' . - - x paaai M,tl,)IBWW,,B1,1BB,,,,,BB,B1,l,11,,,,BMt,,1MMla m RAIIIIII MlliSTER r 1 SH-I U.VXAM.MJm. ftft- ..n . w i vn n-rr.EL? j li PUBLISHED 5 w rf",1;" " "T7 by sEA:r(OAg:?g! editor iridraETOvJ! TEkMSH'. For Ue Semi-Weetty?i'aper,J iruu)i For theVeekTy Papcrr $3 per sunuroi ? fiat f Worth CarOIiiiar., gj Cocirtr, Superior Louto1 uaweptetBDer Naucr cuiaeeatn .X ( ftiiian for Di crcr . eath: "' ' Jf'a,rl: ve nn W Colbreath: In this casc.it appfc injpthst a oopy.'of th Felt lion and Subjwne werejseied 4 tbe Defendant in. wanner by lie Statute ih'suctr case is required,' aud ihe return ibettfWn'liwBWM-ine Oetentann uot to b f..nler'iai'i-pbliJ,yiai! ihr Court H-tiee vrtyl4orfce' fendant t Bpperaad.anwweas vaimsDjraded by tbe, rful-poena, .nd tha eaid defelidibt laibiis;t it ..ordered by the Court-.Jb.it pk-buu ' three moniha be made inh KleiiUgiW5;na-inj the "K.U-ish TimrNia1GTa' t-aU l.reath to appear at-th,si (MarchTt, of this i- i t ii k. k.iAt.ilXoart House infix for, um- the l i Monday of March oext.and anwertl, f iait.4, nlf Pernioa. . ' .. h W itnesa, Benj COook JterktnursajJ Sup . rier Court; uOxford; rM tm3aoTSpHjaUr V-BEN J.-C. COOKE C.S.C. - ' 8tpC CJaiL. IS50j -'ii -. ,-,.. 97 Jin- otate North i;aroiina,-BaivivLs O Cowstt Court rof P iai Q.urter Senioci; NoTemberTem 1850: - Oheliah Wiaaton ' Will aod-TA.mcnl f . T9. jJ-of Moae -WiBMOfl, it k; m.ile ia rrvAr to the Battsfactiaaaf Utc Conrr, ilia t'athariaa Venaf ifBifixvW'-) Bj, Martha Feacr.-nft aran-t-A jeacaaase Teace, Jmea.A, Pee&in-eieacXaviiaaf:. p-. Martki H. Peas beirii of. the next of kin TiO Oars at law tJtheatjTiHosea Wmston dec'd .y. .. tuseihec arith'tita said EUekRl Feupy.and Jha G Peace, joiweidenta of this Sut4 Jkt. is threfore orJrrecL.lbiU -puoiicatiaa oa aa lor 8(z succeke werka. in the .CriEh Regiler, newspaprpab- hshed m tne Vy I fciaieiea, waroiug iae aia hod mi.lanta to b ani appeir at lha ensuing nrr!nof the wurt at rieacatia4incr ocsions in dp neiu for ike Coaniy of (rsavtlla, at tha Caurt House in Oxford, oa the SratAlondvr in' February next, and becuu parUas t thetaiue-aiWcaajd, if they ahall rr cauao- ,r JS -- .-: - Witan-s. AugoAiae Laadia. Clerk- of the aaid Court, at office iu 4)ifori. the 2?th day of Novem ber, A. lcjO- . i, - , . A,LANDl,;;iark. December 4 th.r (Pr. Aaa.S3 63, cto.) i 6w 98 SIRAT.TON'S: New rLotterOfflceV OPPOSITE THE FO ST OFFICE Pelfrsbnr?, Ta:ie- D. PAINE C0,v mANAG EKST I would call the ttenUodf aJanlure ta tha spUndid LoUetKs ! b drawirawu ; ordera'for nckeU in all lotietiea. under the niwat fopaUl otan aKcmDt ot Messra. paioi o.willjnaet with prompt aud coufidential ailanlion. hf aildrrwed la ? r " "It STK CTTO N . j ; . IWubvrrrat, The same brilliant luck aa heretofore atlenda aden-' to rera in L oturiea aader the niiDijmeht of tha old aaiabluhed houaa of PAlN't;of Thf fbt leries coi.tmua ahead of all bihera Three aptandikl capiUia of $10,000 aeol lo' lh;-Virjiaia" afency th. mt mmmk. iu ad Jilioa 'to w&kh.lba. foJl.iiia were aeot and sold in' their J.otUria.an4- paidv al X W hole 136.000 J Whoto i'iM.BOO Whole 30,060 1 2 of . KU.tlOO W hola, of 26,000 8 f I . V And innumeraWa ami Her ones ran pnr; from S30U to SOUO. If larya prixes are wanted,' adUrcae - II arATTUiY, Faiarabare, Va. SPLEXD1D LOTTERIES . Suauuehanna" Lottery, Clai'4,'t.. WdrawnPOn Wednesday, -December 25Lhe V -; 75 Numbers.IS drawu-agrand lottery tic parksje-, 15 drawo ballots in each pcksja al litickrta, 1 Pnra of " $10,000 11 Tti i of Vi-lW 2,500 1 da 7,500 1 Jo r t -'J,50 1 do ." 00 .25 oV r ; 700 Tickets tiO lialra 5 Qoarters-j'sp. CeruficaUs'of s package pf W'liulea 129 , HslsesjjusrieraO, MA GXiFICpyrLQTtER Y For Saturday, December ISfh.. . y . $61 37(, S:J3.("J0, t&JVO. Grand ConaolidaW CJm B- to. W drawn eajSat urdaT,peceniber Sih, V , 78 Numbers, 12 drawnJowet 3 No jriiar $2,000. I Puis of 6! 37(11 a !" . ' svv I do 1 d I J. 35 000 25 0J 15 QU9 s a - rr- rS son 5 3a1 3 a!a - . . 3 500 zust at 2 0U0 I Am. ID 0O0 I tV .'A s Wk..lcTiekeca 25 HaWes 12.53 Quarters 8.5. Cartificata of a Package of W&ole's $350, uroiiortjoa. . fjy Orders meet aremet altrnU0Drs forwarded toioieditli receipt. CT" ParticxiUf ajteotioo paid la aonntry-aorres- CJ?- All baasneas datta attJaoffica, yj?Q dentiat. rf , f " "! V CJ-For tickeu in Ura aboraria anxiix)Uflry j . . dw'.i,.!. (I'm ou dollar to"! drawn dail y,Prea ftticketa.. uornoua .floiiar taaotr. ,!., ! h ..nrmt of M est r.. J Tn neTaPt iDu,.raui.iTiwii vmr oan A. Co.. send trf, H. sTttAlTOr, FetrbU The CaawcIl infemaloImfitttteTlk .Vim KattE. KemgzSAstUltTtrticii er'of Ornamental JJrancnrt, THE Sabarriber. aTailtBthiins'eifvOf tsewell k'wn heaithiaess of this sitftauoanaa jjndertskeai i-miI- arrived) received her education at some of the ' bet iustitu) ions ia the country, and has cea hif h-M- ly successful aa a, Taeber. iTestimpnial? W 4aW. most cmnaerrdabla ckaracterniexhihifelffl .1 , gentlemen of ;he fjrat, respeetabrtity.rfc';,s ' .1 Tbe coarse of atodie.wiUaow embrace alt. the' J branches, solid mxA wrnamentaLl wsoally .tatsghti.tnr Female Seminaries of te hif her, class, .Thojputp- 1. ne gnveraHiens a bixm:!. vut iiixv jjviu..-.vi , i . . . . L . . . . ,i n ... n . i i.iia . ry. r or rspiu progresa anut eupf norai"oc"' t in Music. Drawing, Painting an i Ernbroi JerftHtsrJ ' believed that tbi Seiool how aztt verri fenuiua , ... - ,-:.-!V'aSf'M The Subscriber will -devote ona halt of hjatiipe I at tins scloit, inseonnectiQB.witn tne van tuver I,..,;,.,-. .,nt t;nninV- t -iV . .v- Board, ine'uding ?.wahipg' ;frorta'7;ipef( tnonia Pupils sre required to board ui famines a'p- prmei oy tne piiuvir. . . : , j. i ., : : : i I ne rin - . . ei. k Januarv. Kirlr atteatinn is reouesteJ .J fasv'af pn.cu.aole. Charge win be murf from tha Itme'of t-ntering to the clo oPtkVeeisioa," and "nVdetfuct. lion maile fw abseaee except fori protracted illness, Terms per Session of fict Months. ' ,v r Tnitton. nceordmr t i studies pursued from 3 to 31 ln.i (D;.. .ilk m....lw.tw iKr.a - n z& " pT week, with an extewtfed aerieBV1-aT'WTi j L-4l t xerciaes, for ctiivjliug- the vjcai--, , ter the moHt imf rare I Enrojjiiijbdj20 fji Praam?, faiuiinz ta. water colors.. CtTl. L - , gnplnc. .uonochromatit .aitttluir, Z I. r.mUroiJery, each - T Kiencb, t ,e ft . w w GPyj.D. 3t 99 isai to nteeiiog tne waou oritTrsTicinirj, ui ."'riv j patronage from abroad. Ha baa aceorJingly. P"-U. rd o paias inproenring ansitant po.ves 5"; hiliesluBlifictious. Mis KeHocz. fwho L-s "tfe ay--,....' I I I 1 I III CrriZrV. PrrtQtrtet ani Ventre Market Vri fit; t . .J 1 . i BlTim-'tJf'TH B ;ABOV B ESi I - labfSf v 11. tit ;woli tospfctfylly iafjrro tb4 citizens fcf North vafoiwim and Qtberallhai tc btre-. ceited from LuropeV , , , x ."scuii-r. wn.iia titu asiuJiiuieni.oi uooua auaDCfttr tii.tne coiHiiijf sfsson. cnfiina -of - A q LIS H I ULDT if Si U A STO K- U EA'V tiWf. . iyn a importeu Uu are.consrapUy jeceivinzt New Stjle of VESTING!; cbnriatMig of plam and Flfiired : '.t SILX. ANU..WOOLE.N J VEiyBT;-. priGUJtEDJNDTItlPED:,: UASHMEKE s: SI LKS . S ATI N ! A iN D f At aSf -, "XIAS. ot all ahaJe. inJVoW "i""!'?! c'i -ovr ousTuMprvosirY i i U C UT A N D A UE feiheW mannered m" Vi?jar(f StjtendV'okmansbip,,ii 'jwafranid (..cire entire utiiactton, 8 nil at greatiT reduceii prices. iylt: keady:made ccorrriiNfT!:' lN'GFe pirticuUrIy'iaiieJ call ani eiaminec-. rAnd ooi'afijio'rlmecLorihaiarticle u stall times farce. wntca ouera topurccajferaa greatnduremeBtar (jrutunug in nucic wi uimj ,w u ic u ca nooi as FROM'THE BEST M ATEBIALSJ ' IN 'THE MOST APPKOVED STYLES. FOR PALL AND'WINTER-WEAR, ? Cnsirn of i aa- f SURTOUTS'A CXA ND PELITOT Of all colors, quakiend it4, from $2 50,-4 50, 4 75, & 60 an4 upwafJa.-. ' , , Ti P0 YS'sACK AND DVERCOAT8 ! ' "A laisinrtWni of BnjaSack and Overcaats, 20 perTcenti4fihan if euidaf ne. """ NIIPEKFINE FKO;irAriD DRESS COAT, ia9Vt;it t-MADs raox j.-- f GERMAN AND FRENCH CLOTHS, J' IXTHE LATEST FASHION. - , A ItlCt STOCK flF . - r -J:-,4.4ihvEEDp COATS. " av fc. - t3'PANTSAND VESTS. a-iif We hae a Ir$a Afworttnent'of " , v .TwceU' Frock and SackaJ", ,l ?iiT 1'A'"- A New-AnicU. ' V;.' ;'L jTOREST SACKS. FOR 8TORMY WEATHER. Frbmiia'per. French Doeskins. " " T i B L A CK- A N D FANCY CASSIMERE Of,eery Variety of hadaand Clor, at'Jl, I 50, I 75,' t 50; 3, 3 50 and upwards." ' rMade from lich Velrl,Saiina. Cashmerea a WiM-iManJartirpMcW v nd Ya Tyterh1:rn5rtlreme,,aha nfcYkrtieaf w. PKATT tfTv'ottJENTR B MARK ETS PACE, H.COLE,: Daliinwre. iNoTernrriatb. I84. -v, - 64 rafja aDoaafIedeIlyrbepreUiest,ai5lea in ctarket an 1 f fl ; . At MlHIIINn A I'll'K x Ualeih, Nov 14lh, 1 ?50 a'j.T-. 9am . v" iVJT- r.. t AiMn -nuns. r . j-'. t IROP ari85. for- aHh-Dro-r?or5of- Vtaff W ILLLTMs; HAYWOOD CO. :iTlii Jl U M 1 U IS IIU1 (.LiU . L.T2? ' ' ft-7 . . T WAilUVOniA. ' ' u . ' rwr-v.v.r.. TIIIS ESIBOSHMENXhsa been $e.nVXJ,'w',Pi.B tJMJtne-L, near SMamrae,t wnioa- iSjCoDTenient to tbe Xasiaess parta W tha. City, also" to the f City Hrf!l,JndSt.eipnWcuildfnjrs ;! and" within a few minxnes walk of tbe-principai Steamboat Uo- The Proprietor from his loagexperience in the busiDeksin the Cits of New. York, (h:triur beeu con i fnecited with Ubrefoy, Hotel for aeteral'years) feels conSdent 'tkat tbosewbo may visit kas.Hoaso'vul rjuataerainejCwtauwia (pi n dohi.'", - -tyj o - v .:-a m! acta 'x. ioio- 8REBYritienTthatab nhe next Ue-scxal'-Aasembly of, tbe Statw' pt UT, LACK PrtiKo'CiothV' '9 'U3 BlactToak'iii CiftVimer? t?Sr ; :4Jf "TtM - VVifx; eny Csiiiiarea a ood asaoftrnent,''. ' i a . ar tBateiahaOTtW.l S5P V rWlJr 7V i . . - - 1 Xbe Freorietor. iavius; . made tlie. t Itl I . 1 VUUUAV AJAI .A 'new fticle rorV'YERSl CKA XI) B L'SlJSESk P9." C J.?nf Betaken: The Sub !C.1T&" AjTso, tVplcndid-srounwnl of ' , f fty tupplyXco-ra-'afid fodJ qi vne moljesiaule 4 ciiumea in unj uibec iiolbiu tuiabliiiamenl to tbe r '7 ' J.-f i.- i - - . 1 , We nave on hand td sre constantly nianaracturing "O'AltJfEyTS OF j EVER Y VARIETY? t II f F : notice , . -r-, , XPPLlCt(ON wrir Jbamado tbe next Gene. erslA srrjb1y,r . pBSs an'act I ulo emancipate 'Jaji U t1fhariaao tha 5qoaty VTNarthaaiIn1 ft KtSept.9th,'li50.i '. cffWCwf V JSarth Catoliiia tor , an ae SannearnoraM UalaicL ,-ahaiesjB 1 tLa'pter ,Na lOjtoyal AVchjUa-ons. i .v. ' J oa acawioga Rt-ei2h.iOct4 lflh. 1S50. " lv l ira 83l i I ' mm.Aj m. n j-a - w ai a-a mr-r. aorWa . "S aaB rrT niKU U aTW aV PPTaT tMI T"tJ " Oa . .tr..l... LtteJ lUI'll... l..r.lln. .UJ'..... i. 1 , r, i. " - ' -' V i T .17; " i Vv.-i (Awania o( hi tnenaa ancua4aoraeaaatockatriat ' l Bed Bltnketa. -rarioos stxand Omlrtles. . f v . Tp .. tr2 - l. .u- ii . s .'. -. t "i.arui lavoraviT cvbwfv.miu urKiriiuw oiaia . vv bH. and BUck Oonon tfd'f., ; v Vndwbich .hadataTrminlo Ml at.ueh i-nrae.. ."H"SBiL!f,"a h.;U .' K?FlnZ li e4 fa price.; th.f all he desirFs'i. lo gia faiof a , . - - - j-i iiriVn eri.-n" 4 aho.01r.5maa.corr,f 1 and next door to Messrs. J, ,. ,n , m',t .r4.x:yft.urrt:rj"" ' ' ? -h ':t TiTTZl M .'ISUB. miyt AJWII CmmiaaiaiaLJt.J1 ' i j 1ll'JlOVira l JbOjmsja ..-r f,.-T" tiore"'T "" TTf" W a MKiy,arucIa offxonaera Uned tfaar ,1 . i rfii-'.. m : a .-t.-r'-ra ?'': taafce.-TT?-w..J.. "aNjl7.v. 1 . - ... ''.i',. i i'.-.rj Wn'i. - oumerndiomeiBianu wcioia WW .-ai b.,fint . - . - . . , a.-j , a".i at ratxat ntv lea.u laox. anir neurett AwmrrM ijj , u : ..rrKiai-rrw Viv, ,i-J2ft'.j-.--ej' -r" ,lr A-r. i',! -r rmere TlsirlAI-fig- 1 W W i r ;ir OTlJ-; - w4f M ;i-p-m-, JsccOrteVf oplBiootarivl tanadH)oolft " VTTAiiWT: eaAV ' T'5-f '.'U aebjlrirnjnidgrVTbeaaW . v 'ft,tf - w Linen and (jHmorj&H'kTa. uouob.ic iiiii :JTirri.2',r.'.n r--..."v fr ' ' T Vtv .-i4 J P:vH-k'.,'Pu,i0 ni finVed JBoh,ne-t: i SetLifTrLw'i ; W 'f , fhl-ment oV.eUWg.indri ii. - 4 essrrrnhffHftrj' , . 'r 7. t f Mnfajrt'fWH ' !rH.u ,.iV:y-, - 1 si as i , ..1... - . . 1 aj. w. a.- a a. a as a k. aa-a a s 'vw:. Man. 7 i--' .'.V' V V Jp '.TT4f WMrssesShaewafle Vi; .'li! . J"l-r-ie., 1". . liAJuiiiato'iumalOft.'iiiuth M.1arV, asuaUvoand i.t f tired -"in a semtiaya'ta offer ia tha .Public. . I. i, HI.; t; . i N ViT hsimilaf well selecte. Wrulucnts. .foAtV Qftoerf4! f:rvj. srstf-."Jr. t - r-.- v av. J.a. nn T'.V! .rrt" ' l. ' 7.. "eim' c x-...i v. c i ioiji r . thiTcomm. pity?and 'surrvuading jcountryBOw. 7"'? 4Ah- i hate aa opportb; ty oX.pstro-auiuftlielr'! eri kck, Jeajts, baiunelsTfe Uck aSu? jVf-,3 :hBt. .T,6oae.wioi Tig g u I.TT iTT .yffl ' " , a! apir'eLblUBatrirrie4p FlanneL alfoJ. jtMtlTayilinl andeetslg. ,.jr?rvf. Htiea.vI6isinst:MrjrUlit , : I'ick- 1 1 I x..a iLS .inh at S tv a IMII l - I , aTUkflt P4 A. I BI11.IS w . v ' ft- v - v wa v. " . . 1 7 J . - " ' - I f cutting Genflemeh's faihionablelolhine hiastady.Tgeoknr Ghijeee.-.Bhinket ancom. in taev mo lasaioruiuia ftviiiea. iui .ui: jofti - ibose vno?oniy .wintnen carmen i ci"Ht a4 them warranted f fifc ataTt JBoderSf e prtea,4 UeDtleiBen's carinenlif -iiUerea anuv repaired ar-iaq. . . ... - . - ' . .. . ft Al. ahartrxt not 10. - " '. -...,. . - ' f t The 'tr. Ydrknf-IaFishloris fot 001 the Fall snd VV.aJaa jwst awcov j. r . . - - f " - -r ja-ikers,io whom the h'snest I "Kate5h,OcT.14ih, 1S50V no w prepared to g; s:J t sTuot pu. t au w p.t pnxwant. their clothing ma.!, Gentleniej fucuiabing, elqih and triinilngsvaiUthnaive enjpToyinent j prAj ia tha CKvif Rafcieh?" W"' t -V ' 1 8.fisWiba respectfuUy 1,-fornrth; Mem! sotbe approaching Leg'ijlatnre that iall f niHE Subscriber in(t f u 1 1 i ji.bars of the approachiogH.egVla(n'ra that iels prapared'to fdrnjib t'eri aritw,f e oftriem witkJodgl inga andboilrdfHt the UNIOXiiOUSErtuflaoorf 'di8taca7rom'tl.a CplioU':V .X t hV . ..The Stbit!ri)erwin prosiilo cflnortaaTXforaai arfd good; tare, at such prices as tbe rimes aird mar4 kre&w nBrdlfe plidges "himself Ifiat ho paias .qr- Lepaco'n,' er on hanu,ncj jrxjl he horses f aucit"a rtakenbare of. e is about onavf hundred yardfji-om theCapitdl, antfone door to tha east'of the Baptist 'Church. " -fs.ay. ' .rJ ,f v'S ' AMES H ALT? RaleTrh,-SeptH7tn ItSO. t 'a Ta.lr. 12 SiS'yi . :jTF.C!tS21Si :'K WCtVouutrjj?.. llarrenComi- cucr Wiiii IIoopeav;Prf . ir&M,t ft A.l .111 I 1 ,- -xtiu,-wti wiaae cany application, NoT22ad850rWAk . 95 . TbA8taadatiiNwbeYhiair(,Wdth n. Comrpftrci a I yil pUm"bJ we Insertions. 'a - -. -. . . Tha best Pamily Medicine now heforo Uie public. " It Ids been ertnipiit.i". tiiat flaring theTlai!t. 'twenty -roars, three millions of persons hare -annually been benefited by the;nse of ' these Medicines ; a lacl which siinkwTOlumesH in fa-r of tlu-ir airaiive properties a am-rfc trial" vill place tlM'in beyond tlHnachif oouinutition in tlie etimatiisi f every p:UJeirt jlly tlieirtise the o-l f rtMvil t a pure aid hmlilir tta!, freeil i frortt'all impuritie. Tlieaysteni. rtt reduce I, during, their operation, but iuvigitj.il. jumI, tbcy rwpiire no restraint from bngiesfi t pte-.viiie. Hie "-tifflictetUnav.' in Moffat'a Life-Fills and Phcenix Sitters, a renutlv ilt-t will do' ortlieinal,tktiuvlKUiecaJi possibly etfet-t. Th genuine of tliye raediciiK's are m!W nut up Mwtth a fir 'steel jensjraved wnipiKT an-1 Uibel, ark I copv right secured accorjini; to tho Lw of the ' United State; 4. Prewired by W. fe. MOFFAT, -JL D.t 'ew-. . York...r; ... -1 : -.-;,' - F"c sale by VV. J. J. RYALS ; ltaleigh. Aug. 2Tihw 180. v 79 ly . ' f PHIS School will be opened for the Teceptioof - - MFupils, ou tha 1st MomJay ol February, lo50. I ne academy ia loeatrd 9 miles wet ot Uxlof-i, In a ncighorhood ' proerlial!y healthy , and th- pupiU will' have every facility 'tO atfenil dline svorship a Ibera ia both a Bapiit- and Precbyjerian" Church within one mile of tne Academy. ' Tha trustees hae secured the services of Jese Smyilh. a Gemlemart of 6nnJeral)!e ex(erienre as a Tescner and Well gua'jtird to prepare hojs for Col lets. The irriet are Jeieriiijne.l lo i-usiiin a' go.wl Schoot iri TbeK"neighfiofh.rIair ot themvaving children eTrJ'ovi nliileit.ij iTe.'anif bae ifferefore pdt tuition at tlie foll .win? eiy low rales i ' SpeUlngJisdiHg, V(UM'S and Art- ' ' - ihmeiic . .. L , $5 per sesain Enghb G.rsramar(and Geography, $7j0 f da The hkher brahcues or Engli.h, 8' o' The Lai.suageo.v'V i J12 50 . d.i OWJ ,hard, can- be had in highly respectable Families at $5 per month. Any inf wmatioti with tetsid t said .Kehool rniT he hnd. ! addressiiiff Lewis P. AileDfTar Riser Pot office, GrauTille December 4ih..l850. , , . , .99.wtd 1l T ftew Store!anH.WeW,GodfIs !" RALEIGH N; C.VT ft.-yj m "- e-v--el jWpoori' aboVcJ Kir hard 61X111 a v. - - jOldibltnJr. ,.i A.LEXR CitlEE.HkeaZreat prjd iTUft iileasure in snbouueing jo tbe ciibeaaof sr-r ft -.--,..rjati..j J-IJec: VNS-OUO ' 75 IVos.li:dra'n, 81, 35,. - aalCftOext aaaarom will -Tom mence on-tha first DecM, 52,50 75 ,os. 14 dra'n, 15. 190, I huraday jn Jannary. It is requested iht those wlm Ktec16, ,9,000 78 Nos. Udnt'n, - 2J, '35, 4 feigbjand tbe surreupdinjCouoiry, that he as juQfol 'received from tha-JVortJaJd'now apened. for.Va'le ft" and lusprAuTuv a jTO xJlv Uk'M OOusr salotted by iueueit with gn at csre'ndwil.h aa eye aiogJauoahe nd not 16 grac"hisaheWes; Jod-alNih aaksii ta Va hrm'I 'veTymall auajoaoiftnrVpfwsvaaa t .t. .enc V"VMia.y u, wyju siwnuicui - . i HMWi.wvrJv'iifti. .- v. " - m Jjf v Raleioh.Oct. 26th a5l.f . : T t.J St 6t .. I1 i ' ' 1 I I. . W t: - rrr . f I "rr V.SYi ltsiait t!d .i.d.f iitle. , 0!' OHBIgB , styjee, ol jjavi l'oib aim.iiK, i-utsn. vapa, uenue tnenV Buia and f hoes, Boys and Negroo's'do.Cot : ton' Cards, imurel. as, & tA ifey 7 Dorg i him a tfalfand ybu'will not Jegreftt. a if J"mrrrat lotewf SomWfRBnd.Fall ppats'4,,Tiinooifisrtrt :chataclej' aud 'ouirlificafion I H ' .... 1 I) - ft . ... . 1 V . two. first-rate voav cjoa,:i44aii;ui-ici.-',,- . . - . - sires wui o civeu. - - . !a2..6',r,ft.s Aurw42,lS50. 69 &"2$Jt. Qold VQf fl.I1f If- J&? f 4i "Jbe Jearn, prixe;teiiders of MajVlandv! r 1 U fjia.4el L:. J jPldentHtrtMR'Uprd by Cktrresportdentsfi feaualltMj those sold last month ! 4-, '-"1it J otbersVamauailnr to upwards1 of-iS'" 1 ,500,000 ;j0 LLf 4 It! LW askdiiteutroo.of the Dublictoihe folfowink Dec,2. 810,000 J7aNoa. L5Jra,n.JK2 Jt32 PP. ?.'U?,000 I Noa-as'draUj. Ai OOOlt7 NoiO-'-dra'a. 1, 150, 29 f-vw-va). "J". a. ' Uil Ui a , "a ; Dec. 7,-40,009 ;7bos. li dra'niJl. 1 DecO; -'iB.000 H5 'Km. H drVu:r2T.f 1DW 4U F3 8 Dee.li,5ori,700'7S'Nes. 13 dra'n. 1. 'l5.',3l Dee. 11, 30.000-7tfNos. I3ru'h,? 130321 17J 8 48 81 DeoJ7..20J)00-75.Nos. 12 dr'an; -5."'70. 17 430.-10, 'SS.OOft, 75 Nos. Igra'n, 10, 120,0 Dea-19,25.000 75 JS'os.13 dra'n, 6, -83,22 Dec. i0,. 10.000 75JVosJ2 dra'n, 2, 37,0 Dec2l,,40)Ott 75 N.os. 13 dra'n, -10, 130, 32$ Dec.'23. 12.000 75 Nos. 11 dra'n, 24, 39, 8 Dec 24. 5 of l.ttOO ) , . .-, 5 of 300 72 11 dra,D h Dec, 25, 30.000 75 Nosl'5 dra'n, 10, 12030 "Dec. 26, 2-.S00 78,Nos. 13 dra n, 5, 7o77 Dec. 27. 4 ot 20.000 75 Nos. 13 dra'n, jJ7: 9i Dec. 28, eiTOS.OOOS.OOO, 15.000, 5 of 7,500 6t. 78 Nos 12 dra'n, 35, 350, 87 j Dec. 30, .9.000 7et Nos-16 dra'n, 2, 30, 7$ Dea 31, 2 of 3.000 ) r , , j , , , , , aof j,ooo.7S?? 11 dr"' 15 3i . One Order has secured n Capital Prize ! All communications strictly confidential. Letters contniDiog enclosures of Bank'-notes' IraAt come aafe directed Colvin Co., Baltimore, Ml- ' DOrders aoliciter for tick rof packages of tickets In any of the above splendid. lotteries. C" Corresponded. la cau Irdiisact bukiuean through the mails with this agency, as well as though 'per sonalty present.- r i- Letiura Carefully directed and "answered by return mail., , Colvin el: Co. seud mauagera official drawing to all who order tickets. : ' fCT" Hank notes no all good banks in the country, er frize tickets received iu payiueut, at par, lor tickeU. - f - Prizes Cashed at' aiht. Btuk drafts ''remitted " te Uhoae holding prizes''! " .All orders are carefully complied with. - Tha most prompt attention always giveu to orders.' , Please add resa. . . COLVIN iV CO, TV .j . - y ,J .-. Baltimou k Mi - PleasantGroveAcademy, . ..t , North Car.ollna.'.. THE Exercises of thia Institution will commence ou.Momlay.theBth of Jauuary nexiinder the charge of Mr. Edwia L. Barrett, a. geatlemaaeminautiy qualified to instruct iu all the4ranchea tanghl in pre paratory schools The Academy will be neat -and comforuble, situated about 200 yaVds from tha res idence of tbe subicriber, knowu to b one of the most healthy Iucaliohaialha State, and equidistant TromLouisburg and tbe Sbocco Spiiuc. . Board can be had with the 'Subscriber, at $6,50 per month, aud also in the families of Mr. Josrpu J Johes. Mr. Thorms Person, Mrs Eliaaoeth Branch and others, all convenient to the Academy, at tbe a bve rates. v.: Parenis and gusrdians may rest assured, that ev. ery.attention will be paid, both to tba tuoraU aud literary pursuits of the students ; aud owiog lo the heaUhiaess of tbe situation, the purity of to water and? tjte morality of the neighborhood, tho public aud particalarly thuse living in tlie lower couutry .would dofWell lo give thisnstitut ion a trial. '., luiTton. raa skssion v . .'., For iLe Lanirtauet, and higher EnfHiih.t branches Xower Enzli-'li branches. 9 I 11 -Address the Subscriber, Louisburg. N. tl 3 4 - , WAI. J. BRANCH.' December. 1st, 150. 4tw 9ST talc? of .ortli Car ilitia Cartebet C.oustt. Court of Plea and Uaaricr Beasious N oVember Term, A. D. 1W50,. : In the matter of Micharl F. Arcndell aud Sarah ArenilelL, .nominated Kxecutors of a paper writiug v Furporiiug io; oe mr jast- win anvx Watameot 01 . Brideea Arendell. deceased, s- L. Upon the allegations filed of the said 'Michael Aremiell and Saiah Areudell, proponndiag the uid DADer writing as- the luit .Stiiixir iiiiiin nt Bridge Arendell, 6Teceased,-lale of t"Bh eb'uuty", and DrariniTfttobn altfrvr t'iihini'onilV w.Hiifi isfVnd 'eape'dstirth ekl?oT kilt "arid ' heirs htMa'ror tTittT aid Brtdes-Areifdell, ecfcef 'irtpf aco, otr.fi ltppaririglo thh kstu.net ion ortrie Hrart. that'Mnfy AVarrf, wife a WnshinirtoaMVantt'e.nd f WM)taa-rYreirde(l are some of the next of kiu and heirs aC law of the said Itriilges Arendelltecedped, anf thai they reside beyond the limits of this State, fee made pabiiahedat j-rt and wife ftlary, and the said. WilliamJvtBn Jell an - peareforeheCour, of I'leas ao Pt.tejCjrCsiDiia : ht .Court to he held for, s dd ouse In thetbwnf JSeatafort, v in rcihruirv. A. nJssf: ktxd mu. .-o-j; pa'je. ierpronerugsbnid inh'e matter afo'esa-lJj'" WBes?ameslumiey. Cjlerk f, sai ' '. 4,3at neturort, the third Mondty. isi Nov ml -,.Aj JJ. a vwv . ef . sj t' ,?eB.fB.a;i,pro.ae 'fV,ir fbay esBDot-rati ,..r.Ml.l.etnrin.,ft-.n,ir. f.' or 3rd Moaday irt Jutmrf.'; f they cannot get, " im if aiftiJiis-wife,"ihry'lwould-employ a'youn !, will bVteb' uired, , Address tbt snbscrlheif af ? or Y eatVilleW nkecuntjr, R . U- V rv Wsija-H-v... iV ..'Prici of Pack'apl jHte' Capitala iof BaHpU- TkW.W b'a.l. ilia oraerea by the-Court that publication' fetxT weeks lfr,tbe Kaleyrh Jlegisler, e Citv of Raieioh. that tho ft ii.l Wuilii 01, uariere. vouuiy, BV.1 eou uf y" a rtlie Courftl on tbe third Monda - --Vp.fi'ESeTrD-Sf IAo Yadkin iaveby.nyPo?aRoad, .V " j w " ' ' e HiMa ; " 1 rr7Zm.w Fits. J.850-531, --PEIlFUItED MATPHES;: HKamWlWlwil1m TbraalJoll-ra, VJ.IyliadVltj,. y . ji .p SoierferualitTW-wcei by? " ''' 'fta. ih chry of faaujiryMTha hUwcadeniy will ThaJalvanIc Nacldaca, To Dollara, s, 'PpOf.llorlVflTltrt ? 'ti -f iW ',.;tXVyU,y--Pip.PESCUtsL ba dedicated twtbat-ay. Tba StUaeritTaT.. aur- Tha? Galvanic Bracalata, Ca ctf Each. rTIHETrtistee ojrtb liomtyiue r euiiie acauemy .Unitliah and AmeftoaiJllnstaiiro. BotUesaad containing pariieurara, appir-t-4Mytpal. at T W- I"- V1" ?,. TJT-.. 21 ilinw t. v, Novembesietbl 1S50. 93 tf 54 WJ4 - at.. ueiijnmf Yipginia i nck heretofore- at-tedd TA)ttei iM-iiilpi- H" irtaM-e merit ; ofHif hA MtUiuKo,t tj,i.ir triwa rrtj Their Lotteries echlinuii..uJ nf nlliWVi Tl,U,i . Tspreni4 Capitals of 10.000 Vent to tla m-guter in the v. CAPITALS: v '52!bf 'SO.OOOA Avf.i,-.'' A I3of.2500, -:v,..r-A-v .. , -Mv.nroiLbwy&-rTiaW"" ri- 4 , af ,3t(j 1 st'aad lad drawa .s j03 af30rtl aad 4th'drmir. - f - 1 63 af a. 00. tk ai fli n-ara'w..-,--. Tiekeu fit -halvar t ; er'tificatof a package ou quarters - wholes f 150:' half es ixJi'S J-C ? 4b.0Q0., CAPITAL. JOO.000 Jn 20 prixes of 5,000.- --i; Grand eonsolidated Lattery, Class 1 ta ba'drawa at Baltimore on Saturday Deeoahar 7th. 78 No. 13 drawnj "f- - - - e 1 ; 'CAPITALS: -40.000 Gran I t apir 100,000 ia 2a of 5 00h . f ' 20,000 ia 8t of 1,000, . 10.000 ia 20 of ftOO, .. 8.000 la 20 of 400, TickeU $12 'Halves 6 ; anartera 3. , -Cartificaia of a package af Wholes $150; halves 78 ; quarteraas ? . -w30,000! 20,0t)0:l,000! -'-- 50 of 1,000 50 orajp! Sar.iiehsnna Lottery, Class 2 robe drawn at Bal timore on Wednesday-December llta. 73 Nos,13 drawn. ; - t vnri i of of ef ef 3o,yjo i- i 'of 3.000 2.870 l',0H0 20,000 ' of 10;000 J 50,;'of O.WiiO 1W0 ef 500 Tickets $1 ; Halvesj j "a'tfarters 3 08, SPLENDID LOTTERY FOR 14th DECEM BER ! Fourteen drawn numbers out of each package 26 tickets.- , 52,500-! .22,500! 11,500! Grand Consolidated Lottery,CIais A. to be drawo at Baltimore, u Saturday; December 12. 78 Nos., 14 drawn. " - - CAPITAI.S: 1 prize of 1 I ' 1 10 " S52.j00 10 prize of 20,000 "hd.50n - 1,000 . 750 250 11,500 10 " ' s r.no i in " 2.5U0 I .')() ' . 1 ickets $15 ; Halves 7 50 j quarters 3 75. Certiicata of a package of wholes 5165; halves 82 50 ; Quarters 4T 25:' . . 540,000.20,000. 10,000., . , GraadConsolidated Lottery. Class ' 2, to he dra va at Baltimore, on Saturday, Dec. 21. 75 Nos-, 13 drawn. . ' , . j - i- CAPITALS 1 prize of 1 ' i 1 " . 1 $40,0.00 "SO.llQit 10,000 . 7.500 1 ; prise of' 20 $4.00.0 1,000 500 400 20 200 "5,000 200 Tickets SI: halves 5: Quarters 2 50 CertififcAie of a package of wholes $120; halves 60: quarters 30rv' ... ' rtt- BniLlJ.l.TT LOTTERY 1 OKl9$tai ii:ckiiick. . 461 70 ORANITCAPITAL : 435,000 h 25,0U0f "15,000! Grand Consolidated Lottery "Class B, te, drawn at Baltimore, on- Sarurdiy December 2S57S' Nos. 16 Daawu:, 1 a - f yj . " "" . ,,. GRAND CAPITALS. '' A prize of $61,370-1 $ prize of- '$5,500 Ijm-'- t sr K .35.000 j 5 - . -... , 3.500 1 25,000 1 2iO. IVtjJ no prize 2,000 1 " .15,OOti4 66 " Jand?n4irV 250 ;l 10.000 I e "ifrlaud 4th- 20U I" 7.5j'0 l.-'.CbV.44 Jiih andCthk ,! 150 - Tickets $'5 ; halves 12 50 ; quarters 6 25. -CertiicHt of. a package of wholes $350 , shares in proportion,; . t. I ickets 510 ; Halves 5 ; Qu.irters 2 50. . 37 Orders. injraL our , astfal tirompi ailention. Eor rijekets in tha above, or in any .other Lottery 4 orawmg naiiy, (price or tickets trom $1 to J) under our management ; address us. or: C.W.PURCELL, , Agent for D. PAINE Jt. CO., Richmond, Ya , , NORTHERN. HOPS' . M L'ST receivedsl JJieslrefthJSorihern Hops, at L..U-WALKER. ; : , -, - orf - I November! 5lV 1850. . i'r: T : : ; vt? " HAKItlM, UPHOLISTERERfAND mattress maker, ITTn OyULl) Respect fully Jnforma rfjv; he cousuntly keeoa,haud auJply' joLihe "best BedItVfeies ofl4,kiuJs incimling the taucK'aDDrovedtHiNii.ofTo'LTTa&a. which will be foondHrfecrluxuryyeit'htr in Sum - e or 'Wi.HeKir AUbr w v fTV rnr.v. QiTjmEsr'VJXYcrTTAins: 1 T. - .TT. ' s, J-yTv- manufactured jn every style-to order.,,- y. Repairing of alkkiadadaaABtjba abort at aetia aadall workwarranted.tq bsdpo a lhrhstd -rausl,irokfflauiika 'maneri-wW nersonullv I tr'essea. SofaV'LouSgesK , RaleiihrNovr-S- 1850!- fTH IS lusjrttutiori wjlt agluneiednii U,35ormtnjteBimi . li Vdav.Janaarv 8t isi' !i hne.urve-Aftil.Vfe1liI!Virie7 mner oran cries; of i)tacti(lriaTufefcWvjw rrrrfTI I . -H tm M.t ... ft . r' , . Rale1rlifd7th?lj550Jfc; "aft01 M? f n 9 tdaid4af 14$$ . -w-'J-T' - Jr. ' vt '1 a a : LT a pplicAtiq -ftA.TJQv Will h mad at tbewesentseS-;. I ....i....... i t .-1 A. . !!. . siouol tue ImalreortlieyMwae pf an aotJbr; uo. vencr vrgKiiinuuu 01 ine vuurt ot . r reas anuv A a " I 3iwWoeL. cruuant Li j adTentui-ers in." Ualimore,ouWaesaiSr,lJecemaerr4th. Nos. r. ftl..i-i,; tuUf'. 1 n itiiiwn iwysnop.. .a.T.,. 1 attena oersonauv 10 tne manuiaeiui-e 01 mv ,Ht -Uoarter es.joi.s for the county of Pasquetahk. I v'Ciy ?tfY J&4J&ir'i f vsVif ..W4plfritn ltSt.reeSft!ia tl.etvWnitjttb.: Court dJUftt ? H.,.fti,;rl.m'..l.I,i.rf, Hor.l J. i. .te kkrat)fy'sii1 thafftpicair:vaill ble,. r i 1 r. ,' " - - 'r"' wteror t cfiamVbcpBeei-tieaJtewJCiBiwiib .yjn. ayaa, .ofos j,uality,aad' wy cheap : JR,leighft;ept: 2tsf. 1S5&: ?4,i'tJ f , ., ?, f. ., , ." ' - - sA A TEIJ .Lettic DELftAIDE EtWDSA Y, by the anthbt. of letTAraold. PncFe 25 ceus T- r' AT TURNER'S . Oct. 25th. isoa. go I'lTOTBWICIItAllY' TBS SNTiRSvrORKJi BXABBiDGED,-- In On VoC?Crww Uwarto, ot 1459 Pa-ee. 4 laay- elerli;i;liliiicltunarr'eonipile4 ia tbwjpaailrya 1 rP llniLBitti ar - r 'tliroTh.' avwjviirtt"! vr .. Arrn-iiiTS' atirl BrtTACLB IU ElYlIlZ B lUSI exhioition off the Languagcr - ,Tr. . Tifij -THE MOST COMPLETE, ACCURATE. AND RELIABLE DiCTIONAKYJ'OF THE IJVXGUAGE." 1 And tli'irty other m'cmbirf bf thelJniterl'States Senate.: President pi theJCnited States. " I find it an iu valuable $ade ineci?.'' "Etymological part htrpaxxes atiy thing tlutt has been d-ji t foz the- LngMJbangutuje, .- - .1 -.el - feik. i il ir7''i .,- -Sr-i;i4' Erery tdu&ar knows its Talue-evrf-je 7 y - J I Zl-r 2ef t-wk . . -ft . - .rf 1 " A very. TSiuaDie worn a secessixje , w . ' . 1 STEP t- E11PCAVEO -. cA.-Ift-ift' ' " The most accurate and reuabie Diction ary of the Lnngtuge." Xr.vjt m-rir. tTevise before rnr asher UlC- LL. D., of SeorlandjfttitithoT of "Cb Philosopher." te.;i ' For safe hv Hexrt D.TcftirEE,,at the : . NOHTI) CAROLINA BOOKSTORE rRaleisfh .IWti 1250 M- -steK " mm v aAaayqr 'Tf;3 " -VT-Tl;;4iu- V THOSE, who desire; an.ajcle,prepaTedot highly e. ' .LaAi aaa. . Laywas. laa. i W War- T - w liW.,w1e6fef' -t rj - j w- 4 Et DaTurata BictiaxATakt JEaiaX ? ' aaw-SBa--.- i -t-J aj .' '''(y -r - r i r . . . 7 , '7 . . . . Ar.li.Rili..ua. i.rourlies..wiihaiik!aiercari:WilLnoti.0; I-re.e.,JB " 8" oe be disappoiuted iu thejnae pLthese vsluabie PUls. ". y,gwiiej. m ti usYl."EftJf Wtli 'Kf, t hek proprietor.Pricej jscnis per box, ; eiatfDecemher 3rd. 1853. ' N? ' 91 1'- hbds4air ta prime Sugars. w -i - L7 Ws elariied, crushed and oowdsredda. ? t '351xes lon'f ftSagaTt for" Miw'y5fc? ; .. i' SEEB LE; .WHITJE AiDAVl&f" SeTersbarg, Jdy22 1S5J.'S . r -r , o-S 4--I UUf Iff -JJflUieS .4JISlllUllyi- vaft a a - vr a a ' KCT. rrticssororsarr. rriarjpai .r 'AlCrrupaad eatersd on my, Stray Beak a cordiatr: wTtwAf Michael Waftsr. tivinir six miles n'enh 'f.ihe Couft House, ofthe-l. uuty bft7abfrtis' ViJr. .JLZdSo iA 1 j r epie-.f iaja WaaBy:j'Siia . avSR-nSSi i 3 l?a opc r, tue season ; aud everytpfueJur k4si ' c ii esty tneii I s ha, jjery fi, ppi tr the '. i?2e.fttT.ftV:flS AV a WTyv KOXlOEs, Uppucation will be made to the present Le- rislature of, North Carolina, to otitniu a Charter to L m prove tae .navigation of the Cape fear Kiver, by I I be erection r locks and iatos, between Wiliniog loa and Payetteville- LWS amiMtf firrmslieit for lbs recent ion and eomfartaf r H30 bo'id'ingphpttajait "atefudlea'ofaliueral arrdornauiental educatiOB.T 'at a.ix,;ott3a ta;w-olTa-rf a year, ending fci3aa. CfreulaieVtof p&Jff'ti ;firrith,iS5t. ' ' r Irf laa ti- I lU't "wwlf vi SftUUCVrU . V l-T JIUfi - UL VUST - I-iiQWs SJnii v; ssv f a. V " ' " "" . ,h. ssT,,, : 'n.in? drlscrfurion l aae .uroo.eJ 'to be? 12 or 13 nne- Lf." ,-Tftn color rinn.er icii?nu. aurrei ; ceigui j..oauas. saa lJLivyV iaaca,tli.cuoy cuii ""-J .. ! V fj Vounir-. Wltha jroached rnane. !$nid Stray1 was ap-1 hare "beea reported tot) vChsistik and his Agents within Oat s )kn Vu th.'MSl ir Vnts. ... Tir:ri! it. 1 last two veais. wniCD nave oeen entirely rrpiu. . i if -r .rfthii'iftrf?-- J-,' iniir.t' KSfr 'K.''r f - 'rVi fi.. Ani.s J. V. Teuts ot BimklyBV'N.-T r iuw v oiwr . , .. ia . . i ij.T .Li o. ikinrr. i .. - vn. ... .. - - . . - , I tiiii ... . J ' .s. - S , pvj ineenSb'einweHcasteii lor near our (?.i ---T-y--"rT-v' a .-t.:i-, t ft aVsaaB VB .B e.W 1 swsaaw v-aassrv w or - .- -aw-- - : " I 1 KatlAnil -" : , I SBSsBli BMBlaLB . ;i : 1. Aft.' .j, i iain- s eas. r " ' Deemler.,14abr-l90,;r-f.'ilFvb ; ; I . : - i-ift - TERMS OF ADVERTISING Advertutmentt. For awy Sixteen JUm fw iasertion7 OBe'Dollarj eak subeeqaaat ia-artian Ti..iVa-. eJ ifg. -'. -5 t H Qomrt Order- and JaiidatlJesrhseaaewt Will ha charged 5(5 pr ceat. higher; bnt a dedaettoa f 83 J Preent. will be mad fiera tba regalar pviaaa, for adrertisers fiy li year. Advertisements, 'v-iserted iu the 9aairWaaai.T Rx isTea, will also appear in tha Waaxaf Paper, f'ee of chargsVJ" ' ' S3 Letters ta tha Editor most hf rosr-ai. ' .'5a- IF , i-Si--'ft .ftj- of illtefeoTil Kit Pefdif nettXari $f VJNBRVOt73 CISBASES, Aa4 C those pomiaints wbish are caaed by ea waeaasj v eakeaed or anbealthy cond.tion of tha - " 'lTTERlfOtJS 'aYSTlCW. ' This DeaatiSrpr eonrenient anpl.eaUon of the vtysteiievM powers of 0.tv"ANIsM anu-.MAUNKTISM, baa reea pr aoanee by disUujrui;.;t pieiant, byth in fcurope and the UnitM Stales, to La t le hxi va'tmhle mti icinml dittnerg I TJr.CHRKTIS'S GAI.VANtO BELT m need with tha no, pe.fe t and cuts' a lacceas ia all ,e v? J , caaes of -CrfiV.r RWKK DBILITT, StreBgttoening t.13 oe.l bojy, giving too 10 the varietal RAMf FAFtLYSia an4 MUf. bYM-KPHIA er INDt OESTION, BHKU. IATIS , ACLTK ard rHRONfC.OOUT, EPLKE3yl,UJMBAIH,.i'.A-.r:sS, NKRVOU8 TRE. MORSPALPiTAllON CF THK HKART, AOPtKXy. NEUPAtOIAT rlX9 th 8tlK and CHE-Sl. LIVKB CONtfrMINT, P.NA4COM .AINT. au CURVATURE ef tbe JSPJNE. "IP COM P. A INT, DI8EA8K.S X IVb KID KEVS, DEFICIEVCTOK NKWVOl'a and PHTSICAI, EN EFUYisrd alt NERVOL'8 OiSv.AiM which coatplajnte aria (rom poe aiapaj'came iwaacl; , -. ?A Dttangemaiit of tha ITarroua Syttaxn. 0(7- In NERVOUS COMrLA'NiS, Drofi and Medicines merraic the titrate, for they wejken the vital energies of the already prottrateu iyi.ero while under the itrengthening, life-guriii. viialixing inflnenre of Ualranitm, aa applied by UiM beautifnl ar 1 onJerf:.l dicoery, tue exhanated fratient and wekead urlerer ia restored to former aeallh, strength, elastic-ityaitd vigor. . J5rat nec-aliarity and excellence of . ' Dr. Christie's Qlvttic Curatives, enmiita. in tha fart tHat tSoT arrest and rnre diseae bv ata? wari rpplicmtiti in place ot the nsnal mode of droegin and) physicking the putient, till exliausted Ilatuie finki hopeTeaary nnder the inflietiaa. They ttrtnztktn-tht whale tyttem. equalize the eirculmtian f the blood, pnmat I 'te t'crelxttni, rnnd never do the tlifhtrtt injury under aay lit 'ii?mfi. ic. Since their intrndactioa io the United atateinnlv three yew. sin.-.e. mnre than 6 0,000 P ersons Incindiet; al' fget, elnsse a.id em-ditions, among which were a large nnmber of lad e.wbo are pectliady anbject to Jierv ana ConiplainU, ..are ,ieen '. 'TBMTIHELT AUD PS3VA:nnTIXT CURED, . arheB all jiepe'of relief hai been given ap, and. every thinf. ebe ben tried in rain ! To ilhirtrate the oae of the OAIiVAWIC BELT, eappoee the case of a'peraoit-alflicted with that baae ef eivmaatiOB, Dl'8PKPSlA.r any other Chronic or Nervom Disorder. In ordinary cases, atimulauU are taken..which, by their aetjeaea the nerfe and ronrclsof tlie btnmach, attord temporary relief, out virth leaT the'rjadent in a lwer rtaia, and with injured facaltiea, alier the action thin eacit.sd has ceased. Now com pare th: with the eS'ict -emlting Tam the application of the lALVANIC BELT. Take a bytrptic sufferer, 'avea ja the .,..2... . n .H..L ....1 . in. .1.. ... iu. B.1A an. mA the .ho Jr. uiDg the Magnebe Fl'Jid as directed, la a Short 1 'JiT' ;,. :m. vn;m;.n .;tl . n. ik. tknftiMva IITIIUU 'i:i.ii. 1"-' T" -"J ' " " , ; T" . r : II. iJT RaI. -l..r.lk. - 01 eiem'eut-ff tt" Belt tterel crtuing a Galvanie eireelatio DYSPEr-SI are PERMANENT LV CURED. A T.W DAYS OSOKiTKN- 4MPI.Y SUFFICIENT lt ERADICATE.THE tpTlFlCATTS AND TESTIMOKIAIS - - Jot the most Vrtr7(.stbted ttaaracter, From all pares ei tne I'onnt. j- rouid be givea, sufficient te U srery eo.iimn in tbis aper! . : . AW EX1 ORDINARY CASK, vrhieh ebnelusirely proves that' " Truth is stranger thaa Fiction.. ' . ; - 'CUKE Of 4V . RHEC1TIS;.J, BPOMfllTIS Ml) DYSPEPSIA, ef NewJ Jerieya. of ditiiuisiedl ialUio and ejaJte H t) r . A ' tf . "Cnrittir -)ear Sir ft Yor Wish teri-w'f an e what hrbeen the re.ult in -my owikease, of.thapi9;aiion oi THK GALVAMC BELT AND NECKlwCE .ilyreplykas '6?iowsi , - -f'-J:' ff or ahr.ut twenty years 1 hsJ bean snfTerni fiowiiDyspep. aia. i Every year tue tyniptoms, besanve worw. aer Cfurtd I obtiun irma ne.it reliet "from any Course of snedical treatment whatever. Atul oi rleen years since in co.ieiaenee of frennenl expwure to the weather, in the discharge of my pas tors! fellies, f becaaae subiect to a severe Chroiic Rbeoaia tern, whic.i tot year all 1 angu'isb..- Varthers anOie tjsm, whic.i tit- year after ? year; esused the Indescribable ne winjerol. -5 nt a, in cransqarw.. deal ir "mv a andvarioas other "xirrchesiin this region. .-1 wai attacked try the Bronchitis, nenMon of my fftstoral tabnn: My nerwtut tytirvm W1 now iL-,.-it r.ir7.J nA a mv Kranehltss became womtb w einftdid my Dyspepsia and Rheumatic afler.tioev thna evineins; . that these disorders werexonnected with eech olher through "the medium of the" Nervous System.' inthe whole pharmacn pesiir tliere--teeioed- te.be no' remedial -agent which eoole reach and recwerats myAervous System j every thing ttat I bad tried , for tiiis purpose had completely failed, , At lest -was led by my frien ts to exan ine your iaveaiions, end (though vithvry fSJMfnine hopes ol' their efficiency.) I determined to try the effect of th app licat-.en of tha GALVANIC T3ELT AN O KECK LAC E, with the MAGNETIC FLUlDu Tai waa ii June.-slS44.- To'mt iBtfty.ftToirsHir-!fTIM TT70 Bra Ml LliTerEestsinsiaaf .eej '-reTr.rs. wis -Tttsaerjt ve I. eisuMi; wt ,rSTepi- i.4a; an ars ;irswTi vwTvts -reimi.B-sEBVicBrisr4ocecar.er'''Te- flsottiTis i, aa sv fUtKOkUTic rracTro!i -ttAfxxtr.' rci asm ve Taoi'a. aia. foch If fue'won.dei fid aad htypyeshlts of th experimeat. 7t.ave reimaiewie. me ana.ai.uu' wsuay.wu. feav v 'en likewiseufteru g fioai Neaialgic affections. Jhey bare. uied liiemr with Hiin aracLVs, I bclietk, is avaav cAtt. " -' ' s -H'' ! K ' -' ' - J' ' ROBERT W. LANDIS. .''fti -KftiJDieifr,e'- "'-''"- i-.S' a sd foralLcnn- .lailits, rflectio the XhreaLotHesd. sack I , SronchUis, Inflan.tButioatot the Throef. erus and sicE Headaehe, Oizx-ness of . tbe Mead. Neoralgia ia the Face, .Boxxine; pr -Bitng. Jn,the l.arifnes, which ia generally Nerres,aJid that du tressed compliirit.called Tie Doioreaav ,t sis' .i-'?- j?. .' syr1- rljitsyanoVarft - All atWB.iirasciViwWtrsi fax iL- telTlbI altf sV PJMW -MStBl 'had net so help less .that he bad to 1 e red- The most celebrated. vbfSH-iana gave him np.1 In five days efter he commenced wearing the 4MLTi NKjBin.Ti r-Cl. r., !D i r.i:fti.-i.,.'"r across the rooi.t, and i.ithr.e weeks he bad perfectly teeovered bis health., Caj tain Tomes is seventy years of ege. . y J.-r .-- - Cored. ..Tie followrasr. .ao exti-t fiom a 'letter latctv received from a dtslingniioed pliysician ih tlie State of Virgmia : A. H. t,jai.ir, M. Xt-Demr Sirs One ot my patienU, enkooirn thjn'e.ODtnine' Tour Go ronic Belt tmd etkloee. with the Mr&riieg I jtct:timT a ernns aoectKin or lwaroess. T9ase wps ioM si lauy w -luiwn ....,, . ai...l .rul'.,r rnu..i- Imlth smor. ttMurh raa done amtainiKlT tn-thie anuliraiioo-of -the Best. hat.. with very. little soeeesn! Bad f feel 1. onl v right to tell rou, that since she com. .steiueiweftiine; Lie Tel't end aajng heFlui.l.-Wiit afew weeks Lvar-n.sti' a' iias KNTI R i. LY 1 Kf -O V r r r.U HEK. si r. A n 1 u, I " .' 7 .... . ,,, . . , , ,1 ... r .' t . aaa bergenei-Fl neaiin sft ne--.ei iiien air acveiai jwift- 2 Qrj- Everya!teoPeBfiles,iii jt be Nervoas,as K gea w, caa be cujed of.Lj: svouderf il renedy, jf.. t,1 (rally s -. ,'un,1vnriiJ,i i& v, -4. aathorised Asjent Foraale. wholesale and retail By P. F. PES- I CUD, Raleigh. t t v r 1 : A. P LARCB asnnient on hmt and tetlina rbeap at E. L. HAKDLNG'S A CO Kaleigh Nov , 171830. "4 I t '-ftS I rr ii"Yr rftJTi'TiYAilT.TT!ftf rvv. ". i