ft Livery Stable. THE 8briber- after retorning bis frmUfal thanks Pubtie, for the very 1rj"j generous .-triage, hitherto extended to him, wotikl roDtre hi. Establishment e He will keep constantly on hand, for Hire, HACKS, BUGGIES, IIAIIHESS r I ,A -" HORSES willbe boarded by Vd7 week, month t year, o thsJBOst moderate terms. Drovers will ind thai a central poaiion, andamsWtwW nt nn fnr effecting sales, and they ill .iw.vsnd ample accommodation for any mn- ber of Horses, however .,--,. The Subscriber has also effected ?VZVd aent by which he will be enabled U keep "Wnd old BuGG.ss.and Howf on moderate and accommodating tern This ft new feature in his business. , Th. Subscriber hope, that hi. friend, and the Public Will eonlinoe to give him a uial. It ia all that ha wks. JAMES M. HARRISS. Raleigh. September 88. 1849. 78-ly Steam Marble Works, Comer of North $ Monument Streets. BALTIMORE. Itld. ( SISSON Sl BAIRD having completed their ex tensive works, (which is now ewe of the largest sUofenmeBUi of the kind la this prep ared le fill all orders in thew line, vnv: MARBLB MANTLES, MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GBAVE STONES.TABLE TOPS. TILES, (for floors, MARBLE-LETTERS.dx.at as reasonable rate aa'can be had in thia or any other city in the Union. Fer beauty of execution and originality of design, their stock cannot he surpassed. They would repet fully inviieMreAtfecs. Builder. Cabinet Makers and others to call and examine before purchasing. They are also prepared to funish the trade '"With Slabs, Blocks, &c. to order. (jy AH order by mail punctually attended to. Sepi. 30. 18S1 3m79 TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS IN NORTH CAROLINA. HAVING made arrangements to leave the 8tate, at furthest by the first of December, aad having disposed of my interest to Isaac Procter, (my partner for the last eight years,) I take plea are in recommending him to those who have stood by me so long, as a gentleman every way worthy of their confideoee and support . .I look opon Mr Procter, without attempting to disparage others, and what I say now must be be lieved (being totally disconnected with him in busi ness) as being the very best cutter I ever saw. He will be assisted by Geo L. Gould, a pupil o mine, who has been catting all the Coats made up for our customers for the last fourteen months, and baa do superior in that department. I have left in the concern all the patterns I have of my customers scat, tered all over the State, and they may' rely upon being as faithfully served, having their clothes as well cut and made, and the quality of the matetialv just such as wou'.d be furnished, were ' The BUG,' present in "propria persona? I have laboured hard to build up a business in North Carolina, and desire that those who have patronised me should continue to uphold my late partner, particularly when assured by me, that they will be as well serv ed as they were under the administration of Oirrca & PaOCTER. THOMAS M. OLIVER. Rslfizb. October 23d. 1S5I. 86 Portis' Gold Mines FOR SA1M3. ON Saturday, the 20 h day of Dcember next, on the premises, I shall otfer for sale, by vir tue of a decree of the Court of Equity, entered iD the matter of Thomas J. Portis and other?, heifS at law of John Portis, deceased, the celebrated and tar famed Gold Mines, known as the PORTIS' MINES The said mines are situated in Franklin County about thirty miles from Halifax towu, tweuty ruils Jrom Warrenten, and eigbteeu from Loui0urg. .The tract of land contains about 1300 acres, lyiug immediatelr on Shocco creek, and for farming pur poses alone, is a valuable estate; but iu agricultu ral Tame is completely ccupseu uy its immense ti ble as a mine. There have been few imt a-iees. North Caroli na, where au estate of such vast magnitude has been ottered tor sa-e puouciy. These mines have been worked about 18 years and it is estimated thata milliou of dollars have been dug out of them- and there are parts of 'them now as rich as the sands of toe oucratnento. A large portion of the lands the very choice parts, were carefully reserved by too late p oprietor, which he always called hit -'rocket book? The value and richness of tbe-e rtserxei : re be yond all human calculations. An effort w .1 be made to divide the mining lands, so as to bring the lots withiu the limits of individual eutert rUe ve ry few men being able to purchase the whole estate. To the enterprising C;p ta ist here is a most in viting field even tne portions that have been work ed still abound with the precious ore, and those huge piles of rock and sand, by the ignorant thought valueless, under the control of scientific men, would held nnuumbered thousands, after paying the cost of machinery and labor. In many parts of the reserves it is beleived thru every cart-load of gravel will produce a penny weight of gold dust- The water to wash is close at hand, aud timber and fuel iu abundance ou the land. The dwel.iog house is large aud convenient also a large number of framed negro houses, almost new, together ith every necessary out house. This land U sold for division among the numerous heirs aud it raust go for what it will brirjg. A credit ol one, two and three years will be given and bonds bearing interest from the 1st ot'J.inuary next, wrlj secured, will be required of the purchaser, and poa session given on the 1st of January 1S52. Letter addressed to me at LouUburg will rtceive prompt attention THOMAS K. THOMAS, C. M. E. Louigburg, Oct. 23rd, 1851. 86 w3w The SiauJard will publish weekly 3 times, the Warrentoo News aud Petersburg Intelligencer 2 weeks, the National Intellige axr 4 liiucs weekly, and send Bills to me for paymeut, with a paper. T. K. T. Pianos, Pianos, Pianos, f 1HE undersigned has sold and put up in North I Carolina, within the past two years, upwards oTWO HUNDRED PIANOS and the con stautly increasing demand for them is the best evi dence of the quality of ray manufacture. All orders for Instruments roost be addressed to. KUHN'S Piano Manufactory No. 2 Liberty St. Baltimore. List of Price Pianos in beautiful Rosewood eases, built of the finest material, of the latest styles and improvements metallic plate and entire metallic frames, cost as follow s.- 6 Octave 200 to $300, 6 250 to 350, 7 " 3t)0 to 5500, . Grand Pianos from $500 to $1000. Oct. 3d 1851. 6m pd 80 TOOTH SOAP AND BRUSHES- FURTHER supply of Tooth Soap and su perior Teeth Brushes, for cale by P. r. PESCUD. November 13th, 135J 9 F OR -SALE! A very -good second handed riauo, cheap, t-all at F. MAHLER'S Opposite the R. and G. R Koad Office. Raleigh, Ost. 11, 1851. ' 82 Oils-Oils. A FURTHER supply of best Winter and Sum mer Lamp Oils, Patent pair.t Oils, Maclime Oil, Halad Oil, and all kinds of Easential Oils, Linseed Oil; also, Cat-tor Oil and Mpiiitsof Tu'peuiine. A resh supply just received by P. t. PESCUD. November 14, 1851. 93 reat Powders, S ilaratus, a nd Soda. J tie by PESCUD. 92 treah supply on hand and for si P F November !3h, 1S."1. N. PERRY. Sycamore SL, 3 doon tbote Bask, PETERSBURG, VA. TTTHE CHEAPEST and BE8T assortment la thiacity of CLOTH8.OASSlMERES.VE3 TlNGS Coats, Vest. Pants. Shirts, Gloves. Cra vats. Huspenders. Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Boya and Borvants Clothing, f-c J-e. 4c. GtntUtoettan invited ts call and examine our Slock, which eillat all timet be freely shown. September 8, 185a "3 tf. . Groceries Groceries WE have in Store and are now receiving the following Goods, which will be sold at the lewest rales : 50 Hhda. P. R and N O. Supra. 50 Hhda. and Bbls. Molasses. , Packages Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Refined 8agar. S73 Bags Java, Lsguira and Rio Coffee. 8J Pipes Cog. Brandy. 15i Caaks Mada.. Port and Sberr" Wiaa. 100 Bbls. Rectified Whiskey SO " D- Rectified do. SO " Old Mongahala do. 30 " Grape Brandy. Gin.N. E. Rom. 10 Pepper Mint Cordial and Cherry Brandy. 40 a Southampton Apple Brandy. 40 Baskets Chmpagne, Pints and Quarts. 150 Boxes Tallow Candles. 50 " Christalino de. 49 Adamantine do. 10 " Sup. Sperm de. CO " Pale Soap. 7S Crown da. 0 Family do 200 Gross Matches. 100 Reams Letter and Cap Paper. 200 - Wrapping paper. SO Tons Swedes, American and English Ires. 1050 Keg Cumberland and Rapid Fall Naila. 75 dox. Bed Cords. 100 Cotten and Hemp Lines. 10 Coils Manilla Rope. 500Ibe Shoe Thread. 5 J " t Chests Gun Powder, Young Hyson and Black Tea SO Bbbl Cider Vinegar, 100 Keg, Powder. 5 Tons Castings. 150 Bacs shot. 50 Bbbla. Mess and Prime Pork. 50001be. Western sides. 20 Bags Ginger, Pepper and Allspice. 150 fides Hemlock and Oak Tan Leather. 100 Boxes window Glass 8 X 10 and 10 X It. 20 J Bbbs.No. 1 Mackerell. 30 Bbbls. No 3 ditto. 10 Bbbls Copperas 10,000 Cifars. 6 dox Demijohns. Cases SadJIes, 10 dox Horse Collars. 12 Dos Blind BriJIes. 15 Ca.ks Brown Stout 5 Casks Ale. 40 Boxes Cheese, Blacking, Mace, Cloves, c dec. &x. BRITTON & TODD. Sycamore street, Petersburg, Vs. March 1851 w8m Stage Line to Raleigh. aTIHE Subscribers, Mail Contractors from Fay cLL. lteville to Ualeiuh will commence onerations this day, with new and c mfortable Coaches, rood horses, and careful Drivers. 1 he rare is MVfc. DOLLARS, the same as before. The Stage Houses are. in Fxyetteville, the Fayetieville Hotel, in Ra leigh, the Yarborough House; but passengers will be conveyed to such other Houses as they may select. The hours of departure will be, until further notice, at half, past 9 P- M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. M. tmm Ralriirh. driilv. T he subscribers hon. bT unremitted attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel. MURDOCK McKINNON, DAVID McNEILL: FayetteTille, July 1, 1851. 54 tf. DUY GOODS IX CHARLESTON, S. C. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. C. & E. L KERRISOX & CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS OF EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. A RE happy to inform their friends and custom- 5L er 'k' '"eJ re bow receiving by every ar rival from Europe additions to as complete a Stock of Staple aud rancy Dry tioods, as has ever been offered in their Market Good tioods nre furnished at low prices, and those who purchase in their City are invited to examine their styles, which will be fouud peculiarly adapted to the Southern Trade. Ladies Dress Goods and Domestic Fabrics, iu every variety; of Negro Cloths, Blankets and Plantation Dry Goods, a compleie as sortment Housekeeping Articles, in their line in every va riety, together with a full stock of Cassimeres, Vestings and Cloths, also Linens, which will be found free from any mixture of Cotton. All articles sold are guarantied to prove aa rep resented. Terms, Cash or City acceptance. C- fc E. L KERR1&ON dk CO. 209 North West Corner King Market Sts. Charleston, Sept. 1st. 1851 tf 71 ltegular L.iuc. gVJk. TI1K Cape Fear steamboat CVa rTi. Steamer Chatham will run regularly between Wilmington and Fayetievi lie, coromeii cing on Monday the 27ih instant, leaving Fay ettevi le every Monday and Thnrsday at 9 o'clock A. M. and aiming at Wilmington same evening, sjivme Passengers going North an opportunity to take the car next morning at 9 o'clock. And leave Wilmington on Tuesdays and Fridays, ai 2 o'rlcck P. M., riving assengers by the cars, which arrive at Wilmington at 1 o'clock daily, a.i opportunity to take the Boat to Fayetteviile The Steamer Gov. Graham, with the Tuw Boats belonging to the Line, will run in connex ion 9,i;h the Chatham, making one or more trips a week, as circumstances may require. Passengers and Freighters may rely upon the above araangment. It ia -hoped that the neces sary expenseeto by incurred be th arrangement will be rewarded by an increased patronage; otherwise a loss will probably be sustained by the Company, which will lead to a disaontiniance ef a regular line of running. JNO.D. WILLIAMS. Agenf. Cape Fear Steam Boat Ce. Fsyettville, Jan'v20. 1851. 9 tf STOVES! STOVES!! WE have now on hand a large aod varied as sortment of Air-tight, Church, Parlor, Office, and Cooking Stoves, to which we call attentiou. R.S THOMPSON & CO. Petersburg, A u trust 29th, 1851. 6m 70 HOIITH CAKOLHA iTIutual liife Insurance Corn y OFFICE RALEIGH, N. O THIS Company continues to insure the lives of all healthy W hite persons aod Slaves. The greatest risk taken ou a single life ia $5X00. Slaves are insured for a term of one to five years for Jds their value. OFFICES, a. Dr. Chas, F.. Johnson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Wm H. McKee, Examining Physician, J. Hersmau, General Agent. ATI losses are paid within 90 days after satisfac tory proof is presented. Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of oper ation of the Company, may be had on applications at the Office, or any of the Agencies. All letter on business should be addressed to JAMES F.JORDAN, Seeref ory. May 2d, 1S51. 36 SHIRTS! SHIRTS! I 64la LOZ Patent yoke seam Shirts just open O" ed. E, L. HARDING & CO. October 13th, l.'i I ei ' 1 ; aj p ... WesternrHoteL BTTJHI8 HOTEL, a abort distance Wot of the Uht Capitol Square, is opened for the eoevnmoda Uon of the Travllinc Community, and the Proprie tor would be moch pleased to- board gnntlemen by the week, month or year. Ha will dee his best efforts to please and render comfortable, all who may visit hint, sod he respectfully solids a share of public patronsge. His Stables will be attended to by an active and attentive Hostler. WM. T. BAIN. Raleigh. Feb. 4ih. U JAMES E. CTJTHBERT, (SUCCESSOR TO KERR 4 CCTHBERT,) Groer, Forwarding ind Commission Kerehant, BOLLINGBROOK STREET. PETERSBURG. REFERENCES : Thos. Bragg, Jr., Jtcktoti, N. C. L.F. Hicks, Esq. ? ptteTJurg. Messrs Kevan &. oro. Messrs. LD.f W. G Crenshaw. Richmond. Josiah Wills, Esq Norfolk. James George. Esq. Biltimore. Messrs. Monahan & Beers. Nrm York. fJTA8 constantly on hand : Bfl Prime Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugars Loaf, Crushed, Pulverised and Clarified Rio, Laguira and St. Domingo Coffees Black Pepper ia grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial aad Young Hyson Teaa Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles Brown, Pale and Variegated Soape Gunpowder, Shot and Bar Lead Blacking. Ink, Shoe Thread aad Wrapping Paper Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool and Ground Alum ait Prime Virginia and western cacon ana ier Nails, assorted, with flooring and Warehouse Regalia, Principe, aad Havanna Cigars; Together with a large stock of foreign and domes tic Liquors. Wines, J-c, which he offers at the lowest market rates. The strictest attention paid to receiving aad for warding goods. Petersburg, March o, IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES! o S . CRANE'S PATENT COMPOUND WASH MIXTURE OR, SOAP. For Wahwg Clothes Also, for Washing, Cleaning and Beautifying Painted Surface, the Walls, Ceilings and Entries ; the Halls. Parlors, and Rooms of Private and Public Buil dings ; the Fronts, Doors and Wwdom of Fancy Dwel lings ; The Peiet and Interior of Churches; Furniture ; the Berths, State Rnowis and Cabins of Steamships, Steam boats, and Packet-Ships ; Passenger Car. Brasses. Iron Railing, 0 Glau or Metallic Surfa ces, Ac, $c WARRANTED to give entire satisfaction, and destined to effect an entire revolution in the business of the lundres being an improved Preparation for Wacbing Clothes perfectly, with astonishing facility and dispatch, aud without in jury to texture or color. Every family, of what ever bite, can do all their washing in lees than one hour, without the labor of rubbing, pounding, bleaching or the friction of a machine, thus ssving tine, ex Dense and r4b,eatod securing exemption f from the diseases caused by the exposure snd fa tigue incident to the usual mode of Washing, while Clothing itself will be saved from the wear and tear of the wash-board aad friction, and last much lon ger. The undersigned having purchased from the Pat entee, the sole right aud interest for the State ol North Carolina, in his Patent Compound Wash Mixture, hereby iniorms the Public, that he wishes to depose of Family or County Rights for the living at a distance, wishing to procure the right to make and use this Valuable Preparation, can do so, by remitting FIVE DOLLARS to me, at Raleigh which amount will entitle them to a family right; which right shall be sent by mailim. mediatsl;, with the proper directions to make and use the same. I am in possession of a large num ber of certificates from Ladies and Gentlemen ol high standing, not ouly tn this State, but in Mary laud, Virginia andSuuth Carolina but, I deem it unnecessary to fill a long Advertisement wiih them, unless requested, as the article will speak for iuelf, and is so favorably known iu all the Northern and Sonthern Stales. I aim lo visit all parts of the State at as early a day as possible, to give the Public aa opportunity ol testing its value. JOHN J. CHRISTCPHER, is my authorised Agvnt for this City durint; my absence. WESLEY WHIT AKER, Jr., is the General Travelling Agent. Feeling satisfied by the use of this Mixture in my own Kamiiy, that it c-ionot fail to please all who try it, I invile all to call and see or send iu their or ders te J. J. RYALS. Raleigh. Sept. 3. 1851. 77 if Kp- Standard 'till forbid. MUSIC AND MUSICAL. lXSTRU- M E!f TS, Ac, Ac. TOE Subscriber is now opening an assortment of musical Merchandise more extended and better selected thau ever before offered in this State, and to which he invites the examination of a critical nublic. The Pianos which he is now receiving and opening for inspection, he knon$ to be superior lo any others to be found here ror tne same prices. Guitars. of fine Rosewood and other kinds of wood, with patent heads, from 10 to $40. VIOLINS, of all qualities aod prices from $1 to $75. Flutes from I key to six keys, various prises, Flutinaa, Accerdians, and Music Boxes. STRINGS. The best Italian, for Guitars, and Violin ; wire of all sixes for large and email Pianos, and Dulci- E dges and Hair for Bows, Clarienett reeds, Accor- aeon reeas ana nej i nning loras ana nammers, in short, every thing commonly sought (or in his line Hp wnnld caII nririilr atteation la his nrt. , - r - ment of patterns, , for Drawing and Painting; a Is to his stock of Gilt Frames, which he ia now receiving and prepared to rurnisn. K. W. FETER8ILIA. Juiyl6,185l. 57 BLACKING. TTUST RECEIVED, and will have constantly Sp on hand, a supply of that justly celebrated Blacking, made by Mr. A.J. Woodard, of Fayette viile. Call ai d get a box and you will constantly be pleased wiinit. L. B. WALKER. Sept. 18, 1851, 76 Coffee. 3(H) bags Rio and Laguayra Coffee. For sale by PEEBLES, WHITE, DAVIS 4 CO. Petersburg, Aug. 18ih. 1851. 67 To Cotton Planters. llNNY and Hemp Bagging, 44 inches wide. sale-rope aa4'twiae. ,v 150 pain Men and Boy's. Brogans. Women's leather Bootees, mtk a general assort ment of Shoes, ' ' ' Black and white Wool Hals, 75 Point and Duffle Blankets, Cradle Blankets. J. BROWN. No. 9, Fayetieville St., Raleigh, Oct., 6th, 18.11. 1 HENRY REIKI'S V A IK I E T IT STORE. I INFORM my friends aud customers, in gene ral, that 1 have received and am now receiving a large 8tock in my line of business consisting in part ef the following articles : 1 Hhd. finest P R- Sugar, 2 bbls do Clarified do 3 do do Crushed dof 2 do do Pulverised do - 1 box of finest Loaf d Java, Laguira, and Rio Coffee, 35 boxea Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Can: dies. 300 lbs. Dried Beef best quality. 3 dux. Beef tongues, 75 lbs Bologua tfausage, 3 boxes Pine apple Cheese, 3 tierces Molasses Sugar House and Sugar House Syrup, 4 boxes assorted bar Soaps, and Fancy Soaps of all kind-j. Rice. Spice, Ginger, Allspice, die-, A large case assorted Tiu ware, 4 dosen 8pades and Shovels, 2 cases shoes Ladies' Shoes, 1 doien fine Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, ALSO. 3 dozen Violins from 50 cents to $30, 3 do assorted Banjos, Tambourines, 3 do Guitars from flu to 30. 10,000 imported Segars; Regalia, Havana and Principe. CONFECTIONARY, 300 lbs Paper Shell Almonds, 150 lbs Palm Nuts, 100 lbs Filberts, 100 lbs English WalsaU, 3 dot boxes Sardines, Raisins, Figs. Currants, Citron, 3 dozeu jars Pickles assorted, Preserves of all kinds. Cordial, Wines, dec, dco. Together with a large number ef articles lee te dious to mention. August 1st. 1851. ly 63 Hurrah for Worth Carolina, Home Industry must Succeed I am now prepared to manufacture DOOR LOCKS with mineral Knobs, for 65 cents a piece, war- j anted ; also, LOCKS up to $150. Also, M ACHIIN EK x made lo order, and tie- cutting, new and old. Old file made as good as new. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, Sept. Jh 1851. ' FALL STOCK, 1851. THE attention of my friends and Deal ers, generally, is invited to my assortment of Foreign and Domestic Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs &c. which, ss retards quality and variety, is unsurpas sed by any house in North Carolina. My Slock bavmg been selected with) great care and purchaoed on the mo. I favorable terms from IniDorteraaud jylaiiulactarers, enables me to render satisfaction to all who ueed articles iu my line. I takr this occasion to aeain lender mv thanks for the very liberal support hu her to extended to me, and iy continued assiduity, and unremitted attention 1.. iha Binlnaf mv fiienda. I hone to eonlinua lo merit the favorable opinion so generally eutertained lor my Cstaonsnment. I rnntinua tn keen itnnnlv of the Purest Wines. and London Dock Brandy, bought expre-slv for Medicinal DurDoaos snd a larae assortment of the I , 7 coicrtt brands of Cigars booking and Chewing 1 obacco. P. F. PESCUD. Wholesalejand Retail Druggist. Raleigh, Oct. 20ib 1851. 85 City papers copy. ri r Xaao.ixxtaiupt2uQEiAa i no oione- Just received at the N.C. BOOKSTORE. Raleigh, 8ept 27th, 1851. 78 GRAM) LODGE OF NORTH CAROLINA THE Annual Communication of this Masonic Bonr will be holden in ibis City, on Monday erning the 1st of December next, ai 7 o'clock, and will continue its sittings Until all the business which my be brought before it shall be deposed of Offi cers of the respective Lodges sre requested toattenp n person, or cause proper delegates to be appointed, in pursuance with the Constitution and general re gulations of the Urand Lodge. WILLIAM T. BAIN, Grand Secretary. Ralei-h. Oct rth. 1851. 84 f y The Standard, Star and Spirit of the Age please copy. IrIR. WOLTERIIfG r) ESPECTFULLY announces to the Ladies o. ElMj Raleigh ai d surrounding country that she is now receiving herFALL and WINTER STOCK of FANCY GOODS, embracing China goods, fine iron-stone dinner-selts, tea-setts, and cupaand sau cers a fine as ever brought lo this Lily. Also. GROCERIES of etery description. MU SICAL INSTRUMENTS, c, which will be sold low for cah. Just received, a fresh supply of CONFEC- TIUIN AKIES. Thankful for past favors, she solicits a contin ajinceofthe same. WILHELMINA WOLTERING Raleigh, Sepl. 15th, 1851. y 75 Patent Wax Vestas. - 100, OOO Vax Vestas, For sale by H. D. TURNER, N. C. Book Store Raleigh, November 3rd, 181. 88 EXTRACTS OF DAMASK. HOSE, Do ao Vanilla, Do do Peach, Do do Nutmeg, For Flavoring Puddings, Sauce, Cake, Custards, Jellies, Ice Creams, etc For sale by II. D TURNER. Raleigh, Nov. 3rd, 1851. 88 E. L. HARDING & CO. W7QULD observe, that, as the season draws f f on, for Fall and Winter Clothing, ibey have anticipated the wants of the people, and would be pleased to how all who may favor him with a call, their assortment consisting of DRAB. BLACK, AND BLUE BEAVER CLOTH OVERCOATS AND SACKS. We would cull your attention particularly to the assortment or Overcoats as it embraces every de xirable and late style Our PANTS are excellent. Fastidious as well as men of fashion can here ind something to please them, let their tastes be as wa rious as our calls, and in fact, the only difficulty will be to choose from, rather than to find any particular style or colenr. Is the assortment of Vests you will find rich Cut Velvet, Meriuoaofall colours, Silk, light and dark Cassimere and Valencia, some of them really beautiful Our furnishing Department is complete and full, and we hardly deem it necessary for us to enume rate all the articlescomprlsed under that head. You will find however, a large assortment of 8hirts, Drawers, Gloves, Suspeuders, Cravats, H'd'k'ls, Socks, Cotton snd Merino, Call and examine our stock, we shall be glad to show our goods at all times, regardless ef trouble, sale or no sale. E. L. HARDING. Telegraph Building, Fayetteviile St. September 22nd, 1851. 77 Uy Standard Cfrpy. 1 FIKE ! Til E JET1 A INSURANCE C051PA larVf rf- Sir. tf v. DflVratO , - mmnm ..VI u , vvuu, " insure Buildings and Msfcftandixe, against losser damage by fire, at premium tp suit the times. t uis is oue o i ine oiaeaanaest insurance vuui- panics m the Uaited SUitmu aad Days its losses promptly. Applicstionsfor Insurance n Raleish. or its vi cinity ,to be madeto 8. W. WHITING, Agent. And fer Milton, N. C. and vicinity, ta N. J. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848 83 North Carolina Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY- 2T1HIS Company has been in successful opera il. tion for more than five years, aad continues to take risks upon all classes of property in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distil leries,) upon favourable terms. Its Policies now cover property amounting to $4,500,000, a large portion of which is in Country risks; aod, its pres ent cspital is nearly Six Hundrcdjhousand Dollars, ia bonds properly secured. The average cost of Insurance npea the plan of this company has beea less than one third er one per cent per annum, on all grades of property em braced in its operations. THE following persons have been elected Direc tors and Officers of this Company for the present year DIRECT0R8. Josish O Watson, Raleigh. . Richard 8mith, do ".T'; John Primrose, do Henry D. Turner, da J. G. U. Ronlhac, do 8. W. Whiting, do T. H. Ssby do Geo McVeili, Fayetteviile. Jos. G. Wri?ai, Wilmington. James E. Hoyi, Washington James Sloan, Greensboro'. John Cox, Edenton Josh. Boner, Salem. Joseph Pool, Elisabeth City. Michael Brown, Salisbury. Alex. Mitchell. Newborn. W. N. H. Smith, Murfreesboro H. B. Williams, Charlotte. John B. Barrett, Milton. A.T. Summy, Asheville. All Directors sre authorized to receive applications. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. Josiah O. Watson, President. J G. B. Rnulhac. Fice do Richard Smith, Treasurer. John C Partridge, Secretary. John H. Bryan. Attorney, J. Hersman, General Agent. 8. W. Whiting, Richard Smith, C Executive Committee, John Primrose, J All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secreiary. post paid- J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh. Sept 9, 1851. 73 Ladies' Dress Goods. BROCADE, Chameleon aud Satin DeChene Silks Piaia and Fig Black Silks, BrocadeSpuu do French DeLaoes and Cashmeres, French and English Merinos, A large lot of Muslin DeLaues, and Chameleon Alpacas, from 17$ cents per yard, up. Also, Embroidered L. C. H'd'k's, French worked Collars and Cuffs. Ribbons, Silk and Rid Gloves. Velvet Scarfs and Black Silk Lace, Genu' Cravats, Black and Colored. J ust received by EVANS A COOKE. August 29th. 1851. iV O. Su;;ir and Jlolasses. 30 hhda. low price N. O Sugar. 50 bbls. New Orleans Molasses. For sale by PEEBLES, WHITE, DA VI 3 d CO. Petersburg, Aug. 18th, 1851. 07 MUSIC AND PIANOS, JUST RECEIVED, at the North Car olina Music Store, 2,000 pieces ef new and elegant Music, among which may be found the songs of Miss Catherine Hayes, with correct litho graphs of the " Swan of Enu Also, the Bloomer Waltzrsand Polkas, with splendid colored vignet tes of the Bloomer; also, Pas.-ada. K W. PETERS ILIA. September 1. if 79 PRIME GREEX TEA JUST RECEIVED ALSO, II OAF, Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugar, H A Java, Laguira and Rio Coffee, Pepper, All spice. Ginger, Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace, Starch, Spauisli Iudigo, Bar Lead, Powder. Shot and Per. Cap?, Mason's Bluckiug, Shoe, Scrubbing, Horse, Crumb,Hearth, Tooth Nail and Hair Brushes, Cut Nails, Finishing and Com. Brads, Swedes Iron, Cast Steel, Cotton and Wool Cards, BelloWB. Br. ss and Cast And Irons, Shovels and Tongs, Hods' Fire Carriers, Painted and Brass Bound Buckets, Wire Seives, Shovels and Spades, Collins Axes, Augers. Saws, Files, Chissels, Cross Cut and Mill Saws, Broad Axes and Adxes, Frying Pans. Wafer aud Waffle Irons, Knob, P.d, Stotk. Till and Cupboard Locks, Hinges, Screws, Finishing Brads and Cut Tacks, Knives and Forks, Pen and Pocket Knives, SeUsors and Shesrs, Iron Squares, Trace and Log Chains, Wagon Boxes, Tin and Crockery Ware. For sale by J. BROWN. Oct. 14th. 1851. 83 A Little Better Yet! Call and examiue for yourselves ! 'JjH E Subscriber has just received direct from the H North a supply of the best quality of curled hair- which will enable him to manufacture a su perior quslily of Hair Mattresses. He would respectfully inform the Public that he can furnish them with the best articles rn his line, as cheap as they can be bought for in New lark. Persona from the neighboring villages and counties, who have heretofore sent North, can provide them selves with as good an article ol work, and at aalow a price, by sending their orders to me. Also, constantly on hand, the much improved SHUCK and COTTON MATTRESSES and at the lowest prices Alra, 8ofaa, Lounges and Easy Chairs manufactured in various styles. Also, re pairing and renovating old Hair Mattresses, dc, done ai the shortest notice. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. Ware Room on Fayetteviile St., two doors above the YARB HOUGH House, J. HEARY HARRISS, Upholsterer snd Mattress Maker, Raleigh, Oct 21, 1351. 85 TURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALU A AC, FOR 1852. For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, by HENRY D. TURNER, N. C. Book-Store. Raleigh, Oct. 25ih, 1851. 67 TOOTH Ache Cured By Wheeler's Tea Berry Tooth Wash. For sale by HENRY D.TURNER. October 18th, 1851. S4 Notice IS hereby given, that the annual meetng of the Stockholders of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, will take place on the second Thursday (13th) of Nov ember next. JAMES 8. GREEN Secretary. Oct. 23. 1851. td 86 O LD English Pine Apple and Goshen Cheese, rorsaio afc i u jn..K B. Patent Medicines. Consumption Cured DAILY BY DR. HASTINGS' Compound Syrup of Naplitlm. The Medical Faculty, as well as the public, sre struck with wonder at the numerous cures made dsily by this extrsordinary medicine, aud it u tow ac knowledges bv msny of our mot eminent physt eians to be a certain and speedy cure for tubercular consumption, in its worst stages It has been re commended by that eminent physician, Dr. Molt, and is constantly used in the Marine Hospital at Savannah. Gs., bv Dr. Arnoldthe senior physician of the hospital The London Lancet, London Medi cal Journal, Pralthwaite's Retrospect, and all other of the London Medical Journals, have spoken in praise many times of the surprising effects of P DR. HASTINGS' PREPARATION. It has been thoroughly tried, not only in the Hos pital under the charge tfDr Hastings, in London, but also by all the first physicians of England, and all have fully endorsed it as an unrivalled remedy in Consumption, and all other diseases of the lungs. The following are a few of the opinions expressed by ihe Medical Faculty pf England. Br. William son, of Manchester, thus writes : 'UNDER ITS INFLUENCE I have seen the emaciated being, on whose brow death had seemed to have set his seal, acquire invi goration and strength and exchange his early mornings of intense suffering snd distressing cough for tile sound repose which alone accompanies sound health." DR. WARE. OF LIVERPOOL, 8sys i " I regard Hastings' Syrup or Naptha as one of the first medical discoveries of any age, and con sider its agency in curing consumption as estaSlish ed beyond sll doubt or question." A single bottle will prove its efficacy. All the pro prietor asks is'the trial ef one bottle, the action of which will prove to the patient the virtue of this medicine. (Vmcrha. -lda. bronchitis, decline, asthma, nicht sweats, and spitting of blood, are cured in a sur prisingly short space of time ; the severest colds having yielded lo the treatment of the Naphtha Syrup in the short spsce of forty-eight hours- To enumerate all the cures performed by this medicine would occupy a volume, the accompanying hav ing been selected by the American agent from a msss of certificates which have been received by him. MAGNIN'S LUOINA CORDIAL OR THE ELIXIR OF LOVE. This is the only actusl remedy ever discovered for Im potency. General Debility Nocturnal Emis sions, and all diseases occasioned by certain secret habits snd majiy of the nostrums recently recom mended for the same complaints are worthless im itations which its unrivalled excellence, fame, and popularity have brought into the market. The medical faculty of Europe, and the United Slates are unanimous in their recommendations of the Lucins Cordial, and have not given their sanction in a single instance thsl has been sulheniicaied, to any other compound for the same purposes. The na ture of the maladies relieved by the Lucina Cor dial are generally such as te leave the publication of certificates of cores out of the question, or the proprietor could produce s host of the most conclu sive testimony lo show that the great reputation which it enjoys was not accidentally obtained, but is firmly based upon its positive, and apparently mir aculous virtues. In alt directions are to be found the happy parents of healthy offspring, wfaav would not have been so, but for this extraordinary prepara tion. A nd it is euqally potent in th many diseases for which it is recommeuded. Objection has' "been naturally made to Ihe priceof the Lucina Cordial ; because the trash that has been thrown into the market in opposition lo it, is sold cheaper ; but ihe fact ia lhat the cordial cannot be afforded less, and ought to be much dearer, as many of the ingredients wliich compose it are among the costliest things in naiure ; whereas the others sre made up of cheap drugs worth but little in money, and less in merit; and it is a' fact, lhat at least one of the getters up of these same mixtures, makes it a point to add one bottle of the Lucina Cordial to a given numbtrof gallons of his compound, so as to gie it some little tone and virtue and thus solace his conscience. DR. LE ROY'S SAR SAPARILLA & WILD CHERRY PILLS- The universal celebrity which this medicin as gained in every section of the country, and the many astonishing cures it hss effected, have established its efficacy beyond all doubl ; as a general family medi cine it hss no rival. In all cases of Indigestion, Bil lious Fevers, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache. Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Piles, Colic. Worms. Disease of the Heart, and all affections of ihe stomach, an.l bowels, LE ROY'S PILLS will be found a never-failing remedy. To insure the full benefit of these celebrated Pills, they should be kept in the bouse, so thst upon the first commencement of sickness they msy be at once resorted to. One dose then is better than a doxen after the disease has become established in the sys tenr. Le Roy's Pills sre purely vegetable, and so inno cent that the infant of a month old may use them if medicine is required, not Only with safely, bi mith a certainly of receiving ail the benefit medicine is capable of imparting. Females may use them dur ing all ihe critical periods of their lives. Le Roy's Pills will insure their health, and produce regulari ty in all the functions of life. Price 25 cents per box. MITCHEL'S EYE-SALVE. The following certificate from Dr. Joslyn, of the regular practice, will satisfy every liberal-minded individual that Mitchell's Eye-Salve is no quack preparation, but is entitled as well to the confidence of the Faculty as all others, who may have occasion to avail themselves of its benefiis : Psaar, August 10, 1845. D. Mitchell Dear Sir: The first time I saw your Eye-Salve was at W. J. Chapin's, where It came as I was informed, on your recommendation, for the cure of his little dsughter's eyes. I had little confidence in it, as I have in most of the pa tent medicines. But ss the most popular modes of treatment and special remedies had utterly failed to benefit the little sufferer, I consented to its use. sup posing that if it did no good, it would do no hurt It was a case of severe Scrofulous Ophthalmy of both eyes. The eye-balls snd lids were all very much inflamed Your Eye-Salve was used. Im mediately it acted like a charm. In a few days a perfect cure was effected. This was sometime last winter. Since that I have used your Salve a great many times with the happiest results. In ray hands it has speedily cured recent inflammation of the eyes, and also that which had resisted all treatment from one to five year. My present opinion is, that as to convenience, time, safety and certainty, it ve ry far surpasses all the Salve and Eye Washes of which I have any knowledge. Respectfully, z. w. joslin, m; d The above Medicinesare for sale in this City, by P. F. PESCUD, and Messrs. WILLIAMS, HAY W OOD & CO. Druggists ; and in Louisbure. by J. BROWN. 3 All orders to New York must be addressed te G. W. Burr & Brother, 154 Greenwich 8t., who are the Southern and Western Agents, January 19th, 1850 6 1 $300 REWARD. SCAPED from the Jail of Kershaw District, S. C, on Monday the 14th riav of JnW u.t Samuel J. Love, who was convicted for the murder of Robert J. Lester, at Spring Term, 1851. Said Love is about 20 to 21 years ef age, 6 feet two in ches hih, with rather dark hair, and of a sallow complexion, has a down cast look, with dark grey eyes, and some of his teeth a little decayed, and is a carpenter by trade. I will give the above reward to any person who will apprehend the said S.J. Love, and lodge him in any Jail in this State, or one hundred and fifty dollars for his safe confinement in, any Jail in the United States, so that I can get him JOHN INGRAM, Sheriff. Remhaw District, 8 C, Aug 16, '51. 6m68 Sugar Cured Bacon. SO bbls. Sugar cared Shoulders. For aaleby PEEBLES, WHITE, DAVIS k CO. Petersburg, An t. 18th, 1851. 67 CHAMPAGNE. 60 BASKETS Champagne, various brands. For sale by PEEBLES, WHITE, DAVIS & CO. Aug. 18th, 1851. 67 Afctie, Bilious, Tvphna vew-Dysenter j and TiC .a,! e In the commencement, it i8 0f abso l,a. In view of a ensoul, .k-. . ""Jleimn taken at once because the humor. wf P-C disease ofthl. class, are .Iway. 0, lb pr0li( poisonous quality, and no safe, v to maW? any poriion remains, in. ihe i,owea ,8I h,i CI 1.1 .L. i! . i "eis nr .1 "la Should the first dose not cure J. ' 11,6 0 reiterate that dose. Should the e,-?0t alarniil k ru"i"i u uuur, unnatural color A e er using four or six pills twice a day, 'tak . t8i( spoonful of powdered charcoal, fn w als- while these symptoms continue Lp7' d, light and of easy digestion, as arrow roiu dmg, Ind.an meal gruel; also, sheep' h pj rice snd a piece of cinnamon boiled j t "ilk hesd broth. Sheep's head makes the il ' CC be boiled until the bonea are clean i die,ifk first dose f pills cures when timely UfeH ! fule. the three or four do.es may necessary cases in which it takes weeks to cure k bere to not occur once in a thousand times i S d. no medicine or plan of treatment is he ,. any e0L above recommended, or will SOoner cor' n 'i as the irritating matters are removed J? 80 x w wui, iiiu nov oeiore. Anodvnei.Bj til have ""oavnesand a deleterious effect; becauWithey "'""iSmt, tion of lhat death principle which .i Cai" tit lterv. diarrhva .hnU. .. ,l0He t.. retention ,. - . , "II Othe. j- " according to lis excess over the prinrinU Brandreth's Pills are opposed to th. f,if- K fire, or as heat is to cold ; and when ihe, ' "U into s man, they go to work boldly ,0dr ult principle fr-m the body, and all if,ev C9e,thi8daik there be work fer fifty doses, one dose 1 b il expected to do the work of fifty, a Ust not k should always be kept in mind. tfik - r -sukmj mease t. ides thst Ibev are toe weak l... n itkn. i,ei net me patients frighten themelp, .... " "car m.k but bear in mind lhat these mildly 0M! purf'l Dr. Brsndreth put not weakness hTltP'""i but draws weakness eut.leavin W . ww tog siren ok - "wt, ana rives comDosins- iln i . "'U dI to reUsh any food. ' ' "' m " .pw THEBRANDRETHPIIL8 Are composed wholly of medicinal herb. , , contain sny mineral er chemical substanr B,t fectly harmless to the most tender see r,?,N frame t and nevertheless sure to Kirch oi me sicsness aaa produce a CUR wh Bit ties sufficient. The Brsndreth Pills sre sold at M . by VILL. PECK & SON, Raleigh 2' k' a pent in everv imn ;n n;. ,:. u DT dim ., , ,uc vuiiea eutes unj - . most every city throughout the world T " "J" careful where they buy or they will ohJ terfeit. Buy only of men whose X know to be above so mean sn action Jt" false for the true Brandreth's Pillg. Ob,"1 signatures of Dr. Brandreth on each box M August 22, 1849. Entered according to Act of ConcrTTrTT: 1851, by J. s. HOUGHTON d 'W the Clerk's Office of the DUtriot Court for the Eastern District of Penn sylvania. GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSLH Another Scientific Wonder DR. J. S. HOUGHTON'S ' THE TRUE OR GASTRIC JUICE THIS is a GREAT NATURAL REMEDY for INDIGESTION, and DYSPEPSIA, curing after Nature's own Method; by Nature's own Agent, ihe Gastric J nice. PEPSIN is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice tkt Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving sod Stimulating Agent of the Stomach and Intestines. It is extracted from the Digestive Stomach ol ths Ox. thus forming an ARTIFICAL DIGESTIVE FLUID, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice, is its Chemical powers, and furnishing a COM. PLETE and PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for it. By the aid of this preparation, the pains andetili of INDIGESTION aud DYSPEPSIA are remoYed just as tbey would be by a healthy Stomach. It il doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases of DE B1LITY, EMACIATION, NERVOUS DE CLINE and DYSPEPTIC CONSUMPTION, supposed to be on the verge of the grave. Th Scientific Evidence upon which it is based, i ia the highest degree CURIOUS aud REMARKA BLE. Bakon LIEEIG, in his celebrated work on Ani mal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial Digesiivd Fluid, analogous to the Gaslric Juice, may be pre? pared from the mucus membrane of the Oi, in which various articles of f.od, as meat and eg!, will be softened, changed, and digested, just in the saiu manner as they would b; in the human stomach" Half a tesspoonful of pure Pepsin, infused in ter. will digest or dissolve Fife Pounds of Bm Beef in about two hours out of the stomach. DR. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN is sold by new ly aN the dealers in fine drugs and popular medicinn throughout the United States It is prepared ia Powder, and in Fluid form and In Prescription Vials for the use of Physicians. PRIVATE CIRCULARS, for the use of Phy sicians, may be obtained of his agents, describig the whole process of preparation, and giving tb ihorities upon which the claims ot this new retnwj are based. As it is not a secret remedy, no objec tion can be raised against its use by Physiciw a respectable standing and regular practice. Pnw ONE DOLLAR per bottle. 4 PEPSIN IHT POWDER K7- SENT BY MAIL, FREE OF POiTAGb. For convenience of sending to all prti0ulf country, the DIGESTIVE MATTER Cf TBI PEPSIN, is put up in the form of Powder, with di rections to be dissolved in water by the patient -These Powders contain just the same matter is IW bottles and will be sent by mail, FREE OF POS TAGE, for ONE DOLLAR sent (post paid) to 1". J S. HOUGHTON, M. D-. Philadelphia, Pa. CP-OBSERVE THIS! Every bottle of tbegti nine PEPSIN bears the written signature of J. HOUGHTON, M. D , proprietor, Ph'14':"; E-Soldby all Druggists and Dealers id M??PT For sale wholesale and retail by WILUAMJ HAYWOOD $ CO.. andDruaiurDer,,J' u North Carolina. t3 June 30th, 1S51. M HATS! HATS!! H Kaleigh. August 29th, 1851. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. Partners and Successors to a. TUCXER & S0H. No. 6 and 8.. FayetteTille Street, Tfuefii rtiinhlp lint. AT this Establishment will be found '"' one of the best assortments of i the City . j.f The stock is entirely new and is ccjaprisea Fashionable Moleskin and Be Of the manufacture of W. F. Wrburton 9 H. Beebe Co. , . i;. ud Fine Felt, Sporting, Brush, Soabre, Angola 8eal Drab Hate! . nr6Slini Army, Navy, and Riding Travelling, Opera Caps ! . , maintain TheutnVest efforts will he ".Lhment for the merchandise ot this b'f ",1 rank of superiority and relative hcaf f' d pr( has hitherto commended it to the approval a r...... r ...il.m.ii of taste Herrins and Mackerel. 600 bbls. No, i cut Herrings. 150 do No. 3 Mackerel. 50 half bbls. Nos. 1 and 2 de. F pEEBLyES, WHITE, DAYI3 Petersburg, Aug. 14ih, 1851.

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