1 1 1 ' V i ' .1. ; i i it .-: W i If dilHSEUESS, J3&0ZICZZZTZS, wnoopjua-couoii,- croup, ASTHLIA ui 001TStJXXPTX0Xr w . . . i - i ..S.V .TkklrWl' M7 IWiiiiiip" T -.-,1 TC.wmi. VM bMMItja&ief rliaar( I iV..ffUuil UM( tortaiB'urc ka1 ifa'fwifal tpjaUai aa ' laaW,- ia ia.i. isjMdioaaa. aaa bf laa aukkat aad oraa axracabla m"tito madclaaa fcrwaaB .aobaaa aaU Baad balow Ua opinion of men wh art a (kaaVwarU. ao4 ta iworld raapaet 4kalr apia- FROM PROFESSOa HITCHCOCK. " m Ja-q. A7rtir? 1 fcay w-w ,CH5": RT PECTO ft AL.7 in'my owa casa or eep-atdi Brtftihitta, 'aid ' aatisBe-l froni fta fchnl(! eua-; ttitatioa' lbat it U aa admifaWd fcmnpoanJ for aa rafTonaTyaal broacauil diScoldi. aato aaapetwcraciT-H -" eieajo. waUbair-ar7oa tkiuk al Ji U pve4Ient af Ataaerta raneja. fV t1u L0NVON LANCET?- AVER'S CHERRTT PECTORAL ia aaa f Ha BMcrtaUiakla preparatioaa laaf kaa fallaa aer .,r aatiea.,. Afte. afol axamlMaiiaa, kwiuta ta iay wa aaTa a larga appwoiatiaa aflta ateriw aad Jaa fwllaat coatfeaca ia iu aafalaaae far aoauhaaadlongeompWata." - . "Brawiter, of Wiodaaia Ca, Coaa , aaada aa tk folTo wiag taadiaoaj : , m-j:C. Ayer-Dear y wr" tifteata rrooi Mra-Caihtrhe-K Cady. a kvjr otfecWblaUdjof thia village wifa of MrJ Seta Cady DapotySberiff. Windham Co. Coon. Th. cnro in tt eaaa Wat terr prompt, aad kaa attracted general ranawaa w A7BKEWSTER . U. W At KkxJMVt, ClA Sept. 28, 1848. TalaiftTertify kat 1 wna afflicted witk a aery aaarafloagh 1 tha winter of'47-8. wkiek ikraatea adla torBriaataiaCoaaamptioaj. I kad triad DBy wdJdaaafa TaiBVaad m -carad by ika oaa af IYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL'' v oS iCATHARINEK-CADY. a --. DIRECT EVIDENCB Cr-Ayar,L.welWDear Sir. Faaliag aader abligaUoaa to yoa fcr Uo rartorauon af y 1 saad yoa a report of my ease, which yoa ora at lib art, ta publiah for tka baae&i of others. Last aa taoa I took bad cold, accompanied by a aetera touLiai aaada aa taay medicines wxthont obtaining reUaf I waaobiigtd to gia np bust eta. frequentiy raised blood, and could get no sleep tBight. A friaad gaea jna a bottle of y oar CHER RY PECTORAL the nse of which I iniaedwtely commenced accordirj io directions. 1 hat just pnrchasod the fifth bottle, and am nearly recosered I bow ep wall, raj flonsk kaa eaased, and all by the a of yonr valuable niedicin ' '. PrinciprMt. Hope Seminary. FVom'T.Brran Droggwt and Poatmaster, Chicope Falls, Mass; " ''.'.L, Dr. J.'O. Ayer Dear Sir : Enclosed Meata find ramittaac for tha CH ERRY PECTORAL last ant ma.r i caa ankeaitatingly say, tkat aa mediciea we) tell xtsaasach aatifaetioa aa yoar'adoeaj nor hnvtvj watr ee ' medicine) wkick eared ao maay aaaawof Cawgk wad Laag Complainta ' Oar'Pky wJftwnvsjaiBg itarte naively ia tkair praetiea, aad -ifjzst.'zr- Tr,i'BtrABT. rsKwaaaa btx- aTsa.eajawiaT, aawaix, waaa. For warn wholesale and mail by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD &. CO., and Drujista gtaefally in N.C.W"-" - 's v ' J Jaw 7tV 1850-' " ' ' ' VTT B. PAL.UF.1V ik AanacieM Haws W.i aar At, U AMt far Uia paper aad an kTaJ t-M.ka ADVERTISEMENTS, aad aU 8CJUJSIIRS at taa-aam rates aa reaaired by. aa. H'm officaa ara at ,-j 'f '". PniWBsantA, fi. W. cot. Third aad Ckaaaat ats Kee. York. Tribnoa BaiMiag. ENGLISH, AND CLASSICAL SGEdOL. Tne SnDserlber, iieaignTng to eontiaoa hie eebsol ia thVtowa'of PfUaboro,' will eoameaea another aiaa oa the first Monday in January next, la tha Makarrfc Xodge,"a ipaxioua and eoaTenieat aaait madrftrk School. sl- ' . Yaaog men maj her pnnne the regular atndies preparatory fbr College, and eajoy the advantage f the good society which this pleasant and healthy Tillage affords. Tba toitioj. charged ' from the time of entering, will a lor the stadies of Greek, Free eh, Latia and HathaenaficaprteisioB ar five months 91S Iwer Mranchra, ' 1 l ta 11 - J.C ClRLILE. Dee.fth,lg - " li ' i " 1 1 i Kerr & TCuthbert, tocmou'To mcis 4 cctdbem,) tnttn, Forwirdin? ndCommiBioa Eertkiiti, ii PbTEKUVRa,' Va. w Loair "AVE ooestantly on hand , ., Prima Port Rk and New Orleans 8a gars, . Crashed, Pulverised aad Clarified . Kkk tirair aad St. DomiDro Coffees . i - ' Black Pepper ia grain and graaad, aad Allspie Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Base Ganpowdec; Imperial and Yoang Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine aad Sperm Candles BaawvPale and Yariegsted Soap Gaspowder, Shot and Bar Lead -BUciing. InkSkac Thread and .Wrapping Panwr Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather - Liverpool aad Graaad A lam Salt Prima, Virginia and W astern Baeoa aad Lard Kaihv aaaortad witk, flooring and Wnrekoasa Regalia, (Principe, and Havanna Cigars ; .. . Together with a large Itoek of foreign aad dmea tio Liiners.'Wines, :4, which, they offer at fa kwast market rates. 9 The strictest atUatioa paid ta reeaiving and far waf anodnv.,,.......,., . . . Petersburg Jaaaary.29, 183i. ly. THE Winter taaiaa af Mr. d Mrs. RarwelPs ahoel tar yoang Ladies will rbegi a Tanraday, ftk of Jaaaary. - a- - Board' and Taitioa, ' - 07 50 Maswon PisaoarGaiUr, ' - 2taw Uaa af laau Batent for araeries fM Drawing,: " JM Fraath, -'. . v 1100 Lathy " SK) ' SrhM,-,r , at wor mora papila osrao frn the asm Jnraily the ebarge for washiagwill be 2,50 cenia aek Aa lb aamber of pupils is limited, semens dairaeofaeeBringplaeeaaBnat snake aarfy appli nXorvFarcirenlarseowuiaieg etf aeeeaaary ia fbrmauooa'diM. Rev. R. Borrell, HZIsbore N. C. ' Deaw ltay I850u ,' i ' W4t 110 - inrw stock, of Boots Shoea and Slippers. tnMt hAniHkA K'.wL. . . tamed fromftho Northern Mar- nl ktt.' wlart ke hai UiJ ;B a , large and beeatifal stock afar. ticJeem his line of bnsines, embracing every ae ription ef fine and soers wear. ' ' Uia stock for Ladies and Misses eoanritea eve. n an.Vuy of Slippers, WalWag gaeea, ikole end half Gajtwt, if d kis.aepply. for Oeatl asea end Boys, och aa will sait the teat 0f all-; r ii i? ft Ui4.io Jr WW' aiaterinla ia kla line, and brooghton a first rate workman from Ue.NonB ; aad ia therefor prepared to maanfa. tBOOT8,SH0ES. nnlTrpS J "7 t"1' eaUb!iihment in M itT7,v,vTr All ha asks i a tria feeling eawred that h will Jjjhl. t. tyj 'i8 EastCmerCpnl Sobst ' Blitej Apple end Uosben Cheee. jaat recT red by r r TUCKER A BON - r ' V pit f 1 f - . ' , - - ... ' n funi i .rwyT-' . ' j g B k, hORBLlIIDrOtt f ALU " K ff -ffy'Aers of-VaIesbt Lend. Tying we t0y n(M Soma ef Raleigh, n tit Fey etieviil load, will be soU en i onffnt n welt secsred Mai all Ihst t desired, i Persons wish ing te xawdna the land six) premises can do J ' by calling ou,M- A Bled, who is aartfcwvsed t sell is. u THE PEPPER BOX. M -CORNER OF WILMINGTON ' ANO; ,. HAlETTSTIllltrr, : "TtltS splendid ZsubHsbment.' lost, 'emplid. and elegantly. fitted np. U new opee for the espeo- um w ptmnt or lot mono. 9 W. It PEPPER.' th Arent. aad Mmijw. U wmn kmmwn in tkU mmnnitv ' asd tVrD(hoQl tb Mtaia.u a Caturer for tha laMet f all tkoM toui r l''t.: nitii? "nVnpa7nl.",B?frf. 'And olKet DeUcaciu 'of tl Seasn, . BAKED. SCALLOPED, FRIED, STEWEI, 'And done vp Broun, witk til ,tb ef celtru: 'Tka rjaaae" Use arraaged as to farnUk 'Saloons eemplctely retired for private parties of gentlemen desireao of feastieg themselves and friends. PEPPER attrn(U tetke CnuMs ia penea. Trays handaomety piled np. seat to every part ef tka City at short notice; and Parties will he supplied at any hear ef tha day or eight, ky aeudiag their orders te ih. Hoes. . i - Mesabera of the Lea-ielatare, waen fatigued with their erdaooa afficial dutiea, may refresh tkomeelves at PEPPER'S and atbar Ytakere, aa well aa his aid friends aad easterners of the City, axe invited ta do tk aeme, , If e aaiue ar eineese'ekaU h aparad tamaka this THE HOUSS where avary wiah af the Epieara ehall a gratifiad. . W. RrEPPKR. A gent far L. t. Bturu. Raleigh, Not. 18th. 1850. , 88 NEW AND SPLEN0I0 STOCK OF JE1VKLRTAND F1XC1 1ITICLE5, GOLD ill SILTI1 PUTS, .WAiraia eg. -o 7 sr ss - PISTOLS, &" i C. B. ROOT. B PAS iaat returned from the Xorth. witk one ef tBea th naoat brilliant end chaate aaaartment of Jewelry, Fancy article ef new enJ beeutifol varie- lire. Gold aad Silver VV etches, etc. At , ever kefvrtf offi-rcd ia this market. He iavitea th attention of citinena and a rangers. Ha will keeonatantlv reo-iviag aed epaemi park age for a few weeks te come, and will take pleesnre ia exhibiting them to all who may gie kirn a call October 4lh. 1850. 88 N-PERKY, 8jtamor IL, I doors aboTt lux, PETERSBURG, VA. inHE CrLUAPESrnd BEST assortment in B thiacity of CLOTHS. OAS8IMEKKS. YES t TN GS Coats,' Vei, Pants. ShirU, Gloves. Crs vata, Mnapemlers, Handkerchirfa, Umhrellaa, Bya' and 8ervanta Clothing, fc e. Gentlemen an invited to emit rnnd exwrnute iar Slock, which will mi all timet b Jrtchj sAoten. eteptember 8, 1850. 73 at IS hereby given, that application will ke made to tk present Lfgislatore to pees aa act teamead aa act aatkorisicgtheCoanty Ceart ef Meekleakerg, u nay ever certain fnnds te the Ceaaty crt of Union, so aa te embrace the monies doe from th seenrities of Uloaa and MoCeaehe, farmer Skeriffa af MaekMabarg. i . Dee. 8th, 1658. 88 Mrfnufacturins Establisiimenl If OSEPn WOLtERI .10 rar t Banker Wef years FeremaB in the Kaleirh aa4 Oaetaa Kail Read Blackanith Shop) rapeet folly aaneeaeee te the etUsena ef Raleigh aad the auiraeaaiag Cone lie, that he ia prepared to maaufaetere J&CSS. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, iaiiua aud Pistols, ' Ctrritgt spring, MUI-wtk, Brtst Castings, ami as sMft,mnftuig as BUdttn &UcJttmMM mrk as is axe rBBrasKv t exbcutk bum nanwiao, at ts saeaTKST BenoB. Also has en hand an e ale naive aaMrtmentef Locks ef all kioda, at prices from 18 eeats te 28 dollars Cdgetsels, aa assortment ef Axes, Drawing-k aires, Hatebets, Hammers, Files ef various eacriptieaa, sad a Bamber ef nrticles ia his line tee todies te mention. All orders faithfoNy execaled at the lowest prices, aad new work eat mated to kia care will be warraaU ed Order from a distance will he attended and executed et the ehorteat netiee. flis Establishment will he feend en Fsyetteville 8treet. Repniriag in hie line performed witk neataees and despatch. Aieo, a general eeaertsueat e! Gaaa aad Pistols coastaaUy on band. JOSEr WOLTERHIG Raleigh, Ang. 38, 1850. 31f aKDSBlXT Q.-Wt W5T! d JJLHK andersigned. who has just retarnrd free i-Li the enexplored regwaa" f tha Sunt of Nafc, ukea this method I letarn kia thanks t tks eiliaens ef Raleigh, and the eoanty. far their kuepitati-" Mae," aad te infbnrj tkem, that a wiehes te parches a few "Darkies. I will git ss mock for Beys h tween th sges ef 18 to XA, and girla from. 8 te M. aa any Bona oa the tepef tka grwead. lamaetery paraealar ne to c4or ; hut woald prefer mulsitees with 8op 'jeks." ' Peiaona having soeh property Car aale, are reejwea led to -give ma a call, and the tkat ksve net, weald deveii iecaB also; aa e fiw moeaeaU wih me weeld aeweabt fairy resaenerat ihem for tk tim. I deem it aaneerssery ta nay mora, as Iker ie wot a man, woaraa, er iahild. in the Misje, wk has aet heard ef ih How George E. Badger, Ilea W . II Haywood. Jr, B. F. Moore, Joka O. hi or aad Beg" Oarer. Mr J.J. Hyals will etaend teeay call daring myeheene JHN C MOORE. Nov. S3. I860. , ri tf 17 otandard and Times copy. Fall Stock, '. 1850. P.F. PESCCD is aew raeeiving his Fall Steak ef TAINTS. OILS, FMUFW MERY. DYE STUFFS, AND ' - FANCY ARTICLES., v . which b firs teaailer st s small profit ; aad as- lares laens last me aMitty ef hia aruaVs and pri. can will glvs saticfacuoa. . Those whet have snei keying la th Kenkern end Eastsra) Cilia er par lleuUrly lavited to examiae kia biedk a4 Priaas aelor parcbaaing elaenkere. F F FaVC9 Raleigkpt 17ik. 1850. XJfiSZSS. BKMunnun win ue Btnae at ta pri Oenersl Assembly, tar sets of Incwrporatiea of eompeais lot eeoraun ia Caa I. and other mkaeral uepnver4n taeoeonueeof Caatkam aad .mem; Aw a charter for a Plaak Road from Piiubore' is la Wall in Uhataata Ceaaiy. . MANY CFTIEENt. Way. 23id, 1858. t Hardware and Cutlery, &c, OLLINt VC'a Axea, Haadw Filaa, Aa gere vmacia, . Hsmmers. Carry Combs, r aires aad Pecket and Pen Knives, a - 4 - ' - c , OnstSet Balsuc Haadled Kaivsa and Frk,sil - piM. ... . . " Balance Handled Carvere and Fork aad Steals. Brass and Fancy Csat And-trone. Brass Headed Iron etbovele and Tongs. Mpades and 8boveia.Trce Chains, and Hatter laafas Cotton and Wool Cards, Na 8. 8. 9 sad 10. - ' Toilet and Swing Looking Glasses. ' 8apsriof Eatliah VasUrd, sap, cark sodsl lsve mac. fiatags.'! -' :- --.j . Spanish Idigo. copper., freak aad sak snnfE fc.. Vr, ahot, and asad.5' ' ' - " , ToJPM"d toilet soap, starchy ato. thread n Bed LojosVts1-. ! . t v. f nei gree. and bhek Tea, r and. kfads, csat german aad blleAr ts ' - ' bkM ff&2 'WeviB. St. Pfy. ag, 18H. ' - mj to The iWbRLb qeirAllt.' r JId otr Friotdx. end Patrons Particularly i THE - LARGEST ASSORTUEIfX.iOJP ij.: GOODS . 1 7.' HTrtiir o fP tin Eft for ZE. In tbe'Staje of N.' Carolina, both in the Piece, and , KEADT AxADEL V " ' To whKh' m invite the attention of the pobfic. OLIVER &;PR0CTER,i Wares af the t. Ia. lt It- TJgly Row, Fayetterille Street, Ralelgb. fUHE Inrmortal Insectl'eMii tka Duet. &z 01! . I "r, of Oliert aed Procter has just retnrnd from the City ef Get ham. otherwise New York, tie Leaden of America. - Spent six weeks ia said dif gins er lectin nn assortment ef Goods tkat for qual ity and atyl never were surpassed, aad rarely oyer equalled AM r wbich are at kanU ana reaay mr exhibition.- Whilst ahaent aaid JuliaznukeJ Der- son.ige fwr the benefit of tke firm partially, but for tha oublic more parttcnlsrly, had eut and made un der hi own special diractien and supervision, a very mrji mut t Geiicrnl Ansortmoiit of Clotlilns enibracmr Itlack Urm ana Frock Costs, sll sixes and prieea, Brown, Green. Blue, Drab, ote.de., Bnaivess Sarks snd Frocks, Overcoats and Cloaks, alt colors. Pants and Vesta all kinds from the tow vulgar to "the Pern er bighfalutin. Dress Shirts, under Shirts, all kind. Drawers ef every deeHp tkn. Heavy Silk under Shirts. Net. carton Dra era. a aew article, to which we invite special atten tiea. Slocka, Cravat a, all grade. Scarf. Glover, white, black and colored, Suspesden, Mack Cel. . JC.Y U1D fnillTA, direct from Stockholm, etc J-e. , Alae whilst aa-ent heard Jenny Lied afng eat within (out leet ef Gem a the Hatter, the man what paid two hundred and twenty five dollar for his tick s' and taade eioney at that ; preaenled Jenny with a tilling CUp, thereby rendering bimeelf immortal, sa no Lsdy ran ride unless the has on s Lind Cp. ad made too by Ceniii, precisely aa the Lsdie generat- ly who have heaid at our fame for making 44 1 hem eosta" consider their I.rd much hsndaomar and more faahinalle men. when ricged out at the Store where clothing is fashioned by art. To .Members of tbe Lcialatitrc, &.C Member of the spprnacbing licgialsiure in want of Clothing this Winter would ease twenty-five per cent if pot fifty by pnaipouing tbe pnrchasing of their clothing until ilieir arrival here Be sare end dont initiate oor etsblishment, dont let sny body per suade you. that tbe can do ss well by you ss ws csn. Dnt offer youraeles o be humbugged -tliat.i a commodity wa tlout deal in, snd our frenda knew it Gentlemen liio in thia eoontrj roui of it, would do well to give ua a cjIL as we are determined lo eell cheaper than tbe cheapest. Peraone need no longer complain of hifch ricea. If you want clothing tor youraelvea, yoar children i.r your neighbora, rail, ws esq roll ihem cheaper than yoa. csn key tbe gooda much less hsve them made. 8 e Mif n. OIJVERdc PROCTER. Raleigh. Oct. 8, 1650. R K. R. R. . POSTSCRIPT! P. 8. We take this occasion to render oor most grateful scknowledgemenls to a generous public for the very liberal patronage keat-iwed upon ua atuce oer commencement in boeinea, aud treat that ly promptly execaiinr, their i nlers snd iffiwg ear eel ei for their benefit, not only to receive the appella tion of "well d ne iohI and faithful aervama" but a continusoce of their rutom. Our fiirnda snd cus tomers st s dis'snee wdi pleaae read our advertise ment and tendon tbeir orders; we are sntioujly waiting for them. Latest London, Pari and Northern faahions jast le hand. - Cutting of sll kinds attended le immediate!, O.d; P. Ra'eick. Onoaer 12 185. a NOTICE rPJS kereby given, tkat application will be made to (tJ4 the next General Assembly af tka State et North Caroline for en act te repeal tke private net ef I84e-d1, which aathorises the Jeiee ef tke am : mr k. i : a a r rwaaiia ie araw aaa aei UlaMBenlioa Coerta; whisk practice ia deemed oera ta the people ef the said Coanty. CITIZENS OF FRANKLIN. Oeteber 24th, 1850. 88 JPubiiaJied xpreeeUy for THE Fa1 ) and Holiday Sales of 1850-1. I KAFLfc'I'S OF nHHOHW-An II p A luminated Annual for 1851.' REJITS FEMALE POETS OF A UEJtICA.Eegntj Iwand in gill morocco or gilt moslin, in the rich est style, and asehahd with too portraits, and there splendid illaminalioes. THE CABINET OP MOD a UN AIT. Ele gently bound in mororoo er mualin, riehly tilt THE S.NOW FLAKE. A Christmas, Nsw Year, snd Birthday Gift, for 1851 THE CHRISTMAS TRIBUTE AND NEW YE A K'S Gl FT A Soaveoir for I 1 TUPPER'S PROVERBIAL P LOSOPHY. Bound in eleeant st le. CHKISTMAS BLOSSOMS f NEW YEAR'S WREATH F-r 1S3I. Edited ky UscleTkoav a. Bound in elrgaat atyle, and embekabed with i splradid tlluatrauons. eneravrd exsieaelv for Ibis work. For aale at TURNER, N.C. Book-Store, . . "Wgh. wwtsi iat, lpan. ej BECK TITS A NTI-D YSPEF TIC PELLS. oUffLI of sacra Beckwitk's Pills just metved. Tkes Pilia. eoaUiaioe aa ataaen. ry, asveheea before tke seoals neax. Ikin a.ra aedwitkoattka aidof poffisg,araexteaiely need mm im uaiea, naBa are guuuiae wevua tee wriuen MgaMave sr tas proprietor. r or aaia ay P. F. PESCSD. Raleigh. Nov. 30th. 1860. . 97 Bajriilug Fluid mud good supply ia Store and for aale ky a4 . WILLIAMS. HAY WOO B dt Raleigh, Nov. 21st 1850. CO. 84 New Goods for Fall THE sabseribers are bow reeaiviaa theie rait .a wibwi sappuea, oonststiag ia put ef tk foUewiaa Black Gr Do Lyon and Silver rey afilks. " Fancy and Black Broaede aUJke, Black, Fancy and White Watered Bilk Cbameleoo Silks, Super China Silks, Levantines, Plata and Watered rpli, Brocade sicEsidors, Lyoaeee Cletks, Paramattas, Silk and Wool China Maslia D Lainaa and Cash mere. Chameleon Turks, English, Franco, aad German Merinos, etripeu. rmted and Plain Moalia De Lalns sad aaoxneres, ' Chameleon Alpacas, Ribbon. Velvet and Hair Bell Trimmints. Black Silk Lao. French Work Cap, Collars, and Cnffa. Jackooau Check. S wise, India-Book, Dotted, Tarl- a sou naueooa maauna. Bonnet, Can, Neck, Caff and Belt Bikkeas, Pari Kid Gloves, . Bhawls aad YWrtea, . Ladies end Mieaea Psris Embroide red Linen Cam arte Handkercbmrn. Real Valencia Thread Edgings, Tspee, Bobbins, Edgiaga, aad Inaertings, de. 7 . R. TUCKER dr WON. 8epUllth 1859. . ... ,;. STEAM SAW JMJ E. I ' ' I BEG leave to call tha attention of boildera and persons wishing to norehar Lumber io Uieam Saw Mtfl near Raleigh, where thy ean be eapplled with any kind, at tbe shortest aotic. Ala sawed Laths or tha best quality at I T Cfi per M. K.leigk, Jpry lltb, 1838. "3 y ''" af a HIT I .' 'CrVelWa".'! A HOTHER Wt ef tnoa SopwWir Prioctp and M RefaliaSerars.thal east be beklen In this marksL Jest raoalyed; by jt m b.r,: tujhvt Raleigh.Jaly 2ad.- 1S50 l i t --' - t -.W.L JfOTICE. . yt J; 'OL i PPLICATION will be made at 4k next Leg ?A Ulatnre ef Nortk Carolina, to great a Charter er a Plank Road Trent Pittsbomogh .fj pecatar, (as N. C'egg'a MillsJ en Deep Elver. .. SO VTIi Mj O WE tI e; i . t JUbrlAJJdkLJLe. !., -i...' J; THE preneot Session of this Institution Will cloae Dec 20th, and the next Win commence on Thurstliiy,' Ja 2nd. Btadeots wril find K for their interest ta be present at the beginning ef tk Session. uV 1 t. I . . . The School still continues under tbe superinten dence of Uev. Jan. A. Dean M A vas Priacipal, and Mr. B. F. Larrahea B. A, aa Associate. . The building 1s new,' aad sufficiently eotmnodlous to nroommodats a large number of Stadeat. ' No efforU will be spared to promote sound morali ty, tkorohgh scholanthip. snd practical knowledge in a word, to make thinking, get in, upright men- So loogasthe -public , shall favor as witk tkeir patron ape, wo pledge ourselves to furnish the service of a sufficient number ef thoroughly educated, and well tried teackera. - ' ' . ' ' Expenses ss heretofore, vis: Tuition fin 0,00 12.50 end 15.00. Board ia tka best families, , 25 per Session. ' ' , South Lowell Academy is ia a healthy aad plea ssnt part of the Stale, beiag ia Orange Ceaaty, 38 mile wast of Headereoa. aad about tka aem dis use Bert k west ef Raleigh. , D C. PARISH. g CsaJaaV gaetk Lowell, Nov. 2tk, 1830. 4t 87 Succession Sale. TO EFFECT-A PAKTITION . I N the matter of the euccejwion of William M Clarke, sad in tke suit of ths heirs of CUrke the heirs of Clarke! for a partition,. Number on tbe Docket of tbe District Court, for the rr Parish of llapwleN. ' ' By virtue of tbe decree rendered in th above en titled suit on the 14th dajr of November. A. D. 1850 by the Honorable the District Court, for tha Parish Of Rapid, 1 shall proceed on Thursday, the 2nd day of January. A D 1S.11, at 11 o'clock, A M.. st the upper plunutiou belonging to the Estate of the late Win. M. Clarke, situuted iu the Parish or Rapides to rell at publie Adctiou to the highest bidder, the following described property, to wit : FIRST. A certain troct or parcel of Cfej?' I,4.E. Www Cuiuvuted ass Hngr Plantation, and beleugiitg to the Esste of the Ute UU ra.vi. Ularke, sirn.-ited on both side of the Bayoni Occufin the Parish of Rapides, about fourteen mies from ibe town of Alex undria, bounded abo.e by laud tkolongtng to W Mir tiu. below by lands belonging to the heirs of George Mathews, sad eoatainiug about 3201) acres more or leas nine hundred seres of which are cleared and in cultivation, and the r-miuder in timber. The Red River Rail Kod runs through the plantatien, al ways affording an apportoniiy of getting produce to be earlieat market. The buildings are an Overseers house, Negrw doartera. Corn Crlha, 4cV and a Superior Sugar Hoase. Sugar Mill, Steaia Engine, all complete snd in fine order. There are alo on tbe place from 3f0 to 250 acres of cane, mettaMea for set. 1 here will be sold at the same time and place, aed loeether with the ale tatien, tke followiug peminal px-perty attached ta the eame : about 4 keed Of Horeee, aad Mules, yoke of Oxen,' head or Cattl. 10O hog aad all tbe Farming implements aad nteneils of every kiad aad description. SECONDLY. Aad at tha same time and place I will offer far sale, s certain tract or parcel of land call ire ted ae belonging te tbe Estate of the aaid W M Clarke ait a at ed oa both sides of the Bsyoa Baeof ia the Pa nsh of Rapides, about 18 miles from Alexandria, bounded above ay lands Belonging to the hairs George Mathews, nod below by lands of Major uaase, anu eatimaiea te contain about lSO arpeuts, about 800 of whioh are cleared aed in cultivaiio. and the remainder in timber. Tke Red River Kaii Road reus through thi plantation also. The buildings consist of sa Overseers house. Ne gro Quarters, Com Cribs, dC, aud a good Gia no. ana Urtet Milt. There will be sold at tka same time end place and together with tha plan talma, tke fallowing personal property attached lo lee aaia : About 43 heed af Horace sod Mules, 8 yoke of Oxee, 100 need ef Cattle, 150 head or koga, aud all the Agricultural and Farming implemeuta and oteasils of every kiad ana ueecriuou Terms: Tke above described Plantation, together with tbe above property thereon will be sold seper- aieiy. a creau 01 oae two or tare years, equal an nual iaetalmsnta, purchasers civins their Botes with approved security, made payable to the order of the bxecator, at the Bank of Louisiana. New Orleans. wilb eight per eentnm per annum interest after ma turityreaders privilege aadspcial mortgage re larne 10 secure me purcneae xnooev. CH A3, et LEUKIE, Shtrtf. Dec. let, 1830. aotate of Aorllt CaroUnu Ashs Obcs e3 tt, Superior Coart or Law, Fall Term 1830 Joskwa Joee. Admiaburatorof tke Eaaate .1 PeUtieu te maks Real Estate Aa- of Joha Jeass Deceased, I aeta John Jones aod ethers. ( It appearing u the aatiaractiea of the Court, that some of the oefeedaai are mb r eideni s of the Aste, tt is tneretere ordered, that publtcatioa ke mads ia tha Raleigh Register far six weeks, that tke aoa- residenu e and appear at tke next Term af ibis Court, to plead, answer ar dreiar to the aaid Peti. tioa ; otherwiae tke aame will be taken pre eenfeste ana aenre ex pant aa te toast. Witness, A. & Cex, Clerk eaaJdCoort, at office tar au mniij ia oepiemoer, a: as. ieii. A- si. COX, C S. C. Deo 1st, 1850 - (pr. sdv. 84.) 98 8' tale of North Carolina Gaanvtxu CeOBTT. Saperiur Court of Law. Seatembar lira 1 oso. j Ehaabstb Strsag ve L Pstrtieg far wi verse. Sameel Btrsage, S 1 ' act la this esse, it appeariag that a Copy ef tbe Peti- tiea ana Bebpeorje were waurd to the defendant in manner aa by the Ststute in such esses is required and the return tnerebn being that the defendant I net to be found : Proelamaitea is publicly made at the Court House door by the Sheriff for the aaid do. fendaat to appear and answer aa comma tied by tbe, ouopoena, snd t!e said defendant failing te appear. it ss oraerfld oy roe leuri. mat publics lion Tor three ntenthe ke-eaade i n the Raleigh Regietw." and ia the Raleigh Times." for the aaid Bsm'l Strange 10 appear at the next (March) Term of thia Court, te be bold at tha (urt Hone, in Oxford, on the lai Monday f March next, and answer the Plsintiflfs feiiueo. Witness, Berd. C. Cooke, Clerk of ear said Sao riot Cenrt at Oxford, tbe 1st Mnday of September, B ENJ C.COOKE, C. 8. C Bent. SSnd, 1850 7T 3m i1 tate of NortU Caroliua Asns t oonl rr, Superior Court of Law. Fall Term 1850. Aderliae Jones, V vs.. Petitioa for Divorce. Daniel Jones, J It appsaring to the satisfaction of tke Court tht the Defendant, Daniel Jones, is notaa iakahitaat of me vtate or north Carolina, it ia therefore erdarxl H.viiuuuitHi ue maae in taa KaiatgB neenster .I n.mw o, 1 1 . . . . " v.ivuu.umouiru, tor tnree monies, tost the said Daniel Jones be and abbear ai th. . 1 arm or toe Honorable Superior Coart tab held for the aaid County of Aahe at thai Cmk Mm Jefferson, on tha aeeond Monday- in March next. to Wl ASa.f mwaawsrsaee eta. da. a. - Saaa... r. ayaveaasw UWS VE UCIUbbT IO Ul BaJfJ 1'fiflUOIa f At tKsk o. vux.ieraoi aaia tvonrt, at oOee. theaeoond Monday in September, A. D. 1850.' Dee 3rd, 1S50 ... (p, . ads. 5 64j , ; gg rs ANJ,?E BPrJywticieelrtbe Udiesor Uentlenwii i Totleu eonsistinr r Fana...i n- niestic Perfumery, 8oape. Brushee and Ceetaetlcs, jwrt.M a4 ajM.lbc aala.by vi:4 i , ,tT P.F.PESCUa r 84 Nfiv. flat. Eire & Life Insurance1 H Kortn Carolina: jHuiuai;; INSURANCE COMPANY THE following person ha va eUiemd Dtr04 tent and OiSerra ef thi Company tCl as. entltxi .01 -:-:li't vi t . dv '; : .f ? Jfastsh O AVateon, Raleigh. 4 Richard Btnitb. . , d Jhn Primrose, d: ; Henry D. Turner, . do :; J,G, U. Konlhac, .,W4 Watting, T. ILw-.y Geo VfeVeiL ,t if. .do . . d a Fayetteville. -. Wilmington... . ?WaahTngtn. " Greensboro'. . Fdenton Salrm. ' Elizabeth Cily. Salisbpry. ' NewbernJ Mnrfreeekore, Charlott. Milton. : , , Joe. O,- Wrtrni. .'Jsmee Hoyu", ' James Sloan, !'Wm Bs.lhsia,' ' Josh Boner, - Joseph Pent, . Michael Brown, Alex. Mitchell. ' W.N. H.Smith. H. B. Wiliaras, John B. Barrett, . A.T. Sammy, Aaheville. AB DireetWreare aathorixed to receive applicatiena OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY ' Jeeiah Oi Watso). President. ' J G. B. Roqihae. I7re dm. ' Richard Smith. 1 Treasurer. ...... ' John C.; Partridge. Secretory - loon H.. Bryan. Attorney'. ; J. Heramsn. Gmermt Agent,' B. W Wkitfng, "5 ' ; Richsrd Smith. . S-Bxecativ Cmmkte. John Primreee, . ; S . ;, This Compsny is new in aareafa operatiea. aad i prepared to effect inaorance against fire en all kin-la of property. (Steam Mills and Turpentin Dis- ttlleriea excepted. All enmmanicalinna in reference te iasnrsnce kold ke addreaeed t the. SeerfHery; poet paid- ,. J O. PARTRIDGE. Secy. Raleich. Jan t. 1850. ' - . . . . . S FUSE ! rrniiE attjva i vsur aw ce com pa JL KY, of Hartford, Conn. Offers te insure Buildings and Merchandise, against loesor damage by fire, at premium to uil the times. This is one of theoldeat and beat Inaorance Conv panics in the United States, and pays it lessee prr-mpiiy. , Applicationr for fna ranee n Raleigh. or ita vi eini,ty,tobemadete H. W. WHITING, Agent. And far Xilten, N. C. and vicinity, ta N. J. PALMER, Agent.- October, IP 4 8 83 NOIKTII CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY- 'I iHK above Company baa been in operatioo jj nearly owe year, uuder the immediate auper- vwion or Dr. Chaa E. Johnson, Preeident. Win D. Haywood, Ytice President, James F. Jordan, Secretory, Wei. H. Joee, Treaaurer, Perrin Bnebee, Attarsey, n. i v 1 ..i . n, Wm H MeKee ( B-ti Dr. R. B. Haywood, CennUn. W.iTloott.J J . Hersmsn, Gent Ag'l. Dnnng this time, more than 500 roliciea have keen iaaued, with an iiierearing demand for iafsr- nation on the anbiect of life lueurauce. This Company ia working nuder the Most liberal onaner Known to me isompaniea. 1 be oth aec- ttan provides a follows r 5. Be further enaeteA, That tbe husband may in sure bis own life, for the sole ose and benefit of hia wife or children, and in ease of the death of the hus band, Ihe amount thus insured shall be paid over te the wire or chiidren,for their own nse, free from all the claims of the representatives of the husband or nay of hia creditors. Orgaaised on principle purely MmtmL tke life Members participate ia tbe whole of the profile oesHles, the insured is allowed to use ha annual di vidends in renewal ef Premium. Slave are iuanred for a term of from oae t five years, for 2-3 their velar. All lossea of Ibe Company are paid within 80 daya alter aaitaisctory prool is Irnhed. No Califoroa riaks hava r will be taken, i Blanks aud Pamphlets ceetaiuiug Charter, By- Laws flrc : may be lound on application at the Oalee of tbe Conpauy, or any of lit Agencies CominuniCtttious should ke addressed, poatage'l para te JAMES F. J OR 3 AN, Secretary. April 8nd. 1850. 59 FINE FANCY CASS- PANTS. iOkUR Stock of Fancy Caesimet Pant. caaaet gi be beat. CaU and examine. E.L. HARDING AC Jtaleigk Oct 13tk, 1850. . II Eft BAY D. TI R.1F.U Bookseller and Stationer TJT1TOLLD respectfully call atuntiaat bis Aa- y f aortutant uf Works, appertaining to Agri culture, nurai and Docaesuc Economy, Jka.. dka witn in retail price. LIST NO. 1. Tk American Agriculturist per vol., Allea's, &. L.. A ni ericas Farm Book. $125 1.00 Aliea'si L. F , Amerieaa Herd Bok, . Allen 'a, R. Ln Disease f Dameatie AaJssala, Allen's, J. F.. Trautiaa eu tke Graaa Tiaa, , Calea Aaaeriean Fruit Book, Tkemas Frait Cnlturist, ' Kenrick't Amerieaa Orahardiat, . Lindiey'e Guide to the Orchard sod Frait Car. den, M. Hevey's Fruit Tree of America, Col- . a ikl w 1.88 .7 1,80 .50 68 160 OTM ristes, per vol. Browne's frees of America, Loudon's Arborvtam Briisaoicum. 868 4.60 Say rta American Flower Uarde Companion, Mrs, London's Companion in th Power Gar. O.ua I .73 en, . . Bdist on the Culture of the Rose, Lindley's Theory ef Horticulture Theodore Thinker's Firt Lessons in Bottany, Datbngtou'e Agricultural Kotanv, Gray' Botanical Text book, ' Cbapin's Vegetable Kiogdom, or band Book of M5 7f .85 .85 108 1,50 ". 1 OK Ji a ociciiuuc Agriculture, 75 Bouasingaall'a Kara! Economy, i'50 w"gau wuanie nature, an rnus farmers 0ooa ana ramila Inmri. mm a : o , .. ' " , ""l""B warmer a tncyclCasUiS. 4 QU ?.m. ! rnerr.?,Cl,0n',J' 4 '" ",,0 l0'00 tnrlndPnTr3r tor.' and Domestic Cfiunoma. ' Inn Preeenio- end Builoek'a fclem.. t-.. - ia Chemtcal Analyai.. ' i na nh.nt.l'. . ..!..- . . . -t-- unwura Arricuiiur i nemieirv. tn i , . , . " .wi.m.w. Th American Fanier ' ' 73 uvuvne its nam la. uiseases. anrt afanaa. saw- -'U i . : am OR47A1V 17 fin eiir A CHURCH Omn In nna.1 nrt.. w.lt niTl V"Br,B " Mrdiura siie a great bargai wlU. mW i ba Coagregetioa formerly wain COBsrenv lyase frtwamsal sw via:.. Co 11 wsvava.ue aaaar au anas buiiiap abi .-... Dee. 3rd, 1850. t 88 A PAIR: of well-broke wuiv atvvry oiaaiee ot , T s . - nnnrr . n ..mm, 4 . . R,lb, Nov. 33rd. 94 lEa fe n t;Med i c i u cs. Consumption Cured ' Coiitpodnd Syrnip W!WapIthaVu, MTh 'Maieat Pnllv. a wwtl a the tMlblie. are struck with ( wonder st th anmerfM cure aaadt daily by thia extraordinary medicine, mni i? L tow se know led eed bv raarrv of Jur . meC .emioenf physi. eisns lo be k certain an4eedy cne .lfjnbereplar consumption, in iu worat atagea ; It. Jtae been re commended ky "that eminent: phyaician. Dt MottV and ts constantly weed rin' the i Marine ;Hopttl kt! Savaonaiw Ga hw' Dr Arnold', the senior hyicia of the hospital Tbe Londen Lancet. London McJk ral Journal. .Praltbwaite's Ketroepecl.ene, sit otner r ilia iMuion Medical joomaia. bsvepoxen in psia miny iTmes of th surp'riMngeflects of' "A DR. HASTINGS pK B P A R ATIf M. f rP Tf fiaa hern iboroeehlv tried, not only In the Hm piul under, tbe charge f Dr Haeiir.gs, in London. our sihO py sji ine nrst pnysiciana m boiiwi all ha' fully endorsed it aa an unrivalled .remedy in Connumption.snd ell" other diiitef the lungs. The followiue are e. -Jew. f the opinion expressed by ibe Medical Fpcalty of EngUnd,-taDt.;,WUUan;.; son, of Msnrheeiefv tons wnte . ui- ii UNDER ITS INFLUENCE vUt Ihave seen the emaciated being, on whose brow desth bad seemed t have set hie seal, acquire itivi- goratioa end : strength and exchange bin esrty mornings of intense aufiering'nnd distressing Cong b for the sound repose which abme accompanies aound heaHh " ' " '" C:- ? DR-WARE, OF LlYKRPOL, : Sya e-- I regard Hastings' Syropor Naptha as en of ibe first medical discoveries of any age, and text eider its Bgeney hi curing consumption as establish ed beyend all doubt or question." ' "J A single bottle will prove it efficacy.' All the pie prteior asks is th trial of on bottle, th sction of wnico win proe to tne naiieot iu niu in medicine. ' Coughs, cold, bronchitis.' decline, asthma niebt sweat, and spitting of blood, are currd in a aur- prinragty hort rpace of tint ; tbe severest colds hsvinz yielded to' tbe trestment of the Naphtha yrui in the sbort space of lorty-richt hour To enumersie sll the cur-s performed by this nwliciiie would occupy s volume, tbe scompanving has. ing been selected by the American agent , from a mass of certificate which have been received by him. MAGMN'S LUCLNA CO If DHL OR THE KLIXIK OF. LOVE. Thia is tbe only sctuat remedy ever discovered for Impotency, Gt-nerai Debility Nocturnal Emis sions, snd sll diseases occssioeied by certain secret hsbita; snd many .of the nostrums leeentiy lecnm mended for tbe same complaiuu are worthies im itations which its unrivalled excellence, fame, and popularity have brought inte th market. Tbe medical faculty" of Europc.andabe United CM ale are unanimous in tbeir lecommendetiona. of the Lurtna Cordial, and , ha , not given their sanction in a single inatanc that has been aulheniicaied, to any olbrr comppund for the same pur pee. The na ture of the m ladies relieved by the Lnrtns Cor dial are generally such aa tn leave ilie publication of certificates of cores oui -f the queation, or the proprietor moid produce a boat of iha moal conclu sive testimony . to show that the greet reputation rhich it enjoys waa not accidental y obtained, but ia firmly based upon ls positive, end appaently rair arulous virtues. In all diiectiona are to bo found the happy parents of head by o&pring, who would not have been so, but for this extraordinary prepara tion. And it is euqsDy potent in the manv di jesses for which it is recommended' Objection has been naturally mad to the price of the Lu kia Cordial because the trash that has been thrown into the market m opposition lo it, is sold cheaper ; but the fact i tbst tbe cordis! canuot be afforded lees, and ought to be much dearer, as many ef tbe ingredients wi tch compose it are among tbe cosllieet things in nature ; wbereas the others are made up of cheep drags worth but little in money, and lees in merit ; and it-is a fact, that at least oue of the getcr up ef these eame mixtures, makes it e point to add ' one bottle of the Lutina Cordial to a given number ef csllons of bis eompoond. an as to gie it some little tone a iv I virtue and tho solace bta couscienre. T)R. I.K ROY'S i SARSAPARILLA & WILD CHERRY PILLS- ! The universal celebrity which this medicij guinea in .very eecuoaoi toe Country, and inwmsny S a s al as'oiiibhing cores it has effected, have establiahed iu efiVacy beyond all doubt ; aa a general liunily lined i cine it ha ne rival In all rase of Indigestion, Bil lius revers. Uispepiis, Liver Complaint. Sick Headache. Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Piles, Colic Vvorrns. Dtveose or tbe Heart and ail aSecto.ns of the stomach, and bowel-, LE Kt) Y'S PII.I will be found a never-failing remedy. To insure the full benefit of i has celebrated Prlls, they should be kept in the boose, se tkat anon tbe Jrat commencement of sicka they may ke at one resorted to. On do then is artier - than a deteii after ths disease has become stablknd in th ay. ten . ' Ls Roy's Pills ar purely vejeteble, and so 'inno cent that the infant of a month eld ma ae them if diem is required.net only with safety, bt itfit a cenwiiiy w rvrvtvine; eu tae nonejit meoictn IS er n .i . a w . capable of imparling. Females may as tbeos dur ing all th ctt ical permde of their Jives Roy's n la will insure I hair health ami nmliiM lu.i iy in aircne luncuoua oi life, j'riee 25 cents per oox. MITCHELL SYE-SALYE. Tbe following certificate from Dr. Jnalyn. of the regular practice, witt satb-fv every liberal-minded individuel thai Mitchell' ye-cal i ao quack priaratwn, but is entitled aa well to th cenadenc of the I acuity ea all otbeia. wh-i may hava occasion t avsii tnemeeiveaof its btwefiis:,. i , ,. . , . ... Panax. August 18. 1845. D. Mitchell Dear (Sir: Th first time las youc cye-oai ve was at w . e . Ubantn'e. where li aT v . . a e. s - . . a came as I was informed on yoar recommendation. tor to cure or nis UUle daughter s, eyes. I had little confidence in it a I have in mart of tbe ea ten! medicines But as the most popular modes of treatment and special remedies bad utterly tailed f.. benefit the little sufferer. I consented to ita use. sun. posing tbst if it did no good, it would do no hurt 4 it was a case of severe Scrofulous Onhthalme ef both eyes. The eye-balls and lida were all vera much inflamed Your Eye-ctalve waa '.tiaed. ' Im. mjktl.lAlw t ..l&l I; t L . T y . j wm cu.rm in a lew eays a perfect pure was effected. This was sometime last winter. Since that I have used your Salve a ereat U....J ..u.w wiiu ma nappiest results. In my bsmU it nasepeeuny cured recent inflammation of jh. 3 wo ten nau resisted all Ueatment from one til five ve.r. M. nr..... . :; .. . as to convenience. It me. aafelti an J :t i .... :. - -r-j ryjar surpasses an tn Kalye and Eye Washes of W Illtrra anas ar nAmlarlflie - - I la - T J smaawswe ..gw. tsrvUraf.l Ul I V . ,"" W' JSLIN. K. D The above Medicine are for sale in thia City, bv P. F PEeCUD.'and Messrs. 'WILLI A MM MiV. WOOD & CO. Droggisis and in lniskurg, : by J BKOWN. j; a as "a Aiioruerato Jew York most be addressed't G. W. Burr & Brother. 164 Greenwich 8t wk . the Southern and Western Agents, , January mm. igaq . .. ) I, . IT ondon literary Societies The 'n ILi derigned wiahea to remind the pabne.'and of Societiei which bav. for tha aCS Production snd reproduction f Sio n .r... . .. np. l "V.?!" ."f,fuon- ' .-ged . .rSr.Cl "J" Z?"?' -UPPJ Wiaiw J -. wowHwmtonei; ' : - aivnun wmtr in nriL r.i.:. t i...s ..-:. . . . .. tion Cavndiah Society Aria and Sciences.! Vf C,T?eology" .Tfc;;:Ub HaklnytietyrW Voyages aid trtvek " ' Parker SocietyOld Eoglish Poetry 3 ! " : Ray 8ocietyi-Natral H Tstorr. " .tv"r r?.: Syderbsm Society Medical Literatofe. '' ! Shakspeare Soriety-jnuetrioni ef1 ShaksDeaie ana tn iraaaa --? w t: -, . . .-' Sabscriptioas to tbe above Societiei. 7 5e r. "o- -'- i-- JAS.S.vWATERS,- -f .s I .v 4d.t Bookseller aad importer, : ,October7tb,.I&50. MZVll '' CTTOIW VAnwa - jdrOTTON-Yarnafcy wholesale or retriL'f M.v 1 , ,.- WILL. PECK SON. . May 1st, I8j0. 3 I A sue, Eliloris, Trphtt. " and an v reyvjy,er y, Darrhra Id tbe ttwmrneocemerit, it is of abeoJnle rmporui loyiew ola rpeedy eora. lhu a full nW of pju, taken a? poce because be,Jitre wlucb firodoes disease filu rlaea, are slwaysof ibe moat malign, poieonou quality and. no safety telifeaxiws mhiZ iny Tpdnfon- 'remains in th lowef er th B7 Should the r dose tot cure, be not alarmed fcI reiterate iklilou'.1Sboold th eraruat'ums be pmrnl,f Ud.odur,annatura color, Ae. Ae , kei2 nsing.four or sis pfl is twice, a day, '. take, also, a ie. spoonfuf of powdered charcoal," in water, every while the symptoms 'confinue! ' Let joar diet u Hgh;sndnf ey 4iigsU0flrsariow reet tic9 pi? ding. Imiian cneeigrsel; also, sheep's head broth wk, rjee and . piece 4J cinnamon boiled jp it, or e, heed broili: hbeep'a bead nakes the "-best diet if ? lie iilednntil ibe konea sre cleaner As a rule ikl first dW-f pills enreewhen timefy nted. Soinetiaia! three or sWvds may W nsceesevy. -There a reeeajf wbich it takee week to ,; bat the opt oceureu io.4 a tk.tussnd timeevj. Ja soy ,eB? no medic.ne or plan of treat ment ;is Miter then ik shove reeommeilded.br will sooner cure. y0 ' -as ibe irritating Blatters are removed, so aeon yeu win be well, and aut beibr Aitadyne and strinBu sve deeteries ea JwMtiaf ihey occtaik! retention of that death principle which alone aoss dysentery, disrriiffis, cholera, anl ail other disease, aceonling io its excess Over the prinriple oflife. q ' BrandrethV-Pilfe er opposed lo this ss water is fire, or as heat ia. to cold ; an.1 when ibey are uksl int.,s msruihey go to .work boldly ,1 drive tbisdeaik principle fr..mt ibe lodj. andeli(ihey can do hat i tbere.be work for fifty doses, one dose must MH expect io"af tbV wMli of Ifiy: "Aad this trasV sbooW alwaya W ke4 in mind. ! : i Let ael liie patient frighredr tkemaalves with Ike Idea thai (hey are "teo weak I bear mack pargjB but bear jn mind that there mifdty operating PilU ei Dr. Urandreth'puf-net weakness iale the frtawT but draws weakriesa-.rtjr.leevitg sirens ih ia its plaeT sitdgivee esmposiag elrepat nighi;and an appctit. io relish eay food. ; . " .fffiTHE BRANDRETH P1LI.8 Are composed wholly .oi s juedicinaJ herbs, and de net. contain sny mineral or chemical substance - are per. fectly bsrmfiw- ti ihe most lender age or weakest frem i and neenhelea ture te search oui the caase of the- sickness end peodure a CUKE.Uhatevermay beitslcharacter, wbenMakau in iime, ,nj fa -a,,. lie sufficient j ,., ... , The Brandretfi Pills are sold et 25 cents per hex by VILL. PECK & SON R.leigbi and b, ob agrnt in eveiy towii'in the United Ktales, and ia al. most every city ihroBghtHM ibe ' werlef " Iai .11 k- earrfijr.where tbey bay ortbey wiU ebtaia a reus- terlait. , Buy tyily , of A aoen whose, eherecter y know i be above se rnesn an set ion as to sell a false for the true Brandreth's Pills. Oheetva th. signal Hr of Dr. Brsndreth on each box. Angwst 23. 1849. -i - U 4 ' Dp. A. f?. Cootrs SiiiieAtelekkMi THE Subscribers have On band a suddIv mt tk. above valuable supporters, which era recommead ded for all persons, ai&cled with muscular debility.. Kontt shoulders, or prolapsus uteri ' rroffr-MoTT thinks they are very well adaatad " for some varietis of iacipient spina I distertiena. they afford he useful .combination of skeeJder brace and Abdominal supporter, with very decided support to the spinel column " " J Tbe a hose braeeeare reeemmeeeVd ky th Fbyai. cians generally, wbe bar seen then, and we have sold a number to citixeo of this place, wbe are ktxh- ijr pieanesj mitn litem. A gentleman observed a few dsvs since, that ka had been wearing a , awry celakreted keeW nmee far some time, and that he weald not five one of tke abots, for fifty such. . ' ," They need no puffiej hit they' speak for tkm- aelv." :; i -- i i PESCUD Atv JOHNSON. V. The above Sueuerter ia aa iiatHmai.it Dr. K. Caeina celebrated Spin-A beVmiaai Suuperur (CMaaoard.) ;, 4 AHUWSi A A, L U 5 fi UA A JkA e-r,vo- Histories. . . rspHK HMory of Alfred tbe Great ; by Jaeek M. Abbot 1 Thia day received ky ' : II D. TBRN BR. Dee d. 184S. ; ,, .. , 71 Livery StaWe. : " THE Subecriber- after retaining his gratefal Uianks le the Publie, for the very, liberel aad generous patronag. hitherto ex tended te bim,wald respectfully give notice that he continue lo prose, cute line of business. Sn kM Its branch, witk. promptness and erncieney, Hm Stalde are etea and eonaaiotoosand bis Ostlees xprittced aad at tentfvs ; indeed n pains or ex peas Lavs beea er 6hsll be spared to render xhtiaf action to all wko aat rnixe bis MahlihmeBf. r' " ' ""' , Hd will keep constantly rtn bend,' for aire, UACaiS BIJeIl-llAlaSS , - '- '' - aa).'tnfe--?f. . .. , . Q2aaoa4iaai at5Er-s3ac. HtJKSK." wilibe boarded by the day week; m'nth or 'year, on ike mot mo.trae leirsj Dri.ver will find this s central Kiimrt, and enost eeave ment one, for effecting sales, and I key wiu iwe find ample commodatioa for say nam. ber of rloraes, h'wev r isige. : ' " ' ' The Subscriber has a W elfeet ed a new arraage- ment by which he will be Enabled to keep new and old ksuooiKS, and Momsi4Je, vrJttJccienrt-- oa moderate and nccoanaod.-uiag tcrma. .This ia a new rent are ia hia business. , The 'ukecriaer hope that bis frin fed tke Publie will coBtina to giv him a MriaL - It ie all that he aaka. . . . ;jtmi9 dji3i. , . JAMES M. HARRIS. Raleigh. September 3, 1849 78 ly .. ..: . . Mustard. , IN i and g Boxes, equal to ibe imported at a mnoh less pries, ia siae and for sal by WILLIAM. JIAYWOeB ce CO Jane 29tb'itl&8v i:tn.l-Ai ,aA : . -fii hJTATB of ortfil CaroIlrTH Wakb q) Coonty Court of Pleas and Uuatler Seesieae J amee M . Pac and Win ney H otchins es - Hawrvr H nichins, John Huirhins and. others. ' PeitiUm-fat Partition of Ldnef. r Thw ease eomiug n 10 be beard, and it appearing to the aaisslavUwa of the Coarv Henry Htrtchins Meriit Huichnia.Nsthsniei M. Hnurhinsi Man I Uutchins Nancy An Hutcbina. John Hutchias, Jamas H otchins and William Hulchins, hairs at law of William Hutehin,' deceased,1 are non-resi-dents f thi wtsi ll ie therefere Ordered bv tbe Lean, ; that edvertiaement bad iaMh Kalaigh Register.; newspaper . published ia Ihe Cky ef Kal- elgh. for six ; weeks successively, notifying the said, non residents to be and sppesr'sl tbe next term of our Court of Pleas and Quarter eins to be held lor the Coanty of V ak, at the Coart Hoeve In the Cits: of Raleigh, on the third Monday of Nevemhor next, end rneo and there plead to. snd answer or de mur to the said petition ; otherwise Judgment ere confuse will be gtsnted sgainst tben, and the peti tion heard ex parte aa to tbem.'' ' ' ' ' ti,; Witness. James T. Marri.nt,!elerf of nar said. conn, ai office, the third Monday of Angus. 1850. d A M JtSS T, M A RltlUT P CVk. Pr adv. $5 82 J. t -- " w6w olstereiv and Mattress UIV.l-1 my Empty &ateigk''Jl . c Sofas, lounges. Easy t;hsirs, Ae.. mana factored la every style to order, and at tbe sltortest notice. BED MATTRSSS I of all kinds, including th mat h improved Skuck snd Cotton Mattress, which will be found la nerieet luxury in Winter or Summer. s .jro N.B.' Mattress Manulsctorv ie In .... r m Barber Shop. All rder thankfnllv ro.ivel and. attended to with piomptnoa and despatch, i W 1 b" workmen bitnerW' employed by J Henry Hamssv Mattress Maker. i this Ciiv. are! at ore- sent under nay control, and are warranted and re commended to be excellent, workmen i . ' ALFREHMITCHJ51.L. Raleitih. August 12nd, 1850. . ' i 6 rfMlh POUNDs Haaai Tand Sides, North 04iHV Carolm. joat to bsn.1 and for- Bale by. ... Wkf. PKI5K A- SON- .15 . . -T-- TO DYERS fipflE Dyer'dand CaJour Maker't Coapanioa,. U veniaining npwaras or two bundreti KecelptSt rL M..t.;H. .v . . . . (. uiH&juij, wwiuisj vi tae ihvii approvea jpnncr. AT TURNERS'; October 231b, 1550. ; $&.