; , . ,. - j y; ufkvaeraAto of kamea existence, none ea a" be earned of mora w Tales UMikM. thai thneoatribatioB 01 rB" trytsrtba Healteg A Ai wst tetal MtttlKj ttreageee thai evW.eoaotrhis, P'WV t eoebt, that ao medicine or combine ion oT medt--j-- 2t i. aai Wr osttHlsmsjB lie iMnanri)M af, pelmenary, (Wf!?i3!af5i daat raw iWV- VT teead which, eu be relied 6. e eat he most ab . ffMiini of th lairs- Quebec arow "r!!ITTL--l-IijmeAl fBn,aHwfei-,tta feilapiifafcH'lpmfmfca' Fwm At Prniient if JU-mJiertf Utag. tie Jm a Ayet Sir : I kaa oaed yaar "CHH.R- EY PfiCTORAI" 1m mjfii'ejaaa of 4eap-aeatad tDarr tayttU W b-h WHttrtu ' k -r- Ac: Tale liejTamkM- fJt-UlanearFlill.inacl, ; . tu rM.MT Paetoral aa 4iiaAk ooi- TutiH-n from oouia of tha beat articlaa ia tha Materia liadiea, a ad a ttt effcdra ntae&j tot ika clakMf NewHaT..CtNoil.lM.. j MAJOR PATTISON. Prtaid) bf tba & C. e l- lbb 4l lka man-i PMtbril WHS MierM racctss. to eur iiolaiiaBvaaoaWiai "friniBc of lie first Phjiielatt it lilir. , $aoo, Me-, April 2, 849. ( Dt.3 CAjn, Lowell Dear Sir: I a now OBsUntly aaiag yaor CUarry Peetorml ia my prB, fiee. aa4 preterit U aay atker mediciBa ft polpia. ary eonpiaiais. From ebaerratioe of away aaTera caaea, 1 an eoa riaced it wiU core aougka. colds, aiid tlitwaaeaof tka laaga, tkat have pal to dafiaaca all tker rcmrdies. ' . .-..' I UTatiabij recommend itaaae in eaaea ef conv avmptioat) and eonaidar it muck tka bes. , emdy kaqvn foc tkat dueaea. - 4 RctfnIlT Toara . .... 7s. cu$mmah,ai. d., VKEriata ir i- c ATaa.taiMiiT, .6waLL, X4aa For sale wholesale nod retail by'WflXlAMS. HAYWOOD It CO., and Ijgijgenerally ia N. C. . fi - v Febttary, d. 1831., , .. , Hotisd aniafenjainting.";. ' THE Sttb9rtbrf era now prepared toeeala w a workman-iika mow, all inda of :, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL HUJS& AND . IGN PAINTING. Utaipfc QndioiUMUUe& of all kind yf MarbU od every anty Q weo. : AH ordara Uft at Mm. Hardia'e, oppneita (ha Mar ketHoaae, wUl, lajw pfampluatunibia. WH1TL0CK fc HARDlE Iaeifa,pt,l,.80- . , tf H , FREJCCH SACKS. WWT E an now racelving the piettiest Style of loose TT Sacks for Summer in market. E. L. HARDING . CO. April 8th. 1851. J, SMITH DODGE, . DENTIST. iSTo. 27, B0yjTRST, NEAR BROAD WA T. NE WY0RK. f. . rpwURINGhia prsctiea in Wsshingtoa City in rlJfef 1 ii, escafed ia bimaelf, by LiUers Pleal.a new mode of freuaittg ' ! ARTIFICIAL. TEETH. which save aoaat of tka5 pain MushY f ieav holds the Teeth firmly ia their place, aud enables the wearer to keep the moarh prfecily clean. Oat of several haudrad eaaea there has been bat fltae fail are in seven years. . , . wm Don. BUa lYrlgbt, Jr!. 17. B. Seuator frean tbe State ef iTenr ' York. " WisaissTes, D. a Febarary 16, 1343. Dr. J. Smith Dodge, npon his srrivsl in Wash ington to oped ac office as Burgeon, Dentist, pre sealed to ma letters from, sever si friends BT New. York of the hifbeet respectability and sUndiiig. cos. tainiag tbe strongest and most favorable testimoni ate, both aa U loa exeaneoea of hie privato charae tefgapdaia aaperiet professionsl qnalrfitsliona These aalismctary evideocea ofibe map and thedea. tist iBducedme at oace to engage tha prnfeesioBsi . sssricsa of Dr. Dodge, Mr my own Cunily . and my wife aad myaeirars now able from-'pereoaal .axpa rienca,tsdd oaxownseslly fafaraMa. lentisasay ia his fa ver aa a gratlaman and - a akillfol DenUat. Tbia taaUasoay ia thaa given by me, as well i a. obe dience to Ike earnest solieiutions of napaetabia aad worthy frianda ia New-York. h Aavo fee aiesry y ssr siperisaced the skill and fidelity of the Doe tor in his provision, as so my own eoamctibaa l his persooal aad prsfesdional merits. 8ILAS WRIGHT, J a. May 21. IM!. 43 m "T3miaistrator's NotijeeT" XpHE'Sabscrtbsi', having, on the 4 0th dy of iX May. IBS I, taken lottaea af Adwdasttratiocv'ao oordjsg u law, oa tka eatate'af Rtrr"Taa;s:ia deceased, kereby gfed general notice to all ereditora of said estals,lo,frstbireUims.4aliAaakes. ticatcdwitkia tka Urns liiiiwJd by'l.w ro7taaaf poaa. Otkarwlse, ttte notice vOl bo pleaded lata af 'jridoewy. 4 x Au those indebted te the trm of R. Taekefr' k. tad , Admlaastratar. . aersbip, heretofore skafctTdt. in Ue n aty te of POME60T 4 p CAtniTfredfpf. Books, eiauoaerj. e, ta Us Cfty of Kalergh; U dd the first day of March,' A'. D. 1831, dissolved by mo. fnal eonseat, Job a W. Q'Naal wKirawlnga from tka eoaeera ; sad all the optsuadiBg boaasess of tka Arm ia to be settled ip by rV.T Pomeroy, and all IssjaMstotabaasadtoaimf - ",1 5 J l ' . 'iW.UrOMCROY! ' .,..., ,r. . . - a. J. WjO'NEAii. - - ' Ralsifk. Hsyfttk.1831: . , . , ..38 . PARASOLS AND UMiRELUS. . ' TTttAZJM, Chaasgaablsv Figared and Chine Para. JioU, varioos oolacs, Green aad Black, Gingham aad Silk Umbrella. - Ckima aad other Fane. if i - Feraalaby v 44 1 J. BROWN, ' , , . No. 9 Jayeaeiikm 8iiaai.v Raleigh, April Sk, 1831. ON'THEia WAY To.iaTi3iS JW7,ff 2 -teaatifal Bow- A-prilll,lMl. .V'--W.fWJ Aw-BvlJ -."KlilH, rmJAft mA tmimrmM bo. Ik ftarta witA-HMOf maJriUiaf).M lMHadMttm ofland'Ji, nlbte. aaataM Ktwl ! - b E iamtaaha uaaUo.of.(acaa a4 airapfw. Ha IinUooatUadf jacalvlas and apanuit Pf"' C. W a Taw jcoma an aiitt .ka f !aaara !.-.! ;i A r..t !1 .lff'Sf.rt iMTf ffBOTBTIlIf toifrt 'fclTKAPEST and ,BET:'iiiliWt)"''r Utfaaeiiywr CMJTIJ.'lSIMWtES. VES rftflftaW Vest. PiBt'h1tttC Glove. Ora3 M4eaaspeoueTr. HinwBiw,unw!i, asai Aerrsals CkABimr.i !-. ' arc.' CSUiAMat friW f cm. rtwwnw ewr eta.usWrl 165a. - TS if- Rstablishineilt Of -mrrtt. Jfor 4'damW rntnio 'ta -ih ttaletk' aad; UmUd Bteymvmltk "Shoo) rtaWctft W ananeaa to Ike Usee W KalMf n anc ia avrroniraiBg tejthal b.Vepaed t-irta.WwAare ' .llJbSXaWALL'DXSCBIPTIONS, u ' 1 . JTT!T. flans maiel fftatela; - M vT.w 32- in JrfsAi-Wi-er-'' aa sa,MO rs-ra to aaorrc pa att r ail ainoa. at pnce tldlooWan aasortmaot iot, AxeDrawiif -kaivaa, H'stcheta; Himmera, rnea.of Tsjiaaa- descrtpVtopa, aatf itlamberof-arUetaa 1a m .Raa . Ui tadwaa la All order fkRhrally irtctrted at the lawaaf pneea, aadaaw erk troMed'to kiaare wiU be arrkot d Oimrto4fletaace wWloaXltmded to and iMBlef ac Hf pii wtce - i will kefwadtl Fayfetietitta treaC JtaoMmm im mliMitrfcmM wkh HOataeOs a danoah. -Aljp.eirat aaamtmant ol banaan One D9 Above BietasMst Billh,a . OLD CORNER- v 'i WE woold respectfully inform onr friends and 1 the po be geaeran tkat we Intend keeping . eoaaumly oa hand a fall snppty of IHy Goovls, aTardware, Cutlery, - - t GROCERIES, kc. . and indeed eyery 'thing (aaad ia rintilar. nalakiU meats. They present, the following aa specimens of their Stock tkenij Jasper and Blsek Silks, , , Silk Tissue and Alborlneay. . .. EmbroHeradarns54iea aad Berage, Dotted aad Embroidered 8wisa Uoslioa, Ptmliaa aad Berage DeLstnesA 4 - Em. Wasta Oop 8hawm, )osmy 1-iad Cellars dad -Caffs, Ladies Kid Gloves and Mita, ' ' Jo EaabroaderadLOHdkfs. TsffU sad Bsaajat tUhkoba, La Capea afd tkread Latrc, Ckeaiaaid Embroideaed Parasols, . ' . Gingkaju aadCafieoea,-.. ' ' Skaeal and.BooU af evarj.qaality aad price, Eoaaeta and Uaia of every description, L Black FreaohtJIoths and Cssimeres, Black Satin artd Marseille. Becfnck, Cottonades, Domestice, Crockery, Weeding Hoes, 8ogr,. Coffee, Adamantjpe Candlea, and a number of articles not enumerated, allef which the Subscribers Intend selttar Cheap for Cask, or to ponctnal dealers on a abort oradtL- Dol ferget to rite t a call and examine oar Stoek bafora parebaaing etsewhera. .Paa doorabeva Riobatd Smith's,' Nai S9; Fay ette villa Street, H. L. EVAN 5. GEO. T. COOKE. Raleigk Mrch lth, 1MI. . . , 24 . i, GrocerisGroQeries j WE hs"v ia.Hvara aad are aow receiving the JoUowUg Goods wbick will U said at the lowest rates ' 5 , Hbdsv P. R aasLN O-flagara, 60 .HhdavaedBbia. MaUsass. . 7 ( Package? Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Refined ttngam, ., . :. tj$ . Baf i J ava, Lagu'ira and Rie CeAe. , 8, Pipes Cflf.Braody.' . , lt Casks Medal, Port and Sherry Wine. 100 . BbU. Rselifiad Whiskey. 20 ' D. Rectified, do., tO ' ; Old Mongahala dd 'SO Gmpf Brandy. Gin, N. El Bom. 10 PeppeV Mint Cordial and Ckarry -' ' ' BraoJe. . , ; ;, . . ' 40 ' r''86nthanptorf Arple Brandy. . 40 Baskets Chmpagae, Pin,ta and Quart, 150 Boies Tallow Candles. 50 - '-CbttatimJO da ' : ' 40 l TAdaa6tar io. s " ' ' 10 - 8Bp. gperm do. 60 Pale Soap. -35 .Bwsrado. 1 U Faaaily do.' 200 'GfOMtMastaeav . ; ,;i0 RaaaalietssraadCapPspar. : , 2C0 , Wxappinsj awpsr. 40 Tons Swedes, American sod Engah Iraw. 1030 . Kegs Cabarlaad aad Rapid Pal t, Nads. 73 .dox., Corda.r;J04V.Os4tsa amd Hemp ..lOaaf ..... Tn -ri - J T , ,. 10. CaiteMaailU Rspa. ; Shse Thread. Cheeta,Ga,fowde, Yaang iyaosi . . ap aisu ifi j, ,, A, , .,,!. , tO UUTMkr rinegsrv.lOO Ksgs Pewdar. 9 1 ons vasuaga. , l&q mb sb 56 BbWPapirT Klbs. Western ajdei,. ' , 20 Baxadntrsr. PeDDersid Alls v H, wnuflDL I IVU SMI IBSL .xl- 1. FnBM Pork. : . 1. , , SDOClbs. Wosterri sided. "0 . Mded Vamlock a ad Oak Tl Ufbir. v '100 Botes wihJosr Grass 8 H 10 aod llW L ulinreT. MTKBOmt IBS A1ISDSCS. SOI Bbba.No.1 MackerelL hi. ! led 1,00r -iiaf dot Detdrjohne.- -" icesswtMdiea, Wdoa'Horsa CoTlam. attXMBXiBVtdlea, I ' " II CsakaBraamtHsai -" i. Blacking, Mace, Cloves, d-s. etc ote; v r' 1 v 3,- M"a"5 r.ttatj.n sw? w a V - s w-ai it.C W'&'O'kav'e nowreadT fbftha Inipection of their friends and custom- Beebe'e and Waxburtoo's extra Moleskia stti.'" ' JMeaa(aeuiam Dnm Denver , . j ao CsaLpeachy and.Paaamav . "" do' Fashionable Shape Leghora r do do do.rnaamnr do Have and Children's Sassmer A do do -tCaJUVsnrtt -'svl Pshh LmstT. Legkora'aM Pearl 8trsw do Bdarek Js18s1.ah 24 1 .i.i t u.. woaidn; aa vaaias to pbui BbcilrBerderad indWbmsieoA W s n saaaaa aa w aawssas mrsm asLakahar m a s 1 ai ariAik 1 a7 "nIL-w v7Z- is -"vtfrivi7J., sdJ Is lawt wii wsnwiig sraraaota. A greai rr5tj aCmbraiUs, oensiating ia part kma,se. J4 bpshV . . ' R. TUCKER. SON April 4th. 1851. 88." EVAKS aTt5rJIiM TV Ii A, wonmjnvjjo -VJT r idIlia .f-i f Ufl(k ne' i t mini waawiiy. v "rl ;i tiw01mwtt'pUkdd Woliawaw;i 'IS pUsA attd rakoVf mfolaM4. wnW )aU' bJaWW1mrnUeM a OaWrjf pakfk iMdMaMS acta a4 ItWaUa tuwuafc ' " fiAlN. RWf4,Fa. 4tk - All.: iV'i 11 nfTrrilDPDT awrstitiiiihtt iBd.ComoIwoi BertatiW ... h . i, .jETBKtBHRGr ; 'TRETEKENCES t r 'Tkoa. Bragg, JttJut, N.-C. H Meaam. Een Jt Bro. f' Ww enarav L, D. W. Q, Qrenabaw. Bwtkmtmd. UmUH WUUiEsq Ntrflk.v ieaseaUecwfe, Ksq. IWfamsea. MeaarsMMaaahan Baern., Arm frW'l W MniimntlT on kind i Far in -Prtma Porto Rica and If aw Orlaana Sagar LoaC CMskei. PolTartaoa aao uiannea RIO.Lafnlra and St Domingo Coffees Black Peppet fa grata and trwiad.'fciia Allapkt Raoa Ginger ia Bare, aad Ground la Barea QonpowVJar, Imparwl aad Yonng Hysoa Tea fTallow, Adaatoatloe-aad Spam Paadiet . BrovavFltnd .Vstriofartd Soapa Goftaaadar,Sbo4aidLaad filackjog,. lak,Shae Thread and Wrapping Paper Gtfpknjaged; Sola apdpper kar s , fJTrpooUn4Groa.B(rAloavSli- , PrimW5.nlMd Waatara Baooa abrd , aila,rW; wirkiiobHag aad Warahaoae ; , ' .witirf-'PMnriirU. aad'Havaanl Cirr: ' ' . fogitkai: wit alayga'arack alTbrafga aSid domeki tlao'Wfiaa, dWwktosk' 'k offera' at Of iTka'aartoUas sKeatko paid VraoaMbg and to wardsvg gaadm u .i : v-1 ''' ' '.v rPatarakartt Mrak V .' ''' !- IM If ,07 A H t T' Q C 1 A I M A N T . ACS EH T W WAStIftiI(0.; newukrtignfdhin heated tt WASH IJfQTttor crrr. offer hii urpita u 1 WJbMic ui an 1 rent mid '. caiaM ng-tRMi U ttwroi 4 . , , iUprtmetirMf tA viz:' '" ' ' , PEN$ldNS; BOUNTX' tANiD COM. . FOR HBVOLUTlOlf ART SERVICES: , 'AKREARA GES OF PAY, -Wit RS, SYD THE . MEXICAN AVAR r, , Rejected and Suspended Claims, TO WHICH PARTICULAR ATTENTION WILL IXVALW ANP DROPPED PENSION 1 CJSES.tu: os-WBicm ciija o claims a vast avatm eaa aa MINORS' CLAIMS. .nd? o ofAr FIkiri or Legal Repretentaticet of Revolutionary and other, Soldiers. I RevolatioossVcaiss, if aW ic sWupcnmos re- eaisirs r lAa Afflicmt sy Crxpymdmt tigwq tka ' - jf.L.'e.ij;.1 I.-. ' .1 ' t 4 nsme in mn sy cmc oumwr tuf Jj"i r" sr grass i-iftsi. wken As diss? J " awy IfksK' survived ana, fis parties wrt married if t Widtw, wken ske died ; and if hs Vidsw, U sAcr sad Asr msay irs sr ujtm rmrtsmtativtsM ssiaVr arre Imxg ; and wkert tkttr residence. . . CLA11S Cim TBI SKTERIl Mm 1119 . . TLwaTVTyy 6S3 IT Widaies and itmars sr their lerafiy canattuttd and dulw attainted , snardlana. trill mertla rise iht sames tie Soldi-r sstaf lie CasMaia.sW the Wsr m wktca sersed; as Sniacnaer miHarniakaU atker imfermatien, service, etc, end receter suck claims' as may se famnd ta be due. Rules af I nstraetloB,' Forms sad all necessary infarmatianfurniskad free af cast ta Clients, and tn na ease real 1 ees oe rtqmtrta tn Bivdnce er charges made if wntmceestfaL ' ' : Having list of the names of a Bomber of Rtvola tioBsy Soldiers many of whose Heirs sad deeeend asti reside in North aad Soath Carolina ; Claimant will fad il to their kterteta to eorrsapend with the Sohocriber. 'e,T-. ' . ' . : Tke Subscriber thus addresses, ku numerams nends and acquaintances tkrangkaut tke Union, assuring tkem ef premptitde and unremitting efferts ta give tatisfve tian ta kts clients. . ,. Letters, ta ensure attention, must in alt coses be past paid. Tke lies xill be reasonable. Address JOHNS OALLAHEB, Junior. Washington dtf. D. C May 1, 1830. SS lm I IT WOULD ya believa li, fhtl can, and am maaataetaring as good an article af Candy as can be (oend ia or ant of the 8tate, at the vary low rata of . (-.'.'.' v : , $15 per 100 lbs: r Yet 'tis aved so, jid. If yea dont believe it, eem- andsea me. sbd I will convince von. of the act.- Every poand of Candy, too, that f sell, t warrant i every respecL Talk nwt, tben of. year North a Candy. North Carolina Cundu can't be beat Bend in yoar orders, ta , - f twtUryj. 8C RsWek, April 1851. " " " s ' 54 Ci & & Kerrisou & Co. 0IRECT1MP0RTERS OF FOREJGaULUrv3COIft . . CliarJeatcMs, ft. f3., . , V WOtjUr respectff ny Inform , tWr trteada, and' those who parchaee Dry ' Goads in their City, that titer are prepared and are etferjng a very lai and efr sanrted Stock atPoreign 'and Domestic, Staple end 'JWjrvDry' Goods, ssleeted for, and aarBoalarly adapted 1 to-tka ' ' - ' ' bODTUEHN Til A VMS. Importing direet, they feel ansared of being able te sell Geoda, aa 4ow.ta Cbarieaten. aathey nan' be bought ia aay .ether maxkel the Qaitad StaXea. They would ealiparUealar nUeaUoa ta their Liasn Goods of e'rerj descriptiao; the make, wjUl fonad of beet fiaUhaBd perfectly free from, aay mtxtare of Cotton; also fa tkelr stock' of Dreaa Goods which will be found Iseond to ao4 In tka market ". . Terms eesk or CTttaccepHoo.' NaSOI RIhj, Nortk Want Corner Xla and Market Streets'. February 11th, 1831. 13 mEssmGsJtLoojf.; aTVP) ARCUt L. LWJS would, mast saspoctfally staUg snaansjoa to bis Mends, and .tap Pablip gen erally, that be ia aow prepared to eiecnta the yari ona brancbee ,of kia profesaioii , the most ;naet, rleanly and(fashionable aUjlip- ;i, .', , . i Shoving, Eqir, Drtuing, S&nipoonxng, Etc. His kooni 1 ja.n.UmSew Baiidiassltfealy oppusiu the Ysrbroch House, and two doors South '' The proprietor1 Is afwaye af Home with. retssras4spBn4IUserakeen, r Ta eat ywar'.Hair aad sharou eJeaa"! Rakagk, Aprijiat. .8I, 47 tf 7:1 s,iJ .iwsw.i .' ' ';U!V'jS bn J CM eiDT YtTfAt E ree&ad witS W Weak V.'waidJ Iftj af IEVEN THOD3ANO DOLLAR trortk aa oeilr.tt .'tid hdninn o.tl ttxs ,aJa-;.x t SUPEJUCa READV ILlAOf CLO TH1N3; 1 aksr emauasTiMje owad aartiemktr oard attsoaioa upon the anlaotaiia . nffheir' gooda ajdfwl oonni40attiey ea ex MblrfeTHkeir kTisUmerr tke- IRGESTANp CS3ICSJT fTOCS tNTHISmarkir.9 tffA i TmmtAm arkm ta fraTaaasogaoA ulg oaia; Paata aad Veata, made ep la a aaparlsr stylsi will be wall paid by gitjs aja.ealL . AprnTik,r851. 39 SOUTHERJt JlBQALIAtlDETDT I .glJl amna rf JTk n taarfr RaelmbiUai (taarfca Maaia,DraJds.Sad MM.fadlotkr.milTl " i jf a w ' , m wct as rm n n m m a a m a Aa, aUo. Cbj;Kmo, JCoom, Atura, Jtwut. ana an etnaf BrnipmeMs oa 'Mos and medr tnardarta. N. a Paiap aaoorad ta atrrtoea qr jurUfc.N RY MESEBE. familiarly connected with tbe diffef eat ordefa, and well known iabltkossMrrV ttttirkmm ia tka abor-Una, ( aavaom tMvaated to.amaaeU.witA any oataMmbmaaiia U U.talea, in either style, iioalitj of .prica. ., Orders rrom abroad, respectfully aoueueOt t Dae 1831. , ., ' , . ,-. , , . , . , Heartt & Litchford DEALEIIS I!f BTAPLEttUd FAXCl ; HATS, CAPS.'$O0TS;j!HOES, TITf rOULD rsswlTallT ask atteaMaa to tkeir vM.cPfdp pums .aiosiatinf U fart aa JmV Chametlon Hernauies, Embroidered Grenadines. Alkorines. Fsncy Tiasoes. Barees, Barege DeLanes, 8slvadeliPbprlW., T ' Whit; Black rid Drab Lace Shawls, Embroidered Silk- Maarfllss, MwaWaarfLeceMadXlllaa,- ' Lns Crafstai " Trimming Lseea, . Laeeaod Moslia Uaderaleee, ' Cspa end CelUrs, d greai variety. Oiled SilkiBeU. Kid sad Silk Gloees, Jus, d-e. JTevi Economical and attractive Ra&Dad and Stranboat Hne id T, Baltimore ana tmJvor- them Cities. ' Urn Piu Pit aod Ue a?M ofPmUmmc. Between Petersborf s Biltrawse, - 95,30 Perwasd Cabia pesaeoganv iaciwdisr snealo, 40 f HE,aablto are hereby advised lhiea There 1 day the 3rd April, the swift aad splendid Steam er. BaUuao re. Cspt, AWxaadev. MeCanalaad lilted opfwith state' oome.an4 enaAandred aad fifty eriha. will re-eommence ronuing .on thi o(e: and oq ni. after that date will ran semi neeklyje connection with the Richmond aud Pe eraburg and Richmond and Fredsricksburg Rail reads, betwceii the lauding at Acquis Creef and Baltimore. ' Pssashgera leaving Petersburg In the Northern Mail Train at 5 A. M.. on Mondays and Thursdays, will arrive at Aeqnia Creek about ' 1? M , where (bey take the Baltimore. Descending tke Poto mac, they have a view of Us ins scenery by day lighr, aad arrive at Piney Point about 5 P. M., aad at Baltimore in the course of the night. This Line, it will be sea, avoids entirely the wide portion of theBay and, of course, ia a great degree any danger of rough weather aad seeeickaesa, and Passengers by it going farther North, bare the advantage, on their arrival at Baltimore, of remain ing for the night, free , of charge, on beard a beat having superior aoooaunodatioaa, aad avoiding the expensea st Hotels. Bstarolug, Passengers leave Baltimore 00 Tues dsys aad Fridays at 5 P. M. aad arrive at Richmond the next day a boat 1, M THOMAS DODAMEAD. SejAR. fcP R.R. Msreh28th, 1851 96 4m ens a a SPRIISGGOODSFOR At IVo. 13. Fayettrrille St t ftnH E Subscriber is bow receivios;aa aseortmeni U af Spriag aad Summer Goods, consisdog In pert af the foUowlni artiolea. via; Chameleon, figared and plaid' Cheae and Fools rd 'Silks, . French, Scotch and English Lawns, a great variety, French Ginghams aad Prints, Plain aad Figared Linen La was. Barege Detainee aad Bareges, plain and figared, Silk Grenadines, Batistes and Tissues. Bieh Embroided Robes, white aad colored, Rich Embroided 8 w Dresses, a greet variety, Jaconets end Cambrics, plain, plaid aad striped, Beak, Mall, Naiaseek aad Swiss Masliaa, Rieh Embroided Crape Shawls, - Lees, Maalim aad Barege Maatiflaa, Lace Cases, Bexthes, Cellars and Caffs, Lace and Maalta 8 leaves aad Moslia Bands, German fend English Hosiery of all a lads, Silk aud Merino Drawers and Vesta, Alexandra Kid Gloves, Gents and Ladies, Richardson's Honaewifs Linens, medium do. Table dsmaak, Napkins snd DoUies, A large assortment of Towelling, all prices Cotton and Linen Sheeting 6-4 to 12-4 wide, Table aad Piano Cloth Covers Msrssilles Q,uilu, Brown French Linens, York Mills and London Long Cloth Shirtings. Lac atad Edgings of every description, AU kinds of fashionable drees trimmings, Coat Spool Cotton and Marshall's Llaen Tkread, Eagliah Pins and real Hemminge Needles, Fancy Soaps, German aad French Cologne. GROCERIES. BEST Browa. Clarified, Crashed and Loaf 8o gar. Stuart's Soger floaee Syrap, Java, Old Gov. aad Mocha Coffees, Beat Hysoa, Gunpowder, snd Black Teas, ' Worcester Saeee, Olives aad Capers, Old MsdeirajPon,Sherry, Hook mad Champagne vriaea. Cheap WtoeafbrCookiegv Beet French Braady.fJoUand Gin, Jamada Ram, Iaiey. MeeoagakeUr and Otd Ryh Whiskey, SaerBit Adamaathia, aad Halla Ceadlea, - Wood aad Willow Ware, and Poroeleia Kettles, Sua pane, Furnaces, Toaster, Beat Segara, aad chewing Tobacco. . J B. O. RODLHAC March 28th. 1851. ' ' ' 26 Te all w tie) ni It may coucern. r 1 1 ' V BAlttiteaa, Jaaaary 14, 1831. "If HEREBY gieeaetiea thai ao perena has a right II to sell - Buck's Patent Cooking 8tove," in tbe State of North. Carolina,, except ' my authorised agent, or uae the same unkesa purchased of moor my sgent,I being the sole proprietor of the Patent, eight for said Stem, by saSignmeaf snd power of At torney from Damns Back, psteeiee, sb is recorded in U. S. Patent Office, in Liber VI. Bags 114. . And farther, that I' will prosecate ail perooe infringing oa aaiu patent. . . t . i ' BURR PECK. ' 'N B.JassraTTatTkaiaa, of Raleigh N. C it btt aoty attborltad agef " ... a. at- BURR PECK. Febraery 1891 ' ' ' , BETTER STILL I U . UFHOLISTEREn AND MATTRESS MAKER1 YtTn OULD reapeetfally Inform the Pablic, tka V.V. n oonatentlj keeps oa hand a aucaly ef the beat Bed Mattresses of all kinds incftdiag the mack approved cacc Corrda Mattsbss, Which will be fonnd a perfect laxary, either lnS am merer Winter. Alan. . " " SOFAS' LOUJfGEJS, EASY CHAIRS, . '1 .' ' BasBoCsotured ia every style to order. " Repairing of all kinds done ai the shortest BOtloe and allork wsrraotedto be Jonela the beat Ind moat wrakmanliko 1 niaaaar. " N.Bi ,v Tbe poblio will please bear ia mind tkat I attend 'personally is tke maanfactnre of aty Mat tresses, 8efas, Leengea eW Hie War Ritom may be tka found in ike Regit tar boSdings. .' r Raleigh, Fekw 18, 185L , 15 tf " ClieapJM Ever! 3:.l , THR BaUoer WoeJd I W inform hUtewn aad eo try. ftieeda, iiui, teviar retaraesl rees'thc Morth,- where he aaa laid la a feed asasrfmsal af QmarieasBd Bhape. they eaj be saxisfisd Ibat ka SBetkaaadaraojOy.y. Pa'llstsB.Uaa taias, bat epeaa andaaa. faa yoarsslj ajdjow. lafUoae aavthiag pea doiog. . ; s . . . . , . ti B. WALKER. . April 18, 1851. 32 Fire 'GZffiS Wralnce. -Norta'Carolina-MUiuai - h INSURANCn nffHE rc4lwlng'Tevsdris 'Jl taseaad Omcsiaef ih nnMpArsY?? AbisTCompany aae pv-e arntjaffi. injOliiir k!t..!' ; : - ' ioslah Waiaon; Raleigh. RieherdSmithf' ' do . John Primrose, - de . .Henry D.. Jaoer,(,. dn t 1. Q. B. Roalhs'e, do ... f. W. Whirfiig; do -T.R.lMy do (See? MeXeiiw , . ? Fyrt teville. , . ,Jce. G. Wriga, Wilmington, H James E. Hoyt, Washington James loan,' i '"' Greensboro'. Wn. Badbam, ; - Edentoa Josh. Boner, Salem. )( Joseph Jod, ( EHsabeth CHy,. v. .. . M'chael. B'mwnp,, Be)isbaryx ,a ., 'AleV. Mitchell.1 Newborn. W, N- H Smith, Mnrfreeaboro ; , rT.BrWilHBmsvcarlotte 1 ' John B'.'BarfVtV Mlltoitr ' A.T. 8nmmy, Asheville. AH. Bi rvss are aelhoriaad to recia spaBcstiflOs. , riOFFJCFRSvflFaTWE COMPANY.. , ' Jesiah O. Wstson. Prteident. ' -Its: 'Roalhsk' rtce do ' Richer flmvA: 7Vwrorfr.' '. .Jehai C. PatfWgeSecrefary'f ' Jokn JL.Brjin. Attorney. J. rTersmsn.' General Agent, n: w: -wwtfrW. ''.,' : Richard 8mrt lu ' S-Execntive Committee, John Primrose, i This Company is now in sareeasfut operstien, snd i prepared to effect insurance against fire on all kinds ef property. (Steam' Mills shd Terpentine Dis tilleries excepted.) All communications in reference te insurance ahnqld be addressed to, tbe 8eeefary. post pd. J C. PARTRIDGE., Secy. Rsleigb! Jan ft. 1650. . 3 nnnE 2ETIVA ITSCR Alt CE COMPA IL IT. af tlartfard. Conn. Offers to iaanre Beildings and Merchandise, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums te suit the times. Thtsisoue of tbs oldest snd bestlnsnranceCom paalea in the United States, and pays ita I promptly. Applieatieaafortasarsn.ee n Raleigh. or ita vi- einttyobemadeto S. W. WHITING, Agent. And for Milton, N. C. and vicinity , to N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848 83 av GROCERIES'. TJOSEPH G. M. BUFF ALOE will continue te ejl carry on tbe Grocery business, st ibe old stand or COOKE Sl BUFF ALOE. HsrgeU HU He will keep constantly on band a full supply of all articles iabia line ef business, snd aoHcits a ah are of the pablic patronage. U yoa would save money, call on J08. G- M. BUFF ALOE. Raleigh. Feb. 35th. 1851. 18 Valuable Land for Sale. A Valuable Tract of Land eonUlniog 203 acres PX. 1j'Bf between fear and five miles Wester Ra leigh, oa both aides of Walnut Creek, end adjoiaiag tke lead of Rev. Thee. Meredith and others, will be aold oa reasonable terms. Far farther information apply to M. A. BLEDSOE. Raleigh, August 17, 1850 66 jA. B. STITH & CO. " Jf RE daily expecting a handsome sasortment of Al Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, nsajwsra eVc. which have beea aelected with great carh from the latest arrivals, pnrchssed since the de elinas aad which they are determined to aell at each prices, se wiH defy competition. They coasist ia pert of tbe following vis: Rich Chene, Drab. Glace and Foulard Silks. Embroidered lllyriens, Fsncy Lawns, Printed and Embroidered Lawns, WLtte, Pink, and Blue Tarleton, plain end Watered Silk and Linen Poplins, PUia and Embroidered White Crape Shawls, French Jarconet, Embroidered Swiss Mnalin,' Solid Cot'd Lawns, Linen Csmbrie Hk'fs. Wool nettand White Lace Shals, Alpaeea a, Drap D etc. Fanev Prima, Scotch Ginghams, Pink snd Bine Chsmbry Cotton do. Brown and White llociery. Gloves, Plain and Colored 4-4 snd 6-4 Matting, Pails, Brooms. White Bar Hoop. ' Patent Pearl candlea in Boxes of I dox. do Mould Tallow Candles, - Mount Eagle Tripoli, Trace Chiana, Common and Cast Steel Hoes, German snd Cast Steel Head and Pannel Saws, Some with Mahogany bandies very superior, Knives and forks. Pocket snd Pen knives - Wsldroeeend Bloods Gram and Grain Scythes, Bear Rio CeOse et 81 1,60 pet barrel. Best Brown Sagar $8 do do do Clarified do 10 do do do Crashed do $11 do do Raleigh April 10, 18-11. 31 TJM0H ACADEHY. IIACKALY'ACROSS BOAO Chttbim Ciiilj I. C. flllHE fall session of this Institution will 00m JU men re en the first Monday ia July next, taught byMr. A. R' McDonald. Priec ef Tairiocr per Hestibn f flv nronlhe.' Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, f 6 00 Engliah Grammar,' Geography dVc. . .. . 8 00 Classics and higher branches of Mathematics, 12 00 The heslth of the country, the morality of the neighbarhowL the salubrity of the region in which this school is situated, all conspire to; reader, it a desirable place for training no the young mind. And while due attention will be paid te the improve meat aad development of the iatellectBal faculties ef tke Stadeots, tksir Moral aad. Phvaieal 'aatarea wBl alas be attended te. Boarding six dollar per month. J. W.1 HACXNEY",' V A A. G. HlNTON,Esq. I . Rev. WILLIAM SNIPES, f Rer. J.F. BURNETTE, J a fl May 19th, 1851. ! IA 43" fit ' UNITEI) STATES HOTELi .-'' ; ATPHILADELPni The avbsoviber irspeotadlryMatmasesro ba friends aud the traveling eommnnlti, that he has assumed the Proprietorship of the United 8tates Hotel. Long kaow.n in connexion with tbe Hotel, under tke late Proprietor; be feels "perfectly safe in awordislag its old patrons that aothiag shall be wanting taonfic its pre.viena repautien as the beet kepi house in the coantrr. No expense has been spared Is completely refitting- the satire' 'establish ment, and he parUsnlarly'iaTrtes attention to the changes introduced for, the convenience and eoajfort or the ladles. Firmly determined to give satirfactten, he aolicita a ooaadnaace of tkat patronage always so freely bestowed oa the old Uaited States. -,,t jv. ;A. 3L ALLEN". ; Juae 1,1831. ,J" " 45 2m. SCH AEFFER & L0NEY, '7. NO. , HANOYtivt STREET . NEAR , . BALTIMORE 8TRSE1 f Oiler for ftala aa W aa can Wpn'rchised fn ant .of the Northern AtlatrticChiea,' a large -': '-ri ; iawortmerit of" "' ,,! ndrawetrti, Cutler1 and auns, " of their own im por ut ion." ' a-fJalrivnoreeb. 22r'185L ' ' IB ,)! 1 iti iw nli hi i.. i.r i.ni I nn iftlap, ia Store aad era daily ex. 1 T peeting Freh f oxtgreaa WamrLetaoeq ViT-rr'.r-Peck Parlat and. Brandy, Sherry Ma. eeira andPorU Wnee, seleoW for ; M edicinal par. pose of the Importer and warraatad pers . P. F. PE8CUD Patent Medicines. , . .... -1 - nv, : x it Oorisuramion; ' DAltYtR- HASTtNGS' Coniporiiir Syrrtp ofJtoliUif,; The MeUicaf Facility, ao well ki the pnMie. are artta, , mmhr at the Bumerews ceres made daUy by thbtaxuaordiaary roedicine,-ad i!jU we sc kaowledged by jnsny of our, met eminent physi cisne to be s certain and speedy core for tubercular conaumpuvD, in ii worst ii.jc. . . - eomrnended by that emjnent ' poysieian.' Ar mon. wt mneiani.lv ased in tke Mstine -Hospiul at SsvsnnaluGa b Dr. Arnold, the senior pbyatcian . . sr w a a J J I of the bospttal . . . J no tomion isncet, juonoon aicei. ral Journal, PraUhwsitea Retrospect, snd sli other of "the London Medical Journals, have spoken in praise ninny iiniew "i . . v. DR. HASTINGS' PKBHARATION. It Ass been thoroughly tried, not only in the Hos pital onder the charge of Dr Hsulings.in London, but sIko by sll the first physiciana of England, and si) hsve folly endorsed it ss sn unrivalled remedy in lonrotnption, Ind all ' other diseaeee of the langa. The iollowing are a few of tbe opinions ca pressed by he Medics) Faculty of Englan.., Br. WUIiam. son, of Manchester, thus writes : UNDER . ITS INFLUENCE I hsvs seerrtke eancisted being, ori whose brow death bad seemed t. hsve set his sest, aequirainvi goratioB ami , strength and exchange .his early mornings of intense suffering and distressing cougb for the sound repose which alone accompanies sound health." DR. WARE, OF LIVERPOOL, reyar I regard Hastings' Syrup or Naptha aa one of tbe first medical-discoveries of any age, and con sider its agency in curing consumption as establish ed beyond all doubt or question." A single bottle will prove its efficacy. All the pro priaior aska is tha trial of ohe bottle, the action of which, will prove to the patient the virtue of this medicine. Coughs, colds, bronchitis, decline, sstbms, night sweats, and spitting of blood, are cured in a adr pristngry short apace of lime I lbs severest colds having yielded 10 tbe treatment of tha. Naphtha Syrap in tbe abort apace of forty-eight hours. To enumerate sll the curef performed by this medicine would occupy s volume, the sccmpsnying hsv ing been selected by the American sgent from a msss ef ce lificates which have been received by him. MAGNIN'S LUCINA CORDIAL OR. THE ELLtIR OF LOVE. Thia is tbe only sctusl remedy ever discovered for Impoteney, General Debility Nocturnal Emis sions, end all diseases occasioned by certain secret bsbits ; snd many 'of tbe nostrums recently recom mended for tbe same complaints are worthless im itations which its unrivalled excellence, fame, end popularity have brought into the market. Tbe medical faculty of Eaton-, and the1Aiild States are unanimous in their recommendations of the Lucius Cordial, and have not given tbeir sanction in a single instance that hss been authenticated, to any other compound for tbe snme purposes. The ns tore of the maladies relieved by ibe Lueiha Cor dial are generally such ss te leave the publication of certificates of cures out f the question, or the proprietor could produce s host of the most conclu sive testimony to show tbat the great reputation which it enjoys wss ndt srcidentally obtstned, but is Irmly based upon its ositive, and apparently mir aculous virtues. In all directions are to be found the happy parenls of healthy offspring, who would nut have been so, but for this extraordinary prepara tion.' Anal il is euaalty potent in the many diseases for which it is recommended. Objection bss been naturally made to tbe price of tbe Larins Cordis! ; because the trash that baa been thrown into the market in opposition to it, is sold chesper ; bat the fact is tbst the cordial cannot be afforded less, end ought to be much dearer, as many of tbe ingredients which compose k are among the costliest things in nsturs ; where ss tbe others sre msde up of chesp drags worth but little in money, snd kss in merit ; and it is a fact, that at least one of the getters ap ef these same mixtures, mskes it s point to- add one bottle of the Lucina Cordial to a given numbtrof gallons of bia compound, ao aa to give it some little tone and virtue and thus solace his conscience. DR. LE ROY'S SARSAPARILLA & WILD CHERRY PILLS- The universal celebrity which this tnedicia: tie? gained in every section of the country, end the many BStonishing cores it hss effected, have established its efficacy beyond all doubt ; aa a general family medi cine it has no rivsi. In sll esses of Indigestion, Bil liens Fevers,-Dispepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache. Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Piles, Cel. c. Worms. Disease 01 the Heart, and all'affectiona of the atomach, and bowels, LE HOY'S PILLS will be found a never-failing remedy. To insure the full benefit of these celebrated Pills, they should be kept in tbe house, so thst upon the first commencement of sickness they may be st once resorted to. One dose then is better ibsn a dozen after the disease has become established ia the sys tear. Le Roys Pills sre purely vegetable, and so inno cent thst the infant of a month old may use them if medicine is required, net only with safely, bt twrth a certainly of receiving sll tbe benefit medicine is capable of imparting. Females may use them dCV ingsll the critical periods of their lives Le Roy's Pills win insure their heslth. snd produce regulari ty in all the functions of life. Price 26 cent per box. MtTCHEL'8 EYE-8ALVE. The following certificate from Dr. Jeslyn, of the regular practice, will satisfy every liberal-minded individual that Mitchell's Eye-Salve is no quack preparation, but is entitled aa well to tbe confidence of tbe Faculty aa all others, who may have occasion to avail (hemseives of ita benefita : Panax, August 16, 1846.; D. Mitchell Dear Sir : The first time I saw your Eye-Sslve wss at W. J. Cbapin's, where it came ea I was informed, on yoar recommenJation, for the care of bis little daughter's ayes. I had little confidence in it, aa I have in must of the na- tent meoieinee. cut aa toe most popular modes ef irealrnvnt and' specie! remedies had utterly' failed to benefit the liule sufferer, I consented to ita uae, aop poatng that jf it did no good, it would do no hart It wss a case of severe Scrofulous Opbthalmy of both ayes. Ths eye-balls and lids were all very BMch inflamed Your Eye-Salve was used. Im mediately .it ; acted like a charm. In a few days a perfect cure wss effected. This wss sometime lest winter. Since thst I have used your Salve a great many times with the happiest results. In, my hands it has speedily cured recent inflammation of the eyes, snd also thst which hsd resisted t all treatment from one te fixe years My present opinion is, that aa to convenience time, safety and certainty, U ve ry far surpassee sll the Salve and 1 Eye Wssfaes ef which I have any knowledge. Respectfully, ,Z..W. JOSLIN. M. D.1,5 Tke above Medicines sre for sale in this City, by P. F. PESCUD, and Messrs. WILLIAMS, HAY WOOD fc CO. Druggists ; and in Lonieborg, by J. BROWJ. , . : B , 3 Afl orders to New York most be addressed to G. W.'Barr ck Brother, 154 Greenwicl 81I, who ire dtm Sow them and Western A genu, ' - January 18th, 1850 .81 1 . I BEG leave to call the attention of builders sod persons wishing to Durchase Lumber to mv Sieamavs Mill near Raleigh where they ceo be aupplied with aay kind, at the shortest ootke. Also sawea Lathe of the best quality t $1 00 per M. ' : "T. H.8N0W. laleigk. July 1 lllb. 185I.MK 36 ty': FASHION; 1851- ONECaaa f uperior Black Moleskia Uata ' f ALSO, ONE Bex Prima Black Tea in Pa pa re ' - :M,;; J. BROWN, ? v Na 9 FkyottaviUaetreet,i April 28th, 1861. 35 J. D. WIU JAMS. ... 1 iimvMnrf FORWARDING AND , COMMIIOM rFBTfETn;LE, NORTH CAROLZir A July 19th, 1850. 83 A111e.lXlU011a.Tra ... rvn-pjuenterj and DlaWhoV6 In the commencement, it is of sbsolute jmZ m view of s rpeedy cure, tbat a full doae or "" taken at once, becduse the humors wl,icK disesM ofthisclfra?tttthe moHt a poisonous quality, and we safety to life sx.s, '" any portion remains fn U, bowels or ih." ub" Should the first dpse not cure, be' not .i,, .b,0". reiterate lhat dose. Shoaldhe Irscustioru TtT' putrid, of bad odwr, unnstoral, eelor.'Ac. a.. TY!T7 using four or six pilk twice adayr. uks also spoonful ef powih? red charcoal, in water, e ' ' while theei fymptoms roatiaue. Let year? Hgbt, and of easy digeslion, as arrow root r; " ding; indiah rneaigreel also, sheep', head' br?!,1 rice and a piece of cinnamon boiled in it "J head broth., haep's bead makes the bestd'61'' be boiled nnUl ibe bonea are, clean. Aa a ruli'' K first dce -f pills cures when timely used. fcn three or four doi-es may be iieteasarv .,.,niel'ni rases in whjch it takes weeks tov cure; bm ,!'" not occur once in a thoossnd times. IB n 3 " ao medicine or plan of treatment is bf tier h ""' sbove recornmeiidetC ojrvril sooner curs, g!" ss the irritating matters are removed, eosnon nl bo well, and not before. Anodynes and ag-08'11 hsve a deleterious effect; beeWss they r!nU retenUon of thst desth principle whieh tion?"" dysentery, disrrl.ass, cholera, and sll other H'68" sccording 10 its excess over the principle 0f lif'?'' Brsndreth's Pills sre apposed to this as w,J fire, or ss hest is' to cold ; anil when thsv , into a man. they go to work boldly to drive principle ir.m ine nody. snd all they can d , there be work for fifty doses, one dose m.... "l H expected to do ihe work of fifty. Ano .n9t In should slwsys be kept in mind. trqtfc Let not tbe pstirnts frighten themselvei W (k ides that they sre too weak to bear njBch n lt but bear in mind that these mildly operating Lg'tt ' Dr. Brandreih put not . weakness into ike f M but draws weskness oat.)eevju'g strength iniu T' snd give. com,K,.,ng sleep at night, snd.so t? to relish sny food. "Ppetits THE BRANDRPTH PILLS A Bsn ea-li.Bllue a! J ! T . us , """"J tueoicinai nerbg,ind d lumliis in, minnliuiil,.;ui 1 . uu net - ; ' j . . ' iureai sBosiance teciiy nsroiiees to tbe meet tender see t 0 ti. a per. frsma aufl nevertheless sure to sesrch om iht of the sickness snd produce a CURE whate, be Hs chsracter, when taken in time, and iD n!, ties sufficient. ' mtt- The Brsndreth Pill are sold st 25 cents r by VILL. PECK & SON. R,eigh, "J sgent in every low,, in ihe United Stales snd most every city throughout the world L U ill b, rarrful vhw 1 K. kw ... 1 1. ... , . J '"J ,UJ w'" ODtain a rnn terfetl. Buy only of men whose character. ,1" know to be above se mean an anion as l0 ,,n . false for the true, Brsndreth's Pills. Observe th signature of Dr. Brsndreth on eaeb box August 28. 1840. Livery Stable. THE Subscriber after returning hit grsiefal thanks to the Public, for the very liherti and generous pstronsge, hitherto extended to him won Id respectfully give notice that be continue, m pr(W cole ht line of business, in all its braacbes, wiU promptness and efficiency., His Stables ire'clnt snd commodions,"Bnd his Ostlers experienced and at. tentfve ; indeed no peine or expense have be shall be spared tn rejnder xfctisfactinn to all wi Ht. ronize his Esubliyhmrnt He will keep ronsisntly on hand, for hire, HACKS, BUGGIES, HARNESS " . 111 653ao.lsl!ia tSLttonpaBcsas HORSES willbebosrdedbythsdiT week, month or yesr, o ihe stott moderate terms. Drovers wit) rind- this a central positron, and a most owe Blent one for effect in r mIm .i. B 1 -mi ton wui.aiwavs ana smpte accammoustion tor any u sa ber of Horses, however Isrge. The Subscriber hss also effected a new rmnrf ment by which he will be enabled to keep new nd old Bug Gits, and Hoasxs,sr sale, oror erthtngt ou moderate and accommodating terms. Thiii new feature in his business. Tbe Subscriber hopes that , his friends and tin Public will continue to give him a trial. It ii ill thai he asks. JAME8 M. HARRISS. Raleigh. September 38, 1849. 78- ly TTpilJE Subscriber has foraale low, thefollowinr as stniciee Cheni, Figured snd Plain Changeable Silks, Black Gros De Rhine Silk snd Black Alpaes. Silk and Cotton Trimmings, Hyacinth and olbtr silk Button, Bonnet, Csp, Neck, Belt and Taffeu Ribbons. French Cambric and Linnen Cambric Uandk's, White, Black and Colored Kid Gloves, sewing Silk, Jaconrtts and Swiss Edging snd Inserting!, Spou Cotton. While eud Black Silk and Cotton Hose s variety, Breen and White Hose, Merino Hose. Jsconetts, Csmbrie, Checked aud plain Swijs Mm linn. Cambric Dimity and Paper Cambric, Brown tnJ White Holland. 100 pieces of Calico, various prices. 100. do Bleached aiuLBrowa Shirting and 8heei y -"gs- Kentucky Jeans, Cotton snd Bed Ticking, Apron Cceck, Brown and bleached Jeans, Whhe G-snite and other Crockery. Losf, Crushed, Clarified snd Brown Sspar, Old Jsvs, Laguira and Rio Coffee.Cnglish Musitrd, Summer sod other Hats, Mill Ssws snd Cross Cut Saws, Shoes, a general assortment, Collin's Axes. Expected soon by Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, a general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery. Call and examine ray stock. J.BROWN. No. 9, Fsyetteville Street. April 28, 1851. NORTH CAROLINA mutual IJfte Insurance Coni'f OFFICE RALEIGH, N. C THIS Company continues to insure the lives of all healthy White persons and Slaves. The greatest rick taken on a single life is 85 Slaves ere insured for a term of one to fivereart for fds their value. , . OFTICXRB. Dr. Chaa. F.. Johnson, President. Wm. D Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm ' H. Jones, Treasurer, Pwrria'Basbee, Attorney, Dr. Wm- H. McKee, Examiaiug Pbysicria. , J. Hersman, General Agent. All looses are paid withiu 90 days aftersatuf' tory proof Is presented. . Blanks snd Pamphlets, abowiag ths plan of of' atiou of the Company, may be had oa applieaU" at the Office, or any of the Agencies. All letters business should be addressed to ? .t S ; ' JAMES F. JORDAN, Secrtlorl: 3S .May 2d, .. 1851. . NeWGoods New Goods. WE would moat respectfully inviW tM j tention to our extensive and wall sek' 8tock, for, the Spring and Summer trade of l51' Some of which are Rich Cheoe end Chamelien Silks. , Furlard and Indis do Black Gro Da Lyon . M do, Glace and Silver Grey do White and colored Satins. , Organdi Silk Tissues. " ToilDe Lind, : . Cbslly a and, Grensdines. Printed CoosUHitinea. . Fancy French Jackonet. " Organdi Muslina. ' ' Barege De Lsne. ' ? - Imperial Chene Gingham. Piukand Buff Linen do Orange. Parpie and Mode Colored Lswb- Dotted Swiss Muslins. Embroidered and Solid Tartan do Mareeliaes and Florences. .. , Swiss, Book.MalLNsinsook and checked Ms"0 Rich Bonnet. Neck, Cape and Cuff Kibbosv Embroidered Canton Crape Shawls. " Needle Work Capea, Collars, Cuff snd Po tT Jej'jiw Cbemisets and Undersleevea . Embroidered and Corded, Bordered. Scsli Handkerohie&. . j, r- : Paria Kid Gloves, first quality. Silk and Linen Buttons, and Trimmings. Real end Imitation Valencisns. Edging, exv R. TUCKER, f March 20th, 1851.

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