- (Ik Car OOTJQHS, COLDS, HOASSEUESS, BROWCIIlTtS, WHOOPIUQ-OOUOH, CROUP, ASTHMA and CONS TJIffPTI OCT This remedy is offered to tb community with the coofideaee we feel in article which etdm tails to Tealixe the happiest effect that can be de-ired So wide fe tbe field of its useful new and so numerous the cases of in cure, that alramt every section of tke couniry sbounds in persona publicly kuown. who have been restored from alarming and level desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use- W hen oace tried.ifs superiority over every olhrr medicine of ii kind, is too nppareut to escp observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no long er hesitate "tat antidote to employ for the distres sing and dweroo8 affections of the pulaonaiy or gans, which are incident to ocr climate. And not only iB the formidable attack upon tbe long but f r the milder varieties of Colds, Coughs. Hoakss hbss, Ac, and for Child nr. it is die plaasanteat and safest medicine that can be obtained. Wo faai ily should be without it, and those who htve nsed Mt, never will , Read the opinion of the followiug GeuHime.i, who will be recognised iu the Tnrious sectKn t" country where tliey are locate-J each and all, merchants of the first class and of the highest char acteras the oldest and most exiensiva Wholesale Dealers in Medicine, with an experience no limited on the ubject,of which they speak. Ir there, is any value in the judgim nl experience. THIS CERTIFICATE. We tho undersigned. Wholesale Draggiss, been for long acquainted with Oyer's Cfcerr, Peaoral, mereby certify our belief that it is thebcU and mast effea u,l remedy for Pulmonaif Complaints ectr offrsd to th: American People. And we would from r -edge of ils composition, and extmstpe usefulness, cor dialh i commend it to the afflicted as worthy the best confidenoo,andwUh ike firm conviction tkat U will do jot their relief all that medicine can do. Hensaaw, Edmonds d Co., Boston, Mas, Reese f Ooolson, Baltimore. Maryland. Ladd and Irigranam, Baugor, Mam. llaviland, Harrali and Co , Charleston, S. C Jacob S-Ferrand, Detroit Michigan. T. H. McAllister, Lisville, Kentucky. Franriaand Walton, St. Louis, Missouri Joseph Tocker. Mobile. Alab una Theodore A. Peck. Burlington, Vermont. Havilaud. Risley and Co , August. Georgia. Isaac O Jamas, Trent n, New Jersey. J . M Towtiaend, Pittsburg, Peun Clark and Co Chicago, Illinois. E. E Gy, Burlington, low M. A. Santos and Son, Norfolk, Virginia. Edward Bringhorst, Wilmington, Deb-ware. John Gilbeit ant Co., Philadelphia, rV. Z D. and W. H. Oilman, Washington, D. C. t J Wright and Co., iVew Orleans, Lai Watson, Wall and Co, Fort W syne Indians. C C. Richmond and Co San Francico, Ual. Lewis and Ames,Tllabss, Florida. B. R. Strang. Kooxville, Tennessee. Cbilten and Dner, Lhtie Rock, Ark Stiller, Sladeand Co , Lexington, Miss. F- D. Labadie, Galveston, Texas. Chas Dyer, J r.. Providence, K. I. J oa. Tamer. Savannah- Ga. Wade, Eckstein, and Co., Cincinnati, Ohio . ,.. In Foreign Gonntrlesc . J. G. Coffin and Co, Valparaiso, Chili. F. M. Dimond and Co., Vera Op-, Mexico. Fred Rivas and Co., Bootn . New tirenada. . -S. Provost and Co., Limn, Pern. Morton and Co., Halifax, Nora Scotia, T. Walker and Son. St. Johns," New Brunswick. C G. Salinas and Co., Rio Janeiro, Brazil. With such assaraoee, and from such men, no st-oneer proof can be adduced, except that found in its effects npon tial. Prepxred and sold by. r. tfJAMESC. AYER. Practical Chemist, Lowell, Masr. For sale wholesale and retail by WILLIAMS rf YWOOD &. CO., and Druggists Bjcaerally in North Carotin. tfo-.mber!31 8 3- Livery Stable. rfflHE Subecribr after returning his gratefu 11 rt.ank in th Public, for tbe erj lilieral and generon palroDage, hitlierto extended to him, would respectfully gie notice tbat b conunues to prose cute hU lute of business, iu all its branches, with prompineaaaiid efficiency Hia SiaMes are Clean and comrmaJion, and bis Ostlers experienced and at tentive ; ajtrdeed n pains or expense nae been or shall be rpared to render sMMfaclia to all who pal rowix bis Establishment. He will keep eooan1y on hand, for hire, HACKS, BUGGIES, HARNESS Ann HORSED willba boarded by tbe day week, mxnih er tesr, on ibe most Mderata terms. Drovers will find Ifiir aceatrsl piia. and a most conve ten I one for effecting sales, and the) wnl atwevs find ample rcoeaaiedation for any num ber nl Howes, boweeer large. The Subscriber has also effected a new arrange ment by which he will be enabled to keep new and old BcM, and HoasES,r sale, orjor exenang, on. moderate and accommoaauog cerms. This is a new feature in his business. The Subscriber hopes that hi Iriends p. .i.i win fnniinii to aive hixn a trial. and the It is all th'lhe'k"- JAME8 M. HARRIS8. Raleigh. September SH, 1849. 78 - ly Steam Marble Works, Comer o f North Monument Streets B1LT1UOIIE, IId. SISSO?! i. U A IRD having eomple-ed their ex leusire work, (which is nw one of ibe largest eeUbliehmeots of the kind in ibiecountryjare ptep arwdto M all eiders in tnr lion, six : 0RULt MANTLES, MONUMENTS, TOMBS. GHAVE STONEtf.TABLE TOPS. TILES, (for flos MARBLE-LETTERS, Ac. at as reasonable rates acan bebnd in this or any other city in lb Union. For beauty of execution and originality f deaigti, their at. kcannothesot passed. They would respetU fulry:iiwttltiee. Bioildan, Cabinet MaJcers and others to call and examine before purchasing. Tbey am aWo prepared to fnnuh the uade with Slaba, eincka, iac In order. AH order by mail pnnctuaHy attended in. 8ept. 30. 1851 Sn 19. Pianos, Pianos, Pianos. T HE nndersianed has sold and put nn in North Carolina, within the past two years, upward ofTWO HUNDRED PIANOS sad the con stantly increasing demand for them U the best evi dence of the quality of my manufacture. All orders for InstrameuU must be sddmsed to. KUHN'S Piana Ma factory No. 2 Liberty St. Baltimore. Llt of Prices Pianos in beautiful Knwwood cases, built of the finest material, of tbe latest style aad improvements metallic plate and entire metallic frames, eut a follows: . S Octave 206 to 300, " 250 to 1350. 7 3110 to 1500, Grand Pianos from 500 to $1000. Oct. M 1851 0'" pdSO TOOTH SOAP AND BRUSHES- A FURTHER snpply of Tenth Snap nod su perior Teeth Brushes, for sal by P. F. PESCUD. November 13th, 1S5I 9S Y cast Powder. 8 arstns snd 8oJa A fresh supply on baud and for sale by P F PESCCD. November 13tb. 1561. 93 o LD English Pin Apple and Goshen Cbcest, carnai as lutttCKi. lib in'n Fragrant Extract For the i nandtarcbiel AUo. "w Honey Semis, for ehtped hand. rorMl by - H. D TUHMF.R. oTmW-,h. 1831. 93 Sycamore St., Tiflort'rtoTp Bank, nnHE CHEAPI fl thtseiry of CI TINGS Costs, T CHEAPEST and BEST assortment in CLOTHS. I JASSI M ERES. V I5- Tesie. Pams. ShirU, Gloves, Crs- rTurpetiders; HsndxerchU-f. TTmbrella, Bnjs arn) Berawts Cloftilng. c. de e. Gentlemen are OritVd to call and examine our Sloclt, tehich'tria at all Ijihes be freely ahown. eeptemDer 8, 1 83a. 73 if. Groceries Groceries ! WE bave in Stors and are now receiving the followiug Goud. nbkh will b sold at the I owe l rales : 50 -Hhda. P. R and N O Sugars. 60 HUds. and BbU. Ma4se. Packacea Lovif, Cruabed, Powdetwd and Refined Sugars A'i Bags Java, Lagnva and Rie Coffee. ' 8t Pipea Cor. Brandy li Casks Mads.. Port aud Sharr- Wia. IQ0 Bbls. Rectified Wbjakey ?0 0 30 10 40 40 150 SO 49 10 CO 75 SO 210 100 2M SO 1050 75 ie D. Rectified do. Old Mongahal do. " Grape Brandy, Gin. N. E Rom. Pepper Mint Cordial and Cherry Brandy. ' " Soutbamyton Apple Brandy. Bnkets Cbmpegne, PinU and Quarts. Boxes Tallow Candles. Chridtslinn ' dw. Adamantine do. Sup. Sperm do. Pale Soap. f Urown d " Family do. Groe Matches. Reams Letter and Cap Paper. Wrapping paper. Tons Swede.' American sod English Iron. Kegs Cumberland and Rapid Fali NU. dox. Bed Cords. 100 CoUen and Bep Lines. Coils Manilla Rope. 5001us Shoe Thread. Iff Cheats Gun Powder. Young Hyson snd Black Tea 5 20 5 50 Bbbls CTider Vinegar, 100 Kegs Powder. Tons Castings. l&O Bas shot. Bbbla. Mess sod Eime Pork. 50001b. Westtm sides. 20 Bsgs Ginger, Pepper and Allspice. 150 Sides Hemlock and Oak Tan Leather. 100 Boxes window Glass 8 X 10 and 10 X IS. SO) Bbbs No. 1 Mackerell. 30 Bbbla. No 3 ditto. 10 Bbbla. Copperas 10,000 Cigar. 6 dox Demijohns. Cases Saddles, 10 dox Horse Collars. 13 Dox Blind Bridies, lft Cak Brown Stont 5 Casks Ale. 40 Boxes Chewe, Blacking, Mace, Cloves, 4C dtc. &.C. BRITTON &. TODD. Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va. March 1851 w8m Stage Line to Raleigh. arpHE Subscribers, Mail Contractors from Fay au etteville to Raleigh, will commence operations this day, with new and c mfortable Coaches, rood horses, and careful Drivers. The fare is FIVE DOLLARS, the same as before. The Stags Houses ire, in Fayetteville, the Fajetterille Hotel, in Rs leigh. th Yarberoagh House; bnt passengers will be conveyed to anch other Houses as they may select. The hour of departure will be, until further notice, .t half. past 9 P M.from FayetteviHe, and at 2 P. M. from Raleigh, daily. The subscribers hope, by unremitted attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel. MURDOCK MrKINNON, DAVID McNEILL: Fayetteville. July 1. 1851. 54 tf. DUY GOODS IN CHARLESTON, S. C. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. C & E. L KERKIS0X k CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS OF EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. ARE happy to inform tbeir friends and custom ers that they are now receiving by every ar rival from Europe additions to as complete a Stock of Staple and F tncy Dry Goods, as has ever been offered in tbeir Market Good tioods iire furnished st low prices, and those who purchase in their City are invited to examine their styles, which will be found peculiarly adapted to the Southern Tmde. Ladies Dress Goods sad Domestic Fabrics, in every variety; of Negro Cloths, Blankets and Plantation Dry Uoods, a comp!e;e as sortment. Housekeeping Articles, in their line in every va riety, together with a' full stock of Cassimeres. Vest intra and Cloths, also Linens, which wilt be fonnd free from any mixture of Cotton. All articles sold arejgusa-antied to prove as rep- Terms, Cash or CUycoeflUDoe. 4i E. L KBRRhSON & CO. 300 North West Corner King & Market Sts. Charleston, Sept. 1st. 1651 tf 71 STOVES! STOVES'! WE have now on hand a large aud varied as ortment of Jiir-tight, Church, Parlor, Office, and Cootfing Stoves, to which we call attention. R.S THOMPSON & CO. Potershurr. Anmst 29lh. 1HS1. m 70 Candies, 4 large lot of my own manufactory both plain 4T and fancy. Wholesale price, rtrTttx cists. Ileilyou WALKER S tbe place. Come and try ma. L B WALKER. Nov. 17tb, 1351. 93 City p ers cop all. E. L HARDING & CO. OULD observe, that, aa the season draws on, for Fall and Winter Clothinc. the have auticipated the want of the people. and would be pleased to -bow all who may favor him with a call, their assortment con sidling of DRAB. BLACK, AND BLUE BEAVER CLOTH OVERCOATS AND S ACES. We would call year attention particularly to the assortment of Overooats as it embrace every de irable and 1st style Our PANTS are excellent Fastidious as well as men of fbioo can here fjid semclhiug to please them, let their tastes be as va rious as onr Calls, aud in fact, the ouiy dif&calty will be to choose from. rather than to find any particnlar style or col onr. In the aasoitment of Vests you will Sud rich Cnt Velvet, Meriuos of nil colours. Silk, light and dark Caasimere and Valencia, some of them really beautiful. Our furnishing Department is complete snd full, and wo hardly deem it necessary for" us ta enume rate all tbe articles com prised under that bead. Yon will find however, a large assortment of Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Suspenders, Cravats, H'dVa, Socks, Coiton and Merino, Call aud examine oar stock, we shall be glad I how onr goods at all times, regard leas f troQble, sal or no sale. E. L. HARDING. Telegraph Building , Fayetteville St. September 28od, 1851. 77 Q" Standard awy. MRS. 1TOLTlRIvG WT ESPECTFULLYaiMMances letha Ladies o. Raleigh aid surrounding country thai she is now receiving ber FALL aad WINTER STOCK of FANCY GOODS, unbracing L'biaa good, fine iron-stone dinner-setts, lea-setts, and cop and ao eeia as fine as ever hranght e Um City . Also. GROCERIES of very deteription. MO glCAL INSTRUMENTS, wc., which will be sold uwlorcasw. J art receded, t freak supply of CONFEC TION ARIES. TbasUtfol for pal favor, she solicits a eentin- w nesnfth aaana. WILIIELMINA Raleigh, Sept. 1Mb, 151. WOLT1RINO -y (Westernpotel,, OrBBlitS HOTEL, a abmt distance West of the Jim rpitnl Sqwarv, is opened for the ace-xnmoda. tied af ibe Travolliajt Community, and the Proprie tor would be much pleased to lard lontlenwHi by the week, month or year. He will oswhis beet aff" tp please and render comfortable, all who may eiaii him. and he respectfully solicts a share, of public pstionsge His 8uhles willba attended to by an active snd attentive Hostler. WM. T. BAIN. Raleigh. Feb. 4ib. 11 JAMES E. CUTHBERT, (SUCCESXK TO tm k CCTHBEM.) firoer, PorwardiBif iM Commfsxion Kerehint, 60LUN68RO0K STREET.- PEtER'BPRC. REFERENCES : Ths. Brfff, Jr . Jacksm, N. C. L. F. HIckaf Baa; . . 1 PctJnrg. Messrs. Kevan &. Bro. S ... Messrs, L. D.d- W. G- Crenshaw. Richmond. Josiah Wills, Esq Norfolk. James George. Esq. Baltimore. Messrs. Mooahan Beers. Ntw Tori. AS constantly on band : Prime Porto Rico and New Orleaas Sagar Loaf, ( ' Crushed. Pulverised and Clarified Hio, Lrftunira ana at. uobujo ounces Black Pepper ia grain and ground, and Allspice Race Ginger in Bags, and Ground in Boxes Gunpowder, Imperial and Young Hyson Teas Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm Candles Brown. Pale and Variegated Soaps Gunpowder, Shot aad Bar Lead Blacking, Ink, Shoe Thread and Wrapping Paper Good and Damaged Sole and Upper Leather Liverpool aad Gronnd Alatn Salt Prime Virginia and Western Bacon sad Lard Nails, sssorted, with flooring and Warehwsa Regalia, Principe, and Hsvaana Cigars; Together with a large stock of foreign and domes tic Liquors. Wines, J-., which ho offers at the lowest market rates. The atrictest attention paid to receiving and for warding goods. Petersburg, March 5, 1 IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES! S. CKANE'S PATENT COAirOUND WASH MIXTURE OR, SOAP. For Washing Clothes Also, for Washing, Cleaning and Beautxjyvig famttU UTjaets, the trans. Ceilings and Entries ; the Halls. Parlors, and Rooms of Private and Public BuU dings ; the Fronts, Doors and Window of Fancy Dwel lings ; The Petes and Inter i-T of Churches; Furniture ; the Berths, State Rooms and Cabins of Steamships, Steam boats, and Packet-Ships ; Passenger Cart Brasses, Iron Railing, Glass or Metallic Surfa ces, ., &c. mTJTARRANTED to give entire satisfaction, W V and destined to effect an entire revolution in the business of the laundress being an improved Preparation for Waohing Clothes perfectly, with astonishing facility and dispatch, and without in jury to texture or color, r.very family, or what ever sixe, can do all their washing in lees than on hour, without the labor of robbing, pounding, bleaching or the friction of a machine, thus saving time, expense and labor, and securing exempt ton from the diseases csused by the exposure and fa tigue incident to the usual mode of Washing, whilv Clothing ilaolf will be saved from the wear and tear of tbe wash-board and friction, and last much Ion ger. The undersigned having purchased from the Pat eniee. tbe sole right aad interest for the Stat 01 North Carolina, in his Patent Compound Wash Mixture, hereby inlorms tbe Public, that he wishet to dwpose of Family or County Rights for the same Persons living at a distance, wishing to procure the right tamake and nae this Valuable Preparation, can do so, by remitting FIVE DOLLARS to me. at Raleigh which amount will entitle them to 1 family right ; which right shall be seat by mail im mediately, with the proper directions to makeant use ibe same. I am in possession of a large nam ber of certificate from Ladies aud Gentlemen oi high standing, not only in thia Stale, bot ia Mary land, Virsiuia and South Uarolina; but, I deem 11 unueceaary to fill a long Advertisement with tbeui, unless requested, as the article will speak for itsell, and is so favorably known in all the Northern and Southern States. I aim to visit all parts of the Stale at as early day as possible, to give the ruidie sa opportunity 01 testinz us value. JOHN J. CURISTCPHER. is my authorised Agent for this t'lty d urine, my absence. WESLEY WHITAKER, Jr- is the General Travelling Agent. Feeliag satisfied by the use of this Mixture in my own ramily, that it cannot fail to please all who try it, I invito all to call and see or send in their or ders te J. J. RYALS. Raleifth. Sept. S3. 1851 77 tf 03- Standard 'till foibid. nUSIC AND IQIVSICAL. INSTRU MENTS, &C, dec THE Subscriber is nowopeniug n assortment of musical Merchandise more extended and better selected lhan cer before offered iu this State, aad to which be invites the examination of a critica public. Tbe Pianos wbich he is now receiving and enenioft for inspection, he ktiowt to be superior to any others to be found here for the same prices. GciTAis,of fine Rosewood snd other kinds of wood with patent heads, from ?10 to 40. ' VIOLINS, af all qualities and prices from $1 to $75. Flute from I key to six keys, various prises. Flulinaa, Accordians, and Mnsi Boxes. STRINGS. Tie best Ualisn, for U altars, snd Violia ; wire of .ill sixes for larg and small Piasos, and Dnlei meres. Extra cases for Violins, Violin bows, Er dgea and Hair for Bows, Clartonetl reeds. Acear deon reeds and Key Tuning forks and hammers, in short, every thing commonly sought lor in bis line He would call particular attention to his apart mentor pattern, dc , for Drawing and fainting, a la to.his stock of Gilt Frames, wbich he is now receiving a"bd prepared to furnisb. K. W. PETER8ILIA. July 1, 1851. 57 Coffee. 800 bags Rio snd Lagusyra Coffee. For sale by PEBBLES, WHITE, DAVIS e CO. Petersburg, Aug. 18ih 1851. 67 To Coiton Planters PIUNNY and Hemp Bagging, 44 inches wide, Jf B. lie-rope and twine. ALSO 150 pairs Men and Boy's Brogan Men and Boy's Kip Sheetees. Women' leather Bootees, with a general assort- ntrrrt of Shoes. Black and white Wool Hats, 75 Point and Duffle Blankets, Cradle Blankets, J.BROWN. No. 9, Fayetteville St, Raletgb, Oct. 8th, 1851 81 Oils-Oils. A FURTHER supply of best Winter and 8om mer Lamp Oils, Patent paint Oils, Msclim Oi), Palad Oil, and all kinds of Essential Oils, Linseed Oil; also, Castor Oil and Spirits of Turpentine, resh supply just received by P. F. PESCUD November 14, ISM. 92 HENRY MXWZ VARIETY STOfcE: T INFORM my friends aud customer, in gep 1 u rat, mat 1 nave received anu am now rxvuTiag a large Stock in my line of busine consisting in part 1h Wlpwfos.rtcJo: 1 H ad. finest f K. Sugar, 9 bbls do Clarified do 8 do d Crushed do 2 do do Pnlvrizd do 1 box of fines Loaf do Java, Laguira, and Rio Coffee, 35 boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Can; dies. 300 lbs. Dried Beef best quality. 3 d s. Beef tongue, 75 lbs Bolozua Sausage. 3 boxes Piue apple Cheese, 3 tierce Molaxses Sugar House and Soger House Byrnp, 4 boxes assorted bar Soaps, and r ancy ooaps 01 all IcimJ-j. Rioe. Spice, Ginger, Allspice, &.0-, A largflcas assort d Tin ware, 4 dox-n Spades and Shovels, 2 oases shoes Ladies' Shoes, 1 dosen fiae Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, ALSO, 3 dosen Violia from 60 cenU to $30, 2 do assorted Banjos. Tambourinea, 2 do Guitars from f-10 to 30. 10,000 imported Ses;ars; Ilegalia., Havana and Principe. CONFECTIONARY, 200 lbs Paper Shell Almonds, 150 lbs Palm Nuts, 100 lb Filbert, 10 lb English Walaais, 2 do bxes Sardines, Rajin, Fig. Cnrrsala, Citrn, I doteu jar Pickles aortd, Preserves of all kinds. Cordial, Wines, dkc, osc. Together with a large number of article te te dious to mention. August 1st. 1851. ly M Hurrah for North Carolina, Home Industry moat Succeed I am now prepared to manufacture DOOK LOCKS with mineral Knobs, for 65 cents a piece, war- janted ; also, LOCKS up to $150. Also, MACHINERY made to order, and file- cutting, new and old. Old Jilts made at good as new. JOSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, Sept. Ih 1851. ' FALL STOCK, 1851. THE attention of my friend and Deal ers, generally, is invited to my assortment of Foreign and Domestic Medicines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs i-c. which, as regards quality and variety, is unsurpas sed by any bouse in North Carolina. My Slock having been selected with great care ud purchased on tbe mo.l fvrble term from I iu portent aud Jiaiiuiaciurcrs, enable me to tendt r satisfaction to all who need article in my line. I take this occasion to again tender my thank for the very liberal support bilbeito extended to me, and y continued asaiduHy, and unremitted attention to the wants sf my fiiends, I hope to continue to merit the favorable opinion ao generally entertained tor my Establishment. I coiittnue 10 keep a supply of the Purest Wine. and London Dork Brandy, bought expressly for Medicinal purposes snd a large assortment of the choicest brands of Cigars Smoking and Chawing tobacco. P. F. PESCUD. WholealeJand Retail Druggist. Rsleigh, Oct Strtb. 1851. 85 City papers copy. ILaXiilSlurOQa3a The Stoue- Mssm of Saint Point; a Village Tale. Juat received at the N. C. BOOKSTORE. Raleigh, 8ept 27th, 1851. 78 AN ASSORTMENT STJG Coffee, Tea. Cheese, Molasses, Soap, Cotton Bagging, Cotton Yarns, Domestic cloth. Bed Cord, Ropes, Crockery ware. Flour, Lard. Nails, Castings, Stoves, Ac., dtc, which will be sold low for cash. L. W. PECK f CO, Raleigh, Nov. 24th 1851. 95 CIGARS! CIGARS'! JUST to hand, and will be sold as low can be old in this city, Sultana, Regalia, Califor nia, do. E'squitla, Havana, La Ceban, Juste Mans. I'riucipe, Pnatelas, Inovsoioa Cigars, L. W. PECK d CO. Raleigh. Nov. 24 1S51. U5 Manteo Paper Mills, Jan. F. Jordan 4c Co., Proprietors f HIS establishment, a few month since destroy. H. ed by fire, having been re-built and furnished wi h God lor, Rice & Co's bsst Fonrdrinier Mi 0 inery. im sgnrn in successful operation, and turning out a vei y superior ariicleof It ev, Priming aud Wrapping paper All orders will receive our best attenticn. Dr. C. E. J ohnson, having, by mutual consent. dip. poeod ofuis interest to one of the partners, the sly le of the firm will be heretofore. JAMES F.JORDAN, dc CO. November IStli, 1851. 93 PLEASANT GROVE ACADEMY. WAKE FOREST, N. C. rPHE next sosiion of thia institution will com nience on the 2nd Monday of January next, under the supervision of Mt. William M. Crenshaw, a rraduateot Randolph Macon C. liege. Mr. Cren ehaw comes highly recommended by tbe faculty of said institution has a great talent lor imparling 'struction, snd poese a good knowledge of human nature. Students can be prepared here for any Colleg or for the active pursuits of life. This institution being permanent, and situated in a neighborhood distinguished for its health aud oeautitul scenery, a liberal share of patronage will be expected. The Trustees are buildings new Academy ! miles from Forestville, which will be completed by tL next session. Terms. $7, $10, and $15 per session of five month, at cording to advancement. No deduction exoept in cases of protracted illnesrt. Board can be obtained at $G per month. For further partic ulars add revs Dr. W. H. JJ ARTSFIELD, at Forestville. By order of the Trustee. Nsv 30th, 1851. 97 t 15Jn. J ARVIS' Church History, Vol 1st, comprising 1 he first five Prriods, $3,00 Commentary on Book of common Prayer, by Bishop Brownell. $3,50 Elements of Christian Science, by Rev. Wm. Adams. Prof. Theology, $1,60 Mellville's f ermuns, 3 Vols. $1,50 The Chureljnin armed, containing Palmer's Ec cleshwtieal History and Buoop HebarU Apolo BJ. 81,25 Double Witnesa of the Church, by Kip, $l,oo Hobart's Companion to the slur, 7 Jenk's Devotions, 75 Warnings of the Holy Week, by Rev. Willisn Adams, author Old Man' Home 4-., 40 Wils.ni scra Privata, 75 do de do Small Edition, 4y Communicsnt'a Companion, 25 Steps to he YUar, 23 Scenes in our Parish, by a Covmy Parson's Daujjh lr. 1,00 Allegories and Tales, by Rev. Wm, Ada, Cora pricing Obi tauu's Home, Shadow of the Cross, Distant Hills, and The King' Messenger; More, co eilra, , $3,00 Allegories and Tale, by Rev. Ed. Mmtroe, Com prising The Dark River Combatants, ReveRera, -c,; Morocco extra $J,04 For sale by . W. L POMEROY. fa'righ, Dec 1st, 1851. 97 FI1CEI nr.-- is TUB JSTH A INSURANCE COMPA NY of Hartford. Conn. ' Offers to near Buildincs and Mercbandi. against loss or dstaage by fire, at premiums to soil the time. This is one of the oldest and bestlnsursnceCom panies in the United States, and pays it losses Application for I nsnranea n Raleiirh .or its vi cinity , to be made to 8. W. WHITING, Agent.. Aad far Milton, fi. C. and vicinity, t y.i. PALMER, Agent. October, 1848 83 "North Carolina Mutual INSURANCE COMPANY JTjHlS Company hss been In successful opera JL tion fur more than five years, and continues to take risks npon all classes of property in tbe State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Distil leries.) npon favourable terms. Its Policies" now cover property amountiug to $4,500,000. a large portion of which is in Country risks; and its prea ent capital is nearly Six Hundred Thousand Dollar, in bonds properly seen red. . The average cost of lasuranc wpea the plan af this Ooropany has beea less than on third f on per cent per annum, on all grade f property esa brsced in it operations. .THE following person bav been elected Direc tor and OCa cars of thia Company for lb presen t year.- DIRECTOR8. Josiah O Watson, Raleigh. Richard 8tnitb, do John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, J. O. B. Ronlhae, 8. W. Whiting, T. H. Ssl.y Geo MeXetk, Jo. O. Wiiznt, James E. Hoy James Sloan, John Cox, Josh. Boner, Joseph Pool, Michael Brown, Alex. Mitchell. W.N H.8mith, H. B. Williams, John B. Barrett, do do do do do FayrtteVtlle. Wilmington. Washington ( reensboro'. Eden ton Salem Elizabeth City. Salisbury. Newborn. Mnrfreesboro' Charlotte. Milton. A.T. Sumroy, Asheville. All Directors are authorized to receive applications OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY- Josiah O. Watson, President. J O. B. Roulbac. Vice do Richard Smith, Treasurer. John C. Partridge, Secretary John H. Bryan. Attorney, i. Herman, General Agent, 8. W. Whiting, ") Richard Smith, Executive Committee. John Primrose, J All communication tn reference te insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid- J. C. PARTRIDGE, Sec'y. Raleigh, 8ept 9, 1851. 73 Ladies' Dress Goods. HROCADE, Chameleon and Satin DeChene JLP Silk Plaia and Fig Black Silks, BrocadeSpuu do Frenoh DeLanes and Cashmeres, French and English Merinos, A Urge lot of Muslin DeLanes, and Chameleon Alpacas, from 17 J cents per yard, up. Also, Embroidered L. C H'd'k's, French worked Collar and Cntfa Ribbons, Silk and Kid Gloves. Velvet Scarfs and Black Silk Luce, Genu' Cravats, Black and Colored. J ust received by EVANS di COOKE. August 29th. 1851. s. O. Sug-ar and jlolascs 30 hhda. low price N. O Sugar. 50 bbls New Orlesns Moiasses. For aale by PEEBLES, WHITE, 9AYI3 4; CO. Petersburg. Ao;. I8tb 1851. 7 A Little Better Yet! Call and examine for yonrselves ! 'JH E Subscriber hr just received direct from the .North a supply of the best quality of curled hair- which will enalle htm to manuiacture a su perior quality of Huir Maitreenea. He would respectfully inform the Public tbat he can furnish them with the best articles in his line, as cheap a they can be bought for in N w ork. Persons from the neighboring village and coui.ties, who have hi-rdofore sent North, can provide them s. Ives with as good in article ol work, and at as low a price, by sending their orders to me. Also, constantly on hand, the much improved SHUCK and COTTON MATTRESSES and at the loweat price A1m, Solas, Lounges and Ea?y Chairs mai.ulactured in vaiious styles. Also, re pairing and renovating old Hair Mattresses, dc-, done si the shortest notice. All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to. Ware Room on Fayetteville St., two doors above the YARBKOUGH House, J. HE.o'RY HARRISS, Upholsterer and Mattress Msker, Raleifh, Oct iil. 135. 85 TURNER'S NORTH CAROLINA ALUANAU, 10 It 1852. For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, by HENLIY D. TURNER, N. C. Bnok-Siore. Raleigh, Oct. 25ih, 1851. 87 LIVERPOOL FIJYJE S.iJLT SACKS, Liverpool Fine Salt for ale low by PEriBLES, WHUTE. DAVIS. fcCO. Petesburg. Nov. 27, 1851. 96 NAILS KEGS NAILS, assorted, for tale PEEBLES. WHITE. DAVIS &c.n Petersburg, Nov. S7, 1851. 98 For Sale ! ONE DOZEN CARBOYS, capacity about fif teen gallons excellent for holding Vinegar Wroes, Cstnpbene, or other liquids. Pmcs one Dollar back. Apply at TELEGRAPH OFFICE; Raleigh. Nov. 8th. 1851. if 96 NORTH CAROLINA mutual Life Insurance Com y OFFICE RALEIQH, N. G THIS Company continues to insure the lives of all healthy White perous aud Slaves. The greatest risk taken 011 a single life is $5,000. Slaves are insured for s term of one to firs years for ds their value. orricEEs. Dr. Chas. F.. Johnson, President, WbuD. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Wm H. McKee, Examining Physician. J. Herstnau, General Agent, All loase are paid within 90 day after latisfae tory proof is presented. Blanks and Pamphlets, showing the plan of oper ation of tbe Company, may be had on applications at the Office, or any of the Agencies. All tetters on business sboald be addreraed to JAMES F.JORDAN, May 2d, 1931. ""J'a Swan's Down, A New Supply just to band. W. H. 4 R, SrUCKEK. lOOO Patent Medicines, Consumption Cured DAILY ByV: HASTINGS Compound syrrtp t WaP1- re c i, mm the nnnlic, are .track with wonder .1 e BBOieren. we. ,inde , ... ..i.j:..r nuulicine. eud it I- iow ae knowledged by many of oor Wt eminent Vhyai ci.n to be a certam .nd .peedf .care for UWrH.l.r consumption, in if wo t Ugee It " and I contntly need in the Manne Hoapital al Savannah. Ga bv Dr. Arnold.,the senior pbyweian, of the bospiul the Londoo Lancet, London Medi cal Journal, Pralibw.ile' Retrospect, and all other of the London Medical Journals, hae spoken tn praise many times 01 ir.1...5 , JJK. n AOi uiuo- 1 i.u. - -- -- t. 1 1 .1 i, 1. ,rioA not nnlv in tbe nos- piUl under the chsrge of Dr HasUnga, in London, u... -1 u.. .11 ik.nr.i nkvciriansof Enaland, anu all have fully endorsed it n unrivailed remedy in Corisuroptioa, and all other dieae of' lb lung. The Allowing ate a few of the opinions Mycg by ibe Medical Facnby of England. Wf. Wilfiwna soo, of Mancheeier.-thna writes t 'UN DISK UB lftriiUftiWi. r l. iw. imA Ikiiis. nn whose brow 1 uavv accu 109 death had seemed to have set his seal, acquire tfivi goration nd strength and exchange his early : r . . rr n ..I .liut rMn ran or h mwDingi ui iiitruw .UU.11V9 --9 for the sound repose w bicb alone accompanies sound health." T1W WARP nP I.tVRRPtlOI.. WJ a.,. v 47S IIM a W at-am, gay f " I regard Hastings' Syrop orNapths as one 01 toe nrst roeuieai iiiscoverue i auy w aider its agency in curing consumption as establish ed beyond all doubt or question." s Li.l. ;n ...am ilm affiw A II ill mi o. n llliv uutll fill f.. v . m . . . j - 1 4rietor aska ia th trial of on bottle, the action of . ., which will prove te ui paiiem tn uvu ui iw medicine. Coughs, colds, bronchitis, decline, asthma, nigbt wests, and spitting of blood, are eured in a aur primgly hort apace of time ; th severest colds having yielded to the trestment of tbe Naptitha Syrup in the short space of forty-eight hours. To enumerste all the cures performed by this medicine would occupy a volomef the accompanying hav ing been selected by the American agent from a mass of certificates wbich have been received by hrra. v.. MAGNIN'S LUCINA CORDIAL OR THE ELIXIK OF LOYE. This is "the only acinar remedy ever discovered for Im potency, General Debility Nocturnal Emis sions, and all diseases occasioned by certain secret hsbits ; and many of the nostrums recently recom mended fa Ibe same complaints are worthless im itations wbich its utitivaJled excellence, fame, and popularity have brought into the market Tbe medical faculty of Europe, and tbe United Slatea are unanimous in their lecommejidationa of the Lucina Cordial, and have not given their sanction in a single instance that has been autheniicaied, to any other compound for the Same purposes. 1'he na ture of the maladies relieved by the Lucina Cor dial are generally such aa to leave lb pubficalien of certificates of cures out of the question, or the proprietor could produce a host of the most conclu sive testimony to show that the grest reputaiion which it enjoya was not accidentally obtained, but is firmly baited upon its ositive, and apparently mir. aculous virtues. In all directions are to be found, the happy parents of healthy offspring, who would not have been so, but for this extraordinary prepara tion. And it ia euqally potent in the man diseases for which it is recommeuded. Objection has been naturally mad to the price of the Lucina Cordial ; because the trash that has been thrown into the market in opposition to it, is sold cheaper ; but the fact is that the cordial cunuot be afforded less, and ought to be much dearer, as many of tbe ingredients wdich compose it are among the costliest things in nature; whereas the others are made up of cheap drugs worth but little in money, snd less in merit ; and it ia a fact, that at least one of tbe getters up of these same mixtures, makes it a point to add one bottle of tbe Lucina Cordial to a given number of gallons of bis compound, so sa to gie it some little ton and virtue and thus solace his conscience. DR. LE ROY'S . SARSAPARILLA & WILD CHERRY PILLS- The universal celebrity which this medicij: 1. as gained in .very section of the country, and tbe many astonishing cures it has effected, have established its efficacy beyond all doubt ; aa a general family medi cine it has no rivsl. In all cates of Indigestion, Bil lioua Fevers, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Piles, Colic. Worms. D it-ease of the Heart, and all affections o! the stomach, and bowels, LE KOY'S PILLS will be found a never-failing remedy. To insure tbe full benefit of these celebrated Pills, they should be kept in the house, so that upon tbe first commencement of sickness they may be at once resorted to. One dose then is better than a dozen after the disease has become established iu thesys terr. Le Roy's Pills are purely ve;etsble, and so inno cent that the infant of a month old may use them if medicine is required, not only with safety, bt twith a certainly of receiving all the benefit medicine is capable of imparting Females msy use them dur ing all the critical periods of their lives Le Roy's Pills will insure tbeir health, snd produce repularf ty in sll the functions of life. 'Price 25 cents per box. MITCH EL'S EYE-SALVE. The following certificate from Dr. Joslyn, of the regular practice, will satisfy every liberal-minded individual that Mitchell's Eye-Salve is no quack preparation, but is entitled as well to the confidence of ibe Faculty as all others, who may have occasion to avail themselves of its benefiis : Panax, August 10, 1845. D. Mitchell Dear Sir: The first time I saw your Eye-Salve was at W. J. Chapin'e, where ft came as I was informed, on your recommendation, for the cure of his little daughter' eyes. I bad little confidence in it, as I have in most of ibe pa tent medicine, ftui as the most popular modes of treatment and special remedies had utterly failed to benefit the little sufferer, I conseuted to its use, sup posing that if it did no good, it would do no. hurt It was.a case of severe Scrofulous Ophthalmy of both eyes. The eye-balls and lids were all very much inflamed Your Eye-Salve was used. Im mediately it acted like a charm. In a few day a perfect cufe was effected. This was sometime last winter. Since that I have used your Salve a great many times with the happiest results, hi my hands it has speedily cured recent .inflammation -ef the eyes, and also that which bad resisted all treatment from one to five years. My present opinion is, that a te convenience, time, safety and tertainty, it a. ryfar surpasses all the Selv and Eye Wahe of which I bave any knowledge. Respectfully, Z, W, JOSLIN. M. D The above Medicines are for sale in this CitTi b P. F. PESCUD, and Messrs. WILLIAMS, HAY' 22' Urul,8U; "din Louiburg, by J. BROWN. All orders to New York must be addressed to G. W.Burrdt Brother. 154 Greenwich St., who are the Southern and Western Agents, January 19th. 1850 g $300 REWARD. SCAPED from the Jail of Kershaw District. S. C. on Mondav akn 1 Atk rlo .( 1 . . c, uu was conviciva ior me murder of Robert J. Lester, at Spring Term, 1851. Said Love is about 20 to 21 years of age, 6 feet two in che hijh, with rather dark hair, end nf a sallow complexion, ha a down cast look, with dark grey eyes, and gome of his teeth a little decayed, and is a carpenter by trade. I will gie tbe above reward to any person who will apprehend tbe .aid S.J. Lose, and lodge him in any Jail in thia State, er one hundred and fifty dollar for his safe confinement in any Jail in th United States, so that I can get bim . . JOHN IN G RAM, Sheriff. Rerhw District, 8 C Aug 16. '51. 6m 06 Slimil.l 1 I a. n . . . . 7 Sugar Cured flacon. ' SO bbl. Sugar cured Shoulder. For sale bv PEEBLES. WHITE. DAYIS dc CO. Petersburg, An 1. 18th, 1851. 7 CHAMPAGNE. 60 B ASKETS Champagne, various branda For sale by PEEBLES, WHITE, DAVIS & CO. Aug. isth, 1851. Asimjj fiifioM, Typhi and all Fc ariaa Taaimaai nt . - j winrrattj, In the commence men t. it is of ahanim. ; in view of epeedy cure, that a full dose of ' ,m."f" taken at once,bcause the h disease ..f this claM.arNarwv.y8ot the most maliEn7 poisonous qualify and no safety to life exist, whil. ...j r- uwweu or the lAn , 1 8hoold tbe first dose not cure, be not alarmed b reuerat that, dose. . Should the evacuation be Vcr" putrid, of bar odor, snnatoral color, V c &c beside7 wsingfbur or ix pills ;wjce day, take also' .7 poooful of iiowdeted charcoal, in water, every h' While these symptoms continue. Let your .i;..8,7 Bu, m,ru ui ca.j uigcauon, as arrow root, riee Du rf ding. Indian meal gruel; also, sheep's head broth wiih rice ana a piece 01 cinnamon boiled in it, or c I head broth. Meep head makes the bes't diet "if ' be boiled until ibe bones era rlcan. a. &rtt dose mi pills cures when timely ned. Snme'time. iu'"6 vi uw!ci iiiaijr mffs necessary. J her rases in which it take weeks to cure ; but thet d not oceur once in a thousand times. In any ev no medicine or plan mf treatment is better then tr?'' sbove recommended, or will sooner cure. So " as the irritating matu re are removed, so soon vou be wellend not befpre- r Auodytoea-and astnnseni have-e dek?terrMia eflect- l-ecans rhey oecaein th retention of that death principle which alone c dysentery, disrrhaa, cholers, and ail other diseV according ip-lt excess ever the principle of life n' Brandretji's Pills sre opposed to this as water i !" fire, dr as heal is to cold ; snd when they are t t into a marl, ibey go to work boldly to drive tl,i,d-a!? principle frm the body, anil all they can do Uut there be Work for fifty doses, one dose must not V expected tlo do the work of fifty. And thui,-k should always be kept rn mind. Let noPtbe patients frighten themseUes witk (k idee that thy are to weak t bear mrh i.Uri. but bear ia mind thai these mildly operaiins I'ill ' Dr. Brandreth put not weakness into th, hat drama weak new ot,leiiig trentih in ju , ' an gi compoeing leap at nigkt, and t. ,1"' tp relish. spy food. rpm THE BRANDRETH PILLS Are composed wholly '. medicinal herbs,, nd Jo nt contain any mineral er chemical substance are cer fectly harmless to the most tender age o'r weaksst frame ; and nevertheiee sure le search out the causa of the sickness and prodare a CURE, whatever m.v be its character, when taken in time, and in quami ties sufficient. n The Brandreth Pill are sold at 25 cents ner n, b, VILL. PECK & SO.X, Raleigh. .d t, gent in eveiy town in the United Stales, and in al most every city throughout the wo. Id Let a 1.. crefol where they buy or they will obtain a coun terfeit. Buy only of men whose characters vou know to be above se mean en action as to sell a false for the true Brandreth'a Pill.. Ohseive the but signatures of Dr. Brandreth on each I ox Aogust 32, 1849. Entered according to Act or Congress, i thrTeTr 1851, by J. s. HOUGHTON, M.D. iu the Clerk's Office of the Distriot Court for the Eastern District of Penn sylvania. GREAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA I Another Scientific Wonder, DR. J. S. HOUGHTON'S THE TRUE OR G.lSTIiiC JUiCE THIS is a GREAT NATURAL REMEDY for INDIGESTION, and DYSPEPSIA, curing after Nature's own Method, by Nature's" own Agent, the. Gastric Juice. PEPSIN is the chief element,' or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of lite Food, the Purifying, Preserving and Stimulating Agent of the Stomach and Intestines. It is extracted from the Digestive Stomach of this Ox. thus forming an ARTIFICAL DIGESTIVE FLUID, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice, ia its Chemical powers, and furnishing a COM PLETE and PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for it. By the aid of this preparation, tbe pains and evils of INDIGESTION aud DYSPEPSIA are removed just as they would be by a healthy Stomach. It is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases of DE BILITY, EMACIATION, NERVOUS DE CLINE nod DYSPEPTIC CONSUMPTION, supposed to be on the verge of the grave. Tha Scientific Evidence upon which it is based, it in lb highest degree CURIOUS and REMARKA BLE. Baron LIEEIG, in his celebrated work on Ani mal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, may be pre. pared f rem the mucus membrane of tbe Ox, in which various articles of f .od, as meat and eg?, will be softened, changed, and digested, just in the same manner as they would be in the human stomach." Haif a teaspoon fn of pure Pkpsin, infused iu wa ter, will digest or dissolve .Fire Pounds of Roast Beef in about two hours ont of the stomach. DR. HOUGHTON'S PErsIN is sold by near ly all the dealers in fine drugs and popular mediciBsa throughout the United States It is prepared iu Powder, and in Fluid form and iu Prescription Vmls for the use of Physicians. PRIVATE CIRCULARS, for the use of Phy sicians, may be obtained of his agents, describ g the whole process of preparation, and giving the au thorities upon which the claims ot this new remedy are based. As it is not a secret remedy, no objec tion can be raised against its use by Physicians ia respectable vtauding and regolar practice. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle. PEPS1IVIN POWDER 7" SENT BT MAIL. FKEE OF POsTAGE. For eon van fence of sending to all parts of tbe country, the DIGESTIVE MATTER CF THE -PEPSIN. i put up in the form of Powder, with di rections to be dissolved in water by the patient These Powders contain just the same matter as tha bottles and will be sent by mail, FREE OP POS TAGE, forfONE DOLLAR nt (post paid to Dr. J S. HOUGHTON, M. D.. Philadelphia, Pa. OBSERVE THIS!-r.erv bottle of the gen uine PEPSIN bear the written signature of J. S. HOUGHTON, M.D .proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. ESoll by all Druggists sudDaala in Medirine. For sal wholesale alTd retail by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO., aad Drugrists generally ia Norjh Caeliaa. June 30th, 1S51. 3 S HATS! HATS!! R IF yon want a fine, fashionable Hat, call st tk Store of EVANS dt COOKE- Ralalgh. Angnst gth. 1851. W.H.& R. S. TUCKER. Partners nnd Successors to B. TUCKER ft SOX. No. 6 and 8., .Wa3"3 RnlAtPh Fashiouuble 11 at Emporium, AT this Establishment will be found at all li'iRC one of the best assortments of Fv't v'ood in the City The stock i entirely new and is co,rojrised of Fashionable ftloleskin n,id B aver Of the manufacture of W.F. Y.-vrburton W. H. Beebe a Co. Fiae Felt, Sporting, Brush, 8embfe, Angolia and Seal Drab Hats! Army, Nary, and Biding Traveling, Dress and Opera Cape! TbaatfBBoat ebrta will be eserted to maintain for the fnercha,iMii$e of this Establishment the rank of superiority and relative cheapness, which has hitherto cmnmepded it to the apprival and pre ference of gentlemen of taste- - net ring and Mackerel, 600 bbl. No 1 cut Herrings. 150 d No. 3 Mackerel. 50 bafT bbls. No. 1 and 3 da. For sale by PEEBLES, WHITE. DAYIS A. CO. Petersburg, Awg-Hth. 151. 67