Bunt inn rmur . T5 W; qxvrsmar dsertwemu.For everv" SUttsn Aiaes Ii ii rnuiHto iuowssxi.t axo wmklt, BY-SEATOiY GALES, aMsrtadYCTis JMrkrr'aacfi sabaseseat iasarfiwT Tweatyr s.CiabiUlSU Orders a4Jm4kiaIAA9trtismamUwm harged25 pwe.au higher hat a dedaetioa ef lt IlITfll m FMfUXTOX. " TERMS. 1 r? ? few he regmlir price, f pjj v fF-Tths yssr, yjf -r iT-ryftn ' V ' L.Aaasambv,U wma, will also appear 4a tbaxWaaaiv Pnnor. ree F6f the Semi-Weekly Pager, $5 petMnwn For tha Weekly Tiier, $3 per aanuirwVy. efeharg. , ... , ; m in, : ..... .... . - - tafefc -ii .- - r V "4 .1 i. j 1 i ' f r i. .j. . i. : i i t , j. . ). i. . .. t . , : A .; VOIDMB III. : ; i , s; . . f .. - ii Dt&rststheEdaiwtswr - --r MISCELLANEOUS; MICHAEL O'M ALLEY'S OPINION OF liquor or; The difference Mvm trust sad Hms. What ye buy of Taylor nosy be freely Ukea oa Philologist say that words are but th i!(M of ideas. The above ia a quotation of our worda, a ad these ;worib are our idess jnut they teem not to be the t'oVow of" other folks Referring to an advertisement of or old Trimd Sewel T. Taj!or, ia our columns, we Wrote tbeia, meaaiug that the public might teiy en Mr. Taylor's- well known character for veracity and probity, that be offered no articles (or sale which was not what be repre seeled it to be. How very differently others construed our language, the following inci dent will show t ' Mr. Taylor bad not well got into hit store on Friday morning, when an honest looking-, unsophisticated Irishman entered, and after ma kins an informal obeisance, aaid-MH iber Taylor, 1 preshunwl1 Mr. Taylor Yea sir; ray name is Taylor. lt.Uhuian.-l see. be the Dilta, you have got a variety of vioeous aa me achoolmaater, Mike Miner, uaed to say and spirituous liquors for sale. Mr. Taylor- Yes, air, have. t Irishman Might 1 make so bould as to ask permission to taste them. Excuse me, M'siber Taylor, but it was a principle of pol itical economy as CubbeU used to say tbaught nw be Father Dan 0Dunneli, niver' to make a bargain with tin eyes abut; niver ta buy a pig in a bag. "Mick, a vick," be ased to say to roe be was always mighty familiar aflber taken tbe sixth tumbler, Mick, a vick, 'they talk svueal about evil spertts ; but they are not half so dangerous to the constitution .aat bad Priis that tyou sometimes bay At the grocer iea. If yon want te preaarve your constitution, he added, "niter buy a dbrop, whether it be potheen or parlimint, that is not fourth proof that, in punch, won't sttnd at layst two withers to one whisky, and be of decent strength at ibt-n Mr. Taylor. Well, sir, f am satisfied of tbe wisdom of Father O'Donoell's ad vie. I have no desire to controvert it; nor do I see the necessity of going to auch trouble to repeat it. There is no apology necesaary for tasting my liquors, when a party conies to purchase them. Here, John I said he, addres sing the porter in the rear of the store ; John, show Mr. Wbat-d you-call-him, here, any liquors be wanta to see. Irishman. I beg you to recall my cogno men, Misther Taylor. My name, paternal aid sponsorial, is Misther Michael O'Malley : originally that is, in me great grand father's time of O'Malleyaville, in the coun ty of Mayo, oald Ireland, but now, of 407 Girod street, New Orleans; .at your sarviee. Mr. Taylor.-Well, then, John, take the dipper and show Mr. Michael O'Malley any liquors he wishes to see. Mi-. O'Malley. To see! to see Misther Taylor 1 Why, do ye think I'm omaduawn enough to dipind on ocular rlemonsrlaiion for the quality ome liquor. No, sir. 1 must smell It aye, faith, and lasie it loo I most feel its flavor as it goes down me throat, for as Jack Carroll, tbe blind piper, us'd to say, when be received a ahillio, and rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger, to diatin- guish it front a copper ha-penny, "see in' is b lievia', bet fcelin' is lh naked truth. Mr. Taylor. Do just as you please, Mr. O'Malley. John, at this time, took Mr. O'Malley under hi charge, for Mr. Taylor bad- well nigb got tired of hia loquacity; and starting bang af ter bung, Mr. O'Malley tailed everything in the store, from Fleur ae Sillery Champagne and sparkling Hock down to Old Bourbon, and even Red Eje. This done, he again addressed bioieli to Mr. Taylor, saying "Well, sur, your liquors are purty good. I think your Champagne would be betlher if it bad a little more body, just tike Guinness s firown Stout, or Thunder's threepenny ; and your Hock has a kind of foreign, aourkreut taste ; but that, I suppose, is on account of its German origin, for I find ibat unlike us (Irish) it is a long time before anything Ger man geta the native twang; bat your Ould Irish Whiskey, Misther Taylor whew ! didn't the very taste of it make me dliream of the ould sod ; and diun t it.make me think. J saw tbe boy a sad the purty colleens danein' on the green, an tbe "piper hegering' his ebanlher like b z a, for them ; sod the whole devarsion indin' in a beautiful fight- as all legitimate devarsion, conducted on tbe eulJ plan, should ind oh I put roe down for ten eallne of thai divtl a dbrop leea'ildo." Mr. Taylor.- Very well, sir. Any brandy 1 Mr. O'Malley. Of course. Though, good ts it is, it isn't equal to the ould stuff. Ill take' five gallons of it, however, to threat me American frinds. Tbey haven't advanced far enough yet in the state of progressive ciili tation, to appreciate the rartues of ould Irish Inaisbown. t Ifr. Taylor Tlien what do you say apout wine, sir. Will you take any wine f O'Malley. Not the first dd dbrop. - Your port I could stand if your wbiakey wasn't so good. But if I was to dhrink your claret Join a bed, I'm afraid 1 might wake up par lezvoulln' in tbe tnoreia. And as for your Gtrman wines l lie only ihieg German 1 can bide is the Garman flute, and that, allow me to aayt your humble servant, Michael O'Mal ley, plays with conaidherable mesical taste, tod In case the tune is an Irish melody,' with tolerable artistical discrimination. Mr. Taylor. Then you want' nothtng owe. ' O'Malley. No more at priaint from your humble aarvant, as Couo. Lynch said in closing hia billy do (billet doux) lo the Inglish fioileuian whom he struck first and chalteo. led afther. u" Mr. Taylor Your bill, air, is $65 sad -rysge. This he said, presenting Mr. PMalier with a piece of paper about four "chea by four v O'Malley Speaking in detached pbras- Ten fifty five twenty-five iis count for caab-received payment Sewel I T. Taylor. Looking up from his bill of parcels t Mr. Taylor, be said, ioterjeclioeally, ish I received payment." Why, Mist bar Taylor, what dors this ntayne ? Mr. Taylor. k means, sir, that- those are my cash4 prices and that in easel when I do not know the parties purchasing, tna) articles most be paid for" before leaving the store. -" 0!Malleyv They must, eh t 1 M Mr, Taylor Tbey roost, sir; " 11 dTt n O'Malley. Well, sir. keep them till I pay for them, and if you do, I promise you your stock will niver run out. Look at fbat, air look at that I he said, indignantly, drawing the Delta from his pocket, and pointing oot.ibe particular line in our editorial notice quoted above wfai veat buy qf Taylor assy Ufrttly Ukenon trust. There, sir, in accordance with that state ment, authoritatively made, I haven't a doubt, I com here to patbronize you. I intindad to recommend your establishment to me friends, but since you will not let me take your Ii. quor on trust, divil a dbrop of it ahatl iver go down ma throat. Tea duo srhith you for ever, Misther Taylor. Mr. 0MaHe here left, like one whose feelings bad been outraged, and the matter waa a subject of laughter between Mr. Taylor and auch oUiisJricnda.as be delated ihe in. cideat to through tbe day. JV. O. Dcfto, An elderly gentleman, accustomed to "in dulge, entered the room of a certain inn. where sat a grave friend by tbe fire. Lifting a pair of green spectacles upon bis forehead, rubbing bis inflamed eyes, and calling for hot brandy and water, be complained to his friend that 'bis eyes were getting weaker and weaker, and even spectacle! didn't seem to do them any good.' 1 II tell tbee, friend, replied the Quaker, 'what I think. If thee was to wear thy specta cles over thy mouth for a few months, thy eyes would get round again." Rewabdiko Hojimtt. A coloured ser vant sweeping out a bachelor's room, found a sixpence on the carpet which he carried to the owner. "You may keep it for your hon esty," said he. A al.ort time after he missed his gold pencil-case, and inquired of hia ser vant if be had seeo it. "Yes, sir," was tbe reply. "And what did you do with it T" "Kept it for my hooeaty, sir Tbe old bachelor disappeared. Cool Rarxv An Indian prince, remark able for hia pride and ill-humour, once wal king to tbe window of his presence chamber with a foreign ambassador, said to him "Do you know, sir, that one of my ancestors forced a person of your description from this baleo. ny into the street T "It may be so, wss the reply, "but probably it waa nott be (ash. ion then, as it is now, for atabassadora to wear swords Shall Eitclahd Swallow the Lkek T An attempt is being made lo get up a sort of political exeitement in Wales, in favour of the Welsh language; and A p somebody, whose name begins with half-a-dozen gut turals, supported in tbe ceutre by three or four W a, and ending witb a rush of lab wis, wanta to know, in reference to the adoption of plain English in Walea, "whether tbe Welsh tongue is to be torn out by tne roots. We have no wiah for such an act of violence; but, all we have to say la, that tha Welsh tongue does not at all auit tbe English palate. Punch. One GoodTubh deseeves Akothee. A favourite magpie had been accustomed tore, ceive daintv bits from tbe mouth of its mis tress. The other day it perched aa ususl on. her shoulder, snd inserted its beak between her lips, not, ss it proved, to receive, for, aa one good turn deserves another, the grateful bird dropped an immense green fat caterpil lar into the lady's mouth Literary Gazette. To my Town & Country friends. rfllHE Subscriber woW respectfully call tha si ll leaiioa r hia Tow aad Con airy friemia to his sleek of F anil j Groceries, which bs ia dotennia- ad te aell aa aa gooa lerasa as y-w-. lM.f hia clonk mav be fooad: 80 Bbbla. beat Feierstmrg Floor whale and half barrels. a Hade. Bright and Dry P. R-8osr, S sola do do N. O. do 8 do Crashed do . 5 . do Clarified do 4 do Pulverised do 1 Psekags best Loaf do Rio Lagaira and Java Coffe, Imperial and Black Tea, a Bae article. Talfow, Adamantine aad Spars saadlea, Washing aad Faac Soaps, CraaVs Waae mixture a superior trtiele, A f aa lot imported acgara diffaraat brands, Oak aad Hemlock 8oU Leather; sad aaaay art! ales ia tho Grocery and Confectionary liaa. Give aae a call, aad I am determined not ta bs ae- deraold bv Jaw or Qeatuo. ' L. B. WALKER. Raleigh, Nov. Tta 1850 1 Union House. THE 8ubeeriber respectfully Informs the Maa bars of tha arproacaiag Legislators that ha ia prepared to famish tea er twelve of thesa with lodg- lags SBd DOarO, a W OiJ nwwiw, tmmmmmn diataeca froos tha Capitoi - Tk. SnWriber will oravido ooeafor table rooma, aad good fare, at rack prices aa the Oases sad aur ket will afford Ha pudges himself that as palas or ezpensa will be spared to render hie eoetomers eoev aWtable. - . TravaUora are also invited to ealL aad traaeieat koanlara wiU be ukso. The Subscriber keeps a eoa auat sapply of corn and fodder oa haad, aad arill have horses left with hha, or the horses f such as aue atop at his boose, wall Ukea ears at The Subscriber's House ia aboat one hendred yards from the Capitol, and one door te the east of taa Baudot Chareh. JAMES HALL. RaleSgb, Sept. 87th, 1850. 1 ta. C,&E.L.KeiTlson&Co,, direct Importers of FOBEIOW DUY GOODS, Charte-1' c- WOULD respeetfally inform their friends aad those who parehase Dry Goods, ia their oi ly, that they are bow prepared te offer a mrgejohoiee aad well assorted Stock of Fore If U Md Fan cy Dry Goods. Aa thaV reerive the balk ef their Goods, aVsaf from Earepeaa Porte, they fael asaared ef being able to coca pete sneeeasfeUy with aay ether Market la tha TTniKvl Rtataa. 309 Kiar, North West Corner ac Kisg sad Mar " Aagaatg4th.lS80. ' '-;-- ' w3sa WORKS BY. THE REV. C B TAYLOR. KE CORDS of a good Maa'a Ufa, 1 Martaret,or tbe Peart ' - Sceees ia a Clerneaiis ife, t ' - 4 M Esraestaasa. , H, D. TURNER- Nov. 12th, 1850. ahd .Mattress I J my .mpUn, Ealetgkjf. CL .. Wafss. Loonoea. Km f Thair AimrfMj ia avarv atvle ts aider. J at th kit mUm. BED MATTRESSES" - i sf al klade, weladiac the much lmnro4ad ' Bhnek aad Cettoa Mattraaa. which will be found perfect luxury la) Winter or Sommor. Nt3. Matuoaa Manufactory is la roar of as Barhst Shop AO orders thankfnllv raeaivad aaV attended to with ptoeoputese and despatch. i so wortotea bitbene employed by J Henry Harries. Mauraaa Maker, ia this Citv. are at pre- aeat aader ny eonirnl, and are warranted and ra eoeaiaeBdod 10 be execllont workmen. ALFRED MITCHELL. weigh. Asgest t2nd, 1S&0. 68 UNION HOTEL. GSsioa 0trsksa9flaB( CALZFORSXaw . THIS ESTABLISHMENT baa bees recently fitted ap.ia Paclfio St., Seer Saaaome, which la eoeveaieat te the basiaeaa parts eftha City, alaotetho City Hall, sad other public buIWlars: sad withta a few auaales walk of tha principal Steamboat laa- aiars. The Proprietor, from hia long exoerlenee is the beataess ia tha City of Now York, (having beee co a acted with Loreioy's Hotel for aavaral Tears) reels confident that thoaa whe stay riail his House will tad there tha comforts of a homo. GEORGE BROWN, Proprietor. Saa Francisco. Aag. 1820. 72 tv New Goods! SEPTEMBER, 1850. Peebles, Scott & White, Wholesale nd Retail Dealers li STAPLE -LVD FdJSCV DRY GOODS. Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. WE beg leave lo anaoaace la oar friends and easUiaaers that wa are now in poors ion of oar stock of 8TAPLE AND PANCT DRY GOODS, embracing a general assortment ef the meet faehieoa- a4o atyle f Timn and Doasstic FaW iea, aeilod to the PaU aad Wioier Trade. Wo reepectfally solicit an eismioetioa of eor se rtaseat bv Coauiirv MecchanU. aa well aa thoaa haying at rataiL Oar stock w large aad eommodioaa. Ia it will ha fooad all the leading ankles usually kept in a Pesb ioaable Dry Goods PEEBLES, 8COTT dc WHITE. Sept- t2od, 1850. 77 PEEBLES, WHITE dfc OATI9, Grsccra aad CwsBmalssJem Acre Usui ts Oli Street, Petertsirf. Tl, TTT'EEP always on hsnd a large aad wall aasorV 11 sd sappty of Orocoriea. and Par particular at- ad seppry of Orocoriea, and leotuwai to the aalo of Coltoa, Tobacco. Wheat. Ploar, and all other kinda of produce. LEMUEL PEEBLES, THOMAS WHITE, PETER R. DAVIS, Ja. Petersburg Jnty SO 18 I y CALF SKLYS, LLYLYG, dc. OL. BURUH keeps eaoatantly on hand. Calf a 8kia. Lining tskina, Shoe nadiag , die Ac. etamigh. Oct. 4, 1830 80 House and Sign Painting. THE Sabaenbers are now propaiad to axeeate ia a workman-like manner, all hinds of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL H078E AND ISIGN PAINTING. UlaaiagC Goilding, inaitalioa of all kinds of M at hie and every variety of wood. All orders left at Mrs Hardin's, opposite tbe Mar. ket Hoaae, will receive prompt attention. WHITLOCK 6c HARD1E. Raleigh, Sept. IS, I860- tf74 Standard copy. DRIED BEEF. SUPERIOR article of Northern Dried Beet iA Jest received aad selling at 19) cent. By L. B. WALKER. Jaly Sari, 1850. S3 Soldiers Claims. ZTIHE nndersigned having maeh experience aad aA saeeeas ia the boaiaesa, atill tokea military claims for Boaaty Uada aad Pensions for proseeu tion before tha government, aa very reasonable terms, aad with tha etmoat faithfalaess aad dis patch. All letters to him, from claimants, most bo postage paid. 17 The last C eagres eers aad Soldiers who ae i leak Con frees gara lands to all the offi. served one month or longer, aad if dead, to their widows aad minor children, la all the wars or the United States, since 1780. And provision is bow alas made for pensions to Widows ef 8oldlera of the Rev elation, who aar ried belore the year 1800. Ho ean famish iafermaxioa eoaeeraing the grades of officers of tha Revelatiewary War, which ia all important ts claimants, aad diffieell to praeare elsewhere. His charges will be moderate. Aay information oooearaiag the heirs of the following officers of tha Revelation will bo thank filly reeeivedjVii : Thomas Clark, James Hogaa, Alexander Martin, Wa Davis, James Martin, ' Joha White, James Moore, Joahea Boraaa.' - Ha eaa alae faralsh a copy ef tha rolls ef the Oaosrs snd 8oMiers of the 8tote ef North Caroline to the war with Great Britain, declared 18th of Jane 1813, giving ia many iaataaeea the length of service, their reepeetive offices aad Keginteats ; the time of entering tha service 07 aioa tha deserters, aad every particular to facilitate tha Collection of their CklmsO Every egeat aeoold have a eopy. Cost ealy $10 each eeaaty I J.H. A-IK&HAM, Raleigh N. C Raleigh, November 1st, 1858. ' 88 rrSiaadard cop jr. j n Eft by riAnniss, UPHOUSTERER ANO MATTRESS MAKER, WOULD respeetfally Inform the Pahlie, that ha eonsuntly keeps on head asapply of the beat Bed Mattresasa of all khade inetediag tha mweh approved Usees: aid Cottow MaTTaaas, which will he foe ad a perfect laznry, either ia Sam mer or W later. Alae. SOFJlS, L0UJCGES, EASY CHAIRS, , . ; etc., saasafaetarsd ia every style te order. Repairing of all kiads done at tbe ahortaat aetlea aad all week warranted to be done ia tha best and mwt wrokmanUke maaaer. Mv shoo ia aa Wilmlnftoa street: oppeslie the "Pimm OfB--' " ' .' '. N. B. "Tha pablls win please bear la anbsd that I attend personally ta the maaafactars af my Mat msses, 8ofaa, Lennges W ' ;1 ''''' Raleigh, Nev. I860. ' 80 if DIARY Aim DAILY ,...m - 4 Pocket ' RoHtmAraue, for 1B5Q. " rnOR the aae of Private Families ana' Persona ef 4 bwainess ; eentainlng aS Araaaaae ane Banking Table, Coondng Hoosa Ahaanaenda Bfaak space tar eojorsaaama, kk avarv aay la las yaat . ....... m.. f'fqf Bala st the Raleigh Nov. 12ih, 150. -upiioisterer -ana .Mattress- - - vy-- w, L- srr-si a wv . -xa . .a i , a a 7 a .a" - - - - t j r ........ ec v , .r'j - TTVrrr r.iJ-A nrr v. TT1I17. ;nnmA:-AiTilf1ll I ' ..l-iLls ..J i :k -il (""i ll..... -f-i i mi aw sm bl i i ra m' aa mm uj u s - - t a i , - ., nnHE SaVferiber has jut eeess4 a BOOK J STOKE la " r- VM J Two doers above la r. aUoaraV banih's smre, where he offers to tbe pahlie , SCHOOL BOOKS I Or almost a very deaoriptioB, together with, a Urge eoilectioaof . .. RELIGIOUS WORKS,' Prom tha pass ef emineat aataors of tie different Denomination ,W ' STATIONERY Of exeenent qoaUry ; aU of which he a sere rwnaUt term. Amr Bosk Set ea haad at-preseat. eaaba erdered aad reeeivad by the &bseriber,ia a nwj days, aad he will be prompt to falsi; all enters from town or ooontry. , , j ' ' . f JOHrt W.ei'NEAL Raleigh, Bept 13th. 1850. ' v 74 tf ST HAM SAW MJLU , r BEG Uas to call the attention of sailers as persona wiahlng U 'parehase Lumbat to mv Steam 8aw Mill near Raleigh, where they eaa be eopplied with any kind, at the shortest aotka. Also sawed Laths ef tha best qoslity at 91 00 Mr M. ' t. u. ino. Raeligb. Jaly llib, 1850. i Ml; Dress and FrocK Coats. TTrTVirt JUST OPCIf ED, oftll qaanties 43iJ well cat aad extremely wet made. 1 E. L. HARDING CO. Raleigh, October 13th, 1850. 83 iriOUE LiND FOR SALE, ftAA Acrea of Valuable Lead, lying two vLVOvlrmileo Sooih efRaleifh. ea the Fav- ettwville toed, will be sold on a long credit notes well secured being all that is desired. Persons wieb ing to etamiae the land and rinniissi isli de ae by ealMng en M- A' Bledsoe, who is anthoriaad to sell it. S. J. BAKERS October 11, 1850. 83 .TO, PAINTERS. , Tb Painter, Oflder, an3 Vamiaher'a . V' . Companion riFZONTAININO Rules and Regnlationa ia Ev SsV erything relating lo the Arts of Painting, Gil dlag, Vanuhlag aad Glass Staining. 1 H. D. TURNER. Raleigh. October &5ih. 1850. SB SELf-PROTECTORS, Tl TiliELLEES 1XD DncSJSlEIPIli ia Fin-A CLF-COCIflNQ A SCLF-at-, VOLVIHO POCKCT PiaTOLS, rfTAIL,T EXPECTED, a Uireuzportatioa mia ef BneGuns, Pistols, Pewder Flasto, 8bN Bags, Bird bees, dtc- &-C all which will ha eoVd low. ij. B ROOT. BRITTOX eV TODD tycsmsre Strut, tppttite Powtlfs Hold, Petersburg, vm- urrcK rua bale, 6afK bW- 81 Uroij p Rico and N 0 sagars; 5 (jJ' hbds refined sugars SOu bags Rio, Lsenvria, and Java coffee 40 packagee loaf, coabed and powdeiod aagars So tone Swedes, American and Engiuh mom SO bales horse shoes ISO bale Gunny, Dundee and Gorman bagging 100 ceils bale rope 1 50 boies sperm, adamantine and tallow candles 50 boies soap 10 boxes verv a 'potior family aoap 150 barrel old rye double aad single rectified wbiakey tt barrels grape brandy 6 i pipes Cog. brandy, par) vtry fine, binds, ram 30 pipes and 1-4 pipes Port, Mad. aad 8berVy wine 100 bags shot assorted, 760 kegs nails, Camber land and Rapid halls, soo sfcfee solo leather 150 reams wrapping psper 80 reams letter and cap paper ' 25 hbde, and hble moloMee rorse collars, aad dies, bridleg, bed cords, lines, pep. per. ginger, spice, mace, starch, chocolate, water bocketa, cotton cards, band iron, hoop h, castings. ettoa yarns, wagon whips. Sue dtc dc. All of tne above goods wftl be sold at the lowest rales. BRITTON e TODD. Angsts 21. 1850. 68 3a NEW NOVEL. A DELAIDE LINDSAY, by the anther ef CL Leuies Araold. PrlM SS mi. AT TCRiTEnVS M Oct 25th, 1850. ITaist received by I fU a lot of (noe French M ALSO, a lot of Jenny Lind Express, this slatT. ennos, assorted colors j Trianmlnn. EVAN 8 &. WILLIAMS. Oct. (1st, 1850. 85 IT AD ICS White Kid Slippers. Ir do Mado'8atia -do mm. m j anae . . e se n . a . oe macs n.a os do do do Walking Shoes. Just received by R. TUCKER & SON. Oct. 21, 1850. . 85 Valuable Land for Sale, A Valuable Tract of Land containing 208 sores ' Iviai between foor and I ve miles West of Ra leigh, en both aides of Walnn Creek, and advising the mad of Rev. Thoa. Meredith and others, will he sold en reasonable terms.,, ;; far further iafaraaUea apply to , M. A! BLEDSOE. Raleigh, Aagastlt,18S " " ' ' 68 TWfTYEB CELEBUtTED CnEW. IV 11 laiaj TaajwCCo; Imported Cigam ofdiSw. amtvraads.., JaM received by ' " R. TUCKER i ' ' October 8th;i8a0. 5,1':' ';' SON. ! 8t rrr.rypTTii n a Ranvrrw Tret ar , , At Jfb. QFoteUeviUe Street Jtb Black Doe Skin Caasuaer, ' ' ". Paacr Caaaimerea a good, aseortmrat, ' ' ' , -t Good aad INamoa Veeting. BUck Sanw Tasd ag Kfa aad.W aratod Serge, Knengend Caavaas, Bed Bltaketa. vanoos sises and )aauUra, ,u ::it. White snd J lack Cettoa. yvwumg, - - lit. w..,. '' OanUeSftsa's Merino Bntrts ana f v iU J. BtOW. R'alillgtr, Oct. 38th, 1 850. pnpoeaatoaal 1 .STORE; ;EVANS 8c WILLUB1S k TCaTJOULD respeetfally i a form their Mendvaad , V. Vr tbepeblie generally, that they have opened a Store an Ftnllnilta Stu -V- i . l ard Smith, Eeqr, where they wilfkaep eeaetaatty aa haad nbll8upply of " V -Z i DRY GOODS, HARDWARE CUTLERY. fiRO ppanori..!,5 ii j-t' And Indeed ov rery thing naaall j faaad la eh They present tha, foUowiag filfwW'' ' ' VW aisMiar establish meou. aoeelmena af tha Stoelt as ' Brooads Freneh Cashmere, ' " Efcbroidered Silk aad Crape,sa4 Norwich I eat re, Chameleon Turks, Silk and Poplinea, : , g i; French Casbmere and Delaines. , -. i Chameleoe, Figorad aad BltAlpaeaa, V ' Velvet Neck Ribboaa aad Belts. . V French worked Collars and Coffs,' ! nit- . Embroidered aUhbetts and Velvet TriamlagsA -SeolloDedXioen Csrsbria HandkiM.r mA 1CIA Gloves, ; I . Bonnets, Ribbons, sad ArUnciala.' . '' Ginghams aad Calicoes, a large lot, ;ik : French ChMbea, Cassi meres and Vestlngs, fC V Beaver-Cloth, Tweeds, aad Keotocky Jeaaa, . Red aad WAlto. FlanaaL IJnaeva . ..Ij.Lt ncgniHu uni oiaaseis, . Brown snd Bleached Domestic, Bed Ticking, Table Clothos and Diapers, Ladies' Cotton, Merino, and Silk Hose, : ALSO. . Ladies fine Walking Shoes and Gaiters. 1 V4 rr. a, cA.i. c-. j a if ....... 'T. J D.J BU-1.1. Calf, Kip, and Coarse Brogaos, A good assortment of Hats and Cane of avr desciptioo, . cntuery, Crockery, 8pades, Shovela, Trace Chains, Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee, Loaf, Crush, Clarified and Brown Sogar. Together with a number of other articles not ; eaumerated. The Sabaeribers respeetfally solicit a ehara ef public patronage. They will aell good Bargains for Cash, or on abort time, to punctual dealers. H. L. EVANS. JOHN Q. WILLIAMS. Raleigh. Sept. 17th. 1850. ' 74 COSTUME OALL. Cbraer tf Pratt strut nd Centrt Mmrktt Spots. CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE ES labliehment would respectfully inform the etuaena of North Carolina and others, that be baa re- cetvea uoa carope, tne FALL AND WINTER FASHiriNfit Togethev with a rich assortment of Goods adapted to the coming season, ennsisting of SUPERFINE FRENCH, GERMAN AND EN GLISH: CLOTHS, CASTOR BEAVERS, PILOTS, AND PELITOT COATING A nowarticle for OVERS A CKH ANDB US1NESS Uio. A lao, a splendid aaeoriment of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CASSIMBUES AND DOKeKINS. of tha most desiiabla tyles imported this season. RICH TESTINGS! We have, and are constantly receiving, New Styles of VE8T1NGS, consisting of plain and Figured aiut AND WOOLEN VELVETS, . FIGURED AND STRIPED CA8HMERES, SILKs.SAXINS AND TALEN- wo, or an abades and Colors. OURiJUSTUM WORK- Is CUT AND MADE in the beet manner snd as regards Style and Workmanship, is wsrrsnied to give entire satisfaction, and at greatly reduced prices. s3Dawv-,.wk . a nfeAJJS'JtAJVIS UliUrHINU! Persona in 1 wanff HEADY MADE Cf.OTH. INO are particularly invited to rail anj examine ctir 8iock before pnrchasing elsewhare, as wa man u fac ia re all qualities of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, -And oar asaortmeot ef that article ia atall times laree. waica oners to purchasers a great Inducement of procuring an article or a quality which cannot be o&uined in any other Clothing Establishment in the Wo have on hand and are constantly Manufactarins GARMENTS OP EVERY" VAHTV.TV rituat THE BEBT MATEKIAIJI. IV THK StUr APPROVED STYLES, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, Consisting of SURTOUTSACK AND PELITOT OVERCOAT. v ti ... eoiors, qoaiitiee and arses, from S 60, 4 50, 1 a, ou ana upwards. iiS- SACK AND OVEKCOAT8I A large assortment of Boys' 8ack and Overcoats. 28 per cent, teas mso tha usual prices. SUPCKF1NE FROCK AND DRESS COATS. MASsraojt GERMAN AND FKENCH CLOTHS. IN THE LATEST FASHION. A LI SO I stock er TWEED COATS. PANT8 AND VEST8. Wa have a Large Assortment of Tweed Frock and Sacks, A New Article. FORE8T 8ACK8. FOR 8TORMV WEATHER, PANTA LOONS. From Super. French Doesklna." BLACK AND FANCY CAS8IMERE PANTS. Of every variety of Shade and Color, at SI, 1 50, I 75, 8, 2 50, 3, 3 60 and opwarda. TESTS. Made from rich Velvets, Satins. Cashmeraa and Ta. leoriao, aog at an. prices. XZT Kemember tbe Name and Place, corner ef PRATT ST. CENTRE MARKET 8PACE, H. H.COLE oaitsmora, ivevember 16th, TI8s. : 62'- , GENTLEMEN'S HATS. FALL STtLE FOR 1S50. SOMETHING entirely new and decidedly ale gant. , Call and examine. K. TUCKER fc. SON. August S8tb. 1850 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. CONSISTING of Jackaia and Pantaloons, at. tacbed and detached Over Coala. etc To ewe we invito the attention rf the Ladiea. OLIVER . PKOCTER. October 14. g 1851, TURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALMANAC . FOR THE YEAR. FTTtHlS Day peblubed by . IJ .. , HENRY D. TURNER .v u.u Byvu jlsv it evi us - TTTi AN AW AY from near Geercatowa. 8. C. Ia L.sl eptember last, two .Negro Fellows, ;G At ttStsO.eVA(sMU ,-.,,..! ,),, .-.4 G ABaitL is about 3S years eld. 5" feat laches high, apt very black, is vert Intelllrent aad rood Ceoser. Daniaa b years eld, 5 feet 7 laehes hlgn, steal built,' and very black p has lost one . w10 will be Dak( for eitherW there senses, de livered la CharWitoa. $200 for botk ' . V r' J Geergetoss, S. C.,Oct. 27th, 1S50 v 87 3t ' r.s v 'THURSTON'S - : ,i ,.; ('.osataajLT BrxTznooTsa's) (?r , netid of LIf ht, near lltlraeravCL, i'i ii :?. ..p. -BALTIMQR,lS,tj;1.,iEm cij OTCZHE inereaaed petroMre ef thie leaVaelahllan. aVSwed and popolar- Hotel, feeder the anseeaaeai of H present pqpprieter, has inspired bih( with farther energy ana ueiermmaitoa, and BO ezpease er attea. Uoa of his or that of hia Aseistaate will he eohred. tottaiataff With be patreas of the .PobsTiia the repautieo it held ell ever tbe eoaatry.la iu palmiest days" of BeUxkester's coadnctefahiit. r To increase iu. former nttraction'a and. eosnforta, aamg torn past sesson, ibe Hotel has nadergoae msnjr chsngea, tbe Proprietor having 'made heavy oatlays in Introducing eema of the beat and latest itnpreveflieala-wb'icfa, together wUh ita central pow tieaH being located ia the very heart ef tbebsainess Sjrtioa of the city, aad Bear the centre ef Baltimore tree! and within a few rain u tea walk of all 'the Denote and 8 team Boat Laadinge, it invitee the Merchant, the Faimer J tbe Artisan, as well u th Ma sf Pleasmrs to make tne Foeirrarw Herab hie bona danag hia sojoura in Baltimore. -S :- : xoe laaier tsepartment, ' Containing Private Parlors. Saloooa. Receutioa Rooms, Ordinary,' and extensive koites ef large Sad airy Chambers, fitted op ia a style aad elerance that caaaot fail to give astisfaetion aad eomlbit..---,yv.'-si" foKTcss are aUached to the Fstntein,1 who soay be recognised by the Badges on their Hats, aad are alwaya in the attendance at the different Dacota and Steamboat Landings, who will receive Checks, tale Charge of the Baggage aad convey t te the Hotel. ro in b ah Ji a u K3TON, rrsvristsr. 0m.s r-. s m dT xeo.oia, xeau. . , ' , . ,,..rn 1 ctnn. THE undersigned being engage, and holding a pofitioe that' brings bis services ia immediaU eoaaectioo ' with tha Gaesta of the above Hotel, he trusts, offers a, farther inducement to bie name reus friende and aeqnainUaeea of tha Old North State.' wnen luey twii oaiumorSjiosiop at Uia "X'smtfats, where he assures them they will be received and en tertained in a manner that ehall strenrthea this ac quaintance and eeeore for its Proprietor their good will ana patronage. W STRINGER, . Late sf WUmwrtsn N C February 26th, 1850. i hLadies Sboea and Slippers lTUST received, by Express, direct from the arjr manuiactory. Ladiea kid and M lorocco Walking Shoes, (Ties and Boskias.) do do and de Slippers. ' ALSO ON HAND. 1 00 pieces Light and Dark Calico, . Bleached and Brown Shirtings aad Sheetings, With a general assortment, of Dry Goods, ; Hate and Shoes, Lawns snd Ginghams, Groceries, v Cambrics and Jaconattav Crockery. . For sale, low, by , ' S. BROWN, No. 8 FayettaviUe Street. Raleigh, Angust 6th. 1850. : 63 I N Qusrts snd Pmu, just received aad for sale at ins irrug store r WILLIAMS.- HAYWOOD CO. N. PERUY, ME RCH ANUTAILOR j SYCAMORE STREET, : S dun abore Bank, PETSBUa6, ft. SUPERIOR ,. Keasly iTlade Clothlnf ,r , - AMU 1 S: GENTUSMEira UNDER DRESSV 8HIKT8, COLULBS, CRATATS, 'STOCKS; HANDKERCHIEFS, ! . SUSPENDERS, Umbrellas. Tarjiris, Sui. '' September 8th, 1850. 73 t PRESERVED GINGER, jast received by -I ) ; L. B. WALKER. BUSI.FSS COATS. ' CHEAP TWEED COAT5, at a ve- 1 ry ' low price. - K. U HARDING d CO - Raleigh, October 12th, 1850. 82 Hardware and Cutlery, &c. COLLINS dc Co'a Axes, Uandsawa, Rlea, Ae gera Chisels. ' ' ' . Hammers. Curry taobo, JKnives and Pocket aad Pen Knives, . . ., . One Set Balance Handled Knives and Forks, Pwsa, .y , .,Hf ... . v , : Balance Handled Carvers and Forks and Strela.' Bfosa and Fancy Cast And irons. Braes Headed Iron Shovela aad Tone a. , etpadea and Sbosels, Trace Chains, aad Halter chaine Cotton and Wool Cards, No. 6. 8. Sand 10. . Toilet and Swing Looking Glasses. . , Superior English M nsurd, sup, carb sods, cloves mace. Nattoegs. Spanish ladigo. copperas, fresh sad sah annfiT, pear. dor, shot, ana lead. Turpentine and toilet seep, starch, aloe thread and BedCorda. Prinve green and black Tea. ....... : . Nails and brads, cast german and'lFeter sieet ' ,l-BROWN.;"iri i : fy No. 9, Feistteville St.' Raleifh, Nov.. .nd, 1850. 'HiU : SS BAGGING ROPE ANT) .TWINE. CfJUsT te hand a good assortment, ft'; . ; ; Fhl. PECK dSOX. ; Rale&V,' 8ept It, 1850. - 4w 74 ..SBXlUll, GoaUeu. and. Parmeaaa just to nana. '. 1.. . R.TUCKER SON. Rsleitb Bept ember Si st,1 1850. '78 : 2000 Acres of Land. THE 8abeeriber is desirous of selliag hia lead;, lying within three miles of Raleigh, on both aides e( the road tdFsyetteville: ' " ' :" 1 - ; The above laad is well adapted te the cultivation of Grain, Tobaeco or Cotton, la .well watered aad hsalthvjind eaa be sdyaaugeonsly divided iate three or f oar tracts, to Suit small' farmers, or residences far perrons from the lower country. ; " Notes ait Interest, or Yonnff Neirroes win oe recviTea m mysneul.' Fsrseas desirous of seeing the above laad wiU call onthe Subscriber, or" ih his absence, hia Brother oa tha-Pvemiaaa? 1 h&l-J. -TT? y Seetlnrd 1800. J' --'- t 6 ?T -ft. 1 rti. l TTfNDS; THE COURTS ia the Coaa! Caapel Hm, N.C Hay t rt4s. n ? :, S yWHfTE wash brushes.1 i.-'i.i I K LA RGSTsurpIy of oaa auMaVjast r . Rsisfih APrUl3d fsso. ; FCH WA RDING. ' 1 WILL attend to lW forwarding Wall Goods a Wilmington and Fayelteville, at toe,aseal jeouii mwsion ; and will, is all eases, forward by first beef whkeat refereaee to fic& Alt orders for psreJiaaara'' wHt be strictly stteadei to.' - Direct le eare of ','.4-, W. BRANSON ' FayetUville aad WilmiDgteev i April 18. 1850. J. D. WILLIAMS F0RWR0IN3N3CHJIVal3 ...) , i'ATETT.l.Tl'lJ l.'B, lith, 1850.,,. : ,.. : fc . .juiiiijr, utauiiOs , ,, ZTIHE Suhseribsra, takeeeeaaioa U iaform thadrj sjea frienda aad the public generally, that they wilt. carry en the baainesa, ia all ita brancbea,t the same. stand 1. and ,tbat no e&brU aor expense will be , spsrsden their part to Sccommodste tna Irsveljiar. , comwaniiy. t Couveyancei, with good' horses aaeT careful drivers, will be furaiahed at all times and at short notice J" and in ' laaL every convenience' ie travelling, in the way at 'r . 'V ' HORSES.1 CARRIACIS, BU8GIE3, &.; . wiU be a pelied ea tbe snoot, favorabla esd aecema". daliag Uraa. (.,;v1ia' M- : . ... The Subscribers also expect to keep eaaataaUV i, "HORSES, BoGSIES,' CARRIAGES, &,Ca And persona wisbinifu pat oat their Horses t& , tbe week, or month, or year, will have tbesa wsu!, auaaded to, at moderate prices. Their Stables are an Wiimiagten street, just to the East of Market SqaafeV. Hoping to receive liberal eneoaraeemeat. the an-' derrigned pledge themselves to do an ia their pi er te merit public patronage ana favor. 1 c oUFFALOaT COOKS. ' Raleigh, April 5, 1850. - . .!.:i-'.S. i,. SKetchesr of NortK Carolina : ; Biattii'i Ford, Iincola Po., N. C. . i October 25th, 1850. ' - A" WORK will be peblbhed by the undeniga-' ed this Spring, entitled as above, riving as as ' curate account of eaeh County in our State, Ahjbs-' betical order, the derivation of Its' name, date of fttV motion, Ita Colonial and RevoleMoaary HMory, a Biegrsphy oriis dlatiagaiahad eitiieas, aa see ante . list ef its represewtatioa ia each branch of the Oss oral Assembly, Us Towns. Rivers. PopuiaUoa, Eei sou reea. Prod sets, and. Topography, -v. The andersigned has lor many years beee eollel-', ting sad oondeaaing the material for this worker The archives of ear own Suu have been earef bHj4 examined, and oopioua extracts made from ha re-, cords. Ha has procured from the o&ce of the. . Board ef Trade and Pkntation la London maarr valuable documents. . Bars and reliable works have,' been purchased' from abroad; touching thO earlf history ef oar State, aad each County, which have i sever aeea the light. - He has been kindly aided be1 ' gentlemen' in different sections by copies of origi nal 1 documents, and raithful f radkional statemeaU, hh-' ly important and interesting. i1 s,i; ;T Ha dees not aspire te the poaittoa ef the Hlaterl; an, but hopes (rem records end atratietieal facta to' a.'' ford matariala to other and ables hands for this plea i sing end less Uborioua daty. ThUf work, ! nvAevi ped,will be useful ss a book 0 refere.nee to the atajtesyj nun, sad acholar, and mea of business er leumrevrn Oosaaional extra cU have been published in th'ey 8undard and other papers of this Sute, , ever tb.s0 signature of ' Tacitus " . , ,j , The History of North' Carolina & yet to be writ; ten. Tha remark which one of the ablest rtistorlans ' of the age (Bancroft,) has been compelled to male. that "so cerelesaly has tha History of Nertn'Caro-1 line been written that the name, wen ts and vnd.ef the first Govenor is not knowo, is a refleotios apes; as. Aa examinetiou er4he early nistory of the : Cenatiea of North CsreHaa shows a record of the-1 parest' patriotism snd indomitabls eeursge, . Tbbt record b abweoverad by ths dost of age and unkaevra-i byaegjeet. U is a debt which the present patraeU, tioa owes to the - past ss well aa the future to ar : serve ths memorials j for it often oeears' in the his. t tory ef oar race, that facta knows to- ooe generatios are eontroverted by the. next, and at a aacoeeding . period are considered as doubtful legends, uawortbyp of historical faith . Our Mecklenburg DeelsratM-it of Independence la May 1775, had alnioat' Usa, ajC, illustratioaofthislrnlb. - ' VT"' These are deeds which ahentd net seas away, And names that most not wither i though the eartb ' Forgers her empires with jest decays . ...- 'V' L The eaolaveis as the saalavad, their death uT This work witf be illustrated with a Mi ? c f lie sute, from loiestsarveys, saa taaiadinz lis asw -Counties to this data, and. sketches ia Engravings of, : aoma or her oeautuui scenery. . ti wvi.coniaia aoous SOrynavSa.' and be furnished at one dollar w mbvv Sabscriptiens will be reeeived and the beak' farabadi at different poiuta of the Sute. rjtn jnU.H,WHLEK. ARRIVAL" OF 1ttt SUBSCRIBER weald reseeofelry eeel te Cforgymea, LiWarisneV had all sthers la want tef books in any Srparunent ef IJteiature- ! sr publisbed in Europe or the aUaiieet States vantages oiaered w obtaining them throegh'hiia' whether the advantages agency r"f JJi 6 S - .Jk: IHI1 2"4;i-tSiCI-: The publication' of ibe IrBdhig aeesee ef thieovsP try are generally found upas hie shelves, and ieee- risbly snpplied at the psMieliers lowest cash rlce whodier for the ajagle eofy or by the etoaaihy. n lmiHrtatiotorDookaaVf' OtttfA FROM EUROPE? :---.V :V? ForelfTt Ileiejiw, WOTtedt to ;erdeir,'. bjff nteaeaev et packet, with the greatest poosibio dsspaicaV aw fiat4iae laweet rstes.s.. f '-J ,'-' Te enable oar caatorsers to eafeuUm wirreetly fbay soan of their orders bse aradinihear. we haeea.' depted the follow ing'low seals of erieas.f-ii.ja,' i From aBftaiJld.new Books at ftsa sj& Books at SS esnta persuiUing".-. :J w, ,p ct Frdrsaa Fnaskaie). new'r Books at 35 esntav -ehi, Book a, as 50 eeU pec fraae.'-. rati C h 1 9 Wtptn ermAny, New Books aV J7 a&u eld Books at It per thaler. 1; ;i t From Delftxio. sew Books at 10 asabii eld Books sl80 eeois per fnaa .:' uiA: These rates are ly f ackef j when steWse? bj Steamer, an advance taebargeaVv .,; , :Vif. 0y Books hnponod apoe these rsjea to pe Beiai for upon dsUvery otherwwe, an adiawca' wtlt he atargeet."V'- 'T'-'Vfl' ,-:vM-H-l,rCa-Z . . A soUretkw of Csfalognas sfshlsnd aaw beokfi lo which additions ars constanUy being xoedsVee, always he eoasalleJ at my store. V . - .' . )'"', 3: We are sloe ia lbs mosthly receipt of parcels aT'. CaUlogsea firum the various sees J bead keek ea dietfibnle gratuiu-usly le all wheesay ansa thesa. 3 ,tCf AWrican Pubbeatioasslwaysea aale,or sup. pfaed te'Order, wUhoni'aay aJvanes ed Eastern p?rV ' J.'o. rwai'BKB,xfi saiumore Bt. -fliiiors MJ, Ocl.tTih: 1850, . -4w 87 ' a'!1 '-ii .!J u'i:l -i " ! - 4' .,i l'4 i i. i - . ' toe Apple sad Gashes Chaaas, jest raiei fit.vwaoy . b,.tuia&a e euv October 21. 1830. 85

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