhine Silks, Plain and Figured Chameleon Silks, Broche and Plain Grenadines, ' Plain and Embfidered Ulaek ditto, Fancy and Black Silk Tissues, Silk Albarines and Hernanies, Corn colored Grenadines, Evening Dresses, Embioidered and Dotted Fancy Swiss Muslins, Chambeiy, French and American Ginghams, Camblet Lustres, anil Linen Gingham, Melries, and Fanry Diamond Jackonets, Plain and printed Lawns and Muslins, Tarleton, Swiss, India, Victoria, Bishop, Book, and Dotted Jackonet Muslin, Rich Bonnet, Cape, Neck, Cuff and Belt Rib bons, French Needle Work Capes, Collars and Cuffs, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Paris Kid Gloves. Swiss and Jackonet EJgingsjind In-ertings, Lisle and Linen Edgings and Ribbons, Linen and Fancy Silk Drets Buttons. Kus-ia Braids and Fancy Silk Trim mil gs, L idies' and Missts' L.C Hem Stitch and Tape Bordered Hdkfs. Muslin, Muhair, Gras and Hough's Patent Skirts. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEHES, of the variou colors and qualities, Linen & Cotton Goods, in great varieties, msny of which are touched with the Hungarian and California finish. Black and Fancy Satin and Silk VESTINGS, Plaid and Embroidered Marseilles dillo, fc. &. H ATS. &c Determined always lo furnish what ever is latest, rarest snd best, they offer an ex tensive stock of Men's, Youth's and rbildrens Fashionable and Flat Bum Mole Skin. Pana ma, Maracaibo, Leghorn, Sewed Pedal', Hun garian and Pulra Hats. Infant's Fsney Goods. Also, Umbrellas. Parasols, Bonnets, Shoes, Hard, ware, Cutlery, Groceries, ic. AH ol which they now arc offering on the most liberal terms. R. TUCKER &, SON Ualeigh .March 15th 1850. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FOR 1850. are now in receipt of our entire Spring supply, embracing every thing in our hue. .Yew, Durable and Beautiful, Cloths, Cas simeres, Drap d'etes. Drillings, Satins, Silks Mar seilles, Shallies, &x ,Vc all of which will be made up 10 order as heretofore with neatness and dis patch. Thankful for past favors we earnestly solicit a continuance of patronage. Our entire Stock was selected by Mr. Oliver in person, and we can with confidence recommend it not only to be "Fresh and Fine" bul of the vt rv latest Importations OLIVER i. PROCTER, Merchant Tailors, Raleigh, N. C. April 10th, 1850. 33 P. S. Paris, London, and American Fashions at hand. O. 6l P. From the Opera of the " two SUIT-ors." Translated on Fayetteville Street. I dreamed that her favoring glances fell On a well-dresed Beau at her pide. And I could'nt tell why the laughing Belle, Had refused to become my bride. Bui a sinple glnnce at my rival's Coal, Told me Ihere lay Ihe ctrength of the game ; And I said if the Tailor's in Town who can doit. I'll have one exactly ihe same. Then I dreamed that 1 searched the Town all o'er, For the gem that would win her tearl, Till I found myself standing in front of the Store Where clothing is fashioned by art; And then I remembered that this was the place W here tire Coat of my rival was made, And entering in, right befors my face. Lay a Broad-Cloth, exactly ihe shade. The Coat was sent home, and like Cesar I sped, I came, and I saw, and I won For she smilingly said, whn I asked her to wed, "What an elegant Coal you have on " Three days from that time, perhaps it was more, I induced her to alter her name ; And I still buy my Coais at the very same Store, And slip loves me as ever the Fame. OLIVER &. PROCTER makes thm Coats. Raleigh. April 19. 1850. 32 IRON. SWEDES, English and American Iron, assorted, in store, which we will sell on pleasing terms. PEEBLES, WHITE $ DAVIS. Peter-burn. July 22. Ie50. 59 MRS. BREMER'S JYE1V STORY. EASTER OFFERING. By Fredrika Bremer. JLSO THE CONQUEST OF CANADA, by Elliot Warburton, Esq. Received this day by H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, Mny 21st, 150. HI Oil and Lard Lamp Cliinucys A good supply of various sizes, just received by WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD CO Just Received. RAISINS, whole, half aud quarter boxes, Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, &c. 4., W mow aud Market Baskets, with &. without covers, Ladies' faucy French Baskets, Citron, Prunes, Pickles, Soda, Butter and Milk Crftckers lOcts. per lb., A fine lot of Pictures in frames, ALSO. Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Caudles cheap ALSO. Just to hand, 25 Bbls. Marriotts and McClanahau's best Flour. L. B.WALKER. May 3rd, 1850. 36 RAIL ROAD HOTEL. HENDERSON N. C. fTHE Subscriber having taken the above 1 House, recently kept by Mrs. M. Nut all, would respectfully inform bis friends, and tha public generally, that the bouse is now open lor tue reception of Rail Road Passengers, and others, who may favor him wilh a call. Merchants, and others, going North or elsewhere, are informed that his sta bles are large and comfortable, well furnished, and an experienced Ostler in constant attendance. Horses uken by the day, week or month, on terms which shall be satisfactory. No electioneering will ba re sorted to by him or his servants on the arrival of tha Cars, every person being left to hie own ehoiee, to patronise any aense in the place He may enoose No charge will be made for meals, or anything else, u Bless full aalisiaoUsBi is given 10 every instance. JAMES GRESHAM. Henderson. July 8th 1850. 55-lm ' -aaBwsBwBsssBaaw""aBBw NUMBER 65. . THURSTON'S" . FOUNTAIN HOTEL, fFoKHERLr BeltzhoovkVs) Head of Light, near Baltimore St., BALTIMORE, QTflHE increased patronage of this long establish, fe ed and popular Hotel, Under the management of its present proprietor, has inspired him with further energy and determination, end bo expense' or atten. tioa of his or thai of his Assistants will be aparad. toxaajatain wUh the patrons of, tuej" Foumtaiw" tha reputation it held all over me country, la Its palmiest days" of Beltzhoover's conductorship. To iucrease its former attractions and comforts, during the past season, the Hotel has undergone many changes, the Proprietor having made heavy outlays in introducing some of the best and latest improvements which, together wilh it ceutral posi tion, being located in the very heart of the business portion of the city, aud near th centre of Baltimore Street, aud within a few minutes walk of all the Depots and Steam Boat Landings, it invites the Merchant, the Farmer, ihe Artisan, as well as the Man of Pleasure to make the Fountain Hotel his home during his sojourn in Baltimore. Tlie Ladies Department, Containing Private Parlors, Saloons, Reception Rooms, Ordinary, and extensive suites of large and airy Chambers, fitted up in a style aud elegance that cannot fail to give satisfaction and comfort. Porters are attached to the ' Fountain" who may be recognized by the Badges on their Hats, and are always iu the attendance at the different Decots aud Steamboat Landings, who will receive Checks, lake charge of the Baggage and convey it to tha Hotel. PI1 IN EAS THURSTON, Proprietor. Feb. 26th, 1650. 17 A CARD. 1. position that brings his services in immediate connection wilh the Guests 6f the above Hotel, he trusts, offers a further inducement to his numerous frieuds and acquaintances of the '' Old North State," when they visil Baltimore, to stop al the ''Fountain," where he assures them they will be received and en tertained iu a manner that shall strengthen this ac quaintance aud secure for its Proprietor their good will and patronage. W STRINGER, Late of Wilmington N C. February 26th, 1S50. 17 studies Shoes and Slippers. JUST received, by Express, direct from the manufactory. Ladies Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes. (Ties and Buskins,) do do and do Slippers. ALSO ON HAND. 100 pieces Light and Dark Calico, Bleached nud Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, With a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hats and Shoes, Lnwos and Ginghams, Groceries, Cjjnbiics and Jaconetts. Crockery. For sale, low, by J.BROWN, No. 9 Fayetteville Street. Raleigh, Angust 6th. 1850. 63 l uUITLDME. OF Til lil Alt. IREDELL'S LAW REPORTS, Vol 10, are now bound, and for sale by the Subscribers. It contains 640 pages, at the reduced price of $5. Vol. 6 Equity will not be completed until after the present Term of the Supreme Court, whose decisions it will contain. The subscribers are owners of ihe whole edition of Iredell's Heports after vol. S Law and VoL 3 E quity, which they offer to the Profession al $5 per vol. They have also on hand the earlier volumes of Iredell, forming complete sets of his Reports. And will supply, at short notice, complete sets of the N. C. Reports, 37 vols, (excepts volume or two which are out of print,) on the most reasonable terms. Also, all kinds of Law Books furnished, or pro cured to order, at reasonable prices E.J HALE & SON. Fayetteville, July, 1850. 3t5 WASHINGTON HOUSE. C'liesuut St. above Screutta St., PHILADELPHIA. IS central, in the immediate vicinity of the most important public Institutions, the best and most fashionable places of business, and the attractive Dublic Squares of the city. In the important requi sites of light nnd ventilation, two principal objects aimed at in the recent enlargement ana tborougn improvement of this House, it is not exceeded, per haps, by any establishment in America. To stran gers, therefore, its position is peculiarly desirable. The Subscriber returns thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage they have ex tended to him, and assures them that he will en deavor to merit a continuance of their favors. A. F. GLASS. June 7th, 1850. 10t-47 STEAMBOAT ItfAVIUATIOA Bi;TWEE. FAYETTEVILLE AND WILMINGTON. HE undersigned Proprietors of the Cape Fear Steam Boat Company beg leave to lender their thanks lo ihe public for iba liberal patronage received during the last season, and lake this meth od to iuform their patrons and the public generally that they have added over fifty per cent to the Cap. ital Slock of lha Company, in boats. The draub. of tha New Steamboat " Chatham," is calculated 10 navigate the river at all atages of water, giving ahipiers by this line a decided advantage in getting their goods up without delsy, especially in the Fall season, when the River is usually too low for Steam Boats of ordinary draught to run. I The Boats composing this Line are The Steamer Gov Graham, 2 years old. Chatham Tow Boats Mike Brown Telegraph Cumberland Express New. 3 years old. do New. do All tha above Boats' are, in the very best condi tion (or the Fall business. Tha undersigned feel warranted in appealing to the shipping public for eueh an increased patronage as will renumeraietbam to some extent at least for tha additional capital in vested, and promise wilh every confidence tL at ship pers by this Line shall be as well if nol better served than thev can be bv anv other on the River. The arrangements by the Copartners are intended to ba permanent, and should experience suggest the necessity of anv? further increase of boats, tha public may felj upon their being put on the River without delay. ' c - t Our rales for Freight at all times will be the cur rnt rate chareed bv others. " ; Bills of Lading for goods intended to. come by ibis Line sbeald be filled up to the rare of the Cape Far Steamboat Vol Wilmington One coav be ina sent by mail to T- C. Worth, Agent si list p4a. . UluDL-r x. DKuiniiito, . T.O. WORTH, 5.iSi; . t " m . A P- HURT, , - jZ l 10 j n.WILLTAMi. 4 V ) ' John. D.7v'ltttJfe, AgBt,"Japo Tear Steamboat Company, rayetteviH, JuW 19, 1850. w 65 saaasaaaaaMasasmM lasa.a 1 1 aaasaMaaisayaisi . V, TfcBMS OF, ADVERTISING AivriUtmentM.Fot l- every ' Sixt et timHtiO Insertion, One DoUar; - eich absoant iartie ComriOfdtra aid JmikUl Advert ieirfc charged 25 par cent, higher ; hut 4 dedtatkm f 33 per cenU Will Usisde from thbystUir fHttk, tt advertistnbybvyearv v , AdrerUeraeBU auerted in the StMi-tTuttT fit ourrsa, will also appear in the Wksxt Paper,' ( of charge : 'js f. ,--- ..j"-'r, D Letters to the Editor mutt be rovr-mw tv A TTENDS THE COURTS .in tha Cooatia 2M. u Orange, Alamance, Wake and Chathau. Cnapel Hifl,N. C, May 24j 18H9. " 2H lT)airiiiesian, English and American Cbte IL For sale by R. TUCKER A 80N. March 301 h 1850. . , UNSEED OIL. , VaO. GALLONS Mountain Linseed Oil r Jm39 cird this day and f6r sale by - . P. I". PESCUD. Raleigh, April 9th, 1S50. 23 Standard and Times copy. WHITE WASH BRUSHES.'".-:... ALARGE aupply of various sixesjust received and for sale low. . , , j, k WILLIAMS, HAf VVO'Oi) A CO Raleigh April 23d 1850. 3S SCOTCH SNUFF JUS"D TOBACCO, rilHOSE who are fond of a nice dip ot goodebew X of the weed, will find i stipe rh article of Snuff and Tobacco; al' PescwTi Drug" Stored j'- " . KaTeighMi lihJ8S0.v:-W j - PEEULLS, WHITE DATIS, Grocers and. Commission. JTlerclaaiits - Old Sirtrtrfclcrsbirrgj-fat W7EEP always on hand a large and waif assort Jfjed supply of Groceries, and psy pafilcblar at tention to ihe sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Wheat Flour, and all other kinds of produce. LEMUEL PEEBLES, THOMAS WHITE, PETER R. DAVIS, j. . Petersburg, July 20 6S If IN Quarts and Pints, just received aud fur sale al the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD A 00 DRIED BEEF. SUPERIOR article of Northern Dried Bsef. Just received aud selling at 124 cent. . By L. B. WALKER. July 2nd. 1850. " 53 po 1:11:1:. MDZ. of London Brown Stout, in qts, jusi received and for sale by - WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & OQ, Gold Watches and Jewelry ; JXEW arrival of a large and fashionable as sortment of tne strove Juac at nana and fbf sale, cheaper than ever, at PALMER 4- HAA1SA YS J ewelry Store. The most extensive stock of all articles in their line that has been offsr ed for sale here for years. Come and see, if yea do not buy. ; -h 4 Doien gold and silver Watches, of ail kinds, Gold fob, vest and guard Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger-rings, Ear-rings, Breast-pins, StudJ,aHd collar Buttons, ,.- Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Clasps, golA silver and spring steel Spectacles. Gold and silver Pencils aud Pens and waist Buck les, Silver Combs and Tortoise shell Spectacles, A very extensive assortment of Silver and rlateo Spoons, Cups, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Salt Spoons, &.c A large stock 6f Cutlery, Rasors. Knives, Rasor straps, and Diamond Paste for Razors, Brushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, otfc Butter and Frait Knives. Gold and Silver Thim bles, Gold and Silver Mounted Walking Canes, " Silver Plated Castors, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Baskets, Girandoles, A large assortment of Perfumery, - Cologftes, Soaps, BoxesTbr Toilets, Fancy article, and Christmas presents, and a variety of other arti cles. All kinds of Watches and Jewelery repaired in superior style Old Gold and Silver received in ex change.' ... PALMER 4 RAMSAY. Raleigh, Nov. 21, 1849. $3 it FRESH RIGE. F RESH Rice, new Crop jUst received. TVM. PECK SON December 1 Ith, 1849. 99 3 NEW ARRIVAL. PALItlL R A. It AITISAi'. HAVE just received a handsome lot of Ana ' GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Fob,- Vest and Guard Chains Jenny Liud. Ear Rinsra aftd BreastDins. Silver and PlatMl KniwtMa and Forks, Butter Kuives, and Plated Waiters and Candlesticks. Sold on their usual reasonable terms. June 3rd, 1850. 43 PIIOF12SSOR. A. V BARRY'S TRICOPHEROUS, Or Medicated Compound. SNFALLIBLE for renewing, invigorating and beautifying the batr, removing scurf, dandruff. and all affections of the scalp, and curing eruptions on the skin, diseases ot me glands, muscles and in teguments, and relieving slrftgs, tuts, bruises, sprains &.C., 4 c. With this preparation there is no swell word as fail." The first journals in America, medi cal men of the highest eminence, prominent citizens of ail professions, and ladies who have -used it for years tu their dressing rooms and nurseries, admit with one accord, that, for imparting vigor, gloss, lux uriance and curl to the hair,eradicating scurf and dan druff, healing wounds, etfring contusions', sprains, stings. Sec, and relieving diseases of tbe'skia, the glands and ihe muscles, it has no equal among the multitude of compounds advertised in toe public prints, or used in private practice. - In cheapness aa well as efficacy, Barry's Trii opherous is unrivalled. The immense cash sales of the article bava enabled the inventor to supply il at retail at twenty five cents per bottle, which is from fifty 10 one bandied per cent lej than the pi fees of any ortfer preparatiaw now in use. The scientific treatises on tha hair and skin (embracing valuable directions for the culture and preservation of Nature's choicest ornament,) in which each bottle fs enclosed, is alone worth the money. ,'. , . 80k in large buttles, pr?6e iS cents, at the princi pal office 137 Broadway, New York. For sale by the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the United States and Canada. And by A. B. STITH & Co., Raleigh." August 1st, 1850. 4 , - . - f 62' , Notice, NOTICE is hereby given, that an appftcatloi will be made to the next Legislature of North Carolina, on behalf of tha Commissioners of the City of Raleigh,- for ameudroent' to the Corporation Charter. . W. D. HAYWOOD. Raleiph, JunelO, 1850. ...... Int.-Police 47tf PHYSICIAH WAIITED. riHE Proprietor wlsbinfc te remove West, offors A for sale his plantation and residence containing 250 acres of land, which a respectable Physician may pay for by his practice in less than two years. Tha improvements are a two aiory frame dwelling containing 6 rooms with all ecessn-y out hotfsea. He will withdraw.rron the practice as soon aa the purchase money is paid or well secured. Fw further informatioo, address M. W, Oxford.Graaville Cotift- ' ' JtHy 13J. 1856V St 99 LAJfD FOR SJltE. a, VALUABLE, tract 01 una lor sale aajouaug Vthe City of Raleigh, containing about one hun dred and fifty acres. - For terms $-. apply te M- A. Bledsoe, "who is authorized' to sell it, and will show it t any person desirous of purchasing. EDWARD MALLETT. July 6th, lSSo. 55 Ct, I 1 - 11 deeply a possible say nut lew than ten

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