MWgW J I a -X:. .-.V jtf,.- ISHGD REGISTER , TEHMS, OX VERTISIKG AJter1UemenU.Yf eyiyifeVl.ia prat taNitioar One DoMar, each subsequent taeertioa Tweaty-fivo Centi:: m'&rXMi Cmsrt Orders aad JmiifUd AitrtiemnU'i a charged 95 pet eeat. higher ; but a dedwetioa af -39 ler cemVwi)llr-iBarie iVgahu-prfe (T aertiserabytaoyear. ' , y'-VXT AdwtiaemonU, aeetted re the 9can.WcHt.f eurrta, will also ajrpear ia the WnaLy Paper; f-e ofeharret; , ( C7 Letters to tbe Edrtor mast be rrrraiav : tj rVBUSO aSMI-WEEKLT AWD WKKATi BYvSEATON GALES, TERMS. VOLUME U. for the Semi-Weekly Papr, $5 per annum for Uu Wekly Paper, $3 per annnin. mmbeK - - POETRY, . If I WERE A VOICE. BT C- MAO. AT. " v were a voice, a persoaaive voice, ThatrouW travel.the wide world through, I woald fly oa the beams of the ruorninj light, ia apeak to men wha a gentle might, . AnJ tell tbem to be tree. I would flv, 1 woald fly; o'er land and tea, Wherever a human heart might be, Telling a tale, or ringing a aong, la praise of the righ: in blame of the wrong tf I were a voice, a consoling voice, I'd fly on winga of air; 7ke homes of sorrow sod guilt I'd seek And calm and truthfal words I'd apeak Tav tket TWaa ieapsSK--:- V; I would fly, I would fly, e'er lb crowded town, Aad drop, like the happy sunlight, down Into the hearts of suffering men. And teach them to rejoice again. If I were a voice, a convincing voice, I'd travel with the wind, And whenever 1 saw the nations torn By warfare, jealousy, and scorn. Or btred of their kind, I would fly. 1 would fly, on the thunder crash, Aod into their blinded bosoms flash; And. all their evil thoughts subdued, 'J teach tbetn Christian brotherhood. 1 1 were a voice, a pervading voice, 1 would seek "he kings of earth ; I would find them alone on their beds at night. And whisper words ihatebnuld guide them right, Leteons of priceless worth ; I'.l fly more swift lhn the swiftest bird. And tell them things they never heard Truths which the ages for aye repeat Unknown to the statesmen at their feet. If I were a voice , an immortal voice, I'd tpeak in the people's ear ; And whenever they shouted, Libektv," Without deserving to be free, I'd make their error clear. I would fly, I would fly, on the wings of day, Rebuking, wrong on my world-wide way, And making all the world rejoice It I were a voice an immortal voice. MISCELLANEOUS. From the New York Tiibune. SEW PUBLICATIONS. Dauiel Webster and Hear? Clay. Reminiscences of Congress. By Chat. W. March, JV. York : Baker Sr. Scribner. 12zo. jyp295. (coirriKVK.) JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. TJiidoautewI.v o ie great reason oi Mr. Ada ma' Bftpopulattty, wai hivcoW, arrtipmtlveUc nan aer, and the suspicion of selfishness it aug rested, or at least aided greatly to confirm. None approached Mr. Adams but to recede, lie never succeeded, he never tried to con ciliate. He seemed one of those persons not rare on earth whose enjoyment stops in themselves ; who find no pleasure in the indulgence of social feelings, and cherish oo nope but self gratification. Friendship which responds alike to good or adverse for. tune, which removes us from entire isola tion, expands the heart, lends new fotce to genius, and a nobler expression to thought, be never seemed capable of comprehending. His mind, wonderfully precocious, was developed at the expense of heart. Undue exercise of tbe one, as happens with the liinbs of tbe body, dwarfed or weakened the other. He could elaborate test schemes of political aggrandizement, cotrstruct stupen dous tomes of incontrovertible logic, estab lish or demoiisli theories of perplexing- in genuity ; but Ihmvm ignorant of an unselfish emotion, incapable of an ennobling expres tran.lud constitutionally insensible to other than personal hopes and purpose. All political dogmas, creeds and parties, "were held by him in like consideration. He found them all equally fallacious and equal, ly usefuL He sacrificed no principles m es pouting or repudiating either or all, lor he bad no principles to sacrifice. Without violence to his feeling or judgment, be ad nitled or rejected propositions and measures. He knew but one test of their soundness ; how far tbey were useful, so far aod they were right. In whatever other respect be resembled Cato Uticaensis, in one be differed with him materially. The victa causa never pleated him. Tbe theory that failed was to fcim illogical ; the party that fell, unprinci pled. This intense concentration of self upon elf gave character to bis countenance, man Hen, tnd habits, j He seemed aa qold, pas sionless aod inscrutable as tbe Egyptian Sphynx, whose fate, too, bis own resembled. Ue was successful. while bis secret M uo. discovered, but ibat once exposed, be aaok forever. A disposition like bis was its own Neme ia. Ever grasping at honors, succeear rather exasperated than satisfied birri. Whilst there s a step still higher, be was restless, discon. tsoted, morose, till he reached it ; and when teached, the fear of iU loss was greater than the pleasure of its enjoyment, aud kept bis rind in a constant turbalenze. A want of jmpathy for others, deadened bis own sense of his elevation; be knew not tbe increase f gratification from reflection. Hit merit, he thought provoked service, which like, vir tue, was its own reward. He therefore felt gratitude, an i acknowledged io his favors o distinction between friend and enemy j Success made biin ungrateful, and defeat Vindictive ;tke one he .easily forgot, the other ne never forgave. - v 'i- This harshness of character developed it elf in hia writings. 1 Future aces no less than the present will suffer from its expres- 'on. Asevere and ooyieWing logic pervades oppresses all bit productions. There if Nothing to move tbe affections, to rouse tbe Uncy, or open tbe heart,' in any. In all tbe ni'ghty volumee of: lectures, essays, corres pondence, state paper d speeches wtth hich he has terrified mankind, not a Jtlori n sentimeot, uiagnanioous idea, or sou) 'l'fnng expression occurs. Tbey art all lata llke, destroying every thing like fertilization. Such chectsrcooM eecura no pwrmao W!hwtyft,ooJy.U apprecia tedto Ubaua yo.WoViknit compell tocori, arangtbe4oat fKoroin ent cauaref. Mr.rAdaisblUtate aieeat, his aelsbotd.uiisyrnhkrbeartchar acteriltwljanner and action-' , ' Hia'8uctfetsTul.coo3ketitor was cast in a different mould.. - oute virtues lie bad and others he anuored. ;H was ffaak,.adaUe, and impreniotiablejafid if not always sincere, always badvibe- appearance of sincerity. It was easier to pardon bis vices, "than" t' ac knowledge the virtues of his rival ; the ar rogance of tbe latter offending self love, more than the former, the moral sense. ' It is not to be denied however, that he had one element of popularity which hie oppon ent needed. This was his brilliant military reputation. Ilia courge and crnidoct in se veral severe emergencies, and more partic ularly in one crisis of our public affairs, du ring the las, war with Great Britain, bad gained biro the confidence and gratitude of bis countrymen. This element of strength had been sensibly felt in the preceding can vass, and was perhaps the best solution of the almost incredible popularity which be enjoy ed. Still hia military achievements, dazzling as they were, did not constitute his sole claim to popular favor. He had filleo high stations in civil life, in National as well as in State Government; in all of which he had given evidence of a determined will, an honest pur pose, and sagacious judgment, that command ed the good will of all classes. His character for moral, physical, and intellectual energy was known everywhere. He was thought lo possess, too, qualities of mind rare in their combination. A:;d hence there was a con viction, no more earnest than general, with the well informed no less than with the vul gar, tnat lie could cultivate with equal suc cess the somewhat hostile arts of war and peace. COL. BENTON. Benton discharged all sorts of missiles at the head of an adversary, like a catapults Tropes,metaphor?,similes,unavory allusions, vituperative epithet, damnatory personali ties, he hurled upon the victim of his tem porary anger. He neither sought or gave quarter; one of the regular Black Hussars of debate. His manner, if possible, was yet mors belligerent than either. His whole at. litude was defiance, and each gesture a pro vocation An indifferent auditor might sup pose from the extravagance of his manner and the language occasionally, that he was "running a muck." Habttfanum in cornu, was at such times tbe proper solution of his conduct. His speech was as often extraordinary ss his manner. He brought together such a mass ofcrude, uudigestible compilations, ov erwhelming the subject matter in its acci dents, so much useless accumulation, dis jointed and inconsequent facts, impertinent allusions, apd loose though labored analogies, one could not but imagine that be bad tuade a foray into the territory of history, aud sei zed upon booty, of which he neither knew the value, uor cared for the destination. Too often, whatever there was ol invinci ble logic in bis declamation, was lost its dif fusive speech, in useless generalities, un connected episodes, and uncalled for person alities. His egotism at this time was al most ferocious ; it interpenetrated every part of bis speech and made it sometimes absurJ, sometimes farcicl and alwaya offensive. But whenever for a time be forgot himself in his subject, and became wholly absorbed in its consideration, he was an antagonist not to be despised. He had read much, he bad obser ved much, he had hoarded much; and all be had read, observed, or boarded, he held at a moment's command. If he could but bring his facts and illustrations inlo line, so as to bear down in compact array upon the ene myXqentre, they pierced it and secured vic tory. But it was unfortunate for him that his facts undisciplined and irregular, hung back upon the very point of engagement, and re coiled, like elephants in lndiau armies, upon their own friends. 1 speak of him as he'was. Twenty years have passed since this debate took place. The closer study of mankind, of books, and himself, has liberalized his temper, chasten ed bis style, and subdued his manner. He commits no such solecisms of thought or conduct as formerly. He arrogates less for his own position now, concedes more to bis opponent's. His speech is less discursive. and more argumentative; it neglects persons and embraces propositions ; is more sugges tive, logical, aod final. Still, tbougb his de portincnfoaa more suavity, his manner more amenity, and his speech less personality than of old, be does not roar you. now as gen tly an twere any nightitigale . He is Boan erges still. Land For .Sale! f-jlHK Subscriber, desiring to remove to me vv esi, X offers for Sale the Tract oi Land on which he .... . war jr resides, oa the middle HilUboro' Read, 10 moles fcosa Raleigh, couUiaiog 434 ACRES. " Said Land baa on it a new sad convenient Dwelling, It bv 26, with Kitchen, arid alt necessary pot houses good well water in twenty-ave steps pi wo xwei ling, and an excellent urcnanl. Tsaxs Cash i which win be madia known on ths premises, where those desiring to?purchaee are Invited to call ana examine. ROBERT ADAMS. Wake Co- 8epL 5th 1850. 7 w3w. FALL STOCK . ; OF . Drugs, Mcdicintx? Paints, Dyes, SrC THE undersigned ars now receiving their exteav sive Stock of - MtHcines, PainU, mff;Pqfnery;grc. tot the fell trade, and are prfepared t offer lo Met chants. Physician, and thersisueli iedncemsnJS as canoet fail to please. ; . - t v iitmiUidiNn m warranted of lie beat quality to be obtained in any market ; and as the stock has tH, I.U In h an of tho firm in versoo, at ths wsin est package ricet.'ww are enabled to eoeapot Ita .,iK th iahlMM baaaw of the Northern Ci l Mihua'aavo taviho wnrchasor jb xjaanosar of from . PAvstcurjisivrill be exscotod fas too best style, end seat to say part of ibo Country.' . -T'X'Tz ' GJCoTu, JONK8,-d Cs j w- ,-7w- Wholesale Orurzist, $AXr:r- Mjuaon Sw, PeUrsbarivTa, -? ' ItiplerabWsUi, 1 8 J jl m a m S ... PROSPECTUS or tbk 7- ' WHIG BANNER. finHE nadtrstraed panoses to 'esUbliah, la the J town of Halkax, a WeekJj New.psper under tbTftbove title. - Believing, as w do, that the principles of th Whig party are beat calculated to sasUio tbe honor and promota tbe prosperity of the- whole country, wa will ever give tbem, through the columns of the Banner, a sealous and Unwavering support. At tbe Bams time we are determined never to deny jus tice to a political opponent, nor -to forget the cour tesy which is due to our brethren of the Press. . The columns of the 'Banner" will not be en tirely taken up with the discussion of political sub jects ; on the contrary a large apace will be devoted to the interests or Agriculture; to Literary Arti eles, original and select ; and to the newa or the day generally. By this means it is hoped to make the Banner" a family, as well as a political Psper. Tbe publication will be commenced in the first week of January, 1851. Great attention will be paid lo tbe Mechanical department or the Paper, aud it will be furnished to subscribers at $3 60 in ad vance or at S3, if sot paid within three months from the receipt of ths first number. WM. L. LONG. GENTLEMEN'S HATS. FALL STYLE FOR 1850. SOMETHING entirely new and decidedly ele gjnt Call and examine. K. TUCKEB &. SON. 6i August 26ih, 1850. JUST Received, and for sale, on consigu anent, a large lot of Summer and Fall Coats, Veals and Pants, which we are eelliog very low, to close a consignment. A. B. ST1TH & CO. Augul26, 1850. 69 New Firm, 'HE iihcriher having . connected themselves I. in busiues, under the Firm of BirrALoa A. Cooke, lake tliii occasion lniulrm the Public, thai thi-y will keep conatantly on baud all articles mces sary for ths urs of the Family or Farm. Their slock consta in part of the followiug articles: Bacoo and Lard, Flour. Mcl and Corn, Iruo and Nails, CiMt, German and Blister Steel, Caoiings, Trace Chains and Wewlinj Hoes, Loaf, chrushed. clarified and brown Sugars, Coffee, MolaSRes.and Sail, Sole and upper Leather, Sperm, Adamantine anil Tallow Candles, Powder, Shot and Lead, Tobacco, Snuffs and Soaps, ij-c, f-e, 4x., Country produce particularly corn, fodder and dry bef hides will be lakrn at a (air exchange. Tbe above articles having been carefully selected and bought wiih Cash, the Subscribers are determin ed not to be under-sold by any dealers in the City. J. G. M. BUFFALOE, GEORGE T. COOKE. April, 9th 1850. 39 N B. Sou ib siJe of Harpett 8treet. fourth and firth doors east of Williams, Haywood 4- Co'a Drug Store y Tbe Season has now arrived when Dysente ry, Bowel Complaint, 4c, are thj most prevalent. These diseases very often prove fatal lo loth Chil dren and Adults ; therefore tbey should be removed before debility and exhaustion rnsue. One buttle of BERNARDS CHOLERA MEDICINE, Will cure tbe worst case in less than i .hours, if aeed according lor directions. It bas stood tbi tist or aiaT riiii, and has never been known to fail, even when the most eminent Physicians pro nounced the patient bey oat the reach of med cine Over 200 references and certifies tes can be raoarjean For tbe cure of CHOLERA INFANTUM, This Mfdicine baa no equal. It can be glen lo an infant a week old with perfect aefeiy. It is pleas ant to the taste anu harmless in lis eonipoeiiion- A fresh supply just received and for sale by P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, August 3rd, 1850. CS IRON. CJWEDES, English and American Iron, assorted, In store, winch we will rell on pleasing terms. rbbBLbS, WHITE DAVIS. Petersburg, J uly 22, 1S50. 59 SUGARS. 125 hhds fair to prime Sugnrs. 173 Deia clarified, crushed and powdered do. 75 boxes lonf "ogar. for aale by PEEBLES, WHITE dt DAVIS. Petersburg, July 22 1850. 9 Manufacturing Establishment JOSEPH lVOLTERINGra number H of years Foreman in the Raleirh and Gasteu Hail Road Blacksmith Shop) respectfully announces to I He ctltxeus ol Kalergh anslUie rroadingCoun ties, that he is-prepared to mauufacture LOCUS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Cinna aud Pistols Carriage Springs, Mill-Kirk, Brass Cattutgtx aud in sktrt, ami thing ui Machine and BlacMstnUk wrk UK IS ALSO fUMIBD TO EXKCUTS SELIs 11 AMU IRQ, AT THE SHOXTKST "OT1CS. Also has ou hand ao extensive assortment of Locks .f all kinds, at prices from 10 cents to 30 dollars. Eda-etoole, an assortment of Axes, Urawinr-koives. Hatchets, Hammers, Files of various descriptions. nd a number of articles in nis line loo tedious lo mention. All orders faithfully executed at tbe lowest prices. and new work eatrusieo to bat Care wul be warrant ed Orders from a distance will be attended to and executed at the shortest notice. Hia Estabusbmeut will be found on Fayetteville Street Uepairiog in hia line performed with neatness and despatch. Alao, a geueral aaeorUucat of Unas aad rtstola coAatauUy eatoaod. JOSEPH WOLTERING. . Raleigh, Aug. 30, 1850. . 31f BALTIMOJtfi STEAM SOA? AND, CANDLE WORKS. Corner of Hollidaj and Pleasant Sts., ' " it B ELM OH T, Sperm,. Adamantine . Can Mould and Dipt. J Fancy, White and YarT'ied. Oletue, ; , . Yellow, Browni and Black. Lard Oil IW, .1 .BOOM. Manufacturing and for aale by SMITH cVCURLETT. Baltimore, MiL, Corner UoRiday and Pleasant and No. 4 Commerce SU-a.- a? 1 Sepcath, 1850,.'; . ; ; 21 79 - H a t s , Caps, : & c . - ' roa the razz, trade, ; I WISH to iaform Metcbants (who intend purchasing their goods to vmm miina v a wmvuig sou ucn aaoad.) that myaeewttmoat was never aaoro largo and yaried of ' BEAVERk RUSSLVVjZVDMOLE- Soft WUfi and Weasel flataef all des. CipUooa and colors, and CAPS of all qnaJUiea snd stiles . ' - , -; '-:o ? -5-3 , I bjvito my pU enstomers, and all who Intend vie. ting tho markets abotev Mujaed, to give my atoek an .miMiioo. - - ' - t ;--fw vif iVf''ANCl5 JafAJOR. UAJOR. mhetf Ytt. j . f VV-'-'i-, wSawTl. T Byoanjota BUeet. Petcfsborg Sem, ova, law, 0 Caa3 SPRlNCTSALEs. The nriderralgawJ are receiving direct from New Orleans and other Markets, a farge stock at Sugar, Molasses, frc. which they will sett for v cash-or to punctual dealers,- on favorable terms They bav bow in Store, ' 106 Hhda. New Orleans Ssgars 150 Boxes and B bis refined do 1 10 BWs. New Orleans and W. I. Molasses 40 Hade. do do do do 350 Bags Prime Green Rio f- Laguira Cofiee 1200 Baga 8bot 500 Kegs Nails, Cumberland end other Brands 60 Tons English Iron, Imported direct iato Pe tersburg. 40 do Swedes and American do 600 Reams wrapping, tiling and letter paper 300 Boxes Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Can dies 10 Tom Castings 10 do Grind Siones 100 Dosen Painted Pails, With a full assortment of Wines, Brandies ace 4c etc PEEBLES WHITE ft. DAVIS. Old St. Petersburg Va. March 15th 1850. t2 ENGLISH MUSTJtRD. A FRESH supply of (Soddler and FlrtlesJ Eng- y-ia nan ftiustardj just received, and for sale by V. V. r F. PESCUD. Raleigh, July 2lst, 1930. 60 NEW BOOKS. rpil E Shoulder Knot. By B. F. Teft. A Rail Way Economy in Europe and America. By Dr. Larduer. Past, Present, and the Future. By Lamartine. The History of the Confessional. By Bishop Hopkins. The Vale of Cedars. By Grnce Aguilar. No 2. The Daltons. Bv Lever. Uld Oak Chest. By James. Mary Morton, or the Broken Promise. By Ar thur. Edmnnd Dantes, Sequel to Monte Chris to. By Dumas. The Mob Cap. By Mrs. Hentxe. No 14. Copper field. H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, July 8tb, 1550. 57 "SPRING GOODS 1850. THE Subscriber is opening- his Spring Stock, at his old stand, of the latest importations and Domes tic Manufactures, consisting of la pie and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Crockery, Hardwaie, and Groceries, AUOXG Til EX 100 100 pieces Calicoes, various colors. " Brown and Bleached Shirting aud Sheet- ng. Ginghams, Lawn, Irish Linen, Holland a Col onsde and other Summer Goods for men and boys. Padded for children. Brown, Refiued, Clarified, Crushed and Loaf Sugar, Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee, Cul Nils and Brads, California, and other Hata for men aod boys. All of which will be sold on reasonable terms for Cash, or to prompt customers on time. J. BKUWSM. No. 9, Fayetteville St. Raleigh, April 15. 1850. 31 liEATJSjgR- BELTING, N. Hunt & Co., if a. 28 Ievamhlre Street, Boston. Manufacture and keep cuustautly on hand, for sale, Best Oak TiBied leather Belting, BELT RIVETS AND BURRS, SUPERIOR BELT CEMENT, AND EXTRA QUALITY LACE LEATHER. Belts Made to Order and Warranted. ii II. at o. respecuuiir reier io iuo iuiiuwiuc. touching tbe quality of their quality. WE tbe undersigned, having in use the Oak Tanned Leather Belting, manufactured by N. Hunt j- Co., No. 26, Devonshire Street, Boston, do cheerfully recommend it lo Manufacturers and Machinists, and have bo hesitation in saying, that for quality of stock, uniformity of thickness, being thoroughly stretched, the superior manner ef its manufacture, and its durability, It is equal to any we have ever used. South Boston Iron Co., Sooth Boston. Seth Wilmarth, Onion Works, South Boston. John So'itber, Globe Works, South Boston. Seth Adams A Co., Steam Engine aad Power Press Builders, South Bostbwv Hinckley 4 Draby, Boston Locomotive Works Boston. Wa Washburn, Sawing and Plaining Mill, Boston A. C 4- W. Curtis, Paper Manufacturers, Newton L. Falls. John E. Wilder, Salamander Safe Manufacturer, Boston. W. W. Alcott, Sup't Suffolk Flour Mills, Boston. Henry Brevoort, Area Qlendon Rolling Mills, East Boston. , Thomas Diteon, Boston Sugar Refinery, East Boston. F. Main, Superintendent Marblebead Cordage Co. Davenport eV Bridges, Car Builders,' Cambridge- port. Edw'd Lang, Sup't of Spinning Room for Swell, Day V Co , Cordage Alan u lecturers Lorn. Crehore, Paper Manufacturer, Newton Low er Fall Otis Tufts, Steam Engine Builder, East Boston. N. HUNT efc Co. are agents for SWINGLE'S MORTISING MACHINES. Anril 30. 1850. 35 6m UNf ON rJOTEl. GBSaaaa 5P"aaaoo.il3art THIS ESTABLISHMENT has been rsoeaury fitted up. iu Pacific St, , sear uSsmsome, which eavenient to the Saanma, eBW " aeaaparu of tie City, also to the, n 1 .... . 1 l 11. - j -1 1 I Vixy liaii, anav pwr pinna vuiiuiup; imi vum a few mlnutealk of tbe principal Steamboat laa- dings. . 1 The Proprietor, from his long experience la the business In the Cltyof New York, (having been con nected with Lovejoy's' Hotel for several years) feels confident that those who may visit bis House will fiad there the comforts of a home. . ' 4 GEORGE BROWN, r- 'J Pronrietor. San Francisco, Aflg. 1S50. 72 0w EDICALCTpLIJEGIof the STATE OF SOrjTH-CAROLINA. ' THE Annual COURSE OF LECTURES in . this (nstitaiiioa. wilL commence oa the first Mond$f in November next, oa the following bran CheSt ' I.-A i- ;- i ; - Anatomy, by J. E. Holbrook, M. D. Institutes am Praqtiafcof Medicine, by S. Henry Dickson, M? D. Surgerytby E.' Gedngs.M. D. Physiology, by lames Moultrie, M. D. "Materia Medica, by Henry R- Froet, M. D. Obstetrics, by Tho. d. Pnoleau, M. D. Chemistry, by & TJ. Skepard, M. : petBODStrator, of vAnalomy, St Julias Eaveaal, Dr. t. Ji CalBPhvsician te the, Maria Hos piMl aad" Clinical Jaatraetor. Loot area tvrlo a week a tho Diseosee of thai iastitutioo. . " Dr: E. ; PIarPayaleIaa io the Alms Uouae. Ljeetoeea twlee a week oa DLseasea.- ' f PomonstraXive Jaatrtjctian in Mediolns and Sar I pry t Coneje iiospitoj.- . . , r -HLNRY &: TROST, It. VDua. AaatJSVfti J5L r .- , f w Spring and Summer Goods -Forl850. Tucker and Son, TTCI7H0 constantly keep on haod as extensive 'tmeatef tbe beet and most desirable. f f assortment-of the as well as fashionable FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, are now receiving their Spring and Summer supply for 1850. One of tbe Firm ass just returned from New York, where ho purchased a rich variety of Goods of this Spring's Importations, before they aad been pieked over, and before the advance in price: and having thus had the choice of the large and splended fresh arrivals, and the advantage of low prices, they flatter themselves they will be better prepared than ever to meet the demands of this mar ket, and please their numerous frienda and custom ers, in town an4 country. They respectfully invite tho publio to call and examine their stock. They have just received a supply of the following, and' are daily receiving such other articles as are usually kept in a Dry Goods and Family Grocery Store, suited to the wanU and taste of this community. Bfk Gro De Rhine Silks, Plain and Figured Chameleon Silks, Broche and Plain Grenadines, Plain arm Embroidered BLaaV.diUQ Fancy and Black Silk Tissues, Silk Albarines and Hernanies, Corn colored Grenadines, Evening Dresses, Embioidered and Dotted Fancy Swiss Muslins, Cbambeiy, French and American Ginghams, Camblet Lustres, anil Linen Gingham, Melries, and Fancy Diamond Jackonets, Plain and printed Lawns and Muslins, Tarleton, Swiss, Indis, Victoris, Bishop, Book, snd Dotted Jackonet Muslin, Rich Bonnet, Cape, Neck, Cuff and Belt Rib bons, French Needle Work Capes, Collars and Cuffs, Ladies' aud Gentlemen's Paris Kid Gloves. Swiss and Jackonet Edgings and Insertings, Lile and Linen Edgings and Ribltons, Linen and Fancy Silk Dresa Buttons, Kus-ia Braids and Fancy Silk Trimmii gs. Ladies' and Misses' L.C. Hem Sliich and Tape Bordered HrikfV Muslin, M .hair, Grass and Hough's PHient Skirts. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEKES.of tbe various colors and qualities. Linen &. Cotton Guotls, in great varieties, many of which are touched with the Hungarian and California finish. Black and Fancy Satin and Bilk VCSTINGS, Plaid and Embroidered Marseilles ditto, 4c. dc. HATS, etc Determined alwaya to furnish what. everw latest, rarest end best, tbey oner an ex. tensive stock of Men's, Youth's and cliildrens Fash ionabie and Flat Brim Mole Skin, Pana ma, Maracaiito, Leghorn, Sewed Pedal's, Hun' garisn and Palm Hats. Infant's Fancy Goods. Also, Umbrellas. Parasols, Bonnets, Shoes, Hard ware. Cutlery, Groceries, 5cc . AlWol which they now are offering on themoet liberal terms. R. TUCKER &. 80N Raleigh .March 15lh 1850. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FOR 1850. fJJHTE ,rt now 'n 'eceipt of our entire Spring WW supply, embracing every ihine in our hoe. JVew, Durable and Beautiful, Cloths, Cas- stmeres, Drap d etes. Drillings, Satins, Silks Mar settles, Shallies, &c ,dtc all of which will be made up to order as heretofore with neatness and dts- patch. Thankful for past favors we earnestly solicit a coatinuatuce of patrooage. Our entire Stock waa elected by Mr Orrrern person, and wv can with confidence recommend it not only to be "fresh and Fine but of the very latest Importations OUT CK tc PROCTER, Merchant Tailors, Raleigh, N. C. April I9lh, 18J0. 33 P- S. Paris, London, and American Fashions at hand. O. & P. Frwn the Opera of the " turn SUIT-on.' Translated on Fayetteville Street. I dreamed that her favoring glances fell On a well-drested Beau at her aide. And I rould'nl tell why the laughing Belle, Had refused to become my bride. But a single glance at my rival's Coat, Told me there lay the strength of tbe gains ; And I said if the Tailor's in Town w bo can doit, Pll have oneeiactly the same. Then I dreamed that I searched the Town all o'er. For the gem that would win bar heart. Till I found myself standing in front Store Where clothing is fashioned by art ; And then I remembered that this waa the place Where the Coat of my rival waa made, And enl axing in, right before my face. Lay a Broad-Cloth, exactly the shade. The Coal was seat hne, and like Cesar I sped, I came, and I saw, aad I won Tor she smilingly said, when I asked her to wed, "What an elegant Coal you have on " Three daya froaa that time, perhaps it was mere, I induced ber to alter her name ; And I still buy my Cos is at the very same 8 tore, And ahe loves mo aa over too same. OLIVER &. PROCTER makes tfum Coats. Raleigh. April .19. 180: 32 JtfBS. BREMER'S JVE IV S TQR EASTEU OFFERING. By Fredrika Bremer . THE COjqUfcW OF CANADA, by Elliot Warburton, Esq, Received this sky by - H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, May 31st, l5p. ' 41 Oil atmat Ird Iuaap CfainawyawA wuodeapply.of various aisos, just recwivavd by ' , WILLIAMS., HAY WOOD fr CO. Just Received. AISINS, whole, half and qaa4erboxea, AluMtuda, Waluuta, t itbetta, ate. ft vTinovr aneT'Market BaskeU,' with dt wilhwl covers, U mdi, fmney French BaAeli; ' "r J m. . V. " m - I 1 - ... . , tTllfna. PruiiM. Pikl. i Soda, Butter and Milk Crackers 10 cte. per lb., A fiue lot of Pictures In frames, v. lso. Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow " Candles cheap. ALSO. Just to hand, 25 Bbls. Marriotts and McClauahan'a best Flour. L, B. WALKER. May 3rd, 1850. 3 Robinson's Shoes. CONSISTING of Ladies Kid Walking, Do do Slippers, Do White do do , Do doSaiindo Do Mot roc Boots . Misses and childrem Black Morrow Bootes, Just Received by . B; r TUCKER SOfiT. Angust aSth 1850 , 69 NEW ARRIVAL. P I. M pa tVJtt A Jl ATiv HAVE Just reoeived wndsomelot of fiaa.i,- GOLD A r O lltVCIt WATCHES. Gold Fob, Vest anil Guard Chains Jenny Liod, Ear Rinrs and; Braastpiaa, SUver and Plated Spodsa and Porks. Batter Knives, Plated Walters aaaj Candlestlcka,--; Sold oa their usual reasonable terms. A Jane 8rd,' IMPl ...rj.ty..V.--45' TfNv Quart and Fmts, jvV IfCoiyed aud Jur: afle t U the Drot; Btota of -- r.' , -" v t uuuawui Ssa vvwiA w wa ax . - h 1 jiiiii.,. S u r 1 :. . j.ti THURSTON'S FOUNTAIN HOTEL, iFoaMEKLr BeLTXHoovsa'sl Head of IJgbt, near Baltimore St., BALTIMORE. " GTfZHE increased patronage of this long establirh sUt ed aod popular Hotel, under the management of IU preseut prepriotor, baa inept red hire, wiforthor energy and determinatMn, and . so expense or atleu tion prh'uTpt that of his Assistants will be. spared, t maintain, with ibe patma- of. U.JFotmTAjH" the reputation it heldall ever the counlry.Tn TIs ' palmiest days" of eraetvrVeoitductorsbip. To increase its fosmer attractions aad comforts, during tbe past season, the Hotel has undergone mauy changes, the Proprietoi having made heavy outlays iu introducing some of the beet and latest improvemenu which, together with its central posi tion, being located iu the very heart of the business portion ef the city, aud near the centre of Baltimore Slreet, and within a few minutes walk of all the Depots and Steum Boat Landings, it invitee the Mertliant, the Fainter, the Artisan, as well aa the Ma f Pleasure to make the Fount a m Hotel bis home during bis sojourn in Baltimore. Tlie tauiea' Ueparlineut, Containing Private Parlors, Saloons, Reception Rooms, Ordiuary, and extensive suites ef large and airy Chambers, fitted up iu a style and elegauce that cannot fail to give satisfaction and comfort. Porters are attached lo the Fountain," who may be recognized by the Badgea on their Hats, aud are alwaya in the attendance at the different DecoU and Steamboat Landings, who will receive Checks, take charge of the Baggage aud convey it to the Hotel. rntlVEjAo IrtUKcfTON, Proprietor. Feb. 26th, 1850. 17 A CARD. IHE undersigned being engaged, iud holding a . position that brings his services ia immediate connection with the Guests ef tbe above Hotel, be irusts, offers a fun her inducement to bia numerous friends and acqnaiutancee of the u Old North Stale," when they visit Baltimore, to stop at the "Fountain, where he assures them they will be received and en tertained in a manner that shall atrengthen this ac quaintance and secure for its Proprietor their good. win anu patronage. W STRINGER, Lots of Wilmington N C February 26lh, 1850. 17 toadies Slioea and Slippers. JUST received, by Express, direct from the manufactory. Ladies Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes, (Ties and cuskios,; do do and do Slippers. ALSO ON HAND. 100 pieces Light and Dark Calico, Bleached and Brown Shirtings aod Sheetings, IVitA a general assortment of Dry Goods. Hats and Shoes, Lawns and Gindfcaans, Groceries, " Cambrica ad Jaconefts, ' Crockery; For auicrMw, . . -J.BROWN, No. 9 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, Angust 6tb, 1850. 63 PURE SALAD OIL. Ad aale by SUPPLY of pure Olive Oil. direct from Bor deaux, via Petersburg, Va., on hand aad for P. F. PESCUD. ALSO Pure Cod Liver Oil, in Bottles, and Capsules. Baleirh, Jaly 31at, 1850. 60 LEWISE'SPURE WHITE LEAD. A GOOD supply of this superior White Lead just to band aad for aale at the Drag store of -are. aw- t 1 am W W a tvtlf at YY 1LIAOT3 tlAIWUUU Ob IU Raleigh, Aug 15tb, 1850. 66 PURE COD LIVER OIL- Z LARG E supply of Pure Cod Liver Oil just re ceived aad for aale by P.F. PESCUD. Raleigh, Airilih. IP50. THE COLLEGE OF ST. JAfllES.' WaaUngton County,' Md The Diosesan College of this Protestant Epis copal Church, rtTtHE Ninth Annual Session will open on Moo U day, October 7th, 1850, and continue till the next "Commencement Day,'' the last Thursday io Julv. 1851. New students are recommended to en tar at the opening- of the session, but are received at anv timeihey apply, and the charge ia estimated front the date of their entrance. . -..- The Collece has the usual number of classes, af fords all the opportunities for a complete education. and; at toe SUCCeaiui termination oi vue coiieginie ooarse, confers upon its graduates taa usual aoade smoal deareee.- . At ic?,"r ' ' The Gramuiar School, immediately adjoining the Col' ege; and under tbe immediate auperviaioa of the RedEor. bot under dhflact discipline, receive lads et the beginning f their academical courso, and prepares tbem tor (no ceMgiao oiaaaee. x ae over, tight aad direction of tha Profeaaorwof the College secure special advantages te tit pupils ia the Gram mar School V '-4, .- ' la tkat Mercantile Classes the study of the Greek lescoar ia emitted, and its pUoe Sopelied by ad ditional stodiesia Modera Languages, ! Book-keep. Jag, Commercial Aritbmetio, Staiistics, d. i. - . . 'ITia location of the College is entirely healthfut, aaO, by its distance rrom towns ana Tillage, very favorable to sood morals and order.-' Jr '.? :v' Taa -whole aaoaal charge (the same ia the' Cel. ImsW Qrammar , SchoolJ for. the se-sioBi'.of tea months is two hundred and twenty-fie dollars, par. able semi-annually ia advance. -AppUcaliona. to be r"; .; i joHsXEiaTooTv Rector Crge of JamesPrO Md. August 7 th . $ ': '-. M iA J , '.!.' f 5 .Wgut , , University of Heiry kind. ; t. ; rfmi NEXT-SESSION! wia,1beoi iiON A :,- PAY, fl, 14th da? oX.'Oct9ber,S50t .and clpae 1st .Mawh, 151,:4,, f Nathan R. Smithy M. Surgery. W m. . A-Aike JiDCkemletryoadPhar- .' Richard H. Thflmaaai M. Di Miawifixan4 eases' of Women aod Children- iz ; George. SL VyiUeriberger, ;M, I PatWsspcal Aaatomyv f'Ttf'-Z -Tkemet,aarfe opportaniues for frosecatwa of Practical Aaaomy at a'moderatoltifpense. v' , ' 'CiscalLaroe Ivt tUae aireek. bTrite tors Smith t 1 4lKwert iav taa Baltimore lnfir6aryi ;witk tbajXH&SV&Sj itrixili mit eharge savihaotujeat for tie teL i j Foes for the Lectqres $90to t?S j Practical Ana tomy glO i klatricalatioa f f4, Groduau'oa 30.1 Uw WILLUM H A. AIKENTlW alilnort, Aagoet 70 1850. '.; j, 'J 7k , Samaeiehew, at, u.t AMaaptafit, -r,priyiat toTi be sfc inouiriei will beansaeroj;" ' ' ' i MnarRin Inai inattif hiiam axuiiT - - F. - fHILLIPi5, JA TTEND3.THJE. COURTS iu ibrCoiatra Ai WJttelamBe; ;Wake n4 Chajiaav kpel HiH, N..jO;Maw a'lt4g- 24 A LARG1 supply of vaiioaaixa jat;receivsvl Aaa4 fbi sole; low, " . 'it WILLIAMS, ..Ralei$h April 23d 1850. HAYWOOD dt CO - SCOTCH SJVVFF jwd tObacco! f 11HOSE who are food of a nice dip or goodebew ft. of tbe weed will f nd a superb article Of SaaaT and Tobacco, at Pescnd s Drag Store. . 1 H.leifh March 19th 1850. : STEAEBOAT F1TTTV1LLS iSD WILiafiTOJ.W; STCIHE nnder aigned Proprietors ef ike Copt Fear fc Steam Boat Company beg leave to tender their thanks to tbe public for . the liberal patrooage received during tbe last season, and lake (bis mcii od to inform their patrons and the public generally that tbey have added over fifty per cent to the Caw. ital Slock of the Company, ia boaiav The draas-h of the Now : Steamboat Chatham" w ealeoUted to navigate the rive at - all stages of water; giving shippers by this lino a decided advantage in getting their goods op wilhoot delay,'' eejteciaity in the Fall season, when the' River is osuetty too 'ovr for b leant Boats of ordiatry draught to run -The Boots composing this Line are - '' The 8teamer Gov. Graham, 3 1 years old.-' i .Chatham Ntv.r Tow Boats 3. Mike Brown 2 yrarsehL Telegraph vi ...... -do ; -,-, 'Cumberland New. - Eipress v- - - '. do All the above Boats are iu the very best condV lion for the Fall buyinrsa. The undersigned feet warranted in appealing, to the shipping pablie for such an increased patronage as will renumerate tbem lo aome extent at least for the additional capital in vested, and promise with every confidence tlai ship pers by thi Line shall be as well if not better served than they can be by any other on the River, v The arrangements by tho Copartners are uteodqt to be permanent, and should experk-nce suggest the necessity of any further Increase of boats, the pubGe may rely apon their being put on the River without delay. . Our rates for Freight at all times will be the cur rent i atea charged by others. . .. Bills of Lading for goods intended to come by thia Line should be filled dp to (he tare of the Cape Fear Steamboat ('Wilmington.'. One copy be ing test by mail to'T X. Worth, Agent at that nice DIBBLE fe BROTHERS,"! V ' T. V. WORTH, (. . A. P. HURT, . PropIetor. J.D.WILLIAMS.. J J ohm. D. Wiluams, Agent, C'ape Fear Steamboat Company, Fayetteville. .' " ' v July 19. J850. . aw 60 PROFESSOR A. C B4RRVS "t. TKICOPHEROUS: sr jrieaicaiea compound. i fVNFALLIBLC for renewing, invigorating ami beautifying thelisir, removine scarf. daruirnS. and all affections of tbe scalp, and coring eruptions on the skin, diseases of the glands, muscles and in teguments, and relieving stings, cuts, l-rgises.spraina etc-, d-c. ; W ith this preparaiio there is no sack word as fail." The first jobrnaU in America. madL cahnen of the higboat araiaencS, prominent citizen of ail professions, and ladies who have rosed -R for yeara in 'their dressing rooms ajid, nurseries, admit. JBa!gJgi" ""a"W.Vjgpr, grOSS. htt drufT. healing wounds, coring contosions, sptaias- stings1e., aod relieving diseases of th skw, t glands and the muscles, it has no equal among tb multitude of com pounce advertised in .-tbe public prints, or ased iu private practice. In cheapness as well ss efficacy, Barry's Tii. opberous is ennvslled. ' The immense eshvsa!es of ihw article have eaabled the inventor to supply it at retail at twenty fivecente per bottle, which ia from fifty to one hundred" fef cent lajs than the piieee of any "other irrepeTwion now ia use. The scientific trestits on the mrr east skin (embracing valuable, directions for ' the cotturo and preservation of Nsture'a raoirest ernameta in which each botils i enclosed, is alone worth the. money,. ' ' "--'s. Sow ut large bottles, price ta rents, at tbo princi pal office 137 Broadway, Mew Turk. : For aale hi tbe principal Meiehant and Druggists' tkrougkoat tb. United ouies ana Canada, - And by A; B. KTITH cV Co., Rateigh. vf : , August 1st. 1850. S-.i?-'M9jfr& FORWARDIItO. I WILL attend to tbe ' forwarding of all Goods aS ' WiluMBgtoo and Fayetteville, at the essal eou missioB f ana win, ia an eases, forward try first boaf without reference iartints. All orders for partkasai will be striotly at traded to. Direct to -ear of L, ; : : W. iJRAlUN4 .."'Fayetteville and WiioMnalAm. . April 181850; v."". ' '31 Ufy MEDICAL DKPARTMENTifcjCv OF HAMPOEN SIDNEY COUEaEj! ; RICHMOND, fa. Vgr fTfHE thirteenth Annual Course of Lectuies wiH jl "bo commenced ",on Monday,- the 14tb of OcIoh ber, 1850, and continue until ths 1st of the ensainsj Msrch. , lh commenremeot ft t conferring degre: will be held about the middle of .March -. bz s R. L BoaAVHaa, :M- O. Prof sf Ohtrics nddti states of Wome and Children. -,;- yf Ch AwseaLarKB, M- D. 5 prof. Materia Medica and ThetvpettU. V . t , . S. Maenar, D. Ptof of, Chemistry and iPhar- " maey. - :-f3 fc' - -? k-f r Cmas Batx Giaaov, M D. Prof of Surgery and SgiCtl Anatomy. ' , ' i Castbe P. JoB3oa, MfD. Pre,- of Anatomy and PhytUtUgfT ' I'i-"'-' V . Daviv H. TvcaeajM.' Df Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine. Vi v" -tr -, Aayana Fstwolas, . M- D. Demorutrator of JltZi - r . - 1 ' i -' : The stbdy . ejfwraeucal Anatomy may .be prose, ethed with the most ample ' facilities, snd at very tnfiing expense. dioical Lectures are regularly given at the Col lege-Infirmary and AUnshousa. . The Infirmary, w der the same roo with the . College and oJiject.-; to the entire control of ta Faculty , i at all ttna vrcU. .. . filled with medical and surgical eases, and farniahe peculiar facilittet for cttnicaf instraotioa. ' Many sar-" ' gical oporationa are performed ia preeeace of ia class rood the students being freely adntituj to ta wards, enjoy, noder tha gaidance ol jh Pref.saof. unusual opportonitie . for t Veeoming'lamiliar with .... the symptnmsdiagnoaio and treatment of disease.'. " . Expenses'. Mairjculaiiori fee f& Profe3r feesf $105 Pemontratora fce IJ0.5 UraduatioQ fee, S35 ". Tho pric of board, iocluding fuel, lights, and r -vanta1 Uendanc, is'uaoailyJ or $3 l-l per weeiiC . r r.t-K a a. ..... yfTERTIFICATiS w w snares ia taa Capital Stock, of the Wilmington and Raleigh iUil Road Ca, in the jsanre of Browa &. PeSoaset dated SOtb March, 1844,- haykg beea" lost 'or a-ia-laid. 'Netfc Is hereby gTven that spplicaiioa will be'toada wtha Pmideut atnl D irectors; for a re na Val of ilMaamo. ' r- V - - r. w 3 . . . e.4..-i'VJrr Z 2S2T ckcOWN;. if WUtrinrftea, Augi 1 i:;a ft wtw rmRESEUYEb GJNGISK, ,ot received Sy t r r ki;'"' 1 ! " ' ' t: ' : t

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