- . ! : . - I , , , . - - - - - - - -:- - - - ' - ii i - . - - - - r BY SEATON GAtES, EBITOS 15D nOFIlETBaV : TERMS i For the SeroUWeekry ?&k$5 perajjaum Fordhe Weekly iPaper, $i per npP - ... . , 7 ' - ;; iJjL-;- r.a..frfc'.-T--- f :vcw .. - jf till- r ' -' " ' . -, - - . " " t f .f, t ,f, . , f ,t.,,M SrfV"r3- .J;i HKra restate f Wrth 3rIln-lTn.i. ggf Cocarr, Wipwiol ef LawrSVptember Ten t858. ".....;'. a ISaney Cnlbreath l . :' " , v - S Petition for Di. . Gre WCuthreslh. " ' .. .. ... Id tbicMe. ii sppeaiing Wal ft rfJ" lion ami Snhpoens wera Ur4 to me Demndant m 'humt as'ny tSe Statatein such W"" ,.J the rmn there,. hein that the defendant not te he I .he Co-rv Hotraa doar by ieeberT T1 Mrt t appear snd wT eammeusded by th . 1 lr .... laaaleeaa In aitfyiaf tSttbpoen. nd tb ,a ? . . A h ketd at tb UMirt Hmmm m 1 ifwi. tb it M.Hulaof MKB,wd uwwwtU fbia iiTa' PeiUoM.". . ''I'- 'z."- v',;! WitiMM, Ban! UW -tf .P A. 9 ItSt. 1 ! UA'f'V VA-it' BBHJt C. COOKE O -IV f 8pC 2taJ,i850 -i kjtxte Nortta Car ! i nu- wrrnu O Couwtt. Crt r PM awl UtHrfiaaira KoTahw Term 1850. .... ,,.IiW tj ,f . t ' r iMMiiif the iTalidlty of tkvaat i Vtft Mo WiMti. Elijah VViiw a4 UiaH, latentuiski CMr 1 y 01 v It bclnr made ta Ippenr to1 aatinftata f tb Court, Ik at thHne treanj wire r crii r . U.Kka PMse wift af ob E Pea Veaw rae, Jame A- Prttt, SiP. LW C. Pace. Mrtfc H. Prtc (being of . I be axt of kin .j k.irt at liw oftkecaid Uosea Wiaatoa &k?4. are tbfWher witb the mK! Eaekiel Peunt and Job a G rVeejerd!eaf tbia Slate iat1iwre rJrML that miUxMtjon be ende 6f ail avceasslW wccka. in tb fUIHf b Reiirtr. a ewaper. pb li.hd in ike Citr of RaJtiib. varaiax ikeaaidnoe- resi'ltntt to be and apir at tke rawing Trrai ef ike Oort of PVraa aud Q, -tarter Sessions 10 be held far tkeCoouty Wf rnr4U. at tke Caart Hans la O x r.ra- on the f rat Moodir ia, Febmarr Mil, and brcee ptfUaato Ike ataoe aiyrcaaidif tkejr abaU UK UU8. .. Witn"t, Ausustine Lseilt 'Clerk of tke wid" Toart. ai office ia Oifori. the 27th day ef Nok- ber.A. 185- , A LANDIjCWk. Decruiber 4th, (Pr. Ada, 62j ) 8 The Caswell Female Imlltnte, TanccyrUaV W. Ci Miu Kdt E- Kellogg. Attiitmnt, mnd Temp er ofOntametdml Bnutcka. Mr E B. GtuUL Ttmcker f Music, THK Sub-criher aeailta; hmmett .1 Ike well known healtljinrw of this aiia.'atUn, ba adertaken te erfnbllidi a Fkmalc SsstRAtir. which in aJdiiion ta neeiing ib wabU of 1 hie vieiuiry. ehall merit pairaaage from abroad. He has aeeerdieglj; spar ti oa paias in aeeroriag abtat f uaaa iag tk kigkeatqaabficiaiaaia. Mu KeUofg. (wka bee te ceatlx arri4J receired her edaeatieai at some ef the best iustitutioua in the conutry. and has been high ly aocewfo! as TeacW; Testimonials of the most commendable eberame eaa ke- eshihhed from geuUemee, af ;ha am rwai etawlity. i - - Tke cuar of atotliee will aaw embraea- aJt that kraaekes, solid aad ornamental, aaaally taagkt ia Fnaale Seminarte of the higher e"Sa. Taaroogh. ne U the teadlflg fcaiore ia the plan" af lestraetiew The goveranteai is strict, bet gentle aad eeodliato ry. Far rpid progress ami -saaerior- stiaiameais in Muaie. Drawing, Pooling aad Cmbrolary, it in 4lieed that this School aow offeia ery aaaaaal faciiitiet. The Snhseriber will devote one half ef kia time .at thie)eol, his eonaection with tke Uaa River Insttta:a still eontinuiag. Board, inc uJinj waabing, from 6 ta 47 per montk. 1 Pai'iU are repaired to board ia families ap proTe I by tlfe pincipL The next eesfion wilt eommenee on tha 6th of Janaary. Eirly attention Is ratiested as far as praetiabte: Cknrge wilt a mads from the time af entering ta the cloe ef tke searieo, aad no deduc tion made for absence except for protracted illness. Ten par Settioa of Jive month. Taitton, according tostadies pursued from 8 t9l5 Musis. (Piano with singing) three lessons per week, with an extended series . of vo cal exercises, for cultivating the velca af. ter the moat improve J European met hod. Drawing, Paiaiing in ,Wter colors, tity w- grxphic. Monochromatic Painting aad Embroidery, each French, aooo 6 00 B. GOULD. 9 ft, 5th, 1850. . St ft? B. HOOT iaviiaa apacial ant ice large alack eFaxajcf ArUcles, the mot . te tke stag S tLtCT VARIETIES' wiljfoei aiiumaiauag llwm. which he be pre pares in a raw oay uoner to. Ibe Piaalte. Octooer 4th, 1850. M Letter mud Cam Pacr. JUST te kaad a let ofbealeuality Letter aad Cap Paper, at ' P.F.PESCUD'S t Drur. Steve. RALEIGH ACADEMY. THIS lust it alios will agaia open oa Wedoes day, January 8tb, Particular aueatiea will be gtvea te the Preach Language, Book-keep-isg. Survey ing; Levelling 'and Other hrsaehes ef a practical character. - ? ' ' ; J. MWVaUOY; ' Raleigh, Dec 17t lawn. Ill it - tf bUudard copy. , . - NOT1CB.A 1 -"' APPLICATION wia be made at tke praaaat sas. sion of tha LegiaJaicre, fsrtaa passaga ef aa act, far the beuer organizatioa . of tha Court of Pleas and Quarter Seaxiona for the county af Pasqaetaak. Doc U, 1b50. '' 101 Notice a8 hereby given, that spWiicxliAa wilt be made, at ibe.next aeaUa f ta North Carolina LegUls' tare. fr a charter u cooneat the Deep Kivee wok the Yadkin River, by nwmtaafa ParUga Rait Road, and also Improve the Yadkia River as high ap as Wilkabere', by means of Locke, Dams and Canals MANT CITIZENS. Oct. 1 1th 1850. i 88 w For tlie lli&xidbjercbief. . HaliotroDe. Boaqaet Da Carekae, Jeekej Clab, 'Verveiae, Xiiijr ' PaUhealy, Jeaey Liod, , . JabaRoae, . , , Violet. West End, Jessamin, Roaft CitroaelU, Rosa fieraaiaat, IialUa flitwera, Mask, Honey Saekle, Also genuine Ferine Cologne, fine Toilet tnd sha ving Soaps, Toilet Bou.es of besatiful tylea, ftftd a iarge stock af dressing Combe, Hair Teeth aad ffal Brushes; which will he eald lew at frhe Drue Store .: uriv e a tfn 11 .t,.u. nribbiAitta, AI TOOD fcCU Dee aOth.lhSO. 103 tr7,VS AAA BKANDIES. , , , tlCOTCH Aie and Londod.Perter, of superior 3 quality aetected for MedicsT purpoaas constanttj ou hand snd for sale strbc Drue Store of ' . ' WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, CO. Dec, 8 let. 18&0, h4-H(.:tigl ! .401; r : NOTICE." . APPUCATION ariU be made te tha mam irt legialatare La lacorperatf a Company for Sleek water tvavigtuoa rota tke amain of Ha , R4r J rok- tmrert t aotorv, ta Oraaga Coantr. , December 13th, 1830 t v Cbraflr a Pratt ttrttt nd Ctatra JVcrief .,ptmA ' I't.n lM tN'fi uivi.'uni'r . . ... rrnHB PKOPKIETOU QF( THC ABOVE j II feMisbnent would . reapectialli infvcam.utae earseoa of Xb CttolitMt and otben, that be has re caavcu iron daropa, we. . . ... -. . 4, .j,-,.,)-.. u PALL AUD WITR, FASHIONS t , , f Tegetber with a rich aaeonment of nUood adapted tbacoining sesaoa, coaawiioK of . .. ; .., UPER TINE PUEXJH, UKKMAN AND EN. OL1SU CLOT H8r CASTOR HE A VE. pilots, "And pelitot coating ' t A new article lor OVERS A CKs AlfDB VSlNESS COjtTS. AUa, aptodi a-aOfterrt of ' 5 k FRENCH AND ENGLISH -h j h o the most dean able lylea tmported this seaaoa. . RICH VESTINOS! We have, sod are eonxtaniry receiving. New Styles of YEHTtiVGS. eonaiating of plkm and Pltured ' ' 1 - 81I.K AND WOOLEN . VELTBT. ' . f t , , FIGURED AND STRIPED t CASHMEREs, S1LKS.CS ATIMSAU TALi.N n ; ? 1 OUR CUSTOM WORK U CUT AND MADE in' the Uat manner ana' as retartU Style and- Workmaaabip. 1e warranied t gtae aatitaxiititffarlioa, and at greatly redaeed prlasa,' READ MADE CLOTHINQi: Pereottsin want of HEAD Y MADE . CLOTH ING are partkaiariy inviiad to rait aai eismice eu Stock before purcbain(( etarwhere, as wa msnaiacr tare alt fwaKtiea of - ' t FASHION ABLE CLOTHING,' A nd ur aaaortmeel of that article ia at all timea large, which, oflera- ta porebaeera a great , tnduoemenl af procuring an articlo of a quality which cannot be obtained in any ether Clothiug Eaiabhahmeal in the City.: Wa have an hand and sreeonatsntly Mariofadoring GARMENTS OP-EVERY VARIETY, PROM, THE BEST MATEUIA1.H., I THE ! MOST APPROVED STYLES,, FOR FALL, AKD WINTER WEAR,, Con-itins of SVRTOXTT SACK AND PELITOT OVERCOATS, s Of all colra, ejaalhiea aad sixes, from $S 6, 4 50, 4 75, a &O ad op wards. , .... . . BOVS; ACK AND OVERCOATS! A large asaortmeni of Boy a' Sack and Overcoats, 3 tier rem. leas ibatle uaaal prires. SUPERFINE FRO;K AND DRESS OOATS, . , mass nas . - GSBMAN AND FRENCH -CLOTH9, I, THE LATEST FASHION. A LA BOt STOCK or TWEED COATS. PANTS AND VESTS. Wa have a Large Asaortmeni of Tweed Frock and Sank, -. A New Article. FOREST 8ACKf FOR STORMY WbATHER, IAlfXAL,O0, From Kaner. French Dneakins. BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERE . : , .PAirrs. Of every variety of bade and Clr, at $1, 1 50, 1 7ft, 3 t tO, S, S SO and upwards. TESTS, Made from rich Velvets, Satins, Cahmeree and Ts- lenrias, aad at all prices ' " ; QgP Kememhar the .Name aad Place, enrweref ' 'PRATT' ST.dc CENTRE MARKET -SPACE, . . . . . H. H COLE. Baliimore. November I Slh 1 84t. f. JfOTlCEL A f rLlOATION will pm made ta the next Gene AjL eraj Assembly, lo paaa an act. la emaneipat Jaxxe LAseroaa, af the County of Nortbsmptna. Sept. th. 1850. 5 ' 73 8w ' TRIiMTY SCHOOL. 7 mies Sout H of Raleigh V. C Rev. Py T. Babbit, Rt dor. THE Eighth term of this School will cemmi ou the 8th ef January, 1S31. Txaais ataslk ra advarck. jSFar hoard, washing, d-c, with iaatruction in Eng- luk, and the Ancient Laaguugc, 97ft per term ef Dte memos. Asa general rule, boja over 14 years of age will not be received. The design -af the scliuul ia to famUb a safe retreat to which boys can be sent fur thorough training. Hence the reurfemeot that they shall be jreftag, or, if ever the docile-erot of cbihl hood,lhat Ikey ahali pusaeasa character ia keeping with the object of the School, lu rcajejct to beaaiy, retirement, and healthful ocas of aitoaiiun, and cot vtuience and com tort af tfuildings. this school ' pos aeaesaita aa advaotage. Tke coarse ef study will be rrgalaied by the requirements of ear Uoiwraily, and uo paius will b apated to, make the beys good scbolara. , - Standard, Chronicle and Journal, Wilmington, each copy 3 timea DeeemH-r SGtk. 150, 104 s 11 Academy, CEDAR GROVE, ORANGE, N C. Tu next aessioa of ikai, aekouJ. itaaied eiaht miles north of llillaburo , will coiumeuce en Monday, tke oik aay or Jeary, lkftl. Board,' at asoaLis good families in the neighbor. ftooti, at 0 par moaia. rultroa.'as vaaar; Ter Bug- liak, fit per eesstea ; Latin end Greek, fit per siea. . - , SAMUEL W.HUQ II E8. Deeembor 21th, 1650. 104 liV fsOVJEI.-,. The Lutirells, or. I he I We S3 a r lieges. Oy FolkeOoue Williams, Rsu Auikar ef ' Maid ef Hemt. Price S3 cents. ' ALSO RPRRS NEW MONTHLY for Decern- her 1850.- H D. TURNER... Ore.. 28,1850. ":! ' V- - 104 FOU, SALE.. . i..f - -j THREE Talnatle Mi S Edilar:;:. I. a.ve- " .. Ualdgh, Deawmber 281850. ilea. Apprf -to If 104 : Important to .... ... . . , MILLERS AND MILL-OWNERS ! THE Undersigned "would respectfully Inform those engaged in the .Mililnglmaiaeee In North Car oliaa, that ha keeps eonstsot.y on hand, and will I supply at tke shortest notice, that 'sliuoei lnvalua- oie anicw, YOUNG'S IMPROVED PA TENT SMUT AND S (JREENING UtACIJLXE The only Machine of the kind that haa stood the test and g$vea satis feci in to the, puhlis. ' Jt has surplanted every fifinut JVlacbine yet offered ia the State, more or less of which have Wea taken down tq make room lor it. 1 be publio need fesr.no iuiposr lioa. as then are now some 280 Machines runuing in North Carolina ; and 1 wish to effsr mo oihvr references tha a the g eulleiueu who are uainc them. whose expectations Lave been more than realised in tneir peirermance. , 11 not enlr tborouzuly .eleaaaea the W haai af Smut, bat also purifies it of all other substances, almost ta peneetion. it takes ap bat 4 feet rouare ia tbe attll and reouires bat little miw sr. Ii ' Warranted for firs years against breskiug ar wearing tmt, ana eue to reuta Us eleaasinf qua ides for that lima.1",: ' .'' .j 1 . . a acre are at nmr 91 leeee .juaeniaea uiroaga which 100,00 U ooaiiels er Wheal have been sleaiw ed. end they hate never ween wit of order one day. V There Was swarded to it the Premium of the Me rylaad aUte air, and ft rrcmiatn with a silver sne- dal, at the Fair of the Mary land iaautate.'at Dal tkaere. Uat FsIL . . ..!. .Address the Subscriber at South Lowell MUlV Orange County, iM, C., , - . -v i: JXO. A. McMANNEN,. DeamberS8.10. v - ... tf.104'. xotice: E 8 hereby given, that appl'icaiioa will be madd ' te 1 tke present Legislatnre,; for tn act af Incorpo ration for a Comoaa v to work' the Coal Mines an Deep river, in Chatham; CobuiT. "The proposed Corpovators are Wm-T. Home, J.J, Jackaoa. W B.Tbcmpeoa, Thomas II Ul and N. A 8tedmsB. t ' Cbatkant Cft, Dcbr ;0U, 1850. ' 104 u t -.ri eTpHE Sabaeriber respeotfulty. infarms the Mem, e ll ..farsof lbs ainroahinaLeci!lStnrs that ha is re pa red to furoUhrtea er twelve of them with lodg-, inx anu ooaru, ai iiib UiUUH nvuai ua, auuii dittanea frmsj-tha'Capftftl. ,.,TheSnb-cribr will provide oomforUbls rooms, : and good fare, at aoob. prices aa the timea, and, marr . ket fill a Cor J, d Ifepiedgeshimseir tnat no painror , expense win oe sparea to rentier fits customers oom- furtable.'"';:- '.' -W ;' . ' Ti.pi;'.L..ll liJi A -i.rt i tmLmmtt- . boarders will be Ukea; The Subscriber keeps a eon- stant supply- ef corn,. sad foddjro o"1 o4 ftaveborsea left with him, or tbenerjKS. i .sapa ,as may stop at bs house, well taken care ot ' The Subscriber's House p about "one ; hundred yards (rem' the 'Capitol and one door ta" the" eftst ef UeEapiist Chaareh, ! v - ' ' vv;--..-j-vJ'.- Raleigh, Sept. ik, it-W. 7 is. w ia3" im?k ,iaaar- aaaa' aam- Tha hast Family Hsdidne sow before the public. It lias been computed,, that during the last twentv Tears, three millions of persons have annually been benefited by the! use of thsse Medicines ; n met which apeak volumes in tilwc uf Jiteir curative proportiuA-a lungW tiial will Jcc dumt fx'vmul the reach uf euinpetitioii in the adimatiiai of evcrj pau'ent, By'llu-ir use tin: Llnod vi rerel to a pore and Wittliy atatc, frved fnan nil, aiimtritios. The svotem u rait reduced thiriiits tlMer optsration, but mviurated, and they n-quire no restraint from lxi-'iiK-w c pleasure. Tiie nfnktod iinve in Moffat's Life Pills iniJ PhooniX Bitters,1 retnedr that will do fr tlieta nil that hkmImuim ctn rtossibly vtfert lite -hujk uf tlieao modicitios aro uuw put p with a fine ateyl i-njjrared wrapper iumI laUrl, . wvl copy right sectired accurtlui to the Ltwa uf the United Slattti. ' IVipared by W. B. MOFFAT, M. York. . , ... K' aide bj" J.J. RYALS. Raleigh. Aug: 27th, 1850. 79 I y , 11L8 lblDSlT, wmasTO'sri n 1 TEACHERS. Denartanent of Lutizoares, R. A. F.sell, A. M. Departmeat.af Mathvumtica, D. IU Wallace, A. R. f nHETWENTV-THIB-D SESSION willoa. Jl . wenfa;.lht. 15th day of January, ISiO. TTbe t'riuupill takes great pleaure in Informing the Pub!ic ih it the Mntbemniieal Denartmeht has been, at the eoVt of great laboar a'hd expehse.prnced upooau exalted and peraMfnent basia . Mr.- Wai- lace whose aertMeakave been seeureu- for that ui vWtiuu of ike SeUuol, was graduated with (he first distinction at College, aud hts since hd charge of the Greenville Academy, which, aa Principal, he conducted with entire anccess and nnivsrsal appro bation Ilia trstimunUU from the most eminent Scholars of ihe state evince a high order ef Schol arship and a high raek taaa Instructor. . In the Wnrrentou Academy, boy a axe prepared thoraathty for the advanced e!s of asy College in tire union er for tke varied dputs ef useful me. fhe atricteat attestiou is given to the aioral aa well aa intellectual iutproreiaeut of the StadoAiltf, aad the coarse ef instruction, while k iesuree a high order of Scholarship, ia desiguad to developc aud strengthen the faculties of tha iniu L TERMS. Board for the Session of five months, $80 00 Fuel snd Lights in the room, 5 00 Tuition lor the Lunzuagesaud Mathematics, 17 aw do ia the EuatUk brMnehea. la lit Fuelin the t'cuool-roviu, I tKI Q7 jf or be cuaractrr 01 tne iaiKuixa, ntfia. bars of lbs LtuWIatare are referred' to the Repre seatatives ef Warren, all of whom are Trustees ef the Academy, and te tha Menihers from . -orth amptoa. . R A. KZSLL, Principal December lOth. 1SOU. , Cy Standard coy 4 weeks. .. , A;T.cacter:Wantcd .tT ilQXXiljZlsh ffiNE couipctrut aud qualified to g.vfriiistructiou S In the'Euglwli. Ljatiu. and Creek Languages, aad Maik-maties, te lake charge of a School lor boys near this Vutrtge, for the year lew I. Te one Monti' ly aud tatellewtaail) qualified to establish ftScauet of hiitk arade. a ubsrat Salary Will be awen A geuikmao rutrta uuu euucditu at tbopoutn, wau arotajae. to make teudliiui his profession,' woufd be J 1 ' SJ a - a Uan a a weferred. " ' .'-.'' - . Address the sabscrihers With estimonals arte character aad qaekfleaiioua, at ; Uoxabcl, - Bertie Coaaty iX, C. - W A1. UlSUOf J . :, , ' JOSHVA BltO and others ;.!'.. - . "Trust eea.' v Dec.' 1st. 1858, : f '"";n't fFOJt the use pf Private Fsmihea and Peraona f J bsainea; ; eoutsiutng an Aausnsu sou Uausiog Tsble. Couhting lioue Almanac, and a Blank apace tu .jiiiUnn. f.u m ila m tlhtft .- " !" j 'For Sale at th! . .- r ; N.C.POOKSTORE. RaWgh Nov. 12th. 1830. . , ,. - ' -HEW NOVEIi! ; s DAVID dOVPMB.WXEL'D ' COMPLETE, BY : ; ' " CHARLES DICKENS, " Willi Illssiralions.' luVi' rrriveil anil fn'sate ' Dec 24, f . -i. 1 . 1" Oxford Female -icadctuT. LdUf HE reaular exercises ia this Iustiuition will rVsamed on Monday the I2th day of Jaaaa- ' an-i'. P.,tit, f fi n,mrt. . 11 ' i t eW lr f9. sjf w erevsaawam Besrj. fueiuding washing, fuel, lights, &e $ii 00 TftUion ia the English Lraaohes, ifi 00 Latin WFreftoh; extra,"3 . 5 0 Music on Piano with u-e of Insirament,' ' 20 00 . . A3f'LU YEN ABLE. - f ,-tf ? Priueipal.' . ?v408 w4w- i Oxford, Dew, If , 1850 rfTf AdfeDINU fc CO, have just received aad liTl epeuaU w, new ; lot f line Oiw Cuata aud Weta. p w i ... I ," w iv. " i- I'. i '. ALSO,- n . . . Fine Fancy Silk Cravats, beautiful Party VeaU, December 17th, 1850. . r ft , v : 'tfj.-o j ! fcf AFPLIUATI0N Hi be made to -jhn presea Gen leraf Asaemtdy of Notth Carolina, to inetirpvraia the m Brick r4hosUlsuuIacluui'g Comi'Sy?.jiivtbe November Slta.UlO. w?w "m Utte. f Nar til Cars lllamCAsYnrr G8TT,.Ceart of Pleas and Uuartes Seaaioae ovember.Term. A. D.1SS0., , J,', la the matter of MFchael F. Arcndall aud, Sarah L anuwii) DuuipaiTu bmvivn n a pnacr wriung purporting o w'th hut will and testatteaef ' Bridges Arendell, deceased. . -...: Upon -the allegawops filed of the said Michael ArradeU aud Sarah Arenell. propvuSdiagthe, asid paper writing as tkd last wilt and testament of Bridged Areundeceaaed, 1st a.' of tb t 6eant ,'and praying to be kilo wed te awairuan 'air persons, and especially the next , of kin and heirsat taw af the said Bridges A randell, deceased, l set aiMttdinri. i It appearing ta the satisfaction af the Court, igikiuiii iiaru, will ui v aouiBSion Miro, IDU wuiism Areaaaii are some or tne next or kin aba heirs at la w of t basaid Bridges- Aaendell, d eeeaaed, snd that ibey reside bcyoaitha limits of this Sute, it is ordered by the Court that publiealion be made for sit weeks la the Raleigh Regiater. published at the City of Raleieh,' that the eaid WasWif ton Ward and wife Mary; aad the sakl'WMliam Arendellap- pear, oeiorv mvt -ur mi ricaa ana 1 Barter saasieua af Carteret County; at the Cout te, be held for said beauty, at the Court House in the towa'ef Beaufort, an the iklfd Monday la Febrttsry. A, D. iSS and BeeareeeedMgsbehadhihaid 4 Witness, James' jgftmleyj Clerk ef Said r5wat, at Beaufort, the tatLlVlvhdav ia aN.,eaiker., A. 4X 180. .. A JA-vIiUMLJCY. . ' Clerk of the CuurV Net; 13, fSSO.'IPr Atlv: 5 f2j 100w6w. ;.- .. SFLEiNDID SCHEMES. : 1 :TOR JANUARY,' 1851." N . , . , ,, , . ,, ,, ,. , , , , , . . .- : , 35,000! $25,000 ! $20,000 r 1ft PRIZES UF 1,000! o VIRGINIA SfATB IATTTERY, For the benefit of Monongalia Academy, Ciaaa No.J3, for 1B5L ,, To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., an Saturday' January 4th. 1S51. BRILLIANT SCUEME I Priieof 35,000,1 4 92,000,1 of 20,000,1 of 10,010 of 5.355, 15 ot'1 ,000, 100 of bUO. fa, dke.,. dke, da. Tickets only 810 Halve. 5-i-iurtera-J,S0 ' Certilcatee el packages at-35 Whole tickets 130,00 Uo. Uo. oiydllslt. do. 05 00 Do. ( do. of 25 auarter do 3j Order for Tickets and Snares aud Certificates oi Peckagea iu the above Splendid Lotteries will T - ceive the uiost prompt allruliuu, aud aa orBciaJ me. count ot each era wing aent Imruedtately alter If Ja over te all who order from aa. Address-.. J.f C. MAUUY dCO. . . , AUxmnJtia, V ,, I104IKS .,'.,, At the li'ortb Carwlista Dookatar. . H iD. TURMillt Pubtither, Bookseller and SUtiioner, JV. 1, Fayeiteviile Street, RaleirA. Jf. 'CV MAS always on hand a large aad general collee, ' tlon ofLoW, Medical, Theological, Claasical, Umuricat, Voyages, Travels, Notela aad Miscella neous Bonks ; ' . ' ALSO, a very extensive assortment of SCHOOL' BOOKS, difc, Blakk Books, Ledgers, JoarnnU)ay Books, Check Books, and any other ,kind that may be wanted, nlauufactund ta order. Tocether'with a erneral assortment of STATIONERY. PartmuUr attention given to tiling an orders eom pleie from BoukseUers, Merchants, Teachers aad private individuals Aud. every article iu his liae old at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit eK tier at wnoiesaie or retail. All new works received aa soon as published. Rali-h, Dec I8th. JS50. . 103 Dress and Frock Coats. i JUST OPENED, efsll qasliUes well eat and extremely well made. E.L. IIAIUJLNG dcCO. Rafrlgh, October 12th, 155tl. ' S3 LADIES W hite Kid Slippers da do t in. do. , do Black Kid da ' , do -' ' do do Walking Shoes. J net received by ' it. TUCKER & Oot-21, 1S50. SON Iff UST received, 2 Bales fre.h Northern Heps, al IIVIIHIhlill i I W I u I1WII I llklll, iui u cts. a pound. L. B, WALKER. NOTICE. APPLICATION wilt be made ta the present, Le- gialat ure of Aon h Daroluia, to ohlaia a Charter te imorbve theNavta-qtiou of the. Cape Fear, kiver, by the erection of Locks aud Dams, between Wiltniag in ami Favetteville 1 1 ' " ' u- J, KANE'S CP'S open fur tke aeasen aad every thing tarnished SaL ia uck tscablisbmaai will be served ap ia the beat atyle, and at tb,e shortest notiea. - 'j;.',RECEtyEp'DAlJLY..V(: ''Mv Retftsurapt .Woe the Corner of Fayettevilla and MaVfla. Streets, iu the vioiaity ef ike. Court Hensa, Yartrbs snd 'Lawrence's Hotels'.1 KP.&UTaevals a BILL1AKD ROOM artasksd te the EatablishseaW t -if fcsltch,Noy,lth. I8i0. ..,... .. -,M Ut-t tv i '; PERFUMED ilATCHEs: i-u' Pr Saperier qesllty jost'rec-ivrd by . . '! "r . -f -'i-a i 'i JlLSO. ,-.- ' Eaglak ftnd Anrricaa AtietUrd iu qt- Bottles and qt. tin eaas, at best nualit and yery juheapi , i ,. Ralettk Sept. 21st. 1850. ' , 78, T....'';je:acheR-wVVuiV-rJ( THE Treat sea af the Foretille Female Aeademy wish te employe Gentleman .and bis Wife to take , charge af thetr SchooT. commencing1 ebeuf ths.ad .ai,f i .. , r. . . av n so oauayu January.' tr saey eanaovgat a man fad his wife, ikey would employ a yeang lady. ..tTestimouials ns to . character aad qualifications , wilt be required. ' Address the subscriber at. Fer eatville. WakeeauntT, N: C. -f "J. s.ptntirY.ed. j November aSth, 1850,-i ('- - ' " tltf - ! FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, x. Cedar Rork, Frunkliu Connt f, IT. Of " D. ftk RKHtstnaow. Priheipal, '' ' -iJ ' ' C HubTe?xaraxL. AswWtaftk, - I "! TH EBprlag Term fv;i; will aemmeneeea the I3tkrdy a Jeitavy;. Thn Maw Aeademy will t' dedicated ef that sy. it , ae otudvatt are Hr neatly requested; Jo be present. . For.f.cirtmUr eet.uinfi.g particulars, apj.y ta the' Principal t . BelCssal p4, oi, NftstCtakryT ' ,4V : & - ii . i. ....... . .. eenieer. isia. lgJO ItFeVlOt portrait audi ATmiatitrt. Eatn ter, TKT.KV:!? ADf-l iimr ntvne Reoway open" from .If A." M. till 4 "P. M. Ramiich; NovlOtk, 1850. -9 H;,H.eM Ycact-rWdsU4 J JTry 0 004 want good Ij'kwkmfipi 1W Ur Cakes; for: sale by.fru' nil .T . n trt - ulrr?- j WILLIAMS, HATWOOD i CO. , ! Jrh,i-o' ''NOTICE?. n) 'i r'Vf . IS hereby given; that pplicatlMt will be maaV te tne present .Lrtuzislauneii toriBi f asqaptsak DivisioNa, 2 lf Sons el Teaporaaasi Tb Bits'? aisja at llomtnialu. IT' AJiiWMfwed h,assead nj-m froea Boa. JL oa. . xorK, ana. riiMaqelphiaT having, spent BarliranoT August and Sttember Ta said Cities', gsttiug up ear CLOTHING, every article of which a?i cayaat,ajid mdenpwtda ty aeminspBe. tisn v snd 1 presume' there is ne,ppe lnJIarth;Car.. ohna now, who would be verdant enough lo question my oapacity aftertfik eldqaent tribute paid to' my srtiaue stulK ia oor Uat SapermrCean, ky Jadga; Counsel 00 both' sides, witnesses and Jurors - I re lOB, H, fer to the case of . Biggs tw. Olivsr' schiaa tor I ttsra.ges, in which I V.d to pmf $50, in enaeqnenee t or mpasteBde.ipeutMa:;i w rmi.nti i Come n, if sen, f.laaeeand assist .saw payiafj off the judgment by buying onr gtxxis. t . Who. is there in North Carolina, who has' not heard of the Hon George ET Badger tha Hoav Wut. j H. Hdvi JKPihn A aJ Olivar,;, Why tlairilVnia ji no mote to Be nemmed in Jby Staia.lJirThaai.thair. talenu are to.be elrcdinacribed wrUiiA the same-narrow limita' - -.. - 5" L'jl,fl W4jarecoaaected; as all onr enstomera knew snd if theyo't knof it. they majr-witk NfirtV era House but m are Tailors euriIu bay our own goods, and import quite as many of what we purchase in proportion te bar business,, as say house ia thia State or out of k. .Tharu is no ebhakmeut. here or elsewhere that possesses aay advsutagf over os "We boy where eveiy body else bays, snd we thiak we uademtandaar bosineas aad bay es cheap, ly. We say oar clot hi nx iaeaaal tu any offered far sale in North Carolina, and, we think ,uperiorr,be we will leave the public to decide, when Ikey exam ine for themselves, u One thing at certain wttheat intendiug to renect upon ayy one We wmaeii our I clothiug chtaper thau the upe srticles can be bought 1 tor in any ot tire northern Urties, aud as cheap as f any body that conies here, who does aoa Steal his ' clothiug ready wis da , F . : s ; t - ,. , .- Our stock euioracliig JJrah, Hlacr, , tslue. braea, Cray, aad other OVERCOATS frtnn 0 ro 830 and ep wards. Cloaks, fail circle. ld epwardBi'vywek, dreaa.aad SscIlCOaTS bom 7aoS13 aad aawasah. PANTALOONS, all colors snd prices, frwa 4 ta S)i. VESTS, all kinds aud all aixsi. at all prises mm f 1,85 te 85. ' la fact, every thing that can he found in any aiuiilar esubliabmeirl in the UftMnv VVe are North Carolinians,. We are .permanent ly located here, aud it We sail as cheap as others, why not rive us the preference 1 If we do' not' sell as good goods at ss small a price, we will net ask your patronage. Call! SAil! t.t oaee rat parehtve."t ' '' . fc - OLIVER &. PROCTER'S.1 f , . - , : . '' NO. -AS- I i R. R. R. R . Fayeiteville Street- w HlTE WINE, FOR COOKING, jut re ceived mid for sale at the store of 'WILLIAMS. HAYW OOD tJO. -BRITTOIV Ac TODD, . Sycamtt Strtifp0tit' PIF Httel, Pticrthtrj Fa, UF FxiKvFO SALE, ,fi : - . Qk bhds. St Croix, PjKicu andN O sugars; i 7Jf bDus renneu sagsrs , ' zOu bass Kiev Lscuyria. snd JSvs coflee . 40 packages loaf, crushed Snd powderasf Sagsrs x5 tone we.lea, Americau , and Eagnak iroi ,:t0 bales nurse, shoes , s,K ,,t. liO bsles Gunny, Dundee end German bagging 100 coils bale rope" ' ' 1 58 boxas sperm, adanuntinn awl tailava candles - 60Kxessoap , v . , . ,,: 10 boxes very s 'perier fataiW soar. ISO bsvrala'old "rye doukle ' atadr "singW reatileJ wfciakey- -! 21 barrels grspa brandy ft pipes tkig. brsud, part very fine, . . , 2 hhda. rum 20 piperadd 1-4 pipes Part, Mad. and Sherry , wine .v ' " ' . 10Q bags shot, assorted, . , , . 76S kegs nails, Cumberland and $ Rapid fall, 800 sides sole testher 150 reams wrapping paper ' 80 reams lei lei and cap paper 25 hhda. snd hols molasses . " . 100 b.xes window glass, 8 x 10 and 10 x 12 Horse collars, saddles, bfidlsit, bed cords, lines', pep per, ginger, spice, mace, starch, cbocelate, water bncka a, cotton cardisband iron, heap irn, castings, cotton yariut, wagon , whips, &,c , dte. ,4a. A II al ike sbus goods will be sold at the lowest rale. BKITTOX ipTODD. Aognaiai. 1850. - ' ; " 88 3m A DELAIDS LINDSAYS try the aathor of Al,-Lattice Arnold. Prise 85 coiiIn ' i AF TURNER'S Oet. 25th. 180. , 4- . , , 80 Abbot's , lllusU-ated. Ilistos-ioa, -XERXES THE GREArT It ! TH E folloeuag works of Urn series axe now ready : W llliam the Cuaqueror, l. Alexander thn Great, Marj. CJue n of ocotts, . Cbarlca the Second, Maris Autoinetle, - ' Cbsrhwthe first. Uairaa ineureai, numiii, unit, Queen'tlixabask, O .u.-GvVua Ihe Greet, 1. 1 , i Julius Madame Rutaad, a . .,!.. T i-;.'- llluilrated Title Pages snd other Illustrations, l8mo. , Far sale at lira North Uarelin 3.Hk Store, by y fL D. TURNER. Dee. 31, t850.' i;.i 101 REVi BENNET T.' BLAKE, tPrintijkl Mr Wm. C Doub, i;'eV.t Professon of Jduthematics ttnJ AneteM Languages. Mk, Karl yf. Pxtbbsllla, Profrtsor of iH .. .! i i-iih. ,'Jiusie.' Mas. Lxsqj M V stszsu.ijl,, Teacher ; ef riiYV fc i lYfcrtouui i4dies. can te aceuia. t . JL mwlated'Whh'boardTU the family o the Prin cipal. .The ir receive alt the stiention, snden joy ah the couiforu wavprKste family. :-vti; The course of study w. wejl jligesied, thorough snd exieiiiive. 'The eutire expense to a pupil will h coreredjby thpaytaent of -One Hondred Dol la re i , ad vaace for ar i-eeaisucl 5 moat hsvi This will inclads Board and Tuixku, with Alusic,Fraack, Avails, oreeit, ivisioeiuaiies. urswiiig aau raiaung, i aicaa Baiinraieir. tne cnMrrea will na as roiinws Ueara: per sesaten el i mouthsv -.- ' -.' v, ' Tui'joa in the. Cseeicul Dr part mst Do, in the English Dspartasot, Pairing, - Painting ia Oil; Colours, :.. t 050 21 13 20 10 14 18 TtfePupirsiriWreVutsriyiasf Vocal Music,1 nkelit fartterchargr1 f ' i QTT. Xha Annaat Cixeskiaausn r tlte Popils of this InstJiutW.will fakq plaeftea) Wedaasdny aad Tharsday, the 4tb and Mk ,ff Decei eceniber'eusuius; Th4 Seion1brl85l begins oft Mbadat the sixth ef Janaary. wjf .'.hsk j-f B.TJBLJUtE,Prepl , Raleigh N. t Nov. 5th M. 9m 91, rfniM! ?rcvrMw wTioa!PornoiogtcaY Garden and . il. faurswrarwf CtM Creek, Chatham fonnty. N ' Cohere m fejy ot laiaaplantlsrg, 2011 tO frart Tes of large sisj, and thrifty grawU i. finw kind of trails known for all saasons, front the far!at alimiawTfflpk-rl? AppleW aeMcitavM. Plvfan; hwrr!eV U.lrdara ahoaUl haiaeLs; jnaai1ykat:w4 saay maRa ourarrsngemanuto deliver tn goon time, uaa ef uls Will be at Raleigh, in the early part aad at ike bod of the sesaloh, wjih a eplendid eoUectiea.efjeair treaa.: : V . ' -"?- J, dtT.LlNDLEY. ,,ia;jiafwiraae t 2r Coatamini TBfl.EE.Xt'' aaar leand ia aajr , 1 etWJtaJlua ttetwataf aunipitee ialiii eAy.? -4 jit-ft ilttl'i --'v!jwSjJSaeav J.i'4ritf tev O. & C. gemmr,SpCTngfiell, BBst , TBafVliOXli ALe .rcUUCUWiwTU aaracavey sea1.ven'a ' nntMk edition Tins received essential uuprove- meixts frostt-itnc abLo hands it has , passed aaaf Xarima ictisxaat ha aha JnagJasX Lsngwage,, 1 - - : ' THE MOST' COMPLETE, ACCURATE, AND RELIABLE DIC1TONAJIY OF TJXK LANGUAGE."-, : . ' -t- , . And thirty: other members of the United States no( .... : ; i-L . ; "i - President of the United Ststesv'1 I gad it an invaluable vade mecunt."" V " EtTtabiogical 'part tyrptmei miji thing, tfwt r JQItZs ' M 2Trry tchaldr knows its value. " 'A yary Talualile KVEftT KOUCATEO XAX." work a NECESSITY TO The irroat AccunATk and nr.u asi Dirtjon-. 1 ary of the Lsngnajfe.' h. Axs wit-L r.LrsR before any other Uie tionary ef the Language will be required " : LL D-, of Scotland, author of -pi. tha.wmher." etc. 1 For sale by Hexrt D. Turker. ftt ihe i ' NOUTH CAROLINA BOOKSTORE. Raleigh, Nov. 185a . NEW STORE.' ' "-KVANS 'WIlitlAMS hi W'OULD respectfutly inform iheir friends,and 'tlw public generally, that they .have opened ft Store on Fayeiteville Street, one door above Rieh ard 'Smitk Eor where, they -will keep constantly -on haud a full Supply of. sv '.:..; " U, DRY GOUOS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, sfiROrt ' And indeed every thing usually found- in similar establishments. - . They i present the foUewing as 1 r .L. O. I , v, ; . . T- --. apcciHieua m idiowii Braced 4 French Cashmere, 1 Embroidered Silk sna'Crapeirnl Norwieh lastre, 'Chameleon TurksSiik and . Poplines, J-i. .. French Cashmere aud Delaines, ' Clwmrleou, Figured and Black Alpeeaa, ' - 1 ' VelvetNeck'ttibbonaand Belts, , f French worked Ctltars and Cuffsj , , , 0 , t , tii abroidered IQbbouS and Velvet Trimmisgs, Scolloped Linen Caiohrie HahdkerohUd Kid . Bonnets,' Rihbobs, and Artificials, . . Giaghsms and Calfcuee, a large lot, , French Clothe, CsssimeTO andYestfn'gs, l5lrt ' B&4Vr r-Cloth, Tweeds, and Keutnck:JsSfts. ? ': ;' Rcf and Whit.' Flaftncl, Linaey a-and piaad Sliswhu ' fv.-"' bn.d I , ? t , t. , Kecssyf . DfaQra aad Bed BlaaketaV , J , : V Krnarn and IllaaehaH IlmuoMli RuD'TMiba i Hum iifk 7tir&rtt ...,.....i.,.tl- - r -ft?: !l a i-L 4 SS SI . av"jg weaeanawssTpa . v '. I i 1 . MOiaestie, OH XiegVJtet two years, which have been entirely reU.re.L ,. Tsbls Clothes and D I LHspers. f,n:t'X'-ji,i Tf Ladies' Cettoa; Merino, and SiTk Hose, . , , ... . ..fsn -Vi.-l.T; .v.t '.7 t:." ; jatavsw. ... t. Lsdies fiue Walking Shoes end GsiUrV " I Mils: it Sob s lips pegged bWba, "sf J ' Calfi Kin,' and Coarse 9 Bronaaa. . , . ., "i i" A good aasortnrent wf lists aud Caps ef every aesciptieu, . , , . X srW . af yw 1.1 f , a s -I aaaas . turnery, vroexsry, op.rjes, , nnsvr.a, TTSeeT Cfiains, Jars, tlsgnrra and Kie Coffee, JLsf,Crush uiannru ana Drown ftugar. : -i J . -ri , M Together wtik a-number -of other aKicIee not' enuaeratad. The Subscribers respect fully solicit a share Of 'bublfo' natronnirn. TKaw , wilt isall. mI Bargaind for "Cash,- or ui short liuf, puaoiuaj aeaAsrav a n '.ttu e.v.Ar, .. JQHN Oi WILLIAMS." Isrefgn'. Sept. Bih. 1850. ! i t-- M f ' ' r-T- i i' SECWDiSUPPVt 'hF I -s Clola Crtu and jTrocTi:' CoatSa A ENTLEMESlafoa wsi,1. ga,HlVUinj Jf Ltfal, made in the latest style, CtU kt l, 7i, i fc.L. HARDlNOsitCb .i Wrird.rret: X "SUPERIOR arucle af iNahn, n-i ti T' Jo rneiieetf had veiling abl2J aa"u.; y- , irm Ia,Ji.WALKEvtvl A1age.r aiall qhsm'HTes.hy f .."uffr.i tfcc-"mf Hti jttJPvlr.PESCUD.Drnp.it.f . ' rF ?nt v,.trwM ,"4 - ork, which 1 will sell lowrr.VrjM v 't f - a I v k -V 4V J?. WALKER. j'uly.Sad, 1859." Jin 'lavfii . ii -y vy a. i. 1 2? 1STHB.VOD3 JDJSJEXASRS, 4m ,!Vs and af tknsa Comtkunts which are eeuseb , . .-..L. ..r unlkaM.ltiv' AfktMiitifHI ni tllS t x akiAakV anirni-aiueiit aniiftcacsHa &MKterloaS . K powers' of GALVANISM aa4tAO?l'nW has :'eemaai Uaitei. otatet, to be the wast eiaMi;wieiMefry . . fajfit.tt ' ifviH,t -.tip 1- r .-.4 4 fit. 4ri -jfc,' at asa4 with the sunt perfect aaS certain success M an " . -Testes 'vf .WM Strengrnenlar the weakeiwd bade, arrant, and luweoratine Uia sntm bade, fiTirrtoiiaai therioor satiia,iiyle.. Ha, ia Fll'V I'ttlMP Plllll.VRIA and PA1.SV OK.8TION. RHEUMATISM. ACUTK and CHUON1C.OOUT, EnLKPSV. I.U.MBAOO, DEAFNfcSS, NERVOUS TRT5. MOB8. r.iLriTATIWN OF THE 11EAKT, Af OPLEX V, SlvtT2l.U-.:i, VAIN 4a tha SlfJK and CHEST. LIVEB I COMrtAlN1V;PIJ'AI. COMPLAINT,' and CURVATUB Wkya-DEe-JClENCr OlfeNfcWrOTJS1 and THWlftAt EN RG Y, and all NKHVOCB OlSfeVAaEaV wJatch eoeHdiuntserise poneaUnrJs,caVariely.;;i.t ajjaffs ' JhMw ' A JJerftngement cd the Nenrons Systejn.,, ,, (Tjr-U XEHTOUS COMPLAINTS, Dnig and Niedicines mereax Statue, ior they weaken the vital allergies ef Uieaja already prostratedt sjstasB ; while nniiar-Ui stixngtjieaine, tife-civing. Vitaling..inflnenc of fflalrnim; aii SiplnS by this heatuital and weadaciul-djscoterr, lb? exhausted patient and waakenedrsaaerer m rewrea 10 priHr aeaiin, ,u ahwtkatyrand rigav t?s..it4tt itf Tt J.',t'ts ind weakened, n (ere r m raainreo to inriaec aeaiin, ,uansu - The great aeealiarity sn exeelfenee of . , , te'lWWaifAyirraJf.irf heta? f awali.inM place the siseel smile M Srefgois; taae. i ickina the lattieut, till exhausted Mature sinas aopeiaasiy j utwae (the laaictanv sf. ti"''i!f! .H tVf TVw tnuiln f araots tvarem. eeaaiist A trenn'a ei rsots tvarew, maist M etrenlsnea It sVeel, pVawsletne tVoratiatu, M aesef aVrse rHfrst wa'Nrf .Marfan sn-resasv; Since tkair , intrnductioe ia,he rfetnJa"i tCVn'ei 1 at wVWVS t ftVsj Vt rocioor aa;ag, laaseeeeAiiSrtiWda& Mc, weea. a large aumberuf Usiea.wke-are,af caiwrly suWeet Je New, jo, CoWidaintx. have been '-' ' . r-... J ' XWTXHELT AD FEHMrrEWTtT OEDJ u;' , when IU htipa of rrbV ka beea firtfi a,an Mary. IhiaJ) the been tried ia vain ! , . j - , To illiistrata the use of theeaXVAW,BKti?Prsn tha caae of a persnihaAieted with that bane of ejviltaaUon, OfBrr.MIAie'aytewr;hTieer:Nerja la orasnary cases; s$inelaatt are takan; which,? $heb?eetinaa) Jie nerre, an4 moacJe of h itomsfch, atfiinl utf .rai-j relief, eut which aaalra tha patiant te a, lewerasnaaa with. injured' (acuities, after the .acttoo.thns encited has ceased. . Now co-, patetthie-WRh m elect reralUng frowAsepplfchtitaiSt ftftff UAUV.AN1C J8EW, Takes J)jripsjrf5 sulsrex, srsn a,the. worse ntjitonw of 4t itVaek, and simply tiktits Bslt arooarf the body, isgvtte. lawttc'lsidHw period the insensible perspiration wijl action the pnutie ehMuent hie tsolt, tbaisly eaaaias; t UattaSJa stieulaaiaaf which will pass on to the negative, end 4heace ieek agaia e the iosiUve, thus keeping opaeoataems-alanie,reals,4 rrese H part, ef flfs CbsSawy aehttbidaVlsSUr every coltnaamtbsi paper;.; .v, i.-fj Aw xtMojinabyAsi?, which conclBrisely peore, hat f4f - Jfj . f t , r , ( ;ju,sa .. " C CtJUK OF f 4 , KuiDlBlTIo. BRfJ.CntTIS AXOTJt ef New Jerse, of distiifgnishe4 aUaiameots snd assnea -repatatioa s ' ' ' -"t -.. .i-i . li.' ! A. H TueiaVirDear Sin Yoii wish to know wf ate what has been the result in any- ewa eaaejef the ardKWtiswfwt THE GALVANIC BELT AND NECKbACE: My reply is as fi Jiogj ik i. n u - ' ' WR-i. . to about (vraty year I had Dees tMienne; ironv uyspep .irf. r.t-arr'vaay tha aymntnnis beeaina Worse, dor-auUl f ebtniapeisBaaeotrelrcl from any onrsajofaelkltesatait ' i . i . t ... . . .in., m .nii.nn lia n. wf . ftasnMutespoUractotlieweaUHir; to tbslarrte ary-twal torsi dnties, i became snhjeft .to , tesaxe Chronic Rheums, fita,.' which fiSr year ir year Sltsr ' year, eauaee ' ne 'inaeacruasnw ancuith. KarUier jSthe whiter rfao'4S.inuianice of preachW a great deal tr siyi own-'aad various othef eharebes ia this regiea,. I was atiacttesi er apweasasj which soon beeSme sotsesere aa jo require .an- uinwan - peasioWir ay wtorsl Ubor.Mf;rr.as syateaS was Seal issreaeUe ansstrate and as. ary Jtronehitia becaB weTse, se aba did mvjlespepsis ano Rhenmstic Altectioo thus evincing mat thee aisarders wera caeoaoted wrth each other jrJtnwga m.. ; nt tUm Nanmia Rvtan. In (ha whole tahamtaco pens merevmsaied: tebe an ratisimaaimn'emW reach and-reeBuerate my Nervoo, Sytem ; every thing that I fa br this pnrpose bad conipteteiy utiea. jki i bv avs (rieikl.Ur-Kiui)toe ypqf ja,eatiou,an4 (Ihoeirh wKh nb very sangnine hopes of Ortir efflctew y,y rjietefiitliiea M try the aXaetof theiheatioBMniiS 'tiA v.AMrt- suvs. AAU Na.IJUKLA.CK, WIUl ma MAUHM iL. rx.uiv- J uia waa hi iana, IStsLbTeav Ae-arrwiaMaxrf; ia twanars wa DTsrersia .has aani is, siohv pars, I jwa iciei.so T eewwa. w . viSTOaic La Beast ' SoS Ml I StSCS OMrtVinr a. aixaLa aaeviva en y RhKHITIC iFKECtlaM a. staoi-a eaevsva on toaTa.TH swiurii avs at HS KKTISKI.T L-V KSKS TO TIOUIWI MB. Seek hvthe wssadsatnl-aad hapyw Teairitr"' theeeraswa,' t. ' I kiutrniammMUl H.l.r and r u U U UT waa ksve Sean Khawlse saflbnnferuta NearaeM aaeaUoas They have toed them, with a arrv aaavtTs,. L .ic, is .". CASS. ?,J Vvsrv nn ruQisTiir'a Mr ('-je yi.mwtijijfldi . w'ased lerall complaints A'ecting the Throat or Head, such a. roachlaa,' IOSaiaU(te if theThrnal. 'Sirvmis end Biek'V Heasasha. Jrxziness of the .Vend NenralgU u t kuninr er Roariinr in the Ksrs.'U'eafnea. ahirh m HieKsoa, generally Herveas, sad Sha sistreesad eaarts4atMawlHawUfawair Altai ihysicSBns acloiowWfrV that theietct-Afiie sAaseVara , ky ,aaWeHa;. Ar.u fmr&, tMlnctedJ Da. CuittrriK', Gslvsruc Articles will Kujily this aeewerjapAaaayietostd-.shhr caased. br .M mCntnmm-of1 Nttmu Matrm in the- sltkated) hmba. T)a. CliitirriK's'GsfvAluc Articles will Kumily this Saauiais jpewer,spaaciaMwoieaTOieoraasewaiawaasea f ... Ad.-n-Za! J . -m , f J IS. OFTEN AMPLJf iSUf-JNWWTT T0lEADCAflfeTfW, disease or YKAllS,' , . n,. ,t ' noma oe kisw clOSO 'Caso oC Pilry1 kasaitParalTfils t webeeo reported 4e Dax,cWirrie and hiaA4arVtAHlun the ' a. ' . rj-ie; Aeeaew f. V. Tewrs nrBrofikryh. 'W.'r.'fied net baan able to walk a step lot near, feus ijears, and staaao lutlp- Mas uiai Be asa wseiaa. tm wxm ceieHrsiea pitysiciaaa ne aaa to oe lea. I ae sioh eeieitraiea pitysiciaaa i ap. . rarva days ter bemwesced, ;esrhig bar ! BruT, Nccsi.acc, aeo" BliACKi.fcTS, he walke-l i soraa, and in tkree weeks' he had nerleetiyreeovarea' gave mm i UALTSKie Si baeltb. Captain Tones M seijenty, yaaia uf age,, r-1; j t'i ;everi8 Deaf6eJCnreti.' i): Tae fcuowmg h5a.swtrse4 from w nrtteajswfhr sreeired. . A:..a: : .4.-1 . x. ' rA i. A . Witt) the HmgtutU flu,, for a serious JlTectH.u of Iieafne,. The ease wathat at a lade whose Naroesv,ln was atach iwaae .uewwara iw wwr- tr- ! i.nnlki.1 mnit'bap nnanl k..HK mnr. . Mlinh wa mi, pravioualT tw (he eriiiieuW bT tb Relt, Jw whh very little sweossa, ana s, isei n onie rcqi io,en rqiv v r "TJ sseneed weaJltirthe Beft and Vrihis; -Tie Fhifci.trnt hfow wseM. saw, she has tNTJIttLY RkXOVEBW S)EJ-MEAKfN and he general health ft belter than sir serersl years." 1 ) Cr KTSryces ef bearasss,, if it 6e NerwajS ss if kserslly , m, can bs cured by thia wonderful remedy, M K - a '.VlDRjiCNRiSTlE'w : - - a T?e PTB fc I ' f "1 A-V A IU IXIK jakaa-w- . AM -mead -of east afervki -cases, i f 'w"" JR ftpmynnlK. Coraplaiiib, d R.-' ' PaT 4 .Head aaa apMrextnamies - - r-- - v-.-.-.. nil1 diseases- erased sea-erased by a ,d.eciawc7 ."i-r J JT T, ViTi. IS thd JiaiU eortr o-gan. the body Energy Tll sSafwanlii'BsIL .ThrelrlikrB,':" " TjSSvSo Neikleowi ln o.lslrav. Thi Gweio;Bracelets, OnejrJolIar.lJftplw, Srtwles arieowS- ' faonaT' taambleta.withfa aeShSWtsae Aganu : - sr- t -i'flr eaa?,. w tf - hblesaki "ind retail oy, r. if -, r tw: ClIJJ..tohji2p,.0,f,;i .-J tvf, i it a 4 tI atwV-3. AKt JLl 'Iff - aKUc assoruuent ou bsno aaa aeiuug Useap sweaVsismwarsB. 4s anas .ATheStmiMswt Askw La. .i idatli Kt-klmr. pawawvrras wa- wiwi Ujat , E. L. HAHVirt .. .r tuleigh-Nov ,J?l,n5a . 14 i ;f 1 (I N 53 jet,-' eVJ