MIM""MIBIW",aw,llll,lf,p,l"IB,ll,"MMI,l,,wsswas '-. - - ------- g -' . .... - - :- - - . -; - . THE m TERMS OF ADVERTISING Advertisement. ' For every Siiiee lines Ire iasertioai One -Dollar; each subsequent insertion Tenty-fiCje :'T vi-J;' '"Court Ordeta itfJudicUl Jiwwewtf wiilfeo cbkfred 2& per cent, higher ; but a deduction of 33 -per eent-wfll be made from the regular prices, for ptJBUSHED S EMI-WEEKLY AJD WEEKLY, " BY SEATON'GALES, EDITOH AXD PiOPEHTOR. r- - ; TERMS. for the Semi-Weekly Paper, $5 per annum for the Weekly Paper, 3 per annumJ advertisers by the tear. ; .. . ..- , AdvertisenreBtSjkeerted in tne Stsi-Wuiu Xs QiSTcawiil also appear in the Wiiui Paper, ftt of charge - rj- -?s -- -".?',' i " - . -ITATTT11T1 II - " ' ' - ""-.i: 1 1 ii ii 1 1 1 fii iii. m u n A n p 9 m wmmu an I j POETRY. Tba following beautiful Ime were written by . jhjcs, ilie novelist, wbHe od board the steam Vishiiijtoo, during her late voyage to N. York The Washington, the Washington ! How gladly ene goes. Green fields she finds before her steps. She leaves them clad in Enows. Th green field of the ocean. The s now-finite of the foam, Receive and follow as she treads. Her parhway to her home. GoJ ppeed thee, nobis Washington, Across the mighty main, A"d jr'e thee wings to traverse it A Thousand times again ! Not wrongly hast thou taken, The glorious chieftain's name, Who won his country's liberty, Amidst the batik's flame. $n sordiJ triumph was the cliiel's. No sordid triumph thine. Though war, unwiiling, was his task, And tbine aim, peace divine. The links his good sword severed, When heavy grew the chain. Even of England's Brotherhood, Thou shall unite again. But links of love the bond shill form, To bind the east and west, While child and mother, long estranged, Fiy to each other's breast. And m3y'st thou, as thou tread'st the sea. Till ihy Ions wanderings cease. Be. like the patriarch! dove, The messenger of peace. MISCELLArsEOUS. : AN AMERICAN'S FIRST IMPRES SIONS OF ENGLAND. The R:- Dr. McClintock, vlu went out in the Washington, respecting which steam er he says some very complimentary things, thus describes, in a letter to the Christian Advocate and Journal, his impressions on approjehing the English coast ; "About six miles west of the Needles we took in our pilot a thorough John Bull, bluff, thick-set and rotund. We crowded around hiin, of course, asking question. "lbs the Atlantic arrived ?" "Don't know." "The City of Glasgow?" "Ilav'nt heard." "Have you any papers?" He pullrd out the Weekly Times of May 26 ! and this was his lattst news. " Has the Niagara arrived V "Yes." This last reply was a damper, as the Niagara sailed from New York two days after uj, and wc hoped, at least to reach England before her. But the pilot's next utterance relieved us.ashe growled out, "The Niagara is one of the Oriental Company's steamers, iiu tshe?" (!) And this wa all he Knew oi the matter. In fact, I do not believe he knew the name of our steamer when he boar ded us. Yet as we learned afterward, he is a very reputable man, and a very excellent pilot, knowing every point and rock in the channel and nothing else. But you could not, by any accident, chance upon an Ameri can pilot, from Passamaquoddy to New Or learrf, so innocent of all knowledge ot what H going on in the world. "I had heard much of the beauty nf the Mi of Wight, but had not a glimmering con ception of the reality. No American scene ry prepares one for this rural loveliness-of England. Approaching the island from the south west, we bad a full view of ScratchalPs Bay, with its towering precipices of chalk, surmounted, at the highest point, by a light house, at an elevation of 713 feet above the level of the sea. This bay is quite a resort for tourists in search of the picturesque and well it mav be. The dazzling white ness of the chalk cliffs is interrupted at in ttrvaUby streaks of flint, giving them a very remarkable appearance. At the Northwes tern extremity of this bay stand the Needles three sharp-pointed chalk cliff, obviously separated from the main land by the .action of the sea, which is every day disintegrating these and sharpening new needles. A f ery tall one, 120 feel high, disappeared entirely in 1764. "Turning the corner of the island, you see Alum Bav, surrounded by tall cliffs of very striking appearance ; those on the one side being high chalk precipices, while those on the other are composed of strata . of earth o( different colors, black, white, yellow, and red, forming a beautifully variegated surface. A few miles further, on the main land, is seen Hurst Castle, built at the end of a sin gularly narrow promontory, jutting out two miles from the coast of Hamshire, forming, with the Isle of Wight, a channel Itss than half a mile wide. As this was the first real castle I had seen, I looked very closely. It is a strong erection, of the lime of Henry VIII. Charles I was removed here from,Ca rysbrook Castle sometime before his trial. ' The castle is now occupied by the men of the preventive service. "We ran close to the Isle of Wight all the way down to Cowes, and saw it in the best bloom of its beauty, under the brightest sun of June. I will attempt no description of the coast, or of the transcendent loveliness of the harbor of Cowes. It is enough to ay that our party, none of whom had ever croised the Atlantic before, were all satisfied that tbe beauty of this part of England bad not been and could not be exaggerated not so much its natural features, as that other beauty which the art and taste of man can add to nature by ages of cultivation. "Our passage across the North Sea was ery pleasant. We reached Bremen haven, s I have said, in 49 houts after leaving Cowes, and took the steamer.wliich was a very different affair from our noble Hudson boats, being a small iron boat of some twelve feet beam, and very meanly fitted up. Yet with such craft are the good people of these parts contented. Even the English rif er boats of which we saw a specimen at Cowes are little better. Thev are far inferior, in coin fort and neatness, to our Staten Island ferry WONDERFUL LOG ROLLING IN THE WEST. "" '': ; ' 'Ah Erf ISshroaVwhb was . lately traveling on the MissisaippJTioTd some rather -ioogh stories a. bout the London thieves. . A Cincinnati! ehn. named Case, heard these narratives with a silent Dot expressive humph. I and then remarked that he (hough't-the Western thicves.beat tbe London operators all hollow V :; . How so ''inquired" tbe Englishman, with sur prise. Pray sir, have you lived raucb in the West!' 'Not a greaC deAl. . I undertook to settle up a business at the D.eemoins Rapids awhile sgu, but tbe rascally people Blole nearly everything 1 had, and finally a Welch miner rau off" with my wife.' ' Good God !' said tbe Englishman. And you uever found her 1' 4 Never to this day. Bat that was not the worst ot it. It'ont ! Why, what could be worse than stealing a,man's wife?' Stealing his children, I should say,' said the implacable Case. Children !' Yes; a nigger woman, whohad'nt any of her own, abducted inyyounge.it daughter aud sloped aud jioed tbe Inginc' ' Great Heaven ! Did vou 6ee her do it !' ' See her ! Yes, and she lnu'nt ten rods the sart of ine ; but she plunged into the lake and swain off like a duck, and there waul a canoe to loilow her wiilu" The Englishman laid back in his chair and called for another mi g of aff-and-aff, while Case smoked his cigar and looked at his credulous friend at the same lime most renorselessly. I I shan't go any funher West I think; at length observed the excited John Bull. ' I should not advise any one logo,' said Care quietly. ' brother once lived there, but he had to leave, although his business was the best ! in the country.' W'Kat kiiincc uaa hp in nrav I1 ! ' Lumbering had a saw mill.' And thtv sto'e his lumber !' j 'Yes, and his saw logs, to'.' Saw li.gs !' ' Yes, dozens of fine black walnut logs were i j carried off in a single nigh: j I TniM ii nun in v Imnii'. ir- Hrf? trtfd everv t way to present it ; had hired men to watch his log? ; but it was all oi no use, 1 ney woum wnip them a way as casv as if there had been no body there. They would sieal them out of the cove, a;id even out of llif millways.' 'Good Gracious I j 4 Just to give you an idea how they can steal j out ihrre. continued Cae, fending a t-'.y wink at j the listening coinDanv. ' iusi to rive you an iuVa ! did yi'U ever work in a saw mill !' ' Never.' 4 Well, my brother, one day, bought an ail fir ed fine black walnut log four feet three at the but and a knot in it. Ho was determined to keep that log, any h"W, ar.d htrt d two Scotchmen to watch ii all n gnt Well, they took a diuinnjohn full of whiskey with them, snaked the log up the side hill above the null, and built a fire, and then sot down on the lojr to play kerde, just to keep awake, you tee. ' 1'was a monstrous big log bark two inches thick. Well, as I was saying, ihey played keerds and drank whiskey all night, went to sleep a-siraddle ot the leg. About a min et after daylight, George weni over to the mill to see how they got on, and the log teas gone ' And i hey seitinj on it !' Setting on the bark ! The thieve had drove an iron weiige into ihe Out eend whirh pinted down hill, ard bitched a voke of oxen on and pul led it right out, leaving ihe shell and the Scotch ers selling a straddle ot it last asleep. Toe Englishman here rosr?, dropprd his cigar g;uinp into the spiitoon, and looking at his watch said that he thought he would go on deck and see how far we'd be down the river before mor i.inj. A FACT WORTH KNOWING. We have received the following informa tion from an authentic source, and should it prove what it is represented to be, we maintain j that everybody who reahirs the ten.ni ot n ought to subscribe to the True Union forth with. The facts as we state them, we are assured, are quite reliable, and how many mpn, let us ask, have made fortuues by se crets of far less worth ? A distinguished General (Twiggs,) retur ned from the Mexican war covered with "glorv." He had, however, two marks of hard seruce which laurels could not hide as they did Caesar's baldness. One was a head as white as wool ; and the other a cu taneous eruption on his forehead, for the Utter he was advised to try a mixture of sul phur and tugar of lead and rose wat'T. In appiving ii some of the mixture moistened the hair on his forehead, and afier a while this part of hair resumed its original color. He then applied the niixtuie to all his ha"ir, and it all became and is now, of its primi tive sandy hue. He communicated the facl to some of his friends in Washington es pecially to some ex-members, who are wid owers and seeking preferment and it has been found efficpcious in everv instance. It does not dye the hair, but seems to ope rate upon the roots, and restores ihe origi nal color. The recipe is as follows : 1 drachm Lac Sulphur, 1-2 drachm Sugar of Lead, 4 ounces Rose Water. Mix them, shake the phial on using the mixture, and baihe the hair twice a day for a week, or longer.if necessary. True Union. University of Maryland. 1'HE NEXT SESSION will begin on MON DAY, the 14th day of October, 1350, and dose 1st March, 1851. Nathan R. Smith, M. D., Surgery. Win. E. A.Aiken, M. D.t Chemistry and Phar- Samuel Unew, in. v., i nuapeuiic, mainu i,cv, ica and Hygiene. Joseph hoby, M- D.- Anatomy and Physiology. VVm.Power, M. D., Theory and Practice of Med icine. , .. Richard H. Thomas, M. D., Midwifery aud Dis eases of Women and Children. George M. Wittenberger, M. D., Pathological Anatomy. ... The most ample opportunities for the prosecution of Practical Anatomy at a moderate expense. Chemical Lectures five times week, by Profes sors Smith and Power, in the Baltimore Infirmary; with tbe privilege of daily visits to Its wards, with, out charge to the student for the ticket. Fees for the Lectures $90 to 895; Practical Ana tomy $10 ; Matriculation $3; Graduation $20. W I LLIAM E. A. AIKEN , Dean. Baltimore, August 7tb, 1850. M 7t IOKWAKDIXG. "If WILL attend to the forwarding of all Goods at II Wilmintrton and Favellsville. at the usual com- mission ; and will, in all cases, forward by first boat without reference lo lints. All orders for purchasers will be strictly attended to. Direct to care ol - W. BKANSON, Fayettcvilleaud Wilmiagton. April 16, 1850. 31 Pescud wants Money ? Subscriber wishing to go North on the 15th of next mouth to buy a fresh Stock of Drugs, Medicines &t, respectfully requests all who are in debted to Stith St. Pescud, Pescud &. Johnnon or on his individual account previous to January 1850, to Call and settle, without delay or farther persuasion. P F. PESCUD. July 23, 1850. 59 Standard and Times copy. ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE. WHY will North Carolina merchants who deal in Candy prefer seuding North, whtuthey can get it in Raleigh as good iu every respect? Aud I am determiued to sell it as low aa they can gel it in Petersburg. Give me a fair trial, and I am confident that I can give satisfaction. Send ou your orders. 1 will also keep through the summer, Oranges, Lemons, Sugars j-c, which lean pell low because, getting them direct from the North, I am able to sell them as low as they can be bought this aide of Baltimore, L. Ii. WALKER. May 3rd, 1850. 36 New Firm. 'IlHE Subscriber having connected themselves 1. in buaineaa, under the Firm of DirrALoc & Cooke, take ibis occasion to inform the Public, thai (hey will keep Constantly on hand all dilicles neces sary for the uses of the Family or Farm. Their stock conaots in part of the following articles: liacon and Lard, Flour, Menl and Corn, Iron and Nails, Cast, German and Blister Steel, Castings, Trace Chains and Wecdinj Hjf, Loaf, chrushed. clarified and brown Sugars, Coffee, Molassos. and Sail, Sole and upper Leather, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candle, Powder, Shot anil Lead, Tobacco, Snuffs and Soaps. -c.,-c., 4c j Country produce panirularly corn, fodder and dry beef hides will be taken at a fair exchange. ' 'i-l . i. i . i : i r..ii. !. i I uc auine Biucies iihtiii iit--ii cart'iuiiy beii'tiru and bought wiih Cui-h. ihe Subscribers are determin ed nol to be under-sold by any dealers in the Cily. J. ii. M. BCFFALOB, UtIOKCE T. COOKK. April, 9th 18.")0 29 N B. fouth side of Harcelt Slrret. fourth and filth doors easl of NVillums, Haywood $ Co's Drujj Store COD LIVER OIL N Hollies and Capsulea, a cenuine article, just ojened and for sale at the l)rua Store -f P. F. PESCUD. Q The Season h.s now arrived when Dysente ry, Uowtl Complaint. &.V., are llu most prevalent. These diseases very ofien prove ful to l oth Chil dren and Adulis; therefore ihey should be removed before debility and eihauslion ensue. One but;lr of BERNARDS CHOLERA MEDICINE, Will cure the worst case in les than 24 hours, it used according to directions. It has stood thk Tksr or maxv teams, and has nrver been known to tail, even when ihe raoi eminent Physician pro nounced ihe patient bevon ihe n-ach of medicine Over 200 rctcrences aud cert ilicuteu can l rauuttki) For the cure of CHOLERA INFANTUM, Thi Mdicine has no equal. Il can be given to an infant a week old with perfect neleiy. Il n pleas snt to tbe taste aud harmless in its composi'ion A fresh supplv just received anu for ale by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, Au;u-t 3-d. 1 H5(. C3 rU'UK S.1L1IJ OIL. A SUPPLY of pure Olive Oil, direct from Bor deaux, via Petersburg, Va , on hand and lor P. F. PESCUD. ALSO Fur Cod river Oil, in KotUc, and CHiiilt.. Halcigh, July 21st, 1S50. 60 NOTICE. THE Subscribers have determined to locate in this City, and having procured a sufficient number of com petent assistant, nre prepared to execute in tbe most finished Style, all kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING. AN D RE GLAZING. Orders from the City or surrounding Country, if left at tbe Drug Store of P. F. Pescud, will be promply executed and satisfaction guarantied. lielerence as to ability, character, 4c, will be given to all who may wish lo patronise us. OVERBY 4- WHlTkOCK. Raleigh May 20,lSoO. 41 Brown's Ewiicc of Jamaica Ginger, Prepared and told by hedt ick Brown, at his Drug and Chenvctd Store, northeast corner of Fifth and Clusnul Street, Phda. HTV11S Essence is a preparation of unusual excel B lence and of varied properties. In all cases where a powerful and safe stimulant is required, it is unrivalled for efficacy as well as immediate action. To tbe traveler and to tbe family Circle il is in valuable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water presents a safe and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a southern climate, where tbe relaxation of tbe sys tem so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent substitute for those templing beverages which debilitate tbe stomach and cause a morbid condition or its powers, ui dys pepsia, in relaxation of the bowel, in nausea aud sea-sickness, it is nn active and safe as well as a plea sant and refreshing remedy, and is prescribe! by the most eminent of the medical faculty. A supply of the above just received and for sale atthe Drug Store of Sold also by S.J. Hinsdale, r ayettevtlle. Raleigh, March 22d. 1850. 6m CITY OF RALEIGH. A Desirable Residence for Salr. THE Executrix ol tbe iaie Louis D. Henry of fers for sale his late Residence, near the City of Raleigh. The DwellingHouse is a large and commodious one, and remarkably well built, with all out houses complete. It has about 15 or 17 acres of land attached, under the highest cultivation. I ne premises being out of the limits of the Corporation is not subject to tbe City J ax, and still tbe situation is convenient, and within fifty yards of the Gover nor's Mansion, in an excellent neighborhood. The terms of sale would be liberal. I). K.McRAE. Raleigh, July 18,1850. 58-6w National Hotel, NO- 5 COURTLAND STREET, NEW YORK- ariJlHIS ESTABLISHMENT having passed into glk, the handa of Mr. Geo. Seeley, formerly of the Eastern Pearl SU House, has been recently improved by the addition of And bos also been thoroughly re-fitted aud re f urn ished (or tbe accomodation of the Public. It is tbe aim of tbe Proprietor to render (he HATIONALi quite equal to any of its cotempo raries in all those essentials that contribute to the reputation of a well conducted and well ordered Hotel. , The Hoose is of the largest size, eligibly located, within tbree doors of Broadway, and in sit respects conveniently arranged to promote: the comfort and convenience of Guests. Persons viaiiiug New York are respectfully invited to mike their Lome at (his Hotel during their stay in the City. GEORGE SEELEY, Proprietor. New York. June 18, 1850. 53 6m LEATHER; BELTING, N. Hunt & Co., !Yo. 20 Devonshire Street, Boston. Manufacture and keep constantly on band, for sale, Best Oak Tanned Leather Belting, BELT RIVETS AND B URRS, SUPERIOR. BELT CEMENT, AND EXTRA QUALITY LACE LEATHER. Belts Made to Order and Warranted. N. H. &. Co. respectfully refer to the following, touching the quality of their quality. WE the undersigned, having in use tbe Oak Tanned Leather Belting, manufactured by N. Hunt $ Co., No. 26, Devonshire Street, Boston, do cheerfully recommend it to Manufacturers aud Machinists, and have no hesitation in saying, that for quality of stock, uniformity of thickness, being thoroughly stretcLed, the superior manner of its manufacture, and its durability, it is equal to any we have ever used. South Boston Iron Co., Sooth Boston Seth VVilmartb, Union Works, South Boston. John Souther, Globe Works, South Boston. Seth Adams Sr Co., Steam Engine and Power Press Builders, South Boston. Hiuckley a Druby, Boston Locomotive Works Boston. Win. Washburn, Sawing and Plaining Mill, Boston A. C W. Curtis, Paper Manufacturers, Newtou L. Falls. John E. Wilder, Salamander Safe Manufacturer, Boston. W. W. Alcott, Sup't Suffolk Flour Mills, Boston. Henry Brevoort, Agent Gleudon Rolling Mills, East Boston. Thomas Ditson, Boston Sugir Refinery, East Boston. F. Main, Sunerintendant Marblehead Cordage Co. Davenport &, Bridges, Car Builders, Cambridge port. Edwrd Lanjz, Sup't of Spinning Room for Sewell, Day A; Co , Cord:ige Manufacturers Lem. Crehore, Paper Manufacturer, Newton Low er Falls. Otis Tufts, Steam Engine Builder, East Boston. N HUNT V Co. are agents for SWINGLE'S MORTISING MACHINES. April 30. 1S50. 35 6m SPRING SALEs. The underpinned are receiving direct from New Orleans and o'.ber Markets, a large -t.ck of Sugar, Molasses, 4-c. which they will sell for cash or to punctual de ilers, on fatoruble terms They have now in Store, 105 Hhds. New Orleans Sugars 25(1 Boxes and Uuls refined do 110 BM. New Orleans and W. I. Molasses 40 Hilda. d do do do 3o0 Das;s Prime Green Itio Laguira Coffee U'OO Ujs Shut 0'HI Kt gs .Nails, Cumberland and other brands 50 Tons English Iron, Imported direct into Pe lersliu'g. 40 do Swedes and American do COO Reams wrapping, tiling and letter paper 300 Boxes Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Can dies 10 Tons Castings 1(1 do Grind Stones 100 Dozen Painted Pails, V i;h a full asaortment of Wine, Drandie &c &c. Vc. PEEBLES WHITE Sc DAVIS. Old SI. Petersburg Va. March ljih 1850. 22 EXAMINATION, T THE UNION INSTITUTE, willcloaeo the 10th of August next. Gradeing and Ad iliexs o i the i tier noon preceding, at which liroe pa rents and the public generally are invited to be present. Green-boro', July 1850. 55 ENGLISH MUSTARD. FRESH supply of (Saddler and Firtles,) Eng lish Mustard, jost received, and for e by A P. r . PESCUD. Raleigh, July 21st. 1S50. 60 Racing Subscription Office, 1(J I'AHK PLACE, NRW YORK. T HE Proprietors beg to announce that they have opened Classes for Sweepstakes, upon the system which has obtained a lare rbare of the public siiport in England and els-wh-re, by exten ding as it does lo the public at large, ths interest otherwise fell by few only in KAl'I.-VC; EVENTS, AM) ENABLING ALL Whether Conversant teilh Sporting matters or not, to puriu-irotle in ihe chance ot CULVLVG .3 LARGE SUM, liy the result, at proporlionably A SHALL KISK ! As wilt be seen by tbe subjoined Scheme subscriber iu lMas E, may FOR O.N E DOLLAR, GAIN $5,000. tht The tweepttakis now open consist ol five Classes lor ihe GREAT YORKsllIUE STAKES, To be run at York, (England) 23d August, I860 164 Horses entered. 1TKST 1IORSJC, 850,000. c o- 3 O 2 3 S 3 in o o 2 l " $ ? A 2,000$30,00$50,tiOO25,000$10.0CO$10,000$5000 B 2 1100 25,00 2.ri,000 12 500 5,000 5,100 2,500 0 5,000 10 00 25.0i 0 12,500 5.000 5,000 2,500 D 5,000 5,00 12.500 6,250 2,500 2,500 1,250 E10.000 1.00 5 000 2.500 1.000 1,000 500 THE DRAWING of this Sweepstake will take place publicly on the 23d day of August, 1850, the day on which the race will be run the place and hour being first duly announced by advertisement: when the name of all the hore3 entered will be allotted amongst the sub scribers iu each class, and on ihe 20lh day of Sep tember next, by which time tbe result of ihe race will be known, the Prizes will be distributed ; the holder of tbe name of the wiuuing horse in Class 'A receiving a Prize of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, that of tbe second, Twenty-five Thousand Dol lars, f c , &c, in accordance with the above Scheme. A commission of 10 per cent to cover expenses will be deducted on payment of all puze. Any further information required, will be affor ded by the Secretary, Mr. William Barroll, atthe orhces as above to whom all applications lor A gencies and other communications are to be addres sed post paid, and all remittances either by bill or note to be made, in return for which numbered Certificates will be forwarded as directed Lists of Horses entered for the above, and all other Races of Importance may be seen, together with Schemes for Sweepstakes, in the forthcoming 8. Xjeger, $-c. etc. June 19th, 1850. 49 2m NEW BOOKS. fFHE Shoulder Knot. By B. F. Teft, 1 Rail Way Economy in Europe and America By Dr. Lardner. Past. Present, and the Future. By Lamartine. The History of the Confessional. Bj Bishop Hopkins. The Vale of Cedars. By Grace Aguilar. No. 3. The Daltons. By Lever. Old Oak Chest. Bv James. Mary Morton, or the Broken Promise. By Ar thur, t" Edmond Dantes, Sequel to Mont Cbristo. By Dumas. The Mob Cap. By Mrs. Hcntse. No 14. CopperfiehL H. P. TURNER. Raleigh, July 8tn, 1550. 57 Spring and Summer Goods For 1850. R. Tucker and Son, WHO constantly keep on bad an extensive assortment of the best and most desirable, as well as fashionable . FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, are now receiving their Spring and Summer supply for 1830. One of tbe Firm has just returned from New York, where he purchased a rich variety of Goods of this Spring's Importations, before tbey had been picked over, and before tbe advance in price; and having thus had the choice of the large and splended fresh arrivals, and the advantage of low prices, tbey flatter themselves they will be better prepared than ever to meet the demands of this mar ket, and please their numerous friends and custom ers, in town and country. They respectfully invite tho public to call and examine their stock. They have just received a supply of the following, and are daily receiving such other articles as are usually kept in a Dry Goods and Family Grocery Store, suited to the wants and taste of this community. Bl'k Gro De Rhine Silks, Plain and Figured Chameleon Silks, Brocbe and Plain Grenadines, Plain and Embroidered Black ditto, Fancy and Black Silk. Tissues, Silk Albarines and Hernanies, Corn colored Grenadines, Evening Dresses, Embroidered and Dotted Fancy Swiss Muslins, Ch.imbeiy, French and American Ginghams, Camblet Lustres, and Linen Gingham, Melries, and Fancy Diamond Jackonets, Plain and printed Lawns and Muslin, Tarleton, Swiss, India, Vicioria, Bishop, Book, and Dotted Jackonet Mu.-lin, Rich Bonnet, Cape, Neck, Cuff and Belt Rib bons, French Needle Work Capes, Collars and Cufia, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Paris Kid Gloves. Swim and Jack. met Edgings and In-ertings, 1 Lisle and Linen Edgings and Ribbons, Linen and Fiincy Silk Dress Buttons, Russia Braids and Fancy Silk Trimmii gs, Lidies' and Missis L.C. Hem Stitch and Tape Bordered Hdkls. Muslin, M.ihair, Grass and Hough's Patent Skirls. CLO I lls AN D CASSIMEKES, of ihe various colors and yl ii m,ji- Linen &. Colton Goods, in great varieties, many of which are touched with the Hungarian and California finish. Black and Fancy Satin and Silk VESTINGS, Plaid and Embroidered Marseilles ditto, c. i. H ATS, itc Determined always to furnish what ever is latest, rarest and best, they offer an ex. tensive stock of Men's, Youth's and rliildrens Fashionable and Flat Brim Mole Skin, Pana ma. Maracaibo, Leghorn, Sewed Pedal's, Hun garian aud PhIiii Hats. Infant's Fancy Goods. Also, Umbrellas, Parasols, Bonnets, Shoes, Hard ware. Cutlery . Groceries, ic. All ot which they now are offering on the most liberal terms. R. TUCKER &. SON" Raleigh .March 15th 1850. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FOR 1850. W'WTT't' re now in receipt of our entire Spring supply, embracing every thing in our ue. cw. Durable and Beautiful, Cloths, Cas- stmeres, Drap d etes, C nlln g. Satins, Silks Mar seilles, Shallies, Ac ,.tc. all of which will be made up lo order as heretofore wiih neatness and dis patch. Thankful for past favors we earnestly solicit a continuance of patrnage. Our entira Slock was selected by Mr. Oliver in person, and we can with confidence recommend it not only to be "Fresh and r tne but of the very Litest Importations OLIVER & PROCTER, Merchant Tailors, Raleigh, N. C. April 19th, 1850. 33 P. S. Paris, Loudon, and American Fashions at hand. (). 4. P. hromthe Opera of the "two SUIT-ors." Trnnlaied on Fayelieville Street. I dreamfd that her favoring glances fell On a well-dressed Beau at her side, And I rould'nt tell why the laughing Belle, Had refused to become my bride. But a tingle glance at my rival's Coat, Told me there lay tho tarength of ihe game ; And I said if ihe Tailor'sin Town whocan doit, I'll have one exactly the same. Then I dreamed ihat 1 searched the Town all o'er. For the gem that would win her heart. Till I found myself standing in front of the Store V here clothing is fashioned by art ; And then I remembered that this was the place Where the ('oat of my rival was made. And entering in, right befors my face. Lay a Broad-Cloth, exactly the shade. Thr Coal was sent home, and like Ctesar I sped, I came, and I saw, and I won For she smilingly said, wrn I asked her to wed, "What an elegant Coal you have on Three days from that time, ierhape it was more, 1 induced her to alter her name : And I still buy my Coats at the very same Store, And she loves me ae ever the same. OLIVER & PROCTER makes thim Coats. Raleigh. April 19. 1350. 32 IRON. 1 WED lS, English and American Iron, assorted, in store, whicu we will sell on pleasing terms. PEEBLES. WHITE 4- DAVIS. Petersburg. July 22, lf-00. 59 ' MRS. BREMER'S NEW STORY. EASTER OFFERING. By Fridrika Bremer 'ALSO THE CONQUEST OF CANADA, by Elliot Warburton, Esq. Received this day by H. D.TURNER. Raleigh, May 21st, 150. 41 jfkit aud Lard Lamp Cliiuueys A good supply of variooa sizes, just received by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO Just Received. RAISINS, whole, half and quarter boxes, Almouds, Walnuts, Filbert, &.c. j'-, Willow and Market Baskets, with & without covers, Ladies fancy trench Baskets, Citron, Prunes, Pickles, Soda, Butter and Milk Crackers 10 cts. per lb., A fiue lot of Pictures in frames, ALSO. Sperm, Adamantine and Tallew Caudles cheap. ALSO. Just to hand, 25 3bls. Marriotts and McClanahan's best Flour. L. B. WALKER. May 3rd, 1850 . 36 RAIL ROAD HOTEL. HENDERSON N. C. fTHE Subscriber havin? taken the above 1 House, recently kept by Mrs. M. Nut all, would respectfully inform his friends, and tbe public generally that tbe house is now open for the reception of Rail Road Passengers, and others, who may favor him with a call. Merchants, and others, going North or elsewhere, are informed that his sta bles are Urge and comfortable, well furnished, and as experienced Ostler in constant Attendance. Horses taken by the day, week or month, on terms which hall be satisfactory.. No electioneering will be re sorted to by. him or bis servants on the arrival of the Cars, every person being; left to his own choke, to patronise any house in' tbe place he may choose No charge will be made for meals, or anvthinc eUe, I unless full satisfaction is given in every iostaneet JAMES GRESH AM. Henderson, July 8th 1850. 53lm hi i...,r ft "iiiiil; : THURSTON'S FOUNTAIN HOTEL, (Formerly BeltihooveVs) Head of Light, near Baltimore St., BALTIMORE. 2JTIIIE increased patronage of this long establish es ed and popular HoteL under the management of its present proprietor, baa inspired him with further energy and determination, and ao expense or atten tion of hi or that or his Assistants will be spared, to maintain with tbe patrons of the u Fountain" the reputation it held all over the country, in its palmiest days" of Belt zho over's conductorship. To increase its former attractions and comforts, during tbe past season, the Hotel has undergone many changes, the Proprietor having made heavy outlays in introducing some of the best and latest improvenients--which, together with its central posi tion, being located iu tbe very heart of the business portiou of the city, aud near the centre of Baltimore Street, aud within a few minutes walk of all the Depots aud Steam Boat Landings, it invites the Merchant, the Fainter, tbe Artisan, as well as the Man of Pleasure to make the Fountain Hotel his home during his sojourn iu Baltimore. The Ladies' Department, Containing Private Parlors. Saloons, Reception Rooms, Ordinary, and extensive suites of larve and airy Chambers, fitted up in a style and elezauce that cannot fail to give satisfaction and comfort. Porters are attached to the " Fovntaiu" who may be recognized by the Badges on their Hats, and are always iu the attendance at the different Dei ots and Steamboat Landings, who will receive Checks, take charge of the Baggage and convey it to tha Hotel. riiliXtAS lrlUKSlON, Proprietor. Feb. 26th, 1650. 17 A CAiCD. IHE undersigned being engaged, and holding a position that brings bis services in immediate connection with the Guests of the above Hotel, he trusts, offers a further inducement to his numerous friends aud acquaintances of the u Old North State," when tltry visit Baltimore, to stop at the "Fountai," where he assures thtrin they will be received and en- ertauied iu a manner that shall strengthen this ac quaintance and secure for its Proprietor their good will ana patronage. W STRINGER, Late of Wilmington N C. February OGth, 1850. 17 Ladies Shoes and Slippers. JUST received, by Express, direct from the manufactory. Ladies K:d and Morocco alking Shoe?, (Ties and Buskins,) do do and do Slippers. ALSO ON HAND. 100 pieces Light and Dark Calico, Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, With a general assortment of Dry Goods, flats and Shoes, Lawns and Ginghams, Groceries, ' Cambrics and Jaconetts, Crockery.7. For sale, low, by , " J. BROWN, No. 9 FayettevHle Street. Raleigh, August 6th, 1850. 63 WASHINGTON HOUSE. Clicsiiut St. above SeveuUa St., PHILADELPHIA. IS central, in the immediate vicinity of the most important public Institution;!, the best and most lashion:ible places of business, and the attractive public Squares of the city. In the important requi sites of light and ventilation, two principal objects aimed at in the recent enlargement and thorough improvement of this House, it is not exceeded, per haps, by any establishment in America. To stran gers, therefore, its position is peculiarly desirable. Tbe Subscriber returns thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage they have ex tended to him, and assures them that he will en deavor to merit a continuance of their favors. A. F. GLASS. June 7th, 1850. 10t-47 $50 KEVVARD. STOLEN, from the Office occupied by Judge ) Rufiin, ou my lot, ou the night of Friday, the 21st ult., a black Bellows-top Trunk, containing a few articles ot Clothing, ana sundry papers, ot no value to any one else than tbe owner. The above reward will be offered for recovery of the Trunk and the apprehension of the Thief, together with such testimony as will ensure a con viction. Or, i'2j .Reward will be given for the recovery of the rapers alone. J. B. G. 2JOULHAC. July 1st, 1S50. 5 STEAMBOAT iX A VI G ATIOM 'BUT W EE. FAYETTEVHLE A.D WILMUGTOJ. jTIHB undetsigned Proprietor of the Cape Fear ix9 Steam Boat Uompany beg leava to tender their thanks to the public lor the liberal patronag received during the last season, and take this meth od to inform their patrons and tbe public generally that they have added over fifty per cent to (be Cap ital Stock of the Company, in boats. The draurh, ol tbe New Hieainboat " Chatham," is calculated to navigate the river at ail stages of water, giving shippers by this line a decided advantage in getting their goods up without delay, especially in tbe Fall season, when the River is usually too tow lor steam Boats of ordinary draught to run. The Boats composing this Line are The Steamer Gov. Graham, 24 years old. Chatham New. Tow Boats Mike Brown 2 year old. Telegraph do Cumberland New. , Express do All the above Boats are, in the very best condi tion for the Fall business. The undersigned feel warranted in appealing to tbe shipping public for such an increased patronage as will renumerate them to some extent at least for the additional capital in vested, and promise with every confidence tiat ship pers by this Line shall be as well if not better served than they can be by any other on the River. The arrangements by the Copartners are intended to be permanent, and should experience suggest the necessity of any further increase of boats, the public may rely upon their being put on the River without delay. Our rates for Freight at all times will be the ear rent rates charged by others. Bills of Lading for goods intended to come by this Line should be filled up to the ' tare of tho Capo Fear Steamboat Co., Wilmington.' One copy bo ins sent by mail toT. C.Worth, Agent at that place; DIBBLE & BROTHERS, T. C. WORTH, . VproniUtoVs A. P. HURT, - . ;i f P'Wlrs. . J.D.WILLIAMS. J John. D. Williams, Agent, Cape Few Steamboat Company, FayeUevillevw - July 19. J 650. ,8w 60 feU Wanted; V GOOD Heose-maid. Enquire at - this office. SZA KaJeignAog- 1330. tics at -eg. ' ? ": 1 frrU ,! mi miiiii, t . j 4:f0-4tiiTiiiii O" Lettersto the Editor mast bo roT-rJ - . - Sa F. , PHILLIPS, A .TTENDS THE COURTS in the Covatit JZX fit Orange Alamance, Wake and Chatham. yttapet Mill, JU, May 24, 1849. 24 ITarmesian, English and American Chesce i r or sale by R. TUCKER & SON. March 30th 1850. LINSEED OIL )RA "GALLONS Mountain Linseed Oil re- jtm99 ceived this day and for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, April 9th, 1S50. 2S 1 Standard and Times copy. WHITE WASH BRUSHES. ft ALARGE supply of various sizesust received and for sale low. - WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO Raleigh April 23d 1850. - aa SCOTCH SNUFFJUW TOBACCO, r IHOSE who are fond of a nice dip or good chew JL of the weed, will find a superb article of Banff and Tobacco, at Pescud's Drug Store Raleigh March lth 1850. . PEEBLES, WHITE & DAVIS, Grocers and Commission IQereuaiats Old Street, Fetenbars. Ta, -? HT EEP always on hand a large and well assort fl". ed supply of Groceries, and pay perticolar at tention to the- sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Wheat Flour, and all other kinds of produce. LEMUEL PEEBLES, THOMAS WHITE, PETER R. DAVIS, Jb. Petersburg, July 20 88 If IN Quarts and Pints, just received and for sale ot the Drug More of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. DRIED BEEF. SUPERIOR article of Northern Dried Beef. Just received aud selling at 12 cent. By L. ii. WALKER. July 2nd, 1850. S3 POUTER. T Ml DZ- of London Brown Stout, in qts, jnst . H -B- received and for ale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD it CO. Gold Watches and Jewelry. NEW arrival of a large and fashionable as sortment of the above just at hand and for sale, cheaper tkan ever, at PALMES. & HAMlSATS Jewelry Store, The most extensive stock of all articles in their line that has been offer ed for sale here for years. Come and see, if ya do not buy. . , -,- -r 4 Dozen gold and silver Watches, ef oil kiads, Gold fob, vest and guard Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger-rings, Ear-rings, Breast-pins, Studs, and collar Buttons, Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Clasps, gehl silver and spring steel Spectacles. Gold and silver Pencils aud Fens and waist Buck les, , - - v Silver Combs and Tortoise shell Spectacles, A very extensive assortment of Silver and Plate Spoons, Cups, La lies, Sugar Tongs, Salt Spoons, &.C. A large stock of Cutlery, Razors, Knives, Razor straps, and Diamond Paste for Razors, Brashes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brashes, &.e. Butter and Fruit Knives, Gold and Silver Thim bles, . ' Gold and Silver Mounted Walking Canes, Silver Plated Castors, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Baskets, Girandoles, A large assortment of Perfumery, Colognes, Soaps, Boxes for Toilets, Fancy articles, and Christmas presents, and a variety of other arti cles. All kinds of Watches and Jewelery repaired in snperior style. Old Gold and Silver received in ex change. PALMER. d RAMSAY. Raleigh, Nov. 21, 1849. i 93 tf FIIESH RICE. F RESH Rice, new Crop just received WM. PECK SOW December 11th, 1849. NEW ARRIVAL. PALMER & RAMSAY. II AYE jost received s handsome lot of fine . GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains Jenny Lind, Ear Rings and Breastpins, Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Butter Knives, and Plated Waiters and Candlesticks. f. . Sold on their usnal reasonable terms. June 3rd, 1850. 45 PROFESSOR A. C. BARRY'S TlilOOPHEROUS, Or Medicated' Compound. NFALLIBLE for renewing, invigorating and beautifying the hair, removing scurf, dandruff. aud all affections of the scalp, and curing eruptions on the skin, diseases of the glands, muscles and in teguments, and relieving stings, cuts, bruises, sprains &c, 3'C- With this preparation there no such word as fail." Tbe first journals in America, xnodi cal men of tbe highest eminence, prominent citizens of all professions, and. ladies who have used it &r years in their dressing rooms and nurseries, admit with one accord, that, for imparting rigor, gloss, lux u nance and curl to the hair,eradicaling scurf and dan druff, healing wounds, curing contusions, sprains, stings. &.c , and relieving diseases of the skiu, tb glands and the muscles, it has no equal among tho multitude of compounds advertised in the public prints, or used in private practice. In cheapness as well as efficacy, Barry's Triropherous is unrivalled. Tbe immense cash sales of the article have enabled tbe inventor to supply it at retail at twenty five cent per bottle, which is trwm fifty to one hundred per ceut Iojs than tbe pi ices of any other preparation now in use. The scientific i realises on lite hair and skin (embracing valuable directions for theculturo and prefcrvalion of Nature's choicest Ornament,) in which each bottle is enclosed, is alone worth tho money. ." ' ' bold in large bottles, price 25 cents, at tho princi pal office 137 Broadway, New York. For solo by the principal Merchants and Druggists throughoot tho United Slates and Canada. And by A. B. STITH & Co., Raleigh.. Angust 1st, 1850. 2 PHYSICIAN WANTED. 4 riMIE Proprietor wishing to remove West, offer M. for sale bis plantation and residence containing 250 acres of laud, which a -respectable Physician may pay foe by bis practice in less thin two year. The improvements are a two story frame dwelling containing 6 rooms witb all necessary out bouses. 11 will withdraw from the practice as soon' as tho purchase money is paid br well secured.' For further information, address M. W Olf6fd,GraaviIIeCona- July tad, 1850. -i. i at v Valuable Land for Sale, Ml Valuable Tract of Land containing 208 acres A lying between four and five miles West of Ka fmgbVon both aides of Watttat Creek, and adjoining the load of Ret. The Meredith and others, will bo sold on reasonable terms. . For further information apply to M. A. BLEDSOE. Raleigh, August 17, 1850. ' ' 65 - Standard copy. ... LEWISES PURE WHITE LEAD. A GOOD aupply of this superior White Lead just to hand and for solos the Drag store ol J WILIAMS HAYWOOD & CO Raleigh, Aug. 15th, 1850. f 66 toats.