-vv a .iM t4 11 firec'y-fiv CenW. '-JV -: .fldiarltiriVri and 4 1 ' - tt. timUTYeetlY Paper, 5 pertxmuto. Una tiw SX1 -"!? o tf!I'VM , .M,4l.a3. - wiVltr Paper, S3 per sriausw un -OiW ,e ? ' ; lf t ; a ' t FMtTilC w J . , v tL. 'JJ agr fj fcettersu IrliEiStor.rnnst b r -r '" H'.l'. , 1 r-U-T ' ..si;) ji. .. ,ftKai;a a -if 1 s -W ,;...-.- .... U J i.-trt B ... . ar ST -v c w -r W.-r 5. .. i .II 1 I III! I . 1 an t . ' 1 J i , , I t 1 I ". ' t I . ti I V -H , 1 ' ... SWk-anrta t - . . . . Til -T . 1 1 -.1 va - 1 I" T , i I 1 1 a: M 01 1 1 ill a v a . n..".. - 1 f ar 1 J 1 ri I I ' i.- , . .. i i . 1 i I i i . I - .1 I " ; i I t . .11 : j 1 'if.,.iiwn 1 M 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 l 1 - i . 1 1 f 1 r i ' . -W. V.tW jrPfTitTPSL'T.; M-.tw .Kv-ar-WaasraTS eW, tW.y,V.i 1 r - ;:?li-Z.--UiUJ s 'AdTejfUsnienl)hlus tf .chprg. - - i . :v ,f4 r 6 vuuiiiij-'lJlli . . i.3' Ji-i t)R NERYUU3 uuilii t. uiatAat AND AU NG FROAA DISORDERKO-. uivsa OR STOMACH SUCH ; . ... AS CONSTIPATION, INWARD riLES,FOlJL5IESS. OR BLOODrTO .t FOOD. F.ULLJiKW, OfcVWEiatiT THE STOMACH, SOURER OCT A TION a . , SINKING OR FLOTTBRlSa AT THE, PfTT OF THE STOMACHvSWlM- MIXQ OF THE HEAD, HURRIED. AND DIFFICULT BREATH- ,.v INO, -FLUTTERING). .AT. . -r- THE HEART, CUOS. INQ. OR :.v- . .;.. gut fOCATISG SENSATIONS WHEJf IX A LTLNO K)3TmiB.lDl.HNESSrt VI8. WN.DOT OR WEBSBEFOUKTHB- - v BrarrrrTETER akdCduo.. " MS. I J THEs, MS& iv n - TlEnaENOYT 'OF PERSPIRATION,--TELLO WKES8 OF.THB SKIN AN EYES. PAIS IN THE bIDE, BACK.CHEST,UMB4.t&. SUDDEN FLUSHES OF HEAT, BURNING IN TUB FLESH, CONSTANT IMAGININGS . 01 ETIL, AHD GREAT DEGRESSION: OF SPIRITS; CAK BE EFFSCTUAUT CIHIED, " BY Celebrated German Bitten .V Ur. C. JT. Jackzon, ! GERXjU MEDICI.YE STORE, Wo, 120, Arch Street, ' ' PWladelpM. , . , , -Tkor ftr.tter the ih9 jittatet it mrt ttedhl. If tfmlltd bf 19 tther prefmrtia i tk Vuittd Sutt,is tkt etues attest , u ataxy cm fct tkii- fkJpkjstcia kadfiulfd. Tkew Bitten re worth j tk ttUeltoe iaTlls. rtneauaf great irto to tke rftiietiea f 4W mm f the Liver J lesser gUad exer ciaiaf tke Beet teercbise powere ia weakaeaeee aad affeetioor of tke diretive orgaa. tkej are v itkel, aaTe, eer tai, anJ pleasant. READ A ND BE COS VlNCED. From tke "Boston Bee" Tie Editor ail. Oee. 2J. kDr HievFt Celebrated Cerate Bitters, for Ike cerr of Liver , Comprint, Jaaadioe, Djepepsia, Ckrooie of Nervoas Debility, fa JelerreJly eoe of tbenost popular njedicinea of the daj,'k?kes Bit ten have beea ased by tkoasnvrfla," aa4 friead at ear elbow nays be haa h i owe !f received as effeetnal eedprrasnent care of Liver Complaint from tke of ibis rrae-Jy Vfm are eooeiaeeo! that ia tke ese of thrse Bitten,. the- paiiefcl ;MUt!j gajas trwijth ad vigor, a fact wortkj of great eoaaider tiea They are p'easaot la taate a ad somII, aad eta be ased by persoba 'with ; the aieat dejioate temacks witb safety, llnder aay cireuoistaaee ' We tre tpeaking from cxperlenea, and le tie af lieted we ndvitk-!r ase.w " "Sce-n- VVaauT.D om of tk beat Literary pepere pabJiaked. said, Aagaetf.3 -. Dr. Esofiamts Omrmmm. Bitttrs, ataanfactured by Dr. IarheaawJwe f eeeiaieadeet ay teeae f tke ajeat MYauHeat aieakera af taa faeattyaa aa rtide of aiack rSeaey ia eaae of feeaala veakaeaa A sack is tke ease, we waaM advise all axothers to buie a 4Ue aad t has save taaeaseleea saaek aick es. Prraeike af 4bilitlad oaatitatia wilt fad terse Bitters aJvaotafenat ta their keaitk as We kiow fraae esperieaoe tke salutary effect that tkey hit? apoa weak systems." Judge M. M. ISoAH.a geBtleman of great liter- ry end eesaatiae-at Uianieato said id his New York Weekly Mena:er. Jsaaary 6. 1839. ,"J)t. Hoenft Gerwutm Bttttrt. Here is a pre ptration which tke leading presses ia tke Uaion ippesr to be onaoimoas ia recommending, and the reaeoa. ia obvieas - It ia amada after a araaaiiptioa farabkedby one of the moet celebrated phyaiaiawe efaotlera times, the lata DrCkristopher Wiliielm HoeJ ad, Professor to the Uaiveraity of Jeaa, Pri rate Physician to tka King of Prassia, aad eae ef the greatest medical writers Germ a ay kas ever pro daeed. He vasefispkatkaliy tke enemy kmmbmg. asd iht refore a medicine of which he was the io Tteter end eadorser may be eonfideatly relied on. He specially recommended it ia Liver Complaint, tfyspepatiL, Debility, Vertigo, Acidity of lb 5tom ack, Constipation and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of tbe stemack, tke Liver sad the atesuaea. Nina Piladetpkia-rpepers a e pries their conviction of its excellence, pad several of tke ders peak of its effects' from their awa ladtvid al experieaee! Under tkeae circumstaaeea we feet erraated, not only ia'eaUiag the attaatioa of aar tatden tff the present proprietor's Dr. C M Jack soa') present ini, bnt ia recommeading the article e ail anicterJ." . MORE EVIDENCIT. The 'PaiLADci-rBia. S.tVEBY G varrrathe best fsmily sewep.pcr published-ia the UaitedT Stats ts editor says of DR. H COPLAND'S GERMAN BFTTES. " Ii is seldom that we recommend what are tersaed Pateat Medicines ta the eoandence and patronage f ear readers and, therefore, wbea we recommend Dr tTosfl.ind's'Geriri'aa i Bitters, ws wisk it to b distioctly aaderstooi that we are not speaking' of U aaet rams oi lbs dsv, thai are aoiead aboat for a Wif period and then. orgoUea niter tkey have osas their guilty rae of wiscbisf, but at a medjciae Msg sstsiWisTied, uaiveresuy proadi aad which kas ettkskearly approtal of the feaUy klf.' Ertdese apoa vidanoa-kas boea received pike farsgMflg) fruin alL aectioas ot tk Uaia. tk last three veara, aad the strangest" test hmamf in its jftT,i, thai .there ia sssr of it ad ia th prac- a La- s.i '.. . . e, sr a a . a "oi me raguimr pnysactans i rntaeipau, man U other uostrom mbiBed---f fact tkat can be cstabluhfdj . and. f jy proviag that -a sciea tH preparatioa will ajeet, with tkair quiet sppreval fk" presented even in tk'is form. '. Tbu this mjediciia wlV cpre Liver Complaint' ad lJpepe;s,no,OM can 'doubt, after oping it as aueetcd. It scla tpscineally apa Ik srsvaask aad liver ; it is preferable' to calomel In a7 aSiavs die V ; the effect m immediate.. Tey aao .bs ad iniitered to rrAL or UrBT with "safely aad r!iablc beoent, at any time; - t BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. .-. TkismeJic'vao has attained, that kigk character kick is necessary fof all medicines to attain, t ndie eenaterfeiterd ! pnt forth k spurfoas article tks risk of the Uvea of those wh ara ianoceatly dseeived. - ' 100K WELL TO THE. MARKS OF THE GENUINE. iti?' h,T i60 of Cl W.' JAClt BDOTl in aswannstw satsasT Bt SS fma.laal ffMOWal tae bottle. wllLnt L;L Miamiai: ror sale wholesale sad) retail at the gehmAn MtbicmE STOKE. ' . nivo tierces, on eoos niw ouw, or?78 BAce-otreot) fhiUtUlphka, and by X able dealers thrw0oe4, the coaatry. W ; 120 A RCU .Street, on doof belw Sixth, IBM "ratable dealers thrwagboaa tke eossatry'. v ' toe sale by I i 1 J9- RAMSEY, r v. ,.t ' -tv Arawsw.i rmehero' N. It rrfrsfs'lrtdalt.ofer.'ltJl TA. Stiib It Co-arii rerfuaaaed'rafcklf and settle "K. ltu&(k'a1oi.lBk.iiriitw 10 rw wre snd ueciet for tl saiiie. f A. B STITH Vy S:h,i851. a- - aciuoiiablQ, Cloihins, J fllu r -v .i . .rM.Mcnoer Mttra Um 6W of cwapltMa 5ft Wltr.,Td. Deter. u mamtei. tfc Inervuins rcpUUoa ef the Clotki. Bintr.' w Merchants are invited to examine .. . w are determined not to ba a adenoid by aayoase III t Kan lawawf aw . ' I - The waey DepajoteBmMl;abrsdBs; Xmleh Ct-wts, Giovos. sJVpeadsrs. , oauw, yojlsrs, c . wkick will U sold At th law apneas, ay , , , p ,v o 1 ' ' . - -i- J? EERY. . Petersbnrg. Sept 8tkw 185d, ut3 r f Freslr Drtan mmal JTlewH T"1 tt' AtCii oow recsivina lareoaddiUoa ta their stack at Drat. Medieinaa. Ckaen f "'. Oil. Dya-otafla, Wiadaw 1 1 1 Class, Perfamery, ate, from the moot re- j uaot Moaaes ta th Nortkara Cities, " " ca has been porch aeed with aa eye atagto t their parity, and ar afiarad ir sale attach prior and terms as shall eompar taerahry ariik bt iiavN ii tii oitri. Physicians, country nercbents aad daalere ffaac. rally, will do well to jive as a call before patches rag, weiing assured we shall not f .il to pleas both in price and qua'ny. Orders promptly st tended ta and particular attaa tioa given to packing sod forwarding. ramny Medicine, and p -seen ptioas, com poond ed at all boars of the day and night, by a competent j fwwn, wim Deainees anu orvpalcn. We tender ur moet sincere thinks to th eitl- amaejf K sleigh and the sorronnding country or th Hag ana iioerai pa irons re w have received, and trai,oy antinnt seal and etergy ta 4eaa ia the pfoeecotlon of oar business, to soertt its coaliaeanc. KBieign, April vt at. twai. - (iaccmar tt Tomnj k O'Neal.) BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER , JVo. 16, FayeUectOe StretJ, OPPOSITE I'OST OFFICE, KALSIGH, tt. c. . AS on hand a verv larce and valaable col lee lion of Theological, Law, Medical. SctentiAc. Aftiicaltural. Miscella neons. School Books, Blauk Books and Stationery or all kinds. Price very low call and examine. May Sith, 1851. . 49 JVEfF DRESSING SjJLOOJf. 47WTIA8CUS L. LEWIS woold most leepectfally annoanc to his friends, and th Public fra- erally .that a as nw prepared I axecaU tk vari- as branches of hia mofe inn in that mot iml rleaalvaad faahionahla 8tv U I .VVm.ir Hir nnit .. I - I -T7r! 7' 5 'r?r''' uh atuoaa u NHwrmir Daiigian.irciiT oppoait tk Tarbraagh H ouea, and two doors &oih . ' . - 1 of 1 be City HoteL ' ' Tk proprietor is always st Home with, ' si ttctsaora sharp aad ttssors ken, T eat your Hair atd shavs yoar dean"! taleigh, April 1st. '.851. 17 tf To mv Town & Countrv Mends. flfHE Subscriber would respect rally-call the at- U tealioa of his Town aad Coaatry frieada to his stock of Family Groceries, which be is determin ed to sell on as good terms as any one ia th plac. Among bis stock, may be round . 80 Bbbl. best Petersbnrg Floor whole and half barrels. S Hhds. Bright and Dry P. R Sugur, 5 bbls do do N. O. do 6 do Crushed do 5 do Clarified do 4 do Pulverised do 1 Package best Loaf do Rio.Laguira aad Java Coffe, ImperiiTand Black Tea, a fine article. Tallow,' Adamantine snd Sperm candles, Washing and Fancy Soaps, ' Crsaers Wash mixture a ssperior article, . A fine lotlmDortaJ serars diflereat bra ads. Oak aad Hemlock Sol Leather; aad many arti cles la theurery aad Confectionary line. Glvs me a call, and I rm determined not to bs bb- dersold by Jew or Qenul. L-B. WALKER. R.Mctt. ITov. Ttk 1850. ? SI TUB ITILLIliaiBUttG FBM ALS AC ADE1IY. VIItOI,IA. rWH E Sckolasiic year of tkis Iastilatio is divi- II dad into two half aeastoas ; lb first bagtaaiag a tk first day of October, and a th l&th of Fabraary : and tks Sad eommeadag oa the 15th of February, closes oa tks 1st of Jaly. . .Terms for half a session For board, fuel tfchts sad Takioa- la al ' the English breach ea. rH,00 Fof Tultroa tn the rracn, or any oth- ef modern Isngnsgee. 7,50 Latin. -7,50 Music on the Prsno. D.0r Masic b tke Gaiter. 15.00 Drawing. 70 Washinr. ,0 " REFERENCES CoL Robert McCaadlisk, President. JadgeB. Taeker, --Dr.lUbt P WalUr, Ge.W. 8oeKhaIl, -QHh Drry," 8aL F. Brigkt, . W. RvC Deag las -WW.Vsw, rw.Ja M. OaU. Board ef Trattass, 'I tUfBS SLV. mm aiB, TTHiaaak. .Rev.J. EV. Joy, da - . .. Raw. B. WUhara, -JadgeG. P.8oarbaix East era Skara. JadgeJ H Cbriatiaa, Willajaabarf;. . Rev A Empi RiehssoB. j . . -Rv. E Gaar. Wah-gtw, N C . Ilea Willi P Maagam Orange, If C .Was Msrtin, Elisabeth City, K O Josepk H Pool, do . . - n . t f I UfniUaMMM Dr T W Warrea tawon, Wail Wariwa, ,Eq, . , do . , T Skinner, Eo, . do , Dr V. H Shield,, Wiaton N C V Samuel Calvert, Esq , Shoe Spring s,, W C , " N & AB Utters t b directed t th Pric(P-l. HERBERT P. LEFEBVRE. fol .Jaly 3ad.l65L s ,m -a. 1 SPUlW3 8TiriiB; 1 851. Lt.t-w .mA al .varied ajaortmaat wf .MAsaea 1 , 11 w s-. -. - - H Arii&ciaui fCJ Fisia, 1' ArUfl0U ' I fte,. f '--- " M. Aprfl StklSaU sad al trr:' to We ' Dhmo Jpet aVaan.-vwry ohsap. ar w a j a B I11IW fi B. h, -HARDING- w GO' r i Th beet Tamlly HadieUe now ketee &s prnhHe. It kas leea'.eccnnoted, ibt durinr -th last twonty w three Billions of persons naY ; anniutllr been benefited, by . tha maX Uieae uaaieutes ; met wmcu apeaxs Yotumcs bi Cn tor of their curative properties a anajrle trial will Yice Uiein beyocxl the reach of competition in the Mstimation of every patient By their use tlc ukaid as restored to a pure aad neaitny state, treed from all impurities. -The system is 4 reduoud tlurai titcir oporatioo, but mvigpratod, and they . . . m : i raqiuro no raanun uvta nutwioes "r pteamve. The : svfnictod. bv in Mof&it's Li fa , Pills and ThoPTlix BitteTa, a rernedy thai will do lor Uiem all tnat metuctne can posatbty effect. Tit genuine of then aiddicines are now put up with a fine steer engraved wrapper .and labels, and cojvr rigut sedared accurdiiig to the Ltw of the united states. . t -- f Prepared by W. R, MOITAT. M. DNcw- York. - . For sale by n - J. J. RYALS. Raleigh, A o?. 27th, 1850. 79 lr Tanner's Oil, JTUST received and Tor sale at the Druj Store WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD It CO. April 7tb.l851. 29 Fine Black Doe Skin Cass. Pants. 1 (Vl PAIRS, just opened of Su perior Cassimere, kv entirely new 8:yle and CuU The best fit ting Pants out; so every body says. E. L HARDING & CO. AprU 7tb, 1851. Toll Use Bell Still Louder Toll It? Convey ye wiads tke joyfsl sound from Carritnck to Cherokee from the Arostook :o the Sabine, that tti Imnnrlil Imvl" ia at 1-? nm.' m i m NEW SPRING ANO SUMMER GOODS, FOR 185L OLIVER & PROCTER, See R. It. K. It ara now receivior and opening at oar WU 0 r m 1 . . I W W "una emporium oi 1 sste, imuw Kra. tl.l. Rw I...-.. on. door . - .-.-.?. 1 1 -. - i 1 j : SB IWIWB B Sf SrTBB I SB) ITU aa. U .IIBm Bass' B CS VST SS m BDU BT 1UW roses, a choice solectioa of vernal aad solstitial ts bricks for male attiro, embraeiBg every color and variety, of which tks following area pal : .Black, bine, eitve green, browa Dahlia and Ca pkyr Clotkes, Drop dete aad Cashmeratts. all co lors, far 8mmer costs, Black, aingle milled do akin and faacv French Cassimere of every variety white and colored, entirely new and very beautiful, Plaia white and Buff Marseille; Figured 8s tins. Silks aad Skally V eatings. All tf tkeae goods were selected by The Bogg," in person, from tne latent importations snd can be confidently recommenorn to oar friends and patrons as being precisely The Things4 for (Spring and Summer eosiuniery. THE EXPRESS TRAIN. Ok, where are the vords that can truly impress Tk pleasure we feel when we're eff by express TSe Steam King is ep, and tke wbistl ia heard Th bell give the signal, we're off like a bird. Through mountatua snd alleys , rtgni onwara we press, Hurrah 1 tken hurrah! we are off by express. Oar flight's like tke eagles, as fearless and brave'; Tke flngteiui of safety as gaily it waves. Tke rails are all clear, aud the Measreh's ahead; See forth from his nostrils the deep glare of red; Still onward and onwsrd we gallantly press, Harrakl then hurrah 1 w ar off by express. TnWJas, aitiea and ham!, be v y - Likesomo diorama of beaatiful hue. Oar journey's sccomplwhed, safs, sale aa a dart. Oar frame not fatigued, nor oppressed 'm th heart. With fire ssd spirit right onward wa pres', Ilar'sh ! then hurrah! we are safe by express. What applies to the rails is in oommere tha asm Aad bene 'BuggV greatness, and hence 'Bugg's fame. Exprras is hia motto ; in matters of dress. Receives all his fashions sod meUels by express. Ail th qaalifications the 'Bogg1 docs posse aa, Ta outstrip all 'slow trains'-thas he wins by ex pre Expressly his fabrics ar made for this mart, Esprassly na nnrtares ois cutters or arr; Expressly for him the best workmen's retained, Exprexsly for all sueh prime clotl.es he's sustain sd Expressly te please you, his efforts progress, Expressly in beauty sod shsapaess of dress. t Mtin a. uiinirvii Lit i tilt av nuu u i. Mcrokaat Tailors, Raleigh, April 19th, 1851. 33 POST SCRlPTUMv gprlag and Snminer Clothing, 1891 WE are now opening; a bvaatifal supply or elotkiag. Frock, dress, sad- sack ooats of detk, Caskmorett and Alpacha, alt color. We bar a fewdosea Sraletoa t reach saeta wMboat liaiag, ed of Cashmerettssnd 2ephyr eletka, ia wkiekwodefy eom petition, iror rsnueiaa"eoum' mar araar) Gxass Lioen frock, super Freack dril ling pantaloons, aM colors, cheap ana wsrraaua in all respects, Cassiror pantaloons, Vta, glovss, pocket band kerchiefs, suspenders, skirt Collrs,new atyle ia fact every thing asoally kept by Merckaal Tailors sr lurnisaing nonses. . UL4V1.K OLfKUUi ctu April lih,IS51. 33 YOUTHS CLOTHING. JXITE have also on hsnd a eeraplete sasortment WW of Ysnth's Clotbins; Frock Coats, of cloth. Alpacha, Tweeds, and brown liuen, also sacks aad Pantaloons, o! ell kind. We iavite tke pcial atteatroa of parents and guardians to tkis braaca I ear trade, as we will sell clothing cheaper than yon buy the uooosaad warrant taem ia an respect OUTER &. PROCTER. ,ais;T Fancy Geotlemeu. WE kave a few HighfaleUa, Low Vulgar, Pa ra, Sedaadtie, and Jay bird strip ad ..laLL. fias nantaJatsnaw . A Is a raw dose a di a abtfta, rery a paw tor. . Q.afss P. an.. I.. . V3-.: T Amm, mmA NAilhapB Taua. i W Hint taiH) innrn.. .;ia. .w... Loo jest at kanaUV' Grateful vr for Aho patmaag ami m.DCmBt.n nunw. - lejotrunatac sy renwu escpioa tus msm. tmei. al aad axvaraak wslara of tkt Pnbltc. ., ' OLIVER A, PROCTER.. w ' 1 f'W.'l j ..... ,.-.t' ? - .. .BrnriiiijrJFixiida" Apnl 711, 1851. ?9 (be Ifei CilwlAnaf 'Iron .Rjilliiii I . Xtw. lUllIT CiACZ.-.lIOBtaBr fa prepared toaiks, at short aotioe,' every descripv MOB Ox "H-iJ " ' ' - " " WrcUcr Cast IitaA Their- PATENT- WIRR.S AILING la a i.rt superior art iole, as Jo beaut of sty le , or strength, " toe neec oi iron rom . t-o va inca diameter wlili Jta.w ' mm a. . TkW arncle is Vseomiag ver popolar for CEME s r.n.iiMi, rUBUIU QROUftUS. DWELLING I'ouow, WAKUKN S, ya: n a alas axtensivelr tosed for WINDOW GUARDS FOR 'STORES, DWELLINGS. LUNATIC A8YLUM5 and other pablie baildings. It is mere darable aad mack than east iron or any ether desert ptf on -f Fane. Thsv bd eoastsntlvoa hand, also ENfJ. L1SH HURDLE FENCE torf-rminf parpoWs. I frcm 1 50 1 SS per rod Coal Serpens, Bsdsteads, Fr pertiearars iinKJiwatifi aad (ordMnh f dsigna apply 1 - TOYMAN a COLt -;4 Alftaaj mc, Bettoawi Jaly Qth,lg51. f ; v t x V i i;a3 w3 a Manufacturing Establishment JOSEPH JVOI.Tr:ilINOxtsr a namher of tears Fsremsa ia Hi Raleigh aad Cist on Kail Read BlacksmRh Shop) res'pect fully aaaooaces to lb cttixeas of Raleigh and Ike sarrenudiagCaaa ties, that he is prepared t mawafaotnr ' ZiOCica or ALL DESCRIPTIONS, 4a hub aud Pistes la, Carriage Spring, MM-mert, Bras Castings, and in shorty atrf thiag in Machine and BiacktwutH rark as is also rsuAin to kxegutb bbu. BANaiao, at TBS SHOCTKST MOTICK. " Also has a hand aa extensive assortment ef Locks aT all kjuda, at prices from 10 coats to 2t dallara Edgetoohvaa assort men I of Axes, Drawing. koives, Hatchets, Hammers, Mies of various deeeriptiaaa, snd a u umber of articlrs ia bis lias loo tedias te meal ion. ' All. orders faithfully executed at the lowest prices, snd new work entrusted to his care will bs warrant ed Orders from a distance will be attended to aud executed at th shortest Notice. His Establishment will be found a Fayertevtlle Street' it - Repairing ia hi line performed wit R neataeso and despatch. Ala, a general assorUncatof Cans and Pistols constaatly en hand, , f J JOSEPH WQLTERING. Raleigh, Aug. 30, I S50. 31f C. B. ROOIV m IAOULD respecifariy snnenncs to the Ladies ar y end Ueutlemenof Rsleigk, and the pnblu gem rally, that he has recently returned from th North with a new, beautiful sad splendid stork of WATCHES. JEWELRY. &W&C-, &C. which he is prepared 10 sell lower than such srticles have ever been sold in this market at any previous im. Having himself paid great attention to the eelrction of his gods, he ie confident that, for Bean tj and Fashion, no superior stock. was ever brfore exhibited in north Carolina. His assortment is made up f a very great variety, ai.d constats, in part, of the following articles: JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS Gold snd Silver Lever Watches, Anchor C finders, Vertical Escaped nts, Gold ana Steel Guard Chains, Heals, Keys, loseiher with a lart sasorttnent of Breast Pina, Finger King, Ear Kinss, G.ld and Silver Pencils, Gold Pans. Thimbles, Medallions, Go'd Hearts snd Crosses. Mantel Clocks, Gold and Silver mounted Cases, Card Cases, Toilet Battle end Ladies, Toilet Work; BocesV '-Csjisvaew and Bseko- .mmrn Boards, S'eel Pea, Gilt, bteeL Gloss and Satin Beads. Jet Combs. Sexar Cases, Rasor Strspa, Parses d, fc SILVER ANO PLATED WARE. Silver Table, Tea, Dessert.' Salt and Mustard Spoons, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, But r Knives. Silver-mounted Cocoa Nuts, Castors. Csndte Sticks, Snuffers and Trays, CnkeB iskets, Coffee Greques, Brtttanl Ware, in setts r single peicea, Oliver and PlaitdCupi, Silver and Irory Napkin Rings, &c, SPECTACLES. Gold. Silver, Blue and polished Steel Spectacles. Perifocal Spectacle Glsrsrs. a new article to suit the eyes of all persons,- very superior Flint Glasses that may bs adjusted in any frame, at any notice. PEHFC.T1EHY. Comprising Powder Bsxesv Cologne and Lavender Waters, Toilet Powder. Shaving and Toilet Soaps. Also Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brashes. GUTLERY- A lsrge assortment of superior Rssors, Pocket and Pen Knives, also Dirks and Bowie Knives. JiiisirtL JNST-kjrjlENTS. SpaaUk Guitars, YwnasT CiV3enU; - flutes. Fires, Gaitar and Violin Strings, Extra Violia Bows dke 4;o. . . . Watches sad Clocks repsired in superior style. As his own personal attention will be given ta the drpartment, those persons bavins; srticles to re pair may rely on their being well snd faithfully executed Gold snd Si'ver manufactured to order. Highest price given for aid Gold and Silver ' . TO SPOUTS TIEN. PATENT , ian mrMM nr. Mr AV4VX.IJ W - J ' r. R ttaot !. a . r..lt . Tlanhla Barrel G'ins. Rifles, Pistol of all kinda. PewJer f Flasks, Skot Bags, Bird Bsgs, Packsres ef Bald- w.n's improved Xiisstio sad Indented Una Wad - diur.Aa. t COFFEE. . 400 BAGS prime ereea Rio and fjI0Trt aW awja 50 bigs Old Gorerameot Jars Cuff.e. For sale by ? . Pgcsus. Warrg, Darn & Co. Petersburg. June 9th, 185U. . -. . ' 47 Notice.: 1TB Y viilae of s decree of the Coon of Equity, for I Up ffonhamuioa county, rendered HpnogTsrm. 1831. inthe esse of THOMAS BARROW. and WIPE, snd others, ex parte, the tract" of Lend of which JOHN DAWgONJat of Toaesae died srxed, will be offered at public sale,' oa the premt. ou ... . s,-.. SATURDAY, AUQ.tS. Th said tract is situs) d In this roonty of North ampton, contains about nine hundred acres, snd ad joins tn taad at Edmand Jacobs, The. P. Dover. euz, snd other. A sum in cash suCBdeul to pay eosU will be reserved" ' ; " Th ptirchsserwillbe required le give bonus, , ith spprovwd eeority, bsasing interest front the -day of sale snd psysbl in mm snd lave year toe th re- mainor Of in paienas wtmtwj. so JNO. kANDOLPH, C M- E. Aagust 3d, 1841 )hi - - .ti tj fit - . I aw w - -v- . - - a , - Commlaalou and'Forwarenaff Ulef WlLJMJtGTOX JftL : . I aywiw A W wa A(-A ' " Al' A r Us ! Th t.t.L fi. fl. l I a a a . I " , I - " - I JwlfiUsaVTaTL. JaV. aas. aaa. aLMBJinBtr XBfl flBW. H I . w ... .sa , . a rs , . , . 1 - - TataaaiJilallal aajn hHMMni . . - AaU fit iesW 'X! rAT-TTTirir I.fcis,c' U"lToia.lw ' "It DlUfSSL ' 'tOlUaW-jV.. V-a':-'-,a TT LARGiiswrmapiba ivd aadsalliog rtmae Wy ltkt.lS3i 3.. Haletgk, Jaly ljth. 3 Vv At.fcdr.lfM., 3 &hia Nv, tTWW r T4 iSk uess la- tbo haitasss, stnr Ukes. mllltkry. elaiart tat Boaity lands aad Pensions torfetweca tion befbr U. gevrnaieaV- jvr asaaJsAli tasms, ad with U . faiUtfalks a4ir WWW f aoldi-Wko -rVwlw-Aatk u mwm sairmamaBaavwawiana.M 1 all the wars oTb United Statssv aiae 17BO.,- And prevision id sow also mad Her psSasfontJ Widows of SeWiers of. Ah RsvplsUiaa.waa tSJf rieu Deiorv mib year low. - -. HaaakranUklaformatlda eoaokfaiBg tk gt Base af officers of tks Rve4aUBry Triti Sstaick U AH importaata eUimanta, aad dlffimlprnr elsewher. His charge will mederata. Ay iafsrniatjoa saCeiraiag tk kcirsaf tke blowing oJBoers af. U RTelatia, will ba tkaak,' fall recMved, vit : j 1 - ', 4r Tatwaas Clark.1 i 'JamieaHai? ' AUxtao Martia, Wsa. DavX - ' c ; . Jaamldartiav. Mt rateiWklsap . ; .Jamas hrfearsu .,1 1 - " -' - Hsas, also faralsba jcopy .C ,tk rnll4k. umeeiwaaa soldiers ef tkt state ef North Carolina (a tkl warwrttw Great Bntsla, daoland IStknfJaa JV12, glviagtamany iutaaeeaaMagtks'srview, their respectiv offiosa and RedaesUsi.tkttsa at aatarina; as)TviMQalM tkssraswrtsrs, aad every particular to facilitsta the Collection of theit ClaimsQ Every agent should kave a oopy.. Cost -oniy 9 iu eca eonary : - v. ' '- J. M. K.IR&.HA w, ' : .v..;; -. . RaleigkN.C Raleigh, Novambec 1st, 1850, . --. SS SHOES; A DI I?S Black Lasting i Gaiters, no Uronfe Moroeo ao Bbick Kid and Bronx Sliaeers. Gaaii Moroc had Kid Walking Shoes, Misses' She, child rea's do. HEAKTT lc LITCUFORD. Raleigh, April 8th. 1851. 89 Important te . , . MILLERS AND MILL-OWNERS! THE Uudersirned would resneetfull inform those engaged in the Milling business a .North Car olina, that b keene constantly oa hand, aad will supply at tk shortest notice, that almost Lnvalua- 01 article, . YOUNG'S IMPROVED PATENT SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE The only Machine of the kind tkat baa stood the test and given satisfaction to tke public. It has aurplanted erery Saint Maohin vat offered a tke State, mr or less of which have been taken dews to make room for it. Th public need fear a imposi tion, as there are now some 280 Mschines runninc in North Carolina': and I etih to 'offer uo other references than tk gentlemen wh ar esing them, wnos expectations have been more than realised ia their performance.. It not only thoroughly . rreeasea the Wheat of Smuubut also narifiea it, of ail other subaUnces, straost to perfection. It takes np bat 4 teet rqnare In the mill snd requires bnt little pow er. 1 1 is warranted for five years agaiasi breaking r wearing eat; aad also to retain its cleansing qual ities ior tnst time. . , , . , , , . . . . j- f There are a number of these , Machine throegh which 100,000 bushels of Wheat have beea cleans ed and they have. never beea eat of order one day. There was swarded to I the Prstaiam f tk Ma ryland Stat Fair, and a Premiam wilk a silver sne dalt at the Fair of the Maryland las lit ate, at Bal mora, last FalL i Address tks Subscriber at South Lowell Mills Orange Couaty, N. C. JNO, A. MoMANNEN. . J)eeetQbr 20,1850 , A. , .. iMO. Reynlttr E.lne - THE Cape Fear steamboat Co's Steamer Chatham will raw reffalsriy between Wilniinrton and Fayetieviliecommen cmg on Monday the 27ih inetani, lesving Fay etlevi'lc every Monday and Thoradsy at 9 o'clock. A. M. and arriving al Wilmington same evening, giving Passengers going North an' opportunity to lake the car next morning t 9 o'clock.- And leire Wilminvton on Tuesdays and Fridays, at 2 o'rlt ck P. AL, giving sssengers by the care, which arrive at Wilmington at 1 o'clock daily, ail opportunity to take the Boat to r ayette villa The steamer Guv. Graham, with the Tow Boata belone-inr to the line, will ran ia connex ion m iib the Chatham, making one or more trip a week, as circumstance tnay reqairr.i Pssseagers and Freighters may rely poor the above araangment. It ia hoped tkat tke nrces sary expenses to by incaired be thia arrangement will te rewarded bv an increased patron see: otherwise a loss will probably be sustained of the Company, which will lead to a discontinuance of -regular imw ofTwonntw. r J O. L. V I ULiiniUO. IgVF. Cane Fear Steam Boat t. FsvHtville, Jan'v20. 185U ,, : ;i 9 if FUESU ARltlVALS SEMI-WEEKLY . I MARD1NG sV CO. will receive new gnoda twice a week during toe. entire sessnn. direct from anufaciory. By this arrangement, parchaasrs rill always find Bomrthing new and attractive by examining their Stock As for Bargains', Gents, yon cant brgm . to bay as cheap eisewar.e Can and exsatin yonfoolvea , ,;4 ts-j- - .rv . Under tne Telegraph Office, . . rsyrivill street. Rsletgh, April 1st. . 27 II ALTIMOIt E STEAM , SOAP, AND CANDLE. MANUFACTORY. I w H "JSs.VAV U C.KCUVS B.AJ are JMW BUBiACtU Ji ring aao nave oa nana, "--. tot Balaiont Sperm Caales, Adamantias -Candles 1 raoniu 1 atiow handles, warraaied to staaa say ell mate, aad Lard OiL " " xeitow, tsrowa aad BISOK 00s psc Variegated oar Soaa. Whit TBa Soaps, raller. Soaa. Fancy osar new styles aad swpenor qnaliryM which they weald iavite the attention -of, Seatherf Mr chaatsia making thlr lall paKhase. with , a; 0n victiow thst they can offer Indacemenla u. regards qaality and price equal to any u'': ' 8MI til dfc fJCRLBTT. rltTeraer I&IKdaw snd Pleasant Street. Baltimore, MaW Jnly 22nd, 185U ; . M x, aLali Shoes andSllpMn. Yf TJST. 'received, by Expre, direct rfroaf the til- sasnrofaetorw; -i" .1 r '.','- Ladiea Kid and Morocco waUtag Shoes. Ties aad Ouskias.) . ; ,v- i,i:t!, do do and ' da Slippersl ' . ALSO ON HAND ' ' 100 pieces Light and Dark Called," -Bleached a ad Browtt 8kirtins had 8hs stings, ' ' With a general (ueartuuni ef . Dry Goods. i Hats and Skoea,- j Lawns and GingkamSr; ( GTooarieav . . . ; Ckabrics aad JscroeitL .. , Crockery. . - for sale, low." 6 " iN71Ig FayeUevUIeStrweC Raleigh, Aaigust dtk. If 63 rTTf A VINO perosjentl, located ia JUliirk, IliL. frs , bis profoeaional service te hist )d frieaal .. I ..j I wi WA patroas ana t puoyc toraiy, hm caarges i jkiBBIeaohsJ e.aai Ua tassarrFindarataVnd tssuonabla- asthn-a a.f Uwa lWt tTtTSV- Uf City ldklkaU 't a ttftvu rtA IfSllT"- w V1U lJMPsT,UiL.UBMtimMJiai Wa 1-b-Tsb niunJ.- o'V ? M &li ... - a - a '.- , O r 1 sass aava aas ear --.-- . w 1 s s I wroltsaOBsl truvinea. his M' yyer. the Stat af BpFFAUE. in the -Uitrf baaioea Vritr cotv Unite Iti'opent'iooaio all Mk brtnc4e at hia t Ww,ic,o Viiaiaratreet; -andanlkiU th p4-! hijf Irieoda4th pblc generally. iPrie mtaft krranreaakly;io Ibe 1 - di'ii i tisoo si es s vi tiiHc rjr aviiin iila - A- :Wi '-Xh t in no r". rxjtl pa Arswihaf'2.ir' I -- ' 3 50 Dq'L jjJ 4u 4'j)swjav .t-:j i !i--v?5 QatrtceJtawisHneM M I instanesj send petvoaa b,aring horses, now in my eat) art jetreeated t take nhern"7( " wJ 1 tag 10 comaiy antu tn aoovwcanauiooa. i. viXlVB i lllAyiw Jan4 4tb. 185aJi 1 - Peruvian Government-' rV Rentne Waving atada &rraAiahBi Wilk th GorTaamt- Areat ateft aartsjA AmtatbyHaf tha avrratlsBM for Aatama safe , w prs- . I J 1 VSBtaWaaBWMBlmBt tbaaW wba lataad t BSS thtS havtlaU had. hettar send a tksir aedera at ones, sad the price eabs fixed nbworatta tSmsof delrrert, aa tke burer as v orefsK -t-: Vjv? s5 t VJi PEEBLES, wHrr.;DAyicv. t. PrrcasaBsiQ, YiaotarA. Joa 17-1831. ? ,-.t,. 40 if. - BkiHffasa.Yairibo The Oldest end most Extensive in tie fnited -: . ;.;.;.-. . Slatef, '; - , j,,. TTJI ICUAKD3 KINGS LAND. No.. 33 Coort Irh landt SU New York, Wholesale Dealer ia andManafacfnre of LOOKING GLASSES, and ImDorter of LOOKING JLASS" PLATEsC: aad PLATE- GLASS for House aad Store Wiadows respectfully iavite tkestteatioaof Southern buyers and Uealera to bis sxtsnsiv, Stock embracing all kinds of Makognny Toilet Boxes, Swigs,Mskogany and Gilt, and Gilt Glasses, suitable for the trsds. Abo, constantly en hand, i large assortment Of all kiads4iad sixes f OmameBtaLJ Plain, Pier aad. MaaUl Glasses, Portrait aad PJctnr frames, got ap ia the richest aad. most gorgeous styles, from the latest Parisian aa. Foreign desijgns , ' Any inquiries, made bV- letter,' relative to '' the prices of Goods, will bs cheerfully answered by re turn mail. . . . N. B. All orders promptly attended to,snd Goods packed witd the greatest care. 3an ;i7th,1831 t 3m 40 1TSW YORK CLOTHING, WILDE, BATES ot. TAYLOR,, (giceenon To C. T. Longxtrtet k Ce,) No; 64; Nassaurstv New-York; Weald vlt.-aite J f SI ii nTtnt'n I tp their FaU am Winter .Stock,, which for. extunt, Tarietw, Style and Wrkmanahlpt,. eoaaet be excelled ia tke UNITED STATES, and -they believe aa examination, woald folly repay the troublo f purchasers. , It will be their endeavor to euetaiir th repntation of the- late eeuoern for selling ' ' - ' Well Made Oarnteniai at IjOW Prices. A better class of goods kas been got up this sea tki. is aswslly foaad ia Cutbin fioosxs, aad with special reference to Sontbera Trade. . New York, Jaly, 1851. .: 50 2m. EVANS & COOKER Dsor Above mr.httTcl Suxltla's -J, OLD CORNER. - T r,7E woold respectfully inform ar friends aad j V t tke public generally that we intend keeping eoastsntly on band a full supply of Dry ' Oood,' flardware, Cutlery, . CROCnil Aujv ' - and indeed every .thine found is similar establish ments. They present the foliowiae ai specimens of Cheat, 3asper-al Block ilks,' vt Silk Tissue aad'Alboriasa, ; r '::t .lteojdcredGrsadiaesaadBerage;" ' Dotted, aad Embroidered Swiss Muslins, . Poplins Snd BersgeDelanes, ' . ; ' Ent, Wb1lCrspeSWla,;i ' Jenny Lkvl Collars andaffa, Ladies Kid Gloves snd Mlts, -; da . Embroidered L C HVtf . 'Teffta aad Bonnet Ribbons, - Lsm Cmfa ! threati Lices, . ' Chewi aad Embroidered Parasols, OnenmaadCrieoe;r-J:A -8kendl Boot f every qaal'ajy'aad prtee; Bonnet aad liaiaof every description, ;. .- Black French Cloths and Casimeres, Black Satia and Marseilles," . ' " Bed Tick) Cottenades, Domestics, Cfockery, Wooding Hoes, Sognr, Coffee. ' f Adasaaatm Caavdlea, apt! a number of articles not enumerated, all at which thanoseribers intend selling Cheap for Cash, orto punet sal, dealers n a short' credit. Don't forget to give oa call aad examine enr Stock before purchasing elsewhere!'- ' ' On doer aba Riohai d Smith's, 'No. 39; Fay eUeville Street, f-e . - . . w - lt.,. H.L,EVANA-v " ' ' GEO T. COOKE. Raleigh. March lth, 1831. ' '94 : THE FUGITIVE. A- A , 9 R IA HT:XDLLAT02WOMAy; Vem.d ILX tans way from the tSabscriber aboat' the 1st ofJaly uShewaa t-dgalalicaJ3tw?yer ag;f Was.l'lBarmaE.ii.soof Warrenton. who Owns has amther and her childr Qbl j abont tbta erdf4 nary tot of women, with . a nli bead of aair and bad teetk," looks downward aod hi lociined.Uo sinv per and smile whn spoken to. Shaf altngs herself wkan she'wsiki so mdcli astoroakktk taoyemeat peealiar; kr Hgkt fbet is i fotd deaf - ttrsed loaf, aad tkeleg a llule shorter tkstksotkr, jrodaeed from .ai;urybite,..Bgr.h,-wpra a stripad ealio' dress, and 1 generally ; very aeat id her ippearssc; having a good figure. f id her sppearaftce: having a good Bgur.' V JfS.tiii t 910 REWARD." iw I hare reasoa te belie v that sh ia hirbbarsd ia this City or Bear itv ? -. 1 t ' ,1 , . , , . . x : JNrXJi. MANLY. Kaleigb.JBty 33lh. 1851. ' 3t$0 8undard aad Warreaton News copy 'and! lerwsrd mats te c uz h .t'siw ..:, , tu ; : NEW GOODS CHE A'tvtm N ' f V R 1; t Kt IRiaerr' Uaea IMsk Liasw BoreTaadUaa-Na r4kisatJasm Twats wadj Tewefiag. -s.-f-.-. Jackenel MesUiM, CsmSfics-fi-L iO. . Cottoa Sheetings Enlsa aad Amerce priaty LviJrBa tusa a usaisry, " t irVrkd aad4f4leees. Dottsd Masliaw,Tartetg do NeaahajShsiJiBgs. mttssry, ?saw 19 J itrrsl A arvMTmt received tha foU, H lowing auricle." which war' perchaasd per cant. below Sprihg price. toyrh Cheeked Mesiias BiroV's Eye WipeTr-,. ' I SaaaawtiaMft atlad ijlrlaeab.-at 1 tit3at f-fiXA mm r for ttc;Smorl. ;4 .teripiaMyjiifjiau, , I t .uJCEravoua iiiBWaWVA-iv-V aa f. tfcaseuGtneijaintar which ar. aansed by aa, hafesrSjd M , 'T" " weakened or anhealdiy toUMonat Ut ' ' 1 'HBBirov'-Ts5m'-i.a' tie -if iS :- . ThJs bsaautHraiht Sswvetcwit sppUeaUoa of tkt witiilaBlra .-wewsss UA1.VAK1SM and fMAiXKTI8M, kaa sesare BMaeed by dbUnciinhed hyiicmi. Wta to ttaroa ssi lh 3 Dr CHKISTTE'd "QAXYAlsTfj BSLT u WA:g N E TICi-FIsUID. O m aaid with the smtj perfeet sn oerfattsj jus; qaaa Jn) eftf? onset .of , OKRGBAL D KB I LIT. atrnrOinrnr Oteweake srgaMa and invigorating C ttA1 r.f ARAL. YSI3 a Oisweskene ' i Hta entica .aratses aHasaVTlT,, iii.DiDilvcia pi rev nvsFrrail a. lhb. D JMTIO!, RHEUMATISM ACUTE sad CHUC.N1C,Ct)UT, CMLCP8V. LUMBAGO.- DKAIF! ESS. J"l Wl U(J .1 n a MORS. PALPITATION OK THK 'HE AU.1 RT, APOPLFJtr .NKURALOIA PAIN ia the SJOE a sad CUrVatURA Lt the sfii inr compcaint,' diseasrs oi sbeacip-r NEya, OEFiriENCY -OR .NERVOUS and, rHYSICXU.EIl EROY.aod all tKVUUD Lloe.Aarl.a, iuu comgiajui. snav frosa one simple caofe namely, - 3r?isr OH'O ; A Derangement oi tha Jarw Sbas 0Q- In NERVOUS COMrLAINTa. Orors sad fsdWits MmsH tk, s'ihm, tor they weaken nW Vital aswrgtaaaf I . alraad prostrated aystem i aratiearisr . theatrsue- j lifs-Ctv iur, vitaUsias inflnence pf Galranitaa, as sppued by : mia beautiful and wonderful dieeovery,' tits shawata4 pavJassR snd waeksaed enSuse is raitorsd to fccmar ktalth.StrSBgUh slsstictty snd vigor. . V . r; .; . ! Tha great peeuliaritr sad excaileaos of frJl$i n -43 0 t DrA OnjrlsUs 0lwajde;Curattya, '.b ,sb soasttta J the fcot that tey arrest and ears dweese ay ea. seer mm d ( r d iaaii'i .fi.il in nlace riiekUr the MrtiaoS, tUl aiikaetad NMnre anka or 1 tha aenal anode of dragging BBsT fays aaviShs laliotMn t - WMWHUSINSki a.aK.r 1 -. -VI Vkm ifnuiiin lie wioU ivtttau kntmUrt I tts steed, -rente 14 Secretttwa, and Br ortht ettrttt mnatr ens iruwulntm. ,8iace their mOxidaetio H United States, only three y eare sines, awe thaaw ' " . ri" 6O,0 O 07fP t riirar iR'&l befeaing all sges, e4eaaeikOaeeao S larga anmbn of ladies. wl ara. pseeOtarts saboUt it an. u Complaints, save been f . , . aiai wvssisyasaaaaaaa. mwm ( . . 5 :'EWByjl.T ATtlTESJta T 1TO WFHWA Htiar A AVX COsW.- ' ttnfvWT r iila.trata tha nut ef the CIAKWAJinXBKIVr,vWrasd2 whea H hepe 8s aas at a parse -afflictet .with, that ,"han. si airllHaUaav DTSPtffllA. r any other Chronic or Nervoaa Disoraer. I ordinary eSia, athnalanw are sahea wMsk, enVaareartiaW) aervea and ainaalea of the stpaiaea, aford ttatfst m ietSSt, sat which tears the patient ins lower state, aad with lajauwr facvitiea, -after 4he actino-tbnsweiudrhas ceased. , ffowseea. aare this with the effect resulting from tha appucatSoa ef th U.VLVAN IC B ELTV T'sksst DyrpsSOc rsffarasi evek a worse aymptoma of an attack, and airaidy tie the Beh asoaad, the body, using the Magnetic Fluid as directed) :- la ahmatf perioA the hneambte parspirsUos. vritt; seta th eeaMesK elenmeas of the Belt thereby causing a Gairanic sirculsaia which will txaasea to the ssgatOTa, oA tksae aHtek atrsiaSsi the iHaaUva, thus keeung apa caotiasBiia OalrnW earela boa throughout the syitem. Thai the Btost severe sssss es DTSPEPSIAara rERMASENTLV CURED-; A rtW OAtti ORTEH AMFLY SUFFICIENT lt ERADICATK TMK tSEA8K OF VEAlta. ' .'.' 4Miv- -7 - tEimFiciTts in Tmfcoili'rir?- ' ' 'Mtsa sBMia kAadkMMesf flsnrastr,5f1S SO Pram Bl parts of Uirf CowntryeeM ha glvssw aeJUtaat SB SW every coteauiia, this psjiei;! j, -,,,7, , ,4 AN-EXTEAfIjmiYOAS - r , smfebeoisstusistfK.iKvss rjjrjrt5-r ' wa se5 " Trtttli 1 Is gtrajjger.itaaKFIcu 4- i ..i. c:RaarOsff.tWiWgipr RHECHATISV BRUKIHUS i AjtUP Zim Rev. Dr. Landls a JDXirefSasSi m at Mew Jersey at' alsnneiaascV atwlatnaiadaisid, Ml repi.uuoa?-; -.2ttliitktaBa:U I pa.t It. CHStSnt-Dear aavTeafssVihtea at ku lum lk. raanlt in mv son - "f tfaa BDtliCataSa ef THE OAI.yAJIIC.BEI.T ArlD TiKCKfcAUsS. Hv reply hsi For about twm 'it wuri T bsd b.i been tuTering froteDyepW ttrerv veer the-- snrtom teoaaa worse, nor aoaid-1 eetei iHuaianeutMliei frwu sas course of asediesl tr ,t waaterar. About "sKresa" years since,' bt eonsequeae at rrettesHbSawsesaniS o th weathee, huass (baefcacgef vy-ssa? torsi cdoties, i becaaa suhjoct a a severe Chronic T ' hm' Una, which lor "year aaeri year,' eausedaoe iuu 1, rjlathi' asgoisb. rajtbers inthe'wgiterof Hsa lea ineonaaaaoea ef Breaching a great deal ir say ewa.asd .vanoas Mber eirurebes ia ntte'tegioa, 1 - wsai attachedly at RrowaaitH hleh-seen-became so severs as to require an iimnediats saa aebjion'of Mypastorat labeiv Wy "Hereear Wtteai weT was) tkwvmtklr eatrsl. sad as say rarKitutOavaate weras.s also did sar Dyspepaia and Rjieumattc affection thus eviaesag that theae diBorderr-were wmoetrte wttb ssoit ehas Utnmxa the aaadsaai of the Wertoaa By Btoaa.1 lathevwhoia eaanwaeal aasia. there, seemed fa be tio remedial agent whack eonJa reach" and rseoperat my Nervoot Systeni-, ovary thiag Oastf hsd tried Jos thai purpose, had conplatrly. feUed. , Alt lest ' arss led by My friends to examine your inventions, and (fboaglf with na vary aairguirwhope3af their amcieaeyj t detsraalait Is try the efTect of the application of fhe OALVAN1C BEi.t AND NECKLACE, with tiie tAONKn&FLUiDThaS Wa ia Jaass, MS Ta Mr eassv sOTeatasiiBTr m BeraM-svar Drsrsr.i. - rm aim: in -biohv save I .was 'assaisa) asawars arr rurtitVuiMrj iNt Sjsvatl aWrowaaaltlS a etaaut ssavicB aa,ceujiT.esHe JBaencaiTri; anT RasvaiAviC arrecT'io! Mta UrriattT cluarD ts vaeost WaT. aoh Is th wortdsrnU sad hapf revests of lheeaserisMat. 1 have recosimended the BKLT and. FLUID ta aasnywa here beea Ukewisa raaenag fcoa NesnsVgie arTurliai They bvax 4ried Usavv ";. assajST J aeuT asBtrassr "1 : u CRsHRttTIE'ft lire rxnv;l GALVANIC NECHLAC2- oi wwsed faeaB stoaspadattaAeaag' tkw Thrtstaw Besd tasrVsaT - Bronchitis. a. Throat. Nsrrona ind hutif Headache, Sixzinsea of the Head, Nearalgie ia 4u Tset,; I -itVT,.lw y mii -u a jsjtqe ereeae, wstce at aa-w-iw s .. ny-rnd iTttMrilT Uoi 1 .i .- -r. "... i swr,anAs ewaplete asd saairs satis ta th c raLAr 10CO - Caies 9t ?dn johtsztlrt4 has bsaBlapdrtsd toPaJCaiaraett aCd d8rimtyatlBav' last two years, wnica nave oeea eimifty..iwrce.r firs. Cav. Aubbcw . ... . . ... . r J. F. Tours r Brooklyn, T. v, arar I gaveWsa asy to.dsysauuwaAoasse4. ' 1 oatvsrBisT, ,oaxac s s. savai srisaa ths roeouand three week be hsd t .eetry kH health. Captain fossae ta ss rentjj years of ag. , . i I Svere Dea&ext-Cnrca.i.scr p Tae tWlowle; i a astrSet fre-s. ntRev lately). reeeUsd bma a distiagatahsd phyikisn ia ths Btste of Virginia : " AH. Cneuii; M. TtzWfSirr thw ef Bf fkBw; Bakaowa se, ebtainei yewy-c7Btsanaf Melt and ftekUm with th MaanttUFimi, tor a eerioas aTectioa of DXMsst Th ess was that at a lady whea Nsrveattsysteai WSsa' laaotdeewoUaad -far cenerSi bealthv aoosv. Jdaeh Mviooaly to the SppUcanon of the Bait; bat -vrnar very llViS ananasaMh weacinc tha BeU and usinc the Flaid. tajt e wrw aga, ahe aadhsri 1 has ENTIRELY RECOVERED UiiARi, awrwjrMaaitoMWia bSHsrtaaaabrasvSf r. . to- Xvarv esse of Desfssuhwif it bs NervOaa, ss .R gnSj hV OU bt eared by thk wonderful reoiedy ' a..- GALVANIC A Jbaef'vast eerviea essesj oi CaaiTuJsiesw aod is f aWTthif4' sad gestnsl atalissa sestiofsret fit I aal arwsatseaunea. .Also mPsUy Bad rr!- a, sad an -' 'aaiMaaJ Irr' a 'a&xeacv ear wovvar -Asaas Energy Ja ass InBhser othsr sesame tlsstodyf- j st .J-1 3i o PrtiJaai4E3rks.iidg Iai jfeTtb' twajUtf iwit.u rttesr' r - zaA 1 ff5wOal,njtafl iTi Orfraxae Jce!btJa a:C2i 6, . Tk, aiticles'sr sccoaipa 1 GalwajadttfracUaesw hT-i J"-"- , IV Ths srticles are aScoesn.l j t , H . u w