1 VCIS.' --.-.v. -rff y wiWttMswxtrr WJp mJms jJacaJra MticOBalBJt,ae;ht sahwewaaat taaartis PUBLISHED SKMKWKEKLY A1D WEKLT, ii TVZfa&!'r ' nV? !n nr : 'TP char; niwr; lut a deduxn MfJ 4 " 1 ' , . i ' -" 1 , .mmmmmmmm, , , , Y , , ,,.,., ,. , . .. 1 "mimwmimmi wummn hummus., ' T- - '' v ' i ' : : THE RALEIGH REGISTER BY SEATON GALES, ED1T0S ISO P10PIIST0K. TERMS. for the Semi-Weekly Paper, $5 per annum for the Weekly Paper, $S per annum. MISCELLANEOUS, THE WAY THEY INITIATE AN ODD FELLOW. Tha following wit furnished as by a mem ber of the I. O. O. P., after promise on our part, that we would never divulge hit name. We shall keep our promise sacredly. Mr. Jenks took a a'otiaa to join, and bis lady be ,Dg in the habit of wearing the unmentiona bles would uotcoaaeat without tbe promise recorded below : Wry well Mr. Jenks, you know my opin ion of secret societies. Perfectly, my dear, perfectly, said our friend, thrusting his bands iu his pockets. And you unjoin ? Don't you think it best! No, sir, once for all, 1 do not. Consider, my dear, if you should be left a widow, with nothing to support Now what a ridiculous argument. You suppose, Mr. Jenks .,v My, dear 1 Mr. Jenks I - " : Will you listen, for a moment? Certain!. Well then, much as I respect jour wishes, and you know 1 love you dearly, it will be impossible for me to oblige you in tbia in stance. I have sent in my document, and to night am to be initiated. Mrs. Jenks op aed ber handsome eyes in amazement, and for a moment lost in won der. And so you're actually going to be initia ted? Yes, my dear. Well, will you tell me all about it when you come home ? Perhaps to. Comforted with this assurance, tbe lady offertd no further opposition, and our hero look his departure. About the boar of eleven be returned, a wiser, if not a better min. Well, my dear, exelaimed Mrs. Jenks, hat did the? do to you what was it like were you much frightened ?come,couie, tell me all about it. Don't ask me, gravely laid our friend, I beg you won t ask me. Wby not! I'm your wife you know, and wife and husband are one. - Wby not 1 Hrk ! said Jenks, did yon bear nothing? Sileiice,my dear. Remember what Shakes, pere says about seriuooe in atones, books in taooiog brooks. If I . should divulge be night bear of it- VV bo say dear! The patriarch of the lost tribes. Even now be may be at our window. Mercy on us, ejaculated Mia. Jenks, bow you terrify a body. I-l-M-sbiv shiver all orer. If you don't wish to be killed outright, ask do mure questions. Surely you can tell me something about it an idea or two .that wouldu't be divulging you kuow. What if you should, in an unguarded mo ment, let the secret out! Ob, trust me, it will be safe in my keeping. You will never tell f Nev r. Not even to your great grand-mother 1 You know how gossipy some old ladies are. I'll never opea my mouth on the subject Hark 1 exclaimed Jenks with a theatrical start beard you nothing! Nothing, replied bit wife, with unfeigned alarm. Twas only the wind, routed our fnend. I thought it might be tbe patriarch or bis grand bosiuw, armed with bis circuuiventor, cover ed with curious devices by the order. Now listen, and if you love me for tbe sacrifice 1 am about to make is srreat and vou must seal vour lips forever on this subject. Well, ray dear, said tbe lady, with a long You have often beard of tbe eat being let out of tbe bajr ! Yes, yea Well, I saw that eat to-niglit. A real live cat T Yea. and an immense cat at that a mon strous caL But vou shall bear. You shall know all. Let me begin at tbe b'.ginniiig Thau rigbt, exclaimed Mrs Jenks, breatu. less with iotereat. On my arrival at tbe hall, I wat immedi. lely seized by about four dozen smart fel lows and taken upon tbe roof of the building Here I was toogue tied and compelled to air swer about a hundred questions, all having a direct bean off on tbe science of astronomy What a queer proceeding, exclaimed Mrs. Jenks. How 1 answered the questions roust ever remain a mystery to myself certain it is, however, I did answer every one although 1 did not know until to-night that there was great bear, and a dipper, and chair, and a four horse team, and 1 don't know what else in the skv. Is it not a pitv that this beauti ful science is to neglected. Well. well, what then ? Wby tbe next question is tooabssrd to be repeated. What was it? They wanted to know if I took a newtpa per. and if so, bow much I owed the printer Well, I never! exclaimed Mrs. JenksT what n influence these newspapers do exert to be sure! Exactly. But scarcely bad I answered satisfactorily, when an immense flame abot up and we as quickly shot down. What through tbe root? Oh, no, I suppose we took the stairs, hot 1 was so securely bound and tied I hardly know bow we got down. Tbe apartment into which 1 was usbered was pitch dark, nd a strong odor of brimstone pervaded the room. Brimstone, my dear ? Yes, it must have been brimstone, for no thing else could have caused so stifling a ten- Uhon. WeU of all things. Then began tbe roar of artillery with an occasional volley of small arms. In tbe midst of the tumult. I beard a love sweat voice chanting a hymn of peace. Man shall love his fellow, sang the angel. Cruel war tall be waged no more peace shall reign slavery aball perish industry meet its reward charitv fill the hearts at aaen. When thia happy singer bad eeased, a iod cry let cheap postage rent tbe air. VOLUME MI. How very. odd. Yes, but just like those Odd Fellows, re plied our friend, they are real reformers. Well, my dear! Why, then, lights were procured, and I signed the constitution. Well, what of tbe cat of which you were speaking Oh, nothing, my dear, only Ihey let her out, and for a minute or two she appeared quite bewildered. It was the first time I uad seen the cat let out of the bag. But what struck me with the greatest awe was the re appearance of tbe patriarch of the lost tribes and liis double jointed bashaw, who in a loud voice continually said Life is short pre pare for that which is to come. Let all men have charity, and Ioe their neighbors as themselves, when upon the grand patriarch, armed with tbe tail end of his great grand fathers authority, arose and impressively adjourned the meeting. Well I declare, ejaculated Mrs. Jenka and tbis it jMtHng the Odd Fellow ! , 'Yes, but remember to keep all I have told you a profound secret, said Jenks, with a half smothered chuckle, as he buried his bead in tbe bed-clothes to keep from laugh. lug outright. jfT THE GRAVES OF THOSE WE LOVE. BT WASHINGTON IRVING. The grave is the ordeal of true affection. It is there tbe divine passion of tbe 'aoul manifests its superiority to the instinctive impulse of mere animal attachment. The latter must be continually refreshed and kept alive by the presence of its object ; but the iove that is sealed in the soul can live on long remembrance. The mere inclinations of se nfe languish and decline with the charms that excited tliem, and turn with shuddering and disgust from the dismal precincts of the tomb ; but it is ther.ee that truly spiritual affection rises purified from every sensual desire, and returns like a holy flame, to il lumine and sanctify the heart oi tne survi vor. The sorrow for the dead is the only sorrow Nfrom which we refuse to be divorced. Everv othr wound we seek to heal every olher affliction to forget ; but this wound we con sider a duty to keep open. Where is the mutli er who would willingly forget the infant that perished like a blossom in ber arms, though every recollection is a pang ? Where is the child who would most willingly forget the friend over whom he mourns T Who, even when the tomb is closing upon the remains of his most loved, when he feels his heart as it were crushed in the closing of its portal, would accept consolation that must be bought by foreetfulness 1 No tbe love which sur vives the tomb is one of the noblest attribu tes of tbe soul. If it has woes, it has likewise its delights; and when tbe overwhelming buret of grief is calmed into the gentle t-ar of recollect inn when the suoden anguish and the convul sive agony over the present ruins of all that we most love r, is softened away into pensive meditation on all that was ir. the days of loveliness who would root out such sorrow from the bear! 1 Though it may sometimes ibrow a passing cloud over the bright hours of gaiety or spread darker shades o'er l.he hour of gloom yet who would exchange it even for the song of pleasure, or the burst of revelry 7 No. There is a voice from the tomb sweeter than song. There is a remem brance of the dead to which we turn evtn from tbe charms nf the living. Oh, the grave! it buries eery errorcovers every defect, and extinguishes everv resentment ! From the peaceful bosom spring none but fond re grets and tender recollection?. Who can look down upon the grave even of an enemy and not feel a compunctious throb, that be should ever have warred with the. poor band. ful of earth that lies before him ? But the graves of those we love-what a place of meditation 1 There it is that we call uo iu Ion? review the whole history of virtue and gentleness, and the thousand en dearments lavished upon us almost unheeded in the daily intercourse of intimacy ; tbere it is that the tenderness of the parting scene, tbe bed of death ! with all its stifled grief! ts noiseless attendance ! its mute, watch ful assiduities ! the last testimonial of ex piring love ! the feeble, fluttering, thrilling b ! how thrilling pressure oi tfle nana I the last fond look of the gating eye, turning upon us eveti from the threshold of existence! the faint, faltering accents struggling in death to give one more, assurance oi anec- tion. Ay, to go to the grave of buried love, and meditate! there settle tne accounts wun thy conscience for every past endearment unregarded, of that departed being wbo can never, never return to be soothed by true contrition. If thou art a ch.ld. and hast ever added a sorrow to the soul, or a furrow to the silvered brow of an affectionate parent if tnou art a riniKanH ami ha ftser CS used tbe fond bos om that ventored its whole happiness ia thy muu. in Innhi f,r one moment of thy kind ness or thy truth if thou art a friend and haitPirr tvrnnapd. in thoUffht. or WOrd, Or deed, tbe spirit that generously confided in thee or if tbou art a lover, and hast ever rtn unmerited naDiT to that heart which now lies cold and still beneath thy feet, then " - i o k. .lira thai Htm unkind look, everv tin- aw out w ww m gracious word, every ungentle action, will come thronging back upon the memory, knocking dolefully at thy soul men ue ih.i ihn.i orill lie down, sorrowing and 1 repentant , on tbe grave and utter tbe un arui v tiiwi - w v heard trroan. and pour out the unavailing tear more deep, more bitter, because un beard and unavailing. Then weave that cbaplet of flowers, and strew (be beauties of nature about tbe grave; console thy broken spirit if thou cantt, with these tender vet futile tributes of regret; anrf lk ururniiio h the bitlemeSS of tbis, tbv contrite affliction over tbe dead, and henceforth be more faitbfol tnd affectionate in tbe discharge of thy duties to the living PEEBLES, 8COTT WHITE, WSOLISALB AID SBTAIL BEALIKS IV STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS SYCAMORE ST., PmasBcas, Va. tbos. a. rsaai.es, aaoacs . scott, j. ajraaaw writs. Ptlendmrg, Sept. 19th, 1850. 7 RALEIGH PROPOSALS, FOR INDIAN GOODS Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Sept. 25, 1850. COALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, at, Wahiogtia city, until tu o'clock oa Sat urday, the secoud day of November next, for furniah. ing the following .ludiaw goods, viz: Class Nn. l. Blankets. 2,100 pairs 3 point whit Mackiuac Mauket, to mea sure 60 by 73 inch, and weigh eight pounds, 1,900 pairs J poiui while Mackinao blanket to measure 54 by C6 iuches, and Weigh six pounds. 1,175 pairs 2 poiut white Mackinac blankets, to measure 42 by 58 iuoaes, and weigh five and a quarter pouuds. 9S0 pairs li poiut whit Mackinac blankets, to ma, sure 38 by 50 inches, and weigh four and a quarter pounds. 900 paira 1 point white Maokioao blankets, U mea sure 34 by 46 inches, and weigh three and a quar ter pounds, 400 pairs 3 point seariet Maeklnae blankets, to mee sure 60 by 73 inches, and weigh eight aoaeda, 300 pairs 2 poiut scarlet Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six pound. 100 pairs 3 point green Maekiaae biaokeia, to mea sure t6 by t4 iocaoa, and weigh tea pounds. 300 pairs 3 poiot groeo Mackinac blankets, to mea sure 60 by 7:2 inches, and weigh eight DOUnda. 250 pairs 2 J point green Maekinae blankets, tomea- sura 64 by 6G inches, and weigh aix pounds 1U0 paira J J point geutinella blue Mackinac blankets, iu uj ensure oo oj o-t mcnes, ana w ign ion pouuda. 400 pairs 3 point gentrnella blue Msckinio blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds 300 pairs 3S point gentinellablue Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, aud weigh six pounds Class No. 2 Dry Goods. 1,005 yards scarlet strouds SOU do bluestroudd 1,900 do fa dc j list cloth, blue 760 do fancy list cloih, scarlet 350 do faucy list cloth, green 1,000 do gray list cloth, blue 3,000 do saved list cloth, blue 1,600 do saed list clof, scarlet fcOO do aaved list cloth, grean itio pounds worsted yaru, 3 fold loU dozeu cotton flag handkerchiefs 2S0 do cot to a Madras haudkerchiefs 175 do black silk handerchiefs U0 do 8-4coon shawl 80 do 64 coitou shawla 65 do 4-4 cottou shawls 40 do 4 woollen shawla 430 pounds linen thread 60 do sewing silk 700 pieces ribbon, amortej 150 gross worsted gitrlering 34 pieces silk haudkerchiefs, bark and bandanna Class lYo. 3 Domestic Goods. 35,000 yards domestic calico 10,000 do Marrioiac calico 3,500 do !ilne drilliug 8 000 do Georgia stripes 4.0U0 do blue dentine 1.601 do cottouade 4,500 do bed ticking 1,000 do Kentucky jeans 500 do satinetts 7.000 do plaid linsey 7,000 do domestic shirting, bleaehed 15,000 do domestic shirting, nubleached 15,000 do domestic sheeting, unbleached 6,000 do domestic checks, stripes, and plaids 400 dosen woollen cocks 1,500 yards flanucU, assorted 1,600 tlaauel abirta 000 calico shirts 550 pounds cotton thread 400 doxen spool ooltou Class No. 4. Hardware. 2,080 pouuds brass kettles 276 dozen butcher knifes 28,000 gun flints 25 gross squsw awls 7 000 fish hooks 25 doien fish lines 25,000 needles 100 dot combs, assorted 10 dot scisaors. assorted 10 gross gun worms 1,010 tin kettles 76 nests j tpaoned kettles, 8 in a neat. Class No. 6 Agricultural Implements. 200 drawing knives, 12 inches in length 700 angers, in equul proportions of 1J, I, . and inch ISO pain hamea 750 pairs tne chaius 1.5'K) warding hoes 175 hand saws 40 cross-cut snwa, 7 feet in length 40 cross- cut saws, 6 feet in leugta 100 hand saw files 100 cross-cut aaw files 40 log chains, to weigh 25 pounds each 600 Whittemore cards, No. 10 600 quarters socket chisels 90 planes, fore and jack Class No fi. Axes. 73 doxen axes, to weigh from 41 to 54, pounds 83 do half axes, to weigh 31 pounds 41 do hatchets, to weigh 1 J pounds 25 broad axes Class No. 7. Northwest Guns. 650 northwest guns, two-thirds of which most mea sure 36 inches in length of barrel, and one third 42 inches ia laogth of barrel, to bo de livered in New York or Philadelphia, as may be required. Samples of all the abovo articles are deposited in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and it may be proper to remark that those of hard waie, agricultural implements, and northwest guns, are entirely new, and or better quality (ban tne ar tides heretofore furnished aader former contracts. The proposals may be divided into seven parts, vix 1st. Blankets. 2d. Dry Goods. 3d. Domestic goods. 4th. Hardware. 5th. Agricultural implements, ta. Axes. . 7th- Northwest guns. The lowest competent responsibU bidder will re ceive the whole or any part of the contract accord ins to the above scale, the Department reserving to itself the right to determine whether the bidder ia competent and responsible or not. 1 he whole amount in money to be applied to tbe purchase of goods will be about $90,000, but tbe Ueparimeut reserves tbe right to increase or dimin ish the quantity of any of the articles named, or sub stitute others ia lieu thereof, or to require, at similar prices, such goods as may be wanted foi presents or other purposes, in the administration of the affairs of the Department, (yoodsor American maaeraetare all other things being equal, will be preferred ; but as all the samples of blankets and cloths are of foreign manufacture, il will be necessary, when a domestic article is bid for, that a sample of it should accent paoy the bid, to enable the Department to decide whether it is or equal quality with tbe samples to oe exhibited. The party proposisr to supply the articles will make an invoice of all the items embraced ia the above list, aad affix the prices, in dollars and cents, at which he or they will furnish them under each cLaaa separately, deliverable in iew rorx, tor u mo ntrsotor prefers it, about one-half of the quantity may be delivered in st- Lous, Missouri, free or ex pens to ike Government,) on or before the 15th day of Mav aext, assuming the Quantity of each article as specified ia this advertisement, and extending the cost, ma kmc an aa-frregate of tbe wneia invoice eon atUutioa: tbe bid. Tbe goods will be inspected ia New York (and in 8t Louis, If any portion tf them should b delivered there) by a ageat of the United Slates, who will be appointed by the Department for the purpose, and to ascertain the conformity of the articles purchased with the samples exhibited, when the contract shall be made, aad with the terms f the QOBtravt itself, which shall eostaio a 1aum that il r 23, the articles are not furnished within tbe time pre scribed, or if they are of insufficient quality in Ike opinion of tbe agent aforesaid; and if within five days after notice of suck insafllciency the party shell not furnish others in heu thereof ef the required quality, the United. Statu shall be aaihorixed to porch ae them of others, and to charge aav incra of uIm they may be compelled to pay therefor to the cou traetor, wbo shall pey tie said difference (a the Uni ted Mates. ' Bonds will be required in tko amoant of tha hida. with two good sureties, the sufficiency at whaaa to ha certified by a United Stales Judge or District At torney, for the faithful performance of the contracts. Payment will be made after theeoutract is completed aud the delivery of the goods as aforesaid to aa agent of the Department, upon a duplicate in voice certified by him. Communications to be marked "ProBonals for In dian foods." ' The bids will be submitted with the fallowing Lead- ng, aud none will be received that axe not mad a in the form and terms hero prescribed ; " I (or we) propose to furnish for the service of the Indian Department the followiug goods, at tbe prices affixed to them respectively; via : . Here Insert thellst of goods. -u : ; Deliverable in the city of New York io.8u; Loaial u or before the day of next j aad ia case of the acceptance of his proposals, the quantity be ing prescribed by the Department, I (or wel will exe cute a coutract according to thia agreement, and give satisfactory security to the Department within ten days after the reception of this bid ; aad ia ease of failuio to euier into auch contract, and give sack se curity, I (or we) will pay to the United Slate the difference between the sums bidden by me, (er as.) ana tne sum wnicn tne united states may be obliged wj pay lor tne same aruoiea. ; - . Each and every bid most be accompanied, with a guaranty tu tne following form, to be argued, by one or more responsible persona, whose sufficiency must be certibed Dy some one who is kuowu to the De partment, either personally or by his official position. 'I or wej hereby guaranty that , the above bidder, will comply with the terms of the advertisement lor 'proposals for ludian goods,' dated September 25. 1650, if thecontract should be award ed to him, aofl enter into bond for the execution of the same within the time prescribed." The contracts of former years sre Open for the inspection of bidders. L. LEA, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Sept 29. 79 lm NEW BOOK STORE! T HE Subscriber baa iust opened a BOOK STOKE in Two doors above Mr. Kicnard Smith's store, where he offers to tbe public SCHOOL BOOKS Or almost every description, together with a large collection of RELIGIOUS WORKS, From the pens of eminent authors of the different Denominations : also. STATIONERY Of excellent quality ; alt of which he proposes to sel a teTpTtasoMblc terms. Auy Book not ou hand at present, csn be ordered and received by the Subscriber, io a few days, and be will be prompt to fulfil all orders from towa or country. JOHN W. O'NEAL Raleigh. Sept 12th. 1850. 74 tf STUAiTl SAW MIL. I.. BEG leave to call the attention of builders and persons wishing to purchase Lumber io my Steam Saw Mill near Raleigb, where they csn be supplied with sny kind, st the thortent notice. Also sawed Laths of the best quality at 1 00 per M. T. H. 8.UW. Raeligh. July 11th, 1S50. 56 ly NEW CONFECTIOXAUY AUD , GROCERY STORE, 3 Doors below the Post Offiee. WM. GK1FFICE, f CO. have opened a Con fectionary and Grocery Store, io Raleigh, 3 doors below the Post Office, where they have on hand, and will sell on ressonable terms the follow ing articles ; Sugar and Co See, Crushed Sugar, Do St. Croix, Havana do. ('andles and Sosp, Pepper snd Spire, Blark and Imp. Tea. Copj.eras and Ginger, tialeralus and Snuff. Brooms, eVc. 4-c. Myers' Best Chewing Tobscco. Coufecliouaries. Best Segars, Water Crarkere, Dolls, Accordisns, Butter and Soda, do. Fsncy Candies, Citron, Prunes, Cocoa Nuts, Almonds, Filberts, English Wslnuts, Pslm Nuts, - Figs and Raisin a. And every thing usually kept in a Confectionary Sioro. They still say to the public that they carry on tbe Candy Making Business, snd without bossting tbey ran sssure the public thst they will sell the best Candy as cheap ss sny bouse in the place, and warrant it to be as good as can be made. Merchants snd others, buying by the wholesale, will find it to their interest to aive them a call. Raleigh. October 11th. 180. 8? tf C&E. L. Kerrison & Co,, DIRECT IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN JDK Y GOODS, , Charleston, s. C. WOULD respectfully inform their friends and those who purchase Dry Goods, in their ci ty, that they are now prepared to offer a large.ehoioe and well assorted Stock of Foreign and Fan cy Dry Goods. . As thev receive the bulk of their Goods, itrtet from JSuropean Ports, tbey feel assured of being able to compete successfully with any other Market tin tbe United States. 209 Kine. North West Corner of King and Mar Anirnst 24th. 1850. w3m c NEW FALL GOODS, SEPTF.iTlBF.il 18SO. I AM NOW RECEIVING MY FALL STOCK OF Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, EMBRACING the Largest Assortment I have ever offered, to which additions will be made weeklv throughout tbe Season. Good Goods and Lorn Prices, I hope, will induce Purchasers to give me a call. JOHN STEVENSON, nearly opposite the Court House, Petersburg, Va. September 26th, 1850 lm 78 Dress and Frock Coats. fl Trf JUST OPENED, of all qualities weu cut and extremely well made. E. L. HARDING &. CO. Raleigh, Ootober 121b, 1850. 32- OCTOBER 1850. LEATHER BELTING. N,! Hunt & Co., 30 Devonshire Street, Boston. Manufacture and keep constantly, on hand, for sale, Bert Oak Tanntd leather" Beltinj, BEIT RIVETS , XXV BURRS, k" SUPERIOR BELT CEMENT, AND EXTRA QUALITY LACE LEATHER. Belts Made to Order and Warranted. N. H. V Co. respectfully refer to the following, touching the quality of their quality. , WE the undersigned, having in use the Oak Tanned Leather Belting1, manufactured by N. Hunt fr Co., No. 26, Devonshire Street, Boston, do cheerfully recommend it to Manufacturer and Machinists, and have ne hesitation in saying, that foy quality of stock, uniformity of thickness, being thoroughly stretched, the superior manner of its manufacture, and iu durability, it is equal to any We have ever need. South Boston Iroa Co., Soatb Boston. Seth Wilmarth, Uaioe. Works, South Boston. . John Souther, Globe Works; South Boston.. Seth Adams 4- Co., Steam, Engine and Power Press Builders, South Boston." ' Hinckley d Druby,- Boston Locomotive Works . Boston. ,. , : , Win. Washburn, Sawing aad Plaining Mill, Boston A. C 4r W. Curtis, Paper Manufacturers, Newton L. Falls. John E. Wilder, Salamander Safe Manufacturer, Boston. W. W. Alcott, SopHSeffolk Flour Mills, Boetoa. Henry Brevoort, Agent Glendon Rolling Mills, East Boston. Thomas Ditson, Boston Sugar Refinery, East Boston. F. Main, Superintendent Marblehesd Cordage Co. Davenport & Bridges, Car Builders, Cambridge port Edw'd Lang, Sup't of Spinning Room for Sewell, Day &c Co , Cordage Manufacturers Lem. Crehore, Paper Manufacturer, Newton Low er Falls. Otis Tuft (i, Steam Engine Builder, East Boston. N. HUNT & Co, are agents for SWINGLE'S MORTISING MACHINES. April 30. 1850. 35 6m NEW STORE. EVANS & WILLIAMS WOULD respectfully inform their friends,and the public generally, that thev have opened a Store on Fayetteville Street, one door above Rich ard Smith, Esqr., where they will keep coaataatly on baud a full Supply of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GRO CERIES, Xc. And indeed every thing usually found in similar establishments. Tbey present the following as specimens or tne otock : Brocade French Cashmere, Embroidered Silk ano Crape,and Norwich lustre, Chameleon Turks, Silk and Poplines, French Cashmere aud Delaines, Chameleon, Figured and Black Alpacas, Velvet Neck Ribbons snd Belts. French worked Collars and Cuffs, Embroidered Ribbous and Velvet Trimmings, Scolloped Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs and Kid Gloves, Bonnets, Ribbons, and Artificials. Ginghams and Calicoes, a large lot, French Clothes, Cassimeres and Vesting, Beaver Cloth. Tweeds, and Kentucky Jeans, Red and Whit Flannel, Linseya and plaid Shawls, K Kerseys, Negro and Bed Blankets, Brown and Bleached Domestic, Bed Ticking, Table Clothes and Diapers, Ladies' Cotton, Merino, and Silk Hose, AL80. Ladies fine Walking Shoes and Gaiters, I Miles & Son's fins pegged Boots, Calf, Kip, snd Coarse Brogans, A good assortment of I lata and Caps of every desciption, Cuttlery, Crockery. Bpaaes, Shovels, Trace Chains, Java, I jiguira and Rio Coffee, Loaf, Crush, tianhed and mown Sugar. Together with number of other articles not enumerated. The Subscribers respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. TheTwill sell good Bargains for Cash, or on short thne, to punctual dealers. H. L. EVANS. . JOHN G. WILLIAMS. Raleigh. Sept 17lh. 1650. 74 BOOT AND SHOE O. L BURCti weaM inform his old customers as well as others, that be has now in bis employ jfs good Workmen as there is in the Union, and feels confident that be can make any article in his line ss well if not a little better than can be got elewhere. He has neither spared pains nor expense in procuring the service of woikmen for tbe above purpose. His Materials are the best known to the Trade. The Latest Fashions always at band. Call two doers below the Post-Office. Raleigh, Oct. 9tb, 185K 81 $100 Reward, 2 N FORMATION having been given to the City authorities, that some evil disposed persons. have at different times.assaulted the dwelling B ouses of E. E. Harris, E. Smith and Silas Burns, with stones and other missiles at night, thereby causing a malicious destruction of property, and great alarm and danger to their f mil tea I have been directed to offer a Howard of On Hundred Dollars to any person wbo shall give sock iaformation, as shall lead to the detection aad conviction of tbe offenders, or any one of them, and I call upon all good citizens who value the peace and good name of the city, to render their assistance, fn Order thst tbe guilty may be punished, and our crty protected from tbe repeti lion of such outrages in future. WM. DALLAS HAYWOOD, IntendanL Raleigh, Oct. 9th, 1850. 81 4t Imported Wines and Liquors. rrp HAVE just received from a large Importing aJi Hoose, in New Yoik, tbe following choice Wines and Liquors, or which I ask a trial from all who are fond of some thing good. 1 Cask Old Madeira, imported by Edward Black burn, 1846. I Cak Symington and, Co'a celebrated Madeira, which is well known in this City 1 do London Dock Pure Juice Port, imported 1846 snd suitable for Sacramental purposes, I do Superior Cooking Wine, ' I do Old Black Brandy, very choice. 1 do Pale do do 1 do Pure old Schiedam Gin. As this is mv Mrs I attempt in offering to the good people of Raleigh, so choice a lot of Wipes and Li quors, I solicit a call and all I aa is a sxall aa vance on cost price. J- J.RYALS, Raleigh. Sept 37th. 78 4w BUSINESS COATS, 125 K CHEAP TWEED COATS, atave- I ry low pnoe. E. U H AKDlUli CU, Raleigh, October 12th, 18S. 84 mmmm mm iiii ii ii iijiUIIpiir . THURSTON'S " FOUNTAIN HOTEL, . fFoaUBBLY' BELTTHOOVXa'sl Head of Eight, near Baltimore St., " BALTIMORE. - " till HE Increased oatronaire of tfck 1nnv t.Kiuh. Jin ed and aepuU Hotel, Nader themaaauvaaent of iu present peoprietor.as inspired him with farther energy ana aeterounation, and ne expense or attei tion of bis or that of Ins i Assistauts ' will be spared, to maintain with the patrons of the " FooM-rain" the reputation rt held all over the country. In iu 'palmiest aays' ol Htltzhoovtrs eoadactorship. Io laereaae its, former, attractions and comforts, during the past season, the Hotel, has undergone mauj tNjp, mo rropneior navtng mado heavy outlays fn lutroduerrig- some of the best add latest improvement which, together with jw central posi tion, being located iu. the very heart of thebuaiaeas portion oi tt.e city, aud uear the centre of Baltimore street, aud within a few miuutea Walk of all the Depots and Steam Boat . Landings, it invites the Jtffreio-af, the Fanner, the Artisan, as' well as the Man oj Pleasure to .make the Fountain Hotil his home during his sojourn in Baltimore. The JLadies' Department, Containiug Private Parlors, Saloooa, Reception Room. Ordinary, and extensive suites of I arse and airy Chambers, fitted up in a style and elegance that cannot tail to give sstisfaction and comfort. Ports rs are attached to the Fount ai," who may be recognized by the Badges on their HaU, and are always iu the attendance at the different Dei ots and Steamboat Landings, who will receive Checks, take charge of the Baggage and convey it to the Hotel. rmivEAS TH.UKSTON, Proprietor. Fet.26th, 1850. 17 A CARD. IHE undersigned being engaged, and holding a . position that brings his services in immediate connection with the Guests of the above Hotel, he trusts, offers a further inducement to his numerous friends and acquaintances of the " Old North State.1 whoa they visit Baltimore, to stop at the Fotrnttttn," where he assures them tbey will be received and en tertained in a manner that shall strengthen tbis ac quaintance and secure for its Proprietor their good will ana patronage. W STRINGER, Lai of Wilmington N C. February 26th, 1850. 17 Iadica Shoes and Slippers. JUST received, by Express, direct from the manufactory. Ladies Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes, (Ties and 0USKIB3, do do and do Slippers. AL8O ON HAND. 100 pieces Light and Dark. Calico, Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, With a general assortment of Dry Goods. Hats and Shoes, Lawns and Ginghams, Groceries, Cambrics and Jaconetts, Crockery. For sale, low, by J.BROWN, r' No. 9 Fayetteville Street." - Kaieigh, Angust etb, 18S0. 63 ,J -Ifta I IN Quarts and Pints, just received and for sale at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO.1 GENTLEMEN'S HATS. FALL STYLE FOR 1850. SOMETHING entirely new and decidedly da-f gsuL Call and examine. , s.f R. TUCKER k 80N. Angus! 26th, 1850. (u Valuable Land for Sale. ; A Valuable Tract of Land containing SOS acres lying between four and five miles West of Ra leigh, on bota aides of Walnut Creek, and adjoining the land of Rev. Tbos. Meredith and others, will t sold on reasonable terms. For further iaformaUen apply to '' M. A. BLEDSOE. Raleigh, August 17, 1850 66 CLOTHING BAZA A I.. FlLIi AND WIKTER STOCK OP Fashionable Clothing, AT WHOLESALE 1SD RETAIL. THE subscriber enters the field of competition with a large and well selected assortment of all the new styles of Fashionable Garments for the Fall and Winter Trade. Determined to maintain the increuidgsreputation of the ' Clothing Bazaar,' every effort has been made to produce styles of Clo thing well adapted to this market : from the very lowest priee to tbe finest quality of Clothing. Cus tomers can depeoa upon finding our garments well made, however low the price. Merchants are invited to examine oar stock, as we are determined not to be undersold by any bouse in the trade. r The faney Department ia full, embracing Enajiah French aad Italian Cravats, Gloves, Suspeaders. Shirts, Collars, 4e . which will be sold at who few est prices, by . XT. PERRY. Pstcraharg, Sept. Sth 1850, W7J N PJ2RRY MERCHANT TAILOR, SYCAMORE STREET, 3 doon above Bank, PETERBCIG, Ti. "superior Beady JIa.de Clothiag, 1XD GENTLE ME ITS UNDER DRESS. SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, Umbrellas. Trunks, &c. September 8th, 1850. 73 t Robinson & Co,, Shoes. JUST ISECEIVED. fTrID and Morocco Walking Shoes. sUki Kid and Morocco Ladies Slippers. Mioses and Children Bootees. . Ladies do do Whits Kid 3lippers. JESSE BROWN. Raleiirh.Oct 4th. 1850. 08 Perry DaTiir Pain Killer. , A supply of the above valuable Medfciae this da received at PESCUDSr i ifflffv i oar i "i ilsimi iii "I lit" Ad verjisemeaM, inserted the Saai.WBtVT K isTaawUI also appear i a Cha Waxx w Paawr. f ta Kfl Lejftera to the Editor saast ha roar-raro, i 'SrlPHniJP1;;! ATTENDSTTHE COURTS ia tbe'cWatta of Orange,' AUamticVWaktani Chatiasa. Chapel HilL N. C- Aay 84 1849. .; ut? Vq 34 WHITE .WASKMhESv A-.LA RGE s oppry of varioWlmast' Motived 3&.aua for sal Io. ; ,rHf ?K -y ;rl WILLIAMS, H AX WOOP & CO Raleigh April 23d 1850., fv,t;i' . COB WA BDIM O. : 1 ' 1WILL. atlead to cha forwarding of all" Geoda at Wilminglott aad Fayette villa,; at the swajeas mission ; and will, in all cases, forward by first boat without reference to lints. A H erders for purchasers wilt be strictly attended to. Direct 'to, care of - Yf. BRANSON, ' FayetteviUaad Wilamglea. AprU 18,1850. . . jUi; i,.i,31-olf .a bi'irtiiramiVaC July UtbTl850 :.?r i, "! Cbvlw rxil aud7Xard Iawp Cliinaier-rA Si good supply of Various sizes, just received by 5 ' WILLIAMS, HAY WOOD COt Notice. : THE Subscriber baa dstermiaed to . Iocate'ia tabi City, and having procured a sufleient namber oeava petentassisunts.rs prepared to aaecata ia the amaa finished Style, all kiada of -.i ..?! PAINTING, GLAZING, AND RE GLA2ING Orders from the City or eamaadia Covnrfry, if left at the Drug Store of P. F. Peacud, wiU b promply executed and satisfaction guarantied. r Ksference as to ability, character, -ft,Vfli rB given to all who may wish to patronise hhu'. WM. M. O VERB'S, Ralergh May 20, 1830 . J.41 Livery Stables! ! afRHE Subscribers, take oeoaawa to iafornv tberr tea frieuds and the public generally, that the will carry on the business, in all its branches, at the sama stand; and that no efforts nor expense wRI b spared ou their part to accommodate the travelling' eummuuity. Conveyances, with good horses and careful drivers, will be furnished at all times aad at short notice; aud in fact, every conveaieao for travelling, in the way of HQRSES, CARRIAGES, BU66IESr&C , will be supplied oa the most favorable anrj arnoao dating terms. , , . , ... Tf The Sabscribers also expect to ka'constantry'oa hand.good " ' -"f4 HORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES clCi"! Aad persons . wishing to put out their 'JrJervM, 'ay the week, or roontu", or, year, will have' thenr ell attended to, at moderate prices. Their Srcolee'arWoa Wilmington Street, yast to the East of Mafcot8u,S)s)is. Hoping to receive liberal eaoearagevaeattka va-' dersigned pledge tbeinsolvea to do all i their pew er to merit public patronage and favor.- ' ' , BUFFALOE Raleigh, April 5. 1b50. ' ' -i National Hotel, NO- s COURTLAND STREETi NEVV, TiDftlC tip HIS ESTABLISHMENT baVmg passed into tUb the habdorMr. Oeo. SeelJ,fonrly ethor Eastern Pear St. House, has beeit rtceatfy iibpfovse) by the adduioa f . - ,,.v.i4";r- - And baa also been, thoroughly re.fitted aad fa-fan tahed lot i'o accomodation of tbe Public. . fH 1 Il.is 1LV akn of tbe Proprietor to render tea JTATIOIJAL. quite equal to any of iUcotrmsw. varies in aU' those essentials thst enntribota to tha reputation ot a well conducted and weH ' ordatei Hotel.-'.' .'.'.! wis The Hoose is of the largest sixe, eliaiblt 'bcattd. withia ihreo doors of Broadway, and bit att roe pacta conveniently arranged to promote the comfort and convenience of Guests. Persons visiting New York are respectfully invited tar make' their IftnMsYtaia Hotel daring their slay in the dry. --..-;; H-. S fv ' GEORGE 8EELET, ? r Proprietor. New York. June J8, 185a . . - 6 em TO THE PATROJll lIXIaaiM OF THEV a SittlV rp BEQ leave to iufornr the pubHo reaeratrlkai 1 am daily receiving direct from . New York, sj very complete assortment of Goods for the Fall aad Winter trade, and haying bought' every peicfof Goods "under my own observation, the seleotieat fit such as will grVe general satiafactioB to aH whohlUy favor soe with their trade 1 mast reeaeetfPflj art only, arai r trial from tie CKixeas of Raleigh H the surrounding countr, to the follofiag Meet ef Goods, to why Black French Cloths and Cassimetwi, - 's ' Fancy Cassimeres aad Tweeds, : ' ' fii Kentucky Jeans, heavy Wool Tweed, , ' ;f . CoUonadas, fancy Vest rugs, Irish Linen, .....4r Wool and Cotton Flannels, heavy Sheeting,' , f Bleached Shirting and Sheeting, eOmmoa to (oodj. Bleached' and unbleiched Jeans, Merino Snirdttg, Bed aad Mattrestf thtking, large sstoertastBt it Limeys, . v- Large lot Blankets, common1 tOgodd ? sixea, 6, , 9 by M aad J8 qrs;, , . r . Large aud oeatftifuf assoTtueat ef Cefteeesv Muslin d laiaa, Cashmeres, Sgtt BobinstU Fancy striped, fig'd aad plaia Alpacoas".- Swiss, Jakonel and Book Maslms, . Fid. Swiss Muslin, B1M, Laos do Tapes, Cortt Thread aad Cotton Lacea, EdginfXFnnge, Qimp, and, in fact, afuUaaertatof aUoaikiea6f viw siiaf gaods..-1 .;' ,. ( it Linen aad Cam- Hda. Cotton aad SSk Act Fsney Cravats, Conrbs, Sewing Sttk;" Lwrge kk ef SiUc, Bat ru, Straw and leni svoQ aeta, m M fcin; tuM Misses' Gipas, and, Childrea's Bonnets, Ribbons, Wreaths, Rosettes, Flowers. Featierr, targe assortment Ladies' lae aad aeavj' B'ootf 'andSboes,' f ' : !'s ' ;' 'tr. Children's Shoes, Gents' aad Yeatb's haavj Krf Brogaae, ' '' ' -t; t it , Heavy double aad single sole Brogaas , . SHk, Fnr.BTosh and Wool hats, ; . ; ' Cloth, Fur, Flush and Leather Csa, ;' Shawls large sixes, Suspenders, - i-i Ladies' white and blk. mode MlOTrxi ttlmx ad Merino Hose, -,-; . Gentlemen s 9 do, aad Gloves. .' . Largo assortment Crockery aad Glass-ware; w Hulls Patent, u!row aad Adamantiae eaadlety Variety of 80a pa, Tea and Coffee, , Loaf, Crashed, Clarifi't,jbalv. and br.SogaisV Salt, Molasses, Powder, Shot and Lead. . Tobacco, SnufT, Hvaaa and Principe Segaisy Hemlock and oak-Unned Leather, - Js Dye Stuffs, Shoe thread, Awl-fclsdea. SaekS, Files, Gimblets, Bed-cords, Nails, Spade,. ;!1 ShovaUKhsy-forka, sto ate. .rHs,.;r Printing, Wrapping, Foolscap and Letter papery Great assortment of Buttons and Fancy Besides a thousand aaefal an.f aecessijyVartidea, wbiob I am eoaapelled to ossU.: -v-.-. . AH the above goods will be sold: oa aeWssodafina; Urms Call and examine, at No. 3Q FaeUevilla 5t and No. 2 Market square. J. S. RVAL5. Raleigh Srpt. 31tb, 150. Suft aa,swBsas .. 1 ..,. i.rA 1 .Trj,,