' n ' ' rt ' "J" '" ' ev - - r -nr a.-T -.-.... v. - - -. .A - a. - . a-. vn"VT:r' -w i .TERMS-U Tor iho Semi-Weekly Pr per tanuxa; , the. Weekly jhjwv j 3peV ftrnm; XdtceD!JPVUk-ChronU9 1 NERVOUS'OEBHITr.OISEASE OF THf KIDNEYS.? ? r:" ' 'AND ALL --V -DISEASE AKI3 INO FROM A DISORDERED . ,. TJVEM OR 8TOMCH,DCH Ai CONSTIPATION, t WARD ,??U.ES.r ULLN ESa OR BLOOD TO , ithEHEA.ACIDITYOFTHETOM- -ex ,rH NAU3EA.hKARTBURX.DISQUST mft FOOD, FULLNESS, i)ft WEIGHT IN E eTt iM CH,8lBR ERUCTATION 8. in CklN" OR F LUTTE KINO AT THE PTTP OF THB 8TUMACH.8WIM. " ! f-MiNOOFTHK HED,"HORRIED " -AND DIFFkTJLT AREA W. ' ir INO. FLUTTERING. AT . , . THE HEART. CUOK- -inck on ? UTFOCATINO 8E3SVTI03 & WHEN fit A .1110 POSTURE, DIMNESS or VIS. ION. DOTS OR WEB4 BEFORE THE- . -.'WW I THE HEAD. " - deficiency vft r: .. or PE-SPIRVriON,, TE1.L0WNEJJ OF THE SKIN AN EYES, PAl IN THE MDE, BA E.:HESTMWB.e,8UDDEX fLUHES OF'HEAT. BURNING IN -THE FLESH, 0NTANT IMAGINING OF EVIL, AND GREAT DEGRESSION OF kPIRITj; CAN BE XFTECTUALLT CTTRCD, BY Celebrated GiTwan Oi iters PREPARED BY JTJr. C Jaekson, ' AT -THE ' fc&f.i.V MEDICINE STORE, No, 130, Arch Street, vywiadelpht. . jVir '' tr tic et -"uaeerT is aW txcttW.if tttmlkd y en ttktr prejmrmti U fn Ud 'Sfattt. mi tht cuts attest , t May $fter tiii. fktfkftieknt iadftifed. Tkese Bitters are wonky tbeattentlo of invalid rwutwi'l tj B recti ncetiou of die- hM of the Liver aad lftaer glmda, exercising tke Ml Karefclnf porw la' wtaknnsM and aftetieo fldigiiTorgt. hty at vitbal, Mft, eer- FEAD AND BE CONVINCED. . From U uBorto BmT . Ti EJT'or mH Dl" 34. '-Dr HJUwft Cdratet Grmm Bitters, for tlir er- of Liver CoMtpltinr.; Jaaa lie. Dispepsia Ckreoic or Neroa Dobtlilj. I lMrriK oa v tbaMit popaUrmedSciaet ! j."Tfcr Bit itrt fcM been sd b iWoanads aid a fr?a4 ai ar tlbov nv k Ma aiin!f received n affaal u4 penataoBt ear of Uvrr CWHItInl frm ia M aftni reaiad Wi r onaTiaoed thaCia Ikr ( iKt B.Mera, taa pattattt enaratlj gia wafta B'I iror. Uet worthy of "f rnt enaaidrr Tmtj ara aloaaaat la laata aad aatall, aaa bf aaed br paraoas viih tha laoat daftea'r nsvitk m(ht, aader aT dreftonlaae Wt ara speaking from experteaoe, aad U taa af fietrd wf ad"w la-ir ase M Scott's Wssktr." oaa af tWa boat Lltarar pijim pahlinked, aaid, Agot 8- "Df. "Bmfiamts Gerwm Bjttrt. naaafactarrd bf Ur JakOB. are nee recom mended bf sorae of lb atusi ereiaiaear aafbaaa af IbeTfccBhy; a aa tnidf af bmi vflacy ia aa af fatal vcakaaaa At tuck Uibeea are would du all aaotaanta ebuiu k- tile aad ikT tbeaMeUea aiack aiek aeta. Prroas of debilitated ceasiKatioaa will f al tkae Bktrra aiTa4 arenas to their ka'lk as w kaew (rum rxperieaC the salutary effaet that tkej ba epoa weak systeata." JaJge M. M. INotH.i (en'letBa f great liter try and scientific attaiameats, said in bis Now Yerk Weekre Me-eraf'. Jnaary 6. 1830. " Dr Haflanifi Ger mi Bttttrt Hera ts a pre paration which thf leadin prettavs ia tha Uaioa appear to be unanimous ia recommending, and tbo reason is obnoos. It is nude aUr a prooariptiOB faraaked by one of tka nxwt eel bra led phrweians of dera ticaes, tka lata Dr Christopher VVilbelm Uooliad. Profjor to the UaierjtT of Jena, rn tats Phrsiciaa to tka Kiar af Praxis, aad oaa of the greatest mod teal wmersGermaaj ,haa eer pro saeai . Hi ws enphttieallj tkeeneei of kumbg tad therefore a eaedicioe of which ha was the ! tenter and endorser mar be confidently relied oe. He specially recommeoded it ia Lier CoapUin', Utfyetrsta, Debility, VertUo, Acidity of the 5 ions sch, I'oaMipaiioit and all omplaiats arising from aaordered condittoaof thstumaoa. taa L4er aaa the iatestinea. iNiaa Philadelphia. ieri cxprsaa tMreoaei. tion of its eseelleae; aad soraral of the u era peak of its effects from thetf awa iadiTid ailesptriaaca. - Under thaae oiroaaMtaaeea we fori Varraated, aot oaly ia eailiag tka attoatlaaf oor tsaders to the preseat pretrietor's (fr.C M . Jack toa') yrfm-o, but ia recoaiueadiog ike artiel ts au affljeted." MORE EVIDEKCU. The Thiladslphia Satust Gsttb, tha beet family opwapapar published ia the Uaiied States the editor says of DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BfTTfiRS. "Itissrlduoifhat we recommend kai are termed Pient Medicines to the eoeCdnc' aad patronage of oor rea-iars; and, therefore, woea We ittommead Or Ho. 9 iwd 'e Gmnaa BitUr. we wish t te be diniiietly understood that ws are not apeakiayr o the aostmms of the day, that are' aoiaaj a boat for a brief period and thea forgot tea after iVy feat doss ihii'r guilty rsce of mischief, bat f oodicie long est sblUhed, oniTersatTy prixed, atul which has smtse nearly approval or the racaity nseii" Erideac bdob STidrDoa baa boom reaviead pike us foregoing) fro- all seetieaa ar the Uoioa. the last three years, and fas strongest turimuf as af f"T,'n, thai there b morr of ft asedla tha prae- therefalarfhyaieisuaf FhiHtderpkia, tbaw all ether noatroms combmed a fact tkst eaa he ail; establiahed, and fjlly proriog ibat a ecien- prepnrstioa wtll meet wlia tbrtr qalet appreral aksa pmeated weea ia (hfa form. That this medicine wiil care- Liver Comataiat and Ojtftptu. no oaa e ia doubt, after, using It as airected. ft sets specifically apoa the s smack and live; it is preferable to ealeeaol las J Wwt bSs- ; the effect iaimmadiata Tber eaa bo ad- BiuUerrd io rcaiin or mriT witk safety and rlto'j beuefit, at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Tkisnediciae has attsiaed that high character kwh ia aeceaanrv for alt medicines to at tain, to Wcaco cwBterfeit-ra to pat forth a sparloaw article aisa rnnoftbo iwrm of those who are laaeeeatiy IO0K WELL TO THE MARKS OF TEE GENUINE. Tky hae the written aignatora of C. W'JACK pi spoa the wraBaer: and the iiint bUwa ia batle. wkW wUck t kef err Sftrimtu Fee sals wholesale and rrtsd si the , ; GERMAN MEPINj: AS$ORE... Ne 1.0 A KC.n Kri ma door Mil Sitku (kt f milt9ly Pkatfierybea aad by ro- rui aeaicrs Ureaghewt tee couatry. . Aim for sale by v , " ' J.B.RAMSET, Prvggist. P'horo' N. C., May 4tV;18ai. ; - 44 ly A U. aemoaa fade bt ad ta A. J Etrth r A. B. 4aAMtih 4c Ca.. aeawemataiod im rail and sett la K'Lithliyaloaj U 'batawta)1 v. v. va C LOTH INGvBAZAAR. FAtls AND-TTITTfetl gTOCtt 6i? THE subscriber eaters the field of coo, pat It v UrV a-lectsd assortm-nf f PbU aHl Wlatar Trada. , Deurwaa mulZ " wiajs MTiea ai jr.akla.KL. n .. . m"',t rPaUlio" f the Clothing Basasr.' JkT7 !Srll,!e" md u Pie styles af Clo- " i. P'4 -aarkes , from tha rery ltwaat pries 10 Urn ineat e,aaliy af Cklkiag. Cam tomara eaa depend apoa fiadipg. ear garmeaU wait aaade, bowevar low the price. " MarchsBts araiarited teeramltte our stack, as Tk -tcr Depirtmeot kj fall, embramnf EaglUh Iuiw Crseata, Grores, 8uspeodsrs, Skirta, Lollars, , wkkh wiil.be,SdaTue lowl mprlcasVby, ., ; . N - t Petarsb.rg.gapt StKO, - fruit r" &nz' Jdridicluem OTlllATI IIIkT O CO. A BOW rocettioa. JaraCaddaiuu -LJr to their Stork mDrtUN Medtri aa. Chan A 7 " Oils, Dye BtefTa, Window Mtaae, reTfuaterr. freaa the Itsbie Housra pa Iba. Nonhara CltMO. Btca has been patchsaad with aa ey. stiigle to there parity, and aa aoeted for eale at such prior aadjleroiAas shall compare favourably ariih ny riuuse ivtbk stats (maw ir-Tai euri. . 'hysiciaua. country merchants and dealers gene. r. wilt do wetl to .ieua a call before porcbas feelifg aaaarad we shad aot f il to amase both Phy rally ni ia prtra and qaa'i'y Uidare promptly atlended to and panicalar sttsa- uoa givoa to peeking and tonrardins;. Fsmiry Medicis, and fr-eoeriotions. eomooniKt. rd at all hoars of ibe day at.d night, oy a comavteat pwioB, whr neainees ana amps Lea. . era teaser ear O'rt atnere thinks ta tha citi sraiajf Ksteigh and the sarronifiding count r,for ibe I mg nod libera! patronise we haee raeweed. and trashy Mttrins seal and riergy lo daaao in tbe oroaeeutioit oor tuain. to mailt its eonuausaca. Raleigh, A ihl 31 at. 151 Wh aL llarll.'sr (Xicetsaortt Pomertf fc rSetl.) BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER Nm. 16, FayeOetiUe Sires, " rOPPOSITE HhiT OFFICE, aALXleH. H. C. e e AS as band a ver lara-e end salusble eollec toa of Tneuloaieal, Law. Mad teal. Sctaatt6c - oatkamL MiaaMltaaaoa. Mcttoei Booka. BmtiK itooka aad Stalimery of all kinds. Prices vary call and examine. May 34tb. 1-51. 42 The subscriber having i.uirhaed Mi Peter W. Walker entire intereal in the concern of Patterson aa per dk to.. Petersburg wnl rosninue iLa Ure ry aad CommMauuu badness at th- 4d stand, ua 4er the firm aad aijU fPA TTE4ON ex. i;H)P EK. where, by a:rict auaation lo bu-ines ibey hope to retain ibt pairoaage ae bbersdy -i tended to th coacera af PaUeraoa, Ccpr da Co JKt H. PATTERSON, J. H COOPER. Petersburg, latJaly lUt ;'llOTaaS. - Io withdrawing from the Concer i of Patterson. Cooper 4 Co . I tike great pie nurs in reeemmend mg be new concern of Paiteraoa f- Cooper to my triewds and the pubwe generally. JaU4 IUI. 53 P W. WALKER. JfEW DRESSLYG SALOON. AKCUet L. LEWIS would met respectfully annouHce to hie friends, and the Public gt-a- rall) , tkst he is now prepared to execute the si ous brsnches of hi profeaeion in the moat neat, rleanlyand fashinnabU HyU Shoeing, Htur Dresttng, s"mtpoonuig, Etc. tin Room at ta the ttrgirtef etut:s, directly ppoaiis the Tarbroagh House, aad two doors ouib of the Ciiy HeteL The propnetMr ta always at Home witn, stciaN aharp aad Kaaor keen. To cut your Hsir s-td ahsee year dean"! Raleigh April 1st. '.851. S7 tf To ny Town & Country friends. t BHE Subscriber "' respecttuliy call tbe at U taation of bis Town aad Country friends to hm atock of Family Groceries which he la determin ed to sell on as good terms a aay oos ia tk pise a. Anton- kia atook may be too ad . 80 Bob la. beat Petcrsbarg Floor whole aad half barrels Hhda. Bright and Dry P. R Sagar, 5 able do do N. O. de 8 de Crashed do i do Clarified de 4 do Pulverised do 1 Package best Loaf do Rio Lagaira and Java Coffe, Imperislaad Black Tea, a toe srtlele, Tallow, Adamaatiae and Spsrm eaadlef, Washing and Faaey Soaps, Craae's Wash mixture a superior article, A fiae lot imported scgars dilftrsnt brabds, Oak aad Hem look SoU Leather: aad maay arti eles ia the Groerry and Cbnfectionay tiae. Give mas calf, and I am determined not to he Uo dersold by Jew orGsatlle. w r am etarw ai T ra e A t. TVAUlStU Raleigh. Nor. 7th 1850. - ! TUB sYlLLI l ttsnURI PHII ALE ACADE1IY. VlltIM. rfTtHE ScholaeUc ear of tkm lastltutioa U diri II dad iaio two kalf seasieM f tbe fist begiaatng m. Aha arat dar of October, ends ea tha I Jib of Fabraaf : aad the Sad eommeaciog oa taa lata of February, closes oa tha It efurt. TERMS FOtr IIALfA setfalUIV, For board, fuel, ligl.is sad Tuition in all the English branches. For Tuitioa in tke French, ol thf oth er Modern lsagaages. Latia, ' .Mexio aa the P' no. Masioen tka Gaitar. UrsWiog Washing, EEFERENCES. Col. Robert MoCaAwfllah. Prssidsai. 75.00 7.50 750 SOW 15 e 7.50 9J09 . w wr . Dr KOOt I" renwar, , Qee W. Sonthall;. Qoodrick DrfJ Saatl F. Bright. W R C DoagUs, W. Wi Yes, -n. J.AI GalU . Beard ef Trastees. Right Ree J aba Jeans, w utiemseerj. 'ft . J.E. Joy ear, . . Rav E Withers, . Jadge G P. ibargh-Eaatsrs, Bkore. Judge J B Christiaa, WilUmsborg, B- A Empia, Richmond.,, , Bar. E Gear. Washisgtpn, $ C Haa VViliie P-MaBgom. Omng.N C Wm Martat El.tsbtb CMrO Joseph H P!V r. m-r f . ; Warn, Ware Ku J-1-. .' . n.n li a Ji.i- ei.M K C -J -t ' ' . . ..tilt 1 K.ml fJalvsrt. EM a EkOCBe RBrtSgty It A N ft. AD Utters fa be eWed M 1 1 f e t ii tf'B I o o a. tka beat Psmfly lU4isaom baiara (ha puhUe. . It twenty' aaauiilT fceea .benented hr. the ui tlTBia llidicnies ;- Ikct which speaks volumes m hwrof their rarsiieo properttog 'aamgle trial wffl place them beyqnd the reach of eompetitiou in tlie estirdaUna of e Tory patient. " By their use tbo Unod w restored to a pure aad healthy state, freed from sU impurkica. The sratsia, is aot rcduoed during their operation, put mrirorated, and they require no restraint from. tw-me-sr or pleamtre. TWo afilicttd bare mHofCat'l Lif Pills nd Ph(B0ix Bittert- remedy 4hat will do fur tlienxaU that inedione can possibly effect n reanin' of these nMcBcuam are now put np with a. sna.steel enfraTod wrapper and Jabels, and copv right secureu sxwurdiiig to the law of the United States. . " rVerjared by F.3. K07FAT, H. D.J Wew TortL v Fnraaleby J. J. RYALS. Rakigh.Aog.27th, 1850. 79 ly Tanner's Oil, UST received and for sale at the Drug Store Of WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD II CO. AnrOin 1851. 29 Fine Black Doe Skin Cass Pants, iCYl PAIRS, just opened of superior assiiurre, 1" I entirely new S.yle and ul. The best fit ting Pan is out to every body says. E.U HARDING at CO. April 7tb, 1851. 29 Toll Uln Bell Still Loader TsJI it t Ceases js wiada the joyfal sound from Currituck te Cherokee from the Arostouk o the Sabine, that the Immortal laseet" Is at Home again NEW SPRING AND SUMMER G300S, FOR 1851 OLIVEU & FUOCTER, see K. It. It. It H rif E are now reoeiTiog aad lag at aur W V Hraad Emporium at Tame. Fashion aad bei--c I'gly Row, oopuaits Loaaee's. oas door abare Lichford'a. aad hard by Tswte's snd Prim ars. a choice sel-etion of reraai snd solstitial rabricka for male attire, embraejag esery color and variety, af which the following- are a pat : Bmck. bin-, dire greu, brow a Dablia and as Cintbet, Peaa d'eta-aad Caakmetetu. all. iB- Iocs, for Sammer coats. Black, sioa e milled doe kia and fancr French Oassineres ef every variety white and colored, miireiy n-w snd very beautiful. Plain white snd Buff Marseille; Figured Satins, Silks snd kally Yewtiogs. A Io' three goe'ls were selected by "I he Busjc," ia person, from tbe latest importations and can b eoulidriitly rrc-itcmcndi d o our frit nd nl pmroos as being precia-ly The rktags for npring aad Summer cesteaiery. THE EXPRESS -TRAIN. Oh, where are the words tti .t can truly impress rhe dU.su re we leel wheo we're eff by express TNe Meam Ring is op, snd the wbaale is heard rhe bell aires tbesiensl, we re off use a otra. Throurh moan tains and vailsYs . rtcht on word s Harrah I thea hurrah! ws are off by express. Oar flight s like the eagles, ss fearlese and brave ; Tbe Bag tells ofafety as gaily it waves. Tbe rails are all dear, aad lha Mouarca's ahead; Saw forth from his nostril tbe deep glare of red; Still onward and onward wegallautly prras, Hurrah! then hurrah I we ar off by express. Towns, cities snd hamlets, have passed ia review Like some diorsma of beautiful hue. Our journey's secomi lihed, safe, sate ss a dart. 1 r rramte not fatigue, nor opprowiea iae aean. Wiib Bra aad aptrit rtsht o a ward w press, Hur'ah Ithsu hurrah! we srs snfe by express. What applies to the rails is in commerce the same And hence 'BuggV grsatne, an d hence 'Burg's ' tame, 4 Expft-ss is bis motto ; in matters of J res, Receivrs all his fashions snd models by express. All the uoalificatioa the 'Hugg di possens, To outstrip all slow trains'- ho he wins by ex pre Expressly his fabrics are made for this mart, Expressly he Burtare his cutters of aft; t Expressly for bin tke best workmen' retained, Expre-sly for all such prima clothe he's susiataed Expressly to pkse you. hi effort progress, Espressiy in beauty and cheat n-a of dress. OLIVER dc PROCTER. Merchant Tailorsv Raleigh, April 19th, 1061. 92 POST SCfilPTUMi Sorttis; mud nmam;r Olothluff. 1151 WE era new epeaiag a beautiful supply of clothing. Frock, drees, and ack cou 1 eteth, CasbiuereU and Alpneba. all colors. We have' B fewdosrn dkeleton French sacks wit boat lining, Btade of Cashmeretlsnnd Zephyr cloths, in which we defy competition (for gentlemen's Sum aae wear) Ginea Linen frocks, super French dril liffg pdaHaloonav aft eolera. tfUOap and waTrawted In ad reepeeta, C ami mere p-tnamoama. Veata, gloves, pocket bond kerchiefs, suspenders, shirt Cellare.acw atylein fact ot ery thing usuAlly kept by Merckaat Tsilora er furaisbiag Hfru-et, . uuver a. Procter April 19lh. 1S51. . r . 32 YOUTHS CLOTHING. WR have also oa baud a complete safOrtment of Yoeth's ClothrngFrock Costs, of dot h Aaba, Teeeda. sad brown liaeav also sacks aad Paalaloea. of all kinds. We iavite , the .. especial attention of pareateaad guard ia as to this bmnchuf our trade, as ws will aril clothing cheaper than yon eaa bay tha Goodsad warrant them ia all respects 3 OMVEadu PROCTER. To Fancy iaeutleanen. ' . WE have' a few Highftluuu, Lw YuIgar.'Fe rd, oedeM. - and Jsy brrd ' etripee and plaid' tW paaUettu. Aloe a few aWa dress shuts, very supettor,.. . r ; .. . O. eV ,Pr. - Tka letesf Parle. Loodon.aad Northern Fashions jeet at band. Gramfat aver for the pavraeece ani tsentrr arete wed en as so ibera4y iine err awm- mencemeat hi baarneaa. w a will eodeavor 10. merit uceueasncy renewed emikm for thetf Inter oalead trBm ersifsreof ihlabrw. " . 4 - - e I AOLlYCJRdk PROCTER. 1 i aUlragh. AnriUb ?85V v rl . 1 5i . -a iimmiMW .fin 'in wji n GCEI YtU thig da j aod far sate S Uia.Drnf i ' aavuAUiifc. is uui O . - "AT FTnbo) New Englmm4 Irem tZmtllMf y ,vvr.iiiii jiatt alsst uc. CKJtfoatoa, are prepared te make, at shot t aotios, erary deaerip ttea of tit :jti. a.-tiiM.-t.iLic s-ii i; . ; ! WitOTCast Ira at rarr low ariose - " 'M. -J ,-4- " Their FAl'ENT BAILING kt . aerr aapcrier artielev.aa ta bagaty 1 Myiwmrangtk, made from the beat W iron from 1-b te 3-4 f neb diamctef wuk keasy wrosgkr tree) ban aadposts. Tkis srtiols is beoemiog s pooal.r for CBME TERIES, PUBLIC GROUNDS. DWELLING UOU3.GARDENS,je lil-aJao esieoaiselv ase.1 for Vf INDOW GUARDS FO STORES. DWELLINGS. LUNATlfJ ASYLUM s -and othej pmblte buddiags Ms mors dirable aad mack ehsaper than cast iron or say otker desoriptioa, of l T keep castaotiy ea tod. also, GNG US H HDRDLK FENCE, tor frniing purioses, tnm 1 1 CO to W per rod Cesl 8croeas, Badsteads, Urar fwrtaealsrf iaeoth peire sad far drawioge late--1", LYMaift aRav r t-,tv r . -ui .a.Ataany oieca, uestoav Jaly tth.1851. . ' ;.-: . ftrj - "a a .j -55 w3aa Mm nu&cturlhfi; EslaliHshiiient i TTOSEPU WOLTERlNO vfor a aumber ojlof rears Foreman in. tha Raleigh and Gastoa Kail Itead Dlapbamith a bop) resuecliully aanouacss to Ike eitrxens of Raleigh add the surroaodtag Ceua ti'se, that he is prepared te aSssafsctore X.OC2Z3. Ui ALL DESCRIPTIONS. . aiatua maid 4riatol, Cmrrioft Sprmft Hdl-trk, Mrmst Castin?, nJ ia shirt, cay thing ia Mackmt sad Bleettwutm mtrk ax is also rasTABBD to rxacuTS bku. bamsiso, at tus SBoatuT ssnca. . AUo has eu hand au eateasive aaaortrneatel Locks ef all kinds, at prices from 10 cents to SfO dollars $ Edtrloola, an assortment of Asea, Drawing-kaivss, Hateliels, Hammera, Files of various deacriplious, and a aumber of articles in hw lius too ledioas lu mention. All orders faithfully execulsd at the lowest price, and eew work ealruated lo his care will be wsrraal ed ' Ordera from n diatance wiH be attended to and raeeoted at the ntiarteet aotice. Hia EatablisbmeBt will be found oa Fayetierille 8treC Repairing ia bo line perfonned with neatness and despatch- Also, s general asaortiueat ol tiun and Pistol constantly ou baud. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, Aug. 30, 1850. 3 If COFFEE. 400 BAGS prime greeu Rro ard Lagujrs Ci.ffr, 60 04g4 Old G-tveromeat Java Coffee. For sale by Peebles. White, Davis &. 0. PoMraSnrt, Juo- 1 51 47 .nlia tslaoea Had fslipisera. UT received, by Express, direct from the EeaBBfaStery. Ladies Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes. Ties aad Busna,) do do aad de 81ippers. .ALSO ON HANS. 100 pieces Light sad Dark Calico, Bleached ami Browa Shining and Sheetings, With a general assortment of Dry Goods Hats and Shoes, Lawas aad Ginghams, Groceries, Cambrics and Jaconet is, Crockery. For sale, low, by J.BROWN. No. 0 Fsyettevilie Street. Raleigh, August flth. leftQ. ' 63 DRT WILLIAM a. MILLER. OFFICE ABOVE THE LIFEINSPIUUEOFFICE, R.leigh. July aaud 1S51. 58 ItOAAUKt. I 11 It. THE Subscriber, h-.v.ng four Pi .outious con ttlntttg about 4,500 icres oa th a River, is disposed 10 sell ens of them, aad to a good nrighbor, . who will continue tbe system of improvement, the terms ill be made very advantageous. The estate con tains about 1Q00 seres, consisting of tbe usual p..r. tiou of low (rounds, second low giound, aad up lands, part of which h s bera greatly improved by Liming, Pls'trr sud Clovsr. There 13 every ad r aoiage ol River commuaication with Nrfolk and Plymouth; ibe Railroad to the lormer will soon be completed, nad if the Raleigh and Gaatoa Road is rebuilt, the estate will be seceesible from Rileigb iu half a day's rids. The health of the low Ciou try has unuesti nablv changed ithiu tbe last leu years, so it is no longer uus -fs lo reide there For funner mlormation, erq nre bv letter, pol psia, of the ubicri er, or in bis absence of Tho S Ster ling, Jtckeon N. C. H K BURGWYN Jaly 22nd, 1851. (acP) Xm 59 fZT St Board pleate copy. TO RAIL ROAl ) CONTRACTORS. fHE 8 uoec ribera keep const aoily on haod Urge ot-ck of Ames' Spades snd Shovels. Aaderi uus best Cast SteeL assorted, Flat.Mquare aae Oetagoa. Pick aad Mat-axes, all of wbich we offer tor aale at New Yerk Prices, adding expanses DUNN A SPENCER Petersburg, Ya? Jsly 23ud, 165 J. .59 Hit sbori1 Recorder, and Ureensboro' Patriol, win copy weekly, for lour weeks, snd forward accounts lo uunn a er-m;t. D1L.TIMORIS toTCAM SO P, AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY sfpHB UNDERSIGNED are now maauiaoiu J ring and bnva a hand, Belment Bprm Candles, Adamantine Caadlei Mould Tallow Csndies, we sated to stand any cli mate, aod Lard Oil . Yellow. Bros ft sad BlicV apa, Variegated bar Soaps. White Br 8aptu - Fnller's Boap Fancy itoaMofaev at vies sad superior Quality: to wbich they would Iavite tha attention of, ttooinern Mer chants in making their fall purcnasee with- a en viction tbst tney can offer inducements as regard quality aad pnee equal ta any smith 4. curLett. Corner Hoi liday and Ploisant8t reels. Baltimore. Md.. Jwte 89d. 1 t ' 0 HORScS hurt oALt. I have ai desea'gortd hereeS for sale, suit able for sbv kind of wtk. Beveral of ibeua are rod buzr Horses. One pair is pretty well matched as to color and. better m itched fo speed. Sound aad gentlo- E. P. OUION. iuly 23rd, 18M. ', , 4t 59 AGITATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Wasx 9. CooaTTe-da Cquiiy. Spring Term, 485 L, Geerge W. 31arsnbra sad Lemael Marsh barn. Hamoel Marahbora. William Marshburn Matthew . Marshburn, Henry A Marsh bora, Sua a Marsh- bura. Gray W. Tacswta and bs wife Esther, El lea Todd aad Alpbeus Todd. Infants and'hetrs at lawef SeL aad Sarah Todd Petition td at leaden j r. di . s. ; - t r.i f ucobi la asHssariac Ca tha satisractiM ef theCeart that uray W .Thomas, aad wife Esther, Ellea Todd sad a a m a. . - a o. a . ouaa MArsobara.resHie wuaeui xaaiiauia anau S-ata, sr&nd, that atf vertawaie. U,imtdia tk Raleigh stsviujisr, for tka space ef 4a saucamivr weak, far tke said Defendants ta be end appear before the Jeerge ef ear Uoart ar Canity, to bo held fortkaCoanteef AVakeat the Ceartt Heusav m Baleigh, as tka fut if eaday after ths Ibirth Msa. dy iuSep amber next, than aad there td plead ao- awef er aemar te tb P-alsrtifra i ftleavraryadg meat. will hai tkm , are mmmm, byJMan) ,iespct . ; jaiy nnyiwi. .. (Pradt4.2t)V.5a MERINO DRAWERS JUO,:&ILlRTS PI A K Do-m Vsetat band, ear caeae. f i.jy.; Aiy jwrie?xjfi i , . . . . . .... aaaaiaraiJ -e' as -m si s me s , j - p ffej,-' id li b E andersTgned having mueh experience and bUla success la tha baslnesa, -still Ukes; military claims for Bounty lands sod Pensions for preseeo. tion befbre' the goverbaieat,. aa very reasonsble tarns, and witk tke afmost faltkfttlaeaa. and die patch "Alt letters to kirn, from claimaata, must be INMNaspaid ' .'. ... U Tha last Congress gave lands ta all tka offi cers and Soldiers who served oaa aseatb or longer, and if dead, to their widows aad minor cblldrea, ia all tha wars ef the United States, since 1700. - T- Aad prevision is new slso made for peeeionS Widows af Soldiers of tka Revelatiaa,vke aaar ried before the year 1800. , y : J.-?; -4 He eaa furnish information concerning the grades of officers of tke Rseslatiouary , War, which all importsat ts cUlmauts, , aad difficult to precurt elsewhere. f Hi charges. will be nrndrrataw 0 Any inforiuaUob eoaearaiag tha kdrs af the folio wfng offiaera of the RcvslutloB will be thank llyjweaiva4,itir . ":-;r-t.v t ' - . Taemas CaraV ." Jamea Hsgaa, t t Alaxajrder MaKU. Waa. Dariv . Jaxaaa Maeiin. ,n loaaj White r - Jaatw lisara, , JaiLax Beaaba. 1" '' , Hacas alao furnish aopy af the rolU af fkr OOcart d 6mdmmsrftkSiic of North Carolina in the war with Great Britain, daejarod 184kefJae 18(2, giviag la maay iastaacestke tsagtk f service their respect ve offioea aad Regimeate ; tha rime at enteriog the serviee rr7 also the desertere. and every particular to facilitate the Collection of their Claims JTJJ Eery sgent should have a copy. Cost only 3 10 each county I J. tj. H.IR8.H AM, ' : 1 - Raleigh N. C. ' Raleigh, November let, 1850. 88 SHOES, A DIETS Black Lasting Gaiters, ae ' o roots noroea do Uek Kid and Bronse 8li oners; Goati Moroee and Kid Walking Shoes, Misesa Shoes, ekildren'e do. HEAHTT Sc LITCIIFORD. Ralsh, April 8th. 185 1 99 ImnortasU io MILLERS AND MILL-O WNERSl THB Uadereieraed would resoeetfotlv Inform those engaged in ibe MiMnc businese in North Car olina, that be keeps constant y on baud, and will aupply at the shortest notice, that almost invalua ble article, YOUNG'S IMPROVED PATENT- SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE The only Machine of ihe kind that ha stood tbe test and given eaiifacti-a to the public It has urplaned every Smut Machine yet offered iu the State; roere'or less of which have been taken down to make remt for ft. The public need fear no iitipoei wo, .aa Aoere are now seme 0 Machines running in Worth Csnoliaa : and 1 wiah to offer no other references than the gentlemen who are using them a-hoe expectations have beea more than realised ia their perform-incr. I nbtamly thorouzhly cleanse be H heat of mur. bat elso Durifiee it of all other suostsocM, almost to perfection. It takes up bat 4 teet aquare in the mill and reouires hut little now. er. It is warranted for five years against breaking or wearing oat, and also to retaia iu cleansing quaf. There are a aumber ef these Machines throurh which 100.000 bushels of Wheat have beea cleans ed nd they have never been our of order one d y. There was awarded to it the Premium of the Ma ryland Slate Fsir, aod a Premium with a silver me- laL at tbe Fair of lha Maryland Institute, at Bat- more, last Ft! L Address the Subscriber at South Lowell Mills Orange County. N. C J.NO. A. Mc.M ANNEX. poeemlaff 2ayiP50 . -4 , f f-104 OWING petmauemly lorstd in Raleigh, of. Irrs hi. profeasKHisI servii-es to his eld "tend- mi pstromi and M the publ cgeuerslly. Hr-rbarge wid ie as modersis snd reasonsble ss tbm of ths other Oily fbyoiciaus He will be found at all times, when not out on profirssionAl buei ess, a hi nffice over th- St ra of Me-ar. A. B. tith 4. tv, during ths dsy, and at night at the Ys' trough House. April I9ih. 1851. Retjalar Line. , THE Cape Fear steamboat CVe Steamer Chatham will run regul.rly ueiween Wiloungion and Fayetievnb, rommeii ring on Monday the 77-h instant ,leving t y ettevi'le every Monday and Thnrsday at 9 o'clock A. SI. and arriving at Wiliinngtou asme evening, giving Passengers goiiu; N rtb an ipportaait to tske ihe cars next morning at 9 uVbwk. 'A d letve Wilmington on rueadays snd Fridays, a 2 oVIi-ck P. M iriving assengert by he care, which arrive at Wilmington at 1 oYlovk daily. a t epoorton'ty to take the Bat to Suyrrtevi'le" The Steamer Gv. Graham, with the Tw Boais belonging to ihe Line, wiH run in ronaex- hmi miih the Chatham, making od or .nore tripe a week, as circumstance easy requires Passengers and Freighter may rely apnn the above araanctnnt. 11 is Hoped that the neees srr expenses m by tncu'red be rhia arraneemen will be rewarded by an -increased patronage; iiherwtee a Irteswll pnwably be Sustained by the Company, which will lead to a diaeotrtibtfar.ee of reguUr line of rnnnmg. JNO. D. WILLIAM 8. Agent. Cape Fear Steam ' Boat O. Fayetfville, Jan't 20 1851. ' 9 if SPi:iI STYLE, 183 If Ud r rer eived, a varieI' aMortmeat of M f Fists, Beys and Infant's Hats, Act, Artificials ALSO, A haa 1 some tot ef Parasol and Ladle's Umbrel la. HEAR f T & LI fCHFOKD. April 8th, 1851. -, f SB - BUSINESS COATS t If intaTI. ''Kt ol thW desirable Cuats; just II HviR opened-at the low price of f 4 60. t E..L. HARDING CO - usT ' tcT7h a if br r. , . .oMeaMMissiofir A LOT of no Flaot from Jd Je Rafin'e Mill. ' I will contiue to keep on b nd a good swpply of ihe best Flour, and will sell for a 'vsry small ad. vane. -; . L. B. WALK Eff. JbIv tfih.1851. ' . - 8 ;:. V ' . Notice.-4 I Mailed from. Murphey, N Con the 5th Febs .1851. a Treasury wrsat for B)4i.lBrU David Hpriags Co . PkRadelphh. P- and l aw Mtbrm ed that U hs never reaohed there. . J.iklnk it h- boss dastreyed. snd 1 lategd 10 make application to ihs.tfVpurtment fur '' duplicate of said wsxraat, as toUoWSf .4 . i-Y -i ;r ; j ' - Amount WMScU , N an left band 1452, aa right I36VdAt.d 8ihefJlogum'l850.Lnd register ed 81k bf August," I85tf payable to Joha C Ttaven, or arier l Nw YorkyAf" tirbtr1 The said Warrant is assigned to m hi October ' , .. .-..-si- w 8AMU cX? HENRY, ' Me phey Jane-fra. 18at?-y wdw'gT e u, . i SEMf-WEKLY -Mv jrn AEDIN0 A CO tfj recei ve new soods twk -ill .aereetdartneise wnrira Waaeai direet frasB iae Aaaoafacory. 1 y 'titlaeiiangemsm. twebasem I vnU.afaveea led eas4ljMaUsw.aadcetfrsurviy resAsasaaaa tnsii JckX vA ' As . frargasna tlawAsv yeweaat brgm Jwy-esV bea faewhssW ahd wraina lOAHSatVeeH V, A.f .U.. 4i4 t .i ' rjaiar thB XaaUfgPB VailCaV v, a ' v reyetuvtue J i1'aWdft, i lalrb: ,a-t V fttf K: 11 " a . . J.. , V VM w w THE SuhribW. ae accessor to COOxtE- St j BUFFALOB, in jhe Livery busirerf'win, con tinue rte 'riirat kraaia ail ita braocne'e at hia "eta -ttlea; nn WirmrngtualreT, abd enliciM h pat ma gt of hia okt nends aadfbrfmblicreBrralty. -Jiie wrtcea scstba arrss.eereeBbly: to Joe piceaof . prrKlura and Jshwar, nnd. wiil.ba from rad after lb. 1st day I FtbrBary aaxt, aa fol- , . , ----- -r- i-air oi ixoraea per ruoruo, - w i'J w ysiogia" do " do n jd'tw Do-v-.- io ?wwr " -'50 Do - do' .';dsy- ' 75 . Quarterly settle aaears wHl hie required in at ifbtuaces and pera$ having heisea tow in. m cra are requesUd t taka ibttA T if hwn ling U comply with tha shove cenditiona. r-, : - JEBE; NIXON. Peruvian GoveTnmentf B ar- ae-reeais6VS receiyt otots sue Guano. Aavlar mde afTAaremeats with the Government Agent - for a' ecrUla ' qusutity bf the beet Feraviin Gaano for: Aetama sabm T pre vent damppointaeat, those wfc iatead ' ta pee this article bad better' send ua their orders ai once, and the price eaa be fixed now or ht tab time of delivery, ae the bayer may prefer. 1 ' f PEEBLES, WHITE. D4VI! A Ca u . j . , . PrrxMBpsa, ViaoistA. June 17 185k , ,, . ... ? , 49 C fukiutr-Glitiia bVarektoTi' ' The Oldest and most Extensive in the United . . V . " States. . - -;-IThlCHARDS EHNGLAND, "No. 3aCosrt Um, land! SU New York, Wholesale Dealer in atid Manafaetnrr of LOOKING GLASSES, and Importer of LOtrKING GLASS PLATED, and PLATE GLASS for House- and 8ire Windows respeetiully invites the aUeption of Soutberu byrra tnd Dealers lo hi extensiv r Slock embradeg all kinds of Mahogany Ttlet Boxes, XwiBgs,M4hogany iad Gilt, and Gilt Ghtee, tuitsble for ths trade. Also, constantly 00 hand, a large amortment of all tinds aad sixes ef Ornamental . Plain, Pier aud Mantel OHaasm. Portrait aad Pici'aee Trsiaes, g4 up iu the richest aad moat cwgeeas ttyle, from the Utet Parisian and Foreign designs Any inquiries m ids by letter, relative te the or ices of Goods, wi'l be cheerfully answered by re tura mail. : : " ' - N. B. All orders promptly atteaded to,and Goods packed, with the greatest cara. : June 17th,1851 ... . Sm 0 . XTHW YORK CL0TIII1TG, .; wiiDEBAft-s Taylor, (Sneemoit To C. T. LoBgatrtet ft Co,) No. 64 Kassan-st, Her7York, Would invite tka attention ol Vferenaiiu A Dea.ers " I CI.OTIIIAG , to their Fall and Winter Slock; which for extent, Yariety Style aad Workmanthip, eonnot be excelled to the UNITED ?TA I ES, and hey believe an examination would ally repay the trouble of purchasers. , it wilt be their endeavor to sustain the reputation ot tbe late concern for veiling Wall Made Garmeota at Low Prices. A better dam of goods h a beea got up this sea son thkn !esuI1y found in Clotbins Houses, and with sperisl reference to Soutberu Trade. Now Yrk, July, 1851. 58 2m. EVAiNS&GOOKE. One Door Abore Richard Smith's , OLD CORNER. would resuecttuliv inform our friend and the public generally that we intend keeping constaully cn hand a full supply of Dry Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, GROCERIES, Acv - and indeed every thing found fn similsr estsblish- meuts. They present the following as specimens of ineir otooa ChenL Jasper sud Black Silks, Silk Tissue and Alborlnes, Embroidered Granxdiues and Berage, Dotted aad Embeuidt red Swiss Muslins, Poplins aad Berage DeLauee, Em. W hiie Crape Suawk, . Jenay Lind Collars aud Cuffs, . : - Ladies KJd Gloves and Mits, '"' " do Embroidered 1 C Hdkr Teffut and Bounet Kibbnna, Lace Capes' and thread Lucre, Cheni aad Embroidered Parasols, . . Ginghams aud. Calicoes, . , , 8hee and Boois'of every quality Snd price, . Bonnets and Hal of every description, Black French Cloths and Casi uteres, DKek Saiia and Marseilles; Bed lick. CotUuades, Domestics, Crockery, ' Weeding Hoes. Sukmt. Coffee, Adamantine Csudle, and a number of articlea not enumerated, all ef which the Subscriber intend selling Cheap fat Cash,, or t0 punctual dealers oa a short ,eteditADa't forget te give eSA-catl aad exsBitne our oioca aewre parciiMag,eigevhere. ODS dtorsboTUchajd'Mnitli's, No, 39, Fay euevills Street.' - w -?- '... -v H.L. EYANA . ' -GEO. T.COOKE. ' Raleigh. Marrhlflih, J851, ,,1 ci ... 34 TVT O W receitiiigi by ; every, .train,- c :vrfy htrgs INI apply of Goods for cfpriog ami Soaimer Trade, e-n eeemg a grvat vaney or ' - ' " FAJfCtAJrO STAPLE DRY GOODS. , MaiavBbsaa.4taaweW Hardware, Crockery, t.ar nage Trimmaega east OriefiaJibich see Beed.ea tbe most nberal terras, for .Cmfb of io peucteat. Deal era. on resoi:stIs terms. - , PW-aea rati at the em Stand, 3 doors above the market, and see for Jovttol ' i ' May Iat,t851.i-- , A ni., W PZi & 1UE FUGITIVE. ci : A BKT G HT ft. ULLXTO WOMAN. g. V named Chi between Hi Aud 34 years f age. ranabrty from lhrbscnb jaUBt tbe 1st ot J..1. ' She was bought boui..twa:yeutavsga.Af wm. rininmer, .q, of , W amnion who owns he mother.and her cjbiidten Qhlo is'aboqt the oral aary s lie of women, with s foil head of hair "and bad teeth, looks downward end Inclined, to1 sfm. per aad suilO when epokoat te.i 8he;stias kceraelf when sbe. walks se muohaato make movement peculiar her right foot I a good deal - cursed .col, ami the f g a liui- shorter ih the other, produced fronvAif injury1 hih- yonngf ahe wore Whei she left a. etrtped oauoe dress, and geaeruy eery eats m aer appearance easing a guau ngwre. .? g m HJ-Sl REWARDit Jf i . r . 41 rl , 1 have, reasea te believe that she !r kaTboared It this City or wear is. - ; !l V r lis 3i ii.i'KjJWO IL.MANLY. ! BBleiga,JalTS5tk.J851.? AA.Wv.iv ' ttad4ro! and WasTewtoa News ceyy aad forward acSvuTiU to -- s.- v--Ji:-;:M K IX for Pas-, taewaal aad IX aeraen. indebted l. the Isie' firm a Wati Psrdr oel se earaaaat'eehaWied to e d asm Semathautcc .vltu mA notes, as n is aiemamre AaWeaeare facfaa the baaiaesw-eJ-alrA t, l tj,iJj i6s.i", -viyk Ci-rVt-'j PaeUaR, 1 -3 ln1 1 VCf -i, v I- -T7rr.... -ir mmJ a seasa'rf'..a.2. w;-vUiF4-,-;-ee wsr P.8. Tin bwatftesa will bacentj 4 iri I ji.'i.'i.'.,m'rk " r" A isWrm,. "Lt Vrfeiflf " Jtlees trtt '-Ttleal' 1 A. htaarCoaWCite !ir, T --1rrCecr. t . Crtf--ad. . ol li.-. IZotce V!;hei; kiita , pef ti... w., .c .. -j ..out tLa tt advel.Lfly tLe j -i:." c - t; iiAt erUdemeats, alserted in tke S&nV, eirrsg, wHl also appear t the Wnnt r 17" Letters te the' Editor mast t e rr J J'.T- aJi .if.; r 4V 53 HERYO0?;Ji2r s: aad afbW CeaiplaieA wklf- - . eeaaouaeae aaai -. ceu f-f& vatawdtrBi Ar .TbAtbaauUbil ani navnBanta1i' paw era at OALVAXI8M end MAU, asaaeoa ey unwary mii ynaauain ' UnMad Stalaa. ta be tbe: awas iaa tU SUUIOT HWiHtTtTf ' - Vf'-t t ihwi U5e I J M AGNETIC asel 'wBB tb:not jatrlOesad eevtsl H ekg BxihV4 tsiii fct EPILCrST, LUMBAGO, DKAFNKB8, , NEByOvr", TPa MORS, PALrtTATIO OF HK HEART,' APOrt.RXt. NKUKAtOfA.?PAfMSiba'd'BltK aa4.CHE?Tr tltl CO-MPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT. eae-CJjRTATvrJl ef She rileV. ilP COMPLAINT.. OinftASRa ef tbe- It NEt A :ifttlk,NUir or jitHYVua aaa rniii,Ai. ja EBOT, and sU N tRVOCS DISEAStS. which eoeif haae arise fremeaostmpla-csme-samesy;- f:f eAA'.iriil A Oerangeinlmt' f ; tha) KerroOB sTfaleSaV-.s 0fjK fn N F.HV0U8 tOMPLAIfTb. Prege ssd Mas W aas atmia the wMM. lor jnoy weaaaa uw viwa x mmm alraxlf etoatrated aratoa r wbU eadaf the alreiit' to "! .111 rlo- vitauxma manance w uanum v jv r atesutUot anil woadarnit dWeevorr, meesbaawtaa iSm sad wesbaaeA aateear ietorad, tojogner Aealt fViS skticityand vigor , .' , '.iiae! iae grsst paeniianTy ana eseeiiene e - r - - fc nr.CtostJe'e OalTBiiferOnxAar anaalita. lit Tat f r1 Ibetihoy arrest and earn ttaaaet Mrd matMa, fn place of tba asl wads af dragglne aad abrat3ihurtha patient, am esbausta Natnt smks hiuialaaaty aoer..tas.lafucaoB, ; u-vi '--f,il- . Tf ttrenft cn A wtu tytitm, rnusevB niiaaw, fa aeid, yaiSSret ngrmttma, ai aaeae aVtaesbalsi ' user see - iramaat i ainss nr w wigi i " tjuuyu-rerun. Inelniiag aft egee, elaaaaSaad eaediboas, ssmms; watchword s large aawwboeof bAa. wbsraaeglairil aaxuact Ja,fsse ma Coaapbunta, baae beea , . ... ., - WTTKHl.r AJTD TWBma BBSTI.I ' . wheb SB bees Of reuef bad boon gf vea ua, ssaV erarV Afcsa asm beea tried ta ram J i-; v 2Jji2& ; Ta Olnatrata fbo ua of ths GALVATlftj BkLT, rurasm tbo eoao ef s penna afflicted with tbst bane ef strUsadeai UMrr.mit, ar av uerianasw nwa 1.1 mi arfaaUT eaaaa. eujnntaan ar takaa, wbieb,by tbaar sstieaen Jtw laarv. aa aaae of m awaaen, aeueS niw i ,-raSMajj out which War the paUant ia a kwr state, and with mjarad EaealtMa.Anar she eattaa maa aaertad lei adu Wass ! pars thai with the effect leealting bom tbs savuestiea ef the GALVANIC BELT. Takaa Diapoptie auiarar, ssa iataO tbe eeeitivB, tkaa haa tan;' aa laaamssm Ualiin tkm tbrouehona the avataaa. Thus the aaast set' OrSPCPSTA'ars PtCRMSNKftTLVt;BED.- A fi j Ate . . tS 0T10 AMI 8UjriClNT Tl) .MUPIC . CEinFIClTElJSD e-f or ssm aaast waowjnseai jgajswactar, . . - very enluuui la tbi paper I S . ; r-t: - i - 4, AI. :EXT06J)mAllT. OaU. waiek ctaactiuiraly prev'ea tbst- " Troth Is Btrfttsw ithM at New'Jeraey, air dirtingaJabsd bttaicaieirtS aa paaltsf rspatstwma iu - ,."t n- vfw j , .,:t, Besese;iiewJoi,int,uv Da. A rt.'CeiTta Deaif Mri Too to n l anf wast hm bean tbo tooatt ia my-ewa saae, ef tba sephea esH THE UALVANIC BtLT AND NKCIU.ACfc. Mj re;- J Mat, fallow : - - -,-v- - - i res about tawa yaen.I bad boon easbriflg bem DraveoM ua. Every year tbe nnytaai baeis wora,.anr aouid I obtafa paeamaent tenet worn aay noaiasas sml.fal tiA..aeaO; whataver. About Jmtrtttm yoara f swee m eeaaee-aaoe ef , freqaeut eaptaiare.to th weather, ia fbO 4iWji y aaai Sntiaa. 1 liafaia inhiaiS lAlaHII rbAenie It Stum tisi. waieb torn rear siter rar. waad at- mdaitribabhr uirnhk Fartbar t tn the wiaiaeefHS aaa OJS. ef SAaocbJwj a great Seat ts?er ewa ajvee sburebe ta thi resjkmi f wm attacked by the B roocbitia. waieb aoea beesnieaS'ssvSN a wroqnir aa baawaiaa av; senaiaa of avy.pa(aaru iaoars. "JS earn nam wi new, laercaeAif mrmttrutti, sad a sty" Brrmehitia bscsnis wens, ar alaadil m DTAoaaaia aad BAoomswsatbetioBMthaa a'nosatV that tbawdwniTawemeoUnocAd;withacb other turaaurb nks modibm ef the Nerrouo Byttom. ' In tbe wbe all i ! ' pawn fbor aaotaed to be ae wamdhAsgem 01 eaaJar b sad recur prat my enrouA ynm 1 ry. un ( tan tkm perpom had eampsatolyAttwa. - At mat. iriaktoesamioT0us uia tinea, sad fibnofl bad tried for I ara ted ar ur eneada toexaUHOO'TOUf Mar ae van aamrainabon of their eAetener.) M to ary AeeJtoct a? ha apnlhwtlne ef tbe GALVANIC -. AND NtCKLACK. with lb MAONKTIC FLUID. Taw WOO ai-iane, J8A Te r'M AereMNHtwcev, ni vweeaasa Drmcrate uaU aaast afor easS) fjwasv -aauaae. e. aaaoaiB ATBAi. LAsas";'nS NAaf I imt sauivsar 4 mweui ssseats eat Aeeecas , .rnfa AaeamrtTW asw. am? KaicsatATic AeSerea ba savraaxv cBAaae termfw aar ink i tka MadarAil j4 -ban eaaalttef theesaaamaseA a 1 aoiinamnaH tk SM.'f aiMilu bava beea BkewiM suaeriiig from Neuralrie affections, aaes tdei fhem, wrta waerv ejswbsa, I aexiais. s . -.--r;- itm,M sfe. tar raojoettotty yosnVvd - ; DrtHRisTiE1 m asod for all eWplalnti asactinf tbi Throat or Head, oasfi SXP SraaKbHi,.-laflaaMJoefli' She .Thefemm. snd etoaV fiaadasb, Xbvainei ef- the Hood, Nrlri In tbo Fse,, a.b a. Sf iM to ba itai DaaaaA whieb 1 I' 1 ill! . . J .1 . . , .-11.J 1.1. k... .mm lisaveus, son mat ui ,j,itdtiY': IU ahrietaaa acJbaWlAtbat Tb0 ternbm dtiaaiea I ttmbs. Da. Ceaiaem-e-fmbaeaa Artiel jrwt - v t s-Sniaai maaaa.aaA aeaantoaadentirosamattbBsa et llae (;a asve Nh reportod W Cs-rasim apd kJ Agsnts wiaraat,' mat two y mm which base beaaatUolr,el waitt --.f tt fkr- Cav. Ahdbcw J. r.Tm ef Brooklyn.. N. f ret beea obto to walk a atop ar saar.foar year, and w n na that he hnd to be mATbe mem estebratod r - gevs Jum eer la A"0 day after be emmned waa.. ebe1 seieaa tb room, and to three weak be bod perfectly reoeaesag . bisaosltb. Captain Tom f seventy jroarsefaxe. f 4 f S ;iJUAt t.'a -bWt--.ii atttf-.tJiU eeTere. -Aieeussra vVAaa?v,-; ; Tea 'Mmwine' Is ostreet worn etoOev tatoty see) aram a dMiagoiAbed phyaiciaa rn tbe Ststs ef-Vixgiaiat a. fL. Cai.Tra. M 'Dlbr-BfevOn ef er satlisas. raakaewa at, pbtalBedJ yeay s7ah a M aaul Anil, ttbi taa ainnu naas. lor a asrmus undoi as Awaoaaaa. The case wm utatsi a mar wmwestiuapsystssswm iteerdarad, sad. her general aesrts, poor, tii'l was anvimulr to the ancUcatioa nf the Bettvbet wah verv inpucatsoeer ta Bit,et wah very km riebiin toU y. ibai aimr aba l neceH, aon i am m m Belt and snene the Fluid, bet tow eS b aa tMrinKI. KWUV.KKEU IIUt HtAAUa) bjr general bgmmt bmtar than w asearal yoar,"t iy , fir- EveryrsmofBmfmaa.tfBbeWrvaa s eaa b Cured by Out wouderful rsedy. . a 1 DrlerdnfSTrS r ; 1 5 V a ,j..llrarirV en'l .fc Betawestmauaas ;A all diismaa esnaed br s eenei ar bii ; synergy ja ta mam or The Oarrwalo wto KeciJace, ' . v ' ry. The srSdm am seasmri"'s ty n t 1 BVi, f-ita nt rmyj oi bS 'FaZSol ,...,.N,-',.itA -a"ujtff-j i r W ASBfii ' f i ''"Tin -P" w. ACU. lea tanJ fadts- '-iis at i.tf tcs a: " 1 3g au.t-.45- ft ! 7sae : ; , a . asttssfeae a baaa pre " v-frt StraeslMndttg n weakecad v', fT7y SAWPAKxCvWBaod rALB?bTsr'fcralA' erlN werae symutomaoi snsataeAaas snaptysmme.oeii a.-wee lbs body, twtag ths Msgnotie Mum m ajroetos.1 - ts a pariaA Ut tnaibte pemUisUaa wilt -set C pi element of tbe Bon. thereby sealing tlalni.4 a -.--asar waieh wiB aamea to the naabvo. aad tbaaea b Ifetamader vast serviceA cases jtoT 'eoavaMamr safRf. apaamedM Cmasaaam. see aseeral rerrsea aauauiww awe; rr ' --r , l." . A Ua a, PmATU and Pan "akSad Ual A BtUCB Of- . jAJ'f' ' -"J'r 1 WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD at COl Apnl7th,185U - ,, aog recvtpi for?fM"enier,'"4S4Jt" AwK STTTH. My8th.l851. 88 S- A UAR1LNG d- CO faIslg,ApriI lsf. Pf FV 70-,171830 11 Jafy nut, 185 . 10 t5w ThERBEBT F. LEFEByRE-