III! RALEIGH REGISTER . t m i i 1 - .- 1 ir-Tf ..-vs1 VI :c:-, rr IS '-y;r'r , r -v rv. -a . rsz ; n. rr J v - TJ5RMS OKiAIlVERTISLNlivr A4vertiement.-For erary- Six tee MAtmtt iaaertion, One Doltar; ; uch wbaeqoent isaatrti Twenty.fi,. Cents,,:. . i , . ' rr. Z Cmtrt Order aad JmaHcUl Aditeitw8&9 PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKIY AND WEEKLY, BY SEATON GALES, ' XD1T0I iXB rMPMETOn. . TERMS. For the Serai-Weekly Paper, $5 per annum For the Weekly Paper, $3 per annum. irIi 25 F cenU hither ; bat i nedmstito f S3 IriBKi,,,e ,n,l!d f" the WfTf jifcesyfer aaverusero oy me year. -Advertisements, inserted m lb SauWaniLV RAM,! C, SEPTEMBER 4, 1850. MJBER71. mtii, will also appear in the WantJbt Paper, tt CT Letters te the Editor mast be rorrAtB. 1 - 1 i - , VOLUME POETRY. The following beautiful and touching little po rn by Mr. Ldwell, (wife of tbe poet.) roataina a lef soo of consolation which will win its way to ataov bereaved and bleeding heart. It wii ad dressed to a female friend, who had been called ipoo to give up a loved and cherished babe, to darkness and the worm,' and we present it to all orrowing parents in the confident hope that its simple and pathetic admonitions will not be unac ceptable : When on ray ear your loss was kneUed, And tender sympathy upburst, A little rill from memory swelled. Which once bad soothed my bitter thirst : And I was fain "o bear to yoa Dome portion of H snild relief. Tint" might be as healing dew To steal some fever from your grief. After our child's untroubled breath Up to the Father took its way. And oo our home the shade of death Like a long twilight haunting lay : A-mI friends came round with os to weep Her lii'ie spirit's soft remove, Tli if story of the Alpine sheep Was told to us by one we love ; Tbey in the valley's sheltering care. Soon crop the meadow' lender prime, And when the sod grows brown and bare The shepherds strive to make them climb To airy shelves of pasture green That hang along the mountain side, Where grass and flowers together lean. And down through mist the sunbeams slide. But naught can tempt the timid things That steep and rugged path to try. Though sweet the shepherd calls and sing. And seared below tbe pastures lie. Till in his arms their lambs he takes. Along the dizzy verge logo. Then, heedless of the rifts and break, Tbey follow on, o'er rock and snow. And in those pastures lifted fair. More dewy soft than lowlaud mead, Th- hepherd drops his tender care, And beep anJ lames together feed. This parable by nature breathed. Blew on me as the South wind free. O'er frozen brooks that fl at nnshealhed From icy thraldom to the sea. A blissful vision, through the night, Would all my happy senses sway Of the good shepherd on the height, Or climbing up the slony way. Holding our Hole lamb asleep : And like the burthen of the sea. Sounded that voire atone the deep. Saying, A rat and follow me. MISCELLANEOUS. From the New York Courier. DEATH OF THE PRESIDENTS. George Washisgtox died at his own borne the place made illustrious by his as sociation with it. There, where he had ever gone with such eager enjoyment of its employments more pri ted and valued than place or power there, where pilgrims, even while be lived, had gone from all parts of the realms of civilization, that they might know and conterse with the greatest and best : there, with the voice of a united approbation constantly Coming to him from the people, be met the arrow of death. It came sud denly so suddenly, that the tidings of his decease and hia sickness came simultan eously to tbe balls of Congress. . John Adams came to "the end of all living1' I bis residence in Quiney surrounded by the atmosphere of boots and of study to biro congenial and delightful. He refreshed his aged mind by the strong thoagbts of the classical past. His conversation was the richest pouring out of the results of an obser vation from a high and honored and useful position ; of tbe incidents and experiences of the stormy and strong days of the Revolu tion All of which he saw, and part of which he was. Tbe fourscore years and ten beyond that verge of old age wbicb comes "by reason of strength" was a time of usefulness. He remembered what bad gone before, and by its light illustrated, to those who were so fa ored as to enjoy his converse, his Present. On the most memorable day of that month, July, which has proved so fatal to presiden tial life, he died realizing what day it was, nd rejoicing in it. The lamp of existence went out gradually and the nation mourned as that great light of the Revolution went out. It was on tbe same day that Thomas Jef 7ERSON breathed his last. To him the end of life bad come with slow and observed pro-, jreas. His great age withered under no , weariness or wreck. He had pledged the , full measure of the fame that this earth eould fiord. Everywhere, in different hemis pheres and languages, eminent and illustri ui with the friendship and the respect of boss most distinguished and worthy of dis tinction. Monticello was regarded as a to. lity to which a visit was an era in one's life. There he uttered the matured and perfected judgment speaking as one confi dent that be gave no unmeaning oracle. His countrymen sorrowed that be had depar ted when they heard of bis death, but recog nized the time as a glorious termination to uch a career. The Man of the Constitution the wise M accurate Madion in himself the em. litnent of the complete statesman finish . d bis earthly career as quietly and at calm 7 as such a character might most fittingly "aire. In the service of his country be had Pawn up, ,( )ad fie(i lo tie admiration ' civilization tbe long series of public Bla zons which his country insisted he should cupy. Iie djed j lia own goo State irgmia to wbicb, for so many years, such ""cuecis as that of bis and Jeffexson. and we rest of the long line of intellectual rank, nd secured, bv an undoubted title, the ap- r-iuon oi tbe Aucieot Dominion. He par. ted from life, rather than was aoutlenlyseTV ere d rem it and the kews of his death came over the nation like tbe gazing at the sunset of a fforious day. It was in this great city, amidst the "pomp and circumstance" of. a civic celebration of the nation's birthday, that the patriot, axes Moirsos,1 breathed his last. The roar of the rejoicing cannon the manifestation that the men of tbe Revolution were remembered rung in his dying ear. He had been one of them. He had enjoyed tbe confidence of the Father of hia Country. "I will send Mr. Monroe, said Washington to that famous Committee of the Democratic party, who cal led on him respecting the vacant embassy to France. The country saw, with astonish ment, the death of another president on the anniversary of American Independence. Surrounded by the kindness and attention of his own kindred, his frame yielded to disease, after a struggle of many days The city turned from its rejoicing to pour unfeigned sorrow over the IaH of the Presidents who had won a place inthe hearts of the people, in the eventful days when colonies faded and states sprung to being. And, who will who can ever forget the death of brave Old Tippecanoe T He who had by valor and fidelity, by doing courage ously and honestly all his duty, found such a home in the people's heart, that the her culean effort of desperate parly machinery could not remove him thence. He who, in faithfulness to his principle and his friends, and candor and courtesy to his opponent?, conducted a canvass of such vigor as the like never before was seen, and ha not since been experienced. He who, after winning a no wearing the laurels of the proudest tri umph that ever a civic contest afforded, yielded to the destroyer. Even yet it is i vid in our memorif s, of the intensity of feel ing with which the news of his illness was watched, as it came (with a laggard step which would now be unendurable) day by day, and of the tears thai fell from "eyes un used to weep," when the man that never lost a battle, left this world of unrertain hap piness and most certain grief. The White House then first fell the tread of the skele ton foot, and the startled heart of the people throbbed with a fervor of sorrow till then unknown. The brave warrior who never lost the en thusiastic confidence of the people a con fidence against the giving of which able men reasoned well, but which was fully yielded to the last the man of determined will and whose energy wrote strong records in his country's history, died in the midst of a peaceful home ; those around him, who were ppared to attend his declining yt-nrs, and with their kindness making radiant life's last hour. In the Hermitage, the President who hat. wielded power, so fully and freely bestowed, by a popularity, between the era of Wash iugton and his own, without parallel in this retreat from the cares that do so wait up- ,4ml place ami STaTton, General JackjorTrlied. He had lingered long ; he kit and acknowl edged the slow and sure sten of decay. His O fame belongs to ihe country. He must have j been a great man, indeed, who could so clus ter the affections of the people around him. In the Capitol itself within the arches ; that had echoed bck his words of surpas sing wisdom and eloquence, he died who His sire a sajc himself a greater wa. As, from his very boyhood, he had been identified will: the public service, so the halls of the public council heard his dying words. The business ol trie nation was I hushed in silence, lt-st its progress should disturb the parting spirit, and the assembled reprcrentatives knew it was a reflection of the will of the people, that they shou'd gath er around his coffin, as children when a fath er dies. Thought liealfli forsook him in a moment, there was time for the nation lo hear the ti dings that it was about to lose its highest in tcllect its most valuable memory free dom's veteran. John Qncv Adams see med, though aged, to be of the class of life's busy men, and in the midst of energetic ac tion, he died. There were none to fill bis place, and it remains unfilled. Mft Polk, when he met the fate lhalcomes to all, was the tenant of a happy home, sur rounded by all the circumstances that tend to make life a condition of good. He had achieved, at an age much younger than that of bis predecessors, the highest honor his country could bes'ow on him. That he be came President by a popular election is an evidence, which a thousand theories are powerless to gainsay, that he was a man of ability, of talent. He had an eventful ad ministration, the history of which in wisdom and impartiality it is not yet the time to write. Its anxieties and cares wrote ihtir sad im press on his physical frame. His decease so soon after the expiration of his term of of fice seemed painfully sudden, and all other feelings merged into an univirsal and un feigned regret. There was a consoling re membrance in this that it was at his own home, in the State whose annals he had hon ored, that he went to his rest. There, hearts that had known him best were ready to con sole tbe bereaved and reflections such as these soothed and softened the last struggle. And of the last and keenest blow that has fallen on the presidential ranks, what ade quate words can be uttered ? It is the com mander dying in the midst of the battle tbe man at tbe wheel shot down when the struggle is fiercest. Everywhere the pen of power and the voice of eloquence are speaking to the foil heart of the people. Tbe thread of destiny seems woven into a warn of mvstery, byeventssuch astbatwbich even yet have scarcely loal their feature of wonder. Tbe manner of the death of President Taylob is known to all. The future bas its own light or shadow. J. D. WILLIAMS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCflANT. FAYETTETILLE, NORTH CAROLINA- ' Julyl9th; I8S0. - 6o 60. s Shoes. - CONSISTING of Ladies Kid W.lking, Do do Slipper, Do Whit do do Do do 8;uin do Do Motroco DooU, Misaea and children Black Morroco Bootes, Just Raceived by R. TUCKER SON. August 2Cth, 1850. 69 GENTLEMEN'S HATS. FALL STYLE FOR 1850. SOMETHING entirely new and decidedly ele gnu Call and examine. K. TUCKER & 80N. 6a August 26ih, 1650. JUST Received, and for sale, on consign ment, a large lot of Summer and Fa.ll Coats, Vts and Pants, which we are selling very low, to close a consignment. A. B. S riTH & CO. Angal26, 1850. r9 New Firm. HE Subscriber bavins: connected thrmrM 1 in busineso, under tbe Firm of Dcmiloi A- Uooa, lake (hit occasion to in farm the Public, thai they will keep constantly on hand all article neces sary for tbe utea of the Family or Farm. Their stock conast in part of the following article : Bacon and Lard, Flour, Meal and Corn, Iron and Nail, Caal, German and BiUter Steel, Casting, Trace Chains and Weeding Hjc, Loaf, chrushed, clarified and brown 8uga, Coffee, Molase and Salt, Sole and upper Leather, Sperm, Adainanline and Tallow Candle?, Powder, Shot and Lead, Tobacco, Snuffs and Soaps. 4"C.,$c, 4c. Country produce particularly crn, fodder and dry beef-hides will be taken at a fair exchange. Tbe above article having been carefully selected and bought wiih Cash, the Subscriber are determin ed not to be under-sold by any dealers in ihe Citv. J. G. M. BUFFALO 13, GEORGE T. COOKE. April, 9th 18o0. 29 N B. fouih side of Harpett Street, fourth arid fifth doors east of YVillum, Haywood $ Co' Drug Store (Xj The Season ha now arrived when Dysente ry, Bowel Complaint, 4c, are ihj most prevalent. These diseases very often prove fatal lo loth Chil dren and Adult ; therefore ihey should be removed lcfore debility and exhaustioo enue. One bottle of BERNARDS CHOLERA MEDICINE, Will cure the worst case in less than 24 hours, if used according lo directions. It ha stood tmk tt or xui Kin, and haa never been known to fail, even when the mot eminent Physicians pro nounced the patient beyon ihe reach ot med cine Over 200 references and certificates can t rao Dress. For the cure of CHOLERA INFANTUM, Tlii Medicine ha no equal. It can be given lo an infant a week old with perfect t fely. It i pleas ant to the taste and nannies in it composiiion. A fresh supply jut received and for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, August 3rd, 1850. 02 SH0CCT0 LANDi fOR SAl-E. N the 1 6' li day of September next, I will sell at Public Auction, on tbe premise, the Tract of Land oh which I re.ide, coutaining About 1000 Acres, and lyinc one mile above tbe White Slllplier, aitd five almve Shocco Spring. It produce Corn. Wheat and Tobacco luxuriantly ; and contain an unusual quantity of rich fores), and thoroughly di ked and drained low-grounds, in the angle of Flat and JSIkktco Creeks. The Dwelling i la'(t, com fortable and tastefully finished in a beautiful grove, and surrounded with all necessary farm house, and negro cabins. iih atone chimneys. The Plantation i in good heart, having been worked on the three shift and horizontal p'ans. The water is good and abundant. The health and so ciety of the neighborhood proverbial One third of the furchai money will be requir ed ; and the remainder payable in two equal instal ments, on a credit of one and two years, wiih inter est. S. G. WARD. Warren County. Anguat 27ih, 1S50 2t 70 MUIR & JAMES, Importers and Wholesale Dealers IX CI1IXA, GLASS AID EARTIIE1 WARE, Corner of Syeanwrt and Bollingbrook Strait, PifttERSBtRG, Va., HAV Ejust received of their turn importation an unnrtially large Stock of Goods for tbe Fall Tkadb, consistiog of China , Glass. Earthen and Stoiu Ware. Britannia Ware, Look ifig Glosses, Lantps, Giran doles, Waiters and every des cription of Famct Good uu sually foood in their line of business, embracing many en tirely sure and beautiful styles, to wbicb they partic ularly invite the attention of the trade particularly CouTBT Merchants; assuring tbem thru they will find roods as low as in any similar establishment id the United States. MUIR & J AME9. August 29ib. 1S50. Iio70 FOR SEPTEMBER 1850. j. If. JUiVRIT 6f CO, Managers BRILLIANT LOTTERY. $50.000 ! 40 PRIZES OF $1,000 ! TICKETS OJS'LY 10 DOLL4RS ! VI RGINIA STATE LOTTERY, For the Benefit of Monongalia Academy, Class No. 100, for 1850, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, September 7th, 1S50. Most Brilliant Scheme I 1 Splendid Priie of 850,000, 1 of 30 ,000, 1 of 20,000 1 of 10,000, 1 of 4,000 1 of 2,200, 40 Prizes of 1,000, 40 Of 500. . dec. $-a 78 Number Lottery 13 Drawn Ballots. Ticket 10 Halve 95 Quarters 2 50. Certificates of package of 26 Whole ticket f 130 00 Do. do. of 26 Half do 65 00 Do. do. of 28 Quarter do 32 50 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Package ia the above Splendid Lotteries will re ceive the most prompt attention, and an official ac count of each drawing seat immediately after itja over to all who order from us. - Addrws J.frC MAURY $ CO. ' mSUxanJria, V i ITiRESERVED GINGER, last received try IV9 1. n waive 1L L. B. WALKER. SPRING' The undersigned are receiving direct from New Orleans and other Market, a large stock 'of Sugar, M onuses, j-c. which. ihj will sell for cash or to punctual dealers, on favorable term Tbey have now in tSidre, 105 Hhd. New Orleans Sugar 350 Boxes and Bbl refined do 110 Bbla. New Orleans and W. I. Molasses 40 Hbds. do do do do $50 Bags Prime Green Rio - Laguira Coffee ltOO Bags Shot 500 Kegs Nails, Cumberland and other Brands 50 Ton English Iron, Imported direct into Pe tersburg. 40 do HweJes and American do 600 Reams wrapping, writing and letter paper 300 Boxes Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Can dies 10 Tone Castings 10 do Grind Stones 100 Dozen Painted Psils, With a full assortment of Winiv, Brandies &e &c. &c. PEEBLES WHITE it DAVIS. Old St. Petersburg Va. March 5th XB50.- ' 25 ENGLISH MUSTARD. AFRESH supply of (Saddler and Fifties,) Eng lish Mustard; just received, nnd for mile by P. F. PESCUD R' igh, July 2Ht, 1S50 60 NEW U00K& rPHK Shoulder Knot. By B. F. Teft. Rail Way Economy in Eun pe and America. By Dr. Lnrduer. Pnst, Present, nnd the Future. By Lnmartine. The History of the Confessional. By Bishop Hopkins. d The Vale ofC'rdnrs. By Grace Aguilar. No 2. The Daltous. By Lever. O'.J Oak Chest. Dy James. Mary Morton, or the Broken Promise. By Ar i thur. i Edmond Dantes, Sequel to Monte Chriato. By ; Duiiias. The Mob Cap. By Mrs. Ilcntie. No 14 CopperficlJ II. D. TURNER. Ruleigh, July 8th, 1550. 57 "SPRING 'GOODS l8507 TH E Sultcriber i opening his Spring Stock, at bis old aland, of the latest importations and Domes tic Mauulscturcs, corieisung of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Chocs, Crockvry, Hardnaie, and Groceiies, ItiO 100 pieces Cali:oes, various colors. ' Brown and Bleached Shifting and Sheet- mg. Gingham, Lawns, Irish Linen, Holland' Cot lonade and other Summer Goods for men and boy. Padded for children, Brown, KetiueJ, Clarified, Crushed and Loaf Sugar, Java, Laguira and Rio Colli e, Cut Nils and Brads, California and other Hat for men and loy. All of which will be sold on reasonable term for Cash, or to prompt customer on time. J. BROWN. No. 9, Fayetleville t. Raleigh, April IS. 1S50. 31 . UU1TTO.X JL TODD Ficamore Street, opposite PorrdCs Hotel, Petersburg, Van OFFER FOK 8.LE, bhd refined sugar 20U has Rio, I.sguyria, and Java coffee 40 packages loaf, crushed and powdered sugars 20 tens Swe.ln, American and Eng'iah iron 30 bales horse hoes ICO bales Gunny. Dundee and German bagging 100 Cuils bale rope 150 boxes sperm, adjmsntine aud tallew candies 50 boxes soap 10 boxes very 'perior family soap 100 barrels old rye double and sinyle rectified whiskey 21 barrels grape brandy 5 i pipe Cog. brandy, part v?ry fine, 2 hhd. rum 20 pipes a ad 1-4 pipes Port, Mad. and Sherry wine 1 00 bag t-hot assorted, 760 kegs null, Cumberland and Rapid falls, 30 sides sole leather 150 ream wrapping paper 80 rramleter and cap paper ! 25 hhJs. and I bis mo!a.c 10U boxes window glass, S x 10 and 10 x 12 Hoiee collar, saddle bridles, bed Cords, lines, pep per, ginger, pice, mce, starch, chocolate, water bucke s, cotton cards, bum) iron, hoop iron, castings, c-'tton varus, wazon whips. e &c tc. All of the aboe goods will be sold at ihe lowest rates. BRIT I ON 4 TODD. August 21 IS.'.O. 68 3m Notice. rfj-iHE subscriber rives notice thai application I will be made to ihe President and Director of the Wilmington and Raleich Rail Road Company, for the renewal of a Certificate for S I share in tbe Capital Stock of said Company ; said Certificate having been destroyed by fire. MA KY P. HARRISS. Wilmington. August 24th. 1850. 68 Livery Stables! 2TTXHE Subscribers, take occasion, to inform their LLi friends and the public generally, that they will carry on the busioes. in all it branches, t the same atand ; aud that oo efforts uor expense will be spared on their part lo accommodate the travelling community. Conveyances, with good horses and careful drivers, will be furnished at all times aad at short notice ; aud in I act, every convenience for travelling, in the way of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. &C, will be supplied on the most favorable aud accomo dating terms. The bnbttoribers also expect to keep constantly en hand, good HOKSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &C, 0KEX2 a3.slQ.L3UQ And persons wishing to put out their Horses by tbe week, or mouth, or year, will have them well attended to, at moderate prices. Their Stable are on ilmiugtou Street, just to the Last of Market Ssqoare. Hoping lo receive liberal encouragement, the un dersigued pledge themselves to do all in their pow er to merit public patronage and favor. tJUfrAliOE j-CUOKK. Raleigh, April 5, 1 850. 23 Head Quarters 7th Division N. C. Militia, NashVills', August 15th, 1850. ) 4KRDERS No. 3. A Review will be held of I JF Regiments belonging to tbe seventh Division of N ortb Carolina Militia, at tbe following times and places. 22nd Regiment at Nashville, October 7th. i!0th do do Bridgers, do 9 th, 2 1st do do Tarboro' do 10th, 13th do do Williamston, do 12 lb, 15tb do do M. Ground, do 14th, . 16th. do do Jackson, - do 12th, 14th do do M. Ground, do 17th, 2jrd do do Warreoton, do . 19th, 29th do do Leoiaborg, do 22nd, 36 36 do do Raleigh, do 24ib, By Order of MaJ- Gxa. SineLKTAar, JNO. L FORE MAN, A. DC. -Angus! 15th, 1850. 67 Spring and SulTmer Goodr For 1850. Tucker and Son. WHO constantly keep on baqd an extensive assortment of the best and most desirable. as well as fashionable FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, are now receiving their Spring and Summer supply lor ibou. une or tbe irm has jnst returned rrom New York, where be purchased a rich variety of Goods of this Spring's Importations, before tbey had been picked over, and before tbe advance in prioe; and having thus had tbe choice of the large and splended fresh arrivals, and tba advantage of low prices, tbey Hatter themselves they will be better prepared than ever to inet the demands of this mar ket, and please their numerous friends and custom ers, io town and country. Tbey respectfully invite tho public to call and examine their stock. They have just received a supply of the followinz, and are daily receiving such other articles as are usually ept in a Ury Uoods end Family Grocery Store, suited to the wants and taste of this ce insanity. BITLGro De Rhine Silks, P nthl nd PigoreJ Chameleon Silks, B roc he and Plain Grenadines, Plain and Embroidered Black ditto, Fancy and Black Silk Tissues, Silk Albarines and Hernanies, Corn colored Grenadines, Evening Dresse?, Embroidered and Doited Fancy Swiss Muslins, Chambeiy, French and American Gingham, Caniblet Lustres, and Linen Gingham. Melries, and Fancy Diamond Jaikonet, Plain and printed Lawn and Muslins, Tarlcton, Hwias, India, Victoria, Bishop, Book, aud Dotted Jackonet Mu-lin, Rich Bonnet, Cape, Neck, Cuff and Belt Rib bons. Freiich Nredle Work Capes, Collars and Cuf&, Ladies' and Gentlemen' Pari Kid Gloves. Swiss and Jack met Edgings and Inserting, Lisle and Linen Edgings and Ribbons, Linen and Fncy Silk Dress Buttons. Kus.-ia Braid and Fancy Silk Tfimmii gs, Lidiet,' and Misses' L.C. Hem Stitch and Tape Bordered Hdkft. .Mu-lin. M.ihnir, Grass and Hough Patent Skirts. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEUES, of the various colors and qualnit s. Linen &. Cotton Goods, in great varieties, many of which are touched with the Hungarian and California finish. Black and Fancy Satin and Silk VESTING8, Plaid and Embroidered Marseilles ditto, $c &. HATS, tc Determined always te furnish what ever is latest, rarest and best, they offer an ex tensive stock of Men's, Youth's and children Fashionable and Flat Brim Mole Skin, Pana ma, Maracaib, Leghorn, Sewed Pedal's, Hun" garian and Palm Hats. Infant's Fancy Good. AUo, Umbrellas, Parasols, Bonnets, Shoes, Hard, ware, Cutlery, Groceries, &c. All ot which they now are offering on the most liberal terms. K. TUCKER & SON Raleigh .March 15th 1850. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FOR 1650. K7E are now in receipt of our entire Spring W supply, embracing every thing in our hue, JVeus, Durable nnd Beautiful, Cloths, Ca simeres, Drap d'etes. Drillings, Satin. Silks Mar seille, Shalhes, &c ,&c. all of which will be made up lo order a heretofore with neatness and dis patch. Thankful for paet favor we earnestly solicit a continuance of patronage. Our entire Stock wa selected by Mr. Oliver in person, and we can with confidence recommend it not only to be "Frcth and tine but of the very latest Importations OLIVER & PROCTER, Alerchant Tailors, Raleigh, N. C. April 1 9th, )8:0. 33 P- 6. Paris, London, arid American Fashions at hand. (). &, P. From Hie Opera of tlx "two SUlT-ors.' Translated on Fayetleville Street. I dreamrd thai her favoring glance fell On a well-dressed Beau at her side. And I rould'nt tell why ihe laughing Belle, Had refused to become my bride. But a single glance at my rival' Coat, Told me there lay the strength of the game ; And I said if the Tailor's in Town wbucan doit, I'll have one exactly ihe Mine. Then I dreamed that 1 searched the Town all o'er. For the gem that would win her heart, Till I found myself standing in front jf the Store Where clothing is fahioned by art ; And then I remembered that ibis was the place Where the Coat of my rival was made, And entering in, right befor my lace. Lay a Broad-Cloth, exactly the shade. The ('oat was Fent home, and like Cesar I sped, I came, and I saw, and I won For she smilingly said, when I asked her lo we'd, "What an elegant Coat you have on " Three days from that time, perhsps il was more, I induced her to alter her name ; And I still boy my Coars al ihe very same Store, And she love nie a ever the same. OLIVER &. PROCTER makes thim Coats. Raleigh. April 19, 1850. 32 IRON. JWEDES, English nnd American Iron, assarted, 5 in store, Which we will Fell on pleasing terms. PEEBLES, WHITE $ DAVIS. Petersburg, ) uly 22, 1MU. 9 MRS. bremer-S JS'Etr STORY. EASTER OFFERING. By Fredrika Bremer. ALSO THE CONQUEST OF CANADA, by Elliot Warburton, Esq. Keceived this day by . H.D.TURNER. Raleigh, May 2lst, 150. 41 OH and Lard Lamp Cltiuneys A good supply of various sizes, just received by WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD CO. Just Keceived. RAISINS, whole, half aud quarter boxes, Almouds, Waluuts, Filberts, &c. Sr., vvuiow and Market baskets, with &. without covers, Ladies' faucy Freucli Baskets, Citron, Prunes, Pickles, Soda, Butter and Milk Crack en. 10 cts-per lb., A fiue lot of Pictures iu frames, ALSO. Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Cacdlea cheap ALSO. Just to hand, 25 3 bis. Marriotts and AtcClanahan's best Flour. L. B.WALKER. May 3rd, 18.10. 36 Valuable Land for Sale, A Valuable Tract of Land containing 205 acres lying between four and five miles West oMU letgh, on both aides of Walnut Creek, and adjoining the laid of Rev. Tho. Meredith and others, will be sold oa reasonable term. For further information apply to " ' . M. A. BLEDSOE. Raleigh, August 17, 1850. ' 6 CERTIFICATE Ne 469. for 98 Shares in the Capital Stock ofths Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Co., is the name of Brown, & DeRoaeet, dated 30th March, 1844, having been lost or mis laid. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the President aa4 Directors : to? ae- aewat w iae same. DiR0SSET 'BROWN: Wilmington, Aug. 19th, 1850 67 ww m v . 'i -i j, j j ' hi . ,. ... i r riss 1,11 !Pn' S THURSTON'S FOUNTAIN HOTEL, (FoBMERLf BlLTZHOOVSa's) Head of Light, near Baltimore St., BALTIMORE. sTJIHE increased patronage of this long establisb- ed and popular Hotel, under the management U freat proprietor baa inspired him jaiUt further energy and determination, aud no expense, or. atten tion of -his or that of his Assistant will be. spared, to maintain with the patrons of tbe Fountain" the reputation it held all over tbe country, in Us ' palmiest day" of Bellzhooter's conductorship. To increase its former attractions and comforts, during the past season, the Hotel fans undergone many changes, the Proprietor having made beavy oatlays in introducing some of the beat and latest improvements which, together with iu central posi tion, being located in the very heart of the business portion of the city, and near the centre of Baltimore Street, and within a few minutes walk of all the Depot and Steam Boat Landings, il invites the MercJiant, the Fanner, the Artisan, as well a the Man of Pleasure to make the Fountain Hotel bis home during his sojourn in Baltimore. Tbe Ladies' Department, Containing Private Parlors, Saloons, Reception Rooms, Ordinary, and extensive suites of large and airy Chambers, filled up in a style and elegance that cannot fail to give satisfaction and comfort. Pobtkbs are attached to the " Fountain," who may be recognized by the Badge on their Hats, and are always iu the attendance at the different Dei ots and Steamboat Landings, who will receive Checks, take charge of the baggage and convey it to th Hotel. FHIIMEAS THURSTON, Proprietor. Feb. 26th, 1650. 17 A CARD. rlHF. undersigned being engaged, and boldiug a JL position that brings his service in immediate connection with the Guests of the above Hotel, he trusts, offers a further inducement to his numerous friends and acquaintance of the u Old North State," when liiry visit Baltimore, to stop at the "Fountain, where he assures Ihem they will be received and en. lertaiued in a maimer that shall strengthen thi ac quaintance aud secure for its Proprietor their good will and patronage. W STRINGER, Latt of Wilmington N C. February 26Ui, 1850. 17 Ludies Sliocs and Slippers. JUST received, by Express, direct from tbe manufactory. Ladies Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes, (Ties tad Buskins.) do do and do Slippers. 1 ALSO ON HAND. 100 pieces Light and Dark Calico, Bleached nnd Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, With a general assortment of Dry Goods. lists and 5hues, Lawns and Ginghams,1 ' Groceries,' Cambrics and Jaconetts, Crockery. For sale, low, by J. BROWN, No. 9 Fayetleville Street. Raleigh, August 6th, 1850. 63 PURE SALAD OIL. A SUPPLY of pure Olive Oil direct from Bor deanx, tia Petersburg, Va., on band and for sale by P.F.FESCTJD. ALSO Pure Cod Liver Oil, iu Bottles, and Capsules, Raleigh, July 21st, 1850. 60 FORWARDIKCr. I WILL attend to the forwarding of all Goods at Wilmington and Fayetleville, at ihe osual com mission ; aud will, iu all cases, forward by first boat without relerence to lines. All orders for parch ill be strictly attended to. Direct to care of W. BRANSON, FayettcviHeand Wilmington. April 16, 1850. " 31 if Upholsterer and Mattress Maker, In my Employ, Raleigh JV. C. Sofas, Lounges, asy Chairs, Ac-, manufactured in every style to order, and at the shortest notice. BED MATTRESSES of all kinds, including tbe mu-b improved Shuck and Cotton Mattress, which will be found a perfect luxury in Winter or Summer. N. B. Mattress Manufactory is in rear of my Barber Shop. All orders thankfully received and attended to with promptness and dec patch. The workmen httherio employed by J Henry Harris, M all ress Maker, in ibis City, are at pre sent under my control, nnd are warranted and re commended to be excellent workmen. ALFRED MITCHELL. Raleigh, August 22nd, 1850. 68 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. OF HAMPDEN SIDNEY "COLLEGE, RICHMOND, Va. THE thirteenth Annual Coarse of Lecture will be commenced on Monday, the 14th of Octo ber, 1850, and continue until lbs 1st of the ensuing March. The commencement ft.r conferring degrees will be held about the middle of March. R. L Boa annan, M. D. Prof of Obstetrics end di seases of Women and Children, L. W Chambelavnk, M. D. Prof. Materia MeJicm and Therapeutics. S. MAuriN, M. D. Prof, of Chemistry and Phar svrcy. Chas Bki-l Gibson, M. D. Prof of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. Caster P. Johnsos, M. D. Prof, of Anatomy and Physiology. David H. Tucks, M. D. Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine. AaTHua . Peticolas, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy. The study of practical Anatomy may be prose cuted with tbe most ample facilities, and at very trifling expense. , Clinical Lectures are regularly given at the Col lege Kfirmary and Almshouse. Tbe Infirmsry, on der thi same roof with tbe College and subject to tbe entire control of the Faculty, is at all times well filled with medical and surgical cases, and furnishes peculiar facilities for clinical instruction. Many aur gical operations are performed in presence of the clasa : and tbe studenis being freely admitted to the wards, enjoy, under the guidance of the Professors, unusual opportunities for becoming familiar with the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of disease. : Expenses'. Matriculation fee, $5. Profasem'fees, $109. Demonstrator's fae, 1 10.. Graduation- fee, 23 Tbe prtceof board, including?, fual, light! and ser. vents' attendance, ia usually $3 or 3 L-3 per week. The catalogue, i-c, contajaing fuller 'infbrmaiion. concerning the astitstiaa, win be forwarded to those apply ingjonf&eeecjflt inquiries will be answered by je tef. S. MAUPIN, M.D. Dean of the Facxtty. July 3d, 1850. 34 . -Q-P POTTTfW. -A ttends the courts in the coub L' of Oraage, Alamance, W ska and Chathanv Chapel Hlfl, N. O, May 24, 1844V. y 24 WHITE WASH BRUSHES. , ALA RGB supply of various sixes, j oat received1 and for sale tow. . . ' " - WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD dfc CO -Raleigh April 33d 1850. - 9 SCOTCH, SJVUFF AND TOBACCO. , rilHOSE who are fond of a nice drp or good caee : M.' of the weed will find a superb article of SnasT and Tobacco, at Peaend'e Drag Store. . Raleigh March 19th 1850. " N Quarts and Pint, iuai reeeived aad fu ad a the Drag Store of - " . -r WILLIAMS. HAYWOOtJeVeO. a i . DRIED BEEF. SUPERIOR article of Northern Dried Beet Just reeeived and sellings IS1 cenU. By L. B. WALKER. July Sod, 1850. 53 i - poii-riiit. DZ of London Brown Stout, in qt., just received ami for sale by - . WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. 14 Gold Watches and Jewfelry NEW arrival of a large and fashionable as sortment of the above just at hand and for sale, cheaper than ever, at PALMES RAMSAY'S Jewelry Store. The aoit extensive stock of all articles in their line that haa been offer ed for sale here for years. Coufe aad see, if yen 4 not boy. 4 Doxen goM aad silver Watches, of all kinds, Gold fob, vest and guard Chains, Keys andSeeJf, Finger-rings, Ear-rings, Breast-pins, Studs, and collar Buttons, GoldLoekets, Bracelets, Clasps, gold silver tad spring steel Spectacles. Gold and silver'Pencils aud Pens aad waist Buck les, - - - Silver Combs and Tortoise shell Spectacles, 4 A very extensive assortment of Silver and Plated Spoons, Cups, Lalles, Sogar Tongs, - Sail Spoons, Ate , . ; A large stock of Cutlery, Razors, Knives, Razor straps, and Diamond Paste for Raters, Brashes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, etc. . Butter and Fruit Knives. Gold and Silver Thim bles, ' . Gold aad Silver Mounted Walking Canea, ; , Silver Plated Casters, Candle Sticks, Welters, Baskets, Girandoles, A large assortment of Perfumery, Colognes, Soaps, Boxes for Toilets, Fancy articles, and Christmas presents, and a variety of other arti cles, w. All kinds of Watches and J ewelery repaired ja superior style. Old Gold aad Silver received ia ex change. PALMER 4 RAMSAY. Kafefga, Nov. 21, 1849. 93 tf FKI-Sll KICK. F RESH Rice, new Crop just received. -V M. t'tCK SOW December 11th, 1849. 89 3 NEW ARRIVAL. PAL.JrlR fc RAiHSAY; HAVE just received a handsome lot of fine GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains Jenny Line', Ear Rinva and Breast dim. Silver unit Pl J o x -- -- .... WiWW and Forks, Butter Knives, and Plated Waiters and uandlesucks.- a.: - Sold en their (renal reasonable terms. June 3rd, 1850. 49 PROFESSOR A. C. B41UII'S TUICGPHEROUS, Or Medicated Compound.' T?N FALLIBLE for renewing, invigorating and sJb beautifying the hair, removing acurl, dandruff, aud all affection of tbe scalp, and curing eruptiutts on the skin, diseases of the glanda, muscles and in teguments, and relieving sting, cut. Uuises, strains etc., j-c. With this preparaiiok thera is no such word aa fail." Tbe first journals in America, medi cal men of the highest eminence prominent citizens of ail professions, and ladiea who have sued it fur years iu iheir dressing rooms and nurseries aanm with one accord, that, for imparling vigor, glees, twa uriance and curl to tbe hairradicating scarf and dan druff, healing wound, curing contusions, apraine stings. Sec , and relieving dieeaee of the akin, the glands and the muscle, it has no equal among tbe multitude of compounds advertised in .the pubKe prints, or used in private practice. In cheapness as well a efficacy, Barry' Tritopberous ia unrivalled. The immense cash sales ot the article have enabled the inventor 10 supply it at -r ril si 1-rratj five caawe per boule, wbtch u from fifty lo one hundred per cent lej thau the piiceii of any other preparation now in use. The scientific ireaiies on the hair and skin (embracing valuable directions for the calture and preservation of Nature's choicest ornament,) ia which each bottle i enclosed, is alone Warth the money. Sold in large bottles, price S5 rents, at the princi pal office 137 Broadway, Mew York. For sale by tbe principal Meiehaui and Druggist throughout the United Stale and Canada. And by A. B. MTITH & Co ( Raleigh. C August lat, 1850. .- ',. :J: 62 LEATHER BELTING. N, Hunt & CO., ItOr. 36 Devottsliire Street, Boston. - Manufacture and keep constantly on hand, t ' for sale, Best 6ik Tanned leaUirr ficltios, BELT RIVETS JidYD B URRS, SUPERIOR BELT CEMENT, AND EXTRA QUALITY LACE LEATHER Belta Made to Order and WnrrauxtacV" f . H. t Cor respectfully refer to ,tbe rollowlsg , touching the quality of their quality. , WE the undersigned, having ia one the Oak Tanned Leather Belting, manufactured by N. Hunt fr Co., tio. 26, Devonshire Street, Boston, do eheerfully recommend it to Manufacturers and Machinists, sad have no hesitation in saying, that for quality of stock, uniformity of thickness, being thoroughly stretched, the superior manner of its manufacture, and its durability, it is equal te any we have ever used. . " " South Boston Iron Co., South Boston. Seth Wilmarth, Union Works, 8outh Boston. '; John Souther, Globe Works, South Boston,; Seth Adams 4 Co., Steam Engine and Power Frets Builders, South Boston.' - lc r v ' Hiuckley d Druby, Boston LKssonMlra Works Boston. ' - , v- , Win. Washburn, Sawing and Plaining MilL Boston. A- C 4- W. Curtis, Paper Maaufacturera, 2etea L. Falls. ...... ; r John E. Wilder, Salamander Safe Maaa&eturer, Boston. . ... ,, W. W. Alcott. Sup't Suffolk Flour MUls, Boston. II enrj Bre voort. Agent Glendoa Rolling M ilia, East Beetoac ' ..' T . TbomMDksoa,BostnSogarRelnery,East Boston. F. Main.Saperiatendant Marblehead Cordage Ce. Davenport d Bridges, Car Beilders, Canibrrd re port. v-vss- jr. ;- EdadLang, Sup'f of Spinning Koom for bewell, -i Day dc Co , Cordage Manuracturers. ' . i'Si, Lem. Crehore, Paper Manufacturer, Newton Low er Falla, .-ru r-.-.o-'. ii Otic Talts, Steam Engine Builder, East Boston. ' - N. HUNT ek Co. are arenu far SWINGLE'S MORTIStNe MACHINia. , -- April 30. 185a -n- ,-.;..':x. i zi9m LEWISES PURE WHITE LEAD. A GOOD auoblyoCthU saperior White Lead Juat te juudaad for sale at the Drug store of WILIAMS HAYWOOD Hi CO. Raleigh, Aug. 16th, 1850. ' 6